Though I Stumble (A Promises of God Novel Book 1)

Kindle Edition
01 Dec
Four women, one weekend, and their lives will never be the same.

Stephanie London thought she’d heard from God when she moved to Hope Springs, N.C. But a tragedy in that small town left her soul desolate. Now her husband’s inattentiveness has pushed her over the edge. Bereft of hope, she travels home to St. Louis as a women’s ministry conference kicks off. Though less than enthused to attend, new friendships offer strength and light. But what happens when the weekend ends and real life begins again?

Treva Langston grieves still the loss of her husband of twenty-two years. Now, two years later, her heart is breaking again as her oldest daughter’s travails come to light. Traveling from DC to St. Louis for a women’s conference seems the last thing she should do, given the circumstances. But in St. Louis her path crosses with someone new—and her world turns upside down. Will it only lead to more heartbreak?

Jillian Mason can’t wait to attend the Living Word women’s conference. She’s done their Bible studies for years and expects God to show up in an amazing way. But the weekend delivers something unexpected—a discovery about her husband. As the state of her marriage hangs in the balance, Jillian is suddenly anxious about returning home.

Faith Langston has always been a girl after God’s heart. She loves Living Word studies and registered early for the conference. But at the end of her college sophomore year, she finds herself in circumstances she never imagined—with a heart that has strayed from God. She makes it to St. Louis nonetheless, with her boyfriend in tow—but how will she find her way back to God?

Four women in different seasons of life converge at a women’s conference—with a theme that charges them to run “in hot pursuit” for Christ. But how do they run when challenges seem insurmountable? And can they help one another navigate the difficult terrain?

“The author has a gift for bringing God’s love and light into even the darkest situation.” —Romantic Times (The Color of Hope)

Reviews (182)

Good enough to stay up all night to read

Yes indeed, I stayed up all night to finish this book. I was already invested in these characters from Kim's previous books. BUT, even if you haven't read one of them (but why not I would ask), the story line just kept drawing me in. You know, if I stop after this chapter then I won't know what Stephanie and Lindell are going to do. And why did I not have pastor's like Lance? Hmmm? I love that the characters were dealing with real life issues, not fluff. Each lady and her family were dealing with things I have either personally experienced or walked through it with someone I know. It endeared these characters to me even more. Now SOME might say the conference scenes were preachy. I say they gave me a conference for the cost of this book. A steal I tell you! And if I can't get some Word in my Christian fiction, what am I reading it for? I hope Kim writes fast because I am ready to see what transpires next with these characters. They truly have stolen my heart!

An Unscripted Reality Show in writing!!!!!

I know you may be thinking...How can it be unscripted if it's in writing. Well here's how.... Unlike the hugely successful "reality sitcoms" that have taken over TV land, but are no where near real life, the arguments and pursuing fights are plotted and staged for viewership ratings. Kim Cash Tate on the other hand has managed to develop a series of fictional characters with real life scenarios that we can relate to and believe because one or more of the characters are bound to resonate with your own personal life experience(s). I know I could!! As such I was able to feel real emotions that had me nodding my head in agreement, crying tears of joy and/or happiness, and even wanting to fight. Through it all though the power of God was evident. Some may say it's too preachy, but guess what? - it's Christian Fiction! If you select Christian Fiction then you SHOULD EXPECT to get some Word in and throughout the entire story. This story had characters from adult age down to early teens that demonstrated how in this day and time we all face circumstances that are going to cause us joy, peace, happiness, sadness, grief and despair. More importantly Kim's books in general show how we all need one another in addition to God. I highly recommend reading this book!!!

'Happily ever after' NOT!

From the intro I thought this book might help me as I dealt with the death of my husband. I truly know that God is a miracle worker. He also deals in the impossible. He is a forgiving God plus a God of second chances. Yet often times even as we rely on Him our situations and\or relationships are not saved. We sometimes cannot ride off into the sunset where everyday is Sunday. That is the reality of life for believers & nonbelievers. The ups and downs of life - where not all marriages are saved; where unwed father's refuse involvement in his childs life. Let's get real here. Share the story of how God continues to lead\guide folks when there is no reconciliation in marriage or when babies are given up for adoption or when people become alcoholics or substance abusers. Maybe the author wanted to send a message of hope by letting all end well. But the real message to me is that we must learn to be hopeful and remain hopeful when the outcome of our situation is not sunny & bright and coming up rosey.

A MUST READ!!!! You will definitely want to get the series!!!!

I stumbled upon this book, no pun intended, just looking through my Amazon app as I do most days. I decided as part of my New YEar's Intentions I would start reading again. I have been reading parenting books and wanted something new, fun, and to get me out of my everyday issues. OMG!!!! I am so glad I came across this series!!! I hadn' t heard of the author but the book sounded interesting enough. I could not put the book down!!! I literally had to force myself to stop reading because I did not want it to end. The more I read the more I researched the author and looked into her other books!! That is when I started ordering all of her books which seem to introduce the characters I've grown to love in this book. Though I Stumble is easy to relate to the experiences, trials and tribulations that each are going through despite being a single mom, I can still relate to the emotions, relationship issues and life choices. The excitement comes from seeing how they dealt with their struggles and were able to relate scriptures to their situations. I refused to allow myself to finish the book until I received the next 2 in the series which I of course ordered through Amazon Prime when I was halfway through. This has definitely been a FEEL GOOD, Life Changing, MOTIVATIONAL and INSPIRING Book which leads to the SERIES!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE these books!!! I have recommended it to my friends and look forward to reading it again to take advantage of the reading group guides!!!

Stumbles in Places, Yet Maintains Solid Footing

Though I Stumble was my first book by Kim Cash Tate, and for the most part, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I sought it out because I was looking for authors and characters of color during this difficult time in our country, but I got a lot more than that (although, it is important. Both Christian and secular markets, but especially the Christian market, is hurting for diversity and I don't understand why we can't rectify that issue). Anyway, Though I Stumble is a warm, inviting book. The atmosphere of the St. Louis women's conference led me to expect a certain type of story, where the characters grow spiritually but don't feel like real people. Actually though, the opposite happened. Treva, Faith, Stephanie, and Jillian felt real throughout. Their problems and triumphs were relatable, and I think Kim did a great job of letting them be good friends without age and experience, or lack thereof, getting in the way. I also appreciated the different situations and angles Kim used to explore relationships. Although Treva has a brand new romance within Though I Stumble, and although two major conflicts focus on marriage, this is a "relationship" novel more than a "romance" novel, which I love. Stephanie and Lindell's arc was especially interesting (probably because Steph and I share a name, hardy har har). I also enjoyed Faith's arc, because I'm closest to her in age and remembered how being in college and longing for meaningful relationships felt. Jillian's relationship with Cecil got a couple of good twists, and Treva's whirlwind romance--I usually don't like those, but Kim did this one well. Kendra's presence was a selling point; she was more than just the first wife who died of cancer. I loved how she actually helped Lance and Treva grow closer to each other and to God, even if she wasn't there. However, I think the best relationships explored here were the relationships of each woman to God. Cyd's conference session, closely followed by Lance's, were two of my favorite scenes, but I liked the spirituality outside of the conference, too. I applaud Kim for showing that Christians can make mistakes--we can even commit some of the "big sins"--and God still has a purpose for us if we know Him. Not that we should sin because grace abounds, not at all (Romans 6). But it is often in those times that we truly learn His love is unconditional and what our passions are. With all that said, I did take a star away for a couple of reasons. While I love these characters, I found I loved them more for what they could've been. They often felt two-dimensional. For instance, a big deal is made about Treva being insecure because of her dark skin. And no, I did not need or want to see her mother abusing her to understand why that was. But colorism is a huge issue in America, and I was disappointed that Kim didn't delve deeper. Same for Stephanie's spiritual journey; it's mentioned she used to be something of a party girl, then changed, then went back to drinking, couldn't "grow up..." I wanted more details! Same for Jillian the homeschool mom of four kids--how had she chosen that path? Was it common in her community? What were her kids like as individuals? You get the drift. I also felt some of the events were sketchy--as in, one- or two-dimensional. The biggest one I can think of is, there's a scene where Jillian's little boy Trevor is rushed into emergency surgery, which brings Cecil back around. Jillian sums up the events before that,, it kind of came out of nowhere? Also, the plot never seemed to "thicken." The women seemed to spend a lot of time talking and not a lot doing. Overall, Though I Stumble might be a 3.5-3.7. However, I enjoyed enough here to keep reading the series, and I hope Kim delves deeper next time. I'll certainly be looking for more and deeper books like this, too.

This is a great read that reminds us of God's grace even when ...

This is a great read that reminds us of God's grace even when we fall. I enjoyed the fact that the main characters and supporting characters encountered realistic problems, went through real emotions and learned how to overcome these by going to God and walking the talk. There is something in it for people of all ages and stages of their spiritual walk. I really like that Cyd's story was referenced for us older females who have been waiting for years for marriage to remind us it is ok to feel real and raw emotions but to keep going. The references to scripture were incorporated seamlessly and the dialogue used among characters was natural and help everything to flow well.

Fantastic, like all of Kim's books!

Kim Cash Tate has done it again - she always meets women right where they are with the perfect mix of great fiction and timely, Godly truths. I love this group of women (so good to see some old friends from Kim's other books!) and the message was right into my heart. I knew this would be a gem of a novel, so I ordered the Kindle AND the paperback because I could not wait to get started. I read the Kindle version in less than 2 days, and my paperback copy is set to arrive in 3 days - I'll read it again then! :) If you have not read anything else by Kim, what are you waiting for?! Her books are all fantastic....they are the perfect blend of Bible study and a great read. For those of you who might be hesitant about the Christian aspect, don't be - the books are not "preachy" at all; they show a love for God and His ways and the characters are down-to-earth and really, really real. Thanks, Kim, for another treasure.

Delightful Read and a Real Page Turner....Author is Gifted and Invites Reflection About Our Own Lives

I purchased the book in advance of the launch date eagerly anticipating sitting down and spending a quiet weekend reading through it. Well let's just say life intervened and it took a little longer but I found each page that I turned made me want to keep going. I feel inspired moving forward to "run" not just away from life and everyday happenings but towards our Lord and seek his guidance in my life. No I am in no way shape or form perfect because I too stumble...and this book made me realize that none of us is infallible. Thank you Kim for writing such an awesome book, with well developed characters and twists/turns that no one would expect. Looking forward to March 2017 when Cling is released and I can work towards being intimate with our Lord...keep writing....your words are right on time for where I am in my life today.

Ended too soon!

We've traveled to 3 cities and we have gone through countless seasons with these characters and as always overwhelming sadness takes place once you read the last page. I really loved this book. I was impressed because the story was told from 4 points of view, yet we the readers never felt shortchanged. Each character had a storm that they were battling, 3 out of the 4 were in the fight of their life. One thing they all shared though was their trust in God and His power to intercede on their behalf. The message was strong- Even if we feel as if the fights too much to face, He always has us. My only pet peeve was that I felt that the author left out some key characters for the sake of condensing the book. Without giving away spoilers, there was a major life event, yet there was no mention of characters who I felt were important to the individuals involved. If your book has to be 500 pages so we can get a complete feel, so be it. Your fans won't mind. Other than that, this was a great book. When you find yourself stretching the last 10 minutes of a book to 3 days because you don't want it to end, then you know it's great.

Another amazing story by Kim Cash Tate, and I'm already looking forward to the next one!

I love Kim Cahs Tate's books. I've read all of them so I am familiar with the characters. What I like about Kim's books is they can stand alone but if you've read the prior books they come together perfectly and continue the stories old characters will introducing new ones, adding enough to look forward to the next book. I also like that she intertwines Bible lessons into her stories while being realistic with the characters and their stories. I love the reflection/study questions at the end of each book. I am so thankful for books that represent African-American Christians in a good and godly light while keeping it real and not being exclusively written for Black readers. Thank you, Kim, for always leaving me with something new to think on. The last book encouraged me to start a home Bible study and now I want to go Boston to visit more African-American historical sites. Summer goals. :) Finally, as a writer myself, I love the way Kim tells the story. I haven't written fiction yet but I take notes while reading Kim's books because writing a fiction book is a goal of mine. If I tell the stories God's given me half as well as Kim does I know I have honored God with my gift.

Good enough to stay up all night to read

Yes indeed, I stayed up all night to finish this book. I was already invested in these characters from Kim's previous books. BUT, even if you haven't read one of them (but why not I would ask), the story line just kept drawing me in. You know, if I stop after this chapter then I won't know what Stephanie and Lindell are going to do. And why did I not have pastor's like Lance? Hmmm? I love that the characters were dealing with real life issues, not fluff. Each lady and her family were dealing with things I have either personally experienced or walked through it with someone I know. It endeared these characters to me even more. Now SOME might say the conference scenes were preachy. I say they gave me a conference for the cost of this book. A steal I tell you! And if I can't get some Word in my Christian fiction, what am I reading it for? I hope Kim writes fast because I am ready to see what transpires next with these characters. They truly have stolen my heart!

An Unscripted Reality Show in writing!!!!!

I know you may be thinking...How can it be unscripted if it's in writing. Well here's how.... Unlike the hugely successful "reality sitcoms" that have taken over TV land, but are no where near real life, the arguments and pursuing fights are plotted and staged for viewership ratings. Kim Cash Tate on the other hand has managed to develop a series of fictional characters with real life scenarios that we can relate to and believe because one or more of the characters are bound to resonate with your own personal life experience(s). I know I could!! As such I was able to feel real emotions that had me nodding my head in agreement, crying tears of joy and/or happiness, and even wanting to fight. Through it all though the power of God was evident. Some may say it's too preachy, but guess what? - it's Christian Fiction! If you select Christian Fiction then you SHOULD EXPECT to get some Word in and throughout the entire story. This story had characters from adult age down to early teens that demonstrated how in this day and time we all face circumstances that are going to cause us joy, peace, happiness, sadness, grief and despair. More importantly Kim's books in general show how we all need one another in addition to God. I highly recommend reading this book!!!

'Happily ever after' NOT!

From the intro I thought this book might help me as I dealt with the death of my husband. I truly know that God is a miracle worker. He also deals in the impossible. He is a forgiving God plus a God of second chances. Yet often times even as we rely on Him our situations and\or relationships are not saved. We sometimes cannot ride off into the sunset where everyday is Sunday. That is the reality of life for believers & nonbelievers. The ups and downs of life - where not all marriages are saved; where unwed father's refuse involvement in his childs life. Let's get real here. Share the story of how God continues to lead\guide folks when there is no reconciliation in marriage or when babies are given up for adoption or when people become alcoholics or substance abusers. Maybe the author wanted to send a message of hope by letting all end well. But the real message to me is that we must learn to be hopeful and remain hopeful when the outcome of our situation is not sunny & bright and coming up rosey.

A MUST READ!!!! You will definitely want to get the series!!!!

I stumbled upon this book, no pun intended, just looking through my Amazon app as I do most days. I decided as part of my New YEar's Intentions I would start reading again. I have been reading parenting books and wanted something new, fun, and to get me out of my everyday issues. OMG!!!! I am so glad I came across this series!!! I hadn' t heard of the author but the book sounded interesting enough. I could not put the book down!!! I literally had to force myself to stop reading because I did not want it to end. The more I read the more I researched the author and looked into her other books!! That is when I started ordering all of her books which seem to introduce the characters I've grown to love in this book. Though I Stumble is easy to relate to the experiences, trials and tribulations that each are going through despite being a single mom, I can still relate to the emotions, relationship issues and life choices. The excitement comes from seeing how they dealt with their struggles and were able to relate scriptures to their situations. I refused to allow myself to finish the book until I received the next 2 in the series which I of course ordered through Amazon Prime when I was halfway through. This has definitely been a FEEL GOOD, Life Changing, MOTIVATIONAL and INSPIRING Book which leads to the SERIES!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE these books!!! I have recommended it to my friends and look forward to reading it again to take advantage of the reading group guides!!!

Stumbles in Places, Yet Maintains Solid Footing

Though I Stumble was my first book by Kim Cash Tate, and for the most part, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I sought it out because I was looking for authors and characters of color during this difficult time in our country, but I got a lot more than that (although, it is important. Both Christian and secular markets, but especially the Christian market, is hurting for diversity and I don't understand why we can't rectify that issue). Anyway, Though I Stumble is a warm, inviting book. The atmosphere of the St. Louis women's conference led me to expect a certain type of story, where the characters grow spiritually but don't feel like real people. Actually though, the opposite happened. Treva, Faith, Stephanie, and Jillian felt real throughout. Their problems and triumphs were relatable, and I think Kim did a great job of letting them be good friends without age and experience, or lack thereof, getting in the way. I also appreciated the different situations and angles Kim used to explore relationships. Although Treva has a brand new romance within Though I Stumble, and although two major conflicts focus on marriage, this is a "relationship" novel more than a "romance" novel, which I love. Stephanie and Lindell's arc was especially interesting (probably because Steph and I share a name, hardy har har). I also enjoyed Faith's arc, because I'm closest to her in age and remembered how being in college and longing for meaningful relationships felt. Jillian's relationship with Cecil got a couple of good twists, and Treva's whirlwind romance--I usually don't like those, but Kim did this one well. Kendra's presence was a selling point; she was more than just the first wife who died of cancer. I loved how she actually helped Lance and Treva grow closer to each other and to God, even if she wasn't there. However, I think the best relationships explored here were the relationships of each woman to God. Cyd's conference session, closely followed by Lance's, were two of my favorite scenes, but I liked the spirituality outside of the conference, too. I applaud Kim for showing that Christians can make mistakes--we can even commit some of the "big sins"--and God still has a purpose for us if we know Him. Not that we should sin because grace abounds, not at all (Romans 6). But it is often in those times that we truly learn His love is unconditional and what our passions are. With all that said, I did take a star away for a couple of reasons. While I love these characters, I found I loved them more for what they could've been. They often felt two-dimensional. For instance, a big deal is made about Treva being insecure because of her dark skin. And no, I did not need or want to see her mother abusing her to understand why that was. But colorism is a huge issue in America, and I was disappointed that Kim didn't delve deeper. Same for Stephanie's spiritual journey; it's mentioned she used to be something of a party girl, then changed, then went back to drinking, couldn't "grow up..." I wanted more details! Same for Jillian the homeschool mom of four kids--how had she chosen that path? Was it common in her community? What were her kids like as individuals? You get the drift. I also felt some of the events were sketchy--as in, one- or two-dimensional. The biggest one I can think of is, there's a scene where Jillian's little boy Trevor is rushed into emergency surgery, which brings Cecil back around. Jillian sums up the events before that,, it kind of came out of nowhere? Also, the plot never seemed to "thicken." The women seemed to spend a lot of time talking and not a lot doing. Overall, Though I Stumble might be a 3.5-3.7. However, I enjoyed enough here to keep reading the series, and I hope Kim delves deeper next time. I'll certainly be looking for more and deeper books like this, too.

This is a great read that reminds us of God's grace even when ...

This is a great read that reminds us of God's grace even when we fall. I enjoyed the fact that the main characters and supporting characters encountered realistic problems, went through real emotions and learned how to overcome these by going to God and walking the talk. There is something in it for people of all ages and stages of their spiritual walk. I really like that Cyd's story was referenced for us older females who have been waiting for years for marriage to remind us it is ok to feel real and raw emotions but to keep going. The references to scripture were incorporated seamlessly and the dialogue used among characters was natural and help everything to flow well.

Fantastic, like all of Kim's books!

Kim Cash Tate has done it again - she always meets women right where they are with the perfect mix of great fiction and timely, Godly truths. I love this group of women (so good to see some old friends from Kim's other books!) and the message was right into my heart. I knew this would be a gem of a novel, so I ordered the Kindle AND the paperback because I could not wait to get started. I read the Kindle version in less than 2 days, and my paperback copy is set to arrive in 3 days - I'll read it again then! :) If you have not read anything else by Kim, what are you waiting for?! Her books are all fantastic....they are the perfect blend of Bible study and a great read. For those of you who might be hesitant about the Christian aspect, don't be - the books are not "preachy" at all; they show a love for God and His ways and the characters are down-to-earth and really, really real. Thanks, Kim, for another treasure.

Delightful Read and a Real Page Turner....Author is Gifted and Invites Reflection About Our Own Lives

I purchased the book in advance of the launch date eagerly anticipating sitting down and spending a quiet weekend reading through it. Well let's just say life intervened and it took a little longer but I found each page that I turned made me want to keep going. I feel inspired moving forward to "run" not just away from life and everyday happenings but towards our Lord and seek his guidance in my life. No I am in no way shape or form perfect because I too stumble...and this book made me realize that none of us is infallible. Thank you Kim for writing such an awesome book, with well developed characters and twists/turns that no one would expect. Looking forward to March 2017 when Cling is released and I can work towards being intimate with our Lord...keep writing....your words are right on time for where I am in my life today.

Ended too soon!

We've traveled to 3 cities and we have gone through countless seasons with these characters and as always overwhelming sadness takes place once you read the last page. I really loved this book. I was impressed because the story was told from 4 points of view, yet we the readers never felt shortchanged. Each character had a storm that they were battling, 3 out of the 4 were in the fight of their life. One thing they all shared though was their trust in God and His power to intercede on their behalf. The message was strong- Even if we feel as if the fights too much to face, He always has us. My only pet peeve was that I felt that the author left out some key characters for the sake of condensing the book. Without giving away spoilers, there was a major life event, yet there was no mention of characters who I felt were important to the individuals involved. If your book has to be 500 pages so we can get a complete feel, so be it. Your fans won't mind. Other than that, this was a great book. When you find yourself stretching the last 10 minutes of a book to 3 days because you don't want it to end, then you know it's great.

Another amazing story by Kim Cash Tate, and I'm already looking forward to the next one!

I love Kim Cahs Tate's books. I've read all of them so I am familiar with the characters. What I like about Kim's books is they can stand alone but if you've read the prior books they come together perfectly and continue the stories old characters will introducing new ones, adding enough to look forward to the next book. I also like that she intertwines Bible lessons into her stories while being realistic with the characters and their stories. I love the reflection/study questions at the end of each book. I am so thankful for books that represent African-American Christians in a good and godly light while keeping it real and not being exclusively written for Black readers. Thank you, Kim, for always leaving me with something new to think on. The last book encouraged me to start a home Bible study and now I want to go Boston to visit more African-American historical sites. Summer goals. :) Finally, as a writer myself, I love the way Kim tells the story. I haven't written fiction yet but I take notes while reading Kim's books because writing a fiction book is a goal of mine. If I tell the stories God's given me half as well as Kim does I know I have honored God with my gift.

A great read!

Great read! A family that prays together stays together. Marriage isn’t easy but taking your vows seriously and loving one another in the purest form will allow you to forgive, heal and move on. I enjoyed the book. The storyline moved a little slowly because the author had to develop five couples and their characteristics but I really enjoyed it. It is a trilogy so I can’t wait to read Books 2 and 3. Again, love is a powerful emotion but you must be realistic about marriage because it is not a fantasy wedding. It’s a lifetime commitment between two willing people who really want it to last a lifetime! I recommend this book especially to couples who are having struggles. Yes, it is a fictional book but there are great lessons to learn from these couples.

An amazingly woven story of love, hurt, hope, healing and restoration....

An amazing writer with a true gift from God!! This is my favorite book and I stayed up late two nights to finish it because I needed to know what happened next. Having read all of her other books, it was a delight to have my favorite people from different books come together in this book and now I feel like my family has grown. The characters are like real people that I know and I see some of myself in them whether it is Treva's desire to be in control, homeschooling like Jillian, Cyd's love for sharing God's Word or even Faith's struggle with her faith and her choices. Real people dealing with real issues figuring out how to trust in God and put that trust into motion. Of course, I can't wait for the next book because I need to see what happens with a few people - Cinda, Faith/Jesse/Zoe, Stephanie & Lindell, just to name a few.

Excellent read

Wow what a powerful book and journey to trusting God with flaws and all! This is a must read for all perfectly flawed Women of God who need to be reminded that God is well able to keep and care for you in every aspect of your life! Our journeys may be different but Our Father is the same! All the women in this book were in different stages of their life and walk with God and somehow God used them to bless each other, through prayer, friendship and good ole fashioned encouragement!!!! I recommend reading it along with your friends!!!

Favorite Author!

This is an awesome book! You won't want to put it down! The characters and the story line are so fun and interesting. I love how Kim encourages you to get closer to God in each of her novels. This is a must read and I highly suggest you read all of her other books as well!


I loved this book from the first page to the last. Kim did an amazing job building both the characters AND the story. I was immediately engaged and locked in. The greatest highlight of this book is that while it proved to be extremely entertaining it ministered to me in a way that no other work of fiction has. The Scriptural nuggets she placed in this book are invaluable pieces of God's truth that will touch people no matter what stage of their life or their Christian walk they are currently experiencing. I laughed, I cried and most importantly I walked away with a stronger desire to be in "Hot Pursuit" of the things of God no matter how far off track or how slow a pace I may feel like I'm going.

This book ministered to me..

God's timing is perfect in every way including when I read this book. I could in some way relate to all the characters and their struggles. There were times I wanted to put the book down because of the emotions it was stirring within me but, I couldn't. It was well written and delivered strong messages of faith, hope and love without being preachy. I highlighted a lot in this book. This was the first book I read by this author- I must commend her on a job extremely well done !!


I decided to read this Christian novel because I've been through so much in these past 3 months that I needed to relax but also reaffirm God's awesome power. This novel praises God in every way through real live women. Not everyone is perfect and not everyone is 100% Christian but I can relate to the fact that they want to be. At one point I thought one part was unrealistic (I won't do a spoiler) but upon reflection, when God's in it, He's in it. Read it and you will be refreshed, you'll be inspired and you will start today to run to win even if you stumble a little. God bless.

I stayed up all night

I stayed up all night reading this book. I hadn't read this author's work before but her style drew me in from the beginning. The synopsis of the book caught my eye and for the reasonable kindle price I thought why not give it a try. In places this book had me crying so hard I couldn't see to read but in a good way, it was like God was speaking through the author but not in a preachy kind of way.. This book was full of life. The people are so real even when they're not acting in authentic ways. It also reminded me of a very important fact: "I may be a mess in places but God is right there with me in the mess." I'd recommend reading "Though I Stumble" I believe you will be blessed by this Christian fiction book. I've already bought more of the author's work to enjoy.

Definitely Not 'Chick-Lit'

Though I Stumble is definitely not 'Chick-Lit'!! I'm in a co-ed book club, and we've read the majority of Mrs. Tate's books. The cover portrays four women whose lives are interwoven in each story where you look forward to an update on each character. Cedric. Lindell, Lance, 'Alien' {lol}, and now even Jesse add equal parts complexity to these sisters. Also, living in the DMV, you read about areas and schools you've crossed paths with. Kim has the distinct honor of being the first author our book club's read... reading a 'KCT' book is like a family reunion (of sorts). After six years, I am always mesmerized by her writing gift and praise God for its unique perspective.

Kim's done it again! Excellent book!

I loved this book! I have two kids under two so I don't remember the last time I read a book let alone a chapter. I started and finished this one on 3 days. This book will encourage you to keep pursuing a relationship with Christ, no matter your pace or failures. What an encouragement! Biggest thing it taught me is that if I can manage to read the book in 3 days, I should definitely be getting in the Word more. Order this book, you won't be disappointed. I'm also sure that God will use it to teach and encourage you!

An Awesome Book!

This book was so good...had me laughing out loud , talking out loud and crying out loud too. This book moved me because I saw a piece of me and my life in each of these ladies as they are taking their separate walks with Christ but end up taking that walk together by praying, encouraging, and supporting one another through the trials that they face. Though these women all stumbled along the way, they did not fall because they were covered by God and God placed the right people around them to help them through. I highly recommend this book....I've recently bought every book written by this author!

Inspiring and encouraging!

My first book by this author, who did an amazing job! While this book is long, it is worth it. I highlighted plenty to reference again. While this book is from a woman's perspective, it gave a few things, I think, from a man's perspective too. I appreciate the focus about mental health. No matter who you are, that part of you is important. I also appreciated getting perspectives from the broad age range of characters. I'm looking forward to visiting those places mentioned in The Lou. Be blessed!

Classic in the Making

Awesome! I loved the storyline and the fact it came from a Christian perspective. I loved how the author made the characters intertwine and how their faith was so very important. A superb look at African American families, the women, their sisterhood and the men who loved them. Outstanding! Can't wait to read the author's next book. Well done Kim Cash Tate.....

Awesome Read!

This was a great book to read and I will definitely recommend this book to others! This book was just Eye Opening to me! Some things said in this book really brought things to !ite for me and got me to remember things I already knew. I feel others will benefit from reading this book as well! I really enjoyed the characters and how they bonded with each other, especially the ones who formed new relationships. God can and did bring people together in more ways than one. In times when things don't go quite the why we think they should go, we sometimes want to rebel and do what we know we shouldn't be doing and block God's voice when he is telling us what's right because we feel our pride will hurt or you feel the other person should make the first move. That's not what God says. When HE says move, you better move then AND move the way HE says for you to move!! I Loved Cyd's character because she didn't realize, or maybe she did, that she was the catalyst for getting everyone together. I am going to read the 2nd book in the series and I can't wait!

Five Star Read

I really enjoyed this book, from beginning to end! The character that stood out most was Stephanie. She was very headstrong and Mrs. Kim Cash Tate really made that clear from the beginning—in a good way. Christian fiction is not cookie-cutter, so I appreciated that these characters were flawed, like all of us. Although their personalities and situations were different, I could relate to each character; whether it be Treva's caution, Jillian's shock, or Faith's decision. This book really blessed me with more than entertainment; it really motivated me to run no matter what! I can't wait to read the second book in this series. Kim Cash Tate is awesome!

Hard to Put Down Once You Start Reading!

I read this book with my book club. I couldn't wait for the schedule to be posted because the book is just that good! I could hardly put it down once I started. I read it in 3 evenings. I would have read it in one day if I didn't have to care for my school-aged children!;-) The characters are relatable and the story line could have easily happened. I was encouraged by the word of God throughout the story. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel.

Loved It, Again!

Though I Stumble is a beautiful novel with stories that relates to almost everyone, but that's Kim's novels for you! Whatever season in life you are in, in Kim's novels, you'll find encouragement and motivation to strenghten your relationship with our loving God. Though I Stumble is consistent in achieving this as the women realize after a transformational conference, that they need to run to win, 'in hot pursuit' of having strong faith although they sometimes fall short or stumble in the testing of their faith. This novel is a message of not giving up or throwing in the towel; that our fight is not just against flesh and blood; of believing in the wonders of God even if it is hard to accept at first glance; and though we stumble, God forgives and love us too much to leave us walking alone in the midst of it all. It's too hard not to be encouraged--real ministry lies in & between these words.

Happily Ever After

The Several friends and family members have relational issues and attend a Christian conference hoping to find answers. And they sure do! I was so drawn in by the characters and found myself rooting for each to succeed. This book has many messages for the reader and suggests a positive path to follow. I would highly recommend this book to a seeker looking for answers or a Christian. It's a joy to read.

Seamless blend of fiction & Bible study

Kim has this amazing ability to blend fiction and Biblical knowledge in a seamless way. It's like you are getting a great novel and a Bible study at the same time in the most delightful package. I'm a huge fan of her work & this book is a keeper. I love all the characters from previous books and I enjoyed following them in their ups and downs. Their lives are real and even if their faith walk is a stumble they are still walking. It is so refreshing to see lives of Godly African American women portrayed. There were a few times I wished for a little less predictability, but still a very enjoyable read.

A Faith Read

I really enjoyed the book. It showed you trials, tribulations, yet through Prayer God turned it around. It reminded you that we all fall short of the glory, but God remains the same. Faithful and keeping his promise is who God is. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Ms. Tate has outdone herself!

I stated reading while working out on the treadmill and thought I'll just read until I finish my workout! NOT SO! I could not put it down and nothing was done the rest of the day, but read! I loved the story and the characters, though, I must admit, had a hard time keeping up with who was related to whom. But the best part of Ms. Tate's writing is how she intertwines scripture. She always gets me to see the scripture in a new light......and the scripture, in this book, goes throughout the entire book. Totally enjoyed the book and am hoping and praying Ms. Tate will have another book out soon!

Great Inspiring Read

This was a very inspiring book, it lets us know that even when we feel we are the closet to God that we can still stumble and fall but as long as we get back up and fight on that with his help he will use that downfall to make us stronger. I recommend this to ladies from teens to season. Great message to us all.

I’m hooked!

I was invited to a book club and this is the book they’re reading. Since it contained over 60+ chapters, I was hoping it would be interesting. It did not disappoint. Turns out that the chapters were not very long and the story was very good. I read a sample of the second book and definitely plan to read it. The characters were so relatable. They are people dealing with the realities of life and the difficulties that we encounter. Life is hard but these characters face it and triumph over challenges through their faith. If you’re looking for a great read, check this book out!


I love Kim's books! The way she writes these stories about people with real issues, while infusing the Word of God is amazing. The characters are so relatable, it's as if you're in the book right along with them. In Though I Stumble, we see Treva from Heavenly Places, and you can see her growth in the Lord from then to now (go read that book too! :)). We also see Lance come back from Hidden Blessings. It's so cool to see the continuation of past characters' stories and see how they grow deeper in the Lord. You're in for a good laugh, maybe some happy tears, and a few good Bible studies. I don't want to say too much without giving the story away, so buy the book! You will NOT (I repeat) will NOT regret it!


This tale of love, friendship and fellowship, that will leave you seeking a God filled conference that speaks to you and about what you may be going through. I enjoyed each character and how their mates loved these women unconditionally while at the same time giving a lesson to generations behind them, which is truly remarkable in today's society. The fact that Stephanie wanted to walk away from her marriage because she felt unloved, only to have a health scare put all things back in perspective. I truly enjoyed how the cougar relationship was developed and came to fruition. The age difference was not revealed and was so subtle that you wouldn't even know it was coming because the reader is so focused on the circumstance of how they were pushed together. Truly a wonderful and inspiration read. Kudos to you Kim Cash Tate.

If I Could Give It Ten Points

I am screaming in my head and heart. I both hated and loved this book. Hated because it made me look at myself and my relationship with God. Loved because it made me look at myself and my relationship with God. Praying to run in the place I am in, knowing I WILL stumble, but GOD is holding on to me. This story examines the good, the bad, and the ugly of four relationships and how God will work if we let Him. First time reading this author, already searching for another story. Just spectacular.

Amazing Faith

I chose this rating be sure it is fitting. This book has me to reevaluate my faith in Christ for trials and tribulations i have endured. The love , trust and faith this book delivered have me sincere hope in my life. Looking forward to reading 📚 another book from Kim Cash Tate. Keep up the the good work! And continue to write in God's work.


"Sometimes the pursuit is a slow crawl. And it’s a good thing. Forward progress is a win.” When I got to this statement, I knew I would be highlighting and taking notes. I love real books with real characters! The women and the men were tripping, and nothing was resolved overnight - just like life. This book was a blessing for me, I needed this story, and the message in it. Just keep running, fast or slow - keep going. This is my first time reading this author, and I'm looking forward to reading more.


I was looking on Amazon for some new books to read for my kindle and I stumbled across this book, so I instantly downloaded it and started reading it. I definitely don't regret it because Kimberly Cash Tate tells a true story about how God works in our lives and also about faith. I enjoy reading books that has teaching in it and something I can relate to along the way.

Right on time

If you’re at a point in your life and you feel like God doesn’t hear your prayers this book will definitely give you the words of encouragement you need. Although our stories are different the message can be applied to many different situations. So glad I read this book as it definitely gave me the push I needed to get through.

The book you want to give to all your friends!

I love the Promises of God series! It includes three novels that delve into the hearts and lives of a set of friends and family who journey through the ups and downs of this fallen world with faith. Each novel contains beautiful, redemptive, contemporary stories with relatable people of color. Girlfriends and sisters pray for one another, hold each other accountable, and encourage each other to persevere. The men featured in her books are not afraid to show their vulnerabilities yet remain strong. Faithful Bible teachers and pastors make a difference in the lives of the characters. The believers in her stories know how to have a good time--playing spades, talking trash, enjoying fellowship over meals and at conferences. She even weaved in some old school New Edition! I had to stop reading for a bit to dance through my NE playlist. You will not be able to put these books down!


This is an excellent read! I happily recommend this book to anyone who has had a love that died. God is able to restore & give you so much greater..when you believe Him for it! Past mistakes does NOT pose a challenge for God. He intricately takes those mistakes and use them as a powerful testimony to bless many. Great job Kim Cash Tate!! I finished this book with a grateful heart in tow to God. I am already looking forward to feeding my faith with many more of your novels. What a God-inspired read...thank you a quadrillion times over:-)


I was looking for a book to enjoy for me-time. This was perfect. It offered encouragement, realness, relatable characters, laughter, love and family. I found myself making time to read because I enjoyed it that much. Not my usual book. I would recommend this book to anyone who would enjoy curling up with their favorite drink and a good read, anyone who enjoys inspiration, encouragement, family, hope, joy, and love. The book ministers without being preachy. Beautifully written. Off to start the next book in the series.

Stumble on this great book!

This was a great book! I found myself saying I’m going to read just one more chapter over and over again because it was so good I didn’t want to put it down. I recommend this book to anyone that is going through something in life and think that God has forgot you this book will help you to understand he is alway there. It’s definitely a Christian book with real life situation. After reading this book it help me in my daily living that’s why I gave it 5 stars!

I really enjoyed this authors other books and this one was similar

I really enjoyed this authors other books and this one was similar. It held shades of the "Yada Yada" books from the past, and gave me a lot of things to think about. Almost everyone in the book was struggling in some way. The one perspective I wish would have been given is that emotional abandonment and even virtual adultery are not always so easily overcome. But it had good points in many ways about healing, strength and looking for ways to keep yourself strong. Even though this was book 1 in this series, I am glad I read other books by her about some of the same characters. I would have been lost otherwise.

Stunning Reads! I Can't get enough!

I CANNOT get enough of Kim Cash Tate's books. I just read Though I Stumble, and now this one and I am in love!! She is so descriptive, and the story lines flow so well, and there's just the right amount of suspense, I feel like I am watching a movie!- plus anyone who knows me knows there is nothing happening in my life that God isn't in, so to have stories of redemption and salvation and healing and this whole Christian vibe mixed in is the absolute best! I really hope this is not the end of these kind of books for her, and I hope that some Christian production company decides to turn these two into movies!

Kim Cash Tate does it again!

What a great book on so many levels! If this is your first book by Kim Cash Tate, feel free to start reading and then go back to catch up on the characters' stories. If you've read all her books, this is a great reunion with most of the main characters from "Heavenly Places", "Faithful", "Cherished", and "Hope Springs". I love those books, so seeing what happened to these old friends was great. Add to that the stories of four women, each at a different place in her life, so almost every woman can relate to one or another of them. Add to that great spiritual lessons...the only thing I would change about this book is make it longer!

Though I Stumble

What a beautiful God filled book! I could hardly put it down! Ordering book 2 right away! God is all in this book along with struggles, faith, love, hurt and pain. But through it all, God is victorious in these characters. It made me look at some things in my own life differently. To God be the glory!

Loved it!

I chose this book because I'm wanted a different flavor from what I had been reading. Most of the books I was reading previously felt heavy. This book was a joy to read. The characters were very relatable and the storyline was easy to follow. The book embodied scriptures, humor and life lessons. The book would be a great addition to a book club or individual reading. I highly recommend this book!

Praise God.

I asked my book club to read this book. Everyone in the club love this book and we actually talked about it. We love that the lady came together to go conference. They all needed this whether they knew it or not. The mother-daughter relationship came out strong.. One person marriage was strength and issues talked about. The single lady found something she needed. The readers of this book will also get something out of reading this book. We are looking forward to reading the next.

Real Life

This is a great book. It has all the elements a good book should have. It made me want to continue reading and not put the book down. I like happy endings. Each woman had her own unique problems. Each situation looked like their problems could not be resolved. On their own each woman learned that without the Lord playing an active role in her life, her unique problem could not be solved. On their own nothing is possible. With the Lord all things are possible.

This book was fulfilling on so many levels!

It articulated well how we struggle in relationships from both the individual and collectively as couples. It covered mistakes and how God's Grace and Power can heal, set free and deliver. The romance and forgiveness in this book captivated me. I saw myself in some of the characters and there were plenty of tears. The messages have of the power of prayer and being transparent in relationships, forgiveness, perseverance during the struggle and knowing that God's love never fails we're powerful and ministered to me. Thank you for sharing your gift and for being in position to be used by God Kim Cash Tate! I'm looking forward to reading more from you!

God Is Good!

I was going through a difficult time when I started reading this book. It took me so long to get started because of my issues and anxieties. But the more I read , I knew it was meant for me to read it. I feel like I've been to a Hot Pursuit conference. Thank you for restoring my faith and giving me what I needed! I will not fall!

Excellent writing

Kim cash Tate is an excellent writer and while the books are fiction they are filled with a lot of ministry. This is the next installment of the "Promises of God series" and once again she does not disappoint. Her writing is very realistic and draws the reader in, she has very many different scenarios in this book that anybody can relate to. It is a good book to read in a group as well so I would also recommend it as a book club selection. While you can read it on its own I recommend that you start from the beginning with "Though I Stumble" .

Great Read

Loved the characters reminded me of my friends when attending Women conferences. I loved how the author brought out how as Christian women should seek God in every situations her of life also loved the male characters . Pastor Lance is every single Christian women desire from God . This novel was all sort the read

I just re-read it and its still good

I just reread this book and I could barely put it down. I appreciated the way that Kim Cash Tate had a number of characters that we followed throughout the book, but was able to make use feel like we knew enough about each character and could related. to them and their feelings at any given moment. I literally wish I had a video of the conference that the characters attended in the book, it was that good! Well done!


Man, I couldn't put this book down! It was so well written and so realistic. The more I read, the more my desire grew for more. Thank you for this book. Not only was it entertaining, but it has challenged my faith to soar higher and my heart to run "this race" with diligence. It also reminds me of the power of prayer, the power of agreement and the faithfulness of God.

Love it from cover to close.

I loved Though I Stumbled so much. There are rich characters and a full story. It pulls you in with its realness, and weaves in beautiful spiritual themes. I laughed, cried, and rejoiced as I read. It’s a fiction story, but you can really love these characters. It’s fiction, but there are many spiritual lessons to apply to your own life. I pray the next book in the series is as good.


I chose this book for my book club and I am pleased that I did. The characters are so real, their stories so relatable, their struggles so familiar. At the beginning I had a hard time with who was related to whom, lol but it became clear as I read more and more. I’m sure we will be reading all of Mrs. Tate’s books!


I enjoyed this latest offering by Ms. Cash Tate - and am thrilled that she has resumed writing fictional novels. I love the ability that Ms. Cash Tate has to create storylines that share the beauty and spirit of God without the reader even realizing that they are on a spiritual journey. Each of the main characters in "Though I Stumble" dealt with their own share of heartaches, pain and personal crises. But God's grace, mercy and unmerited favor caused them to emerge from their personal circumstances as more than conquerors. If you're looking to be encouraged and entertained, pick this one up. You will not be disappointed. I started reading this book on last night and could not put it down. I cannot wait for the next book!


An eye-heart-soul opener. What a beautiful, powerful, yet tender story with faith in the Lord God as the nucleus. I learned to keep running the race, to keep fighting the fight, and not give up despite the circumstances in life. This story depicted hardships, which kept it real for me. Life isn't easy, but Though I Stumble, there is still hope. Thank you Kim Cash Tate for this book. My heart. . thanks you.

Favorite characters

It's so nice to catch up with the ladies in this story again. I feel like I've always known them. I love it when a book can make me feel comfortable and yet challenged at the same time. Even though the characters are fictional, they deal with very real problems.....yet they serve a very real God. I would encourage everyone who reads this story to go back and read everything by this author. All good!

Great Book!

I loved this book! I love how the love of God shined through their lives whether they were on the mountain top or going through a valley. The book is very well written and I loved the characters. I look forward to reading more books in this series.

I couldn’t put it down

I loved this book so much. Each character was relatable and the stories felt very real. I love how the author brought everything back to God and showed the struggles between the characters flesh and the Holy Spirit. She obviously has a very real relationship with God. I laughed, I cried and went on every roller coaster with these ladies. I felt myself rooting for them to win and for God to answer their prayers. I can’t say enough about this book. I can’t wait to read the other books in the series!

In Hot Pursuit

I enjoy reading the familiar and this book was filled with all the things conferences entail. It surely caused me to evaluate the level of my pursuit.....and I realized no matter how long I'm still in hot pursuit of Christ!!!! I especially enjoyed the forming of new friendships and Stephanie's path to purpose. I would recommend this book to those who have been in the women's conference atmosphere as they would have visuals throughout. I would also gift this to that college aged female who started with a hot pursuit but waxed cold after sin. There is something to truly gain!!

YESSS....Get your copy now!!!

My first book read by Kim Cash Tate...I am so glad I picked it up! I LOVE this authors writing style and the passion and inspiration put into her writing. I plan to read all of her books and these characters make me feel like family. I get lost in lives of all of them and when the book is over, I am wanting more and see what is going on next. I am finding my love and favorite characters that I will go back and read the stories that lead up to where they are in Though I Stumble. But a GREAT, GREAT book to read and enjoy. You won't be sorry you grabbed this...

Could not put down this book!

One of the best books I’ve ever read! It was captivating. From the beginning of the book, you knew God was at work in the lives of each character. Ms Tate, the way you wove all of this together was beautiful! I felt a kinship to each character. I challenged myself to read a hundred books by December 2020. I started in August of 2019. I’m at book 62, after this one. This is the first time that I’ve read one of your books. Looking forward to reading more! I love your writing. God bless you for sharing your gift.

Rollercoaster Exciting

Though I stumble has some amazing lessons on growing up in our relationship with God. You can't ever predict what He wants batter then He can show you! I was blessed in so many ways by this novel. Kim Cash Tate always delivers an exciting story filled with God's love. She doesn't tell stories about Jesus. She tells stories with Jesus!

This is how a book should be written.

Wow! What talented author with a true god-focus and a gift to engage. You can tell that she enjoyed writing this book and told a story with the expressed intention to minister as much as she wanted to entertain. The characters are well developed and truly believable. The overall plot is well thought out and the the smaller themes all made sense to develop the bigger picture. Every last detail in this book seemed absolutely intentional. That's as much as I can say without giving away what happened. Off to the next one now.

Second Chances!!

I don't even know where to begin. This book was so amazing for anyone going through challenges in life. As a married woman just returning from a marriage retreat it resonated with so many of the discussions from the retreat. The characters were well written. It is a great read for couples, single women and anyone who maybe struggling with their faith. I hated for it to end because I was so caught up in it. I will be searching for more books from this Author.


This was an awesome Christian book! It started out slow, but after you got into the characters it kept your interest. The lesson learned was to never give up. If you stumble, God will be your strength to run. Love of God, faith and prayer will be your fuel. Believe and never give up, just get up when you stumble.

Get ready to be challenged spiritually and entertained romantically

this is the best of the set, but they were all great reads. Reading her books gave me hope, but also challenged me to look deeper spiritually. A few "typical " romance novel storylines, but overall I highly recommend this book.

Pure entertainment and excitement for the heart

I opened this book expecting a great read. I'm a fan of Kim Cash Tate's work. But I was blown away by the extent to which this story ministered to me, how it spoke to my heart, even as it entertained me. Ms. Tate has a gift in that area, in putting on paper, through the hearts, minds, and words of her characters, what God has so obviously placed in her. Her spiritual passion spills off the pages. I was blessed.

Though we All Stumble sometimes & Fall We Get Back Up

Love reading this book .! It showed you the struggles of each person & how they came through it leaning on God and their Faith not to give up. Even when times looked hopeless..some where deep down inside they still believed All things work together for those who Love the Lord!!!

Great read!

I love anything written well , captures the reader, and that glorifies the Lord. This book enhanced my own faith. I would love to be enveloped in a circle of real people who simply love the Lord as the characters did. They weren't perfect people but people committed to their journey of Christianity.

Relationships Take Work

The beauty of this book lies in the real life lessons hidden in the story. I so appreciate this fictionalized glimpse inside of Christian marriages. Marriage is a commitment and a journey, but we often assume that what we see on the outside is what is really going on. The lessons of forgiveness and perseverance coupled with the importance of friendship and family are good takeaways which will be applicable long after the last page is turned.


I absolutely loved this story! At first I was getting the characters mixed up but quickly got them straight. So many different dynamics and straight from the heart conversations that I was hard pressed to put it down. I don’t like to talk about what is was about because I’ll give away too much. If you’ve ever read any of Kim’s books, you know it’s going to be good!!!

Easy engaging read

I appreciate Kim's heart! Though I Stumble intersects real life with the truth of God's Word in real life. Life is messy and hard and Jesus is worth pursuing in the midst.

First time in Years

I have read a book that has kept my interest. The characters and friends are close to God and each other through everything. Prayer and faith most important in running the race towards God Jesus Holy Spirit


I loved the length of the chapters and the fact that as soon as I completed one I just had to go on to the other, for me it was like eating Pringles I could not stop at one. I read all sixty chapters in less than two days I just could not out my tablet down. I got to the lady chapter and was like, "I can't believe it's done." Feel like I know the characters personally. For me, well written, simple and realistic.


I rarely write a review but this book was so good I had to share. I chose this book because of the great reviews it received and I was not disappointed. Often during the ministry sessions, I truly felt like I was there; they were genuine and authentic. At first I was concerned about the length (usually longer books don't hold my attention), but it was an easy read and I didn't want it to end. I selected this for my book club (Arise!) and they equally enjoyed this book. I have already purchased the next two. Ms. Tate will be a new author to Arise's reading list.

Kim Cash Tate Never Disappoints

I loved this book! Kim is a gifted writer and storyteller. Wherever you are in your life, you will relate to the characters. Real issues. Real life. You will feel like you are walking with them and learning along with them. You will laugh, cry, be convicted, gain wisdom and be encouraged. Kim's writing always points you towards God. You will see God's faithfulness and love. If you want to keep running, I highly recommend that you read all of her books. You will be blessed!


I didn't want it to end. Wonderful! Spectacular! Inspiring! Truthful! I'm so glad to know Lance got a second chance at love because I was truly heartbroken when Kendra died. The conference was a blessing to me because it reminded me that progress is progress. One day won't mirror another day but keeping my focus on Jesus will get me through. Amazing job.

Love this book!

I usually shy away from predictable fiction, but I was pleasantly surprised and impressed with the story and the message. And I can’t wait to start the next book. I feel like I know these characters!

Good Read

I chose to read this book during my summer vacation. I enjoyed the believable characters, plot, sub-plot and how the author uses scriptures throughout the text to support the internal messages. My favorite character is Faith because I too have felt I have made life-changing decisions that kept me from my relationship with God. Easy to read and relatable book.

Promises Though Stumbling

A realistic and warm portrayal of life and emotions while on the journey called life. There was such details about each character that it was initially difficult to remember who was connected to whom and in what relationships. Even though the reader could anticipate how a situation might’ve gone, the stumbles along the way still lead to surprises. This was clean Christian romance that I can suggest to my young teenage granddaughter without fear of detailed inappropriate sexual content. I look forward to reading books two and three in this series.


Great book club read and lends to a good discussion. Each Women was phenomenal in her own right and every reader should be able to relate to somebody's character. You won't be disappointed!!!

Loved it!

This book blew me away. I'd have to admit that it's the longest book I've read in a while, but it was very well written. The author left no detail uncovered. The best thing about this book is that it will have the reader assessing their prayer life and that's exactly what we need in Christian fiction. I do believe she has become a favorite and I look forward to reading more of her work.

Prayer is Followed by Grace

The characters became my friends and I was cheering for them. I wanted to tell them to pray and hang in there because God can heal their brokenness. I could hear the author’s voice (I have listened to her on YouTube while walking) as she reminded me of God’s faithfulness, grace, and ability to work out my troubles when I pray to him. Thank you Ms Kim.

God Centered Family Love

I loved this book! Very real and hopeful...very revealing into family and relationships with the ups and downs they face, but realizing the need for Gods love and presence to prevail in the midst. We will all have trials and tribulations, but need God to see us through. Family and perseverance resonate from the beginning to the very end. A little predictable, at times, but well-written!

I enjoyed it

I almost cried a couple times reading this book. It had like a saved type of Waiting yo exhale type of vibe. I liked it and I’m interested in reading more from this author.

Awesome read

This book spoke to me in so many areas of my life and journey doing this season. It has allow me to see areas of lack, strength and subtle endurance. I highly recommend this book.

Heartfelt, filled with life lessons, amazing read!!

I chose this book because I was really looking for a story with characters that didn't seem too far fetched...this was the perfect choice for me!! As I read, the characters the situations came to life...I love that!!! This is my first read from this author and I definitely look forward to more from her....Kim Cash Tate, awesome work!!! You definitely left me wanting more :) PS:I've already downloaded and am deep into the continuation..looking forward to what's next for Treva, Faith, Jillian, and Stephanie!!

Couldn't out it down!

I really enjoyed this book. I literally could not put it down. The only reason I didn't give five stars was because I thought the ending was rushed. I wouldn't have minded 50 more pages.😊

Such A Inspiration Is This Book!

I really don't know what I expected to get from this book, but what I got was more than I could ever imagine. I am in the process of trying to have a more personal walk with GOD and this book just really brought it home for me. I literally could not stop reading. I was so hungry to see how GOD would move in the lives of these women. It brought me to tears a few times throughout the book, but it was just so touching and inspirational. Thank you for such an awesome book.

Another great read

I've been a fan of Kim Cash Tate's work since her very first novel, Heavenly Places, which is one of my all time favorite books. I've yet to be disappointed with any book Kim has written and this one is no exception. I read it so fast because it was so good. I need to read it again and savor it and take notes of the wonderful messages that are given in this book. The messages are timely and very inspiring. Readers will not be disappointed.


This book was EVERYTHING. Proves that Christian Fiction can still pull you in and make you think. I found myself praying with the characters like they were real. Very inspiring.

A downtime Summer read

I read this book to offset spending too much time watching tv and movies. Plus the price was worth the time it took me to read the book in its entirety. Overall, it just reminded me that I am a hopeless romantic. (ltm)


I struggled to get into this book! There were too many story lines and characters to remember. It felt like I needed to have read the author's previous books for "Though I Stumble" to be an easier read!!! Overall a lovely God centred story that is well written. It would have been a lot easier to read "Though I Stumble" if there were not so many story lines and characters.

I never leave reviews anti- social, reclusive set-apart in a good and bad way (hypocrite) Fighting Me Myself and I all day long

I never leave reviews anti- social, reclusive set-apart in a good and bad way (hypocrite) Fighting Me Myself and I all day long it's exhausting and overwhelming. The Lord put this book in my life right now. Even though I felt like there was no one physically in my life I could talk to. And I KNEW Yashua is my confidant. And the story how Jillian wanted Tommy to be her person to vent to, touched me. Because I only had one friend for moral support that I believed understood me. But we stopped being friends, it was my decision. I just wanted more from the adults that I kept close to me. He didn't have a spiritual relationship with Yahovah a great heart though. And I felt alone no one to vent to. And I started reading more even though I love to read. I read more uplifting books, not knowing this one would take me in the way it did. As I read Stephanie wanted to do wrong but the Lord was loud in her ear she didn't want to pray at a time of ferocious pain and hurt, and heartache (ME!). I was reading and had to stop and pray over my Bible, and let the the Lord show me comfort in what he lead me to read. He lead me to Psalms chapter 27. And it hurt and helped all the same because I would say I'll read the Bible Lord soon as I finish this or that but can read all day on Kindle. I thank the Lord for sending you my way through your book of inspiration. It's so amazing because the book was based in my hometown and I had not heard of you before to say let me check this St Louis author out. He led this book to me to tell me to not give up because sometimes it's just me and him. I would recommend this book to anyone who would listen to touch a soul or to bring a soul closer to the Lord is better than anything it makes your heart breathe (you wrote it so you know what I mean). But my mother and my friend, both come to mind instantly. So I pray to be able to txt it to them eventually.

There's support in numbers!

This book is a quick read. It will keep you captivated from one chapter to the next. We all may have experienced some situation in the book at some time. But don't take my word for it. Pick up a copy for yourself and i propose you'll be hooked just like i was! Bon appetite!

I absolutely loved!

I loved the real issues and each character. The book held my interest and spoke to my heart. Although I am a single woman I learned from each couple. I loved the messages from the women's conference, made me want to attend for real.

Great read!

This was my first time reading anything from this author but it will definitely not be my last. I could relate to several of characters and the trying of their faith. This book was written in a way that I could actually feel what each person was going through. It is good to know that though I sometimes stumble I have a patient loving Father who will gladly pick me up. Wonderful book Kim. Blessings

Great book

I loved this book. It had everything and gave me hope. I loved all the different kind of lifestyles and what they went through. I like how they held on to God through it all and He blessed them.


I really enjoyed this book. When I saw the title, I was curious as to what it was about. Once I started reading, my curiosity turned into interest and and I became a part of each character. I was riveted and could not put it down until finished. Great reading, I would recommend to all readers.

An Amazing Good Read

This Christian book shares some one the real life mishaps along the way. Jesus shows us that He still lives and we can face tomorrow with Him!


It was an excellent storyline that kept my attention and reminded me of the greatness of God. Ready to read the next book in the series.

Reading this blessed my soul

It spoke to my current season as well as my hurts from childhood. It couldn’t have been a more timely read. It speaks to faith and God’s power if you believe and not doubt even when you don’t understand just trust Him. And yes, on this journey expect to stumble but don’t think the stumbling isn’t apart of His Plan...

Can I get an amen?

This is the phrase that comes to mind whenever I read Mrs. Kim's books. There are so many "Amen" moments. Moments that make you want to shout and moments that reach to the deep and crusty places in your soul. Though I Stumble is no different. It's such a great story, or rather stories, because there are a few different plot lines. But they tie together wonderfully through the crafting of Mrs. Kim's pen. Definitely recommend. Great read and I can't wait to continue with the series!

Feeling blessed to have found this awesome read

This book has really allowed me to see myself and many past and present circumstances the way God sees them. I'm feeling encouraged and better equipped to run this race "In Hot Pursuit", no longer in my own strength. I'm starting the next book of this series immediately! I can't wait to continue hearing what God says to me through Kim Cash Tate.

Yes, we all stumble

Great read! Thank you Kim for your words honoring God in so many ways throughout this book. I’m looking forward to reading the series.

Intense, Intriguing & So Realistic

Very good book for a wide age range. Real life, good, bad & ugly, with excellent basic teaching. Wish there were more of such on the market. I will probably read more or Kim Cash Tate's writings. I stopped at 4 stars only because I sometimes got so involved in the setting or characters, I didn't want to leave that so quickly for the next chapter and setting. I wanted more there! : ) Is intense and intriguing!.!

Relatable and Encouraging

This was my first book of Kim’s. I’ve read it twice since buying it December of last year. I thoroughly enjoy how the characters are not what I call sanitized. They have real problems and reactions. I also like how they are encouraged to apply the Bible in their lives and grow. The conference messages had me shouting! Lol I recommend this book and the second book in the series.

Realistic and relevant.

Fascinating book. Intriguing characters. I could barely put it down. Read it in 2 days. Couldn't wait to finish it and then when I did I was sorry it was all over!


Well written book. I look forward reading more from this author. The pains and struggles with life are captured well.


The book was and is very helpful, because it gives different insight into all aspects of what can be going on with you or a friend it's very relatable. I have now purchased another to read and I was not aware of the characters are the's about their sister Kelli so I'm in chapter 4 and it is already God


At first I thought there were too many characters in this book. But I love how Tate brought them all together. It's a wonderful story.

A bit predictable, yet absolutely perfect!

Kim Cash Tate can tell a story honey! She had me on the edge of the pages trying to see how things would unfold for these characters I grew to know and like so much! The banter and relationships between the women was so real, sounded just like my girls and me. And their similar struggles with faith and life left me with hope. Totally recommend for a quick, enjoyable read!

Wow.....a Roller coaster ride

I Loved the entire women's bible conference theme. And the support of the sisters and family and friends, God place in our lives...when we really need them the most. I look forward to reading more about this family's journey...Love is in the air!

A very good book

I loved the story and how it referenced the title. The characters were a little hard to keep up with at first but once you got acquainted with them it was on then. I will recommend to all my friends. We like this kind of stuff. A story you can relate too. This was my first time reading a book by Kim but it won't be my last. Great Job!!!!


I completed this book in one evening. Easy to read and deals with issues that most of us have dealt with or may be dealing with now. I loved that the author showed that surrounding ourselves with Godly friends, praying for each other and lifting each other up is key in overcoming!

"Though I Stumble" was truly worth the wait!!!!

Because I am a huge Kim Cash Tate fan, I've been IMpatiently awaiting the release of another project of hers. But when I say "Though I Stumble" was absolutely worth the wait...I am not exaggerating! I will be leading our book review of this book at our Women's Retreat in February and I cannot wait to discuss with the ladies! Although I've already read all her previous books, this book makes me want to go back and read them all again. I absolutely love how she brought all of the characters together and they all ministered to each other through their testimonies. I'm still in awe of her gift! Thank you, thank you, thank you Kim!!! I'm in Hot Pursuit and I am so grateful to know that "Though I stumble...I will NOT fall." Please do not delay...get the book today!!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

"Good Read for a Relaxing Vacation!"

It was an interesting lightly romantic book that revolves around the Christian faith and how living a Christian life does not protect you from sadness or hardship. Instead, the book encourages readers to push through, do the work, and rest on faith to endure hard times while also being able to savor the good times. It was funny, light-hearted, but ultimately predictable.

Been a fan for a few years now and I am NEVER disappointed. I am always encouraged

What can I say?? Kim Cash Tate does it again! Not typically a fan of Christian Fiction, but Kim's writing and storytelling is in a league all by itself! Been a fan for a few years now and I am NEVER disappointed. I am always encouraged, convicted, and motivated to chase God like never before after reading her work.

Amazing and genuine

If you're looking to get lost in an inspiring, emotionally-authentic, and, at times, comedic novel, then this is it! I was searching for a Christian novel, sans the cheesy, word-stretched narration. This book hit it! The lessons undergird the plot with truth and a reminder of God's mercy. Excellent read that I enjoyed in one sitting.

Good book!

A page turner. This story was a great story that could be anyone's story from marriage problems, to pregnancy, to triumph. Love conquers all!!

Awesome book

This book shows the different levels of faith in God in these relationships. It helped me when I'm discouraged and helped believe God can send man to love me.

I fell in love with this book

This book challenged my own walk with God. It tested me in many ways. Am i pursuit of God. Do i understand his plan for my walk. Am i seeking God how i should be. After reading this book i wanted to be in hot pursuit. The author bought these characters to life in my life. I identified with every single character. I laughed and i cried. The experience you will get from reading this book with truly bless you. I have some work to do in my spiritual life.

ThougH I Stumble

This book was chosen by our church book club. I enjoyed the book, it touched on some personal issues that I've experienced in my life. God will truly fix things if we would turn them over to him and get out of his way. Trust in him and his timing always.

Love love love

I read this entire book in one day. Didn't wash clothes, didn't cook dinner. This book came right on time. I loved everything about it. Especially God.

A Great Read

I really enjoyed this book. The author covered a range of issues that many people may have experienced, young and old, and how the problems were resolved was encouraging and inspiring. The attention to detail of the characters and scenes and the flow of the story was great. I was entertained and encouraged, and I look forward to reading the second book of the series.


This book covered every avenue of love/hate relationships. It gives you hope. It proves, all things are possible with GOD as your guide. Enjoyed.


All things are possible through Christ. The power of prayer and prevailing in spite of all situations and circumstances is a strong message throughout this book. God will also allow us to love "again". Amen


I loved this book. I recommend this book to the woman struggling in her marriage, or the young adult who finds herself at a crossroad or just anyone who wants to know what it means to be in hot pursuit of God. I read this with my book club, each story was inspiring. I love how it all fell a part to come together- just like God to use our mess for good.

I love ALL her books

Kim Cash Tate has done it again. She writes the most compelling storylines. I loved each of the women and felt that I knew them. Lots of good stuff here about pursuing God and running the good race. I highly recommend.

Unconditional Love

This novel was so profound in every aspect of characterization, content, and details. The discussions brought not only years and conviction, but hope and peace to my chaotic life. I am blessed to have read this novel. Totally Awesome words of wisdom from Kim Cash Tate. Please write more about the characters lives in art 2!!!

Read this with your Bookclub or your girlfriends! It’s a high either way!

Kim Cash Tate does a wonderful job of capturing the lives of so many characters. You are bound to find your self in one of them. If your looking for a book that has a great balance of God and “real life struggles”, this is it! I chose a five star rating because of the character development mostly. I felt that any one of these characters could have been my friend, sister, aunt, or cousin.

God can bless mess!

It was s little slow in beginning, but it picked up fast. I love how the married couples over came their problems.I can't wait to see how faith & Jesse handle being parents. I loved how it showed that God can even bless and turn our mess around for our good . I hope to see more of Tommy on the next book.

First book I have read by Kim Cash Tate

This Book touched on so many real life situations, relationships, faith, marriage, doubt and forgiveness...It was touching...I have never cried so much while reading one book...looking forward to reading more of your work...

True life in Christ!

This book keeps it real! Life in Christ is not always easy and walking in the Spirit when life is beating you up can make even the strongest of us stumble. Thank you and God bless this author for showing us that it’s not your ability to stand but your ability to get up after you fallen or been kicked. LOVE LOVE LOVE this book


Great book. Reminds you about the power of pray what it has done in your life and what it can continue to do.

Believable characters; great story!

I really enjoyed this book. The characters were so realistic and you really got to know them. The story very believable with events I could relate to. I can't wait to read the next book in the series!

Great Read!

Loved this book! It was filled with passion, pain, heartbreak, love, but most of all the goodness of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ

The prayers of the righteous are powerful!

May the Lord bless you, Kim Cash Tate. Every book I have read of yours has ministered to my soul. It is nothing like God's people coming together and praying. Cyd, Stephanie, Treva, Jillian, and Faith shows us the importance of family and friends along with support, encouragement and prayers - we can run on!

Stumbling but getting back up!

I really enjoyed reading this book! It was such profound messages in each character 's stories. I loved Treva and Lance and their whirlwind romance! The couple's who had marital struggles overcame and Faith and Jesse came a long way. Overall a great read Kim Cash Tate! I will be reading more by this author!


Loved the message that ehile i may stumble and feel lost, God is always close by. The women in the story represented the different ways in which we stumble and how we can recover thru Gods grace.


This book challenged me to question if I truly cling to God when I am stressed.. Do I vent to others or do I vent to God and wait on his answer and guidance. Kim Cash Tate has done a brilliant job again of having you examine yourself.

Though I Stumble exemplifies God's redeeming nature through four expertly ...

Though I Stumble exemplifies God's redeeming nature through four expertly weaved story lines. Its characters are so well-developed that you feel as if you knew them personally. Their stories of pain, glory, stumbling, and triumph are familiar. Yet, Kim Cash Tate's narration is fresh and nuanced. I was thoroughly entertained and inspired; couldn't put it down!

Still maintaining my pace for a good run.

Exceptional author of a series of book that seem to written exactly from my heart of the love of GOD from a newly determined woman of God.Trial,downfalls,hope,and determination to endure the rest of the run.

Though I stumble

It was a good book with no real drama. The problems they faced seemed to be resolved really fast with not much detail about the resolution. The struggles could have had more details that would help others going through the same struggle.


This story is about running your race through all the twist & turns, stops & starts and looking to the Lord for his strength! Kim Cash Tate is an amazing writer who brings characters and situations to life with her words. Treva & Lance's journey with inspire and challenge you to be in hot pursuit of the Lord! Enjoy!!

A Must Read by All!

A read that will cause the Holy Spirit to sit with you! I read this book in 1.5 days. It made me laugh cry, lose my patience, and learn the importance of patience and love. A must read by all!

Great read!

This book came across my path when I was a little distracted by the cares of life. But it has gotten me back on track thanks Holy Spirit and thanks Mrs. Tate I'm back in the race in it to win it! Pressing for the mark pushing pass my past...

Excellent Read

I enjoyed how each character supported one another without being judgmental. This book is about having faith with a lot of hope with plenty of joyous days ahead. Yes I would recommend this book 🤗

Soul searching

Excellent! Could not out the book down. Very thought provoking for any Christian woman. Very believable and tender. A must read

Oh. My. Gosh.

I've been waiting a looooong time for a new novel from Kim Cash Tate and she and God did not disappoint! She brought characters together from her books, she ministered on marriage, and her love of the Lord and His Word shined throughout! At one point in the book regarding marriage I would have sworn she'd been in my house. You will truly be blessed from this book, it surpassed my expectations!

Ready for the next one...

Saying that I have been waiting for the release of this book since the author published her last book would not be an understatement. I have always thoroughly enjoyed Kim Cash Tate's ability to convey the humanity of her characters in the reality of their circumstances. This book was no different. The trials faced by each of the characters were significant; they provided us with points of reflection on choices made in our own lives, reassurance that the struggles we have endured aren’t an anomaly, and a different perspective to consider the next time we find ourselves in similar situations. These characters are now our friends…people we hope to meet in our next bible study, or maybe even people we would like to become. Hope, Faith and Love…Though I Stumble provided us with all three. I could relate to each of these characters and their journey towards maturity in Christ. This book was easy to read, with characters to whom I could relate, and practical, biblical responses and correction. I loved it!

True Characters

This was a great book. If I had one complaint it would be that I had to keep up with a lot of characters. By the end of the boo, I could remember each one but in the beginning, it was hard for me initially. The book had real life situations and you couldn’t figure out the outcome. I will definitely read more of her books.


Best Christian novel I remember reading. Jesus was lifted up. Characters were real. If you are not a Christian but like romance you should still enjoy this. If you are a Christian this will exceed your expectations. Going to buy next book in series. Author has done excellent job.

I really enjoyed how they prayed throughout the book. Touching moving.

A good Christmas novel that touches. Praying when it's so difficult to do I laughed and I cried. The endings are not predictable.

All of the feels!

Loved it! Finished in two days. Loved the relationships and the themes. Can’t wait to read more by this author!

Great Read

This book kept my attention to the very end. The characters felt like close friends and made me want the best for their relationship. The ending was not what I imagined which made it very special for me.

I love the way each person was able support someone else

This book hit close to home. I can see myself in so many of the characters. I love the way each person was able support someone else, even though their lives weren't perfect. If only we were our sisters' keepers in real life.

Great read, insightful, Biblically sound!

Thoroughly enjoyed the book. Storyline was interesting and the characters were deep And easy to relate to. Hard to put the book down.

What a heart warming story. Have faith and anything ...

What a heart warming story. Have faith and anything is possible. I can't wait to get into the second book.

Tho you go through pains, the sun will shine again!

Read this book with a group of ladies in a book club and I must say it resonated to many of us in many ways, easy to read and relate. A great read!

Great book to read

Love this book. Very interesting and captivating. This was a read for my book club. Great book to have discussion on. I love that it included discussion questions in the back. Currently reading book 2 of the series but have ordered all 3.

Beautiful Love Story

I loved how all the stories intertwined, the life lessons, and friendships. It’s a Christian love story with hope and growth.

Read this AMAZING book over the holidays

Read this AMAZING book over the holidays. Really was not looking for a book, but GLAD I came across it or maybe the sprite knew that I need to read this book. This was my first book by this author but have already purchased another one! The book was an easy read making it hard to put down at times. Also there were lessons in which you can take away and use in your daily life. GREAT READ!


As always Kim Cash Tate does not disappoint. This story touches on everyday real life issues. I became attached to the characters in this story. The overall theme of this story is to stay in the race even when it's hard and you want to give up. This is a must read!

How God was glorified and the reader (me) edified

Love the story and how Scriptures we’re applied and used correctly.

Loved it. I love the atada Yada prayer book ...

Loved it . I love the Yada Yada prayer book series and was longing for a similar type of book. This really it ! Love learning and growing my faith through characters and their stories .

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