Being George Washington: The Indispensable Man, as You've Never Seen Him

Kindle Edition
21 Nov
Glenn Beck
The #1 New York Times bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio host offers a unique spin on the life and legacy of founding father George Washington.


This is the amazing true story of a real-life superhero who wore no cape and possessed no special powers—yet changed the world forever.

His life reads as if it were torn from the pages of an action novel: Bullet holes through his clothing. Horses shot out from under him. Unimaginable hardship. Disease. Spies and double-agents. And while we celebrate his great heroism and character, we discover he was also a flawed man. It’s those flaws that should give us hope for today. Understanding the very human way he turned himself from an uneducated farmer into the Indispensable (yet imperfect) Man is the only way to build a new generation of George Washingtons who can take on the extraordinary challenges that America is once again facing.

Reviews (168)


This is another success for Mr. Beck. I have read several of his books and have enjoyed all of them. This book is very well written. One reason I enjoy his books, is because he writes for the common man. He is so talented, he doesn't need 10 syllable words to get his point across. He uses the power of the pen to relate history with passion, humor and facts. I find it difficult to put his books down. My husband and I often read together, which may not be a good thing for my hubby, whenever I read a Glenn book. I find myself often interrupting my husband's reading time by relaying interest facts, important ideas and the amazement historical facts I discover in Glenn's books. This one is right at the top. Please read it. You will agree. It came quickly, package well and at a decent price. Thank you.


Not a real fan of Glenn Beck, but this book was absolutely the best. As a history buff and with a degree in history, I was interested in Beck's take on Washington. What a wonderfully revealing and insightful litany to the Father of our Country. I would highly recommend this to every American, period.

Huge Beck Fan, Interested in History....but

I love reading history books about our founders. People forget, or are never taught the importance of what these people endured to give us what we enjoy today. It's hard to believe the sacrifices that people like Washington made for the betterment of humanity......for a cause that he believed was worth everything, including his own life if necessary. And all done voluntarily, without pay. Trenton, Valley Forge, Yorktown......can you put yourself in these places, in that time, without the modern conveniences that we take for granted today?? How long would you have made it before you threw in the towel and said, this just isn't worth it?? Anybody but Washington, and Tyranny may be the ONLY form of government the world would know today. It's truly amazing. My 3 star rating for the book is because of my problem with Beck's writing style. Sorry Glenn, I'm a huge fan, and love your work, but you need a ghost writer. You're all over the place and take for granted that people have an understanding of what it is that you're talking about in certain places, so you fail to explain, things that need to be explained. To me this book read like a first draft, that needed to be organized, rewritten, and further explained. That being said, the information was great, and the novelistic idea for the book was a good idea.

Fan of George not Glen

This is the first book I have read about George Washington although I have read short articles. I do believe he was a remarkable man. You can't read the book without feeling there was some divine power watching over him. What he accomplished and how he did it is remarkable. I would have given it 5 stars for the facts included. What I didn't like is Glenn Beck's going back and forth. I didn't get the chance to sit it and read it all at once. I have to admit I have done that with some books but it was Christmas time and lots to do. One minute we were in 1796 and the next minute back in 1775. I also didn't enjoy all of Beck's opinions on how the reader should feel about Washington the man. I did agree with many of his comments but felt he must think I'm pretty stupid so he has to point it out to me. What Washington accomplished showed me what kind of a man he was if Mr. Beck's writings are accurate. I think I would have liked it better if Beck wrote about his opinion of Washington at the end. Then I could chose to read it or skip it. Overall I did like it. Maybe if todays congress read it they might try to compromise a little more.

George Washington as a man who developed character in those around him

I enjoyed reading this book. It was easy to read and I learned a few things about the Revolutionary War and Washington that I had not heard before. But what impressed me was how the episodes of his life that were covered showed how this man became a legend in his own time through perseverance, courage, education in all things relevant to his current situation whether at his plantation or on the battle field and his love for his country men. His stature in a time of dark futures made him a shining light to all but his jealous enemies of which there were a few. His patience and understanding of men was developed through many trials and sufferings. He made mistakes as we all do, but he seemed to take them more to heart and try to learn from them. He was not beyond taking great risks however. I know that teaching about Washington has been out of favor for fifty or more years by the politically correct revisionist historians. But do yourself a favor and learn the truth about this great man.

Great Read

I do not think this book was intended to be a "history book" even though it does include a multitude of factual information. Because none of us know Washington personally, there is no way we can tell exactly what his thoughts were at a given point of time. I believe it was the author's intent to make the narrative parts of this book as realistic as possible based on Washington's personality revealed in his writing and manner of living. In my opinion, this book uses our historical roots to challenge us in how we live our lives as individuals and how that affects America as a whole. Glenn Beck creatively uses the lessons from George Washington's life (and the "success" the way he lived his life brought him) to challenge us to evaluate our own standard of how we live and what our priorities are.

good read

if you want to read about George Washington, this is a great read. Glenn goes into stories about George, and then brings it to modern day with a discussion on how we as men can act with the same morals and convictions that George Washington used though out his life. We need more men in this world like George Washington.

Good Book

Beck does an OK job with this writing. If you are looking for rich historical detail, you will be disappointed. Too much "Beck commentary." At times he goes back in Washington's life to rehearse certain incidents and leave me wanting for more details of these events. Beck does a nice job of Washington's role in the developing of the US Constitution, again I wanted more detail. OK, if I desired a thorough historical analysis I should have chosen another book ! Beck provides some nice insights into Washington's character. Yes, I would recommend this book.

A Great Man, represented well by this book.

I greatly enjoyed this read. Very accurate to history but presented in a way that is entertaining as opposed to most biographies. Most are dry and dull. This read had me not wanting to put the book down. Well done!

Now I feel I know George Washington personally. Fascinating!

Gave me a different perspective of the character of Washington. Confirmed to me how important it is to NOT think too highly of ourselves and to know we need to rely on our Creator. The descriptions of the hardships our soldiers had to endure, especially during the winters, is impossible for me to fathom. It is sad that we, as a society, would never be able to tough anything out for the better of our country at large. The way Glenn Beck blends observations, in hindsight, into the story gives the book an almost "movie-like" quality to the story. Truly enjoyable and exciting.


This is another success for Mr. Beck. I have read several of his books and have enjoyed all of them. This book is very well written. One reason I enjoy his books, is because he writes for the common man. He is so talented, he doesn't need 10 syllable words to get his point across. He uses the power of the pen to relate history with passion, humor and facts. I find it difficult to put his books down. My husband and I often read together, which may not be a good thing for my hubby, whenever I read a Glenn book. I find myself often interrupting my husband's reading time by relaying interest facts, important ideas and the amazement historical facts I discover in Glenn's books. This one is right at the top. Please read it. You will agree. It came quickly, package well and at a decent price. Thank you.


Not a real fan of Glenn Beck, but this book was absolutely the best. As a history buff and with a degree in history, I was interested in Beck's take on Washington. What a wonderfully revealing and insightful litany to the Father of our Country. I would highly recommend this to every American, period.

Huge Beck Fan, Interested in History....but

I love reading history books about our founders. People forget, or are never taught the importance of what these people endured to give us what we enjoy today. It's hard to believe the sacrifices that people like Washington made for the betterment of humanity......for a cause that he believed was worth everything, including his own life if necessary. And all done voluntarily, without pay. Trenton, Valley Forge, Yorktown......can you put yourself in these places, in that time, without the modern conveniences that we take for granted today?? How long would you have made it before you threw in the towel and said, this just isn't worth it?? Anybody but Washington, and Tyranny may be the ONLY form of government the world would know today. It's truly amazing. My 3 star rating for the book is because of my problem with Beck's writing style. Sorry Glenn, I'm a huge fan, and love your work, but you need a ghost writer. You're all over the place and take for granted that people have an understanding of what it is that you're talking about in certain places, so you fail to explain, things that need to be explained. To me this book read like a first draft, that needed to be organized, rewritten, and further explained. That being said, the information was great, and the novelistic idea for the book was a good idea.

Fan of George not Glen

This is the first book I have read about George Washington although I have read short articles. I do believe he was a remarkable man. You can't read the book without feeling there was some divine power watching over him. What he accomplished and how he did it is remarkable. I would have given it 5 stars for the facts included. What I didn't like is Glenn Beck's going back and forth. I didn't get the chance to sit it and read it all at once. I have to admit I have done that with some books but it was Christmas time and lots to do. One minute we were in 1796 and the next minute back in 1775. I also didn't enjoy all of Beck's opinions on how the reader should feel about Washington the man. I did agree with many of his comments but felt he must think I'm pretty stupid so he has to point it out to me. What Washington accomplished showed me what kind of a man he was if Mr. Beck's writings are accurate. I think I would have liked it better if Beck wrote about his opinion of Washington at the end. Then I could chose to read it or skip it. Overall I did like it. Maybe if todays congress read it they might try to compromise a little more.

George Washington as a man who developed character in those around him

I enjoyed reading this book. It was easy to read and I learned a few things about the Revolutionary War and Washington that I had not heard before. But what impressed me was how the episodes of his life that were covered showed how this man became a legend in his own time through perseverance, courage, education in all things relevant to his current situation whether at his plantation or on the battle field and his love for his country men. His stature in a time of dark futures made him a shining light to all but his jealous enemies of which there were a few. His patience and understanding of men was developed through many trials and sufferings. He made mistakes as we all do, but he seemed to take them more to heart and try to learn from them. He was not beyond taking great risks however. I know that teaching about Washington has been out of favor for fifty or more years by the politically correct revisionist historians. But do yourself a favor and learn the truth about this great man.

Great Read

I do not think this book was intended to be a "history book" even though it does include a multitude of factual information. Because none of us know Washington personally, there is no way we can tell exactly what his thoughts were at a given point of time. I believe it was the author's intent to make the narrative parts of this book as realistic as possible based on Washington's personality revealed in his writing and manner of living. In my opinion, this book uses our historical roots to challenge us in how we live our lives as individuals and how that affects America as a whole. Glenn Beck creatively uses the lessons from George Washington's life (and the "success" the way he lived his life brought him) to challenge us to evaluate our own standard of how we live and what our priorities are.

good read

if you want to read about George Washington, this is a great read. Glenn goes into stories about George, and then brings it to modern day with a discussion on how we as men can act with the same morals and convictions that George Washington used though out his life. We need more men in this world like George Washington.

Good Book

Beck does an OK job with this writing. If you are looking for rich historical detail, you will be disappointed. Too much "Beck commentary." At times he goes back in Washington's life to rehearse certain incidents and leave me wanting for more details of these events. Beck does a nice job of Washington's role in the developing of the US Constitution, again I wanted more detail. OK, if I desired a thorough historical analysis I should have chosen another book ! Beck provides some nice insights into Washington's character. Yes, I would recommend this book.

A Great Man, represented well by this book.

I greatly enjoyed this read. Very accurate to history but presented in a way that is entertaining as opposed to most biographies. Most are dry and dull. This read had me not wanting to put the book down. Well done!

Now I feel I know George Washington personally. Fascinating!

Gave me a different perspective of the character of Washington. Confirmed to me how important it is to NOT think too highly of ourselves and to know we need to rely on our Creator. The descriptions of the hardships our soldiers had to endure, especially during the winters, is impossible for me to fathom. It is sad that we, as a society, would never be able to tough anything out for the better of our country at large. The way Glenn Beck blends observations, in hindsight, into the story gives the book an almost "movie-like" quality to the story. Truly enjoyable and exciting.

Wow, what a interesting read

Bought the book mostly because of the author, but I have kept the book because of the amazing amount of information about George Washington. What a man he was. I also have the book on CD and listen to it when taking long trips. It is easy to read or listen to and I believe it would help all of us to remember where our country started, and the men who started her out on this road. What an amazing price they paid, both in money and in time, to get her going. Maybe if we remember, we can steer back to the Constitution.

Great insight to the father of the USA.

All I can say is the perspective Glen Beck gives through this informative work is very good. I'm not an avid reader but I found this to be enjoyable.

A must read.

This is one of those books that everyone should read. I was amazed to learn about the sacrifices the men made at Valley Forge. It really makes you think about what a miracle this nation's birth was. I listened to the audio and liked this book so much I bought a copy for my mother.

Take up the Challenge

Let me preface this review by stating that I do not like Glenn Beck. When I heard that he has written a book about George Washington, I purchased it to pounce upon him. After reading it, I need to give him some applause because he has changed my perspectives somewhat. I agree completely with Beck in that smaller decisions add up over time to forge a person's character. He showcased that with Washington; so in a sense, he proved his thesis. As a former history teacher, I had to improvise in order to authenticate the written word for my modern students. The stylistic format provided life to the scenes of Washington in the army. The picture he painted of Valley Forge with the non-English speaking Baron von Steuben was rather entertaining. My favorite part of the book surrounded Benedict Arnold and the hanging of the British traitor Major John Andre. That entire section was fascinating and enthralling! In critiquing the work, I found those interspersed gray boxes quirky, which were often reserved for his political discourses. They disrupted the flow of the work and should have been reserved for the end of the chapters. Potentially, the editors believed that information would have been neglected. My biggest gripe, however, is within the scholarship. Without the commensurate citations, it was difficult to judge which of these events were fact or fiction (i.e. artistic license with a story). The other issue was the constant jumping around in that last section -- from colonial days, to presidential, to after the presidency, back to War times, to Constitutional Convection, etc. That part became somewhat cumbersome. All in all, this book was better than I expected. He does make a case for principled leadership. With all that is going on in our world today, we do need individuals to stake clear positions without apology rather than being concerned about re-election. That lesson, for sure, can be learned from our first President. As my subject says, take up that challenge and be an authentic you in this fake world we inhabit.

George Washington; gift to America

I read this when it 1st came out a few year's ago. Bought it at Costco. I enjoyed Beck's writing, including his documented research. I bought this hardcover version from Amazon to give to my son-in-law as a Christmas gift. He was the one who 1st introduced me to Glenn Beck's radio program. He had not read it yet. He liked the gift. What more to say?

Wonderfully written book!!

I love this book for the facts and stories that you really have not heard before. At least, not how we have been taught about them in the past. It was a wonderful read.

We Really Did Not Learn it All in Kindergarten, or College!

While the liberals, socialist, communists, and progressives persist in rewriting our history, in the manner of the Soviets, we need people like Glenn Beck that will reach into our neglected archives of truth and renew America's knowledge of its glorious past as well as some of our not so glorious moments.

Very interesting

This was a gift for my husband. He enjoyed the read George Washington

A great history book and very enlightening

I discovered this book as a CD set when I was driving on a long trip. I found it so thoughtful I gave copies of the book to my three sons. I've been through the book twice--so far. A great history book and very enlightening.

A really different view of George Washington

What an inspirational book! This is a side of Washington that we've heard of and perhaps seen artist's renditions of, but here on the pages of this great book you really get the rest of the story. I enjoyed the book much more than I expected, enough so that I have purchased it for a gift and recommended it highly to others. This man really lived his life for his country and his countrymen. If you enjoy reading American History, this is a must read!

Enjoyed very much!

I'm a history buff and even though this isn't a true history book, it brought Washington's life and times to life for me. Although no one can really know what went through Washington's mind, it feels like Beck almost did. I highly recommend this book!

This book brought the birth of Liberty from the nebulous ...

This book brought the birth of Liberty from the nebulous closet of neglected history into - now. It connects the necessity for every worthy exercise for Liberty's preservation , large or small, recorded or forgotten, into perspective. Liberty can never be left alone, unaccompanied, lest she be kidnapped and held hostage - for ransom. The gift of Liberty is wrapped with the souls of every man, woman, and child who did, who do, and who will, labor minutely or intensely to keep her alive. Washington created the matrix. All of us who are blessed to live swaddled in her arms, need to remember - never leave Liberty unattended. Thanks, Glenn; stay safe.

For Mom!

I got this for mom as a late Christmas as she loves Glenn Beck & history! She hasn't gotten to this book yet as I have deluged her with books over the last few months so much so that she just can't keep up. But, in time she will (or I will) get to it & will update when we do so. But I give it a 5 because it is by Glenn Beck & everything we've read to date has been worth every star. If this proves otherwise, than I'll adjust it then.


I wish I could’ve read this in my childhood. The first person View the true sacrifices that were made by the founders of this country are brought out in an unprecedented manner in this book.

Well written and great story with historical information

Very enjoyable novel. Well written and great story with historical information. I read it all in one evening as the story just carries you along and you can't put it down until the last page. George was quite a guy and we were blessed to have him for our country.

good transaction

was just what I needed

Good overview of Washington.

Fairly typical Glenn Beck prose style. Learned a few facts that I didn't already know.

Very interesting read about historic events.

Glenn Beck has a way of bringing these stories to life and placing you in the moment it happened. What I enjoy about this series is how his research worked to keep the plots as close to true history as possible while Beck adds the human side in his writing.

A walk in history

First, it should be understand that I enjoy reading history and it has been a hobby for over thirty-five years. This book is excellent. It provides a factual understanding to events that led to the creation of the United States of America. I was sufficiently impressed with it that I bought a copy for each of our children; both are out of college. I am not particularly a fan of Glenn Beck, but I do support teaching history to our citizens and this book does that. The lack of sufficient study of the evolution of our country was a rather constant complaint during our children's education. It seemed as if all they were ever taught was Abraham Lincoln and Martis Luther King; everything else seemed to fall by the wayside. Though vital to a proper understanding of the USA, there is so much more to our history than slavery and civil rights. This book enables an individual to grasp the vision that they are just as responsible for creating a great country as George Washington was. It reveals that one person can stand for what is right and help to change a nation. It is well written, a pleasure to read, and excellent to discuss.

easy to read

Read it

9-Hour Dissection of a Founding Father

A fantastic look through critical points in the life of our most well known founding father, and a guidebook on how we of today could still be able to make a difference in the daily lives of others, and ourselves.

Being George Washington!

My impression of George Washington has always been one of intrigue. Who was he really? Mr. Beck gave me the historical information I desired in short but riveting descriptions of battles and events that shaped our country. He did an excellent job of explaining to me what it was about him that made him so admired in his time as well as now. Reading this book has made me realize how much I owe to him and the other great men and women of the revolution. My freedom did not come cheap or easy. It has made me want to be a better person, a better citizen, and a more prayerful person. Lastly, it has caused me to have a hunger to read more about the great men and women mentioned in the book!

Excellent Book - overpriced Kindle Version for Australia

Being George Washington is an amazing book, bringing one of the most significant historical figures to life in a very engaging and relevant way. A masterpiece from Glenn Beck. BUT..... This will be the last overpriced Kindle book I buy - how can an e-book be more expensive than a hardcover ? Why should the Australian distribution arm of the publisher overprice a book I am buying from Amazon in the US ? Now publishers are directly setting the price through their agency distribution model and taking away any pricing discretion Amazon have, the consumer is being ripped off. The situation is even worse in Australia where this e-book is more than $4 more than the US Kindle version. There is quite a rebellion on Amazon to attempt to fight this - REFUSE TO PAY THESE RIP OFF PRICES FOR E-BOOKS. The market should speak. Simon & Shuster seem to one of the worst offenders here. Instead, if you are an Australia reader buy the hardcover books from Amazon US or UK (free shipping to Australia) for a fair price, and call the local arm of the publisher and make your views known. Also let your friends know. Or just wait for the paperback version. At least this minimises revenue to the local distributer. Congratulations publishers, your complete disrespect for your customers will further harm the Australian book industry and force readers to buy offshore. It will also hamper the growth of e-books if people know they are being ripped off. All this will do is give people a reason to look elsewhere for the e-book and increase the piracy problem.

Good character, great leader

This is a book on how developing good character through some difficulty and hardship built a great leader. He lived in a single parent home at a young age but through Biblical principles and learning great respect for his mother became a man to eventually lead our country against the British military forces who were the best in the world. A war we never should have won. He was more interested in doing what was right than looking for personal praise. This is a book than anyone who leads anyone should read and glean these positive qualities. Now, I understand why he's considered our greatest president. I will be passing this audio book on to my friends.

I will now look at the Washington monument with new eyes.

Being George Washington is wonderful and enlightening book. Glenn Beck brings our first president to life for me.

Good supportive information

This is not a history of George Washington, per se, but covers incidents in Washngton's life, many of which many of us know. But Beck fills in each event with little known facts, events with the story and stories from those who were with Washington at the time.

Ok book

Ok book

History with Heart

Glenn Beck brought our history to life. George Washington is nit JUST an historical figure but a real man in this book who struggles and yet still displays character of heart, mind, and spirit in the middle of extraordinary times. How we ever became a country was indeed by the grace of an Almighty God. Washington was "chosen" for the task and he never lost sight of that fact. "Being George Washington" is a reminder that we are all called by God to perform the task He has prepared for us. It is up to us to just do it. I surely think of my role differently.

Great read

What a well written book and another perspective of who George Washington was!

I was hoping for a story the whole way through

I was hoping for a story the whole way through, but Glenn broke it up with chapters in between describing stuff. The way he built it up it sounded like a story the whole way through. Pretty good though for the most part and enjoyed reading it and learned some stuff.

Nice melding of history and interpretation

History provides us with facts, details, dates and times. It also provides a glimpse into personalities and emotions through words captured and recorded. Glen takes that detail and breathes life into the interpretation by reading and adding the tone, settings and details which might well have accompanied the recorded words and situations, but were not recorded. A good read that I find is comfortable to return to time and again for 'refreshers' by simply picking it up and reading where you land. Not a burdensome read...but supplies the substance.

I love learning about the Father of My Country

I love learning about the Father of My Country. And I love Glenn Beck. So the purchase was a no brainer. I wish I could afford to buy several more to give to grandchildren.

Remarkable and Inspiring to say the least

I did not know what to expect. I did not know much about George Washington prior to reading this. I was stunned. George Washington is more of a hero than I had ever thought. It's a life-changing story.

I want to be like George Washington!

Glen Beck really delivers with this book. I found myself wanting be more like GW and less like some of the current superstars that are out there today. Made me really love and appreciate America.

Good stories and history for easy reading.

It was interesting, enjoyable, easy to read, and, I believe, accurate. There are notes, details about George Washington that I would have never known and an effort to show who George Washington really was, flaws and all. His passions and his loves. His fears and his hopes.


Glenn Beck did a good job on George Washington. He showed him as flawed but powerful. Norma

New perspective of a great man.

George Washington has always been an enigma to most people known for being a General, chopping a cherry tree, President, husband of Martha, etc., but Beck really brings us into his world of leadership, strength, resolve, and tact, things alien to most these days, but if we can aspire to be more like him, how much better world would this be? If you are a history buff, you will learn of the problems and personalities swirling around him, and how well thought out he responded to everything that came his way. Would this be the great Republic we have today without him? I think not, but you be the judge. Beck's book takes you into Washingtons world and begs you to ask: " how would I do?"

Being George Washington

I have read several of Glenn Beck's books but this is the best one that I have read. He bought George Washington to life. Mr. Beck says history is the stories not just dates and this book proved that to be true!!

Excellent book with little known stories about one the greatest men America has ever produced!

Forget everything you've been taught in school about George Washington and get the real story. The greatness and unimpeachable character of George Washington, as General of the Revolutionary Army and Commander-in-Chief at age 27 cannot be overstated. It is very likely that without him, Americans would never have achieved liberty from Britain. He garnered so much respect on both sides of the Atlantic, even among his enemies in Britain, that France finally aided the Revolution through financial and military support. This book is excellent if not too short. Easy and interesting read even for those that hate reading. This has been added to my library which already contains two very large, significant biographies on Washington. I definitely recommend it. It will wet your appetite for more in-depth information about America's "Indispensable Man".

Glenn Beck's own goodness is reflected in his recounting of ...

Glenn Beck's own goodness is reflected in his recounting of.that of George Washington. We need reminders of the possibility of freedom, the possibility of such men in our elected officials...and that such qualities need to prevail in voters. Glenn Beck has done just that in BEING GEORGE WASHINGTON.

Hook, Line and Sinker I am hooked

A disappointing book... because Glenn ran out of chapters. I wanted more. I have become a George Washington junkie because of this book.

Very good read.

I am not a - reader - I try to read books and 1/3 through, I put it down intending to get 'back to it later' it never happens. This book held my interest because of the 'easy read' - I could not put it down.

Five Stars


I cannot tell a lie,not bad

Nice book about our first president done a little differently.Check it out.

Other than "What's So Amazing About Grace" by Phillip Yancey

Other than "What's So Amazing About Grace" by Phillip Yancey, this is probably the best book I have ever read. Highly recommend it!

Being Geo. Washington…

Very good book.

Written in a way that makes you feel like you're there witnessing history

Outstanding read! Wish all history books were written this way. Written in a way that makes you feel like you're there witnessing history.

Not his best effort.

It is a good book, but towards the end I started to loose it. The story lines jump around too much. Not his best effort but readable.

History at its best

I rated this book with high marks due to the history content and also the feeling of actually being part of the book. Beck did a good job in getting the reader interested and giving them a front row seat.

A waste of money

Bought it because kid wants it for some reason

Wow!!! Author Glenn Beck does an outstanding ...

Wow!!! Author Glenn Beck does an outstanding job with this book about Being George Washington. Harold or "Snuff Smith".

Good starter book for George Washington history

Just another Rah Rah book about George. No real substance for serious history buffs.. There are much better books about George Washington.

Awesome book. I wish GW could magically become our ...

Awesome book. I wish GW could magically become our president More so, I wish he could influence the masses today that call themselves Americans. Great historical depiction of a great man.

Just proves he is a fool.

Just proves he is a fool.

I like to hear audio books and this one was good ...

I like to hear audio books and this one was good and liked the different voices to identify the characters.

Five Stars

Great history story

Pretty Good

Not my favorite from Glenn Beck, but still very good. Much more historical insight.

great book

Arrived quickly and in great condition! Great book - dad loved it!

Must Read!

Glenn has done it again, great book, must read!


I was told that Being George Washington was good, but I did not know how good. Glen Beck outdid himself in writing this book. I know there are those who have taken potshots at him for writing it, but they are wrong. His account of Washington's life is insightul, informative, and innovative. You get to know George Wasington as a real man, not just a historical character. He lives and breathes. You also see Washington's faith and belief God had His hand upon him. I promise, if you read this book you will find yourself going back to it to read it over and over again. I heartily recommend it to you!

Five Stars


This book is very informative and gives a great view into the wonderful man

This book is very informative and gives a great view into the wonderful man, George Washington. Glenn Beck does an excellent job of showing us who he really was and what made him the great leader and man that he was. I would recommend this book to anyone.

The writing is over the top, but the book ...

The writing is over the top, but the book real gives you a feel of George Washington's character and nature.

Character Talks

The Character of our founding fathers show here glaringly, tho they had flaws, much better than what we have now.

This is a wonderful, inspiring book that relates the great characteristics of ...

This is a wonderful, inspiring book that relates the great characteristics of George Washington to how we live our lives today. I found it thought provoking. I enjoyed it.

Being GW

Book offers little insight into George Washington, that hasn't already been written. Enjoyable read, and some ideas on how to better oneself by trying to have some of the better attributes that Washington had.

Five Stars

Love me some GB

This is such a wonderful book. It is such an easy

This is such a wonderful book. It is such an easy, but informative read. George Washington is one of my heroes.

Five Stars

Amazing book. All American people should read it to learn how to be like Mr. Washington


I know I will never meet the bar left by our first President however this book has reminded me that we can expect nothing short of the miraculous when we rely on the one true God.

Being George Washington

Beck is a master history delver into fascinating tidbits of our past. Meet the real George Washington in every aspect of his life as a soldier and President of a new nation as he struggles to use never before aspects of a free government and nation. You'll be amazed at how difficult this idea was to create. You'll never again be lackadaisical about our Freedoms, Government, Constitution, etc., of "We the People!" This should be read and re-read in our homes and as individuals. Amazing individuals with strength and belief in GOD! We should ALL BE George Washington! Irene Gardner

Good book.

Bought as a gift. Was well received.

This is the very best history I have ever read on George Washington

This is the very best history I have ever read on George Washington. Why didn't we learn this in school?

Being George Washington

This book is okay and has a lot of interesting things in it but way to much commentary in it from Glenn. I begin to skip over a lot of it because it made it to boring.

Being George Washington

Another great book by Glenn Beck! Entertaining, informative... and not boring! The format he chose (diary-like) is very effective...although sometimes I had to look back and remind myself of the date because sometimes Glenn jumps around. Although I have read others book about Washington, I did learn a few things. I know Glenn had historians working with him but some of the stories were quite different from those portrayed in others books on G.W. All-in-all, well worth the time and money. Thanks Glenn!

This is one of the best book I have read

This is one of the best book I have read. I love American history. It allows you to see how wonderful George Washington was.

Amazing book

This book is an amazing look at the President that was "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen". I thought I knew alot about George Washington, but this book showed me so much more that I didn't and the why behind so many of his decisions. What a way for a President and Commander-in-Chief to act.

Historical. Factual. Fascinating. Inspirational.

BEING GEORGE WASHINGTON by Glenn Back is a remarkable book filled with historical insights, observations and inspirational anecdotes about one of America's greatest leaders: George Washington. Unlike today's professional politicians, Washington did not aspire to celebrity, status, power, influence or riches. He was a humble man with a modest opinion of himself. In fact, his heart was always toward home. He was pressed into service at the insistence of a desperate country as its military general, President and Father. Through it all, his meekness, courage and Christian values (selflessness, love of others, reverence toward God) marked him as a man marked for greatness. Through his life, Divine Providence intervened supernaturally, protecting him from being killed several times during the French and Indian war and the Revolutionary War. The measure of the man, loved and revered by his men, was never on fuller display than in quelling the rebellion by army officers against Congress after the war. In a fascinating story of tremendous significance, Beck recounts the fateful day when Washington stood alone against his Army and his Congress. Only a man of his integrity, leadership and character could have carried that day. Beck challenges the reader to aspire to meekness, to strive to attain lowliness, to pursue a life of unselfish service to others and, in that pursuit, change our lives, our communities and our country. It is unquestionably a high calling. The same which was upon George Washington's life. It is the call to public service. Is there another Washington in our midst?

Five Stars

GREAT book by Glenn Beck.

Five Stars

I enjoy reading books with historical details.

Loved it.

Excellent for history buffs...and good reading for high school kids who get zero history about the character of our founding fathers.

i see him different!

George! What can I say! I loved it!

Five Stars

great value

Five Stars

My husband enjoyed reading this.

A little too much Beck but Enjoyable

I loved all the great info on Washington. Beck interjects a bit too much with his agenda but over all it is worth the read

Good audio book to listen to...

A pretty good listen...I learned quite a bit about historical figures that I had never heard of...A bit dry to listen to...

Great if youre tired

Guaranteed to put you to sleep

Five Stars

Beck does it again!

Five Stars

Loved this book. Totally inspiring. George Washington had everything to do with why we are free!

History to be LIVED TODAY

This recalling of our nation's history and founding is required reading in a nation now starved for the truth. We have lost our way. Nothing could be more important than to know that men like Washington walked with God and followed His leadership, in fighting for our release from Britain and its monarch. But in those days, there was a total commitment by the founding men to leave family and other obligations to follow the call to "Form a more perfect union". I was born and grew up in Marietta, Ohio which so much became a part of the men discussed in Beck's book. I wrote for my two Grandchildren a separate volume about Marietta and its founders. I want them to know the real history of our nation's founding. This nation was founded on the backs of men and their families who, through prayer, were willing to go forward. However, today our greatness is quickly dimming because of leadership looking only inward and for the personal gain they may see in their personal lives. I was at the National Boy Scout Jamboree at Valley Forge in 1950 and have stood on the ground once occupied that awful winter by Washington and his brave and barefoot men. Shame on our government today in their big jets, fancy parties, their personal and separate insurance and retirements and continued seeking the retention of public office. They should go back to their formal life, oh I forgot, most never had a job or built a business, etc.and don't identify with the "Common People". May God forgive us and soon reignite the Spirit that once lead us outward to greatness and not inward to national ruin.

Five Stars

Great book!

Five Stars


enjoyed this book- getting to know George Washington and the ...

enjoyed this book- getting to know George Washington and the real person that he was. No wonder he was the leader of this nation

Intriguing historical account

This was an eye opening book. The background of GW and all the things he did to ensure that our Country would survive is unmatched in history. Great thanks to Glenn Beck and as my children get old enough to read this type of historical material, it will be on their reading list. We need to once again teach our citizens what happened in the past and how that has influenced us today. What was most suprising was that there existed a faction of our fledgeling govenment that appeared to be undermining GW's efforts to win the war and save this "great experiment" of freedom. I guess that the undermining attitude that was against GW directly translates to what the Democrate Party is today.

A must read for all who want to learn about George Washington and how to be a better person.

I recommend this for not only the lovers of history, but those who love liberty and those who realize what a great man and President George Washington was. A must read for all who want to learn about George Washington and how to be a better person.

Well done book.

We all need to know who George Washington was and try to be like him.

HIstory You Can Feel

I read a lot of history and have read numerous books on George Washington. This book was accurate with many of the well document facts in other books. But more important, reading this book you feel the spirit of George Washington. He feels real and inspires you to be a better person. I loved this book and hope that Glenn writes about other founders as well. Loved this book and recommend it to all Americans.

Five Stars

Loved finding out new and truthful info about George Washington.

Beind George Washington vs Killing Lincoln

I just finished reading Being George Washington by Glenn Beck. It and Oreilly's Killing Lincoln have in common that they are (my opinion) historical novels, the novel part connecting historical facts, probably historically correct. Both books have minor gun errors. Being George Washington covers his entire life while Killing Lincoln is only his last two weeks. Beck's Washington is also a metaphor, a role model for the reader 'being Washington' or at least trying be as much like him as possible - how a common man did uncommon things, no formal education, achieving the near-impossible. Highly recommended book. Inspiring is my word for it, due to my identifying with much of it and my family history. I am descended from a revolutionary soldier, James McCrory and have his Bible in which he records a bit of information. We also have family legend and documentation such as his pension record from U.S. government archives.

Excellent book and an easy read.

Excellent history with some new and interesting information.

Five Stars

Good information on one our main founding fathers.

It is all so very sad what's happening to America in these last days. This book is the amazing story of what it took to be a part of creating the most successful country in World History, until the Progressives took over, and are currently driving a stake through it's heart. How hard it was to truly make a free country, is now being so easily torn down! This book is a good wake up call, to the people who would still like to live, in the most free country that ever existed.

I really enjoyed this book

I really enjoyed this book. I love history and Washington is a hero of mine. This book brings him alive again.

BOOK - Being George Washington

I would recommend to all who love America, the Constitution, and History. Read information about George Washington you did not know before. Well researched and documented.

Glenn is Spot on again...

I have a number of Glenn Becks books and I love all of them... It was a well written and researched book... Some will attack it because it was done by Glenn but give it a chance and you will enjoy it as well... As a history major and teacher I have read a number of books on George Washington and the founding fathers, most recently Joseph Ellis' "The founding Brothers" and can tell you Glenn knows his history.. Dont take my word for it, give it a read... Enjoy....

Fast Shipment

It was super awesome to get the product as fast as I did. I appreciated so much. thanks again Carlena

A must read if you love America.

Excellant Account of an incredible man.

Five Stars


The world could due with a little of George Washington.

This gives a good understanding of George Washington and his principles for life. This man was truly a great American and Citizen.

Five Stars

item as described. would buy from again

The father of our country

Great book on George. Truly the greatest of all Americans. Lots of insight here

Must read for the history fan

Love the history

Five Stars

great read

Excellent book. Glenn provides insight to the heart of ...

Excellent book. Glenn provides insight to the heart of the man.

Three Stars

A little boring about half way through the book.

Five Stars

My husband really liked reading it

Five Stars

Best book on Geoge Washinton

I like the way it's organized

I'm still reading it, but so far am enjoying it. I like the way it's organized.

Find out things you didn't know

You will love reading about George Washington and how very much he depended on God and the protection of "divine providence." He is a good man, a man that cares about his fellow man and his newfound country more than he cares for himself. This is a fabulous read and you will come out of it with a newfound appreciation of our founders; especially George Washington. Thanks again, Glenn! Keep writing! Keep defending our country.

Five Stars

Excellent book gives me a different perspective than what is generally preached over the airways. Thanks Glenn

Great Book!

I would buy it again in a heart-beat!

Great Listening Pleasure!

I bought this CD audio version instead of the book and what a great choice. My husband and I have really enjoyed listening to it in the car. Twice our grandsons (ages 11 -16) have been in the car with us as the CD played and we didn't hear a peep out them for duration of their ride with us. We have all been given a much greater appreciation of this man who became our first President and his life leading up to that great assignment. The reader is excellent.

Being George Washington

This was the most interesting read. I found myself fully engaged in it and could hardly put it down. You could just feel i coming to life before your eyes. To learn what a struggle it was for this great nation to be formed. We should be very thankful we live in such a special country. Let's hope we can hold onto it and no let it be destroyed by not paying attention to what is going on today. We are the only country that everyone wants to come to not leave. So much is not taught about this great man and the tremendous sacrifices he has made. We should all strive to be more like him.Our country would be a far better place than it is now.

Great Book!

Glenn Becks Being George Washington is an Awesome book. I learned so much about Mr Washingtons life. I am now seeking out other books on George Washington to learn more. I really think if you have junior high/high school age kids that you should buy this book for them, it will open their eyes to just how hard these men fought to create our amazing nation. Glenns telling of the story is very soul searching, it makes you want to become an advocate for keeping our nation great by becoming people that are true, that fight when they have to - to do what is right.

b Seale

New insight. Washington was revered by everyone around him and this book tells us the details of why. His sacrifice was immeasurable.

Five Stars


Five Stars

great book!

An excellent glimpse into the life of our Founder

this book could have been titled "what our current commander" is lacking. An excellent glimpse into the life of our Founder.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Love it.

I loved the book

I loved the book. Very informative and enjoyable to read. It is one of those books it's hard to put down.

Excellent story of America's greatest patriot.

This should be a required reading in every school across America. It goes behind the scenes of some of America's most important moments and gives us the George Washington's thoughts and views on every one of them.

great auto nbook

Great audio book

Five Stars

Love Glenn Beck. Love the book

Awesome- need there be more said?


Five Stars

Great history.

she loved it.

Gave it as a gift, she loved it.



Fun Read

Fun read and inspiration on how we can become better citizens

GW You Are the Man!

I did not appreciate how great a man George Washington was until I read this book! Glenn Beck does an excellent job of explaining what GW went through. George Washington is the President that all others should be measured against. He truely put his country and freedom first. In addition to learning history, Mr. Beck helps you to think about your life and how the virtues that helped George can be applied to our lives.

Required Reading

This book should be required reading in every American History class across the nation not just for its historical context but how to live a virtuous and honorable life

Five Stars


Believable plot

I really enjoyed "Killing Lincoln" for the reality it gave me of how close the Civil War was to the Presidency. Found the same familarity with Being George Washington-we really do make a difference, and we must each become George Washington for our country to survive in the "original" format. Well written.

A must read for History Buffs

I started reading this book after hearing how good it was. It was better than they told me. I found it very hard to put down even after the first chapter. Its starts fast. If history had been taught like this when I was in school I would be a history teacher today. I really got a lot of in-sight into the Greatness of the father of this nation. I never really appreciated him until I read this book. We need to find out how men like Washington were educated and restore that curriculum to the schools. We no longer have men like George Washington and as the father of 4 and grandfather of many more I am saddened by the drek now taught in public schools. READ THIS BOOK you will love it.

Don't Miss This!!

This is one of the best books I have read on George Washington. No more is he merely a face on my dollar bill; he is real, even a friend. This is one of the best books I have read on the United States of America. I always have loved my country, but now I LOVE it. If you only read one book this year (besides the scriptures), this is it!


Great history, very well researched, loved the action items and recommendations at end of each chapter. Couldn't put it down!

Super read

Best book ever.

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