Undertow: A Whyborne & Griffin Universe Story

Kindle Edition
19 Jan
Note: This novella takes place at the same time as events in Fallow (Whyborne & Griffin 8).

Shy secretary Maggie Parkhurst knows there’s nothing special about her. She’s neither sorceress, nor fighter, nor scholar. What could she possibly have to offer Persephone, the chieftess of the inhuman ketoi—and the woman Maggie’s fallen in love with?

After Maggie’s friend Irene goes missing under mysterious circumstances, she has no choice but to turn to Persephone for help. When the trail leads to a shadowy acting troupe, they discover a plot that stretches much farther than a single vanished woman.

But when a dark truth is revealed, Maggie must choose between a man from her past…and the impossible yearnings of her heart.

Reviews (75)

Maggie and Persephone are a force to be reckoned with

This is creepy villains, supernatural forces, extraordinary humans, complex creatures, great action scenes, and all of the rest of what are the fantastic ingredients in this world of Widdershins. This takes a bit of time to build, but it works, especially in terms of Maggie, our Miss Parkhurst, and the arc through which her story travels. We learn about how she came to be in Widdershins, experience her intelligence, and watch as her innate strengths gain power and momentum. Hawk doesn't spend much time setting the scene in terms of what we already know about Maggie. It seems a statement of the obvs, but we already know a decent amount about her through the eyes of many others. That we begin to get more of a sense of who she is from the beginning, it allows for the slow build without it feeling as if there's deliberate, aka annoying, delay in the natural progression of Maggie and her story. I do wish there'd be more of Persephone. She's the epitome of intriguing and, despite her growing role in the last few Ival and Grif stories, I want more. It made the story feel uneven at times, that there wasn't more of her. A tease for future stories? Hmmm? ;) This leads me to my next thought, and hope: this could become a robust series on its own. Maggie and Persephone would have their own adventures, in multiple locations, as well as time in Widdershins, both with and without Ival and Grif and the gang. Both of these women have so much more to share, with us and each other. Part of me was expecting Whyborne and Griffin to show up, but it wouldn't have worked. This is all about Maggie and Persephone. Best supporting character statuette goes to: Mr. Quinn. What's his dealio, fo reals? He presents as one of the "good guys" but has some... obvious yet still unseen tendencies. Also, wait til Ival and Grif find out about Maggie and Persephone! Talk about opportunities for awkward, sweet, humor, and much more. This passage goes to the heart of Maggie's journey in this story: Q: Oh God, Persephone. Why hadn’t I just taken the initiative once in my life and told her how I felt? That I’d fallen in love with her. And maybe she would have laughed, but at least I wouldn’t be sitting here with regret like a stone in my chest, crushing the breath out of me. I dashed the tears impatiently away. Now wasn’t the time to crumble. If the worst had happened, if Persephone hadn’t made it, then the ketoi would have no idea of the plot against them. Which meant I had to get out of here and find help. /Q This is an important, entertaining, and enticing further expansion of Widdershins and the characters within whom we adore. :)

Supporting Characters Take the Spotlight

It's no secret I love the world Jordan L. Hawk has built around her Whyborne & Griffin characters. Lovecraftian in inspiration and nature, but very much her own. If there's one complaint (and it's a good complaint to have, in my humble opinion), it's that I always want more of the ever-growing supporting cast than the author can reasonably fit in a single book of the series, especially when the series is narrated by the two main characters. So a spin-off novella featuring two of the most under-utilized supporting players in the series was an easy sell for me, especially when I saw the narrator was the delightful Miss Maggie Parkhurst, working alongside Persephone Whyborne, the series' main character's long-estranged sister. Hawk didn't disappoint me: Maggie's voice is true and clear, and different enough from Percival Whyborne and Griffin Flaherty's voices to stand out while sharing many of the men's insecurities. (Seriously, it's not a Hawk book if someone isn't feeling unworthy of being loved or regretting not making the first move. It's part of what I love about her books.) The action sequences are as thrilling as ever, and we get more details on the nature of the Ketoi race that Persephone comes from. And seriously, again: who can resist a fight sequence featuring the Fighting Librarians of the Nathaniel R. Ladysmith Museum? The novella is just the right length for the story at hand, taking place as it does concurrently with the series novel "Fallow." It also made me hope for further Maggie/Persephone novellas. It also made me hope Hawk will also give us a Chrstine/Kander novella (yes, I know, they're a straight couple ... they still deserve a turn in the spotlight!).

... I never posted a review is beyond me but better late than never as the saying goes

First I just want to say I read this back in February and how in the world I never posted a review is beyond me but better late than never as the saying goes. I don't often read F/F romances but it is most certainly not outside my comfort zone, honestly I really don't have a comfort zone as I read all kinds. Simply put, Undertow is a brilliant addition to the Wyborne & Griffin universe. I've been hoping for awhile now that Miss Parkurst would find someone to fill her heart, she's such a lovely character, shy and yet she has a spark about her that has been waiting to be ignited. Some of you might think I'm saying one needs love to be strong, well I'm not although I do think we need love in our lives but it doesn't have to be of the signifigant other variety but sometimes we need love to show us that we are capable of so much more in life. Anywho, the magic between Miss Parkurst and Persephone is beautifully written as befitting the W&G world that Jordan L Hawk has created. And, yes I know that Miss Parkhurst's first name is Maggie but in my mind she will always be Miss Parkhurst. Undertow is a wonderful novella that is set at the same time as Fallow(#8) and since I forgot to review this when originally read it and have since read Draakenwood(#9) I can say if F/F romance is not really your cup of tea, you don't have to read it to follow the series. Needless to say when Whyborne discovers his sister and his secretary during Draakenwood its wonderfully done and fitting of all three characters. However, I highly recommend reading Undertow as it's a wonderful tale that made me smile and I can't imagine being a W&G fan and not reading Miss Parkhurst & Persophone's beginning.

I shipped these two soooo hard!

I was so glad to read this book! I'm not really into F/F romance, but I HAD to read about Persephone and Maggie! I'd always felt so bad and amused (I know, that's so mean) about Maggie's unrequited love for Whyborne. Amused because it was used as humor, but bad because she was never a terrible person. She's sweet and innocent and deserves happiness. She just wasn't going to find it with Whyborne. But she found happiness! And Persephone found happiness! And I got extremely embarrassed reading about it! BUT IT WAS WORTH IT! I saw that one review said she acted out of character, but I think that Maggie never had a chance to act as strong as she is. She always had Whyborne or Griffin to fall back to. Now she doesn't. She got to stretch her legs and show that she is capable. Not to the extent of the heavy hitters of the series, but she can hold her own. She has strength.

Ahhh, this may be my fave in W&G series!!

I’ve loved Maggie from early in the series because she’s so sweet but also so oblivious at times! I also fell in love with Persephone pretty early on because she’s so fierce and wonderful. I think Christine and Iskander’s wedding is best glimpse of just how well Maggie and Persephone work together because alone, their decorating plans were Out There, but together it ended up being beautiful and unique - and that’s what their relationship is. It was such a sweet story and I’d love more stories that focus on their relationship. I wonder if Persephone will tell Whyborne about her relationship with Maggie, especially considering her idea of boundaries and private information differs in some ways from that of the land dwellers. Overall, a wonderful addition to the W&G series and a sweet happy ending for Miss Parkhurst~

Another battle for control of Widdershins

Miss Parkhurst and Persephone have to face down more enemies of the ketoi as ever more cultists try to wrest control of the maelstrom. Miss Parkhurst has been a charming presence in the previous novels, but she lacks fire and solidity as a main character. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this little interlude and I'm sure Persephone and Miss P will play key roles when we return to the Griffin and Whyborne stories.

An appetizing snippet!

I love Griffin and Why borne and when the books introduced the idea of Ms. Parkhurst and Persephone infatuated with each other I really wanted to see it play out! And now my wish has been granted and we get to see Ms. Parkhurst (Maggie) in her own side adventure while Why borne and Griffin are off in Fallow. And it doesnt disappoint (now i feel like i will want to revisit this pairing). It's a short story (and you have to have read the rest of the series) about the length of Carousel. It's quick but satisfyingly adorable. You get a glimpse of the kick ass librarians again (Mr. Quinn is awesomely weird). If you enjoy the series this is essential if you liked Ms Parkhurst and Persephone at all. The boys don't show at all (just some mentions), but the ladies do more than enough to fill in.


Similar to Gail Carriger's romancing the inventor in that it's a lesbian story set in a world of m/f or m/m stories as a standalone. I hadn't read the other books in the series but finding lesbian steampunk ain't easy and the author has lots of books and good reviews so i thought i would give it a shot. Solid. Lots of action, no real emotional angst which I quite like but just so one knows.... Usually it's a pet peeve of mine for there to be lots of descriptions of salt and the ocean for lesbian books (sarah waters oyster girls, etc) but since the character does actually come FROM the sea, it seems a bit silly to have a problem with it ;)

The world building on this series has been fantastic, and it's everything Lovecraft could have written

This is a book in the Whyborne & Griffin series. The world building on this series has been fantastic, and it's everything Lovecraft could have written, but was too prejudiced to actually write. I love the relationship between the protagonists. I love the underlying theme that everyone has worth in Widdershins. I'm a gay guy, but seeing these two ladies fall in love was fantastic. I even read the sex scene. I want more from Miss Parkhurst. What I do wish for? A book on the librarians. OMG, Jordan write a book on the Welcome to Nightvale-esque librarians. I level Mr. Quinn so much.

Another wonder!

I have to confess I would like to lock Ms. Hawk away and cuter to her every need so she would write even more than she already does! 😉 All of her series are wonderful, but Widdershins has a special place in my heart ❤️ because it is tied to so many others by the Lovecraftian tradition. I suspect her wolds may be tied together in some way but I love this one the best. And in this story, she expands on the story so far, builds Ms. Parkhurst's and Persephone's characters and ventures into F2F encounters! Brava! Very well done - don't miss this one!!

Maggie and Persephone are a force to be reckoned with

This is creepy villains, supernatural forces, extraordinary humans, complex creatures, great action scenes, and all of the rest of what are the fantastic ingredients in this world of Widdershins. This takes a bit of time to build, but it works, especially in terms of Maggie, our Miss Parkhurst, and the arc through which her story travels. We learn about how she came to be in Widdershins, experience her intelligence, and watch as her innate strengths gain power and momentum. Hawk doesn't spend much time setting the scene in terms of what we already know about Maggie. It seems a statement of the obvs, but we already know a decent amount about her through the eyes of many others. That we begin to get more of a sense of who she is from the beginning, it allows for the slow build without it feeling as if there's deliberate, aka annoying, delay in the natural progression of Maggie and her story. I do wish there'd be more of Persephone. She's the epitome of intriguing and, despite her growing role in the last few Ival and Grif stories, I want more. It made the story feel uneven at times, that there wasn't more of her. A tease for future stories? Hmmm? ;) This leads me to my next thought, and hope: this could become a robust series on its own. Maggie and Persephone would have their own adventures, in multiple locations, as well as time in Widdershins, both with and without Ival and Grif and the gang. Both of these women have so much more to share, with us and each other. Part of me was expecting Whyborne and Griffin to show up, but it wouldn't have worked. This is all about Maggie and Persephone. Best supporting character statuette goes to: Mr. Quinn. What's his dealio, fo reals? He presents as one of the "good guys" but has some... obvious yet still unseen tendencies. Also, wait til Ival and Grif find out about Maggie and Persephone! Talk about opportunities for awkward, sweet, humor, and much more. This passage goes to the heart of Maggie's journey in this story: Q: Oh God, Persephone. Why hadn’t I just taken the initiative once in my life and told her how I felt? That I’d fallen in love with her. And maybe she would have laughed, but at least I wouldn’t be sitting here with regret like a stone in my chest, crushing the breath out of me. I dashed the tears impatiently away. Now wasn’t the time to crumble. If the worst had happened, if Persephone hadn’t made it, then the ketoi would have no idea of the plot against them. Which meant I had to get out of here and find help. /Q This is an important, entertaining, and enticing further expansion of Widdershins and the characters within whom we adore. :)

Supporting Characters Take the Spotlight

It's no secret I love the world Jordan L. Hawk has built around her Whyborne & Griffin characters. Lovecraftian in inspiration and nature, but very much her own. If there's one complaint (and it's a good complaint to have, in my humble opinion), it's that I always want more of the ever-growing supporting cast than the author can reasonably fit in a single book of the series, especially when the series is narrated by the two main characters. So a spin-off novella featuring two of the most under-utilized supporting players in the series was an easy sell for me, especially when I saw the narrator was the delightful Miss Maggie Parkhurst, working alongside Persephone Whyborne, the series' main character's long-estranged sister. Hawk didn't disappoint me: Maggie's voice is true and clear, and different enough from Percival Whyborne and Griffin Flaherty's voices to stand out while sharing many of the men's insecurities. (Seriously, it's not a Hawk book if someone isn't feeling unworthy of being loved or regretting not making the first move. It's part of what I love about her books.) The action sequences are as thrilling as ever, and we get more details on the nature of the Ketoi race that Persephone comes from. And seriously, again: who can resist a fight sequence featuring the Fighting Librarians of the Nathaniel R. Ladysmith Museum? The novella is just the right length for the story at hand, taking place as it does concurrently with the series novel "Fallow." It also made me hope for further Maggie/Persephone novellas. It also made me hope Hawk will also give us a Chrstine/Kander novella (yes, I know, they're a straight couple ... they still deserve a turn in the spotlight!).

... I never posted a review is beyond me but better late than never as the saying goes

First I just want to say I read this back in February and how in the world I never posted a review is beyond me but better late than never as the saying goes. I don't often read F/F romances but it is most certainly not outside my comfort zone, honestly I really don't have a comfort zone as I read all kinds. Simply put, Undertow is a brilliant addition to the Wyborne & Griffin universe. I've been hoping for awhile now that Miss Parkurst would find someone to fill her heart, she's such a lovely character, shy and yet she has a spark about her that has been waiting to be ignited. Some of you might think I'm saying one needs love to be strong, well I'm not although I do think we need love in our lives but it doesn't have to be of the signifigant other variety but sometimes we need love to show us that we are capable of so much more in life. Anywho, the magic between Miss Parkurst and Persephone is beautifully written as befitting the W&G world that Jordan L Hawk has created. And, yes I know that Miss Parkhurst's first name is Maggie but in my mind she will always be Miss Parkhurst. Undertow is a wonderful novella that is set at the same time as Fallow(#8) and since I forgot to review this when originally read it and have since read Draakenwood(#9) I can say if F/F romance is not really your cup of tea, you don't have to read it to follow the series. Needless to say when Whyborne discovers his sister and his secretary during Draakenwood its wonderfully done and fitting of all three characters. However, I highly recommend reading Undertow as it's a wonderful tale that made me smile and I can't imagine being a W&G fan and not reading Miss Parkhurst & Persophone's beginning.

I shipped these two soooo hard!

I was so glad to read this book! I'm not really into F/F romance, but I HAD to read about Persephone and Maggie! I'd always felt so bad and amused (I know, that's so mean) about Maggie's unrequited love for Whyborne. Amused because it was used as humor, but bad because she was never a terrible person. She's sweet and innocent and deserves happiness. She just wasn't going to find it with Whyborne. But she found happiness! And Persephone found happiness! And I got extremely embarrassed reading about it! BUT IT WAS WORTH IT! I saw that one review said she acted out of character, but I think that Maggie never had a chance to act as strong as she is. She always had Whyborne or Griffin to fall back to. Now she doesn't. She got to stretch her legs and show that she is capable. Not to the extent of the heavy hitters of the series, but she can hold her own. She has strength.

Ahhh, this may be my fave in W&G series!!

I’ve loved Maggie from early in the series because she’s so sweet but also so oblivious at times! I also fell in love with Persephone pretty early on because she’s so fierce and wonderful. I think Christine and Iskander’s wedding is best glimpse of just how well Maggie and Persephone work together because alone, their decorating plans were Out There, but together it ended up being beautiful and unique - and that’s what their relationship is. It was such a sweet story and I’d love more stories that focus on their relationship. I wonder if Persephone will tell Whyborne about her relationship with Maggie, especially considering her idea of boundaries and private information differs in some ways from that of the land dwellers. Overall, a wonderful addition to the W&G series and a sweet happy ending for Miss Parkhurst~

Another battle for control of Widdershins

Miss Parkhurst and Persephone have to face down more enemies of the ketoi as ever more cultists try to wrest control of the maelstrom. Miss Parkhurst has been a charming presence in the previous novels, but she lacks fire and solidity as a main character. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this little interlude and I'm sure Persephone and Miss P will play key roles when we return to the Griffin and Whyborne stories.

An appetizing snippet!

I love Griffin and Why borne and when the books introduced the idea of Ms. Parkhurst and Persephone infatuated with each other I really wanted to see it play out! And now my wish has been granted and we get to see Ms. Parkhurst (Maggie) in her own side adventure while Why borne and Griffin are off in Fallow. And it doesnt disappoint (now i feel like i will want to revisit this pairing). It's a short story (and you have to have read the rest of the series) about the length of Carousel. It's quick but satisfyingly adorable. You get a glimpse of the kick ass librarians again (Mr. Quinn is awesomely weird). If you enjoy the series this is essential if you liked Ms Parkhurst and Persephone at all. The boys don't show at all (just some mentions), but the ladies do more than enough to fill in.


Similar to Gail Carriger's romancing the inventor in that it's a lesbian story set in a world of m/f or m/m stories as a standalone. I hadn't read the other books in the series but finding lesbian steampunk ain't easy and the author has lots of books and good reviews so i thought i would give it a shot. Solid. Lots of action, no real emotional angst which I quite like but just so one knows.... Usually it's a pet peeve of mine for there to be lots of descriptions of salt and the ocean for lesbian books (sarah waters oyster girls, etc) but since the character does actually come FROM the sea, it seems a bit silly to have a problem with it ;)

The world building on this series has been fantastic, and it's everything Lovecraft could have written

This is a book in the Whyborne & Griffin series. The world building on this series has been fantastic, and it's everything Lovecraft could have written, but was too prejudiced to actually write. I love the relationship between the protagonists. I love the underlying theme that everyone has worth in Widdershins. I'm a gay guy, but seeing these two ladies fall in love was fantastic. I even read the sex scene. I want more from Miss Parkhurst. What I do wish for? A book on the librarians. OMG, Jordan write a book on the Welcome to Nightvale-esque librarians. I level Mr. Quinn so much.

Another wonder!

I have to confess I would like to lock Ms. Hawk away and cuter to her every need so she would write even more than she already does! 😉 All of her series are wonderful, but Widdershins has a special place in my heart ❤️ because it is tied to so many others by the Lovecraftian tradition. I suspect her wolds may be tied together in some way but I love this one the best. And in this story, she expands on the story so far, builds Ms. Parkhurst's and Persephone's characters and ventures into F2F encounters! Brava! Very well done - don't miss this one!!

Short and sweet

I like Maggie more every time we get to meet her. Thought her crush on Whyborne was cute, but I'm seeing her in a whole new light now and really enjoy it. Widdershins really does know it's own. I love the town and all the interesting people in it. Love the historical details the author includes and the way the relationships between people change and grow. This is a wonderful series. Go read and enjoy

Never fails to delight

Jordan L. Hawk is a phenomenal writer. Her worlds are so well thought out, and her characters are fully-fleshed and real. The only drawback to this story is that you would be best served to read the previous books in the series (though they are all wonderful, so it's not that much of a hardship lol). It is lovely to see the world of Widdershins told from the pov of Maggie. This was a delightful read, that gave us new insight on two characters I've been hoping would find each other since they both appeared in the series.

A nice interlude

I confess I didn't see this relationship coming, but it's sweet. It was nice to see Miss Parkhurst on her own, away from Whyborne, but despite her bravery in this story, she still seems a bit clueless - especially given her own growing feelings for Persephone. How has she not managed to recognize W&G's relationship? As for the actual plot of this story, it was good - suitably paranormal and lightly creepy. Persephone, of course, is great. A nice interlude while we wait for more W&G!

Maggie finally finds love!

I have felt so bad for Maggie throughout the series, she has had a crush on Ival and is clueless about his true relationship with Griffin. Persephone is such a wonder and I hope we get to see much more of her in future books. Their chemistry is off the charts, and I was so glad they finally got together. I loved the way this story filled in what was happening while Ival and Griffin were away. This has become one of my absolute favorite series and I look forward to seeing what happens next!

Jordan does it again.

I love this world. Jordan L Hawk creates some of the most vivid worlds i have visited in my bibliotravels. Seeing more of Widdershins, and its ties to the larger world through Miss Parkhurst 's eyes was an absolute treat; Widdershins knows its own. In theory, the downside, is that you do need to have read other books in the series to fully understand the story... but given how well they are written it's not much of a hardship. No spoilers but wonderful with a nice side of hot

Another great hit!

Great novella to a fantastic series. Not a fan (not a hater) of F/F books but this one has the same feel of the other Whyborne/Griffin books. I have yet to read a book by Ms. Hawk that wasn't exceptionally written. Ms. Hawk has an infinity for spinning a good story with top notch writing. I have never been bogged down in a story by improper grammar, punctuation or spelling. I can't say enough about the great writing and author. Highly recommended to all readers.

Lady Love!

I really enjoyed this novella! Persephone has slowly grown on me throughout this series. She’s the polar opposite to Whybourne, but is still so lovable and fun. I’m hoping I see more of her and her magic in the upcoming books.

A++ FOr entire Widdershin Story lines.

Jordan L. Hawk has become one of my go to authors. I adore the paranormal and the mysterious topics she deals with; and she deals with them elegantly. Her characters are supremely faceted, both villians and heros/heroines. This story was right on par and as undeniably entertaining as all the Widdershins stories.

What a tour de force

Jordan Hawk authors such an excellent, strange and unique magic bearing world. I have long admired her intricate plots and the creative flair in her descriptions of the people and places in that world, as well. This book takes that world that we know from her usual protagonists and skews it about fifteen degrees off kilter to that world as experienced by a working woman we know as a bit of a quiet character, and look, a heroine steps up. Her interest and friendship with a woman of the sea is written so well here, and the cumulation of her romance with her is very hot. The people and culture, gods and weapons of the sea in this world are fascinating. Excellent read.

A wonderful addition

What a great addition to the Whyborne & Griffin Universe. Persephone and Miss Parkhurst definitely earned their own story and it was a wonderful experience. As always, looking forward to the next book in this series, or any other by this author. Definitely recommend this book, this author, this series. Enjoy!

Gorgeously written

It was refreshing to see Widdershins from the perspective of a self-proclaimed humble secretary. I loved seeing some attention on the women in this world, and how LGBTQ+ women struggle to find themselves in a time when society encourages them to be naive in the ways of love. If only there was more!

Nice addition to the Whybourne series

This is a great short story set in Widdershins and featuring Maggie Pankhurst as the narrator. She and Persephone explore their budding romance as they battle the Fideles. I strongly recommend it for fans of the Widdershins series. It is set in the time frame of Fallow in the main series.

Nice insight

I really liked this story cleared up some references made in Draakenwood. Also learned that the librarians are more than they seem to be. Definitely want more insight into the librarians.

Unexpected Treat!

A truly excellent thrill ride with Miss Parkhurst and Persephone as the main characters. So good I didn't even miss Dr. Whyborne or Mr. Griffin! And the budding love and romance between the two ladies was intense, believable and kinda hot at times. I would definitely read more adventures with these strong female characters at the front.

A great addition

I love this series and it was really fun to get a glimpse into the lives of some side characters. Finally Maggie is getting what she deserves, after putting up with Whyborne's obliviousness for so long. Also I love the Librarians

So good!

I love this series and this story was one of my favorites! I can only hope that there is more from these two lovely ladies! Now I must just go and read book 9!

Excellent addition to the series.

Fierce women(or women learning to be fierce), mad cultists, dead gods, Librarians, and Widdershins. Dread Family Legacy, and Lost Secrets. Plus love, of course, with sharp pointy teeth. What more could you ask for?

Enjoyable story from a different perspective in the Widdershins series.

I enjoyed seeing the story from Persephone and Miss Parkhurst's side of things. I had been looking forward to seeing how this would play out. One of my favorite parts of the story actually focuses on the librarians. Ah, Mr. Quinn. :-)


Jordan has done it again. I was glad to see that Maggie got her story, it was heart warming and exciting, who knew the guy she grew up with was insane

Loved it, can't wait for the next.

***** Wonderful book, ties in nicely with the last in the series. Hope to get more in the near future. She is a wonderful author and carries the theams well.


I really enjoyed reading about Maggie and seeing the usual side charters in a spot light of their own. The romance was sweet and adorable the two are made for one another. I wouldn't mind another story purely about these two!

I love Jordan L. Hawk

This was a wonderful side story and it was great to have a different view of Widdershins. A sweet love story. Maggie and Persephone are adorable.

So glad she did this book on these two

So glad she did this book on these two. I like them in the other part of the series. thanks Jordan. :)


I love this world and everyone in it! And thank you Jordan for expanding even the fantastical. Love is love!


So cute and sweet. I hope to see more of Maggie and persephone in the future. Or more stories of others in widdershins

Sweet and amazing! A perfect addition to the series!

I'm so glad Maggie and Persephone got their own story! I adore the two of them and their growing relationship was a joy to see in previous books. I devoured this in one sitting!!

Both tense and sweet. I appreciate the inclusion of a fully thought-out ...

Both tense and sweet. I appreciate the inclusion of a fully thought-out and sexy standalone f/f in a m/m series.

Good Story as Always

Love it! It's a nice little side story and we get a little teaser into things that may come in the next book. So excited as always for it to come out!

Gripping and fun

This was a pleasant step away from Griffin and Whyborne in the Widdershins universe. The pacing was excellent, the characters lovable, the bad guys hateable, and the romance equal parts cute and steamy.

Five Stars

I feel like I've been waiting for this forever! Thank you so much!

Five Stars

I really enjoyed this book. Great side story to this series.

Four Stars

Thoroughly enjoyed!

Four Stars

Nice that the lesbians got a share of the action.

This book made me so happy.

I've adored Jordan's stories for YEARS, but as a queer woman was really missing something. This more than delivered on everything I could have hoped. Her story-telling is crisp and thorough. Her characters are fully fleshed. She is just such a GOOD writer.

Great addition!!!

Review by Gloria Lakritz Sr Reviwer for the Paranormal Romance Guild 5 Stars Novella: Undertow Series: Whyborne and Griffin Story Author: Jordan Hawk Publisher: Jordan Hawk Rated: Mature F/F Pages: 91 Release: Jan 20, 2017 Genre: Paranormal WHERE WAS I???? January 2017? How could I have missed this? BUT I DID….So just want to do a quick review for Whyborne and Griffin fans in case you missed this as well… It seemingly takes place when our guys were dealing with the visit home for Griffin in Fallow. Meanwhile all hell was breaking loose in Widdershins and our meek Maggie Parkhurst (Percivals secretary) saves the day and finds true love!!!! Those who have read it know that this is the beginning of Persephone and Maggie….I loved it and now see why Maggie is no longer a wimp!!

Persephone + Librarians = Awesome (3.5 stars)

I was so excited about this novella, and not just because it’s been a month since I tore through the whole W&G series in less than a week and I desperately wanted more Widdershins in my life. Unsurprisingly, I ripped through this one pretty swiftly too and thoroughly enjoyed seeing this world through a fresh set of eyes. Things I particularly loved about this story – Persephone. I love how fierce she is and how thoroughly herself she remains, even with all the recent changes in her life. She is brilliant and her attempts to woo Maggie just filled me with happiness – especially when she threw the bag out of the window. She’s marvelous and getting to see her play her part as Widdershins and work with the Maelstrom was wonderful. Also: the librarians! They are awesome and continue to be so. Loved seeing them going to war again. So creepy, so strange and so perfectly, perfectly Widdershins. Mr Quinn remains the best. When it came to Maggie, though, I’ll admit I was a little underwhelmed. She is very oblivious, especially when it comes to Persephone. I did find her thoughts about Whyborne and Griffin’s close friendship amusing, and I would love to read her reaction when someone tells her (because let’s be honest, she’ll never realize on her own). And I know not everyone can be brave and bold and daring, but there were a few times I just wanted to shove her forward to get involved a bit quicker. Ultimately, Maggie does find her courage when she needs to, of course, but mostly I found her less than compelling and kind of bland compared to Persephone. Overall, though, I liked this. Persephone and the librarians stole all the glory, of course, but the mystery was interesting and it was nice to see Maggie get her chance to shine at last. In all, a nice little addition to this fabulous series – though it only makes me more impatient for the next W&G book to come out.

Different view of Widdershins

This was a wonderful glimpse into life of Maggie Parkhurst, Whyborne's loyal secretary. I loved her side of story, the way she regarded Whyborne and Griffin's relationship was so adorable. I really enjoyed her musings about Persephone and how she felt about her. Mr. Quinn was another quirky character who added hilarity the story. As always there was magic and danger but this time there was a bit of tentacle intimacy involved. It was my first time, and I was rather intrigued. It didn't phase me that it was FF. I love Widdershins and all its inhabitants be they human or other. So I really liked looking at Whyborne through Maggie's eyes, especially since her affections changed to that of his sister Persephone. Short but very satisfying story! I recommend it!

A New Perspective on Widdershins

I didn’t know how desperately I needed this book until I knew it existed. As a person who enjoys the whole LGBTQ+ spectrum of pairings, I was delighted to see that a f/f pairing had been added to this universe! And not only that but we get special insight from Maggie, a character that has always been quite in the background, although active in the stories. To get to see her perspective on the going-ons in Widdershins and also Whyborne and Griffin’s relationship was a real treat. I’d love to see more side stories with her and Persephone in the future!

4.5 stars

It was humorous, mysterious, and oh so exciting! I enjoyed Maggie's POV way too much. Although I'm not usually a fan of ff romance, Persephone proved to be the badass barbarian sea goddess we all knew her to be. I am convinced now more than ever that I NEED more of Mr. Quinn and his legion of librarians in the future. Their quirky, dark charm is a perfect reflection of Winddershins. I am once again in awe of the fleshed out world of dark arts and paranormal lore Hawk has created.

Maggie and Persephone

In the Whyborne & Griffin series there is magic, action, humor, romance and graphic sexual descriptions. If you do not like magic stories or read gay sex scenes, this series is not going to like you. I loved the story. It is a very good addition to the universe W & G. It is a pleasant story, there is adventure and mystery and love. I hope that Jordan L. Hawk will continue to explore the relationship of Maggie and Persephone in future books.

Fun, intrigue, and sweetness!

This was exactly what I hoped it would be! Sweet, sexy, funny, and full of intrigue. I adore Maggie and Persephone together, and really tentacles are not my thing, but JLH, no surprise, made it work. I love that Maggie got to be so badass, especially because she kept referring to herself as, "just a secretary". I also have to say The Librarians are the Best! I kind of want to know more about the nutty, but so support Mr. Quinn. I look forward to more of Maggie and Persephone in future books.

***3.5 Stars***

A fun FF addition to the Whyborne & Griffin series! This takes place concurrently with Fallow. Here we see Ms. Maggie Parkhurst, Whyborne’s secretary, battling the Fidelis alongside Persephone, Whyborne’s ketoi sister. They both hold their own against their enemies and declare their love for each other along the way. I’m looking forward to seeing how this relationship will fit in with the rest of the gang in the following books.

Great story for this universe

As a fan of this universe I found this story quite satisfying! I like Maggie and Persephone and I'm very happy to see them together (even if I'm not really a fan of f/f novels, a good romance is a good romance!). This story has love, adventures and at some points it had me hanging from every word!

Nice to see these characters explored

Maggie & Persephone's story, a nice parallel story to what's happening in Fallow. I hope we see more of Maggie from now on. And I liked how their relationship was written.

I never thought I'd read F/F but since I love this series

I never thought I'd read F/F but since I love this series, I had to - and it was well worth it. Undertow is short but it's a complete story and didn't feel rushed or hurried in any way.

Yeah Maggie! You go girl!

Exciting! An excellent addition to the Widdershins collection.


I love this series but i did not enjoy this book. maggie's character and behaviour is so drastic and inconsistent to the other books.

Persephone + Librarians = Awesome! (3.5 stars)

I was so excited about this novella, and not just because it’s been a month since I tore through the whole W&G series in less than a week and I desperately wanted more Widdershins in my life. Unsurprisingly, I ripped through this one pretty swiftly too and thoroughly enjoyed seeing this world through a fresh set of eyes. Things I particularly loved about this story – Persephone. I love how fierce she is and how thoroughly herself she remains, even with all the recent changes in her life. She is brilliant and her attempts to woo Maggie just filled me with happiness – especially when she threw the bag out of the window. She’s marvellous and getting to see her play her part as Widdershins and work with the Maelstrom was wonderful. Also: the librarians! They are awesome and continue to be so. Loved seeing them going to war again. So creepy, so strange and so perfectly, perfectly Widdershins. Mr Quinn remains the best. When it came to Maggie, though, I’ll admit I was a little underwhelmed. She is very oblivious, especially when it comes to Persephone. I did find her thoughts about Whyborne and Griffin’s close friendship amusing, and I would love to read her reaction when someone tells her (because let’s be honest, she’ll never realise on her own). And I know not everyone can be brave and bold and daring, but there were a few times I just wanted to shove her forward to get involved a bit quicker. Ultimately, Maggie does find her courage when she needs to, of course, but mostly I found her less than compelling and kind of bland compared to Persephone. Overall, though, I liked this. Persephone and the librarians stole all the glory, of course, but the mystery was interesting and it was nice to see Maggie get her chance to shine at last. In all, a nice little addition to this fabulous series – though it only makes me more impatient for the next W&G book to come out.

Fun, but short

Ties up loose ends from Fallow, the 8th Whyborne & Griffin, with the story of Maggie and Persephone. It wasn't quite the 5* this series usually is for me, probably because it was so short, or perhaps because I had read Fallow already, but an inventive and charming read with some nail-biting moments and some real humour - the squid love-offering, for example.

Persephone and Maggie's story.....

Great little story with Persephone and a badass Miss Maggie Parkhurst. Loved the deadpan humour too, and that the nutty librarians also made an appearance...I definitely think Mr Quinn has hidden something deep in the tunnels of the Ladysmith museum.... 4 stars.

Loved it!

I was slightly concerned at a FF story cropping up in an MM series but it was masterfully done. The story picked up on all the wonderful Widdershins quirks and told the long awaited story of Maggie and Persephone. Perhaps now someone could explain to her why Mr Whyborne and Mr Flaherty spend so much time together :-D

Widdershins great again

I always wanted to have a story for Maggie and Persephone and I loved this so much. Her naivety is sweet I just hope in time Persephone explains about Percival and Griffin! This story was truly magical I love these stories so much.

Maggie und Persphones Abenteuer

Maggie, Whybornes schüchterne Sekretärin, hat ein Problem. Seitdem sie zum ersten Mal der Schwester ihres Bosses begegnet ist, kann sie kaum an etwas anderes denken. Doch während sie selber ein, für Widdershins-Verhältnisse, recht langweiliges Leben führt, ist Persephone Clanchefin der Ketoi, einer großteils im Meer lebenden Spezies. Maggie ist überzeugt, Persephone könnte sich niemals für sie interessieren. Als dann auch noch ein alter Kindheitsfreund auftaucht und sie offensichtlich umwirbt, ist sie hin und hergerissen, was sie tun soll. Die Situation spitzt sich weiter zu, als eine ihrer Freundinnen plötzlich ohne Erklärung verschwindet und Persephone die einzige ist, die Maggies Befürchtungen ernstnimmt. Gemeinsam stellen die beiden ungleichen Frauen Nachforschungen an, die sie und alle Ketoi von Widdershins in tödliche Gefahr bringt. Die Geschehnisse in dieser Geschichte spielen sich zeitgleich mit denen in "Fallow" ab. Jedem, der dieses Buch liest, sollte klar sein, hier geht es nur ganz entfernt um Whyborne und Griffin. Maggie ist die Hauptperson. Am Anfang erinnert ihre Stimme ein wenig an Whybornes in den ersten Teilen der Serie, doch nach einiger Zeit entwickelt sich ein eigener, sehr sympathischer Erzählstil. Die Story ist wie so oft spannend und gut durchdacht, wenn auch etwas durchschaubar. Viel interessante ist die Frage, wie die aufkeimende Beziehung zwischen Maggie und Persephone die Haupthandlung beeinflussen wird. Auch wenn ich sonst nicht unbedingt (Liebes-)Geschichten lese, in der beide Protagonisten weiblich sind, hat es Spaß gemacht, die beiden auf ihrem Weg ein Stück zu begleiten.

paramilitary librarians, victorian steampunk humour and squids

When Maggie Parkhurst’s friend goes missing, she must investigate with the alluring ketoi chieftess Persephone. If only Maggie had some special talent to offer her. Jordan continues with her characteristic humour in this Whyborne & Griffin lesbian novella. If you like paramilitary librarians, victorian steampunk humour and squids, you’ll like this book — although you will need to read the whole series to know what’s going on.

Excellent Read

As usual, well written, fast paced, and fascinating story. It was refreshing to have 2 characters very different yet so alike in their needs and emotions. In addition, it was interesting to see a portrayal of women that are strong, committed, and ready to fight for good against evil.

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