Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Book 9)

Kindle Edition
28 Mar
J. R. Ward

#1 New York Times bestselling author J.R. Ward's thrilling new novel in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

Payne, twin sister of Vishous, is cut from the same dark, seductive cloth as her brother. Imprisoned for eons by their mother, the Scribe Virgin, she finally frees herself-only to face a devastating injury. Manuel Manello, M.D., is drafted by the Brotherhood to save her as only he can-but when the human surgeon and the vampire warrior meet, their two worlds collide in the face of their undeniable passion. With so much working against them, can love prove stronger than the birthright and the biology that separates them?

Reviews (193)

I Liked This One

FINAL DECISION: I enjoyed this book because the major stories were all ones I cared about. The vast majority of the book is one of three stories: Payne and Manny, V, Jane and Butch, and Qhuinn and Blay. For me, it felt more relationship focused and that pleased me. I also really liked going deeper into V, Jane and Butch's relationship. THE STORY: Payne, the twin sister of V, has spent hundreds of years imprisoned by their mother, the Goddess Scribe Virgin because Payne killed their father. During a training session with the King, Payne is seriously injured with a broken spine. V and his mate Jane desperately need the help of the human surgeon, Dr. Manual Manello. And thus, Manny is dragged into the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, a world of vampire warriors. The connection between Manny and Payne is intense and immediate, but there cannot be a future between them even if Payne recovers. OPINION: LOVER UNLEASHED is a typical book in the recent Black Dagger Brotherhood series. There are multiple stories most of which began in other books and many of which continue past this book. For me, the plus of this book is that the largest chunks of the book are about the twins Payne and Twin and those they love. The main story, of course, is Payne and Manny. I liked this story because of Manny himself. Ward does an exceptional job of quickly making Manny a character I want to root for. His brief interaction with the BDB a year ago (although wiped from his memory) has changed him. Jane's "death" has left him with a great deal of emptiness in his life. When he is brought to heal Payne, it really is love at first sight for these two. Payne's character remains a little more opaque in the book and I didn't feel as much connection to her, but I really did like the interaction between these two. The secondary storyline about V's spiral out of control after Payne's injury is the angst filled storyline here. Learning about Payne and then almost losing her has unmoored V from all the progress he has made since meeting Jane. His reaction threatens his relationship with his mate. I absolutely loved this storyline which I think is the highlight of the book. I'm a sucker for these situations where a couple delves deeper into their relationship. Some lingering threads of the series are resolved with V and Butch and I was happy that V and Jane grow even closer as their story resolves. The minor story with Qhuinn and Blay continues here. Qhuinn has hit rock bottom and it is time for him to start recreating himself. Nothing is resolved here but it seems like the story is slowly inching towards these two's story being resolved. With two others involved in the story, Ward does a good job of keeping everyone likeable and not going for the easy out of making villains out of the characters which serve a function of keeping Qhuinn and Blay apart. The focus on the internal operations of the Lessers is missing here. Instead, a new group is introduced as foils against the BDB -- the Band of Bastards. It appears that this group of vampires will play an important role in upcoming books. WORTH MENTIONING: I've had a much better reaction to these books now that I space out the reading of them. I think my brain can only process so much before I get annoyed and frustrated. Having read the disappointed reviews of this book, I also think I benefit from having some knowledge about where the series is going so that I don't have unmet expectations. I honestly don't think that the world building in these books is consistent anymore. Things feel less grounded, more fluid and there are well documented conflicts. I read the books for the characters so giving myself a break between books makes the inconsistencies in the story lines less obvious. CONNECTED BOOKS: LOVER UNLEASHED is the ninth book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood. At this point, I don't think there is any way to understand this book without having read the others in the series. STAR RATING: I give this book 4 stars.

This was awesome!

Lover Unleashed was awesome! I loved all the characters and the way the world keeps building and building. I was excited while reading and can't wait to see what happens next. I really liked Payne. She was a strong woman although a bit naive in the beginning. I liked seeing her grow and really come into her own. She's so caring and sweet. Manny was great! I liked that he was tough and could hold his own in the midst of all the chaos. I love how he was tied into everything and how his connection to the vampire world was revealed. There's some push and pull between Payne and Manny, seriously great chemistry, plus a lot of emotion and heat. Their story had excellent development and l Ioved them coming together. I was super excited that new characters were introduced and cannot wait to find out what will happen with the Band of Bastards. I am so intrigued by their leader Xcor. I loved the development of Qhuinn and what's going on with him and the foreshadowing happening for his story. I also really enjoyed previous characters being brought back to the forefront. There are just so many great connections. I always feel pulled in and consumed. Just like the other stories in the series, Lover Unleashed is filled with multiple POVs and complex characters. There's a lot of drama and detail that pull you in and I enjoyed them all. That being said, Vishous's storyline was pretty intense and all-consuming, and sometimes I felt it overshadowed Payne and Manny. Overall, I liked it and liked how it played out, it just felt V heavy at times. Also, this story was more emotionally drama heavy than fighting heavy this time around. It was kind of a nice change though I did miss all the Lesser action. So excited for what's to come! Black Dagger Brotherhood forever!

So good and surprising reveals

So much happens in these books it is like a few books in one. The story of Payne and Manny was much better than the than I expected it to be. He was brought in to operate on her after she broke her back and had to be brought to the Mansion from the Sanctuary. They feel a connection right away, but she is struggling with being paralyzed since it is like being imprisoned in your body, when she is a warrior and needs to be active. Plus she is finally free of her mother and Sanctuary, yet stuck in a hospital bed. Prior to the surgery she made V promise to kill her if she ends up stuck that way. Jane knows there is no way Vishous can handle that. As it is, Vishous is spiraling. He is crazy angry at the Scribe Virgin (his Mom) already for keeping the fact that she was his Mom from him and giving him to the Bloodletter for all those years growing up, but now finding out that she kept a twin sister from him puts him in a rage. He just wants pain and doesn’t know how to deal. Bloodletters other son, Xcor and his group of Vampires, after ridding Europe of Lessers, have come across the Pond to destroy the King. They are setting up a meeting with the Glymera to try to win favor over the Brotherhood. They have also hit the streets slaughtering lessers. Xcor has been searching for Payne ever since she assassinated the Bloodletter to pay her back for killing his father in cold blood. Quinn is still pining for Blaylock and Blay is still with Quinn’s cousin, but Loves Quinn. Quinn thinks it is wrong for some reason. Stupid, really, since it seems to be fine to have sex with Men or Women, just not be in a relationship with a man. Crazy. But poor Quinn is so messed up from the fact that his family didn’t love him because he was not perfect and had different colored eyes. I fear it will be a vey long road for him.

Love this series... but I had to stop reading it.

I absolutely love the BDB. These books are a world I love diving into. And now that I am finishing up reading about the main characters from the brotherhood I’ve realized something. I need to stop reading them. I have read the 9 (10) books (+ Blay and Quinn’s story bc I couldn’t help myself) and I might read Torment’s one day. But not today. The reason(s) why I am leaving BDB are because 1) the books become expensive after buying like 5. 2) I really hate that Butch and V never got together or became a couple. They belong together. 3) These books consumed me, in a bad way. Time to take a few steps back. 4) The series is way too long and not to mention the spin offs. I love this world, but it does need to end. I will hold this series in my heart. Thank you author.

It is Ok...Not the best...Not the Worst.

I can't say this is my preferred book of the series. The story of Paine and Manello plays on the background while parallel stories unfold. And for some reason, for me, it felt flat and just like an add-on and not the story of the couple who should be the focus and who gave the title of the book "LOVER UNLEASHED", for this I'm giving the 3 stars. Because I don't think Paine's story made justice to her character. Which the same didn't occur in most of the previous of the Black Dagger books. The author explored and developed well the stories of John and Xhex, Vishous and Jane, Rhage and Mary, Zhadist and Bella, Wrath and Beth, Butch and Marisa. Ok, Rehvenge and Elhena's story could also have been better developed, because Rehvenge is also such a dark and complex character (I love him), but overall, I liked "LOVER AVENGED" better than I like "LOVER UNLEASHED". So far, for me, the "Raspberry Award" of the most boring story is "LOVER ENSHRINED" (Phurry and Cormia). I still think that story didn't make justice of Phurry's character), nonetheless, I can understand why the author took the path that she did with his story. But, I'm still at loss with Paine and Dr. Manello. However, the parallel events are important and give the readers important facts for following books of this series. This book for sure is an important addition to the series since it explains why the Band of Bastards moved from the Old World to Caldwell, NY and also it shows the challenges of Vishious and Jane's relationship and I can say also a subtle sexual tension between Vishous and Bush. That, in my opinion, is what keeps this book flowing,since Vishious is such a rich and complex being (My preferred after Zsadist, who I believe is the fave of 90% of the Black Dagger Brotherhood fan readers). With all that said, I don't want to sound discouraging. I would say that you go ahead, read the book and draw your own conclusions. Each person is different, has different expectations and perspectives. I still think this is a must read on the books of this series.

May be My Last Purchase

This review contains comments that some may see as mild spoilers so if you don't want to read them, you have been forwarned. This was not my favorite BDB book. I was looking forward to Manny and Payne's story because I really like his character and she seemed interesting. What we got was not what was expected and not in a good way. Let me start: 1- Too many storylines once again leave the main characters on the sidelines. I know Ward has her vision of where she wants the series to go and there are reasons for her many many many asides, but there seems to be a serious lack of organizations which affects the flow of the story. Some people may not be bothered by this, but knowing how well she can write, it dissapointed me as a reader. 2- Manny and Payne - I still love Manny. The intriguing parentage was a good fit. Payne on the other hand seems to be a slightly festier version of a Chosen, and that was very dissapointing. I am not a fan of the Chosen shellans. They seem to get on my nerves every time. Do they have to be such whiny people? Is this truly what the ideal vampire female is supposed to be? Honestly, I am not impressed. Stepford wives seem to have more of a personality. 3- V, Butch and Jane - I have absolutely no problems with a M/M relationship. Two people love each other, end of story. BDSM is also not an issue. To each his own. However, I have a very big problem with betraying spouses or in this case shellans. Emotional betrayal is just as bad as physical (and the scene with V and Butch came close to that too). If V was not ready to let go of Butch, he should not have married Jane. As much as I hate Marissa's character, the whole situation underminded her mating as well. In fact, at this point I am thinking the series might have benefitted from a V-Butch pair-up, a Manny-Jane pair-up, a non-existence of Payne (who is turning out to be a supperfluous character anyway) and maybe a Tor-Marissa pair-up if we needed to hear from that woman at all. This was probably my biggest issue. I don't really care if V solved his emotional constipation or not at this point. The fact that he could walk away from Jane no matter for how long, was unacceptable to me. I know many people don't like her or the fact that she became a ghost, but that is besides the point. A hellren should never betray a true shellan. If they don't want to be married, Ward should just let them stay single. 4- Blay and Qhuinn - I love Blay. Qhuinn is improving but only slightly. The fact is that I am getting tired of his emotional constipation as well. Blay needs to move on and find a mate who will truly fit him. I am not sure that Saxton is the best choice, but I am glad that they are at least taking care of each other for the moment. 5- Layla - The woman needs to dissapear. At this point I think all the Chosen should dissapear anyway. Every time they come out in the novels they annoy me to no end and ruin the plot. I have followed this series from the beginning. I loved the first few books. Once Butch's book came out, it all started to go downhill (Butch is great, Marissa not so much). I know many will disagree and that is ok, but the fact is that I think this series will no longer be an auto-buy for me. I may need to borrow it and read them from someone else before I decide to invest in a story that, while entertaining is simply not as gripping as it used to be. Too much drama, too convoluted, too much going on, too many side stories left hanging, too many main stories not developed fully, and the nail on the coffin: we can't even rely on mating bonds to be respected.

Too much V not enough Payne (3.5 stars)

I’ll start by saying I didn’t dislike this book but I do feel like Ward back slid a bit with it. The love story was cute actually and I enjoyed Manny, and Payne is just the most adorable thing ever. I love how Ward wrote her as a warrior but not like Xhex. She is her own character not just a copycat of the previous book. She's more innocent than Marissa too which I find amusing along with her being a Chosen and learning about this side as she goes along. At that love at first sight was just…*sigh*… I could see some foreshadowing so I wasn’t surprised but some revelations about Manny. I like that he’s not a brother or a vampire but is totally devoted to Payne and protective of her. But I felt like the story could have had more to it. It just seemed a little light over all. I did like the way Xcor was introduced and I could feel some real redemption for him when he learned the truth of the Bloodletter and Payne. Fingers crossed! My biggest problem with the book and the way Ward wrote it is that it didn’t feel like Payne’s story, it felt like Vishous 2.0. Perhaps because Ward didn’t give him a solid book she’s trying to make up for it but hijacking Payne and Manny’s isn’t the way to do it, and this V needing the shut beat out of him, been there done that his name is Zsadist. I don't know why Ward is recycling the same thing. Throughout the book I felt like Payne’s story kept getting lost and that she was almost more of a secondary character at times. Two other main issues with this book is the recycling of the “female vampire gets kidnapped” routine. Come on, really?! Ward can come up with wonderful creative story lines and plot points so I don’t know why she keeps recycling this one. The continuity is a big factor in this one as well. It’s like Ward needs a fact checker to proof her books sometimes. It was like Ward had her time periods mixed up. It’s the 1700's when Payne is first on earth, is the time of Jane Austen and the colonies. Red coats. Why on earth are the lessers in chain mail??? A few centuries off. It's just seems like the setting is 1300's-1500's not the late 1700's. Also when Payne first comes back to the compound with Wrath it was late afternoon if she was injured during normal sparring time she and Wrath had set up. The brothers were waiting for Wrath in the evening and he doesn’t show because he has brought the injured Payne to Jane. Then John got hurt and Jane had both Payne and John as patients, last book and this book (they overlap by about a week). But just a dozen pages or so before this Qhuinn commented on that John and Xhex were mated which didn't happen until the following night of John's injury. I know it’s only like 24 hours off but still it would have been easy to write the story in correct chronological order. Also how can Payne have watched V all this time if; 1) She was under a sleeping spell for 100 yrs 2) She thought V was dead? I still don’t totally get the Butch and V thing either. It’s beyond bromance but not quite romance because Butch is committed to Marrissa, and V is mated to Jane but it still seems like he’s crushing on Butch. V even realized himself that he’s not full committed to Jane, they didn’t even have a matting ceremony. I’m not sure where Ward is going with this but I would like it a little more clarified either verbally or through the emotions of the characters. I like seeing them as brothers but V seems intimate about it.

A bit dissapointing

This was a mediocre book about the BDB. I felt the storylines were to blurred. Too many story lines flowing roughly 5 and none really capturing the passions of her previous books. Felt like a hodge podge of previous storylines all reworked together with a slightly different angle (Payne's). Was hoping for more storyline of Xcor and his band or whats happening with the policemen and their enquiries as to disapearing youth. Felt there could have been more about V & Butch. Overall it was a mediocre book and poor editing/writing. A bit dissapointing:(


It took me a long time to start reading this book because I really wasn't that interested in Payne's story. I only read it bc while each book is a stand alone novel, you do miss a lot of context if you don't read the books in sequence. I'm so glad I finally picked it up to read it, what a great story. I saw that some of the negative reviews didn't like the fact that the author didn't talk much about the old characters. But in order to move the series along and keep it fresh, you have to add new blood. Plus this book helped me fall in love with Vishous again, since I disliked the story line of him succumbing to drug addiction and Jane turning into a ghost. I also loved revisiting his relationship with Butch. I really liked the storyline with Payne and Manny, what a sweet love story. I was a little worried they weren't going to get to their HEA! Also, there was a lot more mystery involved with how everyone is connected. This book left me hungry for more: what's gonna happen with Quinn and Blay? How will Xcor figure into future stories? Will the glymera challenge Wrath? What's up with the lessings? Can't wait to read the next book!

OH Manny...

** 2.5 stars ** I was all set to give Lover Unleashed two stars. It wasn't quite as rough for me as Lover Enshrined (Phury's book) but it was really annoying. I was never a fan of Manny's, but was excited for another female badass with Payne. Welp, that didn't happen, but hey, if I ever break my spine now I know that Magic Peen will cure me so I'm calling this a win. Once again, the convenience with which the obstacles that keep our lovers apart are solved makes me cringe. What saved Lover Unleashed was Vishous and Jane. I didn't realize that they weren't 100% okay, until they weren't. I guess I just assumed V was cool now, and that Jane was fine with some hard play. I really liked that they came through the drama stronger than before, but I feel like Ward is just teasing us with Butch and V. If she wasn't going to let them get it on and be together four or five books ago, then just go ahead and stop dangling that underlying attraction between them. I think I might have liked the Band of Bastards as a part of the series. I don't know. Well, it's not so much that I liked it as it's a lot better than reading about the lessers. Karen at For What It's worth reviewed Lover Unleashed here. Her review says everything I was thinking, and everything I hadn't thought of yet, and said it perfectly. Warning: this review is flat-out hilarious, especially when she calls Manny out for his tendency for premature ejaculation. Hee! All I'm saying is Tohr's book is next and I better love it or I'll.....well, I'll keep reading but I'm going to bitch about it a whole lot.

I Liked This One

FINAL DECISION: I enjoyed this book because the major stories were all ones I cared about. The vast majority of the book is one of three stories: Payne and Manny, V, Jane and Butch, and Qhuinn and Blay. For me, it felt more relationship focused and that pleased me. I also really liked going deeper into V, Jane and Butch's relationship. THE STORY: Payne, the twin sister of V, has spent hundreds of years imprisoned by their mother, the Goddess Scribe Virgin because Payne killed their father. During a training session with the King, Payne is seriously injured with a broken spine. V and his mate Jane desperately need the help of the human surgeon, Dr. Manual Manello. And thus, Manny is dragged into the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, a world of vampire warriors. The connection between Manny and Payne is intense and immediate, but there cannot be a future between them even if Payne recovers. OPINION: LOVER UNLEASHED is a typical book in the recent Black Dagger Brotherhood series. There are multiple stories most of which began in other books and many of which continue past this book. For me, the plus of this book is that the largest chunks of the book are about the twins Payne and Twin and those they love. The main story, of course, is Payne and Manny. I liked this story because of Manny himself. Ward does an exceptional job of quickly making Manny a character I want to root for. His brief interaction with the BDB a year ago (although wiped from his memory) has changed him. Jane's "death" has left him with a great deal of emptiness in his life. When he is brought to heal Payne, it really is love at first sight for these two. Payne's character remains a little more opaque in the book and I didn't feel as much connection to her, but I really did like the interaction between these two. The secondary storyline about V's spiral out of control after Payne's injury is the angst filled storyline here. Learning about Payne and then almost losing her has unmoored V from all the progress he has made since meeting Jane. His reaction threatens his relationship with his mate. I absolutely loved this storyline which I think is the highlight of the book. I'm a sucker for these situations where a couple delves deeper into their relationship. Some lingering threads of the series are resolved with V and Butch and I was happy that V and Jane grow even closer as their story resolves. The minor story with Qhuinn and Blay continues here. Qhuinn has hit rock bottom and it is time for him to start recreating himself. Nothing is resolved here but it seems like the story is slowly inching towards these two's story being resolved. With two others involved in the story, Ward does a good job of keeping everyone likeable and not going for the easy out of making villains out of the characters which serve a function of keeping Qhuinn and Blay apart. The focus on the internal operations of the Lessers is missing here. Instead, a new group is introduced as foils against the BDB -- the Band of Bastards. It appears that this group of vampires will play an important role in upcoming books. WORTH MENTIONING: I've had a much better reaction to these books now that I space out the reading of them. I think my brain can only process so much before I get annoyed and frustrated. Having read the disappointed reviews of this book, I also think I benefit from having some knowledge about where the series is going so that I don't have unmet expectations. I honestly don't think that the world building in these books is consistent anymore. Things feel less grounded, more fluid and there are well documented conflicts. I read the books for the characters so giving myself a break between books makes the inconsistencies in the story lines less obvious. CONNECTED BOOKS: LOVER UNLEASHED is the ninth book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood. At this point, I don't think there is any way to understand this book without having read the others in the series. STAR RATING: I give this book 4 stars.

This was awesome!

Lover Unleashed was awesome! I loved all the characters and the way the world keeps building and building. I was excited while reading and can't wait to see what happens next. I really liked Payne. She was a strong woman although a bit naive in the beginning. I liked seeing her grow and really come into her own. She's so caring and sweet. Manny was great! I liked that he was tough and could hold his own in the midst of all the chaos. I love how he was tied into everything and how his connection to the vampire world was revealed. There's some push and pull between Payne and Manny, seriously great chemistry, plus a lot of emotion and heat. Their story had excellent development and l Ioved them coming together. I was super excited that new characters were introduced and cannot wait to find out what will happen with the Band of Bastards. I am so intrigued by their leader Xcor. I loved the development of Qhuinn and what's going on with him and the foreshadowing happening for his story. I also really enjoyed previous characters being brought back to the forefront. There are just so many great connections. I always feel pulled in and consumed. Just like the other stories in the series, Lover Unleashed is filled with multiple POVs and complex characters. There's a lot of drama and detail that pull you in and I enjoyed them all. That being said, Vishous's storyline was pretty intense and all-consuming, and sometimes I felt it overshadowed Payne and Manny. Overall, I liked it and liked how it played out, it just felt V heavy at times. Also, this story was more emotionally drama heavy than fighting heavy this time around. It was kind of a nice change though I did miss all the Lesser action. So excited for what's to come! Black Dagger Brotherhood forever!

So good and surprising reveals

So much happens in these books it is like a few books in one. The story of Payne and Manny was much better than the than I expected it to be. He was brought in to operate on her after she broke her back and had to be brought to the Mansion from the Sanctuary. They feel a connection right away, but she is struggling with being paralyzed since it is like being imprisoned in your body, when she is a warrior and needs to be active. Plus she is finally free of her mother and Sanctuary, yet stuck in a hospital bed. Prior to the surgery she made V promise to kill her if she ends up stuck that way. Jane knows there is no way Vishous can handle that. As it is, Vishous is spiraling. He is crazy angry at the Scribe Virgin (his Mom) already for keeping the fact that she was his Mom from him and giving him to the Bloodletter for all those years growing up, but now finding out that she kept a twin sister from him puts him in a rage. He just wants pain and doesn’t know how to deal. Bloodletters other son, Xcor and his group of Vampires, after ridding Europe of Lessers, have come across the Pond to destroy the King. They are setting up a meeting with the Glymera to try to win favor over the Brotherhood. They have also hit the streets slaughtering lessers. Xcor has been searching for Payne ever since she assassinated the Bloodletter to pay her back for killing his father in cold blood. Quinn is still pining for Blaylock and Blay is still with Quinn’s cousin, but Loves Quinn. Quinn thinks it is wrong for some reason. Stupid, really, since it seems to be fine to have sex with Men or Women, just not be in a relationship with a man. Crazy. But poor Quinn is so messed up from the fact that his family didn’t love him because he was not perfect and had different colored eyes. I fear it will be a vey long road for him.

Love this series... but I had to stop reading it.

I absolutely love the BDB. These books are a world I love diving into. And now that I am finishing up reading about the main characters from the brotherhood I’ve realized something. I need to stop reading them. I have read the 9 (10) books (+ Blay and Quinn’s story bc I couldn’t help myself) and I might read Torment’s one day. But not today. The reason(s) why I am leaving BDB are because 1) the books become expensive after buying like 5. 2) I really hate that Butch and V never got together or became a couple. They belong together. 3) These books consumed me, in a bad way. Time to take a few steps back. 4) The series is way too long and not to mention the spin offs. I love this world, but it does need to end. I will hold this series in my heart. Thank you author.

It is Ok...Not the best...Not the Worst.

I can't say this is my preferred book of the series. The story of Paine and Manello plays on the background while parallel stories unfold. And for some reason, for me, it felt flat and just like an add-on and not the story of the couple who should be the focus and who gave the title of the book "LOVER UNLEASHED", for this I'm giving the 3 stars. Because I don't think Paine's story made justice to her character. Which the same didn't occur in most of the previous of the Black Dagger books. The author explored and developed well the stories of John and Xhex, Vishous and Jane, Rhage and Mary, Zhadist and Bella, Wrath and Beth, Butch and Marisa. Ok, Rehvenge and Elhena's story could also have been better developed, because Rehvenge is also such a dark and complex character (I love him), but overall, I liked "LOVER AVENGED" better than I like "LOVER UNLEASHED". So far, for me, the "Raspberry Award" of the most boring story is "LOVER ENSHRINED" (Phurry and Cormia). I still think that story didn't make justice of Phurry's character), nonetheless, I can understand why the author took the path that she did with his story. But, I'm still at loss with Paine and Dr. Manello. However, the parallel events are important and give the readers important facts for following books of this series. This book for sure is an important addition to the series since it explains why the Band of Bastards moved from the Old World to Caldwell, NY and also it shows the challenges of Vishious and Jane's relationship and I can say also a subtle sexual tension between Vishous and Bush. That, in my opinion, is what keeps this book flowing,since Vishious is such a rich and complex being (My preferred after Zsadist, who I believe is the fave of 90% of the Black Dagger Brotherhood fan readers). With all that said, I don't want to sound discouraging. I would say that you go ahead, read the book and draw your own conclusions. Each person is different, has different expectations and perspectives. I still think this is a must read on the books of this series.

May be My Last Purchase

This review contains comments that some may see as mild spoilers so if you don't want to read them, you have been forwarned. This was not my favorite BDB book. I was looking forward to Manny and Payne's story because I really like his character and she seemed interesting. What we got was not what was expected and not in a good way. Let me start: 1- Too many storylines once again leave the main characters on the sidelines. I know Ward has her vision of where she wants the series to go and there are reasons for her many many many asides, but there seems to be a serious lack of organizations which affects the flow of the story. Some people may not be bothered by this, but knowing how well she can write, it dissapointed me as a reader. 2- Manny and Payne - I still love Manny. The intriguing parentage was a good fit. Payne on the other hand seems to be a slightly festier version of a Chosen, and that was very dissapointing. I am not a fan of the Chosen shellans. They seem to get on my nerves every time. Do they have to be such whiny people? Is this truly what the ideal vampire female is supposed to be? Honestly, I am not impressed. Stepford wives seem to have more of a personality. 3- V, Butch and Jane - I have absolutely no problems with a M/M relationship. Two people love each other, end of story. BDSM is also not an issue. To each his own. However, I have a very big problem with betraying spouses or in this case shellans. Emotional betrayal is just as bad as physical (and the scene with V and Butch came close to that too). If V was not ready to let go of Butch, he should not have married Jane. As much as I hate Marissa's character, the whole situation underminded her mating as well. In fact, at this point I am thinking the series might have benefitted from a V-Butch pair-up, a Manny-Jane pair-up, a non-existence of Payne (who is turning out to be a supperfluous character anyway) and maybe a Tor-Marissa pair-up if we needed to hear from that woman at all. This was probably my biggest issue. I don't really care if V solved his emotional constipation or not at this point. The fact that he could walk away from Jane no matter for how long, was unacceptable to me. I know many people don't like her or the fact that she became a ghost, but that is besides the point. A hellren should never betray a true shellan. If they don't want to be married, Ward should just let them stay single. 4- Blay and Qhuinn - I love Blay. Qhuinn is improving but only slightly. The fact is that I am getting tired of his emotional constipation as well. Blay needs to move on and find a mate who will truly fit him. I am not sure that Saxton is the best choice, but I am glad that they are at least taking care of each other for the moment. 5- Layla - The woman needs to dissapear. At this point I think all the Chosen should dissapear anyway. Every time they come out in the novels they annoy me to no end and ruin the plot. I have followed this series from the beginning. I loved the first few books. Once Butch's book came out, it all started to go downhill (Butch is great, Marissa not so much). I know many will disagree and that is ok, but the fact is that I think this series will no longer be an auto-buy for me. I may need to borrow it and read them from someone else before I decide to invest in a story that, while entertaining is simply not as gripping as it used to be. Too much drama, too convoluted, too much going on, too many side stories left hanging, too many main stories not developed fully, and the nail on the coffin: we can't even rely on mating bonds to be respected.

Too much V not enough Payne (3.5 stars)

I’ll start by saying I didn’t dislike this book but I do feel like Ward back slid a bit with it. The love story was cute actually and I enjoyed Manny, and Payne is just the most adorable thing ever. I love how Ward wrote her as a warrior but not like Xhex. She is her own character not just a copycat of the previous book. She's more innocent than Marissa too which I find amusing along with her being a Chosen and learning about this side as she goes along. At that love at first sight was just…*sigh*… I could see some foreshadowing so I wasn’t surprised but some revelations about Manny. I like that he’s not a brother or a vampire but is totally devoted to Payne and protective of her. But I felt like the story could have had more to it. It just seemed a little light over all. I did like the way Xcor was introduced and I could feel some real redemption for him when he learned the truth of the Bloodletter and Payne. Fingers crossed! My biggest problem with the book and the way Ward wrote it is that it didn’t feel like Payne’s story, it felt like Vishous 2.0. Perhaps because Ward didn’t give him a solid book she’s trying to make up for it but hijacking Payne and Manny’s isn’t the way to do it, and this V needing the shut beat out of him, been there done that his name is Zsadist. I don't know why Ward is recycling the same thing. Throughout the book I felt like Payne’s story kept getting lost and that she was almost more of a secondary character at times. Two other main issues with this book is the recycling of the “female vampire gets kidnapped” routine. Come on, really?! Ward can come up with wonderful creative story lines and plot points so I don’t know why she keeps recycling this one. The continuity is a big factor in this one as well. It’s like Ward needs a fact checker to proof her books sometimes. It was like Ward had her time periods mixed up. It’s the 1700's when Payne is first on earth, is the time of Jane Austen and the colonies. Red coats. Why on earth are the lessers in chain mail??? A few centuries off. It's just seems like the setting is 1300's-1500's not the late 1700's. Also when Payne first comes back to the compound with Wrath it was late afternoon if she was injured during normal sparring time she and Wrath had set up. The brothers were waiting for Wrath in the evening and he doesn’t show because he has brought the injured Payne to Jane. Then John got hurt and Jane had both Payne and John as patients, last book and this book (they overlap by about a week). But just a dozen pages or so before this Qhuinn commented on that John and Xhex were mated which didn't happen until the following night of John's injury. I know it’s only like 24 hours off but still it would have been easy to write the story in correct chronological order. Also how can Payne have watched V all this time if; 1) She was under a sleeping spell for 100 yrs 2) She thought V was dead? I still don’t totally get the Butch and V thing either. It’s beyond bromance but not quite romance because Butch is committed to Marrissa, and V is mated to Jane but it still seems like he’s crushing on Butch. V even realized himself that he’s not full committed to Jane, they didn’t even have a matting ceremony. I’m not sure where Ward is going with this but I would like it a little more clarified either verbally or through the emotions of the characters. I like seeing them as brothers but V seems intimate about it.

A bit dissapointing

This was a mediocre book about the BDB. I felt the storylines were to blurred. Too many story lines flowing roughly 5 and none really capturing the passions of her previous books. Felt like a hodge podge of previous storylines all reworked together with a slightly different angle (Payne's). Was hoping for more storyline of Xcor and his band or whats happening with the policemen and their enquiries as to disapearing youth. Felt there could have been more about V & Butch. Overall it was a mediocre book and poor editing/writing. A bit dissapointing:(


It took me a long time to start reading this book because I really wasn't that interested in Payne's story. I only read it bc while each book is a stand alone novel, you do miss a lot of context if you don't read the books in sequence. I'm so glad I finally picked it up to read it, what a great story. I saw that some of the negative reviews didn't like the fact that the author didn't talk much about the old characters. But in order to move the series along and keep it fresh, you have to add new blood. Plus this book helped me fall in love with Vishous again, since I disliked the story line of him succumbing to drug addiction and Jane turning into a ghost. I also loved revisiting his relationship with Butch. I really liked the storyline with Payne and Manny, what a sweet love story. I was a little worried they weren't going to get to their HEA! Also, there was a lot more mystery involved with how everyone is connected. This book left me hungry for more: what's gonna happen with Quinn and Blay? How will Xcor figure into future stories? Will the glymera challenge Wrath? What's up with the lessings? Can't wait to read the next book!

OH Manny...

** 2.5 stars ** I was all set to give Lover Unleashed two stars. It wasn't quite as rough for me as Lover Enshrined (Phury's book) but it was really annoying. I was never a fan of Manny's, but was excited for another female badass with Payne. Welp, that didn't happen, but hey, if I ever break my spine now I know that Magic Peen will cure me so I'm calling this a win. Once again, the convenience with which the obstacles that keep our lovers apart are solved makes me cringe. What saved Lover Unleashed was Vishous and Jane. I didn't realize that they weren't 100% okay, until they weren't. I guess I just assumed V was cool now, and that Jane was fine with some hard play. I really liked that they came through the drama stronger than before, but I feel like Ward is just teasing us with Butch and V. If she wasn't going to let them get it on and be together four or five books ago, then just go ahead and stop dangling that underlying attraction between them. I think I might have liked the Band of Bastards as a part of the series. I don't know. Well, it's not so much that I liked it as it's a lot better than reading about the lessers. Karen at For What It's worth reviewed Lover Unleashed here. Her review says everything I was thinking, and everything I hadn't thought of yet, and said it perfectly. Warning: this review is flat-out hilarious, especially when she calls Manny out for his tendency for premature ejaculation. Hee! All I'm saying is Tohr's book is next and I better love it or I'll.....well, I'll keep reading but I'm going to bitch about it a whole lot.

Kind of disappointed

Overall, this was an OK contribution to the BDB compendium. There was a LOT of story about Vishous and Jane, for half the book overtaking the Payne/Manny story. I'm not complaining. One thing I really like about JR Ward is that she continues the stories of the other Brothers even after their main story is over. The best thing about this book was the lack of story about Lessers. Hooray. Thank you JR Ward for finally realizing the Lesser-breaks were just wasting paper. But instead of Lessers, now we read about some guy named Veck who, at the end of the book, never had one single thing to do with the BDB or the overall story being told. I read that Veck is to be a character in another series. It is understandable that Ward wants crossover to get us interested in her other series, but I felt like she was wasting my time. And speaking of time-wasters, does anyone else cringe every time Layla enters the scene? I wish the un-mated females in this series were as strong as the males. They're either almost-men or completely subservient spineless people with no real compelling character traits. I get that Ward likes her boys, but love stories only work if we love both characters. Manny and Payne are a good match, the story was good although not as angst-ridden as other BDB books. I was kind of expecting Payne to be Xhex part 2 but she was more like Marissa part 2. OK but a bit too simpering, which is a weird thing to say about someone who can kick the king's ass. And the love scenes between M&P get short shrift, that is a disappointment. Hot scene between hooker and two random males, but pretty much just a shower for Payne and Manny. And there is a break-up between them toward the end that seems contrived, not really character-driven, just to create an excuse to separate them. But I liked their chemistry and Manny is a good addition to their world. The biggest disappointment was the lack of progress in the Qhuinn/Blaylock story. I guess I was the only person believing this book would finally put them together.

The boys are back in town!

J.R. Ward broke the mold she's been using up until now when she wrote this book. Typically each book has a main couple and then a few other side stories either about a past character or other characters to set up future installments. While this book did have a main couple, it actually felt more like a sequel to Lover Unbound. This was A-ok to me because I LOVED Vishous and Butch and it was such a treat getting an extended look into their lives now. I felt a little robbed with the way V's book ended so getting this continuation really went a long way in mending that for me and had me truly believing in V and Jane's HEA. There were so many great interactions between V, Jane and Butch and they all grew so much over the course of this book. There was one scene in particular between V and Butch when V found Butch on his bed that was probably the sweetest moment between two males ever. Their friendship/love is so well written. I was also glad to see a reappearance of Manny, I was sad for him the way it was left in Lover Unbound when Jane came to him as a ghost. I liked his character back then and I think that the author did a nice job of bringing him back into the fold, he was a good match for Payne and I liked how their relationship developed. Kudos to J.R. Ward for that twist that came towards the end of the book regarding Manny, I did not see that coming! But it was a very cool way to integrate him. One thing that I did not miss in this book was the lack of a lesser threat. The "big-bad" in this book was a group of outlaw vampires transplants from the Old Country that I think are going to pose a much greater threat to Wrath and The Brotherhood than those dimwit lesser ever did. I am looking forward to seeing how she develops that particular storyline. There was also a side story with a serial killer on the loose in Caldwell which meant Jose de la Cruz was back in action and with a new partner, who seems to be more than meets the eye. So we'll see where that goes. And of course we got a small look into the hot mess that is Blay and Qhuinn, my heart truly bleeds for those two. Overall I loved having V, Jane and Butch back in focus and in general the main romance seemed a lot less angsty than past books, I would almost describe this one as a "feel good" book when compared to her past installments. It was a nice change of pace. Tohr's book is up next, and since he wasn't in this book at all, I have no idea what to expect from that! But I am excited to keep reading to find out!

I'm only 70% through the book....

And having a very hard time getting the rest of the way. I just finished chapter 42. My biggest issue is the slang. I really can't take it anymore. When I first picked up this series there were only 4 books. I waited (somewhat impatiently) as new books came out. I slacked a little with the last 2 due to my toddler taking up most of my time. Some things Ward says I have to really thinks about to know what they mean as far as the slang goes. In one instance, she used initials instead of words, and I was like ummmm....what? It took me a minute to figure it out, and I have a masters degree. The amount of slang in this book, to me, is ridiculous. I appreciate she's trying to tell a few different stories in this book, but I think it's too much. V and Jane already had their story, and I feel their issues are taking up way too much space in this book. And I have not yet reached the end, but to me it feels very predictable, even from the beginning as they were fist describing Manny. The way Ward describes him, to me, already makes you feel he's going to become a vampire. I could be totally wrong, but like I said that's just how I'm reading it thus far. His stature, his broad shoulders, his muscles, his scent...all qualities in a Brother. I think Ward could have given some of V and Jane's story to Jose, who I think will also be a bigger part in future stories. Also maybe give us a little more of what the other Brothers are up to now, other than joining in to fight lessees here and there. Oh, and don't even get me started on Xcor...ugh I can totally do without this guy. I just took a peruse through chapter 43, and it seems like it's a little too raunchy, and I love a good erotic story. So that's all for now, if I can get through to the end ill update my review.

Vishous & Butch, Vishous & Jane, Payne & Manuel (w/ an unhappy Vishous)

This series must be read in order. While there is usually a primary romance so many of the novels have so many minor arcs that much of the book would not be understood without reading the previous ones. Once again the "primary romance" is not as exciting as I would have wished. However, the secondary story involving Vishous more than makes up for the lack. Both Butch and Jane totally get Vishous. They know his demons and accept that he will not always be able to control them. It is not that Payne and Manny were not interesting, I like them together, it was just that once again it was too quick and easy. I like when they get to know each other and it is not all "mine". In "Love Mine" Payne was shown as a fighter who was forced to live as a Chosen. Due to the back injury we don't get to see much of the fighter. With all of the time she had spent with Wrath, I would have expected more interaction with him. Basically, this seemed to be a "well I need a new Primary Couple, let me throw these two together". In fact I think the "Primary Couple", were just used as a trigger that could ignite's Vishous' implosion. We are also introduced to fighters who were trained in the Bloodletter's Camp, but did not make it into the Brotherhood. They have wiped out all of the Lesser's in Europe and now have come to Caldwell to make a few changes in the way things are done. I recommend this book and series. Just remember to read in order.

Too many subplots hurts main characters' story

Payne, daughter of Bloodletter and the Scribe Virgin, broke her back in the last book. Manny, a brilliant orthopedic surgeon and Doc Jane's former boss, saves her life and they hit it off at once. Manny's brain was scrubbed of memories when V had been in his care a year ago, and getting his memories scrubbed again after caring for Payne causes a lot of problems until called back and his memories are restored. So begins the more-lust-than-romance between people from two different worlds who would love to be able to work things out. We also have more of V's storyline as the stress over finding he has a sister who might be paralyzed causes him to realize how dangerous he is. He needs to release old buried demons from his past and it's causing relationship issues with Jane. Another group is introduced as a band of the Bloodletter's who are warriors outside of the Brotherhood. Detective José de la Cruz gets a new interesting partner who I'm sure we'll be hearing about in the future, and the ongoing angst with Qhuinn's feelings plays on. On the whole the book is a decent read and it's good to see familiar characters and new situations, but the series seems to be fading as the author has too many subplots running at a given time and each book sees less effort put into the main "romance" characters. At one time I would have said the world building and characters were excellent, but that's waning as well. The author regularly inserts the names of people (some I've never heard of), items or cutesy phrases to describe things. For example, one from a prior book is "made like a Frisbee" instead of saying the guy tripped. These are heavily peppered throughout the books especially when the thoughts or actions are of a male character. While I can accept that maybe one or two people actually think in these terms, she's got every male character--and some females--from different walks of life thinking in this manner. This was amusing for the first couple of books but now seems to make the characters sound like one voice. And if you don't understand the phrase, term or name used, it's difficult to determine what is being conveyed. Some things in this book didn't make sense. Payne is a fighter; she gets it from her father. Ok, but where did she learn how to fight when she spent her entire life in Sanctuary? We've also got conclusions to situations that feel very rushed, making me feel like I missed something. Don't even try to read this book without reading at least the first book, Dark Lover. You would be missing out on too much to enjoy this story.

Not as good as past books.

Summary Payne, twin sister of Vishous, is cut from the same dark, warrior cloth as her brother: A fighter by nature, and a maverick when it comes to the traditional role of Chosen females, there is no place for her on the Far Side... and no role for her on the front lines of the war, either. When she suffers a paralyzing injury, human surgeon Dr. Manuel Manello is called in to treat her as only he can- and he soon gets sucked into her dangerous, secret world. Although he never before believed in things that go bump in the night- like vampires- he finds himself more than willing to be seduced by the powerful female who marks both his body and his soul. As the two find so much more than an erotic connection, the human and vampire worlds collide ... just as a centuries old score catches up with Payne and puts both her love and her life in deadly jeopardy. The Good I was very excited to read about Payne's story. I found her very interesting since she was introduced in the series. And it relieved me to have Dr. Manuel Manello have a happy ending, too. I always felt bad for him after his best friend Jane "died." Payne is softer than she seemed originally. This gentle side made the romance with Manuel all the more interesting. Their struggles with Payne's paralyzing injury and how they work through the complications between them was very cute. I especially loved how Manuel held his own against the Brotherhood vampires. But what made this book was Vishous and Jane's story. Their book, "Lover Unbound" left much to be desired concerning their relationship. This book brings everything to a head. I almost cried because Ward really wrote some heartbreaking scenes between the two. But how they solved their problems was very satisfying. Vishous finally faces his demons and lets them go. And we finally get the whole Butch-Vishous thing solved. I really felt a sense of completion when it came to these three (Jane, Vishous, Butch). I am very interested to see how this new group of vampires will be woven into the series. They are neither good nor bad. They have a different sense of morals than the Brotherhood, which will make for some good confrontations in the future. And new blood can always help liven up a series since rehashing previous characters can get tedious. The Bad Ward has always mixed stories within a story, and it has never bothered me. But this was suppose to be Payne and Manny's book. It wasn't. No one can deny that this book was Vishous and Jane's. I was very disappointed that the romance between Payne and Manny was cut short. I never got emotionally involved with them enough to care what happened to them. Where was the Payne I knew from the last book? She was a hard-core fighter who took crap from no one. In "Lover Unleashed" she did a 180 and became meek and gentle. I don't mind her that way, but the inconsistent personality left me disappointed. I expected one thing and got another. Please, oh please, Ward, stop jerking us around with Blay and Qhuinn. It's time for their story to be told because their back and forth is starting to get annoying. The Snuggly As always, we get a few sex scenes from both couples. Everything was nicely written and tasteful. Not too much at all. Overall I almost gave this book 2.5 stars, but couldn't bring myself to do it. If you are already obsessed with the series then you have to read this book. It's really satisfying in the Jane-Vishous department. But if you're just starting out with the series and chose to read this book first, don't. Start from the beginning, and then either buy this book because you have to complete your Brotherhood library or wait for the library to get it in. But I would greatly suggest reading this series because it's one of the best paranormal romances out there. Just remember that many series have one or two bad books that don't live up to the rest. "Lover Unleashed" is that kind of book.

Not my favorite JR Ward book

J.R. Ward has another bestseller on her hands with the latest installment of her Black Dagger Brotherhood series, Lover Unleashed, otherwise known to fans as the Payne and Manny book. However, Payne and Manny are not the stars of this book, nor is their storyline the main plot of the novel. It is widely known that fans were upset with the ending of Viscious and Jane's story in Lover Unbound. This book is Ward's attempt to solidify V and Jane as a couple by working through many of the problems fans had with their first book. (Namely that V is still too f'ed up to live happily ever after, and Jane is a ghost.) V is half-crazed with worry when his twin sister is brought into the clinic with a potentially paralyzing spinal cord injury. He reluctantly lets Jane bring in her old boss Dr. Manny Manello, even though he hates the guy. V's story progresses with him finally battling out these demons of his past in order to finally give himself over to Jane completely. There is a very touching scene between him and Butch toward the end which is quite well done. Overall, there is a feeling of satisfaction in V and Jane's storyline that Lover Unbound missed. It's pretty obvious that Manny and Payne have locked onto each other from the beginning. Even though Manny is a human, he gets all "mine" with her and starts spouting off vampire scent. While both characters are likeable enough, there just isn't a lot of drama involved with their love story. The virgin-heroine-having-to-be-taught-sexual-love-from-the-experienced-man thing is rather annoying. It was cool when Marissa was inexperienced because her crazy marriage to Wrath provided an interesting twist, but with Payne, it comes across as cliche. And the way that Manny "cured" Payne's spinal cords injury? It was so ridiculous that I almost laughed out loud. There is a new group of male vamps introduced in this book also. In a painfully written flashback, we see Payne killing her father, The Bloodletter, for his abuses against V. (More on the "painfully written" part in a minute.) This sets the scene for Xcor, the Bloodletter's son, to want to avenge his father's death by finding the mysterious woman who killed him. In the present, Xcor and his gang act as a rogue band of brothers, killing lessors and other horrible humans in the old country. Now that the lessors have relocated to the New York to go after the Black Dagger Brotherhood, Xcor and his buddies have no one else to hunt. They decide to travel to the U.S., and Xcor has his sights on Wrath's kingship. I suspect this will be a major story line in the next book. A couple of storylines were conspicuously missing. Tohment, Lassier and Murder do not show up in this book at all. Several other characters including Xhex, John Matthew, Revenge, Phury and Zsadist get barely more than a mention. Even the lessors had only a tiny part in this book. The Quinn/Blay storyline which has been building now over several books doesn't progress much (to my incredible disappointment); although, we are given a clue that Layla will play a significant part in their tale. Now, about that painfully written flashback... Let me just say that one of things I love about Ward's writing is her modern vernacular. The brothers all speak with cool street slang which lends toughness to their characters. That being said, the dialog in her flashbacks and the way Xcor and Payne speak in the present made me want to throw the book across the room. Tossing in a "mayhap" or a "verily" every other sentence does not make historical dialog. The only thing it does is give the reader a headache. And why is Xcor still talking like this? He is the same age as the rest of the brothers. How come their speech has evolved while his hasn't? I get it that he has been living in England, but they don't talk like this either! Ward seriously needs to do something about this horrible dialog in her next book or her readers will mutiny. Overall, I give 'Lover Unleashed'... Plot -3 1/2 bookmarks (The V and Jane stuff was great, but the resolution of Xcor's vendetta against Payne was stupid.) Character Development- 4 bookmarks (Again, mostly do to V and Jane. Payne is still pretty cardboard to me yet.) Love Story- 3 bookmarks (Again, the V and Jane story developed nicely, but the Payne and Manny story was boring.) Dream Cast (otherwise known as who I pictured while reading) - I see Wrath almost as a cartoon or comic book figure. Not a real person. Rachel Weisz (Beth), Carrie-Anne Moss (Xhex), Chad-Michael Murray (John Matthew), Tom Felton (Lash), Kirk MacLeod (Phury), a bald Kirk MacLeod (Zsadist), Orlando Bloom (Rhevenge), Kevin Alejandro (Vishious), Brad Pitt (Rhage), Megan Fox (Bella), Mark Wahlberg (Butch), Marion Cotillard (Payne), Joe Manganiello (Manny)

Lover Unleashed BDB book 9 - review

Excellent book!! Continues the saga very well with some much needed closure on Vishous and Jane. I'm much happier now with Jane as a ghost, more accepting of her and her relationship with Vishous. We get to see more of Vishous in this book and some loose ends of his personality are tied up. Also, we get to see the relationship between Vishous and Butch evolve to something that involves satisfaction. Payne and Manny have a nice love story, at the end of the book it all seems very inevitable for them. Loved that Ward threw in the part about the horse Glory. That helped to flesh out Manny for me. I really like Payne. I would like to see more interaction between Payne and Xhex. I love the fact that Payne is a kick ass woman warrior. I cannot wait to see her fighting side by side with the Brotherhood. New partner for Jose de la Cruz shows up and brings a whole string of possibilities. I would like to ultimately see a meeting between Butch and Jose. Hope that's coming in a future book. However, Veck has some issues of his own. I cannot help but wonder, with all the questions floating around about him, is he another half breed vampire? Is there a possible relation to a half brother or two already on the scene? Xcor is a relatively new character that is fleshed out more in this book. I went from loving to hate him to grudgingly admiring him to not trusting him again. I like Throe. I really do and I feel there be more we will get to know about him as the series progresses. Still, Xcor and his followers represent a threat to the king and I really like Wrath as King. Also, Wrath is a pretty tough dude and savvy too. Xcor may have bitten off more than he can chew to go after Wrath. As far the Glymera. I think we can all see why the race is failing. The glymera are a bunch of elite pompous socialites whose society is rotting from the inside and they cannot even see it. No love lost for them. They are weak and not terribly smart and I have no doubt given most any situation, they'll make the poorer choice/judgement. The Qhuinn/Blay thing is really being drawn out. I want to just scream at Qhuinn to go knock on Blay's door already! I look forward to their story having a happy ending one of these days. But poor Layla! Will that child never have a happy day? I'd like to see her hook up with somebody! Maybe an as yet known vampire or half vampire? Or even one of the bad guy vampires? They don't have to stay bad guys forever do they? Couldn't Throe at least switch sides? Lots more going on in this book about the story of the BDB. I've seen a lot of reviews that were negative or less than positive. I think the series has progressed to the point that Ward had to vary her "one love story per book" and give us a little more of the entire group and I hope people can grow along with the story and realize that it is right and good that the stories in the books progress and unfold a little differently than the first three books of the series. Lassiter. Where was he? And Tohr? What's up with him? I know Ward cannot give a complete run down on every member in every book. Still, I would like to see just a mention of all the characters even just a sentence in a group scene. And mostly, these vampires have got to stop messing with the minds of important characters. Poor Manny was just ruined!! But he's okay now. I'd like to see a little more vampire concern when they start messing with the minds and livelihoods of humans. And yes, the Kindle version seemed to skip the editing process but it was readable, not sure what went wrong with that. And Murdehr, maybe not as crazy as everyone thinks. I look for him to maybe come back into the fold and fight along with the BDB again and even though he wasn't mentioned in this book, I hope to see him maybe in the next one? In all, a great read and I really look forward to the next book in the series. There's lots of plot still to unfold and lots of questions still to be answered and probably asked. Hopefully we'll see Manny have some sort of confrontation with his mother and maybe get to the bottom of that situation. As in... how many half breed vampires are running around that part of the country? The mystery dad seemed to have been quite the lover of human women. I enjoyed this book tremendously and I'm looking forward to the next one.

More tame installment in the series

Good but not one of the stronger books in the series. Even though this was Payne and Manny's story the real conflict revolved around Vichous and Jane with Payne's story being very tame with very little if no conflict. I was surprised at how soft she was in this book when she was so manly and kick-ass in the previous book. Not that I like a manly woman, which is probably why I didn't like Xhex that much in the beginning until we got glimpses of a softer side in Lover Mine, but there wasn't even a mix of the two here in Payne. Nothing really deep about their story. Just pretty lukewarm with no excitement. Possible spoilers... What really had me turning the pages was more about Qhuinn and Blay. Nothing there, at least not together. Their story pretty much stalled in this book, other than Qhuinn growing up and not being so much the man whore that he was in previous books, thank you very much! Loved seeing him finally admit to himself he was in love with Blay but not happy there was no interaction at all between the two and very little of Blay. As far as Layla went, she needs to disappear. As in YESTERDAY! Enough said. And the vision Qhuinn had.... this had better not be going there. I know I've read over and over about Ward saying Qhuinn and Blay would have their HEA together but I'll believe it when I see it. For some reason I see her not delivering for us Qhuay fans, this book definitely didn't do anything to make me think otherwise, and if that's the case this will be one person who will be royally ticked off to put it mildly. Liked the break from the Lessers. One thing that really got on my nerves, the Brothers constantly jacking up their pants. It just reminded me of some nerd pulling their pants up to their armpits. Didn't picture manly Brothers when they were doing that. So when's the next installment out? :o)

Unfortunate, but it happens

And another author goes the way of others before her in the downward of a series that started out so strong. What was purported to be Manuel and Payne's story is...sort of. Most of the screen time, as it were, is given to V's identity crisis and his reconnection with his shellan. In a marriage that, given all previous books, had no problems at all before Lover Unleashed opened. To that point, even at the end of Lover Mine they still appeared as lose as ever. The timing of the books open also lead to the lower review. It was hard for me to place the book in time. It seemed to take place concurrently with the end of Lover Mine. For example, Jane leaves Payne's side to find Manny in Lover Mine...then that book progresses to Xhex's discovery of Mhurder, Xhex finding out that Darius and Tohr knew her as a young, John and Xhex's mating ceremony. Then as Lover Unleashed opens and Jane brings Manny to help Payne, she states that only four hours have passed since Payne's injury. The much teased about "threesome" seems about as ill-placed as any sex scene I've ever read. Sex is a vital part of this world, and these vampires, the sex scenes have always enhanced the story as the characters find their way to one another, around their own hang-ups and issues, etc. But the scene between the two bastards and the hooker seemed placed merely for titulation and boundary pushing than any real reason within the plot. All in all these issues, and others, kept me from enjoying the book as much as I'd hoped to. It was hard to lose myself in the story and because of the constant interruptions to their story, I never really connected with Payne or Manny the way I have with the others.

Revisit Jane and Vishous through Manny and Payne...

I gave the last book three stars because of so many competing plotlines and not enough devotion to the actual narrative of John and Xhex's story. This book, however, gets 4 stars, and NOT because of the romance between Dr. Manny and Payne. No, what makes this story wonderful for me is the romance between Dr. Jane and her tortured husband Vishous, and a continuation of Blay and Qhuinn's book. This was a book about the BROTHERHOOD, not so much about individual characters. This book shows that while characters may end up together, they STILL have continuing difficulties and commitment problems, still struggle with their fears and have hangups, so while there might be a HEA at the end, couples still have to continue to grow together for the romance to endure (I LOVED THAT ABOUT THIS BOOK). That was dealt with beautifully, as was the continuing struggle between Blay and Qhuinn (who still struggles with coming out of the closet). I was less thrilled about a sub-plot about Payne killing the Bloodletter and the Bloodletter's son coming to Caldwell (coincidentally at the same time that Payne arrives) and then having the plot build to a climax that never really happened (it was an odd moment where the urgency of Payne's kidnapping isn't really even urgent). I'm not so sure about the new character being introduced (because he wasn't REALLY developed much). Perhaps in order for the series to continue Ward decided to intro a new character who wants to kill "the king." There was a lot more sex in this book, and most of it not happening with Dr. Manny and Payne, so if you're looking for that erotic element to be reintroduced, it's there (one scene with a prostitute seemed completely gratuitous). Jane and Vishous get it on more than the main characters in this book. There's also a wonderfully touching scene between Vishous and Butch, as they cement their friendship and learn how to control Vishous's insecurities. Overall, I liked this book better than the last. I would have liked to have seen SOME of the other characters show up (especially Xhex and John) to show their continued brotherhood, rather than only focusing on Butch, Vishous, Jane, Manny, and Payne. Nicely done! I can't wait for the next one to see where earlier plot twists end up. I also keep rooting for Blay and Qhuinn. I thought it might happen in this book when Saxton sort of steps aside, but Qhuinn's not there yet. Yet!

It's official; I'm a BDB fan!

It's official; I really am a BDB fan. I enjoy Ward's "voice"; I get a kick out of her made up "Wardisms" and her fixation on name brands. And I really enjoy the commraderie and bantering between the characters that I feel I have come to know so well. That said, I wasn't looking forward to LU. Manny never did anything for me in the romantic hero department so I was thinking "meh". Well as far as romantic leads go, that was still meh, but I really liked him as a character. I enjoyed the way he stood up to Vishous, I admired his devotion to Glory and I respected the way he thought Payne's ability to kick a$$ was hot. I liked Payne, who was sort of a "ninja Chosen with attitude" character and the introduction to Xcor and the Band of Bastards was promising. (Although I have to say that the resolution of Payne and Xcor's issue was kind of anticlimatic - and then I kept waiting for her to heal his lip, which she didn't). There was plenty of Vishous, Jane and Butch interaction. V. really is a tortured hero. Which I thought I loved, but apparently I only like to a point because truth be told I was getting a little annoyed with his hissy fits. Then I was reminded of the extent of his trauma and felt bad for getting annoyed. I think V. actually has it all over Z. in the "messed up" department. Nice wrap up however and hopefully V. is on the way to improved mental health. There was a little bit of Blay and Qhuinn development; or lack of development as the case may be. Sadly no Lassiter. I was not originally a huge Wrath fan but I am warming up to him, maybe it's his connection to George; that and the fact that he seems to be reasonably enlightened. The inclusion of the Jose de la Cruz and Thomas Del Vecchio scenes did exactly what they were meant to do - convince me to try out the Fallen Angels series. All in all the BDB series is proving to be a welcomed escape from reality and allot of fun.


I love the BDB series. J R Ward still my favorite author. She writes excellent love scenes and the characters are real. The struggle of Vishous and Jane maintaining their relationship was a nice addition to some of my already favorite characters. My frustration comes from unanswered questions that were left hanging in Lover Mine and new ones opened here! In Lover Mine, we were left with Payne having a broken spine, Xhex recognizing Murhder from a tv show clip about a Haunted House, Blay having taken a lover after giving up on Quhinn, The Omega having put someone else in charge, the lessers becoming fewer in number and Lash killed. The only one of these addressed in Lover Unleashed is Payne! All the rest still remains unanswered. Xhex not even mentioned in the book. The fight with the lessers, barely mentioned, and definitely no new information on their organization or who is in charge now. Then we open with a new character Xcor and a human murder mystery that has Jose De La Cruz working with a new partner. Then at the end of the book we get a sneak peek into a book called ENVY from J R. Ward's other series and find that Jose's new partner is in that book. Is this book just an attempt to tie the two series together? FRUSTRATED SPOILER ALERT: Why couldn't Jane have been the dom that V needed? She had no problem doing it in an earlier book? Having to go to someone else made no sense to me, other than solidifying the relationship with Butch even further. Getting ready to start Lover Reborn now. Hope some of the questions from Lover Mine are addressed there.

Lover Unleashed (BDB, Book 9)

I've owned this book for awhile, but had not read until now - read it in 2 days. Somehow I had put this book and the first 2 of the Fallen Angel series on the "To Be Read" shelf and was reading other paranormal and historical romance stuff first - 1 day reading. Other reviewers have described at length the story line and their opinions (good or bad) so I will not belabor the big picture. It is sufficient to say that this is one of the best and most powerful books Ms. Ward has created so far in the BFB series - and I have read them all. If I had to rate it short and simple, it would be: An Epic! She is a master of the English language and brilliant in the weaving of the story lines. Many authors failed terribly when the story has more than 1 or 2 central characters and "jumps" to different individuals or different points in time - not Ms. Ward. This time around she deftly revealed a most complex story with multiple key players. During the story she offers some small snippets of things past and also yet to be discovered and gives the reader much hope for future developments. I had just finished reading the first two books in the Fallen Angels series (Covet and Crave) and noticed especially the absolutely intriguing tie-in towards the end with Thomas DelVecchio Jr., a Caldwell Police Detective with a dark history and burden. Happily, today I just received Envy, so this will likely be a late night for me as I can barely stop reading once I start. I've been reading voraciously for 64 years and once retired it is "full speed ahead" :-). Bravo Ms. Ward for taking reading adventures to new heights as in "to infinity and beyond".

great book

This was a great read. This book was originally suppose to be focused on Payne and Manny but it became more about Vishous. I have no complaints when it comes to Vishous I love his story. I love Vishous period. He's made me change my mind about goatees. I usually hate facial hair but V changes my mind. Like Jane says he is the hottest geek ever. Back to the story I liked almost everything in this story. Payne and Manny story was not the most exciting story but it was sweet. Their story was kind of light and sweet which sort of offsets Vishous's darkness story. Alot of people complained that Payne wasn't as tough and warrior like as they had expected and I don't agree with that. I like that she was a warrior and kick ass but at same time she was still feminine because she is after all raised as a Chosen for centuries. I'm glad she isn't like Xhex. I had a hard time picturing Xhex as female. I like Manny because he's funny and has balls. How many people would be able to stand up to Vishous and a bunch of gigantic vampires? He's tough but sweet but then again all of the brothers are kind of like that. I love all the brothers. Now to the Vishous/Jane/Butch story. I'm glad Ward decided to resolve their issues. Although I think all of this should have been resolved in Lover Unbound but whatever. I'm probably in the minority here according to what I've read from so many people but I'm so glad Ward did not take the Vishous and Butch thing in the sexual route. As it is I think it's wrong that they have the kind of intimacy that they do. To me it doesn't matter whether it's m/f or m/m but once you're married you shouldn't be having the kind of sexual feelings V has for Butch. I still don't understand why V and Butch have to lie or hold each other so close when their doing their healing. In Lover Revealed V started out healing Butch with just his hands on him and as the series goes on they get more intimate. I hope the healing is not just an excuse for them to be intimate without really cheating because like I said emotional infidelity is just as bad as the actual. I didn't care for the scene where they laid in bed holding each other either. That is the kind of scene that V should be having with Jane. The cuddling to me shows a more emotional closeness than the sexual. To me it feels like V commits emotional infidelity. Don't get me wrong I love their closeness but that's all there should be between them. I think if Ward had made their relationship sexual it would ruin their friendship. Not to mention that if they did have a sexual relationship it would ruin everything with their shellans and the whole bonding theory Ward created. So many readers are hoping and wishing for Vishous and Butch to hook up even after they have mated which I believe is so wrong. They are mated and therefore they are married and since when is it okay to encourage infidelity? It is not excusable for them to cheat just because they have a special bond to each other. The only major complaint I have with Ward is that she keeps throwing these scenes with V and Butch together which drives me crazy. Every time you think V and Butch are done with sexual and intimate feelings she throws in a scenes like the one in Lover Mine when V was jealous of Xhex because Xhex got to sleep with Butch and he didn't. A person who is happily married shouldn't care who his best friend sleeps with. Since Ward is so determine to show this intimacy between V and Butch I wonder why she didn't just hook them up together in the first place. I wouldn't have had a problem with it if she had done that, but to have them married and have V still going around carrying a torch for Butch I do not approve of. I think this is one of the major reasons fans do not buy into the V and Jane relationship. Anyway I'm glad Ward did what she did to resolve the issue. I hope this lays to rest the whole Vishous and Butch thing. I wish Ward had made Jane more responsible for Vishous healing though because that would have showed a more closeness in their relationship in my opinion. Now moving on to the Qhuay story which there wasn't much of. I'm kind of tired of their story because it's dragged on for so many books. It's also lame that Qhuay are in love with each other and they know it and yet their not together because Qhuinn is an idiot making an issue out nothing. Saxton is not even the issue because he already told Qhuinn that even though he's Blay's lover he is not the love of his life. Ah hello? Can it be any more obvious that the door is still wide open for you and all you have to do is walk through it. There's really no obstacle between these two except Qhuinn's stupidity is all I'm saying. Now moving on to the band of bastards that have been introduce to the story. I haven't decided how bad they are yet. Sometimes they seem bad but then there are moments when I think they aren't as bad as they appear. One thing for sure they are definetly going to be trouble for the Brothers. I'm so glad there were no lessers in this book. The only complaint I have with this book is the lack of interaction with all the Brothers. Their joking and teasing with each other are usually what I look for in each book. The other thing I didn't care for in this book was the story with the serial killer. What the hell was that about? I won't lie I skipped those pages with the serial killer seeing as it didn't really have to do with anything. All in all I like this book way more than I did with Lover Avenged and Lover of Mine. Now I'm just impatiently waiting for book 10.

This review contains spoilers

3.5 stars - FYI, this is a rant which might be slightly harsh. Read at your own risk. I think this book should have been called Lover Revisited or Lover Retold because this book was probably 60% about Vishous and his issues, 30% of Payne and Manny and 10% of other peeps like Qhuinn, Xcor, Luis and Veck. Now, I loved Vishous I really did. He was my boy but after this book? I don't love him so much. I feel like Payne and Manny got cheated out of their book because Vishous took over. I was disappointed. I was so excited about Payne having her own story and then I get more of Vishous. Which, I mean, is cool but come on! His story was told already! We didn't need to get another one of his! It was hard for me to rate this because I honestly, truly, loved Payne and Manny's story. BUT I really hated the constant need to go back to Vishous in the middle of a Payne and Manny scene. It was annoying. Like, give me a break. A smut scene with Vishous was done without a break in between but the smut scenes with Payne and Manny? Those were broken up right in the middle of when the good stuff was happening between them. That pissed me off! I loved Payne and Manny. A good part of their story is her hurt and crippled. Manny is brought in to fix her (because he's a surgeon and all) but he did more than just surgery on her *wink, wink*. It was hot. Payne is totally bada$$, in my opinion. I mean, she's a bit emotional but I think that gave her a little something else that Xhex had been missing. But really, she was crippled and thinking she'd never walk again. Who wouldn't be a bit emotional?! I loved Manny. He intrigued me in previous books but I didn't like him as much then as I do now. Now, I love him. He's probably my favorite male now. Well, maybe. Hard to decide between him and Rhage. Vishous is just soooo low on my totem pole now. Sadly. I enjoyed Payne and Manny's story, though. It was sweet and heart-breaking but not overly so. They made the book interesting for me. *****SPOILER*****I totally thought it was awesome that Manny is Butch's bro and a relative of Wrath. Total shocker there. And I'm really glad Payne is able to keep Manny young because how sad would that have been if he died way before her?! I wonder if they'll have kids now....*****END SPOILER***** Qhuinn is really something else. I like him but I'm getting sick of his and Blay's story being told in the background over, how many books is it now? 4 or 5 books? It's getting a tad annoying. They need their freaking story already. BUT I liked how Qhuinn was able to accept things now he couldn't in the past. *****SPOILER*****And can I get a hell yeah that he's celibate for a majority of the story?! About freaking time. Now, he just needs to make the moves on Blay and I'll be satisfied.*****END SPOILER***** Layla. *****SPOILER*****Man, she better not end up with Qhuinn somehow because that ending? Yeah, that ending made me lose my confidence in Qhuinn ending up gay. And I will be really pissed off if that's the case.*****END SPOILER***** Vishous and Jane. Well, I already ranted about that earlier but I really did not like either of them in this one. Jane annoyed me in the beginning the way she was pining away after Manny. Lady, I don't need to know how much you miss and love another guy that's not your mate. I just don't. I will probably get crucified for this but I hated Vishous in this one. He was a whiny little bitch and I really did not care for his constant dwelling over stuff I thought was solved in his book. I got sick of it. There was no point to it. He and Jane really, really needed to get the boot from the story. They made it less enjoyable. I actually ended up skimming his scenes once or twice. Oops! Okay, so he got a little better by the end, less annoying at least, but it still didn't make up for how much he ruined my enjoyment of the story. I used to love how JR Ward would leave us hanging on the scene changes. It annoyed me but the anticipation was always sweeter when I found out what happened next. In this one, though, I felt like it was all wrong. The POV shifts happened at the wrong times (like right in the middle of Payne and Manny smexing even though that never happened while Vishous was smexing!) It grew tiresome and made me roll my eyes when the scene would shift and it was all so Vishous could pop back in again. There wasn't much suspense in this one. I can't actually remember how much suspense was in previous books but this one was low on the suspense until the last quarter of the book or so (when Payne showed she really does kick a$$!) But that was fine with me because Payne was hurt and Manny is not a brother, he's a doctor. I felt like the ending was a bit too fast, though, and not extravagant enough for what's been previously written in the series. I did enjoy Xcor and hope to get more of him and his bastards soon. In the end, I loved this book but I didn't. I loved Payne and Manny and I even liked Xcor, Qhuinn and Veck but this was not Payne and Manny's book. This was Vishous's and that really pissed me off. You wouldn't know from the blurb (which is more than misleading) you were getting a Lover Unbound sequel. You'd have never guessed and if I had a clue about Vishous taking over Payne and Manny's story, I probably would have enjoyed the story more (or skipped it) but instead the more I read the more it angered me because I waited all this time for Payne and Manny and instead I got a story that was essentially already told. It's sad and the way Ward is taking this series is seriously making me lose faith in it. Still, I will read Lover Reborn because I've waited even longer for Thor's story than I have for Manny's and Payne's.

Can you really like something and also be disappointed?

I can't help but like a BDB book. I'm addicted to the series! I was not looking forward to a book with Manny and Payne as the love leads-- because I never developed any feelings for them from previous books (well, that's not right, I actually found Payne annoying-- but less so in this book...). Their relationship didn't do a whole lot for me-- it didn't seem to be very challenging, despite their differences. I know I will be in the minority here-- but I kinda miss the lessers...especially Lash-- he was my comic relief. This book was not very humorous and that's one of the things I have enjoyed in the books in the series. I also miss the Other Brothers in here-- needed a little more Wrath, Z, Phury and Rhage. And even some more Rehvenge, JM (isn't there still some Darius reveal that needs to go on?)and Xhex would have been nice. And hey-- we got started down the Murdher road, but nothing to nibble on here. Ugh! Ok, and it seems other reviewers were somewhat satisfied with the V/Jane/Butch full-circle. I actually could have gone without one mention of Jane (I know, I'm terrible). As far as the scenes between V and Butch-- I don't know...I wanted something more! I know those two aren't going to throw down and do the nasty (except in fanfic, hehehe) but I wasn't as moved as I wanted to be-- perhaps their turning point needed more detail and to last a bit longer? I guess there just weren't enough achy-sort-of-love scenes between the two of them to tug at my heartstrings. And I want to be tugged HARD with those two. And yeah, my heartstrings have been pulled pretty thin in the Blay/Qhuinn/Saxton storyline. I guess I expected a little more interaction between the three of them. I'm glad we got more into Qhuinn's head, but I needed way more Blay. And I also need more Saxton-- because I need more to go on in deciding whether I want to like or dislike him. I don't feel the Qhuay storyline moved forward enough. And I don't know what to think about the possibilities with Layla *shiver* I hope that Qhuinn's almost visit to the Fade was remembered wrongly-- like maybe he had accidentally stumbled onto the set of Let's Make a Deal and he had chosen the gag door or curtain. I seem like a regular Minority Report today-- I have always liked dela Cruz, and it seems like there's a story building for him (or is that serial killer/new partner storyline going to jump ship to the Fallen Angels series?). I was kinda hoping he would be reunited with Butch somehow-- but that didn't go anywhere. Definitely looking forward to Bastards and hope that they will be fleshed out for future books. Though, they seem like they would make lame villains-- but we'll have to see where that goes. Overall, I'm glad I read this installment, but it's been quite a letdown. I guess that was to be expected because there was such a buildup by discovering the series just a few months ago and eating/sleeping/breathing BDB ever since. I am still onboard and I'm still faithful, in spite of LU's shortcomings.

Good, but there's something missing (spoilers)

It's not easy to say what I'm thinking. I should probably let a day go by. I think there's something missing. I don't know what. The chapters with De La Cruz, Butch's old buddy in the police, are page fillers. Sorry. His new colleague is a guy who'll be the protagonist of the next book in the Fallen Angels series. I.Don't.Like.That. The plot was intertwined with the band of Xcor's merry bastards from the Old Country, but it seemed lame. I really thought the initial recognition of Butch by De la Cruz would bring something different. I think this detracted pages from the new vampires. They're pretty powerful. Xcor is scheming against Wrath, but he is a male of worth, ruthless but with a code of honor. Xcor and his warriors are less refined than the Brothers, they live like centuries ago, with little comforts, they are death machines. I wanted to know so much more about them. Throe is already very promising, more sophisticated than the others, with a personal mission. Handsome. I liked Xcor's sign of respect to Payne. And that threesome with Throe and the prostitute was hooooot! Since Xcor is disfigured, I hope we won't have Zsadist #2, that Ward will be able to make him someone different. Manny and Payne. They were two total new characters and Ward had a lot of leeway to play with them. Manny is a good character, a different kind of Butch in so many ways. I liked the ER moments, I like medical series. He is very generous and loving and has all the typical traits of all the BDB males. Payne is a strong woman, but she doesn't have Xhex's hard edge. I was expecting more anger from her. Maybe it's because she speaks this formal language, she always seemed so polite and kind of sweet. What I think missed in the main couple's (???? more about that later) romance is passion. I kept thinking about Butch and Marissa, I think it's the closest comparison: there's was something desperate in both Butch and Marissa and that made their story richer, more intense. The conflicts in Manny and Payne's relationship are overcome in an easier way, that's why I felt their story wasn't memorable. They didn't even had the hottest moments in the book. This is V's book. In my opinion it wasn't even V and Jane's book, but V's only. He goes through a lot in this book, he faces all his past and his present. At the beginning I think Jane treats V in a very bad way. She doesn't realize he's in distress and she sends him away, telling him clearly he's a nuisance. When V finds himself alone, he can't keep it together. Everything goes downhill. Jane doesn't know how to handle him, she almost does something stupid (with the best intentions), I resented her asking V if he had been with someone else, and in all this mess how does V react? Nothing. He shuts himself in his pain and anger and risks of losing everything he has. It's so bad between V and Jane that it's Butch that intervenes and in a very dramatic session he works V in his apartment making him relieve all the pain and misery of his castration. Well, I am not ashamed of saying that Butch's aftercare made me cry. It's a turning point for V and it was his best friend who helped him. So, for the second time, V and Jane's relationship doesn't satisfy me. It's like V is a big mess in Ward's story and his true nature is slipping away. He's bigger than life, more complicated than any other character. It surpasses even Zsadist's complexity, because Zsadist let himself be cured by Bella's love. Eventually Vishous decides to open himself to Jane, but it seems more goodwill than a true change of heart. I'm still not convinced. Qhuinn and Blay. Qhuinn is on a self-destructive path. What is he thinking???? He loves Blay, he admits it to himself, he says this same thing to Layla, he doesn't deny it when he talks to Saxton. But he won't act on it because he's already [...] with Blay's feelings and he wants to set him free because he loves him. He's convinced himself that Blay doesn't want him. So he shaves his hair, he takes away his piercings, he starves himself, I don't like him in this self-pity state. He tries to take control of his life of excesses but there's such a mess in his head. I wish he found someone to talk to, I wish JM were there for him, that he understood how Qhuinn feels. And Blay? Blay is still in love with Qhuinn, but he's so afraid of being hurt again that he settles with Saxton. Second best. Everybody knows this is not right, Q thinks about B, B thinks about Q while having sex with Saxton and Saxton tells Q B is in love with him and vice versa, whatever that implies, and they are apart. I am not talking about Qhuinn's so-called premonition and Layla. Not going there. The slang was pretty heavy in this book and there was a lot of this old language antics and it was annoying at times. There were a few things that were ridiculous. But I'm still addicted to the series because of Qhuinn and Blay. And now this new vampires. I hope they'll bring something new, fresh blood, fresh passions.

Payne and Manny's Story and the Other Transitional Storylines Were a Good Entertaining Read

I suppose I should say that I didn't like this book because the main couple didn't get as much air time, but the truth is that I didn't have a problem with the amount of time spent on each story thread including Payne and Manny's. I think that is because both of them have appeared in books before establishing all the 'getting to know yous' so this one could skip all that. Payne and Manny meet because Payne was severely injured in the last book and now lays dying and will die if she doesn't get expert medical attention. Jane knows she's not good enough, but knows someone who is. Manny is brought in to save the day only to have his memory wiped when that day comes to a conclusion. In that short time, Manny and Payne do the love at first sight thing, but cannot pursue it because of the circumstances. But Manny is not left alone for long when Vishous comes again to bring Manny to heal Payne in a different way. And Manny is indeed the catalyst to Payne's healing even as she is the balm to his loneliness. But it is a doomed love because of who and what they are. I was a huge fan of Manny before and I was really rooting for Payne to finally get out and be her own woman. Payne has to go through a lot to get her slice of happiness and she's an awesome warrior woman with that sweet, but passionate side for Manny. She sees him as more than just a liability because he is human. Manny may be human and a healer, but he was always tough and had a warrior's heart in his own way. I loved how after a few blinks over the reality of vampires he wasn't afraid to get up in one of the most intimidating one's grill. He's very worthy of Payne and that twist near the end revealing a secret about him wasn't really a surprise for me. Another story thread that was great and interwoven with Payne and Manny's story was a follow-up story with Vishous, Jane and Butch. Vishous and Jane go through a crisis centered around Payne exacting a vow from her brother to kill her if she doesn't heal from the paralysis. V is hanging on by a thread after all that he went through in his past with the Bloodletter and the Scribe Virgin. Jane knows this thing with his sister will destroy him completely so makes a decision that will save V even if it destroys what she as with him. As with anything regarding Vishous, it will take much to bring him back and it was an intense story thread. I loved the emerging danger that Xcor and his men now represent as something fresh to challenge the Brotherhood now that they vanquished their biggest lesser rivals though the lessers are still out there. Though there was a story thread resolved in this book regarding Xcor and Payne, Xcor and his men are still going to prove trouble. The angst level just keeps dialing up with the Blay and Quinn saga. I'm getting to the point where I just want to shake them both. So even though it was obvious that this was a set up book in certain ways with some of the tension dialed back, I found it in no way boring or worthless. I enjoyed it thoroughly and as usual look forward eagerly to the next installment.

Vishos steals the show

Lover Unleashed is Manny and Payne's book - or so we were told. But honestly, this book is Vishous's. True? Vishous steals the show. Manny and Payne have a romance, but their story is nothing compared to V's. There is also no way this one can be read as a stand alone - you need V's backstory throughout the entire series to get anything from this book. Vishous has had no idea in the 300 years he has been alive that he even had a twin sister. The protectiveness V feels for her is out of control.When Jane calls Manny in to help operate on her, there is that instant "mine" between them (even though Manny is a human. Weeeeeeell, *someone* has been about sowing his wild oats again...). This does not go over well with V. As time goes on, V goes into an even deeper downward spiral that is linked to Payne's recovery, and when Jane attempts something shocking, he walks away - from Jane. This scene is very moving and well done. What we really get is V coming to terms with his abusive father, his negligent mother, and his role as a hellren. Some people dislike HEAs in trouble but I found this interesting... and more realistic. Butch plays a very important role in "saving" V. And let me say, that was a really strong scene, perhaps my favourite. He is in love with Butch as we all know. We finally get a little more exploration into this relationship - the one we were teased with in Lover Unbound. But back to Payne and Manny. It wasn't a bad story, they just didn't that much screen time. But I loved the horse part, and that Vishous's vision came true. And it was time for another human/vamp story. Also: you just gotta respect Manny's choice not to go through a hazardous change at the end. But I really want to know who this anonymous sperm donor is soon;-) We are also introduced to the band of bastards. The new protagonists. Ok, at least they are a step up from the boring lessers... Agreed?

Engaging treat, but not what I anticipated

Although one might assume the title pertains to the story between Payne and Manny, in my opinion, that's not the case. The "Unleashed" part pertains directly to the unleashing of Vishous. A cleansing if you will. Was I disappointed by this? Not in the least. I enjoyed the book--truly did, but the storyline that carried weight in this BDB installment was the one between Jane and V. The exchange between the two was intense, volcanic, heart-wrenching, and charmingly sweet and romantic. Manny and Payne had their moments, but ehhh, Payne's dilemma just couldn't compete with her twin's. However, I did love how Ward worked Manny's history into the vampiric world. And of course, I always look forward to the scenes with the original crew and their mates (more of those would have been appreciated). The parts that left me with a this-is-a-waste-of-my-time feel were the chapters with Quinn and Jose. First off, in Quinn's case, it wasn't because I'm not drawn to his conflicted character. I love the little hotty, but I wanted more real-life interaction and less thoughts and retrospection. Enough with the "I secretly love Blay crap!" Hasn't the attraction been bubbling for a few books now? And as far as Jose goes: well, I hope there was a point, or was this just wasted verbiage? Verbiage that could have belonged to John, Xhex, and Quinn; or how about Rhage--he's always good for a laugh. And since I'm complaining... Why couldn't Ward have given Ehlena a couple of lines? The nurse was in quite a few scenes, but apparently became a mute. Okay, I'll stop now... One perk: the new crew of "bad guys" are an intriguing cast, leaving one questioning whether Xcor is truly innately evil. Hmm, time will tell. All in all, Lover Unleashed left me satisfied. Not a 5 star "Love," but definitely a strong "Like."

and her healing ability pretty awesome. And Manny is a great guy with ...

I'm surprised to admit that Lover Unleashed is a book where the main characters were not my primary focus. I will admit that Payne was gloriously strong, and her healing ability pretty awesome. And Manny is a great guy with a level head and a good heart. Together, in spite of their insta-love situation, it was hard not to root for them to get their happy ending! But really, the reason I enjoyed this story was because V and Jane were a primary part of it. I liked seeing how they developed a further level of communication, and how they hurdled over obstacles that felt almost impossible to ignore. Though it was hard, and many times I was angry and frustrated about what they were going through, I was still rooting for them to work things out in the right way. The book also introduces a new group of vampires, led by Xcor. These vampires came from the old land, and they talk and act like it. While they might have come over with a different goal in mind, the way things end with them in this book definitely leaves things open for a whole new angle to this story... and got me excited to see what happens next!

Another hot book!

This is another hot book from J.R. Ward. I was excited for Payne's story and I was not disappointed. Payne has come to this world and in the meantime needs a doctor's help. Jane doesn't feel she is capable and calls on her good friend, Dr. Manello. If you remember from earlier books, in his mind she died. How does he handle this? Dr. Manello treats Payne's condition and Vishous agrees for him to stay until his condition completely improves. While his time there, Dr. Manello ends up providing aid again under dire circumstances which tend to improve the relationship with not only Payne, but Vishous. Or does it? Again, you get to meet all the brothers and characters from previous books, with an indepth story of Payne, her mate, and her brother. You learn more about the connection the twins have and what was experienced by both. Jane and Vishous are able to renew their relationship for one another with help from Butch. The feelings portrayed of these characters are so real. I also just have to say that Butch is my favorite, even though he is human. The author was able to transport the reader into their world and situation. Also, the war between the lessers and the chosen ones have changed. Find out how. Another great book by J.R. Ward.

Another great instalment in the BDB series

The Black Dagger Brotherhood is a group of vampires (race of people created by a female deity of the light) that protect vampire civilians from lessers (undead humans reannimated by the male dark deity jealous of his sisters ability to create). This book is the ninth in the series and I strongly recommend that you read the whole series in order. It is simply a fantastic paranormal romance series. As you can probably tell by the gnashing of teeth, the fans of the series have invested a lot of emotion into these characters and they are perfectly entitled to vent their frustrations at not having their favourite brother revisited, or that the two leads don't get enough of a story, or that they don't like the new characters; but J R Ward is the author and where she goes we must follow. (It is interesting that some of the negative reviews of ** read the book in a day and/or loved the Vishous/Jane/Butch relationship revisit.) Initially the books in the series had a more standard structure, with one book per brother and how they were matched with their shellan or mate, the exception being the one brother that was killed at the beginning of the series and another brother who is already mated. In addition there is the introduction of a new brother, who also had his own book. Ms Ward had already shown an inclination to revisit past couples in more than a passing way in these novels and had several separate story lines on the go at any one time, which may or may not intersect. You have to have your wits about you. I thoroughly enjoyed this format; but in book seven the format was altered so that the focus wasn't so obviously on one couple. This evolution suits the series as HEA at the end of the books isn't quite how I'd term the conclusion of each chapter (or novel). Enough of the history lesson. This book is mainly about the new romance Manny/Payne and the revisited romance Vishous/Jane. Manny is a brilliant surgeon work friend of Jane's and Payne is the unknown until very recently twin sister of Vishous. Payne has had a terrible injury and Jane brings Manny unto the fold to operate on her. Obviously there are a lot of hurdles in the way of true love: he's human she's vampire, meaning cougar doesn't even come close to describing the age difference; he had a thing for Jane and now for Payne and Vishous has anger management issues; Payne has mobility problems but if she recovers she will easily be able to kick Manny's butt. Overall I think this is a strong introduction of new characters and I can see there being major future novel space spent on this couple as there are several unresolved issues. For me, what is resolved in this book is Jane and Vishous's story. I didn't dislike Jane's character in the previous book 'Lover Unbound' as some series fans did, but I did feel like she was a bit of a second choice for Vishous. I also had the impression that they had a BDSM relationship with her as the Dom, which always upset me, because anyone who wants a loved one to inflict serious pain or recieve it needs help not confirmation and would conflict with her ethics as a doctor. This, however, turns out not to be the case and could have been explained better. We get to know Jane in more depth, but I would have liked to have seen her 'judgement call' explored a little more on her part. Vishous's inability to open himself up to Jane is dealt with largely with input from Butch. For me this is such a clever part of the book. Vishous believes Butch will break him down physically to get through his walls of emotional protection, but he takes a different and very effective route. The final important part of the book is the introduction of new adversaries. I think they have great potential, as they are not evil, but give the impression of a more raw version of the Brotherhood at the beginning of the series. Characters could stray down the path of no good or they may just be new recruits. There is a new cop character who is also interesting. He is compared to Butch, so could be a half vampire, but there are also dark undertones which may make him prime lesser material. As usual the book made me cry, made me laugh and kept me interested. Ms Ward's new linguistic toy of elongating words through repeating letters (eg wweeeelllllll)has annoyed some, but made me smirk at her off-beat sense of humour (verily I can't wait to see what she comes up with next to tohrment us). George Elliot once said that it was a crime for any author to write any more that 7 books. Don't listen to her J R - I want the next one!


Book #9 of J.R. Ward's highly addictive and intoxicating paranormal romance series, Lover Unleashed, seemed like a pleasant break to me--dunno why, but this is the tale of Payne and Dr. Manny (Manuel Manello). Sort of. LOL! I got sucked back into the old, "Just one more chapter until I go to bed" syndrome--love it! Payne (no `H'!) got intro'd to us several books ago--the long imprisoned twin of Vishous, with all the nitro tendencies from his warrior father's side of the family. If you've been reading (I certainly hope so!), there's no need to give you the 4-1-1. She's a fighter, not a lover! She becomes Blind King Wrath's sparring partner on The Far Side, and gets near fatal injuries when one of their bouts goes seriously awry. As in permanently paralyzed from the waist down. Not good for a warrior-type, true? Of course Wrath's gonna want to FIX THIS--and it has to be done down here, with The Brotherhood. Natch! Remember Dr. Manny from back in Book #5--Doc Jane's comrade in arms human surgeon, who specializes in elite pro-athlete type injuries? Yeah, you get the drift already, I'm sure. Payne's injuries are beyond Doc Jane's skillset, IT'S ABDUCTION TIME AGAIN! There's been a peek into Manny's human life over the series, but we get an up-close and personal of his non-life (all work and no play makes Manny a Dull Doc) this time around. He's been MINDSUCKED once before when Jane had to Exit Stage Left, and with no time to waste, let's just say the back-up drive can be restored. Manny's been a playa for all his 45-year history, with no attachments--until he lays eyes on his `patient'. BOOM! I won't elaborate on why he's irresistibly, emotionally, sexually attracted to Payne and vice versa because I don't wanna spoil it for ya. Let's just say they have `glowing' chemistry, and Vishous (who had been told he was the only living offspring--that damned lying Scribe Virgin, anyway!) does NOT want any human male's paws on his sister! Or any other body parts! Too bad, so sad, V, you ain't getting your way. Sexual healing commence! Sex in a hospital bed was NEVER this entertaining! Per usual, there's lots of side-stories going on--like vampires left behind in the Old Country making the trek across the pond to complicate matters, Qhuinn and Blay's off-again-off-again attraction, Butch and V dealing with V's effed-up past (as in flared-up and EFfed-up; I will never look at a spoon the same way again, just sayin), John Matthew and Xhex learning about mating the HARD way *wink*, Tohr's pining, racehorses, surprise mothers and fathers, yadayadayada. Go read it for yourself if you want all the deets! I liked it--fun, feisty, surprising, predictable yet unpredictable--perfect combo. Each novel is a peek through the window of the Brotherhood and their lives--dontcha just love being a voyeur?

Another enging BDB novel

I really enjoyed this book and had a hard time putting it down. It introduces a great deal of new characters that will obviously come to play in future BDB novels as well as Ward's other series - Fallen Angels (Envy comes out in Sept. 2011 and stars Veck who we meat in Lover Unleashed). Payne and Manny are a decent lead couple. I liked their relationship though I do wish Payne would have been a bit more ass kicking. As other reviewers have mentioned, this book has a lot to do with V/Butch/Jane. I'm one of the few fans who actually loved V and Jane's oringinal story. Behind Rhage and Mary, they were my favorite book. I had no problems with the ghost aspect of their relationship (I mean this is a series about vampires, lessers, sympaths, etc - why is a ghost such a stretch?) but I liked the way this book helped resolve some of their other issues that weren't resolved before. In general, Ward has moved away from the more traditional romance format that focuses on just the hero and heroine. If you go back to Dark Lover it is almost all Wrath and Beth, with small asides for a few other key characters. And even those asides are basically about the conflict playing out between the two main charactesr. But in the last few BDB novels, the style is to devote large portions of the book to other characters and story lines. It is clear from reviews that some people really don't like this change and I think that is understandable. But for me, it makes the series a bit richer. The world of the BDB is well fleshed out and there are a lot of plot points up in the air. Plus fans want to keep hearing about the brothers from previous novels while still building a connection to those who will get a future novel. In order to fit all of that into one novel you have to sacrifice a bit. What was sacrificed here was a bit of the Payne/Manny relationship. But I think Ward made the right choice in doing that.

Another wonderful addition to the Brotherhood family

I have been a huge fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood since a co-worker presented my with these books three years ago. At first I was very hesitant in reading them because usually this type of romance novel is not my cup of tea. As a lover of books I decided to give them a try anyway especially since she would not stop raving about them. Almost from the first chapter of Dark Lover I found myself totally hooked and blew through the rest of the books in the series very quickly. The ninth and newest book in the series centers on the Payne twin sister of Vishous, who is both a fierce warrior and a Chosen female. When she suffers a terrible injury that leaves her paralyzed human surgeon Manuel Manello is called in to treat her. As Manny and Payne soon begin to develop a relationship they are faced with lessers, an overprotective brother, and a centuries old score against Payne. This probably wasn't my favorite book in the series because I found the main storyline involving Manny and Payne to be a bit predictable but I don't really keep up with the series because of the love story. I think the strongest aspect in this series is character development. Jr. Ward is a master in creating characters that are raw, real and messy. She throws them into impossible circumstances and makes her readers so attached to them sometimes I have to remind myself that they do not exist. Her dialogue is also strong, witty and funny. She uses modern day language and terms that make her characters relatable and so likeable. This book also deals with some issues that she left open in previous books involving Butch and Vishous and I found that I enjoyed this book mostly for the dialogue between these two characters because they always make me laugh out loud no matter where I am. She also crosses a lot of lines that other romantic fiction writers have seem to drawn in the past. She always keeps me guessing about what she is going to throw at us next and I am always surprised. I also love the fact that she always ties in her plots and everything flows so well together. The story always keeps going and I enjoy finding events and circumstances come full circle. I can hardly wait until her next book!

Connector book

It felt like the purpose of this books was to move into another series of charactures so that she can continue the series. I wouldn't have minded since I am happy to see the series continue, but this book was not long enough or detailed enough to do everyone justice. I like the series. It seemed as if she gave short shrift to Manny and Payne. There was not enough between them. Not enough explaination of the changes and the how of it. Regression? 2 pages. The Butch connection (clearly laid out in earlier books) maybe 3 pages. This book gives Ward 5 new men to build upon. She had written herself into a bit of a corner with Layla, Qhuinn and Blaylock the only ones left. This book did spotlight Z and Jane and was a terrific follow up. I thought this book was best when it focused on them....which illustrates how little she devoted to Manny and Payne. (Spoiler) I can't understand why Xcor would spend centuries looking for Payne to kill her for killing his father. When after centuries of searching he finally finds her...she just says "Nope, you were wrong" and he says OK. Strange. Also not clear why he wants Wrath's job. How do they travel? How did they keep that castle without money or doggen? If they are living in a basement and enjoy the old ways.. how do they survive? If you read this knowing that it is just a bridge and not a full fledged story line it will work better.

"Love can conquer everything but reality. Which will win every stinking time." ¯ J.R. Ward

With a big focus on Payne, LOVER UNLEASHED (BDB #9) definitely covers quite a bit of back story on the fearsome and beautiful diamond eyed twins and that of their twisted (and long deceased) father, the Bloodletter. Along with their story come a few new vamp characters to the mix who promises to be trouble for the Brothers. Back in the human world...With a serial killer on the loose chopping up young women and a new partner who just might turn out to be much more then the average new kid on the beat; Detective Jose de la Cruz has his hands full and then there's the increasing number of people reported missing to worry about, including his old partner Butch who's still frustratingly MIA. And finally, last but not least, we get a character that comes correct on the audio front... I'm so with you on the jams Manny... bout time someone introduces some really good music to The Brotherhood, True. Our favorite surgeon (and Jane's old boss) Dr. Manuel (Manny) Manello MD takes up a heavy presence in this installment, much to V's dismay, adding some foreseen and expected twist as well as a few major game changing bombs. Oh, and fans of the confused young heterochromian vamp will be happy to find that throughout the book there are little peaks at Qhuinn, Layla, Blay and Saxton relationships; as Qhuinn is still trying to work his issues out, but it's clear that that story is still far from over.


I just finished reading this book......had it a while (few days) before I decided to read it which is unlike me especially where this author is concerned. I read the reviews before buying the book and hoped and prayed it would be better than what people were saying and in some ways it was and in others it wasn't. I found myself more "involved" in the story of Vishous than I was in his sisters' story. She had a few moments were I thought she would live up to my expectations but mostly she annoyed me, her character had so much potential that in my opinion was not utilized. I know that Wards' books normally leave the reader hanging on for the next installment of the series but at least the books leaves you "filled" in that you read a good story than there is a link to another story to keep you coming back, I cant honestly say I got that filled feeling with this book, there was something missing throughout, and I never really got lost in the love story of Payne and Manello. Don't get me wrong the story is a good read, I wouldn't stop any Ward fan from reading the book, but if this were the first book of her series that I read I don't know if I would be as avid a fan as I am at present. There were five stories going on in this book at the same time and the "lead" actors story which should be number one wasn't, they weren't even in the top three for me. My advice ....... if you love J R Ward buy the book and make your own assumptions, if you skip the book you might miss out on something crucial for the future books for as I mentioned there is a lot going on in the book. If your new to the series its best you look to one of the earlier books, they do a better job of selling the story.

Not Up To The Standards of the Other Brotherhood Books

I'm still trying to work my way through this book but took a break to write a review. Let me start off by saying that I have loved each and everyone of the previous Black Dagger Brotherhood books and have eagerly awaited each new episode - until now. This will be my last adventure with the Brothers. It's almost like it was written by someone else. Either that or the author, J.R. Ward, was in such a hurry to make a deadline that corners were cut and the story was never developed. All of the books previously had a great story, great character development and some great sex scenes. This book takes the sex scenes to a whole new level and should come with warning labels. It's all sex, all the time. And not just nicely described love stories, but it borders on pornographic. I would never call myself a prude by any means, but this book is just nasty. It is too descriptive, too raw, and just TOO MUCH. If as much time was spent on developing the character as was spent describing the sex acts (and not just the main characters - everybody is getting it on in very graphic and non-traditional ways) then maybe it would be a decent read. Instead, it's 90% over the top porno scenes and 10% or less about the characters. This is such a disappointment. I'm sorry to end my relationship with the Brothers, but this is just too much. Don't waste your time or your money if you're looking for the next chapter of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

Yay! Blay & Qhuinn again!!

Spoiler Alert!! I wasn't even going to bother reading Lover Unleashed after the disappointing ending between Blay and Qhuinn in Lover Mine. I seriously thought their story was over and had zero interest in Manny & Payne's story BUT as I was skimming over the reviews I realized that Blay & Qhuinn's story isn't over. Thank you Mother Earth!! (They finally get their own book ~Lover At Last~ March 2013). To me, I thought Lover Unleashed was about Blay, Qhuinn & Vishous( OMG-he is my favorite Brother). I didn't even read the chapters with Payne & Manny. To me, it was a side story that really didn't interest me. Nor the side story about Xcor and a mass murderer. Those I will read later. I devoured the chapters on Vishous first. He is or should I say was( mostly) one tormented Brother. Butch helping him in a huge way really made me see Butch in a different light. On the subject of torment...Blay & Qhuinn, their story is still not over and I read that a novella is coming out about them, Thank you! I had to giggle a few times throughout the chapters about Qhuinn. The agony he went though trying to "do the right thing" dealing with Blay. They didn't even speak to each other this go around. So good! J.R. Ward definitely knows how to keep her fans enthralled.

Loved Payne's story!!!!

I love everything about this book! Payne's softer side came through as well as her characteristic determination and independence from the previous book. I didn't care for Manny in V and Jane's book, but I changed my mind. And the fact he was most likely part vampire was awesome! He was all alpha male as the Brothers, instantly wanting to claim Payne as his woman when he met her. Plus more V and Jane. Their book left me wanting something, anything, more and Lover Unleashed provided that. Overall this was one of my favorite BDB books!

Deep dark hole...

3.75/5 Stars. I enjoyed this one but it certainly is not one of my favorites. I felt that it dragged a lot (even though this book was shorter than most so far in the series). It took me a long while to finish this one, partly because of the drag and partly because life. I had issues with how fast paced the relationships were in this one. Maybe I just didn’t connect as much. Also, I think one of the things that annoyed me the most in this one was V & Janes mini arc. I really can’t point a finger at one specific thing but rather a few. All in all it was good. Moving on to the next!

Not always HEA, true.

I value a book if it leaves me wanting more...and the WARDen definitely did that, even with the flaws that had me asking, "Really? Didn't you do that before? Isn't this so forced?" But through all that, the progression of the story (as others have stated) is done well and provided more insight to Viscous and Jane's relationship than Manny and Payne. Life is not easy and I appreciated that the WARDen explored that aspect V/J. If you are a fan of the series, this is a must read. (Spoiler Alert) Pros: 1. V/J & Butch's progression and story 2. Quinn's further self discovery 3. Less "Lessening Society" drama...In the past, I have skipped past most of that stuff. 4. The ending...Happy Happy. Cons: 1. Manny's "love at first sight" was so fake. 2. Payne is a daughter of a deity...why would she have a life threatening injury? 3. Introduction of "Band of Bastards"...can we say BDB spin off? 4. The "OMG, I'm a half breed and you are my brother?" didn't we do this already? 5. "Everything you thought is wrong, Xcor." Ok...I'm going to give up my life's work because you say so. WTF? Really? 6. Some issues with Kindle version...there were words that were cut off 7. So much allusion in the story in general...but none about the next character or book.

Man, this story has the best HEA you're ever gonna read!!

J.R. Ward is a master at the craft of writing and creating the most riveting storylines that will steal your breath and her unique sense of humour in the words she writes will tickle your funny bone and you'll never regret or forget reading about these amazing and unique characters that will become a staple in your own personal library and having read this particular book and series for myself, I can tell you that I find myself feeling privileged to get to read this particular series and you will too!!! One of Your Greatest Fans, Lena deLeon

Good story but not wild about all the story lines

I love the series, but I'm not really that wild about the shift of focus in the books. Rather than focusing on the issues directly related to our central hero and heroine, these later books are chocked full with other evolving storylines. Yes, that makes for a richer world, but it dims the screen time for the central relationship. And it might be just me, but I also don't really like the introduction of problems in the relationships from past books. Sigh, still a great book. I guess you just can't please all the people...


I'll just jump right in.... I had more fun re-reading the first three books than I did reading Unleashed. Don't get me wrong, it is worth's not BAD by any means, but Manny who? Payne who? At this point in the series, do I really care about either one of them? Manny was overbearing and pushy when he was first introduced, why would I want an entire book dedicated to him? Sure, it was obvious he was coming back with Jane all "Wrath would really like him! I know I will see him soon and he will be a part of my life again! He would get along so well with the Brotherhood; he loves Lag now!" (I am paraphrasing just a bit) BUT, why now? With all this unfinished business? And Payne...ugh. I really liked the idea of Payne in Lover Mine; she kicked Wrath's a$$ every week, right? What a bad female...she is going to be awesome! Annnnd....meh. She suddenly is just a Chosen-type female who changes her speech pattern from Old Language to Modern Day (just like Marissa....cussing....really?) within a few hours. I hang on every word of this series. I re-read every book. I pay attention to the nuances, I love/get the religious aspects. Suddenly I feel truly (verily) taken advantage of as a reader. The rules changed, the deities changed, the characters I love fell into the background and I feel as if my imagination was punched, leaving me confused and kinda ticked off. DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE LACK OF BLAY/QHUINN!! At this point I am feeling like I have a case of blue balls with the lack of boy love in this series. I feel teased, manipulated and left pining. First the V and Butch build-up (I will come back to them later) and now the unwritten boy-love between Blay and Sexton. NOW we have a possible vision from Qhuinn as straight? UGH!!!! I finally realize that JRWard is just AFRAID of writing a homosexual relationship. I really will be utterly shocked if she ever puts two worthy males together in this series...I just don't think she has the guts to write it. PROVE ME WRONG, PLEASE! The saving grace for this book was the Vishous/Jane and V/Butch closures that were sorely needed. All of the scenes between these three characters were really beautifully written and felt deeply. I don't feel as some do, that Ward decided she wasn't happy with the ending of V's `chapter' and decided to re-write it. I feel like it was so much more realistic that he didn't have a happy ending so quickly and he needed another breakthrough to fix his sordid self. It was so great. And the V/Butch scene in his apartment was absolutely heart-wrenching. I don't think I have ever cried so much for a single scene between two characters. It was deep and heavy and just lovely. I do love angst. So....I really just want to talk about this! Would love to hear anyone else's take on the lack of this book...let's chat!!

Don't get the V and Butch Thing.

I can't stand, nor understand the relationship between V and Butch. Both are mated to woman. But they seem to be mated to each other as well. There's this underlying sexual tension between the two of them, which I wouldn't mind if they weren't both already mated. How many times do I have to ready about the two men laying next to each other on the bed, and Butch's barrel chest next to V? Or, V walking around the Pit naked with his one ball hanging out? I started skimming the parts about V and ignoring anything having to do with Butch because it's just weird.

More interested in the subplots than in Payne

I will say that I am completely in love with J.R. Ward's series, and I count down the days when another book is scheduled to release. I expect nothing less from Ward than a juicy, engrossing romance novel. Technically, that's what we readers got in this installment, but it failed to reach the standards we've come to expect from the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Payne and Manny's spotlight was easily stolen by V and Jane, whose relationship I felt made the book. Payne and Manny fell short for me, and felt a little flatter than past characters. The subplots made the novel. I tore through this book simply to discover the fate of V and Jane's relationship, and to hopefully uncover some clues about the ongoing and painful situation between Qhuinn and Blay. Readers really shouldn't be surprised by this developing and hopefully soon to be resolved relationship, as Qhuinn's bonding scent was triggered by Blay in the last novel. Qhuinn's depression over pushing Blay away really added some angst. I can only hope we readers won't be continuously teased by the prospect of this relationship, and will very soon be presented by their story, as there really were no "Qhuay" moments or significant romantic moments between them in this novel. We were only shown the truth of Qhuinn's feelings, which is really building up the anticipation for their finale. All in all, I was satisfied, but I wasn't ecstatic about this book as I have been with the previous novels. Payne and Manny simply did not make the novel. I am, however, hoping to stumble across news for the next installment. I cannot wait to find out what happens to Qhuinn and Blay.

what to say to my eyes

i have read so far the first 8 books of the series and i'm at (kindle edition 94% done with the 9th) thanks for the kindle :) so much easier on the eyes. i read the almost 9 books in about 4 months, i know somebody can read 9 books in 9 days but not me. To me is very fast pace what i did, and the reason is because i love them, i thought the series was 9 books but when i saw it is already up to 13 books i wish this series will never end, and that this master writer J.R. Ward writer wil listen to me :) anyway i never write reviews and i'm not into typing. I only wanted to say that Lover unlished (book 9) seams to be the best so far the best book of the series. I'm a person that most of the times choosed what to read wisely (according my taste of course) and i end up most of the times to do just that. I think when the author will finish to write this series i will start to read them all again even if is a huge effort of a big amount of reading, one reason beside how i like her type of writing and story teller is also because practically each book is addressing the love story of one of the brootherhood and when he and her with all the trouble to find eachother finally become partners for life then the bood ends, and goes to the next book with the next brother and the next lady. Dont get me wrong, you really cant read book 2 without reading book 1 and so forth, no way, i'm only talking about how the author seams to focus on each book as a way to get rid of the problem one of the brothers has with the love life, fix him and go to the next, while the rest of the story beside the love part itself in each book never keeks readers bored absolutely. Sometime J.R. has a sense of humor and way to exrpess herself very unique. I love you lady.

Another Good One in the BDB Series

OK, so these books are a guilty pleasure. They are formulaic and pretty predictable, but they are well written with characters you can't help but stay interested in. JR Ward has created a nice little universe that it's fun to hang around in for awhile. The primary focus in this installment of the BDB series is Payne... and if I say much about her relationship to the others, I'll need to mark this as "spoilers" and I'm not going to do that. Suffice it to say she's a very strong character with a compelling narrative to follow. Plus, this novel brings in a few new characters who will be stirring the pot for the Brothers. As always, if you like the rest of the series, you'll enjoy this one.

Great read but not as much punch

I really enjoyed this book, as I have all the others. I don't agree with the single stars, though. I consider this book a setup for the next in the series. I'm actually glad there was a different way for Manny to gain a level of immortality, it's just too convenient for everyone to regress or die and come back as a corporeal ghost. Cheers to Ms. Ward for a new twist! This story was more about tying up loose ends with the brothers and setting us up for another round of characters. The mansion is getting crowded! I sincerely hope that Xcor gets some medical help! He definitely has some issues. I can see a battle ahead for Wrath. But I can also see some new brothers (they do need help)who will have their own stories. Yeah! I do think that Manny and Payne's ending was a bit tepid but you can't always end with a blast. Quinn and Blay will apparently have their own book - that should be interesting! Is this my favorite - no, but I enjoyed it and will continue to look forward to future efforts by Ms. Ward.

Lover Unleashed and let down.

I think J.R. Ward is running out of ideas or at the very least she wasn't inspired by these two characters, She spent a lot time filling us in on the rest of the clan, especially V getting his head on straighter and Butch and Manny being half brothers and cousins of Wrath, that is interesting but not worth waiting for. Then here is all the angst of the 2 gay vampires, I hope they won't have their own book because I don't think I can stand reading on and on about those two and then them getting together and getting it on I just don't care to read about it. I'm just getting tired of it all...Vampires are bigger, stronger, and smarter plus a bunch of other attributes better then humans, it's like J.R. Ward isn't one of us. Any way... I waited 8 months for the paper back to come out because I didn't want to buy a hard back since all the other in paper back and I'm glad I didn't, this book was disappointing.

Love for Payne and manny

Another great story. Payne was an interesting character, and Manny an excellent partner. Honestly, the better part was the continuation of V's storyline. I really love the relationship he has with Butch. The sex was great, but not as hot as some earlier stories. My one true complaint is about the detectives subplot. No idea why that was included, unless at some point in the distant future, Veck will be another relative. It was mostly distracting. The Xcor subplot was also interesting.

Can't get enough of them

Is this the best book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series - no - for me it will always be the 1st one Lover Eternal. Is this a extremely well written book that holds your interest until the very end and satisfies a craving for another glimpse into the Brotherhood - yes for me. I noticed that other reviewers were disappointed and used comparisons between this book and other in the series to justify a lower rating. For me, a 4 or 5 star rating goes to a book that I could not put down, that drew me in, entertained and kept me coming back for more, one I considered to be a keeper, and one I considered worth the price and the time. This book did all the above for me. I am not comparing this book against other in the series because they are all 4 to 5 star ratings to me. I do admit that some I enjoyed more than others but none have disappointed me even though it was not the best in the series - it was still a page turner and I can not wait for the next in the series.

All in all, this is one of my least favorite in the series. I went between 3 and 4 stars, but ended up giving it 4..

This installation of the BDB series is supposed to be Manny and Payne's story, but their story takes a back seat to everything else going on in the book. I definitely wanted more where they were concerned. I thought they were sweet together, but their story was underdeveloped. If you're a fan of V, you will either love or hate the book. The book has tons of inconsistencies. Highlights for me include Qhuinn's character development and the band of bastards arriving in town. All in all, this is one of my least favorite in the series. I went between 3 and 4 stars, but ended up giving it 4 because the parts I liked, I really liked. Rating Legend: 5 star-love it 4 star-liked it 3 star-it's okay 2 star-don't like it 1 star-hate it

This series is just thrilling!

Full of WIT humor deep characters and thoroughly sexual violent and emotive. There is so much going on. I love that there are several main character focuses throughout each book. The wide world building is just exquisite. Character development is extraordinary and the dialog and style of writing contemporary and affecting. Ward is a wonderful writer and each book brings the same amount of laughter tears and suspense. I'm writing this review BEFORE I finish because at the end of each adventure I just CANT WAIT to move on to the next. I am fully enveloped in the Brotherhood and all its players even the lessers which of course I despise.


Interesting story with Payne and her other half. Vishous and his mate are also included. There are points that your heart strings will be yanked on as the couples don’t seem to see eye to eye. The narrator did a great job!

Lover Unleashed

How many relatives will Wrath find and how big is this mansion?! Now Manny and Butch are related?! It's getting awfully crowded in there. I wasn't feeling the band of bastards at all. They are even less interesting than the lessers, who were absent from this novel. I liked the Payne/Manny love story just wished JR Ward explored Manny's character more. The V/Jane/Butch story was well done. The Blay/Quinn/Layla story was weird. Felt as if Ward needed some page filler and decided to throw them in. I was surprised we didn't see a single page written on John Matthew. He seemed to be one of her favorite characters and had a role in every book since he was introduced. The book seemed incomplete without JM in the mix, even a little. It was an ok addition to the series but not up there with the first four books of the series and Father Mine.

Series On the Rise Again, but still has a way to go

The story of Payne and Manny gives me hope that the BDB series is back on the rise, but the book was still not on par with the quality of her earlier works (such as the stories of Wrath, Zsadist, Rhage and Viscious). And while I was glad to see less of the boring Lessening Society (I just skip those sections now when I re-read the books), what took its place wasn't much more interesting. The story was on the short side compared to previous books and I would have liked a little more depth to Payne and Manny's characters; their relationship was very shallow and rushed. Although Payne's character was really sketchy, there was more about Viscious and since he is one of my favorite characters, I was happy about that. Additionally, for anyone following Ward's Fallen Angels series, there is a nice tie-in between the two series. The book, overall, was a very enjoyable read and a good solid addition to the series.

Lover Unleashed

3.5/5 - This book had a little different tone to it than the other books, maybe because of the lack of lessers and progression of that storyline, it read like a transition book. Some new info, but no forward progression. I look forward to what Xcor and his band will bring to future books, no doubt it'll shake things up. I ended up feeling bad for Manny and Payne it was their book and they got the short end of the story stick. While I loved getting more about V and Jane (I've always been in the minority pro-Jane camp), but I like Jane for V, and loved that she had a strong story in this book. It bugs me that it's Payne's book and no sign of the Scribe Virgin? It's an odd absence in the book, imo. Qhuinn/Blay...I'm getting to the point where I NEED their happy ending. I can't take much more angst for them! Overall good story, it set up some interesting characters and possibilities for future books.

her characters are kind of awesome. Who would have thought that the sister of ...

Even though JR Ward slings a lot of slang, some of which I had never heard, her characters are kind of awesome. Who would have thought that the sister of Viscious and daughter of the Scribe Virgin would end up with the human, head of surgery. How they get together and become an item is action-packed and intriguing. I like the way J.R. Ward brings in characters that show up in her Fallen Angels series, too. This book gave me a little kinder look at the Band of Bastards leader too. I had read all of her books but couldn't find this one, so ordered it and read it (out of sequence, but enjoyed it anyway).

CAN'T Get Enough

Every review I have written I can't put enough into words how much I love love this series!!!!!! Every time I end a book in this series I can't wait to get to another book. I am in love with all the characters and pray that this series never ends. I know it does in just a few more books but I am hoping against all odds that she decides to start up again with this series an rd adds on with their children's stories all coming together.... Again I say that this series needs to be made into a JOB series, cuz Tru Blood has nothing on this and I loved that show... All my love a dedicated FAN Darlene SCARSILLONI

I love it!

I think this story was as much about V and Doc Jane as it was about Payne and Manny. I like the simple solution JR Ward had with keeping him alive for Payne. V and Jane come to a bump in their relationship that needs to worked through. With the help of Butch they are set on the right track. V takes a big step in dealing with his issues instead of just suppressing them as he usually does. Blay and Qhuinn break my heart every time they enter the scene. I simply love these two guys and cannot stand them not being together. One of my new favorite characters is Throe, from the Band of Bastards. He is like a superhero. Going around at night keeping the streets safe for all women. Even though Xcor is after the throne, I think he has a gallant and honorable side (As seen in his interaction with Payne).


I am a HUGE fan of this series and the author and was eagerly awaiting this book. However after reading I have to say I was rather disappointed with this latest addition to the BDB world. I didn't care at all about the Payne/Manny storyline. As with the rest of the books in this series I am used to having the main story and then the sub story. I found this book to have too many sub stories to keep track of. You have Payne/Manny, Vishous/Jane, Qhuinn/Blay, the serial killer/cops, and the whole Xcor thing going on. It all really just left me feeling flat. I gave it 3 stars based on the Vishous/Jane and Qhuinn stories but that was stretching it. Not sure what happened with this book. I don't think it was worth the hefty price tag. I guess I'll have to wait another year to see what happens.


Black Dagger Brotherhood series In this book Payne is injures in a emotional moment with Wrath. Wrath and the Scribe virgin make a deal and Payne is take back to the Brotherhood compound. long untold secrets are revealed and Jane ask for help from the one person she knows will be able to help. Manny's life has change since the death of Jane, so how must he feel when he is visiting her grave and she steps out and asks for his help. I almost gave this a 3 star rating, as the same thing happened as did in another of this series, Manny and Payne's story got lost in the other characters continued stories.

Payne story

This book took me longer than any of the other books. It is a good story I am not sure why. I wasn't as engaged as normal. New problems ground work was laid so you want to continue to read. V and Jane's relationship became clearer and stronger. I u understand V much better. This is my 2nd time reading and I enjoyed it more. I don't care much for the band of something, but I guess she had to introduce something new. I am more into all of the relationship s. Quinn is struggling and while I like Saxton, Blay is his true love and I hope they get it together and Saxton finds . His real love. Dr. M WILL BRING MUCH to the race

Really great book - read the whole series!

This is the story of Payne, sister to Vishous, and daugher of the Scribe Virgin. She has only known life in the sequestered realm of the Chosen. When she suffers a severe injury while fighting with the King, Wrath, she is brought down to Earth to be treated. Doc Jane is unable to handle the difficult surgery the Payne needs so she must reach out to her old friend, Dr. Manuel Manello. The story evolves as he operates on Payne and aids her in her recovery and of course, they fall in love. I highly recommend reading the entire series in order so that you can lead up to the events in this book which is the 9th in the series.

What's there not to love about Payne

What's there not to love about Payne?! Not much! And Manny is just the whole package. And very well suited for this strong, courageous, and fierce female, that is Payne. I also like how the writer touched on Jane's and Vishous' relationship... And how they didn't just sail away happily ever after. Being in a relationship requires a lot of one's self, and I'm glad these males definitely deliver! I absolutely Loved reading, 'Lover Unleashed!'

Disappointing to say the least

I can't really say that I will be anticipating the next book. This book was slow, and definitely a set-up book for future editions. I am disappointed that JR Ward doesn't have the guts to address her only two gay characters. I can't believe that she is playing it safe by mentioning them briefly but not having anything really happen. Come on, get with the program. Get them together or kill one of them off. It is boring to see a beloved character with the wrong partner. The only good thing I can say is that at least she doesn't make Manny a vampire. How she addresses his living forever is creative and much better than another near death experience. So, in all, enough about Vishous. The next book is about Tohr, sigh, okay let's see how that plays out.

Not her best work

Honestly, I was waiting for Payne's story with a purple passion, so to speak. How do you fix a woman who was mistreated for so long? And I absolutely loved the doc from the other books, so I was a little disappointed when I finished it. It wasn't that the story line was bad. I just feel that enough time was not spent on the development of the book. It felt too rushed and not embellished enough. I understand authors (especially big ones) have deadlines and all, but I would rather wait an extra month or two to have the best book instead of something mediocre. I rated all the other books 5 stars and this one a 3. Would be interesting to know if Ward ever felt like she could re-write this one with more time. I greatly enjoy the Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark series, if you enjoy the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

Should be called "V and Butch: Take 2" - Payne and Manolito...who?

I LOVE the BDB. Love them. I have read all the books, some multiple times. (Although I do admit to skimming most of the scenes with the Omega and the lessers because I don't want or need to know every move those baby-powder bad boys are making.) My favorite brother? Zhadist. Favorite book? Lover Mine (Go Xhex and John!) But this book? This book was Jane, V, Butch love triangle take two. Payne was built up as an amazing and powerful female character who the king used to visit just to fight in hand-to-hand combat because she could hold her own. So, what happens in this book? We spend nearly half of it with V and his "issues", that frankly I was tired of by the end of HIS book, and the other half wishing Payne would remember she's not a princess and actually get up out of bed (she's paralyzed for about half the book) and kick some lessers in the you know what. Sorry, but this may be my last brother book. I will wait for reviews on Tohrment. I love him. I want him to have a happy ending. I'm just not sure I can stick around for the side-stories, angst, melodrama, and women who speak and think in the same crass, curse-filled manner the brothers do. When did they all start sounding the same? And, don't get me started on Blay and Quinn! Quinn needs to get his head on straight and stop feeling sorry for himself. When we met him, he was courageous, honorable and smart. Now he's got low self-esteem, he feels sorry for himself, and he's turning away and seriously hurting his best friend who he also happens to be madly in love with. If Quinn gets L pregnant, I will burn the book. The whole thing made me want to scream at the wall. JR Ward, please bring the real brothers back. We miss them.

Decent read

First off, I'm not sure why there seems to be so much hate for this book. I thought it went well. I enjoyed the Manny-Butch connection and Payne is a decent character. It was nice to have a bit of a break from the lessers and fore-lesser shuffle. My problem with the book is the lack of continuity that prevails in the BDB series. In the case of this book, No'One completely disappears even though in the last book she was sent to serve Payne, but she's no where to be found in a book all about Payne. Granted, Ward does this for most of her books in regards to female characters, but it's just really odd and frustrating for someone who should be there to be absent... as in not even mentioned ever.

Story was okay, not up to par of others

This was my least favorite novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood stories. I love this series, but I just could not get in to the main characters. I figured as if the entire novel was used as an introduction to new characters. Manny and Payne were just not exciting and for the first time with this series, I found myself skipping paragraphs. The secondary story of Vishous a nd Jane was more interesting.

Lover Unleashed

Being crippled, is not on Payne' s to do list. And Vishous is not taking it to good either being Payne' s brother. So the brotherhood enlists the help of a human surgeon, named Manello. When Manello and Payne meet, Manello feels so strongly for her that he starts doing the whole territorial thing. But once Manello is done with the operation on Payne his memories are wiped and he can't remember anything about her. So how will they have a relationship with her brother trying to kill him for trying to be with him? And the lessening society out to destroy them all. Also the Band of Bastards out to make the brotherhood unacceptable to the citizens of their species.

Desperate to love the Brotherhood series again, but alas, this is not the Book...

It's apparent to me that J.R. Ward has given up on this series, distracted to the point that she had a great basis for a story, but gave way to mundane storytelling. Since Phury's book the series has faltered some. I liked the close attention she paid to a main Brother and his female as she did in the first three novels. Whereas Phury's book was my least favorite, this comes close to it. ***SPOILER ALERT*** Why is she paying so much attention to doctors and nurses? The Brotherhood has survived for centuries with far more brutal fights with lessers and now all of a sudden, the Brotherhood needs a trauma team to stitch them up? I did not like the prostitute sex scene at all - I mean really, you make the book's juicy sex scene about a whore and two Old World Brothers? I was waiting for Payne and Manuel to have the "choice" love scene, but no. I also may be the lone voice here, but the Qhinn/Blaylock attraction is just not doing it for me. I'd rather she did something with Vishous and Butch in earlier novels, but of course, she did say in Butch's novel that it would never, ever happen. Why was Layla even in this story? It was nice to finally acknowledge that she is servicing a few of the other Brothers - something I always thought was odd given that there were so many Chosen waiting for their chance. Nothing happens to Layla and so what, she's best buds with Qhuinn - big deal. I do hope with the introduction of the Old World Warriors that we will see other Chosen enter the picture. I don't mind the Chosen at all given that having more human females entering the picture may be difficult since they are mortal. Speaking of which - and I know this is the wrong book - but making Jane a ghost was probably the stupidest thing I've ever read in this series. Again, just another way to make a human female immortal. Then again, there may be many human females out there with Vampire ancestry in their blood; this would be far more interesting than making someone a ghost. The warriors from the Old World were interesting, however, what a disappointment when Xcor finally comes face to face with his "father's" killer. His passionate resolve to find her and when he does capture her he's ready to unleash centuries of bloodthirst. Then, like a light switch, he discovers the truth and that passion is shut off. I do realize that Xcor would eventually get over his vengeful tendancies, but to change his tune in a millisecond? Also, what is up with this serial killer? The mention of his handywork was spotty and made me wonder if Ward has a future project planned for Jose. If not, why put this in the series at all? Oh that's right, he's the reason why the Old Warriors came to Caldwell - at least that's what it appeared to be initially. While I have tender feelings for the Brotherhood and want so desperately to love them again like I did the first time, This book makes it apparent, at least to me, that Ward is distracted(i.e., her other novel series) and may have left her passion for the Brotherhood at the door.

Please but the leash back on and start over

Let me begin my saying I am slightly obsessed with the BDB, and have read the books, including Fathermine novella numerous times. So I was looking forward to this book and was on Amazon's pre-order list from the moment it was announced. For me the book was huge disappointment. The relationship between Payne and Manny BORING!!! The old world vampires (Why)??? Where were the brothers and their wives on vacation with the lessening society? Oh and I thought it was difficult for vampires to have children with humans,yet some mystery vampire (related to the king no less) is running around the US impreganating unsuspecting nurses. If this is where the series is going the JR needs to end it quickly.... I agree with one of the reviewers next time I will wait for the paperback!!!

Series has lost its punch ... problems are at the line level

I was a huge fan of the early books in this series (1-3 particularly) and even after the low point of book 6, I thought JR Ward had made a great recovery with Lover Avenged (book 7), still one of my faves. Book 8 was so-so, but still a good yarn, so I looked forward to book 9. Yeah, no. Look - there's nothing really wrong with the plot, and I actually enjoy the more urban fantasy, less traditional romance angle that the series has taken. I don't care about inconsistencies and things like that I hear others complaining about. But ... the text is turgid (har frickin' har). The street slang and metaphors that flavoured the early novels are now so thick and overused that I'm finding it irritating. I don't need to be beaten over the head three times in each paragraph that we're in a bad-ass world with bad-ass boys. I get it. And what used to be done in a paragraph or two is taking a whole scene or more. There's too much introspection, and repetition of the introspection, not enough dialogue and action. After reading a quarter, I was bored, not engaged. I'm struggling on because I've paid for it, and I've read all the others, but after this ... I'm probably not going to buy the next one. Sorry. A bit of editing to tighten up the front end and give the text flavour without being overdone would have gone a long way.

Great product and quality!

I love the black dagger brother hood series so I just had to have all the books to read over and over. This I how I feel about all the the these books I’ve ordered! They’re great quality!!

Intriguing Start to End

Another perfectly amazing read - Multiple story lines that somehow came together them didn’t but were each and all fascinating and came together at just the right time.

Another Great Brotherhood novel

I am horrible at plot summaries and don't want to give any major spoilers, but this was a great read. It felt more like a transition book to the future of the series, though, rather than a book dedicated solely to Payne and Manny. I really enjoyed the parts dedicated to V and Jane, as well as the predicate to Veck's turn in the Fallen Angels book (which I've actually read already, quite a while ago.) I got a good deal on this book, or else I may have been somewhat disappointed in paying full price, since it is in no way as enrapturing as say, the first 6 or so books in the series. Honestly, though, I can't imagine Ward being able to keep up that pace and still have the war against the lessers and the Omega progress realistically. This is a must-read to round out the series, and now I absolutely cannot wait to read Qhuinn's book, so I'm off to power through book 10 (playing catch-up from a long hiatus...) so I can get there!!

Another great story!

I did something I shouldn't have! I read reviews BEFORE the book and almost missed out. This is the best story since book 4 in my opinion. Although you don't get to interact with all of the Brothers and their wives, it is still really good. I do like the omission of The Omega stuff and I like the new Bastard group. This story makes me like V more than I did after his story--wasn't a favorite of mine. Butch is always a plus! I'm interested to see where Quinn's story is going and would like it if Layla was more than a blood whore, but all in all, very pleased with the book. The book's lacking was in the lack of the other Brother's and seeing how they are interacting and living as a group. I love the characters! Can't wait until next story:)

Can’t stop!

I started this series just a couple months ago and I can’t stop! The stories are great and the romance is 🔥! Going to buy the next one immediately!

Lover Unleashed

This book was surprisingly more likeable than I expected. I am a true critic. If something is well done I will praise it unabashedly but if something is lacking I will call it out. These characters were more likeable in their saga than they were while being built up in previous stories. Still leaves you wondering where the characters were bound to go after they found each other and worked out their difficulties. The first few books were so much more solidly told. Read it for entertainment and to keep following but don't expect it to be a completely told story.

Would've been much higher if we didn't have to revisit V & Jane in a side plot...

I liked the main storyline, and I even liked the lead-up to Quinn/Blay story coming soon. But, I didn't like V & Jane's first book, living through a repeat "bump in the road" side story was NOT fun for me. Gah!!

I've been a reader of J R WARD for years!

Everything she writes of the black daggar brotherhood, is so addictive that I can't just sit and wait til the next one comes out...I start over! I first had them in paper/hardback. Now I'm rereading them all on Kindle. Give it a shot...the first book of the series will grab you and not let go!

Another great addition to the series!

Still really loving this series and enjoyed the story of Payne and Manny. I love how Manny was able to hold his own against the brothers. The writing style continues to impress with humour, romance, action, drama and a fast pace. However I find myself now reading this series mainly to see what happens with Qhuinn and Blaylock, desperate for them to have their happy ever after! Like many people I was eagerly awaiting the release of "Lover at Last" which just happened to be the most expensive Kindle books I have ever ordered. I am not saying much in this review due to the volume of reviews that are already available.

absolutely fantastic!!!

I have read this whole series and often I find that at some point authors drop the ball the further they progress with their series, NOT JR Ward. I'm the mother of two Army Infantry soldiers and when I need to escape the worry no one does it better than JR Ward. I know so many more are much more eloquent than I and have much more detail to say, but I say this simply, if you love the Brotherhood series, this book in no way disappoints, dive in and enjoy the escape into the world of the Brotherhood. On a footnote, I did enjoy reading about Vishous and Jane's story more than Payne's and's all very well written, it's just my preference.

Can we use less slang lease?

Being that this is the 9th book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series you would think by now that the writing and style would have gotten stronger...well needless to say it has not. It has gotten progressively worse, and with Lover Unleashed it gets really annoying. It seems like JR Ward is trying to hard to show how modern she is by throwing in useless slang and abbreviations to tell her story. Once I got past the style and slang, the over all story of Payne and Manny was just ehhhhhh....I liked it but it was lacking the heartache and passion of other brothers stories before. I hope that Ward pushes forward and somehow makes it back to her original style before she writes this series into the ground.


Another good book by JR Ward - but again the series has become so repetitive. Every book is the same set up, the focus is on one soon to be couple with continuing background stories on the couples from previous books, along with some random side story that may or may not make sense at the end or in a future book. There were some good twists in this one, but another random side story that semi ties in with the main characters, or at least you can see where it will in a future book. 6 or 7 books in a series like this... okay. But 11 or 12 is pushing it for me. I'm only continuing so I can see how it all ends up, but I'm ready for a new plot!

Love this series!

I am always waiting for the next one to come out! Even though every book focuses on a new brother (which I think is great), they are a continuation of the previous books. At first when I read the concept of the series, I thought they were going to be lame. I purchased the first one, "Dark Lover," and I loved it! Think of the movie the "Last of the Mohicans" with Daniel Day Lewis...the end scene (AMAZING) make them all vampires. That is how the Brotherhood is with their women (HOT!). I have reread the series a few times, and every time I love them just as much.

quickie review!

*NO Spoilers. The Good: Anytime I get to see the BDB boys and girls is a good time. I was very happy to see Payne and Manny get their HEA and Specially to see Vishous get some closure. A lot of emotions in the air, my heart broke, I cried and enjoyed every minute! The Bad: It felt more like V's story than Payne and Manny`s and I felt like things got wrapped up too nicely for Payne and Manny. It felt too easy =/ The Smex: Payne and Manny were hot, but I have seen much hotter in this series =/ Originally Posted at Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life {[...]}


I'm hooked on BDB! I have been for a while now and was getting this one to add to the series. I love Payne and Manny's story. If you're not familiar with JR Ward, this is from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. They are a kick ass group of male vamps ridding the world of Lessers. I don't go into detail on reviews but I'll just say, I loved it. I love the series period. Keep in mind, these males have the own way of talking and doing things. I've seen reviews where they complained about how the talk, but really, It's what makes them who they are. I wouldn't change it for anything.

I just wanted...more

J.R. Ward can basically do no wrong just because she created this series and gave me the Zsadist/Bella romance that eclipses most of the romance novels I've read. That said, I admit to feeling shortchanged by Phury and V's romances, so I wasn't exactly thrilled to have another installment that focused on V and Jane. The main romance between Manny and Payne seemed plausible, but they didn't let them spend enough time together to build a truly deep connection.The chemistry was there, both of them were compelling as individuals, but there were just too many other side stories. It's disappointing since Lover Avenged and Lover Mine seemed to reinvigorate the series. Of all of the side stories, the best one-- the Qhuinn/Blay relationship--didn't get enough space. After they were such a prominent part of John Matthew's book, I felt let down as a reader. I didn't expect resolution as much as more interaction between the two. So much time was spent on V/Jane, and I am not even convinced that relationship needed revisiting. V is like Zsadist, they will always be working and living with their demons as will their women. I would have preferred Ward giving them a novella to do so, like she did with Z and Bella, but I suspect she knows not many would actually be very interested. There ARE things to love here. No one writes a ruined hero quite like Ward, and she's back at it with Qhuinn who promises to be devastating in his capitulation to love. The wonderful angst of Qhuinn/Blay should build into a very passionate story in the end. Manny promises to be a colorful addition, Layla looks to be integral in the future and she's the only chosen worth exploring at this point. Plus, this will likely be the last time V and Jane are in focus. Hallelujah. I don't regret buying the book, if only for the addition to the Qhuinn/Blay arc and because I don't think Ward can write a bad book.

The magic of the BDB is back with this book!

This book brought me back to why I fell in love with this series. The chemistry between characters was back just like it was in Dark Lover. After Lover Mine in which the first 3/4ths of the book was utterly goofy and did not seem to connect with the plot at all I seriously had doubts about whether I would continue reading this series. I am glad that I did get to read this book. I found Payne to be the total opposite of what I expected and I am glad for it. For some reason or another I had her pictured as a hard case but I found that she was sweet and caring to those around her but still tough when needed. The only reason I did not go with 5 stars is I find the side story to be distracting to the main story. If it had been woven into the main story better I could go with it but it just sits there waiting for another book. All in all, I am happy to recommend this book to all paranormal romance readers out there.


Holy smokes, I love Payne. She is the perfect character for to be Vishous's twin. J.R. Ward did another amazing job with this book, it was again the perfect mix of action, violence, mystery, love and steamy sexy times. I'm still so I'm love with all of these characters, and I look forward to reading the next book in this series.


Not quite as engaging as Book 8, but still a great read. Focusing on one couple as in the previous books, perhaps this couple was just not as interesting. I have greatly enjoyed the workings of the BROTHERHOOD, and could almost imagine them actually existing, except for a few extra-farfetched characters. The author's imagination is utterly unlimited!! Can't wait to read book 10.

Decide for yourself, but read the book

I put off the book because of all the negative reviews, however after finally reading the book in 2 days, I don't understand the negativity. You have all the characters Manny and Payne, Butch, V, the Doc, Quinn, and Blay among others. All these characters stories are develop for more to come. The style of the book is consistent with JR Ward's Blackdagger Brotherhood.Could she have develop the Manny/Payne more, yes she could have, but don't let this stop you. I wont bore you with long winded reviews, just read the darn book and make your own decision. But trust me you will enjoy it and wish for more of the Brothers.

Lover Unleashed

This book was one to remember!!! The story had a great plot and well put together, the characters flowed well. It was an interesting great read. The money I paid for this story was well spent! It was a page turner as well as a must read!!! It had love, hate, romance, and enough HOT STEAMY SEX in it…Buy the book you will not be disappointed!!! Delightfully mature and un-put-down able with OMG! Great moments of suspenseful brilliantly developed in so few pages. Fantastic, skillful writing to be able to pull me in from page one, fully develop the H/h characters and other side characters with dramatics and theatrics, although never over the top, filled romance based plot. (Well that was a mouthful)

Very disappointed..possibly my least favorite book of the series.

I love reading all of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series but I don't think they're all equal. The first three or four in the series were the best but now the series has become so predictable. I couldn't get into Lover Unleased until after the first 25%. I thought the book was going to be about Payne and Manny but it turned out to be more about Jane (which is my least favorite character and difficult to imagine) and Vishous again. It was a very predictable and uneventful book. I found Manny and Payne's relationship also to be very boring. I'm almost hoping not to read about them again. I can't believe I couldn't wait for this book to come out. I'm hoping the next book is a little more interesting and surprising. I figure that it would be about Qhuinn and Blay or Xcor and the king.

Another great installment on the BDB

Several other reviewers have given synopsis on what the book is about, probably much better than I'd be able to do it, so won't go into that. Loved the story, but...can't give it 5 stars. To start with, all the good points: From page one I was plunged right back into the BDB world and so incredibly immersed in it that it was nigh on impossible to put the book down. It seems that Ms. Ward's most 'difficult-to-write' character, V, finally opened up to her. V and Jane stole this book for themselves, and it was heart-wrenching to see them struggle through to the HEA after their original HFN. Their behavior, interactions between them and with all other characters, and final resolution was so perfect and true to who they are that it truly took over the story in Lover Unleashed. Qhuinn and Blay did not interact at all, yet when I turned the last page, I knew for a fact they are now on a collision course with each other, and I CANNOT WAIT to read about it. Qhuinn really grows up in this book, I could clearly feel his view on life and himself changing to finally face all the things he has been steadfastly avoiding with his wild ways. As for what I didn't like: Though this story was supposed to be about Payne and Manny, I felt they didn't 'click'. Yes, their make-out scenes were extremely hot but, on an emotional level, I didn't buy their love for each other. The healing thing with the horse felt 'fairy tale', very inconsistent with the overall tone of the series from the beginning. If there's one thing Ms. Ward's writing has been in the BDB is realistic, even though it's paranormal erotic romance. That is one of the things I loved about this series. Another thing that really bothered me is that this book, in contrast to all the previous ones, does not do a good job of moving the plot along and leaving us with several open threads to develop in the next book(s). At the end of Lover Mine, we knew the next one was about Payne and Manny, but there was also Tohr and NoOne (incidentally, where did NoOne go? Not one mention during LU), and of course, Qhuinn and Blay. In LU we met some new characters, I guess to cause conflict, now that Lash is gone. But they were very inconsistent in their behavior, causing me to have several 'HUH?' moments. There's the new cop working with Jose de la Cruz, guess we'll hear more about them both in the next book, see if we can decipher what they are around for...just hope Butch's father has nothing to do with it...again! In summary, it was good, but not up to the standards I'm used to expecting from Ms. Ward. Does not mean, in any way, shape or form, that I will not be reading the next books in the series. On the contrary, I wait with bated breath to see if this was just a blip in the radar, caused by the 'rebooting' of the series that seems to be happening. Maybe she'll even fulfill my most fervent wish, that the next book finally address the Qhuinn/Blay couple and give them the HEA they so richly deserve.

Love the BDB books!

I'm a big fan of all the books that take place in the BDB world. I never get bored with this storyline, and Ward is a fantastic writer!

I still liked it A LOT but...

I don't think JR Ward can disappoint. I have complete faith in her storytelling (after 9 books) and she has yet to write something that disillusioned me. "Lover Unleashed" was another amazingly quick read for me and I enjoyed every minute. Also this book was a super big deal for me as it is the first BDB book that I purchased in Hardback. I avoid hardbacks if I can unless I can get them secondhand or find an amazing deal and mostly this is because of the price. Yet, I have reached a point in this series where I just simply cannot wait the extra time to read the paperback...I have to have my Brothers fix asap! This was worth my money. The couple featured in the 9th installment is Manny the human surgeon and Payne, sister of Vishous. I liked both charcters well enough when they have been in previous plots and I ended up feeling about the same about them afterward. I still liked them fine, but neither has moved up in my esteem either. My gripes about this book do rest in the Manny/Payne portions of the novel. I thought Payne's physical dilemma was solved far, far too easily and too quickly. It didnt' seem like they had to work for this at all and that bugged me somewhat. My other complaint is the 'easy' shocking revelation that made it so that Manny could nice and neatly fit in amoung the world of the brotherhood. It felt a little "been there, done that" already in the series. Now for the fabulous, and there was PLENTY of fabulous! We meet a new group of enemies for the Brotherhood. They seem poised to take away Wrath's kingdom and encite the glymeria into revolt. The lessers are still in the book but this new 'group' kept things fresh and exciting. I look forward to seeing where the 'action' arc of the series goes with this new avenue to explore. Vishous and Jane are heavily featured here and some people call this their book. I for one love the main original Brothers and had no problem with more Vishous, Jane and Butch. The story is achingly beautiful and the relationship between the three are explored. A scene between Vishous and Butch had me so scared about what was going to happen and I couldn't imagine a way it would end well but again, I should not doubt the author as she pulled out something wonderful and I actually teared up a little. To keep us teased, Ward offers some brief and memorable scenes featuring Quinn and Blaylock...and Layla. Some definite stuff is happening there and I really would prefer that Layla stay the heck away, but again, I have to wait to see how it plays out. Another tease, was the very interesting side plot about a new policeman with a dark past...I happened to find out that character will be featured in the third "Angels" book and I'm eager to see how the two stories collide. Overall I am still a very pleased reader. Series just aren't usually this good after nine books!

Great book, but poorly edited storyline!

SPOILERS: I loved the fleshed out characters, as usual. I just don't understand why Jessica (JR) chose to act like Butch wasn't aware of his "father situation". It was clearly addressed in "Lover Revealed" after his visit to his mother when she lucidly told Butch about having had the one night stand with a doctor during a snow storm and that his Dad wasn't his real dad, that the doctor was. What was the point of trying to make it a new reveal in this book? Otherwise a great story. I guess Manny won't need to transition since he will be forever young with Payne's healing powers. I like both Payne & Manny and am glad we have moved on from Lash to the new villain, the Band of Bastards.

Lover Unleashed

Payne and Manuel, vampire and mortal, must find their way through the labyrinth of love. Payne has had a terrible life inflicted upon her by her mother, the Scribe Virgin. Her accidental injury actually was a blessing in disguise because it leads her to love Manuel. Again, read the series in order to keep up with the other characters as well. I like this feature because the reader feels part of "The Black Dagger Brotherhood."

Getting back with the brotherhood was awesome but ultimately disappointing.

I was first introduced to the brotherhood last summer and since I was hugely pregnant I sat in the AC and devoured the entire series in a few weeks. As I read one book after another I found I ebbed and flowed with the characters. Some I loved (Z and Bella) some were ho hum (Phury) and some tore my heart out. I cried when Tohr lost his Wellsie and when John Matthew was in the same room with Xhex and he couldn't see her, my heart bled for them. So after Lover Mine, which I thought is a contender for best of the series, I was expecting the Warden to knock this one out of the park. I am sorry to say this is not so. The first 25% of the book was a snooze, I never really cared for Manny when he made appearances in other books so his character development was a big so-what for me. Also I'm sorry but Vishous was never one of my favorite brothers. If you love V this is the book for you because he straightens out alot of his biz and it gives us some insight into the whole ghost-shellan thing too. I got a little bored at all of his stomping around and growling. I've always liked Payne so I was happy to see her get her man and kick-butt too. However, I do agree with some of these other reviewers who said that we don't know her well enough for her to have her own book yet. Lover Unleashed picks up right where Lover Mine left off but if you were waiting for more of the "Murhder is back..." storyline it's not going to happen... This book wasn't all ho hum however. There is no one who can turn a phrase like the Warden i.e. "as out of place as a pitchfork in an opera box" awesome! There is no shortage of hot love and thank Fate the brothers don't spend all their time in the shower!!! Even though this one was boring (maybe Ward has been preoccupied with her new Fallen Angels and couldn't devote the time to this one like she did the others) I will be holding my breath for the next!!!

Another winner

I can't say that each book gets better because they're all great. Enjoy this one immensely. It's great to see all the characters come together. Can't wait to read the new book.

Gone with the Words review...

(Review originally posted at Where to begin with this book? I love Manuel Manello. Manny is intense but I like that he's a smart ass. He also doesn't take crap from anyone. Payne is just kick-ass, plain and simple. I felt their relationship was...interesting. Maybe it had to do with the fact that they spent most of the book in the recovery rooms of the Brotherhood's place. Once they they were outside the walls of the mansion, things got better. I finally got to see them as a couple...carefree and in love. At first, I don't think V or Payne knew how to act around each other. Their moments together were frustrating and heartbreaking at the same time. Payne has always loved her brother, so I think the fact that V wasn't instantly affectionate with her, might have hurt her a little. I was glad to see that Vishous felt instantly protective over her, though, and he did love her instantly! He just didn't know how to show her. I have to say that my favorite part of this book was the fact that Vishous finally got more story. I read somewhere that JR Ward had said his was the hardest one to write and that she wasn't completely happy with its ending. Well she certainly makes up for it in this book! She put V and Jane through the ringer. To me, no other couple in this series has ever felt more real than theirs. I don't know why, but it just does. Vishous is one tortured male who has never dealt with what happened to him. In Lover Unleashed, he does it and it is completely heart-wrenching. He comes out of it a better male though, so it's worth it. I hope he can be truly happy now. Butch and Vishous have one of the most intense bonds in this series. After Jane and V have their fallout, Butch is the one to reign him in. No one knows V better than Jane and Butch and since Jane couldn't be there for him, Butch stepped in. He stepped in in a huge way! I had no idea what was going to happen and was a little nervous. What transpired in that penthouse was very much needed but my heart broke for both Butch and V. Manny has a smart mouth, and thanks to that, some of the funniest moments are when he and Butch are talking to one another, because as we all know, Butch ALSO has a smart mouth. There were a few things, even from previous books, that clued us in to the big reveal, or connection, at the end that once it was out, all I could think was, "I KNEW IT!!" I love how JR Ward does this. I'm actually kind of hoping she will write more about John Matthew and Darius's deal, because I don't think Lover Mine really explained any of it. Ah, Qhuinn and Blaylock. I certainly didn't get enough Qhuay in this book. The things we did get were heart-wrenching, though! The longing and angst between Qhuinn and Blay breaks my heart...but I wouldn't change it for the world. I just know this is building up to be one tear-fest of a book! Maybe. Hopefully? PLEASE, JR Ward!! We need a Qhuay book! Let me tell you how elated I was to see The Brothers together and having a good time in this book. I missed them!! It wasn't too much, maybe twice altogether in this whole book, but it was fantastic. One very absent character was Tohr, which surprised me as I heard his book is next. Usually we get hints or some story about the upcoming character's book...but with Tohr? Nothing. I'm eager to find out more of what's to come for him. He deserves a HEA. Lessers. I'm not going to lie. The Lessers have never interested me much. Mostly, they bore me and when they got their own chapters, like in Dark Lover, I skimmed through fast as I could. They are not the primary villain in this book though...which I totally loved. Our "new" villains are a ring of warriors from the Old Country who are led by Xcor. Xcor took over the group after the Bloodletter, his supposed father, was killed in front of him. These warriors hunt lessers as well, but they are all outcasts. Xcor has also been in search of the female who killed his father for centuries with no luck. Yes, that would be Payne, who killed her father for what he did to Vishous. They travel to America for the first time with plans to take down the Brotherhood. These guys are waaay more interesting than the Lessers. No skimming through their chapters. They have a particularly steamy scene toward the end of the book involving a ménage à trois. That was a new one for this series. Can't complain though. *blushes* We also get to see Jose de la Cruz again. In this book he begins to work with a new partner, Thomas 'Veck' DelVecchio. Veck turns out to be one sketchy individual...and it doesn't escape notice with De la Cruz. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with these two. Lover Unleashed was another great installment to this series. It had all the elements we love to read in these books. I savored it and didn't rush through it because I knew that as soon as I finished it, I would want more. Guess who wants the next book...NOW? :)


I've been anticipating this book for so long, that I think I might have had too high an expectation. It might not have delivered everything that I hoped it would but it was still good. Even though I enjoyed reading about Payne and Manny, I think my main problem was that J.R. chose to go with their story instead of so many others that have been mentioned in the series for so long. Good story all in all, Loved how we got to see a few of the other couples and non-couples :) Haven't made up my mind on whether the intro of these new villains is a good thing or bad. It's definitely a new direction.


Ward obviously had some serious personal problems. Books are mostly just sex, including bdsm and homosexuality. I just skip those parts but that means i skip most of the book. Don't waste your money

Adding on to V's Story

Though I love, love, loved this book, It mostly turned out to be about Vishious and how he ultimately overcomes his demons. But in my opinion this was a good thing. I wasn't completely satisfied with the way V's story turned out to be because he was still so angsty and ultimately the stories on the new characters show that this series is still about the Brothers and how their stories unfold. I think Payne's story was just another lovely addition to the overall plot. Overall, I loved the chemistry between Manny and Payne and the additional new characters ( though it makes me realize that the series may never answer all of my question by the end). Overall its a good addition to the Brotherhood series and I can't wait to read the next. (hopefully Qhuinn and Blay)

Every books my favorite

I can't get enough of the art ward in the black dagger brotherhood! Every book I read is my favorite.What a great author not only combining a great story line but a fabulous romantic interest Love every 1 of the characters!

Slightly redeemable from the last book.

Was Lover Unleashed, readable? Yes. Could it be confusing? Yes. Lover Mine was such a mess of a book, I was hesitant too read Unleashed, however as a BBD fan, I had too. Throughout the whole book, I got really confused with all the slanguage. Sometimes, I would read the book and go..What the hell did I just read? And, then the switcheroo back too a story about Vishous, which is what made this book readable. I did not dislike the book. However, it just died at the end. Like the air being let out of a tire. So, Xcor will challenge Wrath for the kingdom? Will the next book be about Xcor or Wrath? Oh yeah, its intertwining (sp).

BDB universe expanded

My favorite series are those in which the author is able to successfully use each book to expand and illuminate the fictional world and characters s/he began in the first book, and I found "Lover Unleashed" exceeded my expectations. I've noticed from some of the other reviews that there is some sort of expectation that each book be primarily about one couple, but in terms of a series, I personally find that those kind of series become formulaic and predictable over the long haul. My favorite "series" are those where the separate books are more like volumes of one big, giant read, rather than compartmentalized separate books, and I find JR Ward's BDB to fit that bill perfectly. I like to read about what else is going on with other characters that I know and love, and find that this book was very well-rounded in that department. The author is more than capable of keeping several interesting related and relevant subplots going simultaneously and tying it all together into what I thought was very good story-telling. So while the book is primarily about how Manny and Payne get together, there are related subplots having to do with V, Jane, and Butch, and Blay, Quinn, and Saxton, as well as a new group of vampire warriors added to the mix, making this installment a solid addition to the series, and a very good story. My anticipation for the next installment is complete!

Another fab book

This has been one of my favorites!!! I love how the brotherhood fines more of their kind! Payne is amazing, with her ability to heal and bring love to everything she touches! V has been put thru hell, and having his sister back is sweet! Butch is really a good friend welling to crush his heart for his best friend! I don't even want to get started on blay and quin, I can't believe I want to see what happens w them!! Can't wait to start the next book!!

Standard J.R. Ward, with hints of the erotic.

I found this book to fit smoothly with all of the other Black Dagger books. Ward does a great job of keeping her style consistent and bringing her characters to life. Although not my favorite story line (quite frankly, I'm not sure how many more times I could hear about poor Manny messing his pants, and Payne was far too soft for the character she was made out to be prior to this story), I found the additions of new family ties, a new "pack" of men, and Det. Veck, to be great. I think one of the unexpected moments of this books comes near the end, where Ward vears from her usual "hot sex" to light erotica in a scene between two of the "new males" and a prositute. It certainly made for some spicy reading. Altogether, I enjoyed this book and look forward to hearing more about the new players and story line twist in future books.

Vampires and Sex

Sex and vampires. Vampires and sex. Sex and... oh, am I repeating myself? These books are a guilty pleasure. My mother would say that I am reading "trash" and she wouldn't really be wrong. The series is pretty much every combination of sex and vampires that I can imagine. So read one of the books. If you like it, you will like them all. If you think each book should be at least a little different, then I just want you to carefully think about the words "least" and "little" - otherwise you will be disappointed.

Oh so good

See, this is not just a book. This is a new Universe you Enter at the first page. You get sucked in and the ride through the story is brilliant I would love for the women to have a more active role, once Their book is finished the Almost don't have a role in the stories anymore. Loved Payne - she was a cool, strong Badass heroine.

Doesn't flow with the earlier books

I liked this book, but when compared to the previous Brotherhood books, I didn't love it. The romance between the two main characters is lacking. There are too many side stories going on that just did not seem necessary and took away from the main plot. It seemed like maybe a quarter of the book had to do with the developing relationship. Also, the frequent shifting points of view is disorienting to follow. The BDB books are my favorite series but this story structure just doesn't seem to flow with the earlier ones.

love this series

Great writer. I alway love the stories. Keep up the good work. Thanks :D

Excellent l!

I love these series of books, fantasy and all! I wait to read the next one. Ms. J R Ward is definitely a story teller.

The series is evolving....

In my mental categories the BDB is shifting from paranormal romance to urban fantasy, and I like it. This may not suit others, but that is the point of my review--to help others decide if this is a series they wish to keep following. If someone is new to the Black Dagger Brotherhood, then this is NOT the place to start. Start with

Made new laugh

Love Manny's and Payne's story. It's about V too. It's nice to see some the of characters of former books.

Not a new book as advertised

I am a huge fan of the BDB series. I have all of JR Wards books in paperback so now I'm collecting all the Hardcovers. I must say I was very disappointed when this book arrived to my home with a damaged cover, faded hardcover and stains on the pages. I will be returning it for a refund.

Borrow this novel

Summary: I actually finished this book several days ago but have help off reviewing it in an attempt to gather my thoughts about how exactly to review it. LOL! This book is supposed to be about Payne and Manny but their story consists of probably less than half of the actual book. There are several other story lines intertwined. This is what I would call a transition book, similar to what Ward did with Phury's book. Manny is one of the best surgeons in the United States and happens to be Jane's (Vishous's Shellan). So when Wrath brings Payne back to the facility with a broken back (this is at the end of Lover Mine), Jane realizes that she cannot fix it and needs help from Manny. Jane searches for Manny for hours only to find him at her grave site, she convinces him to come back and to operate on Payne. Manny takes one look at the proud warrior woman Payne and vows to fix her! Payne takes one look at her healer and feels a soul deep connection with him and knows if anyone can fix her it would be him. After a "successful" surgery Payne and Manny connect further and she truly regrets having to wipe his memories... Manny is having a bad week every time he tries to remember anything he gets a splitting headache and his work is suffering badly and he is having these intense dreams about a beautiful woman that seems so real. Payne is having a bad week, her surgery was a success but she is still not feeling anything and she is sliding deeper into depression. Payne at her end asks Jane for something to end her suffering. Vishous comes in and convinces Payne for 90 mins before she does anything. In desperation Vishous goes and gets Manny to help Payne. As soon as Manny sees Vishous he knows, just knows that what he is about to hear will alter his life. Vishous removes the veil from Manny's memories and Manny knows the only reason Vishous would be here is because of Payne and he immediately demands that Vishous take him to her. While with Payne, Manny tries showing her that there can be life in a wheelchair but during the discussion things digress into a make out session where she proceeds to glow and starts being able to move her limbs... As Payne heals herself her and Manny get closer, yet the hope that they could be together gets further away. In addition to Manny and Payne there is a large portion of the book dedicated to Vishous, Jane and Butch as well as Qhuinn and Layla. You will see an influx of several new characters that also get portions of the novel. (The Band of Bastards and Thomas DelVecchio aka Veck, of the NYPD). Review: I have to say I was disappointed with this novel, especially coming off of Lover Mine, which was one of the best of this series, in my lowly opinion. The first half of the book was kind of boring and not much went on except Vishous losing it, I just kept waiting for something to happen. Payne and Manny were barely even in the first half or so it seemed. The first half concentrated mainly on Vishous and Jane and their marital problems while V was losing his marbles. Ok, now I know that realistically couples have problems, however, I hear my friends and family complain about their marital problems all the time. I really don't want to read about it to that extent in my romance novel. Then you meet the band of "bastards" which were previously located in the Old Country but have decided to relocate to the New Country and their goals are to kill as many Lessers as they can, overthrow Wrath as king and find and torture the woman that killed Xcor's father the Bloodletter. I don't really get the influx of the Bastards. I assume they are going to be the new bad guys that eventually turn good guys, but frankly Xcor is not going to be a character that I will like any time soon. I had kind of hoped that Vishous would have found and killed him by the end of the book for daring to capture his sister, but alas he was still alive by the end of the book. Well there is always hope that he will die in the next one, if I read it. LOL! Maybe Xcor will redeem himself, although I did kind of like his minions Throe and Zypher. And there was a very smexy ménage with Xcor, Throe and the prositute. Payne and Manny seem just too easy, neither one of them puts up much of a fight, its love at first site and their biggest obstacle is Vishous, and well the fact that Manny is human, but even that gets resolved fairly easily. I would have liked to have seen Ward explore Paynes abilities more. So I guess Payne can look into the past much like Vishous can look into the future?? But it is only mentioned in passing but never explored. Payne can heal which we do see, but her ability like Vishous to destroy is only mentioned twice. Now, Vishous has his hand that always glows and is a constant worry but Payne can turn it on and off, why is that? Ward does not go deep enough into Payne for me; she is still somewhat of an unknown to me. Even Paynes capture was anti-climatic. Qhuinn shows up several times in this book, and finally admits his feelings towards Blay! Yay! Now if only he would tell Blay. I really hope Qhuinn finds his HEA in the next book because I dont think I can handle any more of his whining! Now the rest of the brothers and their wives with the exception of Vishous, Butch and Jane are pretty much MIA. They are referred to but not seen much or at all. I've grown quite fond of the brothers, so that they didn't make appearances was kind of sad. I thought Mhurder would make an appearance as he was set up to be in Lover Mine but he wasn't even mentioned, instead we got the Bastards. The Fallen Angel (name is alluding me right now) was also left out, and I enjoy his character. Also, there are several of Wards usual inconsistencies, I dont know who her fact checker for her books are but she needs a new one. Her facts are not kept straight within her own novels. For example in Lover Mine, Payne thought Vishous was dead, in Lover Unleashed, she not only knew he was alive but knew everything about him. And that is one example of many in this novel not to mention the rest of the series. Now, I don't want to come off like the book is all bad it does have its moments, there is a scene with Vishous and Butch that really pulls you in. It's really pretty moving. Vishous seems to come to a much better place emotionally after that which you are happy for. He ends up redeeming himself in the readers eye, after being such an a$$ in the first half and him and Jane get to a whole new level in their relationship. There are also some tender moments with Payne and Manny as well as some steamy moments.

Manny saves this book.

V, Jane and Butch give the book its heart but Manny is its saving grace. Payne was so much stronger in the early glimpses we had of her but I love how she got back at the monster who hurt her brother.

easy to read

fast read, like watch rubbish netflix show but for the book worm, loved the series, but a bit repetitive in the romance


I took a small hiatus from BBD honestly because I wasn't all that interested in hearing about Payne. I stopped , forgot about and restarted this installment so many times until this last time when I finally read past 35%. Once I finally got to really know Payne and Manuelo stopped being a pansy about losing/regaining Jane, things got good, my interest peaked and I devoured their story in a week. My hiatus is officially over. Where's the next installment?

A keeper!

The newest in J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series involves Vishous' twin sister Payne and "Doc" Jane's former boss Manny Manello. The plot has been described by numerous others, so I won't go into it, but I will refute some of the mediocre reviews. I found the relationship between the two of them to be very involving, albeit not as moving as some of the previous couples, but my main reason for recommending the book is the more interesting secondary characters. The story gives almost as much attention to Jane and Vishous as it does to Payne and Manny, and better rounds out their relationship, as well as giving some closure and understanding of V's serious S&M needs. Quinn & Blay are set up for a more in-depth treatment of their relationship,(in a future book, I assume) with Quinn starting to get his act together. The new "villains" may or may not actually be villains - they are the remains of V & Payne's father, Bloodletter's warriors. Xcor is the leader and his 2nd in command is Throe. Xcor wants to challenge Wrath for the throne, and Throe owes him loyalty because of his help in avenging Throe's brutalised and murdered sister hundreds of years earlier. They are each damaged yet sympathetic, like the Brothers themselves (Xcor has an untreated cleft palate which he thinks makes him unattractive to women, while Throe has emotional damage from his previous experiences). They are, however shown as behaving with both decency and nobility, at least towards females. Both are well worth following up in future books, which I look forward to.

Lover Unleashed

WARNING: Do not, I repeat do NOT crack the cover of this book unless you have the time to both begin and finish it! Tuesday morning, March 29, 2011, before I even got out of bed I fired up the Kindle (in the dark) and fumbled around until it was set to page one of this long-awaited novel. I proceeded to rush my 5-year-old through the morning routine and gleefully kicked her and my husband out the door with the warning that I would be reading all day so leave me alone. It took me roughly ten hours to joyfully and excitedly plow through this latest installment of J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Lover Unleashed may very well be the best book of the series to date! At the end of Lover Mine (John Matthew & Xhex's story) devoted readers knew without doubt that the next installment of the series was going to be Payne and Manny's story. What we didn't know was how Ward was going to make it work. After all, she's already done the immortal falls for a human bit in previous Black Dagger novels. Lover Unleashed had the potential to be a repeat plot with different characters. And this is why J.R. Ward is a best-selling author and I am not. In no way, shape, or form did Ward repeat herself with this plot line! In Lover Unleashed Ward finds, as she always does, a new and inventive way to make the impossible possible. Payne and Manny's story is original in so many ways that it can almost survive as a stand-alone novel rather than being a part of a long-running series. For the first time Ward re-focuses our attention on characters she had previously dealt with as she is telling us a brand new story. What I found most impressive about this novel is Ward's character development. Payne and Manny are both very simple yet very complicated characters that bind the reader to them from the very beginning. Sorry reader but you are hooked right out of the starting gate with these two, and there is no stopping once you start reading. As is typical of Ward, these two fated mates face incomprehensible and dare I say impossible challenges such as: 1) Manny being brought into a world he can't possibly fathom; 2) Manny having to deal with the sort-of-not-really-dead nature of Jane; 3) Vishous wigging out over his past, present and future and 4) for the first time ever, the possibility of a mated pair (V and Doc Jane) separating. I won't lie, I panicked a little at number four. While spending so much time on Vishous and Jane may seem like Ward is repeating herself, I assure you, she is not. Payne and Manny's story is intricately linked with the evolution of Vishous and Jane's story. Ward brilliantly and masterfully weaves the paths of these couples' lives into a fast-paced and exciting read that will be ridiculously hard for you to put down. Another first in this novel is the very limited appearances by older and beloved characters such as Rhage, John Matthew, Rehvenge and their respective mates. I was very surprised to discover that the limited appearances didn't bother me nearly as much as I thought they would; Payne and Manny's story is simply too engrossing to really notice the loss of the other characters. Yet another first, the role the Lessening Society plays has been reduced to a secondary role at best. Oh sure, there was some whacking of lessers by the Brotherhood but the Society's evil, take-over-the-world schemes weren't at the forefront as they generally are. To be frank, this was a rather unexpected and refreshing change in the series. But, there is also a diabolic point to this last change: Ward is using Lover Unleashed as the platform for the introduction of a new big bad: Xcor and his merry band of bastards, a group who may possibly be more dangerous than the Omega ever dreamed of being. While Xcor and his soldiers certainly cause problems in this novel, Ward really just introduces them to us and gives us just enough information about them to know that they are going to unleash Hell itself on Caldwell in the future! Just as Lover Unleashed is a perilous and thrilling ride, the future of the Black Dagger Brotherhood promises even more!

falling way short

The only reason I gave it a 3 was because I love BDB series.. But come on the main story was lukewarm at best I actually found myself wanting to skip over Payne, and Manny's story just to get to V and Qhuinn, and Blays! LOVED how she had so much more of V and Butch in there. I just love all the brothers. Honestly though the Qhuinn and Blay story feels like I'm watching a soap opera cause they take a story and drag it on and drag it on some more!! I mean come on 9 books later you still cant wrap it up already!! And to have to much of them in LM then poof you might catch them out of the corner of your eye.. All and all down right sad about how this one went but still love and will always love WARD books!!

Mostly good

I give the Black Dagger Brotherhood series as a whole four stars but it actually teeters more between three and four in some of the books. There were many things I loved about the books and the characters but a few things did bug me. When Jane became a Ghost yet was still able to take on full form, just like a regular human I groaned a bit. And as another person posted in their review, I too didn't care for the S&M between Vishous and Jane and the confusion Qhuinn was always dealing with about his sexual orientation. In fact - to be honest I got tired of the LONG detailed descriptions of everyone's sexual exploits. I wanted to read about what was going to happen next and not yet another endless sexual encounter filled with graphic descriptions of each and every persons anatomy. At times the characters actually seemed wise and even almost deep. The overdone sex scenes detracted from that, I felt. Yeah yeah, they had the hots for each other. They loved to get it on. All right already! I got so I quickly skimmed those parts so I could find out what was going to happen next, plot-wise. I wish Ward would leave that sort of writing to the Harlequin romance/gothic novel crowd. I'm not saying do a fade to the window every time. I'm not a prude. But less is more, in my view. Leave that stuff for the "dime" novel authors and concentrate more on the actual plot and the personalities of the brothers and their women. Anyway, that's what I'd like to see. I'd love to see the books made into a movie or TV series. Like me, I'm sure many of you get a picture in your head of what each character looks like. In some cases I could actually envision certain actors in the parts. Zsadist - I pictured Coby Bell who plays Jesse Porter on the TV show "Burn Notice." John Mathews I see as Joseph Gordon-Levitt. If you go to YouTube there are several video's people made showing who they would like to see cast in the roles. There are a couple that were very good. A couple others that were not. Like one person thought Arnold Schwarzenegger should be cast as one of the brothers! Ugh! Besides being too old he's just NOT brotherhood material. Anyway, I do recommend the series to anyone interested in this genre.

A really strong installment

As many reviewers have written before me, JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series has definitely evolved since the first book, Dark Lover. Now, they really feel like an ensemble novel with romance than a straight romance. There are many who get frustrated by this, saying that is takes too much away from the "main" couple. In some cases, this might be true (Lover Enshrined...), but I think in this book it works great and was not overdone with too many side plots. I really liked the interactions between Payne and Manny and felt like they were one of the sweeter couples of the series. On the flip side, the story with Vishous, Butch and Jane was what really made the novel stand out among others in the series. The struggles of all three were so well written that it took the book beyond "just romance" and into a category all its own. I was never a big Vishous fan, unlike many followers of this series, but this book turned it around for me. I always felt like he was written like a huge jerk. (Which I realize is very hypocritical considering my favorite brother is still Z :-). However, I loved the journey he went on in this book and how he finally made some peace with himself. I also really liked the protective brother dynamic - and how it wasn't written so predictably with him driving Manny away. Instead, he brought Manny back to Payne to try and help her. I also thought that Payne was (unlike Cormia, for example) the right mix of naive "Chosen" and tough girl. There were a couple scenes with her and Manny where I found myself wanting to yell "Go girl!" :-) There were a couple things that I was really pleasantly surprised by with this book. One, that Ward didn't go too overboard with the whole Butch/V as lovers concept (even though there was speculation prior to the release!). I thought the scene with Butch helping V work through his past was done very well (and heartbreakingly). If something more would have happened between them, I think it would have been forced - I mean Butch spent the first three novels pining over Marissa. I never got the impression that he was into V for anything other than a close friendship (although I know other fans of the series see it - or wish - differently). I was also pleasantly surprised by the twist in the Qhinn/Blay storyline. I am glad to see Qhinn starting to admit his feelings and attempting to grow up a little. It's nice to see some progression towards a resolution there. One more thing that I loved was the introduction of the new group warriors from the Old Country. I think there is a lot of potential with this storyline and I can't wait to see how it develops. In fact, unlike the lesser parts in past books, I actually found myself excited to get to chapters about this new group of characters. Overall, this was definitely a great addition to the series and I'm looking forward to what's next! A year just seems too long to wait...!

Lover Unleashed - Amazing

I have read every single one of J.R. Ward's books. I was little disappointed with the last book "Lover Mine" but this book more than made up for it. It was exciting. There are introductions to new characters, which has me wanting the next book even more. This is a story about Manny & Payne, but however the "outside" story line is with Vishous. Which is a huge part of this book, but since Vishous has always been my favorite character, I loved it! Such a major change for him in this novel. I couldn't stop reading it, could not put it down. There was longing, lust, love, anger, self-discovery, revenge, and so many other things covered in this book, and not just with the main characters. It is not a stand alone book, but anyone who has read a JR Ward book would want to read all of them anyway. There are so many different story lines that can go from here. JR Ward has always made her BDB series left with so many more areas to go into with the next one. Always leaves you wanting more. It didn't have a lot of re-occuring characters in this book, some maybe mentioned once, but if there are so many characters in this series that it would be impossible to have a small story with each in every book. There are so many things I would love and can't wait to see with previous characters. Between Xhex & Payne, the warrior class is getting it's dose of estrogen. I love it! Now, it's time for me to read it again. JR Ward is BY FAR, the best writer of this genre.


I've read the series out of order and it was fun knowing where the characters were in Lovers at Last and seeing how they got their start. I feel like it ended abruptly - no cliff hangers. I would have been disappointed had unread it in order and then needed to wait an entire year for the next book to come out. This book was like a movie trailer - getting you excited about the movie, lots of foreshadowing but not nearly as satisfying as the real thing.

couldn't put this series down

The entire BDB series is amazing. I couldn't put any of the books down. They are packed with action intrigue mystery romance suspense drama passion paranormal activity of so many different levels. Defiantly keeps you guessing and on the edge of your seat throughout each book. Twist and turns that I never saw coming. Great humor too. So much that is packed in this series to love. I highly recommend the entire series of BDB books.

Was able to put it down...

Ok. I have to admit that I wasn't too excited about the Payne/Manny story to begin with, but I feel like I could have been if they would have been more present in the book. It had the feel of a side story the whole time including their end in the book. No mating ceremony? I also expected more ass kicking from Payne after the way she was described in LM. I thought that Payne and Manny were a good match but I don't think they had enough page time. As for the bastards.....I'm still hot from that hotel scene. That seemed more the style I enjoy and expect from Ward. Excited to see where that goes in the next book. As a total Quay fan I feel like they really had no progression in this book. Sad for me, but understandable given how they have treated each other. Hope Sax will not be hurt too bad while these two get their heads on right. I love V/Jane/Butch and I am glad that so many things were resolved between them, but I can't help but feel like a novella would have been more appropriate so that Payne/Manny could have been more present in their own book. I would have like to have seen more brother time as well. Miss all the ribs and joking that goes with this group of guys. Overall I will read this book again when the next comes out but I don't have the feeling of needing to reread it right away or anytime soon.


I told myself that I wasn't going to write a review of every single Black Dagger Brother novel. 'Cause honestly that would basically boil down to I liked this one more or less than the previous ones. The writing is essentially the same, as are the plots or each, just focusing on another Brother. But I feel compelled to post a small rant about this one. It was such a prime opportunity....completely lost. Here, in Payne, we had the possibility of a female with the strength, character, and pedigree to join the Brotherhood. Sure Xhex fights along side the men, but she is primarily the Shellran of a Brother. That's her role. Payne was painted as a true warrior and I was really hoping for a little bit of strong-willed female a$$-kicking. What did we get? A freaking bed-bound damsel in distress. She was as much of a painted doll as any member of the Glymera. This was only further emphasised by the fact that Manny fell in love with her on sight. Fell in love with her based on nothing but looks, nothing more that what she was with no consideration for who she was. She might as well have been any feckless Disney princess waiting to be chosen by her Prince Charming with no volition of her own. She may be on the cover, but Manny is the main character. The book is about him and Payne's involvement is only in relation to him. She is incidental. While I always enjoy Ward's writing (I have made it to the 9th book after all), I've liked some of the BDB books more than others. This one disappointed me in general and more because I had such high hopes for a good female characters.

Another good book

Who would have guessed that a series of this many books would hold my interest. I really give J.R. Ward all the credit for being a wonderful author. I absolutely love these Vampires. The black dagger brotherhood is still expanding their family with wonder people/vampires. It's a series that always makes sense and the characters are very individualized. I love it!!!

Loved Payne's Story!

I really liked the fact that this book was mostly about Payne and Manny or maybe it could've been the fact that there was a lot of V and Butch involved,which are my two favorite brothers. There also didn't seem to be a lot of other underlying stories in this one as there have been in past books, which sometimes can be downright confusing. I knew there was something different about Manny, but I didn't expect to find out the connection he ends up having with the brothers.

Good, but..

The story line doesn't progress much in this installment, and we really could care less about Manny and Payne. They are not seen as important in the previous (or future) installments of the series and they don't get a strong case here. This could have been so much more, but, as other reviewers have said, it seems more like a continuation of V and Jane's story than Payne and Manny's. Like the author wanted to write another book about Vishous and needed a reason to do it.

Another great story

Another one couldn't put down once I got into it. She just has a way of writing great characters both good and bad that you want to keep reading about. Just when you think you know what is going to happen she throws a twist of sorts, true? Lol it is a great series that I plan on reading again after Beast comes out.

Great Series!

I LOVE this book series! I bought the first 5 books as physical books and got hooked, so I just keep on buying the kindle books and keep on reading. The author introduces characters and then each book focuses on one character while keeping the other characters in the books. So you get a chance to fall in love with each character (and fall in love with a bit of vampire romance and action at the same time). Great reads!

Enjoyable read

This was a good book I was wondering how they would work this but it was good Like a strong girl vampire

Very convenient

I love j r ward books and I love how they have almost all the books and cheap as well. Its very convenient!


This one still had some angst but it was more lighthearted in tone which was a relief. The Bloodletter Bastards are going to be future trouble. There wasn't a whole lot of insight into the Lessers this go around.

The lady's Turn

I like Payne and Manny. Manny has been a favorite from the beginning. Author does a great job of getting us hooked on other characters. There's always several story lines going.

Ok but definitely not the best

I liked the parts with V. Being a victim of child abuse its hard to explain the way u will react to affection & ward put into words what i cant. As for the main romance of V's sister & the surgeon... i thought it would be better than it was. I was disappointed. Compared to the other ones this one is in my opinion is better than Phury's but definitely not one of the better ones. I guess those of us that are damaged gravitate towards the stories we can associate with the best.

Great series

I'm reading this series for the second time and loving it all over again. I love all of the different story lines going on in this series. They all flow together and I think that's why this series is not boring. I really liked reading about V and Jane again. And i like the Quinn and Layla friendship storyline. I'm glad I'm rereading this series as I'm picking up on details that I had forgotten or missed the first time around.

I love this entire series - J

I love this entire series - J.R. Ward is a fantastic romance author for those who prefer the story's dominance over just romantic scene after another. (roughly) 2-3 fantastic romantic scenes per book. The best amount in my opinion as she builds anticipation while sprinkling in elements of violence (tasteful) and masculinity.

Actually, Lovers Unleashed

Lover Unleashed, Book 9 in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, is ostensibly the tale of Vishous's twin, Payne, and her troubled love life with surgeon Manuel Manello. The book opens with Payne unable to feel anything after her accident in book 8, and Doc Jane revealing herself to former boss Manny in order to get him to agree to treat Payne. Naturally, sparks fly (even though Payne is paralyzed from the waist down), and Manny's not allowed to recall the surgery or Payne once he leaves the Brotherhood Compound. And of course he can't get over the feeling that *something* happened during the missing hours of his life, and it affects his work to the point where he's asked to take a leave of absence. Still, it's not apparent that he will be able to stay with Payne, even after her deeply scarred brother retrieves him once again to treat his sister. Throw in the fact that Manny feels something has been missing from his life, an injured race horse, and sex as a way of healing, and you've got the basic plotline...well, sort of. This is, as I said, the story of Payne and Manny, but then again, they are only part of the show. This book is every bit as much about V and his coming to terms with his abusive father and absent mother, as well as his feelings for Doc Jane and Butch, as it is about the "star" couple. V and Jane's story may have been told a few books back, but there were some loose threads that Ward ties up in this novel. Not sure if she just felt she needed to pad the story since neither Payne nor Manny were characters to which the readers had any long attachment, or if she wanted to bring the original six Brothers to the forefront again, or what. I was glad to see a focus on V, though; he's one of my favorites and his story did need more completion. The relationship he has with Butch is unique and deep and is dealt with brutally here; V's dark side is in full evidence. So while I may not have felt as vested in Payne's story, having V there to flesh his out was a welcome addition. What I still don't get is the inclusion of two side stories, though I have to feel that we are being set up for more ahead. The first set up is about Xcor and his band of fighters and their need for revenge and a challenge to Wrath; it's an all right story, but honestly, I don't get how easily at least part of that was solved. The second side story involved a serial killer and a local cop who used to work with Butch--lots of lurid sex and nastiness to be had, but still, what was the point? Though I wonder as well if maybe Ward is seeing a spinoff series? It was an unnecessary distraction, honestly. My moaning and groaning also extends to the love at first sight between Manny and Payne; I mean, really? And as another reviewer has pointed out, Layla needs to take her Chosen rear far, far away and stay there. BUT...all said and done, I loved this book. I adore the world of the Brotherhood, and any time I get to spend with my oversexed, volatile, humorous guys is a good time. I love the side story of Qhuinn and his longing for Blay; theirs is a story that I can see going in so many different directions. I love the brand-dropping, the music naming, and most of all, just the relationships. The Black Dagger Brotherhood is never going to be high literature and frankly, I'd be sad if it was. I love the impossibility of it all because that's what fantasy is supposed to do. I'm here for the long haul.

Buy them all.

So the beginning is awesome, you just don't know what will happen to the character. The ending kinda became stiff, but otherwise, still loved these books.

A 3.5 Stars Great Read for the Price!

Though I was quite anxious to read about Payne and Manny, I waited to purchase this book until the Kindle price dropped. It was the right decision to make! Though Ward did it again to entertain us with another installment in the BDB series, I felt the Payne and Manny's story was rather weak. The earlier books in the series which concentrated on one couple at a time was much more enjoyable. Other reviews have already detailed the goods and the bads of this story, so I won't reiterate! My only concern is hoping that Ward won't be following other authors footstep in trying to jam too many story lines within one book!

Lover unleashed

This story does pull you back into the Brotherhood, I like the fact that there were glimses of the other Brothers; however I always want more. I think J.R Ward was making up to us for the first Vishous story, don't get me wrong I really liked that one but I loved this piece of the tale. I also enjoyed all the new and old characters in this one hopefully to keep the sorry going.

Just Good...

...but good for J.R. Ward is great for any other author. I love this series and I enjoyed Lover Unleashed. However, I have to agree with other reviewers; I enjoyed the back stories of Vishous and Qhuinn much more than the main story of Payne and Manny. Payne and Manny are good characters. I liked their personalities snd their interactions. The problem is I did not feel any real connection with them. Ms. Ward has done a tremendous job building the characters as the books have progressed. By the time I was done reading "Lover Eternal" (Rhage's story and the second in the BDB series), I had a real sense of the personality of the Brothers and I could not get enough of them. This is the first book where the two main characters had not been seriously developed in the prior books. Although we knew something of Payne from "Lover Mine" and we knew who Manny is from "Lover Unbound", they had not previously been key players. I loved the further development of Vishous and Jane. Although all of the Brothers are complicated, Vishous has always been the most perplexing to me. I also liked the addition of a new villian in Xcor; the Lessening Society never really did it for me. Ms. Ward left me wondering about where the Qhuinn and Blay story is headed. I am a big fan of Qhuinn and Blay getting their HEA so "Lover Unleashed" made me nervous. I guess that's a good thing. If you are a J.R. Ward fan, I would definitely read this book, but don't set yourself up only to be let down in the end. It is certainly not the best book in the series, but it is still a great read.

i really enjoyed this book

i really enjoyed this book. It had some blah and it dragged just a bit. Other than that it was a pleasure reading

4.5 Rating: I Loved Payne/Manny and not apologizing for it!

Bought from Amazon Actual Rating 4.5 What I Loved: This was a book about Payne, Manny, Vishous, Jane, and Butch! I refuse to give any kind of spoilers so let me just say if you love the BDB world, you will at the very least like this addition to the series. If you are like me, you will love it. I have heard people have had complaints but I really loved Payne and Manny. I loved the introduction of new characters (cops, other vamps) and the focus of the book being on more than one character. J.R. is brilliant at keeping her characters front and center when they need to be even when they are not the center of the book. It is a brilliant way to keep you invested in the world. What I Liked: This was an easy read and felt like you were just picking up the story where it last left off. The BDB series is one of the few that can drag me right in after just a few pages! Complaints: Not another till next year ::big pout:: Why I gave it a 4.5: Not my favorite book in the series but still one of the better books on the market. Very good edition to the series. Who I would recommend it too: Fans of BDB! Don't start with this book if you are not--these definitely build on one another. [...]

I'm disappointed

Whoever edited this book should find a new career, and whomever did the kindle version needs spell check. I found myself picking out all of the mistakes in the story (not grammatical), like Butch and his chipped tooth, and in this story now it's a badly capped tooth. The fact that this timeline happens mere weeks after Ehlena sees Doc Jane and V in the penthouse playing tie me up and now they haven't been doing that? What the heck? Maybe before writing another book or editing one someone should read the series. This way those little detailed errors can be corrected. And the spell check thing is just insane. Seriously, misspelling characters names, the word "I". Yeah. That's something alright.

Love it!

Great series!

Lover Unleashed/Lover Mine

I have been reading the BDB since the first book came out. I became swept up into the world that JR Ward has created for the brothers. I have enjoyed each book and have looked foward to reading the next installment. BUT... This book and Lover Mine, when I finshed it, it almost felt like I was "haunted" by it. The other books left me feeling good, like yeah, this was a fabulous read and I want to read it again! Not these two. Lover Unleashed has some very good parts. It seems as though with the last two BDB books, they do not have the same quality or I guess "feel" as the previous books do. I am in no way an expert about writing, but I do know that I don't like ending a book feeling "bad, or sad" about the characters or the story line. These last two books have left a nasty aftertaste in my mouth. I hope the next installment has a different "feel". I miss the joy of the ending and the anticipation of what's next. I just haven't seen that in Lover Unleashed and Lover Mine.

Lover Unleashed by J.R. Ward

Rather than call this a book about Payne & Manny, I think it would be better described as a short story added to the follow-up of "Lover Unbound." While this was an okay book, it just didn't have the punch, dialog and verve of the rest of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Where were the Lessers and the Omega? And, while the book featured her children, there was no input from the Scribe Virgin. I am a huge JRW fan, and will continue to buy her books as they come out, but I have to say this one is going to the bottom of the pile, and will probably stay there.

Black Dagger Brotherhood Series 1 thru 13 Stars * * * * * * * * * *

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series, Book 1 through 13, I could not stop reading, all the books were awesome, I recommend this book 100% When I started reading the Brotherhood Series, until I read the last one The King, I was sad to see it end. But I am happy to have it as a collection since I will be able to read it over and over again. Thank you J D Ward, awesome author. If I could I give it 10 stars.

Great book

Great book

Addictive series

So engrossed in this series, I can't stop. The story line keep growing and expanding with each book and it's easy to become involved in each characters back story. Very well written and the author is excellent at painted pictures with words so the reader can actually picture places, events and people. I am going to continue reading.


This book is basically a transition piece. Ward clearly didn't like the ending she gave V in his book, so she basically gave him another book. Quite frankly, if she is going to devote an entire second book to a character, I would rather it was a brother I really like, like John or Rhage, and not V. Plus, I swear to god, I cannot take anymore teasing about Quinn and Blay's story. Like, seriously, write their book NOW!!! Stop introducing new characters and deal with the ones that already exist and we already love. Anyway, I'm not going to write a long rambling review of every detail of the book. Basically, if you have read the series, read this book...but there is no big hurry to do it. Overall, it's a disappointment because nothing too substantial happens.

Lover Unleashed: BDB Book 9

Another good book. I like Payne & Manny as a couple!! They make a great pair. Can't wait to see what happens next in the series. Can't believe what happens next.

love this series

Review : The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward Firstly, I don't usually review main stream books, I usually save that extra time for the indies who are generally in desperate need of reviews so they can get their work seen, and I also never pay $12- for e-books, not when there are so many good cheap ones available. (Until now at least) But I had heard so many good things about these books I decided I needed to give them a go. I read all 11 books in this series back to back (yes they are that good) so I'm going to review them as 1. Yes you will see this same review from Dark Lover through to Lover at last. I didn't love any one book more than or less than any of the others so it seems fair to group them all together. Usually when I read a series there is at least one book that I don't like as much as the others, or 1 book that I love so much more than the others, but in this series I just can't split them apart. Each book in this series centres on one of the Black Dagger Brothers and his mating to his soul mate and the trials and tribulations they have to overcome to be together, but there is an underlying current that carries each story onto the next and once a character has been introduced they will cameo in all the future stories. There is a bit of erotica in each and every book, that adds some spice to the mix so they are not an under 18 read, but personally I can't wait till the next one comes out. 5 stars for each and every one of these.

Awesome addition to series!

JR Ward seems to be getting a lot of flack for this latest installment of the BDB series. And Honestly I don't see why. I loved it! I read lots of reviews so I knew what I was in for but honestly I don't agree with all the nit-picking goin on. She stays true to the language and lingo, so if it's taken this long to bother people that strikes me as funny. I like the fact that she is introducing new characters as well. I agree that Manny and Payne didn't quite get the spot light we thought they would but I loved their story anyways, I loved All the Vishous and Doc J too, It was a dark and desperate time there for awhile for those two, but it kept me riveted to my Kindle none the less. I do wish Qhuinn and Blay got some more time but that just gives us something to look forward to. I guess I like the fact that these characters have flaws and everything isn't wrapped up into a neat package, and not everyone gets what they want. I feel like she is back on track with this book and can't wait for the next one!

Awesome series!

All Black Dagger Brotherhood series books are awesome!



Payne should have been a lesbian

But I really enjoyed this anyways. Very good. Only a little bit of the back and forth misunderstanding drama filler. I personally would have given this more stars if Payne had been a lesbian but her transformation was reasonable.

Five Stars

I love this series

couldn't put it down

I'm a huge fan of this series, and though it was a huge book, it kept me turning the pages and I felt like it was over before I knew it. I was a little like Phury's book in the way that there was a lot of time devoted to subplots, but that's a big reason I love these books: you're really immersed in the world these characters have created for themselves. That being said, there honestly were quite a few times V got a little overbearing, but as the book goes on, it ads something really great to his story that's worth all the flashbacks and baggage that competes for a lot of time in this one. Leaves you wanting more.

The addition of Manuel was great. The horse Glory was also a surprise. Payne got her man. Looking forward to the rest of the series

Different is good

If you're looking for another formulaic "Vampire meets girl; falls in love; kills some Lessers; they live happily every after" story line, look elsewhere. Ward completely blows that out of the water in this one. I'm okay with that. At first I was kind of disappointed precisely because I was expecting the Manny-Payne story to dominate this latest book. Yes, it would have been easy and would have provided readers with exactly what they expected, but it's been done and redone. Ward introduces a slew of new characters and opens up the series to possible new story arcs beyond what we have seen in the previous books. It ties up some loose ends and opens up a bunch of new ones. It also provides a much more detailed exploration of the big hot mess that is Vishous' psyche... something that was abbreviated in his book and was handled really well in this one. The only thing I missed was Lassiter (he cracked me up) but there really wasn't a good place to put him in this book without it feeling forced. Lover Unleashed breaks the pattern with new villains, no mention of the Scribe Virgin popping in last minute and fixing everything, and relationship issues that aren't resolved simply because of the inevitability of love.

Love the series.

I have been reading this series for some time and finally got one of my sisters to read it as well, i have ALL the books and am trying to get them to my sister in order but i was missing this one, I can't find this anywhere in my house and was freaking out........LOL. So i just bought another copy, having them all is a MUST. This is a really good book for any BDB fans who have not read this yet.

Forget Payne & Manny - this is about V

I've been a fan of V since the beginning, so I'm happy with any book in the series where he's a focus. The romance may be about Payne and Manny, but that was secondary to the development of V's character in this book. We really get to understand a lot more about why he's as closed off as he is and we also get more 'closure' on his relationship with Butch. I'm still not happy with Doc Jane being a ghost, but I guess you have to take some bad with the good.

Good book

Good book

very emotional

The story of V and Jane literally tore my heart out. I think a lot of need some therapy like V received. I do believe that J.R. ward could have extrapolated more on Payne and on Manny. I enjoy her books very much but thought there was more to say about Payne and about Manny and then the two together. I also like how she introduces another element to the series. I am really excited to see where this takes us.

Really liked this book, but....

I'm also a big J. R. Ward fan and agree with some of the positive reviews already posted, so I'm not going to go into great detail. I particularly agree with A. Schreiner (and there may have been others I didn't read) about Vishous stealing this book away from what were billed as the two main characters. There was much more closure on that relationship than we had seen before and it felt important to the overall story line. However, I just have one comment that I can't resist making, as a person in the computer business: what's with the numerous and repetitive plugs for Dell computers? Every time a character in this book uses a computer, she mentions that it was a Dell. Did anyone else wonder whether she was getting some sort of kickback or "product placement" payment?

Black Dagger Brotherhood magic

This book is an adequate addition to the Black Dagger Brotherhood Saga. It tells the story of Payne, the twin sister of Vishous. She has been locked up for centuries by her mother, The Scribe Virgin. She thinks that her twin is dead. Her appearance is a trigger for Vishous and there is a side story here that to me, was more compelling than the main story line. That being the dynamics between Jane and Vishous. This situation forces Vishous to take a long hard look at what he has become and what he wants to be for Jane and for his twin. J.R. Ward is, as always, a master storyteller.

Better and better

Lover unleashed is the ninth of twelve books. I have read eleven of them in the past. I have the last one (The King). But, I started reading all of them again before I read the last one. Lover unleashed is number nine. Can't wait until I finish number eleven again. Then I will read The King.

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