Vendetta in Death: An Eve Dallas Novel

Kindle Edition
02 Sep
J.D. Robb

Lieutenant Eve Dallas must keep the predator from becoming the prey in Vendetta in Death, the newest thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling author J.D. Robb.

She calls herself Lady Justice. And once she has chosen a man as her target, she turns herself into a tall blonde or a curvaceous redhead, makes herself as alluring and seductive as possible to them. Once they are in her grasp, they are powerless.

The first victim is wealthy businessman Nigel McEnroy. His company’s human resources department has already paid out settlements to a couple of his young victims—but they don’t know that his crimes go far beyond workplace harassment. Lady Justice knows. And in one shocking night of brutality, she makes him pay a much steeper price.

Now Eve Dallas and her husband, Roarke, are combing through the evidence of McEnroy’s secret life. His compulsive need to record his misdeeds provides them with a wide range of suspects, but the true identity of Lady Justice remains elusive. It’s a challenging case, made even more difficult by McEnroy’s widow, who reacts to the investigation with fury, denial, and threats. Meanwhile, Lady Justice’s criminal crusade is escalating rapidly, and if Eve can’t stop this vigilante, there’s no telling how much blood may be spilled…

Reviews (171)

I fear JD Robb is becoming the rushed writer of Nora Roberts

I have LOVED the Eve series, until now. Ms. Roberts is probably one of the most gifted writers alive today. But... regrettably, her Nora Roberts writing has become “same ‘ole, same ‘ole”. Her books over the last couple of years look like rushed rubber stamp writing of previous books/story plots. I thought her Eve Duncan series was safe. Regrettably, this book (Vendetta in Death) is exhibiting the same “sickness”. If Robert’s/Robb’s books weren’t SO expensive, I would not care. But, if she expects her readers to pay such high book prices, we readers demand the writing brilliance that we know she can provide. Shame on you, Ms. Roberts/Robb. We deserve your best and you embarrass yourself with this dime-store veneer writing and your spiral into greed.

Very Disappointed

I've been a huge fan of this series from day one and can only say that about a few other authors. Series are hard to keep fresh but Robb has done well in keeping things exciting. This series has had its bumps, with a few books several years ago being so uncharacteristic and boring that I wondered in my reviews if someone was ghosting for her or was she just tired of the characters? Things improved.....until now. It could have been a tremendous book especially now in the 'me too' movement. What an opportunity wasted! There was no voice there. Besides that issue this was not an 'in death' book. The characters lacked depth and interaction was very stilted with no real warmth. A very thin plot that gave up the killer way too early--an easy out for the writer. It was truly one of the old 'fill in the blank' efforts like before with bits from old books mixed in. Very very disappointing. So is there a new ghost in town or is Robb just bored?? We certainly are after this....

Same ol book. Nothing new.

A long time fan of this . However the last couple of books are definitely not worth the cover price. This serious is becoming very predictable and frankly kind of boring. Eve and roarke are predictable and the fact that Eve is still having endless nightmares and with Eve still being so thoroughly buried in her past at some point is there not acceptance and moving on? For such a strong character this crippling mental crushing just doesn't ring true anymore. Would like to hear more about Peabody and McNab more about anyone. Not sure that I will be buying any more in the series and less it's at a discount book store I guess after 50 books in the series my favorite author is unable to come up with anything new and original for them to do. Very sad.

Dallas not as entertaining as before

I have read every single one of the books in this series. I have enjoyed all except the last 3 or 4. Eve Dallas has changed and the books are not as entertaining. There used to be so much more action. Why quit what made it such a compelling series?

Too little for too much cost

I was torn between giving this 3 or 4 stars. Four only because I still love these characters, especially how they have grown throughout the series. However, it seems like the books have been getting shorter and shorter. This was a very, very quick read. And, I was disappointed that the culprit was identified about halfway through - without enough plot or action to propel the rest. I don't mind Eve zeroing in on a hunch, but there was no real investigation. Unfortunate. I don't mind a short book, except when it retails near $30. I got it for $20 and still feel that was too much for the little I got. I guess it's time to stop preordering this series and hit the library from now on. Robb needs to shake the series up, or give it a rest for a while if she's gotten bored.

It’s no mystery.

Two stars because I still enjoy the characters though the book doesn’t do them justice - pun intended. The villain is identified early in the story, so early you think (hope) it’s a red herring. It’s not. Her motivation reads more entitled than mentally ill. Given she’s supposed to be crazy, as explained to us at the end, the story would be more interesting if that darkness was explored. It isn’t. No mystery. No suspense. Not worth the cover charge.

Sad when you know who the killer is in first quarter of book

I have always loved the books about Eve Dallas and Roarke as witnessed by my bookshelves and the fact that I pre-order them. However this, the 49th book was a HUGE disappointment. I knew the killer when Eve interviewed Darla. That happens in the first quarter of the book. There was no real interaction between Eve and Roarke. I am thrilled for Mavis, but that didn't add to the book. There was no interaction with Summerset either. If I didn't know better I'd bet Robb/Roberts had someone else write this book. It was a waste of money. Now, with the 50th book coming out, I'm almost afraid to purchase it. I never thought this writer could let me down so badly and I've always hated the way she just stops her books. I could put up with that. This book was HORRIBLE. Don't buy it. Wait for the paperback or better yet wait until it comes to Kindle Unlimited. I've read better books there.

Loved it

All of these many years and books later. I still love this series. I fell in love with the first book and can't wait for the next one.

Not as good as I am used to

Love the characters of this series and enjoy how they have grown and developed as is normal for most people. That part of this book is why it got 3 stars. Now I didn’t like this mystery at all. 1. No mystery as you knew the killer early on 2. The character development and relationships for the killer and the group she’s was killing for lacked true emotion. She was killing for these ladies, but I just couldn’t feel the connection. 3. The whole thing just felt rushed. I also missed the Summerset/Eve interactions in this one. Although Eves reaction to Mavis’s pregnancy was spot on. Eves life seems to have settled into a happy one and I love how the character has grown, but this means the mystery’s need to be better than ever and this one fell flat for me. I’m hoping the next one is more of what I expect from this author, as her books are more expensive. I don’t mind paying more for quality. This was not quality.

Where has the spark gone?

Oh Nora. This used to be my favorite series, I would read each new release in a frenzy of unmitigated pleasure. That has changed. The last 3 or 4 in the "In Death" series have felt stale, uninspired and occasionally down right annoying. Does Eve have to pick the killer out before anyone else EVERY SINGLE TIME? Does she need to do the correct profile before Mira EVERY SINGLE TIME? Where she used to be strong willed and righteously tough on suspects, now she is, frankly, bitchy with everyone. It was slightly charming when she and Summerset would bicker at first, now she's just rude. Frankly I wish someone would take her down a notch. She has become so self centered that Rourke should really be annoyed with her inability to take him, his work, his needs, into account. While we are on the subject, does Rourke really need to ALWAYS be better and faster at EED than Feeney, the head of the department? The beauty, charm, excitement and joy has gone out of the series. Go back to the roots Nora, tell us about our favorite characters with more focus on THEM instead of another, tired, predictable murder. Make me love Eve again, I really, really want to. Sincerely, A lifelong fan.

I fear JD Robb is becoming the rushed writer of Nora Roberts

I have LOVED the Eve series, until now. Ms. Roberts is probably one of the most gifted writers alive today. But... regrettably, her Nora Roberts writing has become “same ‘ole, same ‘ole”. Her books over the last couple of years look like rushed rubber stamp writing of previous books/story plots. I thought her Eve Duncan series was safe. Regrettably, this book (Vendetta in Death) is exhibiting the same “sickness”. If Robert’s/Robb’s books weren’t SO expensive, I would not care. But, if she expects her readers to pay such high book prices, we readers demand the writing brilliance that we know she can provide. Shame on you, Ms. Roberts/Robb. We deserve your best and you embarrass yourself with this dime-store veneer writing and your spiral into greed.

Very Disappointed

I've been a huge fan of this series from day one and can only say that about a few other authors. Series are hard to keep fresh but Robb has done well in keeping things exciting. This series has had its bumps, with a few books several years ago being so uncharacteristic and boring that I wondered in my reviews if someone was ghosting for her or was she just tired of the characters? Things improved.....until now. It could have been a tremendous book especially now in the 'me too' movement. What an opportunity wasted! There was no voice there. Besides that issue this was not an 'in death' book. The characters lacked depth and interaction was very stilted with no real warmth. A very thin plot that gave up the killer way too early--an easy out for the writer. It was truly one of the old 'fill in the blank' efforts like before with bits from old books mixed in. Very very disappointing. So is there a new ghost in town or is Robb just bored?? We certainly are after this....

Same ol book. Nothing new.

A long time fan of this . However the last couple of books are definitely not worth the cover price. This serious is becoming very predictable and frankly kind of boring. Eve and roarke are predictable and the fact that Eve is still having endless nightmares and with Eve still being so thoroughly buried in her past at some point is there not acceptance and moving on? For such a strong character this crippling mental crushing just doesn't ring true anymore. Would like to hear more about Peabody and McNab more about anyone. Not sure that I will be buying any more in the series and less it's at a discount book store I guess after 50 books in the series my favorite author is unable to come up with anything new and original for them to do. Very sad.

Dallas not as entertaining as before

I have read every single one of the books in this series. I have enjoyed all except the last 3 or 4. Eve Dallas has changed and the books are not as entertaining. There used to be so much more action. Why quit what made it such a compelling series?

Too little for too much cost

I was torn between giving this 3 or 4 stars. Four only because I still love these characters, especially how they have grown throughout the series. However, it seems like the books have been getting shorter and shorter. This was a very, very quick read. And, I was disappointed that the culprit was identified about halfway through - without enough plot or action to propel the rest. I don't mind Eve zeroing in on a hunch, but there was no real investigation. Unfortunate. I don't mind a short book, except when it retails near $30. I got it for $20 and still feel that was too much for the little I got. I guess it's time to stop preordering this series and hit the library from now on. Robb needs to shake the series up, or give it a rest for a while if she's gotten bored.

It’s no mystery.

Two stars because I still enjoy the characters though the book doesn’t do them justice - pun intended. The villain is identified early in the story, so early you think (hope) it’s a red herring. It’s not. Her motivation reads more entitled than mentally ill. Given she’s supposed to be crazy, as explained to us at the end, the story would be more interesting if that darkness was explored. It isn’t. No mystery. No suspense. Not worth the cover charge.

Sad when you know who the killer is in first quarter of book

I have always loved the books about Eve Dallas and Roarke as witnessed by my bookshelves and the fact that I pre-order them. However this, the 49th book was a HUGE disappointment. I knew the killer when Eve interviewed Darla. That happens in the first quarter of the book. There was no real interaction between Eve and Roarke. I am thrilled for Mavis, but that didn't add to the book. There was no interaction with Summerset either. If I didn't know better I'd bet Robb/Roberts had someone else write this book. It was a waste of money. Now, with the 50th book coming out, I'm almost afraid to purchase it. I never thought this writer could let me down so badly and I've always hated the way she just stops her books. I could put up with that. This book was HORRIBLE. Don't buy it. Wait for the paperback or better yet wait until it comes to Kindle Unlimited. I've read better books there.

Loved it

All of these many years and books later. I still love this series. I fell in love with the first book and can't wait for the next one.

Not as good as I am used to

Love the characters of this series and enjoy how they have grown and developed as is normal for most people. That part of this book is why it got 3 stars. Now I didn’t like this mystery at all. 1. No mystery as you knew the killer early on 2. The character development and relationships for the killer and the group she’s was killing for lacked true emotion. She was killing for these ladies, but I just couldn’t feel the connection. 3. The whole thing just felt rushed. I also missed the Summerset/Eve interactions in this one. Although Eves reaction to Mavis’s pregnancy was spot on. Eves life seems to have settled into a happy one and I love how the character has grown, but this means the mystery’s need to be better than ever and this one fell flat for me. I’m hoping the next one is more of what I expect from this author, as her books are more expensive. I don’t mind paying more for quality. This was not quality.

Where has the spark gone?

Oh Nora. This used to be my favorite series, I would read each new release in a frenzy of unmitigated pleasure. That has changed. The last 3 or 4 in the "In Death" series have felt stale, uninspired and occasionally down right annoying. Does Eve have to pick the killer out before anyone else EVERY SINGLE TIME? Does she need to do the correct profile before Mira EVERY SINGLE TIME? Where she used to be strong willed and righteously tough on suspects, now she is, frankly, bitchy with everyone. It was slightly charming when she and Summerset would bicker at first, now she's just rude. Frankly I wish someone would take her down a notch. She has become so self centered that Rourke should really be annoyed with her inability to take him, his work, his needs, into account. While we are on the subject, does Rourke really need to ALWAYS be better and faster at EED than Feeney, the head of the department? The beauty, charm, excitement and joy has gone out of the series. Go back to the roots Nora, tell us about our favorite characters with more focus on THEM instead of another, tired, predictable murder. Make me love Eve again, I really, really want to. Sincerely, A lifelong fan.

Less Than Thrilling

The J.D. Robb series has been slipping, and this is one of the worst in recent times. Dallas finds out the killer (don't worry -- no spoiler!) halfway through the book. And the murders, while gruesome, are somehow ho-hum, as if Ms. Robb is bored with the story line. Roarke isn't present in the story enough. Ditto the other members of Eve's crew (except for Peabody). This book was unpleasant and flat. I will try the next one in the series, but if that one fails, it will be my last venture into the Dallas/Roarke saga.

I’m disappointed!

You know when you wait so long for something and the day finally comes? That is how I felt on September 3 when Vendetta in Death came out. It didn’t take but a few pages for disappointment to set in. Roarke,Sommerset, Nadine, Dr. Mira, Mavis, McNab, were almost nonexistent in this book. Even Eve didn’t feel like Eve. Too much of the book was focused on the murderer and the other women. This is the first time I’ve felt like JD Robb didn’t write this and I have to wonder why.

warning: Spoilers!!

I have read every book in this series, even the novellas, and I must say this one was just ok. In fact, the last several in this series have just been ok. You have the scene where she's eating outside and then all of a sudden chasing down a bad guy to get back a wallet for some oblivious tourist (which has happened before in other books in this series) you have Eve questioning a clueless woman (seen in other books in this series) you have her questioning someone who is grumpy and uncooperative (seen in other books ) Eve questioning a timid woman who has a tough, no nonsense friend (as seen in other books) Roarke working his e magic that even the caption of EDD can't do (as seen in other books)--really how does Roarke keep his giant empire running when he helps Eve so much?-- the obligatory scenes that used to flow with the story but now seem forced --a nightmare, Mavis and Bella, Galahad, Candy thief, Jenkinson's tie, Nadine, New York traffic, retired cop(who's solid), Eve's ongoing battle with vending machines, Eve's tired, Eve needs reminded by Roarke to eat something, on and on. Even Mavis announcing she's pregnant seemed quick and forced. I feel at this point I could write a book in this series, there is nothing exciting anymore, it is all predictable. I will keep reading because I love the characters, but I'm buying used from now on, they just aren't worth the full price anymore.

Eve gets her murderer

I have read all of the Eve Dallas books, I wish I could give a 5 star rating. I think JD Robb is getting sloppy and formulaic in the writing. I’m not sure if her heart is just not into this character anymore. Usually we wait for the twist on the murderer, but this was right up front, so big surprise. Everything about this story seemed rushed. Usually I get so engrossed I couldn’t put it down, but this was almost painful to read. Comparing earlier and now this, so sad....

A Terrible Addition to a Great Series

This has to be the worst Eve Dallas book written, taking first place away from "Apprentice in Death". From the first page, it's clear that "Vendetta" was not written by J.D. Robb/Nora Roberts. The characters are poorly drawn cartoons of themselves; the author's "voice" is very different from the other books. I think "Vendetta" was written to ride the #MeToo wave...while the misuse of power to sexually abuse women is a terrible crime, its treatment here is so obvious and heavy-handed. I regret spending $15 on this, and will never pre-order another J.D. Robb book. I'll wait to see if the reviews show she's back on form before reading.


I am a very big fan of J.D. Robb and this whole series until the last couple of books. The story was too short. Finding out who the killer is only 1/4 the way through the book made the rest of the book boring. There was not enough interaction between the rest of the characters in this series and it just was not a great book. I have read everyone of this series and while I like some better than others up to this point I would have recommended them to anyone but not so much now. The books costs too much for this short of a story and was not worth it. Bummers

Not Your Usual Lt. Dallas

I have been a fan of the Eve Dallas In Death series for a very long time and have read each book multiple times. It is not easy to say that within the first few pages that I knew this book was tonally wrong. There is a lack of depth in the writing that surprised me. The characterizations are off. We are given more first person mental dialogue in Eve's thoughts and less third person. The insertion of direct link dialogue between Eve and Roarke was unexpected and jarring. This book does not compare to the comfort and intrigue with well written dialogue, descriptions and Eve's considerations that were showcased within the previous 48 books. I'm not sure who these characters are but I wish they would go back to third person perspective. I have not finished reading the book at the time of this review but do intend to finish.

JD Robb has lost either her talent or her motivation

It is sad to me that this once great series is now just an empty shell. JD Robb obviously uses a formula and fills in the blanks with the same descriptions, the same dialogs, the same sidelines of cop's goofy ties and socks, Mavis' fashion styles and of chocolate thieves. These are all great fun, but the early stories had magnificent back stories with depth, describing the developing lives of many, many characters. Now, and for the past several books, each book has perhaps 1 line ,1 page or 1 event, with no depth whatsoever, which pushes a back-story forward just a little. It seems JD Robb has lost interest. I've kept buying the books in hopes of the series coming back to life, but at this point I think I'm done.

Something is wrong.

If it wasn't for the fact her name is on the book I would not believe this was written by J D Robb. Dallas is not here, the character using her name is not Eve Dallas. Peabody is a vague shadow of the character. All the characters are washed out ghosts. The plot is so thin and obvious you just want to it to end. What a disappointment.

So disappointing

I love the Eve Dallas series. I read a few reviews before beginning to read "Vendetta in Death." I must agree that this book does not compare favorably to previous ones. Why not: The story was rushed. Also, there were times when I was certain someone other than JD Robb wrote this because things that were said were out of character. As one reviewer pointed out, Eve decided who the killer was halfway through the book and there were no plot twists or surprises at all. Very uncharacteristic for this series. The first murder was so beautifully described; the preparations, the torture, the rationale for the selection of the specific victim. The description of the second murder was sorely lacking. "She dressed up like an LC, sedated the man and then cut off his junk." Seriously. Not much more than that. In two instances, the writer used a single word repeatedly and incorrectly. The word seemed out of place in each usage. VERY strange; and definitely not Robb's writing. Perhaps JD Robb did in fact put out this book, as one reviewer suggested, to jump on the #MeToo bandwagon. I'm sure she'll make a boatload of money on this book, but she didn't do her readers any favors. This is the worst book in the entire series. I suggest you borrow it from your local library. Don't pay for it. Most writers' series end up becoming predicatble after a while. (Stephanie Plum comes to mind.) It's always exciting to find a new series by a talented new author. To that point, I highly recommend the Max Springer series by D. Wayne Bird. Start with Butcher of Chamé (Chamé is a town in Panama), then move on to Enemies of My Fathers, and then Facing My Demons. More books are planned, but this is the initial trilogy and well worth reading. If you enjoy reading series of books, and your preference is crime, you will love the new Max Springer series. Springer is like Doc Ford (Randy Wayne Wright) in that he seems to be a nice gentle man but is actually a retired CIA agent. He wants to retire and just golf and relax, but he keeps getting drawn back into the world of international intrigue. The Max Springer series is fresh fresh fresh. Cannot recommend it highly enough.

me too ?

I don't know what is going on ,but, this is almost worse then the last J.D. Robb In death book. The person who is doing the killings is given to us 1/2 way through and nothing is ever added to make it a good mystery . It is an obvious attempt to bring the "Me Too" movement into the readers mind. And yes it maybe it is time that Eve and Rourke become partners without Eve fighting it everytime but I miss their fighting . I returned this for a refund .

Pretty disappointing

I am one of the biggest fans of the “In Death” series but this one fell really flat for me. I know not every book can be equally as good as the others but this one was pretty disappointing. I have felt that way about several of the latest books in this series - especially those coming after New York to Dallas. I haven’t given the books since then a second read, whereas the ones prior I’ve read many times over! I’m hoping #50 will be a return to the greats!

Not JD Robb's best, but not her worst

This was only an OK read. Yes, it not only was obvious who the killer was at 37% of the way through (according to Kindle), the only ACTUAL surprise was the killer didn't actually attempt the obvious final agenda, Roark but only said that was a goal. It seems long overdue to start advancing Peabody and stop criticism of her being an Ashley Graham-shaped woman, always describing her walk as "clomping", and STILL not having Peabody find THE critical link to either finding or catching the criminal. As for Roarke, McNab, Mavis, or the rest of the characters, nothing new or interesting there. While it was no "New York To Dallas In Death" nor the Icove tale, it wasn't as bad as some of the more recent "...In Death" stories that have been very spotty. Something new and different needs to start happening, to create a truly new thread of issues boiling under the main mystery. That just seems to be gone....

Always a joy to read

Obviously, I’m including a content note for rape, blood, and torture. It’s at roughly the same level as many of the other books in the series, so if you’ve liked the books so far, there’s little reason why you’d stop now. It’s a plot-heavy entry into the series, rather than the occasional world- and character-heavy volumes. We do get to see Mavis in this briefly and of course Roarke comes along to help out Eve. We get the usual nods to series regulars such as Nadine and Jake, and Eve narrowly avoids doing some socializing. Unsurprisingly, more and more of the people Eve has to interview recognize her and Peabody from Nadine’s book and movie. Sometimes this helps, and sometimes it hinders, but Eve is starting to learn to cope with it. In this volume, Eve gets to meet a movie legend. Even though Eve has no idea who she is, Peabody is star-struck! I wish I had a better idea of how droids are supposed to act and function in this world. It has never really come together for me. In this volume, we quickly see that part of the reason one woman can deal with manhandling large guys is because she has a droid drive the car and string up the victims. But in all of Eve’s speculations, she and her colleagues keep coming back to the idea that the culprit must have an ally, if just to have someone driving the car. It never seems to occur to them that a droid could operate a car, but it’s also never mentioned that they generally can’t, so wouldn’t Eve have thought of that? The text isn’t quite as gloriously quotable as my favorite entries in the series. Also, Eve’s argument-with-the-perp dream is unnecessary; we already know why she disagrees with the killer’s sense of “justice”. Somehow Eve always leaves me wanting pizza! Good thing I have all the ingredients necessary in the apartment. I definitely enjoyed this book; it isn’t a perfect In Death novel, but it’s solidly good!

Boring and repetitive

This will be the last book of the series I will purchase. I think Roberts has run out of ideas and is just repeating previous books with slight variations. Save your money.

Enough with the rapes already

I get this is a police procedural series but you have to think not every single crime involving murder includes rape. It feels like every other book written is about rape. This book is graphic, gross, and really predictable. Not one I'd recommend to anyone who is considering reading the In Death series.

The audio editing is bad (cds have not been replaced in stock)

(update) DO NOT ORDER AUDIO CD's. As mentioned below there is an issue with the actual cds around cd 4. The tracks are messed up. I sent my original back and got a new one. Amazon has NOT pulled the original stock and gotten them to ship corrected copies. So don't waste your time on this until they do. So I purchase the more expensive audio books unabridged. This allows me to do other things as I listen to the story. I also listen to each repeatedly over time starting from the first to the latest. (original review) I pre-order these and this is the first time the publishing company has disappointed me. I figure the last mess up was on Amazon as they had one date for the release date and a much later date for the release/sale date for the pre-orders. Which must have been a mistake, as I canceled my pre-order and reordered a week after the publish date. This time, however, my audio book is skipping around. For example, Eve and Rourke go home on one CD. Then at the beginning of the next she is reviewing some videos the victim had made and has a conversation with Rourke. Then on the next track, they are walking into the house and tossing her coat in its usual place asking R where somerset was. I thought okay, this is just a glitch and mistakes happen so I've been listening on and in the middle of being dressed down, the cd ends. Then on the next cd they are talking about a different person. There is more conversation, and Eve and Peabody leave Tibble's office in conversation. Then suddenly they are in the office again talking to Tibble again with the subject that they were having when the previous cd ended. Those are just two incidents so far. There are more for the rest of the book. I'm still listening, so I can not comment on that yet, but I wanted to let someone know if they ordered the audio book they may get a disappointment.

Need more humor...spoiler alert..

The book is a great, but this not like her previous work. Her previous books had more humor, more suspense, more thrilling then this. I feel the interaction between Roarke and Eve has somehow mellowed and hollowed. Since, we come to know who the killer is in about 3 chapters, the rest of the book is about how she try to capture the killer. Which has no thrilling or suspense. More of a procedure, which we have read in all the other books.

Loved it!

There's only one thing bad about this book. It had to end and I have to wait until next year for the next one.

Crime Fiction for Grown-Ups

I don’t read every J. D. Robb novel that comes along, but I do enjoy them from time to time. I would classify myself as a fan, but not a devotee, as I’m no expert on her novels, or on this genre. So take that into consideration while reading this review and considering your purchase. This author is one of the most popular, or, at least, one of the most purchased writers throughout Amazon and Audible, so you can be certain she has many followers. Still, her appeal is not universal. Say what? BLUSH FACTOR: Her villains, and even her heroes, speak the street language consistent with the characters depicted. In that sense, Robb’s characters inhabit the same world as do Stephen King’s. A key difference is that King’s live on the edge of Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone, while Robb’s live on the edge of NCIS or Law and Order, but with language and sexual habits that would never be permitted on network television, if you get my drift. As for myself, I was not dissuaded from reading, but I am sure a few will be, so I leave this warning. POV: This story is told to us in third person point of view, but a great deal is through dialogue, which makes for a far faster read than most novels. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT: Since this is the 49th tale in this series, don’t expect a lot of character development in the main characters. In fact, if there were, it would make for a long. slow, perhaps boring read. Think of this story as you would most any crime drama tv series and you’re likely to be entertained. BOTTOM LINE: I would be a mistake to rate this as a great read. It is, though, better than most writing. In a nutshell, this is a ‘Law & Order’ for grown-ups. Four stars out of five.

Bad proof reader of audiobook on cd

Dear Proofreader of Vendetta In Death audiobook cd., did you even listen to the cds? How on earth did this pass the test? On each disc, track 2 is the beginning of the cd, and track 1 is the next chapter. then one has to skip track 2 to go to track 3 to listen to the rest of the cd. If I wanted to sit around, I would have bought the actual book. For the amount of money charged for this audiobook on cd, it should have been perfect.


The only thing I can think of is that a ghost writer wrote this book. There is no way JD Robb did. The excitement, the inter action of her family and friends, the suspense-all of it was missing. This was not the normal book Robb world have written herself. It had to come from a ghost writer who needs to learn how to write. This reminded me of a high schooler wanting to learn how. I ABSOLUTELY love JD ROBB. She has always been my go to author when I don’t know what I want to read or if I need to be taken away to another place. I could always rely on her books! But this one was so disappointing. PLEASE COME BACK MS ROBB. WE RELY ON YOUR BOOKS FOR THAT SPECIAL STORY THAT CANT WAIT TO READ

Great Addition to Excellent Series

In this 49th in the In Death series, Eve pits her wits against a murderer who tortures, mutilates and murders men and who calls herself Lady Justice. The first victim is Nigel McEnroy who is a wealthy businessman with a genius for matching the right person to the right job. He is also a serial rapist who has a thing for redheads and the habit of drugging them and then videotaping the sexual encounters. As she and Peabody look into his life, they find a couple of women who worked for him and took settlements to keep them from reporting him. When talking to the women, they find their way to a support group called Women for Women. They also run afoul of Mrs. McEnroy who refuses to believe that her husband did the things that Eve and Peabody have ample evidence to prove. She vows to go all the way to the Mayor with complaints and she does. Fortunately, Eve's superiors know who they can believe. The second victim is Thaddeus Pettigrew. He cheated on his wife, divorced her, cheated her out of the company she was the brains behind, and chose to live with the woman who helped him cheat. Darla Pettigrew is the granddaughter of famous actress Eloise Callahan. She lives with her Grand who is getting over a rather serious illness. Darla has also attended the support group. The third victim is a man who raped and beat his wife and who didn't pay attention to the restraining order she took out on him. She is also an attendee at the same support group. With Lady Justice picking a new victim every day, Eve and her team are under time pressure to discover and stop the murderer. We, along with Eve, learn who the murderer is by about the mid-point of the book. However, Eve doesn't have any evidence that supports her instincts and that would generate a search warrant. I love this series. The relationship between Roarke and Eve is my favorite of all the romantic relationships I've read. Their banter and Eve's banter with her partner Peabody is always entertaining and humorous. I like that Eve is learning to deal with the many traumas of her childhood through the love of her husband and friends.

Need more laughs, more page time for supporting characters, but still loved the characters and story

While I never mind when Eve suspects the proper culprit very early on, I was not thrilled to have it revealed to us so early who the killer was. I'm never thrilled to see through the eyes of the killer so early on in the story. It takes away too much of the mystery for me, even if I'm convinced i know who did it. There was one very lovely brief love scene, that I enjoyed, but it lacked a lot of the steam I'm used to from Eve and Roarke. I really like how these characters have matured and evolved. But there are times when I wish there was some serious dust ups between our main characters. It doesn't have to be Eve and Roarke. It could be any of the mains including Feeney, Mavis, Peabody, McNab, etc. it was nice to see a cameo by Mavis again. It was fun and powerful, but too short. It's been a while since I've really laughed out loud and had to be shushed reading an In Death book. I kind of miss it. Not that I don't laugh, the tie and sock thing was pretty funny, but there just doesn't seem to be enough of it anymore. This one has some possibly triggering themes, such as rape & domestic abuse. But unless this is your first time reading an IN Death book, then you probably already expect serious themes. I really liked the additional side characters, but I still miss seeing enough McNab, Feeney and Mavis. While I really liked this book, I can only give it 4 stars because it just didn't feel like the top of her game.


3/2 I haven't read the last 2 or 3 all the way through. They've felt kind of samey. I felt i needed a break. I enjoyed it but more of the same. It did have just a bit of a personal side. I prefer the books that Eve relates to. New York to Dallas was my favorite recent book. I wish she would write more like this. This one also didn't have enough Roarke. Nora has this quirk when she rights. People often speak the same as each other. Or divulge more than you think they would when asked simple questions. Sometimes this makes her books samey. I can usually look past it but thought id mention it. We need some spice. I love her and respect her, but I wish she'd change it up or go back to the more personal stories. Also a little more action wouldn't hurt.

Always Satisfying

Catching up with Eve Dallas through s new In Death novel is like catching up with a dear friend. I know the people in her life, the nuances of her relationships, her work ethic, and her troubled past. How rare it is that readers connect with a fictional character like this! Nora Roberts, writing as JD Robb, has refined and expanded the world of New York forty years in the future so that it feels as real as the now her readers inhabit. Her skill is remarkable; her writing is consistent and emotionally perfect. In this installment in the series, a woman with a vendetta against abusive men creates a super hero persona and mounts a campaign of gruesome torture and murder to appease her need to punish, to balance the scales of justice. Eve, a former victim of abuse, has to stand for the victims of this murderous spree, even though the victims are themselves perpetrators. As she tracks down the killer, she must define what justice means. Her support system— Roarke, Peabody, Mira, Feeney, Mavis, and even Bella—help her cope with this, another case that hits close to home. This novel satisfies me need for more In Death content, and best of all, sets up more story to come via good news from Mavis about a happy —to Eve and Roarke a harrowing — event to come.

A different Dallas

I was surprised that there wasn't the amount of physical activity in the form of police chases and fights and sexual activity as in the past. I also miss the exchanges between Dallas and the butler, and the majority of the characters established in previous stories. It's as though Dallas is tired of being a cop.

This is my favorite series in the genre

J.D. Robb succeeds where many other authors fail. I love that after forty-nine full-length novels, Eve, Roarke, continue to entertain. It isn’t an easy task for authors to maintain over twenty years. Each book in the In Death series is written in the gritty and fast-paced style of Robb. The procedural is nicely developed with clues leading to the killer and the why. Her complex characters continue to develop and reveal more of their personalities. In addition to the e-book, I also purchased the audio. Susan Eriksen is an excellent narrator. She adds color to every In Death book. I love how each character has a different voice and personality. Love her voice. Vendetta In Death takes Eve on a hunt to arrest a serial killer. Most of the victims are Harvey Weinstein like. They use their power to harass and hurt women. The killer is determined to make these men pay for their crimes. The only connection Eve can find is a women’s group. She puts the clues together, feeling confident she knows the killer; however, she needs more evidence to convict. As Eve searches out clues, interaction with her family and friends are sprinkled throughout the procedural. Roarke is on hand for a few swoon-worthy scenes. Their relationship is among my favorites in fiction. I love Mavis, Leonardo, and Bella. Mavis reveals a secret to Eve and a little more about her relationship with Summerset. It is cute to see how Mavis and Bella highlight Summerset’s gentler side. The other recurring characters make an appearance too. Peabody and Eve have their sometimes amusing, sometimes deep banter we come to expect. Dr. Mira gives her professional and personal support. Baxter, Truehart, and the rest of the squad jump in when needed. In other words, Vendetta is a wonderfully plotted Dallas experience. I enjoyed Vendetta, however it is slightly reminiscent of a previous book, Brotherhood In Death. Even with the redundant theme, Vendetta In Death has a different twist, and is worthy of your reading time.

Another home run for JD Robb (Nora Roberts)

What happens when a woman is scorned and decides to pursue her own brand of justice. Find out in this new release of Vendetta in Death. Eve Dallas and her band of characters come together to hunt and capture a serial killer who goes by the moniker of Lady Justice. It’s the typical Eve gets called to the case, more bodies show up, a serial killer is identified and the game is afoot. And of course in the end Eve is victorious and captures the killer. I like this older more settled Eve Dallas. She not as edgy as she was in the beginning of the series and she has settled into the calm of the give and take of married life. I like those changes in her character, but I can’t help but feel sorry for her to be stuck in a job where there is the guarantee of no promotion because of who she married. Yes, she’s the lieutenant of a kick ass homicide department, but she is long overdue for a promotion. Especially, with her personal arrest record and cases solved, and with the record of what her department achieves. So this aspect of her story will always bug me and if anyone deserves to break the glass ceiling it’s Eve Dallas.

Same old story

Like many others, I have found the latest In Death books to have been sub par. The characters are familiar but it seems like the books are becoming all the same, cookie cutter, just changing the stories a little bit, just to make a deadline and sell books. Going back to Ms. Robb's earlier books, there is a noticeable difference in her writing. Those books were well-written with gripping plots that made you read well into the night, her latest books aren't and I am not the only reviewer who feels like that. Maybe it's time to stop the series because it her writing continues this way I won't be buying any more.

And she did it without a scratch!

Only rarely in this series has one book been a little "less" than sharp, but this wasn't one! Great job Ms. Roberts! And no injuries to our girl or the love of her life. In the warped world of superheroes that this villain lived in, Eve is the top Supie!!!!!

A Solid Entry in the Series

While it did strike me as a bit atypical for the villain to be identified so early in the book, I truly enjoyed this book. These characters have a place in my heart, like family, and I thoroughly enjoyed my visit with them. I would have liked a bit more Somerset, but all in all, this book was like a warm hug. Was it a bit less intense than usual? Yes. But I’m okay with that. I’m guessing that the intensity level of most detectives’ cases ebbs and flows; otherwise, they couldn’t do what they do for too long. The bottom line is that is was a good book, a nice visit with friends and family, and I’m looking forward to the next one.

No sizzle no mystery

Dallas and Roarke used to be hot hot hot Now they just seem like regular married people Add to that the mystery is solved early in the book please go back to who you used to be Ms Roberts

"I just love In Death!" I said to my friend. And this lady nearby gave us such a look.

I picked up the first 3 In Death paperbacks at a bookstore in Westerville, Ohio on my lunch hour in 1997. I bought them because I spied the information "Nora Roberts, writing as J D Robb." A favorite author, a new series - yay! Twenty-two years later I'm still excited when each new book comes out. Reading them is like poring through a much-anticipated letter with news about the family, old friends, and new events. And Galahad. I think that the author produces an inspiring and inventive array of plots and ideas. And although I have favorites, I never read any that I disliked. Book 50 won't be out soon enough. That said, I wish the publisher and author would snip a few dollars off the price of the book. I'm sure everyone would still make a comfortable profit. I purchase only 2 authors released at such an unfortunate markup. Everybody else gets to wait on a list for a few years.

A great edition to the series

While I did not find this story line as intriguing and as suspenseful as others in the past , I felt it was a solid edition to the series. The story for the investigation is one that could be tough for some women and I felt like that was actually more what the story focused on rather then trying to figure out who the actual killer was. We also got to see some serious grow with Eve in regards to her feelings towards Roarke. While it was not some huge in depth explanation, there were several moments in the book where she just stops and let her feelings out. I enjoyed those moments. Of course the usual cast of Characters are back and all have their roles to pay in the book. I was not expecting a lot from this book because the next one is #50, which I expect will be great, so I was pleasantly was an enjoyable read.

An Episode of SVU

The best that I can write is it is slightly better than the previous book. Not worth the asking price for what amounts to a very short story. I realize Roberts has a very low opinion of her readers. She wrote a complete book in this series where she did nothing but ridicule readers and fans. It was just another forgettable book in what has sadly become a forgettable series. If someone has read the previous books and doesn't mind the premium price tag this book is very expensive cotton candy. Looking for a good book? Look elsewhere.


Another great work. Lady Justice is out to make men pay, some for real crimes, some for wrongs done. The sentence either way is death. Fabulous writing and you always find yourself sympathizing and caring about the characters (hating the bad guys but...) and the what happens next. You get invested heavily. I catch myself reading quicker through the suspenseful action parts, as if I'm in the same race as Dallas to save the day. Love when Dallas or Roark use their position\money\connections to do a good deed for someone. Hope we get a follow-up on those in the next book. Once again especially with some unexpected news I found that I wished that Dallas would discover a half brother ( that takes after his mother and is a good guy) he could be a little older or younger as Troy could have unknowingly procreated with someone of a one night stand picked up at a bar variety. Ah well maybe one day, I only believe it would be nice to see her with a piece of happy blood/DNA family drama.

The coolest couple ever

Eve Dallas and Rourke have once again set the pages alight with this fast paced thriller. Great story line - brilliant back stories for the characters - twists and turns and the package is all tied up at the end. Could be read as a stand-alone- but simply perfect as the most recent book in this series. J D Robb is a story teller extraordinaire.

Another 5 star Eve Dallas story

This was, as expected, another home run for J D Robb fans! Lady Justice as a female serial killer was a departure from the normal perp as was the pace and Eve's knowledge of the killer. It wasn't a "who done it" as much as it was getting the evidence and making the bust. I enjoyed the change of pace as that's what keeps this series from getting predictable and keeps us wanting more. You never know how things will play out and which of the beloved characters will take a seat next to Dallas and Peabody as they Crack the case. This is also the first time I remember Dallas racing to stop the killer and get her real justice, but showing her compassionate and caring side but only to Eloise, but in her own way, to her granddaughter as well! Can't wait for #50 Golden In Death! Brava Nora for an amazing story!

Vendetta in Death

As always I love this In Death series. This book is in tune with the times we live in with the Me Too movement finally taking down so many powerful men who misused women sexually over the years. The story is set in the spring of the 2060s and one woman begins a personal attempt to abuse, torture, and kill men who have raped women, been dishonest in their dealing with their wives and turning them in for younger models, or men who beat their wives. Eve Dallas and Peabody really have to work to find the woman behind the murders with the help of Mira, the men in Eve and Peabody’s lives, and the staff of the Police in New York. You will love this is you have read all the novels as I have or if this is your first one. Plus you will be hard pressed to id the killer before Eve!

My escape

Every time I read one of these it’s my escape from the world. Such good writing that am right there with Eve every step of the way. I get so mad when it’s the end and I have to wait another year or 3 for Nora to write another one. Ugh. Can’t wait! I might just start re-reading all of this series from the start! I do have all of them! Yes! That’s a good idea!

Vendetta in Death

Vendetta in Death is a very solid and engaging crime drama in a long series of excellent stories. Eve, Peabody, Roarke and the rest of the gang are involved in indenfying and catching a serial killer. Ms. Robb doesn't try to hide the killer from us readers but uncovers her motivation. We readers take the steps with Eve and find more victims and predators. This is a wonderfully written and timely book. Ms. Robb has never disappointed me. Eve and Roarke remain my favorite couple in literature. Their love for each other shines through all the grime of homicide and catching criminals. True feelings for others is always demonstrated. There is even a little humor to break up the seriousness. I love these stories and always look forward to more.

Another Great IN DEATH Novel

About four-five years ago, I wondered if Nora Roberts hadn’t settled into a comfortable rut with her IN DEATH novels. It felt like the mysteries were rehashes of earlier ones, Eve’s powers of Detection were so great that only lengthy runs of dumb luck on the part of the killers kept her from nicking them by Chapter Em3, and while the main characters were never less than enjoyable, it all felt like a “hangout” series with the occasional pesky homicide to keep everybody from boredom. Thankfully, that’s no longer the case....

Awesome as always!!!

The only thing I didn't like about this one was that we didn't get more Eve & Roarke alone time. Like all the other Death Books I'm giving this one 5+ on the review. Sorry I don't tell you about the book because you just need to read it. I listen to the Audible while I read them. 1. Because I just like it & 2. Because Susan Ericksen does a Fantastic job!!! She give each person a voice (a different voice). That makes it very enjoyable. So Thank you Susan!👍. Thank you again Nora Roberts for a great read. Could you just write faster😉😏!! It's hard to wait so long! Thanks again!😊💜👍✊

Solid Eve Dallas Story!

“You’ve been very kind and very patient with me. I won’t forget it.” “I’m just doing my job.” “Kindness isn’t a job, Eve, it’s a choice.” Vendetta in Death is book 49 in the In Death series by J.D. Robb. One of the things I like best about the character of Eve Dallas is her ability to treat her victims equally, even if they’re repugnant human beings. Her sense of justice is pretty black and white and murder is against her code of ethics. This is one of those stories where you almost sympathize with the killer, especially in the case of the first victim. This book has strong Me Too undertones with a female vigilante, Lady Justice, on the loose. I love reading this author’s villains, she’s really good at writing their thoughts, feelings, and psychology. I feel like this series shows the highs and lows of life and there are some happy surprises awaiting you in this book. Happy reading, solid Eve Dallas story! Bookstagram:

Predictable, but Still A Good Read

I delighted in most everything. The killer was revealed way too soon, which removed some of the mystery and made the storyline predictable. Nevertheless, it was still a nice, smooth read. As I’ve mentioned before these books make for good stand-alone reads. However, to give your delight extra mileage read the series from the beginning.You’ll have have a better appreciation for things like character growth (Eve willingly going on vacation, for example), the Candy Thief and Eve’s penchant for butchering idioms, among other things. It was satisfying to hear Eve acknowledge to Roarke that his presence at her crime scenes is an asset rather than an hinderance. Eve is kinder and more thoughtful now but she hasn’t lost her edge.


Eve finds a case where a woman had been cheated on while married, dumped for younger woman who was the cheated not also cheated on as well. The husband had been very clever about taking her money, the business she created and much of her self-worth. She was taken in by her grandmother, and helped by a women's support where all had been seriously harmed by husbands. Her methods were unique, creative and planned a extensive detail. Yet, Eve quickly recognised that she could be a serial killer. The grandmother had been a famous and well respected movie star. She also led recognition and fund raising for many needed causes. She is a strong, elegant , loving woman who had an impact on Peabody and Dallas. A very enjoyable read some with many facets. Enjoy!

Just not as good

So this book seems to continue a downward trend in the last few books. Not much plot and a sudden quick ending, with not much logic behind it. Basically a lot of talk and then a miracle occurs. The clue that solved this one was especially weak! Wonder sometimes how much help Norah has with these, can't tell if there is a ghost writer or not. Will add her to the long list of favorite authors that wait to get new books until price drops.

Great as always!

I read all the reviews that say that they don't think the latest books are as good as the first ones. But they are the jaded ones not J.D.Robb. I've read everyone of the In Death books at least twice and lasy year I started back with the first and re-read the entire series, straight through; I found they are as good at the end as they were at the beginning. Sure, they follow the same format, that's what a series is. But each crime and backstory is different and new. And the characters are constantly growing. What started out as a basic cop series with a few twists has grown into a family of sorts. It's not easy to get into Eve' s circle but once you prove yourself to her she will go every mile with you. I luv all of the characters and feel like they are friends. This one was very hard on Eve and Peabody. A deranged killer is torturing and killing men for their perceived crimes. It's bloody, twists and turns along the way but Eve always gets her killer. Highly recommended for all that enjoy a good cop story.

Eve's still strong at 49 books!

After 49 books the stories are still strong and entertaining. I think the combination of great detective work; a wonderful team; the love interest; each engrossing storyline and the humorous events of Eve's life, just meld into wonderful read; Vendetta in Death is no exception. When a man's mutilated body is found in front of his home with a note attached from "Lady Justice", Eve on it. Tracking evidence from his background to a possible perpetrator is time consuming and involves a group of women who are members of a Women's group. Eve and Peabody, follow the clues that lead to a bizarre suspect's arrest. This was a very fast read but well worth it. Of course the usual friends and characters turn up and Bella is still adorable. Loved it!

Another fine entry in the In Death series.

Don't know how JD cranks them out 2 or 3 a year and keeps the quality so high (along with her pseudonym Nora something or other, who also writes), but Eve and Rourke never disappoint and leaves us waiting for the next installment. My wife commented (and I don't consider this a spoiler, but you might...) knowing who the killer is early on is not her favorite plot device, but I like a change from "who done it" every now and then to see the chess match develop from both sides.

In death series

Eve and Roarke are so entertaining. Good book! JD Robb always delivers.

Brilliant, amazing, and exciting all rolled in to one stupendous book!

You would think after 49 amazing stories, you would get tired of the characters. Not so with J.D. Robb's characters. Vendetta in Death is just as fresh and exciting as the first book. I love Eve Dallas and Roarke as characters, there two of my favorites. This book is thrilling, exciting and takes you into the twisted mind of a serial killer. I gobbled this book down almost in one sitting. There was even a couple of surprises that will catch you off guard. As baseball is one of Eve's passions, I will say J. D. Robb hit this one out of the park in killer style!

Audio Book has some sections out of order.

I love listening to audiobooks while I'm on the computer or quilting. This particular set of CDs has several places where the dialog is out of order. This disjointed dialog is very distracting and totally messes up the enjoyment of the story. FYI The e-book itself is done correctly.

Something missing

I've read all of the J D Robb series several times. When a new one comes out and I finish reading it i'm n ot ready to leave Eve and the gang, so I start at the beginning and read the series again. This is the first time I don't feel the need. This one never grabbed me. I kept waiting for things to start and then it was over.

Great Storyline as usual !

Everything I expect from J.D. Robb’s most excellent series. I am not one to say what I liked or didn’t because I don’t want to be one of those people that tell you about the whole book before you read it! If you love this series you won’t be disappointed! If this is your first book it’s ok to read because all books are different. I do suggest though to newbies start at 1st book, you won’t be sorry until you catch up and have to wait for the next book to come out..... So to our beloved author if you could put out twice as many a year I would pay close to double for the books!,,just my opinion they are such fun characters I can never put the book down then 3 days later I want to cry because I have to wait again! Sometimes I am known to go back and read one of the older Books! Thanks for the fun! Please never stop this series........

The production of this audiobook was defective!

This is my second try at getting an unblemished audiobook of Vendetta in Death. When in production, the taped sections of the recordings were not placed in the correct order. Therefore, the book skips all over. Other owners of this audiobook are reporting the same problem. Therefore, I assume all audiobooks are flawed. It does no good to send a replacement! I assumed this second copy would be fine and saved it to take on vacation. Now, it is too late to return this copy! I am very dissapointed. I realize the taping problem is not the fault of Amazon, but sending another defective product is! I don’t think I should have to pay for this book.

Really getting tired of this series

Maybe 49 books in a series are too much. I've been reading each one and couldn't wait for the next one to come out. However, this last one was a great disappointment. Got really bored in the middle and knowing who the murderer was didn't help. Has she run out of ideas? Not really feeling a great love story here. Eve and Roarke work very well together and it seems he'd about to join the police full time...Too much money to pay to be bored.

As good as always

I read a few of the reviews before reading this book, something I don't usually do. I have straight down the line enjoyed reading this series. Out of curiosity I read them, and well for the most part found them ???? Anyway, what I love about this series is how Dallas and Roarke's relationship grows. I appreciate that these are murder mystery (not a romance novel) that allow glimpses into the life of the detective solving the cases and the people around her. They have only been married a few years and yet they are really starting to "get" each other, but can still surprise each other too. Dallas is starting to see the value and trust that she has in the people around her. Because each new case makes you wonder how is she going to handle this one, how much impact is it going to have on her personal life. Even though "life" has been calm, as it were, in the last few books, I don't expect J.D. Robb will keep it that way. As always looking forward to the next book.

Kind of sad...

I’m halfway through the story, and I think I know who dun it. I’ve read the entire in Death series since they began in the 90’s, I’ve got first editions of each and every book. So when I put a book down halfway through to finish another book I put down for this one, that’s bad. They just aren’t the same, quality of the stories just isn't there any longer. Combine all that with too many hints, a hefty price increase (over $20 discounted from Amazon?) .... I’m thinking JD Robb may have jumped the shark for me. Suggestion for Nora, spin Peabody off to her own series? 🤷♂️


Looking forward to another J B Robb "In Death", however I was very disappointed in this latest book. There was no mystery at all. Knew who was guilty after several chapters. I willl think twice before purchasing the next book. I always enjoyed the process they went through trying to figure out the guilty persons not so much in this latest book.

Needs to have quality review.

I love JD Robb books. I am glad that I had already read this book. I bought the disc version to listen to at work. I am not sure who is responsible for making this disc but it was horrible. I would hear the beginning of a chapter and then it would jump to the next chapter and then go back and hear the rest of the chapter. This happened several times. It even ended a disc in the middle of the sentence. I paid a lot of money for garbage. Someone needs to implement some form of quality control.

Good but ...

As much as I love this series and look forward eagerly to each new installment, I was somewhat disappointed in this one. A big part of the enjoyment for me, beyond the basic storyline, has always been the interplay between Eve and the members of her team and other friends. It provided lightness to relieve the darkness of some of the grim moments in the earlier books. Here there’s very little of that. I just feel that this one doesn’t have a lot of the color and animation of the ‘supprting cast’, reducing them to ‘walk-on’ roles. Instead of learning anything new about them, it felt like they were just fill-in elements in a formula. That said, I very much enjoyed it and look forward to #50.

Eve Dallas is becoming a caricature of herself

This is number (large) in the series, and Robb continues to find new ways for people to die and for Dallas to solve the crimes. While Dallas has never been particularly sophisticated - that's Roarke's area of expertise - in the last few books she seems to have become almost a caricature of her former self. The unfamiliarity with common idioms, the lack of awareness of the normal world, are becoming exaggerated to a level not seen in the earlier books. Dallas was a more sympathetic character in the earlier books. She comes across as hard and culturally completely illiterate which is not my recollection of her character from prior books.

Good, not great

I've read all of the Eve Dallas books and will continue to read them. I love the characters and how they interrelate, and am always glad to see them pop up in later stories so I can see how they've changed. The killer was revealed early on but that didn't bother me; the challenge is always finding the killer and proving the case, not guessing who the person actually is. And it also didn't bother me that the basic story (woman avenging other women) had been told before. It's unlikely that Eve would have 49 completely different murder motivations and styles. I was less engaged with this book than in some others in the series, but it was still a good, if quick, read.

Has JD Robb reached the end for Dallas and Roarke?

I’m devoted to this series and will read to the end. But this installment didn’t deserve that devotion. Almost no (that’s being nice; there really wasn’t any) snarky interplay between Dallas and Peabody. That’s my favorite part! No silly interaction between Eve and Somerset. This was an ordinary police procedural with very, very little of the delightful personalities that make this series so special in evidence. Granted, interesting, due to the author’s wonderful imagination. But, it felt like Nora wrote it without giving it her whole brain. If this is all you’ve got to give from here on, Nora, I beg you. End the series!

Little substance with cardboard cutout characters

You almost feel as if JD Robb is writing while running a sprint and racing to the finish line. Without completely giving the game away, the game was given away left than halfway into the book. What a disappointment. The usual cast was barely mentioned throughout. Confine yourself to one book a year but write a good one please!

One for the times, thriller

Definitely one for the times. J. D. Robb tells a bloody story of judge, jury, and executioner gone mad. Eve believes in justice within the law but someone else, another woman, believes in revenge her own way. So many women were hurt in many ways. Because of threats, fear, and no financial support, they live with what was done to them. Where and who can they turn to if they feel they can trust no one? Some just want to put the nightmares behind them. There are confidential places to go, places to tell their stories, places to possibly heal. What would happen if one of their number seeks justice for all? Someone will speak for them, finally, but at what cost?

it is a rushed book

It is no mystery within the first half of the book the killer is known. Does she not have an editor saying stop this is not up to your work you can and should do better


VENDETTA IN DEATH is the 49th book in the EVE DALLAS/ROARKE series by J.D. ROBB and let me tell you its one of her best books! Eve and Det.Peabody,along with Roarke, are after Lady Justice,the alias someone is using to dole out justice (in her mind) to men who have hurt and used women ferociously! Eve,even though she herself has been raped and used in her past must find and stop Lady Justice before she can torture another man again. She is forced, even with her past,to stand for these horrible men and find the killer before more blood is spilled. Whether you are a diehard Eve Dallas fan,like myself, or are just reading the series for the first time, VENDETTA IN DEATH is a fast paced book and a great read.

J.D. Robb Does It Again!

If I could give more stars I would! Eve, Roarke and Peabody have become some of my favorite "people". Robb once again shows why Eve was born to be a cop. If you havent read the whole series your missing out! If I had to list one complaint, it's that just once I'd like to see Peabody catch on to something before Eve does. That way it shows shes growing as a Detective and not still living in Dallas's shadow. Still that's a small non-issue when all the characters are terrific and play off each other so well! Keep up the great writing... I'll keep reading!

Fabulous as usual.

When you pick up a J. D. Robb book you are in for a treat. While this is the forty-ninth book in the series plus short stories you do not have to wait and read the others first. Each story can be enjoyed and easily understood as a stand alone story. I loved the addition to Eve's character this book brings us. Her development adds fun and depth to the story as does the running thread of ties, bets and crazy outfits. After a day in the real world sink into the year 2061 when the cops and criminals are realistic but the good guys win in the end. If that isn't enough you will also get enough surprise laughs to make any day or mood better.

Tells us who killer is 1/2 through!!!

I have always given JD Robb books 5 stars and I have read them all. Not this time 1/2 through the book she tells us who the killer is and gives us all the details of the murders. Why even bother to read any further!

A bit off

I have read all of the Dallas and Rourke novels and enjoyed this one as well, however it was not the “I can’t put it down” read I have always enjoyed. Love the cast of characters but it was lacking the punch I have come to love.

Vendetta In Death

Another fantastic, can't put it down, read by J.D.Robb! Top notch story with the full cast of favorite and individual characters. Such personalities and as always the story itself is new, unexpected, thrilling, believable and interesting. With all the In Death books, you never know what the next page will expose. You can try and guess or deduce but always prepare to be surprised. This is definitely another one to read again and again. I can't wait to listen to this on my Audible app!!!

Tracks on CD out of order

Haven’t finished the book yet but felt compelled to note there is an issue with the CD version of the book. At least some of the tracks are out of order. I’m on Disc 5 and up to now I wondered if it was me but I’m sure now of some tracks not being in order. It is obvious on Disc 5 track 1 & 2 are flipped. Disc 4 ends with Dallas & Peabody drinking coffee as the ex wife leaving the room. Disc 5 track 1 begins with Dallas and Peabody talking to the ex wife & grandmother then ex wife leaves the room and grandmother sees Dallas & Peabody out as she asked a question. Then track 2 starts with Dallas & Peabody drinking coffee as grandmother shows up and ex wife returns to the room. Edit to add - Disc 6 has the same issue. Track 1 and 2 are flipped. Wondering if all the discs are like this. When I have time I’ll check the first 4 Discs and I’ll not anymore out of order tracks. Makes the story very disjointed. Wonder how many more are mixed up.

Dallas does today; tired but true take on sexism.

POSITIVES: Many of the Dallas cast of characters are present; plot is based on current situation where patriarchy, finally, is crumbling as women claim equality; and it's a fast read. NON-POSITIVES: Many favorite characters were left out, e.g. Louise & Charles, and Somerset is barely there; Dallas world is several decades in the future--why is sexist behavior still, apparently, rampant? Most importantly, the writing seems tired. The author's voice, which has made this sometimes uneven series always worth reading, seems subdued, or even absent (ghost writer, perhaps?). That said, it's a fast read with well-developed characters and an escape from our roiling world; that's a gift. Thanks, Ms. Roberts.

vendetta in death

perfect !!!!!!this book has the one who done it up front its about the job,the good,the bad'the ugly! When ur fceings and knowing the murderl! The great thinking of how one got tbose gut feelings r they right or underneath old wounds trying to surface and above all the proof! persistance perseverance and the drive for true justice the prize! The author never misses a trick to acknowledge and bring in all the characters who help Dallas become a better perso, support her or down right love her for wbom she is! Some bring in lightness to the dark and others become dear friendsz to her and the reader…ive seen aUthor and character mature and vrow in inner strength!Alwaysz a vreat read

Violent but easier to take than some recent books in the series

Vendetta in Death is a perfect J.D. Robb book! I love the fact that Ms. Robb has allowed Eve to develop as person through the series to the point that she can allow Peabody to see that she understands how hard it is to her the women in the support group talk about what they went through. The mystery was challenging even though Dallas was sure she knew who the murderer was. In this series, there is so much more than seeing who the criminal is that the plot lost nothing in the knowing.

Couldn't put it down!

I so enjoy the characters in the "In Death" series, Roarke and Eve are so well written. This was hard to read, because it is hard to not be affected by the arrogance of the men who saw women as replaceable! Women are not tools to be used up and then thrown away! It was so well written that I hated the men that were killed and although I did not believe they deserved torture, it did not break my heart that Lady Justice killed them. Never taken the side of a killer before! Interesting!


I hate to say this but if there is nothing new in the death series I will stop reading. This was the feeling of a used up plot repeating over and over. Other characters were brought in to fill in something to write about. Very disappointed and will have to read reviews carefully before buying another one, especially since the price is so high.

Vendetta in what?

Who wrote this book? Obviously not Nora Roberts / JD Robb. Cardboard characters, none of the engaging interactions, no chemistry between Eve and Rourke or any of the usual primary characters. This could have been written by James Patterson. Dull, not engaging. BAD editing. Nora/JD Robb, if you are done/bored with this series, please just stop. I’ll check the next book out of the library rather than spend my hard earned money on it. So disappointed.

Robb seems to be just dialing in these days

I have always loved Eve Dallas but lately is seems to be just another version of the same old, same old. Characters never seem to evolve, change and grow. Eve is in the same place doing the same job time after time. By now she should be wanting a promotion or a new role, or children. This one was a bit hard to complete. Had a hard time getting into it whereas I used to read an “In Death” in one sitting practically. She used to move me to tears regularly but now she doesn’t. Time for a change.

As usual a well written book, that I couldn't put down. Only down side for me it has some graphic torture scenes in it that are hard to read.

The book was, as usual, riveting with some good plot twists. Although I suspected early on who the culprit was, it was open ended enough that I just wasn't sure. Most of the usual characters were there which always adds humor and warmth to the story. The only downside for me, was the book had some graphic torture scenes in it that I couldn't handle. So pages were skipped to keep within my comfort zone. You do get a surprise in this book and I will enjoy seeing how it plays out in future books. I gave it a four star because I thought the torture scenes had too much detail. As usual this book was a great read and can be adjusted to your comfort level by utilizing page readjustment... 😁


I have read everyone of the death series book and usually can't wait until the next release. This book was a real disappointment. The killer was revealed way to early, there is usually funny things that happen in the book to lighten the story, usually action with Sommerset (sp) but there was none of that here. It felt like someone else wrote the book, because it just did not have the same flare as the other books. I will continue to read the series, but I hope future books have more of the action I have come to expect.

Hail, hail the gang’s All here!

Any principal, hero/heroine type character who’s ever appeared in one of J. D. Robb’s “Death” books, shows up in this installment. Unless you are a regular reader of this series, it would have been nice to have a page, or two, that provided a flowchart of characters and their relationships to the main protagonists, Eve & Peabody. Twists and turns abound in this mystery/suspense story and I suspect that’s enhanced by the number of characters. Due to sheer restriction of time and attention span, it would be impossible to adequately provide deep character development in all the “regulars” so those who follow the series will enjoy some nuances of relationship that a 1st time reader won’t. Robb’s writing is professional and engaging, regardless of how many or few books you’ve read and this book will draw the reader into its face paced, well edited pages. A touch of romance graces the story with Roark & Eve providing the entertainment; some comic relief, too. I was thankful for those few moments as the story could be dark, at times. There is cause for warnings in Robb’s writing as the language is rough: f-bombs abound and expletives flow 6/10; violence is moderately descriptive, not gratuitous, subjects include: rape, fornication, mutilation, spousal abuse and more 4/10; sexual content beyond subject matter 3/10. “Vendetta in Death” is an highly readable work of fiction that will appeal to a broad audience. It pushes all the right buttons to make a good mystery/thriller/suspense book and at the same time asks the question: Is it ever right to do wrong? You decide 📚

They don’t get much worse than this!

Much earlier in the series, there were quite a few books where the use of other characters was minimized, and it really pissed me off. Now Nora has taken us back to those days, and it’s even worse. Most of the supporting players are mere mentions, and even Roarke is just kind of there. When the only real highlight of the book is Mavis and Bella, it’s sad. Then toss on the reveal of the murderer early on, and it makes the book a bust. This one was phoned in.

A bit better than the last book

I am disappointed that this Eve Dallas book is still below the standards of the earlier books. However it is better than the last book, Connections in Death. I think the last good Eve Dallas book was Brotherhood in Death. The issue I have with the last 5 -6 books is the lack of interesting dialog between all of the characters. The last books have been a bit boring. I really hope the 50th book goes back to the way JB Robb use to write the Eve Dallas books.

Fantastic idea and loved the way Eve and Peabody are getting closer.

Great storyline; kept read enthralled and so ready to see what happens next. Loved the way Eve takes care of Peabody, the grandmother and the women victims. She never made them feel humiliated-she respected them. And even though the victims were rotten people she stood for them (there’s always someone that cares even about rotten people). This is one of my favorites to this point, although I read and reread J.D. Robb all the time and never tire of the stories. My only complaint is that I wish she wrote one a week. LOL I do wish that a certain person I won’t name so I don’t ruin the book for anyone got publicly shamed for causing Eve a second of frustration. I think Y’all can figure out who. Enjoy. It’s well worth the read.

It's still works

A quick read. Well planned out. gave it four because it was such a quick read. Some of this series reads are a little more involved with the characters and the plots. Those ones rate a five. They always invoice you more and drag you into the story. This one seems like it had to get done quickly and didn't get fleshed out. So while it was worth the purchase, it won't be on my re-read list. Still, for the amount of time Robbs been writing this series, she still can hit the bullseye with a winner and I'll still keep buying them.

Disappointing entry

While Eve Dallas faces another serial killer, the story bogs down without the usual assortment of secondary characters. Eve is facing a murderer who is revealed early in the book so the interest is in how she proves her case. After 49 books, her relationship with Roarke has grown stagnant, there's no growth. If you're a die hard fan, you'll want this book but for everyone else, it adds nothing to advance the "in death" narrative.

Same old

I have purchased every “In Death” book, and have loved almost all of them. The beginning of the series was far more edgy and satisfying. I felt like this book was a rehash of a previous one. Not enough back and forth between the main characters, and I miss all the supporting characters that we seldom hear about (Charles and Louise, Roarke’s Family, etc). 49 books in a series is a lot. Her challenge is to keep it fresh. Can she do it? I’m not terribly optimistic.


I was so disappointed in this book. I have read every book in the series and was looking forward to receiving Vendetta. My first thought was “who actually wrote this! Book? “. There was no suspense after the first few chapters. Also Eve had reverted to being extremely snarky with her partner, Peabody and especially her husband. She had evolved so much since the first book and while she was still an efficient, hard-working police lieutenant, she had her team, her partner, her friends and especially her husband and became a character that you could like. I didn’t really like the Eve in this book. I will purchase the next “Death” book but if it is anything like Vendetta, it will be my last.

Entertaining ans suspenseful

Having read just about, if not all, the Eve Dallas/Rourke books by J.D. Robb, I still enjoy every new book I read. Watching the growth of the characters in their personal and professional lives allows me to become part of the journey. These books are always entertaining in the banter between characters and suspenseful in the sense of how they capture the guilty party. This book also echoes the possible extremist version of the "me, too" movement. Let's hope we never get to that level!

J.D. Robb does it agai

Fantastic as usual though the storyline is disturbing but is not farfetched. It was nice to see Peabody taking a more active role and there can never be too much Roarke! The story moved at a fast pace and I didn't have a clue who Lady Justice was until. BAM, there she was. I don't know how she does it but each of J.D. Robb's books are at least as good as the one's before it. I hope she continues to write for many, many, many more years.

Who wrote this?

I don't usually post reviews, but this book is so far off I can't believe it was written by the same author. It's flat, dull, and obvious. There is very little suspense or mystery. There is no emotional investment. Many scenes with what are usually prominent characters are thrown is as afterthoughts and have nothing to do with the plot (particularly those with Mavis and Nadine). The remaining characters are just going through the motions. The entire book reads like a rough draft by JD Robb that an untalen ted hack tried to flesh out into a complete novel. Very disapointing!

Am I the only one tired of the dream sequence?

This one follows the outline. Murdrer #1 Murder #2 Dream sequence where eve talks to the victims. Murder #3 Grand finale arrest with full team present. Yawn.

Don't get the audiobook...

Audiobook quality went to absolute s--t when they switched from Brilliance Audio to MacMillan... tracks are out of order and some tracks have sampling noise in them from being post-processed. This will be the last book I purchase on CD, unless they go back to Brilliance which seemed to know what they were doing...

The CD is out of order and really hard to follow

I love the Eve Dallas books and this is another good one. I paid the extra amount to have it on CD as the rest of my collection is on CD also. However, it is very confusing. Whoever put the discs together got many of the parts out of order, so far I am halfway through and have had 3 or 4 sections that came before the they should have....I don't mind too much that at the end of each disc doesn't let you know that is the end of the disc....The story is good as always but really, corrections need to be made.

Total Waste Of Time

Why did I waste time reading this thing!? Because someone I know likes the author! Oh, please! It is a completely impossible plot. And this guy, Roarke, seriously? No one could be that wealthy and talented and have the answers for everything! Flying cars, well, they call them vertical! One bizarre thing after another! Very disappointing and way tooooo graphic in many cases. Buyer beware!

The best series I've read!

I am a avid J.D. Robb fan and totally relate to Eve. I'm always nodding my head thinking, yep, that's me and I so get her thought process. I have been reading the In Death series since it began. I always try to read slowly and stretch it out, but usually finish in a day or two. She is an excellent writer and knows how to capture and keep the reader's attention! To fully understand the progression of the characters you need to start at the beginning with Naked in Death.

Audio book quality has slipped

I purchased the MP3 version of Connections in Death. There were chunks of the story missing, CD would stop playing and no ending. Returned it as defective and only got part of my money back. Purchased the multi-disk version. Also purchased Vendetta in Death, mult-disk, The pages are read out of order, making it very hard to follow the story and put it together in your head. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE! What is going on?

She never disappoints

As most followers of J. D. Robb I have read all of her In Death novels and it would be an understatement to say they were all good. She is genius in her interpretation of all the characters, especially Eve, you actually feel a part of the story. She never disappoints even after all of her books in this series. Most series after a few tend to get stale or boring, not this one. Here's to 49 more!


I liked it and I don’t mind that the killer’s identity is revealed earlier in the book than in most of the books in the series. So many characters from previous books made cameo appearances in this book, which made it fun. I have been a fan of this series for a lot of years and will continue to be for a lot of years to come. I do highly recommend this book, the series.


Not up to the authors standards. We all know who the killer was by the second body early in the book. so from that point it was very predictable.

Because it is Eve Dallas....

Gave this 5 stars just because it is Eve Dallas and I have read every single In Death book. Some several times. But I have to agree with another reviewer that the last 3 or 4 books have been off from the usual, although this one was better. Love how the characters have grown but miss all the action. Really enjoy when Eve kicks butt. Regardless, will keep reading this series as long as J.D. Robb keep writing.

Great book!

Another home run from JD Robb! I love her 'in death' stories and her characters are so interesting and grow more developed in each and every book. How she comes up with the intricate plots is amazing to me - this is #49 and every single one of them has been a fantastic, intriguing story filled with fascinating characters. I can't recommend this author and her books enough!

Usual Eve Dallas Story

I’ve been reading this series for years and always enjoy it for light reading. This particular volume was written without the usual, apparently obligatory, graphic love scene which I appreciated as I never enjoyed that part of the book, although I do like it when the stories include some personal development in the characters and not just the “cop mode”.

Love love love

Such a great read. I have a few authors I read regularly, but I started reading Nora Robert's in high school. Then the In Death Series. And they are the best. I may have to start from the first one and reread them while I wait for the 50th. Holy cow 50 books in this series and they are all great. I wish she could write forever. Thank you so very much.


Detective Eve Dallas never loses focus, even when chasing a killer of men that should be behind bars. Clear sight into a muddy subject. Something Robb does so well. Sometimes it is not just what you see, but maybe what you want or need to see. I have been a fan of this author since her Harlequin days. I own almost all of both the Robb and Roberts books. As always,the characters are well developed and the storyline has impeccable flow. If you are not a Robb fan already but enjoy crime or police procedural books, this is a good book to start with. Just don't be surprised when you want to start back at the beginning.

She avenges for justice.

Wow, I actually has a hard time with this one. The kills were harsh and the reasoning sound, if you believe in an "eye for an eye" type of justice. As always it was well written and worth reading. Interesting that the women were more present with the males, who usually shine right alongside, took a step back. Even Roarke wasn't as prominent as usual. I always wonder what triggers the storylines.

Another great read!

As usual, J. D. Robb (Nora Roberts) writes a stupendously solid, witty who-done-it! There was more think-it-through than usual, which takes the reader down the path of I-know-what-you-don't; but this only enhances the suspense until the moment of gotcha-ya comes slamming down on the guilty. A must read for lovers of police crime dramas!!!

JD Robb did it again.

Interesting story. I love how the characters have evolved and built interesting relationships. But, the one thing I was the happiest to see less of was a whole lot less "F" bombs. I really do feel we have plenty words in the English language without resorting to such revolting bad words all of the time. Thank Nora Roberts for the less profane.

A really enjoyable read!!!

I always love reading about Eve, Roarke, Peabody, Mavis and all the rest. "Watching" Eve work and interact with everyone is always entertaining, particularly Bella Eve. I like to pit myself against Eve to see if I can figure out who the killer is before she does. The personal relationships were the star of this book, for me. While the crime story was good, I really enjoyed the personal side better. I will read this book again, several times, as I do with my favorites. This book will also receive many recommendations from me. Thank you, Ms. Robb, for such an enjoyable read!

Just Keep Getting Better!

Once more j.d.Robb delivers! Love this series!! Met author at a book signing just after book 3 of this series was out and asked if this series would continue. She replied that she would see if the interest was there. It was on my end! So glad she has continued it and that almost four years later in Eve & Roarke’s time, we readers keep getting great stories.

In Death

I have read the whole series of Nora Roberts aka J.D. Robb "In Death" books and they never disappoint. As I look back at this futuristic cop, I realize that some of the ways of life described in the beginning of the series are now realistic today. Since the main characters are all the same in each book, it is fun to read the life styles and what is happening in their lives as time passes.

J.D. Robb does it again!

Dallas and Peabody must stop "Lady Justice" who is on a mission killing men who cheat. I found #49 of the In Death series to be well written and thought provoking. The usual cast of characters are present and well developed. If this is your 1st, 15th, 49th or any book in between, you'll find it delightful. Highly recommend!

Fantastic series

I am huge fan of this series and have read all the books multiple times. There are some I love and some that I just like. This was one the ones I just liked. The storyline was interesting but to me it was lacking the usual excitement and intrigue as to who the culprit is. It did not feel like what I normally expect from this series. The characters are terrific as usual and I enjoy their banters and behaviors. I look forward to her next In Death Series book and others she will release.

Great book

It been a while since I'd read any JD Robb books. It was like falling right back into old friendships. Love this series. Vendetta didn't let me down. Some one has decided to play Lady Justice and is killing off men. Even though the men are scumbags Dallas works to find their killer and bring them to real justice.


I enjoyed this story but didn't like that Eve had to keep wading through all the rapes and degradation of women. I liked the books with other plots better. I love the interactions between Eve and Peabody and of course with Roake. I hope that the next book is about some complex murders that Eve and her gang can sink their teeth into. Enjoy! 💚💜💛💙

Vendetta in Death

Wonderful as usual. Fast moving. Couldn't put it down. Unusual plot as we know who the killer is quickly and then watch Eve try to prove it. Also unusual is the deaths. If you have a squeamish stomach, beware. But you would not be reading her books of you were squeamish in any way. Byplays with side characters awesome as always. An easy and fun read.

Good straightforward story that did not disappoint. Life being normal for our beloved characters.

I love this series and was not disappointed in this installation. Life is humdrum sometimes and our jobs and homelife seem to become boring even to us. It must be difficult for Nora Roberts to always produce a diamond bright book that takes our breath away with its fast pace and dramatic end. The book’s voice did not at first sound like Ms. Robert’s but it reverted nearly to her normal a few chapters in. We learned one building block fact about a usual character and the story line was good. The fact that we knew and had to work to prove who the killer is more like the truth of real police work, I love it, as usual.

Loved it

I cannot say enough about this series. I have read other books by this author and they are all well written, fun reads but Lieutenant Dallas will forever remain one of my very favorite characters in fiction. I love the character and the relationships between her and the other characters she is surrounded by. Well done!!

Nora Roberts does not disappoint!

Out of 49 books in this series only one didn't grab my attention. I have all the books & reread them every couple years. I keep thinking the series will get old but it never does. By far my favorite series! I really enjoyed this one also & my only complaint is I finished it too fast! Can't wait until Feb. 2020 for #50

Not a favorite

I always can't wait for a new In Death book to come out. Some are great, some are good and some are average. This one was an average one. It seemed very repetitive and kind of flat. The pazazz just wasn't there. Bella and Mavis was the only thing exciting about the book. I hope the next one is golden like it's name.

A little Sci-fi, Romance, Murder Mystery w/ Great Characters who could ask for more?

Vendetta in Death is the 49th book in the 'In Death' series by J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts). I love the returning characters, the plots and new villeins in each story. Should you like who done it's, futurist stories with some romance (w/ wonderful characters) then you should love this series.

Lack of suspense is a killer!

This book is a watered down version of an Eve Dallas book. No suspense, no tricks and turns, and worst of all every paragraph describes what happened instead of immersing the reader in it. Quit the series if you are out of ideas, but please don’t publish more books like this.

Very Disappointing

Knowing who did the murders early in the book ruined the story for me. Also, I was too sympathetic to the women victims to enjoy the storyline. I usually look forward to this series. It’s the first time I have been disappointed and bored. I would not recommend this.

Great story

One of my all time favorite series. I hope they never stop coming. When a new one comes out its like a visit from an old friend. Love all the characters. Yes we new who it was early but you have to have proof and to me that's where the story began. Can't wait for the next installment.

Always delivers

The Eve Dallas books follow a predictable formula. However, where they succeed and others fail, is in character development. You really become invested in them and their interactions are often the best parts of the books. It isn't really hard to figure out "who dunit?" anymore, and this is purposeful- it allows for more development of the cat-and-mouse game. I'll keep reading these until they sadly end some day.

Tracks are out of order

The tracks on CDs 4, 5 and 6 are out of order. Tracks 1 and 2 on those discs are switched so you need to listen to track 2 and then track 1. It pulls you out of the story when you have to skip back and forth. I haven't finished the book yet. I'm hoping this doesn't continue through the rest of the discs.

Good series

Always love the In Death series. It can be a little formulaic, but I love seeing the characters develop. I particularly love Peabody and McNab. My only complaint is I wish Roarke had more failings. He's perfect and never fails. I'd like to see that happen and see what the consequences would be.

Good Reading!

I have read all of the Death books. I have been a little disappointed in a couple, but you get so caught up in the characters we love. I was surprised to see some of the reviews of this book. Vendetta was very interesting. I couldn't put it down. JD Robb captured what is going on today, and in het own writing brought it to het Death novels. Like this book very much!

Another murder to solve

Eve Dallas is on top of her game along with Peabody; the other characters are also true to form. I don’t know how JDRobb/Nora Roberts continues to develop new story lines while keeping all the characters real. Still one of my very favorite authors and I have been a fan since her first books.

Well written story!!!

J. D. Robb is an amazing storyteller! Eve and Roarke are great characters, plus the support characters are magnificent too. I loved the concept of this story. It was thrilling and it gives you easy visuals as you read the story. The crime scene descriptions were a bit graphic. Otherwise I enjoyed this book. Excellent author that J. D. Robb!

FANTASTIC impressive and brilliant

J.D. ROBB has done it again, she brought Eve, Roark and the whole cast back to kick some serious butts in the name of justice. This book had a great twist to it that will keep you glued to its pages until the very end. Add in a touch of Man is and little Bella and you have a book worth reading. Enjoy your because I sure did.

Dissatisfied & Angry!!

Just finished listening to my eagerly awaited copy of Vendetta in Death. I can’t believe my copy is the only one like mine with sections of the story repeating throughout later chapters disrupting the flow of the story. I've never had this happen before & was confused the first time it happened but after experiencing the problem several times I just popped the CD out of my player....Disrupted the storyline completely!!!

Book 49

This series is just my favorite read. The good guys always win the war. The characters are real as you’ve gotten to know them throughout this series. Every book is different and always there is a twist or surprise. Thank you for the talent and hard work in writing these books. A great series.

good story

I like how each story in the series is okay to tread even if you are unfamiliar with the author. Each story is connected through the relationship the main character has with all the other characters. Good suspense. Good storytelling. Good conclusion. I enjoy these books.

Another Winner

I want to take just a moment to say THANK YOU to the author for sticking with these characters for so many years and books. Not only do I look forward to the next mystery, I also look forward to catching up on the lives of my old friends, and the new ones, as well. Vendetta In Death explores the psychology and the psychopathy of a disturbed personality who believes, 100%, that the acts committed are the justice the `system` cannot or will not mete out. The story moves at a breakneck pace, spanning only 3-4 days. This reader feels as worn out as our heroine, but satisfied with the outcome. Oh, if only I had a Roark getaway awaiting! Readers new to this series - each book stands on its own as a good mystery read. But be warned, you may very well be sucked into the Eve and Roark vortex and feel compelled to start at the beginning. Go for it. It's a journey I retake every couple of years.

One of the best yet

Where to start? We are on what number forty something of this series? And it never gets stale. I've read these books again and again over the past few years since I discovered them and everytime it's like greeting an old friend. This installment while kind of obvious on who the killer was tackled a lot of issues we are facing today and that I truly hope we wont be in 2061 but I doubt. Eve is back with a vengeance in this book

You have yet to disappoint!

While this book spoke of justice, the title said it all. Yes, The Bible speaks of vengeance being His and all,but sometime giving Him a helping hand with cleaning up human messes such as what Darla did is so tempting. Especially when we sometime fell like God is taking too long to do the needful and clean up the messes quickly. Just saying! Thanks for the good read. Blessings!

Exciting story.

I have been a J. D. Robb fan for years. Since I have become an author myself, I noticed things I didn’t notice before. She repeats phrases which, to me, is annoying. However I will continue to buy her books because I love the stories, and I love the relationship between husband and wife

Somewhat disappointing

The basic story line seemed trite and familiar. The little bit of near futuristic technology was underplayed and could have been more interesting. Too bad even into the future, NYC remains a traffic and parking nightmare! I did complete the book, it was easy reading.

Another GREAT addition to the series.

As usual, I couldn't put it down until I finished. The only thing that I will say is the culprit was revealed too early in the story so I had no chance to figure it out by myself. GREAT characters and story line as usual. Looking forward to the next book in February.

J.D. Robb is one of too three writers!

Roake is my Love 💘!!! Eve Dallas and him together made this series one I would try to save in a fire!!! The 49th installment was packed with the action and character interactions I have come to expect; the usual cast is always exciting to me. I really enjoyed the story, especially Eloise Callahan.😊

Following this strong couple with all their love and intriguing murder mysteries

Love Eve Dallas !! I’ve read every book and have thoroughly enjoyed her evolution! Absolutely amazing love story between Eve and Roark. Nora Roberts paints a picture with her captivating story lines makes you feel like you’re in the front row watching! Waiting oh so impatiently for the next book!!

Disappointed 😞

Disappointed. I look forward to new JD Robb books. I have always enjoyed the Dallas series. But the last few (this one included) have been boring. I struggled to even finish this one. We know the murderer quickly and it’s not even that exciting of an ending. I hope book 50 is better!

Another hit

It's hard to believe that there have been 49 Eve Dallas books. They're all so entertaining. Looking back at the earlier books and seeing how much Eve has changed and grown. As always, love's looking forward to the next book. Thank goodness I don't have to wait for another year.

Wait for the next one.

Wasn't her best. Seemed rushed with poor character development. Abrupt ending.

Issues with Death series

I have all the books in this series . As usual, Vendetta is well plotted and riveting. But the characters are not growing or chnging.. I really miss the characters she introduced to the reader. I want Charles, Crack, Mavls, Leonardo. Robb brought those characters into our lives so they become reader family. So we need to reconnect with them. I haven't seen much of them and I miss them. I thoroughly enjoy this series, but still left wondering what's happened to my friends.

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