Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government

Kindle Edition
15 Sep
Glenn Beck



It happens to all of us: You're minding your own business, when some idiot informs you that guns are evil, the Prius will save the planet, or the rich have to finally start paying their fair share of taxes.

Just go away! you think to yourself -- but they only become more obnoxious. Your heart rate quickens. You start to sweat. You can't get away. Your only hope is...

...this book.

Glenn Beck, author of the #1 New York Times bestsellers An Inconvenient Book and Glenn Beck's Common Sense, has stumbled upon the secret formula to winning arguments against people with big mouths but small minds: knowing the facts.

And this book is full of them.

The next time your Idiot Friends tell you how gun control prevents gun violence, you'll tell them all about England's handgun ban (see page 53). When they tell you that we should copy the UK's health-care system, you'll recount the horrifying facts you read on page 244. And the next time an idiot tells you that vegetable prices will skyrocket without illegal workers, you'll stop saying "no, they won't" and you'll start saying, "actually, eliminating all illegal labor will cause us to spend just $8 a year more on produce." (See page 139.)

Idiots can't be identified through voting records, they can be found only by looking for people who hide behind stereotypes, embrace partisanship, and believe that bumper sticker slogans are a substitute for common sense. If you know someone who fits the bill, then Arguing with Idiots will help you silence them once and for all with the ultimate weapon: the truth.

Reviews (177)

Amazing Book in Great Condition

Book came in perfect condition. I bought this book when it came out years ago and gifted it to someone, assuming I would buy myself another. Now, years later, I finally got it. This is such an easy read, full of facts and events from US history. I wish everyone would read this book! Great addition to the arsenal. I love Glenn Beck!

I would recommend the books and the seller.

Still reading the book but it’s entertaining like all Glenn Beck books. About the seller-I received the book quicker than expected and it arrived in great shape!

Fantastic read!!

Very well written book!! Boy I wish it wasn’t so accurate!!

Informative government events

Educational information of our government.

Not funny

Bunch of political trash with zero laughter , book went straight to the landfill, better known as trash can.

I’ll go to my local bookstore next time...

This book stinks. Literally. I’m going to have to let this book sit out a while and air out. Not sure if it’s from someone’s house or if it was kept in a dingy garage/warehouse. It was covered in dust and white hairs from I’m assuming must be a cat or dog. It’s also misshapen like there was something VERY heavy kept on top of it for a very long time.

Easy read, highly factual

I purchased this book used and honestly it’s been a pretty good and easy read. Say what you will about his views on politics (I fact check everything with 3rd party sources) but it’s still a great book and the formatting keeps my attention!





Five Stars

Good book. Good quality and fast shipment!

Amazing Book in Great Condition

Book came in perfect condition. I bought this book when it came out years ago and gifted it to someone, assuming I would buy myself another. Now, years later, I finally got it. This is such an easy read, full of facts and events from US history. I wish everyone would read this book! Great addition to the arsenal. I love Glenn Beck!

I would recommend the books and the seller.

Still reading the book but it’s entertaining like all Glenn Beck books. About the seller-I received the book quicker than expected and it arrived in great shape!

Fantastic read!!

Very well written book!! Boy I wish it wasn’t so accurate!!

Informative government events

Educational information of our government.

Not funny

Bunch of political trash with zero laughter , book went straight to the landfill, better known as trash can.

I’ll go to my local bookstore next time...

This book stinks. Literally. I’m going to have to let this book sit out a while and air out. Not sure if it’s from someone’s house or if it was kept in a dingy garage/warehouse. It was covered in dust and white hairs from I’m assuming must be a cat or dog. It’s also misshapen like there was something VERY heavy kept on top of it for a very long time.

Easy read, highly factual

I purchased this book used and honestly it’s been a pretty good and easy read. Say what you will about his views on politics (I fact check everything with 3rd party sources) but it’s still a great book and the formatting keeps my attention!





Five Stars

Good book. Good quality and fast shipment!

This book separates the givers and the takers. Everyone ...

This book separates the givers and the takers. Everyone knows you need more pulling the wagon than ridding in it! This book makes real clear that point and the halfway mark we're already at!

Great book

This is a great book. Glenn has great insight and brings great humor with his understanding of the issues. I highly recommend this book.

Four Stars

Tells how foolish ignorance is.

I like Glenn Beck

I like Glenn Beck, but I didn't read all the way through this book. I just a little bored with it. Haven't really thought about why.

Reality Check by Beck

Worth a read. This book is bursting with facts and statistics to illustrate the anecdotes and points that Glenn Beck chooses to make. Despite one's view on his politics, the book presents enough information to stimulate thought and discussion. Even as an Australian, I smiled and winced my way through the reading of the book and I can only imagine what reaction a thoughtful American would have to the content of this book. Despite the tribulations of the USA of late, it is still at the vanguard of the 'free world' and developing an understanding the gritty substance behind its evolution is important. Sometimes it is therapeutic to observe someone else's reality check. You may not necessarily like or agree with everything presented but it is certain that you will be better informed and your philosophical repartee over wine, beer and spirits will be more interesting.

Four Stars


A must read.

Awesome book.

Glenn Beck Book

If you are a conservative you like Glenn Beck this is the book for you. I bought it as a gift for a fail member.If you like to listen to his radio show, get this book.

Good thing to listen to if you can stand the truth!

I bought this a while back and found it so factual, I was amazed.


Great condition

Who Are the Idiots?

A little difficult to follow at first but a really good, informative book. Good background and source material.

Three Stars


Arguing with Idiots!

Mr. Beck really nails the subject straight on, if you were looking for idiots as a political class! This book was ordered because I wanted to see the current arguments used by leftists on a number of arguments! Very good at teaching an old man a few new tricks.

Very nice. Exactly as expected

Arrived quickly. Very nice. Exactly as expected. Great seller.

Five Stars

If you like Glen beck, this is a classic

For Conservatives

This book is great for explaining the hypocrisy from the left. Facts and references are used. I just wished it had subject chapters in front of the book.

good read

wish his independant wasnt sooo expensive i would watch his channel more often , bookwas inteteresting and informative and to the point

Five Stars

problem is the small minds dont understand me now

Arguing with Idiots

Rated five stars because it was well written and informative. Glen Beck is a Great American and wants to save our country.

easy to read

liked, great book

Five Stars


Worth the asking price.

Interesting read! Learned quite a bit from this book.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Funny, ironic, and truth-telling book. Great read.

Excellent FACTUAL resource

At a time when people can't even suggest a political position without being character-assassinated and assaulted, Beck's book provides a refreshingly factual look at key issues. Facts will never dissuade ideologues but they can impact - and challenge - people who choose positions based on their standing with one party or another. When the facts punch holes in the Washington-generated talking points, thinking people are forced to step back and reassess their positions, and Arguing With Idiots is one of the best, and best foot-noted, books to do just that.

Five Stars

Hilariously insightful.

Great arguments against the idiotic notions that are commonly held ...

Great arguments against the idiotic notions that are commonly held today. It's a great resource to know the real truth behind ideas that are spread without researching the matter.

Four Stars

He's still getting into it. I bought him another book he's been buried in.

Five Stars

Funny and true! No boring politics here!

Phenomenal! Glenn is known for colorful wording sometimes, but his books use HUNDREDS of documented historical facts!

So far Glenn's political books, including "An Inconvenient Truth" have been overflowing with entertaining quips, Conservative contentions, and Constitutional assertions that will leave the reader both enlightened and encouraged about the possible greatness of this Nation. Although we have fallen far from our founding framework into a dark period with the election and supposed reelection of Barry Hussein Soetoro, our hopeless tailspin doesn't mean we can't enjoy some lighter comical banter in the meantime. Glenn's writing style, source documentation, and chapter organization are all flawless - once again shining a blinding light on the lunacy, insanity, and incoherent miserably failings of centuries-old recycled ideas the liberals try to enact/mandate/force upon us.

Great Read

Glenn Beck one of the real time people who is a patriot and loves to enlighten his audience. Smart man!


Great book. Amazing information. our country is in trouble and we have to take it back. Thanks you very much

Sarcastic, mean, intolerant--a lot of fun!

For Glenn Beck hardcore fans only. I happen to be one of those, so I truly enjoyed this. A blast!

Five Stars

Good book, just what I expected

Five Stars

Great product. Quick delivery. Will buy again....5 star....thanks.

Loved it

Loved it

Four Stars

good read

Not so much....

I didn't particularly like this book. I read parts of it and then gave it away.

Five Stars

No problems with order. Fast and courteous service. Item as described.

Five Stars

Love Glenn Beck and loved the book. Very interesting. I would highly recommend.

I have been informed!

Very informative. He shares information that is very thought provoking that I was unaware of. Easy to read. Written in a way that doesn't put me to sleep! I recommend it to everyone!!!

Five Stars


Five Stars

Good book

Very pleased

Very pleased

Wish this could be required reading

Can't argue with it! Takes apart so many arguments, shows the weakness, flaws, and idiocy in thoughts so widely spread today

Five Stars


Four Stars

Thank you.

Good Job!

Mr. Beck did a good job!


This is an ok book. I thought it would be better, someone boring and dry to read. Like him on tv better.

Great book

I seem to like all of his books. He gets you to see things in a different sense and understand it too.

Glenn beck rocks

this book is great and its done with a since of humor, glenn is brillant and i would buy this book again if my cd's ever were out.

Five Stars

Very informative

Two Stars


Met expectations and quick delivery

Great product and delivered as expected ..

Five Stars

every liberal should read this ..

Truthful about gun control

Great book good points

the best!

I have read a few of his books but if you don't study History or you need things spelled out for you, than this book is for you. This book is not meant to be read as a book, you need to use it as a research book or fact book. If you have a question on a subject, look it up. He has about 100 pages of Bibliography to prove everything is factual. It doesn't matter what side of the isle you sit on, everyone will learn from this book, and aren't we all trying to learn?

Love it! Everything I had hoped for

Love it! Everything I had hoped for.

Three Stars


Five Stars

Great book with interesting facts.

a great buy and just what I wanted

Product as described, shipped promptly, a great buy and just what I wanted! Thank you Amazon!

Five Stars


Three Stars

Interesting facts, but disagreed with conclusions.

Five Stars

Great service. Item as described.

Five Stars

Loved it

Effective Arguments for Today's Issues

Glenn Beck has had enough exposure to the Left to realize that they win many of their victories by falsely demonizing institutions and people who are perceived as powerful and who thus receive little sympathy from the populace. In this volume, Beck provides many of the facts needed to countervail the demagogic arguments advanced by the Left on many fronts. A prime example is the fact that many on the Left attack even the capitalist system itself, even though that system has been the primary force that has raised living standards around the world for the last 200 years. Beck highlights the nation of Estonia and provides statistics showing that once a more capitalist system was introduced following the collapse of the Soviet bloc, Estonia quickly caught up to its neighbor Finland in many aspects. The author also could have pointed out many other examples that demonstrate the superiority of a more capitalist system: * The U.S. recovered more quickly from the 1921 economic collapse than from the 1929 economic collapse (to the extent that most people don't even know that there WAS an equally bad collapse in 1921) because Harding and Coolidge tried a free-market approach while Hoover and FDR used an interventionist approach * The fact that the nations (the U.S., France) that tried an interventionist approach did not recover as quickly from the Great Depression as the nations (Britain, Australia) that were not as activist * Compare Britain after Margaret Thatcher to Britain before her * When Germany reunited, it was the West that had to prop up the East economically, not vice versa Liberals have attempted to blame capitalism for the financial collapse of 2008. However, the culprit was an excess of available credit--government forced banks to lower drastically their lending standards for housing loans (to the extent that multitudes of bad loans were made), and the Federal Reserve kept interest rates artificially low for much of this decade. In other words, had government not made those two enormous mistakes, there would have been no housing bubble and thus no crisis and thus no recession--the fault was too much government intervention, not too little. Two other targets that almost always come in for vehement attack by liberals are oil companies and health-insurance companies. Beck provides statistics that show that the profit margins of Exxon and Chevron are less than the profit margins for Microsoft, Apple, Google, Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola, and Nike. Besides, if oil companies are as ruthless and omnipotent as many on the Left say they are, why did gas prices not permanently stay at the $4 level after they reached that level in the summer of 2008? Similarly, many Democrats say that health-insurance companies reap unconscionable profits, but as George Will pointed out in a recent column, there are six such companies in the S&P 500, and since 1996 the profits of those companies have been below the 500's average. Why liberals fulminate against oil and insurance companies and not against computer, soft drink, and other companies that make higher profit margins is an enduring mystery. Glenn Beck has become an invaluable voice in our public life, breaking the Van Jones and ACORN prostitution stories and in general doing the type of needed journalism that the mainstream media is no longer willing to do. The effort to silence Beck and other talk radio hosts is little more than a twenty-first century version of the Alien and Sedition Acts, and reveals which political ideology in America today is really the authoritarian ideology. Were the Republicans to win the next congressional and presidential elections, one simply could not imagine President Romney and a GOP Congress trying to silence someone like Keith Olbermann and attempting to take him off the air. This splendid volume also contains conservative arguments on the Second Amendment, education, energy, immigration, and home ownership, and has a chapter on the Constitution. There are also innumerable citations that back up Beck's assertions. The only quibble a conservative could have with the book is its title. I'm surprised that someone as generally savvy as Glenn Beck could be momentarily obtuse enough to think that he could win over the hearts and minds of his opponents by labeling them "idiots"--the facts and logic in the book are effective enough. Otherwise, this is a book that any conservative desiring to arm himself for the political debates of 2009 would want on his bookshelf.

Glenn is an intelligent historian or has a lot of staff to work ...

Glenn is an intelligent historian or has a lot of staff to work with. most all his comments really hold merit.

Interesting Points!

The layout of the book is what I really enjoyed. The mix of graphics, pictures, and text kept it all interesting and made "facts" reasonably easy to find. Many of the "hot button" topics of today are covered and you can easily check Beck's sources if you care to verify his positions. I like the way Beck gets under the skin of those who disagree with him. Who out there can truthfully argue that most voters today have very small minds? Does any sane American really believe that our government is not too big? Look at some of the clowns that are being voted into office. Today, we have an affirmative action President who believes there are more than 50 states in the USA. We have a Vice-president who can't keep his mouth shut on matters of security. We have representatives who I would not trust with my loose change and some of my fellow citizens want me to trust them with my health care decisions. Because we have those types of idiots, we need Glenn Beck's type of book. It's worth the read and it's worth keeping on your book shelf and not reselling.

Five Stars

hubby loved it.

Very Entertaining!

Alright, so you can sum it all up in the title, its very entertaining. Its very informative, and its a love it or hate it kind of book, and that's generally going to fall into where your political ideology is. So I'm going to assume you read this book for information/entertainment value, and not just for the sake of bashing Glenn Beck. That said, the book is funny, it's got points that people do think and talk about. Do I agree with the entire book? Not necissarilly, but that's part of the fun of thinking for yourself. But it is informative and does give you a bit of extra information that you might not otherwise know about...and of course, gives you rebukes to "argue with an idiot". And we all know those that think they're informed and....well they're wrong. Another great feature of this book is that it's in short chapters. If you're like me, your eyes will bleed after awhile if a book goes on and on and on and on. This is perfect to read a few chapters at a time, or even have on the back of the toilet and knock out a chapter during your daily. I enjoyed it, my mother is enjoying it.

Three Stars

OK worth the money

Three Stars

didn't finish it yet

Five Stars

Another good book.

Four Stars

Well written with questions and detail answers for everyone to understand....

Read this book, regardless of your political view

No political party is safe from critical analysis in this book. It is an easy read, follows clear logical patterns, and presents strong cases against prevalent popular ideas and misnomers floating around America at present. He doesn't pull any punches, but does a good job delineating the unwelcome end results of some stupid choices that are being made. It is not a book about politics, but a book about the modern intellectual history of America, such as it is. He uses fun comics and real world case studies to drive the point home, and lists resources for the reader to us to research the statistics and other information. Regardless of your opinions of the author, or knee-jerk reaction to the title, this is a useful book for identifying some serious political and economic problem areas (and touches on social and ethical issues also) and provides practical ways for thinking about, if not resolving, some of these issues. If you are an American who votes, please read this book.

Blood will definitely shoot out of your eyes!

One of Glenn Becks quirky sayings is "it will make blood shoot out of your eyes!" This book is for people who really want to find the truth. Glenn has done a fantastic job of finding out facts that the rest of us could never discover or have time to discover. It will make you want to jump on board a Tea Party Express near you. It can also make you feel hopeless and helpless. If you're an American thinker and you aren't too happy with the direction our country has been headed in the last decade or so, read this book and be informed.

Fun to read

I love how this book is laid out. It's similar to the Head First text books, which are a blast to read. This book makes it so that you don't get bored, and has so much information and just plain common sense. It's all the things you wish you had said to the idiot you were talking to, but didn't think of at the time. This book gives you all the information you need to knock some common sense into whomever you are arguing with on a large variety of topics from capitalism and the second amendment, to education and our energy future. You won't be disappointed with this book.

Be prepared

I love Glenn's radio show so I decided to buy the audio book. It's filled with stats and statistics that will surprise you on almost every controversial topic such as : guns, minimum wage, border control, illegal immigration, unions, and much more. Don't listen to what the media or your uniformed friends say about the man, give this book a read or listen and find out what he's about on your own.

Five Stars

Purchased as a gift

I liked it

Good read

Distracting layout.

Sorry, I know there is lots of good stuff in here but I just couldn't read it properly as I personally found the design and layout very distracting: lots of sidebars, background print pictures etc. This could be someone else's five star product but my eyes got a bit befuddled.

Very well laid out book, read and become aware.

Great book - like the way the chapters are written. Fun and humorous reading. Glenn does a great job promoting the truth. He is an entertainer, but he speaks from the heart and his research team is tops for bringing truth to light. Sad state our country is in right now... but the greatest country on the planet will persevere.

Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds & Big Government

If you are into political discussions and blogging on events, this is a must reference book packed full of facts, verified occurances, political blunders, and political history. It can be read as a whole book or a page at a time filled with antidotes and factual information and source material. This book contains information and data that will amaze people and shock them as it exposes behind the door decisions and back door moves that truly undermine our poltical process and contradicts much of the political spoken words and promises. It explains why America is upside-down as a country and why things do not seem to work. You will laugh, cry, be shocked, and be angry at what has happened and why things are happening, and what makes politics and events turn sour.

Five Stars

Good book informative.

Five Stars

Great Book!

Five Stars

Great information.

WOW!!! Great Book!! Well laid out. Facts easily confirmed.

I have really enjoyed reading this book, but also, at the same time, I am deeply disturbed at the direction that our country is going. It seems that we are on the ocean in a large ship that is almost impossible at turning around. We keep spending and spending and keep creating more government programs and government departments for them and we can't seem to realize that this country is about the individual making something of themselves, NOT the government doing it for them. Both Republicans and Democrats have lost the confidence of the people by these decisions. I hope and pray that good, honest, hard working, law abiding citizens of our country will stand up and let those whom we have elected know that enough is enough!! Hopefully some of those who have never been involved in the political process will put their names in the hat and run for office. We need good and honest people in government. We don't have that right now. It is time to get back to what the founders of our country started for us. Limited central government, no socialistic/marxist programs, strong states rights, etc. Anyways, my hat is off to Glenn Beck. I hope he continues his fight for the Constitution!!

Glenn's books are always informative

I know you can argue whether he's sane or not but how can you argue the research in his books? It's really detailed with plenty of endnotes. If you hate him you'll probably hate the book but for those willing to entertain different viewpoints it's a must read.

Conservative Myth-Busting

If only more people would read this book, we might not be in the situation we're in. It's easy for people to get sucked into liberal thinking, especially if they only hear sound-bites from the main-stream media. Glenn refutes these myths.

Hilarious, but really instructive

I love Glenn Beck. Even though, he is hysterically funny, he is very instructive and gives you really a lot of information. I've been reading it at night when I go to bed, and most nights I wake my husband up because I laugh uncontrollably.

Arguing with Idots audio cd

Excellent book, a definate must listen to CD. Best cd to listen over and over again is the last one which coves the constitution and find out how badly the progressive movement is destroying our country and especially Obama and nancy pelosi. Everything is true and scary about how much of our freedom we are loosing to governement control and to the progressive movement and demorats.

Arguing with Idiotss

Glenn breaks down to the most simplistic terms those items that are affecting us today that will ruin the future of the next few generations due to our incompetence in electing officials that only care about themselves. As the title explains, once one understands today's hot topics, one will be able to speak well and explain the positives and negatives of each item. This is similar to one of the How to for Dummies books except Glenn is dealing with issues that affect ours and our childrens lives.

need to read to learn the background of the headline news

Very helpful learning about the story behind the stories in the news. If we all knew the inside reasons and foundation for the lies being spread we would not be so naive in our days.

Fun Read

I doubt you'll be able to convince a true idiot, probably like trying to teach a pig to sing, but you'll enjoy the humor here .I gave mine away some time ago & regret it. Perhaps I'm the idiot~

Glenn Beck is on the money!!

Now in my opinion you have to be a Glenn Beck fan, which I am... He is a little blunt but he knows what he's talking about...

First is still the best

One of the first books by this critical author. He continuously amazes with his attention to detail. His perspective makes a person think and distinguish in the realm of ideas. Arrived on time and in great condition.

Great for ADD folks

The information was GREAT. Having the citation pages (all 30 small print pages) was excellent to back up everything that was mentioned in the book. It jumped around from point to point in a wonderfully followable ADD format. Read it in One day and loved it. Thinking about RE-Reading it just to try and absorb more of the facts.

Good Book, Great Read.

This is a good book for anyone to read. Good for first time Beck people. Those who know Beck will benefit from reading it too.

Quite tiresome, frankly

I was eager to receive this from Amazon and dove in as soon as it came. The format of this book is supposed to be clever and informative. His pirctues, front and back of the book are ...well...full of himself. The book is, too. I found it to be annoying and geared for those it purports to be with those with whom one is arguing. I read `at' it, and became so annoyed I threw it in the trash. Becks attempts at clever sarcasm wears thin early on. The format must have come as a flash of inspiration, too bad he didn't wait till the euphoria died down. Yes, he has some good information, it's the tone of his presentation.I listen to him sometimes but the tone of his program is just too,too paternal. His writing style is the same.

Great book, a must for all wanting the truth

Glenn Beck, Arguing with Idoits. Great book, would recommend to all readers, especially those interested in the truth. Many friends have read and enjoyed..

Great Glenn

I enjoyed it. I reread it once because it seems I always miss something the first time and wasn't regretful. I now own Glenns other book since this one.

Excellent "Common Sense" Book

Glenn Beck has an amazing amount of Common Sense. This book should be required reading for every person in all three branches of our federal government, especially the Executive branch. It goes to show that our federal courts have way too much power, but there's nothing we, the average citizen, can do about it, since they are appointed for life. It also shows that our country's future is in real jeopardy because of the current situation, but nothing seems to be being done about it except throwing more money at the problem, WHICH IS THE PROBLEM!!! Everybody should read this book.

glenn beck the truth

i have all of glenns political books i watched glenn since he was on CNN and followed him to FOX then to the blaze he is the onlyone showing us the truth

Hard Hitting and to the point

Glenn Beck's book, Arguing with Idiots, is great in that it does not waste time blathering on and on about each issue. It is fast and to the point and covers a ton of issues. The thing about the book is the light and easy reading style lets you read a few peices at a time and not have to read for hours at a time to just deal with a single issue. It makes for a great book to read a few minutes before bed each night or when you just have a couple minues at a time to read.

Awesome book

Love this author. He never ceases to amaze me. Great insight and super funny! I enjoy all his books and this is no exception!

Good Book!

The title says it all! one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.

It's ok

I have read several of Glenn's books, this was not as good as some of the others. I would say its an ok read but not great


Anything Glenn writes is amazing. This book is not only amazingly true it is also funny. I laughed at some of the things I seen... Love you Glenn

Never worry again

All you need to know is that the facts are on your side and those who yell are in the real world a small part of it.

Amazing Read

Glenn Beck wrote an amazing book. I love the layout of the Q&A paragraphs and the side facts around the pages. The content was great and the book kept me entertained. I had to try to not read it all in one day. It was extremely funny and informative. I don't agree with Beck in certain aspects but he wrote a great book in Arguing with Idiots.

Informative without being your typical Republican talking points

I first heard of Glenn Beck back in 2004, somehow stumbling across him on talk radio. I found his show to be quite hilarious(that moron calling segment was classic). I didn't get to listen to him often, but I remember being entertained. So the other day I was shopping for Christmas presents and came across this audio book. What's another gift going to hurt? A gift to me, from me that is. Pros: + I found it to be very informative. The historical events presented were factual in nature. You can feel confident that your fact checking will line up. + I found his opinions to be informative as well. The evidence he uses (to base his opinions on) is solid. + It's full of Glenn's humor. I definitely laughed a bit. + This book has a great "independent" feel to it. It doesn't sound like partisan rubbish. Cons: - I found a few portions of the book to be boring. - There's a lot of information crammed into one book. Your brain might hurt a little. - You probably won't enjoy it if you're a fan of big government. The few portions I found to be boring were limited. In fact, I "read" this book in a record amount of time. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I think you will too. **Also, if you're one of those people who's only heard negative things about Glenn Beck then you should definitely get this book. Judge for yourself and don't let others judge for you.**

2nd best book I ever read

Glenn Beck's book "Arguing with Idiots" was a great read. Even if you're not a fan, it was funny, informative, and unbiased. Glenn argues both sides of every argument, no matter how ridiculous. You can even give it to any of your liberal friends, and they would even enjoy it. Who knows, maybe you'll be able to have an intelligent conversation with them afterwards.



good read

First off, I am a Glenn Beck fan. Became one about a year ago. This is just a great coffee table or nightstand book. It is funny, but very informative. If you have no sense of humor or you lean hard left, you probably will not like book. If your conservative and have a sense of humor, the book is for you. I found I could not sit down and read it like a novel. There is too much to sit and think about, laugh about, cry about. It really is a reference book. You can go back and find facts and figures for a certain topic over and over. Found my self doing what the title says, bring up facts I read while debating with people (idiots). Some didn't like facts that I told them when I could list citations. It is just a great book.

love this cd, glenn beck is so smart

i love this cd, glenn beck is so smart, the price was just ok, great supplier, if you are a conservative person one will like this cd, i suggets you to buy this and other beck books on disk.

good book

Love all of the books by Glenn Beck. He adds humor and facts to his book. Always easy to read and educational.

Extremely entertaining, informative, and easy read.

I'm on the last chapter. I just bought 12 more copies for friends and family for Christmas. Like it or not, Glenn lays out the facts challenging the status quo in indisputable ways. Lots of charts, graphs, and thoughts in an easy to read full color layout. Couldn't recommend it any more highly.

Great read to learn about a lot of topics.

Great informational book. Should be a textbook in high schools.

Great book

Glenn Beck is a genius who is waking this country up to the sad state of affairs occuring in our country. Love this book highly recommended to those willing to know the truth.

A book to have in your library

A funny but complete book to help you understand how to respond to all your liberal friends and your clueless conservative friends. It has the answers and the foot notes back up all of them.

loved it

I enjoyed listining to this book. it came as promised look forward to buying more. it was in great shape

Idiot at my address

What is nice about reading this book is that it can "flop" open at any page and you will be up to speed. It is interesting that someone could chop so many issues into one book and leave the reader to acess themself with questions.

Tons of great information in one location

I read through the whole book and really enjoyed it. Glenn makes me laugh, for sure. But it's also great to have the resource, because there are some good references, as well as good examples of how to discuss certain topics. Now that I've read through it, I've been going back to re-read certain subjects. Good stuff. And I love the ADD Moments.

Audio Book was Great!

My husband and I purchased the Arguing with Idiots Audio Book for a long Christmas road trip (2000+ miles). We LOVED it! There are 2 men, as well as Glenn Beck, who do all of the audio. The format of the audio/book was great. Beck asked a question, or made a stupid remark and the other gentlemen respond. The jabs (interjected in Beck's ADD moments) aimed at people in politics, the media and celebrities made us laugh out loud. Over all the audio book was entertaining as well as informative. My favorite chapter was the final. Beck read the constitution. **I found it interesting that no where in the constitution does it require a separation of church and state. Great Buy!!

Perfect gift

My son is a BIG FAN of Glenn Beck. I saw this and decided it was the perfect gift for him. I was right! He loved it!

Idots are simply uneducated

As I began reading this book I am amazed the way people who have brains do not use them. We are supposed to think for ourselves and many only follow the pack. Thanks Glenn for educating those humans who don't know how to follow the constitution to make their decisions. I recommend this book highly.

Great read for Beck fans

Beck fans will like his style of writing and his sense of humor. Others may be influenced by him, so be careful. He may challenge you!

Great read.

Great read. Gives you great facts for arguing with idiots. Sort of like the title says.

Informative AND fun

Glenn Beck lays it all out with graphics and analysis which makes this a fun read (unlike a lot of conservative books which, while being right, feel like a chore to get through). The author lists the popular arguments for taxing the rich to death, for looking the other way on illegal immigration and spending money on schools without holding anyone accountable and then promptly refutes them with statistics, examples and logic. He uses quotes from "celebrity idiots" and real-life incidents to illustrate the insanity of big government and I like that he doesn't give Republicans any more of a pass than he does Democrats. This one is really designed to change minds. Buy it and enjoy!

Great book

I am a big Beck fan, he says and does some controversial things, but he tells the truth as he sees it. If you see something you disagree with him on....don't take his word for it, look it up your self. There are plenty of sources in his book.

Had Enough?

If the answer to the question, "Had Enough?", is "Yes!", then read this book. Regardless of your political affiliation, age, or, how you voted, if you believe enough is enough, then read this book. If you are passionate about your views, then argue with the facts, and read this book. Opinions are like, well.....everyone has them. Support and defend your position with facts, not, passion. And, even if you hate Glenn Beck, then read his arguments and rebutt his position with facts of your own. If you want passion, go see Avatar, or, read Playboy; if you want a coherent discussion about an this book.

A Great Eye Opener

It shows all of America that our politicians, no matter what party, are not really interested in taking care of America and the American people. It also shows how much our politicians have ignored our Constitution and taken over things like education and now trying to take over health care and the environment. It also shows how far politicians and others will go to get their adgenda even to the extent of hiding facts or being dishonest. An easy book to read with many facts to absorb.

Three Stars

well. is he one too?

A good guide for recovering idiots as well.

While this book is an excellent tool for arguing with idiots, it could also be useful for recovering idiots who want to see the world unfiltered without any spin. Glen successfully deconstructs all the progressive talking points exposing them for what they really are.

Arguing with Idiots

I ordered this for a friend for Christmas. He loves it and I was very relieved it arrived 4 days before Christmas. The transaction was easy and pleasurable.

Informative and hilarious.

I flew through this book. It's abnormal structure breaks up all the normal factual stuff and keeps you entertained as you go. Will probably read this one a second time.

Educational Entertainment

There are other entertaining writers of the conservative movement. Ann Coulter with her biting sarcasm quickly comes to mind. However, nobody tops Glenn Beck on presenting the big picture or drawing upon historical anecdotes and parallels to explain current events. This commentator has a host of detractors on the left, but his popularity with Americans continues to grow for one good reason. He always tells the truth, or at least the truth as he knows it or understands it. While I have yet to find him in error he is the first to admit that he is a work in progress. This book is a lot like a text book with great illustrations, diagrams, quotes, and cartoons. Dynamic and entertaining, 'Arguing with Idiots', is written by and for truth seekers. If you think you hate Glen Beck and everything he stands for then borrow your mom's copy by all means and you might very well end up loving him. However, it is a free country and if you prefer to just make up names to call Glenn Beck with no basis in fact, nobody is stopping you.

Must read

Read this book for a viewpoint on many of the issues facing us today. Never accept blindly, this included. Look further. This book can be one of the sources you use. All the information and statements are the author's, or, if those of others are coded in the bibliography, which is massive for a book of this type. I enjoyed it and learned from it. That's what I ask of informative books.

great book

I love this guy! He can be quirky but with so many things he is spot on. This is a great book and i would recommend it to ANYONE!! It is well-written and very clever.

Glenn Beck speaks the truth!

I've now read all of Mr. Beck's books and find them easy to understand and digest. He speaks the truth about the misguided and mislead leaders we have in Washington today. They are self-serving and don't really care what you think or care about. They are only interested in getting rich off our hard earned tax dollars. The book was right on the money for me. It's awaken me to become more pro-active in my local area. More American's should read this book, they will see the light hopefully! Francis B.

Three Stars

Beck is very condescending. can't even finish it.

Great Buy

This book came in early and was in great shape. I would strongly suggest everyone that is pro common sense to pick up this book and read it!

I love it

Great item!

Great Book!

Funniest book I've read in a long time!

Good for a laugh

Really, what can you say, you either love him or you hate him. The book works for both emotions.

Five Stars

excellent book

A Degree in a bottle.

It's like getting a degree in history, current events, socio-economic theory, and politics all in one package. Drab subjects are made interesting with some comedic flair. College would have been SO much easier if my professors would have been more like Glen Beck. Every tidbit of information is referenced. This is a real eye opener and I couldn't recommend it enough!

Three Stars

Not his best.


I was very pleasantly surprised when I received this book as it was not only quick delivery, but also it was packaged in a way to keep it in top condition.

Three Stars


Five Stars

Great book, should be a textbook for schools.

Certainly worth a listen

Funny. Logical.

Five Stars

Good Read

Glenn Beck

I bought this book for my husband for Christmas. He is a huge Glenn Beck fan and says this book does not dissapoint.

Five Stars


Five Stars


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