Think and Grow Rich

Kindle Edition
09 Jul
The most famous of all teachers of success spent a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort to produce the Law of Success philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized and explained for the general public in this book.

In Think and Grow Rich, Hill draws on stories of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of his generation to illustrate his principles. This book will teach you the secrets that could bring you a fortune. It will show you not only what to do but how to do it. Once you learn and apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success.

Money and material things are essential for freedom of body and mind, but there are some who will feel that the greatest of all riches can be evaluated only in terms of lasting friendships, loving family relationships, understanding between business associates, and introspective harmony which brings one true peace of mind! All who read, understand, and apply this philosophy will be better prepared to attract and enjoy these spiritual values.

BE PREPARED! When you expose yourself to the influence of this philosophy, you may experience a CHANGED LIFE which can help you negotiate your way through life with harmony and understanding and prepare you for the accumulation of abundant material riches.

Reviews (202)

Skip this book

If you're looking for an edge in your pursuit of success, skip this book. 20 years ago I bought this book and it's ideas hook, line and sinker; however, after spending two decades on application it's apparent that the principles in this book are mostly nonsense. I am only going to take the time to highlight two pieces of misinformation in this book: visualization, and "the secret." This book touts visualizing your goals as a method to speed up/ensure attainment. Research shows that the opposite is true. Visualizing your goals and imagining how it would feel to have achieved them has been show to consistently reduce drive and motivation. This book is full of misinformation like this, that if diligently applied will be counterproductive. There is "the secret" alluded to in this book, and the subject of a nonsense DVD and book by the same title. The most important warning that I can give someone younger, after 20 years of time wasted looking for secrets is this: the only free cheese is in a mouse trap. Secrets to success do NOT exist. Time spent looking for "secrets" or applying them is time that could be invested in getting better at the fundamentals of whatever arena you are in. One of the most basic examples would be personal finance: the only people getting rich off the "secrets of wealth" are the people selling those "secrets." Ultimately there are just a handful of things that matter in personal finance - get out of debt, live on a budget, invest in assets with a decent balance of risk & return, have a rainy day fund (and funds for other things you know are coming - Christmas gifts, college, etc.). This book is selling a fantasy that appeals to deep biases that all humans have. Do yourself a favor, skip this book.


Amazon has done us a huge disservice by lumping all the reviews for the various "original" versions of this book together. The version I purchased (black cover with money on the bottom, kindle version) is riddled with errors where the publisher evidently SCANNED the book in and then didn't bother to edit the results. Page numbers appear randomly in the middle of paragraphs, "m" appears where clearly "in" was intended and in some cases paragraphs just end in the middle of a sentence. This is a great book but some of the publishers have done a terrible job reproducing it and Amazon isn't helping by grouping very different copies together in the same review group. I hope to update this review when I find a less crappy copy of this book, but avoid the version with the black cover with money on the bottom. (See pictures)


The content is nonsense, tons of rubbish included in the book. Two reasons why i rated this book so low are: 1. In a large portion of the book, the author praises his own work. He even included a letter (which cover pages) of which only purpose is praising the book itself and have nothing to do with the content. By the time I read that the 13 principles in this book will make me rich, I’d realized that the rest of the content would be all rubbish, and my prediction turned out to be right. 2. The point he makes is all misleading. Whenever he addresses any point, the author COMPLETELY and DELIBERATELY hides the opposite side of the arguments and just continue praising the greatness of his point and support by various examples which, every now and then, are falsified.

Timeless life lessons from one of the greatest self-development authors

Despite the age of this book, I found the underlying lessons it contained to be highly relevant to my life today. The most valuable ideas I gathered from this book: 1) You cannot acquire great wealth without a concrete plan for attaining that wealth, a serious passion that compels you to act on your plan continuously, and great faith that your plan will allow you to succeed. 2) Many of the world's greatest achievers were passionate to the point of obsession, and in order to emulate their success you must cultivate a desire until it becomes an obsession. 3) Material success does not come solely as a result of knowledge acquisition, but rather from one's ability to organize and transform specialized knowledge such that it can be delivered to a wide audience in the form of a product or service. 4) Persistence often makes the difference between success and failure. It is a state of mind that is essential to success and can be overcome through effort. 5) One of the common attributes of highly successful people is the ability to reach decisions quickly and to change them slowly. Most of us are the opposite.


In your journey for success, and Ive read over 150 books on business and personal development, this is the godfather. The only true place to start. But be weary, because this book requests you physically do things outside of reading, such as writing your daily goals, writing your 6 steps and reciting them daily. You may consider these tasks mundane but this is the subconcious training that takes you from reading a book to changing your life. #DoTheWork requested in the book, otherwise it will be a waste of time to even read it.

Forget it, go buy a real finance book

This book is nuttier than a fruitcake. I turned a blind eye to some of the hippie stuff and pulled some useful lessons out of chapters one and two, but I couldn't make it any further. It reminds me of "The Secret," but maybe the first paragraph of chapter three would help explain: "Faith is the head chemist of the mind. When faith is blended with the vibration of thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibration, translates it into its spiritual equivalent, and transmits it to Infinite Intelligence, as in the case of prayer." What is this crap? If you want to learn how to manage your finances, go invest in books like "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," "The Richest Man in Babylon," or "The Automatic Millionaire." If you want to believe you can get rich by sitting in a circle in the woods singing Kumbaya and eating organic couscous and not bathing, this is the book for you.

This book is a real game changer!

I chose to read this book because I have met several people who have read it and they say, it's a game changer . This book is filled with confirmation , spiritual truth , and wisdom beyond your imagination. Reading this book could change your life if you adhere to the philosophies of many great men; including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and the great Dale Carnegie. These brilliant business minds all used the philosophies put together in one book written by Napoleon Hill...This book is brilliant!

I Found this in a street gutter! But it is on my top shelf for life as the best ever personal growth books. Bought Kindle vers

This book is a definitive classic and is really focused on how to manage oneself in order to enjoy a productive and successful life. This goes on the top shelf along with Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People for life long lessons on developing emotional intelligence and self-discipline although they were both written decades before the concept of EI was coined. Although first published in the early part of the 20th century, and while some terms are now dated, the concepts remain solid and this version has been revised with more modern stories of highly successful people. The stories which are intermixed within each chapter bring the concepts to life and keep the book lighter and more approachable. That said, this is a book worthy of study as each chapter addresses one of the key concepts or steps to leading a meaningful and productive life. This one competes to be on any life list of personal growth/development books to study and re-read and ought to be on the mandatory read list for all youths who aspire to "do" anything with their lives - to heck with Grapes of Wrath (gasp!). By the way, I after I purchased the kindle version, I found a hard copy abandoned along the beach bluffs and this "sign" inspired me to really dig into this book. It was nice to have the hard copy because when I find a book like this, I underline, notate and otherwise mark it up to highlight my personal take-aways. But I'm glad I also have the kindle so that I ALWAYS have it at my side. Buy both! (or perhaps you may find one in the gutter as I did).

Let no one tell you NOT to buy this book!

Stop and ask yourself: How did anyone, anywhere, at any time, do something so incredible that history will remember only them for it? You might try to separate each great person in history as being separate cases, each with different reasons; Napolean Hill disagrees. He sought to explain how great people become great. How the impossible ever became possible. This book is an explanation of the science behind success itself. It's basically a bible for your life if you live off success like most people. I'm going to re-read this every January I imagine. It's too relevant to my life for me not to annually remind myself of it's teachings. As much as I'm up-selling it, and as much as it deserves to be up-sold to everyone, everywhere; I had to take a star off of my review due to a good portion of the book being the writing ranting about conversations between business men. I get that the writer was obsessed, but he let it flood too far into the pages. As someone reading this, wanting to hear more about the science of success and the rules it underlines; I'm really not interested in several pages describing a handful of men talking about business proposals. "They sounded crazy when they said it, I get it, get a move on" I thought a few times while reading, but otherwise that's a very acceptable con in light of the pros to this book. Pros: + Learn a set of guidelines for your life which will invariably help you better yourself. This isn't divination, and it's not religion: this is the science of success incarnate, and it is fact. You can not discredit it; only yourself by denying it. + Not too long, not too short. The book isn't big by any standard, so anyone should be able to read it through. It's also not so small that it leaves you feeling like it's missing something. It's the optimal length in my opinion. + Countless examples are provided to give better context to the lessons it underlines. There are sections where the book will instruct you to take up certain habits, and it will also take time to explain them so you know why you're being instructed in the first place. Cons: - As I said; the writer goes on a few tangents. Times where he starts up a story about some person making some decision to do something so incredible that we need to hear about it in grave detail for a few more pages. Again, I get that the writer was enthralled with these stories, but when making a book strictly about the science behind them: it's a better idea to stay on topic as consistently as possible. Bottom Line: Buy this book if you want to succeed at anything in life. It offers the best birds eye perspective on how success actually works, versus how we're brought up to believe it does.

Out of date and the author may have been a fraud to start with

Pretty much my review title. Couldn't get through this and I actually do believe positive thinking supports success. How else do you expect to have the courage to get out there and take risk? Did research and found out the author's wife helped with the book greatly but wasn't credited. Also, he never was particularly rich himself, or at least, couldn't keep it. According to what I read, he was repeatedly wanted for arrest. Read because it came up in my circles so often but honestly, just felt wrong. One must take action. A better book from someone who does have a better track record is Get Rich Lucky Bitch, or even The Energy of Money, though I vastly prefer the first.

Skip this book

If you're looking for an edge in your pursuit of success, skip this book. 20 years ago I bought this book and it's ideas hook, line and sinker; however, after spending two decades on application it's apparent that the principles in this book are mostly nonsense. I am only going to take the time to highlight two pieces of misinformation in this book: visualization, and "the secret." This book touts visualizing your goals as a method to speed up/ensure attainment. Research shows that the opposite is true. Visualizing your goals and imagining how it would feel to have achieved them has been show to consistently reduce drive and motivation. This book is full of misinformation like this, that if diligently applied will be counterproductive. There is "the secret" alluded to in this book, and the subject of a nonsense DVD and book by the same title. The most important warning that I can give someone younger, after 20 years of time wasted looking for secrets is this: the only free cheese is in a mouse trap. Secrets to success do NOT exist. Time spent looking for "secrets" or applying them is time that could be invested in getting better at the fundamentals of whatever arena you are in. One of the most basic examples would be personal finance: the only people getting rich off the "secrets of wealth" are the people selling those "secrets." Ultimately there are just a handful of things that matter in personal finance - get out of debt, live on a budget, invest in assets with a decent balance of risk & return, have a rainy day fund (and funds for other things you know are coming - Christmas gifts, college, etc.). This book is selling a fantasy that appeals to deep biases that all humans have. Do yourself a favor, skip this book.


Amazon has done us a huge disservice by lumping all the reviews for the various "original" versions of this book together. The version I purchased (black cover with money on the bottom, kindle version) is riddled with errors where the publisher evidently SCANNED the book in and then didn't bother to edit the results. Page numbers appear randomly in the middle of paragraphs, "m" appears where clearly "in" was intended and in some cases paragraphs just end in the middle of a sentence. This is a great book but some of the publishers have done a terrible job reproducing it and Amazon isn't helping by grouping very different copies together in the same review group. I hope to update this review when I find a less crappy copy of this book, but avoid the version with the black cover with money on the bottom. (See pictures)


The content is nonsense, tons of rubbish included in the book. Two reasons why i rated this book so low are: 1. In a large portion of the book, the author praises his own work. He even included a letter (which cover pages) of which only purpose is praising the book itself and have nothing to do with the content. By the time I read that the 13 principles in this book will make me rich, I’d realized that the rest of the content would be all rubbish, and my prediction turned out to be right. 2. The point he makes is all misleading. Whenever he addresses any point, the author COMPLETELY and DELIBERATELY hides the opposite side of the arguments and just continue praising the greatness of his point and support by various examples which, every now and then, are falsified.

Timeless life lessons from one of the greatest self-development authors

Despite the age of this book, I found the underlying lessons it contained to be highly relevant to my life today. The most valuable ideas I gathered from this book: 1) You cannot acquire great wealth without a concrete plan for attaining that wealth, a serious passion that compels you to act on your plan continuously, and great faith that your plan will allow you to succeed. 2) Many of the world's greatest achievers were passionate to the point of obsession, and in order to emulate their success you must cultivate a desire until it becomes an obsession. 3) Material success does not come solely as a result of knowledge acquisition, but rather from one's ability to organize and transform specialized knowledge such that it can be delivered to a wide audience in the form of a product or service. 4) Persistence often makes the difference between success and failure. It is a state of mind that is essential to success and can be overcome through effort. 5) One of the common attributes of highly successful people is the ability to reach decisions quickly and to change them slowly. Most of us are the opposite.


In your journey for success, and Ive read over 150 books on business and personal development, this is the godfather. The only true place to start. But be weary, because this book requests you physically do things outside of reading, such as writing your daily goals, writing your 6 steps and reciting them daily. You may consider these tasks mundane but this is the subconcious training that takes you from reading a book to changing your life. #DoTheWork requested in the book, otherwise it will be a waste of time to even read it.

Forget it, go buy a real finance book

This book is nuttier than a fruitcake. I turned a blind eye to some of the hippie stuff and pulled some useful lessons out of chapters one and two, but I couldn't make it any further. It reminds me of "The Secret," but maybe the first paragraph of chapter three would help explain: "Faith is the head chemist of the mind. When faith is blended with the vibration of thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibration, translates it into its spiritual equivalent, and transmits it to Infinite Intelligence, as in the case of prayer." What is this crap? If you want to learn how to manage your finances, go invest in books like "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," "The Richest Man in Babylon," or "The Automatic Millionaire." If you want to believe you can get rich by sitting in a circle in the woods singing Kumbaya and eating organic couscous and not bathing, this is the book for you.

This book is a real game changer!

I chose to read this book because I have met several people who have read it and they say, it's a game changer . This book is filled with confirmation , spiritual truth , and wisdom beyond your imagination. Reading this book could change your life if you adhere to the philosophies of many great men; including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and the great Dale Carnegie. These brilliant business minds all used the philosophies put together in one book written by Napoleon Hill...This book is brilliant!

I Found this in a street gutter! But it is on my top shelf for life as the best ever personal growth books. Bought Kindle vers

This book is a definitive classic and is really focused on how to manage oneself in order to enjoy a productive and successful life. This goes on the top shelf along with Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People for life long lessons on developing emotional intelligence and self-discipline although they were both written decades before the concept of EI was coined. Although first published in the early part of the 20th century, and while some terms are now dated, the concepts remain solid and this version has been revised with more modern stories of highly successful people. The stories which are intermixed within each chapter bring the concepts to life and keep the book lighter and more approachable. That said, this is a book worthy of study as each chapter addresses one of the key concepts or steps to leading a meaningful and productive life. This one competes to be on any life list of personal growth/development books to study and re-read and ought to be on the mandatory read list for all youths who aspire to "do" anything with their lives - to heck with Grapes of Wrath (gasp!). By the way, I after I purchased the kindle version, I found a hard copy abandoned along the beach bluffs and this "sign" inspired me to really dig into this book. It was nice to have the hard copy because when I find a book like this, I underline, notate and otherwise mark it up to highlight my personal take-aways. But I'm glad I also have the kindle so that I ALWAYS have it at my side. Buy both! (or perhaps you may find one in the gutter as I did).

Let no one tell you NOT to buy this book!

Stop and ask yourself: How did anyone, anywhere, at any time, do something so incredible that history will remember only them for it? You might try to separate each great person in history as being separate cases, each with different reasons; Napolean Hill disagrees. He sought to explain how great people become great. How the impossible ever became possible. This book is an explanation of the science behind success itself. It's basically a bible for your life if you live off success like most people. I'm going to re-read this every January I imagine. It's too relevant to my life for me not to annually remind myself of it's teachings. As much as I'm up-selling it, and as much as it deserves to be up-sold to everyone, everywhere; I had to take a star off of my review due to a good portion of the book being the writing ranting about conversations between business men. I get that the writer was obsessed, but he let it flood too far into the pages. As someone reading this, wanting to hear more about the science of success and the rules it underlines; I'm really not interested in several pages describing a handful of men talking about business proposals. "They sounded crazy when they said it, I get it, get a move on" I thought a few times while reading, but otherwise that's a very acceptable con in light of the pros to this book. Pros: + Learn a set of guidelines for your life which will invariably help you better yourself. This isn't divination, and it's not religion: this is the science of success incarnate, and it is fact. You can not discredit it; only yourself by denying it. + Not too long, not too short. The book isn't big by any standard, so anyone should be able to read it through. It's also not so small that it leaves you feeling like it's missing something. It's the optimal length in my opinion. + Countless examples are provided to give better context to the lessons it underlines. There are sections where the book will instruct you to take up certain habits, and it will also take time to explain them so you know why you're being instructed in the first place. Cons: - As I said; the writer goes on a few tangents. Times where he starts up a story about some person making some decision to do something so incredible that we need to hear about it in grave detail for a few more pages. Again, I get that the writer was enthralled with these stories, but when making a book strictly about the science behind them: it's a better idea to stay on topic as consistently as possible. Bottom Line: Buy this book if you want to succeed at anything in life. It offers the best birds eye perspective on how success actually works, versus how we're brought up to believe it does.

Out of date and the author may have been a fraud to start with

Pretty much my review title. Couldn't get through this and I actually do believe positive thinking supports success. How else do you expect to have the courage to get out there and take risk? Did research and found out the author's wife helped with the book greatly but wasn't credited. Also, he never was particularly rich himself, or at least, couldn't keep it. According to what I read, he was repeatedly wanted for arrest. Read because it came up in my circles so often but honestly, just felt wrong. One must take action. A better book from someone who does have a better track record is Get Rich Lucky Bitch, or even The Energy of Money, though I vastly prefer the first.

This is not actually a book

Believe it or not Facebook was invented 5 years before this book was written. Please enjoy a carefully curated selection of rant-like statuses and posts possibly made by an extremely self assured high schooler living in the early 1900's made public and sold for profit. Selections include: Assorted Ramblings on Magic Crystal Technology No Nut November Your Way to Success How to Fight Satan (And Win!) A Bibliography of Cited Works (Just kidding! By the eighth or ninth time Mr. Hill tells you to trust him and that he's studied thousands of people [sometimes in all capital letters!], you'll basically have the same thing.) And other gems which are sometimes rudely interrupted by the overarching theme of "hey if you try really hard all the time you'll actually have a chance at increasing the probability of getting what you want." No thank you, Mr. Hill, please tell me more about the magical ether and infinite intelligence of the universe in all caps again. Honestly some reasonable albeit somewhat common sense advice is found in here (alongside some loopy stuff), but if you like books that are actually readable, this isn't what you're looking for.

Fantastic thought piece

Now, before you be stupid, this is not some guy back in the early part of the 20th century giving you a formula to make money. Although, it is meant as a piece to encourage you to think about and meet your life goals, money or whatever, it is mainly a manifesto to encourage self-evaluation, reflection on your goals, and, yes, meditation to make you successful. It is probably the most profoundly moving testimony to provide a pathway for you to meet your goals and thereby establish the richness of not just material, but spiritual happiness. Napoleon's methodology of letting your subconscious validate and accept these goals, just before sleep occurs, has been reiterated in a multitude of forms by various noted Psychologists. It has worked for me, time and again, especially when a work related problem was really sticking in my craw. Fabulous book on self realization. Listen to Napoleon help you grasp this.

TINY print makes this difficult to read

This gigantic book with HUGE print on the cover makes it look like a "Large Print" edition, but actually it has teeny tiny print on the inside on low-quality, gray-tinted paper. This is so horribly difficult to read without super-bright lighting and magnifying glasses. I don't need reading glasses normally, but sure do for this micro-print. Such a disappointment.

Earl Nightingale reads think and grow rich

I was under the impression this would be the whole book. Unfortunately it's not. It's two chapters of about 20 minutes each. More like a summary. Certainly wouldn't have spent my money on it if it had said somewhere immediately visible that this is a summary. (Still can't figure out where it says this if it does)

I don't understand why this book is so popular

I bought this because it's generally regarded as one of the best self-help books of all time. Everyone raves about it. Save yourself some time, it's awful. The book is FULL of pseudo-science about thought vibrations, magnetic attraction through cosmic ether, and how faith is the only way mankind can harness the power if infinite knowledge. On top of that I'm fairly sure that Napleon Hill was getting paid by the word when he wrote it, he says a lot while saying very little - but in the opposite way of what a reader would want. Maybe the ideas in the book were new when it was published, but if you've already read a handful of self-help or motivational books you won't find anything new in this one. Clearly define your goals, remind yourself of them regularly, have confidence in your ability to achieve them, and don't give up when faced with adversity but instead look for a hidden opportunity that can work in your favor. I just saved you an excruciating 277 pages.

Wildly overrated, poorly written, repetitive.

This book is absolute trash. It basically rehashes the same concept that you can will into being anything you want by thinking hard enough about it, rephrased slightly different, page after page for 130 pages. I paid 2 bucks for the this and feel like I over paid.

Pretty Good Book

Let me start by saying, I do not read books almost at all. This is my first book since I graduated high school in 2012. This book is pretty good, it helped motivate me and make me feel like I could achieve anything I wanted. I suffer from major depression and anxiety, but even still it gave me a sense of hope and that things were achievable. I would give it 5 stars but there is a point where it feels like its bringing in religion and thats where it started to lose me. I'm an atheist and I couldn't take it tbh. I skipped that section of the book and continued on. Regardless of your religious position, I would recommend this book. It will not show you how to make money, or how to get rich in wealth. But what it will do is show you how you should think if you're serious about what you want and the attitude on how to push yourself to get there.

Inspirational books for becoming rich(er)

Being rich is hard to define: for every one of us it is a different goal. One of my goals is to have more money - I am struggling every month, I am passing hardly from one salary to the next. This must change. To learn how to do it, I am taking example from people who succeeded in an honest way. One of them is Dave Ramsey, he shares many stories of people with the similar problems as mine. While I am unable to follow now Mr. Dave's advice "to the letter", in the big lines I started to do what he says, what he advises. But I can't just listen to only one person, and that is why I've read Think and Grow Rich, one of the most recommended books about acting with the purpose of having (saving, earning) more money and better managing it. The book will not offer exact steps to be done, I mean it was written some decades earlier before me reading it, we are living in a different world now. The principles are the same and I was very surprised to see how little has changed. I read also The Richest man in Babylon, and while the Think and Grow Rich is more descriptive, more explanatory, they are both saying the same things: no matter how much or how little I earn, I have to live my life in a way that I can afford it; I must organize everything so each month I will not spend at least 5% from my monthly earnings, money for which I should find a way to invest it. Another very important point is the state of mind: act with purpose. I was always finding reasons why I can't do so many things. Now I am beginning to search ways to succeed. I am very happy of reading Think and Grow Rich, it gave me a framework, it has shown me that I can change.I knew that I must change, I don't want to "survive" one month to the next all the time. I do recommend both books (Think and Grow Rich, The Richest Man in Babylon) and Mr. Dave Ramsey's youtube channel to any "novice" having a hard time to define how to do more with the money he or she has. All the best, Adrian Smeria

A classic and essential tool for your success.

The Deckle Edge version is the updated version of this classic. It’s a nice compact size with front and rear cover flaps that are handy bookmarks. The knowledge contained in this book when learned and applied are worth more that a college education. The amount of useful information and wisdom written down here is worth thousands of dollars and is available in one compact easy to understand book at cost readily available to all. Any negative reviewers haven’t understood this classic work. The material within these pages are to be read and re-read until all 13 principles become etched into you psyche. Programming your mind is the essence behind it. Once your improved mind is armed with these weapons for success, there is literally nothing you can’t accomplish. Devour it and read it at least once a year. You life will be so much better and productive because you did.

A Concept All Should Learn

My hometown had three things in it that existed there, in part, through money donated by Andrew Carnegie over 100 years ago: the local public library, the "old main" building on the college campus, and the pipe organ of a church. In fact, I am the pastor of that same church today, and the organ is still being played for Sunday services. This would be true of many other communities in America as well, because Mr. Carnegie believed that by giving a large portion of his wealth away, he would help make the world a better place. Napoleon Hill, author of this book, Think and Grow Rich, had met Mr. Carnegie, seeking to learn from him the secrets of a successful life and the ways to obtain wealth. Mr. Carnegie told Mr. Hill that he should take these ideas and spread them as far and wide as he possibly could. Napoleon did that very thing through the publishing of this book, and in the many years since it was first published, untold millions of people have benefitted. There is no doubt that the generosity of Mr. Carnegie, symbolized in a humble library in all those cities and towns, and known through Carnegie foundations and in many other ways, is part of the very air we breathe. Mr. Hill's advice and inspiration, as an extension of Mr. Carnegie's encouragement, has helped ever so many many people. There is no getting around it, this book has helped to change the world. If you haven't read Napoleon Hill, perhaps it is time to do so!

An outdated must-read

It is a classic. If you are into the Law of Attraction and are interested to learn how to use the power of your mind and your will to manifest what you want in life, then this book is a must read for you. The insights related to how to use and master the sexual energy where unexpected and very illuminating. Napoleon Hill also shares his personal experiences and even his own challenges and fears in some passages. That gives the book an extra touch of relatability. Some of his mental experiments are also very surprising and entertaining (for example, his imaginary council). The fact that it is the original version gives it a historical value. However, it also causes it to be outdated. That means that it gives specific advices that are not relevant today (for example, how to take advantage of the arrival of the Radio as a new powerful media) and sometimes uses unfortunated examples as seen from today's perspective (for example, taking Coca-Cola as an example of a company that is good for the health of the population). A sense of underlying male-chauvinism can be felt throughout the book. It can be partly excused because of the time when it was written, but is still annoying, specially if you are sensitive in that regard.

Pure Garbage

Riddled with pseudoscienctific nonsense, like the idea that "transmutation of sexual energy" will make you rich. Any good points were all common sense (believe in yourself, have desire, have a plan, take action, sell something, etc). I'd avoid this book like the plague and pick up a more modern finance book.

Overall a great book for the dedicated student.

1. From what I can tell this book is the application of the Kybalion. If you have read the Kybalion you will see similar terms, and the 7 principles presented in an application based format. This should be understood and accepted prior to purchasing. IMO this is a good thing, but knowing this may conflict with your belief system. 2. There is controversy about this book and its author. A simple Google or Wikipedia search will reveal that. A decision will have to be made whether you choose to accept this material or not. 3. There have been cases about successful people using this material as their guide. There have also been people who swear "it didn't work." It should be understood that this is not a magical spell book that brings riches with the waving of a wand. Regardless of whether you use this book as a model or not, its going to take work. I devoured this book in two days in a cursory review and made the decision that the material will be beneficial of further and deeper study. I honestly feel that for a person who is motivated there is a lot in this book that will give great benefit. 4 stars because nothing is perfect :)

The moral of the story - If you want to be rich be a JERK or write a pseudo-science book

When I first read the book I was naively excited about it. But later on, I started to understand how decisive the data provided in this book is and how similar to all the self-help propaganda of today. It always sounds promising and enthusiastic to hear from self-help figures how to be successful according to their perceptions of how successful people got to where they are. However, this is not what the whole story is about - or even not the story at all. Take for example, Mr. Thomas Edison who was frequently praised in this book by calling him 'the great'. I feel offended to hear about this man in our history books let alone this book. It is not always about money, as we do not want to take example of Edison who hired Nikola Tesla to fix and build his machines and did not pay him back, or the example of Edison who used to electrocute animals to prove Tesla's AC system is dangerous and frighten people. Marconi was also celebrated in this book, the man who thieved Tesla's inventions and patents. Which in no surprise, Mr. Carnegie (Napoleon Hill's mentor) invested in Marconi's 'inventions' together with Edison. So you see how political this book is ? Go read the real stories elsewhere if you want to know how they actually got rich. I find it hard to take the other stories in this book reliable or seriously. My feeling is that the book is merely a pseudo-scientific guide to improve ones self-esteem, and the stories are biased and subjective, similar to how the news is conceptualized nowadays and how the history books are written. [The moral of the story - If you want to get rich be a jerk or become a pseudo-science ninja - it sells more than real science.]

Tremendous resource

This book is the best investment one can make in the path toward self-improvement. I would encourage parents to share and instill these practices with their children. I wish I had read this when I was in high school, and I’d make a point of recommending it to anyone of that age, but it is never too late to start practicing the life described in these pages. Be prepared to read this book hundreds of times, and look back for reference.

Great deal for hardcover book with prime!

Have the pdf version on my mac but it didnt let me bookmark or annotate, plus I focus more with the physical book. Ordered the hardcopy for $4.99 with prime which is pretty crazy considering its a hardcover book. There’s like scratches & marks on it like it was preowned, don’t mind it because the pages seem new & untouched. Looking forward to finishing this during my break off from college, will update after (11/29/2019)

"Think and Grow Rich" or as I like to call it "Don't be lazy" in book form

Due to my constant need for self-improvement and books, I purchased this book a couple years ago to add to my repertoire/repository of redundant and cyclical literature that essentially says the same exact things. Life doesn't get easier if you read more books. I found this book to be enlightening and interesting in the same form that I believe that conversations with 100 people can give you. So choose how you wish to get value out of this. Either read it and save 100 conversations or take those 100 conversations and charter your own path. The fact that you're seeking out a book like this means that you're on the right track! Best of luck to you reader and seek knowledge!

be careful of what version you buy!

Be careful, it looks like comments for every version of the book are put together. I first got the "Think and Grow Rich" paperback version for $7.94. Worst version, the printing is awful and extremely hard to read. It's like it's been copy pasted without even checking if the format had been messed up (which it had). I then bought the "Think and Grow Rich - Original Edition" paperback for version for $5.99. It has a much better formatting. Very thin book though. About the book, I couldn't get myself to finish it. Has some good advice but a lot of it feels outdated.

Could be the most critically important book you read in this lifetime, regardless of your concept of "Rich"

Simply brilliant reading from the first page through the last. Imagine every high school student in America (or the world for that matter) learning life lessons from some of the most powerful spiritual leaders, wealthiest capitalists, and productive men and women who have achieved great things throughout history! My advice is to purchase the eBook for 99 cents and download it onto your phone so you have it with you everywhere you go. I chose to add the audio option for when I'm traveling in the car or going on long trips. This is a no-brainer people. For $1 you are given a key to change your life, and the life of your future generations to come. No it's not some magic wand and you most likely won't be a billionaire by the time you finish reading it. But every page is loaded with thought provoking concepts and real world application that apply just as much today as they did at the time the author wrote the book nearly 80 years ago. This is no accident folks...the exact same tools have been available to all mankind since we were able to think independently. I've seen some comments from others that say this version is abridged. At least with the eBook this is not the case as from what I recognized it was the original, unedited script. I was aware that the initial publication was pulled and stripped due to censorship, removing the vital parts and leaving everything that was mundane and relatively useless so was particularly careful in choosing this particular version. While the censored version keeps you grounded in what "the church" or "the government" would force feed you to believe (remember when the earth was flat and the center of the universe, and the only way to receive forgiveness from God was to pay a dowry to the church?), the uncensored version forces you to walk away from the status quo and stop thinking like the masses while providing a new reality that opens up a world a possibilities that YOU control. Concepts like 'vibrational energy' and 'universal knowledge' permeate the entire text and are truly the foundation for creating one's destiny. I'm no expert, but I have studied these concepts consistently over the past 5 years and have seen remarkable changes in my own life and many of my like minded colleagues. It was refreshing to read "Think and Grow Rich" and learn that my experiences are not unique and that virtually identical ways of thinking were present around the turn of the 20th century and earlier. After reading this book, the next 5 years will show more persistence in applying these concepts to everyday fact I have already started a men's group that will meet weekly to discuss this book in great detail over the course of an entire year and track how the life of each member has changed.

Teaching goes against God

Please do not get this book. I sadly became aware of the dangerous teaching of the law of attraction and "you make your own world" type of teaching after I bought this book. Nothing wrong with the book itself however the teaching goes against God. God said "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" When you use the law of attraction you're making a god of yourself. This is exactly what this book is teaching, how to make yourself into a god that can fulfill your own wishes. Nothing wrong with positive thinking but pleased don't think that your wishes are being fulfilled by God (or "the universe" as I used to think of it), the devil has power too but it's never used for your good in the long term.

Very Disappointed, Lots of Woo-woo

Disclaimer: I couldn't even finish. To give credit where's it's due: There are moments in this book that make you stop and think, and there are a few step-by-step lists you can follow but everything in here can be found for free on YouTube. Problem 1: It constantly gives the impression that it's a bunch of nonsense. I was IMMEDIATELY turned off by the mention of "the secret" extremely early on (either in the introduction or in chapter one, I can't remember exactly) and how I'm going to have this revelatory moment when it hits me all at once and how my life will change. It tainted the rest of the reading for me and made everything hard to take seriously. I gave it my best shot though because this book was recommended by a YouTuber I highly respect. Problem 2: It's very vague about things that should be very clear. For a book that's about boiling down the similarities amongst rich people, you don't really get many concrete facts. You don't know what books they read, their investment strategies, their perspectives on things like real estate vs stocks or anything like that. You get "desire," "auto-suggestion," and other stuff that's just really not all that helpful from a practical standpoint. To give credit where it's due, there are a few lists that the author put in this book that are helpful if you follow the steps, but like I said earlier, I realized I could get more out of free inspirational YouTube videos/channels about journaling and growing as a person than I could out of this book in way less time. Problem 3: This is more of an opinion but I personally did not enjoy the writing style. It might be because it was tainted early on with talk of "the secret" but the "voice" of the book just didn't sit well with me. It felt like I was listening to someone who had genuinely good intentions and wanted to help me, but what they were saying was just not helpful or impactful. If these ideas were being spoken to me by someone I'd be rolling my eyes secretly a lot. Problem 4: I get the feeling that you're better off reading biographies of the people he mentions in the book than reading the tidbits you get. For instance, you get a couple paragraphs on Charles Schwab and his role in the steel industry. Instead of getting a tiny bit of the story used as supporting evidence for the case made by the author, you're probably better off just reading about Charles Schwab. Problem 5: The book (the half I read) could really be summed up a lot more succinctly. Desire wealth almost to the point of insanity, figure out how much wealth you want, figure out what you'd do as a job to get that wealth, get your foot in the door, outsource work you can't already do to other people who can already do it, etc. Notice, no mention of how to get the capital to start a new business, no mention how banks work, no mention of interest rates, no mention of anything outside of what you, the individual reading, can control with your M I N D. Desire, faith, auto-suggestion, inspiration... like no dude I need to know how loans work, what's good debt contrasted with bad debt, how do you manage risk, what's a good investment portfolio makeup for a person in this, that, and another situation. I guess to sum up, it's title is too revealing. The word THINK carries far too much weight and the book is so biased in the direction of what you can dream of and make up/control with your mind that it fails to deal with other aspects of being/growing rich while promising the mind is all you need. I don't understand how in the world this book is so highly-rated/praised in general. I guess I just don't get "the secret." 😂

Author's entire history is that of a scam artist, and a bad one at that

Just skip this. To save everyone time, no, you cannot just "think and grow rich." It takes actual work and effort. I highly recommend looking up the original author's history. It is both illuminating and terrifying. Some lowlights: -The entire premise for the book (Andrew Carnegie himself tasked me with discovering this great secret!) is a lie. From a quick search: “Found no evidence of any sort that Carnegie and Hill ever met.” And “Let me put it this way. I found no evidence that the book was authentic.” -"Hill was involved in countless scams over the years. One of his earliest involved buying lumber on credit, never paying his suppliers, and selling the lumber to others for cash at rates well below market value. This, as you can guess, didn’t last very long before Hill went on the run." -"In May 1909, Hill relocated to Washington, D.C., and launched the Automobile College of Washington, where he instructed students to build, chauffeur, and sell motor cars. The college assembled cars for the Carter Motor Corporation, which declared bankruptcy in early 1912. During April 1912, the automobile magazine Motor World accused Hill's college of being a scam and derided its marketing materials as "a joke to anyone of average intelligence". The automobile college closed its doors later that year." -Additional note for the car escapades: after failing to bring enough revenue to keep the scam going, Hill started offering students $3 per head for everyone they sign up for this scheme and who buys a car. If that sounds kinda scummy, that's because it is. Hill seems to have pioneered modern MLM schemes. -"Napoleon Hill was a man whose entire racket was reinvention—selling himself and his ideas as transformative. From his involvement with an infamous cult that used Think and Grow Rich as their most holy book, to embezzlement from his own charity, the most fascinating aspects of Hill’s many misdeeds have been forgotten by history." -"This knack for storytelling, and outright deceit, would come to define the life of Napoleon Hill—a young man who would embrace fakery as he strived to make his way in life through the sale of dreams. It’s perhaps fitting that much later he would be charged under something called the Blue Sky Laws in Chicago. Throughout his life Hill was selling the promise of blue skies for everybody, if only they’d follow his proven model of success." This book is nothing but new age spirituality, law of attraction, pseudoscientific BS. If you want books that will actually help, try "Intelligent Investor", or "One up on Wall Street." I just wish I had done my research before wasting my time and money on this book. So, I suppose in some way, I have actually learned something from this.

Timeless Classic! Must read for every generation!

The amount of copies sold speaks volumes about the quality of this book in a way no review ever could, but for the sake of it here we go. First of all this was shipped very well by amazon in a little box arriving in perfect condition and far before the expected date, so very happy with that! The book itself is just a timeless classic, a must read for every generation. Despite being written in 1937 everything it contains still remains true til this day, almost everything 'Self Development' related contains influences from this book, it outlines the core principles of entrepreneurship, of starting your own business, wether big or small, this book covers it. Thats also where the 'this book might be worth a million dollars to you' slogan comes from, wich i often see misinterpreted, obviously nothing in this book can set you on a direct trajectory to make a million dollars, no book could ever do that, what it does is put you in the right mindset to make a million dollars (and more). It describes all the fundamentals needed to start whatever it is you desire to do, it doesnt even have to be financial. When reading this book you get a clear sense that the author, the late great Napoleon Hill, had an incredible drive and passion to make something truly unique & beneficial with this work. Somewhere in the later chapters he mentions looking out on broadway (the famous theater in manhattan) from the window view of his appartment while writing the lines i was reading and found myself going on google streetview to locate where he roughly must have been, moving the cursor so that i also had view on the great theater and felt some sort of 'connection trough time' if you will, i couldnt help but wonder if he could have imagined back than that his book would go on to influence a man in his late 20's, almost a 100 years later on the other side of the world, that it would sell over a 100 million copies. I would have loved to meet this man and get his take on the internet and the endless possibilities it provides, his opinion on amazon, etc. Sadly thats no longer possible as he passed away in 1970, but not before leaving us with a catalog of legendary books i highly recommend to all! especially 'The law of success' & 'Outwitting the devil' are must reads alongside this book, wich features thick white pages with clearly visible text that makes it a smooth & comfortable read.

Too hippie for a heavy book, and too heavy for a hippie book.

I bought this book expecting some light, hippie, self-help stuff about the power of motivation or creativity or whatever. The problem is, the author takes those ideas WAY TOO SERIOUSLY and has written a whole scientific dissertation on them. At 300 pages and some pretty complex sentences, mixed in with ample use of the words "ether" and "vibration," this is not light reading. It is a religious text. I would take the author much more seriously if he took himself a little bit more lightly. On the bright side, this seems to be the book that inspired many more, much better-written books along the same general lines.

Comprehensive text on how to grow rich financially and otherwise

Though exhausting in scope, I was mesmerized by the creative writing of Napoleon Hill. Not only does he cover all the usual success principles related to action, his text includes many spiritual principles. This would have been a great book to absorb while in high school. Anyone who masters the principles detailed in this tome, will certainly achieve success in whatever scope of life one chooses. I highly recommend this book to those who desire personal development at its best and most thorough.

Great book! The beginning is a little mystical sounding ...

Great book! The beginning is a little mystical sounding but really when you research the current science behind the concepts you find there is more merit to them than was initially realized when the book was written. You may not currently believe in "The Law of Attraction" at face value but really those that have embraced its concepts have indeed seen much more success than the average working class guy, which is why so many still recommend it. The book was originally written back in the 1940's or so and it is funny to hear Mr Hill talking about the "new" opportunities with the advent of radio but interestingly the concepts he talks about are still applicable to us today. When Mr Hill is speaking about the "recent economic upheaval" he was of course talking about the "Great Depression" but given our own very recent economic events (2008) it is eerie how his ideas are still applicable. If you stick with the book though the first 50% you will find the remaining chapters are all about living a life of virtue and integrity, and that is how you will ultimately realize what the "Law of Attraction" offers.


The content is great, but BE WARNED - VERY VERY VERY FINE PRINT, like Reading instructions on a Pill Bottle! IMPORTANT NOTE: In case Amazon lumps all reviews together, this review is only for the edition: Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century (Think and Grow Rich Series) Paperback – Deckle Edge, August 18, 2005; Arthur R. Pell (Contributor). Also, the 21st Century Contributions are merely detailed accounts of success stories. In my opinion, this adds zero value. Bill Gates is the new Dale Carnegie... I get the point.

If This Really Works, It Never Worked For Me

I have read this book 2 or 3 times over the years and its never worked for me honestly. If the book really works, tell me why is only 3% of the population wealthy and in control of all the money? They say we already have the money, but I don't see it. Its not in my hands or bank account and it doesn't explain that part of course lol. I spend years doing affirmations daily and filling my subconscious mind with wealthy thoughts. Guess what? I am still poor folks. Go buy some food instead of wasting your time and energy on this book. I was hopeful and positive. I really tried, but it didn't work for me. Same old reality.

Deceiving title, waste of money

If I could give less than 1 star I would. That was possibly the worst purchase I've ever made. I feel like I paid someone to read an introduction to a book. The title was extremely deceiving. Thinking that mr. Nightingale was actually going to read the whole book not just a couple of sentences. Huge waste of money.

Incredible book - just be careful of which version

I reviewed another version of Think and Grow Rich, which is far superior in quality to this one. This is in terms of size (this version is much more compact, but some people might appreciate that) and the text is bolder and a little distorted, as well as being smaller. It might just be a matter of preference, but I prefer the other one. Regardless, it can only be a good thing for the world to have as many copies of Think and Grow Rich in circulation as possible! Note: This review refers to the white and green version in the included photo.

Read something else

This book contains no real value unless you want to have some sort of “spiritual awakening”. The authors writing style is full of long sentences and extra unnecessarily complicated words. It almost sounds as if you go do yoga with a guy who does acid and speaks to trees. Here’s a example from the book. "Faith is the head chemist of the mind. When faith is blended with the vibration of thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibration, translates it into its spiritual equivalent, and transmits it to Infinite Intelligence, as in the case of prayer."

More manifesting, psych yourself up pseudo-science new age stuff....

I think if you need a psychological crutch to do what you already know you need to do, then this is a good book for you. If you are already in control of your thoughts and dwell in concrete reality - knowing that to get what you want in this life you need to work hard, preserver and never give up, then this book will add nothing to what you already inherently know and do. Not worth my time....

Everyone should read this book

This is one of the best books I've ever read. It can be confusing at times, but that's just because there's so much wisdom and insight here that it can only be extracted and understood through patient, careful reading. I'm going to wait a month or so then read it again. I've already implemented many things from the book and have really come to see the power of the mind. More than anything else, this book contributes what is missing from so many of today's books on wealth and success: mindset. Most authors today focus on techniques and strategies, which are good, but they neglect mindset. This is so key. Get that right, and success will follow. I would recommend this book to anyone who cares about being successful in any form in life, and is willing to learn and act to achieve their highest goals. I've dared to pursue desires I would never have had the self-confidence for before reading this book. This is a classic for a reason.


I finally got around to reading this. I was told for many years that this was not a good book for Christians to read. Wrong. I now see why do many self help authors cite this man. This should be required reading for every college aged person. I have already taken gold out of this. I wish i had read this thirty years ago. That's ok. It's not gospel, but I realized that i don't listen to anyone fully. I'm not a fan of his sexual lessons. They seem a little of topic. But the hotel setting encouragement here is the nugget. Grab yours. I think we would all be in better shape if we listened to the planning affirmations. I'm a Nuevo fan of the hill man.

Use your Thoughts and Emotions to obtain Success!

I gave this audio book to a couple friends of mine. One of them had read the book years ago and wanted a simple review of the info. He really enjoyed it and listened to it during his morning meditation time. The second told me it was a short synopsis of the actual book, and they nor I had expected the audio version to be so condensed. As for the content of the information itself: I found the concepts in it similar to what I read about in the Law of Attraction, yet Think and Grow Rich goes into it's own depth and detail on the topic. Really drives home the power of positive thinking, determination, how attaching positive emotion to goals makes them so much more likely to manifest into reality. Obviously you don't just think and grow rich without putting in some elbow grease, this is not a magic book for people who think they can day dream and riches fall from the sky. This is however, a book that can guide a ambitious, determined person, no matter their current money in pocket or status, to obtain success and wealth, not just financial wealth, but whatever type of success that matters to you!

A timeless classic by Napoleon Hill

“Think and grow rich” written in 1937, is a timeless classic. The principles can apply to many areas of self improvement, not just getting rich. Some recent popular and successful books borrowed from this book. Napoleon Hill was inspired by a conversation he had with Andrew Carnegie. Some of the principles he writes about are your thoughts, desire, faith, organized planning, persistence, the subconscious mind. Think and grow rich gives us much more than the title suggests. What I loved about this book is that you can apply the principles to many areas of your life.

Not Life Changing

Just something to read. Maybe some people will get more out of the book than others. It depends on where your mind state is at during the time when you read it. It is repetitive, yet purposefully. One could probably read 1/4 to 1/2 of the book and get all of it’s worth out of it... Just to touch on something from the book: there is a brief story of the beginning of “Coca Cola”. That story makes it seem as if “Coca Cola” became successful from a secret ingredient. That ingredient being an “idea” as stated in the book. This is false because the actual ingredient that was secretive was cocaine... But do not buy this book purely for this reason. It was just something that stuck out to me.

Stop grouping reviews

This audiobook should NOT be grouped in with the full version of Think And Grow Rich. This is 42 minutes of Earl Nightingale telling you what principles are written in the original. Information that many know and can easily get in a 30 minute youtube video, which will be much more pleasant to listen to. I'm mad only because I clicked on the original full version then selected Audio. I only assumed that Nightingale was narrating the book. Should have looked much much closer. Charging over four dollars for this is outrageous!

Almost the same content than other editions

When I saw the word "unedited" I thought the book would be more similar to the manuscript, where people who had access to the manuscript could see that Napoleon Hills used the concept of Law of Attraction and the concept of vibration to explain why things work the way they do; in other words the elusive "Secret" that he writes about all over his book and never to be seing. No wonder it can't be found it was redacted by the publishers. It is a great book worth reading it but the Secret is to be found elsewhere.


I was told this book is fantastic maybe if you are a guy. I am not an English major but SEVERAL mistakes with spelling,etc. ( Read from a kindle maybe paperback is better with the editing,) I'll save you several hours DESIRE. There it is one word. DESIRE. If you have the desire to do something do it,( it will probably take you 20-30 years) even if it can make you homeless or in jail for your beliefs. Yes it does say something similar to that. In this day and age we are real people and don't know millionaires or billionaires, I don't want to be homeless,because I believe in myself. Again mostly about men who meet famous or rich people. Not really to help women. They do have a few good lines talking about how duty to family can destroy you. SO TRUE. If you are going to read this start at around page 120-149 or so. I read from kindle and it has more than 213 pages. So from 120-149( ish) was good and 215- end was ok. If you want a revolutionary war lesson, history of famous men, and psychology 101 then read this. ( Oh and if you say in 2 years you will get 2 million dollars and you know how you will spend it, a rich person will LITERALLY show up and give it to you!No joke! ) if that happens to me I will sing this books praises but I live in REALITY. For those pages I mentioned is why I gave 2 stars instead of one. Try reading "Fire me, I beg you." That book has helped me.

Best book ever written

I read this book when I was 20 (recommended by Zig Ziggler) because I wa struggling for purpose and direction in my life. It changed my life. Befor, I ws flunking out of college and very depressed. As a rusult of reading this book, I became very successful, being able to acquire a PhD. and have had an incredible life following the principles. Every young person and those who are struggling must read this. I give away about 10 a year to young people. Love and God Bless, Marshall

Challenge Our Core Values

This book is definitely life-changing for some people, including me; no argue about that. However, I have to admit that it is a fairly tough read, and the reason is because the author keeps challenging my core beliefs and values. Unlike many other books I have read which are more on the practical side, this book is much more abstract yet extremely powerful. The author touches on subjects like creativity, desire, imagination, law of attraction, emotions, etc., and they are not the most easy concepts to master and to put to use immediately. I have applied some of these concepts in my life and I can already see positive results. I strongly believe that, with persistent practice of the lessons conveyed by Hill, I can totally change my future for good. With all that said, I highly recommend this book to people who are in need for powerful change and personal growth. Worth it.

Great Read

This rating is deserved because I feel I met Napoleon Hill through these pages. There was a stupendous amount of hope unleashed into my mind, and a marvelous paradigm of thought reconciled my desires for a fruitful cause. I'm magnified at this man's astounding ability to think, and lead others to think well. Thank you Amazon Kindle.

Do not buy the audio version of this book

I was under the impression that whichever version of the book you decided to buy (paperback, hardcover, kindle, audiobook) you would be getting the entire book. Well I purchased the audio version of it and it's only 2 chapters and 41 minutes in length total. When I contacted audible for a refund, they said "that's just the way the audio version is, you have to contact amazon." So after being ping-ponged back and forth between Amazon and Audible, somebody was finally smart enough to realize this was wrong and refunded my money

This book has helped me in great true ways

Yes you will have to read past some of the dated references, but all that takes is a tiny bit of understanding. This book has helped me in great true ways. This is the only version I have, and like many older books converted to Kindle, it has some glitches here and there, but nothing that affects the material. Read this if you are interested at all in self-help or motivation on any level. Personally it does get a bit old with the full caps and redundancy as the author HINTS to some unspecified secret to success. I am unsure why Hill would put so much energy into writing a long book, and saying, that you have to figure out his "MYSTERY" a thousand times, when he could just come out and say what it is. I guess I get it, because he wants you to figure things out along the way. But don't get me wrong, this book is a treasure because of the ultimate system that it helps you make for yourself. It is actionable and I think it is what every self-help book after it is based upon. I also think that this book is fertile ground for reworking. The material could be a huge help to more people if it was edited, redone, and instilled with a sense of brevity for modern times. Perhaps someone has already done exactly that. Overall, even for all of its shortcomings and what is lost in translation, this is still a 5-star find just due to the content of the system it contains. But you will have to be patient and skim judiciously to find it here.

Snake Oil Salesman

I have no idea how this book has become popular. I feel like I have been duped into thinking this book was going to be worth reading, it was so painful to get through. It actually talks about imagining yourself with a lot of money and telling yourself everyday that you will be rich, and somehow this will make you rich as long as you have faith. It talks about thinking like rich people do but it's all drivel. The book sounds like this; "Andrew Carnegie never gave up, therefore if you never give up you will be rich like he was". And then in Chap 14, it talks about this "sixth sense" ("the door to the temple of wisdom") that is the key to infinite intelligence but it is "indescribable" to someone who has not mastered the other principles of this book. This book reminds me of Family Guy's "wish it, want it, do it." I was thinking there might be at least one chapter to talk about anything real or tangible, something simple like "reduce living expenses, invest as much as you can afford to, use the returns on investments to buy wants, be the person people want to work with, take business risks but do your homework first." This book was all fluff, inspirational nonsense about how becoming rich is as easy as imagining yourself being rich. But as far as Amazon services, the book arrived on time and in good shape lol

Required reading for anyone who wishes to succeed

This little book holds all the keys to success that have ever been shared through the ages. The author has distilled them into a succinct and brutally honest assessment of a typical life poorly lived. But also all the keys (thoughts and mindset) needed to overcome this without fail. Essentially everyone really can "think, and grow rich." You will find these contents echoed in both The Secret, and the (much more dogmatic) Bible among many other sources. We're all circling the same hill, we just don't all see it yet. Consider this book your "cliff notes" for a successful life and path to happiness. I plan to re-read it at least once a year from now on.


This book is a classic to say the least! Napoleon spend 20+ years studying the principles to success and this book gives you the blueprint to achieve anything you set your mind to. The book is really insightful and focuses on how to develop a mindset of success and greatness, which forces you to look within to get the change you're seeking. The book have so much depth to it, you have to keep re-reading it to really grasp the content. I highly recommend this book, it has improved every aspect of my life and I know it'll improve yours!

I love Napoleon hill philosophy

I love Napoleon hill philosophy, positive thinking has changed my view on life. His secret sauce for success is found hidden into his 13 principles. Applying them is the difficult part, just as similar as it is living what's in the bible specially the "Golden Rule ". Hill's Principles require commitment, effort, time to come to fruition, they're a quest for life, & achieving success means different things to different people to some is money, to others is fame, to most success means having many good people around them ( friends and family), to a few altruistic people success means helping others in need, to feed them, to enable them to better themselves, to get back on their feets. I'm so glad I came into this book thanks to Mitch Horowitz who was the guests on "George Noory's on coast to coast AM", I couldn't sleep having had foot surgery that night, and fate brought this knowledge to me in one of the most lowest point in life, in my time of need for spiritual and mental healing in my life. The 13 Key principles are; Desire, Faith, Auto-suggestion, Specialized Knowledge, Imagination, Organized Planning,Decision,Persistence, The Master Mind, Transmutation, Subconscious mind, The brain, and the 6 sense.

Useful book distribution sources low quality.

I kind of had this book as a back up for motivational videos that used the book as a reference. I bought one for my teenage son as well,and may even buy as a Christmas present for extended family. My copy had a built in book-mark with the front cover I liked that a lot; yet when I ordered a copy for my son it did not arrive supposedly lost in transit and I had to re-order. The re-order arrived quickly yet because the birthday had passed i had given my copy and the new copy did not include the built in bookmark . So was a reminder of how larger companies sometimes lose the mission statement of providing high quality service and products to customers.

Seems outdated.

I don't understand the praise surrounding this book. I guess if you want to be an entrepreneur this book might help. I have a career and am on salary. I have a solid DRIP setup alongside a pension and will be able to retire financially independent. This book was of no help to me. This book just seems outdated and mostly irrelevant.

Classic guide to train your brain.

Use this book in a business group I attend each week. It's a great guide to get you into a frame of mind to be successful in whatever you choose. It's a bit of Science of the Mind-ish, which isn't religion, just using your mind power to get you where want to go in life. My group has used this book for YEARS, we re-do the entire book a couple times each and follow it's plan for different aspects of life; business, personal growth, fitness, relationships...whatever you desire. I can tell you, if you follow this book and actually put it into PRACTICE, you will experience the success you put your mind to. This book is written in a different era so it's a different style of writing than you may be used to. Don't get hung up on that, just take the principles and apply those. It's not a book you "just" read. It's a book you WORK.



I strongly recommend you do your research

Napoleon's Hill Think and Grow rich is a classic in the business and self improvement world. If you haven't heard of it, I strongly recommend you do your research, read the reviews and purchase it. You will not be disappointed. The book basically focuses on self improvement through positive thinking and persistence, teaching concepts related to the law of attraction and how to use its principles to succeed in life in general and business in particular. If you want to take your business and finances to the next level, this is the book you need.

napoleon hill the greatest self help scammer of all time.

Greatest ConMan of all time don't waste your money after I bought this book I read the true story of the author he was a crook thief and a swindler google the greatest scammer of all time for yourself and he wasn't a good man all the credits he uses like meeting with Dale Carnegie are complete fabrications he had a long history of ripping people off through scams to me that renders this book useless

The Godfather of motivational literature

Napoleon Hill is the godfather of motivational literature. I accidentally stumbled upon Think and Grow Rich while reading a Robert Kiyosaki book and since then have become an avid fan of the book and Nap Hill in general. I have a new Kindle Paperwhite and immediately purchased the Kindle version of this book. TAGR contains practical steps that one should follow in order to bring wealth (of all kinds) into one's life. These steps or laws are backed up with practical real-life examples of men like Henry Ford and Thomas Edison who by practicing these laws brought insurmountable riches into their lives. I'm still in the process of fully putting these laws into action but they've already brought me success. Strongly recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand the configuration of success. Finally, I would like to point out that's not a short read, it's very extensive with 800+ pages but worth every word...

Interesting as Historical Document

First a note on this Kindle edition - there seems to be something wrong with it. Some lines are missing and punctuation goes crazy in some spots. It feels like it was scanned from print and then carelessly edited. Now on to the content. I'm not a big fan of self help books - I like 7 Habits by Covey and a couple of others, but feel like in the end you need your own method. I decided to go for this book because of its historical value and it doesn't disappoint. The book was written right after the Great Depression and it seems written to pick up the country’s self-confidence. Be positive, me self-motivated, be persistent, be proactive (I see some Covey here.) Tell yourself who you want to be, repeat. One of the other reviewers mentioned that this is the mother of all self-help books - possibly. Not air-tight, but it seems at least partly true. Hill makes some crazy and quirky claims. I can remember for example him saying that men go bald only because they wear tight hats - people don't wear hats anymore and they still go bald - it's genetic. He also talks authoritatively about telepathy. If you read it for what it is - a period piece, a precursor to modern American self-help books - it's interesting. It also has a good base method for motivating yourself to succeed, often at least partly copied.

This is *not* what it is being sold as

This was NOT 'Think and Grow Rich'. This was a drastically reduced synopsis of the book. Earl briefly covered the principles of the book. If you're looking for the full version of the book you will be as disappointed as I was. If you're looking for the Cliff Notes version of Think and Grow Rich then this is exactly what you're looking for. The real disappointment isn't that this is what it was. If it had been described as "Earl Ningnong reads an overview that he wrote of Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich" I'd have been fine with that. Wouldn't have bought mind you it but I would have been fine with the honest description. It's that it was described and sold as "Earl Nimrod READS Think and Grow Rich'. Not sure how one can misunderstand that. The seller did a good job of delivery and packaging - no complaint with them - unless they're the wankers that described it as such but I don't think they are. .

I won a trip around the world .........

after I read a different book by this author. Even in this book every page is dripping of positive information and is all available for free!! Read this book and learn that YOU are the CREATOR. Don't listen to people who buy lottery tickets and say the next moment "I never win!" Enjoy this book and create what you want, who else will do it for you?


Can't believe all the great reviews. Maybe this was useful for depression era folks, but these days it reads like a giant amoral turd of toxic positivity. Decided to donate it to Goodwill after 90 pages because it was making me nauseous. Don't read this if you're looking for practical advice about how to be more financially successful. Read it if you want to try to be the next Andrew Carnegie, which you probably won't be.

Quite rubbish tbh

This book points out what the author strongly opines are ways to improve oneself, except they are very poorly substantiated. “The reasoning faculty is often faulty because it is largely guided by our accumulated experience. Not all knowledge that we accumulate through “experience” is accurate. Ideas received through the creative faculty are much more reliable because they come from sources more reliable than any available to the reasoning faculty of the mind.” This is like saying one should eat one’s greens, because one can then harness the power of the sun, which the greens had photosynthesised from.

Life changing

Life-changing novel that will open you up to new and educated points of view in a simplistic way that is full of examples and anecdotes to help. The price of this book is irrelevant because the knowledge in this book can (and will if you put his words to action) bring you great wealth in numbers and in wisdom. I spent under $10 to change my mentality on life and how to conquer it. I have spent $10+ on plenty of items that have generated no positive impact on me or my future. Buy this Best-Seller. This is the best way to invest in yourself and your future.


This book may have been a good read, but I could not get past the antiquated words that were used. For example, "colored" and "negro". I am very well aware that this book was written during a time when those words were socially acceptable, but I could not stand to read them.

Phenomenal book

I had heard so much about this book before reading it, and I was very curious to see if it would live up to its name. I'm not surprised at all that this book is loved and cherished by so many! The principles in this book will open your mind and inspire you to change your behavior...which will soon change your life. Excellent read and highly recommend!

One of my Top 5 read books

I have read this book couple of chapters and then would stop. I made a decision this month to finally read the book . This book is a mixture of "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen and also "Power of the Subconsicious Mind." I learned a lot from this book from the beginning chapter "Desire" to last chapter regarding "How to Outwit the 6 Ghosts of Fear." I plan on re-reading this book before the end of the year as there was so much nuggets that was shared.

One of the greatest self helps ever

This book will change your life if you grew up into poverty. Becoming wealthy or rich is a choice you can make. Poverty makes you believe that it is not. This isn't just to teach you about riches but success in all walks of life. It is NOT a get rich quick book that teaches you to make money with a press of a button. Being rich is hard work and so is being poor; working 40 hours of week for minimum wage.

Ready to take over the world!

Reading the first few pages gave me a boost to want to go out in the world and do what it is that I am called to do. The secrets are right in front of you as you read the words. I believe that we are the thoughts we CHOOSE to meditate on. We can really think ourselves RICH or poor. I choose to think RICH!

This book Change My Life and Whole thought proccess!

This book alone changed little thing about me and my thought process. Take time to think about that sentence. It literally changed my whole way of life. That is how good this book is! I know people probably hear that or read that all the time... so and so changed my life but I truly mean it and have benefited from the information in this book. This is the first of all the success books. it is not a self help book.The word self help leaves a bad taste in my mouth because it seems like for people who are looking for emotional help or a crutch in life.(Personal Opinion) This book is so much more then a self help book it is for anybody of any age. This not like the majority of main stream books that are full of authors who only want your money or want to be acknowledged or famous. This is a sincere honest book. Honesty is hard to come by in life. Everything in this book is straight to the point and every sentence is useful! Do not worry it is not one of those books that is full of fluff or any advertising. It is NOT ONE OF THOSE NEW AGE BOOKS that say to imagine things believe they will come to you! Do not get me wrong it does have that in the equation however THIS BOOK IS REALISTIC and states that hard work and persistence is needed. The techniques in this book are proven to work and I alone have come across success at a young age without a college degree or any experience using this book alone. I reread this book as many times possible and recommend you doing so as well for the full benefits. I admit that after rereading it that the book does not pull you in, but it is more like homework at school or any type of work. Anything in life worth having is not easy to get. If you have not read this book do yourself a favor READ IT!!!

You have to believe in yourself

I can only get through about half this book to the point I just can't pick it up anymore. The secret is to believe in yourself and to have faith and pray. It also talks about just imagining your self being rich and you will get there because you will attract other rich people around you.

Best $7 I will ever spend.

Just finished it today, and i will be coming back to read it again soon. There is so much I'd like to say. A lot of people talk down on this book but in my opinion it is the most transformational bout of information I have ever read. I consider myself very spiritual and open minded which I believe helps a lot when reading this book. I already had preconceived notions about the concepts explained in this book but this book really drives deeply into the philosophy behind your mind, money, and the unseen world. Buy the book and read it with an open mind and it will change you.

Printing Error/Missing Chapters

Love the book, but it's missing 2 chapters and part of 2 others! My copy goes from page 160 directly to page 209, skipping the end of chapter 8. It then goes directly into part of chapter 11, skipping all of chapters 9 and 10. By the time I discovered this issue the return window had closed. I've never before seen such an issue in a printed book. Don't buy this edition, or be sure to check for this error as soon as you receive the book, so you can return it.

Only worth forty nine cents.

I seem to have two of these, this and the special edition, I only ordered one, but there is no way to delete/return these, but for .49 cents, it doesn't matter. I have read this book, but wanted to refresh my memory of it. One has to remember that it is popular with the California left coast mystical, incense burning crowd. Forty nine cents is about all it is worth. Just think yourself to whatever you desire in life.

Discover your power

I LOVE this book. it really is more than a book... moreso its a way of life! ive read and listenend to dozens of success books. the books by napoleon, and his audio files are constantly inspiring. I have a couple of his sets and narratives in his own voice. one of which is 17 hours.. I completely recommend finding it. amazing how.. when you are ready to take the next step toward success, how that step presents itself to you! Napoleon was a great and wonderful gift to so many current writers who merely attempt to regurgitate his tremendously in depth information. do yourself a favor. Listen to his personal narratives! and make his works come to life.

Couldn’t finish the book

The book at first was written pretty convincing, but after reading it for a while it just gets worse and worse. All the informations are misleading and too repetitive, the stories seems like essays written by kids pieced together. The book could be a lot shorter and the language and tone for the book is too serious. Most of the teachings taught in the book is pretty outdated.

Think and Grow Impatient

Outdated and boring. The mantras of repeating things to yourself to transmute into your mind that you will achieve wealth seemed ridiculous. Good as a self-motivation for anything in life. But, in terms of actually HOW to reach wealth.....Find another book.


I wish I was taught what "Think and Grow Rich" shares while growing up in school instead of "scores" for useless standardized tests that never made a difference in my life. This book is truly changing my life, and it is NOT "just a book." Savoring, integrating and LIVING the principles Napoleon Hill shares can ONLY lead to true WEALTH, from the inside out! The inside out means all within the mind and heart combined. The catalyst of personal crisis in the beginning of this year got me REALLY determined to STUDY wealth, and the traits, habits, mindset those who achieved it. This book is FAR more than "just making a lot of money." Quote from page 30: "There is a difference between WISHING for a thing and being READY to receive it. No one is ready for a thing, until be believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be BELIEF, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage and belief." On page 29, I have underlined the following quote: "Remember, too, that all who succeed in life get off to a bad start, and pass through many heartbreaking struggles before they "arrive." The turning point in the lives of those who succeed, usually comes at the moment of some crisis, through which they are introduced to their "other selves." If you have ANY ISSUE with money or success - GET THIS BOOK! If "times are tough" - GET THIS BOOK! If you feel drained and exhausted working so hard just to buy food - GET THIS BOOK! If you are in High School, College or any age after and you are not living a deeply INSPIRED life that is NATURALLY attracting wealth - GET THIS BOOK! If you do NOT have a large savings account - GET THIS BOOK! This book is getting me on track, showing me all I have to UNLEARN in order to FINALLY learn HOW to build true wealth while making a positive difference. I MUST share just a few more quotes - this is dedicated to YOU *****if you are going through a difficult time.***** ***** "If the thing you wish to do is right, and you believe in it, go ahead and do it! Put your dream across, and never mind what "they" say if you meet with temporary defeat, for "they," perhaps, do not know that EVERY FAILURE BRINGS WITH IT THE SEED OF AN EQUIVALENT SUCCESS." ***** "Henry Ford, poor and uneducated, dreamed of a horseless carriage, went to work with what tools he possessed, without waiting for opportunity to favor him, and now evidence of his dream belts the entire earth. He has put more wheels into operation than any man who ever lived, because he was not afraid to back his dream." ***** "Thomas Edison dreamed of a lamp that could be operated by electricity, began where he stood to put his dream into action, and despite more than ten thousand failures, he stood by that dream until he made it a physical reality. Practical dreamers DO9 NOT Q2UIT!"


Excellent read by Napolean Hill. I still refer to this book often as I work to help develop leaders and encourage others around the world. You must change your mindset if you want to make a difference in your life as well as in the life of others. This book as it stated, is one of the best financial books written. It truly made a difference in my life and I know that my future will be even brighter after reading and applying this book!

Life changer.

This book changed my life. I have since increased my income by using information from this book. I also bought this book for my son. I can see his life changing from information he has learned about how money works.

Waste of time in my opinion

I was researching books to read to help guide me in the path of becoming more successful. This book came up almost every where I went and has been a best seller since the 1930s. So I got it and was soon asking myself, "What the hell is he talking about?" It was written in the 30s so be ready for that first off. Secondly it pretty much just talks about how successful people are successful because they thought about being successful and made it happen. That's it. The title literally tells you what the book is about. Think you're rich, and you will grow rich. It might work for some people but I was left feeling like I wasted my time.

The title should have told me what I was buying

I guess I was hoping for more than "If you believe it, you can achieve it". Some people really respond to this type of thing, Tony Robbins fills stadiums preaching this gospel. To me it feels like empty calories. I would recommend 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

There are No Excuses

Pro- If you have reasons why you cant move forward with your ideas for success then this is the book for you. This will help you create, and stick with, a plan to take your ideas to the next level. This book will also put all of your excuses to bed. Con- It is a long book, it is an older book, and it can be repetitive at times.

Not a 'Get Rich Quick' book that Everyone Interested in Wealth Development Should Read

If you're interested in creating wealth, this should be one of your first books (My other choice is Wallace Wattles', The Science of Getting Rich). Unless you win the lottery or have a rich uncle who is about to die, if you're planning on becoming wealthy, you're going to need a plan. Faith and a burning desire are two traits that you are going to need. Napoleon Hill, who interviewed the wealthiest of the wealth back in the day, shares the secrets that these people used to help them create their wealth. Now, nearly a century later, and thousands of fads and passing trends, people are starting to realize the core beliefs of what delivers wealth. One word of caution, this is not a read it today, get rich tomorrow which is the desire of most people today. It will work but it will take time. Also, the book is dated (obviously) but don't get hung up on that. Stick to the message. I bought the Kindle version so that I could add bookmarks and notes for quick reference, especially when I'm talking with friends about other topics or when I'm promoting the book to them.

A must read in life for Everyone!

This book dropped into my lap right at the perfect time. I was just entering a new career and was scared and not sure I could do it. I already study and fully believe in the Law of Attraction or Power of Attraction, however I did not realize this book is 100% about that! Two of my mentors in finance told me to read this book. I assumed it was about finance and business and honestly wasn't too excited to read it, but thought I will learn alot I'm sure. I was pleasantly surprised to realize this book has ALOT more to it than just business education! Everyone who aspires to Be something in life but don't know where to start, need to buy a copy, carry it with them, highlight and reread those areas daily, and follow Mr. Hill's instructions! Successes you didn't think you could reach will become reality! He didn't just make this stuff up, he spent alot of time with the most successful people to ever walk this Earth to discover what it takes to "make it". This book is based on those findings, and the power has been inside of us all along. Now go make it Your reality!

116 Reviews of This Book and 106 of Them Are 5 Stars

I first read this book about twenty-five years ago. I was involved in a family business with my brother that afforded me a very good living but not much personal satisfaction. There were ups and downs in this business and there were many times I was determined to quit, however I never did. Finally we rebuilt the business and it became very successful. I received a lifetime's education in just two years. I personally marketed the business and sold it off to our largest competitor at a very hefty price. Then for about four years I drifted. I practiced law and didn't enjoy it for a minute. Then somehow I reconnected with the principles in this book. I helped rescue a firm that was on the brink after 9-11. The last 5.5 years have been truly remarkable. All of the success that eluded me at times in the past, magically found its way to me. I came to realize that life and especially life in the USA is just one big wish fulfillment machine. I don't mean that you just wish and it comes true. Rather you focus and focus singularly on the object of your desires. You visualize yourself in the place where you want to be. You ignore naysayers and doubters. You focus on your desires and not your fears. You do it joyously because you know that this journey is the true expression of your true self. You know that there is a force that is always with you and always guiding you. You do this day in and day out. And then the magic occurs. Your goal comes to you. The less negative thoughts and doubts you have the better. This system is truly an act of faith and requires the greatest act of courage. But it works! Just look at the great men Hill talks about in the book. Carnegie, Rockefeller, Edison, Bell, etc. The list goes on and on. Then look around at the great business people now, Gates, Buffet, they've all done the same thing. Basically this book states that you must take complete responsibility for where you are in your life at any given time. If you aren't where you want to be, then its because your thoughts have taken you where you are. To borrow a concept from some more current spiritual self help experts, if you are not creating your life intentionally, then you are doing so by default. In short, the only thing holding you back is you. Once you accept this fact and realize that you have become a victim or servant of your thoughts rather than having them serve you, then your life will change in an astonishingly short period of time. Temporary obstacles are not a permanent barrier to success. I have gotten to the point in my own life where when I start a new business and we hit a road block, I laugh out loud with joy. That's because I know that this "obstacle" is a wonderful thing. It means that I am almost there. I need to change my thinking just a little. I just have to look adversity in the eye and not blink and then what I desire will be mine. When I was selling the family business I realized that there are very few things in life that we can control. However the one thing that absolutely everyone can control is their thoughts. Once we learn this secret, we become unstoppable creators and the world is ours. Reading this book is your first step in evolving from one who accepts what life has dished out to you, to one who consciously chooses from what life is offering you. Its really that simple and that powerful!

Not for the faint of heart...

This book will lay bare all of your excuses and rationales. If you're not ready to move forward in the direction that your life has for you, then you probably won't want to bother taking the time to work through this book. There is also a version that comes with a workbook, but I don't think Amazon sells it. Whatever the case may be, however, I believe that the book is a marvelous self-help/ motivation/ goal setting book for people who are currently or transitioning into self-employment. It helps you to focus on what really matters and train your thinking towards success. The only caveat? You have to convince yourself to believe it. Just like the other Hill book, The Law of Success, it's not necessarily easy reading. It's for people who are looking to make a change DEEP within themselves. I know this sounds kind of new-agey, but it's the truth and I'm not new-agey at all!!! I just want what I want and I've learned through this book that I'm the only thing in my way :)


This book is amazing! No matter what I was expecting, it not only surpassed it, but absolutely blew my mind. When I got to the part about love and romance, I thought, what a bummer. Here's some old dude with really old-fashioned ideas on gender roles about to bore me with what the proper woman is supposed to do. And there was some of that, but ... he wrote such beautiful things about love that I was literally moved to tears for several pages and could not believe the tenderness and heartfelt emotion in what he was saying. And then he further blew my mind by saying that everything he had said about women went for men as well. I was really impressed. Taken off guard, actually. I think that he went way out on a limb and proposed some ideas that were probably unheard-of in his time, but which are proving to be true today. I know that a lot of people are not ready for what he has to say, even now, but for me, this book is a game-changer! Thank you for publishing the original version before they crossed out the word "vibration." To me, this makes all the difference! :)

Influential to a positive mental attitude

To be quite honest I’m not a big “reader”, per say. The little I do read is mostly non-fiction, for the purposes of mental growth and strength. While I’m not someone who wishes to be rich, I found this book to helpful in creating proactive strategies for mentally attacking life’s challenges and as whilst maintaining a positive mental attitude. The only downside, if you want to consider it one at all, is that it is mainly geared toward people who are looking to gain monetary riches. And as well the time at which is was written may make some of situations and suggestions that are made not so applicable to the modern man. Overall, I am very pleased with House this read has impacted my life. Thank you for this masterpiece Mr. Hill.

Read this book for the value contained within these pages

I'm on chapter 2 and so far I can appreciate the content and quality of teachings within this book. I know I'm going to use the knowledge contained within these pages very well. It's an excellent book for motivation and if ever you feel lost, pick up a copy for 4.99$. Another thing that drew me to buy on Amazon are the prices. Amazon beat Barnes & Nobles by about 50% for the same print and edition... That's how you know one can never go wrong with Amazon.

Some of the advice is timeless, but most of the writing is dated

Most of the negative reviews I saw on my skim-through said that content had been removed from this version of the book. Even if that content had been restored, though, I doubt it would have improved the issues throughout. Some of it IS good - the leadership section is fantastic and I really liked the job seeking advice, some of which is parroted by reputable sources today. His predictions on industry behavior in everything other than journalism is sound in its argument even 80 years later. (Facebook would have blown Napoleon Hill's mind!) It seems like every time I hit one of those sections, though, I'd go into something else that would negate it. Hill suggests personal desire can be transmuted into its physical equivalent throughout the book, but that personal desire must be unfaltering and from within, adhering to his 13 steps. I wouldn't have cast doubt on any of that, but all his instructions are imperative (do it his way, exactly, or it's completely your fault) and backed up with vague authority and "common sense." He also backs it up with real-life examples, but some of these are questionable at best. For example, Hill illustrates decisiveness through Samuel Adams making a decision not to accept a bribe, thus ensuring his vision of a country free of tyranny. I could have accepted that story as an example of other traits, but decisiveness? This could be contorted to fit even if the opposite happened: by remaining loyal to King George's demands, Adams transmuted his personal desires into wealth and upheld his vision of a British empire. Obviously, this is not true, and subject to historical supposition, but it's a poor example and is just one instance of Hill's hero worship that pervades the book. There was a personal example of Hill's son, born deaf, who overcame his disability to become a productive member of society. This would have been an inspiring story, but Hill reveals that he socially manipulates his son's teachers to give him advantages, and even incepts the desire to hear into his son (through a form of tactile speech). So, the desires you wish to apply to Hill's methodology need to be innate, but if your parents want it instead, that's apparently good enough. (There was another example where a parent "helped along" their child, so this isn't purely against Hill's family relationships.) Most of his lessons feel shoe-horned into the book just like that. When the book takes a turn to the spiritual near the end chapters, he focuses on how fears manifest themselves into reality. According to Hill, illness and baldness can be avoided entirely because doctors and hatless men do not succumb to fear. It has nothing to do with sanitation or genetics - it's bravery! The pseudoscience, formality of language, and horrible organization of the book (requiring back-and-forth throughout chapters to recall referenced lessons) would have made this book daunting to read in any form, but the Kindle version has a few scan errors to further complicate matters. Of course, not having my brain vibrate at a frequency to accept this book's message is my fault for reading it too fast; Hill suggests taking in the whole book over the course of a year, internalizing each chapter as it comes up. I paced myself as best I could, wanting to absorb its themes in a way that could improve my standing, but I still managed to complete the book a couple of months after I started reading. I wanted this thing over and done with. There are probably better versions of this book out there, and I may give a free version a read-through to pick up on the reputedly omitted material. Bottom line, though, it's not worth purchasing this book for anything other than the job-hunting advice. At least the best way to earn money hasn't changed after all these years: be happy with wages, and keep dreaming of windfalls.

Life-changing book

This book is a must read for those who want to pursue success in life. When I read it, I felt like seeing a complete picture of puzzle pieces of advice in one harmony. Other sources may say similar things but this book connects each pieces into one big picture. I read this when I was lost in life, tried to evaluate myself thinking what I got wrong. I found what I was looking for through specific steps I need to do. I am thankful for this book for it changes my life to a better direction.

A book which doesn't go out of print!

This is a very unusual book. When I first encountered it as a young man, I hastily filed it in the category of "get-rich-quick" books, which I despised. Revisiting it decades later forces me to admit that there must be something to this book. For one thing, glance through the reviews here. There are so many positive reviews which say "This book worked for me," and the negative reviewers basically say, "I read it and I think it's junk" or "I read it and nothing happened." Negative reviews which just say "I read the book" strike me as nearly self-contradictory, because you cannot read this book without realizing that the author himself says, many times, that just "reading" --- processing it through your rational brain --- will accomplish precisely nothing. The book is a blueprint for action, and if you don't take the action yourself, nothing will happen. Still, I know a lot of people who have grown rich without doing any of the advanced practices recommended here. But I have to admit, those people had a lot of the qualities which this book seeks to develop: setting goals, concentrating, and --- perhaps above all --- being persistent and never quitting. Another thing strikes me as curious at the age of 62: I have three brothers, and all four of us have reached the goals we set as children. The goals were very, very different, but it reminds me of the old saying, "Beware of the dreams of your youth, because they just might come true." So there is a lot of valuable stuff in this book. You don't have to make wealth your goal. One of the keys may lie in the question, "What is the meaning of life?" It's a question which needs to be answered, individually, by everyone who does not want to simply drift through life. Once you know your own answer, you may have formulated a Desire (as Hill would say). It should be pointed out, also, that this is NOT a get-rich-quick book. If anything, it is a get-rich-slowly book. And, after all, if you do want to accumulate a few million bucks, don't you think you had better have a definite desire, accompanied by a real-life plan, as well as complete concentration on that plan, and complete tenacity/perseverance? After all, you're going up against competition which may well have all of these! As Napoleon Hill points out, what is truly fanatastic is people who think that this is all going to happen through luck. What's even worse, if it does happen through luck (e.g. winning a lottery): well, how many people hold on to that money and go on to become truly wealthy? Isn't it less than one percent? And how many people win a lottery and subsequently turn up broke again? In sum, I really have only one serious question about the book and its recommended methods, and that is, "Can you fake it?" That is to say, can you take a whim that occurred to you a week ago (say, to become a superb chef) and actually talk yourself into trying to make it happen --- if it is not, in fact, your key goal in life? I don't know, but I strongly suspect that the answer is "No." You'd get tired of chasing your phony goal very quickly indeed, and then you could say that you tried the book's methods, and they failed. So --- before buying this book, do try to figure out what you most want out of life. If it is a great pile of money, you could hardly go wrong here. I think the book could also help in attaining other goals, but the title is not accidental. --- one additional thought --- I have worked as an English teacher for a decade or more, and have been immersed for most of my life in the struggle to learn foreign languages. It is only now that I suspect that the language teacher's focus on repetition is designed to drive the language into the student's "unconscious mind." We understand very little about the human mind, but this struck me as interesting: you speak and hear a foreign language just as you speak and hear your own language --- through some part of your mind which is most certainly not the "conscious mind." Thinking about that, I came to suspect that the idea of auto-suggestion, REPEATED day after day after day, might indeed have some merit.

This is "The Secret" before the movie

This arrived quickly and in pristine condition!! The price was exceptional (& for someone unemployed who wants to improve her life I need low prices!). Anyway, if you want to grow in your understanding of how we pull things into our lives, go back to the basics with Napoleon Hill and he explains it ALL. Although the movie The Secret was well done, it's has too much "over dramatization" and I have to skip a lot to get to the main topics. I have also indulged in other "The Secret" books, calendars, etc. and they were okay but Think & Grow RIch just does a much better job of helping you get to the crux of what we can do in our lives by reaching beyond what we have been told we were capable of. Whether you believe in God, a Universal Energy, Buddha, Mohammad or anything else - it's all the same - we run on Energy and that Energy is found in us, around us and in the great Universe. Good Luck!

The original and the best!

Every now and then a book comes along which has the potential to change your life; Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill is just such a book, in my opinion. Napoleon Hill spent twenty five years of his life personally interviewing and studying the lives of very successful people such as Henry Ford and Thomas Edison. Hill has broken his observations down into seventeen fundamental principles which he has illustrated with real examples from the lives of the people he studied. Think and Grow Rich was an absolute inspiration and revelation to me. It is a book which is full of hope and will motivate anyone to want to work harder in order to achieve their goals. Hill recommends that the book is read at least three times and I would agree with him. There is a lot of information to digest. Hill advises the reader to write down their goals and to truly believe and have faith that you will succeed. Think and Grow Rich was first published in 1937. It is the original self-help book; an oldie but a goodie. I have read many motivational books in my life and this is one of the best. The more I read, the more inspired I became. Anything is possible if you believe and are prepared to work hard enough. My favourite line from the book is "a winner never quits and a quitter never wins."

Worth a read, but keep your mind open

While I do agree with a lot of stuff in this book, there are some things I do not agree with when it comes to this book. It is a good read, and was worth the time I spent reading it. If you are feeling unmotivated, this book will definitely give you a nudge in the right direction towards changing that. It’s a solid book, but don’t follow some advice which you clearly can tell is not right and kinda far fetched.

The transmutation chapter alone would make this a 4 star book!

This is about as close as you can get to a life changing book outside of religious books. Although nearly a century old, the points are still relevant and if you think about it, some of the techniques discussed regarding idea generation are similar to concepts used today. Now that I've read it, I see references to it almost everywhere. The transmutation chapter alone would make this book a 4 star book. Since reading I've been more focused, started up my own business and am seeing results and coming up with new ideas that the market is proving their value. I highly recommend this book!

If something told you, "you need this book"? Get it.

I started reading this book on the 2nd of Jan 2021, and I feel like I'm already winning! Lol I bought this book as apart of a resolution between a friend and I, reading a chapter a day. Its a easy read and very captivating. But its a book, the condition of the book was as if it was just pressed and sent to me personally from the author himself (meaning the book Is in perfect condition lol) But I'd recommend if your trying to get your paper up and learn how to do it like the old white folks back in the day. Lol jk. If you are brought to getting this book, like your spirit told you to get this book, get it. Its for a reason babe. Trust yourself.

Bible to escaping poverty

Elevated and evolved my mindset towards money and becomong wealthy even more than rich dad poor dad. This book even gave me brighter insights in aspects of life that doesn't pertain to money. This book is a must read for anyone that has the desire to escape the curse of poverty. The only con is a few repetition but doesn't merit taking away a star

The power of the mind is key

Aside from Wallace Wattles ' The Science of Getting Rich' Napoleon is a fantastic resource for anyone seeking to self grow and develop and overcome poverty by learning to use the mind in the right way. these 2 are the fathers of self-development and the first who put a truth into a simple book. The missing link so to say, is when your subconscious mind self-sabotages your conscious mind. Then you Need things like NLP and EFT to help with those reasons and to forge ahead as desired.

A must have for anyone into personal development.

There's a reason why it's highly suggested by financially successful people. It's one thing to listen to the audio book version, which I had three times. But there's something even more powerful about reading the words and doing the exercises that makes it stick even more. This book is not for the person that wants to pick and choose what chapters to read and bounce around. It's structured the way it is for a reason. And it's meant to be a book you keep and read repeatedly. You should check it out.

Great book.

The book is not effective per se, It’s what you do with the knowledge that counts. It has sold millions of copies and made countless millionaires, but not every person who reads the book becomes wealthy. If you completely absorb the main takeaways from the book, you will find it extremely effective.

This book CAN change your life, if you accept it...

The concepts in this book are simple. There is no great mystery here. They're in the open, but compressed into a solid book that will put it all together for anyone who is "ready" and has a bit of common sense. "The Secret" is spelled out on almost every page in the book, and is dead simple. This book is what the Tony Robbins' of the world based all their philosophies on, and it's astonishing that it's something that's been available in public since 1936. Many, many thousands of people have made a lot of money, and enhanced their lives through this book's wisdom and power. It's a tad depressing that more people haven't discovered it, used it, and prospered... One of other thing: This book was released around the time of the Great Depression's exodus. It helped a lot of people lick their wounds and get back on their feet, buy inspiring them and showing them that their will could still be strong after almost literally everything had been taken from them... Today, in our "Great Recession" we can still learn an awful lot within the pages of this wonderful book. **Get this version of the book; the original, 1936 uncut copy. Other versions remove things, and supplement with other, needless junk.

Getting excited

Look forwards to reading this book. The texts seems small so I’m glad I’m doing the audio with it. Book looks sturdy, one for the collect shelf.

Good concepts but a bit outdated

I picked up this book because it was an option on a list of required reading for a class I took. It has some interesting concepts about having the right mind set for finding success in life, some of them very good, but the book was written long ago and some of the examples are very outdated. Also, not that I feel it is a negative in the book but more of an amusing observation. you can see a hint of racial prejudice in the writing. It isn't intentional, but those were different times and it is apparent in some of the examples. Overall, I didn't care much for the book although I did enjoy some of the psychology behind the concepts even though the author was forcing a sense of mystery in the subject. But, if I were to purchase it again, I would grab it from Amazon, no problems there at all.

be proactive and intentional

Good reminder of the need to be proactive and intentional but could have been said in far fewer words. Author also falls into the camp of those who think everyone can get rich. Failure to acknowledge and compensate for the weaknesses of many people leads to perspectives and policies that contribute to suffering.

A timeless classic...

This is a timeless classic. If you have never read this book and you have ANY desire to develop yourself professionally or financially this should definitely give this a read. Ignore the dated social / non-politically correct bits. There are not a lot. Give this a read. You won't regret it.

Where business and psychology meet

This is one of the best books I have ever read! These are the practical steps towards taking control of your life and passions. I wish philosophy or psychology students used this as a reading requirement in universities!

I fell in love with that movie

This book has LITERALLY CHANGED MY LIFE! Every once in a while you get these little "nuggets to life". THIS is one of them! I got to this book by way of the "Wolf of Wallstreet" believe it or not. I fell in love with that movie, the guy was a nut, BUT his drive was intense! So I "internet stalked" him and he recommended this book. BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE I SAY! I have started to implement all of the action steps and have definitely seen a change in my life. I have written down the beliefs and made them my own. The power of this information is INTENSE, so intense, many people may just write it off or bypass it. Each of the characters he spoke of are REAL TANGIBLE PEOPLE! I have studied their lives previously. I believe people are looking for a "magic bullet" in life. That doesn't exist. BUT IF you follow the book...and harness the "power of your mind"... it WILL be PROFITABLE! I cannot say enough great things about this book other than THANK GOD FOR THE AUTHOR! I am doing better in life...because of this book.

Motivational Read

A great motivational read. If you are interested in the power of positive thinking, this book is a good one for you. It has a powerful message of attracting the things you think about most and how to change your mindset into a positive mindset to attract the good things you want into your life. Most of the positive thinking talked about in this book has to do with attracting wealth,and many examples are given of people who believed in their abilities and refused to give up until they got the results they were looking for. The book doesn't tell you specific ways to make money but instead gives you positive reinforcement and motivation to come upwith your owns ideas and dreams and go for them. If you are feeling like you could use some positive reinforcement in your life, this is the book for you.

Belief. Confidence. Positivity.

What it comes down to with Think and Grow Rich and similar themed books is: Belief and confidence. Eliminate doubt from your mind, excise all negativity from your life. Know what you want, believe you will get it, be confident you will in fact succeed, and focus on that daily. It is a state a mind you live in that determines your success or failure. Success, like failure, can be determined by one's state of mind and thinking process. If you can do this, then this is the book for you. If you have doubts, then not the way to go. You must do the work processes in the book to unlock your daily thinking and subconscious mind and set them on success and wealth. Almost like setting your thought process and subconscious on success and wealth auto-pilot. This book is well known and has been around for a long time, and like everything else, you must believe, have confidence, be positive, and not accept failure or negativity. The book takes you through processes to apply in your daily life. i enjoyed the book and apply these principles daily.

Great self improvement book. I do not regret my decision to buy this

I would recommend this to anyone who wants to change their life. It has practical examples and exercises. Will read as often as possible to ensure I put everything into action. Big learning for me was the need to make prompt decisions and be slow in changing them. I have always struggled with procrastination and through the book I can see how it links to the 6 fears clearly described in the book. I hope to put the recommendations in this book into action from today and that the day of writing this review will be a new turning point for me. Timothy!

Nice autobiography book (Only read like 20 pages so far)

Not a bad book but I do notice there are various copies. Read a few pages and this is seeming like an autobiography which is not bad considering people can relate to it and see how they are able to change their lives. Book is small so the text will be smaller but I see hope in the book being good after I did read 20 pages. Maybe I got the wrong copy but overall has been a good book and came undamaged.

The one to start building your collection.

This is the must have, the absolute essential, the very foundation in the library of every person that is looking to improve in life. This is the first book such a person should get. Every principle is beautifully explained with a healthy dose of real life anecdotes that help you see how the application of the principle(s) looks like; Napoleon's skill as a writer is unmatched and reading this book first will allow you to understand better other titles you bring to your collection as other great author's rarely write with such clarity.

So boring

This book is pretty short. It could be way shorter! It makes some valid points but they are stated 5761 times. I typically read 3 books a week. It took me 3 weeks to read this book. I often fell asleep.

Self-help is just a bonus, this book is indispensable!!

From all the non-fiction books I've read, this is the very best. I honestly believe that Napolean Hill wasn't born a genius, but became one, through the incredible amount of knowledge he gathered about his own mind. And... Guess what? He teaches you to achieve this level of clarity with your owm mind as well. Trying to decide if you should read this? Do yourself the biggest favor of your life....READ IT! Mr. Hill studied what the richest and most brilliant men had in common, with Henry Ford, Andrew Carniege and Thomas Eddison included on that list. Those qualities were splitted in fifteen chapters. If you want to know what I'm talking about, embrace this enlightenment journey and see for yourself. There is no better book I could recommend you. But here goes a warning, if you are a stubborn person and intend to read this, you are about to be shaken and broken by this book. Don't swin against the current. Use it to rebuilt yourself in a much nobler being. Place this knowledge on your routine for a happier and wealthier future.


60% useful self help advice leaning a bit heavily on "pull yourself up by the bootstraps and stop being poor" and a load of pseudoscience about the telepathy between vibrating minds due to ether. Also generally frustrating to read between "Get the f on with it" and "cut the pseudoscience"

a perfect, modern version of this classic

I just finished reading Think and Grow Rich a couple days ago. I was looking for a book that would lift me out of my funk and inject me with some motivation, and this did that and more. If this lackluster economy has sucked the life right out of you and left you feeling worthless, OR, if you feel you are not living up to your potential, THIS is the book to read! This version suited my needs perfectly--- the original text that deals with the Great Depression has been added back in, and the only parts that have been deleted are small parts here and there that are totally obsolete or unnecessary. However, these "deleted scenes" can easily be found in the back of the book, in the endnotes, which also has additional commentary which is helpful. The only thing that is changed regarding the text is the numbers--- they are updated to today's monetary values, so the text feels fresh and new rather than something from your grandfather's old closet. Hill's language, however, does not appear to be changed at all--- the editor appears to stay as true to the original as possible. The best thing about this version is the size of the book--- it's a "paperback" size, where the font is nice and big and easy to read, unlike the tiny and cheap "mass market paperback" version. I had absolutely no complaints, and I'm really happy I chose this high quality version of this timeless classic. Hill will restore your love of America--- truly a genius who understood the modern idea of "conscious capitalism." This book is 100 years ahead of its time; even people of today can not compare with his intelligence.

Think and understand yourself.

This book was written after the "Great Depression", many pf the people interviewed were famous, industrious and Rich. I liked this book because it gave me perspective from the past but was very appropriate for the here and now. The same mistakes, successes, excuses all of these men had were no different than what we all face today. The answers we all seek to become successful are "in us", we just need to acknowledge them. This book also confirms our fears, misgivings and self created excuses that we all have but need to recognize before we can move forward. I would recommend this book to anyone that has self doubt regarding whether or not they think they are heading in the right direction to have a financial rewarding life full of meaningful relationships .

Great gift book for youth

Not sure what to give a kid, give them a book like this. One that helps them to grow as an individual and better themself over time. Encourage them to make the effort to complete this one and make a habit to return to this one to read a few times over the years.

A real game changer, awesome book.

It's a bestseller for over 70 years with millions of copies sold, all this speaks for itself. The author had written a great book of life full of lessons. It is written on the back of this book that " this book is probably the best self-help book ever written" I totally agree with that line and support it. One thing is pretty much sure about this book is that if you want to make your dream come true then you must be PRACTICAL otherwise it will be in your WISH LIST and will never fulfill your desire.

Helped me to lose over 120ibs

A lot of people think that it was the exercise and diet change that has allowed me to lose the weight. While those 2 things have been essential in the whole process, what really helped me was the understanding of how the mind works through reading this book. As the author says, "This book is not written purely for those seeking material growth" and I am living proof of what he meant by that. I grew rich in knowledge, knowledge of health and of fitness. I learned how to control cravings, create new thought patterns, and how to complete any challenge put forth in front of me. This book made changing my life possible and easy. This book should be read by anyone looking to grow in ANY way, shape, or form in life. This book is essential to navigating life successfully and is a definite must read.

Better than Melatonin to sleep

Over rated book. The way it's written has well is hidious. Just because it's popular doesnt mean it's good. Look at the housing crash. Housing was popular and look how that ended up. In short, you can read another book besides this one you wont miss out.

Book on Success

I felt like the book was repetitive and did not clearly spell out what the secret to success is. I read a few chapters and it got boring to me. But I like that the price was under $7.


This a great book to have in your pocket always. It is good for people of all backgrounds looking to accomplish their goals or actualize their purpose, however young males will truly get the most from the book. I would recommend it as a starter for anyone looking for the "How" after they have found their "Why" in life.

Inaccurate book dimensions!!! Tiny letters, super difficult to read it.!!

The picture advertised shows this book will be 10in of height, when in reality it is only 7in. This book is super tiny outside and inside which make super hard to read it. As a suggestion, fix dimension on the picture because mislead your customers, people has the right to know accurately what they are purchasing.


After reading this for a second time in PDF, I finally purchased this book. Then I made an awesome discovery! My Grandmother actually wrote a manuscript in 1938 after Napoleon Hill wrote his original "Think & Grow RICH." She noted in her manuscript of this wonderful book of Napoleon Hill's and wrote of her DESIRE (frustrated desire, hah) to go to Tahiti. This manuscript was written during a "Lean Winter" following the Great Depression! Think and Grow RICH is a timeless gem, which has never gone out of style! I'm thankful for such a masterpiece!

Very Impressive books worth the Buy and a reread through life to help not only with riches as in money but also the different variety of happiness

Great Read worth the Buy and Time to Fees your Mind such information....Give it a Try you won't regret it.

Napoleon Hill 1, Arthur Pell 0

For $0.99 I can't really complain. But I will, just a little. I purchased this particular edition of Think and Grow Rich in hopes that whatever the contributions of Arthur Pell were, they would be valuable. Sadly, this was not the case. The book is a landmark and a must-read, and Dr. Pell's italicized additions unfortunately distracted from Hill's original brilliance. The intent of adding modern examples to Hill's roster of early 20th century moguls was laudable. However, those sections were written in a way that didn't fit with the original, and they rarely added much to the discussion. (The bit on Mary Kay Ash was something of an exception to this criticism.) These modern names were picked to replace more obscure individuals from the 30's, the preface states, while the really big players like Edison, Ford, and Carnegie remained intact. Overall, I just didn't feel like the changes were done well or smoothly. I haven't read the original, and I can understand why some of the names might not register for a reader in 2015, but I'd probably recommend sticking with the version that includes only Napoleon Hill on the cover.

Awesome book!!!!!

If you are looking to get way out of your own way AND out of your head, this book is for you. It will change your life and take you to another level that you never even knew was possible. At first, I was like "what is this book all about???" After reading it, I was hooked and know why many succeed in life after reading the book. I even enjoy the audiobook version when I am in the car.


The ORIGINAL that so many other books have copied or interpreted. Find out what you want. Focus on it, Do the necessary work to achieve it. Have faith you will achieve it and you will! Everything on the planet that was ever created, started with a thought. BUT was only created when that thought was focused upon the necessary action was taken. Napolean Hill helps you to use your subconscious mind to focus on and get what you want. Some folks out there say it's the universe that gets you what you want. I don't agree. I asked for two things. The first was to be a successful trader which I am now thanks to my subconscious mind guiding me, as to what I needed to do, to achieve that goal, then applying the necessary effort. The second thing I requested from LOA was to find a brown paper bag filled with a million dollars which, had it manifested, would have been proof that the universe manifests what you ask LOA for. Still waiting to find that brown paper bag LOL Proof positive that manifesting what you want is up to YOU and has nothing to do with the universe. Using your subconscious in LOA helps you to get what you want by keeping your focus on it. :)

I also recommend watching Bob Proctor on you tube

I am really enjoying this book! I find it hard to put down. Note: the messages in this book do not have to only apply to money. The principle can be applied to anything you wish to attract. Have your highlighter ready to highlight important details. I also recommend watching Bob Proctor on you tube. He also highly recommends this book and it is why I purchased it.

As relevant today as it was in 1937

I just finished reading Think and Grow Rich and I am wondering why I never read this book before. I am already one who has will power and am a positive thinker, but I am so inspired by the practices I have learned and have already begun to implement. This book focuses a lot on mind set, which is talked about a lot especially in the solopreneur small business world. As a woman reading this book you must forgive the male centricity and sometimes worse.

This Book Will Bring You Success

As a result of reading this book I have made a fortune. There is no easier way to be successful in life than to read, digest the contents of, and apply the teachings found herein. I have 3 college degrees and came from a fairly upple middle claas family, but nobody ever told me to anything but 'Work Hard.' Boy were they wrong. I ended up finding my true calling in life and have changed my entire life. Again. See paragraph one.

The book of life

So far this book has been truly inspiring and amazing. This book has reaffirmed many of my thoughts as well as answered questions I've had, such as what the educational system is missing- how to use your knowledge. Many of us have been highly educated but have since proved little or nothing and have no wealth to show. How is this possible when higher education is supposed to be the ultimate. Work hard and good things will come- not always. This book is more realistic than that. Most people seem to fade away and be comfortable with mundane jobs and low pay once they've endured it for so long. This book reminds us of the youthful passion when everything is possible. The fact is: everything is still possible at any age. Moreover, this book connects the idea that all wealthy and successful people, like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, had certain things in common that leaded to their wealth. These things are thoroughly described in the book. Lastly, to mention, this book was written by a man with a very close personal relationship to Mr. Carnegie and it was Carnegie's idea to compose such a book. It is not written purely out of observation but from experience. I would recommend any and all people to read this and take it to heart.

A golden ticket straight from the chocolate factory...

The original playbook on how to radically change your life by learning what the most powerful, industrious, and visionary people from the early 20th century did to achieve their spectacular results in life.

Think of it as Tony Robbins meets Thich Nhat Hanh

Much more than a path to monetary success, Think and Grow Rich is a study of what makes a person successful in all aspects of life. Hill uses money as the universally relatable yardstick for success but his book outlines a much deeper understanding of the powers that guide our lives. He provides a practical guide to rewire your mind for success through auto-suggestion - part hypnosis, part habit building. Our brains reinforce and strengthen the thoughts which dominate our minds, both physically (in the growth of myelin) and emotionally. For being written in 1939, the book feels very up to date and even ventures into New Age territory e.g. tapping into the infinite wisdom of the universe. Hill's teachings are one part Tony Robbins and one part Thich Nhat Hanh. In the span of 300 pages he covers teachings for success in finance, relationships, sex, and self control. Some people mind find his tools cheesy but science has proven many of his techniques. Highly recommended to anyone interested in self improvement, personal success, personal magnetism and the mystical exploration of the internal and external universe.

Outstanding Insight

Growing up, my mother would play the audiobook version of this in the car on the way to school. It wasn't until I started to read this book when I began to understand Napoleon Hill's message clearer. Everyone is solely autonomous over their thoughts, but it is how we choose to use them that will ultimately decide whether or not you fail or succeed in what you want to do. Although superficially it may seem like a book meant just for acquiring "riches," the themes of this book can be transmuted into any facet of success - whether financially or otherwise.

Wonderful update to classic book

Wonderful updated paperback edition of Napoleon Hill’s well-known self help book. There’s not a motivational speaker out there today who has not read and studied this book. The editors insert current business examples to maintain the relevance of the book and to put things in perspective of our business world today. This is one of the most important books to own if you want to take charge of your own direction.

How do you review "The Classic"?

How can one even think of writing a review of "Think and Grow Rich" - it is not a classic, it is "The Classic". I was a very slow starter on this psychological stuff living my childhood in England, in the days when psychology was considered to be "rubbish" - how wrong can you be? It is the foundation of every success and reading this classic will help anyone to increase the chances of success in their lives. The story is well known, Andrew Carnegie, at the time, the richest man alive gave Napolean Hill, the assignment of writing a Philosophy of Personal Achievement. Armed with an introductory letter from Carnegie, over the next many years, Hill interviewed over five hundred successful people including Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, John D. Rockefeller, George Eastman, William Wrigley Jr. and Charles M. Schwab. Finally published in 1937, Hill delivered his wisdom as thirteen steps to success. Without doubt, if you wish to be successful in any venture, you must learn and adopt the thought patterns of those who have achieved success, for they do think in differently, and yet, these different mindsets can be learned.

If I could only have one book, forever...this is it!

If I was told I could only have one book for the rest of my life, this would be it. It is a must read. There is not another book that will give you the insights to success that is better. In fact, most every other book written on how to be "rich" and successful is based, in some part, on "Think and Grow Rich". I have two hard copies of this and now bought this for my iPad. I don't want to be anywhere without it. The idea behind this is simple, that what you think about in life has a great impact on what happens in your life. The concept is simple (like the movie "The Secret", which was based on the teachings in this book), but putting it into practice is not simple or easy. In my opinion, thinking is one of the hardest things to do in life. This book give you great guidelines on how to structure your thinking, how to focus, what to focus on, and steps to help ensure your success. I could tell you more, but honestly, it wouldn't do it justice. More to the point, you need to do the work yourself. If you don't have a copy, get one now and start reading it. You'll want to read it many times!

One of My All-Time Favorite Books!

Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" has become one of my all-time favorite books. For anyone who wants to break the mental and psychological chains that limit one from achieving one's fullest potential, READ THIS BOOK, TAKE NOTES, HIGHLIGHT PASSAGES, DOGGY-EAR PAGES... READ IT!!! After studying wealthy men of his time over a period of 20 years, Dr. Hill discovered that his millionaire and billionaire subjects all shared similar character traits that distinguished them from the masses; namely and among others, each one had an undying belief in himself and a laser beam-like focus on achieveing their goals, missions and dreams, that they would not allowing anyone or anything to stop them. Despite facing one setback after another, one obstacle after another, one failure after another, and many people encouraging them to just throw in the towel and give up, they never gave up, kept their eye on the prize, and - surprise! - achieve a level of professional and financial success that many could have never dreamed of. If you want to know in detail what Dr. Hill discovered, then it would behoove you to BUY AND READ THIS BOOK! Written in 1937, "Think and Grow Rich" is indeed a timeless classic!


So many modern, successful authors and speakers reflect these actions and wisdom recorded here so many years ago. Where ever your life’s creed comes from, be the Holy Bible or another book you will find these truths are influenced by ageless principles.

" you will not be disappointed by this read

I am here reading this book now (as of 9/4/16). It is everything anyone should read even if the want to re title it for themselves; "Think and Grow ________." I concur with the science of thought, how it works from the invisible to the tangible. Napoleon Hill has hit this paradigm on the head! As someone seeking the "whatever's in life," you will not be disappointed by this read. Notes to get this material to work for you? Read it once through, then read it again right away; on the second time around take notes and practice the work given, then you too will see the invisible become visible; do it for the right reasons and you will be doubly blessed. Enjoy - John Edwards


This book has been an invaluable tool that has helped me identify and overcome obstacles in my personal and business life. It is simply a must read for everyone as the principals can be applied towards any goal you have set for yourself. If your goal is to grow spiritually, apply the principals...If your goal is to climb Mt. Everest, apply the principals...If your goal is to grow your finances, apply the principals... I've listened to numerous motivational types over the years and read numerous success books. After reading through Think and Grow Rich, it is evident that most modern day success coaches are teaching the principals outlined here. I don't say that to marginalize modern success coaches, I say it as a testament to the depth and validity of this book. As with any book, depending on where you're coming from, you may have to 'chew the meat and spit out the bones' so to speak, but it would be foolish to ignore the principals of success outlined here. Application of these principals will help you alter the course of your life.

It should be titled "The best book you'll ever read and should also make your ...

The title betrays the book. It should be titled "The best book you'll ever read and should also make your children read." This is not a step by step guide on how to become rich. There are no schemes or "how to" nonsense. This book relays to you the human traits necessary for success and teaches you how to cultivate your own instincts. I believe it to be true because I've had a fair amount of success professionally. I see now that I was using these same instincts and traits without even realizing it. The book teaches that success comes from your desire and what you create in your mind. It teaches that it's good to desire wealth. It teaches that the attainment of a goal comes through the process of trial and error until success is acheived. It's a great read. Especially now in our defeatest country where everybody's problems are someone elses fault. This book teaches you how to rise above poverty, doubt, nay-sayers and any obstacle you think is holding you back. Don't believe me? He studied Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford. He doesn't give you any step by step road map on how they exactly amassed wealth and fame. He gives you a picture of their thought process. He tells you how their minds worked and their perception of the world. He talks about their vision. If you're like me and are looking for a way out of the rat race you may find it here. Heck, it worked for Henry Ford.


I truly enjoyed this book. It was my second novel by Mr. Hill. I will admit, I enjoyed Outwitting the Devil more. After reading this book, it clarified things things that was supposed to be understood in the previous book. Great book and introduction to Napoleon Hill.


Classic. Important for anyone's library.

Valuable, Odd, Insightful, and Interesting

First the bad. The book starts and occasionally flares up with what I would call a carnival barker atmosphere. Almost the "step right up" and buy the snake oil kind of tone. As I do with any book, I weigh what is presented here against the Bible. Through the sifting I would have to leave many of his teachings behind. One last negative note would be some of the people he holds up as high examples are less than stellar in my reckoning. The good. Most of what the author presents seems very useful, the chapter on sex and sex energy is very useful. His teachings about having a definite purpose and acting upon it, about being positive been avoiding the negative is highly valuable. There is much to be gained from this book and I highly recommend that you read it.


This book is a very difficult read. Very disorganized, too much filler. Gives tons of examples but with the examples the points are not clear and concise. What killed me is that I wanted you to apply lessons that were in later chapters, it kept wanting me to jump forward to certain chapters. I had high hopes for this book, but I am having a hard time believing this is the best the writer could come up with being that Carnegie paid him to devote all his time to writing this. Gave me a headache.


Life changing! Increasing your awareness to yourself, to life itself. Understanding others as a result of deep self understanding. Ways to improve all aspects of life by simply trying the never-before-tried (at least by 90% of the population). Napoleon Hill is a blessing! As he had Carnegie stand behind him during lectures, long after Carnegie died, by reading his words and implementing his studies, I truly feel Napoleon Hill himself walks besides me, guiding me as to how to be the best I can to myself and to all around me. Order it and read it and work at it! I WILL BE WORTH IT.

This book will help change your thinking and your life

When you change the way you think then your life changes. This books proposes that when the power of thought is fully understood and you change the way you think with a clear plan and support from like minded people your chances of success are so much greater. Although the book is written around money the ideas presented can be applied it every area of life. I have read this book three times and I particularly like this version as it is the original version and has much more detail in it compared to the 1960's version. Hill mentions about the years of the Great Depression in the 1930's and I am sure he wrote this book to help millions of people to go beyond the misery and challenges of that time. It is opportune the original version is now available today as it is a reminder that no matter what circumstances we face, we can get through them and thrive using this philosophy. Rather than watching the news and other negative thoughts being spread around society I would recommend you pick up a copy of this book to keep your thoughts focused in ways of progress, hope and opportunity rather than doom and gloom. Also I like the way the book is laid out with a larger type face making it easier to read. Top marks for this book.

Great ideas, though in a very repetitive manner.

I learnt many good things through this book. For that reason, I gave it a 4-star rating. The fact that many times it presents ideas in a very repetitive, lead to a tiresome reading. Being written long time ago poses both positive and negative features. On one hand, the book often present advanced principles for the time it was written. On the other hand, an exaggerated romanticism makes it hard to put its advice into practice.

Great book. Disappointing Audio CD

I have the book Think and Grow Rich and wanted something to keep me grounded when im on mobile. I thought this book as a good idea but i was so disappointed. It is only a review of the chapters and i doubt it was half an hour long. Well probable. The summary can be helpful but I expected more


AMAZING BOOK, But this publishing is horrendous. I received the orange tinted cover with money on it. Its got what feels like a major typographical error every single page. There are also some liberties that have been taken with the punctuation of the book and what seem intentional but are likely clumsy alterations to headings and section titles in this. Honestly all they had to do was duplicate the print of this classic book. That was it! I'm completely perplexed by this publication. I want a refund so I can buy a better publication of this seminal piece of personal development literature.

Misleading Tittle

Although this book starts with good and sound advice. It encourages positive changes, however, as one reads further in the chapters, one can realize that this book comes from a sexist, agist and a racist perspective. I was disappointed.

One of the greatest books ever published!

This is one of the greatest books ever published, and as a matter of fact, it is number 10 on the "Best Selling Book List of All times" and number one in its category. I have read it five times and it has changed my life by changing me, and my outlook on things. I would and do recommend this book to all my family members and friends, and to whom ever I meet that wants to have a better life. It helps, or teaches a person how to have a better life by teaching them the scientific principles of human achievement. These principles easily and clearly show you how to step by step acquire, or accomplish anything you want in life. It covers everything from wealth, career success, health, happiness, love and all the good things most people want out of life. I really truly like this book!

One of the few truly great success books.

I wish I had read this book in my early twenties or late teens. I wasted so many years accepting what others were giving rather than asking for what I deserved and working to earn it. This should be in our school curriculum. Except maybe the transmutation portion... might be too much for high school kids to understand.

great read!

this book was eye-opening, and has definitely enhanced how i interact with life. the author doesn't promote any particular religious creed, but if you subscribe to particular religious principles (eg. the concept of FAITH), you will definitely see some parallels. ...of course, not everyone with agree with every thing, but if you know how to weed things out (eg. the overwhelming references to money; the perspective on deafness, etc.), i think many people will find very valuable information in this book. i've only read the 1937 version, which i think i'd prefer, despite some of the old school thinking. again, if you don't allow yourself to get hung up on those things, you'll find a lot of gems in this book.

Grandiose, dubious. Also incomplete.

The ideas in this book are tread worn and of dubious usefulness. The language is a paean to overconfidence. This edition also lacks a title page, the the last chapter, index, and authors info seen in print editions.

Ugly and small format but definitely worth reading it!

It’s not regular size book and I guess the machine cutting the pages was defective/not programmed right. Attaching photos The value of the book worth 5 star though especially for the price!

This is the original success formula attained by studying America's most successful people

Earl Nightingale knew Napolean Hill. From that perspective he takes the listener from passenger on life's sailing ship to Captain. While still a young man Napolean Hill was challenged to study and document many of America's business leaders. Hill accepted the challenge and twenty years later compiled his findings into the all time best seller "Think and Grow Rich". There are many self improvement titles available today. Think and Grow Rich was the first. Additionally, it was his personal reading of Think and Grow Rich" at the age of 29 that gave Earl Nightingale his own personal "ah-hah!" moment. With this recording you hear the discoveries of the original self improvement advocate narrated by a man whose own life was greatly changed by "Think and Grow Rich".

A must read for anyone with dreams of success!

This is one of the books on the top must read business lists that i’ve put off far too long. This book was not what i expected, I had expected practical strategies to accumulate wealth; however, i was pleasantly surprised to learn it is actually a step by step guidebook on how to know yourself, create a strong desire to succeed and how to spiritually manifest wealth. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who is determined to become wealthy

No so much a "book"

This is more like a bound report. 8.5x11, about a quarter inch thick. Not a "book" like you can put on your bookshelf after you read it. Haven't even cracked it yet, if I'm honest, but I'm super disappointed in the presentation.

I would recommend everyone buys this book...

I considered buying this book because a speaker named Bob Proctor claims that he reads this book and still does till this day. He has so much knowledge about the subconscious mind and spiritual beings. I am very interested in this topic so I thought it would be best for me to purchase the original Think and grow rich book so that I get everything that Napoleon Hill taught. The book is in great condition and came in good timing. As I can see there is no wear and tear, no marks inside the book which is great to see. The most important thing is the content that's inside the book. I'm looking forward to filling myself up with the knowledge that is provided in this book. The depth that it goes into is eye opening and exciting for me. I'm definitely happy with the purchase.

Read This!!!

One of my top business/finance books in my collection. There are so many tools and "exercises" to utilize in here. And of course you are getting valuable info from someone who spent his life studying businesses. Easy read, fun read, knowledgeable read.

If you're interested in becoming a better businessman, or a better person in general

This is the most important book I have ever read and I wish I had known about it a lot earlier in life. If you're interested in becoming a better businessman, or a better person in general, this book is a MUST READ. The language is sometimes difficult to understand and sometimes the author generalizes and embellishes meaning (such as when talking about ether as a real propagating force) but it wouldn't be the same book without this character. I can't recommend this book enough!

Top 5 Reasons You Need This Book

1) I spent 2 years in the sales industry before reading this book, was in the bottom 25% of my region, and in jeopardy of losing my job. After reading Think and Grow Rich, my sales increased by 80% and I am now leading my region and facing a promotion. 2) It's an easy read, using basic and proven sales techniques to adapt your mindset to that of your clients. 3) Instead of filling you with bad sales habits in hopes for positive outcomes, this book gives you the basic building blocks on which to build your sales foundation. 4) When you're beaten down by the daily grind, this book will help you recover quicker and turn your luck around in a matter of hours using a classic mentality lost through the generations. 5) Not only will this book help you in your industry, but I've found it to be extremely helpful in my personal life also. Ever wonder how to pursued your friends and family to think the way you do? These techniques work on them too.

A classic you cannot miss.

I have read it several times and it's amazing how many things you'll discover in each reading. This book originated the personal development industry as it's known today. Read it few times and you will not stop reading for the rest of your life. This is the original version as first published after the Great Depression. Thanks to the Napoleon Hill Foundation that has made this copy available to the general public.

Wouldn’t recommend

Didn’t finish this book. The beginning made money almost like a religion. I love finance books but this one just reminded me of “the love of money is the root of all evil”

In a self-improvement class by itself

Without doubt this is one of the strangest books I've ever read - a combination of dime store psychology and million dollar insights, scientific mumbo jumbo and indisputable facts of life. Of course, you have to make allowances because Hill first published the book in 1937 (!). Amazingly, it's just as relevant and potentially life transforming now as it no doubt was then. (This edition restores lots of original text that was edited out when Hill re-released "Think" in 1960. Ample footnotes provide context for historical references unfamiliar to modern readers.) The essence of "Think" can be summed up in Hill's signature phrase, "Whatever, friend, you can conceive and believe, you can achieve!" Hill puts forth 13 steps for internalizing this conceive-believe-achieve mindset necessary for success. Although upon first reading "Think" seems to equate success with piling up obscene amounts of money, Hill goes much deeper. Several times he implores us to decide for ourselves what success means - remembering his principles apply equally well to any goals we set out to accomplish. Hill himself admits his emphasis on money stems from the social conditions of his time, when America was languishing in poverty during the Great Depression. What I thought made Hill's techniques so persuasive is the twenty-five years of research he put into developing them, based on close-hand observation of super-achievers including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Andrew Carnegie. If these gentlemen were living examples of Hill's ideas, what more can you ask for? Even without the research, Hill's advice ring true. But don't expect soothing comfort pills from this self-help book. First, Hill gets in your face. He forces you to face the brutal truth of who you are through a series of self-diagnostic questions designed to take you way out of your comfort zone. Then, Hill puts you to work. His methods force you to think, act, and drill yourself into a whole new way of thinking about life. I'm sure it takes a few readings just to take the first baby steps on Hill's path (I'm on my second reading now). Anybody who wants more from life, who feels confused, indecisive, frustrated, or oppressed, to any degree whatsoever, in any aspect of his or her life, will benefit from reading this book. It's already making a difference for me.

Edited for thin skinned; get the “Original Classic”

I decided to buy both the audiobook and the print as I wanted to really immerse myself in the subject matter.... I would definitely recommend the “Original Classic Version” which is the audio version I have. This new version varies greatly in removing stories and references that are obviously offensive to the PC Police, anti-American, and Cancel Culture crowd. The meat of the content is there but it’s just sad to see any form of national pride/identity be removed from the original content.

Think and Grow Rich means Think and Grow Rich

However it sounds to you, the point of the book is that whatever your mind can conceive you will achieve! There is a difference between wishing for something and working towards something. Imagine and envision what you want and then focus you time, energy, work, habits, thoughts, feelings, and actions on achieving this goal. It's literally that simple.

Interesting book, but lots of typos in this version

The book was recommended to me by someone who is financially successful. I have had a chance to put the ideas into practice yet, so I can't comment on the ideas presented. However, I do have two general comments. I don't know what the original looked like, but this version has a LOT of typos which give the appearance that this version was a self-published book, done by someone with another version by their side while they typed it word-for-word into their own computer. Another thing that bothered me is that the author vascillates from calling Christ "The Master" and equating him with "other great leaders" who used the power of the sixth sense in their life's work. There are others, as well. As a Christian, that bothered me a great deal. I'm not saying you shouldn't purchase the book for that reason, just that you should be prepared for it.

Wow, what a message!!

I finally purchased the audio version of this book after so many people kept telling me that I needed to read it. Someone sent me an online version which I down-loaded, but found out quickly that when I read at the computer I get sleepy. So I opted for the audio. This is not something you can rush through. It needs to be digested slowly. At first glance, I thought it was one of those get rich books, but I quickly found out that this book has a much more profound and deeper message. The rich part is rich in every area of your life, ie relationships, opportunities, health, as well as finances. This book focuses on building positive character into a person. It is a real faith builder. I am so glad I bought it. I would call this book life changing, and very much needed.

Love it

Big fan of self-help books and this was definitely worth it 10/10 ❤️

A Classic... Wisdom Beyond Measure!

I read this book first as a teenager. It completely changed my focus. I learned a basic lesson: If I had a choice about what to focus my thoughts on ... Why not choose a life I'd enjoy. I realized also that wealth would be a part of the equation. Today, decades later I reflect and re-read with gratitude. This book among others, helped direct the course of my life. Margo Powell-Reid Author, Fatherlessness ... The Wound!

Una gran lectura para emprendedores!

Este audiolibro, efectivamente contiene grandes enseñanzas sobre vision de negocios, visión de vida, valores y mentalidades que uno puede desarrollar para alcanzar una mejor calidad de vida financiera.

Good stuff

Very good read. I like the updated commentary as I read the original years ago. Nice way to make it more relevant.

Think and Grow Rich:The Original 1937 Unedited Edition

I recently bought this book, now at age 63, I say its better late than never to have read it. I dont remember hearing about this book before, perhaps its just now my time. Update 1-16-14 Im reading it and studying it and taking notes, very interesting. I should of known about and read this book,Philosophy on Success a long time ago. I think this book is a 5 Star. I also bought the Laws of Success that I will read and study after I finish Think and Grow Rich Book. It seems to me to be a long term Philosophy about how to attain Wealth/Riches/Big Money. It seems to me like I found a hidden treasure with instructions on How to get Rich. Others have done it and you can to, I think I can. I Think I Can!

Print too small but for the price is a bargain

The book is brand new but the quality is not great but for $5 dollars what would you expect. The print is very small, sometimes I have a hard time reading. I would suggest to buy this version and if you like it go and find a better edition. I give 5 starts for the price.

A Solution For The Masses

If every person would read, understand, and apply the principles in "Think and Grow Rich" the world would be a wealthier place both physically and spiritually. Do not deprive yourself of this knowledge. This is information that should be taught in the public schools instead of the ridiculous, useless information on the current cirriculum. "Think and Grow Rich" is the result of Napoleon Hill's 20 years of dilligent research of over 500 most successful people and what they have in common. Mr. Hill describes in detail the principles that will help you develop the skills to harness your most powerful asset which is your mind, and provides the time-tessted and proven formula to literally "Think and Grow Rich." Listen to this audio cd while you drive, sleep, shower, complete your household chores, around the clock, all day, everyday until you realize that all you will ever need to know to learn how to become wealthy is in this book.

Excellent Business Concepts

Houston's furniture mogul "Mattress Mac" gave me a copy when I was in college saying it was the secret behind his success. Is full of excellent business concepts. I have bought many copies for gifts since then.

Was the book a good read and helpful?

I love this book, its especially great for someone who is trying to learn the principles of success. The book opens your mind in a whole new way. This is the kind of book that I would bring with me everywhere and read it a thousand times. Absolutely love it.

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