Holiday Lights

Paperback – International Edition, September 29, 2020
28 Sep
Curl up with three heartwarming stories and let the spark of romance brighten the holiday season


Caitlin Marshall is stuck spending the holidays with Joe Rockwell. Her childhood friend is still a terrible tease, claiming that he and Cait are married. Oh, sure, they had a pretend ceremony when she was eight—but now it would seem that Joe wants to make their relationship into something real.


Librarian Jayne Gilbert needs a man she can bring to her high school reunion. So, naturally, Jayne turns to a book: How to Pick Up a Man. And it works, even if she attracts the attention of good-looking Riley Chambers only because she’s carrying that book, not because she followed its advice!


Lily Morrissey decides it’s time to find a husband, preferably one who can look after her. It’s a strictly practical decision, so she enlists the help of her best friend, Jake Carson, in the Great Husband Search. But then Lily’s feelings for Jake start to change… Could they become more than friends?

Reviews (10)

exciting book

I enjoy all your books, The characters and plot are all addressed etremely well

3 books in one good deal

3 books in one great deal I love Debbie Macomber

A good read.

Very popular author and has 3 stories.

nice stories

3 for 1 nice reading

3 Wonderful Stories!

I think that finding an author whose books you enjoy is like receiving a gift! I get so excited when I read a book and love it so much- and it gets even better when a quick search reveals multiple other titles by this person that you will be able to read! I have heard of Debbie Macomber before but have never picked up on of her books. I love a good Christmas story and couldn’t resist trying Holiday Lights. I am so glad that I did! I devoured the book in a day! And then, of course, promptly found another of her books to read 😊 Holiday Lights is comprised of three shorter stories which are all delightful and light reading. The first story, The Forgetful Bride, is hilarious! It is a story about Cait and Joe, two people who spent time together in childhood and then let separate lives only to meet again. They were actually “married” when they were kids. As adults, Cait tries to forget about that event and Joe spends a lot of time reminding her. The second story, Sugar and Spice, is about a sweet, innocent, somewhat naïve librarian named Jayne who needs a date for her high school reunion. She refers to her books to figure out how to snag one. Jayne is able to find a couple of dates including her neighbor, Riley, who is complex and brings the drama. The final story is Friends- And Then Some. Lily is searching for a husband and has a very specific type that she is searching for. Her very close friend, Jake, doesn’t meet her criteria but he is a good guy. Jake tries to help Lily find her dream guy but things get complicated between them. I normally like longer books with stories that I can “fall” into; stories that make me sad when they are over because I know I will miss the characters and places in them when I finish the book. I was surprised that I really enjoyed the shorter stories by Macomber. All of the characters were written so well that they felt real, and their stories were so developed and detailed that I could sink into them despite the shorter length. I am looking forward to reading more books written by Debbie Macomber.

exciting book

I enjoy all your books, The characters and plot are all addressed etremely well

3 books in one good deal

3 books in one great deal I love Debbie Macomber

A good read.

Very popular author and has 3 stories.

nice stories

3 for 1 nice reading

3 Wonderful Stories!

I think that finding an author whose books you enjoy is like receiving a gift! I get so excited when I read a book and love it so much- and it gets even better when a quick search reveals multiple other titles by this person that you will be able to read! I have heard of Debbie Macomber before but have never picked up on of her books. I love a good Christmas story and couldn’t resist trying Holiday Lights. I am so glad that I did! I devoured the book in a day! And then, of course, promptly found another of her books to read 😊 Holiday Lights is comprised of three shorter stories which are all delightful and light reading. The first story, The Forgetful Bride, is hilarious! It is a story about Cait and Joe, two people who spent time together in childhood and then let separate lives only to meet again. They were actually “married” when they were kids. As adults, Cait tries to forget about that event and Joe spends a lot of time reminding her. The second story, Sugar and Spice, is about a sweet, innocent, somewhat naïve librarian named Jayne who needs a date for her high school reunion. She refers to her books to figure out how to snag one. Jayne is able to find a couple of dates including her neighbor, Riley, who is complex and brings the drama. The final story is Friends- And Then Some. Lily is searching for a husband and has a very specific type that she is searching for. Her very close friend, Jake, doesn’t meet her criteria but he is a good guy. Jake tries to help Lily find her dream guy but things get complicated between them. I normally like longer books with stories that I can “fall” into; stories that make me sad when they are over because I know I will miss the characters and places in them when I finish the book. I was surprised that I really enjoyed the shorter stories by Macomber. All of the characters were written so well that they felt real, and their stories were so developed and detailed that I could sink into them despite the shorter length. I am looking forward to reading more books written by Debbie Macomber.

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