The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember

Kindle Edition
07 Oct
A timeless collection of wisdom on love, friendship, respect, individuality, and honesty from the beloved PBS series Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

There are few personalities who evoke such universal feelings of warmth as Fred Rogers. An enduring presence in American homes for over 30 years, his plainspoken wisdom continues to guide and comfort many. The World According to Mister Rogers distills the legacy and singular worldview of this beloved American figure. An inspiring collection of stories, anecdotes, and insights -- with sections devoted to love, friendship, respect, individuality, and honesty, The World According to Mister Rogers reminds us that there is much more in life that unites us than divides us.

Culled from Fred Rogers' speeches, program transcripts, books, letters, and interviews, along with some of his never-before-published writings, The World According to Mister Rogers is a testament to the legacy of a man who served and continues to serve as a role model to millions.

Reviews (179)

Love Makes the World Go Around!

As the host of the longest running PBS show in history, Fred Rogers inspired entire generations of viewers with messages of love and wisdom. He didn’t have one mean bone in his body. He wasn’t judgmental. He knew that every child had importance, every child had potential, and every child was deserving of love. Love didn’t always mean being one hundred percent agreeable all the time, but it was always an unconditional feeling that every person should experience in their lifetime. Fred Rogers passed away the year this book was published, but his legacy of love is immortal and multi-generational even to this day. One of the most important messages you can receive from this book is to know that your emotions are completely natural and shouldn’t be feared or balked at. If someone wants to smile, let them smile. If someone wants to cry, let them cry. If someone is angry, help them use their anger in a constructive way. I’ll be the first to admit that I struggle with my emotions from time to time. I belittle myself for the times I feel sad, I don’t allow myself to cry in front of others, and I don’t want to admit to anyone else what I’m feeling at that moment. Reading these quotes has helped me lower my defenses somewhat, but it’s a process that takes time as Fred Rogers will be the first to tell you. I’ll also admit that I hate watching other people cry because it makes me vicariously sad as well. That’s not from a place of discomfort. It’s from a place of love. Love is one of Mister Rogers’s most important themes. Another important thing to remember is the effect we have on other people. Whether you do a big or small favor for someone, the feeling of gratitude is a powerful thing that will make it all worthwhile. By the same token, every hurtful thing we do to another person will be remembered as well. Be careful with your words and actions. Be a positive influence on a child’s life. We take all of these experiences when we grow up and they help us develop our adult personalities, for better or worse. Everything you do matters more than you think. It may not seem like a big deal, but to another human being, it means the world. Don’t be hateful. Don’t be bitter. Be the best possible example of yourself you can be. And finally, another favorite part of this book is the fable Mister Rogers tells of the carpenter who refused to hire an apprentice because he won’t admit to making mistakes and therefore won’t know how to fix them when he does. Making mistakes is a natural part of the human experience, no matter how good of a person you may be. Even Mister Rogers made mistakes in his life that he ended up turning into valuable life lessons. Strength doesn’t come from perfect muscles or superhero abilities. It comes from being able to admit your weaknesses and working to make them into strengths. Egomania never did the world any good. Everything you read in this book may seem like practical commonsense, but the truth is, these things don’t get said enough. Too many times we’ve strayed from our happiness and used our negativity to do awful things to each other. It could be a microcosmic relationship between two people or a macrocosmic political blunder heard around the world. We need Mister Rogers’s wisdom now more than ever. If everybody would pick up a copy of this book and study it until the end of time, we’d be much better off as a human race. An extra credit grade will go to this beautifully-crafted piece of nonfiction.

While reading this book the feelings of nostalgia rushed back and it made me think of all the wonderful teachings I would love t

Growing up with Mister Rogers always playing in the background I always found myself intrigued by his message. I started watching as a child, at breakfast before catching the bus in my middle school years, and his show became a part of my daily lessons while I was home schooled 8-11th grade my morning agenda would be to do a synopsis on his daily report. While reading this book the feelings of nostalgia rushed back and it made me think of all the wonderful teachings I would love to have for my son who is now 3. I picked up this book and I couldn't put it down. It only took me about 45 minutes to make it through and I probably would have made it through sooner if I wasn't busy bookmarking my favorite pages. For all adults who want to be hit with "the feels" or for young adults who simply want something to read with a cup of tea or coffee, this is the book. I waited years before I finally bought the series and I can say it is something I will read over and over - after a rough day or after an amazing day. It gives you all of the feelings of what a wonderful life it can be. With that being said I will leave you with my favorite message from this book. “Love is like infinity: You can't have more or less infinity, and you can't compare two things to see if they're "equally infinite." Infinity just is, and that's the way I think love is, too.”- Fred Rogers

Bought new, recieved used.

I love this book. So much that I purchased it for a friend. Upon receiving the book that was labeled new, it actually had highlighter markings in it. Plus, the pages looked weird. I recommend the book, however, beware that you might receive a used copy instead.

The World According to Mister Rogers'...A WONDERFUL BOOK for people of any age.

Lovely, nurturing...a father figure who is not afraid to be gentle and kind and accessible. Mrs.Rogers' introduction shows us the kind of strong, moral, yet forgiving and gentle man who Mr. Rogers was. Each brings an independent insight which is helpful and never hurtful. As a father figure, we see a great one on each page, reassuring the children who looked to him for comfort and education, which is delivered so nicely in this lovely hardcover book...built to be read and re-read. Like comfort food for the Mind and Heart! AND, not so bad for adults who miss or never really had such a great Father Figure in real life.

Thank you Mr. Rodgers.

My daughter was going through some issues related to our divorce. I picked up two copies of this as a conversation starter. It allowed us to talk and heal without having to talk specifically about the divorce. We'd each read 15 pages a weekend, pick out one page that made us think and talk about it. This is one of those 1/4 size "Chicken Soup for the Soul" type books. It has been a great help to us. It's a sign of strength when men are vulnerable enough to cry and express their feelings. Love is about accepting other people for who they are, and it's something we do every day. How to be yourself. How to think about sadness and loneliness. "Forgiveness is a strange thing. It can sometimes be easier to forgive our enemies than our friends. It can be hardest of all to forgive people we love. Like all of life's important coping skills, the ability to forgive and the capacity to let go of resentments most likely take root very early in our lives."

Being Who Mister Rogers Knew I Was.

I always wanted to be able to live up to my potential and be the person Mr. Rogers knew I could be. This book was a handy little reminder and every week I attempted to apply something new to my life. The past year has seen many changes for the better in my life. I share this book with all my friends now for whatever life throws at them. Including me throwing this book directly at them.


This is a great book to read, everyone will enjoy it. This is a masterpiece of how to behave in life. Mr. Rogers was a priviledge man who share his virtues with the "neighbors", using his terms and words. I fully recommend to carefully read the letters of his songs...there is not only knowledge they are savy words that will last for many generations to come. Let's share who was Fred Rogers...we all need people like him to be known.

Get this book for your coffee table

Get this book for your coffee table. It will make you, your family, your guests feel better for having picked it up, and as it's read just page by page with long quotes and excerpts, it's the perfect coffee table piece. I think Mr. Rogers was one of the best men who ever lived. I watch reruns with my daughter (free if you have Prime!) and it makes both of us better people.

Pages cut out.

I’m very disappointed in this. The book is beautiful, but I am extremely upset that I was given a book that has six pages cut out of it and has water damage all over the front. I was told this books condition was “good“, but having pages taken from it is far from good.

Love MR. Rogers

Love MR. Rogers. <3. He was a guru... definitely one of the most intelligent, kind people in the world. He was akin to Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, The previous pope, etc. Just a good human being with a lot of insightful wisdom and warmth. This book shows that.

Love Makes the World Go Around!

As the host of the longest running PBS show in history, Fred Rogers inspired entire generations of viewers with messages of love and wisdom. He didn’t have one mean bone in his body. He wasn’t judgmental. He knew that every child had importance, every child had potential, and every child was deserving of love. Love didn’t always mean being one hundred percent agreeable all the time, but it was always an unconditional feeling that every person should experience in their lifetime. Fred Rogers passed away the year this book was published, but his legacy of love is immortal and multi-generational even to this day. One of the most important messages you can receive from this book is to know that your emotions are completely natural and shouldn’t be feared or balked at. If someone wants to smile, let them smile. If someone wants to cry, let them cry. If someone is angry, help them use their anger in a constructive way. I’ll be the first to admit that I struggle with my emotions from time to time. I belittle myself for the times I feel sad, I don’t allow myself to cry in front of others, and I don’t want to admit to anyone else what I’m feeling at that moment. Reading these quotes has helped me lower my defenses somewhat, but it’s a process that takes time as Fred Rogers will be the first to tell you. I’ll also admit that I hate watching other people cry because it makes me vicariously sad as well. That’s not from a place of discomfort. It’s from a place of love. Love is one of Mister Rogers’s most important themes. Another important thing to remember is the effect we have on other people. Whether you do a big or small favor for someone, the feeling of gratitude is a powerful thing that will make it all worthwhile. By the same token, every hurtful thing we do to another person will be remembered as well. Be careful with your words and actions. Be a positive influence on a child’s life. We take all of these experiences when we grow up and they help us develop our adult personalities, for better or worse. Everything you do matters more than you think. It may not seem like a big deal, but to another human being, it means the world. Don’t be hateful. Don’t be bitter. Be the best possible example of yourself you can be. And finally, another favorite part of this book is the fable Mister Rogers tells of the carpenter who refused to hire an apprentice because he won’t admit to making mistakes and therefore won’t know how to fix them when he does. Making mistakes is a natural part of the human experience, no matter how good of a person you may be. Even Mister Rogers made mistakes in his life that he ended up turning into valuable life lessons. Strength doesn’t come from perfect muscles or superhero abilities. It comes from being able to admit your weaknesses and working to make them into strengths. Egomania never did the world any good. Everything you read in this book may seem like practical commonsense, but the truth is, these things don’t get said enough. Too many times we’ve strayed from our happiness and used our negativity to do awful things to each other. It could be a microcosmic relationship between two people or a macrocosmic political blunder heard around the world. We need Mister Rogers’s wisdom now more than ever. If everybody would pick up a copy of this book and study it until the end of time, we’d be much better off as a human race. An extra credit grade will go to this beautifully-crafted piece of nonfiction.

While reading this book the feelings of nostalgia rushed back and it made me think of all the wonderful teachings I would love t

Growing up with Mister Rogers always playing in the background I always found myself intrigued by his message. I started watching as a child, at breakfast before catching the bus in my middle school years, and his show became a part of my daily lessons while I was home schooled 8-11th grade my morning agenda would be to do a synopsis on his daily report. While reading this book the feelings of nostalgia rushed back and it made me think of all the wonderful teachings I would love to have for my son who is now 3. I picked up this book and I couldn't put it down. It only took me about 45 minutes to make it through and I probably would have made it through sooner if I wasn't busy bookmarking my favorite pages. For all adults who want to be hit with "the feels" or for young adults who simply want something to read with a cup of tea or coffee, this is the book. I waited years before I finally bought the series and I can say it is something I will read over and over - after a rough day or after an amazing day. It gives you all of the feelings of what a wonderful life it can be. With that being said I will leave you with my favorite message from this book. “Love is like infinity: You can't have more or less infinity, and you can't compare two things to see if they're "equally infinite." Infinity just is, and that's the way I think love is, too.”- Fred Rogers

Bought new, recieved used.

I love this book. So much that I purchased it for a friend. Upon receiving the book that was labeled new, it actually had highlighter markings in it. Plus, the pages looked weird. I recommend the book, however, beware that you might receive a used copy instead.

The World According to Mister Rogers'...A WONDERFUL BOOK for people of any age.

Lovely, nurturing...a father figure who is not afraid to be gentle and kind and accessible. Mrs.Rogers' introduction shows us the kind of strong, moral, yet forgiving and gentle man who Mr. Rogers was. Each brings an independent insight which is helpful and never hurtful. As a father figure, we see a great one on each page, reassuring the children who looked to him for comfort and education, which is delivered so nicely in this lovely hardcover book...built to be read and re-read. Like comfort food for the Mind and Heart! AND, not so bad for adults who miss or never really had such a great Father Figure in real life.

Thank you Mr. Rodgers.

My daughter was going through some issues related to our divorce. I picked up two copies of this as a conversation starter. It allowed us to talk and heal without having to talk specifically about the divorce. We'd each read 15 pages a weekend, pick out one page that made us think and talk about it. This is one of those 1/4 size "Chicken Soup for the Soul" type books. It has been a great help to us. It's a sign of strength when men are vulnerable enough to cry and express their feelings. Love is about accepting other people for who they are, and it's something we do every day. How to be yourself. How to think about sadness and loneliness. "Forgiveness is a strange thing. It can sometimes be easier to forgive our enemies than our friends. It can be hardest of all to forgive people we love. Like all of life's important coping skills, the ability to forgive and the capacity to let go of resentments most likely take root very early in our lives."

Being Who Mister Rogers Knew I Was.

I always wanted to be able to live up to my potential and be the person Mr. Rogers knew I could be. This book was a handy little reminder and every week I attempted to apply something new to my life. The past year has seen many changes for the better in my life. I share this book with all my friends now for whatever life throws at them. Including me throwing this book directly at them.


This is a great book to read, everyone will enjoy it. This is a masterpiece of how to behave in life. Mr. Rogers was a priviledge man who share his virtues with the "neighbors", using his terms and words. I fully recommend to carefully read the letters of his songs...there is not only knowledge they are savy words that will last for many generations to come. Let's share who was Fred Rogers...we all need people like him to be known.

Get this book for your coffee table

Get this book for your coffee table. It will make you, your family, your guests feel better for having picked it up, and as it's read just page by page with long quotes and excerpts, it's the perfect coffee table piece. I think Mr. Rogers was one of the best men who ever lived. I watch reruns with my daughter (free if you have Prime!) and it makes both of us better people.

Pages cut out.

I’m very disappointed in this. The book is beautiful, but I am extremely upset that I was given a book that has six pages cut out of it and has water damage all over the front. I was told this books condition was “good“, but having pages taken from it is far from good.

Love MR. Rogers

Love MR. Rogers. <3. He was a guru... definitely one of the most intelligent, kind people in the world. He was akin to Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, The previous pope, etc. Just a good human being with a lot of insightful wisdom and warmth. This book shows that.


It's a book of brief quotes from Mr. Rogers. Who doesn't love Mr. Rogers? But if you're looking for more than a "quote for the day," look elsewhere.

Buy this book today

This little books has amazing life advice. I like to read one a day, meditate on it and share the daily message amongst my family. Buy this book today. You won’t be dissatisfied. Book itself arrived on time, in perfect condition and exactly as described.

I Miss Mr. Rogers

The beliefs of Mr. Rogers are relevant for yesterday, today & tomorrow. This is my ONLY coffee table book. It makes for a great conversation starter during guest visits & parties. Great size, easy to hold & read. Makes for a great gift for those who have everything.

Brother Loved it

Gave this to my brother who is a Mr. Rodgers fan. He is six months sober and I gave this to him when he reached four months. I figured who better to drop some words of wisdom on those struggling day’s then a man much wiser than myself. I bookmarked my favorite page for him (I believe 40 or 44) and my daughter who is seven wrote a little blurb in it for him. A simple: I’m proud of you. Brought him to tears and he has said he had opened it on more than one difficult day and found some sort of comfort among the pages.

Beautiful inside and out! (Figuratively & Literally)

The book arrived in immaculate condition. It is comprised of beautiful quotes and messages, and it isn't the type of book half-full of "filler" pages to thicken it up. I've enjoyed reading it, and I also enjoy randomly flipping to a page daily/weekly/monthly/whenever perhaps I just need a friendly reminder. I highly recommend.


This is a sweet and touching book by Mr. Rogers. It will be a keepsake for my daughter. She grew up with Mr. Rogers and now, as an adult, is enjoying his words of wisdom and message of kindness. She loved this book and plans on sharing it with the children she teaches.

Great uplifting read

As with any and everything featuring Mr. Rogers this was a positive and delightful book of uplifting messages for everyday life. This book is a quick read, almost similar to a poetry collection. I would recommend this book to fans of Mr. Rogers and daily devotionals.

An inspirational gift to the global neighborhood

There are few books, paper or audio, that I find inspirational to the point I share it with everyone in my "neighborhood". This audio book was very moving for me, so much so that I have purchased it as a gift for many and will share it as a gift for others during this Holiday season. Mr. Rogers was one of the regular shows I grew up with as a child, but more importantly, his thoughts about life should be with all of us as adults, in the global neighborhood. My ten year old daughter listens to the CD to help her go to sleep at night, and my 13 year old son sneaks a listen between rock and jazz. While they did not have the opportunity to experience Mr. Rogers as I did as a child, they have been touched by him at a very important part of their lives. Once you listen to this CD, you may not want to put on a red sweater and white sneakers, but you will want to share it with your neighborhood. This is a very touching CD enjoyable by all. -- Suzann Brucato

A great read. An not well known timeless classic.

A great read for adults from Mr Rogers himself. Fred Rogers gives great wisdom, insight, and beautiful life stories. Easy read in an evening but sure to be a favorite to go back to for many years.

God Bless Mr. Rogers

This book came into my life at the right time Thank you, Fred Rogers for your love and kindness May your words continue to go out into the world and be heard by those who need them

What a good man he was

so right to the point .children and adults get it.

Realizing our value within

Today Mr. Rogers living example of being a “neighbor” is more relevant for bridging the chasm of misunderstanding, indifference to anyone’s views that differ from our own, and the attacks on people of different cultures, race, religion, gender, and traditions.

Mr Rogers

Growing up in Pittsburgh whether you watched his show or not, you knew he was something special. I find the book full if wonderful insights into a child's mind. As a teacher, I appreciate his candor and empathy.

Very nice book with dirty cover

I was looking forward to giving this as a gift . It came and was dirty on the cover like it had been used . The book itself was fine but i was not happy with the cover .

Must read

This is so inspiring, especially for the times we are living in. It’s a quick read and we’ll worth it. The world needs more like him!


I got my husband this book for Christmas because he watched Mr. Rodgers growing up and it means a lot to him. This book does not disappoint. He was tearing up from page one with the way Mr. Rodgers warmth and happiness comes through in the words. Fantastic buy for any fan or anyone who likes the joyful, encouraging things in life. The book came in perfect condition.

Sweet book -Good advice

How can you not like anything that Fred Rogers puts out there? Such a dear, sweet, kind gentleman and this book is full of his wisdom.

Roger that!

As I read this book, I could not help but feel that, among other things, Mr. Rogers the senior adult was conversing with himself at his younger ages. While the introduction by his wife was great, the book suddenly turns a corner and launches into quotes and statements under various headings that feel rather loose-leaf. A bit more about where these quotes came from between the quotes would make the reading smoother. Nonetheless, this book captures the persona of the kind and considerate, sweater wearing, storytelling neighbor beautifully.

Damaged from packing job

Book is so cute, I wish I could keep. It was a Christmas gift, and the box was also taped on inside flaps. It stuck to the book and ripped the cover. Will have to return

Will read this several times

Inspirational. Mr. Rogers was such a thoughtful loving person. We need more of him in this world. God Bless Fred Rogers

A gift for my daughter

She was very please to receive this and it arrived before they said it would. She can't wait to read it.

Creative and imaginative adventure!

Mr. Rogers continues to amaze me! Again, One of his works that I’ve gifted to my daughter. She loved him day after day and always put on her “Mr. Rogers” zipper sweater prior to each visit to the “neighborhood”!

Thank You Mister Rogers

A delightful and insightful book written by a man who nurtured children and their parents for many years. Easy and thought provoking reading.

Lovely little book.

If you are a fan of Mr. Rogers ( if you pay any attention to what he sadi and his program,You are a fan!) you will really like having or giving this thoughtful sweet book. It small size is perfect.

How can you not give Mr. Rogers 5-stars?

Packed full of wisdom, kindness, common sense. I grew up watching (didn't like weird puppets) the show and felt genuine caring from him as a child. I also appreciated that I saw kids on his show of various races; which made me feel included. Can't go wrong picking up this gem.


Mr Rogers was such a gentle giant. We must take his wisdom and put it into practice- that’s how we pay it forward. Thank you, Mr Rogers!

Good book of wise words

I enjoyed this book and recommend it to others who need wisdom. He observed alot and didn't speak without first thinking

Mister Rogers Fan

Anyone who was a Mister Rogers watcher will like the book.

Full of inspiration

Great book it’s nice to see the world through Mister Rogers’ eyes and it’s full of inspiration

Coolest man ever born.

The world needs more Mister Rogers. Cool book.

Wholesome book

Would recommend, easy to read, very thoughtful and warm.

Fred Rogers encourages you!

I give one of these to every person I know you struggles in life and who would appreciate the depth of care that Mr. Rogers shares. I just wish there were more quotes here! Being a clergy myself also, I understand the importance to communicate early of their worth identity and teaching to keep open to adults and share happy and sad feelings. Those skills do not come naturally, they must shared, taught, and reviewed to the child, something that Rev. Fred Rogers was able to do for a very long time, on TV even!

Fine Product. Quick shipping. Thank you.

Fine Product. Quick shipping. Thank you.


I'm having teachers write in it so I can give it as a graduation gift to my son.

Life Lessons to Ponder

This book contains sayings from Mister R. Great life lessons. A nice table book.

A great book to read with your children

If you grew up with Mr. Rogers, than this book is a must. It reminds us that it is the simple things that really matter. A great book to read with your children. Mr. Rogers is a National Treasure and children's television will never be the same without "our neighbor".

It's filled with beautiful quotes from a great man

I ordered this as a gift for my mom who grew up watching Mr. Rogers. It's filled with beautiful quotes from a great man. The book is small and easy to fit on a coffee table or night stand.

Makes a great coffee table book

I’ve become obsessed with Mr Rogers ever since I watched the doc “Won’t you be my neighbor?” I heard about this book on a podcast I listen to. It’s the perfect coffee table book at my house.

Like a hug from Mr. Rogers.

Timeless and timely reminders of what is important

Ok, Several nice thoughts to think about.

This book was just ok to me. A very quick read. I don’t think I would read it again but I liked the length of it.

A small compact book

A nice coffee table style book.

Great book

I love this little book. Mr. Rogers was so insightful, and I love reading this.

A Book that Keeps on Giving!

This little book is filled with thought provoking writings, which will bring life into an individual's life. It is a book that bring inspiration and renewal to your spirit.

Pandemic Savior

Its the book that has gotten me through the pandemic!

Size is just right reading is easy

Love this book would give it to anyone

Well made, charming.

Charming, well made, hard back book.

Enjoy mr rogers

Mr rogers was amazing for his time and now our time

We can live in peace if we choose to.

If everyone in our world believed what Mr. Rogers believed, there would be more peace. I enjoyed this book as an inspirational guideline for living.


Nice book

Quick inspirations

This is a great daily go to for inspiration in the simplest manner. We should all have such a simple, beautiful, kind heart.

An Essential Book for Anyone - Young to Old

I can not recommend this book enough. It was recommended to me as someone who would watch Mr. Rogers reruns as a kid, and this book speaks to the kid in me as well as the adult. It is honest and straight forward enough for anyone, and just as relatable.


If you like Mr Rogers for his kindness, then you will love this book.



Disappointing read.

I was so disappointed in this book ☹️. It didn’t reflect the profound Mr. Rogers I remember. Unfortunate.

Wonderful collection of quotes

If you grew up with Mr. Roger's Neighborhood and found comfort in his words, you will love this book. Wise words and observations for people of all ages.



He was a good person to pattern your life after

It's compilation of short stories and vignettes of Fred's experiences with family members and friends throughout his life. Some are a sentence or two and some are a few paragraphs. I found them inspiring and they define his personality and the 'Mister Rogers' we grew up with. He was a good person to pattern your life after.

Nice reflective book

Bought it used, but it was in great condition. Really nice words from his wife in the foreword. Great coffee table book for quick advice and reflection. The people who complained and gave bad reviews are pessimistic and likely unable to appreciate simple pleasures in life.

Loving book

I purchased these for gifts at the end of the school year and Mother’s Day. Beautifully written.

It's Mr. Rogers, why are you even here? Buy it.

Again, I love Mr. Rogers.

Full of wisdom

He sounds like "that kind old grandpa next door" -- I miss watching his quiet, gentle ways.

A collection of thoughts and words by Mr Rogers is a great stuffing stocker for your loved ones

Such an inspirational book to sift through


great book

Fred Rogers is the greatest

This book and Life's Journeys According to Mister Rogers: Things to Remember Along the...are fantastic, these are exceptional teaching tools for children and I found them to touch my soul also, once more. I believe that anyone who reads either or both of these books will be greatly enriched by them, and by the life, work and ministry of Fred Rogers.

Scratched book cover

I love it when you guys use fewer boxes, but this book has some damage to the book cover because it was underneath a bag of rocks with nothing in between! A sheet of paper would have prevented the greenish scratch marks you see in the photo.


Good quality. Gave as a gift.

A book that is so warm and inspiring

I’m glad and grateful that I happen to notice this book in a Kindle newsletter. It’s so warm and inspiring.

Great book

Great book

A Must Buy Book!


Recommended to me by my son who is 27 and ...

Everyone should have this book to read and reread. Recommended to me by my son who is 27 and I enjoyed reading it at age 55. Great gift as was Mr .Rogers.

Lovely and Inspiring

A nice dose of wisdom and positivity from the master at both.


Nice book for remembering F.R.

A feel good book

I bought it for myself. I love his philosophy on life.

A simple read about life and faith!

Grateful for Fred Rogers and his faith! Reading this book brings back so many memories of watching Mister Roger’s Neighborhood and learning about life.

Perfect gift

This is perfect. Thank you. Large print, inspiring read, and arrived promptly.

A nice book

Tons of amazing sayings

Book Club For January

Loved this book! Such positive notes!

This book is pure love

We need more honest loving people in the world like Fred Rogers. His quotes are possibly the kindest words I have ever read.

good book

my wife read it and enjoyed it

quick service

Item was purchased as a gift



Mister Rogers

Mister Rogers does not disappoint. This is a book of random thoughts from a smart guy. I agree, that the thoughts in this book are important things to remember and to meditate on. The themes include: it is important to be kind, a good listener, and always look for the good in others.

Great gift

Great gift! Mr. Rogers is the best

Excellent Book

I loved Mr Rogers. This book is a fine tribute to Mr Rogers by compiling some of his quotes. This book truly shows what a gem in many ways was Fred Rogers. If there were more Fred Rogers in the world, the world would be a much more tolerant place.

Mr. Rodgers will always be a role model to kids no matter the age.

Mr. Rodgers is gone, but his wisdom lives on in each of us who saw him on TV and reads this book.

I love having the words and wisdom of such a great ...

I love having the words and wisdom of such a great man, and big part of my childhood, right at my fingertips. Nice short readings.. perfect for daily inspiration.

Five Stars

Great graduation gift especially those who know of or grow up with Mr. Rogers

Won’t you be my neighbor

Wisdom and love on every page.

Five Stars

Great set of reflections, good for reading and reflection in the morning.

Five Stars

great book if you are a fan of Mr. Rogers

A great read!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this collection by Mr.Rogers. It was very heartfelt book. He was truly very special person. Enjoy!

A Wonderful Tribute

Everything you want it to be. A lasting tribute to Mr Rogers. Will read and reread and leave on a side table for others to pick up and enjoy.

Everyone can become a better person by readong abput Fred Rogers life

I'm enjoying my Fred Rogers book ery much. Thank you for your great service.

Five Stars

Great book by a good man.


It's a tiny piece of Mr. Rogers to carry with us always. It felt just like watching the show again. I loved it.

Loved it

I love this guy


Mr. ROGER'S was so smart!

Warm and loving words

I was having a sad and tearful day; taking the time to read and reflect on Fred Rogers’ words was comforting and affirming.

An examined life.

If an unexamined life is not worth living, then Mr. Rogers life was well worth living. This book is filled with honest examinations and evaluations of aspects of life that we all encounter. The conclusion is that life is wonderful, in spite of the pain and challenges, and that the most important thing of all is love. This book will make you feel better. Thanks, Mr. Rogers. We miss you.

Worth the price & great quality

Great price for this book. Makes an awesome gift.

Lovely Man - Lovely thoughts.

This is a lovely book, and I bought three copies as gifts. Mr. Rogers has written some inspirational things to remind people to stay positive and helpful and happy. I love what he has to say.

Wisdom from Mr Rogers

Lovely book by a lovely man. Makes a nice gift for young parents.


Mr. Rogers in my opinion is one of the greatest people who has ever been on tv. I'm pretty sure that when he passed away there was St. Peter waiting for him at the pearly gates with his sports coat and said to him "Welcome home neighbor"

Five Stars

A good read for everyone

Love Mr. Rogers

Not much I can say, but I have always loved Mr. Rogers and his calm demeanor. Loved his show and all the characters. The book is a great reminder of what exactly is important.


i love me rogers, this book is so cute and is just a compliation of short poems and comments but is a wonderful read

Buy This Book!

Mr. Fred Rogers was so much more than the character we saw on TV, and having this book solidifies that. I wish I could have met him. Incredible man he was.

Wonderful little book

This is a great little gift book!! I love it!

Four Stars

I love it.

Five Stars




Great gift

I love the wisdom in this book! Perfect for a graduation gift.

Great Book

I ordered this for my boyfriend's birthday, as he loves Mr. Rogers and has always respected him. The book was full of encouraging stories and sayings, and my boyfriend loves it. Definitely a great idea for anyone that grew up with Mr. Rogers as a part of his/her life.

Wonderful gift

I gave my grandparents a copy of this book and they were thrilled with it. Now I gift it to others as well. There are some wonderful quotes within.

Five Stars

Great gift

Five Stars

Just a great keepsake to have, something to read when you're feeling blue or a great gift for someone.

Good Book

Makes a good gift

Worth the Read

Words of wisdom from Fred Rogers. Touches the heart and makes you think about the world we live in.

my favorite neighbor

You cannot go wrong with Mister Rogers. This book is in my top 10 with "All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten". Timeless teachings from someone that I learned to respect while very young.

Charming book


Love it


Wisdom abounds!

I ordered this book because of experience that my own children and grandchildren had with Mr. Rogers as they grew. I wanted to give this copy to one particular grandchild who missed all those neat programs, but who is old enough to understand the wisdom of Fred Rogers. The book arrived in great shape and was as the seller described. And, when her next birthday arrives, my grandchild will get this book and will undoubtedly appreciate its wise content. Shipping the book was done in a timely way and I was pleased to get it packed well.

All Heart

Good read by America’s true moral compass for many years!

It’s Mr. Rogers. Enough said.


sounds just like Mr. Rogers is sittig there talking to you

Good advice to anyone. We need more of his thinking in this country, in our Congress and in this world. It would then be a better world for all us.

I loved it

It was worth every penny


Book came in excellent condition! And the words of Mister Rodgers

guide for living

loved every verse

Five Stars

Peaceful thoughts.

Perfect Gift

This was the perfect addition to a gift for a big fan of Mister Rogers. They loved it!

Five Stars

The title is an apt description of the content.

Saw this in a book store and read a page ...

Saw this in a book store and read a page or two and had to order it. Timeless wisdom.

Five Stars

Made good gift.

Mr. Rogers is so inspiring!!!

Such a great book and words of wisdom from an amazing human. 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️

One of my favorite books of all time

This is the first book I've ever read front to back without stopping. Every quote is fantastic, and I've been using a lot of them when I talk to people ever since I read the book.

I like Mr. Rogers!

I've always liked Mr. Rogers and this book shows just why. He was a good man who really cared about people (children in particular). A man I know met him and said he was just like he seemed, kind and caring!

One of the best books ever


lovely book for any age

great read.

I would definitely recommend this book to everyone

Very inspirational! Exactly the kind of overall message you would expect from Mr. Rogers! I would definitely recommend this book to everyone!

Waaaah! I miss him!

It's Mister Rogers! I mean, um, really, what more can I say? Kind, compassionate, encouraging, accepting, tolerant, loving, righteous, generous.

Mr. Rodgers is a friend you want to have.

A thoughtful collection of Mr. Rodgers' words of wisdom. Perhaps everyone down in Washington should receive a copy to help guide them in governing the country.

Brings to life again that warm welcoming man.

A good gift and reminder of what we learned from Mr. Rogers as children is just as true for adults to use as life markers.


This book was as charming and heartwarming as I hoped it would be. I have a renewed appreciation for Mr. Rogers, the wonderful role model from my childhood. This book would make an excellent gift and I plan to pick up a few more copies to share!

Great wisdom shared

Wonderful collection of quotes.

Five Stars

Perfect gift for holidays or anytime!

Five Stars

Quick read, but take your time and think on what he is communicating.

Great gift

Perfect gift for a new Dad!


beautifully written sage advice given in small bits, easy to read and a great read for all ages. truly important things to remember.

Bought this as a gift for my adult daughter

We both like Mister Rogers. He explains things in a way that makes people comfortable.


straightforward simplicity

Mister Rogers is the homie

One of my favorite books!

I heart Mr. Rogers

If you grew up with Fred Rogers as your "neighbor" then you'll love this book of his quotes. I plan on buying the other books in this series.

Timeless Wisdom

Great wisdom and easy to digest.

LOVE Mister Rogers

This was the cutest little book. I love Fred Rogers and all he did and all he stood for to make this a better world.

Would use again.

Great service, great price on a great book. Mr. Rogers' wisdom needs to be shared with the generations. Collecting his works to pass on to my children.


a friendly reminder of what is good in this world. the lessons in this book should serve as an inspiration to anyone in any profession who is looking to not only motivate, but find the best in people. as a fireman, these lessons fall well in line with how we operate in our profession.

Five Stars

Great book to hav around!

Great book! I am not one to read books ...

Great book! I am not one to read books because I cannot focus if there are too many words, but the little amount of writing on each page was perfect. Also, the quotes and thoughts in this book are really meaningful. Definitely worth reading!

I like it.

After seeing the movie it was the perfect gift for my daughter.

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