Violet (For The Love of Purple Book 3)

Kindle Edition
03 Feb
She’s empathic. He’s autistic. Born different - and about to discover what lives in the magical place where their differences meet.

Violet feels all the things, catches glimpses of the future, and knows exactly the right pillow for every person she meets, which is good, because they rarely choose the right ones.

Linus isn’t usually a baker, but for three weeks every year, he returns to the town where he was once a small boy with garbled words and bakes bread so that his aunt can take her annual vacation.

There’s a whole town with opinions on whether the two of them belong together. Fortunately, there are also friends with hammers, and hooch-making ghosts.

Reviews (73)

Sweet Finish

Not the direction I thought this series would take, and I'm glad I was wrong. Another deep, touching story - if you are looking for a story about acceptance and second chances, this is the book for you. I'm actually hoping Audrey revisits Perception Bay from time to time. There are more stories there begging to be told!

A dolphin and a sea dragon, in human identity, and a care-full voyage of discovery and sharing.

Ghost Mountain is where I want to live -- when I want to be someplace other, I pick up the pack and go there. Perception Bay offers a way to look for a path to where I need to be and who I need to be. Violet knows things, like puzzle pieces, and keeps alert for the places the pieces belong. Linus is having the amazing experience of being seen and heard and valued for exactly who he is and where he is, with someone not drawing boxes and scripts for him to fit and follow. Violet, Blue, and Indigo are not fitting in and belonging in a pattern already extant - not a pack or a prophecy or a mission. For The Love of Purple is more an exploration of the journey and process of finding and making a kinship wherever I am and wherever I go -- Shape both myself and my environment to nourish and nurture. Thank you again for books that celebrate connection and courage and caring. Full disclosure: I received a free copy of this book to review. Three days later when it was actually released at Amazon, I purchased the book as well -- writing a review is to share my "Read these books!"

Thank you!

Audrey, I am not yet done reading this book, but I just need to say this to you. I am so very grateful for the beautiful, sensitive, meaningful, and often funny ways you use words. In all if your genres and under all of your pen names, I ALWAYS find words that speak to and open my heart; that make me cry; and make me laugh and teach me better ways to be more. Thank you so much! 💝

Amazingly thought provoking series

I love everything that Audrey Faye writes but this series is special. These 3 books and specifically this final one, is a direct hit to the times we live in now where everyone is becoming more aware of the individual stories of the people around us. I actually made notes on tactics to use when getting to know new people to add to my managerial toolbox. Regardless of all that, it was a great story, well told with seriously defined and enjoyable characters. As always no gratuitous sex to deter from great story telling. LOVE LOVE LOVE Audrey Faye.

Another sweet book

I have loved this whole trilogy and this one did not disappoint. A sweet, low stress romance in a town full of fun quirky people and found family. It’s a warm hug of a book when you just need a comfort read.

Not fair! 😉

I was hooked when I walked down the street and got my first glimpse of Perception Bay’s heart. They love. They accept. They welcome, even as they freely adjust their own hearts and attitudes. I want more!


This third book in this trilogy made my heart happy and my soul fly along with the characters. Violets story is surprising, and unexpected and magical and filled with love and being seen, and friendships, and inclusion. I hope this town is revisited often by the author, there are so many people I want to know more about!

I loved all three

Heartwarming tales of love and finding your place in the world. Stories about how everyone can find their happy place and the people they need to be with. I'm not so sure that life is really that simple or that we all get to have such happy endings, but it sure is nice to escape into such a world for a few hours.

Loved it!

Thank you, Audrey for this wonderful portrayal of an autistic adult man. I loved how we were able to feel his thoughts and his journey. And I love this town and its quirky inhabitants.

For the love of Purple

What a wonderful trilogy, it was quirky, loving, funny and I loved the girls friendship that started when they were so young. I love all of Audreys stories but this was amazing you will love it. Start reading it and all of her stories you will be amazed how good they are. Great job.

Sweet Finish

Not the direction I thought this series would take, and I'm glad I was wrong. Another deep, touching story - if you are looking for a story about acceptance and second chances, this is the book for you. I'm actually hoping Audrey revisits Perception Bay from time to time. There are more stories there begging to be told!

A dolphin and a sea dragon, in human identity, and a care-full voyage of discovery and sharing.

Ghost Mountain is where I want to live -- when I want to be someplace other, I pick up the pack and go there. Perception Bay offers a way to look for a path to where I need to be and who I need to be. Violet knows things, like puzzle pieces, and keeps alert for the places the pieces belong. Linus is having the amazing experience of being seen and heard and valued for exactly who he is and where he is, with someone not drawing boxes and scripts for him to fit and follow. Violet, Blue, and Indigo are not fitting in and belonging in a pattern already extant - not a pack or a prophecy or a mission. For The Love of Purple is more an exploration of the journey and process of finding and making a kinship wherever I am and wherever I go -- Shape both myself and my environment to nourish and nurture. Thank you again for books that celebrate connection and courage and caring. Full disclosure: I received a free copy of this book to review. Three days later when it was actually released at Amazon, I purchased the book as well -- writing a review is to share my "Read these books!"

Thank you!

Audrey, I am not yet done reading this book, but I just need to say this to you. I am so very grateful for the beautiful, sensitive, meaningful, and often funny ways you use words. In all if your genres and under all of your pen names, I ALWAYS find words that speak to and open my heart; that make me cry; and make me laugh and teach me better ways to be more. Thank you so much! 💝

Amazingly thought provoking series

I love everything that Audrey Faye writes but this series is special. These 3 books and specifically this final one, is a direct hit to the times we live in now where everyone is becoming more aware of the individual stories of the people around us. I actually made notes on tactics to use when getting to know new people to add to my managerial toolbox. Regardless of all that, it was a great story, well told with seriously defined and enjoyable characters. As always no gratuitous sex to deter from great story telling. LOVE LOVE LOVE Audrey Faye.

Another sweet book

I have loved this whole trilogy and this one did not disappoint. A sweet, low stress romance in a town full of fun quirky people and found family. It’s a warm hug of a book when you just need a comfort read.

Not fair! 😉

I was hooked when I walked down the street and got my first glimpse of Perception Bay’s heart. They love. They accept. They welcome, even as they freely adjust their own hearts and attitudes. I want more!


This third book in this trilogy made my heart happy and my soul fly along with the characters. Violets story is surprising, and unexpected and magical and filled with love and being seen, and friendships, and inclusion. I hope this town is revisited often by the author, there are so many people I want to know more about!

I loved all three

Heartwarming tales of love and finding your place in the world. Stories about how everyone can find their happy place and the people they need to be with. I'm not so sure that life is really that simple or that we all get to have such happy endings, but it sure is nice to escape into such a world for a few hours.

Loved it!

Thank you, Audrey for this wonderful portrayal of an autistic adult man. I loved how we were able to feel his thoughts and his journey. And I love this town and its quirky inhabitants.

For the love of Purple

What a wonderful trilogy, it was quirky, loving, funny and I loved the girls friendship that started when they were so young. I love all of Audreys stories but this was amazing you will love it. Start reading it and all of her stories you will be amazed how good they are. Great job.


Can you read happiness or do you have to feel it? Does it matter? I don't really think it matters. I think you just have to recognize it. Audrey Faye points the way in all of her stories but especially in the For The Love of Purple series. Trust me.

She does it again

There isn't a book by Audrey Faye that I won't read, and I can't say that about all my favorite authors. I'm sure there are a couple I haven't yet read, but the key word there is "yet"!


Violet is the third entry in the Perception Bay trilogy. Loved all three of the women and the men they meet and the quirky inhabitants of Perception Bay. I especially loved the messages of love, acceptance, and open-mindedness. Highly recommended!

Wonderful series

I was hooked with the first book, Indigo. Immediately had to have Blue and now was blessed with Violet. I sincerely hope Ms. Faye revisits these characters and Perception Bay. The people are enchanting and the feel is wonderful.

A book about how people think

Is being different good or bad? It depends on your point of view. This lovely book explores several different points of view. I really liked the idea of a sign to show you are joking.


Violet is a fitting end to the trilogy. The depth that is given to the characters is a joy to read and re-read. Audrey Faye causes me to fall in love with her main cast and especially with her supporting players.

Paranormal with heart

I love purple and I love all of Audrey Fayes stories. Filled with heart and excitement real people in a fantasy setting. Worth reading anytime

Three magical stories

I loved this series and thought it was a nice getaway from my Covid-19 reality. More stories like this Audrey !!!

Loved it


A story of belonging

The final installment of the "For The Love of Purple" trilogy concludes with the love story for Violet, a highly sensitive intuitive and the third of a group of friends with deep bonds since childhood. The secondary characters in this story, the people in the town of Perception Bay that is the trio's new home also play an important role in the back and current story of newly introduced character Linus, a man with autism who was raised in the town and comes back each summer. As the characters' lives intersect, we learn about creating space for belonging. This story has all of the elements of any Audrey Faye book - whimsy, magic, resilience, courage and underlying lessons on how to be better, kinder human beings. I highly encourage you to grab your copy of this book, curl up in a favorite chair with a cup of tea and enjoy. Trigger warning (almost written in jest): as with Faye's other books - food, especially carbs play a very big role. There's bread in this book and I could almost taste it's deliciousness through my kindle!

A multi-layered delight

I think this might now be my favourite of the For the Love of Purple series. I received a review copy and devoured the book in a day. It is more multi-layered than the previous two books and deals with a theme that has become of vital importance in today's fraught and contentious world: How do we avoid trapping others - and ourselves - in tight little boxes that allow no escape? Labelling others - assuming we are in a position to know them fully and to judge them - has come to be perceived as a survival skill, yet it has toxic effects on both ourselves and on others. The primary focus of Violet is autism but the insights it provides have wider applications as well. If we value freedom and healthy human relationships we need to keep doing our best to look beyond labels like antifa and conspiracy theorists and "socialists" and "patriots" and all the other boxes we try to sort people into so that we can feel in control of things. I learnt a lot from Violet while thoroughly enjoying reading it. It's a light and magical read, full of humour and charm, while acknowledging that life will never be ideal and if we want magic in our lives we have to continue to make room for it. A wonderful and inspiring book.

Very interesting new character in this one

This is the last book of a trilogy and centers on Violet, the last of the three friends to have her story told Violet is the empath of the three and has had visions of the store they'd be running, in the town of Perception Bay, for years before ever knowing where the store was. Indigo and Blue (books 1 and 2) have learned to step outside of their comfort zones and embrace love and new friendships. Now Violet meets a man, Linus, who is a high-functioning autistic and who left Perception Bay because he felt he didn't fit there as very few people tried to see him as a person and understand his autism. He feels anxiety and pressure from loud noises, crowds, and unhappy people, just as Violet does from too much unhappy/angry mental chatter around her. This one was interesting in that it made me examine myself to see how I deal with people who I perceive as "different". I will miss these characters and the supporting cast. If you like heartfelt, well-written stories of love, loyalty, and a willingness to grow, you'll enjoy this book, the series, and the characters!

A gift for her readers

What an unexpected gift this series has been. In a time when we all feel disconnected and fearful to a lesser or greater extent, Audrey Faye gives us this gentle trilogy of belonging, love and acceptance. I have a feeling that Perception Bay would be one big Covid-free bubble because the people there care so very much about each other they would never do anything that would cause harm to each other. If only the rest of us could live in that bubble. Sighs. Grins. Mental stretching. Gentle tears. This series is wonderful.

A fitting, interim, conclusion

I strongly recommend this book. Like all Audrey Faye stories, it's a joy to read, removing you for a time from this crazy world. Reading the previous two stories isn't necessary but would increase your enjoyment of the characters and town. Violet held my attention as I knew she would. Linus was unexpected but beautiful. The inhabitants of Perception Bay showed they're as human as everyone else. But they're willing to work on their rough spots once realized. Meeting Violet, Linus, Blue, Grim, Indigo, Drew and the many inhabitants of Perception Bay has been a pleasure. Hopefully they'll make an appearance again some day. Looking forward to Audrey Faye's next picture of an alternative reality. cross posted goodreads, bookbub, amazon

Great end of a Trilogy

This nailed the end of the trilogy. A perfect partner found for Violet. Violet was shown to have quirkiness in the other two books, but this one really showed her in-depth and I enjoyed learning about her. Linus and her fit like a glove and it was a beautiful love story. Every time I read one of Audrey's books it makes me crave for a community that she has created. Everyone is so communicative, helpful, kind and generous. If only all communities were like this we would have a peaceful nation. The acceptance of the differentness by the characters, through some stumbling blocks, really kept my attention and interest. Another beautifully written work by Faye.

Bravo for making a Autistic man that's desirable!

Saved the best for last. I absolutely loved this story. The fact that you showed everyone how an Autistic person thinks and reacts to certain situations. I have a friend with 2 Autistic children. I can't believe how people treat those with conditions they don't understand! This is such a sweet story that is a love at first sight. I love how Mabel helped make Linus feel comfortable at the calzone party. And that people around town picked up on the sign language to help Linus understand.

For Love of Violet

I had the honor of reading an advanced copy of Violet for review purposes. Ms Faye does not disappoint in the final (at least for now) book of this series. We all want to belong, including those who process information differently than most of us do. Meet Linus: a young man living with autism. His path is about to cross Violet’s an neither of their lives will be the same, but neither will the rest of the town’s inhabitants. This book made my heart sing; thank you, Audrey!

Worth every minute

This series has all the good feels. Each character has their issues, don't we all, and it's amazing and heart reaffirming how the other characters and the town work to provide acceptance and love. This is a series that needed to be written and I don't think anyone could ha very done it justice.

Another wonderful trilogy

As a last book in any Audrey Faye trilogy, I’m both delighted with the book while also being sad at the end of these stories. I loved the characters, all the triple blues and the men in their lives , as well as the townsfolk. I think that in 50 + years of reading, this is only the 2nd time where a character in the story has autism, and it’s the 1st time that autism was written about so well. What wonderful stories make up this trilogy!

Another home run

Another beautiful heartwarming story. I dearly hope that we continue to explore the characters in this town outside of our lovely purple trio. Violet was probably my favorite of the three but I loved them all. Violet is more nuanced and with deeper ability to invoke... everything. It’s simply beautiful and the way that Faye discusses and includes autism is needed. I cant recommend this series enough. Please read them!

A Beautiful Finish

1. It is clear that the author has some experience with autism to treat the subject with such love. 2. It is clear that the author understand just how much we all need healing during this time of stress (coronacrisis). 3. It is clear that I will be very, very sad if we never get to visit this community again. This trilogy is one that is going to end up in my "need to keep" pile, even though it is in KU.

Violets Story!

Sweet story about two people discovering how they fit together and how they fit in to a world that doesn’t always accept those who experience things differently. I enjoyed book three of this trilogy. As someone else mentioned though, I hope there are more stories about the people in this little town. There are many I would like to know more about!

Wonderful end to the series

I received a review copy of this book, and as usual shoved aside my current reading pile to read it. The story is one of acceptance, like all her books. This time, the couple feel fine about themselves, but the town needs to learn to be a bit more accepting. The small town feels very comfortable and accepting and that’s a place we could all use a bit more of right now.

Yes please I will take another

You need this series right now. We all do. We are all special and deserve love and kindness and care and this book will give you all the feels and make you feel right again. It’s ok to read simple stories without bad ass scary chicks that have 5 boyfriends. It’s a breath of purple... it really really is

Best story of the series.

I started this at about 10:15 pm and finished at 1:35 am. Sweet without being saccharine about 2 people who have never really fit it and with whom society has not always embraced. They unexpectedly find each other and a way to make their differences mesh and the town that learns to accept.

Perfect conclusion to the trilogy

I so hope this isn’t the end of the stories about Perception Bay. I always knew I’d love the Violet’s book and I wasn’t wrong. I have two nieces on the autism spectrum that I love with all my heart. I think they’re perfect as is & hope that they will find acceptance in the world as they move more & more out into it, so this story really spoke to me on a personal level. I really recommend reading the whole trilogy.


As I said before, Audrey Faye writes pure poetry. I believe she once commented that these stories came in counterbalance to the throughly rotten year of 2020, and I can believe that. I certainly needed them to remind me some people can live in harmony. Thank you, kind writer.

Peaceful and joyous

These books are like a safe harbor and sorely needed with covid and politics running rampant. Every book by this author has an uplifting message loaded with care and love and forgiveness and I am eternally grateful she keeps writing more.

Perfect end to series!

Just as with the other two books, I was swept away. The author put her words on the pages to be seen, but she also put bits and pieces of her emotions into the characters that could only be felt. I was deeply moved. If you don't read this book you will forever be missing a piece of the puzzle.

Could not put it down!

Great story, got to visit old friends and was introduced to new ones. I really enjoyed getting to know the characters and read the book in one day. Definitely a must have for my library and will revisit the series again and again in the future.

So much love

It is rare to find a book that challenges you while simultaneously proving a safe space to be ones whole self. This book does that and more. A deceptively simple story of love, friendship, and being a square peg.


Audrey Faye is simply a wonderful storyteller, this series is a feel good story that is filled with nuances and makes you wish to be a part of this town and its’ people. Truly a most satisfying story.

This trilogy isamazing!

I have forgotten to read Audry Faye for awhile. This trilogy reminded me just how much I was missing. These books spoke to my soul, calmed me and let me be in the moment and enjoy for no reason.

Loved it!

Audrey Faye is my one click author. Anything she writes I want to read. And this whole series has been such a sweet, kind read during stressful times. I love the town and the characters.

One of my authors

I read anything Audrey Fay writes. She's also written as Deborah Geary. She has a variety of different characters and makes me want to actually meet them. I recommend all her books.

Wonderfully sappy story

Reminds me of Witch Central. Soft magic, great people. Sappy love for difficult people. The difficult ones aren't always who you think they'll be. Love Me Faye in all her incarnations.

Violet is granted a wish she didn’t know she had

Violet and Linus are both square pegs, but in some different ways. Charmingly enough, it’s their different ways of being that make them just right for each other.


Audrey Fay is just what I need some days when the world is bleakest. I was hoping Perception Bay would continue on. I have so enjoyed Indigo, Blue and Violet.

Made My Heart Dance!

What a surprise! I was sure that I knew who Violet would fall in love with, but Audrey Faye pulled off a switch I never expected. Absolutely delightful :)


I love how this author keeps it fresh, inspiring, intelligent and interesting. A perfect trifecta of stories! I have a hard time waiting for anything new!

Beautiful story

Oh, this one is my favorite of the series! So very beautiful with utterly compelling characters. Gorgeously written, I adore this series!

Best series!

I read all 3 of these books in one sitting each. Excellent writing,smooth and concise.interesting characters. Magic of a sort,ghosts,animals and romance.yay! I love your other books too,read those a little slower cause more complex.Thanks ms. Faye

Delightful and comforting

To use all the cliches: this book is a warm hug, a soft shawl, and a safe place. It's comfort and acceptance for ourselves and others.

Not to repeat myself

but, I love this series and I want to live in this particular world.

Thank you

Thank you, once again for writing so beautifully a story that pulls my heart into a place where it can do fierce work


The Series makes you....Think.....Cry.....Remember..... and understand life a bit more at any age. Its a 10 Star rating for me.


I adore this series. It was the balm my heart needed tonight. I adore her words, because each time I reread her books, I find something new to appreciate.

Love this series

This series is full of the mystical, practical, and beautiful aspects of relationships. The relationships between friends, communities and loves. Wonderful series to let yourself dream.

Great characters! Lots of heart!

Another brilliant book by Audrey Faye.


What a great ending to the trilogy. As with all Audrey Faye stories, this is about belonging and excepting people.

Fascinating and empowering

The whole 3 book series is a heart-warming tale of three friends finding love and place to belong. There is no jeopardy, no nastiness, no skeletons crawling out of cupboards, nothing negative at all, proving you can write positive stories that are interesting and engaging. I want to go live in Perception Bay or Audrey's other loving community Ghost Mountain (a shapeshifter series full of amazing characters).

A book in which the language made me feel I was waltzing with an old and beloved friend

I have always liked her books. The characters are flawed and human, without having to be mean and ugly. This one is special to me however. I can deeply relate to Linus and his struggles, I reached my forties before I found comfort in how different my brain works. Beautiful story, thank you to the author

I've missed the ease, the quirky, the community and the magic

These are some awful times. This set of three books have a sense of community love and support that are missing in these divisive times. Like the Witch series in a way .more please

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