God is Able

Kindle Edition
30 Sep
Got an IMPOSSIBLE situation? The anxiety it brings can wake you in the middle of a needed night’s sleep and then stalk you in the middle of broad daylight. It can sneak up on you and cast a cloak of fear and concern over your shoulders that you can’t seem to shake no matter how hard you try. It can take you down. Squash all hope. Stop you in your tracks. 
IMPOSSIBLE. IMPENETRABLE. UNCHANGEABLE. Maybe so . . . until God gets involved. No matter the details of your circumstance, His raw power potential and immeasurable ability refuse to cower in the face of any challenge. Nothing is impossible with God. Nothing. Not even that thing. This is the uplifting, well-reasoned answer from New York Times best-selling author Priscilla Shirer—not a denial of life’s adversities and troubles, but a biblical reminder that God is always up to great things, even when His great things are greater then instant remedies and visible change. He is a God who cares . . . and a God who CAN. Believe it. Experience it. God Is Able.

Reviews (187)

A step by step, word by word interpretation of Ephesians 3:20-21.

This book is just as awesome as Fervent! Priscilla Schirer takes Ephesians 3:20-21 and applies it to every aspect of our lives. No matter what, God IS able! As with Fervent, I can read this over and over again and realize something new every time. Reading this verse is one thing, but Priscilla Schirer helps us to understand, digest, and live this verse, word for word as God intended. Her inspired interpretation is on a level that everyone can understand.

Awesome timing

I had reached the mid-point of this book when I was diagnosed with a disease. The first half of the book prepared me to handle the news, and the second half simply reiterated that MY GOD IS ABLE.

God is Able

What is the "It" in your life that you have tried to handle, that continues to defeat you, and that you have prayed about, begged and fretted over? Priscilla Shirer takes us through the study of Ephesians 3:20-21. By studying and reinforcing these verses, we realize God is able to handle our "It" or our "Its." We have a God who loves us, will not leave us, and is abundantly able to handle and solve our "Its." This encouraging and uplifting book will inspire and teach us how to give it to God, who is able. "Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Amazing book

I’ve read several of Priscilla’s books and they have all been a blessing. This book though puts it out there plain and simple and shows how we can always exceed abundantly above and beyond. I am encouraged by this and want to be a person that in some way emits God’s glory.

That's "It"!

I came across this book at just the right time. Although, I knew intuitively that God is Able, reading this truth from a breakdown of Ephesians 3:20-21 made such a "Ahh hah" connection to my head and my heart that shifted my thinking and cemented my faith. I recommend this read for anyone who wants a memory scripture from the Bible that will remind and encourage you to hold to the truth that God really does care about our big and especially our little stuff. And more, that He has the power to fix our "it's". God Bless Priscilla Shirer...awesome woman of God

Just What I Needed

God always supplies exactly what we need, just when we need it! This includes even the literature He sends our way. He knew what I was going through and provided His divinely-inspired help and intervention through the ministry of my Sister-in-Christ, Priscilla Shirer. Her glorification of God and His kingdom shines through in this masterful exegesis of Paul's Ephesians doxology. Those who know Christ come away from this book trusting more fully in His power, willingness, and ability -- to act, move, redeem, restore, and deliver -- in any and all aspects of His children's lives.


God Is Able gave me the courage to believe He is not only able, but willing to display his power in my seemingly hopeless circumstances! A faith-boost I desperately needed . I love the way it is written, as Priscilla shares her journey to emphasize her teaching. I recommend this book for anyone who needs supernatural intervention in his or her life, or who simply wishes for a spiritually uplifting read.

Everyone will want to borrow it!

I am leading a Bible Study group using one of Priscalla's studies and when I brought this book in it was snatched up and 2 ladies have read it, one put it on her Kindle, and there is a waiting list. I have yet to read more than the first few pages. I gave this rating based on the comments of the ladies who have read it. They love it and feel inspired by it. It is an easy read, about a few hours, and it has fit in perfectly with our study and other Priscalla studies that we have done. I need to buy another one so I can read it. My study ladies like to borrow books - we feel it connects us but they have all said they are buying it for theit libraries.

Yes, God is Able

I loved this book. There are so many insights for changes and how we are to look at our problems, (It). Priscilla has a personal, real way about her. She relates so well with her readers. What a blessing God has given to us.

Very encouraging

Makes you stop and think of all the things you could ask for but dont because you feel you shouldn’t. Just ask. He is there for you in the big and small.

A step by step, word by word interpretation of Ephesians 3:20-21.

This book is just as awesome as Fervent! Priscilla Schirer takes Ephesians 3:20-21 and applies it to every aspect of our lives. No matter what, God IS able! As with Fervent, I can read this over and over again and realize something new every time. Reading this verse is one thing, but Priscilla Schirer helps us to understand, digest, and live this verse, word for word as God intended. Her inspired interpretation is on a level that everyone can understand.

Awesome timing

I had reached the mid-point of this book when I was diagnosed with a disease. The first half of the book prepared me to handle the news, and the second half simply reiterated that MY GOD IS ABLE.

God is Able

What is the "It" in your life that you have tried to handle, that continues to defeat you, and that you have prayed about, begged and fretted over? Priscilla Shirer takes us through the study of Ephesians 3:20-21. By studying and reinforcing these verses, we realize God is able to handle our "It" or our "Its." We have a God who loves us, will not leave us, and is abundantly able to handle and solve our "Its." This encouraging and uplifting book will inspire and teach us how to give it to God, who is able. "Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Amazing book

I’ve read several of Priscilla’s books and they have all been a blessing. This book though puts it out there plain and simple and shows how we can always exceed abundantly above and beyond. I am encouraged by this and want to be a person that in some way emits God’s glory.

That's "It"!

I came across this book at just the right time. Although, I knew intuitively that God is Able, reading this truth from a breakdown of Ephesians 3:20-21 made such a "Ahh hah" connection to my head and my heart that shifted my thinking and cemented my faith. I recommend this read for anyone who wants a memory scripture from the Bible that will remind and encourage you to hold to the truth that God really does care about our big and especially our little stuff. And more, that He has the power to fix our "it's". God Bless Priscilla Shirer...awesome woman of God

Just What I Needed

God always supplies exactly what we need, just when we need it! This includes even the literature He sends our way. He knew what I was going through and provided His divinely-inspired help and intervention through the ministry of my Sister-in-Christ, Priscilla Shirer. Her glorification of God and His kingdom shines through in this masterful exegesis of Paul's Ephesians doxology. Those who know Christ come away from this book trusting more fully in His power, willingness, and ability -- to act, move, redeem, restore, and deliver -- in any and all aspects of His children's lives.


God Is Able gave me the courage to believe He is not only able, but willing to display his power in my seemingly hopeless circumstances! A faith-boost I desperately needed . I love the way it is written, as Priscilla shares her journey to emphasize her teaching. I recommend this book for anyone who needs supernatural intervention in his or her life, or who simply wishes for a spiritually uplifting read.

Everyone will want to borrow it!

I am leading a Bible Study group using one of Priscalla's studies and when I brought this book in it was snatched up and 2 ladies have read it, one put it on her Kindle, and there is a waiting list. I have yet to read more than the first few pages. I gave this rating based on the comments of the ladies who have read it. They love it and feel inspired by it. It is an easy read, about a few hours, and it has fit in perfectly with our study and other Priscalla studies that we have done. I need to buy another one so I can read it. My study ladies like to borrow books - we feel it connects us but they have all said they are buying it for theit libraries.

Yes, God is Able

I loved this book. There are so many insights for changes and how we are to look at our problems, (It). Priscilla has a personal, real way about her. She relates so well with her readers. What a blessing God has given to us.

Very encouraging

Makes you stop and think of all the things you could ask for but dont because you feel you shouldn’t. Just ask. He is there for you in the big and small.

Best. Book. Ever.

Read this, read it again, gifted it, read it and ordered more to gift! So much practical wisdom in this little book. Love Priscilla (and her dad Tony Evans too).

Worth the read...

The author personalizes her journey for the reader to value the everyday practicality of God's provision. Relevant, inspired and truthful for each of us today.

Challenge Your Faith

One of my favorite speakers writes with the same passion and clarity. I love that she just gets to the point in every chapter. Challenge your faith to believe God for more with encouragement from this easy to read book. You'll love it!

Great book!

Love everything that Priscilla Shorter writes! Have multiple books by her and have not been disappointed yet! Very thought provoking, helpful book!

She. Writes. Like. This.

Shirer’s voice in this can be repetitive as she doesn’t know how to write a complete sentence. Imagine. Reading. Like. This. For 150 pages. There was some good insight but a lot of trivial and privileged and silly metaphor as well as a lack of original thought. Not much here increased my knowledge or grew my faith.

Also gives me hope and faith that in my present relationship with a man I love so much will get better

Just finished it today And wow, it sure opened up my eyes and most of my heart to the Lord. Also gives me hope and faith that in my present relationship with a man I love so much will get better. I just need to really listen and see that the Lord is telling me what to do. Thank you Priscilla Shirer for being the light in my darkness. I will start reading and doing the Discerning the voice of God both book and workbook. Thank you.

I am encouraged that God cares

I appreciate that two verses were disected properly and used for exhortation. I am encouraged to completely believe that God is able to deal with everything in my life. He also cares with every aspect of my life. I can trust he wants to hear from me. The book has encouraged to focus more on God. I do not have to be fearful.

Priscilla Shirer made a simple concept profound and relatable. ...

Priscilla Shirer made a simple concept profound and relatable. My book, which was a gift from someone when I was going through an exceptionally difficult medical diagnosis is tattered and written in. I bought one to bless another sister.


Awesome, awesome book. Priscilla is a gifted writer. Love her Godly wisdom and appreciate her challenging and encouraging our faith. No matter what you are going through--this book is a MUST HAVE; great for group Bible study too!

Water to a parched soul !

This author never disappoints! Such an encouraging piece of work. She speaks in a way that blesses my heart, peaks my interest and encourages my soul. She is great.


Amazing inspiring eye opening for what the enemy has done by veiling our truth. Thank you Lord for revealing this to Priscilla.

God forgive me for thinking you weren't able or willing

I've had this book for months. I'm not sure why I didn't read it before. Maybe my unbelief had to hit a really low place but now I'm reading it and it's like her other books, it tells me in a very woman to woman and thorough kind of way, that gets through to me.

Loved reading this book!

If you have ever felt like you are alone and with no possible answers in your life, then this is the book you need! It will make you feel like there is nothing you can't conquer with the armor of God wrapped around you! It's a very uplifting read.


Sometimes when you are going through a lot you search for just the right book to help you through, maybe even give you some answers. This book did far more! Priscilla is an excellent writer and pointed me in the exact direction I needed to go...God. Through scripture and her very real stories and "sit in her kitchen while we chat and sip coffee" approach I felt validated, lifted up and served like I never had before. God is Able...and now I am starting to believe that for myself and not just others.


Encouraging and powerful reminder of our God and His love!

God Is Able

Powerful words, challenging my heart and mind to go even further in trusting and leaning on God. To go beyond my own expectations, my God is able to to exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think!

I had no idea that this author was a main character in the movie War Room-which was also fantastic. She has a true gift both for

This book was hard to put down. I had no idea that this author was a main character in the movie War Room-which was also fantastic. She has a true gift both for acting & writing. She has a way with words & you can tell it's from the heart. I have ordered another book of hers & also a devotional CD. She is honest, real & very inspiring!

A true Faith builder

This book is a great read, especially for those who need to be refreshed and renewed in their faith. Priscilla Shirer reminds us of God's word and encourages the reader to rediscover the hope and faith that serves as the foundation to your Christian walk.

Great easy read!

I lijkwd that the book offered so much with little to read. Practical words of wisdom and encouragement to live with. This book is great for any one going through and wondering if God is there and working for your good. A book you can read again.


Priscilla does an incredible job of painting a picture of real life and God's intervention. She reminded me that everything I go through has a much bigger purpose than I can typically see in the midst. I highly recommend to all Christians. If more Christ followers worked this teaching in their lives, there would be more Christ followers.

Life changing....

Wow what a life changing book. I love Priscilla so much. Her analogies and the great advice she gives is so heart warming and really applies to any situation. I’m so thankful I read this book!

The Magnificent Power Of God

This book is based on the scriptures in Ephesians. Priscilla opened my heart and mind to the Power of the word of God. Encouragement; strength and joy in the Lord. He has Provided us with abundance and by His Promised Word God Is Able To Do Mighty Things in our lives.

God IS Able!

Amazing book that put so much into perspective about who God is and how he takes care of everything! The little things the, the big things and everything in between.

God IS ABLE,,,

I read this book for encouragement while raising support for the mission God has called me to. I am struggling to be fully funded and wondering if God is truly able. After reading this book, I truly believe He Is Able to provide exceedingly, abundantly more than I could ever imagine. Through the promise in Ephesians 3:20-21, God will provide more than I can imagine or forecast. I believe He is ABLE!!!

God is Able EPH 3:20-21 A New Twist

I loved this book because I felt like Priscilla was talking directly to me. I have heard her speak before but the transparency she shared in this book was so uplifting. I think anyone who is discouraged, having feelings of anxiety or just need hope should read this book. I gave it 5 stars because she met me where I am. I gave the book to my daughter as a gift

Power-Love-sound of is Mine!

There is no fear in love, perfect Live cast out fear...the perfect love of God that overflows from this book defeats all fear of sickness! God has already moved for us, we only need allow His spirit to flow! Thank you for putting these truth to pen and paper To empower other!!

Doesn’t rotate as advertised.

Size and texture are great, it just doesn’t rotate like advertised. Doesn’t rotate at all. Disappointed.

Powerful and Biblicaly sound!

Priscilla Shirer is a power packed and dynamic Bible teacher for all ages. Her relatability and candid look into the Bible as well as her own life leaves readers with hope and a deeper understanding of the Father's love! If you haven't read anything from her make sure you do this book is sure to knock your socks off and reignite the fire in your heart.

Loved it!

Really easy read. Felt like having a conversation at the table. Focused on the awesomeness and power of God in Ephesians 3:20-21. I recommend for anyone who doesn't understand that God cares about every little detail and every huge problem.

Priscilla Never Disappoints

Once again, Priscilla does it! God is Able is, yet another, straight-to-the-point slap in the face reality check. Not just for ther I've got it all together Christian but for the "Average Jill"! In short she reminds us, "When in doubt, God is more than able". It's well-written in Priscilla's hilariously witty, sharp-snapping tone! She brings the reader into the book so much so til you feel like you're sitting down having a girlfriend-to-girlfriend moment! As with all of her writing-even Bible studies-she's transparent & understanding! She uses realistic examples that'll have you Amen-ing in the margins of the book or adding notes on your Kindle! I love the author & the book!!!!

Loved It...

I needed this book at a pivotal time in my life. It's helped me put some struggles into perspective. I highlighted so many passages to refer back to; definitely a keeper.

Not a book for women only.

This book contains nuggets of insight and revelation for Christians to continue their walk toward spiritual maturity. Learning to connect your inability to God's ability is empowering and liberating. Information presented is understandable, relatable, and memorable.

Life changing book!

Life changing book. I love it - it’s like she’s sitting right next to you, talking to you. Couldn’t find a more relatable book.

I love the way she writes and visualizes her point

I love the way she writes and visualizes her point. Encouraging and scriptural base! It's a no brained...God is able!!


Good Read

Wonderful read

I'll be the first to admit that I didn't know what to expect from this book. I received a blessing. Will place it in my rotation when I need to be reminded of God's greatness.

God is able

Great price

Great book.

Great book! Love Priscilla Shriver. This book had a lot of meat. Gave me lots of things to ponder.

Wonderful book!

The best book!!! A must read!!

It is a must read

This is a powerful book. Priscilla Shirer message will strengthen your faith journey. It truly brought me peace during a challenging time in my life. I am forever grateful.

Read it!

Read it! I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Priscilla is anointed by God like no one else. Using Ephesians 3: 20-21, she will show you how God is Able to take your biggest "It" and work supernaturally in your life and turn "It" into His glory.

Powerful & Encouraging Read

Utilizing her very personable style, Priscilla examines the power that lies behind Ephesians 3:21. And then challenges us to tap into it.


I purchased this book for a friend/coworker of mine, who’d been battling breast cancer (Priscilla Schirer is also one of her favorite spiritual authors). It really made her day!

God is Able

Mr. Shirer's book has the most impact on my life than anything that I have ever read. I will bring reading it again.


This book was amazing!!! I'm actually thinking about getting it in paperback so that I can highlight, mark, and re-read it often. Priscilla does an amazing job of guiding us to view our trials in the right light so that they don't take the spotlight away from our God and His amazing ability to transform our lives and perspective if we just let Him. This book has been a life changer for me, and I will no longer allow my concerns to take over nor will I allow them to take God's rightful place in my life. Thank you so very much for writing this book. It has drawn me yet closer to God!


Great quick read to remind us of the power of God and how each of us who are Christians have the power of the Holy Spirit in us the moment we accept Jesus as our savior.


I found I was able to look at my 'Its' with greater strengthen than ever before. The book was put into a very practical, easy read context.

Good read.

A wonderful discussion of one of the loved doxologies of the Bible. Good read for any Christian

Life changing book

This is a life changing book. Words I needed to hear. After many wasted years with the its in my life she opens up Ephesians 3:20-21 word by word. What a powerful message. Thank you Lord for your love.

Must Read!

This book spoke right to my heart. I felt so uplifted and reconnected to God. The last chapter was my favorite - very powerful and loving.

Love Priscilla Shrier

Teaching is from the Word of God! Good stuff!

He is able!

Really enjoyed this book as it took me deeper into who I believe Him to be, and more importantly, who He actually is. Life really is more fun with Him.

Excellent as always

Excellent as always. Warm and heart-felt, Priscilla does an amazing job breaking down one of the key faith scriptures in the Bible. Great for new believers as well as those who have been following Christ for a while. You will not be disappointed.

God will get glory through this book

I just finished this book. I don't know how she did it, but it was like take was pulling pages out of my journal or thoughts out of my head. She hit the spot on several occasions and backs up many of her points with Scripture. This was a good book and a must read for Christians of any age, and at any point on their Christian journey.

Loves the writer

This book was amazing

A must read

If you are in an impossible situation, this book is for you. I gained a richer understanding of Ephesians 3:20-21 from this book. Uplifting and encouraging.

Love it!

Such an encouraging book to help silence the doubt and fear. God is able. Thank you for reminding me of this powerful truth!

Amazing, amazing

Amazing, amazing, amazing! Love the way Priscilla writes, it's like you're talking to a friend. Such great insight. It was recommended to my by a friend and I gave it to my husband to read too!

Like new

Great shape! More important, excellent book!!


I love this author! This book helped to revive my faith. The author discusses having faith in God's ability in the face of those situations in life that shake our beliefs. I know I will re-read this book to help me persevere in prayer for my family despite some discouraging situations.

Five Stars

Love it love it love it. Wow!!!! Its a must read.

Never Underestimate HIS Glory!

I did not realize how much I was discrediting my Lord & Saviour. I know my Lord is strong, but by stressing over my concerns did not show that God Is Able! Priscilla took two very powerful verses and helped me to understand how God listens and cares for us. And, although our prayers may not be answered at the time we make our request - or at all - does not mean He is not listening. But regardless He Will always display His glory in our lives!

Glad I purchased it. Sent some to other family members.

Great book.

Excellent book.

One of the first of many books I hope to read from her. VERY well-written and inspiring. Can’t wait to read another one from her!

Love this book!

Great book, quick read. Priscilla Shirer is amazing, I've read a few of her books.

I will read this again and again there is much encouragement in these pages

IT is the simple truth and with all that is in me I believe God is able. More than I can say!! I have experienced His power and grace. If you 're having any doubt that God can and will a mustard seed of faith is all it takes to know God's love, mercy and strength. There is power in prayer!!

Put Him to the test.

To the point from the start. When we don't give God all of our worries, concerns & heartaches it's as if we believe He is Not Able to handle it!! Guess what, He can. Priscilla reinforces that in each chapter with enough examples to let it sink in. Works for me.

God IS able!

Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or imagine according to the power that works within us. To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Tell your “it” that !

Book is great.

The book IS what I wanted, but a NEW one, NOT USED. But it's OK, I'm keeping it.

This is awesome!

This book touch me! The book made me understand things that I did not understand before.I will tell my friends and family to read this book!

Five Stars


Great read

I love this book!!!


.I have read & re-read this several times, which is something I seldom do. I have also bought this for others. A MUST READ book!

Highly suggest not to buy

Loved it but unfortunately it stopped vibrating after only Two weeks didn’t realize I could return it with in 30days. Super disappointed

Great book!

Priscilla Shirer has a wonderful insight into God's word and has been blessed with the ability to share this in her book. I read only one chapter a day so that I could meditate on each segment of Ephesians. 3:20-21. What a joy all 7 chapters brought into my life. God bless!

God Is Able

Powerful! Awesome awareness of God love for us!

Uplifting read

Awesome breakdown of a popular bible verse. Read this while going through what seemed an insurmountable time ... definitely helped me get through. Highly recommend whether you are going through something or not.

God is ABLE!

I love the way Priscilla breaks down these scriptures into bite size pieces so that you can fully digest all God has packed into these verses. Priscilla offers deep insight and wisdom, but does so with humor and in a conversational tone.

Priscilla Shirer is one of my favorite authors. Her books and Bible studies are Spirit-led

Priscilla Shirer is one of my favorite authors. Her books and Bible studies are Spirit-led, inspiring, and awesome. Hope she writes several more books because I'll be one of the first to buy them.


A great reminder of God's awesomeness and ability to leave us speechless every time He moves. He truly is ABLE.

A solid, feel good read.

Very beneficial for the emptiness we all sometimes experience. Shirer has a way of speaking at you, as if she is talking to you and it's a one on one conversation. This books gives faith to our faith.

God is Able

Absolutely loving this book. Priscilla is so inspiring

Amazing & Inspiring

Opened my eyes. This is an inspiring book that gives you a new take on things. Gave me more insight into my prayer and faith.

He is ABLE!!!!

I keep buying this book and sharing it forward. Great read and I enjoy all writings by this author, however, this book if my favorite. I read it and reread it for encouragement. It is based on the scripture Ephesians 3:20 - when you step out of your comfort zone, being obedient, don't limit God. He goes exceedingly, abundantly beyond ... the beyond. Beyond your thoughts. Beyond your heart's desires. Beyond your imagination. Beyond what you can even hope for. He gives His best to those who are willingly obedient in faith, trusting Him. He loves to "wow" his children who ask with right motives, laying down their selfish desires and following after Him. He is able, more than capable ... to finish what He started ... and be prepared for the beyond the beyond experience.

God Is Able

Priscilla Shirer is a great author and speaker. She inspires me and this book did not let me down.

Loved this one!

My faith was totally refueled and recharged with this book! Trusting that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond, way past my way past, gave me the life changing perspective that I needed!

the best..

the best...have recommended it to several friends...My fav line from the book is about leaving my prayers open so God can do more than I IMAGINE!!

Five Stars

We need to be aware of how has us in His loving hands.

Good Quick Read

A good quick read - but not as deep as other books from same author.

God IS Able

Priscilla has been gifted to open my heart and my eyes to see the power of an AMAZING God who can do ANYTHING!

Excellent Book

Awesome reminders of God's power and our access to His power as believers. Highly recommend it.

Five Stars

EXCELLENT devotional! Very inspiring!! Highly recommend!

Wonderful read! HE IS TRULY ABLE!

Priscilla Shirer shares her love and faith in our Lord beautifully in this wonderful book. It helps us to see how much we can know without a doubt that God is always working his perfect plan in and for us.

Love this Lady and the way she teaches the Bible ...

Love this Lady and the way she teaches the Bible and about God. She really makes you want to dig deeper in the knowledge of God!

God’s plans are Devine Interventions.

Prisicilla Shirer is an amazing author and her ministry is awesome. Her teachings have brought me closer to our LORD.

Wonderful book. It is one of those books I ...

Wonderful book. It is one of those books I will keep going back to read over and over. I even bought copies for friends. Thank you Priscilla Shirer.


A friend referred me to this book! On time! Powerful, Enlighten. God is Able! Thank You so Much for writing this!

Five Stars

God is able! That’s all I have to say 🤗

Great book

Wobderful Title

Five Stars

It's an awesome book for any lady looking for a closer prayer life with God.

I first heard about this book at church and I've ...

I first heard about this book at church and I've already shared it with family members. This is a fresh look at concepts most Christians are familiar with.

Five Stars

Encouraging. Timeless. And truthful.

Fantastic book! Priscilla writes in such a way to ...

Fantastic book! Priscilla writes in such a way to bring God's word and His truths to you in a relate-able way.

Everyone Read This!!

I would encourage every person to read this book. So small but is a life-changer when dealing with your 'IT' situation, that one thing that seems so big in your life.

God IS able! Perfect thought to say over and over in every situation everyday about all our struggles!

I love this book! I needed to be reminded of this fact (God is able). I can't do it alone, but God can and He is able!!!

Inspired Once Again

Heard Priscilla teach this years ago. So glad she's written it down so I can read it. Wonderful reminder of Gods great love for us and His provision for us when we access it.

Good book

This is not Priscilla Shirer's best book but it was worth the read!

I personally feel that the writer Priscilla Shirer was divinely ...

I personally feel that the writer Priscilla Shirer was divinely inspired as she interpreted and further explained small phrases of the Scripture, Ephesians 3:20, one phrase at a time. The content is truly a source of encouragement and reassurance that "God is Able" in any challenge and circumstance in which the follower of Christ finds oneself. The "how and when" of course is left to a sovereign God.


Great read. Relates to the reader and uses scriptures to set the foundational truth of God's powerhouse move in our behalf.

I like the author

Great book.

Awesome book!

Priscilla Shirer is a wonderful, awesome blessing. This book has been read and reread and highlighted. Well worth the inexpensive price.

Encouraging & Uplifting!

Priscilla reminds us that God IS able! That His power is at work in me and that my life and all the challenges I face is full of opportunities to bring Him glory. Very inspiring!

Great Book!

Great Book! Priscilla Shirer gives wonderful practical stories that makes for an easy understanding of Gods word.

Patricia Shirer

Great author,wonderful book. Encouraging and challenging .

Wonderful and Inspiring

Renewed interest in God's Amazing ability and my desperate need for His power. This book was wonderful and inspiring. Priscilla Shirer is gifted!

God Is Able

I've really enjoyed the ease of reading and the everyday steps Priscilla Shirer wrote in the book. Her day to day examples made the book interesting and engaging.


Priscilla Shirer is an incredible communicator and this book is a blessing...a help during a time of crisis. I would highly recommend any book or Bible study she has written.

God is Able

He is!

Another great book by Priscilla!

Loved this book so much I bought it as gifts for my mom and sister!

Priscilla Shirer's book is excellent. I highly recommend this and all other Priscilla ...

Priscilla Shirer's book is excellent. I highly recommend this and all other Priscilla Shirer material. The Study of "Gideon" is such a great series with the DVD!


This book came right on time for myself and others in our book club. I loved it because it uses one of my favor books of the Bible, Ephesians. Thank you, Mrs. Shirer for reminding us that GOD is ABLE!

Excellent book She is so down-to-earth about her life and ...

Excellent book She is so down-to-earth about her life and how to deal with difficult situations that come up in everyone's life. And - she is fun to read....

Excellent read

Priscilla Shirer has spunk! She encourages and inspires us in our walk with God! While doing this she reminds us that God Wants the honor and glory and ALL glory belongs to Him! Would highly recommend this book!

Five Stars

Good reading!! Got it as promised by the seller. Thank you

What a wonderful book!

A great encouragement. Our God is, indeed, able! Priscilla talks to us as if we were over at her place for a coffee and it is absolutely amazing to get God's TRUTH get to you in such a simple, concrete way. Powerful.

Five Stars

Shot and sweet with great thoughtful content

Highly recommend

This book was encouraging, empowering, inspiring, reminding, uplifting, a blessing. It dissected scripture in a way that truly helped me "hide it in my heart".

God is Able

I love her transparency about her own personal life, so others can see that the God we serve is truly able to do more than we could ask or think!

Tremendously helpful

An amazing writing! This is one you won't want to put down.

Five Stars

LOVE this book!!! :) Priscilla nailed it again! :)

Five Stars


Five Stars

Very timely, honest refreshing look at how God fits into your situation.

Awesome book. God is able to do anything Priscilla ...

Awesome book. God is able to do anything Priscilla has a way with putting things In Perspective. Loved it

Anxious to finish!!!

The first chapter has me hooked! I love this author, GOD IS ABLE!!!

It’s True God is Able

Well written and informative. God is able truly able.

God is truly ABLE!

Wow! What a mind-opening review of Ephesians 3:20-21! Priscilla Shirer broke it down and left me with a deeper understanding of God's desire. And I love the "feel" of this book; how Priscilla Shirer seemed to be hanging out with me as we discuss our "Its" with latte and/or smoothie in hand. Love it! She is truly a gifted writer and speaker!

Like clockwork. Good seller. Would use again

Like clockwork. Good seller. Would use again

Wow what a way to describe God's ability in just two verses and yet very powerful. Thank you Priscilla for allowing Gos to use you as His vessel.

Everyone should get a copy of this book. Your life won't be the same. God bless you Priscilla and your family

Godly writing

written by a humble woman seeking God's leading for everyday life. The writing is clear, articulate and down-to-earth. Highly recommended.

Impactful book

This is a great book! It is amazing how Priscilla can take two verses and pull out so many profound ideas. Thanks!

Indeed, God is Able!

This book has truly reaffirmed my faith and inspired me to proclaim it more often, standing in His word always.


This book brought me back to the truth of God's word!! Thankful for this and the light it's shown in my situation!! I am blessed by Priscilla and the ministry God had given her.

Such a Blessing!

This book totally transformed the way that I pray! God is beyond able AND willing to do awesome things in my life!

great read

Priscilla does it again. Such a motivational author and teacher, directing us right back to the heart of God. Great book.

Amazing Book! Priscilla Shirer Has blessed my life with ...

Amazing Book! Priscilla Shirer Has blessed my life with her writing! My faith is always strengthed After reading her books!

A must read

This is a great book. Very thought provoking, revealing, comical and true. Makes you feel like you're sitting at the table having tea with your girlfriend.

Eye opening

Wisdom pouring from every page. For anyone struggling with life it will change their view and perspective on their situation.

Five Stars

very inspiring! makes you feel we're not alone in this world

Just what I needed to let It go!

God is Able has put in perspective the trials, triumphs, ups and downs of the past seasons of my life. Mrs Shirer was able to take a very familiar scripture and give it deeper meaning. A true woman of God sharing her the awesomeness of God through her interpretation of the Word.

Five Stars

Excellent book. Simple yet profound and so helpful.

Five Stars

One of the best!!! What a blessing!!!

God IS Able and this helps you see it

Excellent and encouraging book for just about anyone. Especially good for anyone in the midst of a struggle.

The book helped me to strive for more independence from my burdens by relying on God's ability to handle it, if I just give it to Him,

The book was like a conversation. It reference scripture so that I could see it for myself as God's word. I have and will continue to recommend this book to my friends!

Priscilla Shirer is such a wonderful author.

Yes, God is Able. Priscilla Shirer is such a wonderful author.

Loved it!

Shirer brings God's truth into each chapter. Clean, fresh, honest truth. This book is easy to read and follow. I enjoyed every page!

Love Priscilla

I got this book to read with my Mentee in the woman to woman mentoring ministry at our church. Live Prscilla's work


Insightful and relatable

A Must read

Very down to earth and honest. Relatable, easy reading. New and old christians can read and enjoy. I am giving it as gifts to all of my friiends.

Five Stars

What an amazing book, and so powerful. Very glad that I purchased this book!

God Is Able

Reading this book has shown me that, no matter what, God is able to do it all. It is very encouraging and assuring. Not only will I recommend this book to others, I intend to put into practice the fact that God Is Able to show me, lead me and guide me in all areas of my life.

I know he is able like never before.

This book will keep you smiling and laughing and ready for war. This is a great one, and I am so happy and read it. Phenomenon!

great read! love this book and will be keeping ...

great read! love this book and will be keeping it for my personal collection.

Recharged My Hope

This book seemed to be written just for me and I picked it up at just the right time. It renewed my strength and my belief that God can do anything and not to give up on my IT. Awesome!

It doesn’t work

Didn’t work!!!! I got it for the vibrator and wasted my money.

I quit my job

I quit my job of 23 years and then I froze and could not move forward.. my daily negative thinking was keeping me from moving forward...the "what if" was flooding my mind to the point that I almost lost me... I am too old, I do not have a college degree, nobody will hire me..... Thank you Priscilla, I am giving it my all, knowing that God is able.... "Glory be to God".......I love you Priscilla Shirer...Thank you for sharing.. OLGA EDELSTEIN...

Five Stars

Great book

Five Stars

Great writer. She keep you ready. I have q hard time putting down her book. Highly recommend.

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