Kindle Edition
17 Oct
Ordinary women. Big journeys.

Meet Kish, Sapphire, and Holly - three women who all think destiny happens to other people.

Destiny’s Song. Kish is supposed to use her prodigious Singer Talent to smooth problems in the galaxy. She’s more likely to punch someone in the nose. Her next assignment might require both. (Book 1 of the KarmaCorp series, a unique blend of science fiction and paranormal fantasy.)

Dragon Kin: Sapphire & Lotus. Sapphire is a very ordinary elf girl who runs for the hills - and gets lost in a forest instead. The same forest where a dragon egg perches high in a tree on a dark winter’s night. This is the story of what happens when egg meets girl. (Book 1 of the Dragon Kin series.)

Siren Song. Holly Castas is a researcher who studies mythology, ducks the occasional catapult, and might have bubonic plague growing in her office fridge. She’s also cursed.

The DESTINIES box set also includes two short stories: Tadpole School, a prequel to the KarmaCorp series, and Dandelion Kisses.

A note from Audrey: I tell stories of hope, resilience, belonging, and finding what (and who!) matters. I do that in a lot of different genres, but you’ll always get those things in an Audrey Faye book. :)

(For my existing readers: These works are all previously published. New books are coming soon, I promise!)

Reviews (21)

A great collection of series starters

As always, I’m a fan of this author’s writing. I really enjoyed the introduction to Karma Corp (and have, since then, devoured the entire series) and I really like the Siren story - unique and amazing.

Welcome, or welcome back, to new and fantastic worlds and characters!

If you haven’t yet read any of Audrey Fey’s stories, this is a great introduction to her characters and worlds - each different and unique and yet woven with a magical voice into a memorable, lovely place you’d love to experience. Audrey’s magic is her characters and their relationships. They are so rich and memorable and believable, even when the fantasy worlds are straight out of her fantastical imagination. From lovable dragons to powerful singers who are saving the universe, in her worlds she makes room for the biggest and best talents AND the quiet and shy ones. If you have enjoyed any or all of her worlds, this brings them together with some delightful short stories that add additional richness to the places and stories you’ve come to know. Reading this set made me pull out the next in these series... and I actually look forward to the colder weather so I can snuggle in and reread them all!

Such wonderful journies!!!

I have a simple rule, if Audrey writes it, I buy it and read it. No questions asked. Why? Because her work is always such and amazing ride! Her books are always full of such colour and life, people who are so awesome, and challenges for them to overcome. It's a journey, everytime, and it will bring you such joy, suspence, tears, and gratitude. But not perhaps for the reasons you think, because unless you have a cold heart and an empty life, you'll see the world and people around you in a new light! Don't get me wrong, each of these books are breathtaking works of fiction, though despite being finction, how these women walk their paths and how the people around them help, will have you seeing your own life in a different way. Each of these books will touch you and make you feel! You can't miss with these books, they will always leave you wanting more!

A taste of Faye

This is a nice introductory book set of the fantasy world of Audrey Faye. The first is a prequel and first book of the Karma Corps Series. This is a unique series that deals with girls from all walks of life being thrust together because of their special "talents" (think string theory in the fantasy world) and how they form a bond and become a "family" during and after their schooling. How they use their "talents" to keep the strings from getting tangled in the universe. The second book is the first book in the Dragon Kin series. If you like Anne McCaffery's Dragon Riders of Pern you will love this series. This is a totally unique take on the dragon world but has the that epic flavor as DROP. The last but not the least is Siren Song if you like mermaids you will enjoy this book. All in all what ever series you choose to read you will be transported into other lands and universes where the special and different are revered instead of ridiculed. I think we all need books that affirm the good in human kind.

A darn good story teller.

This is a good set to get to introduce you to Audrey Fayes worlds. These are the kind of stories that have you going back for more whenever they're available. Whatever the story line or genre, yes she's multi genred, the protagonists are real and "human" their actions understandable and the outcomes believable. Basically Audrey Faye is just simply a darn good story teller and if you don't check up on these, you're missing out. Highly recommended

Great introduction into 3 great series - Must buy!

All of Audrey Faye's books are great and explore similar themes (e.g., power of friendship, love, etc), but each series also obviously has its own style. I've personally read all of the KarmaCorp and Dragon Kin series and just read Siren Song, so readers that have no exposure to any of them should ABSOLUTELY read this to figure out what is most interesting to them and then get started with the rest of the books out there in the series. All that said, as someone that has read the rest of the KarmaCorp series, the price of this box set would be worth it SOLELY for the new short story prequel in here to the series, Tadpole Kisses. Great short story that adds a lot of depth to the characters many of us have grown to know and love in the series and yet it also won't spoil anything if you haven't read the series already. Take a chance and put it in your Kindle App. You won't regret it.

An Audrey Faye Box Set? This is Wonderful!

Having purchased and read all of these stories, I can tell you without a doubt that not only are you getting a bargain, you are getting a wonderful set of stores to read. Audrey writes fantasy and science fiction with heart and beauty. Her prose is lyrical and when I talk to other authors about narrative, I use her stories as examples. You feel, see, hear, and experience what her characters feel. The books will move you and you'll find yourself ordering the other books she's written. At least, that was my experience. Highly recommended!

Master storytelling at its finest!

Audrey is a master storyteller across multiple genres. The underlying theme is relationships. She has a gift for making her characters seem so real that you want to meet up with them in a coffee shop and be their life long friend. She handles subject matters such as belonging, acceptance, understanding, and family with a grace and comfort that speaks to the heart. If you’ve not read Audrey’s books, start here. You’ll finish each book wanting more!

I eagerly anticipate each book by this author!

In Each of the 3 full length novels offered here you will step into a world where family is about who you love. Audrey Faye is a gifted story teller, building worlds you want to be part of! She shares strong characters who have doubts and fears but meet trials and challenges with honor and courage. Themes like feeling like you don’t belong but finding where you fit and finding strengths you didn’t know you had in resonate strongly in these stories. Note: These novels are suitable for adults, teens and tweens.

A Great Introduction!

Audrey Faye is one of my favorite authors. This collection includes the introductions to her two most recent series, both of which I have enjoyed greatly. (If I had to choose, I'd say the Dragon Kin series is the better of the two - but that's not saying a lot because they are both REALLY good.) Also included is Dandelion Kisses, which is a short story with a lot of heart (just like all of Audrey's material!) This is a great deal that is sure to get you hooked on several great series. I heartily recommend it!!

A great collection of series starters

As always, I’m a fan of this author’s writing. I really enjoyed the introduction to Karma Corp (and have, since then, devoured the entire series) and I really like the Siren story - unique and amazing.

Welcome, or welcome back, to new and fantastic worlds and characters!

If you haven’t yet read any of Audrey Fey’s stories, this is a great introduction to her characters and worlds - each different and unique and yet woven with a magical voice into a memorable, lovely place you’d love to experience. Audrey’s magic is her characters and their relationships. They are so rich and memorable and believable, even when the fantasy worlds are straight out of her fantastical imagination. From lovable dragons to powerful singers who are saving the universe, in her worlds she makes room for the biggest and best talents AND the quiet and shy ones. If you have enjoyed any or all of her worlds, this brings them together with some delightful short stories that add additional richness to the places and stories you’ve come to know. Reading this set made me pull out the next in these series... and I actually look forward to the colder weather so I can snuggle in and reread them all!

Such wonderful journies!!!

I have a simple rule, if Audrey writes it, I buy it and read it. No questions asked. Why? Because her work is always such and amazing ride! Her books are always full of such colour and life, people who are so awesome, and challenges for them to overcome. It's a journey, everytime, and it will bring you such joy, suspence, tears, and gratitude. But not perhaps for the reasons you think, because unless you have a cold heart and an empty life, you'll see the world and people around you in a new light! Don't get me wrong, each of these books are breathtaking works of fiction, though despite being finction, how these women walk their paths and how the people around them help, will have you seeing your own life in a different way. Each of these books will touch you and make you feel! You can't miss with these books, they will always leave you wanting more!

A taste of Faye

This is a nice introductory book set of the fantasy world of Audrey Faye. The first is a prequel and first book of the Karma Corps Series. This is a unique series that deals with girls from all walks of life being thrust together because of their special "talents" (think string theory in the fantasy world) and how they form a bond and become a "family" during and after their schooling. How they use their "talents" to keep the strings from getting tangled in the universe. The second book is the first book in the Dragon Kin series. If you like Anne McCaffery's Dragon Riders of Pern you will love this series. This is a totally unique take on the dragon world but has the that epic flavor as DROP. The last but not the least is Siren Song if you like mermaids you will enjoy this book. All in all what ever series you choose to read you will be transported into other lands and universes where the special and different are revered instead of ridiculed. I think we all need books that affirm the good in human kind.

A darn good story teller.

This is a good set to get to introduce you to Audrey Fayes worlds. These are the kind of stories that have you going back for more whenever they're available. Whatever the story line or genre, yes she's multi genred, the protagonists are real and "human" their actions understandable and the outcomes believable. Basically Audrey Faye is just simply a darn good story teller and if you don't check up on these, you're missing out. Highly recommended

Great introduction into 3 great series - Must buy!

All of Audrey Faye's books are great and explore similar themes (e.g., power of friendship, love, etc), but each series also obviously has its own style. I've personally read all of the KarmaCorp and Dragon Kin series and just read Siren Song, so readers that have no exposure to any of them should ABSOLUTELY read this to figure out what is most interesting to them and then get started with the rest of the books out there in the series. All that said, as someone that has read the rest of the KarmaCorp series, the price of this box set would be worth it SOLELY for the new short story prequel in here to the series, Tadpole Kisses. Great short story that adds a lot of depth to the characters many of us have grown to know and love in the series and yet it also won't spoil anything if you haven't read the series already. Take a chance and put it in your Kindle App. You won't regret it.

An Audrey Faye Box Set? This is Wonderful!

Having purchased and read all of these stories, I can tell you without a doubt that not only are you getting a bargain, you are getting a wonderful set of stores to read. Audrey writes fantasy and science fiction with heart and beauty. Her prose is lyrical and when I talk to other authors about narrative, I use her stories as examples. You feel, see, hear, and experience what her characters feel. The books will move you and you'll find yourself ordering the other books she's written. At least, that was my experience. Highly recommended!

Master storytelling at its finest!

Audrey is a master storyteller across multiple genres. The underlying theme is relationships. She has a gift for making her characters seem so real that you want to meet up with them in a coffee shop and be their life long friend. She handles subject matters such as belonging, acceptance, understanding, and family with a grace and comfort that speaks to the heart. If you’ve not read Audrey’s books, start here. You’ll finish each book wanting more!

I eagerly anticipate each book by this author!

In Each of the 3 full length novels offered here you will step into a world where family is about who you love. Audrey Faye is a gifted story teller, building worlds you want to be part of! She shares strong characters who have doubts and fears but meet trials and challenges with honor and courage. Themes like feeling like you don’t belong but finding where you fit and finding strengths you didn’t know you had in resonate strongly in these stories. Note: These novels are suitable for adults, teens and tweens.

A Great Introduction!

Audrey Faye is one of my favorite authors. This collection includes the introductions to her two most recent series, both of which I have enjoyed greatly. (If I had to choose, I'd say the Dragon Kin series is the better of the two - but that's not saying a lot because they are both REALLY good.) Also included is Dandelion Kisses, which is a short story with a lot of heart (just like all of Audrey's material!) This is a great deal that is sure to get you hooked on several great series. I heartily recommend it!!

Magical !

Audrey Faye always writes magical, warm, happy stories . If you enjoy reading about strong women ,love, and feel good endings you can't go wrong with anything Audrey Faye writes. These are the first stories in a series of books that will only leaving you wanting more. Welcome to the world's of Audrey Faye and her magic and love !

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