Untamed: A House of Night Novel (House of Night Novels, 4)

Hardcover – September 29, 2009
28 Sep
P. C. Cast

Life sucks when your friends are pissed at you.

Just ask Zoey Redbird – she's become an undisputed expert on suckiness. In one week she has gone from having three boyfriends to having none, and from having a tight-knit group of friends who trusted and supported her, to being an outcast. And the worst part is, she knows it's her own fault. Speaking of friends, the only two Zoey has left are undead, unMarked, and unable to stop bickering with each other. So who can blame her for befriending the House of Night's newest transfer student, the majorly hot Olympic archer, James Stark?

Meanwhile, Neferet has declared a war on humans after it appears that the People of the Faith have murdered two vampyres. But Aphrodite's latest visions show a world completely different from the High Priestess's promises, a world full of violence, hatred, and darkness, all because of Zoey's death―and the only way it seems she can prevent it from happening is to make things right with her friends. Zoey knows in her heart that fighting with humans is wrong. But will anyone listen to her? Zoey's adventures at vampyre finishing school take a wild and dangerous turn as loyalties are tested, shocking true intentions come to light, and an ancient evil is awakened in PC and Kristin Cast's spellbinding fourth House of Night novel.

Reviews (436)

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

so many good reviews for this one...i dont get it

I recently became interested in the vampire novel genre after reading Twilight. Since reading it i have read several other vampire series, including this one. Sadly this one is at the bottom of my recommendation list for other to read. The first few books from this series were very promising, which made me read all of them that are released but i was very disappointed afterward. I did not feel as close to the characters as i wanted to, or become attached, at all. They definitely lacked personality, the authors were annoyingly repetitive and i felt as though there were many loose ends in the novels. I found myself asking questions about the story and characters that were given no answers. If you want to read a great story based on vampires, i would look elsewhere before reading House of Night. Just writing this review and thinking of the plot is givng me a little bit of a headache. i felt as though lots of the page were mindlessly written just trying to fill space and at the end of each novel i felt like i was given a book ripped in half because of how little is accomplished in the plot. this entire series could have been written into one book if the authors didnt have so much fluff. Some might consider these good because their frame of reference is limited in this genre, i cant imagine any other reason someone may like these. My local used bookstore had several of these in stock. i suggest going to yours or to a library for these before you invest in the whole series if you are deciding whether to read these.

My favorite, but still kind of rough.

Forget boy drama this novel, Zoey has lost all of her boyfriends, and has even lost her friends. Ironically the only person Zoey has is Aphrodite. Neferet had everyone believe that Aphrodite had lost Nyx's connection, but it turns out Aphrodite still gets her visions, and a lot of them have to do with Zoey dying. Too add to complications there is a new kid at the House of Night, but he is not a newly changed fledgling instead he is a transfer student. More and more darkness is developing at the House of Night and without the comfort of her friends Zoey is finding it a little more difficult than usual. In one of Aphrodite's visions Zoey's Cherokee heritage comes into play with an old legend. The old legend does not bring good things to come, instead it brings nothing but danger and suffering, but it also involves her Grandmother. With Grandma Redbird in danger Zoey asks her Grandmother to come stay with her. Another bit of knowledge in this novel is that crows and ravens are not the same thing, but I will leave you to figure that one out. Untamed is my favorite in the series so far. It combines a lot of people, the past and the present, and it sends us on a lot of twists and turns. Yes it continues to be a little repetitive and corny, but that to me makes it worth reading. If you're on the third one and you're not sure to go on or not at least read this one and then you will be hooked trying to decide if good will triumph over evil. [...]

A solid "eh".

all i can really say about this book is that it was okay. the writing was good enough but the character was infuruatind and there wasnt really any originality between the books in the series. i mean come on the girl likes maybe love (ha!) how many guys throughout the series. Make up your mind already! and is it really possible for a girl like the one shes made out to be in the story be so horrible fickle. ooh i think i love him but hey that guys gorgeous and he says he likes me. urg! and then theres the whole thing with their triumph over evil. blah blah. evil this evil that. what are we going to do!? oh i know. lets do a circle. then victory. its all very repetative. buy this only if your out of your mind bored and have no other options that are more appealing. as a very last resort. really.

Don't waste the time or money

I agree with the other 2 star reviewers, this book is the worst in this OK series; I would have liked to give this last book 1 star but it seemed petty. I like to give a story a fair chance before I talk badly about it; so I persevered, even though I was ready to throw this book away half way through. By the time I had finished this book I felt robbed, Books one through four occured over the course of less than three months!!! Can you say rip off!! This entire series could have been one or two really good books and would have saved needless and copious amounts of repitition on the authors' part and money on our parts (which is of course not the authors'focus or goal. Instead House of Night is made up of five OK books, that had the promise of being a great series. Vampire Academy is a much more engaging and entertaining series that won't leave the reader with the sense of being scammed.

Quick, easy read for an alright storyline

Started this series because of a friend that recommended it to me. It is an okay series, but I think more for late middle school/early high school girls. Series started off a bit more interesting and entertaining but has become kind of repetitive and lengthy. I will read the rest of the books though cause I still want to know how it all turns out in the end. Just seems like a lot of the books restate what has happened in previous books which seems unnecessary since it is a series and people should read it in order; therefore, they should already know what has happened.

Plodding along

The House of Night books I found hard to get into. This was the same, the stories are very similar, and I just don't feel anything for the characters. They came recommended, so of course I had to go buy the whole series. I feel a bit (OK, a LOT) cheated to have paid $10 per book, they were really worth half that. Or less. The characters were good, the premise was good, but something just didn't click with me. I think as the books progress, they do get better, and being a sucker, I did have to read them, and I'm sure I'll buy the next one. But under protest at the high price.

Just read Twilight

While not as bad as the first book, this one still features terrible writing, slut shaming, and more. Like a horrible peek back into the 2010 vampire craze.

Good books, but unfortunately for me...

I actually love this series. I purchased the physical books awhile back, but I lost them in an apartment fire. I noticed Amazon has a way to repurchase previously bought books for the kindle at discounted prices. I was disappointed to find out that this series was not included and I had to repurchase the set at full price.

ThePaperCritic Review

This is the book where I thought some of the trials and the point in which I would decide if the series as even worth it. Frankly with the low scores and the poor reception I've had of the series, this book actually felt a bit better than the rest, but that's not saying a lot. Previously everything Zoey's been trying to hide and trying to protect collapsed into her lap, and she's left in a world that's left her lonely. I find it almost refreshing from the whorish Zoey we had in the last book, which was almost repulsive. However, I don't see that Zoey staying too long. The best part of the novel was Zoey was left with just two friends who are complete polar opposites of each other. It was great seeing her struggle to regain their trust, and actually earn something in the series instead of just being handed everything. However, the reason she gains their trust back, is a joke. It's borderline laughable. As well the story revolves around her getting back together with her friends, if she hadn't, the whole world would've been dead. It doesn't say much for Zoey's character and what few strengths she has. Its to the point in the series where I'm expecting more out of her than just some wishy-washy, who expects people to grovel at her feet or be her friend. The story was rather mediocre as, there wasn't depth or really anything that I wanted to go tell my friends about. It was the generic run of the mill YA story, that is used over and over. "I need my friends to come together and shape up, or the world is going to explode and we all die." Put some more thought into it, give us a reason to believe the world is actually going to end, other than some premonition, on wait that happens all the time in this series. Aphrodite and Stevie Rae, being the two that stick by her side are the reason the book has any life. They would be better candidates for the main character than Zoey. Stevie Ray being the red queen for the red vampyres, which is sort of odd, is faced with some rather harsh and important decisions for those she leads around and those she cares for, as queen.. Aphrodite has turned a new leaf and the depth of her friendship with Zoey grows, she actually sticks up for Zoey and puts her own neck on the line. It's great seeing that of a character that I hated in the beginning of the series. I just hope the supporting characters continue on this trek. Than there is the whole newcomer James Stark, who frankly doesn't last long at all in the novel, but plays a more unique role. Oh and James and Zoey hit it off, pretty quickly, so here's to a four-way relationship. What I don't understand is how Zoey can land nearly any guy she looks at, I mean it's mind boggling. I don't see any guys falling over girls like that in reality land, and if they find out she's been cheating on them, or more or less leading them on, they drop them like a rock and don't look back. I know I've said this before, and I'll say it again, if you are a guy, stay away from any girl like Zoey. So all in all, while this was marginally better than the other books, I don't think it was the best one of it all. It just made some of my more glaring problems with the series more pronounced. I just don't understand why the authors are writing Zoey in as such a weak character. She hasn't really done anything, other than be in the right place at the right time or her friends help her to get to a point she just can't get to on her own. I find it rather sad and annoying. Here's to wishing things change by the end.

Amazing book👍🏻

I love the character Zoey because not only do you read how she's progressing through her drama but she also learns life lessons. Of course it annoyed the heck out of me when she deemed herself herself weak but only because she didn't believe in herself enough. I felt a wash of relief when she took charge and told her friends the truth about everything. That was one of my favorite parts.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Untamably good!

Untamed is the fourth book by the mother-daughter writing duo, P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast, and part of the House of Night seires. This series is addictive. You can't just read one chapter before bed and decide that's all you'll read. You wind up reading 50 pages at once just to see what happens next. This wasn't my favorite take on Vampires, but the underlying stories of friendship and believing in yourself can be enjoyed by anyone. Throw in some teenage angast and you've got one hell of a story. Highly recommended for teenage readers.

Long great series!

Lots of reading in this series. My daughter loves this series!

Teenage daughter loves it

One of many books added to my daughters book collection.

Good YA book

Good young adult series, vampire good vs evil, gets a little sappy but not too bad.


So many unexpected sad, exciting, and frustrating events happen. I’m so happy I fount this book series it really makes me connect with my real life.


Love the characters


This one will keep you on the edge of your seat. Definitely one of my favorite series of books. Excited to keep reading on.

Thank you 🙏

Thank you

Great Series

Great series but very long! Just be prepared

Nice Series

I love to read all kinds of novels and this is a great young adult series for anyone who likes vampires and drama.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

best book in the series

this is the best book in the series. it has tons of action!!!!!!! i cannot wait til the 5th book comes out. i am soooooo excited. i hope eric and zoey get back together but otherwise i love the book. i cant stand Neferet. she is evil. this book has lots of mysteries and action. i hope you guys like stark as much as i do..........he may seem bad at the end but its all cuz of his disability...........and Neferet. i am thirteen and i love this series.

Good quality

Absolutely love this series! I enjoy talking about the content with my son.

Fast Shipping

Great Product

Great gift!

My wife LOVES this book series, I've been buying all of them for her. Its a great mux between some of her favorite books. Keeps her so interested and entertained.

Love the series

I've already read the series at least half a dozen times. A friend had given me the first four books in paperback, but after pre-ordering all the other books in hardcover I wanted to get the first four in hardback as well and this was the last one I needed. I love that it has the poster on the inside of the dust jacket. Can't wait for the last two books to come out now. :)


Knock off!!!! NOT THE REAL BOOK!!!! All the pages are sequential however in chapter 25 the story cuts off and starts in the wrong place and cuts off again. As if a single page is completely wrong and out of place. I compared it to another copy I found elseware and discovered that the whole book appears to be a photocopy of the real thing. The cover is missing proper color and pattern and the numbers on each page are faded. I will not be purchasing from this seller again.

Three thumbs up!

Great book! I do have to say they repeat a lot of small details A LOT but overall I can't put the book down! I have read 4 in a month! Waiting on 5 & 6 to be shipped as I type! Very good series for any age of vampire fans! I like this series! Its a great kid/teen book but also good for young adults and adults in general! Must warn you.... Start on book one (its worth it) cuz you just can't put them down!

Enjoying it

Love reading the books

Favorite series!

Love this series. Book was in great shape!

Wow. That escalates quickly. Yea this one's really interesting. Seems like they keep getting better.

Oh! My bad this is where the review goes. Well if you came this far you don't wanna stop now read the book.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

The next installment in the House of Night series

I was really looking forward to this book, and I was not disappointed. PC and Kristin Cast again create a page turner. I was however, slightly miffed that the series continues, simply because I now must wait for the next installment. But, seeing as I have every intention of buying the next one, the Cast duo apparently know what they're doing in leave the readers hanging at the end of each book.


Love this book perfect condition


Honestly, the amount of filler in these books is starting to become ridiculous. I really do love the story...when you get some...and the characters. However, I feel they are dragging it out WAY to much in order to make more money. Also, their editor needs to be fired. The sheer amount of grammatical and spelling errors is just out of hand.

Keeps getting better!

I can't put these books down!! I will be sad when I'm done with the series.... I am over 50 years old too so not just teens will like these books. It's a different spin on vampires for sure!


Some of the best characters I've ever read. Definitely one of the best books I've ever read. The world that was created is unbelievable and has just the right amount of love, friendship magic and danger all in one incredible series

Predictable in the worst way.

If you have read the previous 3 books you will find that this book is even more predictable than the first three. Not in a good way either in a way that just makes you sigh with disappointment. Up until this point Zoey and Aphrodite are the only two characters we see any sort of character development. Which even at that is shallow and and flat. Zoey was fairly tolerable in the first 3 books but in this one makes a weird change to be incredibly whiny, bitchy at times, and annoying. There is a chapter of dialogue between her and a character where she gets annoyed and bitchy about them asking about her affinities and instead of reacting like the humble, kind person we've know since the first book she responds in this bitchy condescending way that at this point changes my complete opinion on the character. Which gets extremely hard to tolerate since the whole book is her inner dialogue or long chapter length dialogues with other characters. The shallow and flat character development is especially apparent during events that we would have been as emotional as the characters if she would have spent the time developing the characters. A tragic event for a character that appeared at the beginning of the book that she haphazardly gave us the TL;DR of his background didn't develop the character or his relationship with Zoey well enough to where his tragic event wasn't significant. Plus also caused me to be confused that all the characters remained so upset about a person they just met and knew for ONLY a day. I was also annoyed that Zoey " falling in love " with this character after only knowing him a day. That's 3 guys now and I really hope that P.C Cast doesn't believe that heartbreak is what develops a character... because up until this point that's all it's been and it's incredibly annoying. P.C Cast has a really good premise and interesting plot. Her writing excels when she is describing an event that she wants us to get emotional about. However it's ruined with her repetitive and lengthy dialog and just bad knowledge of teenage interactions. She doesn't take the time to develop a relationship or character that is significant to the story before she reveals their purpose. My biggest gripe was that she didn't take the time just a few more chapters of s***ty dialog to DEVELOP Stark and Zoey's relationship. To MAKE me care before she jumped the gun. I get that the story is suppose to be face paced and character driven ( Given the fact that since the first book only 6 months have passed and almost half of the 4th book takes place in a days time ) but she is sacrificing development that keeps us invested. Sadly I'm done. I will not read another House of Night novel. This book was absolutely terrible when I was hoping it would get better. I can't force myself through more lengthy, repetitive Dialog full of stupid lingo that just makes the characters annoying and uninteresting. I don't understand why someone would want to keep reading a book dumbed down like the reader is 13-14 years old when the contents of the book is clearly geared towards Young Adults.

Ugh addicted to them

Love the series great must read books

You wont be disappointed

My favorite booked series. Ive never been a reader until I lived 6 months without cable and I neighbor gave me type first book in this series. I was instantly hooked. Anyone who likes fantasy should read these books!!

Love this Series! Great books, highly recommend!

Good books, I love this series! Nothing bad to say, highly recommend reading these books.

Best book series ever

have not been addicted to anything like this since Harry Potter.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.


Not predictable, sad without the expected finality. I love the writing. Knowing the area makes these books so fantastic for me. I have really enjoyed this new spin on the vampiric world.


Bought for a friend...he loves the series.

Good read

Good series for all of us fantasy and horror and vamps ,this is a little different than what you and I are used to for a horror School series for vamps I know I may read it again in few years, enjoy!!!

I love this sereis!

I couldn't put this book down. It is a great read and appropriate for readers in high school. High school characters do sleep with each other but it is written very tactfully. There is a little bit of foul language to consider too but it isn't overwhelming.


This both as with the first 3 book are amazing. I can't stop reading Untamed was so intense that kept me on the edge of my seat right up to the last page. I can't wait to read the next book in the series.

Nice series

Great stories


I am highly impressed by this whole series. The stories flow well, there are unexpected twists and turns to keep you guessing. I read the first 4 of the series one after another and then we depressed when I read that the next one is still months from publication. A very skilled writing team!!!


LOVE this series

Thank you

Thank you


The book cost me .01 cent plus shipping. And for that price it was in excellent conditions. The book arrived on time and was readable. Three boyfriends, two vampires, one human, this book was different from the usual vaampire crap. I finnished it in one night.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Untamed Book Review

Untamed is a great sequel for Chosen in the House of Night series by Kristin Cast and I hope she continues to write this series. It is a good series that I would recommend to anyone who loves fantasy novels with a dark under-layer and a plethora of great other genres and imagery.

Love love love

Absolutely love this book and series can’t wait to continue to read and enjoy these books. I’m so excited for the show!

I love this series!

The saga continues. Zoey is an outcast. Friends loyalities and support is tested as the big picture is revealed. Many twist and turns take place. How will Zoey handle them? I was hooked after first book Marked.


This book has a wonderful twist that keeps you reading it. It's exciting and intense. I had many feelings towards Zoey throughout this book. Most of the time I thought she was irritating but you couldn't help but love her. Great read.


Definitely a page turner. I had a hard d time putting this down. Would recommend this to everyone. I just love this series of books. Can't wait to see what happens in the next book.

Fourth Book is great

The book follows the series with an eventful and traumatic experience for the reader who will not want to put the book down. This book has multiple twists and turns and changes when you least expect it. It has a cliffhanger at the end so be prepared to wait for the next book in the series.


This series of books is great. I love the mystery and the twists and turns. Just when I think I have the book figured out, it changes again! Makes it hard to put my kindle down and stop reading!! Onto book 5!!

Great book!

I have really enjoyed reading these book. I actually like them more than I thought I would! I would definitely recommend them.


This series is totally addicting and I'm 34 yrs old. I love them and my daughter is getting into them as well. I admit there are some parts that are like gross even for me but all that aside very excellent love story happening.


Guvuvuvuv chubby hubbub hubbub hubbub ihihininivzezezrzr regardless fetch gotcha chitchat Uruguay thoughtful yvhvhchchvhv yvhvhchchvhv yvhvhchchvhv yvhvhchchvhv .this book was grest

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Will Nyx win?

Neferet is evil. WE, the readers, know it. And now she declares WAR on the humans. What will Zoey do to stop her? Will Nyx lend a hand again? Will Zoey get more amazing tattoos? Or will evil creep into the hearts and minds of her friends?

Loved it

I was entertained, easy read. I would recommend it to anyone that enjoys reading about vampires in a different way a more friendly kind.? A new kind that touches your heart.

Wonderful book series!

I started purchasing the House of Night Series books and could not put them down. These books are exilerating and keep you wanting to read more. I do not look forward to the end of the series. Great books!

Great series for teens

I bought this whole series via a book club but they didn't offer this one book so I had to purchase it here. Although I knew nothing about the series I bought the entire thing and am glad I did.


I really like this series, Nice plots. It can be more of a ”Young adult” kind of book but I find it very intriguing

I love this series

I love this series. You must start with #1 and read them all. Just can't put them down and they are a quick read.

I adore these books. I used to own these ...

I adore these books. I used to own these but some got lost during my moves over the years so I'm repurchasing them!

House of Night: Untamed

Excellent series of books. I bought book one and was hooked. Went online and bought every one of them. Think Harry Potter + Twilight = House of Night. Can't wait for the next one!

I loved it

Leaves you on the edge of your seat begging for more. I wish they'd make these into movies because I would watch them over and over again.

Keeps Getting Better

I didn't love Choosen and as a result began to worry for the future of the series, so it was with trepidation that I began Untamed. Happily my doubts were erased within the first page of the book, and I have to say that untamed is the best of the series so far. The book opens just days after the events of choosen and Zoey is facing the reprocussions of all the secrets she kept and the weight of her mistakes is heavey indeed. Zoey is walkimg around under a storm cloud of loneliness, guilt,and hurt but she has no idea how dark things are about to get. Aphrodite has lost her Mark but not her visions and she's seeing Zoey's death. A few versions of it actually, and the only way to avoid one of them is to make things right with the friends who aren't speaking to her,and just in case fixing her life and trying to change the future weren't enough to worry about. When in the grip of a terrible vision Aphrodite pens a prophacy in Zoey's Grandmother's hand writing that points to Neferet's unthinkable end game scheme. The campus is full of strange crows, the high priestess of all Vampyre high priestesses is currently in residence at the school, there's a new guy at the House of Night, and Eric's back and teaching Zoey's Drama class. Stevie Rae is leading the red fledglings with secrets of her own, and Zoey's made friends with an unusual Nun. Before it's over The House of Night will explode in fire death, and chaos, and Zoey will face the possibility of a truly crippling loss. We see a much more mature Zoey in untamed, she's far more in control and willing to tap into her gifts and have faith in the outcome. Zoey refuses to be bullied and won't back down. The ladies Cast have crafted a serious page turner here, with a giant pay off and a mother of a cliffhanger I will defintely be be wating for Hunted in 09

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.


Love this series

good buy!!!!

granddaughter loves this series so I bought them all. I am the bestest ---- at least for a while!!!!!

Great series!

Its can't put the book down kind of read! I love the different aspect with the idea of vampires. If you love vamps or supernatural, this series is a must to read.

Great Read.

Wonderful read! Definitely recommend it. But you have to read the books that came before this one. Definitely one of my favorite vampire series.


I really don't know how good this book is. I got it as a gift for someone who requested it.

Completly Satisfied

I was completely satisfied with this item upon arrival. And after arrival for that matter. It arrived promptly, and was brand new. No problems getting it on time, and I got just what I wanted.

Great for all ages

I LOVE THESE BOOKS!! I'm not a teenager, I'm 52, but I really enjoy these books. The writers are great, I never get tired of reading them. Sometimes I stay up too late reading them. Can't wait to order the next book!!


This is a book that suites for any fantasybook lovers no matter what age! But you should start from the book one before continue. You just can't put this book down before it's finnished!


I've loved these books SO much. And can't wait to read the rest of them!!! The authors have done a stupendous job at writing these books! I hope to grow up to be such a great writer like her and her daughter!!

Five Stars


Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Four Stars

Great book, the pages were yellowed and not in the very good condition as described. Otherwise fast shipping

Five Stars

Book in excellent condition fun read


Great book with perfect service since they put it right on my e reader within minutes. Would tell anyone to read and buy this book.


I've read this whole series twice now and love each book. It got her exceptionally quick, in great condition and was like the first time, a great read.

An outstanding book in a great series!

I will not spoil the book for those of you who haven't read them. For those who are looking for a series full of suspense, friendship, betrayal, and honesty... Oh, and vampires; The House of Night novels are right up your alley!

Luv it!

I know that my reviews are short but you know what either or either or this book and all the previous ones I really enjoyed reading and luved the new kid James Stark.

Five Stars

I loved this series and plan on reading it again!

Pretty Good

Makes me want to read the next one (House of Night, book five, haunted). Semi-cliffhanger ending, but it was still exciting to finish.

I love this series

I need the next book!!!!!

This Is A Very Good Series.

This is a very good series. The series is getting a little long though without a lot of new plot development or character introduction. Still, a good read.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Untamed (House of Night, Book 4)

Another great book in this series! I could not put it down. Lots of excitement and thrills from beginning the end. I definitely recommend it to all avid House of Night fans!

House of Night

Glad this book came in and arrived on time.

... read this book about 5 times and i absolutely love the

I have read this book about 5 times and i absolutely love the series

Untamed (House of Night Book 4)

I received the package in excellent condition and opened it up to find it is also in excellent condition. Thank you! AAAA++++

Three Stars

Got this for my daughter. I know nothing about it.

Lived for it.

Edge of your seat. Can’t put the book down. Tragic love and syfy with unexpected twists and turns. Ready for the next one. Here I go!


Bought for granddaughter and she has the complete series of books and love them. She tells me about them when I talk to her.


I LOVE this series! I definitely cannot wait for the next one to come available. So addicting! Trust me and buy it! :)

book review

I love this series. I find myself with these characters while reading and can hardly put the book down. Great author.


I'm still highly in love and absolutely captivated by the House of Night series!!! Untamed did not disappoint. I'm addicted, completely.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

fast read

this book is a fast read. an interesring plot with some strange twists. I feel that this book is a good buy either paper back or kindle

just what

my daughter was looking for. she loves this series of books and we couldnt find it anywere close. thanks u

untamed is awsome

untamed is the forth book in the house of night series and is a awsome book if you read the other three i would read this book too

house of night wounderful series

I bought this as a gift or my girlfriend who kept borrowing mine so I know she would love it


With every page I read I find myself drawn to the next one. Completely awed and eager to to see the story unfold.

Five Stars

Book was unscuffed, and brand new as advertised.


The series is getting interesting. So much happens in this one. I really enjoyed reading it. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Five Stars

Completely Satisfied.

untamed a house of night novel.

bought this for my daughter,she reads these kinds of books.highly recommend buying this book for someone to read a book.

Addictive, from the beginning to the end

Great series it really sucks you in! I love everything about it. I just wish the entire series was out.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Grandmas like these books too

Written for teens but I loved it too and I am a grandma!


I finished it in a couple days!!!! I couldn't pull away!!! Awesome series!!!!! Now, off to the next book, HUNTED!!!!!

House of Night book 4

Love following the story line of the House of Night novels!

Keeps on being interesting!

I've read a lot of series that after the third book seem to lose their story not this book. It stays interesting

love it

i love these books. when i first read them, i was hooked. i could read the whole book in one day. only took a few days to finish the whole series.

Amazing book!

The seller was true to their word saying like new. The only thing that even made me believe that it was used were a few of the pages has been bent from whoever read it before me. Other then that, the cover and everything looked brand new! Love this series!!

Good book series

It is a great book. I am not a teen but the series a good and imaginative. I think the authers do a great job as writers.

Really Good

I love this whole series. They are fun reads that keep me interested. You really get pulled into the story.


I ordered this item for my granddaughter for Christmas since she like to read and this is one to a series that she has been reading.


Great book love the set and want them to make more. got here fast and look good for how cheep i got it for.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.


when i got the book, i could not put the book down once i started to read it, i recommend it to anyone.


The whole series is just fantastic! There are no words. I devour the books in one sitting and can’t wait to start the next.

loved it!

I finished this book in two days...it was very compelling! I love this series and look forward to reading more!

great series

read all 18 books in a week and a half loved it laught and cried

Wonderful writing

The words fell from the pages, and engrossed me. This is the third time I have read this series and I will continue to revisit it as I love all the books ❤️


I love her books! Whenever I get them - I can't stop reading them. She is amazing! I can't wait till March and I only hope there are at least three more in the series!!

Huge fan!

I love each and every one of these books. I have read them all so far and have never been let down!

Love it

I absolutely love this series and would recommend these books to anyone who loves to read vampire books. This is NOT like twilight.


this is one of my fav series of all times. i was hooked since the first book. i hope this series goes on and on it is that good

Intriguing story

The story is geeting intense unable to put book down with Zoey Redbird, Aprodite, Stevie Rae and Neferet and all the charaters in this series is great. I just ordered book 8.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Fast Shipment

It was super awesome to get the product as fast as I did. I appreciated so much. thanks again Carlena

Three Stars

Daughters not raving about it so it's okay I suppose!

Not as good as first 3

A little slow in spots compared to the first three but carried the story line well.

Friend Loves this book

Got this for a friend and she just loves these books so i'm going to get all of them for her

Five Stars

I love the series..

Amazing Series, It's a MUST Read!

I am really into vampires and this is not you usual vampire book. You have to read this amazing series.

Five Stars


Thanks for the cliffhanger...

I wish I had waited to buy (or to read) this book because it will be some time before the next installment is out. If you have been following Zoe's story, the only things about this book that will disappoint you are the cliffhanger ending and the wait for the next book...

Great series

I'm in love with this series.

Five Stars

another great book to the series

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.


I love these books

Great read! Can't put it down

Love this series!

Love P.C. Cast

This is by far the best series I have ever read. I love the house of night to pieces and all the characters

Another good one.

Kinda predictable but I am still reeling over it. Off to buy the next book in the series. They are so addicting!!!

Greatest series!!

This is such a fun and exciting series to read! I love reading to find out what will happen next! On to book #5 now ;)

untamed house of night

Just like the rest of the house of night books this one "untamed" is a delicious read. I would suggest it to everyone.

Awesome Series!!!!!!!!

Love the series tons!! Great story line, well executed, well written, and the proof reader definitely paid attention cuz the were hardly any mistakes!!


What a cliff hanger I confident get in the book at first but in the middle of it all I wanted to do was read it

another great read

I have loved all the house of night books, with each book I can not wait to see what trouble Zoey and her friends will be in.

Five Stars

havent read but like the series

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Two Stars

This was a mistake I all ready have it


I started this series, and it is a great series. I would recommend it to anyone. The author is a great writer and each book will hold your interest and heighten your senses to get to the next book in a hurry.

Very entertaining...can't wait for the next one in the series

I thought this was the best book in the series so far. I can't wait for the next one to come out! I recommend it for both teenagers and adults.

once you start to read it you wont stop

I could not put it down.. and if i had to i was right back to it again.. easy reading

I like this serious.

I like this serious.

Love the Series

Love this series. It is directed toward teen readers and is very easy to read. There are some scenerios that may not be appropriate for teens.

Recipient loved it.

Gift. Recipient loved it.


I am not much of a reader and I can't believe I finished this book and was hooked the whole time. Not a dull moment with this book. At least not for me.

One Star

Disappointed in the new narrator voice. Was used to the old one.

Can't stop reading

This book only continues to draw you in deaper into Zoe and her friends. Each twist is new and only adding more challenge to this teen. I loved it and continue with this series.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Classroom Library

My students love this series. It touches on the current trends in literature and music. Can't keep these books on my shelves in my reading classroom.

Enjoyed it

I can't wait to find out how this series ends! I have been surprised by the lead in the store she is a brave one

Five Stars


I love love love this series

I love love love this series!! I could read these all day :) I wish they were only $7.99 instead of $9.99 since there online books. I couldn't find the paperback or hard cover books anywhere ( I've tried Walmart and target ) so I had to get them on kindle.

great story telling

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this series. I a a 60 year old man and was given Chosen to read by a carpenter friend. My initial reaction to the classification of " Teen Romance" left the book sitting un-read for a few days. Silly me. The Casts have created a wonderful series that could and should be appreciated by all.

Five Stars


House of night

One more time these books are a must read for lovers of paranormal romances. A Great series to get into.

Great book!

I have really enjoyed this series so far! It has been much better than expected! I am glad there are more so I am not left hanging

Untamed (House of Night, Book 4)

Very good read! Defiantly suggest this book if you are into fantasies. Onto the next one can't wait ! :)

Five Stars

Amazing. Read it. I can't put books down.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Five Stars

liked it

Untamed P.C.Cast

All the books are great! Got me over Twilight. Thats all I think I need to say. Start with book one.

Five Stars

great book can wait to start the next one !!!!!


Book is used . I paid for new.

It’s Amazingggg

I loved these books, the whole series is absolutely awesome


This is my 3rd time reading this series these 2 amazing authors put together the perfect amount of reality and fantasy.

A "must read" series!

This series gets better and better with every book I read. I can't put it down!


a good book to read, i had a real hard time putting it down to do anything else for the day

Five Stars


I love this whole series.

I have enjoyed this whole series so far. I would recommend them to other people to read. Just wish the author would not keep referring back to the other books so much.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.

Five Stars

Book is in great shape.

awesome series

I love this series I just can't stop reading it! I am so hooked it's like my drug or should I say blood!

love it

Once again another great book! The story keeps developing and each book is deeper than the last. I would recommend if you like the series.

Five Stars

Love the whole series

Love love loved it

It was a awesome book looking forward to hunted thank you pc cast for this wonderful series please continue your work

Five Stars

Great condition and my step daughter loved her gift for her birthday to add to her collection

I love the House of Night novels!

This is the best book so far. I can't wait for Hunted. Eesh I'm so excited to find out what happens next.

Needs to be a movie like Harry Potter.

Well written book, always want more. I read this one in 12 hours and I have begun the next book in the series.

I'm hooked

I love books about vampires. I have read all the Anne Rice books, Charlaine Harris, Stephanie Meyer, and now find I love PC Cast. The House of Night series leaves me wanting more.

#4 House of Night

After the first couple books I know the characters and the author having to explain everything again gets repetitive. Which happens in each book. But I still loved this and the rest of them. It is the vampire Harry Potter series.

Good as I remember but a lot more annoying as an adult

Read these books a few years ago when I was a teenager and loved them. Rereading them now because I remember how much I liked them and just felt like reading them again. Although I still like the plot and most of the characters and the storyline; this time I have a more than slight twinge of annoyance when I read the dialogue and the over explanation thought process the characters go through. The dialogue is cheesy, super corny and too simplified. It’s like okay i get it I’m not an idiot. And anything that has to do with sex is seen as a nasty or slutty thing to do which is only shaming any teens reading this. The writer acts as if the reader isn’t mature enough or smart enough to follow her storyline. So that’s annoying.

Loved the book hated that the audio voice changed

I usually hate audio books, but because I have to drive a lot I thought I'd give it a try. I have already read this series twice, and still love it. I dont like that the audio voice changed though, this voice is too young sounding and a little annoying. She just doesn't do it as well as the last one. I couldn't even finish listening to this book and to top it off you have to pay extra for the audio. Money wasted this go round! Very disappointed

Great Read

I must say that this book was definitely much more enjoyable then the last one! It was really exciting and I am looking forward to starting the next one. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up until 4:30 in the am to finish reading it. It was nothing like the last one and really dove into what the series is about. Z and her faithful friends are going to once again take on evil and hopefully save the world. I am hoping the rest of the series focuses on the important aspects that were brought up during this book, like family, friends, faith and of course some love. (not dating 3 guys at once but true love) Overall this book was excellent (minus a few typos and spelling errors which were easily overlooked). I gave it 4 stars because there were quite a few spelling errors but no one is perfect. =) Definitely give it a try, especially if you were disappointed by the 3rd book but loved the other two, this one is much better and will make you fall in love with series again.

Really good entry but still isn't great....

I'm still waiting for one of these books to just blow me away. All of the books so far (with the exception of book 3) have been quite good. I'm waiting for one of them to be great. This book takes off right after Chosen left off. All of Zoey's friends are mad at her and she has no boyfriend. A few days ago she had 3. I really like that the authors didn't make this a cake walk for Zoey. She kept secrets from her friends, she's paying the price. She fooled around with all of her boyfriends and again, she's paying the price. I really feel that Zoey's character has grown leaps and bounds in this book. She's realizing how much power she really has and she's starting to grow up. She's also starting to have confidence in the decisions she makes knowing that they affect the people closest to her. One thing I'm really suprised about is how much I'm loving Aphrodite's character. I think she's my favorite in the series right now. She's hanging on to the sarcasim but she's letting people into her life and really starting to be a friend and a rock for Zoey. Kind of a reality check when Zoey needs it. LOVE IT! I still think this is a really good series, but I'd love for there to be a standout book and there hasn't been yet. I still think the series is worth reading but only if you read it in order. If you don't you could get lost.

My humble opinion

Addicted to the series. Always a good read. I love me some supernatural. I do like the author's style of writing, which feels natural and compatible to the way we talk and think. Good character development. Love the fact that the author references modern icons, movies and events. Story lines are interesting and filled with drama and edge of your seat excitement and anticipation. I do love to hate the villain and this one is evil. Only negatives are ones that waste good story space and time, such as, the repetitive descriptions of past events and characteristics of people and then the romantic events or inner insecurity issues can definitely use some editing as it can, in places, be blah blah blah....tedious and over descriptive for what is needed. I usually just skip over these sections and get back to what's really happening with the story. There are also some typos here and there that bug me on rare occasion because I wish I could just fix them myself! Oh, and though the length of these books are typical, I would love if some authors would just make books that are seriously think again, like 500 pages or more! Other than that. I highly recommend this series. You won't regret it.

Good Book!

UNTAMED Okay, this book totally deviated from anything I was expecting, but it was still a good book, and I am waiting eagerly for work to end so I can start reading Hunted. Zoey: At the beginning Zoey is basically left alone, with no friends except for Aphrodite, this quickly changes when Zoey's friends finally forgive her for lying to them because they realize that she couldn't tell them because she didn't want to put them in danger or allow Neferet to be able to read their minds. Aphrodite sees a vision of Zoey dying, alone because her friends have abandoned her, after Damien, Jack, and the twins hear about this, they instantly band together, and Zoey finally reveals all the secrets she has been hiding from them. Boyfriends: Blake is dead (as he deserves to be for what he did to Zoey). Heath let's Zoey know in no uncertain terms that it wasn't the imprint that had made him love her, it was the fact that he had loved her since second grade, then he told her that loving her was too hard and he never wanted to see her again, however he does trust her when, at the end of the book she tells him to get underground in his grandpa's celer and take anybody he loves and wants to live with him. Erik sighs finally hears the whole story of what happened to Zoey and decides that maybe he won't hate her, but he won't like her either. He sticks with her until the end and help them escape the Raven Mockers and Neferet & the demon she has released later. Stark: Sadly, Zoey does not pay enough attention to the Nanny Cam that Jack and Aphrodite help her install to keep an eye on Stark and he ends up under Neferets control as a "red fledgling" and shoots Stevie Ray who "almost dies" again. Grandma Redbird: The wisdom in this book, she helps Zoey figure out who the Queen is, and what the demon birds (Raven Mockers) and the demon that is "whispering" to Neferet all are. She figures out the poem, and saves a lot of lives by knowing that the earth is all that the demon fears. The Raven Mockers try to kill her, but she is a tough old women and only ends up in the hospital where Zoey put's a nun in charge to watch over her. In the end Neferet releases the demon, the Raven Mockers become fully bodied, and no longer half spiritual. Neferet kills (we think) the high priestess over all vampires, and we don't know what happened to the house of night. However Stevie Ray, her fledglings, Zoey, Erik, The Twins, Damien, Jack, Aphrodite & her boyfriend, the dog (I can't remember his name) and some of the cats are all their to escape to Stevie Rays underground tunnels, by keeping their circle strong and using the elements to become invisible until they got away from the school. The only reason I give this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel like the plot is getting bigger and bigger, but not much is being resolved. Each book ends with more questions then answers, but it keeps me reading and curious! I can't wait to read the next installment! See you all in the House of Night!


long series but got hooked. waiting for the last one - November I think - read first one to test the waters - got hooked. interesting mix of vampires and native american mythology(forgive me if I'm misleading) Just a heads-up, plenty of graphic language and sexual content - good or bad ? -that's up to you. I don't need it in a book but it didn't take away from the story to me - mostly it just seemed like "reality". (are you with me?) very cool story, interesting plotting - i don't know, I just thought it was pretty cool. Really - it is. Maybe like "Twilight" for guys ?? No - that aint it. I really like the heroine. A lot of the characters really. Ya know i think I'm just now realizing that I liked it a lot more than I thought i did - Hmm

Good book terrible narration by audible

Great series but the narration for this book was horrible. Sounds like a kid reading it. Authors need to bring back original narrator from the first 3 book she was wonderful. Still a good read tho.

This Series Just Keeps Getting Better!

Untamed picks up almost immediately where Chosen, its predecessor, left off: Zoey has lost not one but all three of her boyfriends (and one in a particularly gruesome way), and her friends are hacked off because she's been keeping secrets from them, regardless if it was for their own good. But Zoey's strong, and she decides to face her issues head on: she plunks herself among her friends and get them to see her motives and even gets them to begin to accept the not-quite-so-hateful Aphrodite. But there's still plenty of angst to go around as Zoey must decide what to do about evil High Priestess Neferet and the red fledglings, one of whom is her undead best friend, Stevie Rae. Untamed definitely continues the darker themes that gathered steam in Chosen. After Aphrodite shares her visions that show Zoey dying and Zoey is attacked in the night by unseen forces, the group moves forward in trying to discover what Neferet is planning and how the red fledglings will fit into it. The arrival of High Priestess Shakinah brings Zoey some sense of comfort because Neferet has someone to answer to, but soon things become even more tense with the death of yet another fledgling and the arrival of Erik as a teacher at the House of Night. When Zoey's Grandma becomes a target of the darkness, Zoey brings her to stay at the House of Night as both a help and a comfort. While all of this takes place, Zoey also discovers help from a most unusual place: a Benedictine nun named Sister Mary Angela becomes not only a source of comfort but a strong ally against the coming Evil. While Zoey's romantic struggles take a back seat to the events taking place during Untamed, the friendships become stronger. I love the developing bonds between Zoey and Aphrodite; I think they need each other. I love the animal antics involved in this book as well because they provide a necessary comic diversion that keeps the novel from being only dramatic. I love the relationship between Zoey and her grandmother, and the fact that her friends are included in their feelings helps to bring some stability in a wild situation. And while Zoey is still unsure of herself, she is also learning to trust her instincts. My only complaints with the novel come from the almost instantaneous connection Zoey feels for the tragic Stark, and the rather neat way safety is obtained for some late in the story. But this series just keeps improving, and I am hooked. I can't wait to see where Nyx is going to lead her Dark Daughter next, and March seems like an awfully long time to wait. I'd actually give this novel a solid 4.5 stars. Recommended.


The House of Night series series gets better as it progresses. I enjoyed Untamed more than the previous three novels. I really appreciated that Zoey learned a little about the Catholic church and found the nuns to be sympathetic. It seemed obvious to me but I did wondered why we didn't learn for sure who killed the profs.


I started readin the books because a co-worker recommended Marked. After that, I couldn't stop reading them.... Can't wait to finish this one and get the next.

Great series!

This is the second time I have read the series and it is just as good as the first time!

Great book!

Great book for all ages! I really liked it and gave it to my granddaughter to read too! I highly recommend it.

Five Stars

Couldn't wait to get to the next one!

great book

it was a great book, I have read the whole collection and it was wonderful, great book at a great price

I love the book came in good condition fast shipment highly ...

I love the book came in good condition fast shipment highly recommended! :)

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