Buttons and Pain

Kindle Edition
15 May
*** This collection of works includes Buttons and Pain and Buttons and Shame. ***

The NEW YORK TIMES bestseller!

When I saw my escape, I took it. Now I'm in New York City and trying to get my life back on track. Despite the tracker in my ankle, Crow hasn't come for me. He hasn't even called me. I told him the depth of my feelings but he cruelly rejected them.

Maybe he's forgotten about me.

One day, I walk into my apartment and spot the pile of buttons on the counter. I never left them there, and there's only one explanation for their presence.

Maybe Crow hasn't forgotten me after all.

Reviews (391)

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

Epic conclusion for an epic tale.

Ahhh...the feels. How in the world people can leave this book less than five stars is mind-boggling. This book has it all...love, REDEMPTION, forgiveness....everything you look for in a finale (although Pearl and Crow do appear in the subsequent three Buttons books that focus more on Cane). I loved how Cane went from villain to hero...very, very, VERY few authors can successfully pull that off but Penelope Sky does it in epic fashion. I loved the redemption he found in Pearl and Crow’s forgiveness. I hated for their story to end so much but am glad they appear in the next three books! What a ride. Pearl and Crow are my favorite book couple and this book definitely delivers in spades!!

Loved the story, but the typographical errors were distracting

I loved this entire series! It truly kept me interested and I couldn't put it down! I would rate this book with 5 stars if it hadn't been for all the errors. However, the errors from not being edited in Buttons and Pain were very distracting. They were not simply typos, but words that shouldn't have been in the sentence at all. There were many throughout the book. It seemed like this book was written on a tablet and autocorrect took over. I didn't enjoy reading a sex scene and having to stop reading to figure out what the author was trying to say. Again, I truly did love the series and I do look forward to reading more of Penelope Sky's books!

I love this series!

I absolutely love this series and the final part of Crow and Button's story. So much happens in this third book with Button's escape to New York, more kidnappings , Bones reappears,Crow is finally made to "man up" as Cane tells him and see what he truly feels, old exes reappear for both Button and Crow, revenge is sought and so much more. Button is such a strong woman, she has gone through so much pain, torture, abusing, and yet remains strong and family oriented. I really enjoyed Crow and Button's story and cannot wait to read about Cane's story next.

A third of a book

Nothing pushes me to stop reading an author as when you pay $$ for a continuing story and you get a third of the way through the book and it stops- then it begins a whole new book as a "treat"!!! Hummm!!! Nothing irritates me more! If I paid $$ to finish the story i started don't push another book on me by being dishonest and letting people pay for one thing and sneaking an entirely new book and characters into more than half of the book I thought I just bought for a entirely different set of characters!!!!!! All this does is make not what to read ANY of your material!!!!!! EVER!! Regardless of i like your writing!!!!! THX Your readers have to be able to trust you and believe they are not being scanned if you actually want a following!!

Buttons and Crow

Their love continues to grow, became friends with each other. Ended up protecting her from dangerous people who wanted to kill her and take her back. Sparks really fly between them Crow ends up falling in love with her. Ended getting married. Absolutely awesome delish romantically story to read, better than the other books this author has written., Enjoy

"Wow" I love these books.

I read the first book in this trilage at the end of The Scotch series that I got as a free download from Amazon. I realy loved the Scotch series so I thought Ok what the hell. Crow and Cane seemed interisting from the interaction with Crew so I would give it a shot. Pearl made the story. She is such strong carater that you can't help but want her to win. All I can say is WOW. I went throught 2 books in 2 days. I haven't done that in years. I listen to a lot of Audible books while I work and I mean a LOT! To get me to buy a book and sit in a chair and read it on a tablet in something. I ethier want to hold a hard cover in my hands or listen to it but I could not wait! I do beleive Penelope is my new favorit author! Now I am on to the third one.

Characters to Love

This series was dark and lovely. I found the story to be very riveting, full of twists. I really admired Pearl, she was a very strong woman who did not melt into a starry eyed sycophant when she found true love. She remained realistic and won on her own terms. Crow was a great hero, troubled and not easily fixed by love. The epilogue was a little rushed and you just know they didn't end up there without some turmoil. I can't wait to read Cane's story. As an aside, this book also contained another book, Black Obsidian, after the story ended. I was actually surprised to really enjoy it also as I usually don't like the extra books added on to some of these kindle reads.

Half a book

Honestly, I was really thrown that only half of this book is the conclusion of Crow and Pearls story. It was really odd for the story to end 48% of the way through the book. That aside, loved the story and it was a good ending. Could’ve had more (and I thought it did, but I digress). Great series, just annoyed with the abrupt ending... halfway through the book.

Highly recommend this trilogy !!

Just loved this series. A little to much sex. But the story line was very exciting. And i just LOVED how strong Button was. Books with strong women are my favorite. You need to read all 3 books to understand what's going on. And i do recommend all 3 of them. It's a beautiful love story with a evil twist. Penelope Sky is a great writer. And i love how she spun the story from something really bad into something beautiful. I highly recommend this trilogy.

Must read!

I have read every book in this series and each book keeps getting better and better! I was rooting for this couple from the very beginning. Hoping against all hope they would get their happy ending. Considering they have been through so much. They are the very definition of hard work. This book will leave you on the edge of your seat wanting to know what's going to happen next. If you are emotional like me. It will leave you shedding tears and getting angry right along with these wonderful characters. There were parts, if this were a movie, I felt like I had to cover my eyes because I just couldn't stand the suspense of what would happen next. This is a must read! :)

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.


I received an arc for an honest review. WOW!!! This trilogy was amazing, writing, characters, plot, just everything. I loved the evolution of the characters from the beginning to the end. I went from hating Cane to loving him and hoping for a book of his own. I always loved everything Crow but seeing his softer side come through was nice and he was still soooo Alpha! Then there's Button, she was amazing from start to finish. She was such a strong woman but Crow brought out even more boldness in her. He got her to a place where she could do what needed to be done and she was a BADASS!! 💜💜💜 this series so hard!

Must read

Penelope Sky has captured my heart with this series. I agree with other readers, it is a little dark, but it's real. These god awful things do happen. I applaud the fact that she wasn't afraid to put the reality of bad things out there. And really, this series has very happy endings. If you aren't afraid of a little reality, a lot of sex and some rough language, you must read.

Awesome book and series

Loved this series by Penelope Sky, a wonderful author. First book was very dark, but draws you in and becomes lighter as you continue to read. Enjoyed reading about the love affair of Pearl, nicknamed Button, and Crow. They help each other to change over time. Does keep you in suspense due to the evil Bones constantly pursuing Pearl. Was sad to see the series end. Can't wait for the new book by Penelope to come out in August.

Not cost effective. Price is to high for what you get. Repetitious.

I loved this series, but it just to costly for someone that actually reads. The Button Black Cover Series is not a complete story. The cost of the complete story is over $150 and become a repeat for the next generation of the Lingerie Series, and they have become a lot shorter, less than 300 pages per 6.99. Penelope Sky has become Greedy and Repetitious, which is a shame. Give people their moneys worth, please.

Pure Porn

This was pure pornography but the plot was interesting so I completed the book skipping the overly explicit bedroom (or any room) descriptions. If what the main character was ''feeling'' were true for most women we would probably never leave the bedroom. This is fantasy porn.


I loved this series. I'm really glad I started it with all 3 books out. I would die if I had to wait after the 2nd one. I'm now a big fan of penelope sky. I will probably read all her books. Plot amazing. Getting both pearl and crows version is awesome. You get so lost in reading and you don't want to put the book down. The only complaint is there are missing words and some wrong ones. But you get the idea of what is suppose to be there. It's a dark series, but full of love and lots of action

Oh the tears.

I was on the edge of my seat with this one. Penelope delivered another GREAT book in the wake of Button & Crowe's life. Pearl kicks ass yet again and gets her freedom. If only she could fight what her heart wants or for Crowe to admit his love sooner. I was an emotional wreck for this book.


There was ALOT of yelling at my kindle while I was reading this book. But the ending in one word...EPIC! so many plot twists and turns, you end up forgetting which was is up. The best quote I believe though is: “A real man doesn’t lie about how he feels. He tells the world he loves someone and dares his enemies to hurt the woman he adores. A brave man has holes in his armor but goes to war anyway. A fierce man isn’t afraid to love someone even though he knows there’s an ending down the road."

Layers of the Cain

Can is brought into perspective! His layers are slowly peeled away revealing a tender soul looking for love. Cain and Crow's relationship has been enhanced with the addition of Pearl/Buttons. He finds his soulmate but at what cost will they be together? A web of intrigue the author has written.

Nothing special, just a thought of mine

I have discovered Penelope Sky reading The Betrothed series. I liked all the books by this author, but sometimes there is something that I really hate. How could you say this "'she was beautiful , but I didn't find her attractive. She was scared and weak, nothing like that other woman. She didn't hold herself with respect despite her situation. There was nothing unique about her''(Buttons and Pain). Really? Just a man can think something like this. When a woman is abducted, raped, humiliated and objetified, you want dignity and no fear? Wow! That is a moment when I need a pause to clean my mind. Be good, ladies.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

Wow! Couldn’t put the book down!

Fantastic story. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. There is a lot of sexual content some violent sexual situations. I love the story but honestly had to skip over some of the sex... to get back to the great story. I’m on book 4 now! I don’t want the series to end! LOVE it!

If it looks like a monkey proofread your book...

After struggling to get through my kindle copy of this book, I discovered that I was sent a draft of the book. I wish Amazon would have sent me an email to notify me of this problem before I finished the book. I usually don't go back and read the description of a book I own but I came back to write a horrible review and I would have thought poorly about Penelope Sky's writing abilities. 1 star for the 100+ errors in the draft I purchased and 4 for the characters and story. For those of you who can't understand why people are giving 1 star reviews, it was that bad and we didn't get the same experience you had. Pearl being referred as " he she" was odd to name one example.

I love how strong she is

Pearl finally has a taste of freedom and is trying to move on from her ordeal with Bones and Crow. I love how strong she is. That she can just show up at her ex's place and demand money to fix what he has done to her. She moves on as best she can but she knows her feelings belong to Crow. When Crow finally shows back up she's conflicted and the minute they reconnect you can really tell their love for each other. Loved this one.

So many errors

Do they proofread at all anymore??!!! The ending was good, but the errors drove me insane!!! I just don't understand!!! Why?

Perfect ending for a superb series

This one was gut wrenching at times. One instance being when Crow was leaving & he & Pearl were heartbroken (and he CRIED!). I was right there with them. I cried more reading this one than the other 2 combined. This book had everything I wanted & more. Anyone else still swooning after Crow sang to Pearl? They are my favorite fictional couple of all time & I’m writing this 2 years after I first read the series. I still think of them often.

Strong Button

I loved this trilogy. It had a lot of all the right ingredients to wet my appetite and keep me reading. Great mix of dominant (most of the time) H and feisty h. Very well done how monster met his end. I was a little dismayed at first in finding so many typos and grammatical errors. After about 50% of book, they disappeared. I went back to first half and couldn't find hardly any, so I don't know if an edited version was pushed out but it certainly made the rest of the story much easier and more enjoyable to read.

Amazing ending

Wow, Penelope ended this series with a bang. I'm going to be honest, Pearl and Crow had me worried. I was sitting on the edge of my seat several times before this book ended. I was heartbroken throughout this entire book but it all pulled together in the end. I really enjoyed this series and I am so glad I found these books.

Buttons and Pain

Read all three books in the series. A little dark with the language but it really kept me interested and after the first book I had to read the second and third. Great characters, good story of love. I almost hated to see the series end. I might read other books by this author in the future because they were very entertaining.

1 star!!

Cane and Crow are abusive criminals to Pearl!! How these books made it to the romance genre is beyond me!! She has scars on most of her body!! Crow finds them sexy !! All you 18 and 19 and young girls reading these books need to realize all characters in these books need Shrinks!!

Crow stole my heart

I volunteered to read and review an ARC of this book This is the conclusion to Crow and Pearls story. In the last book we know she escaped back to New York. They are miserable without each other but when she sees two buttons in her counter she knows Crow has come for her. What ensues is a tale of love and revenge and a happily ever after for Crow and Pearl! This book is so great and wished we could see more of Crow and Pearl. Sad to see it end but the way it ended was perfect.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

Buttons are forever

I have been waiting for this book since February pre ordered it and everything, there are a lot of gramical errors in the book, but it does not take from the story, crow and pearl are both hard headed people, and you know they are just ment to be together, but with pearl and her past it's hard to get past all of that, and with crow being a criminal he dosnt think he is capable of love, but with a little fight and some buttons they come together with the best fright for love

Great dark romance series.

Great dark romance series. If you like Pepper Winters, you will like this series. Dark material, erotic, explicit sex and great storyline. Authentic characters, strong women, alpha males. All the things I love about this genre.

Buttons and Pain review

I read the first two books in this trilogy and I couldn't wait for this one. Such rich writing with rich characters and a detailed storyline. Your writing included all of the elements that I enjoy: lust, head strong men, relationships of all types, powerful women, mystery, drama, serious sex scenes and excellent supporting characters, like Lars and Cane. I probably left something out but you get it. Loved the 3 books and looking forward to the Scottish King.

Great story.

Sometimes I had to re-read a sentence because of the typos, which sometimes takes away from the read. Because of that I gave it 4 stars instead of 5. I would recommend this to anyone who likes romance with a little mystery, and some erotica. It was a fun story to read. The character were strong and maintained their personalities throughout each book.

So good!

I love this story! The type of book you don't want to put down. I would have given it 5 stars but it desperately needs to be edited again. Way too many errors where it appears auto correct has changed words. I wanted to fix it as I read it, but once that gets fixed, it's a fabulous book! **so I've since upgraded it to 5 stars because I see that they accidentally sent the unedited copy to me. It was such a great story and I'm sure they are desperately trying to fix the errors. Worth the read for sure!!**

Love it ❤️❤️

Been binging on this series for the past few days it’s amazing !!! I just love that Crow and Buttons are still involved in this installment. Cane and Bellisima are so hot together and it really shows how romantic he is .

Just Amazing!

Saying I couldn't put it down is an understatement! Saying I loved it would not do it justice. This was an incredible series which I hate to see end. I don't re-read many books but this series will definitely be one that I will!

Amazing....a MUST read!

From the first book Buttons and Lace, I was hooked. I found myself totally captivated by this story line. It was full of twists, turns, highs and lows. I feel as if I personally got to know the characters. Crow and Pearl share a love not many get to experience. I love how fierce and brave Pearl is, she is a very strong woman to endure what she did. I would LOVE to see this series turned into a movie. I wish we could get just one more book, maybe a story about Cane. It was totally worth the wait. Be sure to have kleenex on hand, hang on for an amazing ride.


I Believe this was a debut for this author....great trilogy .I enjoyed it immensely. Of course this non con capture storyline is my favorite since my discovery of Pepper Winters..I did not receive one of the draft copies in error,so I have no complaints and thought it was a cohesive,well written ,inventive,sexy,erotic,romantic captive turned lovers plot. It is a bit pricey for online new author but worth a splurge.


I would love to be able to give this book a higher rating because I enjoyed the story but I can't in good faith. The book comes with trigger warnings because it contains graphic violence against the heroine. In spite of the topic, the story was really good. It was full of tension, romance, and suspense. Unlike many books, the heroine did not give in or give up. She was determined to get out of the horrible situation she found herself thrust into. This is where my positive review has to stop. When reading the first and second books in the series, I found, as I was reading, some errors in grammar where either the wrong word was used or a word was left out completely that either altered the meaning of the sentence or the sentence made no sense at all. The further I read into this book the more often the omissions occurred, to the point where they were happening several times in a chapter. There were also a couple of times where the writer used the wrong character name as she was writing. For instance if the description or conversation was pertaining to Crow she would use his brother's name instead. I would love to be able to recommend this series but it is in serious need of an editor's red pen.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

Buttons and Pain

The third and final book about Crow and Pearl. Not your typical love story, this is a dark read, but one I absolutely adored! Sad to see the end, but let me tell you this whole series gave quite the ride into the life of a women taken and put into slavery to be rescued by a man possibly as bad as the ones who abduct these women. But we see the soft side, and just can't help but smile throughout this story. Awesome!

Whew! Button and Crow's story is A-MAZING! This ...

Whew! Button and Crow's story is A-MAZING! This series is so intense from book 1: Buttons and Lace! You have to read them all! Penelope Sky did an outstanding job with these characters! I will say that the editing in book 3 is slightly different from books 1 and 2. I did get a little frustrated with some of the grammatical errors.

I need more

This series was simply amazing. I'm sad I read it so quickly. Perl is strong as hell. The fact that this woman could have endured so much and still be strong is beyond me. I loved every single bit of this story. There are parts that made me cry but in all every tear was worth it. Some may say this book is a little too far out there, but they are crazy as hell. This whole series is the bomb.com I am seriously looking forward to a possibility of a series all about Cane. I would love to see if he finds love. I can't wait.

Intriguing story

Great story with good intrigue and well developed characters. I enjoyed Crow & Pearl's continued appearance in this book. I hope the characters are in the next book.

Heart ❤ warming

You have given Cane a big heart warming heart. But still human. Some repeating, but not to much. Be interesting to see how you get these young ladies out of this mess.


I love this series, it is worth waiting . It is wonderfully written. I am emotionally drawn to both Crow and. Pearl and I could never ask for a better ending . Penelope Skye you are in my top list of favorite authors . I m looking forward to read more of your books.

Buttons and Pain

I would have given this a 5 star rating had it been better edited. The grammatical errors were extremely distracting and I've learned to expect better from the author. Now with that said, the story ended perfect for Buttons and Crow. Buttons was a heroine from her very first introduction to the very end of the story. I loved the fact that she was written with a strength that was all her own and didn't come from her relationship with Crow. While Crow allowed that strength to grow she had it with or without him....


The book was great. Loved the series. Nicely written although the e version needs proofed big time. Many, many errors. It's as if whoever did the editing didn't have any idea of the english language, can't type, or both. A grammar check could have helped some. Disappointing to purchase a book so unprofessionally presented.

Loved this book and the ending

The book was everything I was expecting but I gave it a four star rating because of all the typos and left out words and the vocabulary. It was if no one edited the book at all and it took away from the pleasure of reading it that the other two books gave because the mistakes were too numerous to count.. All the mistakes took away from the quality of the book and made it look as if a middle schooler had typed it and didn't use the spell and grammar check feature. I like this author's work and hope all future books will be printed and edited in the professional manner one would expect.

Buttons and Pain

I believe after that Pearl ( Button) went through, she finally gets her life and new husband! She deserves it and this is amazing ending for her! Love the part when she fought off Bones And killed him. Also amazing what she did for her new family and her new husband, saved her brother in law! Epilogue is the best new life and and children! Can't believe that Crow has children and changed his life for the better!

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

Loved this series!

I loved this series and was excited to read the final part of the story. Now here comes the reason for 4 stars instead of 5. As excited as I was to finish the story I would have waited a little longer for better editing. There were a lot of errors in this book that I don't recall from the first two. That being said, the story was still great. Just enough twists and turns and plenty of steamy scenes!

Great series

Love the way the story leads you into the next book. You can't put the book down so you have no choice but to buy the next one just so you can get to the end. Penelope is definitely one of my favorite authors.

Great series

I don't want to spoil the series so I won't get into details but to say the 3 book series is a must read. While some details are dark and painful to read the evolution of all the characters was great. The strength of Pearl is amazing and inspiring. I would love to see Canes series

Great story, however it doesn't appear that the published version was proofread... at all.

I was really looking fwd to the final book in Penelope Sky's trilogy, read it all in one night (of course), and it had a great ending. Loved the story, loved the characters, etc. However, the version of the book that was published is just embarrassing. There are typos and grammatical errors through and through, and for someone who is detail-oriented and a perfectionist, it really took away from the book. Would've got five stars hands down if it was properly edited and proofread...


I loved this series and the story. I love Crow and Pearl/Button. But, the typos are horrible and inexcusable! It is like there was no editing or like the author does not speak English. There were misspelled words, wrong words, added words, it was very distracting! I have the Kindle app on my phone, so I read the book on my phone and on my Kindle. The typos were different on each one. There were typos on my phone app, but not on my kindle, but also errors on my kindle that weren't on my phone. It was like I had 2 different versions. It is very confusing and made it hard to read. Around 40%, I started making note of typos and I found 48 and that was just the last half of the book. I have read other reviews and it seems there are books without the typos or maybe they just didn't notice them. I hope this author gets a better editor. But I do love the story and the characters and would love to read a story about Cane.

I loved it

Penelope sky is brilliant when it comes to this specific storyline. I was hooked from the first book up until the ending of this book. I fell in love with crow and how he slowly evolved into something more than a heartless, cold man. Pearl is my character idol. She didn't take crap from no one which made her realistic and not the average damsel in distress. She was strong, witty, and a fighter. I'm a huge fan of more realistic characters and a strong plot. I like the fact that it wasn't a total love fairytale. I loved that crow didn't come storming in at the last minute to save the day. I loved that pearl killed bones herself. It was a good read, however there were a few mistakes in the book as far as grammar and certain things but who cares right? Ms. Sky you are wonderful

Love me some Crow!

Amazing!!! This book and series isn't for everyone but it was everything to me. Crow is my love and Pearl is fantastic. I'm glad I found and fell in love with this series. I can't wait to read about Cane. He'll be incredibly interesting!! Definitely a must read, from the beginning!!

Great ending but needs an editor

It was a wonderful ending to the story, completely predictable but still good. The only distraction was the amount of wrong words used. I had to keep rereading sentences and change it to the correct word in my head. I doubt her lips could wrap around his waist. Just about every page had issues. It was incredibly distracting. I don't remember the first 2 books having this issue. I can usually ignore a few errors but this was just ridiculous. Other than that it was a perfect ending and I enjoyed the series immensely.

This series was a easy read. I was captured right away and couldn't ...

This series was a easy read. I was captured right away and couldn't put it down. The first two books were dark and intense. The last book obviously captured them finding their way back to one another. The hardest part was waiting for the last book to come out. I had it read in 1 day and was not disappointed. I only wished there could have been more said about Jason and their relationship and I did feel the ending happened to quickly. It's what I expected and wanted but I just felt it was a bit rushed. You are a great writer and cannot wait to read more from you! This series will be read more than once!

Wonderful ending to a wonderful series - loved it!

While I did receive an advanced copy, I also purchased the book because I support this author's work; at first it didn't download but it came through later. I was SO happy with how the story ended! Pearl is so strong and Crow is, well Crow! I would LOVE for these characters to continue and I can see the possibility of a series for Cane (please-please-please!!!)

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

It was just ok

I enjoyed the first story in the series because I want a happy ending fir t g e couple. I didn't enjoyed the second story at all and I will not be purchasing the next book in this series.

Great story, poor editing

The storyline was good. I thoroughly enjoyed that part of the book, but there were so many errors that I began paying more attention to that than the storyline. A few errors are to be expected. Sometimes you don't catch everything, but this was way too often. For that I only gave it three stars.

Not as good as the first 2, but did wrap the story.

This booked dragged. I wanted more drama. Action wise and something different in the bed room. I have read cheap books with more excitement. I liked Crow and Pearl, I liked how they came together with Cane to be a family. If I didn't like the characters, it would be 3 stars.


This book store my heart out but put it all back together. I'm so happy and after everything Crow and Button went through they needed the ending they got. I loved this series even though it ruined me but I hope Cane finds someone and their family will be completed! I loved this book and I love the author.

Loving the series

I give this book a 5 star rating. I'm so in love with this series, the writer leaves you wanting more. I love how she continued with the series focusing on Crows brother Cane. And I'm looking forward to see where she takes Cane on his journey to finding his own happy ending.

Amazing, loved this book!!!

I really enjoyed this book. I just couldn't wait to read Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky. This book was hard to put down. I loved the connection between Crow and Pearl. I am happy with the conclusion but sad that the Trilogy is over. Hope you will write a story for Cane!!! I highly recommend this.

Who did the editing?

This was a great series. The editing was horrific. There were so many errors it was distracting. Also is it just me or was the timing of his sister's one year anniversary of her death and the timing in which Button had been with Crow completely off??? Ugh. I have to admit these little things losses me off and slightly ruined the story for me.

Buttons and Pain

Buttons and Pain is absolutely FANTASTIC as is the entire series. I love the three books as well as the characters Peril, Crow, Cane and Lars. Could hardly wait until I received the third book and have already read it twice. Keep writing Sky and I will continue to buy your books

Great story

I recommend this book to everyone. It has drama, romance, and excitement. I enjoy the people. I have a hard time putting it down. I can't wait to Read about what's next.

A bit far fetched...

But I had to read it to complete the series, right? It was so short though, so they threw in a different book after B&P as a bonus. I'm not buying the storyline though, how Button became this femme fatale. But as a make believe story, I'll let it sly.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

Great end to a fantastic story.

What I didn't expect was how much I would come to enjoy Cane. Somehow, the author was able to redeem him and I loved it. Button was strong and stubborn to the end. So much love for this author. Can't wait to read more

Easy read

This trilogy was the best I've read in a long time. The story line was easy but just when you think you've got it figured out, it throws you. I'm a sucker for a good ending and that's what I got. If you like a bad ass female, yet still in touch with her feminine side, Pearl's your grl

Another love story

The story continues. I liked that you still have some connection with previous characters. If you are a hopeless romantic as I am, this is your series.


So amazing! I so loved Crow's and Button's journey and glad to see it continue. Their passion is breathtaking. Thanks Pene!!


I completely loved these books. From start to finish! they were fantastic. I would love to read more of her books.


Can't put book down.looking forward to reading the next one. It's dreadful to know trafficking exists. Hopefully one day women will never be subject to this vile trade agsin

Needs editorial

I really like the storyline. Unfortunately, the book was poorly written. There were to many typos. I found myself going back too many times to try and figure out what the author meant. It is a shame a me that the . Author th hour diet d not hire an editor. If she did, then the editor should be fired. Book was not cheap for such poor quality!

Good read

I absolutely loved this book series the stories are well told and I laughed and cried and was so in tune with the characters. I really like when a book pulls you in you can't put it down. I am looking forward to your next book Penelope, thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us.


This was the third and final book in the series and each book was thrilling and heart stopping good . I finished every book in one sitting as I couldn't put them down. Gripping, emotional charged .

Loved this series

Button had me laughing out loud several times! She kept Crow on his toes not to mention giving any man that came after her a run for his money. I can’t wait to read the second half of this series, if Canes Love interest is anything like Button.. I’m sure I’ll love it.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

There were a lot of mistakes in this book. Was edited?

The story was great but there were tons of spelling errors and many grammatical mistakes Was this book edited? Disappointed.

Great series

It’s a great series, I couldn’t put it down. Very entertaining and it’s like you’re right there with the characters

Riveting and Immersive

Penelope Sky has found a way to intricately weave new charatcters into an immersive and enveloping story line. I have never been one to read over the past 15 years, but I can't seem to put these books down. Rich visual descriptions and a story line that grips a reader's imagination and attention. I can not reccomend this series enough .


How very intrigued I was with this amazing book. Crow and Pearl never disappoint in this series. The determination and love they both share is beyond belief. This book was gripping and I didn't want it to be over. It's been awhile since I've been satisfied with an ending in a book, but no complaints from this one. Great work Penelope. Keep em coming girlie.

I loved it

I loved the characters and the story line I haven't read a book like this ever. I do admit the way she got in to this life is cray, but I believe she is where she's supposed to be! Totally recommend. Warning it's not your typical bdsm kind of story. There are parts that make you question your choice of reading this. If you like Sherri Lynn Kenyon you'll love this!


In love with this series! Every time I was close to the end of one book I was already dreading having to wait another month to read the next one. I definitely recommend the series to any one who's ever read similar books. ***i don't know if it was my app or cloud...(I have a kindle the the kindle app on my iPhone) but there was a lot of grammar errors on the 3rd book. Not a big deal just thought I was worth mentioning in case any one else was experiencing the same thing.

Must read the 3 books!

The writing and storyline is incredible! I have read the trilogy several times. I even got the trilogy on audible and it's fantastic. A very creative and believable story that evokes every emotion you have! Once you begin reading it will consume you!

Great story, bad proofreading

I would have given this a 5 but it needed some serious proof reading. I had to put words in where they should be and take words out to make sense. I don't remember the first 2 books being like that. I really loved the story, just had to reread a lot of sentences to figure out what the author was trying to say.

beautiful ending!

I really enjoyed this series. The characters were passionate and strong. But this book was riddled with typos, sometimes hard to read. Nevertheless I enjoyed all three books in the series! A must read.

Great ending!

I loved this series. Was not expecting such a strong female character. Buttons was amazing and an excellent compliment to Crow. Can not wait to read Canes story

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

I don’t know what to say

I didn’t finish the book and now I see it is an ending for the couple. I loved the first 2 books but the this one is just too much. Repeatedly the same sex scenes and the whole didn’t tell me he loves me mess. Yes guess maybe I should finish since is kinda the ending but its hard to keep my interest in it.

Light meet darkness

Great book I enjoyed every book written n button( pearl) is one badass woman ...she is a survivor and crow is as cold and dark as they come ... but when it comes to love they made a beautiful couple.... wow I really didn't want the story to end...This gets 100 stars from me...hope their will be a story about cane...

Great story

Loved the story line, the characters and the plot. The story made me cry, laugh and feel love in a new way. The third book has lots of grammar errors and should be edited but had the ending that made the story.


This book was amazing just as the first 2 to the series were! I feel in love the this story and have to say it was an amazing ride ! Thank you Pene for an series and I do hope we get more like this one 💖

Good story

I liked the story very much. But, that being said, the editing was terrible. So many of the sentences made no sense because of incorrect tense and poor spelling. There were unfinished words and words out of sequence. Why go through all that hard work writing the story and then have poor editing?

Good story but an insane amount of typos!

I loved the first two books and pre ordered the third. I finished it only because the story was good. There were so many typos that it made it hard to read. Using the wrong characters name, chair instead of hair, extra words that didn't fit with the sentence at all...It was almost on every page. That made it hard to stay in the moment of the story. Whomever her editor was should be fired.

Crow ❤️

I absolutely loved loved loved this series. Love Crow and Pearl's hate to love relationship. I am so looking forward to The Scotch King. Thank you Penelope for a great story. I truly enjoyed it. I laughed, cried, had moments of anger, even gasped in horror sometimes, but also had moments of happiness (especially in chapter 25 *wink wink*, yes I loved Pearl's brilliance) Thanks again and look forward to many more stories. Rebecca

Buttons and Pain

I absolutely enjoyed reading this book very much. The Buttons series is great. I can't wait to read the next book in the series.

Sweet and nice ending.

The book is a decent wrap up for the story of Pearl and Crow. I like that there are more Cane's scene in this book, showing how much Crow has changed since the beginning. This book is so much sweeter when compared with the previous books. It was really nice for Pearl and Crow to have this perfect ending.

00 for this and it is super short. I want a refund

I read a lot of books and I have to say I feel cheated on this book. First, I pay $7.00 for this and it is super short. I want a refund. The book ended really short, terrible editing, and most of I want to know what happens after they defeat Bones. She finally is free of this monster and it ends. BOO

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

I really liked the premise of the book

I was so ready for this book to be published. I really liked the premise of the book. I love the characters and their chemistry together. The one problem i had was the booked seemed rushed. There were numerous typos and editing problems that it became distracting from the story line. I re-read several lines just to make sure I understood what was happening. I wish the publisher/author had spent a little more time on cleaning up the errors before leasing it.

No words

Couldn't put it down! I like Cane story way more than Crow's so far. It's interesting to say the least.

Just womderful

This book was a wonderful ending to this series! I love how far Button and Crows relationship has gone and how much they helped build each other up! Just like the other two books once I started reading O couldn't put it down!

Buttons and Pain

The characters are interesting and intriguing and you want to know more about each of them. The story keeps you interested and glued to it for you cant put it down until you know what is going to happen. A lot of sex but the romance is great.

Great book

This story of Crow and Pearl is a great story. The ups and downs of this story is very dark but is very well written and ends very well. I big recommend this book. It is amazing everything she goes through but still keeps her mind. Loved it.

Perfect ending

Brought the book yesterday and finished it today. I enjoyed this series way beyond what I thought initially. I have told many people about this series and we all agree it is a MUST READ! Now it's time to see what the Scotch king is about....

I liked this story very much

I liked this story very much. Pearl/Button is a very strong, independent, and brave character. Crow is stubborn and hardheaded. They Got their HEA. I am glad for what happened to Bones, well deserved. I would have liked to see Cane get a HEA.

I love Crow & Pearl!!!

I absolutely LOVED this series. I hate for Crow and Pearl's story to end, too. Penelope's writing is beautiful. Yes, there are chapters of violence, but more of tenderness between Crow and his Button. You'll be on the edge of your seat the entire time and absolutely won't want it to end.

Great Read

I was skeptical about reading this series but I plowed through. I was not a fan of Crow at all. Button/Pearl was my girl. She consistently fought for her freedom and she didn't let set backs drown her. She knew what she wanted and got it done. This is a must read. I will def be re-reading this series.

Great Book! I had preordered this book

Great Book! I had preordered this book...I found myself very frustrated with the typos. I went on Facebook and sent a pm to the author, within an hour she replied and explained the problem. I think Amazon should publicly apologize to her. I love this trilogy and Penelope Sky is a terrific author.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

Good read

Love, love, love the story of Crow & Pearl, but... I think you got confused at the end, the kids names & ages don't match up in your next series. Rather confusing. But overallits a great love story


Not as good as Book One and Two. in fact Book One was the best. The story line appeared rushed in Book Three. She could have expounded on some areas. The death of Bones didn't make sense and was not believable.

Awesome book!!

Loved this series! Couldn't put the books down once I started reading. It's a wonderful, scary, sexy story that I will definable reread again. Great ending! Will absolutely read anything Penelope Sky creates in the future.

Great read

This is the conclusion to Button & Crow's story. But at the end is the beginning of a Cades story. And oh my....

Its so OMG great! Take the time and read ALL three

I have read so many books and this one well this series, WOW has set my soul on fire!! The passion, heart wrenching pull is so well worth the read!! Its so OMG great! Take the time and read ALL three!! The ending is.......❤

Wonderful ending to this story!

Great ending to a wonderful love story! I was a little bothered by the grammar errors but there is an explanation for it and I'm fine with that! Don't let that distract you from the final fabulous book in this dark love story!

Suspense, Intrigue, Great Love Story! Great Series!

I liked the chemistry, passion. I liked the way the story unfolded. Just when you think the suspense is over, there is another twist.

Great stories, poor grammar and word use

I loved the stories, they were exciting and read quickly. The grammar and word use was pretty bad. It felt like the book hadn't been edited or even proof read. I would buy more books from her even with the errors, the books were that good


I love this series. The story is compelling and keeps you engaged. The characters are well defined and change over the series as they are supposed to. HOWEVER, There are WAY to many errors in this book that it takes away from the reading. Many of them are simple ones that could have been fixed easily if it had been through beta reading stage.

Must read

Loved their story sad it ended. I saw a lot of errors so not sure if it was due to finishing the book by a certain time frame. I was disappointed in bones death. But overall on how crow and pearl came together made me love them even more.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

Loved it

This series was a bit difficult to get through in the very beginning, but I'm so glad I did. It is an amazing series. This third book wraps it up and the story ends just as I wished it would. Hoping Cane's story will be coming...


After waiting for this book, I must say the story still held my attention, but not as much as the typo's words in the wrong place, that was really annoying. I would suggest a good proofreader, This should have been Five stars but due to typical errors it earns four. Again I love the story not the errirs

The series was very good but book 3 seemed to try to tie everything up eruptly.

Books one and two kept me interested and reading but book 3 seemed to end eruptly with the story just dropping off. Perhaps the author should have combined books 2 and 3 or elaborated more at the end of the story.

One of the best series!

Highly recommend. Has a great story line and is a great (and pretty spicy) love story

Good story

Part of a series finished

This book brought great closure to the series

This book brought great closure to the series. The first book originally made me question if I could keep reading the series, but I had to know what happened! This series is definitely worth reading.

Loved the whole series.

Its been a while since I read it but I do remember that I loved the whole series and couldn't wait for each one to come out. I have them saved because I know I will read them again

I liked the story

I liked the story. I read the first two books and was anxious for number three. Having said that, this book was filled with grammatical and spelling errors. When paying for a book, the expectation is that it will be properly edited. Please, Penelope Sky, have your people do better job. I like this author and look forward to reading more, but please get the grammar and spelling right.

Buttons and Pain ~ Pearl and Crow ~ LOVED the ending

Buttons and Pain~The ending to this series was great. Loved the story itself! I am a fan of this writer and can't wait to see what she releases next. Maybe Cane's story? Feel free to send me your next book, I'll fix your mistakes. I would have gave 5 stars if there wasn't so many mistakes.

I love it

I love this books , I wa s very excited to keep reading the books and every time a new came out I finish reading them within 3 hours because they were so entertaining and there was always a turn on the story I love crow and pearl story although it's dark romance in the first two books the last one is very romantic and beautifull I'm looking forward to read more from Penelope she's an amazing author

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

5 beautiful stars!!!

Wow just wow!! Great ending to a series. This book would be considered sweet compared to the other two books but Crow and Button needed this story to end this way. Love this author and the audio version is so worth it!!!!

You can’t put it down.

This book was awesome, I couldn’t put it down. I finished the series now I’m on the next series. This author is great.

Fantastic storyline.

Fantastic storyline.


loved the series!!! Couldn't put the books down!! Very sad its over....

I love Pearl and Crow

I'm giving this book three stars because I noticed way to many grammatical errors, and it seemed to be lacking something in the story line. I love Pearl and Crow, but Canes change of heart seemed a little unrealistic to me. And no way in hell can a person hide a knife under their collar bone. Just seemed like it could have been done a little better. Dont get me wrong though! Penelope Sky is an awesome author! I would rate books one and two, five stars for sure! So the books are definitely worth the read.


This series from beginning to the end was an awesome read . I love Penelope's writing and she makes her character real. Can't wait for her next series but I know I won't be disappointed. Great job Penelope.

This series is EVERYTHING!

I absolutely loved this series. Penelope is a genius and all 3 books had me hooked right away. I love that it's told by both POV's and you can really feel the emotions of each one. Phenomenal!

Delicious. Dark. Deviant.

This series encapsulates passion in all its forms: wanted, forbidden, frightening,unrequited... completely drawn in by the intensity of these characters!

Loved the series

Great story

Did anyone else catch all the type-o errors???

I loved this series. but book 3 had A LOT of type-o. It was difficult to get through some of it. but if you stick with the story, I think you'll enjoy it just as much as book 1 and 2.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

A nice romance

This series is written about a developing and long lasting love story. Yes, there are dark areas, but overall I enjoyed the road their lives took.


I would have given all five stars but the fact that it looked like no one had gone over to check for mistakes was disappointing. There wasn't just a few mistakes there was so many that it became annoying. The book itself was great it had and amazing story and kept you on you toes. When I read a book I know there's a chance that a mistake was made but there were way to many mistakes that I'm surprised no one noticed/fixed them.

Great follow up to this series!

EDIT: after posting my original review I read the description & realized they made note of the errors that some users were sent the draft version. glad they acknowledged that and offeres to send a new book--- regardless the errors did not take away from the story so many grammatical errors it was embarrassing! great follow up to the first two books & finished the series off with a better than expected ending

Hooked on story

Over all good read definitely gets you hooked into the story. Not sure the short read is worth the 6.99 but since it hooks you you have to find out what Happens next

Penelope Sky I enjoy your books.

I never would have thought I would like this kind of book, but they have made me feel so much. They are interesting and brought every emotion in me to the surface. Thank you. Please keep writing.

Enjoyed Conclusion, Disappointed in Editing

I loved the first two books and enjoyed this one. However, I was really disappointed in the editing of the book. There seemed to be errors throughout including missing words and sentences that didn't make sense. Even after that, I still enjoyed the conclusion of the series. It was well worth the wait.

The Best Trilogy I've read!

This books had my heart racing, concerned and cry my eyes out! And be in all at the end! Congrats Penelope you wrote a great series I just wish it didn't end! ( maybe Cain? )

Horrible editing, Good book

I enjoyed the ending to the series but with all of the typos, I had a hard time getting through it. So many extra words, misspellings and punctuation mistakes. Every time it happened, it pulled me right out of the story.

Loved all three books

Loved all three books. Read the reviews before I read it and was kind of disappointed but once I started reading I couldn't put it down. Yes some of the spelling was off but it didn't take away from the book

Great book

Loved the story however there are several Grammer errors. This at times made it hard to follow. Please fix the errors and get a better editor.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

I freaking fell in love with Pearl -aka-(Button) and Crow

OMG! I freaking fell in love with Pearl -aka-(Button) and Crow, and you can't forget about Cane!... I hope there will be more series with this Book,. I love it and will continue to read them over and over again. All of the characters grew on me! Such an amazing author! keep it going!!

Best ending

This series was amazing to read! The emotional rollercoaster was greatly written! This book was special! All I can say is you have to read it and enjoy the ride!!!!!!

You're Missing out if You Ignore this Book!

Loved this trilogy. A romantic sexy thriller that drew me in from the first chapter to the end. I especially liked that the story was introduced via Christian Gray and Anna in a Fan Fiction story that whetted my appetite to want more about the life of Crow Barsetti. Highly recommend reading all 3 books.

Love it!

I NEED MORE!!! This series is so amazing, I love all the characters!! This is a great summer read! Waiting for book 5 - out in November : )

Hot and riveting

Good story well written. Has just enough passion, suspense and heros (both of them) to keep me from putting it down. Looking forward to seeing more by this excellent writter.

Love, loyalty, Respect and Trust!

Not only did I already love Crow, but Cane has also crept into my heart. So much sadness and death and their lives, thank God Button came into their lives. Unorthodox as it may seem, angels cone in all forms. This series is a must read....Sure hope Cane can find his HEA

Fantastic plot - needs serious editing

I love the book, I love the story, I loved the characters. The only reason I'm giving a 4 star rating is because it needs some serious editing. There were a lot of misspelled words and in more than 3 instances, Crow was switched to cane and vice versa.


Was good, sad about slaves, if it is possible, how a woman could write about doing that to women, the strong love story was good but sometimes incredible to believe!

Love this series!

Loved this book!


I am in love with these characters and the story. I don't want it to end.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

Overall I really enjoyed the story

Overall I really enjoyed the story. I couldn't help but be disappointed in all the editing mistakes in the final book. It looked as if the author was rushing to make a publishing deadline of ran out of steam. I hope to read more of her works in the future, but hope that she will take a little more time to proofread her work.


The story just gets better and better. I love the whole series and can't wait to see what is next.

I Hate to wait

Worth the wait. I usually don't buy a series until all books are out in print, I Hate to wait. The only thing that bugged me were all the errors. Being a teacher I just wanted to get my red pen and start correcting the type O's.

Buttons and Pain

You need to read this for yourself as I am sure that everyone has a different opinion. Not a delicate subject matter, gritty but engrossing. I found myself needing to see how the series ended.


I absolutely love this book! Penelope is an awesome author. I can't wait to read her other books. I highly recommend reading Buttons and Pain, that is of course after you have read the first two books. One you start reading, you will not be able to put the book down.

Dark, intense, hot

Great book! Definitely recommend this series. Easy to read and get lH3t in! If you like dark romance this is for you


This was my first time reading anything by Penelope Skye. She did not disappoint! I still re-read this series almost once a month and still fall in love all over again.


Wow.....I don’t know what else to say. Love it. I can’t wait for more. Glad I found these, on to the next book.

This will always be a favorite

I definitely see myself reading the Buttons books many more times. I loved the story line, the pace of the story, the characters. Who wouldn't want their own Crow? A definite must read

Great ending

This book is a great ending to a very good series. I enjoyed this book very much. The only problem was the misspelled words. There was many. It was starting to really irritate me.

AMAZING Conclusion to an Exceptionally Written Trilogy

WOULD HAVE BEEN A 5 STAR RATING IF IT HAD REAL PAGE NUMBERS!!! Pet peeve of this reviewer. Amazing conclusion to a spectacular trilogy. READ THEM ALL! This is not a stand-alone. If you pick this up and read it without investing time in the other two books, you will be lost and you will miss out on a genuinely amazing story. As with the other books, Pearl and Crow are completely believable characters. They aren't without flaws. Their interactions with each other are not perfect. But the interactions are real. You can see everything that they go through really happening behind closed doors of someone you could know. This book opens with Pearl returning home. After being gone a year, obviously there is some adjustment. I appreciate her interaction with the ex-boyfriend that put her in the circumstances that changed her life. I loved the fact that she was able to find someone from her past that wasn't a complete douchebag and that she was able to reconnect. I loved that the reaction of Jason to her was real. He didn't just jump right into bed with her. He recognized that she was going to need time to heal. You see his struggle with how to treat her. And you see her struggle with recognizing what Jason is going through and trying to be sensitive to that while needing to be true to herself and her needs. Her first interactions with Crow are real as well. Again, she doesn't just jump into bed with him. There's a struggle there. Real emotions like disappointment in someone, anger, love, sadness. All of it. All the things you experience when someone you love and count on lets you down. However, for me, this book was more about the evolution of Crow. Watching him struggle with what he wants and to go about getting it, while keeping himself above the fray. He's been hurt before and he is protecting his heart. He wants to protect Pearl, and thinks his actions are doing that. But when push comes to shove and she is in danger again, he reacts like any man would when something of his is threatened and and put in jeopardy. His brother, Cane, is also a very real character. He has been a catalyst since book one. Cane has never strayed from who he is or what his purpose is, or where his loyalty lies. But with Cane you can see a growth in understanding and a depth of love for his brother and Pearl over the time of the books that you might not have expected in the beginning. His loyalty doesn't change. But it does expand to include Pearl. And that is a true insight into this character's heart. This book doesn't end the way you think it is going to when you start in Book #1. But it has a fantastic ending. I have loved this trilogy from beginning to end. I have read each of these books while listening to them on the audiobooks at the same time. Both narrators of the audiobooks were the perfect choice. They give voice to the characters that make them come to life. You FEEL Crow's strength and struggle. You FEEL Pearl's resilience. You FEEL Cane's heart for his brother and for Pearl. And they are real people on the street, not characters on a page. I hope we get to see Cane get his story at some point. I will not soon forget this trilogy. I am going to miss these characters. I will recommend it to my friends that can handle a trip through the dark side of life. And I will revisit it again soon. Thank you Ms. Sky

Great book, terrible editing.

Ok. So, normally I would give this book 5 stars all the way, this series is AWESOME! BUT....I literally stopped reading it for a minute because I had to get on here and leave a review. This may not bother other people, but holy crap are there a million spelling and grammatical errors. It's crazy distracting! I've already read a bunch of sentences 2-3x because it didn't make sense! I don't know who edited this for Ms. Sky, but they need to reevaluate their decision to be an editor. I don't know how the kindle-edition book publishing goes, but hopefully the book will be updated and the errors fixed. I mean, I get that we're only human and errors occur, but my point is, there are enough errors to be distracting. Rant over. STILL, read the book, I have been dying for it to come out and the day has finally arrived! I started it this morning and I'm already half way done. I can hardly put it down! Button and Crow are definitely worth the read!

I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue

Overall Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 Stars. This was an exciting end to Button and Crow's story. I'm just a little upset that the series does continue, but not with them. I really enjoyed their story and I want it to continue. This book is packed with steam and action. It's also filled with love. Yes, love. It's finally here and it goes as far as it can. I really didn't want to put this book down at all. I was dying to see how everything played out. I must say, I wasn't disappointed. Plot Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ This series has gotten better with every book. I was entranced from the beginning. I just cannot put into words how much I love dark romances like this one. I definitely plan on picking up the next three books in the future. Just not anytime soon since it's technically a different story. Buttons & Pain follows Pearl as she's leading her new life in New York. That is, until Crow comes back to claim her once again. Like the crazy fool she is, she doesn't go back to Italy with him. Which means, someone else comes to collect her. Bones. This last book is filled with love. Filled with blood. Filled with death. It's an amazing read. That epilogue at the end was everything I could have wanted for the Barsetti family. It was something I didn't know I needed for the end of this series. Character Rating: ☆☆☆☆ Crow's stubbornness really got on my nerves in this book. If he just admitted to himself how he really felt about Button, she would have been safe. He drove me absolutely bonkers. I think all the characters grew in this book. Everyone learned something new and they all learned to love each other. Romance Rating: ☆☆☆☆ I just realized that I didn't do a romance rating for the other two books. Oops. I loved Crow and Pearl's romance throughout the books. It grew into something so beautiful. It was a magnificent love story to fall in love with. It had the right amount of steam. PS didn't take it overboard. She didn't just load the books with sex. She made sure there was love and emotion. Writing Style: ☆☆☆☆ I have really enjoyed PS's writing style. I will most definitely be picking up more of her books in the future. Her writing is so easy to read and get sucked in to. I love that she alternates perspectives between Pearl and Crow. I just love everything she did with this story.

Buttons and Pain by Penelope Sky

The sex and intrigue start fright out of the gate. The trafficking racket is a real world problem happening still, today and this just makes it more in the present for me. Adelina is another auctioned prisoner in the hands of the devil but gets a break as she is loaned out to a gun dealer while the dealer waits for his money. Cane is the dealer who is usually rough, but is showing a completely new side of himself that even be is not used to. The couple may have feelings for each other that they have not declared, and now it is getting closer to the time she must be returned to her owner, as she is his property. A very deranged, abusive, man who is as mean and vicious as a rattle snake in to your blog. A great read I suggest you read, Ivan off to read the next book to see what happens..........

No!!! Why??? Hot Mess

I gave this 2 stars because I do love the story of Button and Crow. I loved the 1st 2 books....this one.... well it was a HOT MESSS. from typos to the storyline going from super slow same old same ole to being so rushed I had to make sure I was reading the same story. I expected better especially after waiting and paying the 6.99 for it. I wasn't a fan at all with this one. SPOILER* Cane went from beating her close to an inch of her life to being her biggest cheerleader and support to Crow in this book and begging him to love her and say it. (completely hard to believe) Crow, went from I cant love you to I love in 1 page (not literally but almost). I just think we deserved a better ending. Also bringing the ex back was stupid...I mean it didn't even tell how he found out she was in Italy or really why he was looking and she let that POS off way to easily. I was extremely unhappy with this book..

Excellent Read

I have to be honest, when I first started reading the "Button" books, I didn't think that I would like them. But they pulled me into their little world, grabbed ahold of me and took me on the ride of my life. Now I'm completely in love with these books! The characters are well rounded and the storyline cohesive and believable. I can't wait to read the next book! Definitely an addictive series!!

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Buttons and Pain. Pearl and Crow unique story is like no other, dealing with a human Traffickers that is crazy and then finding true love in process. I definitely recommend this book. Bonus Book: Buttons and Shame A very interesting read. This story is about Cane (Crow's brother) and Adeline. Cane see Adeline in a airport and tries to talk to her but she sends him away. Adeline and her best friend are in a horrible situation and don't know if they will ever be free. You have to read the story to find out what happens. I definitely recommend this book.

Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

I'm having trouble writing this review...... because I don't want this story to end. Crow and Button (Pearl) are 2 of my all time favorite characters. They are both damaged, carry a huge amount of baggage, but are fiercely loyal, passionate, and determined. They're perfect for each other. This story drew me in from the first book to the last. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I'm so glad I made an exception with these books. Compelling, absorbing, passionate, an absolutely fantastic read. Penelope Sky wrote some of the most memorable lines ever..."A real man doesn't think about the men before him. He erases them" or "If he can't handle your past, he doesn't deserve your future". WOW.... I wish Cane could find his Button. Do yourself a huge favor and read these books!!

Really conflicted

After reading the 1st and 2nd books I found that by then end of the 3rd book and the beginning of Cane's story I really hated Pearl. Sure she had been in an abusive relationship but by the time that Crow finally admitted he loved her she had emasculated into a lapdog. He was a much more interesting character while he was helping Pearl find her balance. Then he let her take over. Strong is one thing being a total bitch is another. I ill have to seriously re-think about getting Cane's story. In the meantime I will read the Skull King series and the Scotch Series before I decide.

Seriously addicting

This series is addicting and so messed up on a physical, mental, and emotional level. I seriously read all 9 books in the series in 2 days that's how addicted became. Poor Button had the worst luck being tortured and raped because the selfishness of her old boyfriend. Sold into human trafficking to day of his debt. She is so strong and fights her way killing and doing what needs to be dine to survive and making the sick people in the trafficking industry pay for what they have done to her and other woman. Dark twisted mafia romance. A definite must read.

Many, many typos

I didn't know if I would like this series when I started reading book 1, however, I ended up enjoying the series and anxiously awaited book 3. It was hard for me to get past the excessive amount of mistakes/typos (from numerous misspelled words to missing words). I have never written a review before but all these mistakes drove me crazy. This book should have been proofread much better.

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