The 7: Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life

Kindle Edition
03 Jan
Glenn Beck
Radio and television host Glenn Beck has experienced the rollercoaster of life like few others. From the suicide of his mother when he was just thirteen, to his eventual alcoholism, depression, divorce, unemployment, and health scares—Glenn has weathered life’s darkest storms.

Any one of those struggles could’ve ruined him, yet Glenn was able to keep moving forward. He saw past the darkness into the light; past his grief and addictions and into what his life could be.

The process of finding happiness through personal redemption was not easy, but it left Glenn with a blueprint for how to confront future adversity. Glenn is living proof that these steps—he calls them wonders—don’t just work on paper. They helped transform his life and can they can help to transform yours as well.

Glenn Beck and Dr. Keith Ablow—two of the most popular and influential personalities in American media today—have joined forces to present a powerful guide to personal transformation and fulfillment that is as unique as their own unlikely partnership. They are called the “7 Wonders” and they can be used by anyone who has made the decision that they are ready to change their life.

After the television talk show host and the bestselling psychiatrist struck up a fast friendship they realized that their experiences with life’s struggles were complementary. What Keith had studied, Glenn had lived. What Keith had counseled patients on for years, Glenn had suffered through for decades.

The deeply personal insights they shared brought them to realize that their life stories had seven key principles in common; seven wonders that seemed to be essential ingredients for anyone attempting to transform their life.

Reviews (173)

This book took real guts to write!

This is the best book on child psychology and its effect on the personality and behaviors of humans ever written. It should be used by marriage counseling professionals and read together BEFORE the marriage vows are spoken. It took my marriage into the dark truths of the past and then into the cleansing sunlight of unconditional love. This took real guts to write!

Excellent quick read.

The book is written in alternating chapters between the authors. I appreciated the layout and format to read and felt connected to the authors in their genuine delivery of an inward personal search.

It scares me how terrible most public schools are these days

Glenn is a natural born teacher and historian. I've learned so much. It scares me how terrible most public schools are these days. They don't teach them to think, they indoctrinate and expect the students to regurgitate the twisted thinking of the teacher. And, boy, do they regurgitate


Great book. Learned lots of methods of psychology to help my loved ones overcome their childhood issues and become the person that they have been longing for to be and know that they can become for a very long time.Thank you for writing this great book. It has already started to change my life and the life of my family.


Good book.

Great book

Great book

Saved my life

Thanks to Beck and Ablow the writing and advice in this book help saved my life. I was I deep depression and it was tearing my life and family apart and I have read through this book 3 times now and the 7 different concepts that they have you focus on truly helped save my life, marriage, and relationship with God.



A great read!

This left such an impression on me that I was actually motivated to do something about my current situation by taking action! Two thumbs up! A great read!

Mom's Reading It!

Our family is a HUGE Glenn Beck & the good Dr. Ablow & have been for a while. The two of them have teamed up nicely to put out an easy to read & comprehend book that will be widely read for some time to come.

This book took real guts to write!

This is the best book on child psychology and its effect on the personality and behaviors of humans ever written. It should be used by marriage counseling professionals and read together BEFORE the marriage vows are spoken. It took my marriage into the dark truths of the past and then into the cleansing sunlight of unconditional love. This took real guts to write!

Excellent quick read.

The book is written in alternating chapters between the authors. I appreciated the layout and format to read and felt connected to the authors in their genuine delivery of an inward personal search.

It scares me how terrible most public schools are these days

Glenn is a natural born teacher and historian. I've learned so much. It scares me how terrible most public schools are these days. They don't teach them to think, they indoctrinate and expect the students to regurgitate the twisted thinking of the teacher. And, boy, do they regurgitate


Great book. Learned lots of methods of psychology to help my loved ones overcome their childhood issues and become the person that they have been longing for to be and know that they can become for a very long time.Thank you for writing this great book. It has already started to change my life and the life of my family.


Good book.

Great book

Great book

Saved my life

Thanks to Beck and Ablow the writing and advice in this book help saved my life. I was I deep depression and it was tearing my life and family apart and I have read through this book 3 times now and the 7 different concepts that they have you focus on truly helped save my life, marriage, and relationship with God.

A great read!

This left such an impression on me that I was actually motivated to do something about my current situation by taking action! Two thumbs up! A great read!

Mom's Reading It!

Our family is a HUGE Glenn Beck & the good Dr. Ablow & have been for a while. The two of them have teamed up nicely to put out an easy to read & comprehend book that will be widely read for some time to come.

I have read one other book by Glenn and he did a great job from the beginning to the end

I bought this book as a christmas present for my husband. And, for myself as well! I have read one other book by Glenn and he did a great job from the beginning to the end. I am excited to read this one too!

Really inspirational book!

Glenn Beck has really pinpointed some areas that need addressing in our modern culture, and gives important reality-based solutions for people who are willing to face hard truths in their own lives. Important book, good read.

Not a bad read

Who knew a book co-penned by Glenn Beck and Dr. Keith Ablow would be so good? This book is an interesting match-up. On one hand, you have Glenn's oft-told stories of him as a self-hating, drug and alcohol addict who bottomed out and made a series of pivotal changes in his life that have since brought him happiness, stability, and incredible success. On the other hand, you have Keith Ablow's psychotherapist exposition about how Glenn's life decisions make sense from the perspective of an experienced therapist and how the "wonders" discussed in the book jibe with principles established throughout history by famous philosophical, religious, and medical leaders. Dr. Ablow also shares a few stories of patients he has worked with over the years to illustrate some of the concepts discussed in the book. I can see how this book could be extremely beneficial for someone who already likes Glenn Beck as a person,and who may be impressed by his recent life story, and how they too may be struggling in their life with issues like depression, addiction, or other demons that are holding them back from pursuing their "true path."

Five Stars

Love this book! Bought numerous copies to give as gifts.

Excellent, Fast Delivery

Excellent, Fast Delivery

Enjoyed this Audio version

This was really very interesting and I think its a Must to listen to. Lots of insight and advise that is applicable to everybody.

Five Stars

The reader of this book loved it

Dopey Title, Great Content!

I almost didn't buy this book. The title was so neo-fuzzy, new-agey, self-helpy it made me sneer, "Hah! Another vacuous how-to-fix-your-life in 7 easy lessons book. Like we need more of THOSE!". But then I started skimming some of the chapters and my opinion changed, fast and drastically. Far from being another listing of all the pedestrian things you already know but feel the need to pay money for someone to tell you (again), this book is full of: raw honesty, hard-learned wisdom and many examples of things that make you go, "Ah-HA!". Much of the book made me think, rather than gave me a how-to list. Obviously, the title doesn't say "Seven Wonders that will Change Your Life in the next 10 days". This is a process, like anything worthwhile. But, as with all greatly taught information, it doesn't so much "tell" you as "show" you...the authors point the way. I highly recommend this book.

Excellent must read

This book and its principal Will really help you understand life and grow stronger. I cannot recommend enough to read this

Four Stars

Not finished but good information.

The 7

Glenn Beck had the Wounded Child syndrome ,and wanted everyone else to be protected from what he perceived as his reality. The alcohol only a symptom. Dr. Ablow knows about everything there is to know about what is wrong with you. I was curious to read what he had to say, and in the final storm of life, there is the time for some spiritual awakening, However, Dr. Ablow writes mystery books that keeps you glued to the end of story. Mostly about women that have gone completely insane.

Five Stars

great book

Top written 1st class book to get that balance you better have

This book will get you emotionally involved with the pie of your life aid you in ensuring you take care to enjoy each slice. Great for Dads and men that want to be men. You will find yourself somewhere in the pages of this book perfectly described at some point in your life if you have not been there yet. Read now and be prepared for the roller coaster highs and lows we travel through life and understand what is important and what to do when it's not.

Three Stars

good book

loved it.

truly an inspiring read, written from the heart....loved it.

Five Stars

Two brilliant men wrote this book. Everyone should read.


A personal experience cannot be questioned, doubted, or second-guessed. The result, however, must stand the test of believability. Beck's life is proof-positive that he has been transformed from living a debased life to a fulfilled man-with-a-mission. His faith cannot be challenged by anyone who has not walked in his shoes. May readers find the path to their own fulfillment through faith in Christ.

I recommend this to anyone who is struggling or dealing with ...

This book was so insightful. It completely changed my way of thinking. I recommend this to anyone who is struggling or dealing with someone struggling

Very moving

I had not read anything by Glenn and saw his interview on NBC. After seeing him I decided to get the book. Once I started reading it I couldn't stop reading it. For me I saw myself in so many ways..many times it brought me to tears. I've never had a problem with alcohol or drugs, but being honest with myself and everyone else was something I struggle with. I guess I am a work in progress, but I truly feel I am starting to change. This is not the answer to all problems, but It really opened my eyes. I can't imagine you getting something of true value after reading it.

Five Stars

Interesting read

Five Stars

Glenn Beck is the best.

worked out well

Everything was fine

Five Stars

very good book

Four Stars

Really good read if you are struggling with some interpersonal issues in life.

Five Stars

Great read!

Five Stars

Great. Thanks.

Five Stars

A +

Four Stars


great book - highly recommended!!

I received this book from my son for Christmas. It is a FANTASTIC book, I highly recommend it. Amazing how Glenn is so candid about his own personal struggles in life. More importantly is how he has offered his words of wisdom on how we can make changes in our own lives. It also helps put things into perspective about how GOD is #1. I think it's a MUST READ BOOK!!!

Three Stars



This is a must-read for every member of every family. It is truly an inspiration, especially for teenagers and young adults, to strive to discover each individual motive and destiny. Nothing happens by chance. We are all enlaced in humanity. We are all the product of something, or someone, bigger than us. We each are born under design and determination. We are of value. Every moral and correct concept of our being is illustrated in this, the greatest of Glenn Beck's achievements. It is truly non-partisan and applies to all regardless of creed, social status, social and religious beliefs, political and psychological mental tendencies, and concepts. Please read this if you want to be a better person; if you want to go to the next level in this worldly existence; if you want to achieve peace through self-confidence; be more affable, and gain the treasure of friendships. Here are the major Seven Wonders of the World. Even if you cringe at the sight, or thought, of "Glenn Beck", this book will change your opinion of this man. He didn't write it alone. He had the help of his psychologist, who knows him better than anyone and who enlightened him with the gift of an angel to guide with a beacon. Unfortunately, those who are in despair, at the bottom of their bottle, on the edge of giving up, and feel worthless, useless, and unforgiven, will not read this book. For those who do read it, it will be a fortification and strenghtening that all of what we do are the right things. Here is another gift (book) to all who appreciate life, health, and freedom.

Life changing book

Exelent book! It has saved and changed my life forever!!

Five Stars

Enough said

Five Stars


I received such a blessing from Glenn and Dr. ...

I received such a blessing from Glenn and Dr. Keith. I had some family in mind that could possibly benefit from what was shared in this book. It seemed to be very geniune and caring.

Glenn Beck really challenges us to want to be the change we wish to see in others.

These 7 principles will give you another outlook, and the discipline it takes to get there. I do not follow him much other than reading this book. I have heard mixed reviews about him, but this was surely a great read. Finished it in two nights during the week while my husband was working. Thanks Glenn~! Be blessed, Melinda R.

A very good read. Deep feelings are exposed-

Very Intriguing, thought provoking!

I recommend this book to any one who struggles to do the right thing, but does not know where to start I love the wisdom in it

This is more than what some folks would call a "self-help" book. The advice in this wonderful book is a road map to improve what we all know is within us, and are tried and true ways of obtaining what is right and good for all of us. The principles are ancient and really work. I received a lot of wisdom and gained a ton of insight from this read.

Five Stars

Great message for everyone!

Very insightful and thoughtful dissertations

Although I basically bought this book because I love Glenn Beck, I found that it is a very insightful look at some very human failings and what you can do to overcome them. The narrative goes back and forth between Glenn Beck and Dr. Keith Ablow.

great first step

This book is not a fundamental study or step by step instructions on how to succeed and it doesn’t pretend to be that. But it is a great tool to make the first step to analyze and understand your life. Its easy to understand without confusing theological concept. This book makes you think if you are ready for this kind of thinking and if you are not then it’s not your time yet. I first purchased it for myself in Kindle format and then in paperback for my daughter because it’s gently introduces the idea that there is more we can do to help ourselves besides obvious .

A exceptional book to read.

I love to read alot of Glenn's books but this one took the cake. It was a book I read over and over and still could not put it down. The shipping was quick and the book arrived in great condition. I will buy from this seller again.

Great book for opening ones eyes

I've read a lot of Gelnn Books and this is one of his best. I was able to relate to a lot of what he said, it also opened my eyes to some new wyas of dealing with things and situations. I would recommed this book to everyone who is looking for answers to lifes obstacles.

A Touchstone for a Life Well and Honestly Lived

Glenn Beck quite courageously tells his very painful, at times off-putting life story, warts and all, in order to help others with less than perfect lives appreciate what it takes to confront the essential truths that govern our direction in life and work diligently to renew ourselves as more complete people. His co-author, Dr. Keith Ablow, a colleague and close friend of Glenn's, provides his own insights gleaned from his personal experience and his decades of psycho-therapy. Together, they identify the seven "truths" all of us must reconnect with if we want to work seriously on fashioning a better, more emotionally healthy life. Yes, some of it is obvious. However, when these two gentlemen mesh their insights into a very coherent whole, they create an incredibly powerful road map for us all. Forget Glenn's political views. This book goes far beyond that kind of parochialism to touch on the few essential truths that lead us to being better as we navigate our own journey through life.

Honest, encouraging and truthful book.

This book is fantastic in its presentation and in the material itself. I am going to give this book to someone very near and dear to me who is going through treatment right now for alcoholism and is attending AA to help in her recovery. I believe this book will be an encouragement to her and will give her a lot of hope that she will be able to lick this thing. Thank God for people like Glenn Beck who are so willing to share what they have been through.


This book was a lot better then I thought it would be. I need to read the book again for the motivation at least the first 4 chapters, that is what I remember the most were those four chapters.

Glenn yes, Keith no

I liked the personal stories from Glenn's life. They were inspiring. But, I was not liking some of Keith Ablow's psycho babble interpretations of Glenn's stories. It verged on new age-ish to me. If the book had JUST been Glenn talking about principles and wonders that changed his and can change your life, I would have enjoyed the book WAY better. But to follow each of Glenn's chapters with Keith's interpretations, it ruined it for me.

powerful, inciteful

First of all, I'm an avid fan of Glenn and have learned so much from his "history lessons". I've always been interested in psychology,became a teacher, and never got to go back and study more about human relations. I'm close to 80 but still want to understand why "we just can't seem to get it." This book is filled with wonders and illustrations. Highly urge everyone to read. Always room for personal growth.

Good food for thought

I enjoyed reading Glenn's book. There were many points that made me think and helped me get through a couple of issues that I've been experiencing. I heard about the book on Glenn's morning radio show, and heard him interview Dr. Ablow. I was impressed by what I heard and purchased the book. One thing about Glenn's books is that they are so well written, and usually contain tons of history and/or background material that allows you to comfortably be engaged, as you read. It is a book that I'm trying to get my children to read. They seem to struggle with life, and this book would be a great boon to them.

Things we all need to know

Loved this book. Read it in a day, will use the information for the rest of my life. Keith Ablow is a perfect compliment to Glenn Beck and you will not be disappointed in this book

Love it!

It is informing and funny!!! Glen keeps it fresh so even someone like me can learn more about history. And Ihave never liked history. He made some points that will be with me for life!!! GREAT purchase!

The 7: Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life

The wonders outlined in the book have answered questions that I've had throughout my life. I find that the book has helped me move on past some of my past problems that have bothered me for years. I was so impressed with the information and the feeling of peace that I received from the seven, that I immediately passed on to my children. The dual approach by both authors provided examples and support backup of each of the seven steps. All of us are aware of the issues in our lives both personally and relationships to others. Now I have been able to come to peace with them. I have a better outlook on the opportunities of life in spite of the many hard knocks. Best day, Joseph

Excellent Book

I did not think that I would like this when I first started reading it. After the first two chapters, I was hooked. I recommend this book to everyone.

It Will Change Your Life

This is Glenn's best book yet. No matter how much you believe you've messed up in life, if you're serious about transforming your life then this is a must read. Even if you believe you're perfect and need no help, this book will change your perspective about life. This is the kind of book you can't put down once you start reading. I promise you, you will see the real you in this great book. There's something magic about SEVEN. And the SEVEN wonders in this book will change your life.

Life changing book

This is the most important self help information I have ever read! It is well written in an intertaining and compassionate way. I believe everybody should read this book. Wheather you are challenged yourself, or have a loved one facing a challlenge, this book is very helpfull. It is a must read. I plan to read it again.

This book was wonderful!

Again, Glenn Beck has written a great book. If you are in need of inspiration, or just a new outlook on life Glenn and Dr. Ablow have done a great job in this writing. Well written also.

Five Stars


Fast Shipment

It was super awesome to get the product as fast as I did. I appreciated so much. thanks again Carlena


The principals in this book are great for anyone wanting to improve their life. They aren't easy but anything worth doing isn't easy.

The feel-good book

This is one of those books that will make you think. They think about your life and stuff, which is always a good thing. Give it a read, and you will like it.

Exceptional book!!

This book is a quick read and so interesting! I loved it and would reco mmend it to anyone. I am sending it to my daughter. I think it is great for anyone who needs a boost in thier ego.


This book gives you a blueprint for happiness. If you follow the tenets of the bible, which is a blueprint of sorts as well.

Good information and an easy read

Flows well and is easy to read. Some of the information gets a little too general, but definitely some good things in this to make it worth your time and money.

7 Wonders That Will Chande Your Life

Great book easy read. Loved the last chapter wished I had found this when I was younger. Having had cancer, a divorce, this book brought the reason why faith, family are everything. Thank You Glenn and Keith for such a great look at what life should be all about.

Five Stars

Excellent reading.

Loved the book

I have been a follower of Glenn Beck for many year. This was a very good book. Highly recommend it.

Back to basics

I could really relate to the examples given in this book, and with all the ....noise pollution...for lack of a better description,going on in life...this book helped me remember who I wanted to be...caused me to think about what my core values see or think about why I think and do things that are self defeating and helped me see I am certainly not alone in this....


This book contains information for everybody. We all have problem areas in our lives and this book teaches us how we can overcome and become the best we can be. Very easy and enjoyable read. Anyone who is familiar with Glenn Becks books won't be disappointed.

Five Stars

Excellent book gives me a different perspective than what is generally preached over the airways. Thanks Glenn

Glenn Beck's Seven wonders that will change your life

This was a great read. I think it should be added to the reading of A A's big book. The Big book of Alcoholics Anonymous is the fundamentals of the program, but was written back in the 1930's. The Big book is the foundation for the 12 step program, but Glenn's book is Now, a real time event that shows you can over come adversity life's problems, addiction, and put you life back together. Four years sober.

Glenn Beck and Keith Ablow Great mentors.

Like it so far. Just started reading. Will rereview when finished.


I read bout halfway and have picked it up again (ch5).. It's interesting but I've heard/read I need to keep reading..

The7 Wonders That Will Change Your Life

I have read and studdied the book and it has helped me tremendously! I hope everyone in my family will study it like I have. Thank you Glenn Beck and Keith Ablow. Reading this book has awakend so much that I had burried. Hopefully I can correct much of it. Sincerly, Caroljoy


This is a book that can help anyone that is looking for common sense ideas to help them improve their life.

The best book I've read in ages

This book is the ultimate inspirational material I've read. I was going to send my copy to a dear friend, but the more I read, the more I knew I wouldn't part with it. I ordered it for him, and he called and asked why I sent him a new book, and I told him to read it and he'd understand. He did, and he called me and said, "You just wanted to keep it, didn't you? Well, so do I."


Item was as described. Happy with purchase.

A very good listen.

Came quickly and in great condition. Couldn't beat the price. I suggest this for others that may be struggling with day to day life. This will give you a new outlook.

Three Stars

Product was as expected.

Two Stars

Did not take a strong stand on Christian principles.

Changing My Life

My admiration for both Mr. Glenn Beck and Dr. Keith Ablow is already great indeed. Yet I was not prepared for this amazing book. I had read for a bit when I realized that this book was for me! (Dr. Ablow says this in it, in fact.) Starting over, I began to study and take notes and think deeply. This process goes on still, and it is literally changing my life in a profound manner. Thank you Glenn! Thank you Keith!

Jerrys' Opinion

This is a book of helps for our lives.Written so that we do not need help to understand what is being brought forward.There are moments of confirmation and many of Ah ha!Opens life an incrument more and that is what many of us can use every day. Jerry

Five Stars

Glen Beck has written some great books

The 7 - Could Not Put It Down

This is an extremely good read. There is no politics involved with this Glenn Beck book - just a journal of his life and how he struggled from the very bottom lows to the mountain tops he now enjoys. The book is very inspiring as Glenn covers a chapter of his life and then Keith explains the principles that were being applied. If you're a bit down over the current world events, this is an inspiring hope-filled read.

7 Wonders that will change your life

This book has good advice in it. Tell the truth, honor common sense and other basic things for a good life.

One Star

Disappointing read

A lot of deep truth in this study. Maybe ...

A lot of deep truth in this study. Maybe everything that is wrong with us is not from our childhood, but obviously some is! I appreciate Glenn sharing his lessons. Much of it rings true for my family.

A change for the good.

This book CHANGED my life. Once I started reading, I could NOT put it down. And if you knew me, that is a BIG thing because I am not a reader. I have highlighted and marked with pen and re-read paragraphs, chapters and have it on my night stand for future strength. I cannot BELIEVE how this book has changed my life. Combined with his other book, LIVING THE TRUTH, it was the best therapy you could EVER achieve in a room with yourself. Honestly, I wished that I was made aware of this book, YEARS ago. Thank you Thomas, for having it on your book shelf. Thank you GOD, for putting the feeling that, out of the hundreds of books on that shelf, that was the one book YOU pointed me to. GOD is good.

Highly Recommend it!

So glad that I read it. Great book and very much the reminders that we all need to guide us through a complicated world.

Pleased with buying and shipping experience

Very happy with this purchase. Came quickly and was as described.

Glenn Beck is AMAZING

I have been listening to Glenn's radio program, which if you don't, you should. I have never been a religious nut, but if anything was bringing me closer to the truth, it was his program, but when I read this book it cinched it. Like he says, we are all here for a reason. When you read it, you need to know that you are "in the right place at the right time". It is so cliche, but the book drives home that point that you can do anything, you can survive anything. You must be true to yourself who you really are, and no one is without faults, you just have to face them and move on. I LOVE this book!


This should be required reading, not just in schools, but for life in general. It's brilliant, heartfelt and well spoken.

I like the message

The message of this audio book is worth hearing. I perhaps would have preferred it read by Beck but hey...

Life Changing. Anyone who wants to give themselves a ...

Life Changing. Anyone who wants to give themselves a fresh start on life this will get you there.

The 7: Seven Wonder That Will Change Your Life

I totally enjoyed this book as I did "The Christmas Sweater" by Glenn Beck. They were everything I expected.

Worthwhile reading that will guide you to self awareness

I loved reading this book. I especially liked the format Glenn & Dr Ablow used. Glenn would write a chapter and Dr Ablow would expound in the following chapter. I felt Glenn was very open & self revealing using truth principles.

Best self help book ever

I've read several books by psychiatrists that have had lots of wonderful advice and great theories and even some really great stories about overcoming obstacles in you life. This book is the only one that feels 100% genuine. Everything talked about in this book has related to me and my life in some way. The authors have made it super to understand and very interesting to read. You won't be able to put it down.

The 7: Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life

Great price, arrived quickly. Go figure, reads just like I spent much more. As always, those who feel the necessity to overspend feel free to drop $$$ in my paypal account. 'nuff said.

Good Advice

If you hate Glenn Beck, the you probably shouldn't bother reading this. If, however, you can read it with an open mind and give Glenn Beck the benefit of the doubt, there is some good food for thought here. I found it easy to read and compelling. As someone who hasn't always behaved in ways that I'm proud of, I found encouragement in the idea that we don't have to be perfect to "finish well".

Five Stars

I loved this book! I could read it many times and never see things the same way twice.

Thought provoking

Great thoughts on how to start changing your life around to mean something far greater than this earth can provide.

Another slam dunk!

Awesome book (as all of Glenn's books are). I especially enjoyed Glenn's history, adding much more detail about his life than was mentioned in The Christmas Sweater. He humbly opened his past, detailing the very painful memories that he was finally able to overcome and become the man he is today. The alternating chapters of both writers was also very enjoyable. Many points to ponder and served to remind me how blessed I am in this life. (P.S. Now what do I do when I can't DVR his show every day? I know he has many other pressing matters to address, and we, the faithful followers, applaud this! Carry on,sir!)


I loved the book...and wish Glenn Beck would use his testimony to write more INSPIRATIONAL & HELPFUL books like this one. Excellent Read.

A Must-Read for Those Searching for Healing

I didn't buy this book because I expected to get anything out of it, but to confirm a path I was already walking. Halfway through the book, though, I was in tears. I realized that there were obstacles on my path to healing that I wasn't able to overcome because I refused to acknowledge they were even there. The book has encouraged me to find the courage I need to acknowledge and confront those obstacles so that I can overcome them. While I don't agree with everything Glenn has written, I think he's wrong theologically on several points, the whole of the book is well worth the time to read it.


Whether one likes Glenn Beck or not (there is a comment from a woman who hates him and is totally opposite political views, etc.) that loves this book and highly recommends it - I DO TOO! We all can use a little help in our lives and this book delivers!


This GREAT book is full of insightful suggestions on how to change your life for the better! I liked it so much I bought one for my daughter and had Amazon send it to her!

happy happy happy

life changing book god bless you glen for opening your life to the world every man should read this book


Glenn's new book is informative and really hits home with me since both my dad and husband have been alcoholics. I have long time suffered because of dealing with their addictions, it was nice to read both him and the Doc. I personally enjoyed the book, but it was not life changing for me unfortunately. However I do enjoy reading many of Glenn's book, this one really talked about his struggles and it was heart wrenching because I good read both my father and husband in him. I'm so glad that Gleen has changed his life, he is a great guy. Thank you God for giving him us at this time in our country.


I am very pleased with my purchase. It was a great book to start the new year. It is very inspirational and I am sure it is a book I will pick up and read again and again.

7 wonders that will change your life

I bought this book for a friend and she loves it!! Thanks for getting it to me ingood shape and fast.

Always great books by Glenn Beck. Never dissappointed!

Got to learn more of the "inside" of Glenn Beck and it is great to give someone that has a personal problem and feels overwhelmed. Thats what I did with the other one I bought. I also enjoyed reading the intro by Glenns friend, Pat. And Dr Ablo had a lot of very good professional information it there also And as usual Amazon is so quick on delivery and dependable!

Reading this book will give you a new perspective on life

Reading this book has been an experience in self analysis. I am going to read it again and maybe a third time so I can really absorb it all. Thanks Glenn and Keith!

Five Stars

Great book!

Four Stars

Good information, worth the read..

Real Change

If you want to be reminded of what you already know, or be surprised at what you can learn from this heart touching book, pick it up now. You will not be disappointed! Great (taking turns) chapters by the Dr. and Glenn. Easy to read and very informational book!

Five Stars

Great book. Wish I had read it years ago


I got the book and audio cd's...all I can say it really makes you think...get it...I am passing them on to others

Glenn just keeps getting better

This book should be in every home in America, and everybody should read it-even the little ones. Get it now!

Excellent for honest self-evaluation

Not knowing what to expect from this book, I opened it to read the Preface and perhaps skim the rest. Thirty pages later I was eager to read the rest. The case studies by the Doctor were greatly helpful to understand the character and behavior of my Mother and several troubled friends through the years. The personal experiences of Glenn Beck were informative, especially in our times of alcohol and drug use. It's an easy read and worthwhile for your own gut-check.

Seven stars for Seven Wonders

Excellent book and a read for almost anyone. Truly points out some things we tend to avoid facing in our lives. I bought it because I wanted one of my adult children to read it, but my husband and I read it first and found it to be quite enlightening.

Seven wonders that will change your life

Glenn gets it right. A man dedicated to the preservation of a nation founded on principal, he offers seven keys to getting each individual back on the moral and spiritual track that will change the current direction of our nation from destruction to prosperity.

Excellent Read

This book provides valuable insight on how a person can positively change and improve his life. It is also an interesting story about Glenn Beck's life.

Finally, the missing piece to my life's puzzle!!

Anyone working in the Helping Relationships field simply MUST read this book! It ties together modern psychology and genuine spirituality with "the Truth." The text herein is not your run-of-the-mill "self-help" book. It truly is life-changing.

The Seven

I thought this book was excellent, & am starting to implement all these strategies into my own life. I hope everyone on the planet reads this book. It would be a tremendous help to all people, no matter their station in life.

Great Insight for making your way

This is a wonderful book with great information to help begin a journey to knowing that you can make a difference and how to begin that journey. Thanks guys! Will reread many times for reminders. I appreciate the humble insight.

The 7: Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life

This is a keeper!!! I usually pass books on after I've read them but this one will be re-read again and again! Thank you Glenn and Keith!

The Seven Wonders

This is the first book of Glenn Beck's that I have read. His life recovery is remarkable and a great example to others who have lead or are leading a life that is similar to his earlier life.

Outstanding in every way

Ablow and Beck take a touching and inspiring story and break it down to the most basic level, in terms anyone can understand. I applaud them for their honesty and courage.

The seven Wonders that Will Change Your Life

Glen Beck deserves a gold star for honestly baring his soul. This book,written with co-author Keith Albow, should encourage others who are struggling to come to honest terms with their own lives.

Brilliant, touches the part of your heart you thought was forgetten

I bought four copies of this book, one for myself and three to give away. They have touched all of our lives and we hope the inspiration and hope it gave while we read always remains with us.

Another best seller

Beck and Ablow are fantastic together with this book. Refreshing breath of honesty that lends courage and healing words to all that are hurting.

The 7 wonders that will change your life

Thanks for the book I enjoy reading it. For sure it has a lot of good pointers in it many thanks again. Rex Packard


The book was received in a very timely manner. It was a new book just as advertized. I would gladly do business with this provider again.

A Shining Light

Just finished The 7. Wonderful, inspiring, could not put it down. Thanks Glen for sharing your personal life experiences and how you delt with your trials. Thank you Dr.Ablow for your very wise and fantastic insight into the human story. Finally, a psychiatrist who does more than write prescriptions.


Great book! Easy reading but VERY thought provoking, Well worth the time and effort to adopt the principals. Absolutleuy lives up to the title billing. It changed my life.

No Specifics. Boring.

I got the audio CDs; The book may have been better for me. I was actually going to try to possibly implement a few strategies but there were just no specifics. There actually may have been but I always fell asleep waiting for the meat and potatoes. Extremely boring audio. Sorry Glenn, but this one was pretty weak. Like I said, maybe the book is better.

a book that challenges your heart,soul, and mind

I'm highly recommending this book to anyone who wants to do life different. If you feel you're stuck in life...give this book a read and then get busy!

I have a crush on Glenn.

Could not put this book down. Makes alot of sense and could very well be a tool in how one lives their life.

A must read for anyone who has hit rock bottom

Bought for Kindle PC and could not quit reading it. I thank God Glenn is so transparent and Keith is able to define each element with such clarity. The combination spoke to my soul and freed myself from the sins of my past. It's good to know I'm not alone. I feel one step closer - and eager to move on and live life to my potential for myself, my family, my friends and my God. Thank you Glenn & Keith.

The Seven

Great title, worth reading, adds value but could be more informative if written in a different way :)

not good.

Shocking. As someone who actually does watch his show and sometimes listens to his radio show when on the road at the hour (but does not buy into his simplistic soundbytes... there's a lot more to politics than just labeling people racists and Nazis), it just stinks of profit for the sake of it. Is there so much as one person out there (other than me because I got it for free) who does not watch or listen to his shows, bought it for its own sake, enjoyed it and learned from it? 5 star reviews from "fan club" members are meaningless; no more than a popularity vote ("We love you, Glenn!"). That said, I suppose his following will love it as they do with any of any of products (more gold!). Add 4 stars if you think $32,000,000/year Glenn Beck really has a understanding of what it means to be an ordinary American.

Five stars!

Excellent book! Excellent family values! Something to read and discuss with your children especially preteens who are so vulnerable to peer pressure and heading down the path of rebellion. Teach them how to think for themselves and the other options available for them other than following the crowd. How to have self-value which will give them a brighter future.

new age mormonisn

this is not a book christians should read for christian values, just new age past off as new age mormonisn

The 7 Is Very New Agey

I am a former New Ager and I had some suspicions about the way Glenn was handling language, that his ideas were very new agey. After reading The 7, I now longer listen to Glenn as much. I just watch from a distance. There is nothing in this book that you wouldn't find in any book by an occultist. It is Theosophy. It is Madam Blavatsky Babylonian magic school.The new age is the old age of Babylonian Magic. Glenn's love of this stuff is no different from Oprah Winfrey's selection of new age guests. If you are Christian get away from Glenn, he is leading you to a one world church with his we must unite together call. He says we are on the verge of a New Revival. No. We are NOT. A revival has in this country been the product of good preaching, Whitefield, Wesley and Johnathan Edwards in the first and in the 1800 their were many good preachers that caused the second great revival. Do you see any great preachers? No? Then there is no revival.

Wonderful Read!

The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life is part autobiography and part inspirational. Glenn Beck, the radio and television host, writes about how he has changed his life. At an early age his mother committed suicide, and he never recovered from it until years later. As an adult, he became addicted to cocaine and alcohol that lead to end of his first marriage. Glenn went though depression and suicide thoughts. When he found a little success in the radio world, he became a material person, a hateful person. After he met his later-to-be second wife, he went inside a church and became closer to God. Each chapter of Glenn's is followed by a chapter written by Dr. Keith Ablow. The doctor examines what Glenn has been through, and also shares some of his patients' stories that are similar. Unlike Glenn Beck's other books, this one is not political, but is more spiritual. The authors list seven wonders that will change your life: Courage, Faith, Truth, Compassion, Friendship, Family, and Common Sense. After reading the book, I learned that both authors are very religious, and they believe that everyone has a purpose that God has given them. I enjoyed reading the book, and found it encouraging. Even if you're not a fan of Glenn Beck, you should check this book.

Seven about "Seven"

1) Yes, I did enjoy reading this book. 2) No, it did not change my life. 3) I disagree with those who reviewed the book in the extreme either way; 5-star or 1-star. 4) Before reading this text, I had never known how Glenn had overcome such a difficult life and become who he is today. I am so very happy for his happiness, contentment and success. 5) Like the authors, I also have always claimed that I have a 6th sense or more appropriately, and inner voice. It is at times remarkable, if I can just be calm an "tune in" to it. 6) What ever happened to Glenn's first wife? 7) Page 253 resonated with me the most. A few years ago I went 180 degrees opposite of conventional wisdom in my practice. My instincts ran counter to accepted methods. My two best friends were supportive. I made my decisions and I have sacrificed income and respect of my colleagues by doing so, but have never been more content, enabled, unencumbered and in control. Dr. Stanley E. Toompas, Optometrist & Author of, "I'm the One the Other Isn't"

Not Quite up to my expections

This book sounded so great when Glenn talked about it on the radio, I wanted it NOW and I wanted my hubby to read it too. I read it. It was good but not superlative. Glenn is just such a good sales man and his written words are not as dynamic for the most part as his vocal presentations. I had heard some of this on a tape he did and I was very moved by portions of his life story - excellent but this was not consistent throughout the book. I hated that Glenn would have to end his part of the story- the one I was entranced with and then Dr. Keith would start talking :( There are good things in Dr. Keith's parts too but I think this book lost something between the coauthors parts. Have lower expectations than I did and you'll probably love it. I just know you can do better Glenn and when you do that's the book I'll buy and hold dear instead of just checking 'em out of the library.

It's A Wonder

I did read this book and I think it helps to know about Glen Beck's beliefs. Glen's god lives on the planet Kolob. He believes that someday he will have his own planet and with his wife Tanya, they will populate (and maybe a few more wives as well) that planet. He believes that the garden of Eden originated in Missouri, that the true Mt. Zion will be in Missouri. Jesus was the son of Adam (who is the real "father god", who lives on the planet Kolob) Adam (god) and Mary married....yes, she was a "spirit" wife. He also believes that when he was baptized into the Mormon faith that he turned into a Jew. So, they believe they are the true Jews. Oh, Satan and Jesus were brothers..forgot that part. on and on and these are just some of the facts about Mormonism. Suggested book for reading on the subject is: Mormonism Under the Searchlight by Wm. E. Biederwolf, D.D. It helps to really understand where Glenn is really coming from when he says he found "his truth" in this book...TRUTH? You can not just believe something because it fits into your own thoughts about the world, life, God. How can there be more than one truth? Glenn uses Christian terminology, however, his beliefs are so far from Christianity. Don't be deceived by this man. Sadly either the ones that rated this book highly are Mormons themselves or Christians that do not know how he has twisted Christian terminology. Read the scriptures and you will find the truth. Actually 1 star was too high for this deceptive writing.

Very Helpful

I read this book wondering if it could help me get over some very big issues that I felt were holding me back and keeping me from utilizing my potential. I was facing some tough emotional issues which I thought I could never get over. Usually I'm rather cynical about these types of emotional "change your life" tales but this one was different. Glenn's personal account plus Keith Ablow's more analytical approach stuck a chord with both my emotional and rational sides and one chapter in particular made such an impact on me that I started crying. It prompted quite a bit of introspection, self-admission and release of anger and grudges that would have kept me from moving on with my life. I'm very glad I read this book and would recommend it to anyone.

I have been deeply touched

I've just finished reading The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life by Glenn Beck and Keith Ablow, M.D. When I first heard of this book, I thought, "Didn't Glenn just publish another book? This one is impossibly soon. What is this--a book mill? And it isn't political commentary or comedy? What is up with that?" My wife, not knowing my personal sentiments about the book, (and not knowing anything about the book either), bought it for me for my birthday. It has sat on my desk, patiently waiting for me to have some time to pick it up and read it. Yesterday I had lots of free time, and reading this book still wasn't in my plans, but I picked it up, thumbed through it and was quickly amazed that here was medicine to my soul. I couldn't put it down. It has a message that I feel was written just for me. This book is so warm, and personable that while reading it I have felt as if I am sitting on Dr. Ablow's couch receiving counseling from him, and also sitting in an AA meeting with Glenn, as he goes through his cathartic journey. As I said before when I opened this book, I found medicine to my soul. Stories that connect in with my own life's struggles and encourage and empower the amazing light that is within me. Stories about how to erase the faulty messages and programming that I have received, and replace them with light and truth, courage and faith. Stories about being true to oneself and fulfilling God's purposes in one's life. So let me quote a passage from the book that speaks to my present anguish. It starts on page 251. You have essentially zigzagged your way through the forest to the front door. You could certainly mourn every step that you "wasted," but that would be a colossal waste of energy. And it wouldn't even be true to the nature of the journey because reaching goals in life is very often all about zigzagging toward them. It's the way our souls work. To grieve that would be like grieving the sweat on your body during a marathon, or grieving every hill you encounter. If you want to run, you're going to sweat and you're going to face steep inclines. If you want to pursue goals in the world and listen to your heart and really get to where you should be going, then some of the time you will zigzag there. You have to. You're supposed to. I just want to conclude by saying, I started out criticizing the timing of when this book was published, and yet it was published just in time for me to get it when I needed it. For me, that is what Glenn describes as breadcrumbs from God, leading us where He wants us to go. So to both the authors, I say thank you, I have been deeply touched.

Nothing New

I admire Glenn Beck, but this book offered nothing that most other motivational books don't already offer. There is a lot of honesty about Glenn's own problems - he doesn't cover them like many celebrities do, but this book is like so many of those motivational books I read when I was in Amway and distributors were expected to be on the Tape of the Week and the Book of the Month if we were serious about our business. Glenn's novel, The Christmas Sweater, was much better reading.

Five Stars

This is a great read.

Five Stars

This is one of my favorite books.

Truly Surprised

Truth - I have not finished this book, but I am overwhelmed by the truth (there is that word again) of Glenn and Keith's writings. I, too, have found these principles to be authentic and undeniable. In some ways, these 7 principles are simple yet we, in our humanness, make so complex...a paradox of our own making. I wanted to write this review because I was 'blown away' by the statements and examples that resonate also in my life. Am not reading this quickly, because I want to digest and absorb it very well. It is NOT boring and quite remarkable how the human spirit can change is such wondrous ways.

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