So You're About to Be a Teenager: Godly Advice for Preteens on Friends, Love, Sex, Faith and Other Life Issues

Kindle Edition
11 Aug
Samuel and Rebecca Rainey, preteens themselves not many years ago, add their perspective as young adults who vividly recall their own successes and failures as teenagers. Covering such topics as friends, peer pressure, boundaries, dating, and sex, the Raineys address the most common traps of adolescence and teach young people how to avoid making poor choices. Short, concise chapters are filled with engaging illustrations and practical applications. This book is essential reading for preteens.

Reviews (59)

Great Book... Must Read...

I wholeheartedly agree. This book covers so many important areas of growing up, and it does it in a complete, yet not over-the-top way. It is funny, yet real. I read it to my 12-year old daughter, and 10-year old son. During the "girls only" and "boys only" parts, we did separate reading times, so as not to embarrass them. When it came to the "hard" stuff for my to talk to them about, like sex, I thought I would have to "grit my teeth" and "go for it", but the sections were really well written so that it covered all the things I would want them to know about, without too much detail to cause embarrassment. Everything was written from a Biblical standpoint, but most of it came across as common sense and not threatening at all. In fact, after reading this book, both our kids have become more open to listening and accepting the boundaries we put in place for them, because they now understand, as the book points out, that we are doing this out of love to help them grow into mature, healthy adults, not to ruin their fun or their lives. It was nice, as a parent to hear someone else say the same things we'd been saying... but since it wasn't coming from us, the kids seemed more willing to listen. We really enjoyed this book, and I am so glad that I took the chance and bought it. I highly recommend it to anyone with pre-teens, or even teens for that matter... as the book points out, it is never too late to make a positive change in behavior.

I would recommend this book for any child about 10 years old and up.

Been reading this book to my 10 & 11 year old children and going over the questions with them that follow each chapter. The questions give me a lot of insight into their thoughts and feelings and they are really enjoying our time spent together over this book. I think it is wonderful information for them and now as we are reaching the last chapter, I’m left wondering what I can read to them next that could possibly measure up. I would recommend this book to any parent with children about 10 years old and up. And if you can, you won’t regret reading it to/with them rather than just giving it to them to read themselves.

They are living testimonies that what is outlined in the book is the best road to follow

This book will help you and your teenager gain an understanding of God's will for their lives and give them a successful strategy to follow His plan during the difficult teenage years. Much of the book is written from the perspective of the author's son and daughter. They are living testimonies that what is outlined in the book is the best road to follow. The book is a short book and very easy to read. I believe the book's advice on puberty, sex and dating will make the conversation with your child much easier since the material to discuss is outlined in the book. Overall, this is a well organized and biblically based book that will help lead your teen to a happy and fulfilled life. It is definitely an indispensable resource with my family.

Every kid about to start middle school or junior high school should read this

Here is a book that every kid who is about to start middle school or junior high school should read. Whether or not kids want to know about all the stuff in this book, they are going to face it when they get to middle school or junior high school. Better to learn it here, in an awesome book that will teach the facts with grace than to learn it from the kids at school who will teach each other a whole lot of nonsense. Authors Dennis and Barbara Rainey teamed up with their-college-ages son and daughter (Samuel and Rebecca) to give the most conclusive Godly advice on friends, love, sex, faith, dating, and more I've ever seen. I wish with all my heart I'd have a book like this handed to me when I was eleven. If you're hesitant or afraid to start talking to your kids about this stuff, or if you're a teen who has a lot of questions, pick up a copy of this book. It's like having a friend who isn't afraid to tell you the truth. This is the best place to start. With the facts.

Excellent Resource for Pre-Teens

Excellent book on puberty and the birds and bees. Written from a decisively Christian viewpoint, it is a great resource for preteens. My 6th grade daughter was beginning to hear many things at school and so we decided to sit down and read this together. I would read a chapter ahead of her, then she would read it and we would discuss. She loved the parts where they give personal stories relating to the material. It went through all the different parts of puberty, including sex, and put everything in a respectful, non-embarrassing way. My daughter really enjoyed the book and was thankful to walk through it together. I think some of the content would be a little over my 9-year-old's head, but it was perfect for my 11-year-old.

Excellent advice to protect your teen!

Dennis and Barbara Rainey have given some solid advice to keep our teens safe. This material is very similar to the Passport 2 Purity Getaway (P2P) materials. I gave this book to my niece after we went through the P2P weekend so she would have a hands-on book to remember the things she heard. So much of this material protects young people if they follow the advice given. My 10-year-old niece (fairly mature for her age) really appreciated hearing about the facts of life and setting standards from a Godly perspective rather than from her peers. I would highly recommend this book as a followup gift for a young person who has just completed the P2P program! Two of their children also helped write this book from a teen's perspective as well.

Good book for parents & teens to read together

As the parent, I read this book first. Instead of just handing it over to my 14 &11 year olds to read. I have had several discussions with them at night when we "tuck" them in, as a part of family devos & just to use as spontaneous talking points. There are some portions of the book I do not entirely agree with, however, I do understand why the authors take the point of view they do. I would recommend this to any parent's tool box of books to use as their tween & teen grows up.

I am so glad I bought this book

Gave my preteen a boost of confidence and hope for the coming years. I am so glad this was written. It is a treasured book that we will get to read through with our children before they hit the teen years to give them goals and to show them how to avoid the traps and pitfalls set out for them. This has definitely started some serious, needed discussion about what is expected over the next decade for them!

Got this for my 10 & 12 yr old boys ...

Got this for my 10 & 12 yr old boys..... that being said, only I have read it so far. This goes in to detail about the s word, but I reckon it needs to be done. I have already quoted it and read parts to them, and their friends. Going to have the 12 yr old read first, then I will try to remember to update review.

Good book for young kids

Good book for young kids

Great Book... Must Read...

I wholeheartedly agree. This book covers so many important areas of growing up, and it does it in a complete, yet not over-the-top way. It is funny, yet real. I read it to my 12-year old daughter, and 10-year old son. During the "girls only" and "boys only" parts, we did separate reading times, so as not to embarrass them. When it came to the "hard" stuff for my to talk to them about, like sex, I thought I would have to "grit my teeth" and "go for it", but the sections were really well written so that it covered all the things I would want them to know about, without too much detail to cause embarrassment. Everything was written from a Biblical standpoint, but most of it came across as common sense and not threatening at all. In fact, after reading this book, both our kids have become more open to listening and accepting the boundaries we put in place for them, because they now understand, as the book points out, that we are doing this out of love to help them grow into mature, healthy adults, not to ruin their fun or their lives. It was nice, as a parent to hear someone else say the same things we'd been saying... but since it wasn't coming from us, the kids seemed more willing to listen. We really enjoyed this book, and I am so glad that I took the chance and bought it. I highly recommend it to anyone with pre-teens, or even teens for that matter... as the book points out, it is never too late to make a positive change in behavior.

I would recommend this book for any child about 10 years old and up.

Been reading this book to my 10 & 11 year old children and going over the questions with them that follow each chapter. The questions give me a lot of insight into their thoughts and feelings and they are really enjoying our time spent together over this book. I think it is wonderful information for them and now as we are reaching the last chapter, I’m left wondering what I can read to them next that could possibly measure up. I would recommend this book to any parent with children about 10 years old and up. And if you can, you won’t regret reading it to/with them rather than just giving it to them to read themselves.

They are living testimonies that what is outlined in the book is the best road to follow

This book will help you and your teenager gain an understanding of God's will for their lives and give them a successful strategy to follow His plan during the difficult teenage years. Much of the book is written from the perspective of the author's son and daughter. They are living testimonies that what is outlined in the book is the best road to follow. The book is a short book and very easy to read. I believe the book's advice on puberty, sex and dating will make the conversation with your child much easier since the material to discuss is outlined in the book. Overall, this is a well organized and biblically based book that will help lead your teen to a happy and fulfilled life. It is definitely an indispensable resource with my family.

Every kid about to start middle school or junior high school should read this

Here is a book that every kid who is about to start middle school or junior high school should read. Whether or not kids want to know about all the stuff in this book, they are going to face it when they get to middle school or junior high school. Better to learn it here, in an awesome book that will teach the facts with grace than to learn it from the kids at school who will teach each other a whole lot of nonsense. Authors Dennis and Barbara Rainey teamed up with their-college-ages son and daughter (Samuel and Rebecca) to give the most conclusive Godly advice on friends, love, sex, faith, dating, and more I've ever seen. I wish with all my heart I'd have a book like this handed to me when I was eleven. If you're hesitant or afraid to start talking to your kids about this stuff, or if you're a teen who has a lot of questions, pick up a copy of this book. It's like having a friend who isn't afraid to tell you the truth. This is the best place to start. With the facts.

Excellent Resource for Pre-Teens

Excellent book on puberty and the birds and bees. Written from a decisively Christian viewpoint, it is a great resource for preteens. My 6th grade daughter was beginning to hear many things at school and so we decided to sit down and read this together. I would read a chapter ahead of her, then she would read it and we would discuss. She loved the parts where they give personal stories relating to the material. It went through all the different parts of puberty, including sex, and put everything in a respectful, non-embarrassing way. My daughter really enjoyed the book and was thankful to walk through it together. I think some of the content would be a little over my 9-year-old's head, but it was perfect for my 11-year-old.

Excellent advice to protect your teen!

Dennis and Barbara Rainey have given some solid advice to keep our teens safe. This material is very similar to the Passport 2 Purity Getaway (P2P) materials. I gave this book to my niece after we went through the P2P weekend so she would have a hands-on book to remember the things she heard. So much of this material protects young people if they follow the advice given. My 10-year-old niece (fairly mature for her age) really appreciated hearing about the facts of life and setting standards from a Godly perspective rather than from her peers. I would highly recommend this book as a followup gift for a young person who has just completed the P2P program! Two of their children also helped write this book from a teen's perspective as well.

Good book for parents & teens to read together

As the parent, I read this book first. Instead of just handing it over to my 14 &11 year olds to read. I have had several discussions with them at night when we "tuck" them in, as a part of family devos & just to use as spontaneous talking points. There are some portions of the book I do not entirely agree with, however, I do understand why the authors take the point of view they do. I would recommend this to any parent's tool box of books to use as their tween & teen grows up.

I am so glad I bought this book

Gave my preteen a boost of confidence and hope for the coming years. I am so glad this was written. It is a treasured book that we will get to read through with our children before they hit the teen years to give them goals and to show them how to avoid the traps and pitfalls set out for them. This has definitely started some serious, needed discussion about what is expected over the next decade for them!

Got this for my 10 & 12 yr old boys ...

Got this for my 10 & 12 yr old boys..... that being said, only I have read it so far. This goes in to detail about the s word, but I reckon it needs to be done. I have already quoted it and read parts to them, and their friends. Going to have the 12 yr old read first, then I will try to remember to update review.

Good book for young kids

Good book for young kids

Sunday School Supplement

We are using this book as a supplement to our 5-6 grade Sunday School class. It covers a lot of great subjects that kids at this age are wondering about. The author was also a Sunday School Teacher so gives ideas to use in the classroom. We will break up the girls from the guys when we talk about sex. We are also looking at talking about how to be appropriate on social media. Great book. Great Resource. I have also read this book with my pre-teen daughter.

great book

I took my 10-year-old daughter away, just the 2 of us for an overnight at a hotel and we went through this whole book and all the questions at the end of the chapters. It is very well-done and she reacted well to it as well. All the information that is essential for your pre-teen to know put together in a wonderful, non-scary way that is easy to present as well as easy for the pre-teen to hear. Highly recommend this one!

Great Preparation for Preteen Conversations

As a parent of a preteen, I highly recommend this book to serve as a basis for meaningful conversations with your child. Thank you Raineys for blessing parents of preteens with the gift of confidence and godly-direction to have these rich, must-have conversations!

What a relief!

My husband and I were relieved that there is a book such as this. My son is on chapter 2, but my husband and I read thru it before handing it to him. We liked how all the topics are brought down to a teen's level. Of course we will still discuss the material with our son, but it's nice that he will read it first.

Book review

I read this book with my 12 year old daughter. What a blessing. It opened doors for discussion on topics that don't 'just come up'. I was pleased with the standard the book set for purity. Teens need to hear it is OK to say no and wait! The book also covered various everyday issues that teens face with peers, choices and their relation with God. Great book.

Good resource.

Very helpful book. I don't like all the material and wording, but this helps foster conversations between my son and I.

Great book for helping you discuss sensitive but important issues ...

Great book for helping you discuss sensitive but important issues with your teen. I have recommended it to friends and they have also ordered it and used it to help them talk to their children as well. Thank you!


My daughter just turned 13 and we have been going through the book together. It is really great and very helpful. The chapter on sex is very basic and does not cover everything that the parent might want to discuss, but is good nonetheless. This book would also work for slightly younger pre-teens in my opinion.

Great book

My 11-year-old daughter actually really enjoyed this book!

Great book

Great book for soon-to-be teenagers on helping them understand the traps they will encounter. Not only does it help them understand but it helps lead them to make a right choice.

Five Stars

Great book for parents of preteens and preteens. Its an easy read and very well written.

Church camp

Church camp

This book has helped me a lot!

It is a geat book for young teenagers or preteens... It really indicates the structures of life.I encourage this book to all preteens and young teenagers. i rate this book 5 star because it deserves a five star based on its information.

Great book for teens

This book was written in a tone so that pre-teens/teens would listen. It was clear, concise, but not overwhelming or lecturing. The "flashbacks" to middle school were scenarios my boys could identify with and understand.

I advise reading through this book together incase any questions ...

I advise reading through this book together incase any questions arise you will be able to go through them with your child.

Five Stars

Great product! Exactly what I was looking for.

Love it

Love all Dennis Rainey’s books and guides.

Very helpful

Bought this at the recommendation of a Christian counselor for my 12 year old. We are reading it together and it creates great conversation. She enjoys reading it and finds it as an easy read as well.

Five Stars

Great book! Both of my 12-13yr old boys read it...(they only skipped the chapter specifically for girls)


Excellent book. Just the right level and viewpoint.


Purity helper

My Kids Can't Put it Down

It puts life into perspective for my kids and has started meaningful conversations.I enjoy discussing the various topics with them.

So You're About to Be a Teenager: Godly Advice for Preteens on Friends, Love, Sex, Faith and Other Life Issues

This is an excellent book for preteens. My son was very anxious to learn about the subjects of this book, (some more than others) and the Biblical perspective helped him to know God's will on the matters.

Five Stars

very good advice-----

Bad references for your child

I didn't like this book at all. I read through some of the book before giving it to my son and I was shocked!!! While explaining the things a boy goes through it mentions the mom and dad and make reference to the mom being wet! What?!!! That made me throw the book down. Why in the world would someone put these pictures in a young boys mind about a parent?

Great book

My daughter enjoyed this book. I'm glad there was a Christian based book on this subject that could explain this subject to her better than I could.

Awesome Godly Book for Tweens

Great practicals, examples that help tweens to understand biblical concepts of what God expects from them in spite of what the world tells them.

Not in good condition. I was expecting newer quality.

I was expecting newer quality. It was written in and not in good condition. I was a little disappointed as I was planning to give it as a gift and it didn't meet my expectations.


good for teens this is a good item to have - works well and will be a good tool to have and use

Five Stars

This was a great book that my teen read all the way through.

Five Stars

I recommend this book to all parents. Buy this for your children, nieces, nephews.

A Great Read!

This book really taught me a lot! It was also a little tiny bit funny.... I really enjoyed it! :-)

Great Book!

Great book. Much need knowledge and confirmation.

So you're about to be a teenager

This book is an excellent book for your preteens. I highly recommend that parents read it first. Every child is different but it speaks to preteens at their level.

Seems to be a good choice.

From the short portion I have read so far, I believe this book will be beneficial

Great complement to Passport2Purity

Great complement to P2P

Very nice book

Perfect book for helping young people about to become a teen.

Passport to purity book

This book is all the information from the passport to purity program. Nice to have if you want to review part or all of the program without going throught the CDs again.

Five Stars

Excellent book for parents and kids

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