Immortal Ever After: An Argeneau Novel

Kindle Edition
25 Feb

New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands enthralls with Immortal Ever After, the latest entry in her sizzling paranormal vampire series featuring the wickedly alluring Argeneau family.

When Valerie is saved by the Argenau rescue team after being kidnapped by an immortal madman, Anders finds himself captivated by the strong, sultry woman. Engaged in a steamy affair, he promises to do everything in his power to protect Valerie while her abductor is still at large—and on the hunt.

Sexy, fun, and full of passion, Lynsay Sands’s Immortal Ever After delivers a tantalizing adventure and a smoldering romance.

Reviews (219)

In mortals and their lifemates

she was a vet who had been out walking her dog when she was kidnapped by two guys who acted like vampires..She had made a plan that she was going to get away and save the other girls that were in cages in the basement with her. She learned a long time ago not to eat the oatmeal because it was drugged and she need to have her senses about her if she was going to make her escape. When she finally did get her escape and she stabbed the guy in the heart she grab the phone and called 911 and the lady thought she was crazy Bit she took the information down and she saw the other guy driving in at least she heard the garage door open so she had to make a break for it.. Leaving the phone off the hook she jumped out the window. Since this was an unusual case and the enforcers had been monitoring all the calls to the police they came and wiped everybody’s mine from the scene of the crime and went in and took care of everything and went out to look for her and found her passed out under a bush. She was brought to the main enforcers house because they knew that she was a lifemate for one of the enforcers heat always said he didn’t want to mate and saw how it made the other guys such love sick idiots. It’s a good book I haven’t read it and I’m not sure how I had missed it.

Tall, Dark & Quiet!

Anders, Mr. Quiet Enforcer; finally gets a lifemate. Valerie is a vet who was going back to college to learn some of the newer techniques in veterinary medicine when she was kidnapped by a rogue vampire. But, not only did she escape but she helped the other women who had also been kidnapped escape as well after staking "Igor" & calling 911 which in turn let the Enforcers find them & rescue them. But, when Anders came across Valerie & realized that he couldn't read her or control her he knew that he had found his lifemate. But, that is only the beginning of their story; there is much more to be read. However, I'm not going to tell you what happens next other than to say that this was a very good book. This book has some familiar immortals in it, a dog named Roxy, has some sex scenes, a delivery as Leigh finally gives birth to her..., a lot of staking of the bad guys & hitting them upside their head multiple times & some humor. Now onto the next book in this series.


Valerie Moyer was a vet that moved to back to school to learn new things to improve the services she gives. She was kidnapped and put in a cage with other women in a basement. Not believing in vampires but they think their captures does. Today is her day and she realized that the oatmeal had drugs in it. She gets taken out and is going upstairs for her night out. She is looking for something to use. She squeezes shampoo in his eyes and they start to fight. She stalks him the heart and calls 911. Andrea and others of the enforcers go to check it out. She went out the window and Anders found her under a bush, he tries to get into her mind and couldn't read her. He is to protect her and sees if she is life mate. They try to kidnapping her again but the enforcers is working to find the bad immortals

Too many guest stars and a glaring continuity error

First, for long time lovers of this series, let me say it is much better than the Lady is a Vamp. I liked both Anders and Valerie and think they could be a good match. Unfortunately, they didn't spend much time talking and interacting with each other. Valerie spent more time talking and being with Leigh than Anders. About halfway through the book I was thinking about getting a score card to keep track of how many different leads from previous books made guest appearances. I was glad to see each of them, but there were so many guest stars it got overwhelming and in the way of seeing this couple actually interact with each other and fall in love. I would NOT recommend this book as a place to start the series. As a result, the book was a four star for me until the very end when an inconsistancy made me scream and cost it a star. **mild spoiler alert** The villan of the book had been holding Valerie captive at the beginning of the book and near the end she was able to provide an important clue to helping find him. Greg helped her go through her memories and she remembered seeing an old, poorly maintained renaissance portrait of her captor. (page 278) He was dressed in fur and a ruffled collar and they used that to get a sketch of his face in the hopes of finding him. (This bothered me a little - in past books descriptions of bad guys have been taken directly from the victims mind - here they used police sketch artists.) Then Valerie remebered seeing him since then, letting everyone know he was trying to recapture her. I was fine with that until the very last chapter when Mortimer reports back that they have questioned the now captured villan and he has informed him that he was turned on the battle fields of WWI. (page 351)How in the bleep is a man who was painted during the renaissance era supposed to have not been turned until WWI??!! How could everyone who read this book before it went to print have missed this issue?

Semmy and Valerie Immortal Love Saga! 3.5***** SPOILER ALERT!!

Valerie, a visiting vet, has been kidnapped along with five other single, family-less women, who were caged and bitten nightly by a rogue vampire, Ambrose. Valerie, breaks free after staking Igor, and calls 911 for help. The Argeneau Enforcers, intercept the call, and arrive to rescue the women: this allowed Semen (Semmy) Anders to meet his life mate, in Valerie. Anders takes her to Lucian and a very pregnant Leigh' s home, where over the course of a several days, she falls in love with Anders after experience rebound pleasure Immortal style. The rescued women are re-kidnapped and in Ambrose' s attempt to kidnap both Valerie and Leigh, Leigh goes into labor. Valerie, once again, is able to save them both, deliver the twins safely after turning the first baby into the correct position, and escaping Igor' s grips again at Lucian' s home. The plot, character development, and coquette romance were enticing, which made the novel flow flawlessly. Lucian, again micromanages the Enforcers, and this was an issue in the story line, as they are not allowed to deviate from his orders. A great, quick, Summer read about my favorite Immortal clan! I am rereading this, as though it was my first time. I certainly forgot several key points in the novel, including the fact that Anders was of Arabic/African heritage. Actually, the entire plot was foreign to me.7/16/16.

Immortal Ever After: Argeneau Series

Lynsay Sands knows humor and knows her target audience with her Argeneau Novels. I am not knocking them because I have purchased them all; it is a great escape from reality and the everyday drivel. This story focuses on Anders - the nearly silent enforcer and his finding his 'lifemate' Adventures, action and hi-jinx occur. It is not a bad story whatsoever. I find that I laugh out loud at certain passages and re-read them for a few more chuckles. I have done that with all of the books in the series. I liked the character of Valerie - she was a well rounded character. I love Leigh Gerard-Argeneau she was the icing on the cake. I re-read her pages about 4 times. My mom that I was having a fit in my room.

enjoyable romantic urban fantasy

"Igor" came every night to give his caged female prisoners drug-laced oatmeal, fruit and water except the one his master chooses for his "night out" dining. This evening the vampiric psychopath selects veterinarian Valerie Moyer as his latest bloody snack. However, far from being docile, she stopped eating the oatmeal after her last "night out" Valerie surprises and stakes Igor. She calls 911 but the dispatcher thinks she is on drugs when she mentions six other women, stakes, bites and a vampire who has come for his meal. Wounded and exhausted, she escapes only to faint. Monitoring the 911 call, vampiric enforcer Anders Andronnikov leads a team into the house. The vampire is gone, but they tend to the women and the police answering the 911 call. Anders finds Valerie and with Bricker takes her to home of Lucien and pregnant Leigh Argeneau. The enforcer also knows Valerie is his lifemate while the vet feels the attraction. As she accepts the concept of good and bad vampires, her nightmare stalks her waiting for the opportunity to bleed her to death. The latest Argeneau romantic urban fantasy (see Under A Vampire Moon and The Lady is a Vamp) is an enjoyable thriller due to the likable protagonists and a self-trained rogue vampiric survivalist. The sister bonding between Leigh and Valerie adds freshness while the horde of cameo visitors detracts from the plot. Still series fans will enjoy this engaging triangle. Harriet Klausner

OK but not as good as Sands other books

Lynsay Sands has always been my go to when I was looking for fun, lighthearted romance. Her characters are irresistible and the humor that peppers all her stories make them endearing and hard to forget. So I'm a bit disappointed in this book. It started in a dark place. Really dark. I was surprised and even went back to make sure I was reading a Lynsay Sands book. Valarie is a vet who had been kidnapped by a rogue vampire. In a dark room, locked up in a cell, Valarie manages to find the mental power to overcome her situation and find a way to rescue herself and the woman locked up with her. A rogue vampire case always gets the attention of the enforcers and this time Anders is on the case. Right away he realizes that he can't 'read' Valarie and knows that is sign that she may be his life mate. As Anders and Valarie discover the attraction between them, the rogue vampire is still in shadows waiting to re-capture Valarie before she tells the enforcers what he looks like. Anders will protect her at all costs and with the help of the rest of enforcers maybe Valarie will accept him and become his mate. Like I said...the book started off really dark although the story lightened up, the humor wasn't as great as it was in previous book. Sands usually has me laughing out laud while reading and with this one I barely cracked a smile. I liked Anders and really liked Valarie. I liked that she was a strong woman capable of handling herself. But felt like the romance between the two was lost in the constant stream of secondary characters that were coming in and off the book. That took my attention away from them, and when there was a scene of the two of them alone, they were making out. I really didn't feel that the romance between was anything more than lust. It felt disingenuous. Not only that, but I felt like I didn't really know them at end. Which is not typical of a Sands book. The story was good but a bit forced and the humor just wasn't there. Overall...a disappointing book, but it won't stop me from reading Sands. I love her books and am willing to over look a fluke every once in a while.


I love this series. Lyndsay Sands has such a unique take on her vampires. I've read them all. This was not my favorite, but it was still great. Anders has always been a secondary character in the series, Always in the background, but this time he takes the stage front and center as he finds his life mate. Valerie Moyer, has been kidnapped. She is being held by what she thinks is somebody pretending to be a "vampire". Playing out his fantasies by holding women in cages, drugging them and then bringing them up to him to "feed" off of. When she decides she has had enough, she stops eating the drugged food, and on her next trip up to the "master", she fights off his servant, that the girls have nicknamed Igor, calls 911 then escapes out the window. Anders has been an enforcer for the Immortal Council for a very long time. They monitor the local emergency channels looking for calls that might lead them to a rogue vampire. When Valerie's call comes in they intercept the local police, use a bit of mind control, send the cops on their way and take over the investigation. What Anders does not expect is to finally find his life mate. That one person that an immortal can live with and feel safe. The one person they can't read their minds or control. A very rare find for one of their kind. Now he just has to convince Valerie, that not all immortals are monsters like the one that held her and the other women captive. Like humans, immortals can be good, bad, or downright evil. He has to convince her he's one of the good guys. And he needs her to agree to become his life mate. Or loose her forever. This is a great series. It was nice to see so many returning characters from earlier books. You don't need to have read the earlier books to read this one, the author gives plenty of back story for a first time reader. But you will get a more complete story. And for those who have read the series, there is a small surprise at the end of this one that I think a lot of us have been waiting for.

An Eternal Ever After for the serious Anders

Veterinarian Valerie uses her head to enable her rescue and that of the other women kept in a cage but a guy with 'fake fangs' playing vampire games, and when Ander's and Lucien's group of immortal Enforcers intercept Valerie's 911 call, they take on the the hunt for the on-the-hoof feeding rogue and Ander's discovers the woman he can't read or control in Valerie - his lifemate. I liked the leading lady Valerie a lot and I liked that while she's a damsel and she's in distress, she doesn't wait around for her knight and instead comes to her own rescue time and again. The story here isn't really as funny(silly) as some of Sand's other Argeneau romances but I thought that sort of fit with the reserved Anders - he is not as flamboyant a leading man as some of my past favorites but he is earnest, honest and the nanos ensure that both of the leads hidden passionate natures are put to good use. I also liked the way that the big reveal to Valerie by Anders of his immortality goes down, and the fact the way that Valerie handles it is very much in character. It is refreshing that Valerie's learning the big secret which had such a potential for being a big problem doesn't follow the path where the heroine flees and it takes a brush with death for her to realize what she's throwing away with the man she loves, instead Valerie doesn't panic, since she and Anders have built something which allows her to trust and accept the truth from him. And I really liked the way that Lucien steps in later to help her get the information she needs to make the final decision of whether to 'turn' and accept an eternal HEA. There are tons of small cameos of pairs from the previous seventeen or so books, but a very pregnant Leigh gets a nice chunk of screen time (along with her not-as-imposing-as-normal mate Lucien). I have to say that even though Leigh does take over the match making mantle from Momma Marguerite (who had only a brief cameo) I much prefer Leigh's meddling to Marguarite's - though Leigh's manipulation skills are top notch in managing to get what she wants from the enforcers who she out maneuvers at every turn. I had read the sample of this - which I had thought was really promising - and then saw the lukewarm response by other readers to the story, so I delayed buying it until the price fell to a 'worth-a-shot' price. I have to say that I actually enjoyed the story quite a bit. So for me this was a fun episode in the never ending saga of the Argeneau's, but in case you were wondering - no, Sands hasn't run out of vamps in need of lifemates yet.

In mortals and their lifemates

she was a vet who had been out walking her dog when she was kidnapped by two guys who acted like vampires..She had made a plan that she was going to get away and save the other girls that were in cages in the basement with her. She learned a long time ago not to eat the oatmeal because it was drugged and she need to have her senses about her if she was going to make her escape. When she finally did get her escape and she stabbed the guy in the heart she grab the phone and called 911 and the lady thought she was crazy Bit she took the information down and she saw the other guy driving in at least she heard the garage door open so she had to make a break for it.. Leaving the phone off the hook she jumped out the window. Since this was an unusual case and the enforcers had been monitoring all the calls to the police they came and wiped everybody’s mine from the scene of the crime and went in and took care of everything and went out to look for her and found her passed out under a bush. She was brought to the main enforcers house because they knew that she was a lifemate for one of the enforcers heat always said he didn’t want to mate and saw how it made the other guys such love sick idiots. It’s a good book I haven’t read it and I’m not sure how I had missed it.

Tall, Dark & Quiet!

Anders, Mr. Quiet Enforcer; finally gets a lifemate. Valerie is a vet who was going back to college to learn some of the newer techniques in veterinary medicine when she was kidnapped by a rogue vampire. But, not only did she escape but she helped the other women who had also been kidnapped escape as well after staking "Igor" & calling 911 which in turn let the Enforcers find them & rescue them. But, when Anders came across Valerie & realized that he couldn't read her or control her he knew that he had found his lifemate. But, that is only the beginning of their story; there is much more to be read. However, I'm not going to tell you what happens next other than to say that this was a very good book. This book has some familiar immortals in it, a dog named Roxy, has some sex scenes, a delivery as Leigh finally gives birth to her..., a lot of staking of the bad guys & hitting them upside their head multiple times & some humor. Now onto the next book in this series.


Valerie Moyer was a vet that moved to back to school to learn new things to improve the services she gives. She was kidnapped and put in a cage with other women in a basement. Not believing in vampires but they think their captures does. Today is her day and she realized that the oatmeal had drugs in it. She gets taken out and is going upstairs for her night out. She is looking for something to use. She squeezes shampoo in his eyes and they start to fight. She stalks him the heart and calls 911. Andrea and others of the enforcers go to check it out. She went out the window and Anders found her under a bush, he tries to get into her mind and couldn't read her. He is to protect her and sees if she is life mate. They try to kidnapping her again but the enforcers is working to find the bad immortals

Too many guest stars and a glaring continuity error

First, for long time lovers of this series, let me say it is much better than the Lady is a Vamp. I liked both Anders and Valerie and think they could be a good match. Unfortunately, they didn't spend much time talking and interacting with each other. Valerie spent more time talking and being with Leigh than Anders. About halfway through the book I was thinking about getting a score card to keep track of how many different leads from previous books made guest appearances. I was glad to see each of them, but there were so many guest stars it got overwhelming and in the way of seeing this couple actually interact with each other and fall in love. I would NOT recommend this book as a place to start the series. As a result, the book was a four star for me until the very end when an inconsistancy made me scream and cost it a star. **mild spoiler alert** The villan of the book had been holding Valerie captive at the beginning of the book and near the end she was able to provide an important clue to helping find him. Greg helped her go through her memories and she remembered seeing an old, poorly maintained renaissance portrait of her captor. (page 278) He was dressed in fur and a ruffled collar and they used that to get a sketch of his face in the hopes of finding him. (This bothered me a little - in past books descriptions of bad guys have been taken directly from the victims mind - here they used police sketch artists.) Then Valerie remebered seeing him since then, letting everyone know he was trying to recapture her. I was fine with that until the very last chapter when Mortimer reports back that they have questioned the now captured villan and he has informed him that he was turned on the battle fields of WWI. (page 351)How in the bleep is a man who was painted during the renaissance era supposed to have not been turned until WWI??!! How could everyone who read this book before it went to print have missed this issue?

Semmy and Valerie Immortal Love Saga! 3.5***** SPOILER ALERT!!

Valerie, a visiting vet, has been kidnapped along with five other single, family-less women, who were caged and bitten nightly by a rogue vampire, Ambrose. Valerie, breaks free after staking Igor, and calls 911 for help. The Argeneau Enforcers, intercept the call, and arrive to rescue the women: this allowed Semen (Semmy) Anders to meet his life mate, in Valerie. Anders takes her to Lucian and a very pregnant Leigh' s home, where over the course of a several days, she falls in love with Anders after experience rebound pleasure Immortal style. The rescued women are re-kidnapped and in Ambrose' s attempt to kidnap both Valerie and Leigh, Leigh goes into labor. Valerie, once again, is able to save them both, deliver the twins safely after turning the first baby into the correct position, and escaping Igor' s grips again at Lucian' s home. The plot, character development, and coquette romance were enticing, which made the novel flow flawlessly. Lucian, again micromanages the Enforcers, and this was an issue in the story line, as they are not allowed to deviate from his orders. A great, quick, Summer read about my favorite Immortal clan! I am rereading this, as though it was my first time. I certainly forgot several key points in the novel, including the fact that Anders was of Arabic/African heritage. Actually, the entire plot was foreign to me.7/16/16.

Immortal Ever After: Argeneau Series

Lynsay Sands knows humor and knows her target audience with her Argeneau Novels. I am not knocking them because I have purchased them all; it is a great escape from reality and the everyday drivel. This story focuses on Anders - the nearly silent enforcer and his finding his 'lifemate' Adventures, action and hi-jinx occur. It is not a bad story whatsoever. I find that I laugh out loud at certain passages and re-read them for a few more chuckles. I have done that with all of the books in the series. I liked the character of Valerie - she was a well rounded character. I love Leigh Gerard-Argeneau she was the icing on the cake. I re-read her pages about 4 times. My mom that I was having a fit in my room.

enjoyable romantic urban fantasy

"Igor" came every night to give his caged female prisoners drug-laced oatmeal, fruit and water except the one his master chooses for his "night out" dining. This evening the vampiric psychopath selects veterinarian Valerie Moyer as his latest bloody snack. However, far from being docile, she stopped eating the oatmeal after her last "night out" Valerie surprises and stakes Igor. She calls 911 but the dispatcher thinks she is on drugs when she mentions six other women, stakes, bites and a vampire who has come for his meal. Wounded and exhausted, she escapes only to faint. Monitoring the 911 call, vampiric enforcer Anders Andronnikov leads a team into the house. The vampire is gone, but they tend to the women and the police answering the 911 call. Anders finds Valerie and with Bricker takes her to home of Lucien and pregnant Leigh Argeneau. The enforcer also knows Valerie is his lifemate while the vet feels the attraction. As she accepts the concept of good and bad vampires, her nightmare stalks her waiting for the opportunity to bleed her to death. The latest Argeneau romantic urban fantasy (see Under A Vampire Moon and The Lady is a Vamp) is an enjoyable thriller due to the likable protagonists and a self-trained rogue vampiric survivalist. The sister bonding between Leigh and Valerie adds freshness while the horde of cameo visitors detracts from the plot. Still series fans will enjoy this engaging triangle. Harriet Klausner

OK but not as good as Sands other books

Lynsay Sands has always been my go to when I was looking for fun, lighthearted romance. Her characters are irresistible and the humor that peppers all her stories make them endearing and hard to forget. So I'm a bit disappointed in this book. It started in a dark place. Really dark. I was surprised and even went back to make sure I was reading a Lynsay Sands book. Valarie is a vet who had been kidnapped by a rogue vampire. In a dark room, locked up in a cell, Valarie manages to find the mental power to overcome her situation and find a way to rescue herself and the woman locked up with her. A rogue vampire case always gets the attention of the enforcers and this time Anders is on the case. Right away he realizes that he can't 'read' Valarie and knows that is sign that she may be his life mate. As Anders and Valarie discover the attraction between them, the rogue vampire is still in shadows waiting to re-capture Valarie before she tells the enforcers what he looks like. Anders will protect her at all costs and with the help of the rest of enforcers maybe Valarie will accept him and become his mate. Like I said...the book started off really dark although the story lightened up, the humor wasn't as great as it was in previous book. Sands usually has me laughing out laud while reading and with this one I barely cracked a smile. I liked Anders and really liked Valarie. I liked that she was a strong woman capable of handling herself. But felt like the romance between the two was lost in the constant stream of secondary characters that were coming in and off the book. That took my attention away from them, and when there was a scene of the two of them alone, they were making out. I really didn't feel that the romance between was anything more than lust. It felt disingenuous. Not only that, but I felt like I didn't really know them at end. Which is not typical of a Sands book. The story was good but a bit forced and the humor just wasn't there. Overall...a disappointing book, but it won't stop me from reading Sands. I love her books and am willing to over look a fluke every once in a while.


I love this series. Lyndsay Sands has such a unique take on her vampires. I've read them all. This was not my favorite, but it was still great. Anders has always been a secondary character in the series, Always in the background, but this time he takes the stage front and center as he finds his life mate. Valerie Moyer, has been kidnapped. She is being held by what she thinks is somebody pretending to be a "vampire". Playing out his fantasies by holding women in cages, drugging them and then bringing them up to him to "feed" off of. When she decides she has had enough, she stops eating the drugged food, and on her next trip up to the "master", she fights off his servant, that the girls have nicknamed Igor, calls 911 then escapes out the window. Anders has been an enforcer for the Immortal Council for a very long time. They monitor the local emergency channels looking for calls that might lead them to a rogue vampire. When Valerie's call comes in they intercept the local police, use a bit of mind control, send the cops on their way and take over the investigation. What Anders does not expect is to finally find his life mate. That one person that an immortal can live with and feel safe. The one person they can't read their minds or control. A very rare find for one of their kind. Now he just has to convince Valerie, that not all immortals are monsters like the one that held her and the other women captive. Like humans, immortals can be good, bad, or downright evil. He has to convince her he's one of the good guys. And he needs her to agree to become his life mate. Or loose her forever. This is a great series. It was nice to see so many returning characters from earlier books. You don't need to have read the earlier books to read this one, the author gives plenty of back story for a first time reader. But you will get a more complete story. And for those who have read the series, there is a small surprise at the end of this one that I think a lot of us have been waiting for.

An Eternal Ever After for the serious Anders

Veterinarian Valerie uses her head to enable her rescue and that of the other women kept in a cage but a guy with 'fake fangs' playing vampire games, and when Ander's and Lucien's group of immortal Enforcers intercept Valerie's 911 call, they take on the the hunt for the on-the-hoof feeding rogue and Ander's discovers the woman he can't read or control in Valerie - his lifemate. I liked the leading lady Valerie a lot and I liked that while she's a damsel and she's in distress, she doesn't wait around for her knight and instead comes to her own rescue time and again. The story here isn't really as funny(silly) as some of Sand's other Argeneau romances but I thought that sort of fit with the reserved Anders - he is not as flamboyant a leading man as some of my past favorites but he is earnest, honest and the nanos ensure that both of the leads hidden passionate natures are put to good use. I also liked the way that the big reveal to Valerie by Anders of his immortality goes down, and the fact the way that Valerie handles it is very much in character. It is refreshing that Valerie's learning the big secret which had such a potential for being a big problem doesn't follow the path where the heroine flees and it takes a brush with death for her to realize what she's throwing away with the man she loves, instead Valerie doesn't panic, since she and Anders have built something which allows her to trust and accept the truth from him. And I really liked the way that Lucien steps in later to help her get the information she needs to make the final decision of whether to 'turn' and accept an eternal HEA. There are tons of small cameos of pairs from the previous seventeen or so books, but a very pregnant Leigh gets a nice chunk of screen time (along with her not-as-imposing-as-normal mate Lucien). I have to say that even though Leigh does take over the match making mantle from Momma Marguerite (who had only a brief cameo) I much prefer Leigh's meddling to Marguarite's - though Leigh's manipulation skills are top notch in managing to get what she wants from the enforcers who she out maneuvers at every turn. I had read the sample of this - which I had thought was really promising - and then saw the lukewarm response by other readers to the story, so I delayed buying it until the price fell to a 'worth-a-shot' price. I have to say that I actually enjoyed the story quite a bit. So for me this was a fun episode in the never ending saga of the Argeneau's, but in case you were wondering - no, Sands hasn't run out of vamps in need of lifemates yet.

great series

First, I feel really guilty that I've read the entire series up to this point and haven't written a review yet. I will start with the first book and rectify that. When there are authors that I really enjoy their work, and that are so very talented with their gift of writing, I feel it's only fair readers write reviews so not only do the authors know they're appreciated, but other potential readers will not hesitate to read their work. This book was great. Anders was a character that seemed cold and arrogant in the previous books, but still interesting. After reading his story you find out what his background is, which would explain his moody personality, and he becomes a much loved character just as the other ones have. His storyline is very interesting and how he meets his life mate and their story of how they end up together is exciting and full of intrigue. All the books have the same format as far as boy/girl meets life mate, both have great stories of how they connect, where the rest of the family and friends fit in, and some great adventures for each and every character. However, this book, as well as the others, are very unique and enjoyable as far as how they get from point A to B. These two main characters will grab your heart from the beginning. Of course Lucian, the immortal you love to hate, is a big part of the story. Lynsay Sands is brilliant to have a character such as Lucian. You dislike him one moment, kind of like him the next, then right back to thinking if he were a real person you would not be friends. But, her brilliance is in the fact that none of these books would work without his character. He is essential. This book, just like the others, will make you wish "immortals" were not fantasy and that you could be turned as long as you had a guarantee you could end up a part of the Argeneau family and friends. This book, like the rest of the series, will have you tense, scared, crying, happy, playing P.I. in your mind, and laughing so hard you'll make yourself dizzy and your family will think you've lost your mind when your tea blows out your nose from laughing when you hit a funny part. (Yes, that happend to me).

Wish Amazon allowed 1/2 stars, because this book is 4 1/2 stars

I wish Amazon allowed 1/2 stars, because I would definitely give this book 4 1/2 stars. Lynsay Sands once again delivers an addictive installment to the Argeneau Novels. I read this book in 1 1/2 days because I couldn't put it down. However, and this is the reason for the drop in rating, the beginning felt a bit lacking in comparison to past books in this series. The premise was well thought out as always, I just felt that it was a slow ramp up. Immortal Ever After finally brings a life mate for Anders, the quiet immortal that has been in the background of several of the other books in the series. I know I was excited for Anders to get his HEA. The story opens with our heroine, Valerie Moyer, being held as a blood slave. In the opening scenes she escapes her captor and calls in the police, which alerts the Enforcers to a possible Immortal situation. Valerie is injured during the escape and wakes at Lucian and Leigh's home. So, we get to see one of our past couples in the present. Leigh is VERY pregnant and Lucian is being a "momma hen" with her. It ads a light back drop with the humor that Leigh brings to the story as she is dealing with it. Of course Lucian and Leigh do their part to help bring these two life mates together. I think Leigh's interactions with the other characters throughout this story might have been my favorite parts. I like humor in my stories. Valerie and Anders are very much a like in some respects. They have some past history which colors their present thinking in regards to relationships. The story helps them learn about each other and build the relationship, while Valerie is healing. The rogue pops back up of course and Valerie shows that a heroine doesn't always need a hero. Definitely a must read, especially for those that have been reading Lynsay's Argeneau Novel series.

A Wonderful Addition to the Argeneau Series!

This book was a breath of fresh air! I love the Argeneau series, but I was starting to find them very predictable, but Immortal Ever After was refreshingly different and I really enjoyed it. Valerie Moyer doesn’t believe in vampires—until she is kidnapped by a fanged psychopath! After escaping her bloodthirsty captor, she’s through with creatures of the night. Until she finds herself under the protection of the darkly handsome Anders. Not only is she expected to accept that Anders is immortal, but also that she is the woman destined to be his life mate! . . . Or does it? Anders felt a connection to Valerie from the moment he cradled her bruised body in his arms. But before he claims her, he must destroy the vampire who almost stole her from him forever. His job would be easier if Valerie didn’t fight him every step of the way. Still, Anders loves a challenge, and the green-eyed beauty is worth fighting for. What I really enjoyed about this book, was getting a glimpse inside Ander's mind and to see and understand how he thinks. We have seen glimpses of him in previous Sand's novels, and how stuffy he at times seemed, and so it was great seeing him this way. I also really enjoyed how there were (as in the previous Argeneau books) POV from both characters. These books have a ton of humor, mystery, romance, and last but certainly not least... Passion! (Phew!) There were many of the characters from the previous books as well, especially Leah, which made this all the more wonderful. I strongly suggest reading this if you have read the previous books. I enjoyed it so much that I read it in one sitting. I could just not put it down. You could actually read this as a stand alone book, but would probably benefit more from reading the previous 17 books first: Reading Order: A Quick Bite Love Bites Single White Vampire Tall, Dark & Hungry A Bite to Remember Bite Me If You Can The Accidental Vampire Vampires Are Forever Vampire, Interrupted The Rogue Hunter (Argeneau/ Rogue Hunter Series) The Immortal Hunter (Argeneau/ Rogue Hunter Series) The Renegade Hunter (Argeneau/ Rogue Hunter Series) Born to Bite Hungry For You The Reluctant Vampire Under a Vampire Moon The Lady Is a Vamp Immortal Ever After

3-3/4 Stars, a little disappointed in this one.

Sands is and remains one of the authors that I will continue to read. But I'd be fibbing if I didn't admit that I was a little disappointed in this book. I can't say that this series is one of my favorites of all time, but the Argeneaus have always been a series that I would pick up when I was just looking for a light read about Vampires that would satisfy my Paranormal Romance urges for a while. Great characters, decent action, and 'Lifemates' that always ended up 'happily ever after' is something that could be counted on with this series. My problem with this one? Just too predictible. Even for this series. Sands really got carried away with unnecessary details. It's as if she was stretching a short story into a full length novel by boring the reader with over-describing everything from thought processes to grocery lists. And I'm an animal lover, but geez, enough with the dog, already. And she should update the book to eliminate her error with the bad guy. Can't say that he was in an old Renaissance painting if he wasn't turned until WW1. Pay attention to your reviewers, Lindsay! But because I still like this series, and I did mostly enjoy this book, I'll round it to 4 Stars. I'll also continue with the series in the future, I'm sure.


This was a fun book I enjoyed it I could not put it down a lot of her books in this series all been great I have put some of them do cuz I wanted it to last longer and read something else for a while but I love them all that of course I had read I am not done with the Book series Yet I just now started on one lucky vampire I am reading them back to back in order So I still got a long way to go it seems but I’m having a ball with the books I will be going back through them all Again when I’m done 😎🥰🥂🍷🍹🍾🍻

A rush

The plot was was good, It was rushed though. Valerie got no recovery time before Anders was on her. I understand she's his life mate and all but can a girl get at least a solid week of recovery? Ugh...also, I didn't care for Lucian sweeping aside valeries worries and feelings to rush her process to make Anders, and apparently Lucians and Leigh feel better.

Anders and Valerie

Two people who would not have met unless Valerie wasn’t strong enough to fight back. Being kidnapped, forced and not understanding what is happening can be stressful but Valerie takes a stand and fights back. Saving not only herself but others. Anders likes being alone until he helps to finish rescuing Valerie from death. Now all he has to do is make Valerie fall in love with him and become his Lifemate. Of course there are many other things that get in the way but eventually they come to love each other. Recommend this book.

Abby says

I quickly devoured and absolutely loved “Immortal Ever After”, the new Lynsay Sands novel. Having read all of the Argeneau Series; it was wonderful to renew my acquaintance with these characters. I have never tired of reading any of Lindsay’s “Argeneau” stories. With Lynsay’s writing style she has always managed to make me feel that I either know or want to know each one of her characters. This story is about Anders, who is not an Argeneau but one of the Enforcers”, from Lindsay’s previous books, he is quiet, brooding, caring, tough, strong, very good looking, and we get to find out about the horrible things that he had to endure concerning the people he loved. We get to meet Valerie, who is a perfect match for Anders, feisty, independent, beautiful, can definitely take care of herself, has a wonderful sense of humor, etc. and I just loved her dog Roxy. She is now been added to my list of very likeable characters. My huge recommendations - buy, read, fall in love, and then start pacing with anticipation for the next “Argeneau” book to be written and published.

Great book

Love the no nonsense vet in this book. I know for a fact that veterinarian are non known to swoon. I was glad they didn't make her a come rescue me girl. The only thing lacking from this book was some humor I've come to expect in the IMA series. I hate to say the plot was predictable since Lynsay Sands is one of favorite authors but it was a tad cookie cutter. But have no doubt I will preorder her next book and be waiting for the midnight download.

Good paranormal romance

I have enjoyed the Argeneau series by this author and this is another good entry into the group. It does follow the formula of an Enforcer finding his lifemate, but the story is unique and well written. The hero, Anders has been one of my favorite characters, a strong, silent, solitary type. The heroine, Valerie who is a veterinarian, is no wilting flower; she rescues herself and 4 others from a vampire rogue and his minion's house of horror. She even takes the whole vampire/nano thing pretty much in stride. A lot of repeat characters come to help catch this rogue, so it could be confusing for someone who is totally unfamiliar with the series to have all these names thrown out there. There are some sexual scenes in the book, as well as some mild violence. Overall, a nice addition to the series, and a HEA for a favorite character. Heat factor hot.

I really liked this story

I really liked this story. Anders story. It was well written and an enjoyable overall. I know being about vampires we suspend belief, but it had several "blunders" that could have easily been fixed during the editing process ***SPOILER ALERT*** why couldn't Mortimer, Anders or even Lucian read the rogue after they caught him? Honestly, he's only a 100 years old. Those guys are centuries older, I mean, even Lucian! As per the lore in these books, it should have been a piece of cake for them. I can get over the painting being renaissance. Or why they needed a sketch artist, but seriously. ..can't read the bad guy..... almost spoiled the entire book on that.

I can't wait for more Argeneau Vampires!!

Valerie is in a horrible situation after being kidnapped off the street and held in a cage with other women. She escapes and saves herself and the ladies. Anders is part of the team that goes in after hearing a 911 call that points to a rogue. Quickly realizing Valerie is his lifemate he works to earn her trust and love. But the rogue doesn't want to let her go so forces rise against them to tear them apart. It was great to read about Lucian and Leigh! I loved seeing more of their relationship and with her making it farther in her pregnancy.

Finally, someone uses the freakin' shampoo.

I've always enjoyed Sands' Argeneau novels, though the last two were a little disappointing, and was eagerly looking forward to the publication of Ander's story. I was not disappointed! The one thing I absolutely LOVED about this story was the self-saving heroine. The bathroom scene were the villain is terrorizing the damsel in distress in the bathroom, and she's usually quaking in terror and helpless, did not occur! She looked for a weapon and used what she could, the shampoo bottle! Sands did a very good job of displaying how well each of these character's personalities were well in sync with each other, how their attraction to each other developed, and while there was some back story told, it wasn't a complete memory dump. The story aside from the romance was decent and it was nice to see some past characters as well. All-in-all this was a fun and fantastic read.

highly enjoyed

Lynsay Sands is my favorite author and I did enjoy reading "Immortal Ever After". However, I didn't find this book as humorous as past books in the series. One of the main reasons I love reading books by Lynsay Sands, is her ability to make me laugh out loud! I can remember laughing so hard I cried when I read Thomas and Inez's story in "Vampires Are Forever." Please don't get me wrong, I would and do highly recommend buying "Immortal Ever After". The storyline was great and had an unusual take from past installments. Also, I appreciated how past characters were woven into this storyline. I sincerely hope in upcoming books we get to see Christian's band mates find their own life mates!" Eagerly awaiting for the next book in the Argeneau series!

love this series

Valerie is kidnapped along with several other woman that are used as blood supplies until they die. Bravely, she knows she has to save them all. With quick thinking and a little luck, she stakes 1 of the rogues and is able to call 911 and escape out the window. Wounded and weak, she crawls into the bushes until Anders finds her. While trying to alleviate her pain, he realizes he can't read her. Anders realizes he needs to protect Valerie from the bad guys, capture the bad guys, and get her to agree to be his life mate. I liked this book. Valerie is a strong heroine that not only saves herself but everyone in harm. Anders may normally be quiet but he is thoughtful, open, and determined.

A Good Read, but Not Her Best

I have read all of this series, and anxiously await each one because they are humorous and romantic as well as just plain fun. But I don't personally believe this story was as good as others in the series. It was great finding out more about Anders, and I totally get the whole good guy / bad guy stuff. But this antagonist was weak and unbelievable. As one other reviewer noted, the whole bit about the painting of the guy being from the Renaissance period was a gross oversight. I also never bought into his whole story about abductions, torture, death, returning to his victims, etc. I just felt it was lame. And his capture was just plain weak. I liked it as part of the Argeneau series, but not as a well-thought-out plot.

I love all her vampire books

What I particularly like about them is that she writes the stories of other characters she's introduced in previous books and they're all different. I've found some of them hysterically funny and some of them, a little sad, but they all have good endings. They're best read in order but they don't depend on a previous book for the plot of the current one. So the author flubbed it with the WW1 turning and the renaissance portrait. I didn't catch it until later, and apparently the editors didn't either. Big deal. It doesn't affect the story. I do like the main Argeneau characters showing up from time to time. I ready and waiting for the next one.

Love it

Love this vampire series. Consistent, but not repetitive, the characters are fresh and funny. Love the dialogue between everyone and seeing characters from others stories interacting with main ppl. This is the best vampire romance series i have ever read. Have read other Vamp series, but stories (actual dialogue) was repetitive, some times it would show up in each chapter of one book. Then there was the "made up" language that you needed to learn to follow the story. Gave up on those books long ago. If looking for a great vampire romance, you can't go wrong with Lynsay Sands "Argeneau" series.

Another good read

Ok, I have to admit--the Argeneau Vampire series is a secret (ok, not so secret) addiction. The stories all have some humour in them (think having to explain to your newly found human soul-mate that the 20-somthing looking woman beaming with pride at you is actually your MUM and not an ex. . .) I also loved the idea of a vampire that is NOT "a cursed, soulless, depressed killing machine." The heroes aren't all "tall, dark and brooding." Instead, we have writers, scientists, an actor, a video-game creator, and, of course, the vampire equivalent of cops. These are all good books to take on vacation with you.

Can't get enough of this series

I've been a fan of the Argeneau Family since the inception of the series. Lynsay crafts a world where Vampires are not creatures from hell. They are the result of the advanced civilization of Atlantis. These specific survivors were all treated with nanos to cure cancer or other diseases. Once in the body they maintain good health until the body is totally destroyed. The characters are all three dimensional and real... they love, hate, care, and watch over the world, making sure that rogue immortals are not terrorizing and turning average humans and dumping them on an unsuspecting society.

What an awesome read!

Anders and Valerie's story was a great read and I loved reading how they got to their happily ever after! What great storylines Lynsay Sands writes! One of Your Greatest Fans, Lena deLeon

Good Read

I am very much enjoying this series n the character overlap in them! This one was funny, a touch of who done it and full of loving relationships!

Hooray for Anders!

I finished reading this latest Argeneau books and enjoyed the humor, the storyline and everything about this book. I am so glad it's finally Anders turn and that he gets to meet Valerie and she's his life mate. It's about time this immortal gets some happiness and a challenge at the same time, especially the challenge. You go girl. Love all the Argeneau stories. Please find more mates/wives for these wonderful immortals. They are great and I know that there are more of the Argeneau's out there for Marguerite to find and who need mates. Thanks. Have loved ALL of Lynsay's books. 10 stars if I could!

Another hit by Lynsay Sands

I've read all the Argeneau Series books and this latest one doesn't disappoint. This is Anders story and I really enjoyed reading how such a dry and hard-a** got that way. As usual, Lynsay incorporates the usual hysterical humor in her books and just the right amount of sexual content to make it sensual but not porno material. It was the type of book that you just want to read in one sitting. I have to say I love all her novels in the Argeneau series but my favorites are Vampire Interrupted(Margarite's Story)Accidental Vampire(Victor's Story)and this one has become a favorite now too. I didn't like Christians Story. I felt it was kind of rushed and the humor just missed on that one. Read Immortal Ever After...YOU WILL LOVE IT!

I love books by Lynsay she writes

Evry love story has a new plot of a life with two people that can love each other. This is a paranormal adventure of the greatest sort.

Love all of her books

This is another good book from Lynsay Sands I have been wondering when she was going to get around to writing Anders story . I'm so glad she did though it was and is a joy to read !

Nice Argeneau vampire love story, light and fun!

A very enjoyable read, humorous and fun. Always worth reading. I have always enjoyed this paranormal romance series. Keep ‘em coming , Lyndsay Sands!!

Best vampire lore

I love this series and the Argeneau family. It's one of the largest series but has plenty of twists and turns to keep my interest.

Another funny romantic read

This book had me laughing out loud. The romance was hot but not over the top were it took away from the story. All the characters are likeable and real. With each book you enjoy catching up with past characters and learning about the new characters. This book is a fun read and I would recommend if you are looking for a fun romantic read with some hot love scenes that are not to over the top.


It is cute and sweet. The story line is interesting. Anders is boring but steady, and I like Valerie. I always enjoy Lucian. Worth the price.


I adore this series it never fails to make me gasp, smile, rail at characters, and fall in love all over again.

Argeneau family

I just love this version of being a vampire Nano's that keep you fit and healthy for, like forever.... So what if you have to suck blood to keep the nano's happy.. You live for a very long time, being the healthiest, best you can be Get to find that one person who gets you, loves you and keeps you I'm so happy for Anders, even if his name is a bit freaky.... Well, really freaky.... Enjoyed it, as all the others

love this series

I love the Argeneau Vampires. No spoilers here: This is a unique family of vampires with stories with a lot of hot and sexy, a good dose of bat-shit dumb humor and mystery. There are likeable (did I spell that right?) characters that evolve in the series. Include a touch of "who done it", and enough suspense to make these books an excellent read. I recommend them highly.

Immortal Ever After

One of my favorite authors & series

Immortal ever after

Really fantastic book. Loved the characters, the story, and the ending. The reader can not put it down. The story was not overtaken by the sex.

Love the Author- Lynsay Sands!

I love this whole series of the Argeneau tales. Once you read the first book, you are hooked. As soon as each one came out I had to read it! Love Lynsay Sands!

A bit dull but not horribe

This book is well-written but the plot is a bit dull. First, the kidnapping theme reminded me of Terri's book only her book was better, funnier. Second...the relationship with Anders was a bit dull. Been there, done that. It's not a bad book, it just isn't exciting. I wish she had added a bit more oompf. The rogue plot was over before it started. No real tension. Just mediocre.

Ander's story

I enjoyed reading Ander's and Valerie's story. The Argeneau novels are all great stories. There is action, humor, and sex. It all combines for a terrific plot. I can't wait to read the next one.

Cativating book

Couldn't stop reading it, moments where I cracked up laughing, kept me wanting to keep reading. I enjoy reading Lynsay Sands books.

Funny & Witty = Argeneau

As usual, Ms. Sands delivers another funny, witty, sexy with a bit of danger and suspense book. This is a perfect addition to the Argeneau Series, and there was a lot of appearances from former characters… It’s time for a new Family (and friends) tree. I really can’t imagine Valerie keeping a straight face after hearing Anders first name. I know I didn’t :P

come on its the Argeneau clan. Need I say more?

If you've read one of the Argeneau books then you of course have to read them all. I like how Sands does not have issues rewritting any of the same storylines. Yes they are all about one big family, and yes its passion, and some type of danger. But they are all different. I could read these over and over again. And yes I have read all the Argeneau books. And will continue for as long as she continues to write them.

Enjoyable but Lacking

I love the Argeneau series. I really liked Immortal Ever After, I was up till 3:30 this morning to finish reading it because I couldn't put it down, so yeah, I thought it was good. However, I'm not sure if I was up so long just because I love the series and there were so many familiar characters or if I was really interested in getting to the end of this book. The best thing about an Argeneau Novel is that at some point while I'm reading them, someone walks past me and looks at me like I'm insane because I'm laughing out loud over what is going on in the story. That didn't happen with this book. I missed it. Don't get me wrong, if you pick up this book, you will enjoy yourself. It is a good read and worth spending your money and time on. I just have incredibly high standards when it comes to my Argeneau's and know the brilliance that Lynsay Sands is capable of and was a little disappointed in Ander's story. Ander's back story was interesting, and it explains why he was always so somber. Overall it was a good story I just hope that One Lucky Vampires, #19 in the series will bring back the laughter.

Humorous and suspenseful all at once. You root for the characters as if you knew them

I have never been disappointed by any of Lyndsay's books and this one did not disappoint. In fact my husband is reading them with me and is just as enthralled with them as I am.


Great book 👍

fun reading

I love every book Lynsay Sands has written about the Argeneaus. It's imaginative, easy to read and the stories are very enjoyable. I started with her first book in this series so I pretty much know all the players which makes it even more interesting to see how each one grows, finds their true love, etc. If you enjoy paranormal romance, you will find these books by Sands great reading.


Great read


I LOVE LYNSAY SANDS!!! She is probably my favorite writer. Her books are witty and i find that i will laugh out loud at the predicaments the character find themselves in. I love every one of her books in this series and hope that she keeps writing them. They are better than the 5 stars i am allowed to gove them.

Another enjoyable adventure.

While the series of books are filled with familiar characters from previously stories, each book is an excellent,, stand alone story. I know I can expect a story that is well written, exciting, romantic, and keeps me turning pages into the night.


Great book series

Another great Argeneau novel

Immortal ever after is different from some of the other titles in the series due the personalities of the characters in the book. This is what makes these books so good, that the personalities of the characters comes through in their words and actions. I really loved this as I have the entire series. Although this book can stand alone, it would probably be more enjoyable when the characters from other books and their stories are known.

Immortal ever After

This book was very interesting from beginning to end. I found I couldn't put the book down. I hope that Lynsay Sands will continue her Argeneau Novel. If your into the paranormal, romance, fast action and comedy then you need to read this book (the whole series actually). I promise you it won't let you down in fact you will be thanking me for recommending this series.

Immortal Ever After

Lynsay Sands is one of my favorite authors so when I saw she was writing a new book I immediately preordered it. I am not disappointed at all. This book is about Anders, the mostly silent immortal who loves dogs. Of course the heroine is a vet and has a dog. You will have to read the book to find out what happens next. :)

Love it

I think my favorite part of the book is that not only is she saving herself but she's only human not Immortal or vampire

I love this author

It was a sweet, darling, predictable, feel good story. I love Ms. Sands writing style. It is always a pleasure. However, this one was a little too predictable, which if this was real life, most likely would occur as written. Fast and easy read. I still recommend it if you want to feel good, if you are looking for more depth..pass this one by.


The characters have chemistry, but the story is a bit flat. I have a vague memory of Anders in previous books, but it would have built the story better had the author had developed him better before bringing the female into the Immortal scene. I guess it seemed rushed and he accepted her as his like mate too quickly.

Immortal Ever After

Immortal Ever After is another winner in my book. I really like reading about vampires good guys winning out over the bad vampires. It's a nice twist to read about vampires who are not soulless blood sucking dead killers so stereotypical in vampire novels. 's Sands has never disappointed in there novels and I wait impatiently for the next one to be released.

One of my favorite series

I look forward to the Argeneau novels and when I finish one I can't wait for the next. Each stand on there own but it's so nice to know the back characters and have the history of the others. I love the way they flow and intertwine. This one was no disappointment very exciting and entertaining I didn't want it to end. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Loved it!

Was pumped for this new Argeneau novel and was not disappointed. Finally get Anders story and his real name, which gave me a chuckle. Not going to ruin it for those who haven't read the novel yet. I loved the fact the a pet, Roxy, came into play and her interaction with everyone. It was wonderful having some more time with Lucian and Leigh while waiting for their big event to happen and I was very surprised when it did happen. If you're thinking about getting this book and/or continuing the series... DO IT! I loved it. Can't wait to see who finds their life mate next.


I love this family. Intrigue, romance, sex (hot steamy sex) sadness,devestation, heart break and fun,, what is there not too love about the family that faces all these life changing things and still see the benefits of loving and carng for each other is what life is all about.

Another great read

I enjoyed this book for its humor, suspense, and the characters. It was a lot of fun, especially when the main character has to confront the bad guy. I recommend this book to you.

love it

I love this series. love the characters and being able to have them in ongoing story lines

So much going on for Valerie but she handled it way better than most

oved. So much going on for Valerie but she handled it way better than most. Just about every book in this series is awesome

Another Hit!

The story starts off with a very strong heroine and she stays that way. Soft and wishy washy heroines always bothered me. My only fault with this book is that the "problem" is wrapped up rather quickly at the end. The coming together of the two characters is fun and kinda silly at times. Enjoyable read.

It’s in a series

Relax reading

Loving this series...

From the first to the most recent, I have found I am enjoying each book more and more. The story line is adventurous, mysterious, and romantic. Every time you think you know who did it you find out it is some one you least expect. Once I start reading I can't seem to put it down. I have gotten in trouble at work because of it. Oh well, I'm the boss and the owner's daughter so I have learned to get away with it. Absolutely love the writings from Lynsay Sands and will continue to recommend her books to everyone I know. Thanks for giving us your imagination to read. Respectfully, S'No Whyt

Better and Better.

Every time I pick up one of Ms Sands books I find another adventure. Her characters are tangible to the point you come to believe you might actually meet one of them in the grocery store. Amazing writing, wonderful story telling, and a fun escape. If you haven't started reading these romances you are missing a lot of fun.


The Argeneau series has been a really nice read, however, it is getting to be the same thing over and over. Vampire meeting his soul mate, etc., etc. Margarite is always find soul mates but it would be nice to have a different spin on it, saying that - if you like Lynsay Sands you will like this series.

I love this series.

No author hits a home run with every book but Ms Sands comes very close. The worst book in this series is at least a 3-star and most of them I would rate as 4-star or above. I will continue to anxiously await each new book that will pull me back into her wonderful universe.

Great fantasy read.

Can’t get enough of this immortal series. Great read.

Five Stars

as with all her books this was a fun read.

usual fluff re argeneaus

But no worse for that! The vampire logic is enough different without the usual downsides that I almost feel Id like to be one myself. Needs more involvement in the normal world using extra abilities and less romance I feel, without that its becoming formlaic.

This series never disappoints.

I have been waiting for Anders book since he was introduced. This was one of those books that you just can't put down until you are finished. It was great seeing Leigh again, I have always loved her character. I liked how Valerie was strong person able to save herself and a perfect match for Anders.

Lynsay Sands

I enjoyed this book and I also loved the fact that it had a person of color involved as the main character. Not that it matters to me as I have enjoyed mostly all of her books that I've read and thats only a few so there could be others that have people of color can't wait to find out. Thanks Lynsay.

Wish I Could Give It 10 Stars

Lynsay Sands has done it again! I have read every book in this series so far and love the way she connects the stories and the characters in this series. I'm looking forward to the next installment. Please don't pass this up if your a lover of vampire romance, no one writes it like Lynsay Sands.

worth purchasing

Sands is funny. The characters are memorable so that in each new book when old friends are brought in to the story line you are not lost as in some series; introductions and descriptions are given as well. Similar story line, immortal meets human, but you are drawn in very willingly.

but I bet its awesome like the rest of

I haven't read it yet, but I bet its awesome like the rest of them

I like Sands writting

I like the way Sands writes. I have read all her Argeneau books and they are all very readable. I don't get bored. The action flows well. I don't think anyone can complain about editing. She most always makes the character interesting and the plots make sense.

Romantic and Exciting

I have read every one of the Argeneau series. They are so much fun! They make me laugh! Can't wait for one on Bricker, and bringing in others, maybe the cousin girl, and the guys from the band? so much fun to read! Cant put them down

Five Stars

Great read in the Argeneau series!

Great story

I found Valerie to be a strong heroine and I was happy for Anders to find his life mate. Both characters have interesting and painful backgrounds. I'm always glad to see what's happening with other characters from previous books.

Fast moving but bit of let down

It was fast moving and kept my attention, didn't want to go to sleep till I finished it, but I think the ending was a bit boring. I would of like to read about her transformation and the wedding that were going to happen. Up till then though, it was a pretty good story line.

Love it! Came in Flawless Condition.

Love it! I haven't had a chance to read it, but I was so worried it would come messed up but No. It came in flawless condition. I couldn't be happier with my order.


This is another wonderful book. It was very hard to put down when I started reading it. Ms Lynsay is a wonderful writer, once you start reading her books you wont be disappointed. I Have All of the ARGENEAU Novels, so far.

Overall, a good read.

In general, I was disappointed by the lack of humorous incidents. Lynsay Sands' humor is one thing I love in her books. This particular book had only a few scenes involving it. I did find myself giggling like an idiot while reading how the main character overcame the van abduction. My favorite will always be the book about Elvi. That was truly hilarious.

Another hit for immortal fans!

Another great chapter of Lynsey Sands fabulous "immortals" series. A fun new concept in how the characters meet. And a great look at some of the recurring characters and where they are now. A must read for fans of the series, but not hard for people new to the series.

Love love love!

Again anything by Sands and I'll read it no questions asked. I especially love the Argeneau series with her fresh take on the vampire storyline. This is a very cute, fun, easy read with a great plot and fantastic charaters. Enjoy!

Oh how I enjoy these books

I definitely enjoyed this book. Once I start reading them, I can't put them down. I'm glad that this book got off the subject of Leo for a change and went in a different direction. Discovering Anders story was great!

The story continues..

Any book in the Lyndsay Sands Argeneau series is worth reading, but this one is slower and lacks some of the humour which define the other books in the series. Still worth reading and continues the stories of characters met in earlier books in the series.

Loved it

I don't normally do review's, but I had to. This was the best book out of the entire series to me. I didn't want to stop reading it. A lot of the Argeneau books have been repetitive and predictable, this one was....don't get me wrong, but it made m..remember why I fell in love with the series. I laughed out loud at multiple parts, which I don't ever remember doing. I seriously loved Leigh in this book, so much I want to reread Lucian's story. If you're a fan of the Argeneau series you will enjoy this one

Love the Argeneaus

I love this series and it is a marvel that each story stands on its own and doesn't depend on all the other stories for success. Together they combine to make a richer tapestry of an alternate reality.

Paranormal Romance

The Argeneau family of vampires and the biggest battles of their lives. Them against their future mate. The best of vampire series. Humor as well as love. They are the total package.

Really liked this book

Another good entry in the Argeneau series. Kept my interest enough that I didn't want to put it down! Hot spots, funny moments and heightened suspense made this a keeper!

we need you to write faster!!!

The stories always stand well on their own... w/c is why there always has an explanation of the Nanos and Atlantis...and how they are not actually Vampires but Immortals... as a loyal fan... i think it is a waste of space and words... but we must also think of the newbies....sigh... The last 4 years have been THE BEST EVER!!! and all because of you Ms Lynsay!!! I just scream w/ laughter!!! super love all the books...of course the latest is always the best!!!.....till the next one...can't wait!!


Another great book by Lynsay Sands. Could not put it down had to finish it. Hope another one will be coming out again soon.

Five Stars

I love reading this book and the Argeneau series. Thanks,

This one was GREAT!

I am not into vampire books but this one was really good from the very first page all the way to the last. This is a series and it is not the first in the series but I liked it so much I am going to get a couple more.

Great characters and story

Outstanding read. Great characters and story. Love this series.

Immortal Ever After : An Argeneau Novel

I love this series of books, been reading them for years since the 1st came out... I am so glad that she is still writing these stories from time to time... Now I have them on my Kindle to read again & again...

Great Book

I love this series. I am glad Anders finally does more than grunt! The story plot was lacking but the vampire story was good. Its great to see Lucian go back and forth between hard and cold to his softer side. Not her best, but very enjoyable. Can't wait to see Bricker go down!

Lynsay Sands

One of my favorites to date. She has a way that grabs you from the first page. I have read every Argeneau story and some more than once. They are funny and exciting. She will remain one of my favorites for a long time to come.

Five Stars

My roommate enjoys reading the books


I loved the book I just had one problem. If Anders is supposed to be black why is the man on the cover white. I would have loved to see a black man on the cover or at least not put a man on there at all.

Immortal Ever After: An Argeneau Novel

I have read and enjoyed every one of Lynsay Sand's Argeneau novels and Imortal Ever After was no exception. Her stories always contain a bit of whimsy, a bit of humor, and the plot lines are always good.


Love this series. A must read from the start

I can never get enough Argeneau

Each of the Argeneau books are strong, funny stories. Lynsay's humour is well-placed and adds to the stories. Every time I see that a new book has come out, I can't wait to get it.

More please

I love this series. I enjoy the characters in all of the books and the way Lynsay Sands incorporates them into each of her books. The only negative is finishing the book I want more and hate having to wait for the next one.

Love this story

I love Lynsay Sands. I have read many of her books and have not been disappointed yet this story had me turning page after page, just like the others. It has humor, suspense, and a great love story.

Finally, love for Anders

Well, Anders finally found love. A good match for him and another fun read. He had to be paired with someone snarky and special and that's exactly what he got.


Lynsay Sands has gone back to the original people and the book is better for it. Much better than the last Argeneau novel. I got so hooked on it that I forgot to get the dinner!! Keep it up.

Hopes dashed

Look at these reviews! Lots of reviewers, lots of praise. How could this book disappoint? This is my first Sands book, so I don't have the attachment to the series that most reviewers have. But I was really surprised to learn she's a seasoned writer. There's something so immature about the writing - a super-slow plot, limited character development and stilted dialogue - that I was struggling to hold on. And then came this: "She'd never walk the runways in Paris but she'd featured pretty constantly in the runways in his head." Can you say cheesy? That's it, I'm done.

Argeneau Vampires rock

I love this series, each couple touches your heart. I want to be part of this family. I can re-read these stories and enjoy them as much the 2nd time

Oh yeah

Love it best author love this series can't wait to read every page again and again love it every book just gets better never a dull moment way to go lynsday

LOVE her books

When I finished this book I started looking forward to her next book. I am hooked on this series. I have read all of them to date. Some were better than others but when you put them all together it is a great series.

Loved it so much...

I really Love the Argeneau series by Lynsay Sands. Her characters are so funny and easy to follow into their life stories. One of my all time favorite reads!

love this series

I'm not a big fan of the vampire romance genre, but I love this series. I think it is Sands' unique take on vampirism that makes it enjoyable for me.

Everything I wished for and more!

The thing about long, multiple character series is you want to see the characters from previous books while also finding a happy ending for the one you're currently reading. This series has yet to disappoint me. It is engaging and funny and sexy and good!

I Couldn't Put It Down.

Another awesome book from Lynsay. I was in tears I laughed so hard. I don't know how you do it but each book is has a fresh new plot and lots of steamy/funny love scenes. I can't wait for Brickers book!

Five Stars


Review: Immortal Ever After

I have read all of the Argeneau novels and am always eager for the next. Lynsay Sands has other books that I have read and also recommend many of them as well, she is a talented writer and story teller.

Not quite up to her standard.

I have very much enjoyed all the Atlantian Vampire books and do plan on continuing to purchase any more as they come available. However, the idea of the Rogues getting to the girls first and having to be saved by the Hunters is becoming a little overused. I liked the self reliance Valerie had and the trouble Leigh makes for the Hunters. Good for the strong women.

Loved it

I think every book written by Ms. Sands, it's amazing. She brings character, intrigue and mystery to each one of her stories.

It was ok

I've only read 3 of her other novels but this was my least favorite. The story was not as we'll developed and I didn't get the full sense of the characters like the others. It was ok

Lynsay Sands

I've read every one of her vampire novels and loved every single one. The only problem with that is that now I have to play the waiting game for the next one, but they are worth the wait.

The Argeneau Series

Entertaining, Vampires, Love, Mystery, fun light hearted, enjoyable. Lynsay Sands has the knack of capturing you and bringing you into the story and making you wish it didn't end.


Lynsay Sands is an exceptional auther. I always enjoy reading he novels. Her Argeneau Novels are the best. Her wrighting is well thought out and draws you right into the story.

Another one bites

Never get tired of reading these novels. Please keep them coming. The characters are so realistic. Awesome as usual. Wow.

No surprises - you get what you expect - but not more

Hot vampire, hot sex, origin explanation, some chase or be chased plot device - it's all looking and sounding the same. A bit of snark to hold it together. The original stories with Etienne and Lucern were lots of fun. But, this franchise has become predictable. Sorry folks, I had fun here, but not enough to buy the next one. I've enjoyed Lynsay Sands' writing and will hope that she finds some new inspiration to fire her imagination and her stories. It's been a good run.

Always at the top of my reading list

Sands keeps them steamy and interesting. She has a different, more human approach to the Vampire sagas. I've read all of her Argeneau Novels and enjoyed all of them.


Another cant put songbook by Lynsay Sands. Hope there is a other Argeneau novel soon. Sunday makes the characters come alive and threads them seamlessly through her novels.her Argeneau novels are all a 10. This one is no exception.

great author

love this series

love the Argeneau series!

Loved the book happy to see anders with his lady. Lynsey has such a gift balancing out emotions in her books. Such passion in human emotions and actions

Five Stars

The books are great . I read all of them

Val &Andres

What can I say. I love Lynsay Sands Immoral series.She just does it for me. Val and Andres have a wonderful story. Great read and worth it.

Enjoyable read

I liked this book. However I felt Anders acted in an unexpected way. In a previous book he said he would kill another man if they both could be life mates to a woman. Yet he was reticent when he found his life ate.

Immortal Ever After: An Argeneau Novel

Very good read. Another book in the series. Good blending of the characters. A nice story of romance between a mortal and an immortal.

Another great read

Another great Sands book. It is funny, sexy, and a great addition for the series.

The Argeneau's are great

Lynsay Sands and her Argeneau Vampires are some of the best. always a good read and keeps you going through the whole book

Amazon - the annoying bookseller

If I had known that you wanted me to become a critic as per The NY Times, I would not have responded. I will never respond in the future. You have to be satisfied with "I like it". This is not a treaty by Stephen Hawking - it is frippery, pure and simple. not requiring futher elaboration. I only received this book three days ago as you send my books from Germany, 7500 miles away, and by ship!

Loved it

This is one of her best mystery, love and laughter. I haven't laughed so hard at a scene in a book in a very long time. This one had tears in my eyes. I loved it.

Different, but enjoyable.

A different twist on vampires vs. other series. Moved slowly at times. Likeable characters. Very much enjoyed Anders. Leigh was excellent comedic relief!!

Love this author!

Always a good read! I have enjoyed all her stories thus far. Romantic and fun read. I hope she continues the stories.

Couldn't put it down

The book was very exciting and instresting to read. I enjoy it very much. I even took it to the kitchen to read while cooking.

great read!

I always look forward to the Argeneau novels and this one did not disappoint! Awesome action and descriptive love scenes.

Love lynsay sands

Always enjoyed her books and this was no exception . Read it in one day. Story line was excellent and different than others that I have read.

always good reads

You can't go wrong with an Argeneau book. The plot the characters all make you want to continue to read.

Love the series

I love these series. They are humorous and romanceful. This book didn't have as much suspense as a lot of the series, but I still enjoyed it very much.


I one word awesome, it doesn't matter if it's the first in the series or the 20th always leaving wanting more of the argeneau family.

Five Stars

Awesome books. Can't wait till the newest book comes out.


Not bad, but a little disappointing. First start of the series is awesome,but seems like they are waning. Hope they get better.

love is immortal

really love the book, she is the are really the best author always deliver a great read. I could read it over and over and keep reading

Immortal Ever After: An Argeneau Novel by Lynsay Sands

A very good read. I was glad to finally learn more about Anders. It was nice to see the real him. I could not stop reading until I finished the book.

Lyndsay Sands is amazing!

I love all of her books about the good vamps versus the bad vamps, and they even find time to fall in love and do it with humor. That is a big requirement for me. Thank you, Lyndsay, for giving me this good series to kick back with. My only request--write faster!

Loved it !!!!!

Lynsay Sands hits another home run with this one . I couldn't put it down !!! I hated when it ended but look forward to her next .


I liked the story as I have read most all of the Argenau Series Books. They tend to gat pretty much the same, just different characters. Very predictable.

Great book

The Argeneau family is so captivating. I wait on pins and needles for the books to come out. Lynsay Sands is one if my favorite authors.

Excellent as Usual

I love this series and pre-order them as soon as they are available. Lynsay Sands makes me laugh and love and you can't bet that.

Fun vampire series!

Fun vampire series. Unique origin of vampires story line. Atlantis lovers check it out.

Love it

Family loyalty, love, fun, adventure all rolled into one book. The love these men show for their wives is a love that all women want.

Loved it!

As always Lynsay Sands never disappoints! I love the Argeneau family and can't wait for the next installment to come out!

Five Stars

good product good price good service


I love these books! I have read every one many times and cant help but fall in love with the characters every time!

Immortal ever after by lynsay sands

I love all of the Argeneau Novel books and this one was just as great as the rest I can't wait till the next one comes out..

Great read

I always enjoy reading about Argeneau family. They all have their little quirks and the men are all charming and the women are first.

An Argeneau Novel

Any Argeneau Novel is a Great one. A great story to read. Star from the beginning and work your way through them all.

A great read!

I enjoyed this book in the series a great deal! It gave me a look into the different couples that I have read about previously so it's like an update into their lives which I feel all series like this need.

Five Stars

I hate when I reach the end. But there's another one rite after that one!

Have them all

I love any book by Lynsay Sands, but especially her Argeneau vampire series. I now have them all.

Immortal ever after

I really liked this book. It had a lot of action from the beginning. Can not wait for the next one.

Love the series!

I really enjoy this series and am always happy to see another book come out. I do feel like the storyline in this book was not as strong as previous books. Still a big fan though.

Love all her books!

Great book for those who like vampire love stories peppered with just the right amount of danger,suspense, humor, and a happy ending.

Immortally Ever After

I just love the Argeneau Vampires series! Finally Anders had his HEA! This series is a fun read & seriously laugh out loud moments!

Five Stars

enjoyed it..

Love it

Had to split the read into two days thanks to work. Couldnt put it down once I started. Love this series and can't wait for more.

argeneau series

I love the series. I hope there will be more to the series by going back to previous people in the family with stories after their initial turning and life after. Please!!!

Immortal Ever After

I have loved reading all of Lynsay Sands books. There is a lot of humor mixed in with the story. A good love story.

couldn't put it down

I love reading this book I couldn't put it down. The only downside of reading these books is that wishing real men were only this kind and considerate (sigh)


I liked this story and the character s in it. Was not one of my faves but it was up there. Ready for the next plz!!!!!

A quiet hero

As a hero, Anders is simply a great surprise. Strong, funny, considerate and faithful to the very soul of him




As always Lynsay Sands does an amazing job with her stories. Semmey and Valerie was awesome. Can't wait the next one to fall

Five Stars

good as always

Great read

As always with Lynsay Sands, another great book. Can't wait to dive into the next one. Now which one was it?

Five Stars

I love all her books!! Im hooked

Immortal Ever After: An Argeneau Novel

Love it! A must read. Since her first book in series it continues to capture my heart. Sensational and exquisite.

Love it!

Another great Argeneau novel! I love this series and all the characters in it! There is always action, lust, and love!

Loved it!

Love reading about the Argeneau crew. This is a great vampire romance/sixpence. If you like sexy immortals then you can't go wrong with Lynsay Sands books!

Five Stars

love these books

Awesome as expected

Lynsay never disappoints and this latest Argeneau novel is fast paced and spicy as always. Who wouldn't want to be an Argeneau?

Immortal Ever After

Love it. There was action from the get go, I didn't want to put it down. Way to go Lynsay.

Five Stars

Great books.

One of the best in the series!

I really enjoyed this book, I feel it's one of my favorite in the Argeneau novel's. I look forward to the next one.

Excellent Series

This book is another of an excellent series. I have all books in the series and look forward to more hopefully.

Great Book.

I really love Lynsay Sands vampire books but also her historical ones. They are funny, quirky and hard to put down.

Tall, dark and silent

I enjoyed getting to know Anders. Especially as he became a 'victim' of life mate syndrome. I also enjoyed the scenes between Leigh and Valerie.

Must read!

I love this series! I can never put it down when I purchase a book. Finished this book the same day I bought it. The characters are easy to love

What way to find love

So far not one of the books i have read has been a disappointment. I go through these books so fast I can't keep them in stock at home they r so interesting and good.

Must Read Series

The series is very captivating and holds ones interest. You won't want to but the book down. Characters are so well written you'll fall in love with them. My second most favorite series.


Another great Lynsay Sands book!! It was so good, I couldn't put it down. I would highly recommend this book.

Four Stars

4 stars for the book, author & series 4 stars for the seller

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