Discerning the Voice of God: How to Recognize When God is Speaking

Kindle Edition
31 Dec
Do you feel that the ability to hear God's voice is for other people and not for you? Is it only for people who lived in Biblical times? Not at all! The God who loved you enough to die for you loves you enough to talk to you. And wherever you are in your spiritual walk, God will find a way to speak to you in a way you will understand. Become acquainted with the Voice that has spoken from a fire and a cloud; with visible signs and an invisible Spirit; through a burning bush and burning hearts. Hear from some of the most well-known Christians in history about how God speaks to them—and discover for yourself how you can discern the voice of God.

Reviews (189)

You need this book!!

I've been in church my whole life. This book was part of a discipleship class I am taking. My teacher even commented how this brings things around in a light you may never have thought about. And she's right. Things I've heard, been taught since I was young took on a new life. It created a deeper desire in my Christian walk. Priscilla Shirer is an incredible author. One thing I love about this is the honesty, the way she explains things, and how she makes things new. Want to grow in Christ? Want to learn? GET. THIS. BOOK.

Discerning the voice of God

Ready to enjoy some good reading

Seoul's blessing

I just love this book! God is so good that he has blessed us with this book. There is so many scriptures throughout. All I can say is HALLELUJAH!


This is a great book by a great author! Great examples and great reference to scripture.

Great Concepts

Well written and easy to understand. Great concepts for Christians of all levels to start practicing and recognize that God is already speaking to you!

My God…

This book was a God-sent. I am going through one of the darkest times of my life and each chapter spoke to my heart. I stand in awe of God, He really does care, so unworthy, Thank you Jesus.

Her writing style keeps you wanting to know more!

Priscilla's writing style in this book is like you and her are friends and you are curled up in chairs and she is talking to you. I have never read a book with this style. It makes you want to know more. My friend has read hers three times and I have read the first few chapters myself by going back and rereading before I finish the book. Highly recommended!

The book fell apart

This book seems like a great read! I bought it a few months ago and because I was reading another book, I just now opened it. The first 20 pages are not stitched properly in the book and literally fell out. No way to return to Amazon. Disappointing...

I'm Enjoying It

Just basic good counsel. I like it and would recommend it.

A Must Read!

If I didn’t recently have a baby that demanded my attention, I could have read this from cover to cover in a day! This book allowed me to reflect on my walk with the Lord, but challenged me to grow even closer to Him. It gave me opportunities to talk about what I learned with my husband and now he wants to read it!!! Finding something to challenge even a seasoned Christian who was raised in church was refreshing and enlightening, but would be an easy read for a new Christian as well. I have no complaints, only that I wish I read this sooner!!!

You need this book!!

I've been in church my whole life. This book was part of a discipleship class I am taking. My teacher even commented how this brings things around in a light you may never have thought about. And she's right. Things I've heard, been taught since I was young took on a new life. It created a deeper desire in my Christian walk. Priscilla Shirer is an incredible author. One thing I love about this is the honesty, the way she explains things, and how she makes things new. Want to grow in Christ? Want to learn? GET. THIS. BOOK.

Discerning the voice of God

Ready to enjoy some good reading

Seoul's blessing

I just love this book! God is so good that he has blessed us with this book. There is so many scriptures throughout. All I can say is HALLELUJAH!


This is a great book by a great author! Great examples and great reference to scripture.

Great Concepts

Well written and easy to understand. Great concepts for Christians of all levels to start practicing and recognize that God is already speaking to you!

My God…

This book was a God-sent. I am going through one of the darkest times of my life and each chapter spoke to my heart. I stand in awe of God, He really does care, so unworthy, Thank you Jesus.

Her writing style keeps you wanting to know more!

Priscilla's writing style in this book is like you and her are friends and you are curled up in chairs and she is talking to you. I have never read a book with this style. It makes you want to know more. My friend has read hers three times and I have read the first few chapters myself by going back and rereading before I finish the book. Highly recommended!

The book fell apart

This book seems like a great read! I bought it a few months ago and because I was reading another book, I just now opened it. The first 20 pages are not stitched properly in the book and literally fell out. No way to return to Amazon. Disappointing...

I'm Enjoying It

Just basic good counsel. I like it and would recommend it.

A Must Read!

If I didn’t recently have a baby that demanded my attention, I could have read this from cover to cover in a day! This book allowed me to reflect on my walk with the Lord, but challenged me to grow even closer to Him. It gave me opportunities to talk about what I learned with my husband and now he wants to read it!!! Finding something to challenge even a seasoned Christian who was raised in church was refreshing and enlightening, but would be an easy read for a new Christian as well. I have no complaints, only that I wish I read this sooner!!!

Amazing book

Love this book. Seems like every chapter I read it’s directly for me.


Lo encontré edificante. Una vez comencé a leerlo, se me hizo difícil soltarlo. Ella habla de sus experiencias y ello motiva en uno el buscar insistentemente escuchar la voz de Dios y su dirección en nuestras vidas.


My book club read this book and was truly uplifted and motivated to do and see better as women spiritually. We all experienced spiritual feelings. This is a great book individually or as a group. GREAT JOB MRS.SHIRER

I've been blessed by this book

I was in crutial moment of my life where i needed to hear the voice of God, I will say this book have help and also affirm what i have been known and also some new enlightments, I will say this book is worht reading and have some insightful thought and teaching. However, the author did speak of somethings I didn't agreed on but I also understand where her belief is coming from the point she tried to make. nonetheless, worth reading and helpful and insightful. This was the first book of this author that I have read.

Life Changing!

This book has changed my walk with God and thus my life. Since reading this book 6 months ago I have become aware of how often God does speak to me, I trust His voice, and I take action accordingly. Once he told me “go sit” to be fed by his word, once he said “you aren’t ready” so I resumed my studies toward a certificate in Biblical Counseling that lead me to a book on peacemaking that I have now used to help resolve a long standing family feud. Following Priscilla’s inspiration confirmed by biblical principles has lead me to start a chapter of a veterans Combat Trauma Healing course called REBOOT. God has instructed me every step of the way including finding 3 others who will help lead and teach, provide meals, provide child care, help with outreach efforts, and make connections that have brought veterans and their families to the course. It is amazing how listening for God’s guidance lead me straight to my life’s calling. I bought a copy for my son and have lead a women’s bible study using it as well. All 11 of us bought and studied the book and have now formed a bible study group called the Discerning Women. I highly recommend this book to any Christian who is ready to hear from God personally, grow closer to him, and know what your next best step toward His will is.

Favorite author

Learn so much from this author. Great read

Enlightening and Awesome read

This book was absolutely amazing! The discussions among my group helped us bring out so many gems to take with us on our journey to discerning God’s voice.

Thought provoking!

If you need help in understanding how to discern GOD’s voice, or a reminder on how to hear HIM… this book is for you! Learning to wait on GOD can be hard but it is necessary to make godly decisions! This is a great book to listen to and/or read!

On time and like new

The order was delivered on schedule and the book was like new

Amazing book!

This was one of my downfalls and this book helped me so much!! Well worth it. It will change how you listen to and hear god.

Must read

One of the best books I’ve read.

Such a blessing.

I am loving this book. It is such a blessing 🙌

This book gets 10 stars from me. It's a must read!

This book was an awesome read. It was insightful and explained a lot. I bought this book to add to my Bible study because one of my deepest desires is to hear God speaking to me. But I wasn't sure if he was or if I recognized Him. I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. And wouldn't you know, I experience and have experienced so many of the things in this book. Now I am confident that God will speak and I wait patiently and expectantly on him.

Great book to understand how to hear God voice

Good read with lots of insight to hear God's voice and know his will. Love author; Priscilla Shirer very down to earth person.


Blessed 🙌 😇

Highly Encouraging

The practical, layman's termed verbiage makes this book incredible. It's sound scriptural base keep you grounded in the Word and help the reader to see how to apply these teachings.

Priscilla Shirer - Books of Faith and Awakening

I stumbled upon Priscilla on TV last one night early last week and was very impressed. I've been asking My Lord for help in understanding more of his works, and this popped up the very next day. After I finish both books I will update my review . Thank You for sharing and writing these books.. Keep Safe and Healthy God Bless Amey b

On my top 10 reads list!

This book is one of the best books I've ever read. Priscila does an amazing job describing how to hear the Lord's voice from not only her own experience but also backing it up with Scripture. I bought a copy for a friend who raved about it, as well. I'll be buying copies for everyone....so valuable.

Loved It!

Can’t say enough how much I loved this book and I know it will be one I will read again from time to time. A just about highlighted the whole thing. She gave such great insight on prayer and listening while you pray. There were so many things I took away from this book and share with others about how much I enjoyed it. I highly recommend it. It was an easy, straight to the point read with much I could relate to. I looked forward to reading it each time I picked it up.

A timely read

This book was so timely. I think I may re-read in the short term just to let all the principles sink in. The Word of God is the foundation and substance of this book and God has definitely spoken to me through these chapters. Thank you for being obedient in publishing this book. The impact continues!!

Great book- the words "speak"!

THIS book..absolutely one of the best! I saw the author and her husband on a sit down show. I listened to her speak; her book was also being promoted/discussed. I immediately searched Amazon..ordered it. Read it cover to cover in 3 days..max. She clearly seems to be a woman of God..her book literally speaks...it spoke to me! There is a section where she talks about a woman going through something serious...no fault of hers..BUT one day she was told to pray instead of "curse/abandon" her situation. (substitute my name there..exactly the same situation) I don't know how hers ended nor how mine will end, BUT I, too, am having an opportunity to work AND hear Him..who knows if I will ever have THIS opportunity again. I literally said, "you're talking to me..you're talking to me"! Unbelievable. Thank you, Mrs. Shirer!

Eyes Wide Open

This book has really helped and encouraged me to sit still and really listen for God's voice and instruction. It has worked. The more I tune in to Him and stay present in the moment, the more and more He is revealing to me. I also check to see if what I'm hearing lines up with God's word. It's amazing to discern in this way.


Love this book great motivational read . Inspirational, got me to set up daily reading habits . And open my ears to hear that still small voice of God!

Life changing

All this time, God has been leaving a trail of signs leading me to where He wants me to be. This book has allowed me to see the signs and to be mindful of what is around. God is everywhere and he desires for us to find Him. This book is in my top 3 of all-time.

Wow so uplifting I couldn't put it down and when i did I looked forward to coming back.

Priscilla thank you for sharing your life and being a teacher, mentor and role model to me. I first met you on the television screen. War room was life changing for me. My husband and I had just got a divorce ironically when the came out. After watching your movie however discouraged and all it didn t stop me from praying for the man of my life. We are now remarried and raising our boys together as it should be. Another big thank you.


I've been struggling lately with trying to hear God's voice and afraid that I was getting mixed messages from the opposite side. Come to find out, it was God the whole time and now I have such a spiritual peace. I was told something by my cousin recently. She sent me a text to inform me that she had a word from God for me. He told her to tell me to "Stand still". As I started reading this book, the author stated clearly to "Be still" while trying to meditate. Those 2 words JUMPED out at me so plainly, it was like they were in bold print when I read them. This was a definite confirmation of what she told me 2 weeks before purchasing this book. It's a great foundation in helping young Christians like myself and others in learning how God communicates with you. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to hear God's voice. He's constantly trying to talk with you, it's up to us to tune Him in!

A wonderful journey of discovery.

This book proclaims God's desire for a two-way conversation with His children. I was struggling with an important decision one night. Finally, (around 3:00 a.m) I got up and turned on Christian T.V. Priscilla Shirer was talking about her book, Discerning the Voice of God. I immediately loaded the eBook on to my Kindle and it became a part of my daily devotion. Each chapter was a wonderful journey of discovery. Ms. Shirer confirmed for me what I'll describe as, the unmerited grace of divine fellowship. And, she supported her words with Scripture. Having completed the book, I'm reminded that hearing from God is as real as my desire to first, draw near. The main lesson learned: Knowing Him should be my heart's deepest desire. And BTW - I have peace regarding that decision, praise Jesus!

Must read for every Christian!

This is such a great book! It has really gave me the confidence and reassurance that I can hear from God, and that I’ve actually been hearing from him all along. This book as definitely deepened my faith. Highly recommend.

Life changing

This book is Awesome! My church is reading and discussing this for our weekly Bible Study. Even on zoom it’s changing lives. Priscilla Shirer is such an Amazing Pastor and Arthor. Every chapter grabs you. So relatable.

This has been one of the best books I have read about discerning God's ways of communicating with us and how we sh.ould always b

This is the best book I have read about discerning the voice of God, Priscilla Shirer's book was easy to read and relate to, but she has a way of bringing the truth to you in a powerful way, that even though you "know" these truths, to hear her state it in the way she did, just kept me in a constant state of asking God to open my heart and show me how to remember to listen, seek, anticipate, and then be obedient even through the very difficult times, when we feel like we have forgotten how to wait upon His will, His way, and His timing. While reading this book, the Holy Spirit definitely led me to reevaluate how I should listen more to gain God's perspective, not my own, so that He gets all the glory and His will is done in my life.

God does speak, learn how to listen and know His voice.

Discerning the Voice of God is a must read for all who seek to hear the Lord's direction. Life has many troubles and it is hard to know whose voice we are hearing when going through stressful circumstances. This book was written in a way that clearly speaks to the heart and in a way that clearly reflects the love of Christ. This book is one that will be used as a frequent reference; God has used Pricilla Shier (again) to minister to others through the words He has given her. I hope this book finds its way into the libraries of many believers, it will restore hope and clam as the reader is reminded to recognize, trust, wait and listen to the voice of God.

This book is spot on!!!!!!!!!!!

This book is spot on!! It has shown me how to discern when God is speaking to my heart. I have had the experiences of confirmation often and I've felt that conviction or "tug" of the Holy Spirit directing me in a different direction. There's still much for me to learn, but this book has really helped me to get on the right path. I just love the way Mrs. Shirer writes. She writes in such a way that she makes you feel like she's sitting right there with you chatting about God's Word. It's so comforting and such a blessing. I'm so grateful to God for her. Please get this book. It will open your eyes and heart to see that God is speaking and you probably weren't even aware!

Easy reading

Great book; we used as a women’s group study.

Exceeded my expectations!

I have read two books by Priscilla in the past year and love her writing style. I bought this one more out of curiosity on what she had to say on the topic, hoping she’d share some devotional time strategies. She goes way beyond that! She focuses not only on how God speaks, but why, how our hearts have to be expectant and keeps it all centered on the Word! Loved it.

A must read for me.

Yes- this was a must read for me from my heavenly Father. With many plans, thoughts, situations etc ahead of me. I really want to discern every perfect will that my Father has for me. I need to get these things right. So, I move to His pace for me- well trying to...lol The Lord ministered to me one night after watch Priscilla Shirer and her speaking about this book. And, getting ready to join a book club in about a week. Father ministered that I had to read this book first. Wow. Food for my soul and spirit all I can say is thank you Lord such an inspirational good solid read. Thank you

This book is for you no matter where you are in your walk with the Lord!

This is one of the most insightful, inspirational and well written books I have read. God certainly gave her an awesome gift! I love that she shares her experienceson that are not too lengthy and I often can relate to. She incudes bible quotes as well as quotes from many wise believers. I have underlined, dog eared, taken pictures of pages and quotes of much of this book to refer back to. This book is a keeper! It applies to any stage of life or experience because it's all about God and our relationship with Him!

Great to help you get closer and your relationship with God

Great and simple to understand book of your relationship with God we used it as a women's Bible study and it was a wonderful study for the great topics and insight. I recommend this to do alone or with a group

It's not a formula, it's a relationship.

Though I haven't yet finished this book, I am 2/3 through and know it is a good one. Appropriate use of Scripture and is not some fluffy mystical approach as some may fear by reading the title. The author uses stories from her own life as examples of some of the points she makes. Really encourages reading and obeying the Bible and walking closer to God as the key to knowing His voice. It is not really about any formula, but really about deepening your relationship with God. If you are serious about that, then this is the book for you!

Wow did this book reinforce what God has been telling me.

I never go into God's word that I do not come out feeling better than I went in. I have not been spending the time I should in His Word and I know it, but if Satan can not make you sin, he will make you busy. This book reconfirmed that God wants a relationship with me but I need to slow down and listen for Him. I would highly recommend this book to anyone that is a new believer or even someone who has believed their entire life but has not heard God's voice in their life. Priscilla gives great examples from her own life to bring scripture into the present. His Word is alive and her examples show that clearly. I will use things out of this book to help me get a closer relationship with God.

So so good!

I checked this out of the library and only got half way through it before I had to return it. It was so good I bought it and wow, it got even better and this way I was able to highlight and refer back to it. I seriously love this book and it's in my top 10 for sure! Worth reading yearly! It's really so much more than just Discerning God's Voice....though wrapped up in that it just speaks on so many levels on growing in spiritual maturity with fever! I loved it!!

Spoke to my heart

God used her to minister into the crevices of my heart to bring about some changes needed for this time in my life.

If you want to hear God speak,Listen

Great book. Throughout the book we learn that God stills speaks to us but we must first learn to listen for his voice. Hearing may be different for all of us. Maybe a whisper, a bible verse, a conversation, God bringing something to mind, through someone else's message. But without doubt we must seek his word daily, spend time with him daily and also spent some quiet time with him. If we do all the talking how will we hear his voice .

Both Comforting and Challenging

Based on Scripture, with meaningful quotes and personal illustrations, I am leaving this first read encouraged to continue to discern and live out the Lord’s plan for my life. I had a little trouble recognizing where some of the quotes began in the e-version I was reading, but the subject and depth of this work invites me to reread it and spend more time with the Lord listening...waiting on Him with confidence...knowing He is speaking...and I am learning to discern His voice. I hope many others will read and benefit from this book.

SO GLAD I purchased this book!!

I just finished this book and have benefited from it TREMENDOUSLY. I highly recommend it to any and everyone, regardless of your situation or walk of life. My eyes have been opened in a way they've never been before and I have such a deeper understanding of the way God speaks, among other things. Many thanks to the author, Priscilla Shirer for this beautifully enlightening and encouraging book!

Discerning the Voice of God has greately enhanced my personal understanding in hearing God speaking to me.

Ms. Shirer, Your book has enhanced my life thru God's Holy Spirit. I am a minister of the Gospel. Specifically, I am a prophetess teacher/intercessor. I absolutely love your book. I read it and studied it and ate it until the pages have begun to fall from the book. It has been a most enlightening experience and it is a book I would purchase as a gift for others. I have written many books and have self published a couple. My dream is to have the books the Holy Spirit has inspired me to write published so that the world can additionally know Jesus so loves us and wants us all to see Him in peace. Blessings and much continued peace to you my Dear Sister Priscilla.


Easy to read. Easy to understand. LIFE CHANGING book!! I HIGHLY recommend to anyone!! This is exactly what I needed at exactly the right time! But that's how God works right? His timing is perfect! My first Priscilla Shirer experience. She is unmistakably blessed with the Word of God!

God does speak to us, but do we hear him?

Priscilla Shirer has made me increasingly sensitive to the Lord's voice, reminding me that prayer is a conversation, and a conversation requires the relationship of two. When two speak, no one is edified unless one listens. I have often forgotten that God wants not just to hear me speak, but to talk with me. I have always appreciated His voice and majesty in nature, but now I realize I can come to intimately hear His voice, His call on my own life. I highly recommend this book that you may also learn God's good, perfect and pleasing will for your life as well.

U feel God speaking to u through her words

I can't believe how on time this book was for me. I have been at a standstill place looking to GOD to speak on where I need to be. What I need to be doing with my businesses and life. This book showed me how every circumstance I am currently dealing with is all part of GOD's infinite wisdom & plan. It reminded me that when I've done all I can I should just stand. On time read & very thankful for the timing.

This is NOT A WORKBOOK like the 1st edition released in 2006.

I ordered this for a bible study group I am helping lead after speaking with a rep from Lifeway about this revised/updated version. The material in each chapter definitely parallels the DVD series and first edition, including great questions at the end of each chapter. BUT, the format is not the same as the original with five days of assignments and a viewer guide for the video. I thought I did my homework by contacting the company from Lifeway website to find out how different it was. My suggestion is to just use the ISBN on the back to order, whichever version you decide you want.

Pages fall out

While I love the content of this book, I am really disappointed that it started to fall apart almost immediately. I was not bending it too hard, etc. and a page fell out the first time I read the book. Just so happened that at our Bible Study, other ladies mentioned the same thing so I realized it was not just me. I very rarely go back to re-read books, but this is one that I can see referencing time and time again.

Solid Teaching

This is a very solid teaching about how to hear and recognize God speak. This was a very helpful reference for a class I was teaching as it hits on the same principles of Experiencing God by Henry Blackabay.

Truly insightful

Helped me during the time when I needed to re-learn in discerning God’s voice. Our book club has enjoyed this book.

Wonderful Read

One of my favorite authors and speakers and this book is amazing. I really love how she addresses and engages the reader. Very helpful and insightful on how God speaks to us and how we can wait and hear him. Each chapter covers a step and then recaps at the end. Very easy to understand and follow and doesn't drag on or lull like other books. It also isn't repetitive there is something new in each chapter of this book. I also love the book Fervent.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is serious about learning to listen to God

This is one of the best books I have read about listening to God. The author writes honestly about her struggles and questions and experiences. She shares Biblical priciples with practical ways to implement them. Because she uses her experiences she makes hearing fronm God sound possible and doable. I have so many pages underlined because Priscilla's ideas were so valuable that I want to be able to remember them and find them again when I refer to the book. I know that I will read and reread this book. Many books I have read about listening to God seemed "over my head" but this one gives great hope and conviction that God wants to speak to us and that it is something that all Christians have available to them, if we are willing to listen and obey.

Best book I’ve ever read aside from the Bible, of course! Absolutely powerful. I can not say enough good about it

Unbelievably powerful!! I’m actually reading it together with my husband....we finished it today and are starting it over again tonight!

this is a great book, thought-provoking questions

joined a women's bible study and this book makes the reader sit up and take notice. the author states that if you are not ready to make a change in your life, then don't buy the book. Written by a woman for women.


Two of us ordered this book for a bible study class, ended up returning them. Although the author has good intentions, she doesn't know when to stop talking. She goes on & on and beats the point she's making to death. Were exhausted by all the words, had gotten the point early in & just wanted her to move on

Priscilla Shirer masters a complex subject in "Discerning the Voice of God..."

Priscilla Shirer mastered a very complex subject in a thorough and insightful manner. She was able to draw upon her years as a Christian, the daughter of Tony Evans, and all of the insight she learned within her family regarding faith, to provide concrete information as to how to greatly improve prayer life. She wrote this book in a manner in which she accompanied you through this journey to a higher understanding and when you finish the book, you feel as if you had a personal relationship with her while reading. I have already purchased this book for a friend recovering from a battle with cancer & will continue to recommend the book.

Good inspirational book

This book is so inspiration a friend of mine told me about it. I had to buy my own. If you're trying to get right with God. I would read this book

Worth the read

Frustrated because you don’t know how to do what God wants? Wonder why everything is some big mystery you have to guess about and hope you’re doing the right thing? SO- it’s not and you don’t... you just have to learn how to listen:) Worth the read

Worth reading

This book uses real examples from the authors life experiences. She uses verses from the bible and examples from the bible. Sometimes I found it hard to keep reading, but I am very glad I finished it. It is exciting to know anyone who has accepted Jesus as savior can hear his voice, not just prophets or special people we have all heard about. You and I normal children of God can hear His voice.

Highly Recommend reading this!

This book contains so many practical ant authentic truths about walking with the Lord and hearing His voice. It helps you recognize what you already know deep in your heart.

Written for comprehension and understanding

For some believers, myself included, I do not spend that quality time to discern the voice of God and only upon occasion have I heard from Him. This book is most helpful to my comprehension. I am halfway through this book and the way this book is laid out is easy reading and to understand. Mrs. Shirer has a special ability to discern, teach and explain. I am sure that I will be referencing this book time and again.

Excellent Book

This book is a must for anyone seeking practical, understandable guidance on how to intentionally hear when God is speaking to them. The material is clear, well written, and just makes sense. It is obvious that the annointing of the Lord is in every word. I think it would be an excellent source of material for a small group study. You definitely won't leave the way you came after reading this one.

She is really anointed by God

She as great as writing as she is teaching. You need to read it

For Saturdays class

I love this book, it helps me When I know the Lord Is talking

Somewhat ok

I had high hopes for this book, however it went through too many tangents and contradictions that it failed to be cohesive after the first few chapters. I did this book within a small group and we all pretty much felt the same way. We made it through the book, but it wasn't much fun towards the end.


Your book was very insightful on my journey seeking to become closer to God. I'm learning to listen first before making any decisions.

Hearing God’s Voice

I am reminded through Pricilla’s words that each and everyone of us can hear from our Creator. Expect it, desire it, seek it, He will speak with you. He cares about everything going on in your life, take it to Him and expect an answer.


Yes in would recommend this book.Our world is in such a hurry.Learning to wait slow down wait God will answer but in His timing not ours

Great Book!

I loved the book. It is already helping me to hear more clearly from God. I would recommend this book to everyone, but specially to my Aunt.

Awesome book

The introduction was awesome. It made me hungry for more. After reading the first chapter, I wondered if Priscilla knew me personally. She has a way of writing that bring the message through with clarity and understanding. I liked the book so much that I purchased 4 more and gave them to friends and family, praying that God would speak as they read and provide them with words that would change their lives forever. Awesome book. I have taken the liberty to purchase more of her works. I thank God for inspiring Priscilla to write books that will help others. Thank you. GeGe

God wants you to hear from him.

If you want to know how God communicates with us today, this book is a must for all believers. Written in easy to understand segments with many personal examples. You just have to listen. Great book to use for group study and discussion. Great book if you just want to walk closer to God in your quiet time and seek his will.

Great book and great service!

The book was in great condition, and arrived very quickly! I am very pleased with both the seller, and the content of the book, I am using it for both Bible study, and personal growth. It was a great purchase!

A powerful and insightful book!

A heart wrenching book that convicts to the core of the soul of how we need to be sensitive in discerning the voice of God, obeying what he asks us to do through His Word, and through what he says through his anointed servants and circumstances he keeps putting in our paths to move us along in the destiny He has in store for each one of us.

Inspiring and enlightening

This book was exceptional. Superior in organization and content. Easy to read and understand. I imagine reading this book over and over again.

Thumbs up

Wifey really enjoys it

Love this author!

Love this author! She writes like she is sitting at the kitchen table having a conversation with a friend. I recommend all her books.

Amazing introspective look into how God speaks

Very good way to journey through scripture and improve bible study habits. The matter of fact verbiage and appropriate placement of examples that mirror my/our own really aid in understanding and growing in the knowledge of God! This is my first time engaging in one of her devotional so and was drawn to it after hearing her dynamic delivery of the word several times. Enjoy and grow as I have from this experience.

Amazing, amazing, amazing book!!!

One of the most amazing books I’ve read. So many people tell you to discern God’s voice, but very few have ever told you how to do it. I needed tips on what to do, and I finally got them!!! This is a book i’ll Reread numerous times, I have no doubt. Thank you, Priscilla!!!


This is honestly one of the best books on Hearing His voice that I've read. I also have it on audio. I'm currently leading a women's Discerning the Voice of God Bible study. It's a great extra resource to do the study with. Priscilla Shirer is an anointed speaker and writer! Shes one of my favorites.

Excellent Book

I would recommend for everyone wanting to position themselves to hear from God. You can really feel the anointing and God’s approval and confirmation within your spirit witnessing...”Yeah this is that way I want you to live so that you can hear me speak to you”...so surprisingly practical in getting us to the next level in God.

A very practical and insightful way to learn about myself and my relationship with the Lord.

Every chapter had me learning and contemplating and listening. I love her work and message. I feel like God teaches me through her books.


I did the study first and then read the book but I definitely suggest doing both!! Love it!

Book to read again and again - absolutely awesome!

This book is EXCELLENT! A joy to read - and not the type of book you read once then toss. This is a book to read again and again and refer back to. I feel like the author is right there with me as I read - talking to me as a friend. Priscilla Shirer is an amazing writer! This was my first time reading a book by her and now I plan to purchase more books she has written. Highly recommended!

This is an AWESOME book. Our family was in the midst of ...

This is an AWESOME book. Our family was in the midst of making a very important decision and, desperate, I got the book, hoping it would help us understand what God was trying to tell us. I regret I didn't read this book years ago. Priscilla is honest, clear and down to earth in the way she discusses the subject. I always thought I was a second-class christian because I wasn't sure I could really discern my Father's voice as clearly as others seemed to do. NOT ANYMORE! Thank you, Priscilla.

God speaks if we know how to listen.

A wonderful bible study in language that we can understand. It was almost as if she were there. One of my favorite devotional speakers.


Fantastic timely truths for this season. I am already planning on rereading this book. God knew what he was doing when he placed it in my hands. I recommend it to anyone who feels like God is not speaking or is far away. He has a plan and his timing is perfect.

An inspiring building block for your walk with GOD

This has been a great use of my time and prospective because,for me, at this time of life, I needed assurance that it was the Master speaking to me his slave. I was so involved in my reading, that I had to introduce it to our class. I would gladly recommend it to readers.


I have truly enjoyed reading this book. It is one I will most definitely read again and again. It has so much to glean from it that I feel I didn't get it all. I love her books and the word she ministers to my life in her teachings.

Worth the purchase

Excellent book

This will help you grow Spiritually!

Another great book of Priscillas. She has so much wisdom!

Loved it

So practical, wise, and well-founded. She basis her discussion on scripture and is entirely relatable. I found this book to be an incredible resource on the topic of learning to hear God’s voice. This is my first time reading one of her books... I’ll definitely be reading the rest of them.

I thoroughly enjoyed Priscilla Shirer's new and improved book

I thoroughly enjoyed Priscilla Shirer's new and improved book. I read it the first time, but I guess I wasn't ready for it because it really didn't do much for me, but this time I couldn't put it down. I guess that is why the Bible is considered a living document. It speaks to us differently at different points in our lives. I will be taking the Bible study course again and I know that I will be blessed by it because I am ready for it.

Just finished reading this for the 2nd time and feel on fire!

This book is like having step by step instructions to set yourself up to have a greater, deeper relationship with the Lord.

Affirmation and Accountability

This book provided for me affirmation and a challenge to remain accountable in my journey. Priscilla writes in a manner that is gentle to the soul and yet giant for your growth. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone who is willing to receive it.

This book will benefit your life

GOD brought this book to me at the appointed time and i am truly blessed by Gids work through my sister Priscilla. I have gained immense clarity and trurh into what it means to hear from God and i have seen so much confirmation from it that it makes me smile from cheek to cheek.

Must read

Helped me understand how God speaks and I recognize his voice now! This is a definite must ready!! Get this book!

Great read

Love it

Good Book!

I have learned a lot from reading this book! I love Priscilla!

Anyone who is a follower of Jesus and wants to ...

Anyone who is a follower of Jesus and wants to be able to hear from and recognize the voice of God, will want to read this book. I have underlined so many of the things she has written- and I've only read the first chapter so far!! This is a book will be one that is in my permanent library to be picked up and read again and again.

Loved the book

I loved the book. Very gracefully written. I wish Priscilla would have read it herself for better connection to the inspirational woman of God I love so much.

So practical

I love how Priscilla gives practical example, how down to earth and simple she makes her teaching. This book has given me a 2nd wind to wait on God and confidence that he will speak in his appointed time.


This book is incredible. Priscilla Shierer really explain things in ways I've never heard it before. She helped to accomplish my goal in purchasing this book to begin with. I've learned so much I don't want to put it down. It's easy reading as well. It's easy to follow and she gives vivid examples to help bring her points to life. I definitely recommed.

What a blessing!

What a blessing! Although I wanted to sit down and read every word, I read a bit and pondered and prayed. I spent several days to complete the first time. Now, I return and read again and again. This book is filled with scriptures that spoke to my heart. If you are looking for a closer walk and prayer life with God, this book will help direct your path. Thank you Heavenly Father for your direction in this book.

Awe-Inspiring & Spirit-Filled

I loved that she used scriptures and anecdotes to share about God’s voice. This definitely exposes me areas where we as human lack when it comes to trusting God. Must read if you are wanting to become more intimate with God.

Wow, great book. Make sure you have a highlighter handy because there is alot of great information in this book.

Epic book, She is obviously annointed. Extremly insightful. So glad I read this book. It taught me alot about how to listen to God. Thank you!

Excellent and thoughtful

Scripturally sound book. Practical and inspiring. Advice on not only how to hear God's voice, but how important it is to respond with obedience, leading to a deeper relationship with God. I'm sure I will refer back to it over and over again.

You had a copy of a book I wanted to read.

I used this book for Bible Study

Great Book

I am so glad I finished this book. I so needed this reminder of how I need to be completely obedient to God and really intently listen to what He says to me. The author laid it all step by step.


Priscilla is a powerhouse talking about prayer. She takes hard concepts and explains them so well. Hearing from God can feel really confusing but her approach is practical and gave me so much confidence to discern God's voice!

God Does Speak!

This will go down as one of my favorite Christian books. I will read it again and again to remind myself how to discern God"s voice over just noise. Anybody who wants to understand how to "hear" our God will not be disappointed with this book.

Didn't find it answered my questions very well :(

Didn't get answers I was hoping to find in this book. Will re read again later in hopes that may get more out of it then.

I did not want this book to end

I did not want to finish reading this book.... In the space of a week my faith and relationship with God have drastically changed. Reading this book was a turning point for my faith and my life.... It is an adventure in itself and at the end of it... you will be amazed.... What an amazing book!!!

A very easy read and loaded with good I formation

I liked the way it was broken down into a day by day format. She provided the information and then asked challenging questions about applying what I learned. Theory without application is not learning for me. Telling me how to apply it in my everyday life is a valuable tool for me.

Very insightful

I haven't finished the book yet, but what I have read thus far has been amazing. My small group is reading this book together and discuss it weekly. It has meant so much to each of us! Priscilla writes in a way that makes it feel like she is right in the moment with me. I would highly recommend this book!

Life changing!

This book has really changed the way I think about spiritual discernment. I have been searching for clarity about this for some time, but I feel like Priscilla Shirer cleared things up for me in a mighty way. I feel equipped to move forward seeking God's voice in my life.

What a wonderful book

Just what I needed to read. I have had this book for more than a year. I read the first paper and put it down. This Oct the Lord impressed upon me that I needed to read this book now.

Powerfully encouraging and prophetic!

Priscilla Shirer presents a powerfully encouraging and prophetic reminder on how to discern God’s voice: “As God leads us through our journey of life with Him, He marks out different avenues for each of us within the overarching guidelines of Scripture, drawing an individualized map for us to follow.”


Thank you for reminding us that God speaks to us always, the fault for not hearing lies in our not taking time to shut down and listen!

Great read, horrible binding

First let me state that the content of the book is GREAT! Priscilla Shirer writes in a conversational style that I found easy to read and enjoyable. The principles and concepts presented were enlightening. I like the way she anticipates the reader's doubts and objections and speaks to them. Although I've been "hearing God" for many years, this was an amazing and life-changing book that challenged me on many levels. I have just purchased the DVD series to use as a women's study in our church. My original purchase was 11 copies of the paperback book to be used for a women's Bible study. THE LOW RATING IS FOR THE POOR QUALITY OF THE BINDING. In 8 of the 11 copies, when you reached the last third of the book, the pages began falling out -- LOTS of pages. This was a huge disappointment. We had all highlighted, underlined, and made notes in our books and hoped to use them again personally and in another study group. But they are literally falling apart.

Excellent book

This is a great book. Recommended for anyone, who wants to get close to God.

It's a Keeper

This one is a keeper. Pull out the highlighter and make note of the statements that you want to reflect further upon. A good mix of real life examples and direction on how to listen for God's voice.


Like her books

Lovely book. I enjoyed every bit of it

Thank you Priscilla for sharing your experience. You used the most simple examples and related them to our relationship with God and in that way we learn to look for His touch in our lives. I bless the Lord for using you immensely

A must read!!

This book is powerful. I was not able to stop reading and it ministered to my life and current situation so very deep. A definite must read for everyone as we all seek to hear God's voice!!!

Great book, highly recommend for a church small group, book club, or an individual

I am doing this book currently for a women's bible study group. We are enjoying it immensely. It has some great discussion questions at the end of each chapter, and the chapters are very reasonable in length. The only problem with it, is that if you really read it, and try to discern the voice of God, you just might have to listen! :)


This book was a blessing and an eye opener for me. They were so many truths, so much substance. I was so blessed. You will not be disappointed. Prayerfully read this book and thankGod it came your way. God is amazing and He is waiting to bless us... If we will only wait on Him ,trust Him to lead guide and direct us. We will not go wrong.

Love at First Chapter

Was staring at this book for a long time . Finally something told me " just buy it" so GLAD I did! I peeked and read through chapter one it was so resourceful in helping my journey! Can't wait for my next quiet moment to really focus on finishing this book!

Speak LORD.

Awesome book that guides you through the process of learning to listen and hear from God. Very insightful book and Priscilla never fails to capture her readers with her love and zeal for God. It's been enlightened going through each chapter with expectancy and a thirst to hear from God.


I absolutely soaked up so much from reading this book! It just launch me deeper into wanting to know God more than I have ever experienced!!! I’m always expecting to hear God’s voice!

I will update after finishing...

I'm having a hard time getting through this text. I find that a lot of her ideas just keep repeating themeselves. I find the way that Priscilla writes to not be very succinct and clear. It's evident a lot of her quotes are from sermons, which is great...but that means a lot of annotations are to be made. I find that her notes from these sermons to not really make sense bc they're not connecting well. I'm sure they were poignant at service but these liners/notes make no real sense to people that weren't there. A lot of "... And ---" in her writing makes this book quite challenging.

Very insightful!

I found this book to be very insightful and helpful in understanding how God speaks and how to hear His voice. The biggest thing I learned was that I was so busy seeking God's voice in this trying time, that I was not seeking GOD! even before finishing the book, I started to "hear" God speak as I started putting the truths into practice. many thanks Pricilla! very easy to read, lots of scripture back-up,and quotes throughout the book by other Christians really make this a great resource to go back to again and again!

Must read!

Practical straight forward book on learning how to listen for direction from God


So much to take from this book. May it help anyone who is struggling to find peace with God and be comforted by these words.

Seeking God

Live Priscilla Shirer! Her books are always encouraging to me as I seek the hand of God! The Bible along with her thoughts are always reassuring to me.

MORE Than 5 Stars!!!

This is probably the best book I have ever read!!!! I love all of Priscilla's books but this one is definitely more than 5 stars!!!

Great Book!

I would highly recommend for anyone desiring to know God better. The writing is conversational and very applicable to real life. It covered everything I needed to improve my daily walk with God, by intentionally listening for God, because He wants to speak to me, and obedience in everything.

This will change your thoughts on whether or not you do hear God's voice.

I just finished facilitating the Bible Study of the same name. It was excellent and very well received by the ladies of all ages in the group. Reading the book along side the study gave a more thorough overview that helped me to initiate meaningful discussion. I will not soon forget what I have learned. Perhaps the best study I've done.


Another great book by Priscilla S.

I highly recommend!

This book is incredible. I've read books in the past about hearing God's voice, but this is the first one that I felt gave me clarity and clearly defined direction to take. Highly recommend!

Enlightening, inspirational and learned...

Priscilla Shirer has written an insightful handbook for all who seek closer communion with God, whether out of urgent need or for direction and guidance around mundane issues in our daily lives. Her writing is steeped in wisdom, impressive theological knowledge and practical examples. I love the way she supports theoretical teaching with stories from her personal life to which we can all relate. I look forward to hearing more from her.



An Amazing Blessing

I have read several of Priscilla's book and this one of her best yet. It gives a deeper insight to ones's relationship with God. The title is just what the book is about, recognizing God when He is conversating with you. The book is written in such a way that its like you are sitting at the table having a cup of tea/coffee with Priscilla, you, and God! It has blessed me so much that I have given the book as gifts for loved ones.

Very inspiring and life changing...

This book is amazing. So much great information. Author does a great job passing the information as if she is having a persona conversation with you. Inspires me to dive deeper into the word and deepen my relationship with God. I'm excited to read this book again...this time with a new group of God seeking females.

2D to 3D

This book took my understanding of His discernment from 2D to 3D, from voice listening to experiencing Him. The author shows how our daily experiences are a apart of His plan for us no matter the circumstances.

Good read (I hope)

I bought this for myself to help understand about listening to god. I have not had time to read yet but it looks promising


I really enjoyed this book and recommend it for anyone who wants to hear from God not just talk to him. He speaks to us if we just take the time to listen.


Excellent! Thank you

Great for bible study group

I like her perspective on how to hear Him.

Easy to read and thought provoking

This is a beautifully written book and confirmed my experience and beliefs

You Better Stop and Recognize!!!

Ordered these books to use in our Ministry lessons monthly. However, i have read this book and it is inspiring. Pay attention to the detail, much to be said and gleaned from this book. Great job Priscilla!!

Awesome Word

Love this book

Great Read!

Practical, applicable..encourages you to examine yourself, make a choice, and to be assured that the outcome is completely in your hands. Refreshing reminder that God speaks and has a true desire for His children to hear him!

An Experience to Behold

Very exciting and thought provoking book. Priscilla Shirer is an authentic author and communicator. This book draws the reader into a deeper relationship with God as they learn to listen and obey when they hear His voice. I highly recommend this book as well as any other of Priscilla's books and workbooks.

but the book is very good. Helps you to hear the voice of God ...

Only on chapter 3, but the book is very good. Helps you to hear the voice of God for yourself and tells you how to do it. The stories included give insight to her teachings.

This is my struggle!

What an amazing book by a woman that is truly annoited by God to speak clearly and wisely, using biblical facts and principals to help you on your path to understanding when God is speaking. It may sound easy, but there is so much NOISE in the world today I can't always sort through when HE is speaking or I'm trying to figure it out myself. Then I usually find out the hard way. EVERY CHRISTIAN should read this!

I did watch the video's from a download and I loved the video's

I never received this book. I did watch the video's from a download and I loved the video's. I don't know what happened that I never received the book.

Another winner

This is a simple, yet illuminating book. I got so much new insight and encouragement for every page. I'm going to go back and read it again.

Awesome book to help you learn how to hear God's ...

Awesome book to help you learn how to hear God's voice and deepen your relationship with HIM! Easy to read and hard to put it down. A must read for those who want to know HIM more!

She has a way of leading you into a quiet ...

She has a way of leading you into a quiet space with God with insightful questions that encourage you to open your heart, release concerns & renew your intimacy with Father God

Powerful book!

After listening to the audio version, I walked away with the knowledge of the ways that I can hear from God! I'm also working on the bible study as well!

This has been an amazing study on expecting and anticipating the Voice of God

This has been an amazing study on expecting and anticipating the Voice of God. Practical advice plus guidance through scripture points you to know God and heed Him as he speaks through His Spirit to direct the paths of your life. A must study for those wanting to seek God deeply and intimately and to hear Him clearly.

Priscilla Shirer is an awesome writer.

Great for a bible study either alone or in a group Priscilla speaks wise words to the reader.

Riveting and life changing

Riveting and life changing, this book will readjust the way you listen to God. Read it slowly and deliberately...but read it.

LOVE. LOVE, LOVE this book!

AWESOME book!! God speaks to us all of the time. We just have to quiet our minds long enough to HEAR His voice. This book is an excellent tool to train yourself to hear all of the different ways God speaks to us. She offers so many practical tips. LOVE. LOVE, LOVE this book! I remember the excitement I felt after ready the 1st chapter and actually HEARING God speak to me about some things that had been going on in my life.....PRICELESS!

Great Book!

Great book! It’s an easy read and very inspiring. My small group is reading it together. I’m buying more to give at Christmas!

Comforting and powerful

I love the personal way Priscilla Shiver talks to the reader, it's like you are having a one-on-one conversation with her. It's a time of growth and solitude whenever I sit down with one of her books.

LOVE this book!

This book is fantastic. I have had one a-ha moment after another with it. Priscilla Shirer really has a way of making things easy to understand... I kept have those "Yes! That makes total sense!" moments. Very inspiring, challenging (in a good way) and uplifting.

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