The Black Book of the American Left: The Collected Conservative Writings of David Horowitz

Kindle Edition
04 Nov
David Horowitz spent the first part of his life in the world of the Communist-progressive left, a politics he inherited from his mother and father, and later in the New Left as one of its founders. When the wreckage he and his comrades had created became clear to him in the mid-1970s, he left. Three decades of second thoughts then made him this movement’s principal intellectual antagonist. “For better or worse,” as Horowitz writes in the preface to this, the first volume of his collected conservative writings, “I have been condemned to spend the rest of my days attempting to understand how the left pursues the agendas from which I have separated myself, and why.” When Horowitz began his odyssey, the left had already escaped the political ghetto to which his parents’ generation and his own had been confined. Today, it has become the dominant force in America’s academic and media cultures, electing a president and achieving a position from which it can shape America's future. How it achieved its present success and what that success portends are the overarching subjects of Horowitz’s conservative writings. Through the unflinching focus of one singularly engaged witness, the identity of a destructive movement that constantly morphs itself in order to conceal its identity and mission becomes disturbingly clear. In Volume I of these writings, “My Life and Times,” Horowitz reflects on the years he spent at war with his own country, collaborating with and confronting radical figures like Huey Newton, Tom Hayden and Billy Ayers, as he made his transition from what the writer Paul Berman described as the American left’s “most important theorist” to its most determined enemy.

Reviews (52)

Redemption from a Radical Past.

The Black Book was well written as it cleared up some misconceptions concerning Horowitz. After being such a radical, he stopped to smell the roses and began to filter out the good, the bad, and the ugly. In other words, he realized he was headed down the wrong path. A lot of good information came out of his writing this book. He revealed a lot of information about the former associations he had with the liberal group. The book was hard to put down as more and more revelations came out of the book. Well done. The reason I gave this a five star ratings is because of the content of the writing and the way it was presented in the book. Well written and easily understood.

Always informative

Many of Horowitz books do repeat articles from one book to the next, but I have never been sorry to have purchased one of his books. I found this book enlightening. There is always a nugget to open my mind. Having read much of his books, if you have too, I recommend Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World by Hannan, which rounds things out from the other perspective.

David is the best

All of David’s books are factual, daring and unafraid. He speaks with knowledge of what he’s telling us.

Great book! I recommend it to everyone!

PERFECT. There's nothing to add. Such a great history lesson & great writing. I remember about a lot of it. Glad I 'm not alone.

Good to read first hand view of difficult times

Difficult times, but David lays out his experiences for us to learn from; good read and important for us to know this history.

A political prophet of relentless moral conviction

Horowitz has observed the Left for the past 60 years, from inside and out. When at last, a terrible personal tragedy combined with the steady drip of cognitive dissonance, he was forced to let go of his former convictions and lifetime worldview. Horowitz was raised as a "red diaper baby" and grew to be an intellectual leader of the New Left, but his growing moral convictions led him elsewhere. Horowitz turns his conscience and his powerfully trained intellect on the moral corruption of the Left, sparing no one, not even himself.

A Must-Read for 2014 Conservatives

Gaining insight from a Conservative who was once a Liberal is invaluable. This compilation of writings by David Horowitz spans several decades, and conveys exactly how the American Left has morphed into what he calls the Neo-Communism we see manifest today. Much like Charles Krauthammer, Horowitz became aware of the flaws in the ideology so enthusiastically embraced in their youth. Also, they are two intellectual giants, and it would be wise for all who consider themselves everything from far-right conservative to moderate left independents to consider how dangerous the left truly is to America. It is bad enough when we have an external sworn enemy, bent on our destruction and the nullification of our priceless liberties. Worse yet when the enemy is within, and so convoluted from the roots it springs from it is near impossible to identify. Horowitz helps us do just that. I only refrained from an enthusiastic 5 star rating on this due to the somewhat tedious redundancy that is unavoidable in this type of work. Because it is separate pieces written different audiences over a good number of years, there is much that is unique and necessary background at the time of writing, but becomes repetitive in a retrospective compilation. Still, definitely worth the read, and I look forward to reading Vol II, next on my list.

Communism Lives

Mr. Horowitz was raised in a Communist home by true believers. Communism was his religion. This book is describes Mr. Horowitz's gradual realization that his religion was evil. Because he used to be a leader in the American left, David Horowitz provides authoritative information about the movement which would not be available otherwise. The only possible weakness with the book is that it is mostly a collection of articles Mr. Horowitz has written in the past. Those who have read Mr. Horowitz's previous books and articles might find that they are reading some of the same material again.

Understandable Frustration

Horowitz makes his frustration crystal clear in this book. He was right at the heart of the radical left movement and after gradually shifting to a conservative viewpoint, he has learned what it is like, to go up against the "machine", that is today's left wing media, academic world and Hollywood. He writes with passion. The negative of this book is that it is an amalgam of other works that repeat (often 3-4 times) the same story.

"Progressive Challenge"

Excellent read, any and all mush brain liberals without a clue of the history behind the "progressive" movement and the criminals that are the Black Panthers need to read this book and check the "facts"!

Redemption from a Radical Past.

The Black Book was well written as it cleared up some misconceptions concerning Horowitz. After being such a radical, he stopped to smell the roses and began to filter out the good, the bad, and the ugly. In other words, he realized he was headed down the wrong path. A lot of good information came out of his writing this book. He revealed a lot of information about the former associations he had with the liberal group. The book was hard to put down as more and more revelations came out of the book. Well done. The reason I gave this a five star ratings is because of the content of the writing and the way it was presented in the book. Well written and easily understood.

Always informative

Many of Horowitz books do repeat articles from one book to the next, but I have never been sorry to have purchased one of his books. I found this book enlightening. There is always a nugget to open my mind. Having read much of his books, if you have too, I recommend Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World by Hannan, which rounds things out from the other perspective.

David is the best

All of David’s books are factual, daring and unafraid. He speaks with knowledge of what he’s telling us.

Great book! I recommend it to everyone!

PERFECT. There's nothing to add. Such a great history lesson & great writing. I remember about a lot of it. Glad I 'm not alone.

Good to read first hand view of difficult times

Difficult times, but David lays out his experiences for us to learn from; good read and important for us to know this history.

A political prophet of relentless moral conviction

Horowitz has observed the Left for the past 60 years, from inside and out. When at last, a terrible personal tragedy combined with the steady drip of cognitive dissonance, he was forced to let go of his former convictions and lifetime worldview. Horowitz was raised as a "red diaper baby" and grew to be an intellectual leader of the New Left, but his growing moral convictions led him elsewhere. Horowitz turns his conscience and his powerfully trained intellect on the moral corruption of the Left, sparing no one, not even himself.

A Must-Read for 2014 Conservatives

Gaining insight from a Conservative who was once a Liberal is invaluable. This compilation of writings by David Horowitz spans several decades, and conveys exactly how the American Left has morphed into what he calls the Neo-Communism we see manifest today. Much like Charles Krauthammer, Horowitz became aware of the flaws in the ideology so enthusiastically embraced in their youth. Also, they are two intellectual giants, and it would be wise for all who consider themselves everything from far-right conservative to moderate left independents to consider how dangerous the left truly is to America. It is bad enough when we have an external sworn enemy, bent on our destruction and the nullification of our priceless liberties. Worse yet when the enemy is within, and so convoluted from the roots it springs from it is near impossible to identify. Horowitz helps us do just that. I only refrained from an enthusiastic 5 star rating on this due to the somewhat tedious redundancy that is unavoidable in this type of work. Because it is separate pieces written different audiences over a good number of years, there is much that is unique and necessary background at the time of writing, but becomes repetitive in a retrospective compilation. Still, definitely worth the read, and I look forward to reading Vol II, next on my list.

Communism Lives

Mr. Horowitz was raised in a Communist home by true believers. Communism was his religion. This book is describes Mr. Horowitz's gradual realization that his religion was evil. Because he used to be a leader in the American left, David Horowitz provides authoritative information about the movement which would not be available otherwise. The only possible weakness with the book is that it is mostly a collection of articles Mr. Horowitz has written in the past. Those who have read Mr. Horowitz's previous books and articles might find that they are reading some of the same material again.

Understandable Frustration

Horowitz makes his frustration crystal clear in this book. He was right at the heart of the radical left movement and after gradually shifting to a conservative viewpoint, he has learned what it is like, to go up against the "machine", that is today's left wing media, academic world and Hollywood. He writes with passion. The negative of this book is that it is an amalgam of other works that repeat (often 3-4 times) the same story.

"Progressive Challenge"

Excellent read, any and all mush brain liberals without a clue of the history behind the "progressive" movement and the criminals that are the Black Panthers need to read this book and check the "facts"!

Revealing and at times sadly disgusting

Aside from the self-explanatory title, an adage of my own, "No one knows better than someone who's lived it," can expose what is euphemistically termed as the Progressive movement. The Author, once indurately connected to the leftist radicals of the sixties, communicates his vast knowledge of the destructiveness upon humanity from Communism. His evolvement into Conservatism and information that reveals the corrupt underbelly of government officials with ties to past violent radicals are eye openning. This is an informative read that will offend any leftist courageous enough to be open minded and read it. I recommend this book to anyone who is concerned about the future of America!

Finally the Truth

Incredible look back into the 1960s and forward - from someone who was there and lived it. His book needs to be a must read for all college students.

Necessary history of the left in America

This compilation of mostly short articles puts forth a history of leftist thought and actions in the last 50 years that might otherwise go down the memory hole. Young people who tend to develop leftist leanings before they know better would do well to read David Horowitz. These articles ring out with the truth of one who was a major player on the other side, until the horrifying event that would rip the scales from his eyes. David Horowitz is one of the most profound thinkers and clearest writers on politics today.

Awesome insights.

The left hates him and he can explain exactly why. Most leftist hatred is hard to understand for most of us normal people. He also helps to explain so many illogical behaviors of the left that have perplexed me and my friends that I haven't heard explained elsewhere. His experiences on the far left, inside the monster so to speak, are invaluable.

If you lived the "60's"

This book should open anyone's eyes that lived during this period. Looking back is always 20/20 vision so to speak but, this book suggests some interesting answers as to how our country has arrived at such a crossroads. The destructive forces suggested in the book dovetails with todays left and for that matter the spineless right.

Wake up call

Rand was correct when she derided socialists as "liars and looters". David Horowitz explains the "liars" part of her statement. You might try The Creature From Jekyll Island for an explanation of "looters". You cannot argue with a drunk. Nor can you argue with a leftist. Hayek was correct when he observed that TRUTH IS THE FIRST VICTIM OF SOCIALISM. Horowitz articulates well his personal experience with progressives in this regard.

Five Stars

Good read but not surprised by the content.

Five Stars

Superb history of the American left.

A truly enlighten person

There is an old saying that says that us humans tend to judge others by their actions, but judge ourselves by our intentions. Horowitz decided one day to look beyond his good intentions and didn't like what he saw. He realized that his political beliefs sounded intellectually moral and good, but when applied in real life had horrible consequences for human beings. This book explains his transformation, the great explanations of the process gives the reader an insight of the intensive soul searching that Horowitz went through. It's a great read plus it urges everyone to reflect on the consequences of our actions. It does make you wonder at what point the Enlightment which was the age of reason based on science became just an intellectual exercise forgetting about the scientific part which requires the theories to be tested in real life. The people who today consider themselves "Enlighten" seem to have changed the faith in religious dogma of the dark ages to explain the "laws of man", with the blind faith in human intellect, which without science its nothing more than intuition.

I recommend this book to everyone

I've only read through Chapter 3 and will follow up once I've finished the book. I find that I can't read chapter after chapter without pausing for reflection. Chapter 3 contains a speech Mr Horowitz gave to some Poles just before they were able to break free from the Soviet Union. His conclusions about the disastrous effects brought by socialism and tyranny will give you pause. I am looking forward to the balance of the book.

Troubling Future

A very intelligent thoughtful read. To me, the book should be a wake-up call to those who believe "progressives" are only interested in building a better world; therefore, anyone opposing them is "the enemy." who should be destroyed. Horowitz points out that the radical progressives of the 1960's (of which he was one) dominate today's academia. Their success in indocrinating today's youth to believe that social equality can only be brought about through "progressivism" is forboding for the future of this country

A born again version of a liberal

This book is a good dose of reality. Finally, written by someone who grew up on the dark side of life, and after living the liberal way of life, actually saw the light and became a real person who is revered by the majority.


Excellent book. One of the best reviews of the attitudes of many on the left that I have ever read. Excellent explanations of the differences between conservatives and leftists and the way they are treated in the press.

Mandatory reading

If you have two functioning braincells, The Black Book is a must read. The journey of a thinking man from left to right, the leftist blinfold falling from his eyes so he can se clearly the lies and lack of scruples of his former fellow socialists makes perfect sense. Read it and I dare you to stay on the dark side. The book drags the reader to the light and offers a very stark portrait of America's left.

Very interesting

I think it is a very eye opening view, of a time when i was a young man and to see how the media portrays things then and now, which are untrue. The left is such a disaster, no matter what country they try to tweak their system

Must Read

If you are interested in the psychology of politics, this book is for you. It clearly points out what is under the mask of ideology on the Left. Stalinism is not an aberration of the Left. It is the core of any left should it gain power.

great book

I love every book he writes

Good read.

I lived through the 6o's but Horowitz fill in the blanks about events that most folks have no idea have happened. Good read.

Every liberal should consider this required reading. ( They won't do it )

A serious look at the cost of liberal thinking from someone who grew ( intelligently ) out of it. Life is not black and white. Tough choices are required and our emotional desires need to be tempered with wisdom. If we don't the American Dream is in serious jeapardy.

you must read this.

David Horowitz was a sincere leftist until until an incident showed him the truth. Leftist groups are not "for the people", they are for the attainment of power of the ruling class. Having lived the lie Horowitz can clearly and with authority present the history of the left. As the title suggests, this a foundational book of the subject.

Disturbing. Terrifying.

A must read for any American who thinks s..t just happens or that history started with you; i.e most anyone under 50 these days. Helps you wrap your mind around why this once great Country could have elected something like an Obama. How did we get to this terrible place? Horowitz brilliantly and personally exposes how we've been deliberately steered to it.

but because it is a collection - some feel like retreads.

David's writing is piercing, incisive, and rings with integrity, but because it is a collection - some feel like retreads.


David's passion for the truth is constant and coherently laid out over the course of this outstanding work. He is devastating in his criticism of the radical left and its willingness to obfuscate in order to side with history's greatest catastrophe, socialism. A must read for anyone interested a complete picture of the left and its utopian delusion.

A Good "Horowitz Anthology"

I like everything David Horowitz writes because he is honest about his failures, clear about his ideas, and focused on the best ideas and not attacking his opponents. I give this particular book 4 stars simply because, while I appreciate the history of Horowitz's journey and the political battles of this past 40 years, I was expecting it to be filled with much more analysis and explanation of the differences between the "left" and the "right." This is a good volume for those interested in a sort of a "Horowitz Anthology".

Four Stars

Revealing facts about an ideology which leads to enslavement and poverty.

Who is stealing our freedom?

Everyone should read this book to find out who is taking over the country and why. If you love America and want to have the freedom back that is being taken away from us read this book!

The unending battle: freedom vs tyranny

Thank you Mr Horowitz. You answered many vexing questions and greatly deepened my understanding of this struggle we area in. And we all must somehow fight. G Powell


Horowitz knows them like no other, after all, he was one of them. Everything you thought was happening, is and if you didn't think anything was happening, you'd better read this!

This is a great book by Mr

This is a great book by Mr. Horowitz. This confirmed my intuition about the Left in America. These people are willfully blind to the destruction they have caused here and in other parts of the world.

Three Stars

I'm a political junkie and love this stuff, just essays that were repetitive. OK

...Preach Brotha!

For a lifetime, it seems, David has been in the "Trenches".It shows". "Been There,Done That". No one knows the Left, like someone who use to "Be One". Keep on "Teachin' my Botha.

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