Kalona's Fall: A House of Night Novella (House of Night Novellas, 4)

Kindle Edition
28 Jul
P. C. Cast

FROM WARRIOR AND LOVER TO ENEMY AND BETRAYER, THE TERRIBLE SECRETS OF KALONA'S PAST ARE REVEALED He was laughing with her as he spread his wings and lifted her from the ground, twirling her.
Nyx gasped and clutched his neck. Kalona tightened his arms around her.
"Trust me, Goddess. I would never let you fall."

From the Sun and from the Moon, two winged brothers are born: golden Erebus, playmate and friend, and mysterious Kalona, Warrior and lover, companions of the Goddess Nyx.

From the first, Nyx loves them both deeply, but differently. With Erebus, she can talk and laugh and dance, and take joy in the games he plays among the humans of the Earth. With Kalona, the fire in her body burns bright, and she can rest in the solace of his strength and protection. But for Kalona, Nyx's nights are not enough. Every second he is not with her he is filled with doubt and longing, and every time he fails to please her, he cannot forgive himself. Ruled by anger and jealousy of his brother, and consumed by his love for his Goddess, Kalona seeks the power to prove his worth, and to claim once and for all that Nyx eternally belongs to him.

And at the edges of the Earth, a Darkness is stirring, waiting for its chance, for the doorway in through a heart that it knows will welcome it…

With more than 12 million books in print, rights sold in almost forty countries, and more than three years on The New York Times bestseller list—reaching as high as #1—the House of Night series is an international publishing sensation. Now, the excitement continues as the Cast mother-daughter duo shares the back stories of a few of the House of Night's most important—and mysterious—characters. In Kalona's Fall, the shadows in Kalona's past will finally come to light.

Reviews (183)

Villain Backstory You'll Love!

Kalona’s Fall is a wonderful backstory for such a complex character in the House of Night series. We are able to see his beginnings and struggles. And we also are able to see Nyx in her element. As always the worldbuilding in this book is amazing. However, I didn’t enjoy how the tests Kalona and Erebus face and how Kalona’s “fall” feels rushed. I honestly wish there could have been more development in that part of the story. Overall, I think this novella gives a fantastic insight into Kalona and Nyx’ relationship and how he ends up outside of her grace.

The book was great, but...

Every Amazon order now, I have to search for. They are now always marked as "handed to the recipient", when in fact they were just thrown on the door. Or, in the case of this one, it was "Left in the mailroom". I don't have a mailroom! I know these reviews are for the quality of the product, and the quality of this one was great, but the shoddy manner of getting the product to you these days by Amazon, and the false entries of which they represent they delivered it (quite often, rain soaked because they didn't even ring the bell or knock, even though a resident was home", is making the end state of what could have been a good product, a sloppy mess. Since Amazon no longer has an area to comment about the "packaging", where else can one put this poor quality practice and illustration of outright lies now? Tell me Amazon, unless you elect to sensor this review too, as I can't be alone in this frustration.

Good Novella about a Great Character

May Contain Spoilers: I liked Kalona's Fall because Kalona was one of the most well developed characters in the series. My only concern with this book is that it seemed to skip over the most important parts of the story. The beginning where Kalona and Erebus were created and won over Nyx was good, but I really wanted to be more involved with the struggle Kalona had with darkness. His "fall" was only really contained in one chapter of an already short novella. I just feel like this part could have been a little more detailed. Otherwise, this book gives far more information on all of the immortals than we had previously seen in the regular House of Night Series.

Kalona's Fall from Grace

Not simply written like the HON series. But, overall very intriguing. When I started reading the book I was uncertain if I could follow it thru to the end. After a few pages I was hooked. I kept reading and couldn't lay it down. I was sad to see "The End". Would recommend anyone who is a HON fan to read Kalona's Fall. I loved reading the details of why KALONA fell. And, I now have a new found love for Erebus. Made me wish Nyx had chosen him in the beginning instead of Kalona. He's so sweet and so sincere. He truly exists to make Nyx happy even if it means helping her to get Kalona back.


This novella is a truly rich addition to the H.O.N. series. While I have not yet read Neferet's curse, I have read the other 2 and this is thus far my favorite. I do not wish to risk spoiling anything for those interested in the novella but you will definitely come to understand Kalona, Nyx, and Kalona's brother a lot more after reading this novella. This novella provides the context that allows readers to understand these 3 characters and the motivations behind the decisions they made- ultimately leading up to the events in the main H.O.N. series. I would definitely recommend this novella!

Kalona my favorite

Kalona was one of my favorite characters. I’m so glad the authors gave us a history on Kalona and Nyx’s history and how he fell to earth. I do wish there was more of after his fall, however I thoroughly enjoyed his story.


Love this series. Bought every book from amazon, mostly used, and they all were in great condition! And came on time.

Must buy if you are a House of Night fan

This is just a inside story of one of the characters from the House of Night series and like with every book they have written it is just as fantastic as the series and got bee you just so much more understanding to the actual depth of these special characters


Full obsession will all the house of night series/books. Get them all. All of them. 10/10

Freaking awesome

Such a house of night fan of Zoey and the gang and Kalona story always made me wonder... And now that I've read his story and his past I understand his role... And he's my favorite character for he struggles with his feelings and understanding. He must over come himself and his ways before he can move on and be what he wishes to Nyx.

Villain Backstory You'll Love!

Kalona’s Fall is a wonderful backstory for such a complex character in the House of Night series. We are able to see his beginnings and struggles. And we also are able to see Nyx in her element. As always the worldbuilding in this book is amazing. However, I didn’t enjoy how the tests Kalona and Erebus face and how Kalona’s “fall” feels rushed. I honestly wish there could have been more development in that part of the story. Overall, I think this novella gives a fantastic insight into Kalona and Nyx’ relationship and how he ends up outside of her grace.

The book was great, but...

Every Amazon order now, I have to search for. They are now always marked as "handed to the recipient", when in fact they were just thrown on the door. Or, in the case of this one, it was "Left in the mailroom". I don't have a mailroom! I know these reviews are for the quality of the product, and the quality of this one was great, but the shoddy manner of getting the product to you these days by Amazon, and the false entries of which they represent they delivered it (quite often, rain soaked because they didn't even ring the bell or knock, even though a resident was home", is making the end state of what could have been a good product, a sloppy mess. Since Amazon no longer has an area to comment about the "packaging", where else can one put this poor quality practice and illustration of outright lies now? Tell me Amazon, unless you elect to sensor this review too, as I can't be alone in this frustration.

Good Novella about a Great Character

May Contain Spoilers: I liked Kalona's Fall because Kalona was one of the most well developed characters in the series. My only concern with this book is that it seemed to skip over the most important parts of the story. The beginning where Kalona and Erebus were created and won over Nyx was good, but I really wanted to be more involved with the struggle Kalona had with darkness. His "fall" was only really contained in one chapter of an already short novella. I just feel like this part could have been a little more detailed. Otherwise, this book gives far more information on all of the immortals than we had previously seen in the regular House of Night Series.

Kalona's Fall from Grace

Not simply written like the HON series. But, overall very intriguing. When I started reading the book I was uncertain if I could follow it thru to the end. After a few pages I was hooked. I kept reading and couldn't lay it down. I was sad to see "The End". Would recommend anyone who is a HON fan to read Kalona's Fall. I loved reading the details of why KALONA fell. And, I now have a new found love for Erebus. Made me wish Nyx had chosen him in the beginning instead of Kalona. He's so sweet and so sincere. He truly exists to make Nyx happy even if it means helping her to get Kalona back.


This novella is a truly rich addition to the H.O.N. series. While I have not yet read Neferet's curse, I have read the other 2 and this is thus far my favorite. I do not wish to risk spoiling anything for those interested in the novella but you will definitely come to understand Kalona, Nyx, and Kalona's brother a lot more after reading this novella. This novella provides the context that allows readers to understand these 3 characters and the motivations behind the decisions they made- ultimately leading up to the events in the main H.O.N. series. I would definitely recommend this novella!

Kalona my favorite

Kalona was one of my favorite characters. I’m so glad the authors gave us a history on Kalona and Nyx’s history and how he fell to earth. I do wish there was more of after his fall, however I thoroughly enjoyed his story.


Love this series. Bought every book from amazon, mostly used, and they all were in great condition! And came on time.

Must buy if you are a House of Night fan

This is just a inside story of one of the characters from the House of Night series and like with every book they have written it is just as fantastic as the series and got bee you just so much more understanding to the actual depth of these special characters


Full obsession will all the house of night series/books. Get them all. All of them. 10/10

Freaking awesome

Such a house of night fan of Zoey and the gang and Kalona story always made me wonder... And now that I've read his story and his past I understand his role... And he's my favorite character for he struggles with his feelings and understanding. He must over come himself and his ways before he can move on and be what he wishes to Nyx.

Interesting, will definitely read again!

Draws the reader in on the first chapter. Very descriptive and emotional writing style. I couldn't put this book down until I finished it. So much character development and emotions. The authors describe the background settings with so much stunning details that the reader feels like you are stand right there taking in the view! I love this book and will read it over and over again. A new favorite to add to my collection.

I gave this as a gift

I personally don’t read this type of book, but my gift was much appreciated.

The book seemed short and I felt like it was too extreme

This book answered a lot of questions about Kalona so if you read the House of night series you should read this one, if you have not read the House of night series then you need to read those first. The book seemed short and I felt like it was too extreme. I figured Kalona had to do something horrible to "fall" and was a bit surprised at the reason. Though I didn't enjoy this book as much as the other house of night books I would still recommend you read it.

Great series

This series is one of my favorite collections. I like to read the different stories about characters that help me understand who the people are. These little outside the story books are short but it's a good book to re-read and discover new things about the different characters.

Five Stars

This is a great book. Love PC Cast

No complaints

Was exactly what was expected and came on time

in it's own way this series is every bit as good as the Twilight one

I have the whole set of House of Night books and this one is the next in line of the novellas. in it's own way this series is every bit as good as the Twilight one. just a different genre. if it's vampire, I've probably read it or have been checking it out. a must have for the collection fan of the House of Night books


Came in good

Answers your question

Was excellent. Answered so many questions about Kolona


Great product and fast shipping

Great Back story on the gods and Goddess

It was great to finally read the back story on Kalona, Nyx and Erebus. I wish it was a little longer, maybe delving into the beginning of Kalona's events after the fall. But that may just be me being greedy

Five Stars

Really happy with my books! Good condition and wasted no time receiving them!


Wonderful glimpse of Kalona and Nyx, and even Erebus's past. I love how this book explains how the vampyres of the "House of Night" world came into existence as well as the origins of Kalona, Erebus, and Nyx are revealed, and how the Earth, Sun, and Moon, along with the rest of universe came into being - as they relate to the "House of Night" series

thank you

Christmas present


Part of a series Im reading right now.

Thank you

Thank you

house of night

The house of night series and novella is a great work from a mother and daughter duo. It has great lessons and life and some smoky romance as well. a must read just sad that the series are done .

Five Stars

Love it

Awesome Insight

Awesome! I was so curious about what actually happened to Kalona. All that over a misunderstanding, could have saved himself eons of pain by just trusting his goddess. Great book!

this was a great book. It showed just how Kalona fit in ...

this was a great book. It showed just how Kalona fit in the House of Night series. I think that everyone that read this series should read this book and the other books, that give u insite of the series.

Love this series!!!!!!

This whole series has been awesome. I'm so glad they wrote the novellas they gave such insight on how some of the characters came to be the way they are. I'm so sorry that the series is ending. I have followed Zoey and the gang through it all and to know it is ending is breaking my heart. Back to the point kalonas Fall is wonderful little book.

Thoroughly enjoyed this book

Thoroughly enjoyed this book. It explained Kalona's. birth and fall. His love and jealousy of Nye. It made the reader see him differently. Can''t wait until the next book now that I have a better understanding of the characters. Highly recommend it.



Enjoyable read

This was an amazing novella that I enjoyed reading so much that I finished the whole thing in one sitting. I love the House of Night series and have read every book since the very first one. The novellas are a pleasant expansion to the characters in the HoN series and world.

Very good books love the series and knowing who they are ...

Very good books love the series and knowing who they are and where they cone from how their story began

Five Stars

Great condition and love her work

Buy It

One piece of the puzzle to read.


Great addition

Learn not only the story of Kalona, but also the origins of the familiars and the vampyres themselves.

Lots of great background information, not only about Kalona, but also the Cast's mythology and backstory in general. It was a little show moving for me, unlike the other novellas in this series

Five Stars

Great read

Good novella!

Good addition to the series... Explains this character in depth and makes more sense!

I enjoyed reading this series

I enjoyed reading this series. I was captivated throughout the whole series. I am not a really big reader but once I was introduced to these books I had to continue reading them all.

Four Stars


Five Stars

daughter loves it

Wife loved it.

Got this series for my wife, she absolutely loves it.

Great backstory

Very well written and a very satisfying backstory to an interesting character. It also sheds a lot more light on who Nyx truely is as a goddess


This story is so touching and moving. The way PC Cast has described Nyx and her two companions is truly amazing. You truly get to understand Kalona's pain and how his anger miss guided him.

House of Night

I absolutely love this series. Truley great books to snuggle up with and get lost in. You just can't put them down.

Five Stars

Loved the series, loved the novellas.


This is a great book. I have the whole series and I keep adding to it as long as the writer keeps writing it. The writer is good at taking you to this place and time. It is like you are there.

Five Stars

MY FAVORITE of the HON novellas!

A must read series

I cannot put these books down! Finish one and can't wait to start the next!

Finally...story of Kalona.

Haven't missed 1 House of Night Series book. I wondered about this character's background since he plays such an integral part of each book. Great insight to his life.

I was very disappointed when my book came

I was very disappointed when my book came, it has no book jacket and there was no paper work for me to contact the sell to find out why there was not one on it


I loved it. I don't know what else to day. It "fills in the cracks" with regard to Kalona. It was short and sweet and to the point.


Good book fast shipping

Five Stars

daughter liked it

So Happy

I was so excited that I finally found it and I cannot wait to read it.

Five Stars


Five Stars

I enjoyed reading about what happened to Kalona before the House of Night books. Very good.

Five Stars

Stepdaughter loves this series!

Easy read

Personal loved this novela

Five Stars

I love this series of books, I know that you would love it.

Five Stars

Good book

Excellent Novella

I love it!

Kalona's beginning/

oh my god!! I preorded this months ago, it came today,7/30/14 and I finished within the same day! P.c cast has done it again! I loved how Nyx grew with each day of becoming the night goddess, how her men were created and how they showed their character. see I always thought that erubus was the bad guy, that he was the jerk face,but he is a nice.. well guy god being person. whatever he is, he is trying to help Kalona be good, but jealousy wins out of her freewell. I loved learning a little more about Kalona's birth and fall!

Five Stars

Love these novellas. Just as good as the book series.

Five Stars

It really helps with background of what happen to Kalona and how and why he is not with Nyx.

Kalona's Fall

I loved finally reading what happened between Nyx and Kalona!!! Great story as usual. It gives more meaning to the entire series.

Five Stars

This has been one of the best seies I have ever read, will be sad to see it end


I love this series, but I was a little disappointed in this novella. It was really hard to follow in the beginning. It got better about half way through, and the ending tied everything together.

Four Stars

Seemed as though there could've been enough material to write a full book rather than a novella

Two Stars

Fan of the series...not a fan of this Novella. Expected more.

Five Stars

Love all of her books, and this is no exception!

It was awesome! I love this series and it was finally ...

It was awesome! I love this series and it was finally good to get the background info on Kalona! I was sad when it ended.

Five Stars

number of middle school students love this series

Five Stars

Everything of House of Night series is awesome!

Five Stars

love this series

Good followup! Really enjoyed it

Good followup! Really enjoyed it.

Five Stars

Love this book.

Kalona's Fall Book

Great read. Wish I could of read these before I read the series. Keep up the good work P.C. Cast

Four Stars

The book is in pretty good shape minus an indention on pages

It was nice getting klonas back story

It was nice getting klonas back story . I actually began to see him differently thanks to this novela . I don't believe my experience reading redeemed would have been the same without reading this first.

Awesome. Novella

I really liked this one. It gives insight to nyx, kalona, and erebus that you don't get from any other book.

Five Stars

Loved it


I was so excited for this to come out but it left a lot to be desired.

Five Stars

Great book

Kalona’s fall

Great read

Loved reading about Kalona, he was my favorite in the series!

Great book to this series!

Five Stars

great read

Five Stars

Really great to learn about how Kalona went to the dark side.

Four Stars

Great book...just to short for the price they charge.


Great book, great story line, made me cry in so many ways. Will Kalona every be forgiving by Nyx? Nancy Browning

She was happy.

My daughter wanted this to complete her set of House of Night. She was happy.

House of Night

This is a great addition to the House of night series. I totally enjoyed the book.

Great Reading!!!

Great series! Wife really enjoys the books. Recommend!!!


I truly enjoyed learning what Kahlona and Nyx's back story is. It breaks my heart a little but it was very well written

Five Stars

Spell bound.

Love th e HON books

now we know why Kolana is the way he is and what th and how he fell can't w as it go rd th he next HON book

A house of night must read

Such enthralling writting! A perfect addition to the series! Readers will finally get to know how it all began. You'll love this side story just as much as the series

Five Stars


Short but hard put down down while reading it

This was a great short book! I would recommend it. Look forward to other house of night books by Cast.

A great book to read! Answers questions everybody has been asking!!!

This is such a great series. After reading this book it helps you understand what happened to Kalona. It's sad but now after all of the other books in this series making you wonder, this book puts your mind at ease.

Good read

I love the series..

Four Stars

good read

Loved the story and it was very fitting to learn ...

Loved the story and it was very fitting to learn more of Nyx coming to the end of the series. Just wish it was'nt ending

the series was good..

not what I thought , the series was good..

Wonderful add to collection there is so much you never ...

Wonderful add to collection there is so much you never know until reading these side books so glad they were written

Five Stars

great series

Five Stars

I was glad to know what happen to kalona. It was amazing book

Five Stars

Finished my collection

Five Stars

This series is great. I own the whole set

Five Stars

Great book. You need to read all of house of night series.

Five Stars

This is a great series!

Five Stars


Good but cold be better

I was expecting it to be better


Kalona's Fall is a really well planned look into why Nyx's warrior fell. To read how such an important character came to life is perfect.

Five Stars

love this series

Five Stars

Loved it

Five Stars

Love her books

Five Stars

Love it

Four Stars

I love all the books in this series...but this I must say was my least favorite.

Five Stars

Good book

Five Stars

She loves the book!!!

Five Stars


Great history of House of Night

I really enjoyed it. It was a quick read but held my attention. It was nice reading about Kalona's beginning but also about Nix and the beginnings of House of Night. Would recommend it to HON fans.

Five Stars

loved it

Five Stars


Five Stars


Five Stars

Absolutely amazing.

Five Stars

love it

Thank you

Love the series

Kalona's fall Fell

I liked the regular series better

Five Stars

Awesome read

Four Stars


Four Stars

I Love finding out how these charactures came to be how they are. This was really interesting.

Loved it!

I enjoyed reading about how he came to be like he was when we met him in the House of Night series.

Looks very good, already reading it & got it in a ...

Looks very good,already reading it & got it in a timely fashion!!! Thank you!!!

Kalona's Fall is absolutely AMAZING!!!

Kalona's past has always intrigued me, being one of my favorite characters. Learning the birth,creation and his downfall, has brought happiness and sadness to my heart all at the same time. Erebus shows way more of himself in this book as we'll teaching us a great deal about him as well. Once again P. C. Cast has created a wonderful book, I do enjoy learning where each characters have come from and the trials the had to endure making them who they are today.

Pc cast

Love all of the house of night books I've read every one of them and wait patiently for the next one to come out


Awesome just like the rest of the books in this series. Wish there were going to be more.

Five Stars

Good read

Five Stars

great book


love love love it


Amazing to read about Kalona's life. Awesome book, I so wish there were more.


This book explains the other books very well. Love it

Good continuation of the story

Enjoyed this book

Five Stars

so sad for the series to end but i love every book in this series

Five Stars

Very good

Three Stars

not one of the better books but a nice diversion while waiting for the next book.

Five Stars

Love it! Such a great story and it explains a lot!

Five Stars

It was nice to get a look into Kalona's past, VERY good read!

Five Stars

On time my girlfriend loves it

Five Stars

A must read.


I have really enjoyed all the books in this series but this one fell short. I found it did not have new insite in the character as the others did. To me it also did not provide anything new to what we knew already about this character.

Great series

Very good book, took a few different turns than I expected

Three Stars

It was not about Zoey.

Five Stars

Loved the story. These novellas pull everything together!

Four Stars

Great series.

I found this book disappointing. Kalona comes across as ...

I found this book disappointing. Kalona comes across as a spoiled brat! Without giving too much of a spoiler, it didn't add much to Kalona's character or the series itself. Author of The Dream Walker, land of Myatica series

I loved this book

I loved this book, I felt like I was right next to each character. I would recommend this book to everyone!

Five Stars

fast and easy

Five Stars

love it

Five Stars

i give this book 5 stars

Two Stars

Seems to me this should have been the first book.

I finally found out what happened to him and how ...

I finally found out what happened to him and how he was created

Four Stars

It was interesting to see Kalona fleshed out.

Five Stars

Great book

Five Stars

I really enjoyed the book.

Great book. Shipping could have been faster

Great book. Shipping could have been faster.

Five Stars



Boring. Couldn't get past the first 30 pages

not good

Not as I thought would be just very basic and not much detail. Expected much more very disappointed in it

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