The Listening Path: The Creative Art of Attention (A 6-Week Artist's Way Program)

Kindle Edition
11 Jan

A 6-week Artist’s Way Program from legendary author Julia Cameron

A Washington Post and Publisher's Weekly Bestseller

"Cameron's fans will love this"—Publishers Weekly

The newest book from beloved author Julia Cameron, The Listening Path is a transformational journey to deeper, more profound listening and creativity. Over six weeks, readers will be given the tools to become better listeners—to their environment, the people around them, and themselves. The reward for learning to truly listen is immense. As we learn to listen, our attention is heightened and we gain healing, insight, clarity. But above all, listening creates connections and ignites a creativity that will resonate through every aspect of our lives.

Julia Cameron is the author of the explosively successful book The Artist’s Way, which has transformed the creative lives of millions of readers since it was first published. Incorporating tools from The Artist’s Way, The Listening Path offers a new method of creative and personal transformation.

Each week, readers will be challenged to expand their ability to listen in a new way, beginning by listening to their environment and culminating in learning to listen to silence. These weekly practices open up a new world of connection and fulfillment. In a culture of bustle and constant sound, The Listening Path is a deeply necessary reminder of the power of truly hearing.

Reviews (44)

For a Book on Listening it Reads More Like a Daytime TV Talkfest

The Listening Path reads like the script of a rather dish-watery daytime talkfest. It’s full of musings and adages on the virtues of good listening. It’s not that there’s much wrong with the advice (though some is too new-agey for my taste); it’s that it can be found in umpteenth other self-help manuals. If it was well written I might have enjoyed it. After all, who doesn’t need a reminder to attentively listen? But so much of the book is devoted to Julia Cameron the saleswomen: promoting her ideas, her books, her life, her importance. It gets a little tedious. If you enjoy daytime talk shows or are new to the self-improvement genre then you may benefit from this book. The rest of us may safely pass.

Don’t waste your time

I’m a fan, but this book is BAAAAAAAD. Regurgitation of well worn points about morning pages, artist dates and walks. Long, pointless stories about Lily the dog. Kindergarten level instruction on listening to other people. Nothing new, entertaining or beyond obvious. On the plus side, it’s very short.


I'm confused with "contacting the dead" because my first experience with Cameron was several years ago with the Artist's Way in a book study in a Christian church. The Listening Path's 5th chapter is Listening Beyond the Veil in which she suggests that the reader to "make contact" with a hero who is dead and "write out what your hear." This follows conversation on spiritualists and mediums. Practices such as this are usually not part of Christian theology, although the subject of mediums is in the Bible. It's just that when ever necromancy appears in biblical text, it is condemned. This book is not recommended for Christian practices or study.

Basically Artist's Way...again

I enjoyed The Artist's Way. so I tried this. I found it a rehash without enough new to make it worth a read, in fact I quit less than half way through. So if you have never read the former, might be worth a read but I would still recommend TAW over this book.

Are you Listening?

This is the first Julia Cameron book that I cannot say with absoluteness that I loved from beginning to end. Personally, I would omit Weeks #4 & #5, but that is just me and my own personal preference. The rest of THE LISTENING PATH is typically Julia Cameron greatness. What makes her book so powerful is that I find myself listening--to all of the sounds around me, but especially to the people--what they literally say with their words as well as what they say with their body language. It is interesting how little we truly listen. As Julia discusses, we are often so busy thinking of how we're going to respond or what comes next that we don't really LISTEN. I like listening. I have even managed to keep my tv off for several mornings rather than turning it on before I am even fully awake. I am trying to listen more to all things around me. As I am listening more, I am finding that I love the sounds I am hearing as well as those I'm not. As usual, Thank you, Julia.

Wish I had a clean copy.

I’m enjoying the book but curious why the last two brand new books I ordered arrived beat up and dirty, like they’ve been read. Not good.

A disappointment

I adore The Artist's Way and re-read it frequently! But this book? Pass! Nothing new in here and enough about Lilly and her salmon, please! Truly a letdown as I admire the author greatly. This book feels like a tepid, half-hearted attempt to publish something current. I'm sorry I bought it and I'm not going to bother finishing it.

Cathartic read

This book is a breath of fresh air and a cathartic read. Its taking me to deeper thought processes and waking up to not only the world around me but to myself and others. My creativity and serenity have boomed.

Revisits and Dog Walks

Always insightful and a joy to read, however the first 40 or so pages were dedicated to revisiting Morning Pages. Perhaps for those unfamiliar with the technique this was an insightful read, but forty pages? The remainder of the book will appeal to dog lovers as so many insights are revealed through Ms Cameron’s walks through her life with her dog. This was not my favorite release, but there were honest and helpful lessons.

Buy The Artist's Way but not this one

This book was not well edited. It could have been a third the length it is. It is mostly a recounting of life with her dog and conversations with name-dropped friends. There were some good points and exercises but not one of her better books. Compared to The Artist Way, this doesn't hold a candle.

For a Book on Listening it Reads More Like a Daytime TV Talkfest

The Listening Path reads like the script of a rather dish-watery daytime talkfest. It’s full of musings and adages on the virtues of good listening. It’s not that there’s much wrong with the advice (though some is too new-agey for my taste); it’s that it can be found in umpteenth other self-help manuals. If it was well written I might have enjoyed it. After all, who doesn’t need a reminder to attentively listen? But so much of the book is devoted to Julia Cameron the saleswomen: promoting her ideas, her books, her life, her importance. It gets a little tedious. If you enjoy daytime talk shows or are new to the self-improvement genre then you may benefit from this book. The rest of us may safely pass.

Don’t waste your time

I’m a fan, but this book is BAAAAAAAD. Regurgitation of well worn points about morning pages, artist dates and walks. Long, pointless stories about Lily the dog. Kindergarten level instruction on listening to other people. Nothing new, entertaining or beyond obvious. On the plus side, it’s very short.


I'm confused with "contacting the dead" because my first experience with Cameron was several years ago with the Artist's Way in a book study in a Christian church. The Listening Path's 5th chapter is Listening Beyond the Veil in which she suggests that the reader to "make contact" with a hero who is dead and "write out what your hear." This follows conversation on spiritualists and mediums. Practices such as this are usually not part of Christian theology, although the subject of mediums is in the Bible. It's just that when ever necromancy appears in biblical text, it is condemned. This book is not recommended for Christian practices or study.

Basically Artist's Way...again

I enjoyed The Artist's Way. so I tried this. I found it a rehash without enough new to make it worth a read, in fact I quit less than half way through. So if you have never read the former, might be worth a read but I would still recommend TAW over this book.

Are you Listening?

This is the first Julia Cameron book that I cannot say with absoluteness that I loved from beginning to end. Personally, I would omit Weeks #4 & #5, but that is just me and my own personal preference. The rest of THE LISTENING PATH is typically Julia Cameron greatness. What makes her book so powerful is that I find myself listening--to all of the sounds around me, but especially to the people--what they literally say with their words as well as what they say with their body language. It is interesting how little we truly listen. As Julia discusses, we are often so busy thinking of how we're going to respond or what comes next that we don't really LISTEN. I like listening. I have even managed to keep my tv off for several mornings rather than turning it on before I am even fully awake. I am trying to listen more to all things around me. As I am listening more, I am finding that I love the sounds I am hearing as well as those I'm not. As usual, Thank you, Julia.

Wish I had a clean copy.

I’m enjoying the book but curious why the last two brand new books I ordered arrived beat up and dirty, like they’ve been read. Not good.

A disappointment

I adore The Artist's Way and re-read it frequently! But this book? Pass! Nothing new in here and enough about Lilly and her salmon, please! Truly a letdown as I admire the author greatly. This book feels like a tepid, half-hearted attempt to publish something current. I'm sorry I bought it and I'm not going to bother finishing it.

Cathartic read

This book is a breath of fresh air and a cathartic read. Its taking me to deeper thought processes and waking up to not only the world around me but to myself and others. My creativity and serenity have boomed.

Revisits and Dog Walks

Always insightful and a joy to read, however the first 40 or so pages were dedicated to revisiting Morning Pages. Perhaps for those unfamiliar with the technique this was an insightful read, but forty pages? The remainder of the book will appeal to dog lovers as so many insights are revealed through Ms Cameron’s walks through her life with her dog. This was not my favorite release, but there were honest and helpful lessons.

Buy The Artist's Way but not this one

This book was not well edited. It could have been a third the length it is. It is mostly a recounting of life with her dog and conversations with name-dropped friends. There were some good points and exercises but not one of her better books. Compared to The Artist Way, this doesn't hold a candle.

Powerful Guide to the Art of Listening

My book club began this book last month and we are each, eating it up, in our own ways. The three tools Cameron gives (Morning Pages. Artist Date and Walking), though seeming simple, have given me ways to live and practice my spiritual understanding. I feel "uncorked" and "uncovered"....both key aspects of getting back to who I have always been and always will be ....back to my eternal being

for me, the repetition often works

Julia Cameron’s 12-week manual, “The Artist’s Way: a Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity,” is ultra groundbreaking to creatives of any ilk. Each non-fiction book Cameron has published since then reiterates much of her original teachings — but for me, the repetition often works. This newest text is a 6-week DIY course that emphasizes the value of listening to each other, our environment, and ourselves.

A sloppy regurgitation

I really enjoyed the original Artist’s Way but this feels like a sloppy regurgitation of the same ideas. Cameron drones on endlessly about her dog, salmon, and her broken landline, all the while rephrasing the same surface level ideas with as many different synonyms as she can muster. About ready to give up. Did she even have anyone edit this?

Good not great

I always enjoy reading Julia Cameron's books and love her descriptions of her days, activities and artist friends. However, in this book she literally mentions giving her dog salmon treats at least 4 times, and wrote a detailed diary of what her dog saw and smelled on their walks. Enough about the dog, please. I'm glad she's still publishing and will keep buying her books but this is not one I will re-read.

If you have the other books - is it worth it? YES!

I was wondering if I get this book when I already have most of the others books by Julia which I have got through many times including the artists way, the prosperous heart, walking in this world, and finding water. I decided to go for it - and yes. The answer is yes. Soooo worth. I love it and feel inspired again. If you are one of the already-fans, this book will take you to the next level. Thank you Julia. I am so loving it.

old news

I really liked The Artist's Way. This book rehashes that, then adds very little. The author had one small idea, that might have made a good blog or perhaps an article someplace, but she stretched it out to book-length. So many anecdotes about her dog! Not awful ideas, especially if someone had never read the Artist's Way, but not enough new material to justify the price of the book.

The Path is illuminated for all those willing to follow it.

The Listening Path has helped shine a light and deepen my connection to those I love. It's about real connection: The stuff that makes you come alive and appreciate each day's gifts. You do the work and it truly works. Even on those hard days when it feels like you're just slogging through, the path is illuminated for all those willing to follow it. Once again, Julia Cameron is a visionary and leader. I resonated more with this book than "The Artist's Way" I also recommend that you check out "Walking in this world" and "Heart Steps"

Disappointed and gave it two tries!

I loved the Artists Way. I went through it twice and both times I have gained great in sight. I got so excited to read Julia’s new book The Listening Path. Tried once and I found the dog analogies I could not relate to. So I put it down for a time. I picked it back up. More dog analogies. Weak interviews. Nothing new and fresh. Sorry to say I would not recommend this book.

Julia Cameron Inspires Action Again

I have had several groups based upon The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron. Over the years I have fallen out of the habit of Morning Pages. This book got me started on it again.

Great Tool for Life!

This author made THE ARTIST’S WAY famous and got a non-journaled well on her way to writing, regularly. Only with a published compilation, this book is taking me back to the basics of LISTENING without judgment or agenda... broadening the possibilities of a better day around others as well as a newcwriting perspective!

As good as the Artists Way

This has really helped me become a better listener and consequently enriched my relationships. Thank you Julia, you have done it again!

Gets You Into the Creative Flow

As an artist, I often get stuck in creative blocks, but Julia's work always helps me to get my artistic mojo back. I am so grateful for her books and for the way she teaches how to "listen" to creative flow that arrives from inside of us. So easy to read, too! Great design and lots of tips along the way!!

With an Open and Wild heart, I'm a better listener.

I just finished reading a second time and this time with a group of wonderful women. At this time of year and what we have been through in the world this book couldn't have come out at a better time and with great understand of how to communicate again, that is by first listening. So much can be our influences in life but to start and center your attention first by listening simple act and practice.

Not for me

I have read Cameron's The Artist Way twice, and am currently reading Walking in the World. Both of these have been so helpful to me as an artist and a person, especially when I take time to do the weekly and daily tasks. I was excited to read this new book. But as I finished, I was disappointed. It was more of a collection of conversations that Julia had with various friends. Useful, but just not what I expected nor was it that helpful to me as a whole.

Much Different From Her Other Books

Much different from her other books. But because I enjoy reading her thoughts, I still found the book somewhat interesting.

Nothing new in this book

I read Julie Cameron's group-breaking book The Artist's Way. It has great advice for artists about how to improve their lives and art practices. This book was just a repetition of the exercises from that book. Also, she spends a LOT of time talking about her dog. Really? It was irrelevant to me. If you already have a copy to The Artist's Way you don't need this one too.

Cannot use.

Doesn’t take into consideration disabilities. MS. I suppose being intelligent and creative would allow one to use the parts that do fit one’s life but not having balance and wanting to even walk across the darn room or stand as I fortunately could most of my life kinda threw my interest away. Oh well. Enjoy the rest of it if you want.

Julia does it again

Julia's book starts a bit slow but gains speed around chapter 2. Do it! She has some very good answers. Listen to yourself and others. You will be amazed at how much you have missed in the past after practicing some of Julia's tried and true advise.

It's a wonderful read.

I am reading it section by section, sometimes page by page. There is a lot of wonderful, insightful suggestions and teachings that are in the book.

A true gem

For anyone who loves the Artists Way or who needs some structure to develop a better listening practice.

Kind of boring. 😟

I loved the Artists Way. This sadly didn’t measure up.


Julia Cameron has done it again with her creative insights. Can't wait to take the actual Course.


I love Julia Cameron, but this book is pedantic and redundant. If you are a clinician skip this book.

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