Reviews (202)
Great deal! very quick delivery!
Great item description, book in very good shape, and quick delivery. A pleasure doing business with this vendor!
Calvin always entertains
Love Calvin and Hobbs
How can you not love these books?? I have a laugh on every page and I have 10 of the Calvin and Hobbs books -
Adults & Kids Will Enjoy
I used to read the Calvin & Hobbes books when I was a kid and remember them fondly. I have now bought all of the books for my own kids. We enjoy reading them together every night (I laugh out loud frequently at these strips, so it's something I look forward to as well). My older son is an avid reader, and has already re-read the books we've finished multiple times. He doesn't seem to get tired of them. The biggest difference I've seen is in my younger son. When I tried reading other books with them at bed time, he'd always wander off or start playing with something else. With Calvin & Hobbes, not only does he stay put (miracle!), but he asks questions about what all the big words mean, and he shocked me the other day when I came across him reading one of these books. Voluntarily. On purpose. With access to plenty of other things to play with. So yeah, definitely worth buying!
My 7yo grandson loves it!
I like them because they teach wonderful humor. I love to hear my grandson laugh and figure out what is going on.
Great series for adults and kids - with a bit of help :)
I remember discovering Calvin and Hobbes and absolutely loving it! My 11 year old son wanted to get a funny book to read when he needed a break from his other series books (Alex Rider and Theodore Boone - fantastic and also purchased on Amazon). Then I remembered C & H and had to give it a try! He loved the 1st one so much (he was sad when he got to the end) that I bought this one. When he reads it by himself he'll ask questions when he doesn't quite get it, then laughs out loud when I explain. When we read it together, most of the time, he gets the meaning based on how it's read. It's nice to get his imagination going, introduce new words and a different (highly intelligent 6 year old) perspective :) When reading is fun or funny in this case, kids and adults get hooked...and we all need a reason to laugh (especially now)!
My 8 year old can’t put this down. A classic that has withstood the test of time!
My Dear Friends
What can be said about C&H that hasn't been said already? I have memories of reading these comics at a very young age and at very dark times in my life. I loved each and every one and devoured them. I felt as if I knew Calvin and understood him. His struggles were mine and his preternatural wisdom helped guide me through challenges of my own. And Hobbes, dear Hobbes, the eternally divided confidant, both secretly present and publicly motionless at the same time. He was every best friend you've had or wish you had. Thank you Watterson for your gift to the world. As for the binding, I've found it very sturdy and should live up to many years of use, at least far beyond those of its paperback counterparts. In fact, I've chosen to procure all of these works in the Turtleback version after reading rather poor reviews of the quality of the Complete Calvin and Hobbes Collection.
Great way to complement morning and evening
Calvin and Hobbes has become part of my life as a daily reading therapy. After morning and evening meditations/prayer, there is nothing like reading a few adventures of Calvin and Hobbes to put a bit of levity in your heart, a smile on your face and a realistic perspective that a child's perspective on life is something that we all should not lose sight of. Even in the most extreme cases of Calvin, you gotta admit, he is one precocious kid! How he can marvel at the intricacies of the universe and abstain from simple class assignments, all the while plotting his next attack on Susie. I hope and trust that Spaceman Spiff, Stupendous Man and even his ingenious Tracer Bullet live long and prosper! Do someone a favor and share a Calvin and Hobbes Adventure with them....who knows you might even just find yourself wanting to play a game of Calvin Ball! Enjoy!
Updated Dennis The Menace
This was a birthday present for my nephew who had found one of their books so I found this one.I also found The Complete Collection for myself and that was a surprise but anyone who wants just some of their stuff=instead of the treasure I ordered- should get this.
Great deal! very quick delivery!
Great item description, book in very good shape, and quick delivery. A pleasure doing business with this vendor!
Calvin always entertains
Love Calvin and Hobbs
How can you not love these books?? I have a laugh on every page and I have 10 of the Calvin and Hobbs books -
Adults & Kids Will Enjoy
I used to read the Calvin & Hobbes books when I was a kid and remember them fondly. I have now bought all of the books for my own kids. We enjoy reading them together every night (I laugh out loud frequently at these strips, so it's something I look forward to as well). My older son is an avid reader, and has already re-read the books we've finished multiple times. He doesn't seem to get tired of them. The biggest difference I've seen is in my younger son. When I tried reading other books with them at bed time, he'd always wander off or start playing with something else. With Calvin & Hobbes, not only does he stay put (miracle!), but he asks questions about what all the big words mean, and he shocked me the other day when I came across him reading one of these books. Voluntarily. On purpose. With access to plenty of other things to play with. So yeah, definitely worth buying!
My 7yo grandson loves it!
I like them because they teach wonderful humor. I love to hear my grandson laugh and figure out what is going on.
Great series for adults and kids - with a bit of help :)
I remember discovering Calvin and Hobbes and absolutely loving it! My 11 year old son wanted to get a funny book to read when he needed a break from his other series books (Alex Rider and Theodore Boone - fantastic and also purchased on Amazon). Then I remembered C & H and had to give it a try! He loved the 1st one so much (he was sad when he got to the end) that I bought this one. When he reads it by himself he'll ask questions when he doesn't quite get it, then laughs out loud when I explain. When we read it together, most of the time, he gets the meaning based on how it's read. It's nice to get his imagination going, introduce new words and a different (highly intelligent 6 year old) perspective :) When reading is fun or funny in this case, kids and adults get hooked...and we all need a reason to laugh (especially now)!
My 8 year old can’t put this down. A classic that has withstood the test of time!
My Dear Friends
What can be said about C&H that hasn't been said already? I have memories of reading these comics at a very young age and at very dark times in my life. I loved each and every one and devoured them. I felt as if I knew Calvin and understood him. His struggles were mine and his preternatural wisdom helped guide me through challenges of my own. And Hobbes, dear Hobbes, the eternally divided confidant, both secretly present and publicly motionless at the same time. He was every best friend you've had or wish you had. Thank you Watterson for your gift to the world. As for the binding, I've found it very sturdy and should live up to many years of use, at least far beyond those of its paperback counterparts. In fact, I've chosen to procure all of these works in the Turtleback version after reading rather poor reviews of the quality of the Complete Calvin and Hobbes Collection.
Great way to complement morning and evening
Calvin and Hobbes has become part of my life as a daily reading therapy. After morning and evening meditations/prayer, there is nothing like reading a few adventures of Calvin and Hobbes to put a bit of levity in your heart, a smile on your face and a realistic perspective that a child's perspective on life is something that we all should not lose sight of. Even in the most extreme cases of Calvin, you gotta admit, he is one precocious kid! How he can marvel at the intricacies of the universe and abstain from simple class assignments, all the while plotting his next attack on Susie. I hope and trust that Spaceman Spiff, Stupendous Man and even his ingenious Tracer Bullet live long and prosper! Do someone a favor and share a Calvin and Hobbes Adventure with them....who knows you might even just find yourself wanting to play a game of Calvin Ball! Enjoy!
Updated Dennis The Menace
This was a birthday present for my nephew who had found one of their books so I found this one.I also found The Complete Collection for myself and that was a surprise but anyone who wants just some of their stuff=instead of the treasure I ordered- should get this.
Good gift
Nephew loved it
Calvin and Hobbes are a classic
I ordered it for my grandchild for Christmas. She doesn't really like to read and I thought this would encourage her to read even if it's just comics
Would recommend
My kid has his nose in this book a lot. The author stands for itself. It's a collectible.
Arrived in mint condition
Happy with the shipping. The book was well protected. No creases or scratches. Arrived in mint condition. Glad to put on the shelf to help complete my collection!
What's not to love?
Calvin and Hobbs. The best cartoon ever written. SOOOOOOOO FUNNY!
I didn't care for the Ouija board strip.
the only thing i didnt care about was that the book had a story on the ouija board. i wanted to mention this in the review because i know there are many families that are very sensitive to any spiritistic references. I hope this information helps. The story I'm speaking of is only on one page.
Calvin and Hobbes RULES!
Grew up reading these as a kid and loved them. Lost a lot of them over the years, but have gotten them for my 8 year old daughter who loves them all!
Hilarious! I don't love comic books, but this book made me laugh and my kids most definitely!
Fast delivery, thank you!
Sent to another sister while we're being quarantined. This book is giving her the laughs I'd hoped for!
it is Calvin and Hobbes - that is all you need to know
I will love all C&H books even well into adulthood (at 42 I am almost there!). I have shared these with my kids and two of the three love them (I am not sure about the 3rd child. I may have to check his return policy. He's like that 10th dentist that doesn't recommend brushing your teeth.What is that dentist thinking anyway?)
marvelous for entertaining oneself while "sheltering at home"
Nothing like some good Far Side chuckles to get us through the day!
Calvin and Hobbes has always been my favorite comic strip
Calvin and Hobbes has always been my favorite comic strip,books!!! They are so funny and I never get tired of reading them!!!! When I need a " pick me up" because I am feeling down all I have to do is read a few pages of a Calvin and Hobbes comic book and it picks me right up again!!! These comic books are so AWESOME!!!!!!
The best!
Simply love this book. Such good childhood memories and nostalgia
It’s Calvin & Hobbes—5 stars!
The title of this review says everything you need to know.
For Calvin & Hobbes enthusiasts...a must read!
It's "Calvin & Hobbes"...how can you go wrong?! Another wonderful book from the master, Bill Waterson. For those who miss his creative stories (he stopped in December, 1995), get yourself a copy of this book...it never gets old.
My nieces and nephews loved these when they were kids so I bought them ...
My nieces and nephews loved these when they were kids so I bought them for my middle nephew to read to his daughter and for my oldest niece to read to her kids :).
A book of the best
Let's face it, the "funny pages" aren't really that funny any more, with a few exceptions (thanks, Scott Adams!). This book harkens back to when creativity, artistic skill, and sometimes stunning insight coalesced into Calvin & Hobbes. I bought this for my young daughter, who loves art and humor but has rarely been exposed to the two of them together. For parents of young kids, please keep the C & H flag flying!
Thumbs up
My kids love. I loved it. awesome.
Its's a real Calvin and Hobbes book
You don't want to read what I wrote, go read what Mr Watterson wrote. You'll love it, and so will you kids.
I was so glad to be able to share the same joy with ...
Calvin and Hobbs have been my childhood favorites ever since I learned how to read... I was so glad to be able to share the same joy with my nephew. I hope someday i will able to share this book with my kids too. It is so well written and the jokes are funny and witty. Overall I enjoyed this book.
had my daughter laughing for hours
I was delighted that my daughter enjoyed Calvin and Hobbes as much as I did. (Still do). She has read through everything I have, so I ordered this one at her request. When it arrived, it was like Christmas and her birthday all rolled into one. She loved it, and wouldn't stop reading it, even when we went to the park. There's something apropos about a girl reading Calvin and Hobbes in a park.
Great birthday 🎂
My son loved it
Calvin & Hobbes Book
These books have been popular in my household for years. They used to be a Christmas staple until my sons grew up and moved away. We are now carrying on the tradition to our grandsons. Silly, funny little books and a quick fun read or to while away some time. These books were read front to back multiple times so always a great gift!!
fun to read!
I love all of these books.
very sweet
has some of watterson's early panels of calvin and hobbes. has a pretty even mix of summer time and winter time stories. doesn't have color in it at all but thats something you don't really notice once you get into it.This book has some very sweet and charming learning experiences for calvin as well.
The Next Bill Watterson Is Out There Somewhere, Might as Well Be Here
Kids read these over and over. Don't get all the jokes but enough to really appreciate them. Building good memories. Inspiring grandkids to draw their own cartoons.
Son loves
Son loves this book
Great book
My grandson loved it
Calvin and Hobbes cartoons
My husband has had so much fun reading these books. He loves Calvin. I bought 4 different Calvin books but this is the only one I am reviewing, although we love all of them. Good quality softbound books. He says they are so much more intellectually stimulating than the novels I read. I couldn't even read my novel for him interrupting to show me another hysterical cartoon. What fun!
Worth The Price
I bought this for my nephews since I loved the series as a child. The great thing is they loved the book! The bad thing is they want me to buy them more.
better than collectors edition
calvin and hobbes is timeless. i've read these books dozens of times since a kid. I'm hoping to pass this on to my kids eventually. sure they have the collectors set, but imagine your kid trying to read that in bed. the originals are still the best.
She loved them!
We bought several of these books as gifts for our granddaughter. She loved them!
Calvin n Hobbes best
I couldn't just buy one of these calvin is my fav ever since I was a boy it reminds me all the good times I had at my dads when he used to read to me before I went to asleep. I still hope finish my Calvin Hobbes collection
Five Stars
As always, so popular with teen grandchildren. My go to always appreciated gift.
An absolute classic!
More of the most hilarious and brilliantly conceived cast of characters ever!
Very nice
Got this for my dad he really loves these comics, would recommend!
I bought this for my 10 year old son who had found one of my old Calvin books and had read it repeatedly. We have had it 2 months, and he's enjoyed it tremendously. It's bright and colorful and sure to hold his attention for years.
Appeals to all ages
Calvin and Hobbes hold up over time. The artwork is fantastic and the book holds the interest of both children and adults. My now 15yo credits Calvin and Hobbes with greatly expanding his vocabulary when he was in elementary school.
Love Zits, my son cartoon style!
He really enjoyed the book
A Christmas gift for my Grandson. He really enjoyed the book.
what a great way to relax and smile
Ahhh....Calvin and Hobbes....what a great way to relax and smile.....!!
Love Calvin and Hobbes
I have loved Calvin and Hobbes since I was a kid and want to recollect on the collection again cos of them being so much of them beng so humorous and am going to purchase more books so be ready ...
My favorite
This was a CLASSIC when I was a kid. I used to read this book all the time. I can't recommend this enough. This one passes the test of time.
MUST HAVE classic!
Growing up, I couldn't have enough of Calvin and Hobbes. Now I am able to share the classic with my son. His love for reading is growing with every wise beyond his years and equally adventurous situation Calvin creates! Wonderful reading for all ages!!
Five Stars
Love this comic. It actually has imagination instead of recycling the same old crap all the other strips do.
love calvin and hobbes!
bought for my 5 year old grandson, hope to read this to him and maybe he will fall in love with calvin and hobbes like i have!
Calvin and Hobbes
Funny Book Love it
Five Stars
Calvin and Hobbes books are always fine.
Five Stars
My kid loves to read this. Nuff said.
I loved these comic books when I was a kid and now I love them more. Well worth the money. They are still funny and sometimes make you think. Bought the book used and it is in good condition.
Five Stars
Fun book
My daughter loves Calvin and Hobbes
My eight year old daughter loves reading Calvin and Hobbes books. I remember seeing the same cartoons in the newspaper years ago. They are as good as ever!
So Funny and delightful!
Another brilliant book of laughs and daydreaming adventures! It takes me back to my childhood with my own daydream experiences.
Love 'em
Have loved Calvin &Hobbes for years and now enjoy sharing them with 8 yr old and 11 yr old grandsons... They're hooked!
Great stuff. Delivery as promised
Great stuff. Delivery as promised.
go Calvin, Go Hobbs.
absolutely wonderful as usual. Look forward to getting many more adventures of the crazy duo.
nothing made me laugh like Calvin and Hobbes
One of my favorites from my childhood, nothing made me laugh like Calvin and Hobbes. Can't go wrong with these guys!
Fantastic book
Calvin and Hobbes is great! Fantastic book.
Five Stars
Very cool comic.
Classic Calvin and Hobbes
It's quirky, intelligent, funny, and imaginative. What's not to like? It was my favorite comic strip growing up, now I hope to hand down this timeless Calvin and Hobbes humor to my sons.
It came with the speed of lightning! Excellent condition! I know a 6 year old that will be thrilled with this Xmas gift!
Got a bunch of these for my son for Christmas ...
Got a bunch of these for my son for Christmas. He loves Calvin and Hobbes and he was gone for hours reading. :)
Five Stars
Something Under the Bed is Drooling.
Calvin and Hobbes have been a favorite of my children for years and it rubbed off on me. It's a great collection and I truly enjoyed reading it.
Five Stars
Love it
A Family Affair
Both my son & his daughter are HUGE Calvin & Hobbs fans, and these books are gifts for my granddaughter. I get to enjoy them also as she will read them to me.
It's Funny!
I purchased this book for my 8 year old grandson. He adores Calvin and Hobbes, and this book is no exception. He will read the book for a long time, laughing out loud, without even realizing that he is doing his required reading. A great book for little boys to relate to!
Five Stars
Gave as a gift
Five Stars
Book in good quality as said. Kids love them. We are adding to the collection.
Five Stars
More great reading for my grandson.
Oh Mr. Watterson
I didn't know of these comic strips as a kid but somehow I still feel nostalgia when I read these now.
Five Stars
Stephanie H
Another Calvin and Hobbes to add to the collection!
Five Stars
Granson really like the book.
Calvin and Hobbs - nuff said
Just the best comic ever.Calvin and Hobbs rock with their subversive and funny humor. I just wish there was some more new stuff.
Unfortunately came water stained, and with pin holes from paper mites
Still useable, but did not impress my child. I ordered it for me because it’s nostalgic, wanted to share with my kid.
best comic
Fulfills needs perfectly! Nothing is better than this product at the moment. Highly recommended to anyone its low price as well!
You can't go wrong with Calvin and Hobbes.
You can't go wrong with Calvin and Hobbes. I have almost every book. This was a gift for a friend's child.
Of course it's great!
Such a classic book. Heck, anything by Bill Watterson is fantastic, and this book is no exception! Calvin and Hobbes are the best.
Five Stars
Five Stars
My son likes bed it.
Five Stars
great book which will be a gift once I finish reading it
still the best
So funny, so brilliant and absolutely timeless. Thank you Mr Watterson.
What can I say - its Bill Watterson Magic !
You don't need to read a review if you know what Bill Watterson is all about - he is a magician!
Five Stars
amazing thank you!
Classic Calvin and Hobbes
Classic comics from Calvin and Hobbes! Our kids love these characters as much as my wife and I remember loving them when we were kids!
Five Stars
We all love Calvin and Hobbes. Always a classic.
I grew up reading Calvin and Hobbes books. Most of my English language learning was through reading this types of books when I was young. I found them really funny and amazing.
Lighten up with some Calvin and Hobbes...
Super funny book. My 6 and 8 year old LOVE it.
Buy it now if you loved this comic strip as a child
Everything Calvin and Hobbes is great. I loved this addition to my collection :)
got this for my son. this is Calvin..how can you go wrong...he's a wonderful creation & glad he's not mine!!
Five Stars
My youngest daughter is a big fan and she loved it!
very funny
calvin cracks me up.
Five Stars
My son loves this book. Reads it over and over. Thanks
Any Calvin and Hobbes is good stuff. It is extremely funny and off the cuff. I don't know how Watterson did it.
Good Times
I love these comics, they were a staple reading while growing up. Slowly assembling my entire collection of them soon.
Five Stars
Read them all as a kid and now my daughter loves them!
Calvin and Hobbs enduring humor
Wonderful book, great addition to my collection. Thank you!
Five Stars
Who cant but fall in love with these two
Five Stars
It's Calvin and Hobbes...how could it be less than five stars???
It's Calvin and Hobbes. Is opinion divided about them?
Five Stars
Great for adults & kids of all ages!
Five Stars
Hilariously great book!
Five Stars
Kids LOVE C&H!!!!
Five Stars
Five Stars
Love it
Five Stars
Really enjoying this 'bathroom' reading (my son is)!
Classic, love it, but not his best work
Very good, but probably not his best work (IMHO). It had been a long time since reading Calvin and Hobbes, so maybe my memory is off.
Five Stars
what can you say - just wonderful
Four Stars
Item received just as discribed. Thank you.
As described, with some evidence of use (folded cover and first several pages). Classic
Four Stars
Grandson loved it.
Five Stars
Great Product!!!!
Five Stars
so funny
Five Stars
Loved by my children
My children really enjoy reading the Calvin and Hobbes books and this is one more to add to their library.
Five Stars
calvin and hobs are great
Five Stars
Great book!
Exactly as described. Great book!
Five Stars
Five Stars
everything was perfect
Three Stars
My kids loved Calvin but not my grandkids
Five Stars
Five Stars
Good story
Five Stars
Timeless childhood memories
Five Stars
Five Stars
Five Stars
Five Stars
love it
Five Stars
Reading Fun
You are never too old for Calvin & Hobbes and this book proves it. They bring a smile to your face page after page.
Something Under the Bed Is Drooling purchase
I bought this as a gift and the recipient was thrilled! The item arrived timely and was in pristine condition.
Looks used
This arrived looking used. Unfortunately, I had no choice but to still gift it since there was no time to do an exchange.
I thought it was something different that I could read to my grandchildren. It is more a comic book format for the kids to read
It is funny but something the kids can read themselves rather than me reading it to them. little disappointed because of that.
Black and white
So much fun and we read this constantly. Note that the straps are black and white, no color.
Calvin and Hobbes was quite simply the best comic strip ever made. Follow the adventures of six-year-old Calvin, clever yet lazy, and his stuffed tiger Hobbes, who comes to life whenever the two are alone. Perfect for both adults and children. Consistently funny. It’s just the best. There are three ways to get a nearly-perfect collection of every strip: First, you can purchase The Complete Calvin and Hobbes box set, which comes in a three-volume hardcover or a four-volume paperback set. Second, you can buy the 11 collections books: Calvin and Hobbes Something Under the Bed is Drooling Yukon Ho! Weirdos from Another Planet The Revenge of the Babysat Scientific Progress Goes “Boink” Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons. The Days Are Just Packed Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat There’s Treasure Everywhere It’s a Magical World Third, you can buy the treasuries, each of which contain the strips from two of the collections and a bit of bonus material and then the last 5 collections books: The Essential Calvin and Hobbes The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons. The Days Are Just Packed Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat There’s Treasure Everywhere It’s a Magical World I love these books. I have read through the entire collection more than once. Both of my kids love the books. My younger daughter in particular has read through them many times. Totally appropriate for both children. And never be put off by your child reading comic strips! They are generally written at a higher level than their usual reading material, and they are reading nearly the same number of words per minute. Their vocabulary will definite expand. And they will learn once and for all that “bats aren’t bugs!"
Something Under the Bed Is Drooling
In the spirit of my first review, I thought I'd just list out some things that I loved about this collection. I figured it would be a better way to do this, rather than trying to review each volume of what is essentially one long strip. I love: - The monsters under the bed, and the ones in the closet too. - When Hobbes tackles Calvin as soon as he gets home from school. - Calvin coming to terms with death, in the form of a little raccoon. Turns into a little philosopher over it too. - When Hobbes breaks the fourth wall. - When Calvin transmogrifies himself into a little tiger. - When Calvin rips his pants at school. "Do the words 'complete pandemonium' strike terror in your heart?" - When Hobbes cuts Calvin's hair. You've got to love it.
Three Stars
My husband bought this. He enjoys it.
the best
the best book ever
Funny Grandpa Love Boik
I buy a copy every year for my grandpa's birthday, he smiles every time!
Calvin and Hobbes, a key to understanding boys' minds
My sons laugh so hard when they read this. Its a pity kids today don't know the joy we had growing up with Calvin and Hobbes in the Sunday funnies.
Very relaxing and fun.: )
I've had this book since college (1988) and back then, when stressed out with exams, I would crack it open and read and re-read the classic strips. Since the pages are black and white, I bought colored pencils and would color in the panels myself. See, I was "in" before it was "in" for adults to start coloring again. Very relaxing and fun. :)
I found this book at Barnes and Noble, and I can't stop laughing every time I read it, One of the funniest comics is where Calvin is in the tub playing with a paper boat he made. He's pretending it's an aircraft carrier that is "virtually unsinkable". So Hobbes says, "I know what will sink it." Calvin replies, "Oh yeah? What?" "'CANNONBALL DEATH CHARGE!!" yells Hobbes, and he proceeds to do a cannonball that completely drains the bath tub. You have got to read this book - the comics are hilarious! Whether it's Spaceman Spiff, Susie, or dealing with Miss Wormwood, this book is packed full of laughs.
Kids can like books.
This book is a must for kids. It is very funny.
This is all very inspirational!
"Calvin and Hobbes" is one of the very few comic classics to ever be published in newpapers nationwide. And with this second installment in the series, we have more of the duo's adventures and philosophies. From Calvin as an onion to Hobbes trying to be "cool", it's always good to be back in childhood once we're through with this book. Also, we get to see a bit more philosophical discussions between the six-year old and his stuffed tiger. An example would have to be when they discover that a huge chunk of forest has been destroyed by human tools. This is Bill Watteron's greatest achievement. It's sad that he ended the comic in 1995, but I respect his decision.
A vicarious return to childhood
What can be said about Calvin & Hobbes that hasn't already been shouted to the heavens by legions of prematurely grown-up fans ? Calvin is the eternal Child/Id within us all, and Hobbes is his stuffed tiger / best friend / faithful companion in arms come-to-life ... and together they swashbuckle their way through a childhood world populated with drooling monsters of the imagination, screaming ray-guns, carboard boxes turned magical transmogrifiers, and giant tut-tutting adults who are forever dragging us back from our revels by the ear, in order to make us wipe our feet, bathe, eat, do our homework, and go to bed on time. By laughing at Calvin & Hobbes, we get to vicariously relive some of our own carefree childhoods exploits ... exploits which echo in our adult lives, because (looks both ways) we never actually grew up. Only our bodies did. Highly recommended.
A great C&H collection
Bill Watterson's "Something Under the Bed Is Drooling" is one of the "Calvin and Hobbes" series of comic strip collections. For the uninitiated, these strips follow the adventures of grammar school boy Calvin and his stuffed tiger, Hobbes; the latter character literally comes to life in Calvin's fertile imagination. A number of recurring C&H storylines and motifs are part of this collection: Calvin's ongoing battle against no-nonsense babysitter Rosalyn; Calvin's curious love-hate relationship with a little girl named Susie; Calvin's role as a grammar school underachiever. There are many other amusing storylines: Calvin trying to learn to ride a bicycle; his learning to appreciate classical music; etc. But my favorite storylines are the sort of science fictionish plots where Calvin's imagination runs wild: Calvin turning himself invisible; his becoming "immune to the force of gravity"; his shrinking to insect size; etc. Probably the funniest of these out-there plots involves Calvin's "transmogrifier," a device worthy of any mad scientist. Hobbes is always along for each mishap, offering moral support and wry commentary. C&H could be read as a satire on education, culture, politics, and literature. Calvin is a classic comic strip character. At times very much like a real little boy, at times like an adult philosopher trapped in a child's body, he's a consistently engaging figure, and is perfectly complemented by Hobbes. And although the accent in this book is on humor, there is an unexpectedly poignant storyline in which Calvin comes to the aid of an injured baby raccoon. At one point in the collection Calvin declares "I try to make everyone's day a little more surreal." Thanks to his creator Watterson, he succeeds brilliantly.
Five Stars
A perfect collection.
DOES it deserve anything less then a 5????
The 1st Calvin and hobbes book I ever owned, and one of the most treasured. Many people try to argue as to which is THE BEST Calvin and Hobbes collection, and although some like the 10th Anniversary Book are a must-have for any C&H fan, Frankly they ALL ARE THE BEST. All the collections rate as 100% satisfaction, and ANY book will provide great humor and entertainment. You can Never get tired or board of reading such books, EVER! As regards the book, in general, it describes the various escapades and adventures of a 6 year old Hyperactive Calvin and his stuffed pet' tiger, Hobbes, who comes to life in Calvin's eyes and noone else's. I DEFINITELY recommend this book to anyone who wants to enjoy a great laugh. This definitely rates as an all-time classic, and I wish i was able to give it more then a mere 5 STARS!!!
I highly recommend anything to do with Calvin and Hobbes. My favorite comic strip of all time. I think everyone that has kids should give this to their kids and for themselves as well!
Oh Watterson, my Watterson
It is my feeling that Bill Watterson had enough integrity and ethics to prevent the syndicate from cranking out endless meaninglessly repetitive compilations. Of course, he did quit partly because he was becoming disgusted with many of the commercial aspects of his work. With most comics, even good ones, the collections get stale after a few. Watterson's collections dont. There are a dozen or so C&H compilations/collections, but you wont be dissapointed with owning the whole shebang, especially since Watterson frequently did a lot of extra work to ensure that each collection had something new to offer. Even without this extra stuff, Watterson's body of work is extensive enought to warrant owning all these collections. He was steadily cranking out great material for a decade or so, and if you are like me you will be reading some C&H weekly for as long as you are on this earth, so tons of books is not a bad thing. Basically, I wholeheartedly reccomend all the books. If you like one you will like them all. They only get better as you get to know the characters. Watterson never goes for the cheap laugh by having any of the comic's principals act out of character. As you progress through the years with C&H, and I do reccomend reading them in order, you will see how art progresses and grows when the artist is committed to excellent work. So, go get the first one, titled simply Calvin & Hobbes, and then start down the enjoyable road to making Calvin and his tiger a pleasant little chunk of your life.
Very Funny
Classic C&H.
A refreshing read...A refresher to all adults...
I haven't heard about this collection until my friend accidentally left hers in my house. Anticipating a lousy cartoon strip compilation, I was pleasantly surprised that it was very interesting & hilarious. As an adult, it gave me an overview of how a child's mind works. I have forgotten how imaginative & creative a child could be & realized how repressive I have been acting towards my daughter, just like Calvin's parents. We all have been like Calvin in our earlier lives. We had a Hobbes as a best friend, a Susie whom we loved to annoy but loved as well, a transmogrifier & a babysitter who scared the hell out of us. We daydreamed in class, we played 'pretend' & lived life to the fullest. It is so refreshing to witness such naivity once again. & though adult lives have robbed us of our youthful innocence, Calvin & Hobbes takes us back to those pure, clean fun days in a child's life.
Calvin and Hobbes are the funniest comic strips ever created. Although Watterson has retired and does not write them anymore, it's still great to have the collections. "Something Under the Bed is Drooling" is a collection of earlier Calvin and Hobbes stips. The old ones are the best, I think. Every page is guarenteed to make you laugh. The book is hillarious, and is fun to watch Calvin in action as he takes on his grumpy teacher, monsters, the deranged babysitter, the girl from next store, and of course, his aggravated parents. One of the funniest strips in the book is when Calvin is writing on a sheet of paper and Hobbes asks him what he is doing. Calvin tells him that he is writing his autobiography. Hobbes is confused and tells him that he's only six. Calvin simply answers, "I only have one sheet of paper." With great comics like Calvin and Hobbes, no one is too old to enjoy them. I say buy them all while you still can. They're great to read over and over again.
Fantastically Funny
This book is simply delightful - my 8-year-old is constantly giggling - he is unable to read it to me for the laughter...He has a high reading level - but kids love it (almost as much as their parents!!) My son really is Calvin (I am a bit concerned he may be getting ideas from the little rascal!!) LOVE IT!!!
good book
I gave this book to a 10-year old girl and she loves it. She reads it every chance she gets and even chooses it over computer games!
great book
if you enjoy the stories of Calvin and his best buddy Hobbes this is definetly the one to look at!!! once again kudos to the seller!!
Calvin and Hobbes at their best
Well, I must admit I have had this book since I was in 8th grade when my best friend at the time gave it to me. I still crack up when I'm going through the pages upon pages of strange situations that Calvin and his stuffed friend find themselves in. Definately a must for any C&H fan and really funny. Buy it.
Classic piece of work, Bill Watterson is the master
Something under the bed is drooling did not fall short of Bill Watterson's comedy standards even for one strip. From Calvin going all out(with his clothes all off) for a bowl of cookies, to Hobbes melting because of the affection of Susie Derkins, this book is someting not to be missed. It is sad to know the Bill Watterson has put the pencils away, because I think everyone who has read Calvin and Hobbes agrees that this 6-year-old is possiblt the greatest source for reading laughter we've ever experienced.
and everything in this book makes you laugh
Calvin is in alliance with Hobbes to combat the monsters that lurk in his imagination. The victims of this battle? Usually, Calvin's hapless parents. This collection is among the funniest as it centers on the darker side of Calvin's runaway train of imagination: monsters, space creatures, icky girls, and nefarious snowmen. Pick it up, or the monsters in the closet will come out as well.
The Hilarious Book
Something Under the Bed is Drooling is a funny cartoon book. Calvin and Hobbes get in so much trouble and are hilarious. They're one of my favorite cartoons. Bill Watterson is a GREAT cartoonist. I like the way he draws Calvin and Hobbes's expressions. They are really cool. This is one of my favorite cartoon books, because Calvin and Hobbes get into so many funny adventures like Captain Spiff. Calvin is the funniest because he usually says most of the jokes. I guarantee your laughs will be numerous reading this book.
gotta love him
As always Waterman relates to the side of us we adults keep hidden, childhood innocence and logic. Finding fun in kicking leaves around the yard, sadness in the distruction or death in nature. The things that make us laugh, well hey we all had monsters in our room when we were kids!and we (males) drooled secretly at some girl in our class. Lot's of laughs, but with the underlying message that hey where did those years go.
"Something" is making me laugh
This was the book that first hooked my on "Calvin and Hobbes" back when I was in college and the strip did not yet appear in our local paper. The artistry of the drawing and the quality of the comic writing is immediately apparent. Bill Watterson is a comic genius whose presence has been sorely missed on the funny pages since his retirement. What is really remarkable is the consistency of his work. Any Calvin and Hobbes collection is a treasure, and this one is no exception.
Hilarious Book!!!!
As a child I loved to read this book! And now I am buying it for my children to cherish one day. The Calvin and hobbes series is so incredibly funny you'll laugh out loud every time you pick it up. Take my word and buy this and other calvin and hobbes books. You won't regret it. PROMISE!
Watterson at his best!!
Now that Bill Watterson has retired, those fans that miss the weekly exploits of C&H can find the fix they need with this book. I enjoyed this book and would tell anyone new to Watterson to buy this book. It is wonderful, a must have!!
Something Under the Bed is Drooling
This book is absolutly hilarious. Just as all of the Calvin and Hobbes books are they crack me up no matter how many times I read them!!
Calvin and Hobbes
Sent this to my son. He always enjoyed Calvin and Hobbes comics when he was younger and still does. Another fun read. Comic classic from day's gone by. Recommend this for fun and stress relief.
Great of course
Who doesn't like Calvin and Hobbes? My favorite comic books.
Best child rearing book ever!
I didn’t have brothers, only a sister. I had three boys of my own and no other book helped me understand little boys better than this book. If your raising boys or know someone who is, this book is indispensable.
Its Calvin and Hobbes nuff said
Great book from a great artist
Still hilarious
My 6 year old loves these. He’s actually got a bit of a political mind so he also picks up on the humour that I never did as a kid. Highly recommend for any age group.
Great series
If you're a fan of the series then this is a great book to get. It's in excellent condition and came very fast. There isn't much to say except that I enjoyed it when I was young and now my son is enjoying it. The supplier took care in shipping it so it came in without any damage.
Sons absolutely love Calvin and Hobbes (ages 9 and 10)
Sons absolutely love Calvin and Hobbes (ages 9 and 10). This one was a super hit at Christmas as it was one they had not read before. Son who did not receive it stated later that he wished that he had gotten it instead of his brother. I find myself getting caught up reading it on occasion. And for the price I paid? A steal! I bought another on in case I needed an emergency birthday gift during the year.
A Classic
A Calvin and Hobbes classic I bought for my 11-year-old nephew, who reads these comics before he goes to bed.
Grandson's fav
Grandson loves this book and it made his day.
Top Notch
My childhood book is now being pasted onto our children.
Not for me.
I heard great stuff about these comics. I'm not a comic reader but thought my 5 year old would like it. She doesn't. It's far to old for her. And I didn't feel the desire to read it. It didn't grab me. But hey ho. I tried something new. It's now on my book shelf in case my kiddie decides in the future it is her thing.
All good
A classic. My 8yo is an avid reader so ...
A classic. My 8yo is an avid reader so I got this for him. Now we can't go to a book store without him searching for more Calvin & Hobbes.
Calvin and Hobbes is great
Bought as a gift for my nieces so they could enjoy something I loved as a child. They love it.
son loves these books
Son loves it
My 10 year old loved this book. He read it all within a week :)