An English Bride in Scotland: Highland Brides (Highlander Book 1)

Kindle Edition
24 Jun
From New York Times bestselling author of The Husband Hunt, The Heiress, and other beloved historical romances, comes Lynsay Sands’s An English Bride in Scotland, the first book in a new series set in the wilds of the Highlands. Annabel had planned to become a nun. But when her mother arrives at the Abbey to bring her home to marry a Scottish laird—her runaway sister’s intended husband—her life takes a decidedly different turn. And though Annabel isn’t the wife he’d planned for, strong, sexy Ross McKay is taken with his shy, sweet bride. Annabel knows nothing about being a wife, running a castle—or the marriage bed. But her handsome new husband makes her want to learn. When Annabel’s life is threatened, Ross vows to move the highlands itself to save her and preserve the passion that’s only beginning to bloom.

Reviews (209)

Another delicious highlanders series by Sands off to a good start!

4 1/2 stars "An English Bride in Scotland" begins with Annabel being summoned by her parents from the English abbey where she has lived for 14 years as her older sister has eloped with a the stable boy and left them in the lurch on a marriage contract. The arrangement was forged many years ago wherein their first born daughter would marry Ross McKay, the clan laird residing in the highlands. Annabel has been trained to take the veil, and she has no idea how to run a household, especially one as large as the MacKay's, but her parents insist that she take her sister's place so that they do not have to forfeit the gains they received as a result of the match. Ross MacKay has known he was betrothed to the eldest daughter of an Englishman, but he never knew her name. He reluctantly agrees to make good on the arrangement, and he marries Annabel virtually sight unseen, though he does discover the truth of her birth order before he says his vows. Though her parents encourage Annabel to be deceitful, she decides to be as truthful as possible with her new husband, and thus earns her new husband's trust quickly. They seem to be a good match, though Annabel lacks self-confidence as she was sent away and always told that her sister was much more beautiful than she, but Ross works diligently to show her that he finds her more attractive and enticing than any woman he has ever known. But as the newlyweds grow closer, they are unaware that there are forces at play against them threatening to rip them apart. What I liked: --- Ross and Annabel were both very likeable as the MCs of the story --- Oh the steamy goodness! --- The twists were fun and less predictable than I usually find --- The "villain" was believably bad (sometimes they are too over the top) What I didn't like: --- I really wanted Annabel to grow a backbone already (she finally - mostly - did, but it took longer than I felt it should have) Overall, a strong start to a promising series of hunky highlanders with plenty of steam and some twists along the way to keep the plot moving and the reader glued to the pages! Plot --- 5/5 Main Characters --- 4.5/5 Supporting Cast --- 4.5/5 Steam Level --- 3.5/5 Violence --- some but none domestic or gory Language --- minimal POV --- 3rd

Enjoyable and Satisfying

Starts similar to at least one other English/Highlander I’ve read, but diverged soon after. Love the creativity in the story-telling, the humor, and the love scenes (which are not-infrequent, steamy, and made good use of plot-wise). No excessive historical setting detail dragging it down, but enough to give a feel for the time and place. The Scottish accent/dialog was easy to read and added to the Highland tone. Over-the-top in all the ways I love and not in the ways I don’t. Something I really like about Lynsay Sands’ writing: all of the characters spoke and acted believably considering their personalities and motivations, while the characters themselves were super -talented, -kind, -attractive, -villainous, -brave, etc. The ending was great. Maybe a half-point off on the editing (e.g. farther vs. further), but I was eventually able to look past it and not get pulled from the story. A very enjoyable and satisfying read. Flew through it surprisingly fast.

Higland romance.

Thoroughly entertaining and thrilling read that had a light feel despite the dire circumstances. Well written and funny. Annabel was hijacked from the convent she had lived for fourteen years by her mother and married off to the Laird MacKay in a blink of an eye. Not at all prepared for the role of wife and Lady of the castle, she has her fair share of troubles but there are darker forces at hand and she was attacked, repeatedly by an unknown man. Who's friend or foe can be hard to tell sometimes... Annabel was delightful and witty although a little rushed in the decision making. Ross MacKay, the epitome of the highland Laird. Although the debacle with the unknown attacker provided a lot of thrill to this read, it was the interaction between the main couple that provided the entertainment. A highlight was the wedding night. Not at all titillating but absolutely hilarious. The naive oblate Annabel, was more than a little nervous and equipped with a "chemise carouse" ( never heard of that before). The Laird had some ideas of how to assuage his reluctant bride but it went a bit awry, to put it mildly. The wedding night does set the tone though as Annabel's priest has warned her against "bedding" on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. That should leave you to experiment outside the bed, right? Public places has its own drawbacks but as it turns out, so does the bedroom. Let's just say that the interruptions was plenty, to the frustration of the Laird. As you can probably tell, this had a generous amount of MA content but I didn't mind as nothing fell in the "pointless" category. Loved the Scottish language (although I am not at all qualified to have an opinion.) My usual books are from the regency era and I found it refreshing with this relaxed approach to etiquette. Heartily recommend this book!

Three cheers for Lynsay Sands!

I have always enjoyed the stories from Lyndsay Sands and this book was no exception. Annabel is not your typical Oblate. She is always wearing a hair shirt for some transgression and seems to always be doing something to upset the Abbess. When she is suddenly pulled from the Abbey and taken back home she assumes it is for a visit. Upon arriving at her former home she learns that she is to take the place of her older sister to fulfill the marriage contract to a Scottish Laird. Her older sister Kate has run off with the Stable master and since her parents have disowned her she is now considered dead to them so that they can use Annabel to fulfill the contract. Since she has been at the Abbey since she was seven years old she has no idea how to be a wife, a lady or how to run a castle. She has always been told she was the "fat, ugly sister" and struggles with this issue. Ross is arriving to accept his bride after suffering through the death of his father and fighting to keep his place as Laird with other clan members. Now that things have been settled he has come to collect his bride. After being delayed for a few hours upon arrival he has just decided to leave without his bride when she is presented to him. While Annabel has been told how fat and ugly she is Ross considers her beautiful and exactly what a Scottish wife should look like. What follows their quick marriage is a series of events that seem to do nothing to help Annabel feel more confident, (like running from a strange man in the woods with her dress stuck around her head and knocking herself out with a tree), and make Ross wonder whether the events are isolated or connected. In the end you have a very funny love story that while predictable is still very entertaining. The process that Annabel goes through to try and become a good wife and lady of the castle is both genuine and humorous. Ross is a gentleman through and through and realizes early on that his wife is charming all his kinsmen without even trying. Just as with her other historicals she keeps you alternating between tears and laughter enjoying this wonderful story. I am always disappointed when I get to the end!

Loved it

This is the first book in the Highland Brides series and each book can be read as a standalone title. This was such a great introduction into this world and I just had so much fun being introduced to these new characters. I just had a really great time reading this story and I just didn’t want it to end. I just fell in love with Annabel and Ross and their story. They just had my emotions all over the place and I just felt so much for them and what they had to go through. This is a definite must read. You will not be disappointed. I can’t wait to see what’s next from this author.

Another great one from Sands!

Title: An English Bride in Scotland Author: Lynsay Sands Genre: Historical Romance Rating: 4.5 stars Summery: Annabel has been living at an abbey in training to be a nun sense she was seven years old. One day her mother suddenly arrives to take her home to marry the Scottish laird her older sister was to marry, until she ran off with the stable masters son! Ross MacKay is taken with her from the moment he sets eyes on his sweet, shy bride. She doesn't know anything about the running of a castle and is afraid she is only going to disappoint her handsome new husband when he relieves just how useless she is! When some one tries to kidnap Annabel, Ross will do anything to find out who is behind it and keep her safe. Great book full of humor, adventure and intrigue! I'd recommend any of Lynsay Sands historical romances.

Love this book!

This is such a wonderful book. I love the relationship and chemistry between Annabel & Ross. She is a strong woman despite her conservative upbringing. I love how much Ross likes her and how well he treated her from day 1. The mystery was interesting also. It’s my 2nd time reading this book & I enjoyed it just as much. I highly recommend this book.

Incredibly Wonderful!

This is an incredible story of a young woman, Annabel, who finds that her life is turned upside down due to the selfish act of her oldest sister. When her sister runs away with the stable boy, Annabel is forced to marry her sister's intended. But this turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to her. After living in a convent since the age of seven, she finds love, acceptance, and happiness in the MacKay clan. At the end her sister, due to her own selfish actions, end up in the convent, and Annabel ends up being the Laura's wife. This is what I call sweet justice😃

Fun & an easy read

This is a book that you really want to read in one sitting simply because it's lighthearted, but has twists and turns in the plot. It reminds me of the days that my mama and I would walk out of the library loaded down with Harlequin romances. These are "jucier" but if you want to block out what's happening in the world for a day, this will do it! I highly recommend her other series the Argenuea/Rogue books. (I am sure that I messed up the spelling, my apologies.)

Comical romance....

I read this a long time ago in paperback and forgot how good it was. A romantic comedy in the highlands with very sexy love scenes. Will keep on my re-read list.

Another delicious highlanders series by Sands off to a good start!

4 1/2 stars "An English Bride in Scotland" begins with Annabel being summoned by her parents from the English abbey where she has lived for 14 years as her older sister has eloped with a the stable boy and left them in the lurch on a marriage contract. The arrangement was forged many years ago wherein their first born daughter would marry Ross McKay, the clan laird residing in the highlands. Annabel has been trained to take the veil, and she has no idea how to run a household, especially one as large as the MacKay's, but her parents insist that she take her sister's place so that they do not have to forfeit the gains they received as a result of the match. Ross MacKay has known he was betrothed to the eldest daughter of an Englishman, but he never knew her name. He reluctantly agrees to make good on the arrangement, and he marries Annabel virtually sight unseen, though he does discover the truth of her birth order before he says his vows. Though her parents encourage Annabel to be deceitful, she decides to be as truthful as possible with her new husband, and thus earns her new husband's trust quickly. They seem to be a good match, though Annabel lacks self-confidence as she was sent away and always told that her sister was much more beautiful than she, but Ross works diligently to show her that he finds her more attractive and enticing than any woman he has ever known. But as the newlyweds grow closer, they are unaware that there are forces at play against them threatening to rip them apart. What I liked: --- Ross and Annabel were both very likeable as the MCs of the story --- Oh the steamy goodness! --- The twists were fun and less predictable than I usually find --- The "villain" was believably bad (sometimes they are too over the top) What I didn't like: --- I really wanted Annabel to grow a backbone already (she finally - mostly - did, but it took longer than I felt it should have) Overall, a strong start to a promising series of hunky highlanders with plenty of steam and some twists along the way to keep the plot moving and the reader glued to the pages! Plot --- 5/5 Main Characters --- 4.5/5 Supporting Cast --- 4.5/5 Steam Level --- 3.5/5 Violence --- some but none domestic or gory Language --- minimal POV --- 3rd

Enjoyable and Satisfying

Starts similar to at least one other English/Highlander I’ve read, but diverged soon after. Love the creativity in the story-telling, the humor, and the love scenes (which are not-infrequent, steamy, and made good use of plot-wise). No excessive historical setting detail dragging it down, but enough to give a feel for the time and place. The Scottish accent/dialog was easy to read and added to the Highland tone. Over-the-top in all the ways I love and not in the ways I don’t. Something I really like about Lynsay Sands’ writing: all of the characters spoke and acted believably considering their personalities and motivations, while the characters themselves were super -talented, -kind, -attractive, -villainous, -brave, etc. The ending was great. Maybe a half-point off on the editing (e.g. farther vs. further), but I was eventually able to look past it and not get pulled from the story. A very enjoyable and satisfying read. Flew through it surprisingly fast.

Higland romance.

Thoroughly entertaining and thrilling read that had a light feel despite the dire circumstances. Well written and funny. Annabel was hijacked from the convent she had lived for fourteen years by her mother and married off to the Laird MacKay in a blink of an eye. Not at all prepared for the role of wife and Lady of the castle, she has her fair share of troubles but there are darker forces at hand and she was attacked, repeatedly by an unknown man. Who's friend or foe can be hard to tell sometimes... Annabel was delightful and witty although a little rushed in the decision making. Ross MacKay, the epitome of the highland Laird. Although the debacle with the unknown attacker provided a lot of thrill to this read, it was the interaction between the main couple that provided the entertainment. A highlight was the wedding night. Not at all titillating but absolutely hilarious. The naive oblate Annabel, was more than a little nervous and equipped with a "chemise carouse" ( never heard of that before). The Laird had some ideas of how to assuage his reluctant bride but it went a bit awry, to put it mildly. The wedding night does set the tone though as Annabel's priest has warned her against "bedding" on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. That should leave you to experiment outside the bed, right? Public places has its own drawbacks but as it turns out, so does the bedroom. Let's just say that the interruptions was plenty, to the frustration of the Laird. As you can probably tell, this had a generous amount of MA content but I didn't mind as nothing fell in the "pointless" category. Loved the Scottish language (although I am not at all qualified to have an opinion.) My usual books are from the regency era and I found it refreshing with this relaxed approach to etiquette. Heartily recommend this book!

Three cheers for Lynsay Sands!

I have always enjoyed the stories from Lyndsay Sands and this book was no exception. Annabel is not your typical Oblate. She is always wearing a hair shirt for some transgression and seems to always be doing something to upset the Abbess. When she is suddenly pulled from the Abbey and taken back home she assumes it is for a visit. Upon arriving at her former home she learns that she is to take the place of her older sister to fulfill the marriage contract to a Scottish Laird. Her older sister Kate has run off with the Stable master and since her parents have disowned her she is now considered dead to them so that they can use Annabel to fulfill the contract. Since she has been at the Abbey since she was seven years old she has no idea how to be a wife, a lady or how to run a castle. She has always been told she was the "fat, ugly sister" and struggles with this issue. Ross is arriving to accept his bride after suffering through the death of his father and fighting to keep his place as Laird with other clan members. Now that things have been settled he has come to collect his bride. After being delayed for a few hours upon arrival he has just decided to leave without his bride when she is presented to him. While Annabel has been told how fat and ugly she is Ross considers her beautiful and exactly what a Scottish wife should look like. What follows their quick marriage is a series of events that seem to do nothing to help Annabel feel more confident, (like running from a strange man in the woods with her dress stuck around her head and knocking herself out with a tree), and make Ross wonder whether the events are isolated or connected. In the end you have a very funny love story that while predictable is still very entertaining. The process that Annabel goes through to try and become a good wife and lady of the castle is both genuine and humorous. Ross is a gentleman through and through and realizes early on that his wife is charming all his kinsmen without even trying. Just as with her other historicals she keeps you alternating between tears and laughter enjoying this wonderful story. I am always disappointed when I get to the end!

Loved it

This is the first book in the Highland Brides series and each book can be read as a standalone title. This was such a great introduction into this world and I just had so much fun being introduced to these new characters. I just had a really great time reading this story and I just didn’t want it to end. I just fell in love with Annabel and Ross and their story. They just had my emotions all over the place and I just felt so much for them and what they had to go through. This is a definite must read. You will not be disappointed. I can’t wait to see what’s next from this author.

Another great one from Sands!

Title: An English Bride in Scotland Author: Lynsay Sands Genre: Historical Romance Rating: 4.5 stars Summery: Annabel has been living at an abbey in training to be a nun sense she was seven years old. One day her mother suddenly arrives to take her home to marry the Scottish laird her older sister was to marry, until she ran off with the stable masters son! Ross MacKay is taken with her from the moment he sets eyes on his sweet, shy bride. She doesn't know anything about the running of a castle and is afraid she is only going to disappoint her handsome new husband when he relieves just how useless she is! When some one tries to kidnap Annabel, Ross will do anything to find out who is behind it and keep her safe. Great book full of humor, adventure and intrigue! I'd recommend any of Lynsay Sands historical romances.

Love this book!

This is such a wonderful book. I love the relationship and chemistry between Annabel & Ross. She is a strong woman despite her conservative upbringing. I love how much Ross likes her and how well he treated her from day 1. The mystery was interesting also. It’s my 2nd time reading this book & I enjoyed it just as much. I highly recommend this book.

Incredibly Wonderful!

This is an incredible story of a young woman, Annabel, who finds that her life is turned upside down due to the selfish act of her oldest sister. When her sister runs away with the stable boy, Annabel is forced to marry her sister's intended. But this turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to her. After living in a convent since the age of seven, she finds love, acceptance, and happiness in the MacKay clan. At the end her sister, due to her own selfish actions, end up in the convent, and Annabel ends up being the Laura's wife. This is what I call sweet justice😃

Fun & an easy read

This is a book that you really want to read in one sitting simply because it's lighthearted, but has twists and turns in the plot. It reminds me of the days that my mama and I would walk out of the library loaded down with Harlequin romances. These are "jucier" but if you want to block out what's happening in the world for a day, this will do it! I highly recommend her other series the Argenuea/Rogue books. (I am sure that I messed up the spelling, my apologies.)

Comical romance....

I read this a long time ago in paperback and forgot how good it was. A romantic comedy in the highlands with very sexy love scenes. Will keep on my re-read list.

The future is not always what you think it will be!

If you like romance stories with a touch of mystery you will love this story. Things can change any time.

Sweet book

I have read this book several times. It is sweet with love and kindness between Ross and Annabelle but also a touch of mystery and sadness. This book is a must read.

Great book

I love d the story line. This is a book to read several times. Lindsay Sands books a good reading always a happy.ending.

So good!

Great story! I sort of stopped reading after we found out who was behind it all because the person was annoying AF BUT I loved the story and bought the entire series right after! 😅 also, these book covers 💯

Very entertaining

I have read this author before and find her books entertaining and well thought out. She is a good author and has never disappointed!

My second time to read this one

Lynsay Sands is one of the few authors that I only have to see her name to buy the book. I buy hers in paperback because they are keepers. Had a chance to get this one on my Kindle for next to nothing. As soon as I started reading, I realized that I had already read it. But I kept going because it was so good. All her books are full of humor and well written characters. This true of her Historicals, her Highlander books and her Argeneau Vampire books.


As always lyndsay sands is amazing. I have read her vampire series and they are my favorite but now im totally in love with her Highlanders series. She is s9 talented and certainly knows how to bring characters to life and with her writing she makes you feel like your right there in the middle of it all.

This is another great book to read.

My sister read it several times.

The Veil

This is the first historical romance I have read written by Lynsay Sands and it was a pleasant experience after the Argeanu series. Plenty of romance and suspense. Loved it.

Loved it

Very sweet Scottish romance with a good mystery in there too. Kept my attention from start to finish and I didn't want to stop reading. Annabell was sweet and deserved a wonderful husband like Ross. Loved them both! Only thing I would have loved is an epilogue to show their happy future, maybe a baby in there.

Best read in SOOO long

This was the best book I've read in a long time! Just enough conflict to keep the story moving at a nice pace, but it's outside the growing love of the main characters. Not having to deal with a negative conflict between main characters,kept me reading for hours! It was uplifting to have the action not bogged down. Lots of love, fun, and positive emotions! Highly recommended!

An English Bride

This was a fun Highland romance, with a great hero, an interesting and fun heroine, and an unexpected bad guy. It has a bit of adventure, mystery, and danger; it also has a good romance and a sweet HEA.

The intended bride of Christ becomes the bride of a highlander instead

Rating: MA: mature audience: contains language, violence and sexual content: explicit descriptive sex scenes between a married couple. Our story… a contracted betrothal formed many years before between former friends... Lord MacKay’s son with Lord Withram’s eldest daughter. Only one problem… as an English woman, she didn’t want to be wed to a barbaric Scotsman. She envisioned herself in love with the handsome son of their stable master and ran off with him instead. What was the family to do? Lady Withram did a hasty journey to the abbey to retrieve their other daughter with the intention of marrying her off to the MacKay instead of her sister. Hopefully, the groom would not know the difference. “Okay, okay. I can do this, I can do this just breathe. Mentally I prepared myself but it didn’t help with the feeling of jumping off a cliff deep in my belly.” –A.J. Young, My Mate The Monster Annabel: she had lived at the abbey since the age of seven. With the betrothal already set, she was the spare and was no longer needed at home. Annabel had no notion of why she was sent to the nunnery… just that she was. Fourteen years later, her mother suddenly appeared at the abbey gate and demanded to speak to the abbess. In no time, Annabel was whisked away at top speed without even a by-your-leave. When she reached home… she was hurried upstairs in preparation for the imminent arrival of Lord MacKay… her betrothed. What??? Sister Kate: “I realized I would be forced to run away from home if someone tried to arrange a marriage for me. I didn’t want to think about it.” –Elizabeth Wein, the Pearl Thief Talk about your selfish, self-centered, narcissistic, whining, psychopath b-witch. Yep that was our girl and her actions started a ball rolling down a hill that quickly became an avalanche of misfortune for her family. Poor Annabel had no idea what was going on. As soon as they arrived at Waverly Castle [her home… former home] she was tossed into a bath and trussed up in a dress that barely fit. She was then quick-marched… um… escorted to the castle chapel where she was immediately wed to a man she did not know. She watched as her parents breathed a sigh of relief. Ross MacKay saw that there was something off as soon as he and his men arrived at the keep of Waverly Castle. The people wouldn’t look him in the eye and there was an air about the place that put his instincts on edge. It took forever for his intended to be brought down from her chambers and his men returned from the stables where they overhearing some alarming gossip. Normally Ross wouldn’t listen to gossip but this involved the first daughter running off and the family disowning her. That meant he was being given the second daughter… although she was arguably the eldest daughter now. Just as he was about to leave, she descended the stairs. After seeing her, he decided that he would marry her. I read this many years ago as a hardback and recently acquired it as an ebook. I loved it then and I still love it now. This was a story that had all the elements of a historical romance with a brawny highlander and a feisty woman. This was funny as well as an angst driven mystery. Someone kept knocking out our hero and attempting to kidnap our heroine. Lynsay Sands was sneaky as she kept shining a light on different people instead of revealing the true villains. It was a surprise and I didn’t see it coming. Realistically: I was concerned about TBI: traumatic brain injury with so many blows to the head. I mean concussions aside… being bashed by a brawny villain is not good for the brain. Being unconscious for several days is not healthy either. Just saying. The secondary characters were a ‘Keystone Cops’ type of crew that you couldn’t help but fall in love with. His first and second were the best of men that stood by his side as all manner of mischief befell our couple. Poor Annabel had spent the majority of her life in the presence of women so didn’t know how to act around men. She had not been trained to be a mistress of a manor/castle so didn’t have the first clue as to how she needed to run a household let alone command an army of servants. Poor girl was so naïve and innocent in her actions that Ross simply fell in love with her in spite of her deficiencies, as she called them. It was adorable. There were a few places that pulled me from the era with language and choice of words that I wasn’t sure fit. Other than that, I loved it. Thus, the rating of 4.5-stars rounded to 5-stars.


I have been a fan of Lynsay Sands for many years and no matter what, I ALWAYS buy her books! I have all the books and have started to now buy the digital editions. I am never disappointed when reading them and loved this new book. I'm so happy for her to write a new historical and my favorite Scottish characters. It's great to read this story and finish it with a smile. Can't wait for the next Argeneau novel and will be re-reading her other books, as usual.

Loved it!

This book was so awesome and now one of my favorites. It was at times laugh out loud funny and other times intense but always it was romantic.


I just finished this book yesterday and I couldn't put it down. If you like some spunk in a nun to be, a great Hero so loveable and a sweet story with a plot, you will love this book. I read a lot of romance books and this is one of my favourites :)... The sexy scenes are hot hot hot and the story is fab. What ya waiting for? Get to it, you wont regret it.Have a great read.

Great Story with a twist

Loved it from the first page. Can't help cheering for Annabel she is wonderful! And Ross from the start you love his kindness and calm. You won't be able to stop reading wanting to know what happens next. There is a twist I didn't see coming and loved it! You will not regret buying this book!

Great story of love in the highlands

What a great story of sexy highland men finding love even if it's unexpected. Ross has decided it's time to claim the bride his father had set up and Annabel is the unsuspecting bride to be. Annabel was taken from the only place she has known since she was seven. Not until she gets back to her parents home does she realise she is to be married instead of her sister. Ross doesn't know that Annabel was not the first daughter since her parents arranged everything so quickly. Their story is full of surprises and a bit of danger. Annabel is trying to figure out her role plus deal with much that happens around her. Ross only wants to protect his wife. It was a very enjoyable and entertaining story and the characters were also very enjoyable. Highly recommend.

A wonderful Highlander book

It was great how Annabel's life changed so dramatically for the better. Ross was smitten with her from the beginning. I laughed at how quickly the Scottish clansmen changed their feelings over the small English woman. I lso enjoyed Jasper, he was a hero and troublemaker all in one.

Always a pleasure

Always love a good Lynsay Sands book. Keeps me in stitches from laughter. This book did not disappoint. Very good writer. Imagine having such a thoughtful and attentive husband as Ross. Poor Annabel, having to be raised to doubt her self-worth. The uncle's were hilarious.


Never a disappointment, good characters, great plot, hot men. Who could ask for more. I love all of her books.

Love it

I love books that keep you guessing. Drama, a women standing on her own two feet. A book you don't want to stop reading, so when you have to leave you have to read ahead and then you have to go back because you don't want to miss anything. I love when you are able to laugh and think stuff like that happens to me.

Enjoyable reading

This was the first book by this author that I have read and I enjoyed it very much. The story was well written and I enjoyed the heroine and hero throughout the story. The characters were very well written and the storyline kept my interest to the very end. I look forward to reading more of this authors books in the future.

Loved it

Oh my God this was yet another wonderful story by Lynsay Sands. I was able to relate to the heroine and her insecirities. It is a heart warming romance with a little twist to it as someone is trying to kidnap the heroine. It has all the amazing aspects of humor, romance and mystery that Lynsay Sands is known for.

Scottish Bra Buster

This was a read on a whim. I love a good, sultry romance novel and this was great. Not overly graphic, great story line, and I fell in love with the author and series! I became so engrossed in this story that I found it very difficult to put down. A great little mind escape from everything going on right now.

One of the best Historical's I've read since Julie Garwood's "The Bride"

This story was a joy and a delight to read. It reminded me a lot of my favorite historical by Julie Garwood - The Bride. This story was a heartfelt and wonderful book and I can't say enough about it. You just absolutely fell in love with Anabel and Ross. A feel good and wonderful story!


Really enjoyed this book. I me glad this one didn't have any poisoning. But people sure had a headache from it. Lol Read the veto find out why.

Loved it

Fell in love with the characters right away. It was a sweet refreshing story that kept me laughing one minute and my heart skipping a beat the next.

An English Bride in Scotland......Awesome!!!

Another great story by Lyndsay Sands. I loved the dynamic between Ross and Annabel they were just awesome. Action, hilarious banter and situations, sensual, romantic. This is the second book that I have read from this author and I have not been disappointed.

Family Dynamics

All phases of family dynamics are present in this Lynsay Sands offering. Selfish parents, family devotion, sibling rivalry, loyal friends, jealousy and betrayal are all present in the Scottish landside. Great historical novel. A nice change from the Argeneau family, hours of pleasant reading.

Fast paced fun

Fantastic book for those who enjoy passion, romance and intrigue. It will carry you away from the first chapter till you miss sleep racing to see how it ends.

Wonderful love story

She is going to be a nun but something happened at her parents house so she is being married of to a Scot instead of her sister. Read on for more.

Very good

So funny and romantic. I am blessed with a man who does what he can to keep me happy. This book shows the caring of a man.


An engaging story about how a neglected child sent to an abbey that takes the place of her sister who ran off with a stable boy. As she falls in love with the man her sister was to marry she is besieged by an unknown assailant

Loved it!

I really enjoy all of Lynsay Sands books, this one included. I am not good at writing reviews, but like to let others know when I truly enjoyed a book.

Funny and sweet

I loved the characters expect those I was supposed to hate of course. Simply enjoyed this book. The sweet yet determined h and the strong, loving H.

Another great book by L Sands

I have enjoyed most of Lynsay Sands historicals. With all romances, you can't take it too seriously and enjoy the fact Sands throws in her own sense of humor.

Easy to read

Just what I expected in a Lynsay Sands romance!! Easy to read, interesting plot, with twists and sex!! Her books are hard to put down, I ration my reading otherwise I would finish in a day, lol!!

I don't usually read historicals.

Love me some Lynsey. This is the first historical I have read from her. I am a huge fan of the vampire series. I have to say this was REALLY good! You can bet I'm going to search my kindel store for more. ;)

Typical great Lynsay Sands

I loved it and always hate for the story to end and then have to wait for the next book to come out. I tryly find Lynsay to be one of the finest historical romance authors that we have today. I wouldn't miss any of her books.

Loved it!

I’m shocked that there’s any bad reviews! It was a fantastic read.

So enjoyed this book.

I recommend this book. I really enjoyed this reading, well written and a good mystery. Will problem read again.Very interesting book.

Great read

It's a great read and wonderful characters. It's plot keeps you guessing. I will definitely be reading it again in the future. Now on to book two.

Great read

Good read

An English Bride in Scotland

As usual there is not a book this women writes that is not riveting from the front cover to the last. Lynsay Sands is a bright star among many pail glitters. I would recommend any book she writes.

An English Bride in Scotland

An English Bride in Scotland is a wonderful read you just never know what's goin to happen next an it's so hot an steamy you'll be fanning yourself

Always makes me laugh!

I love anything written by Linsay that has to do with her Scottish series. ( not so much the Vampire books) Her books are funny and I just can't put them down. I would recommend this book!

Another great read.

Lynsay Sands' writes for all and I am always captivated. The new life given to Annabel that she had to overcome without complaint while Ross was so patient and umm..... Thank you Ms. Sands.


I need so sweet romance and I definitely got it in this book. You just fall into the sweetest romance ever.

Loved the storyline!!!

The characters were so refreshing!!! I love Lynsay Sands books and would highly recommend her books to anyone who likes historical books!!!

Pleasant Read

This was a pleasant romance. I enjoyed how protective the H was towards the h. Watching her bloom as their relationship progressed was a delight. This reads quite quickly. Very enjoyable.

Love her books!

One of my all time favorite authors. I love the sense of humor her characters have. I busted out laughing several times.

Suspenseful Read

This is a great, quick read because I could not put it down. The moment Bell's sister showed up, I got that "Ah ha" moment and correctly guessed who was behind all the suspense!

English Bride, Scottish Laird

Well written and engaging! Such a fun, adventurous tale of arranged marriage, sisters and following your own path. Great read!

Well done!

I really couldn't stop reading. Great characters and dialogue with just enough drama to keep it interesting. Looking forward to reading more from this author.

Loved it!!

It's just as good as any other book I have read f hers. You start to read it and you can't put it down until you finish it

Solid romance and story

Nice read and lovely story always like her novels. I also like the historical references she weaves into the story

An English Bride in Scotland

I usually don't read these books but they are a nice change of pace. Just enough romance and mystery to keep you interested. Great book

A great read

Lots of surprises and twists. A sure way to make you thankful of the good things in your life, no matter how many bumps you have had along the way

great read

Loved this book and the characters!! The author put a heroine in place was sweet, cute and fun. You won't regret reading this story!

Always excellent

Lets tell the truth, Lynsay writes the best highlander books. You get drawn into the characters and there are laugh out loud moments. Everything she writes is good, and I have read them all, but I am very partial to these.

Sands continues with a very fun series. Thanks

I was looking for a change and this is it. Ms. Sands continues with a very fun series. Thanks,

Another Great Story

Lynsay Sands wrote another great story. She's a wonderful writer. I have read all of her historical romances and they were all good. This one was funny, mysterious, and a little sad. I can't wait until her next historical romance comes out. I know she writes other types of stories but they are not my cup of tea. She always keeps you wondering what will happen next. I am so happy that I started reading her stories.

Fun read

I like the hero. The heroine grew on me. I really like many of the supporting characters. There were many times I literally laughed out loud. And, I loved the Jasper, the dog. Who knew so many characters could get head injuries in one book?

Excellent book

This book is very interesting, story is full of changes. Love is very beautiful and sex is so hot between main characters.

ohhh man.... Im so obsessed with Scottish men!!!

What an excellent book by Ms Sands. I have read all her books, from the historical to the vampire º She has a way of making you appreciate and love who you are... faults and all......Classical. This book had me laughing and giggling. Ross and Annabel had you rooting for them, loving them from page to page. This book is so Ms Sands.

I love this book

I love this book... Absolutely love it. I have read once when a borrowed it from the library and of course I had to buy it and read 2 more times.. ;)

Great Story line

Great book. Lynsay Sands did a great job writing in the Scottish dialect Looking forward to reading her other books.

A wonderful book

Lynsay Sands never disappoints. Adding a bit of humor to her novels, making them more realistic and fun to read.

A wonderful read

I loved this book, very well written. I would recommend to family and friends. Can't wait to read book 2!

a great book

Oh I love it. Funny, funny. Sexy, encourage to love you self for who you are not what people see fiscally. Some people can see ugly but other see beauty.

Lynsay Sands does it again!

I love Lynsay Sands' historical romances the characters are "alive" with personality,humor,and intelligence.I enjoyed the story and the pacing was good.

A Fabulous read

If you want a well written book with a great story line, buy this will get swept away ....and enjoy yourself throughout the entire story.

love her.

Lynsay never disappoints me with her stories. I always end up laughing out loud and cringing at the cute awkward moments that her characters always find themselves in. Five stars for and amazing read.

Five Stars

have not read yet but Love Lynsay Sands books

Awesome Scottish romance!

I loved this story! Exciting from start to finish!!


This is one of the best books I have ever read! It contains humor, romance, suspense/mystery, and a happily ever after.

One of my favorites

I bought this book a few years back and it went right to the top of my hit list. So when the Audio book came out I got that as well. I really enjoy the reader she has brought out the book hummer better than if I just read the book and I really enjoy her accent. Another reason I like this book so much is because the author wrote characters very likable, that like each other and there families. I have listened to this book several time over the last few years. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I do.

Five Stars

Great read. A few laugh's through the book. Nice read

Great Read!

Great story. Lots of suspense. Lyndsay Sands is one of my favorite authors. She knows what readers like and she delivers!

I loved this book

I loved this book. What a great story. I love what Annabel and Ross had. I was not disappointed.

good interesting story

Love Lindsay sands and this was up to her usual standards. I always love her people and the little comic touches.

Five Stars

Good read

Surprisingly fun.

I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much. I like the characters and dialogue.

I love the way Lynsay Sanda catches my attention with books ...

I love the way Lynsay Sanda catches my attention with books and she doesn't stick to the formal way of writing. She gives variety and makes it realistic.

loved it

a truly enjoyable read, I would recommend it to a friend. I would even read it again if I had to.

I found wonderful, fast and very funny

I found wonderful, fast and very funny. Sometimes sad but always knowing that the heroine is a lady with inner strength. The hero is a strong man with lots of integrity. I really enjoyed the book.


I am never let down when I read one of lynsay sands books and this one was no exception. Very good

Five Stars


Oh my goddess!!! Its amazing

To start..... I ready these books out of order and finally got to read in order. it's a great series that I recommend to every woman around the world. So to keep it short I love Lyndsay Sands work she's amazing all around and I hope to read more of her work into the future

Five Stars

Love this book. The sequel is a not worth reading

Five Stars

Loved it

Unexpected love

I like this book because it is so thrilling when love comes your way unexpectedly and my life could use more love in it. If I had someone loved me like that I could be happy

Five Stars

interesting and fun to read

A good Story Line

A good story, it keeps your interest.

I laughed, I cried, I raged.

Very good book. Kept me interested from beginning to end. Hard to put down. I have most of Lyndsay Sands books. I was excited to see her offered in an e book also. You can't go wrong if you're looking for a good mixture of emotion. This book has it all. Highly recommended.

What a joy!

It is always a joy to read a Lynsay Sands book! Such a great plot and characters. The editing is always perfect....and that is so refreshing. I am the wife of a Scott ....sigh....and appreciate the consistency and research with the dialogue and the various locations. There is nothing like a handsome Scottish man to get your heart thumping! Aye, I recommend..the book too!

Five Stars

Great read. Cute story

Five Stars


Love it

Great read

Love this series

Love this series


Wonderful. Really good story. Loved the characters.

Five Stars


Five Stars

I really enjoyed the story.


This was a very fun book to read! The heroine was truly likeable! I enjoyed it from beginning to end

Five Stars

Love Scottishsettings

Five Stars

Really enjoyed this book


Loved this book! It was funny and hard to put down! Can't wait to read more of her books. Here I go!

Five Stars


Loved it

This book was classic Lynsay Sands - it had the perfect blend of humor, steam and romance to make it a wonderful, light enjoyable read. i wish she wrote more HR as I love her writing style, but don't really care for vampire books.

Classic romance with comical situations and characters.

The story was fairly comprehensive feeding cravings for romance, humor and historical context. I plan to read more works by this author.

Love love love

Very fascinating, couldn't put it down. Looking forward to reading your other novels. Love the way your story captures the reader from the beginning.

Five Stars

funny and good


I loved An English Bride in Scotland. Ross and Annabel are a very loving, romantic and sexy, sensual couple. Annabel has been retrieved from the Abby where she is about to take her vows as a Nun. Her mother has come to take her home to marry a Scottish Laird in place of her older sister Kate. I think Annabel's naivety was believable. She was neither shy nor knowledgeable about the marriage bed. She really didn't have a clue, so she did what seem to be the right thing to please her husband Ross and enjoyed it herself.. Annabel has been at the Abby since she was 7 years old so she was a blank slate and was Not damaged from any morals or lack of morals from the world or her environment. She had been at the Abbey for 14 year. A real innocent!! I just loved her. She is intelligent and kind and willing to learn from anyone who would teach her. The servants loved her. Ross was an excellent husband and grew to love her immediately although Ross new that Annabel had been replaced by her older sister to marry him. Ross didn't know right away that she had been in training to become a Nun He was very grateful he got her. After you read the story and I Highly Recommend you Do you will understand what I mean. Annabel's older sister Kate was a real B----H!! Jealous and downright evil. The story is very fasted paced a real page turner. I know some reviewer think Annabel was to knowledgeable for a Abbess but I saw it as her copying behavior from what she saw others do and learning from that. especially her husband. She did know right from wrong but if the behavior was reasonable and probable she copied it. This a really good story with twist and turns along the way. It was everything I love in a Historical Romance!! I loved bk 3 The Highlander Takes a Bride also,. I read it first because I didn't know it was in a series. Now I am off to read bk2 To Marry a Scottish Laird and I really hope it is another 5 star book in the series.

Oh My!!!

I just love Lynsay Sands romance books. I have to say AN ENGLISH BRIDE IN SCOTLAND is one of my most favorite of her books to read. Once I started reading - I didn't want to put it down. I would HIGHLY recommend this book!

Five Stars


I loved this story

I loved this story!! was so good I read it all in two days! will read again sometime in the near future!

An English Bride in Scotland

This book was very interesting as it left you wandering about what would become of the men and the women that entered into their lives.

Five Stars

Loved this book, A++++++

I should have listened to the reviewers

In the past, I've absolutely loved Lyndsay Sands novels, especially the Argeneau Vampire series but the heroine in this story, Annabelle, frustrated me to the point I skipped page after page because she's quite stupid, if kind-hearted and caring. I understand she was raised in a nunnery but she disobeyed her husband when he was trying to protect her from an attacker and she repeatedly endangered herself. And why would she trust her venomous sister to help her? I figured out early on who was behind the attacks and why so I was disappointed that Annabelle even let that wretched woman stay in the castle, especially after the vile things she did. It didn't make sense. The Laird, Ross, was a decent fellow but surely had the patience of a saint to keep rescuing his wife from her own follies. Some of the supporting characters were great but Annabelle's family was horrible and there wasn't a satisfactory explanation as to why they'd treat their children so badly. Overall, the book seemed less light-headed than I expected from Ms. Sands. I won't continue with this series.

An English Bride in Scotland

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was captivating right from the start, the story line had you wanting to just keep on reading this book. What an excellent author. I would recommend this to anyone.

Five Stars

It is a great easy read!

This Bride is not one to follow orders.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story. I would recommend it to anyone who likes to escape for awhile into another time. It is well written and a very interesting plot.

Five Stars

Nice book very good reading

Five Stars

Good read

Five Stars

Great book!

a great read

Great story! Never a dull moment. From start to finish, always kept me guessing! Funny and dramatic, with romance. I highly recommend this book

An English Bride in Scotland

Great story!! It really made you see how different people reacted to the same situation. I would love to read more like it.

An English Bride in Scotland

This is my first Lyndsay Sands novel and I found it to be a interesting read. The story reminded me a lot of Julie Garwood's style of writing and this particular storyline was very reminiscent of her novel "The Bride". With that being said there are still many differences that make this story unique. I loved the character that Sands created with our lead, Ross. I found myself dreaming of a Scot of my very own with his same temperament and style. I would recommend this book to others. It is a quick and easy read for a lazy Sunday afternoon. Summary: Annabel had planned to become a nun. But when her mother arrives at the Abbey to bring her home to marry a Scottish laird--her runaway sister's intended husband--her life takes a decidedly different turn. And though Annabel isn't the wife he'd planned for, strong, sexy Ross McKay is taken with his shy, sweet bride. Annabel knows nothing about being a wife, running a castle--or the marriage bed. But her handsome new husband makes her want to learn. When Annabel's life is threatened, Ross vows to move the highlands itself to save her and preserve the passion that's only beginning to bloom.

Great read and fun

Sanda never disappoints. Great read and fun

Five Stars

Entertaining, that's what I read for.

I couldn't put it down!

I really liked this book. It was the first I read from this author and will be ordering the second book after I write this review. It reminded me a lot of the Outlander series and tv show. I stayed up late reading it every night and could hardly put it down. I would recommend this book to anyone who has enjoyed the Outlander books or TV show (it is just the same style of book but the story line is very different).

a solid Highlander romance

Annabel is nearly ready to become a full-fledged nun when her mother unexpectedly whisks her away from the abbey with virtually no explanation. Within a day, Annabel finds herself marrying a Scottish laird in the place of her runaway elder sister. Sheltered Annabel has no idea how to be a wife or run a keep, but she’ll need to learn in a hurry. Laird Ross MacKay knows the marriage contract his late father arranged is voided by the sneaky substitution of the wrong sister, but when he sets eyes on Annabel, he’s keen to go along with the ceremony and make the shy beauty his wife. When attacks from an unknown enemy target Annabel soon after the wedding, Ross is determined to keep her safe even as his feelings for her grow ever deeper. This was typical Lynsay Sands craziness and humor, and I really enjoyed it. Ross was a great hero and even though I sometimes wanted to shake Annabel and the villain was rather obvious, the story was still entertaining. I enjoyed the narration as well and will continue my audio pursuit to fill in the books I’ve missed in this series.

Another great story from Lynsay Sands

I just finished this book and I really like this author. I have all her books and they take up a lot of space but I don't lend them out and I reread them time and again. I enjoyed the story and all of the characters. The lady of the castle was so sweet and helpful and once she married she grew and developed an understanding of the world as she had spent 14 years in a convent and was place there at 7 years of age. She was getting into so much at the convent and truly was not meant to be there. Her parents never wanted her because she was not a son. She had an older sister and she showed up at the castle and she was a nasty piece of work. I was amazed at the love in an arranged marriage. I recommend this book and this author.

Five Stars

Great book

Not impressed

The premise of the story is fine ... okay it’s silly. It could have been ok but there were too many holes. The couple is very sweet together from the beginning. It made me wonder where the story could go. Basically, the heroine has a stalker. She knows this, everyone knows this - yet she gets attacked every time she walks out the front door. She gets knocked out by being hit in the head four separate times in this book! And our brave hero is with her two of these times but he’s asleep and apparently sleeps like the dead. (I like my warriors to have spidey senses.) One reviewer mentioned earlier, the heroine’s family is NASTY, but we have no clue WHY. It makes no sense. But her new Scottish clan welcomes her with open arms, even though she’s English. Again, it doesn’t make sense. I went ahead and finished it, but I skipped through a lot. I gave it two stars because 1) the character descriptions weren’t over-the-top, and 2) the love scenes were well-done. I really couldn’t recommend spending money on this though. And I can’t imagine reading this author again. Her excerpt from one of her vamp stories that was included at the end of the book didn’t intrigue me at all.

fun read

This is one in a series of books about a family of Scottish Highlands nobility in the days of castle life in which each book focuses on one of several siblings as they accidently find their spouse as they try to protect their significant other form murder attempts. The books are humorous and the characters believable. If you like a little spice in your life, this author does it explicitly but tactfully.

I Doona Ken Why, But I Love Me Men in Kilts!

Let me start out by saying that I am a big Lynsay Sands Argeneau vampire series fan. Not so much the Regency historical books she wrote, though they were well written and humorous. I'm just not big on that genre. And I loved her Highland vampire short stories she wrote in anthologies with Hannah Howell, and my favorite non-vampire book of hers was Devil of the Highlands (I even read it twice!). An English Bride in Scotland reminded me very much of the Devil of the Highlands book. In both, the hunky hero thought he was saving his innocent young bride from an uncaring household (which he was), but knew little else about her. In this story, Scotsman Ross Mackay's father had made an agreement that his first-born son would marry his English friend's first born daughter. That should have been Kate, but she had fallen in love with the blacksmith's son and run off with him just as the family got word that the Mackay was on his way to collect his bride. A second daughter had been born, Annabel, and had been shipped off to a nunnery at a young age (I guess as was done in those times to avoid having an extra mouth to feed and dowry to provide). Just in the nick of time before taking the veil, Annabel is swooped out of the nunnery, told to pass herself off as the older daughter, and given a different veil-a bridal veil! Unbeknownst to her and her family, one of Ross's men overhears the truth and tells him before the nuptials, but he see's something in Annabel that sparks his interest and her treatment by her parents makes him want to get her away from there. Hilarity ensues as Annabel tries to keep her non-secret, danger stalks them as a stranger attacks at several places, Annabel wins over everyone she meets, and has the prerequisite TSTL (too stupid to live) moments that she must be saved from. It's definitely a formula book, like many you've probably already read. And while there's the trademark Sands humor that (at least for me) can cause laugh out loud moments and a surprise villain-still parts of the book seemed rushed, characters not as fleshed out as they could have been, and just a little more interaction between Ross and Annabel. Hmmm...maybe I'll go back and read Devil of the Highlands again...

I guess I just love the way Julie Garwood and Monica McCarty write

Lynsay Sands books so far are just SO-SO for me. For some reason they leave me wanting more from the Author. I don't know, I guess I just love the way Julie Garwood and Monica McCarty write. I like to laugh a lot, get excited and even cry while reading a good book. Most of all I like brave women, not wimpy women who are Victims. Well, I'll keep searching for another Great Historical Writer.

God I love this author!

I still can’t give it four stars because of the only plot line this author uses in nearly every single book she writes, the murder mystery. Although, it was leading towards a murder it was mostly abduction attempts in this book. Still, it’s the same scenario in all her books. What I do love and is probably the same in all her books too, is the falling in love that she captures in so many of her writings. In this book in particular you can follow the characters as they learn each other and insta/slowly fall in love. The sweetly romantic dynamic of the MC’s is almost riveting. This book’s FMC’s innocence and naivety makes sense here as she was raised isolated from society. The MMC was also not such a complete dingbat either which helps to make this story such a lovely pleasure to read. It left me with Lynsay Sands’ signature feelings of happiness and sadness, of wishing it hadn’t finished and that there was more left. I truly love this author and her books even despite my few criticisms. I’m off to read the next book in this series. Enjoy!

Great fun!

This was a fun, sexy read. I find the ridiculous situations these heroines find themselves in to be humorous, despite the silly nature. It's never over the top unlike some crazy annoying comedies they've produced in movies! Still the characters were likeable, it got serious too, and steamy. The emotions were there. And it could be crazy funny. I really enjoyed it.


Good condition. Fast shipping!

Very good book

Love the story line and had mystery but also love. Recommend author and this book.

that shipping was fast and item was as described

great read

Sweet highlander romance

Annabel is close to taking the veil and becoming a nun,, when she is unexpectedly pulled back into her families life and told she is to marry a Scottish Laird. Annabel is confused by the uncaring nature of her parents and thrust into a marriage with a man she has never met. Ross MacKay realizes treachery is at work and that his bride to be has run off with the stable boy. He is on his way out the door when he sees Annabel, instead of calling out the deception he marries Annabel. Ross is amazed at the sweet innocent woman who he has claimed as his bride. However someone is intent on causing her harm and Ross wont let anyone hurt his sweet Annabel. Filled with romance and humor, Ross is a fair man and he completely adores Annabel. Annabel is trying to fill the role of the Laird's wife but she has been in a convent since the age of six and has no clue as to what she is doing. Wonderful story if your in the mood for a highlander romance.

comfort reads: love, spice, and everything nice

I read these novels when I’m in a read slump. They have romance, spice, humor, and mystery! They have some repeating, predictable plots….most include saving a young woman through marriage and teaching her to enjoy carnal desires the church prohibits. All while someone tries to kill her and you have to figure out who it is. Such great quick reads and they put such a smile on my face.

Not pleasant

Ok, I think it's wise for an author to allow the reader to picture a main character in their mind, when reading a story. So, when I'm reading a story and the main character is described over and over again as "large", I immediately am turned off and have a negative view of her. On top of that, she's just unlikeable. It's very hard to find a story romantic when your impression of the female is one that is not appealing. Women come in all shapes and sizes, but I think it's better to allow the reader to picture in their mind what they envision the character to look like. To be honest, I don't like when an author describes a female character as "too thin", either. Let me figure out my own view of her. The character of Annabelle, quite honestly, made me picture a clown....and not in a good way. So, I can no longer go on reading. I'm just totally turned off to a woman, who I picture as gluttonous;, not glamorous or appealing. It's just not a book I'd recommend.


I love this story. I couldn't put my book down. Very well written!

Stop after the first book.

I really enjoyed this first book in the series, but after reading book two and three in the series I quickly grew bored. Sands struggles with new and fresh plots. Every book is formulaic with the same basic story lines. There is no way that I could read all nine books in this series.

Great book

I love the series. It makes me chug gel on occasion.

No epilogue

Minus one star for no epilogue. No surprise pregnancy, no little babies crawling around the castle! Nay! Other than that, it was an entertaining read and had me chuckling a couple of times. Still...miss the epilogue!

Delightful and fun

Ok, so finally...a book that kept my attention, was delightfully funny, and even shocked me w/a plot twist I couldn't spot a mile off. I was so relieved that I got thru the whole story w/ out it diving off into ridiculous land or having to run for my marker to correct multiple writing n mistakes as so often has about driven me to drinking or despair. I will gladly check into other stories by this author and sure hope to Bessie they live up to the appeal of this little gem.

I did Laugh at Least

This book, well... I recommended it to a friend because it was so ridiculous. Someone tries to kidnap the woman multiple times. The guy she is with falls asleep in the open every time they have sex. And then the kidnapping attempt occurs. Quit falling asleep idiot. Or do it indoors instead of fields and stables. It was beyond stupid. I felt like some teenage girl wrote and really only had a few chapters so dragged it out with kidnappings and getting bonked on the head. Like seriously, I think there were five head injuries caused by sex... LOL. Read it if you want a laugh at bad writing.

Sweet,Cute, Fun, Good Stuff

I would recommend this book to people that like or are interested in, easy,light,fun, historical romance. I liked that the book had some funny parts. This is my 2nd Lynsay Sands book and I like that it shows that silly situations and Sarcasm were a part of the time period and that people laughed back then too and got themselves into various predicaments. I was annoyed towards the end where I feel that a character was needlessly killed off to help with an easy way of wrapping up the story. The mystery was not to complicated and when it was revealed was fairly predictable but it was all part of what Made it such light,easy, fun reading. I will definitely be finding a third Lynsay Sands book to entertain me. She makes historical romance interesting for me where in the past I have been so bored I could not even make my self finish them. Twice in a row her books have held my attention and mad me smile.

Sexy, with some history , and hot muscle bound Highlanders

Great book ! Check out intire series.

Another Great Sands!

What can I say - I absolutely love her medieval romances! You feel like you are 'there', there's laughs, crying and lots and lots of romance! Lynsay is one of my all time favorites!

Such a great story!! Really loved!

Absolutely loved this! I was expecting just pure spice, but there was some real story here! I loved all of the characters. Some of the secondary characters really intrigued me! This was so great!

An English Bride in Scotland

I like the story, but agree it was not her best. I missed the humor that is in her other books. This had some, but not very much. Also she included the thing about the church not being allowed to have marital relations on certain days in her book like she did in another book. So was disappointed as she seems to be reusing her ideas from other books. The book also seemed kind of short to me. I still enjoyed the story and the characters, but was hoping for a little more from her. Annabel was sweet, nice, and naïve, but maybe a little too much for me. Plus she was short. I did not care to keep hearing about how she thought she was fat. I know why she did it. It goes with the plot and with the sister being tall and skinny. I keep just picturing this short curvy too young child girl, with this really tall highlander. It just doesn't fit in my mind when there is that much of a height difference as well as a the girl being too naïve. She is not that bad, it is just me and my mind. Ross was great of course, though we ever really got a description of him. She described her parents, but not Ross. I don't like it when the hero is not described. Sex content is medium/high. Several scenes that are descriptive but not excessively descriptive.

Ridiculous and boring read!!

The plot was really horrible and uninteresting, which became very boring and tedious, not to mention redundant. The story was about a heroine who was a novice, and was short, overweight, and very stupid, and had breasts too big for any gown to fit her, which reminded me of a cow or a gnome. The hero's's character was extremely underdeveloped. The year or era of the read was not mentioned, which really annoyed me. This was a really really bad read and I wish I had not not put the time and money into, I really regret h/h, having done so with so many good medeival romance books I could have chosen from. I do not want to go any further on this review because I feel this book wasted enough of my time. I give it 1/2 of a star, and would not recommend this read!!!!

An English Bride In Scotland by Lynsay Sands

I truly enjoyed this book. I love Lynsay Sands work. She always has me laughing out loud, and this one is no exception. Terrific book.

Five Stars

I like all her books

Love Lynsay!!

This book is so funny! I love the main characters and how they came together. Lynsay Sands is one of my favorite writers!

Entertaining, light romance

Annabel is such an innocent treat. Her plight had been to become a nun, which she was not very well suited for. After being raised by the strict rules and nonsense that the church back then, she came out with a sweet disposition. The biggest problem with Annabel is so unsure of herself, she doubts everything about herself. After her sister ran away with the stable boy from selfishness that extended to everyone else. Her character is so well written that I had to put the book down because she was so irritating and obnoxious. Annabel was grabbed from the Abby to marry, Ross, the man that was meant for her sister. A there in this comes the grand humour that is worked into each story that Lynsay Sands writes. This historical romance is a must if you want to just have fun!

It was funny and frustrating

The characters didnt stop having head injuries. Ever. Not only the main characters but servants always ended up unconscious and it was so frustrating! I give it four stars because ignoring the brain damage the majority suffered, i loved both the main chars. She was funny and i loved her innocence and her religious beliefs. they made the relationship so fun because he tried to respect her beliefs in his own way. overall, when they werent unconscious, i really enjoyed the couple.

Another great book by Lynsay Sands

Always fun reading her books. I have enjoyed all of them to date and look forward to many more in the future

An English Bride in Scotland

Lynsay Sands can write in any genre. I got hooked on her vampire series, then the Scottish. Doesn't matter what she writes there is love, lots of passion and laughter.

The Second was the best.

Sent to a nunnery at the age of seven Annabel, spent fourteen long years there. She couldn't conform and suddenly her mother arrives to take her home. Her older sister who was contracted to wed a Scottish Lord has run off with a stable boy. Now the second sister is the perfect one.

Five Stars

Loved it great author.

To Be or Not To Be a Wife

A love story that's poignant, funny, and mysterious. Loving parents and horrible parents. Good persons and a couple bad ones. A great plot that allows for humor and excitement. The characters are well-described. The erotic romance scenes fit the plot well. There is a Highland Book 2, but I wish there were a book in between that is about Ross and Annabelle in between the two books. That would be icing on the bookcake.

Good story

Annabelle is a firecracker. Ross is awesome. The two of them together make for an excellent story. Kate is a bit over the top but she gets her just desserts. A fun story if you like a historical setting and aren't too hung up on overly specific histological details.

Really enjoyable read

I must say I was a bit nervous about this book after reading some of the more negative reviews. I think it was very unfair to say the h was TSTL towards the end. I think actually she was really naive and that was to be expected because of the way she had been brought up in the convent. Added to that she thought with her heart more than her head. I loved the characters and as someone else said, this author always creates likeable main characters. This book really is worth reading.

Easy read!

Loved Ross and Annabel and the McKay family and friends characters. Great love story with bits of humor. Any historical romance junkie will love it.

Five Stars

great writer and a great story. Very funny too.

Sunday Sands Highland Brides series

Lynsay Sands books are a delight. So much fun and romance. I pick up a book by her without even reading the back.

Five Stars

An entertaining look at the history, culture, and man/woman relationship in this romantic English/Scottish tale.

Five Stars

Liked this story line good read

just ok

Definitely not worth the price and I’m glad I didn’t buy the entire series. I lost count of the stupid kidnapping attempts and just started skimming to finish the damn book. It had potential but needed serious editing.

Four Stars

Enjoyable read.

As Funny and Sexy as Usual, but Not High on the Romantic Chemistry Scale

I am a Lyndsay Sands fan because all of her historical romances are so funny, in a silly type of way. She also describes the sex scenes in a hot and bothered kind of way, and this one is no exception... the sex scale is rocking it. However, there is no romantic build up between the hero and heroine. They fall in love because they're married. The thing that keeps you turning the pages in this book is not the way they fall in love, but the curiosity of who is trying to hurt the hero and heroine. That is where the story seems to lie in this book. So, it's worth reading, but if you're hoping for a mind-blowing, never-forget-it type of romance, you will find the slow sweet kind of romance here instead.

A Surpring Time

Lynsay Sands has a very enjoyable way of writing about the Highlands. This book had laughter, love and a story that was very different. The ending was a masterpiece and makes the saying that what goes around comes around. The characters are bold but beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed it and hated to see it end. I wanted to see more about what was to come for Ross and Annabele.

Fun, Fast, Read

Your typical romance book., though the main characters seemed to have more sex than I remember being in Historical fiction. That fit the time period though. Back then people who were not working themselves to the bone from dawn to dusk , I guess had more energy. With nothing but religion or sex for entertainment I can see why sex or "bed sport" would be popular.

thank you


Good old fashioned romance

I like the historical aspect of this novel being set back when horses were being ridden everywhere or carriages used. It gives an insight into how life would of been back then. The bride ends up falling in love with her groom whom she married straight after being dragged from the convent by her mother without ever having met him and has to deal with a vengeful sister to have her happy ever after. It is an entertaining read and I enjoyed the ride with her and would recommend this book to anyone who likes historical romance and light fun reading.

Not Terrible, Not A Favorite

I just finished reading this book for the second time. I remembered enjoying it the first time but was plagued with a nagging feeling that something wasn't right. I paid more attention this time around and found the flaws that had bothered me the first time. First of all, the Hero, Ross, is not fleshed out very well. He felt like an interchangeable Hero with no distinguishing characteristics that could really set him apart. I liked the guy, but he was just so flat and boring. Second of all, the Heroine, Annabel, made so many stupid decisions that I just wanted to reach through the book and slap her. Minor spoiler, she decides to sneak out of her home to see a woman about a sewing position after she has been attacked on several occasions. She couldn't send one of her several servants to go in her stead? Then there's the fact that virtually everyone just fell in love with her right off the bat. Perhaps this wouldn't have bothered me so much if it wasn't emphasized all the time and there was more showing rather than telling. Third of all, almost all of Ross and Annabell's scenes together were sexual in nature. I get it, this is a romance novel but I enjoy that build up of love and acceptance. Even Ross's accepting of her as a bride was due to a "feeling" he had rather than anything concrete in emotion. When they both came to declare their love for one another I was flabbergasted since they had barely connected on an emotional level. Perhaps if the author had actually taken us through their journey to Scotland after their wedding, rather than just gloss over it, the emotional connection would have been easier to accept. As it is, I just didn't feel the love. Lust, certainly, but not love. Despite my grievances, I still enjoyed this novel. The minor characters were interesting, it had a fairly original storyline and plot twists, and the writing overall is good. I am still glad I purchased it but it's not a romance novel I will hold near and dear to my heart.

good vacation reading

Really good relaxing reading. Read it in 24h. Loved cover picture and texture. Would recommend to anyone who would love to relax by reading. But there's no literary value or true historical facts. I couldn't even guess what time it was set on.

It was a sweet read

It was sweet east read. I enjoyed it. If you want a quick nice read, this is it. Nice snowy night read

A Very good read

Every part I enjoy

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