Unchained Beauty (Deadly Beauties Live On Book 5)

Kindle Edition
15 Dec
C.M. Owens
I've spent my life thinking I knew the worst that could happen.

Battles come and go. Wars are almost always won in the end. It's easy to grow complacent and forget even the deadliest should glance over their shoulder from time to time.

We thought we had it all figured out.

We were poised for this win before we even went to battle.

We didn't win. We didn't lose.
We thought a demon would be easier to kill, because it's “just” a demon.
Now we're dealing with the mess from our latest failure.

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to do something other than be the biggest disappointment of all, searching for my place while avoiding the one man who could possibly kill me, if he wasn't so busy constantly saving me. My "hero" happens to be my family's enemy, despite the uneasy, temporary truce between us as we combine forces to work against a common enemy.

The enemy of my enemy shouldn't be more than that. Really, he shouldn't. Slade is a terrible person who has done terrible things since he's been freed. Nothing he can do can redeem himself. At least that should be the truth of it.

Just when we think we have it all figured out again...everything changes.

For once in our entire existence, it may not matter who the deadliest is, because all the rules are being broken.

**Should be read as part of the series and not a stand-alone
**Sexual situations/content
**Language warning
**Final book of the series

Reviews (183)

Epic love story!

Unchained Beauty, 5 and last book in the Deadly Beauties Live On series. I knew there were a reason why I kept stalling to read this book. *bawling my eyes out* it's the last one in the series...! "Because hope is the most dangerous thing to a man like me, Ella. Not when I had hope ripped out of me time after time again," he says so quietly I almost can't hear it." This story had more twist and turns than any other story ( I can think of right now...). The road the author took us through...just to get to the world-ending-battle in the end... "Everything I do is because of you," he murmurs against my lips. " F' me, what a journey. What an epic love story!! Slade, the ultimate a-h**e, bad boy alpha,...I'm all hot and bothered just by thinking of him... And Ella, the princess.. totally *girl crushing*!! Really loved how she grew throughout the story! "Maybe you should have your baby already so you won't be too fat to reach mine," I snap, then I immediately regret it when a whip crack of power slings me across the room." Yeah, Dice..he's 90% annoying and a big pain in the ... The books wouldn't be the same without him, and I truly believe he knows that!!

A Must Read - For All Books in the 2 Series

This series - and its predecessor Deadly Beauties - has me completely enthralled, and I've been waiting for this one FOREVER to finish the series. I laughed, I cried, I loved, I lost. And I'm going to go back and do it again because you can't get enough of these characters. In each book, you find a new hero that you love and yearn for more than the last. Each heroine is relatable in one way or another, and the writing is phenomenal. You're constantly asking yourself, BUT WHY??? And Owens is a master at drawing out the answers and shocking you with them. You know something big is coming, but you can never quite guess the plot twist in its entirety. Because of the world building and the character depth, I rank these series among my top 5 (as a single series, since the two generations of characters follow a continuous story). And Unchained Beauty was everything I wanted it to be and more. The culmination of events, truly learning who Slade is after all this time...and what he's gone through, are so satisfying! And who would have ever imagined the truth behind the prophecy? Highly recommended read - but start from the beginning and devour all 9 books.

This series has to be my fav of all times

When I read a last book, I always feel like I need to leave a review for the whole series. This was just an amazing series!!! The Deadly Beauties was one of my first paranormal rides and I've always kept it in my heart and on my top Fav spot. This series opened me up to all new feelings when reading about people who touch you and make you HOT! 😆 I've been a huge fan of Ms Owens paranormal books and they have never let me down. Some SPOILERS I've always had a soft spot for Slade even when he was trying to kill Leah or Roslyn. I knew there was so much more to him and this just made my heart soar. I've been hoping there would be a book for Kimber and I was beyond excited to see this one. I loved the depth that Ms Owens went into about Slades journal and personal thoughts and life. It was blowing my mind and it shows how much she put into the series. I loved the pull those two had and when they finally got together it was such a payoff and made me all hot n bothered. The epilogue seemed to set up a spinoff and I can't wait, I know my main Beauties will still live on in that. Thank you so much for the wonderful hot ride the Beauties gave me, and the name Deadly Beauties is just genius!!!

Read the ENTIRE Series - Deadly Beauties and DB Live On

I started with book one in the Deadly Beauties and did not stop until the very last book of Deadly Beauties Live On! Phenomenal series. I was hooked after page one, and I could not stop reading. It is full of humor, I literally laughed out loud so many times, as if I was there in the moment. It has suspense, love, thrills and tears! I can't say enough about this series, or this author. I have read a TON of books and have a list of favorite authors, CM Owens just topped that list! Everything I have read written by her ( and other pen names) has been extraordinary. This series has night walkers, witches, creature gods, incubus, demons, and SO much more! You can not go wrong. I will definitely be rereading this series several times.

Mind Blown

I honestly don't think I can do this book justice with a review. Just go read the series cause this book is just everything. It has all the characters we love from all the books, it has the epic battles, it has the worst "bad guy" literally a demon from hell possessing a witch who has been stealing powers for centuries, and of course there is Dice never forget the comic relief that is Dice. This book rips you heart out has your head exploding, laughing your ass of the next moment and at the end your like: "what the hell just happened to me!!!". So you reread to make sure you are not losing your mind but that just takes you on that wild ride again. This was a love story like no other what he does to strength himself to be the man he needs to be to save her and what she goes through to save him just melts your heart and hurts your soul. To be part of a love like that.....there are no words. Have to give a shout-out to Dice's chapter he had me crying from laughing so much. I loved the series and I love this book so much it's truly and epic ending to a phenomenal series of books. It will stay in my favorites folder for a long time. Well done C.M. Owens for a truly amazing book and series.❤️

Good story but information overload.

I'm a longtime C.M. Owens fan. I've read all of the Sterling Shore series. As a matter of fact Maverick 's story was the best. Additionally, I've also read all of the Deadly Beauties books however this was not my favorite. I found it to be a bit hard to follow at times, a bit too long, repetitive and information overload. It had it's moments where I was hooked but then it would get bogged down in too much detail. This is a excellent writer whose imagination knows no bounds. However sometimes there is so much she's creating that she can lose her reader. I love the sense of humor she injects that can have you literally laughing out loud. The character, Dice is a laugh riot. If multiple paranormal characters and story lines are not your thing you really will not like this series. However if you love a challenge CM Owens has it to give in spades.

Timeless Love

My personal preference is books where the H/h join forces to accomplish something and fight together instead of against each other. I despise the H who treats the heroine cruelly and wondered how CM Owens could possibly redeem Slade so I felt he was worthy of Ella after the way he has treated her in previous books. Believe me when I say she not only accomplishes that difficult feat, but she does it in a way that makes him my favorite Hero in the entire series. We all deserve to be loved the way Slade loves Ella, and I can't wait for the author to start her spin off series to find out what special skills their children may have. Bravo, CM. I never saw it coming!

Loved it

This was bittersweet sweet for me because I’ve been craving this book for so long, but when I was reading it I didn’t want it to end. Because that would mean that it really was the end. I’ve loved this series hard, it’s so so well written and funny and sexy and mysterious and exciting and simply just everything that’s awesome in a book series. I’ll forever be a CM addict and I’m really really excited about reading the Dragonites series because Chaz was always mine <3 Ella and Slade’s book was amazing, I’ll be doing a reread very soon.

Wow - just wow - I can't even process it all!!!!!

This series - Deadly Beauties & Deadly Beauties Live is so amazing it took over my life while I was reading it. Nothing could prepare me for this last book though. The depth of the content, the characters and how everyone's lives affected the others. I don't want to give spoilers but just be ready for one of the most intense and detailed stories you have ever experienced. I am thankful our author's mind works like this but I can't even imagine what she has to go through for this writing process. Keep them coming - I love all your stories and genres!!!

A Great Ending to this series that I will miss.

It's always sad when a series comes to an end because you don't want to leave a world that you loved escaping to. Unchained Beauty was an great read to end this series. Ella and Slade were epic and their relationship had been hinted at in the previous books. What I didn't expect was the plot twist in this one and boy oh boy did I not see that coming. C.M. Owens threw me for a loop that's for sure. This book was everything that I expected and more. I love that we got to see everyone from the previous books. This book had funny moments, intense moments and I absolutely love that this storyline always manages to have me reading until the end. I am not a big para romance fan so for me this series is a fav because it has me so engrossed in what is going on.

Epic love story!

Unchained Beauty, 5 and last book in the Deadly Beauties Live On series. I knew there were a reason why I kept stalling to read this book. *bawling my eyes out* it's the last one in the series...! "Because hope is the most dangerous thing to a man like me, Ella. Not when I had hope ripped out of me time after time again," he says so quietly I almost can't hear it." This story had more twist and turns than any other story ( I can think of right now...). The road the author took us through...just to get to the world-ending-battle in the end... "Everything I do is because of you," he murmurs against my lips. " F' me, what a journey. What an epic love story!! Slade, the ultimate a-h**e, bad boy alpha,...I'm all hot and bothered just by thinking of him... And Ella, the princess.. totally *girl crushing*!! Really loved how she grew throughout the story! "Maybe you should have your baby already so you won't be too fat to reach mine," I snap, then I immediately regret it when a whip crack of power slings me across the room." Yeah, Dice..he's 90% annoying and a big pain in the ... The books wouldn't be the same without him, and I truly believe he knows that!!

A Must Read - For All Books in the 2 Series

This series - and its predecessor Deadly Beauties - has me completely enthralled, and I've been waiting for this one FOREVER to finish the series. I laughed, I cried, I loved, I lost. And I'm going to go back and do it again because you can't get enough of these characters. In each book, you find a new hero that you love and yearn for more than the last. Each heroine is relatable in one way or another, and the writing is phenomenal. You're constantly asking yourself, BUT WHY??? And Owens is a master at drawing out the answers and shocking you with them. You know something big is coming, but you can never quite guess the plot twist in its entirety. Because of the world building and the character depth, I rank these series among my top 5 (as a single series, since the two generations of characters follow a continuous story). And Unchained Beauty was everything I wanted it to be and more. The culmination of events, truly learning who Slade is after all this time...and what he's gone through, are so satisfying! And who would have ever imagined the truth behind the prophecy? Highly recommended read - but start from the beginning and devour all 9 books.

This series has to be my fav of all times

When I read a last book, I always feel like I need to leave a review for the whole series. This was just an amazing series!!! The Deadly Beauties was one of my first paranormal rides and I've always kept it in my heart and on my top Fav spot. This series opened me up to all new feelings when reading about people who touch you and make you HOT! 😆 I've been a huge fan of Ms Owens paranormal books and they have never let me down. Some SPOILERS I've always had a soft spot for Slade even when he was trying to kill Leah or Roslyn. I knew there was so much more to him and this just made my heart soar. I've been hoping there would be a book for Kimber and I was beyond excited to see this one. I loved the depth that Ms Owens went into about Slades journal and personal thoughts and life. It was blowing my mind and it shows how much she put into the series. I loved the pull those two had and when they finally got together it was such a payoff and made me all hot n bothered. The epilogue seemed to set up a spinoff and I can't wait, I know my main Beauties will still live on in that. Thank you so much for the wonderful hot ride the Beauties gave me, and the name Deadly Beauties is just genius!!!

Read the ENTIRE Series - Deadly Beauties and DB Live On

I started with book one in the Deadly Beauties and did not stop until the very last book of Deadly Beauties Live On! Phenomenal series. I was hooked after page one, and I could not stop reading. It is full of humor, I literally laughed out loud so many times, as if I was there in the moment. It has suspense, love, thrills and tears! I can't say enough about this series, or this author. I have read a TON of books and have a list of favorite authors, CM Owens just topped that list! Everything I have read written by her ( and other pen names) has been extraordinary. This series has night walkers, witches, creature gods, incubus, demons, and SO much more! You can not go wrong. I will definitely be rereading this series several times.

Mind Blown

I honestly don't think I can do this book justice with a review. Just go read the series cause this book is just everything. It has all the characters we love from all the books, it has the epic battles, it has the worst "bad guy" literally a demon from hell possessing a witch who has been stealing powers for centuries, and of course there is Dice never forget the comic relief that is Dice. This book rips you heart out has your head exploding, laughing your ass of the next moment and at the end your like: "what the hell just happened to me!!!". So you reread to make sure you are not losing your mind but that just takes you on that wild ride again. This was a love story like no other what he does to strength himself to be the man he needs to be to save her and what she goes through to save him just melts your heart and hurts your soul. To be part of a love like that.....there are no words. Have to give a shout-out to Dice's chapter he had me crying from laughing so much. I loved the series and I love this book so much it's truly and epic ending to a phenomenal series of books. It will stay in my favorites folder for a long time. Well done C.M. Owens for a truly amazing book and series.❤️

Good story but information overload.

I'm a longtime C.M. Owens fan. I've read all of the Sterling Shore series. As a matter of fact Maverick 's story was the best. Additionally, I've also read all of the Deadly Beauties books however this was not my favorite. I found it to be a bit hard to follow at times, a bit too long, repetitive and information overload. It had it's moments where I was hooked but then it would get bogged down in too much detail. This is a excellent writer whose imagination knows no bounds. However sometimes there is so much she's creating that she can lose her reader. I love the sense of humor she injects that can have you literally laughing out loud. The character, Dice is a laugh riot. If multiple paranormal characters and story lines are not your thing you really will not like this series. However if you love a challenge CM Owens has it to give in spades.

Timeless Love

My personal preference is books where the H/h join forces to accomplish something and fight together instead of against each other. I despise the H who treats the heroine cruelly and wondered how CM Owens could possibly redeem Slade so I felt he was worthy of Ella after the way he has treated her in previous books. Believe me when I say she not only accomplishes that difficult feat, but she does it in a way that makes him my favorite Hero in the entire series. We all deserve to be loved the way Slade loves Ella, and I can't wait for the author to start her spin off series to find out what special skills their children may have. Bravo, CM. I never saw it coming!

Loved it

This was bittersweet sweet for me because I’ve been craving this book for so long, but when I was reading it I didn’t want it to end. Because that would mean that it really was the end. I’ve loved this series hard, it’s so so well written and funny and sexy and mysterious and exciting and simply just everything that’s awesome in a book series. I’ll forever be a CM addict and I’m really really excited about reading the Dragonites series because Chaz was always mine <3 Ella and Slade’s book was amazing, I’ll be doing a reread very soon.

Wow - just wow - I can't even process it all!!!!!

This series - Deadly Beauties & Deadly Beauties Live is so amazing it took over my life while I was reading it. Nothing could prepare me for this last book though. The depth of the content, the characters and how everyone's lives affected the others. I don't want to give spoilers but just be ready for one of the most intense and detailed stories you have ever experienced. I am thankful our author's mind works like this but I can't even imagine what she has to go through for this writing process. Keep them coming - I love all your stories and genres!!!

A Great Ending to this series that I will miss.

It's always sad when a series comes to an end because you don't want to leave a world that you loved escaping to. Unchained Beauty was an great read to end this series. Ella and Slade were epic and their relationship had been hinted at in the previous books. What I didn't expect was the plot twist in this one and boy oh boy did I not see that coming. C.M. Owens threw me for a loop that's for sure. This book was everything that I expected and more. I love that we got to see everyone from the previous books. This book had funny moments, intense moments and I absolutely love that this storyline always manages to have me reading until the end. I am not a big para romance fan so for me this series is a fav because it has me so engrossed in what is going on.

The most epic of tales

If you've been reading the Deadly Beauties Live On series you already know this story is going to be epic... but even after my fourth (yes, fourth) time reading it, I still can't find the right words to explain how I'm left feeling without giving away anything in the book. And i sincerely cannot do that simply because the injustice i would be doing by ruining even one page in this tale is not an option for me. Each word draws you into another world...each chapter tears at your soul a little more...and you will truly never look at life or love the same once you're done. I think this is one of my absolute favorite books of all time... Well played C.M.

Absolutely Obsessed with this series!!!

C.M. Owens did an amazing job with this series. Her writing style is so unique if you haven't read on of her books yet she doesn't disappoint. If you read this I recommend starting at the beginning of the series. With (DB) Deadly Beauties Blood's Fury#1, Poison's Kiss#2, Red Moon Secrets #3. Then on to the (DBLO) Deadly Beauties Live On with Dark Beauty #1 Gage, Changing Beauty#2 Thad, Bitten Beauty #3 Zee, Lost Beauty #4 Chaz, & Finally Unchained Beauty #5 Ella. This is a Paranormal Romance series, many people who don't necessarily like this genre actually still love this series. I have been reading since the original trilogy (DB). I have waited for every release, and with each one she tops her last. I don't know how she does it!!! Ella & Slade's story is so devastatingly Beautiful. Kudos C.M. Sad that it is over ;) definitely worth the ride!!!!!!

Sad to see the end is here.

This was another good one. I love the Deadly Beauties and enjoy every book written. I think this was my favorite. You get to see a lot of Slade and get to see where he comes from. You can finally see why he is the standoffish person that he is and why he is always saving Ella. You also get to see Ella mature and become the person that you would expect. Of' course you get some of Dice too. How could you read Deadly Beauties without him?????


I love Kane, he was my favorite until Slade. Slade wrote the love story of all time. And he is my hero. Ella is beautiful and I mean that more than looks. Both characters have a lot of growth and a lot of love. They are deadly and fabulous! This isn't your normal love story, if read the series in order Slade is our least favorite character. But C.M. Owens makes you fall in love with him. I cried, laughed and cried some more. I hope we get small peaks until their lives with some of her other stories. The prefect way to end a series.


Wow... Just... Wow... I'm speetchels. I waited for this book, never even imagining what secrets will be revealed. I'm flabbergasted. I'm astonished. I'm overwhelmed. I'm just blown away. And I'm absolutely crazily in love with Slade. Damn, that man. He probably is my favourite hero of all times. And I can't say why, without revealing... Well, the bomb! Because that secret was exactly that... A-fucking-tomic bomb! This story brought so many emotions. I cried. I bitten my nails because of dread. I laughed. I just had a lot of fun.

Twists till the end.

It's always sad when a favorite series comes to an end, but worse when it's an unsatisfying one. That doesn't happen here. We've seen these characters grow, fail, learn and come into their own, and yet, how this ends, was not something you could see coming. A greater family couldn't have been asked for, nor a greater love. I won't spoil it, but I am so so glad Owens planned it the way she did. I have a series hangover. And it was totally worth it.

Love love love!!!

Sad to see this series ending, but there couldn't have been a better send off for it than this. It was just absolutely amazing and now I'll have to go back and reread the entire series, even though I did that last week in preparation for this one. I loved the secrets behind why Slade is the way he is and how deeply he loved. Dice, I felt, finally got the time in a book he deserved as well. I know this sounds odd and choppy for a review, but I'm still processing and just in awe of how well written this story was.

An EPIC love story

I am not sure where to begin...This is by far the BEST paranormal love story. You can feel Slade's & Ella's emotions, bond and eternal love. It was everything I expected and sooooo much more. This is the last book in series, so most of the characters were constantly present and active through book. It has laughter (and I meen BIG LOL), tears (Slade's last goodbye to Ella ), some real action&drama. Even if your not a para fan, you should read it... Even though he has been real pain in the a*s for everyone, I must say this: nothing would have been the same without Dice. Literaly LMAO 😂😂😂😂

Just too complicated

Love this author and I fell in love with this series. However, the last two books in this series became very centered on the end of the world events versus the love between the characters. I was most excited about Ella and Slade and they’re love story was ehhh it was understood he loves her but the person to person contact and the build up was lacking. Overall it was a solid read it just wasn’t what I expected to chaotic with the magic war. I still adore Ms Owens and can’t wait for more books from her.


I’ve been a C.M. Owens fan for a while now and I have loved all of her paranormal series, but some more than others. I think this series as a whole is complicated and heart wrenching and a great read. This book is a great ending to the series, which you of course have to re read before diving into this. If you don’t reread then that’s fine because you’ll remember the gist of everything if not the details. (Heh). Now to the book; some parts are confusing but don’t get frustrated because they’ll be hashed out in the end. I felt a little cheated on the romance because of all the character development that went into Slade. I wanted a bit more about Ella in the book. I needed to feel her fall in love with slade and I don’t know if I got that. However the storyline made up for it. Overall I’m happy and still in love with everything C.M. Owens writes.

HOLY WOW!!! This book was EVERYTHING!!!

This conclusion to the Deadly Beauties Live On series was AMAZING!! Seriously, I was nervous that I wasn't going to fall in love with Slade..... my worries were completely unfounded.... Slade is EVERYTHING ... This book was amazing and I wish my brain was as brilliant as CM Owens... and Ella has way more to her than the people who love her give her credit for. This story is EPIC and it was a perfect ending to this spin off series..... This whole series is awesome and I highly recommend it!!

Just Perfect

I was always intrigued by Slade. Because the most damaged is always the ones I fall the hardest for. It's been a build up romance for Slade and Ella. On the opposite side of the battle, they've had to work together to defeat Hannah. It's a fight that will cause a lot of theories to come out. I still wish we had a little more of Dice (because #youcanneverhaveenoughdice) But I have completely fell in love with Slade, thousand and two times.

Hands down a 5 star read!!

This was hands down the best FINAL book in a series I've ever read. I laughed, I cried, I wanted to scream, but managed to hold it in, barely! C.M Owen's really out did herself with Unchained Beauty. I'm convinced that no one has ever loved someone as much as Slade loves Ella. His story I'd a heartbreaking one, but it also heals it back up by the end. The Deadly Beauties and The Deadly Beauties Live On are hands down one of the best series I've ever had the pleasure of reading. And this coming from someone who was never really intrigued by paranormal stories. Thank you Ms. Owens for giving me a group of characters that will always be alive in my heart!!

Hate to see the series end

I really hate to see the Deadly Beauties series end. It was my absolute favorite paranormal series. I didn’t enjoy the finale as much as I thought I would... it felt a little too involved in the equations, science, etc. I did like the overall plot but felt that it went too deep into he details of Slade’s joirnals, etc. I love how CM can mix humor in with the serious situations but this one felt more serious than I’m used to.

Another awesome read from this amazing author

All fans of CM and the world of deadly beauties need to read this book! While the end of what feels like a lifetime of enjoyment and a sad moment for all us fans this book has tied together the storyline in the best possible way and made me love CM more and more. There is drama and comedy, sadness and love, and a love story that my mind could never have dreamed up. Where the most broken and damaged of men can show you love like you never believed existed! He loved her for a thousand years and will love her for a thousand more.


To read this series at first was frustrating cause of the questions that each book left you with but once you get to this book... there really isn't a word to describe how beautifully put together it made the series and what's more is that this book in my opinion had surpassed any love story that has ever been written from past to present. If you haven't read the series I HIGHLY recommend it just so you can ride the emotional roller coaster with those who read this book ❤️

Amazing end to an amazing series

C.m. Owens. I just finished unchained beauty. Slade!!!!! He is so..... I don't even know how to explain it... Perfect?!?! I am so so sad its over. I seriously could cry right now! It was everything I was hoping for for the final book in the series. Am I being selfish that I want the children to have books too?


OMG!!! C.M. has managed to do it AGAIN!!! This book was filled with so much action, drama, sexiness, and everything in between! She managed to make me laugh out loud (at work, mind you) where everyone looked at me like a crazy lady, while managing to jerk a few tears out of me as well!! Read this series, and this book, you will not be disappointed!!

Just wow!

This series was the kind of series that you can't wait to read and see what happens next but you don't want to read because you don't want it to be over. I laughed out loud (which looks insane when you are silently reading), and I cried multiple times. I just finished and I'm going to go back and restart it again.


This series has always been one of my favorites and this book ends the series with a bang! Things come together with the clash of the two strongest of the beauties. You really get more insight on Slade as he inches away from being the baddie to someone you just want to surround with love. I am sad the series has ended and look forward to any spin offs that may occur. C.M Owens never disappoints when she allows those creative juices to flow.

Fantastic Ending

The two most powerful Slade and Ella! Slade is worried Ella will die for the 1002 time. Ella is worried Slade will die trying to save her. Ella has a plane and all works out. I absolutely loved the Chapter on Dice and the laughs he always brings. I'm sad to see the series end.

By far the most Epic Love Story!

I'm practically speechless. I'm an absolute emotional wreck. I've been dying to read their story but now that I have and the series is wrapped up it's all so bitter sweet. The journal twist?!?! I couldn't even.....wow.... I mean the things Slade went through and did...you will be chewing your fingernails reading this so be prepared for an all nighter. This story will blow every love story you've ever read out of the water. Beyond epic! Not sure where to start without giving too much away. Let's see...In order to save Ella, Slade must die.

I loved Slade and while I hoped for a great love ...

I was so excited for this final installment in this series as I have been waiting most impatiently for Slade and Emma's story but now I am so sorry that it is over. I loved Slade and while I hoped for a great love story I was blown away by the depth of Slade's love for Ella. C.M. Owens can bring you to your knees. Have a box of tissues handy and know that the hard path to their HEA was so worth it.

Once again CM has written an awesome book. I love knowing that as this series ...

Once again CM has written an awesome book. I love knowing that as this series comes to an end that there will be a spin off of the last set of children born in this book. I love the twist and turns of Ella and Slades story and marvel at how CM is able to keep this all straight in her mind knowing she has others books roaring for attention as well. One of the most talented Authors I know ! Thank you for sharing your imagination and world with us !!!

I Loved It!

I giggled, I frowned, I rolled my eyes at dominant male characters. And yes, CM, I cried. I LOVED Dice's chapter and felt it came at just the right time. I love intricate plots and this one was no disappointment. Although, the moments of humor were so seamlessly intertwined, it didn't drag, or become boring. A fantastic book and series ending, that kept me on the edge of my seat (and awake until 3 in the morning on a work night!!) right up until the finale. Well done!!

A great way to end a great series

Thank you C.M. Owens for writing a fabulous book. Once again I fell in love with the characters. I enjoyed getting to know Slade, watching Ella grow up, and laughing at Dice. I cried through parts, was frustrated through others, and laughing out loud at Dice. I will be looking forward to the next phase in the series at some point in your busy writing schedule. Thanks for providing a world to escape to. I will miss my Deadly Beauty family, but I plan to visit often in re-reads.

Unchained beauty

Ugh slade. You made me fall in love with you even more than I was expecting to. I knew he was gonna love hard and he did not disappoint. I want to be loved as much as slade loves Ella. #epiclovestory Ella was awesome as well. I love how she accepted all of him and made it her mission to save him. I always love how strong CMs heroines are. So sad to see such an amazing series to come to an end but so happy with the final result. Now off to read it again because I just can’t get enough of slade and Ella. <3

Loved it!!

I’m not sure why I put reading this series off. Now I regret it! I am a big fan of CM Owens and everything she writes. This series I read one book after another in a week. I laughed until I cried, thank you Dice, and bawled because of some plot twists. I’m so glad this series was complicated enough to keep me entranced but easy to follow and know what was going on! Highly recommended FIVE star read for sure!!


This was a brilliant end to a brilliant series. CM definitely saved the best for last. Slade and Ella's journey was geniusly concocted. I loved the back story and how long he loved her and how she loved him even though he became a monster😏. I applaud CM Owens, her ability to create is exceedingly out of this world. Read this book, read the entire series you won't be disappointed


Another great book! Never disappoint! CM Owens is one of my all-time favorite authors and this book proves why. Great ending for a great series of books. Sad to see it come to an end, but i love all the royal family and Im sure I will be re-reading this series countless of times.

Enthralling, I spent the entire weekend with my nose glued to this book.

This book and whole series is well written with plots and unexpected twists. I had difficulties putting the books down each night so I could get up for work in the morning. I think I averaged 4 hrs of sleep. The characters were well thought out and each book grabs you from the beginning. Can't wait for the next series.

Deadliest best book ever!

C.M Owens pulls you into her Paranormal Romance world and I laughed and cried so hard at times my husband looked at me like I was crazy....lol. I loved slade and ella's story just as much as all the others in this deadly beautiful series!!! A must read to all fans and love of Paranormal!

Loved it

This was the perfect ending to the series. Ella and Slade's story was the best I've read so far. The revelation you see of Slade's character is amazing. CM Owens made me fall in love with Slade hard. I enjoyed getting a point of view from Dice as well. This series will always be one of my favorites.

Best Book in thr Series

I love this series!! I couldn't get enough. Funny, great banter, great chemistry, hot sex, lots suspense, mystery and angst. Well written and did I say fun. I loooooved the characters relationships and banter breaking up the seriousness. Total binge read! Looking forward to the Draginites.

Where to begin

The end of this series is, oh how do I put it into words? Tearful, joyful, exasperating, painful. It's a love story that lasted centuries in one mans tortured mind. Centuries, can you even fathom loving someone that much or so long, I can't. The characters are fearless, loving, loyal to each other. All I can say is you MUST read this series. CM Owens will not disappoint you regardless of what series you read of hers.

Bittersweet feelings

I just finished reading the entire series of “The deadly beauties live on”. I absolutely loved all of the books but the last one was probably the most intense. Some of the concepts in this book (especially Slade’s journal) were a bit hard to grasp at times, but I guess that’s what made this book the most special one. I highly recommend this series if you like paranormal romance with scenes of steamy sex.

Ella and slade

I liked this book! I love how you zone us into the story. The way you write is epic. I'm not a big fan of all the hashtags with dice but I do like his humor. I so proud of the way these books came out. I can't wait to buy them on paperbacks, I can't wait for your next paranormal series. I can see 5 years from now cole and the dragons with lil kicera: I will be following


This was an awesome ending to a fantastic series. It was smart and sexy. I was immersed in the story and couldn't put the book down until I knew how it ended. She also did a greAt job of expressing very complex emotions during the sex scenes especially. Thank you for a great experience!

I don't want it to be over...

I can't believe it's over I floved this book and series and these characters and I DON'T WANT IT TO BE OVER...😭 Slade and Ella, I knew they were going to be some deep complex people and they couldn't be more perfect! And Dice... I'm going to miss the humor and hashtags! It's amazing how invested you can become in the lives of fictional characters when you have the right storyteller and CM is an exceptionally talented one. Read the book, read all the books!

Great series with a fantastic wrap up.

I enjoyed the beginning of the series but it just kept getting better and better. While I wanted more Ella and Slade, this last book was a fantastic complicated finish to the story arc. Great series.

Unchained beauty

I loved this book. This is the book I was waiting for the most in this series. I was not disappointed. If there was ever a book I wished was a movie this was it. I couldn't read it fast enough while not wanting it to end at the same time. But now it's over, the series is over and I'm heartbroken to see it end.

I have no words

Slade is quite possibly my favorite character that has ever been written. I really have no words to describe how much I loved this story. I'm sad to see Deadly Beauties come to an close, buy couldn't have asked for a better ending.

Yet another amazing book!!

If you are unfamiliar with this author it's time to read her stuff. If you love a book that makes you fall in love with the characters as if they were your true family her books are for you. That being said... It took me a really long time to read this book. I wasn't ready to say goodbye. I'm so glad I dove in.. It was amazing. It grabs your heart and has you flipping the pages so fast. You can't wait for the next chapter. It's definitely worth the read. But make sure you start from the beginning. 😀😀


Hmmmmm how do i give a honest review without giving the story away???? Okay boy dreams of girl, girl frees boy, boys pushes girl away and girl pushes back. Inner strengths are found and eyes are finally opened. The weekest link has always been protected by those willing to die to keep her safe or so they thought, however when they finally see her for who she really is they realize that the love she has for the boy will save them all. Beautifully written captures your imagination and has you singing "im a little teapot". Grab your tissues ladies your gonna need them.


C.M. you cannot end this series. Maybe take a little break but not end this.....im crying. Well I love that Ella finally gets her happy ending with Slade. I'm glad they don't have to worry about Hannah. And yes a couple of spin off would not be bad. Thank you! Cannot wait to read more of ur books C.M. Owens.

The end

The end of this series was more than I could have hoped for. I wasn't a huge Ella fan. I still loke Zee and Leah the best. Next to Dice of course.

Ah may ziiiing!!!

I love reading all of her books. All of them have the witty banter that I love that makes me laugh out loud and it also has the page turning grabs you by the first paragraph can’t put down kind of plot. Love love love! I think this one though was by far my favorite. Most authors when they say it’s the end of a series it’s usually a hurry up and end but this one was thorough and didn’t just stop. Can’t say enough good things about CM Owens. (I’m gonna need you to never stop writing. That would be great.)

Wow! Wow! Wow!

This book is the finale to the Deadly Beauties Lives On series and what a finale it is! It pulls the series together so effectively. There are so many plot twists and turns that the reader is fully engaged through the whole book. It kept me turning the page laughing, crying and biting my nails in suspense. A must read! CM does it again!

Please don't end it

If you never want a series to end because the writing is so good that the story teller has drawn you in, weaved you around and through the character's and story so thoroughly you cry, laugh, and sit at the edge of your seat with each turn of the page THIS IS THAT BOOK THIS IS THAT SERIES! This book is ☆☆☆☆☆☆♡♡♡ THANK YOU CM

Long awaited and Surpassed ALL my Expectations and Hopes!!!

I have personally read ALL of C.M. owens published work and this is definitely the best. Ive been looking foward to this book the moment Slade was introduced. This piece was so different and creative. My belly aches knowing its over and i dont have anymore to read about my favorite series and my favorite couple (Ella/Slade). I look foward to another spin off where hopefully they will be brought back for nostalgic reasons. Thank you for giving us this ❤


I did not truly expect to be as enthralled as I was with this series. I loathe finishing a series, especially one that grabs on so tight, I feel so attached to the characters and feel a loss after finishing. I read all of the books in less than a week, I was that hooked. I laughed and cried and was held on the edge of my seat a lot. Just... Amazing. Thank you.

So sad this series is over!

I loved EVERY book from the very beginning. I definitely cried alot reading this last one... Anyone who loves the paranormal genre needs to read ALL these books. Anyone on my social media who asks about good recommendations, I always recommend these. I really hope a Cole and Kicera spinoff happens soon! I'm not ready to let all of these amazing characters go. I feel like I really know them all!


This is by far the best book CM has ever written and i have bought and read ALL of her books!! I absolutely loved this love story! It was epic! I wish it could continue. I laughed, cried, yelled and got mad at this book but the ending was beautiful and PERFECT!! I would recommend this book "one hundred and one" times over!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


I’m so so sad to reach the end of this series. I was hesitant to read these books from some of the reviews, but heard so many great things about them through Facebook. I am SO glad I decided to read them. I read DB and DBLO in less than a week! I fell in love with each set of characters and I wish there was more! I really hope she ends up doing a spin off with Kicera and Cole!! Thanks for an amazing series CM.

Thank you for such an amazing ending❤❤❤

I am totally in love with the series. Normally books get watered down and it feels rushed but not this. Serioulsy # Epic Love Story. I laughed, got my heart broken, fell in love, cried,gasped at every twist to the story, I hoped for more and boy did I get more. I have lost So much sleep and missed train stops but it was so worth it. I can't wait for the spin off.


At first, I didn't like how each chapter was started. But, the 10 th book read, I never noticed this slightly different writing style. As I read, your writing style evolved. I fell in love with the characters. Will be patiently waiting on more from this series.

Amazing series!

I just finished the last book of the series. I hated to see it end while rushing to reach the last page. I loved each couples story and I hope the author continues the next chapter. I loved the intricate details throughout the story and the twists at the end. Please keep writing.

Slade is my favorite deadly beauty

I have waited so long for the Slade and Elle story and it did not disappoint. Thank you for taking your time to make sure their were no holes in the plot or storyline. I hope this is not the end of Slade or Elle because I would love to read how their relationship continues like Alyssa and Kane.

Loved. Not a strong enough word

This series and its predecessor absolutely wrecked me. They're full of love, laughter, heartbreak, and shock. The fact that they're over is heartbreaking. I fell in love with these characters. #Dicerules #sladetheromantic #EllaKicksButt

Loved this series

My girl has done it again! Cm Owens is my favorite author. I have loved this series and am sad to see it end. Probably one of my faves! But everything she writes is absolutely amazing! The comedy and drama along with emotional twists and turns make her work a dream to read.....not just once either. All I'm saying is read this series....you won't be disappointed! Can't wait to see what's next!


Another awesome book by C.M. Owens. I really didn't know what to expect since it was the end of the series. I loved it. Slade and Ella love story was epic, with uncertainties that had me worried for a little bit. But it wouldn't be a CM novel if it didn't have amazing twist and turn, lots of laughter and some crying too. #AMAZEBALLS!!!

5 stars

As an avid reader of just about every genre, I appreciate a good series. I like being able to see the growth in the characters throughout each story. This is the last of this series and I’m so sad to see it end. CM Owens is a great story teller, one of my favorites actually. She never disappoints and this one is no exception.

Saved the best for last.

Loved Slade and Ellas story. It was much anticipated and typed the series up well. But I do kind of want to have a book for Cole and Kicera.


This book was heartbreakingly beautiful. Slade wow his love for Ella is something you have to read about , his the ultimate bad boy ( not the right word to describe Slade, but we’ll go with it) but his love for Ella is so pure. My heart is still a bit broken ,but happy for them. Cant believe it’s the last book of beauties . What a journey. Thank you C.m Owens.

A fitting end to a wonderful story.

So so sad this journey has ended. I have read this series three times now and always stop at this last one. I just couldn’t bring myself to finish it. I did not want it to end. But sadly it did. I am so thankful beyond words that all of the Beauties survived.


Very sadly disappointed. Saw author didnt want to overload readers with info but unfortunately did. I love c.m owens writing but this was a very sad let down to an incredible series. Broke my heart C M Owens :(


Absolutely lived this series.Ella growing into her own and Dice being his usual hilarious self. Everything wrapped up Well, can't wait for the spin-off.

I give 10 stars not 5

so amazing I can't believe it's over and it was so tear jerky and emotional and wonderful and I'm so sad and happy at the same time c.m. owens really did great this time loved Ella and slade I love all of her books and have read everyone of them she is my favorite author

Hate saying good bye!

Wow, this was an amazing book. The story, the characters, I loved and will miss every moment of it. I am glad there will be more to the story involving a new generation of Deadly Beauties but I hope we will see everyone again even if it's only glimpses of them (especially Dice!!😂😂)

Ella gets her man and Slade can finally love freely

This is the story i wanted to read about when Slade was first introduced. I love a good girl bad boy love story. Its works out even better because Ella is a bit bad herself and in truth Slade is a bit good in the sense of his self sacrifices for love.


Amazing as expected😃 my favorite author never disappoints. Thanks for another great book! #you are the best!!# 😀😃👏👏 keep them coming!

Best Book ever

First of all, I want to thank CM for writing a beautiful series. I actually took my time to read this last book because I didn’t want it to end. Every book in these series are amazing, but this last one is my favorite. I love Ella and Slade, I love their love story.

Perfect end to the series!

I can't tell you how much I longed for and dreaded this book at the same time. It managed to meet and exceed all of my expectations. I can't wait to see what CM Owens does next!

Great ending to an awesome series!

I first found CM Owens through the deadly Beauties series and love any book she writes. A truly talented author that allows you to escape reality with her amazing imagination. This paranormal series is like no other and you will find yourself re reading all of her series.

So amazing!

I'm so sad it's over!!! I hope for more books in this world cuz it's #thebest (thanks dice)! So fantastic couldn't put this series down!


Absolutely loved this book and how it ended. Definitely made me shed some tears. I love how Slade and Ella worked so hard to save each other! Dices chapter was perfect! My favorite series sad to see it and!


I can’t believe this series has ended! A huge fan of all of the books in this series, they have made me laugh out loud and shed tears. Do yourself a favour and start reading, you won’t regret it!

Omg best book every

This book made me laugh so hard I cried and some parts made me just cry. The story was just so well wrote and you felt like you were there with them, feeling what they felt. Experiencing it all with them. Made me fall in love with slade after hating him for so long. Can't want for the spinoffs.

Best series ever!!

I can't even begin to express how much I loved this series. This has been one of the few series I feel like I actually lived in the books.

Perfect ending

I am absolutely floored by the ending to such an amazing series. I took my time absorbing every word because I knew this was it. The story I've been reading, the characters I've laughed and cried with forever finally got their ending. I am still raw from the emotional roller coaster I just fell off of.

Awesome-spoiler alert

I love this book so much I damn near cried when Dice died. It takes me where I need to escape to in vivid color. I love love love loved this series.

What can you say after THAT..??

I LOVED THIS LOVE STORY ABOVE ALL.. SINCE KANE AND ALYSSA THAT IS! CM OWEN'S did it AGAIN! I love this series so much and it was my 1st ebook and started a long love of books that I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL FOR! THANK YOU MY FRIEND ❤️

Great series end

This was a fabulous read! The spelled journal was a nice twist. It was a little muddy when the girls were scheming but it all worked out. Nice set up for future spin off.

Another Great Read!

This is the last book in this series and I loved it as much as the others. It was hard to put down, but I made myself because I wasn't ready for it to end. C.M. Owens has a way of connecting you to her characters and you feel like they really exist. I highly recommend this series!


This is a must read series. Absolutely loved this book it made me laugh and made me cry #dicerules lol so sad for the series to end but can't wait for the spinoff series.

Loved it

This book is great. So many twists. I love the author a well. Very well written! Hope another one is coming!


As usual, cm Owens takes you through an emotional roller coaster....and you love every moment. I couldn't put the book down, I was constantly wondering what could possibly happen next! This was one of the best books I have ever read! Thank you cm owens

Well Done!

CM saved the best for last! So heartbroken that this series has now ended. However, the way she wrapped it all up is amazing. Such an endearing love story with all of the other craziness we hope for in a DBLO novel. I highly recommend this book for anyone who loves paranormal and everyone who has read any of the DBLO books.

Love it

Yet another fantastic book by one of my favorite authors. Though it was much longer then I was expecting I thought the story not only wrapped up well but the entire series. I definitely suggest being fresh on the entire series before reading. I read start to finish (second time for the other books) and at times I still got a little confused. Overall LOVED It!

Great final book

I had read the other books in the series and loved the characters. Slade and Ella's story made me laugh, cry and occasionally ask what the hell is going on. #loveddicetoo

I’m crying here!

Just freaking awesome! The perfect end to a great series. Slade and Ella are now my favorite couple. Can’t wait for the dragonite series. C.M. Owens you are fabulous!

Another hit

I can't believe it's over but what a way to go out. It was seriously amazing. This series just got better and better. The way this twists and turns, never saw it turning out like it did. CM's mind works in crazy ways and i love it.

Awww damn.

I can't believe this series this finally came to an end. I never saw certain things coming. I most defiantly cried and laughed and was pissed.

Perfect ending to the series

I devoured the first set of books in this series in a weekend. I had to patiently wait in between the DBLO releases, this one did not disappoint!

Happy but sad

A bitter sweet amazing book. We finally get to see the bad a#* Ella really is. I was so excited for this book and you did not disappoint.

Best ending!!

Amazing end to an exciting series. I laughed and cried. Such a perfect book. Everything happened as it should. Do yourself a favor and read it.

Deadly beauties live on book 5

I cried all through this book because it's the end. I LOVED it. Your a sensational writer and I can't wait for more.

I Loved this book, cried so many times but laughed just as much. So sad this series is over, but can't wait for the next one.

This entire series is Fabulous they make you laugh , cry and hope . I would recommend this series to anyone that's into paranormal romance and that loves to fall into another world for awhile. Love you C.M Owens and the world's you take me to. Connie Whitley is your fan for life.


I waited for what seemed like for ever to read the Ella and Slade story and it was awesome! I loved this book from beginning to end. There were surprises for sure and it's so worth reading.


Slade has my ❤️ all of my heart! Slade is a love story you never see coming!


Its sad to see the ending of this saga. These charters habe been friends for a long time, so happy i can restart the searies atbany time! Ella and Slade are amazing and the twists kept me on edge! #whereistheirbaby lol


Deadly Beauties was such an addictive series to read. I really loved all of the characters, and I'm going to miss reading about them. C.M. Owens really knows how to connect the reader to her characters, and I look forward to reading more books by her.


As usual I am more than pleased. This book like all her others kept me captivated from beginning to end.

Great series ender...

I loved Slade and Ella's story..great series ending!! I can't wait for the series spin-off. Looking forward to more books.

Amazing.loved it

So good. Loved it loved them all. Never wanted it to end I hate saying good bye to these characters. The way they r e Written make them seem so real

😭💕Happy/Sad 💕😭

Wow! I really didn’t expect this book they way it went at all. I never thought slade will love so deeply. He did all this just for her, where is he ? I want to marry him like yesterday! Wow! This was n great book beyond words! Just sad it has to end. You took my breath away with this one!

Does It Have To Be Over??

This series. Seriously, I don't even know how to begin. My emotions are all over the place right now. I'm very happy with how this book ended and how the entire series wrapped up. On the other hand, I'm not quite ready to let these characters go! I've been completely immersed in this world since the very first book. I read the first book last week, and was lucky enough to finish all the others within days of the release of this book, leaving me very little time to stew. This book, more than any of the others, absolutely tore my heart to shreds. There is so much that comes to light in this book. Things that make you look back on everything that has happened in a completely different light. Everything makes so much sense, once you find out why things happened the way they did in the previous books. Once you learn these secrets, your heart will literally shred itself. You will see everything in a completely different way. This has been one of the most emotionally invested books I've ever read. I still can't believe it's over. I want to continue following these characters for the rest of their lives. I think I'm honestly going to miss them and go through full blown withdrawal without reading their stories every night. It's such an incredible and amazing gift that C. M. Owens has to be able to captivate her readers to this point. There are not many authors who are able to make their readers feel so deeply and love the characters so strongly. I can't wait to see what comes next in this amazing world she has created.

Heather Owens

Great series can't wait to start the next one. Of the dragonits series. And all the others. This is a great writer.

Amazing series finale!

Such a complicated plot, I don’t know how she kept it straight! I had moments where I was down right confused! However, great ending to a wonderful series. I loved each and every one but this was my favorite!


I absolutely loved this book. What a way to end the series. You will laugh and you will cry. I know I did. C.M. Owens just wow!!!

This series!!!

I can't tell you how much anything c.m. Owen's write is always a favorite. I havent read this series but I decided to finally read it and omg. The final book was wow. Just wow. Read them in order you will not regret this book or any of hers reallt


Loved the details. CM Owens is a genius in her writing regardless of the style she chooses. Already reading it again because there is so much to process.


This was a really great book. Sad that it is the end of the series but I really enjoyed reading it. I love the deadly beauties and CM Owens is awesome! Can't wait to see what she comes out with next.

Good read

I loved the love story with Slade but it's the first time I could put the book down and not have to finish it right away.


I feel like I have been waiting for/ dreading this book forever. This was the second series by this author that I had read, and drew my in completely. Sorry it's over, but an amazing series by an awesome author. A dedicated must read!


I have followed this series from the beginning and have loved everyone of them..,but this one has made me cry and laugh. I could not put it down and knowing this is the last in the series is killing me but it was excellent.

Definitely worth my time and hoping its not the last.

Ella and Slades story got me in my feels man😭 If y'all think this series is over take the time to read the "From the author" at the end of the book.

Awesome read

I went back to the beginning and read the entire series again so I would be able to glean all the nuances of the diverse set of characters. All I can say is that every woman in the world deserves to be loved like Slade loves Ella.

Wonderful book

My absolute favorite book series I am truly sad to see it end the characters are just wonderful very well written I have read the books multiple times. Congrats on a great series

Well worth the wait

Despite wanting hotter sex scenes between these two since the chemistry was unbelievable, the book was still a great read..

It deserves ten stars!!!!!

I made myself take over 5 days to read this final book. I feel like I need to know more about all of them. This can't be the end! Cm. You slay me with your words. Thankyou

Yup...you made me cry.

I don't want to spoil when you have time for this was the perfect ending to a fantastic series. Thank you

Unexpected and totally worth the wait

Just when u think it couldnt get any better, she goes and turns yr world upside down. The best paranormal series i have ever read!! Worth all the wait and i great ending to an awesome series. Loved it

The best!!!

This was hands down the best book of the series!!! Obsessed with Slades story. Dice' s chapter was perfectly placed. I was in tears laughing. I'm becoming an avid follower of this author; working my way through her books. Never a dissapointment!!!

-le sigh-

It was everything I thought it would be and more. It was a beautiful story with quite a few twists. It was just amazing how it all turned out. A beautiful ending to the series.

Loved it

I loved it I am sad that is the end of this series I did cry and laughed throughout the book cant wait to see what comes out next.

Awesome conclusion

I loved this series. All the books caves us insight on each couple. This book filled in everything and made me love Slade more.

Amazing Installment! MUST READ

Absolutely amazing!! As usual Mrs. Owen's delivers!! This book was beautifully written with the story all of us deadly beauties fans were waiting for. Could not put this down the second that I opened it!! A must read!

Another hit

Slade and Ella. What a beautiful love story. I completely fell in love with Slade and his devotion to Ella. The twists and turns in this book left me eager to turn the page. Another winner for cm.

Deadly beauties

I absolutely loved Ella and Slade’s story. I cried quite a bit since I could tell by mid book how much he loved Ella. The twists were very surprising. Thank you and I do hope there is a spin-off. Never wanted this series to end!

I am so sad to see this series go

I am so sad to see this series go. But I absolutely loved this book so hard!!!! This whole series was amazing but Slade and Ella's story was just sooo much more!!


Just like every book in this series I absolutely loved it!!! Ella and Slade are perfect!!! Dice as usual made me laugh out loud and everyone in my house thought I was crazy!

It cant end

Absolutely amazing. I love this series and I have read them many times, and will continue to do so. Thanks for these amazing books!

Love this series

I loved this series from start to finish. Amazing author can't wait for her books to release. I have reread her books several times, and love them more each time.

Nailed it

Its always sad when a series comes to an end. You just want it to continue..This last book in series was well done without the want of more from these characters. I cant wait for Cole and Kacera spin off

Great twisted love story

Loved all of the books in the series! Dice made me laugh so many times. #incubuspower #meow , . .

Awesome!! Awesome!! Awesome!!

No other words describe how much i loved this series....I laughed... I cried...and most of all...I LOVE Dice!!...Thank you C.M gor an exceptional series!!!


you are a great writer , which ever name you write under .


Loved this book soooo much .I wish more of the couple's would have kids just to get more books. Can wait to see if there will be more

The end

The end of an era-well written and beautifully captured. I can’t wait to see the next series from this author!


This is so bittersweet. I have loved this series from the beginning. Amazing ending to a series that has brought me much happiness, some tears, and more laughs than I can count. I literally started thinking about rereading Unchained Beauty before even finishing it.


Excellent series:) love cm’s writing! I’m not usually a fan of paranormal, but I would recommend this series for sure.

She hasn't disappointed me

Love it!!! With every book I fall for a different character knowing more about them. These books are amazing. Read them all!!!

I feel like we have all waited so long for this book ...

I feel like we have all waited so long for this book to come out ......and it was everything I thought it would be . I am so sad that this series is ending but Slade and Ella were the perfect ending. I cannot say enough about how much I love C. M. Owen's writing.


Amazing! I’m sad this is the end to series but I feel it is the perfect way to end it. I had so many ups and downs reading this book. Thank you C.M Owens for taking me to a different place!

Awesome book

I hate seeing the series end but getting to read Slade and Ella's book was worth the wait and a good place to end. Their love is an epic love story and the best to read. I can't wait for the spin off. I love your books C.M. Especially the paranormal.

It's over 😭😭😭

By far the best of the series. I was seriously hoping for MORE but also feel pleased with how it ended. Wonderfully written

Oh my

Wow what a damn roller coaster. This had been a long time coming but the ending was just perfect. Thank you slade was my favorite ❤️


Loved this book series. So far everything I have read from this author has been amazing. Keep up the great writing I look forward to reading more

Five Stars

Loved it!

The end

Spent the whole day lost in my phone while trying not to finish this one too quickly at the same time. Like all her other books, CM did it right. :)

Loved this series!

So I'm not a big fan of paranormal usually but I got the first book in this series free. From the start I loved Slade and his idc attitude. This book made me laugh and cry and u thoroughly enjoyed the while series.

Blown away

I'm so sad to see this series come to an end but I'm completely blown away with how wonderful this book turned out to be. Absolute perfection

What a ride

I love this series it had me crying and laughing. Giving me hope and losing it. Lol CM is a wonderful writer. I love the experience

One of the greatest love stories

It made me laugh and cry I loved it!!!! Cm Owens is the BEST author!!!! I am a huge fan!

Amazing ending to an amazing series

This series is one of the best supernatural story I have ever read. Ella and slades story was very much anticipated and we'll worth the wait

5 stars doesnt do it justice

I don't think I have the right words to describe how incredible this book was. I will say that it was my favorite book not only for the plot but the amazing way the characters stories were written. Amazing job once again by an unbelievably amazing author.

Best 1 by far

The best love story I've ever read, with a dark twist to it. The Deadly Beauties books have given me so many hours of great reading, I could not put them down. I'm sad to see it all come to a end.

I loved it!

I loved this book.... Heck I love this whole series so hard! I'm so so sad that it's the end


Loved it, the perfect ending to an awesome series. Really drew into my emotions for all involved and now wish the series was continuing. Yet another amazing book. Thank you C M Owens💕

She did it again

🖤 this series was so good and as usual cm threw me for a loop. Her books are what keep me reading.

Best series ever!!

Loved loved loved this series!! The characters and plotlines are amazing!! Sad to see the series end but excited to read the spin-off series as it becomes published.

Awesome series

I was hooked on this series from the first paragraph. I couldn't stop reading until I finished each book, being so focused on seeing how the story flowed.which it did wonderfully.

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