Witness in Death (In Death, Book 10)

Kindle Edition
29 Feb
J.D. Robb
When a famous thespian is killed right before her eyes, New York detective Eve Dallas takes a new place in crime as both officer and witness to murder in this novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling In Death series.

The opening night of the revival of Agatha Christie's "Witness for the Prosecution" at New York’s New Globe Theater turns from stage scene to crime scene when the leading man is stabbed to death right on center stage. Now Eve Dallas has a high-profile celebrity homicide on her hands. Not only is she lead detective, she’s also a witness—and when the press discovers that her husband owns the theater, there’s more media spotlight than either can handle. The only way out is to move fast. Question everyone and everything…and in the meantime, try to tell the difference between the truth—and really good acting…

Reviews (209)

Feels Like an Agatha Christie Mystery

FINAL DECISION: This one feels like an old fashioned mystery novel with lots of suspects with a motive and the detective having to use physical evidence and interviews to ferret out the killer. One of the better mysteries of the series. THE STORY: An actor is murdered on stage in full view of all the audience, including Lieutenant Eve Dallas. Now Eve has to figure out who the killer is. Since her husband Roarke owns the theater and other people she knows have connections to the crime, Eve has to work in the spotlight to solve the crime. OPINION: This is a book where, appropriately, the murder is committed during a performance of Witness for the Prosecution and then the mystery itself feels like an Agatha Christie mystery including the gathering of suspects for the big reveal at the end. The emphasis in this one is definitely on the mystery although there are some nice scenes between Eve and Roarke. I also enjoyed the continuing character development of Eve's friends. Both Peabody and Nadine have important roles in this book. I think the books where Eve has a personal connection to the murders works best and her friends having connections work almost as well. The story also is teasing out Eve's continuing struggles with her past. Much as been resolved and Eve is happier, but things are still lurking that she struggles with. This book only teases those issues gently, but I like that her past has not been easily resolved and set aside. WORTH MENTIONING: My favorite part of this book is Eve setting up a romantic dinner for her and Roarke. This is a turning point in their relationship as she begins to do those regular romantic gestures which make a good relationship. CONNECTED BOOKS: WITNESS IN DEATH is the tenth book in the In Death series. This series has standalone mysteries with continuing character storylines. This book can be read as a standalone. STAR RATING: I give this book 4.5 stars.

All the World's a Stage--And Here's an Interesting Cast of Characters

Nora Roberts writing as JD Robb never fails to please me. Her characters are so real, from the heroine, the vulnerable but tough Detective Eve Dallas, to her slightly overweight, insecure but highly talented aide, Peabody, to her incredibly sexy, handsome, rich, Irish, supportive husband, Rourke and all the peripheral characters in the plot. The action moves, the mystery complex, the solution often a shock. This tenth installment does not disappoint. Rourke manages to get Eve to dress to the nines and attend an opening performance of a new play at his elegant theatre. The plot is a mystery and by intermission, Eve knows that a murder will be committed and has determined who the murderer will be. Rourke refuses to confirm or deny but when the play resumes a murder--a real one --IS committed on the stage in front of a full house. The lead actor, playing a deplorable, is actually stabbed to death with a real knife that has been substituted for the prop knife that has a retractable blade. Immediately, Eve in her designer gown, reverts to Dallas and gets the show on the road--the investigative show, that is. As always there are red herrings, convoluted associations, many reasons for the victim to be murdered and lots of people who would have wanted him dead. To compound the dead ends and run arounds, seemingly unconnected the head stagehand commits suicide--or was he murdered, too? Keeps one going until the very end, when things are pulled together but are not what would be expected and, as usual in this future New York City of late 21st century, somehow are worse than anticipated.

Excellent additon to this series even though Eve is not at all nice in this one.

J.D. Robb (Actually, Nora Roberts) is constantly changing themes as she adds to this never ending series. This is a good thing because while some things remain the same – primary characters for the most part, others change from book to book giving the reader much to choose from and each book is a bit of a surprise. Eve and Roarke are attending the premier of a revival of a famous Agatha Christie play, ‘Witness for the Prosecution’ when, during the final act, one of the stars of the play is stabbed through the heart by another actor. (Just like in the original Christie work). Hundreds and hundreds of people, Including Eve and Roarke witness this and it is found that someone has switched the stage knife with a real knife. There are many, many suspects involved with this one and Eve soon finds that the victim was universally disliked and that many to most of the actors involved are glad he is dead and indeed, many wish they had been the ones to do the killing. (I feel most readers will agree to this assessment of the victims character as the story progresses). While it is not necessary to enjoy this book, it is more fun if you have read the original Christie work, or watched one of several remakes of this one on film, because you can see how well Robb has paid tribute to Dame Christie...a rather remarkable job! This work has a touch of noir involved and Robb has done a wonderful job of capturing the essence of the Christie play although some (myself included) had some trouble form time to time following the many characters (suspects) in this one due to the number involved. Also of note is the fact that of all the books in this series, and I think that number is quickly approaching 50 or more, Eve’s personality is at its worse in this one. She spends a great amount of time making physical threats directed toward her faithful Peabody and to be quite frank, comes across as a bit of a bully throughout this work. It should also be noted that the subject of rape in incest plays a major part is this one and that some readers may be put off by this although the author handles it well and it is most certainly not done in a gratuitous manner. This is one of my most favorite series and Agatha Christie is one of my favorite detection authors so for me I had a double dose of what I enjoy. It should be noted that it is nice if you can read these books in order of publication but it is most certainly not absolutely necessary due to the fact that each of these novels is a good stand-alone. I also must note that unlike some of the books in this series I failed to figure out whodunit right up until the end. All in all a great read and good addition to the series it also moves the series along quite well.

The Rapes Continue

Well, the author forgot how to spell the medical examiner's name. Then again the author forgot what Peabody 's first name was. For this series rape is the main theme murder coming in second. The books are short and padded with page after page of sex. The author seems to particularly enjoy writing about child rape. The description used is pretty much word for word; so more filler. The books are straight fantasy. No actual victim would ever have the responses of the main character. Eye contact good. Flinching when touched; doesn't happen. Able to trust; amazingly everybody. So, an ok fantasy but if anyone has been an actual victim; this probably isn't the series for you.

Grumpy in Death

This book should have been called “Grumpy in Death.” I enjoy the In Death series, but lately in this books, and particularly in “Witness In Death,” JD Robb has evolved Lt. Eve Dallas from a level headed, competent cop to a snarky, cold, pouty and often bombastic character. And EVERYONE close to her not only gives her a free pass on her cruel and/or snotty behavior, sometimes they APOLOGIZE when she gets mad at them for calling her on it. Roarke, the only one who might successfully rebuke her, coos and pats and tells her that everything she does is perfect (as long as she doesn’t try her coldness on him). So why the four stars? Truth to tell, no matter how hypocritical and unsatisfactory I find Eve’s (and Roarke’s) character sometimes, these are fun, engaging stories, with diverse and campy cop storylines, fun window dressing (who wouldn’t like to be married to a billionaire in the high tech future and have the class to get to reap the benefits while grumbling about it?) and an almost comforting plot formula. I’m just getting tired of everyone marveling at and praising Eve for “standing for the dead.” What good is her so called compassionate, when she NEVER has any to spare for the living when it counts?

In my opinion, a person is going to love these books or hate them, I happen to love them.

I am reading everything's on my Kindle keyboard before I start using my Paperwhite. Came across a whole bunch of books by J D Robb and I have been binging on them this week. J D Robb, as you probably know, also writes romance as Norah Roberts. Writing as J D Robb, however, her style is darker and grittier. This is a series of mysteries set in the not too far distant future when the earth has colonized a lot of planets, societal norms have changed in some ways, yet law and order remains law and order and the police are there to protect and serve. This series chronicles the cases of Eve Dallas as she investigates murders and believes it is her vocation to stand for the dead, to see that they get justice. In my opinion, a person is going to love these books or hate them, I happen to love them. Well written, strongly developed characters, detailed plots. Someone is doing research and I appreciate that. Of course, there are some love stories woven in because that is part of life, after all, it can't be all grim.

Amazing Mystery!

I would not have guessed the killer! There were so many suspects and twists in this story. The author has a way of captivating her audience and reeling them into the story itself. She careful depicts the story in such a way that the reader can see themselves as Dallas. Although fictional, there are real life issues being brought to light that I’m sure many individuals have suffered from and is offered some form of hope and consolation by reading this series. It’s more than just a story, but also offers empowerment and a road to healing so to speak for any individual that can relate to Eve’s childhood. I already have so many in the series and I look forward to reading all of them. I never want it to end!!

Truly fantastic!!!!

How this author, Nora Roberts (J.D. Robb), can write like this for so many years and so many books is incredible. She never misses a step. She is probably one of the premier writers of the modern era. Eve is the best character I've ever read. Roarke is the second. All the characters are great. To maintain such great characters for so many books is the mark of a master storyteller and that is the greatest compliment I can pay an author. Don't stop writing the In Death series and I'll never stop reading them. Highly recommended.

A Series Review! {NO Spoilers}

4.5 stars! After basically years of seeing this series around and reading about this mystical Roarke, I gave in and decided to read the In Death Books. It was quite an undertaking, since when I started there were 33 books already released in the series, not counting short stories and novellas. Besides that, deciding to read this series was a big commitment in two fronts. One, I simply had to by 33 books and secondly, I would not be reading anything else until I was done. That's how psychotic I can be when it comes to book series. December 2011 was when my journey began and by February 2012 I was done and now there is NO turning back. I am IN LOVE with this series! I not only obviously love Roarke, but I love Eve and all the secondary characters that make up this great story as well. Yes, I have become irritated with Eve at times, but I adored being able to see her grow throughout the series. It has been quite a ride, but one I will never regret hopping aboard. This series is a great mix of mystery, police drama and romance. I love every aspect of it, from the near futuristic setting, to the way J.D. Robb writes her prose. If there is one thing that bothers me, is that considering the series has 35 books published, the span of time that has passed is very short and I wish the lapse between books was a bit longer. But if you read the books throughout a longer period of time, it won't really matter, but reading them so close together made me wish for that longer lapse. Eve is such a complex character. All that she has been through has made who she is, but her story is not less heartbreaking because of it. For that matter, so is Roarke's and the fact that these two found each other is nothing less than serendipity. They need each other and I am sure they would never have grown to be who they are in the series by book 35, if not for each other's presence in their lives. Not to mention the "family" they have built with their dear friends. One of the biggest issues brought up in this series by J.D. Robb, is the Nature Vs. Nurture debate. I love it! It always makes me think and it is very satisfying to see these people that could have become something very wrong, rise above nature and blood, to become amazing people. On the crime fighting aspect of the series, I find that Robb uses two types of narrative. Sometimes she carries more of a "Monk" style, where the perpetrator is clear if not early on, but soon. The other one is where we get a punch in the face when we finally find out out who it is. I really enjoy that she doesn't have only one style, since that always keeps me guessing =D I LOVE this series and if you have yet to check it out, please do so! The first few books might not compel you completely, but keep reading! You won't regret it!

A stage production of Agatha Christie's "Witness for the Prosecution"

Here's the thing about this fab series: every book is good; some of them surpass. This is one of the best that I've read yet. Ms. Roberts features a stage production of Agatha Christie's "Witness for the Prosecution" and has the Leonard Vole character murdered on opening night in the final scene. Brilliant, just brilliant. And then as the story unfolds, the reader - and Eve - begins to sympathize with the killer. Especially when we learn the victim knowingly seduced his unsuspecting daughter from a long-ago affair. As Peabody said, "Ick." Personal relationships continue to grow; really, it's sheer genius how she keeps these characters fresh and dynamic. Some of the highlights in this one include McNabb asking Roarke for advice on his love life and Eve slipping into her waking nightmares in front of Peabody. Eve finally erupts into a very revealing tirade about fathers who sexually abuse their daughters. We do not know whether Peabody has put two and two together yet. Oh, and the scene where Eve puts together a romantic dinner for Roarke!!! I LMAO'ed on that one! And then Roarke comes in and makes a rare mistake, hurting Eve's vulnerable feelings. Although he does make up for it. Wowser, does he ever! Anyway, another terrific one in this series. 4.5 stars, rounded up to 5.

Feels Like an Agatha Christie Mystery

FINAL DECISION: This one feels like an old fashioned mystery novel with lots of suspects with a motive and the detective having to use physical evidence and interviews to ferret out the killer. One of the better mysteries of the series. THE STORY: An actor is murdered on stage in full view of all the audience, including Lieutenant Eve Dallas. Now Eve has to figure out who the killer is. Since her husband Roarke owns the theater and other people she knows have connections to the crime, Eve has to work in the spotlight to solve the crime. OPINION: This is a book where, appropriately, the murder is committed during a performance of Witness for the Prosecution and then the mystery itself feels like an Agatha Christie mystery including the gathering of suspects for the big reveal at the end. The emphasis in this one is definitely on the mystery although there are some nice scenes between Eve and Roarke. I also enjoyed the continuing character development of Eve's friends. Both Peabody and Nadine have important roles in this book. I think the books where Eve has a personal connection to the murders works best and her friends having connections work almost as well. The story also is teasing out Eve's continuing struggles with her past. Much as been resolved and Eve is happier, but things are still lurking that she struggles with. This book only teases those issues gently, but I like that her past has not been easily resolved and set aside. WORTH MENTIONING: My favorite part of this book is Eve setting up a romantic dinner for her and Roarke. This is a turning point in their relationship as she begins to do those regular romantic gestures which make a good relationship. CONNECTED BOOKS: WITNESS IN DEATH is the tenth book in the In Death series. This series has standalone mysteries with continuing character storylines. This book can be read as a standalone. STAR RATING: I give this book 4.5 stars.

All the World's a Stage--And Here's an Interesting Cast of Characters

Nora Roberts writing as JD Robb never fails to please me. Her characters are so real, from the heroine, the vulnerable but tough Detective Eve Dallas, to her slightly overweight, insecure but highly talented aide, Peabody, to her incredibly sexy, handsome, rich, Irish, supportive husband, Rourke and all the peripheral characters in the plot. The action moves, the mystery complex, the solution often a shock. This tenth installment does not disappoint. Rourke manages to get Eve to dress to the nines and attend an opening performance of a new play at his elegant theatre. The plot is a mystery and by intermission, Eve knows that a murder will be committed and has determined who the murderer will be. Rourke refuses to confirm or deny but when the play resumes a murder--a real one --IS committed on the stage in front of a full house. The lead actor, playing a deplorable, is actually stabbed to death with a real knife that has been substituted for the prop knife that has a retractable blade. Immediately, Eve in her designer gown, reverts to Dallas and gets the show on the road--the investigative show, that is. As always there are red herrings, convoluted associations, many reasons for the victim to be murdered and lots of people who would have wanted him dead. To compound the dead ends and run arounds, seemingly unconnected the head stagehand commits suicide--or was he murdered, too? Keeps one going until the very end, when things are pulled together but are not what would be expected and, as usual in this future New York City of late 21st century, somehow are worse than anticipated.

Excellent additon to this series even though Eve is not at all nice in this one.

J.D. Robb (Actually, Nora Roberts) is constantly changing themes as she adds to this never ending series. This is a good thing because while some things remain the same – primary characters for the most part, others change from book to book giving the reader much to choose from and each book is a bit of a surprise. Eve and Roarke are attending the premier of a revival of a famous Agatha Christie play, ‘Witness for the Prosecution’ when, during the final act, one of the stars of the play is stabbed through the heart by another actor. (Just like in the original Christie work). Hundreds and hundreds of people, Including Eve and Roarke witness this and it is found that someone has switched the stage knife with a real knife. There are many, many suspects involved with this one and Eve soon finds that the victim was universally disliked and that many to most of the actors involved are glad he is dead and indeed, many wish they had been the ones to do the killing. (I feel most readers will agree to this assessment of the victims character as the story progresses). While it is not necessary to enjoy this book, it is more fun if you have read the original Christie work, or watched one of several remakes of this one on film, because you can see how well Robb has paid tribute to Dame Christie...a rather remarkable job! This work has a touch of noir involved and Robb has done a wonderful job of capturing the essence of the Christie play although some (myself included) had some trouble form time to time following the many characters (suspects) in this one due to the number involved. Also of note is the fact that of all the books in this series, and I think that number is quickly approaching 50 or more, Eve’s personality is at its worse in this one. She spends a great amount of time making physical threats directed toward her faithful Peabody and to be quite frank, comes across as a bit of a bully throughout this work. It should also be noted that the subject of rape in incest plays a major part is this one and that some readers may be put off by this although the author handles it well and it is most certainly not done in a gratuitous manner. This is one of my most favorite series and Agatha Christie is one of my favorite detection authors so for me I had a double dose of what I enjoy. It should be noted that it is nice if you can read these books in order of publication but it is most certainly not absolutely necessary due to the fact that each of these novels is a good stand-alone. I also must note that unlike some of the books in this series I failed to figure out whodunit right up until the end. All in all a great read and good addition to the series it also moves the series along quite well.

The Rapes Continue

Well, the author forgot how to spell the medical examiner's name. Then again the author forgot what Peabody 's first name was. For this series rape is the main theme murder coming in second. The books are short and padded with page after page of sex. The author seems to particularly enjoy writing about child rape. The description used is pretty much word for word; so more filler. The books are straight fantasy. No actual victim would ever have the responses of the main character. Eye contact good. Flinching when touched; doesn't happen. Able to trust; amazingly everybody. So, an ok fantasy but if anyone has been an actual victim; this probably isn't the series for you.

Grumpy in Death

This book should have been called “Grumpy in Death.” I enjoy the In Death series, but lately in this books, and particularly in “Witness In Death,” JD Robb has evolved Lt. Eve Dallas from a level headed, competent cop to a snarky, cold, pouty and often bombastic character. And EVERYONE close to her not only gives her a free pass on her cruel and/or snotty behavior, sometimes they APOLOGIZE when she gets mad at them for calling her on it. Roarke, the only one who might successfully rebuke her, coos and pats and tells her that everything she does is perfect (as long as she doesn’t try her coldness on him). So why the four stars? Truth to tell, no matter how hypocritical and unsatisfactory I find Eve’s (and Roarke’s) character sometimes, these are fun, engaging stories, with diverse and campy cop storylines, fun window dressing (who wouldn’t like to be married to a billionaire in the high tech future and have the class to get to reap the benefits while grumbling about it?) and an almost comforting plot formula. I’m just getting tired of everyone marveling at and praising Eve for “standing for the dead.” What good is her so called compassionate, when she NEVER has any to spare for the living when it counts?

In my opinion, a person is going to love these books or hate them, I happen to love them.

I am reading everything's on my Kindle keyboard before I start using my Paperwhite. Came across a whole bunch of books by J D Robb and I have been binging on them this week. J D Robb, as you probably know, also writes romance as Norah Roberts. Writing as J D Robb, however, her style is darker and grittier. This is a series of mysteries set in the not too far distant future when the earth has colonized a lot of planets, societal norms have changed in some ways, yet law and order remains law and order and the police are there to protect and serve. This series chronicles the cases of Eve Dallas as she investigates murders and believes it is her vocation to stand for the dead, to see that they get justice. In my opinion, a person is going to love these books or hate them, I happen to love them. Well written, strongly developed characters, detailed plots. Someone is doing research and I appreciate that. Of course, there are some love stories woven in because that is part of life, after all, it can't be all grim.

Amazing Mystery!

I would not have guessed the killer! There were so many suspects and twists in this story. The author has a way of captivating her audience and reeling them into the story itself. She careful depicts the story in such a way that the reader can see themselves as Dallas. Although fictional, there are real life issues being brought to light that I’m sure many individuals have suffered from and is offered some form of hope and consolation by reading this series. It’s more than just a story, but also offers empowerment and a road to healing so to speak for any individual that can relate to Eve’s childhood. I already have so many in the series and I look forward to reading all of them. I never want it to end!!

Truly fantastic!!!!

How this author, Nora Roberts (J.D. Robb), can write like this for so many years and so many books is incredible. She never misses a step. She is probably one of the premier writers of the modern era. Eve is the best character I've ever read. Roarke is the second. All the characters are great. To maintain such great characters for so many books is the mark of a master storyteller and that is the greatest compliment I can pay an author. Don't stop writing the In Death series and I'll never stop reading them. Highly recommended.

A Series Review! {NO Spoilers}

4.5 stars! After basically years of seeing this series around and reading about this mystical Roarke, I gave in and decided to read the In Death Books. It was quite an undertaking, since when I started there were 33 books already released in the series, not counting short stories and novellas. Besides that, deciding to read this series was a big commitment in two fronts. One, I simply had to by 33 books and secondly, I would not be reading anything else until I was done. That's how psychotic I can be when it comes to book series. December 2011 was when my journey began and by February 2012 I was done and now there is NO turning back. I am IN LOVE with this series! I not only obviously love Roarke, but I love Eve and all the secondary characters that make up this great story as well. Yes, I have become irritated with Eve at times, but I adored being able to see her grow throughout the series. It has been quite a ride, but one I will never regret hopping aboard. This series is a great mix of mystery, police drama and romance. I love every aspect of it, from the near futuristic setting, to the way J.D. Robb writes her prose. If there is one thing that bothers me, is that considering the series has 35 books published, the span of time that has passed is very short and I wish the lapse between books was a bit longer. But if you read the books throughout a longer period of time, it won't really matter, but reading them so close together made me wish for that longer lapse. Eve is such a complex character. All that she has been through has made who she is, but her story is not less heartbreaking because of it. For that matter, so is Roarke's and the fact that these two found each other is nothing less than serendipity. They need each other and I am sure they would never have grown to be who they are in the series by book 35, if not for each other's presence in their lives. Not to mention the "family" they have built with their dear friends. One of the biggest issues brought up in this series by J.D. Robb, is the Nature Vs. Nurture debate. I love it! It always makes me think and it is very satisfying to see these people that could have become something very wrong, rise above nature and blood, to become amazing people. On the crime fighting aspect of the series, I find that Robb uses two types of narrative. Sometimes she carries more of a "Monk" style, where the perpetrator is clear if not early on, but soon. The other one is where we get a punch in the face when we finally find out out who it is. I really enjoy that she doesn't have only one style, since that always keeps me guessing =D I LOVE this series and if you have yet to check it out, please do so! The first few books might not compel you completely, but keep reading! You won't regret it!

A stage production of Agatha Christie's "Witness for the Prosecution"

Here's the thing about this fab series: every book is good; some of them surpass. This is one of the best that I've read yet. Ms. Roberts features a stage production of Agatha Christie's "Witness for the Prosecution" and has the Leonard Vole character murdered on opening night in the final scene. Brilliant, just brilliant. And then as the story unfolds, the reader - and Eve - begins to sympathize with the killer. Especially when we learn the victim knowingly seduced his unsuspecting daughter from a long-ago affair. As Peabody said, "Ick." Personal relationships continue to grow; really, it's sheer genius how she keeps these characters fresh and dynamic. Some of the highlights in this one include McNabb asking Roarke for advice on his love life and Eve slipping into her waking nightmares in front of Peabody. Eve finally erupts into a very revealing tirade about fathers who sexually abuse their daughters. We do not know whether Peabody has put two and two together yet. Oh, and the scene where Eve puts together a romantic dinner for Roarke!!! I LMAO'ed on that one! And then Roarke comes in and makes a rare mistake, hurting Eve's vulnerable feelings. Although he does make up for it. Wowser, does he ever! Anyway, another terrific one in this series. 4.5 stars, rounded up to 5.

Love the in death series

As with the whole series each book is a stand alone. During the pandemic I went back to book one and reread the whole series, even the short stories. This is a good story about actors and lives gone wrong. There is always action throughout the book. I call this a fast burn. You don’t have to watch the paint dry but you still get images and descriptions of characters.


In New York of 2059, live performances in a real theater are a rare and expensive thing. In their place you can call up your favorite holo-performance, see a virtual play, or concert, play a game in a VR tube, or spend some quality time doing what ever you please on a holodeck. So when multi - billionaire Roarke, takes his wife, homicide detective Eve Dallas, to opening night of his newly renovated theater, they want nothing more than a relaxing evening in each others company, and to watch the story play out for them on stage. Roarke has spared no expense with the renovations, nor with the cast and crew of his newest investment. He has brought in all the biggest names in the theater, to star in his production of Witness, based on the old movie, Witness for the Prosecution. But in the closing scene of the play, when the murderer finally gets what's coming to him, little does the audience realize, it's the actor who has really gotten what was coming to him. When your lead actor is one of the most hated men in the theater business, everyone working with him has a motive and or opportunity, to want him dead. And with all of your suspects, actors, who's telling the truth, and who's just putting on the performance of a lifetime? There is a very fitting final scene, that plays out at the end of the book, where our killer is finally brought to justice. Right back where it all started, center stage, under the lights. This was a great addition to the series, I cant wait to dig into the next one.

Outstanding Series!!

Nora Robets, writing as JD Robb, has somehow produced this miracle of storytelling through her innate talent as a best-selling writer. I'm in awe of her imagination in coming up with such complex murder mysteries. The main characters, especially Homicide Lieutenant Eve and her billionaire husband, are so well developed and vivid, you feel like they are real people you know deeply and hope to meet. They have faults, integrity, fight, love deeply, and hurt just like the rest of us mere mortals. You root for them and feel strongly about their adventures and relationships, quests, and paths towards justice and finding love. The investment in owning the entire series was worth every single penny because Roberts stories are just that amazing, and always a cut above the rest!!! A must-have series for anyone recognising quality.

Witness is "Mag"!

No.#10 ~Witness ID~ It's a pity so many romance novelists shy away from revisiting the lives of their characters in subsequent books. When a writer creates a compelling hero and heroine, brings the reader into the world of those characters and makes us care about them...why not bring them back? Thankfully, Nora Roberts (as JD Robb) continues to do just this with NYPSD homicide detective Eve Dallas and her gabillionaire husband, Roarke. <

Better and Better!

I never realize just how much I miss the fascinating futuristic world Robb has created along with her lovable and impressionable characters until I crack open one of her books and dive in. Goodness I missed Roarke and Eve. This series really is filled with some pretty memorable characters that all have their lovable traits and attitudes, even the snarky Summerset is hard to resist. If there is one thing that will always remain true about this series is the dynamic and chemistry between Eve and Roarke, it is on fire and it is real. Their relationship and love for one another is tangible. You feel it and see it in ever interaction they have, good or bad. They are the ultimate duo, the ultimate couple. Their love it strong and sure if not new and completely unexpected for them both. In fact, they are why I love this series so very much, well that and all the sarcastic and snarky comments that fly between not only Roarke and Eve but Eve and Peabody. Peabody is the best secondary character. Often providing comic relief and getting Eve's head where it belongs and putting some fun into her life and trying to not always take herself and others so seriously. I just adore this series and unlike others that have this many books in a series, this series really does just get better and better.

Reliably entertaining, leaves you wanting more.

If you're a newcomer to this series, welcome to Nick and Nora in the Third Millenium. JDR has slicked up the old Thin Man concept and brought it into the future, where the world is one of excess and hyperbole in all forms. Beef and coffee are delicacies, prostitution is legalized and rigidly controlled, new drugs - legitimate and otherwise - are readily available, but the seven deadly sins are unchanged. Cars travel in all spacial dimensions and planets are for sale, but cops still like donuts...Soft-boiled Eve Dallas and her handsome, mysterious, omnipresent husband Roarke, sleuth together in a plot that regulars to the series will recognize as more psychologically oriented than its predecessors. Eve and Roarke witness a real murder onstage during the opening night of a 20th century crime drama staged as a retro-performance - one of Roarke's weaknesses is for 20th century black and white / film noire, and of course, it's his playhouse...All the players are related to one another in some way through the victim, and Eve has to look closely at the nature of love and hate in personal relationships as she struggles to figure out whodunnit right under her nose. All of the books in this series develop subplots, the strongest of which is the evolving relationship between Eve and Roarke, two abused children who have grown up to excel at what they do, but who bear the scars of their youth in grim silence - until they find each other. This story brings us regulars along a little further in their lives. Eve finally starts to conquer her ambivalence about their bond, although she clearly has a way to go. Roarke remains somewhat maddeningly cool - it'd be interesting to see him lose control once in a awhile. Reading these novels is like coming home every six months to the next installment of an ongoing saga, although we still know less about Roarke, and it would be nice to see more through his eyes. Their relationship still has a thorny side that can leave the reader just a little annoyed at both of them, which is a tribute to the empathy with which the characters are drawn. There's lots of room for other characters to shine, although fans will note that Mavis and Nadine took something of a back seat this time, to make way for Peabody, McNabb, and the up and coming Trueheart. I was waiting for this one, and now that I've finished it, I have to wait another six months for more! If this is your first book in the series, don't despair - you've got nine others to savor, and if you pace yourself, maybe you can make them last until JUDGMENT IN DEATH comes out later this year. You'll probably understand the nuances of Eve's and Roarke's relationship faster if you read them in chronological order, but I started out in the middle and then bactracked, so it's not lethal if you end up reading this book first - and it might be more fun! One thing - I wonder who the candy thief will turn out to be?

Death is never easy

A homicide cop & one of the richest men in the planet, an unusual pair of lost souls who found each other despite their differences, maybe because of their background. She was his everything, he was her all & neither of them were going to let anything change that

Theater As The Story Backdrop

I have to say that this installment of the In Death series (so far) was my least favourite. I did however LOVE that I had no idea who the murder was. I did really like how the motive was played out and then the ending was brilliant. The reason for the 4 star (which is still an excellent rating) is just because I was confused with so many characters and I didn't really care for the theater as the backdrop in the story. I seen a bit more softness in Eve this book but I also saw a lot of hardness. All in all and excellent mix of the character Eve. Roarke as always was made of pure awesomesauce. I am going to take a bit of a break from the series for now since I just read all 10 books back to back but I am sure I won't stray for long.

This was a good one

*Spoiler*? I should probably have rated this with five stars, but I don’t like seeing favorite characters get seriously hurt. Especially when I’ve read this series out of order and know what happens later. Other than that, I really enjoyed it.

Again, it left me wanting more. The emotions and mystery adding up to a story told with all heart.

I made myself stop reading the series because it consumed all my reading time and most importantly from reading other works. I year later, I still find I connect with the character Eve even though her life is very different from mine. The story teller has such heart and skill writing about two people who's past that is so troubling but fortunately have found either other and accept what the other can give. The author is very skilful giving her reader just enough hint and respect so he can figure out the plot on his own or very nearly.

Twists & turns right to the very end...

Another well written journey figuring out who did it. I was close but I sure didn’t think it would end the way it did. I’ve been enjoying this series however this one was hard for me to keep my normal reading pace as it hit VERY close to home and my own demons that normally are only a blip in the previous 9 books. All in all a very good read and journey.


Love this series. The characters are so amazing and the relationships they have are so amazing. The mystery is good too, but it's the characters we look forward to each and every book.


One of the best so far. Robb makes you feel, bleed and believe. Right down to the wire, then smacks you with a complete surprise. No disappointment here. Justice was served.


This series is additive! This is the third time I've read Witness and I still love it. The characters continue to evolve and grow and entertain. The characters are outstanding. Complex, conflicted, enjoyable. The main players are easy to fall for. If you haven't read the 'in Death' series, you're denying yourself hours of entertainment and pleasure. Take the advice I was given, though, and read them in order so you meet the main cast members as they come into play and develop into first-rate characters. Thank you Ms. Robb! Shelley Dawn, author of

Easy read.

Great book, easy read, not as good as the previous ones. Glad to see another side of Peabody and McNab. Seems like as the book series goes on the grumpier Dallas is. I've been listening to the audio books and the narrator is the best, she puts you right in the book with all the different character voices and all. Now on to book 11.

Too many suspects.

Roarke runs an Agatha Christie play in his own theater. Murder most foul occurs on stage while Roarke and Eve are in the audience.

A Killer Scene

Liutenant Eve Dallas and her husband Rourke are enjoying the opening night at New York's New Globe Theatre, (theatre owned by Rourke) stage scene turns to crime scene when the leading man is stabbed to death right on centre stage. Not only is Eve primary detective but also a witness. Vole comes off charming, handsome and even a little naive until you find out he's a heartless, ruthless bastard he definitely had a lot of enemies anyone on stage could be the murderer. Every actor and backstage assistant is a suspect, it's like an Agatha Christie murder mystery where throughout the storyline you try and guess who did it.

So good!

What a story - what a way to tell it. Eve not only catches the murderer but tries to help the victims that still live. Amazing!

Another fine entry in the series...

Another fine entry in the series, with an excellent "reveal" at the end. My biggest problem was not being able to remember all of the characters as I picked up the book after a day or so. I read it in about 10 days pretty consistently, and I usually don't have that problem. But the story itself moved well, and the interplay between Eve and Roarke, and some of the other characters, was very entertaining.

My only complaint with any of these books is the ...

My only complaint with any of these books is the editing for Kindle and the fact that JD Robb changes the name of the ME in at least two of the book from Morris to Morse. It immediately pulls me out of the story. Please do an update for us Kindle readers so that Morse goes away and all the books are corrected to Morris! Thanks!

Witness in Death - a good read as are most of this series

Witness in Death - a good read as are most of this series. I started out reading # 33 or something like that and have gone back to be beginning with book # 1 through 10. The characters are consistent and each book brings about an interesting set of circumstances as related to Eve Dallas in her capacity chief homicide investigator. Although her character is at time brash, the books are quite entertaining.


Lt. Eve Dallas dares to step out for a social; and no matter where she she goes, Death comes knocking. This time, she's at leisure among a play audience of thousands, all witnessing the real act of murder--Witness In Death. If you're a JD. Robb/Nora Robert's dedicated fan, you will love the thorough means that Lt. Dallas asserts her power in both her marriage to Roarke and her responsibilities to the job. There are clever twists and new levels of relationships--poor Peabody. Even new faces adding to the wonderful team. The dialogue between Eve and her peers is deliciously witty. Having read all the JD. Robb novels, I'm debating between this and NAKED IN DEATH as my favorite. Way to go, Nora!

Ditto what they said!

Yes, I will agree that this is absolutely the BEST "in Death" Book written so far. No I absolutely cannot wait to read the next and will probably start prowling the Amazon pre-orders in July just so I can do something. I think it is amazing that Nora Roberts can keep her characters so together after 11 installments without seriously damaging them. I mean some authors have trouble keeping things straight between two, while Eve and Roarke keep getting more and more complex. I would definitely start with Naked in Death and go forward including the novella in Silent Night (an anthology). The only thing that confused me is relatively minor. In all my years of being around theatres, both on a regional and professional basis was that I never heard it referred to as "The Scottish Play", but always "The Scottish King". I mean it is an English play, written by the bard himself. But bring the curse down on my poor head by naming it? Not I!

A play within a murder !

Of course! Costume, makeup, revenge. When predatores become prey, things go toward murder. Personal anguish along with a mother's power of protection reachs a climax the the predator will always be surprised in death. Many always believe their acts will be what is necessary to hide the vile truth.

Loved this one.

I was glad to see that Eve is going to start to heal. I am in love with this series.

follows her story line

I like all the jd robb series. she never disappoints

Another great one from JD Robb!

This one hit close to home for Eve. A father sleeping with his daughter was almost too much for her to handle. But she did her job and found her killer, even if she felt the victim deserved what he got. Her attempt at a romantic dinner had me laughing and in tears.

Will never get enough of this author.

I love this series and have reread it countless times. Robb does an excellent job of continually developing existing characters; her introduction of new ones that meld seamlessly with those already established is phenomenal. While I suggest starting at the beginning of the series (Naked in Death), you won't be disappointed whichever book you choose.

Witness in death

Love the "In Death" Series. This is my third read through. Love finding new things about the characters I have missed in prior readings

Absolutely recommend this series!!

A futuristic murder mystery/hardboiled cop drama that reads like UF with a fabulous cast of characters you will LOVE!


This book kept wanting u to read it kept your attention the whole way through I’m ready for the next book (11)

Not my favorite, but still good...

This one was a bit different from the others. It is more if an Agatha Christie book; a real "who dunnit." As always, I love the interaction between Roarke and Eve; Peabody and Eve. Good book, but not as good as some of her others.

Witness In Death

Loved it, I also listened to it on Audible, Im going yo love rereading all these books, Im glad I bought the whole series, in book form, on my IPad, and on my Audible IPod, now I can take them every where I go, I love the Characters, and all the twists and turns, and especially Eve and Roarke.

One of life's little pleasures

I absolutely adore these books. The danger, the suspense, the romance. Everything. Lieutenant Eve Dallas on the case again. Who stands a chance? She always gets her man. Can't wait for the next one. If this is the first in the series for you, I suggest starting at the beginning. That way the characters mean more to you. As they do to me.

Promptness and pricing

Prompt delivery

excellent read

excellent read

witness in death

I love all the "in death" books, they are well written, interesting story lines and hard to put down. I have stayed up way too late to finish a chapter or even the book. My favorite best author , have many of her other works too.


good reading

Exciting story, great characters

I can't stop reading this detective series. Great characters and action. Especially appealing to women - very strong female main character, sexy and complicated main male character. The occasional romance scenes add to the story, making the characters more fun and interesting. Read the series in order if possible.

I love that the relationships of many of the "cast" are deepening.

I recently read Secrets In Death and wanted more so I started re-reading the series. I enjoyed this book very much. I love that the relationships of many of the "cast" are deepening. I also enjoyed the mystery of this book and it's tie ins with Agatha Christie.

Witness in Death

My audio book was delivered very quickly after placing my order. It was also packaged & delivered without any damage. The CD's were very clean & played great. I love this author, & her stories are so good. The box was a little worn, but, after a little tape, it was like new. I would order from this seller again, if I run across something at a good price. I would've given you a 5 star rating, but I didn't know that after 90 days that page expires. Thank You Very Much: Laura J. Loe

What I ordered.

The book came on time & was as advertised.

Nice plot angle

I have read all of the In Death series by Nora Roberts (J.D.Robb) and have enjoyed the clever repartee between Lt. Eve Dallas and her partner Peabody probably better than Eve's somewhat tortured dialog with her husband Roarke. This book's plot is interesting in that Eve and Roarke are witnesses to a death on stage at Roarke's new drama dome. The murderer is known but the "why" of it is not. Eve's pursuit of the "why" makes for a convoluted discovery and involves a cast of colorful characters so typical of the author's fertile imagination. At this point in the series, I am a bit tired of Roarke's greed and the author's constant reminder about Eve's nightmares of her hideous childhood. Enough whining already! Also tiresome is the too precious relationship that is developing between Dr. Mira and Eve, as she is being patronized into a sort of "daughter" for the psychologist with huggies and kisses. That bird won't fly. I like Eve just fine as a rough as a corncob character. I like her toughness, her grit, her insecurities and her brilliance as crime solver. It is, in my opinion, time for her to be promoted to Captain and have Peabody and a new female character enter into the picture as a crime solver and give Eve her just dues for her role as mastermind. This could add some fascinating color and new trails of intrigue to the series. Also overdone is the rattling of candied nuts in a bag perpetually being munched by Captain Feeney. His limited dialogs replete with curses is tiresome and boring after awhile. This guy is supposed to be her mentor and he comes off increasingly as a buffoon. Lastly, even though this book is not the latest in the series Lt. McNab's too cute smart mouth ramblings make him seem unbelievably stupid at times. Mavis and Leonardo in the story line add a dash of pizzaz, yet less is more for those two. Yes, this review sounds critical and it is not meant in a mean spirited way. It is just that the story is getting stale and, in my view, it is time for a fresh perspective to surface. I will, however, continue to read any new books and have stored them for rereading. That is how much I really like this series.

Witness in Death

Great plot twist. Robb kept me looking in the wrong place at the wrong suspect. A modern Murder on the Orient Express.


Good read


Ever death series is a five star novel. J.D.Robb is one of the best author in murder, love,sex. J.D. characters are spell binding they hold you in the story, in some way you are a part of them. You feel what Eve is feeling and then there is Roarke there to pull her back with the love they came to share. Great romance and murder novel.

Eve and Roarke's Relationship Grows

This case begins when one actor sticks a knife into another on stage and kills him. Roarke is bringing back a play by Agatha Christie and Eve has to investigate the tangled relationships between all of the actors. This one incorporates mothers in many ways and gets both Roarke and Eve thinking about theirs. Peabody and McNab are in a relationship and Trueheart becomes part of Eve's team.

Great book

Intriguing, suspenseful and sexy at the same time. I really enjoy this series.

An excellent series

Early book in the "In Death" series. Entertaining story with less suspense than some of the entries in this series. Dallas and Rourke always interesting.

Eve and Roarke are the perfect team

This series gets better and better as Eve’s character develops And more characters are added. I can’t wait to read the next book

The end is a great surprise. All the books in this series are ...

The end is a great surprise. All the books in this series are wonderful and will definitely challenge you to try to figure out who done it!

Great series.

Great series.

Suspense for sure!

The introduction sets the tone for the whole book. Very scary. Of course, I love the characters in the "In Death" world, and it's great to read this story with all of them included. This is one of my most favorite series. Roberts can write well and tell stories well; I don't know how she does so many of them. Amazing.

Best "In Death" since "Vengence"

I've read everyone of these books and this one is the most compelling. I think we got overdosed in "Loyalty" with the action/suspense element. Nora Roberts has done a great job winding significant character delevopement with an intriguing mystery. I look forward to each installment to see how the relationship between Eve and Roarke grows as well as the partnership she has with Peabody. For once the story doesn't climax with Eve facing death and Roarke and the cast rushing in to save her. The end is perfect and very appropriate to all involved. I suppose we'll have to wait another 6 months for "Judgement". I only hope it's as much worth the wait as this one was. If you haven't read any of this series, start with "Naked in Death" and read them in order. They are all worth reading more than once. In fact I may go read this one again just to see what I might have missed. Enjoy!

Witness in Death

If you enjoy JD Robb's in Death Series, they just keep getting better with each one. Yes, I know I am only up to Book 10, but making my way through them. Found out it is so much easier to get them on the kindle. If you havent started reading the In Death Series, then I do suggest, they are a series of books to seriously look at.

Robb(Nora Roberts) is just fantastic! I read each one of her books about ...

J.D.Robb(Nora Roberts) is just fantastic! I read each one of her books about Eve and Roarke with a fierce curiosity as to what she will do with them next. And she never disappoints. They are two of my most favorite characters and the stories about them and their mysteries are just terrific.

The best or not the best?

I see a lot of reviews declaring each book the best one yet read. I can't say that about any of the in Death series. They all hav their own best traits. Character plots, relationships, death and dismemberment - always something about each book makes it stand out from any other. This would be another great read in the series.

This book is a great fast read

This book is a great fast read, and it puts me in the future for a while, and i'm looking forward to the next one.

Moves slow but she pulls through in the end.

I love Nora Robberts as herself but also as JD Robb. This book was a little slow at first but picked up speed about 50-75% of the way through. There were a plethora of characters and i found myself referring back in the book to keep them all straight. Overall, okay read. Worth it as a building block in following the lives of Eve and Roarke.

Five Stars

I am reading all of the In Death series and apparently I am hooked.

Wonderfully done, twisted

Again, twists and turns. I always enjoy these books. This one just held my attention even more! Sometimes you just need a surprise.

Five Stars

One of her best 'In Death" series books.. Enjoyed reading it.

Witness in Death

Not one of my favorite books in the Death Series. Love most of them. It just wasn't that exciting as others. I randomly started picking up these books at the library and read some of the later editions. Then I started reading from the beginning. It is my opinion, that the later ones get better.

Great read.

As usual, great plot and storyline. Didn’t know who did it until the last chapter. Really looking forward to her next book.

is at her finest with the "

Nora Roberts, writing as J. D. Robb, is at her finest with the " ... in Death" series. Her gift has always been with her characters, and this series has some of her best. This book, in particular, catches your heart as the witness is a child. Eve Dallas keeps you on your toes until the last page.

Better than PBS!

Why aren't these books on Masterpiece Theater? I can see Daniel Day Lewis as Roarke and Liam Neesom as Somerset...

Great series

J.D.Robb is always entertaining. I like science fiction and mysteries. Robb adds some romance,which is fine,she also throws in a bit of humor. I would always recommend the 'In Death' series.

JD Robb does not disappoint her readers of the In Death series

JD Robb does not disappoint her readers of the In Death series. Great character building and when you are a fan of the series, it's like picking up on what the characters are doing now.

Five Stars

Great read. Condition of the book was good

Eve Dallas has heart.

Eve Dallas is growing as she becomes even more compassionate and caring. Her understanding of others is helping her to heal.

Great book. And very good story.

Great book. Very good story. I love the characters and how they are intertwined with everyone. Also the locations were the stories are at is great.

Five Stars

everything as promised

Book 10 A great trtheat for mystery lovers.

A theater performance where death steals the show. Justice is served in front of a packed house opening night, Lieutenant Eve Dallas in attendance. Be sure to read the 10th in the series you will really enjoy it.

Five Stars

Great series.

Love to read J

Love to read J.D.Robb books. Think Eve is Fabulous. Roarke is better looking than any Irish man I ever met and I have met a lot being a first generation Irish American.


Always a good read

Still love the In Death series

Still love the In Death series. Trying to get caught up on all of them. I enjoy the plot and look forward to seeing whats next with Eve Dallas.

Five Stars

Another fantastic book in this series!

I would recommend.

One of my favorites. I would recommend.


I enjoyed reading this book as well as all the other in death books. The turns and twist keeps you coming back for more. J.D. Robb is good at what she does. Eve and Roarke are the ideal couple even if only on paper.


Can't say much more. Third time reading the series and I love it as much as the first time. Thank You, J. D. Robb.

Five Stars

Excellent series.

Good read

I enjoyed the development of the characters throughout the book. Also good guys really can win in the end! Thanks

Wonderful reading

Like JD Robb books very good!

J.D.Robb continues to deliver a great suspense story

With each book the reader develops a closer relationship with the characters . The author keeps you surprised and wanting more!

I don’t review books...

I don’t review books as description is given on site.

Witness in Death

I love the "In Death" series by J. D. Robb! I love to hear the banter between Eve and her butler. I also can picture Roarke and he talks to Eve and cares for her. Eve is a very thorough cop and nothing gets by her!

Five Stars

Love this series.

Another fine entry to the series of "in Death" novels

This book was more meaningful to me as I've actually seen the movie "Witness for the Prosecution" which is used in the book as the setting for a real murder in a play with the same title. Loved the twists and turns and old familiar characters. Would highly recommend it..

You won't be disappointed in the Death series by J. D. Robb

I love the Death series. Ms. Roberts does a fantastic job!. I write some myself, so I appreciate her character development and the twists and turns she adds in every book!

I love this series

I love this series, but this one was a little hard to follow the characters as there were people in a play so were called both their real name and the name used in the play.

Poor shape

This book was in poor shape I should of bought it new. Corners were ripped and looks like it got wet.


As always, JD Robb grabs you in this book. The who-dunit, the relationship with Eve and Roarke, the growing relationship with Peabody and McNab, everything just leaves you wanting more.

Again, Mother is happy!

This was a gift for my Mother quite some time ago. She's still reading the series - pouncing on every new book when it comes out - so I assume it's well-written, as murder-mystery really isn't quite my bag, so to speak.

Jd robb

Love all of Nora Roberts jd robb books can not get enough of them. Wish I knew first in the series of jd robb anyone know please let me know. You what a good novel the j d robb series is great takes you to the future.

Witness in Death

Great story, I'm enjoying the the entire series. The writing is wonderful. Love them all. Can't wait for the next one.



Love this series.

Love this series.

Another great mystery

What an ending...Was totally surprised at the end of the story...so many suspects to choose from...a really enjoyable read......ready for the next


as usual Roberts writes a riveting novel

Yet another fun read

Another excellent installment. The author consistently keeps me interested and engaged in the story. As a result I am (compulsively) reading each and every novel with great pleasure.

Hard collection to get

I've been trying to collect all the "In Death" books in hardcover and the older ones are almost impossible to get. I was super glad to see this.I bought it, it arrived in good time but I haven't read it yet.


Love the in Death Series, have about 20 of them from Audible and on my Kindle. Eve hasn't lost her touch, and that husband of hers makes you want bite him-mmmmm.

The Greatest!

This is the best series I have ever read! I look forward to continuing this series. My only question is, Why isn't this a TV series yet? A futuristic murder mystery series would be great!

Excellent Read

This book had a twist to it and it was very interesting. I think lieutenant Dallas dealt very effectively with an issue that survivors of incest and molestation have to deal with on s fail basis.

Great fun read

Very interesting premise. Definitely didn't see the end coming. Great fun read.

i just love this character

i just love this character. i have never been disappointed with any of the books...just wish i read them in order... :(...

Five Stars

My Friend loved this book!

Four Stars

This book was really good. I enjoyed the story line throughout the book.

Witness in Death

These books are always so interesting. I am just so bad at reviewing books on amazon I can't remember the difference between this one and the last one I read. I know I loved it but I don't remember it well.

Five Stars

Great book I love the i death series.

Five Stars

I LOVE the JD Robb Series. This one was great. Main character was a witness to a murder.

Five Stars

Excellent product and price, super fast delivery. Thanks!

A good read.

Once again I have read this book many times. It is one of her better books. Always like her characters and the interchange between Eve and Roark and the rest of the gang.

... fan of this series and this book was just like the rest

I've become a huge fan of this series and this book was just like the rest. Amazing.

Five Stars

Very enjoyable

Five Stars

It was in better condition than I thought it would be so I was pleased with that

Love J.D.Robb

One of my favorite authors - he says she thinks like a man. That's a little scary but I like the books also.

witness in death

Always enjoy this series makes me laugh all the tine. Cannot put the book down till I finish the book.


very addicting. Could not put it down!! Been a fan for years. Love the continuing characters!! They seem so real and believable!! ON TO BOOK 11

Hope these stories go on forever!

Greatest suspense writer.


Working on my JD Robb collection. Very happy with the price and the condition.

This is a great series of books!

This book is just 1 in a series! I'm still collecting.

Five Stars

Go get 'em Eve!

Love Nora Roberts,AKA,JDRobb

I love all of the In Death books.As usual JD Robb did not disappoint me with this romantic thriller!The romance between Eve Dallas and Roarke is romantic and steamy!

love these

J D Robb books are my favorite books ever, I love the way Nora Roberts writes about Dallas, Roark, Peabody, McNab, Mavis, and Feeney. I sit down as soon as a new one comes out and read until it is done. Then I am upset because it is over and I have to wait months for a new one.

Very suspenseful

I love the series of in death books.


Wow, a different approach but the same suspense, Roarke helping in his usual unofficial capacity. Peabody and Dallas relationship getting closer, all around a very good book

Great series!

I always enjoy Dallas and cast of characters in the Robb series. I look forward to the next and am never disappointed.

Gold Stars for J.D. Robb

J.D. Robb really knows how to make a plot play out. I am glad that I live in a country were you can tell stories like this

Witness in Death

Great J.D Robb . I have read this book more than once, I enjoy all J.D. Robb books and usually can't wait to read a new one. Dallas, Roarke, Peabody and the others all come alive for me.


Nora rules! A great read and you will not want yo set it down. Great price and the servicefromtheseller was excellent.

Five Stars

Excellent series.


Always a good read. Eve is always a bad ass and awesome cop. She gets her man. Thumbs up. Great


I have not read a bad Eve Dallas book. J.D. Robb writes a wonder mystery and always keeps you guessing who the bad guy is.

I'm hooked on this collection!

It is easy to get caught up in this series because J.D. Robb makes you care about the characters. When I finish one, I want to read the next one.

Witnes in Death Review

I'm reading the whole "in Death" series and I'm really enjoying it. Eve Dallas is really a hard working copy who loves her job for all the right reasons. Excellent books.

Five Stars

very good story

Great ending

The ending was an interesting surprise. Added to that was the final reaction of Lt Eve Dallas. Very good read.

Loved it.

JD Robb series writing improves with each book, Loved it.

Love her books

The "In Death" series is a great! They fit together and weave a love story around the life of a cop. Great reads - you should try.

Five Stars

enjoy all of these books in this series. awaiting new ones everyday.

Great author

Great author. Start with the first in the series. They are page turners.

Big fan of the series here.

I loved this entire series. If you enjoy one, you'll probably like the rest.

JD Robb

I like the series. I especially like the interchange between all the characters. You could pick up the book and read it and it would be good. What made it good for me is knowing the history of the characters, beginning with the first book. One thing I don't like is the excessive use of profanity.

Great series! Read it from the beginning as characters ...

Great series! Read it from the beginning as characters build from one book to the next!

What A Suspect!

Loved the twist of the sympathy for the murderer and the heartless victim. Unusual Plot Twist. As always enjoyed read

Typical JD Robb quality murder mystery novel.

Typical JD Robb quality murder mystery novel.

Fast but not so easy

Love this series.

A great read.

Will order more. A great read.

Five Stars

a must read

Five Stars

Love this whole series!

Five Stars

Great story

Always Great

As always Nora Roberts never disappoints. I love reading her books. I especially love the In Death series. Look forward to reading the next one.

Great read

Entire series is great


Love all J. D. Robb books keep you guessing all the time. Can't put the book down once you read the first chapter.

Great book

Great book easy read

she does it again

JD robb is awesome. I love nora roberts writing style i have all of her books on kindle and in hard copy. love her

Love this series

Arrived quickly, just as advertised

Great read.

If you enjoy Det. Dallas and her death adventures, you are sure to enjoy this next "In Death" future novel.


This was an awesome and touching book. It makes you see how even blood relatives can be cold blooded monsters.

Five Stars

totally happy with the book

Five Stars

Good read

Witness in Death

Excellent. Once again Robb/Roberts delivers a perfect blend of detective thriller and romance. I've yet to be disappointed. My only lament is that she teases us with the beginning of the next book in the series, knowing it has yet to reach the bookshelves.

Great as always

Great as always for JD Robb and Lt Dallas. Lots of twists and turns and then some extra, added suspense.

As always, a good read

These books are not intellectual or enlightened, but ALWAYS entertaining! Great series overall - I recommend as beach books to all my friends.


Enjoyed reading this book. Murder and love, great mix. The characters were developed and the writing is very graphic. I can almost picture what is going on in my mind. Yummy.

Awsome read

love all the In Death books

Witness in Death

I bought the book for my kindle. It is a well written story as usual from the JD Robb In Death Series. I hope to get the next one soon. It wasn't one of my favorites.

Five Stars

Best Series Ever!

compelling and must have read!

Great spot to start and then start from the beginning to know the characters and just an amazin storyline to get hooked on, I've read and read them over...

Four Stars

great book

Another winner for J.D. R.

This book is part of the author's ongoing series. All the books have consistent unusually high standards. they are compelling, hard to put down and worth reading and rereading time and time again.

Five Stars

My favorite series.

Lt. Dallas at her best.

Excellent book. Would recommend to all J.D. Robb lovers.

Good futuristic reading!!!

I am hooked on the series!!!!!! If you like complex characters and plots, you too will become hooked!!

Another great book in the series

As always, after reading this I can't wait to go on to the next one. I know this has been out for a while but I am collecting the whole series after having read all the books at my local library and filling in the gaps.

Five Stars

very good book

Witness in death

A wonderful book in the continuing saga of the in Death book series. A must-have for any j d robb fan.

Witness in Death

It is a fun read. The characters fun and interesting, the plot realistic but imaginative and fun to get involved in. I find these books relaxing and entertaining reads. I hope they keep on coming.

Love JD Robb

Love the In Death series - love the characters and the story line - JD Robb knows how to keep you guessing until the end

Five Stars

excellent condition

Love it!!

Another great one. Of course, the In Death series, as a whole, is one of the best I've ever read!!

High Marks

I am very pleased with this story. I would hope that A. C. would have liked it also. The story gives more body to the characters. It will catch you and hold you.

Five Stars


Great Reading

As always J.D. Robb does a great job writing a great book!! Very easy reading and hard to put down.

witness in death

Another wounderful, action packed work by j.d.robb. can't wait to read her next novel. trying to read them all, just can't put them down

excellent read

A first for Dallas - a murderer she respects and a victim who she doesn't - she still stands for the dead - Admirably

Five Stars

Any and everything by NR is great

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