Treasured Secrets (Coveted Saga #1) (The Coveted Saga)

Kindle Edition
03 Jul
C.M. Owens
Her blood paints her a target, whereas his marks him the enemy, but together they could be the key to changing it all…

Aria Weislen fought hard to stay in her rainforest home deep in the heart of South America, but she was forced to go back to the states to join the rest of her family. Grayford, Massachusetts is almost the polar opposite of her sweet jungle escape, but it does have one thing her old home never offered… Tallis Verdan. The sight of him leaves her unbalanced and almost incoherent.
Stolen glances and accidental grazes leave her with a fever almost every time. But his mixed signals get her high one second before leaving her to plummet the very next. In a world full of secrets, looks can be deceiving. Even her own reflection has been hiding the truth of what’s to come.
It doesn’t take long to realize why Tallis sends her on such highs and lows. His blood, his ties, and his secrets rival hers. And when the reality Aria has known shatters to make way for the fantasy she never believed, it all spirals out of control.

It’s her they want, but he’ll stand in the way…

*YA Paranormal Romance
*Not suitable for anyone under the age of 15

Reviews (138)

I prefer CM Owens' other series

I really tried to give this book a chance... but the main character was not strong and frankly annoying. I only finished 30% of the book and decided to stop. I'm sure the story gets better BUT the heroine distracts me from enjoying the story. Personally, I prefer the deadly beauties series. Simply put, the main character is a child who likes to throw tantrums, whines a lot in her head and runs away from little embarrassment situations. She waits for the man to swoop in and save the day. I prefer strong female characters who can banter and go toe to toe with their destined "mate". I understand the character is suppose to be a high school girl with little life experience so her personality is justifiable.. but it was Just a tad bit overdone. C.M. Owens is one of my favorite authors. So if you don't fall in love with this series, please try her deadly beauties series AND sterling shore series!!

yet another awesome book by C

yet another awesome book by C.M. Owens! If you want hot and heavy loves scenes read her Deadly Beauties series and if you want more into the fantasy world with a little love interest this book is for you, whence suggested reading 15+. Hey not every book has to be hot and heavy! The characters are well written out, the love dilemma is a little drawn out on this one, but hey the characters are in high school on this series so it is expected. I love the books by C.M. Owens and can not get enough!! Sad this is I am on my last book and have a month before her new one comes out..that just gives other authors a chance lol

For teenagers

Anyone older than teenagers who read this book with find the heroine excruciatingly annoying and whiney but I guess its typical for a teenager. Its been so long, I forgot. I also found her pretty pushy when it came to forcing herself on the hero. I guess that's typical teenage hormones too. She was a bit "loose" for my taste, for such a young age. She also spoke about loving the hero for a long time, please school had already started by the time she got there and snow was on the ground when she said it. Couldn't have been more than 6 mths, guess that's long in teenage years. For adults, read "Deadly Beauties"

Very generic feeling read - I like this writers other work, but this book was pretty pitiful - Can't believe I finished it!

I would have declared this book a DNF early on but at the time I didn’t have another book on hand so I stuck it out. This turned out to be a complete waste of time. I have read some of this writers other work and liked them, but this book pretty much just sucked from beginning to end. The writing had a juvenile feel to it. The plot was similar to dozens of other books in this genre Ive read. Even the characters felt cardboard like. Throw in some insta-love and this hot mess of a book is what you get. At least it was free, but I still wouldn’t recommend this one to anyone. Sorry!

Great book even being a YA

I actually really enjoyed this book and just bought next one in series, I just hope Aria is a little more mature than she was in this book. She's 17 she needs to act it even with everything going on. This book definitely ended on a cliffhanger she finally gets her kids from Tallis but then she screams in terror.

Theres a reason it gets 5 starts!

Loved this book! I started reading this book yesterday and I stayed up all night just to finish it! I thought it was well written and it had a great story line! I also found that the characters all had a bit of depth to them, the authoring giving some background to a few characters, but not wasting time or making them page fillers. The book begins with the main character Aria getting ready to go shopping before her first day of school. She has just left her home to come live with her grandparents like all of her siblings before her have. While at the mall she sees a boy from across the way, who just so happens to be the high school heart throb! She starts noticing some strange things happening around her new found friends at school and her family and is greatly confused by it. By the time she finds out her family history, and about who she is, its to late for her family to be the ones who told her! To learn about your history and your life ahead of you from strangers has to be hard in itself, but the events that follow make things even harder for Aria the new girl in school who just wants to fit it. Again, I thought it was a great read and I'm just dying to continue reading this series!

Great little Saga

Aria is a great character for her young age! I loved her right away! There is a love triangle, danger, excitement, fun and fear. There's witches, light and dark and Aria had no clue about this world until the "heyena" AKA means girls at school make her runaway and cry. Aria runs right into danger. Verge of death danger but Tallis AKA her soul mate saves her life. She wants him but he can't want her but others chase her. Tallis and her family come from different blood lines and Aria brings the families together. There is so much in this first book! Great read!!! Ending is a cliff hanger but the next book is just as good!

Brazil does NOT speak spanish they speak portuguses!!!!!

I liked the book overall. There were a few things that I thought the main character was childish and not strong..... But I read it all so that counts for me. Also the lack of looking up a simple thing like what language a country speaks is really annoying. All of south America except Brazil speaks spanish, Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese so they speak portuguese.

Interesting read

I found this book to be an interesting read. The Coveted Saga has interesting characters and story line. It's not an up in your face page turner. Yet, it does keep you guessing. The only downside that I found was some misspelled words and or missing words. I picked up the entire series due to the fact The Sterling Shore series was a page turner. At least for me. Would I recommend this book? Yes, I would.

Treasured secrets

Aria is certainly a girl who knows what she wants and goes for it. Tallis was confusing along the way but it made more sense by the end of the book. That cliffhanger was not fun. But lucky for me I’ve read the series already and know what happens

I prefer CM Owens' other series

I really tried to give this book a chance... but the main character was not strong and frankly annoying. I only finished 30% of the book and decided to stop. I'm sure the story gets better BUT the heroine distracts me from enjoying the story. Personally, I prefer the deadly beauties series. Simply put, the main character is a child who likes to throw tantrums, whines a lot in her head and runs away from little embarrassment situations. She waits for the man to swoop in and save the day. I prefer strong female characters who can banter and go toe to toe with their destined "mate". I understand the character is suppose to be a high school girl with little life experience so her personality is justifiable.. but it was Just a tad bit overdone. C.M. Owens is one of my favorite authors. So if you don't fall in love with this series, please try her deadly beauties series AND sterling shore series!!

yet another awesome book by C

yet another awesome book by C.M. Owens! If you want hot and heavy loves scenes read her Deadly Beauties series and if you want more into the fantasy world with a little love interest this book is for you, whence suggested reading 15+. Hey not every book has to be hot and heavy! The characters are well written out, the love dilemma is a little drawn out on this one, but hey the characters are in high school on this series so it is expected. I love the books by C.M. Owens and can not get enough!! Sad this is I am on my last book and have a month before her new one comes out..that just gives other authors a chance lol

For teenagers

Anyone older than teenagers who read this book with find the heroine excruciatingly annoying and whiney but I guess its typical for a teenager. Its been so long, I forgot. I also found her pretty pushy when it came to forcing herself on the hero. I guess that's typical teenage hormones too. She was a bit "loose" for my taste, for such a young age. She also spoke about loving the hero for a long time, please school had already started by the time she got there and snow was on the ground when she said it. Couldn't have been more than 6 mths, guess that's long in teenage years. For adults, read "Deadly Beauties"

Very generic feeling read - I like this writers other work, but this book was pretty pitiful - Can't believe I finished it!

I would have declared this book a DNF early on but at the time I didn’t have another book on hand so I stuck it out. This turned out to be a complete waste of time. I have read some of this writers other work and liked them, but this book pretty much just sucked from beginning to end. The writing had a juvenile feel to it. The plot was similar to dozens of other books in this genre Ive read. Even the characters felt cardboard like. Throw in some insta-love and this hot mess of a book is what you get. At least it was free, but I still wouldn’t recommend this one to anyone. Sorry!

Great book even being a YA

I actually really enjoyed this book and just bought next one in series, I just hope Aria is a little more mature than she was in this book. She's 17 she needs to act it even with everything going on. This book definitely ended on a cliffhanger she finally gets her kids from Tallis but then she screams in terror.

Theres a reason it gets 5 starts!

Loved this book! I started reading this book yesterday and I stayed up all night just to finish it! I thought it was well written and it had a great story line! I also found that the characters all had a bit of depth to them, the authoring giving some background to a few characters, but not wasting time or making them page fillers. The book begins with the main character Aria getting ready to go shopping before her first day of school. She has just left her home to come live with her grandparents like all of her siblings before her have. While at the mall she sees a boy from across the way, who just so happens to be the high school heart throb! She starts noticing some strange things happening around her new found friends at school and her family and is greatly confused by it. By the time she finds out her family history, and about who she is, its to late for her family to be the ones who told her! To learn about your history and your life ahead of you from strangers has to be hard in itself, but the events that follow make things even harder for Aria the new girl in school who just wants to fit it. Again, I thought it was a great read and I'm just dying to continue reading this series!

Great little Saga

Aria is a great character for her young age! I loved her right away! There is a love triangle, danger, excitement, fun and fear. There's witches, light and dark and Aria had no clue about this world until the "heyena" AKA means girls at school make her runaway and cry. Aria runs right into danger. Verge of death danger but Tallis AKA her soul mate saves her life. She wants him but he can't want her but others chase her. Tallis and her family come from different blood lines and Aria brings the families together. There is so much in this first book! Great read!!! Ending is a cliff hanger but the next book is just as good!

Brazil does NOT speak spanish they speak portuguses!!!!!

I liked the book overall. There were a few things that I thought the main character was childish and not strong..... But I read it all so that counts for me. Also the lack of looking up a simple thing like what language a country speaks is really annoying. All of south America except Brazil speaks spanish, Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese so they speak portuguese.

Interesting read

I found this book to be an interesting read. The Coveted Saga has interesting characters and story line. It's not an up in your face page turner. Yet, it does keep you guessing. The only downside that I found was some misspelled words and or missing words. I picked up the entire series due to the fact The Sterling Shore series was a page turner. At least for me. Would I recommend this book? Yes, I would.

Treasured secrets

Aria is certainly a girl who knows what she wants and goes for it. Tallis was confusing along the way but it made more sense by the end of the book. That cliffhanger was not fun. But lucky for me I’ve read the series already and know what happens

This book is truly a treasure

I loved the way that this book started with mystery and intrigue. It was interesting to see how hints in the book gave way to Aria's big secret of being magical. I also never expected to her to get involved in a love triangle between Tallis and McKee. This book truly keeps you guessing on what will come next.

Great first-in-series!

The first book in a series is always important as it sets up the storyline and characters and I decide if I'm moving on to the next book. I loved it! Aria, Tallis and their families and friends are supernaturals I envy and can't wait to read more of their trials. The storyline is great. No confusion or disappointment here, but what can I say but that I love this author!

I love the characters and their relationships

C.M Owens has yet to let me down with her books. Everything she writes is gold and keeps me wanting more. I love the characters and their relationships. I find myself staying up late at night just to see what is going to happen next. Best books I have read in a really long time!!!

Book 1

OMG.. so.. so.. so good. Just what I needed and couldn't put down. I have to buy all CM Owen's books.

Fantastic and angering

Fantastic book but the characters leave something to be desired at times. They are in high school so that's understandable. I didn't think I would get into a book about witches by C.M. really changed my mind about that.

Good but confusing book!

As much as I liked this book, it was a bit confusing! Aside from the fact that there were points where you had to guess who was talking or what was happening because it felt like the story was a bit rushed, the names and all of the characters were so confusing. You almost needed a character list so you could remember who was who. The main character Arisianna who went by Aria, has two sisters Ash /Ashiara and Aster, her "crush's" mum was Allaysia, her daughter Ayla, and even though the story was told from Aria's perspective she called her parents and her grandparent by their first names, and later you figured out to whom she was referring. Also for a girl who was home schooled and loved being just with her parents in a jungle in Brasil, she was quite removed from them when they arrived. I also found the knowledge they all shared about the new power born into their family which was obviously Aria yet never discussed a bit odd?! And finally I hate that it just finishes, Its miserable when authors write books that are only finished when you get the next book!

It's no fancy dinner, but it is a good meat and potatoes book.

Just a bit slow in parts, but it was an interesting take on the usual fantasy I read. That teen angst was predictable and annoying, and certain characters sure smirked a lot. There were a few errors; needs another proofread. Overall though, it was pretty good--good enough for me to buy books 2-4. I have to see how it ends. Will there be more smirking? :)

Love this author

The whole series is fantastic

Hundreds of years old siblings and parents are going to draw attention

Great start to another story line! I'm excited to read the rest and continue on with Aria learning her magic and transformation and Tallis' love torment as he fights his feelings and hers are driving her crazy....along with McKee who is jealous and won't leave Aria alone

needs editing

It was a fast paced story. Kind of annoying at times but it was told from a 17 year olds pov. The poor editing was very distracting, most of the time I can look past it but there seemed to be extra words that made the sentences hard to read. But I can't wait to see what happens next.

Storey line a bit confusing to begin with but turned ...

Storey line a bit confusing to begin with but turned into an interesting tale about the pressures of being a teenager turned on it's head when magic gets involved.

More please! Amazing

I can't stop reading and always want more when I finish each book. Keep them coming. I love this author.

Enjoy reading fantastic books

Just as good as all this authors series before this one.

Five Stars

such an aswesome story!! I had to go back and get the other 2 books!


Love the plait, twists and new way of magic. Nothing like I've read before. I can't wait to read this saga

Loved it

Very good and quick read. I wish it didn't end so soon. If you like the twilight series you'll love this book

Love it

I wasn't sure if I'd like this but I love C.M. Owens & I was instantly pulled in... now onto the next of this series!


I loved this book could not have loved it more I he is her soul. Mate and I hope we find out soon hope she gets her magic in the next book could not put this book down it was that good

Love the intro into this series

Love the intro into this series. Gives you enough info without boring you. Characters are likable and believable. It is a must read for paranormal readers.

C.M. Owens did it again!

I really loved this book. I was so captivated by it. I can't wait for the next one I feel like I have lost my soul mate having to wait for it.

Another great book by C

Another great book by C.M.! Once again you get pulled right into the story and you just cant put it down! I love how this saga started and cant wait for the rest to come out!


Awsome,like all her work is!! Only this is for the younger crowd so no sexxxy sex stuff but still great!! I LOVE YOU C.M.OWENS


Never disappointed with C.M. Owen's books. Love all the character development and unique story lines and plots. If you haven't read the books, there is no time like the present.

Five Stars

I enjoyed it very much and cant wait for the rest of the series.


This author writes a great story! This was my first book into the paranormal and I enjoyed every word of it!

So awesome!

I absolutely love this story line. I have read both this one and part 2 at least 6 times. The 3rd is coming out in March and I cannot wait! 😊

Three Stars

This was an okay book to read.

Loved it!!!

I loved this saga!!! I love C.M. Owens!!! She is an amazing author and I can't wait to continue to read all her books

Treasured secrets

Treasured secrets is a great read just loved it so surreal how it all goes down can't wait to read the next one


This series is so amazing! I can't wait for the next book. This is my all time fav author. Love her books.

Five Stars

Amazing book yet again by CM Owens!


Every book I have read by C.M. Owens is absolutely spellbinding!!! Love this series and every single one of her other books/series.


It was a really good story. I couldn't put it down. So many obstacles to finding happiness . I can't wait for the next book.

Overall great book.

Overall great book. Good storyline, romance, with lots of suspense. Kept me wanting to read more. Only drawback was a few typos/grammatical errors, but most people won't notice.

I truly enjoyed the entire coveted series!

I truly enjoyed the entire coveted series!

Five Stars

Great book!!!

It IS that good!

Can I give 50 stars? It IS that good!


As always Never can go wrong with a C.M.Owens Book/Series ♡♡


Love this book !all of them!

Five Stars



Great series!!!!! :)

Five Stars

Amazing author. I am hooked

Another amazing book by C.M Owens

This book is amazing and the rest of the series is even better. I highly recommend you to read it!!!

Love this author!

CM Owens has a wonderful imagination and you just can't help falling in love with the characters in all of her books!

Five Stars

Great mix of romance and supernatural

Five Stars

love it

Five Stars

I absolutely loved this series. I could not stop reading.

Twilight-like, but uniquely its own

Enjoyed the characters and the magical world Owens created.

Owens wrights is awesome. The best author I've read in a long ...

Anything c.m. Owens wrights is awesome. The best author I've read in a long time.

Five Stars

Fun read.

Five Stars

Great read

Four Stars

Great series. Can't wait for the next book.

Five Stars

What a great book, I couldn't put it down.

Four Stars

It had me intrigued

Another Great Read. I cant get enough of this writer

Another Great Read. I cant get enough of this writer. I am now to the point that I am out books she has written and keep checking her FB Page for when the new books will be released. Once you get started you just wont quit

Great book.

This is a great book. I cannot wait until the next one to see what's going to happen. C.M. Owens does it again. She is a great author and I love all of her books.

Great Book

C.M. Owens is an excellent author and this book did not disappoint. It is a book that cannot be put down once opened.

Don't Do It!

I love C M Owen's Sterling Shore series so I went ahead to gave this earlier story a try, but frankly, I'm mad at myself for reading to the end of the series. I found the main character to be a disgrace both to protagonists everywhere and the entire female gender. She (Aria) relies much to heavily on her "soul mate" from the first that she meets him and can literally not function when he's not around. She spends a large amount of the series moping over him and I spent an embarrassing amount of time condescending her in my head. Aria is also self-absorbed in thinking that everything is--of course--her fault, and she goes on several suicide missions because she actually wants to commit suicide. While she is supposed to be the most powerful witch of them all, she comes across as the weakest human being that I've ever heard of. Aria is not a role-model for any reader of any age. I only smiled at one scene in this series, but when I showed it to my friend, she remarked that it felt like it was written by a tween.

Couldn't stand it!

CM Owens must have been half asleep when she wrote this. Aria, the main character, is headstrong, ignorant, and can't seem to think past her vagina for any length of time. The premise is weak, especially when everything relies on Aria to save the day. I don't expect to like the main characters of books 100 percent of the time. They are supposed to be human in most cases, or close to it, and as such, we all know human's are a mess. But human foibles aside, I couldn't stand this girl and I thought her family was downright silly.


I usually love C.M. Owens books, but I wasn't too much of a fan of this book. I know the main characters are in high school, but it was just say to juvenile for me. So much teenage drama. It wasn't the best start to this series/serial.


Awesome story! I was hooked the minute I started to read,the magic essence that flows through the story is exciting and leaves you wanting more it's almost like the authors writing is almost hypnotic and entrancing. I fell so hard for Aria and Tallis there love ozzed so much excitement inside me and also tore at my heart strings there story is gripping and compelling!

Most 17 year old females are a tad annoying and self-centered

Most 17 year old females are a tad annoying and self-centered. There were a few missing words but it did not take away from the story. I usually do not bother with series books but this has that hook. Looking forward to the following sagas of Aria. By the way, I'm not a young adult, but I still believe in the magic!

I enjoyed the overall essence of the storyline as it unfolded

I enjoyed the overall essence of the storyline as it unfolded, along with most of the characters. However, I find the heroine Aria an irritating pain in the butt. She's childish, constantly whinges, talks about how dumb she is, and she is, throws herself at Tallis, and is sooo freaking woosy. As the series continues, I hope we see growth and fast maturing of this character adding substance to the story and making me want to keep reading, rather than thinking I can't stand anymore Aria behaviour.


Loved this series. Couldn't wait to finish reading! Sad its over

Loved it

Loved it, loved it, loved it!!! Paranormal is my favorite genre to read an this book does not disappoint! Cannot wait for the next book in this series.

So i love this author

So i love this author!! I'm not usually one for paranormal books but because i love her Sterling Shore series i gave it a go. This is the the story of Aria who has just moved back to the US after having spent most of her life in Brazil. Her parents have sent her to live with her grandmother while they finish up work in Brazil. Aria's other siblings are also living nearby. Aria is a witch, but she doesn't know it until some strange things start to happen around her at home and outside the house. She has a near death encounter that forces her family to reveal who she is earlier than they wanted. Aria will eventually become immortal but until then she is very vulnerable to attack from dark magic users. Her family is a powerful one in the magic community and a lot of people want her dead. I don't want to give too much away but she meets a boy named Tallis who she instantly feels drawn to. She struggles with her feelings for him throughout the book. I love this book it's part of a series and is a fab set up for the story giving you background history about the families and Aria's heritage. The surrounding characters add massively to the story making it not just about Aria and Tallis but lots of other relationships too. Both of their siblings play a big role in this story adding plenty of laughs along the way. The "Changer Olympics" particularly made me laugh out loud! I can't wait to get onto book 2 Jaded Jewels to find out what happens next! This book is paranormal YA and i would highly recommend to anyone who loves those genre's and even if you don't read it anyway it's a great read!

Addictive reading

Ok so i am a bit addicted to CM Owens books. If they are part a series then i will read them in one go until the early hours. Her writing seems to hold you captive without you realising what is going on around you. Hours go by before you ask yourself "When did i last eat?" or "Why is it dark outside?". In 'Treasured Secrets' Aria Weilsen being thrown in at the deep end when she moves in with her Granmother in Grayford, Massachusttes. She thinks she will never fit in and wants to go back to the rainforset asap. Well that is until she see's Tallis Verdan and he changes her view on the world in a heartbeat. She feels an almost immediate connect to him which scares and excites her at the same time. Throw some paranomal chaos into the mix and you have yourselves an interesting party. Fun creative read that leaves you on a bit of a cliff hanger - but then its not like I leave time to let the story simmer before i am onto the next one lol :)

Worth a read

This was a good book to read. C.M.Owens draws you in and you find yourself completely wrapped up in the story. I was a bit apprehensive at first as the lead character was still at school (17yrs) so I wasn't sure if it was too young for me. I do like fantasy stories and witchcraft , Aria was quite a mature so it didn't seem to matter. I kept you reading and I couldn't help buy the next book....

Really great in-depth story. Great characters who are so well written you feel like you know them.

I really enjoyed this book. The story and characters are so well written, your taken on a journey of discovery. Tears and laughter, and plenty of action. This is a gripping story that should be read by anyone who loves fantasy fiction and love stories. Well done C. M. Owens can't wait to read the next instalment.

Good new series

This was a slow start but got better half way through. Looking forward to reading the second book ... I can't wait.

It does interfere with the enjoyment of the book

In C.M. Owens style, her books are always creative and original. It's an engaging read that would make you follow the series. My only issue is the over use of some words. She needs to work more on conveying emotions in written form. Some examples of the over used words gripe, blare, whimper, whine. Can you imagine coming across such words on every page? It does interfere with the enjoyment of the book. But her books are worth reading.

It was a good read and I did enjoy them although I think ...

I bought and read the four book series. It was a good read and I did enjoy them although I think the story could have been condensed down into two or three books at most as it was a bit drawn out. You also need to read the whole set to see the conclusion and outcome. But if you want to get the set, its a nice enough read.


I wasn't sure what to make of this book as its a different paranormal than I usually read but in true C M style she had me hook, line and sinker. I rooting really hard for aria and tallis and so glad I have the next book so I'm not on a cliffhanger!!!

Loved it

Each time I think the new book won't be better than the last, but every single time I'm left wanting more. I honestly do not know how C.M. Owens does it, but she always leaves me falling over myself to get the next one. I'd already downloaded #2 before I'd finished this one. Enough chatter, I'm off to get stuck in!


So brilliantly wrote loved the characters looking forward to the next book to find out the next part of the story

Treasure secrets 1

I have read some of C.M. Owens before and thoroughly enjoyed reading them and I was not disappointed with this story looking forward to reading more stories

Love all of C.M. Owens books!

Love all of C.M. Owens books! I've read them all on various devices, but now I'm using my kindle app more, I've downloaded them all onto here too. Going to look forward to re-reading these books. Don't change C.M. Owens!

Story Great - Editing Poor

I'd love to give this book more than three stars as the storytelling is pure escapism! Unfortunately the editing is quite poor and impact upon the readability of the story.


Ok so I NEVER write reviews but this book deserves one. Starts off really slow so slow I was actually going to give up then BOOM it takes off. I couldn't put it down I am now starting book two. Can't wait 😁

freaking awesome

Leaving home and her parents and being forced to her grandparents house to stay couldn't be worse until finding out your whole family is not what it seems, and that you will soon be getting powers and is sought after by others. Meeting the hot talkie dissent hurt none either

Forget the buts. This is superb. Wow!

I agree with previous comments that the language is bad and distracting, sometimes. The imagination and storytelling is magical. Read the Aphrodite/ Daughter series. That's a movie. I'm a language pedant but language evolves. These stories, this imagination - don't let the poor grammar distract you. She's really good.


Love this series

awesome read!

I can never get enough of this author ! Great start to this series! I LOVE paranormal so i fully enjoyed this read and the introduction to the characters :)


Well, DAMN... C. M. Owens just seems to be the best author I've ever read a book by. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone who loves complicated romance entangled with danger and immortality.

completely addicted

Really good introduction to the series in very impressed by story and characters it's a super read very quick and easy to get into and it's all written out and edited well ! Really can't wait to start the next book !!

Loved this!!!

Another great book , no one gets you to fall in love with their characters like c m owens. Hasn't disappointed yet :)

Easy read

Nothing to heavy but enjoyable all the same,I feel shades of Twilight sneaking into the story line but different enough for it not to be a copy.looking forward to number 2.

I reaIlly enjoyed this book would recommend this book to read to ...

I reaIlly enjoyed this book would recommend this book to read to my family and friends and every one PAT YATES


Clever author so good at reeling in her audience and holding them. But when when book 2 is not available it's horrible! So C. M. Owens please write next one quickly.


I love this book all c m Owens books are awsome but this series and the deadly beauties are the best you rock

got very into this book very quickly and couldn't put ...

got very into this book very quickly and couldn't put it down, read it into the early hours of the morning


At first I wasn't sure but after the first chapter I was completely hooked and read the full book in one night can't wait to read the second one.

Five Stars

Good read.

Defiantly a treasured secret

yet another fantastic book by c.m owens. Can't wait for the next is not what it seems and what is taken for granted is thrown in to chaos.

Witches and shape shifter

Brilliant book from cm owens has u hooked from the start loads going on that has u guessing what is goin to happen next

loved it

I love chrissi owens books she can just draw you in

Great read

For me this was another book I found myself still glued to until 2am! It's a little twighlight-Esq but I'm fine with that. Go ahead....treat yourself and escape reality for a couple of days :)

Five Stars

I love reading this author's books and couldn't put this one down.

loved reading them fantastic author couldn't put them down got ...

Interesting books, loved reading them fantastic author couldn't put them down got into them completely

Five Stars

Love CM Owens books can not get enough! Great characters look forward to the next instalment

Three Stars

It took a while to get in to but it wad ok

Five Stars

Just like all C M Owens other books excellent

Five Stars


Five Stars

Good read


She's done it again. Can't get enough

Another fantastic book by C.m. Owens!

C.m. Owens books are always fabulous and this one is no different! Can't wait to read the next one!

Another excellent read from CM Owens

Another excellent read from CM Owens. I love all of her books but this series, is my favourite. Can't wait for the final instalment.

Four Stars

Loved the whole series

Five Stars


Five Stars

Great book, would recommend

Love ❤ it Love ❤ it What else is there ...

Love ❤ it Love ❤ it What else is there to say


Have read all three in series awaiting the next book, excellent.

Would make a great film...

Fantastic. I could not put this down. Great love. Magical!

great read

Loved this book would recommend already reading the second trying my best to make it last but to good to put down x

Editing of some sort required to be able to enjoy this book What a shame Probably all it would ...

Editing of some sort required to be able to enjoy this book What a shame Probably all it would take is one other person to read it Brazil is a country, for example, you are unlikely to drive to 'it' and suddenly be in a 'town-like' situation Perhaps more time spent on the mechanics of writing and accuracy of the story and less time explaining the same feelings over and over again Would not recommend

Please get an editor

The story is fine but I was driven crazy by the poor grammer. The repeated use of non-words such as "unrepressable" is inexcusable as they should show up in a spell-check. An editor would pick up the incorrct useage of words such as "drug" (a medicine, not the past tense of drag), and "pennants" (flags, not attonement for sins).

How could I not love it!

I loved the book. It was one of the first paranormal books I've read. I was a little skeptical about reading it cause I didn't know if I'd like it or not but once I started reading it, I was glued to the story and I could not put it down. I story was well told and I felt like I was seeing thing happen through the characters eyes. I love it when a book can do that. That's how you know it is worth reading the whole series. Great job C.M! Keep them coming!

My favourite

I just love this series! It is one of my favourite re-reads. I wish I could buy this in the paperback edition!

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