The Artist's Way: 25th Anniversary Edition

Kindle Edition
03 Mar

"Without The Artist's Way, there would have been no Eat, Pray, Love.” —Elizabeth Gilbert

The Artist’s Way is the seminal book on the subject of creativity. An international bestseller, millions of readers have found it to be an invaluable guide to living the artist’s life. Still as vital todayor perhaps even more sothan it was when it was first published twenty five years ago, it is a powerfully provocative and inspiring work. Julia Cameron reflects upon the impact of The Artist’s Way and shares additional insights into the creative process that she has gained. Updated and expanded, this anniversary edition reframes The Artist’s Way for today's creatives.

Reviews (471)

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

This may not change your life

I've often read all or parts of this book, and her many other books, and finally decided to buckle down and do the morning pages for 12 weeks, along with the whatever it is -- artist's walk or something. Cameron likes to quote many many folks in the book who have taken her workshops or otherwise undertaken her exercises, and how their lives have been magically transformed. All I can say is that I stuck it out, did my three pages every morning, and even took myself out to the once weekly art trips. I'm a recently retired 72 year old -- what could I actually hope for? Nothing happened for me, and I wrote so fast that looking back, before I tossed out the notebook, I could barely read what I'd written. I tried to find anywhere whether the writing has to be legible to work, but couldn't find anything. So, I keep painting and making art, like I was before but sadly I was disappointed not to experience anything like her many cheerleaders quoted in her books.

The standard for learning to reconnect and utilize the creativity we all have and need

Yes, we are all creative and it should go without saying creativity is vital to all areas of our life's, professionally, with our partners, our children, just think about it. Often we put that part form of intelligence closer to that back of our minds, under utilizing this gift we all have. Ms. Cameron has brilliantly designed ways excersizes we can strengthen that unique part of our thought processes. One of her first and arguably most valuable excersizes, for simplicity we'll call them "morning notes" introduces even the most analytical of person to the stream of consciousness thought and the value of writing it down. Even the concept of an am routine supports a wellness that Ms. Cameron and her practices support. In many ways it's an abstract form of meditation ( writing down ones process of clearly the mind??). It could also be seen as a practice of mindfulness, taking that time first thing to be in the "here". There are other excersizes and suggestions that can re awaken the creativity we feel we may have lost or never had. This book is a staple for anyone who relies on their creative intelligence to live. For those who don't feel as strongly, experiment with the idea of better developing these skills, I strongly believe you will surprize yourself with results that are unique to you and each situation they effect your life. She also wrote a book to help instill and strengthen creativity and its value in all area of life. Such a skill is invaluable to learn early in life!

Really? And this is still selling?

This is a useless book... save your money and do what you want or need to do without wasting your time going through a lot of truly marginal exercises that have nothing to do with real life. It is a huge going backwards in your life. If you need that, then buy it, but personally, I am a forward thinker.

For those with no color in their ideas

Crap.. just not worth it for me. But if you have the discipline to follow the book.. you didn't need the book.

Some good suggestions but overwhelmingly abelist and classist

I started reading this book with a group of artist. We formed an accountability group for doing the work and agreed to work through a chapter a week. We come from a variety of artistic backgrounds and genres and I was excited to grow as an artist. The book has some solid suggestions for working through artist blocks. However, I haven't had a real "block" in ages and was hoping this would be more of a growth experience. The book is much more geared to folks who don't engage in therapy of any kind (psychotherapy, mindfulness, etc.) so I found many of the suggestions and exercises minimally helpful as I had worked through the "issues" she addresses in other forums. As I worked through the book, I had an increasingly hard time dismissing Cameron's abelist take on things and her constant "I was working with this rich new yorker who wanted to write/paint/whatever" thing. Cool. You work with well-to-do folks who have been dabbling with the arts and have the time and freedom to explore their artsy side. For someone who has integrated the arts into their "day job" (I used storytelling constantly in legislative testimony and writing research reports) I was annoyed at both the idea art and work are separate and that you have to be financially secure to pursue the arts. Many of her suggestions fail to work for anyone with a physical disability or things like disgraphia or dyslexia. She is completely out o touch with the needs of any artist who might need to make accommodations for physical or mental health needs. By the end of chapter four, I found myself having to brace for an onslaught of abelism and classism to get through the next chapter. If you are wealthy, new to the arts, and haven't worked through any psychological issues you may have, I think this book would be a great help. For the rest of us... eh... take and leave the suggestions as they apply.

Great resource for everyone, “artist” or not!

This book isn’t just for artists, it’s for anyone wanting to make a change, achieve their dreams, or heal emotional wounds. The techniques she shares are simple and doable. I believe the wisdom in this book will helps us overcome mental blocks and make steady progress in the direction we’re desiring to go. As someone who is an artist and in the intuitive/ healing business, I can see how many of these techniques and tasks would be helpful in both my art and healing practices. I am definitely feeling clearer regarding my dreams and direction and seeing fruit from following the course lined out in this book. Loved it so much, bought copies for friends as gifts!

Don't Be Fooled

You might think that the 25th Anniversary Edition means that "The Artist's Way" stands the test of time, it does not. There is nothing that seems updated to the world today. While Julia Cameron may be regarded by some as a "guru" I found her more of a taskmaster who likes to brag and an extreme prescriptivist. I bought this for a discussion group, I should have looked into it further, it was definitely no my cup of tea, and I like tea.

I’m not really one for cliche artist jive talk or BUT this book has helped me immensely!!! 5 stars

As I mentioned in my title I’m not really one for these types of topics or life improving techniques, but after only working with this book for about four weeks I have truly noticed a difference in my life. The book was suggested to me by an artist friend and she thought it might help me get out of the hole I was in. She did mention at the outset that I might find some of the spiritual talk in the book kind of silly but as of this point I actually can see what the author is talk about when she references spiritual aspects and it does not bother me in the least. as I mentioned I’m only about four weeks in but this book has helped me out a ton in organizing my life and becoming more positive in my outlook. I would recommend this book to anyone trying to unblock themselves, find their artist path or just trying to introduce some positivity into their life. At the very least even if you don’t find this book to your liking I think the biggest Takeaway would be the “morning pages“. These have had the most profound impact on me thus far. I am able to get my thoughts out at the beginning of the day so they do not clutter my mind as I move through my daily schedule. I’m also able to get out thoughts and feelings that I might otherwise burry the back of my mind. For this reason alone I think this book is worth the small purchase. So yes, I would suggest this book highly to anyone trying to discover, unblock, or rework their inner artist. definitely five stars and I will come back when I’m finished with the book for a final edit of my review.

Can't believe it's been 25 Years!

I loved this book when it first came out. The "Morning Pages" have become an invaluable tool, recommended by therapists and counselors, not just for artists, but for helping anyone overcome blocks in their lives. It's worth reading, even if you have absolutely no aspiration to be any kind of artist, so don't let the title scare you away.


This book helps set one into the rhythm of being in tune and in personal relationship with your creativity. Part of the ethos of the book is based around creativity-from-divinity in a 12 step-esque form, but aside from that tone the lessons are provoking. The exercises are stimulating and week by week they drive innovation in your creative process. Overall a wonderful book for anyone who is faltering, halted, or has never rolled with their creative momentum. I would say for accomplished artists, it brings a different approach— a sense of renewal or change of perspective. On a personal note, I have been doing this with my boyfriend— it has been a wonderful thing to do together and deepen our relationship, as we both encourage eachother and share our revelations.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

My new favorite book of all time!

I love reading and have been on a journey to consume as much information as possible me since reading the autobiography of Malcolm X. The Artists Way has just become my new favorite book. There are endless tools. Endless strategies. Endless language and verbiage for creative's and artists around the world to use to unlock their God-given potential. This book is the most highlighted book I've ever read. The morning pages and artist dates are truly the tip of the iceberg here. Every time I picked the book up I was flooded with compassionate support that it was alright to tap into my god-given/divine talents. This books is a MUST READ. If you are thinking about changing the world. If you feel there is something special in you that you need to get out. If you want to untap your reservoir of artistry (used loosely) and talent pick up a copy and get started. I'm so grateful to have read this book cover to cover. It will provably be the first book I ever reread regularly. It's power is unmatched in my opinion.

Absolutely Recommend This!

I'm a writer, director and musician, and this book absolutely changed the way I looked at my work across all three areas and how they interacted with my life. If you are ANY kind of artist and you want to increase your productivity and overall skill level, this is an absolute must read for you! I have actually completed the course multiple times, and I feel like I learn sometime new each time. It's not about religion or anything like that, but it is a fantastic, logical way to look at what makes someone able to be creative, and give you the tools to access that ability on a daily basis. Even if you decide just to read it through and not actually do the course, you will learn sometime new. For best results, though, taking the challenge to the end will totally change how you work and create for the better!

Wonderful self-help book!

I have personally used several different self-help type books to try to increase my creativity and stop my procrastination. I have been using the "morning pages" technique since October 7th '19 and I just love it. I feel more calm and don't get excitably upset like I did before and now have answers to some of my emotional problems. Should you decide to read this book, you are in for a treat.....especially if you decide to follow the practices set forth in the first 2 chapters. There is a reason this book has been a best seller for 25 years. Julia Cameron has helped thousands of people with her teachings and she has certainly helped me!!! I know she can help you, too.

Jump start your creativity

Usually, I like to read through books quickly. This was different, I took the 12- week recommended time and did many of the proposed exercises. It is really helpful to jump start your creativity whatever that might be and get you out of the rut you are in. It's an honest - if you are with yourself - book to get you on the way to explore your creative side or to reawaken it. I almost gave it only 4 stars, due to the many references to God and AA, but this also might be a helpful path for readers, albeit it is not for me. The book will be one of my favorites to pick up again in a year or two, work through it again and compare notes. A must read for every artist to be.

so anecdotal

i would rather have clear concise writing than all of these anecdotal testimonies. the work book is the same thing. you don’t need both.

Find your Artist self

While this book was intended for writers experiencing "writers block". It is a wonderful self examining read. I got clearer with myself. I was able to participate in the exercises in a way that brought me to a closer relationship with God and the need for me to honor the temple that is in me through Him.

Great Guide into Your Journey

This is a great guide into your journey. I've tried it before and did not do the 12 weeks. Something happened that stopped me from doing it. Reading what I wrote and what I was going through is amazing. I will update this once I finish the 12 weeks and let you all know how it goes. Good luck to you all. Wish me luck!

Game changer!!!

This book has been recommended by many to me, a frustrated singer/songwriter and writer. I have so many projects done but never follow through to get them out my door. This book guides you to unblock whatever is holding you back from fulfilling your projects and dreams. My daughters gave this to me for Christmas. Together, we are doing this as a group study. We meet each week on a group call. It’s been the best gift I’ve ever received! We are learning so much about each other. It is melting some old hindrances to having full relationships and fostering understanding, compassion and empathy. Even is you only use the book for yourself, it will foster the same for you. I highly recommend it.

Super influential

I've been working on this all year and just finally finished. It's by a white woman and it's a book that has been super influential. It's a twelve-step program towards creative recovery and I highly recommend it if you want to be called out on your BS. If not, please ignore.

Religious take on creativity

This book talks a lot about God, so if you're an atheist, it may work your nerves. If you're spiritual/religious and don't mind crediting God with your talents and creativity, you will get more out of this classic book.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Highly relatable and Easy to Read

I went through this entire book taking notes in 2 days. The writing, lessons, and assignments were very practical and the insights were clearly and simply presented, making it easy to process the valuable knowledge and realities of having a creative spirit.

Life-changer, just not overnight.

I read this about 15 or 20 years ago and wasn't ready for it. I'm restarting it and I can already see the changes it's helping me with. A week in and I actually LIKE writing first thing in the morning. I did my first artist's date today and ended up writing some amazing prose at a coffee shop. I really look forward to working through the rest of it.

Synchronicity at its finest

I have found out many things about myself, a realization that started out as a child has stayed with me. The what has changed but the why has changed. I had forgotten, this has brought me such peace. I have been artistic from an early age, drawing my fantasy home, one where I would always be safe. A simple cabin tucked away in the forest. I have branched out to the point if I learn how to do one more craft, instrument, etc... I will have to put an addition on my home. I was physically and mentally abused from my earliest memories until I was 31. Got sober (22 yrs +one day at a time :) Left my abusive husband and had over a decade of learning and becoming the me I dreamed of. Than I found out I had a rare form of Multiple Sclerosis that causes constant pain. I started creating again it seems like a meditation to get away from the claustrophobia of the pain. I started to see that I was turning pain into beauty. So many yrs I felt like I needed to comfort the child I had been showing her she won. It wasn't until this book I realized that the child I was gave me the gift of turning our pain into beauty. I feel whole and grateful.


I wasn't sure this book would hold up after 25+ years, but it does. You don't need to be an artist to find value in the exercises in this book. Everyone has the capacity for creativity and creativity takes many forms. The book is more about discovering things about yourself, things that block you and things that help you learn, grow and shine. I enjoyed it immensely.

This book has changed my life

This is the most life-changing book I have ever read. Check that, it's not a book you "read," if you just read it you shall miss out. The real power unlocks when you pick up the challenge do all the exercises in the book, because it is in the doing and not merely reading that the transformational potential lies. I recommend this book to all my artist and non-artist friends, and so far heard numerous raving feedbacks on the power of it. If you struggle in your art, or simply feel and intangibly missing piece from your daily life — pick up this book and start doing it TODAY.


Boring book. Everything you need is in the dirt two chapters but although it’s not for me Some may find it very useful. Could be shorter to get to the point but that’s just my opinion. Otherwise the book is overall good, I feel it could have been shortened a bit.

Highly Recommended

This book is not just for artists - it is for anyone interested in living a more positive life, becoming more self-aware, and building up self-esteem. It is easy to read with a variety of exercises and examples throughout. I especially love the Tasks at the end of each chapter. I can't say enough about how much this book had helped me!

Simple, amazingly powerful you may not find a resource as powerful for learning your creative way

The first chapter of this book has been so transformative to my entire life that I am forever greatful to julia and have enormous respect for the value which she has brought me. I have healed I have grown I am now a strong creator in my life and in my creative endeavors as well I am indeed very, very, grateful to have encountered this book then had the simple discipline to simply do what she tells me to do. Which happened to be things I really loved doing anyways so it was a catch 22 for me with a side of giridelli caramel filled chocolate. Couldn’t as for more from a book. So thorough so much value, thank you for showing me more of myself Julia

You Need to Be Religious for This Book

Too much God, not enough creativity. It's a famous book so it must work for some folks. Perhaps share it with a friend or else buy a used copy.

If you want to joyfully and creatively change your life for the better, get this book.

the skeptic in me really wanted to not find this book enlightening, but despite myself, I found once I gave it an honest try, it began changing my life to a more creative, more intent driven one than I have been living. The only thing I found off putting about the book is the use of the word God. Not that I am put off by God, however not everyone adheres to a Christian based faith, and its a hard word to overcome for some. She does disclaim by asking the readers to feel free to substitute a word or phrase to best describe the higher power of their understanding, however I found it disruptive to stop, change the word in my head, and carry on. This did not stop me from enjoying the book, and the creativity and self empowerment it released in me. Be prepared to dedicate at least an hour a day for 12 weeks to TAW, but it's worth it... I promise.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Get to Know Your Creative Sweet Spot

This book has probably set ablaze thousands of creative careers and endeavors; open heart and mind required to discover yours.

great book, lot's of information!

If a big book, thicker than I thought. It's a really awesome read and I hope you apply the ideas. Artist or not (I am), it's really coming from the heart, well thought through and based on years of her experience. A no bullshit approach, thumbs up.

Life changing.

Book that I will always reread. Helped my art by helping me.

This book shaped my life

I was given this book as a gift 5 years ago by a friend who wanted me to "wake up." I did the 13 weeks of daily pages and weekly activities, and the awoke within me the fire to once again create.

Amazing Workbook

If you are any type of artist and feel stuck, this will help you clarify and move forward. So rich in content.

Highly Recommend!

Did this as a workshop with 10 other people, it made a huge difference in my life, I highly recommend it! It is really best worked through with others, several in my group had already started it years ago, alone & never completed it. So please gather up several friends, coworkers if you have a good repore & enjoy!

Must have for actors in LA!

I purchased this book for my son who recently moved to LA to pursue his acting career. It came highly recommended by Jenna Fischer in her book. I also bought one for myself and we were going to do it together. I quickly backed out but he lives it!

Glad I took the recommendation

A friend recommended this to me as I was in a major slump artistically-speaking. So I picked it up, started doing the exercises and writing the journals. By getting my mind in the right place, I managed to finish Camp NaNoWriMo this April and have a very good start on the book that's been burning inside of me for years. I'm also working hard on my graphite art and have a good start on an art book as well.

Great book for growth

This is an inspiring book for artists but also just in general. The exercises are almost like therapy. I learned a lot about my self scribbling out the 3 pages a day. Funny how you start with jibberish just to get thru the 3 pages and then your mind starts revealing past issues you may not have even thought about.


I did this 20 years ago started doing it again the C virus side tracked me it opens up your creativity inside

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

The Artist's Way has changed my life!

I write things, and things move. Some days it seems like my pen is completely out of my control, and just flies through the pages on its own. Those are usually the days when things begin to happen. It can be amazing!!

Excellent Tool in Making Personal Advancements

If you are a creative person, and we all are to a greater or lesser degree; and if you think you are not using your creativity to your fullest potential, this is a wonderful way of getting in touch with a higher level of creativity. Even if you aren't focused on becoming more creative, there are excellent exercises and suggestions that, if you perform them, will help you become more focused on living in the "now" as opposed to letting time pass you by and not knowing what you have done that could be really called productive. I have been what I would call a "blocked artist" for approximately a year now; and this book is serving as a tool to help me get back on track without feeling any negativity toward having become blocked in the first place. If you have questions about yourself, go investigate the book for yourself. I'm thinking it might serve you in some ways you are not even expecting.

Changed my life

Wow, this book changed my life, I used to be a blocked artist and since starting this journey of self-discovery and morning pages/artist dates, I am a completely different person from 12 weeks ago, I am more confident in my art and my creativity is overflowing, I feel free, this book helped me understand my mind, my spirit and it gave me the biggest gift of all: to realize I am an artist, Ive aways been! This is crazy! Seriously get it, best investment in my Self I ever made.


I don't like self help books. This one is humorous so far though. One of the exercises is to say a positive affirmation and then write down what you are really thinking when you say it out loud. They call it" Blurts" seeing your Blurts in writing is really funny. I am enjoying week one although I hate doing morning pages.

Must have journey for creative people

This book is changing my life. I’m on week three and already see the improvement.

Wise Julia Cameron takes us through the twelve steps, to reveal and heal the Artist Within!

The approach is both a creative re-tooling of the familiar 12 Steps of AA, and a hands-on, practical cookbook for the ordinary person, seeking to re-discover the hurting Inner Child/Inner Artist that has been forgotten, disowned, and thwarted. A step-by-step walk towards, and deep into, our Creative and Spiritual Inheritance. A Great Read! Suitable for adults and teens, professionals and homebodies, old and young, The Artist's Way encourages the reader to learn, Creativity need not be just a Spectator Sport!

Gifted to everyone!

I think I have gifted this to every single member of my family and several of my good friends. I have done The Artist's Way about every three years now going back more than a decade. If you have not added The Artist's Way to a rejuvenation process in your life, please do so. It only takes a bit of time each day, and it will reawaken possibilities, no matter your artistic bent.

Inspiring tool for real change and growth in your life.

I hadn’t heard of this book before I had the opportunity to go through it with a group. This book is challenging, inspiring, and just so good! If you’re a creative or not you will find value in the principles and tools presented in this book. I learned much about myself and plan to go through this book again because it was so valuable. Take a risk, do the work and be prepared for change and inspiration.

Second copy and still valuable

I bought my first copy when it came out (and had the fortune to attend a seminar with the authors). Even if you're not an artist you'll find the exercises rewarding. I "loaned" it to someone - need I say more? I found myself needing to get focused so bought this to replace it. It's still relevant and helpful.


I purchased this book and the accompanying workbook because I had been struggling with finding my creative voice, and was looking for a healthier way to harness my creativity other than using alcohol. This method turned my life around. I began to find myself able to think more freely without resorting to my previous method of drinking heavily and resorting to other substances to reach what I thought was my "creative voice" I have since changed my relationship with alcohol and other substances, and begun to create artwork again as well as take commission work to supplement my income. I am currently working towards my dream of becoming a tattooer, and the future is bright again. Go into this book with an open and willing mind, and you will absolutely find yourself renewed. I cannot recommend this book and workbook enough.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Sets me free

Julia helps us do simple thing with meaning and intention. To be intentional and disciplined can help us create freely, at least it helped me. She points out why we procrastinate and our fears. This book helped me get on track with the morning pages which I’ve been doing for years now. Thank you Julia.

gonna try to pick up up again

i started it but it bored me almost immediately. definitely going to try it again. first I dislike buying a book and not reading it. And as an artist wanted to get inspired by this. We shall see

Reading my way through this book

This book had been highly recommended but it is taking me awhile to read through and get into it.

A good place to start your journey

This is book about becoming self-aware and applies to anyone who wants to grow--not just artist--however, the book is primarily directed to people who are creative--artist types. We are all creative in our own ways. The book uses several different approaches to get one to open up to oneself and look at one's life and how past experiences shape that life and fears of the future that inhibit ones ability to grow. That is the good news, the bad news is the author seems to be engaged in alot of self promotion. If you download a sample of the book it reads like a snake oil salesmen's pitch--"this product will solve all your problems". The second problem with this book is that is contains hodge pog of various theories Buddhism, co-dependency, meditation, references to Christianity, etc--if you have done any self analysis you will recognize these various approaches and relize how lightly the author touches each of them. Perhaps that is a strength of the book. The one valuable skill the author introduces is called "daily papers" which is essentially 3 pages written daily wherein you write down your stream of consciousness--essentially this is a form of meditation--but can be helpful, as can any form of meditation, to release stress and help one become self aware. The book is a good place for people to start there journey--if you put in the work.

A Creative Classic

This is a classic if you're a creative - especially a writer - and what is most taken from it is the concept of Morning Pages. I think that most people could benefit from the exercises that are in this book, regardless of what they do for a living or a hobby.

from sceptic to artist

I downloaded Artist's way back in Oct 2012, but while reading reviews I got distracted and read 'Power of the Other Hand'. (Power of the other hand blew my mind and got me out of the 'artist closet.') I finally got around to The Artist Way and just finished the 12 week program today. When I started it I thought...Ok I know I'm an artist but how can I possibly do what I dream and I'm so different from others I highly doubt this book can do for me what it has done for others. Well while writing this- I'm listening to the first album I've written in over a decade...And it's better than I could have hoped. I think that's because I started to experience what this book hopes to shine a light on. Allowing creativity to flow around and through you inspite of doubt, fear and excuses. This book blows my mind in terms of what it can do for one's life. Julia Cameron is an engaging, delightful writer who often strikes gold with her metaphors... true sometimes the puns etc are a bit overdone- and at times there's a trace of sappiness, but I'm intuiting part of that reaction is just my feeling uncomfortable around such openness, sensitivity and emotion. Thank you JC... -Another mind opened

Not what I expected

Not bad, but it has too many references to "God".

Love this!

I really enjoy reading the insight in every chapter. The activities are fun and worthwhile!

Truly Transformational.

This is one of my favorite books ... I recommend it to many people and have a hard time keeping a hold of my own copy because I tend to give it away. This is really powerful if you follow the instructions and do what she suggests. If you're not creative it can help you open up to that side of yourself ... If you're already creative it'll help take you even higher. I cannot say enough good things about this book or Julia Cameron.

Therapy for creatives.

This book has changed the way I think about creativity, and the entire creative process. Although I didn't follow every single step outlined in the book, I feel I did enough to gain a better understanding of how my own creative process works. I am more confident, and I find myself making fewer excuses. My excessive critiquing of each infinitesimal detail is over. The Artist's Way is truly form of therapy. I needed it.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

A must have for any creative who's struggled with blocks or self doubt

This book is absolutely amazing. If you're willing to do the work through each chapter, you'll be amazed at what you learn about yourself, the choices you've made in the past, and how to have honest conversations with yourself about what you really want, as well as getting through artist's or writer's block. I can't recommend this book highly enough.

You have to read this

One of my favorite books of all time really gets to the heart of the matter and helps you get in touch with your inner creative

Best book ever! AND actually worked!

I'm more creative, more connected to myself, and more proactive than ever thanks to this book! It's incredible how the process unfolds as you do the work. 12 weeks later I do feel transformed and so are my habits and outlook on my creative endeavors. 100% recommended!

The book you’ve been looking for

Omg. This has been a lifesaver. I don’t know how I didn’t find it years ago


great book.I gave it to someone in a slump, like Ive been in the past.They liked it.

It is what it's cracked up to be

I'm in love with the Morning Pages. I have been writing every morning since I picked this up.

So many books in one and so much more than how to be more creative

I thought this book would be about how to spur my writing that I do on the side. It’s more spiritual than I like but non theistic so no problems there. It’s got so much more than creativity to it. Almost a self help book with parts “magic of tidying up” and tony Robbins all in one. Still gave a massive five stars, would pick this up and flip to a random page anytime.

Buy it now.

I’m so glad to be leaving review number 3,333. This book is a bible. It’s literal gold. Buy it for yourself. Buy it for your friends. I’m so grateful for it. Give yourself to the creativity that’s bigger than you. How divine.

Open your mind and heart to your creative ability

A good book of stimulating the mind. It comes from the author's workshops. I have already been doing most of the exercises she suggests as part of my own personal growth and I have already been writing a book. Her ideas are great and creative and inspiring. I like the spiritual message she gives forth. She is encouraging and thoughtful.

Buy this book!!

If you have any artistic inclination of any kind, but this book. It's really so much more than a book for artists. It's a book for life!!

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

I used this book as a part of a group ...

I used this book as a part of a group I did at work. This brought a group of strangers together, and taught us about the "inner artist." The journey I took with this book was life changing and encouraging. I've used some tasks for career development with clients, and I also find myself doing more self care.


This book is a complete treasure. There is so much value in here, it can change your life if you let it. So thankful with Julia and all her wisdom.


This book is life-changing. I'm reading it with a group of other recovering blocked creatives, and it's like therapy. I highly recommend this. I didn't realize how blocked I was until reading this. It's so freeing. I understand myself better now and why I feel jealous sometimes or overwhelmed or stressed out, and now I know things I can do about it. It really is life-changing. When I finish reading it, I'm going to start reading it again. I know there's even more I'll be able to get out of it the second time.

If you are creative, BUY THIS BOOK!

I have led many a retreat and if you have ANY hint of creative juices running through your veins, as a poet, painter, writer, musician, ANY type of an artist, this book will help you tap into the spirituality of creativity! I have gifted this book to many a soul and it is always greatly appreciated!

Great course

Very pleased; exactly what I expected it to be.

A 12-step program for reclaiming your creativity

We are all creators, created by the Divine Creator, and Julia Cameron walks us through a twelve-week program on readings, activities, and exercises in order to help us remember our own divine creativity. If, and this cannot be stated strongly enough, IF you follow through with your morning pages you will absolutely see changes in your thinking.

This will speak to what you need to do.

This is a must for any creative person. Get past the blocks and realize why you are here. I was afraid this was going to be all crystal and incense, my fear again wasn’t real. Spend the 12 weeks and do it with a friend. Notice this is the second book I bought?

Artist Way Book

I will be using this book for an artists way class I will be taking in a few months. It arrived in good condition. I am not convinced yet I'm going to enjoy using the book during the class but this review is not for that purpose.

This book is life changing

This is one of the best books I’ve ever bought. I’m buying copies for Christmas presents. This book is life changing.

Excellent book!!

Love love love this book! Definite a must read for anyone, esp those wanting to unblock or reclaim their creativity and artistic motivation.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Great book. If you're an already living the artist ...

Great book. If you're an already living the artist life, it'll reinforce everything you already do, and help you focus on your craft. If you're not an artist, it'll definitely help you get into the mindset. Doing the whole course with a few artists friends of mine, we keep each other in check, and it's a very fun journey :)

Two Stars

I guess it wasn’t what I expected. It is very spiritual and religiously oriented. I am not.

Awe inspiring



A well thought out pathway to work through change. Who hasn't bulked at changes happening in our lives and froze with trepidation fearing making a mistake? Walk in the Artists Way not only for healing creativity but for healing after a traumatic experience to re-enter life's activities in a circle of trust. Practicing journaling out our thoughts and praying for protection and guidance sounds like a recipe for growth, change, renewal of faith and strength. Come along and walk with me in the Artists Way...

Boost to Explore Your Creative side

Only 49 pages in and it’s inspiring my creativity in many different areas. I would definitely recommend

Free your creativity now!

I purchased this book for a I was taking online. I was skeptical that it would help me, but I needed to start somewhere, so why not here. I am so glad I did! I am on chapter five and already feeling the effects of the exercises and reading. In spite of my doubts, improvement in my confidence and writing are building up. I find that I sit down more often to write, that my mind is freer with ideas, and that I just plain enjoy my writing time more. I seriously recommend this book for all artists. It's also been beneficial to my graphic art, encouraging me to see the value in my creativity and to lose the guilt I've always felt in association with the time I spend on it. This is worth both the money for the book and the time to study it.

Unblock and learn to accept creativity as a gift

We might think that unblocking is something we do, but it is the opposite. Blocking is what we do. Unblocking is done by the creator, the giver of the gifts. When we tap into the one who made us creative, we can't help but produce. That is a great lesson I needed to learn. A great book that accomplishes what it promises. I bought it through kindle (which can be downloaded for free to your laptop or smart phone) and when I read it in one device, it synchs with the other so when I open it in the other it asks me if I want to go to that page. I've alsto beein doing the exercises in my laptop, which the book does not offer as an alternative, maybe because it was written a while back and the author used paper and pencil at that time. If you are stuck and your talents are not being utilized, no matter what your profession is, this is the book for you, Hope this helps.


Perfect condition exactly what I wanted.

Beware of powerful change!

How could a truly passionate creative not LOVE this book? I feel it has given voice and guidance to a longing I have always felt: to embrace creativity wholeheartedly. I am a singer songwriter currently on week 8 of the course and already dread reaching the end. Each week has taught me much and given me much in return. I will warn new readers, this book can get kind of freaky. The author talks about synchronicity ("we change and the universe furthers and expands that change") Nearly every single week I have experienced this phenomenon. It is unexplainable. I have become a firmer believer in God's passion for helping the artist rather than antagonizing/guilting. I have also learned to let go of many psychological barriers I have lived with for years. I could go on for pages (I have 2 journals of them!) but just want to contribute my thanks and regard for this beautiful course.

essential reading for any creative person- easy to apply to ANY life perspective, spiritual or not

For years I have owned "Artist's Way" but resisted reading it, even though several of my friends told me it was essential reading and kept sharing amazing insights from the book. Every time I started it, I got turned off by Julia Cameron's writing style and I was a tiny bit wary about the spiritual aspect of the book. Also- morning pages being necessary... I couldn't imagine how it would work for me. But as part of a book club I was asked to lead the reading and discussion of The Artist's Way so I dove in. The first thing to know is that this book *is* essential reading. Despite my initial negative reaction to Cameron's writing style (it seemed fussy), I quickly got used to her tone and way of approaching different subjects and ideas. There is some GREAT stuff in this book- things that all artists and writers and other "creatives" NEED to know and think about. I've been an artist now for more than half my life and there was some basic topics in this book that I never even considered before. The second thing is that while Cameron does put a bit of a spiritual spin on things, it's absolutely NOT necessary to be in agreement with her spiritual philosophies to get a tremendous amount from this book. Take what you need, disregard the rest. For those who are spiritual and open to it, there's a lot of great perspective in this book about how spirituality and creativity are tied together. For those who would rather keep their creative pursuits separate from spirituality, it's very easy to "read around" the bits that do pertain to spirituality. Plus, the spiritual aspect of the book is VERY flexible- it's not solely one path or creed. It's easy to apply the spiritual philosophy to whatever your faith is (or isn't). Third, and this may be horrifying to some, this book is STILL extremely useful and life-changing EVEN if you don't do the morning pages. I've done the book with the morning pages and exercises and without doing the morning pages and exercises and I've had great success and insight both ways. So even though some may argue that the book/program is useless without the morning pages, I believe that if you can find an outlet similar *to* the morning pages in which you have the opportunity to clear the junk out of your brain and get to the creative stuff (mine wound up being collage, swimming, and gardening), Cameron's advice still works. This is powerful, inspiring stuff. And I don't say that lightly. No matter what your personal philosophy is, whether or not you can do the entire program (morning pages, exercises, and all) or just want a few pieces of "food for thought" to inspire your creative life, this book is essential.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

3rd book I've bought!

Bought this for an artist friend who hasn't been able to paint in a while. Bought for his bday and he is already creating after the first chapter!!!

Very helpful

I did work with that book many years ago. I started it again at the beginning of this year and it helped me to pass through some difficult moments this years. I just did not understand the principal part of the work. This book is to help us to be more creative, not being an artist. If someone is already an artist but feel he's blocked that will help him to find his way out of his misery, but you have to be certain to know your goal doing it. At least you will find it if you don't know it. So in every way. I would say that is a good book to be recommended.

I've never been one to follow through with programs like these, or to try new things that are ...

I've never been one to follow through with programs like these, or to try new things that are out of my comfort zone. I'm only on week 2 of this book and I've already done so many things differently with my life. It's opened my mind more, motivates me, and I learn new things about myself every time I work with the tasks in this book. HIGHLY recommended especially for those suffering from depression and anxiety.

I highly recommend this book

This book changed my life. It helped me make my life a work of art. I am forever grateful to Julia and buy this book for others often. It also launched me into a writing discipline. I've written three books which all grew out of my morning pages. I highly recommend this book!

Life changing, truly

This book is incredible and changing my life. If you’re a miserable soul because you’re an artist who doesn’t make art because of any reason, please buy yourself this book and read it and use it. :)

Loved it!

Over my expectations, I enjoyed every page.

Arrived on time

Best book

Stupendous Book!

Love love love this book. Very likely my favorite all time right now! I would recommend it to anyone! Yes that is right anyone! Artist or not because I believe we all have a creative inside us and unless you can feed it and grow it there will be a bit of something missing. This book tells you how...and motivates you to keep going in the tough times. Well done! I am adding it to my list of books to grab on my way out the door when the house is on fire!

This book changed my life

I LOVE this book. I still do my morning pages. It has completely changed how I live my life. I had no idea how it was fear, self-doubt and other "blocks" to my inner artist that had been holding me back for so many years. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has struggled to express their creativity.

Artist in training

I'm a senior citizen who always thought there was a writer hiding inside, while I worked as a petty bureaucrat to earn a living. Working through "The Artist's Way" has begun to open the door. Now the job is up to me to keep producing something and holding on to the gems and not discounting the dross. As a Christian, I was somewhat put off by the mixing of spiritual traditions, including non-spiritual. However, I've concentrated on filtering the material through my biases and have been blessed.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

very good journey

while not an artist in a traditional sense, I find this book a very revealing journey. I am not able to do 3 pages of writing a day but it is changing my life in good ways.


Every word of this book is amazing - so much great advice, I found it to be enriching and challenging and it came at just the right time!


Fabulous book with great ideas for self discovery. Recommended to all artists (and not).

The Lessons Do Work!

I've been taking art classes and my instructor indicated this was a good book for someone who is working on their creativity. The author seems a little full of herself but the lessons seem to work. If nothing more it has helped me with my artwork and creativity. I find I am able to work on my projects more diligently and I am so happy with the results I am seeing. So while I wasn't crazy about her style I have found that it Works! Glad my teacher suggested purchasing this book.

The Artist's Way is an inspiring book that is worth ...

The Artist's Way is an inspiring book that is worth the purchase. Be prepared to work if you want to get the most of the tome. It is a pathway back to yourself and your art. Don't dilly-dally, order it and get to work.

Great tips for building good habits. But a little punchy.

The author offers some great advice for helping you build valuable habits on your way to becoming a professional writer or artist. However, she's defiantly insistent about also sharing her mystical WOO philosophy with you as well, and simultaneously telling you not to mind it, if you don't like it. That would be excusable, if it weren't also the case that she's become so sensitive to criticisms of her twelve-step-like "higher power" nonsense, that in this edition, she snaps at you right in the pages of the text, in anticipation of your sneering at it. But if she's figured out from critiques of earlier editions that people don't like it, why include it at all? And if she's certain it needs to be there, but that it wasn't well received in earlier editions, then why then take a hostile tone around it in the new edition, rather than trying to find a different way to get past reader's defenses? She also talks a lot about early severe emotional problems she suffered. Based on these punchy passages, I get the sense that she hasn't ever fully recovered from those. Still, the book did provide me with a lot of value in the form of teaching good habits of discipline, and a few fresh insights into blocks of my own. So I have to at least give it 3-stars.

This is a genuine classic. No exaggeration!

I have found this book enormously helpful for connecting with my creative self, as well as my deepest feelings and longings. It is practical as well as wise. Granted, it is not easy at all to find the time to write three pages every day. This book was written before the addiction to the screen (iPhone, iPad, computer, facebook, etc.) took hold of us all. For me it has seemed like an eternity to sit and focus on one thing, writing longhand (longhand! can you imagine?!!) on nothing at all in particular. I guess that is just as much an argument for doing it as for not doing it, right? Whatever the case, it does what it promises to do: get the creative juices going. Which of us would not benefit from that?

Life Changing Book/Enlightening and Useful!

This book changed my life. I was once a blocked artist and just overall miserable person because I was never able to release And tap in to my higher self and inner artist. It amplified the best parts of myself and helped me understand how to increase my chances of achieving my life goal. To be able to create music stress free and constantly evolve with it

A Great Creativity Boost

I’m really glad I purchased this book because it has helped to increase my creative output in a short amount of time. It provides an abundance of inspirational quotes and exercises you can use to boost your artistry to the next level. I highly recommend this book!

I like the presentation

I'm working my way through this book now. I like the presentation. It's one of the best "fix-me" books I've come across. (From literally thousands over the last 30 years) The first simple exercise is "morning Pages". For this, first thing every morning, you write, as fast as you can, anything that comes into your head, three pages. Then close your notebook and go about your day. Every day. A month later, when you look back, you realize you have evolved a great deal, just by releasing the morning jabber. That's the start, but I'm really liking what this.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Highly recommend

This is a great book for the artist in need of a morale boost. Well written, great writing exercises. Self reflection.

Pure Gold!

Best book ever written. Read it for the first time 22 years ago and it helped me to save my life. Just bought another copy and am working my way through it with even more spectacular results than the first time. Can't believe I was ever silly enough to not continue with my Morning Pages practice! Will endeavour to not make this mistake again!

Love This Book!

This book is amazing. I started it in my 20's and it helped me then. 28 years later, I needed a new creative boost. If you let the pages speak to you, and truly listen, this book can change your life.

Wonderful Process to live by!

I anticipated this book’s arrival & am not disappointed! Part of a virtual group working through the chapters, & plan to utilize it in coaching groups and workshops in the future!

Great creative help

Very useful information for the creative person.

Don't believe the negative reviews

This excellent book is NOT like 12 step programs, which others have compared it to. I've done several of 'em over many years. Within the first six weeks of the twelve in the book, I had SEVEN major changes occur in my life & here are a few: I wrote the words & music to a tune & had never planned to compose, it will be sung by the college choir at our nearest college, I started a composition & theory class at our local college, my hub & I finished a 4 year project in which his family's trust will go to his family and NOT stay w/Bank of America, my first kitten, PoCampo, came into my life & he's fabulous!

Great read!

Amazing book, delivered on making me a better artist and I’m already producing more work. Have already recommended it to many friends. Thank you Julia for giving this to the world!


Best book I’ve ever read on creativity, spirituality or otherwise. The healing is palpable and you will watch the magic happen.

Everyone would benefit from this book, particularly those who ...

Everyone would benefit from this book, particularly those who have unresolved issues that are blocking their creativity. The Daily pages are a form of journaling and there are many questions given throughout the chapters to ponder & help yourself get unresolved issues sorted out.


If you put the tools in this book into practice, magic seems to follow! Get. This. Book.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Good insight

It's a good way to start your day

A life changer!

This book has the potential of really changing your life! If you feel like your talents are of the creative nature & you’ve always felt like you had to have a “responsible” job to make your life work... or if you tend to make other people’s dreams a priority over yours, then set aside 12 weeks for yourself & dive into this book ❤️!

Five Stars

A masterpiece. If your heart is still beating you owe it to yourself to spend time with this.

A Must have for Writers

I had to buy this book for my writing class and I didn't know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised with the advice and the tasks at hand. They do help. Just open yourself up and follow the advice. I think it is an invaluable tool for people trying to explore their creativity. I highly recommend it because it appeals to people who are spiritual and who are not. It appeals to those who are blocked and to those who just need some help exploring new ways to be creative.

Great book, plenty of ideas to jump start creativity

The Artist's Way is a spiritual look at creativity. There are plenty of ideas to jump start creativity and this is basically a 12 week plan on getting yourself feeling safe in a creative space. We also bought the audio book too, but I prefer to read and my wife prefers to listen. Try to stay on track, and if you can, find a group to go through the 12 weeks with.

Vital for creatives and artists... and those seeking to explore their creativity

This book has been revolutionary in my artistic life, creativity, emotional and mental well being, and overall mindset. It has rejuvenated me, put me back in touch with my true artistic nature, given me permission to explore my gifts and embrace my callings. I cannot recommend it highly enough-- for artists of any sort, but truly for any person, because we are all artists.

one of my favorite books

I've loved this book since it originally came out. It started me journaling and writing stories. Really helped me tap into other creative outlets.

Devote yourself to the 12 week course of the book. Don't shortchange your creativity!

I did this 12 week course, a chapter a week. The book is an amazing guide to recovering your creative inner core. I'd been wanting to read the book for over 20 years. Don't wait til the last minute to find your voice and the access to true creativity. As I read several people said "Oh I read the first few chapters" or "I always wanted to do the Artist's Way." Be daring. Gift this to yourself but commit to the 12 week process or it will just be a waste of money, time and a form of dishonor from your self-will.

Applicable Regardless of Your Career

An amazing book with actionable advice that makes it easy for anyone looking to unleash their creative potential. Not just applicable to writers it offers a path to lower creative inhibitions. There are other writers creating chicken soup for the soul. This one is a whiskey straight-up for the soul.

This is one of those books that you end up buying again and again for other people ~ fantastic !

Try it.. do the work=baddabing!

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Get out of your rut

I never felt like a creative person before reading this book. Now I am! I love this book! Such great writing, wisdom, and encouragement. If you feel stuck or stifled at all you need this book!

Ok book

Ok book if you feel you have unrequited dreams. It will, perhaps, give you alot words to make you feel better. Not really my cup of tea.

For Every Person, Not Just Artists

I adore this book! It's been such an inspiration in my work as a writer. It helps me stay on track with both creativity and self-care, and I'm grateful.

Great for those seeking to reawaken their creativity

I’m only partway through, but it already seems like a great decision to decide to do this

Creativity Block an Issue- Outstanding Insight

Mentioned to me by beloved daughter in law with background in youth sports, long distance running and art (visual)! Outstanding read, practical guide and coach to facilitate creative expression in all forms! My highest recommendation!

More geared to Visual Arts

Great if you are blocked. If not I would pick and choose activities. It did inspire me to some creativity I had lost or not had time for. Not as helpful for my writing though - More geared to the visual artist than a writer in my opinion

A Creative's Guide to Freedom

A creative's path to full stream of inspiration. There is an artist in each of us. Sometimes when we are struggling or "stuck" for any reason we are not aware of the "blocks" in our life. These creative may come in the form of limiting beliefs, of self doubt, and/or even lack of creative inspiration through out our day. The processes outlined in this well-compiled manifesto shall benefit each reader as there is no structure guide to getting in tune or in tap with your enlightened inspiration. Julia Cameron paints a colorful path for each to take on their journey to fulfilling their creative impact.

Action Plan!

This book is great for getting unstuck. As a glass artist, I wasn't sure it would be a good fit. This book is full of wisdom and insight. It provides enormous relief and motivation.

Read it once before

needed to go through the program a second time because it works.

Best book for artists with artists block!

Second time buying..

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.


Interesting book

I thought this book was ...

BORING! It starts out OK but I got tired of reading it about 2/3 of the way. It is a self help book to help Artistic people clear away blockages. For those who wish to read it should keep a tablet and pen to do all the tasks. At least I've stuck with the Morning Pages that has been advised by the author. I'd have to twist my own arm to make myself read the rest of it.

i need help

this item is not showing up on my kindle app and it won’t let me return it. please help

Really good book

Still reading this and it's a proactive book, where you do "homework" but it's really good; came on time and was exactly what I wanted.

The Artist's Way: 25th Anniversary Edition

This book really makes you look inside yourself! I'm only on the first chapter, but I'm enjoying the process!

Gentle healing...

Fantastic book for all artists and creators of any medium!! Best done with a group, like in a book study. It's wonderful with a group of friends! Healing.

Great for Early Birds, Not Oversleepers

I read through this and it seems like a really awesome method, but it requires you to get up early enough to write 3 pages of consciousness. I just couldn't keep that schedule.

Great book, helpful and inspiring

This will help you destroy creative blocks, perfect for artists of all forms, performing, visual, or whatever you’re passionate about it’ll help you

Life Changer

This book will open your eyes to greater possibilities within your life. Following along with this book, you will find yourself doing greater and exciting things. It gently encourages you to pursue the life that you truly want for yourself. It doesn't just teach creativity for art purposes, but for your entire life. **This is one of the few books that I can say actually changed my life. I've read it once alone and then with a group. Both times have generated new possibilities for my life! I recommend it for everyone, not just artists!

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Exactly what I needed

This is exactly what I needed in my life right now. I have been struggling with getting the courage to write. This offers the spiritual connection I needed. Not to mention, it also offers simple techniques that help you work through the bugs and difficulties you may have as a creative person trying to uncover your potential. I highly suggest it and believe there is absolutely nothing to lose!

Excellent Finishing Salt

Love this product, now that shipping problems have been fixed.

A classic

Totally love this book 25 years ago and I'm buying it again to lead a book study group. Can't wait to get started on revitalizing my creative life

Life Changer

I have gone thought the Artist's Way five times, three times in a group. I am a professional artist, a painter and an instuctor and I owe a lot of that to Julia Cameron and The Artist's Way. I suggest going through the book with a group, it is truly profound to see people unblock their creativity and step into more full, engaged and enjoyable lives. This book really helps with pointing out common road blocks, from jealous friends to the wave of doubt that comes right before any real artistic risk. I find that as a teacher, this book has helped me tremendously to see where my students are in fear, and to help them navigate the road to being a solvent, strong artist. Working in groups has also shown me just how many people have let go of their most viable, exciting dreams for the lesser version, the practical compromise. Through groups I have seen people reclaim those dreams and become happy, creative people. It really cannot be undervalued, I recommend The Artist's Way to virtually anyone who wants to be more creative, more secure and ultimately more free. This is the only book review I have ever done on Amazon, but I think it is worth getting out there, because we need more artists, and we need those artists to learn how to value and support one another, and I think this book has the ability to do that. I know that my life was and is forever changed by it, and I on minimum go through The Artist's Way once per year, and take other people through it. After I read it for the first time, I bought ten copies for my closest family and friends, all blocked artists, talking and dreaming about when they were, or when they will be. This book is about action and ultimately self actualization. Many blessings and I hope you give yourself the opportunity this book presents!

Take yourself on an artist date

Motivated to be creative

Nice book

Great way to teach different techniques to actors and artists who are new to the industry

Just lovely

I cannot explain how much I love this book. I recommend it, and gift it, all the time. It isn’t just for writers, I feel most people would benefit from exploring their inner voice more deeply.


Love this book as a guide, as something to come back to when I need a boost, and as a gift to other writers who are having lapses. It gets a little preachy but can be worked around. It mentions god and then lets you avoid religion if you need to. This book functions as a class, in a way, and is worth it for the suggestions alone.

Loving it so far!

I just began my journey with this book, and I would recommend for EVERYONE to get it. Whether you identify as a professional artist, part-time artist, or don’t identify as an artist at all.

Morning pages rock!

Morning pages help me get my thoughts down on paper so that I can see what I want to accomplish with my life. It gives me perspective.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

The Artist's Way

This book offers a method for getting to your creative center through writing. Divided into weeks, it present ideas for getting yourself to know your creative self, some plans to follow, and the daily writing to do for 12 weeks. The writing is great. Some of the ideas are challenging (a week with no reading), but very helpful. Worth trying, worth reading.

Work it

I read this 25 years ago and daughter it out again during a moment of transition. I did the work and discovered aspects of myself that were dormant and needed awakening again. This book is always on trend and a great tool in the chest of self discovery.

Used this back in my acting days in the early/mid ...

Used this back in my acting days in the early/mid 90s. Was so helpful to tap into my creativity then, and I decided to check it out again when I spontaneously suggested that a client start writing morning papers. Still as powerful as it's ever been, whatever stage of life you are in.

Love this book

Love this book

I'm only half way through this book but all I ...

I'm only half way through this book but all I can say is WOW! Life changing, a life long reference piece, something I will give as a gift every chance I get.

Bought for a workshop that ended up being canceled. ...

Bought for a workshop that ended up being canceled. From the looks of it, this is a very intensive course.

Wonderful book about nurturing your inner artist

Great exercises and tips to help unblock your creative soul

Surprisingly helpful, with minor reservations.

This book was recommended to me by a friend who knew I was struggling with depression and writer's block. However, I am not a religious person and the author uses a lot of religious imagery that I find annoying and troublesome. I have, however, been using the techniques and ignoring the parts about connecting with a god, and I'm having some success. I feel as though the Morning Pages and the commitment to Artist Dates is actually helping me reconnect with my creativity and help pull me out of my writer's block. It's not a treatment for depression, but that seems to be alleviated somewhat as well. Just my experience, but I think if a reader is looking for a good set of directions for getting up and going in any creative sphere, this could well be the key.

Life Changing

Fantastic book., It is a book I will read over and over. It really is a coach hidden in a book. Love it.

Get unstuck

An incredible book. Useful whether you think of yourself as creative, or not.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Nice gift

This was a gift to my grandson and he is very pleased with it



The book of the year

Life changing. If you want to grow not only as an artist but a person this is the book to by. It guides you week by week to creative enlightment.

As described

As described.


I will begin by saying that I am not an "artist" in any sense of the word. But, over the years I have been trying to develop the "artistic" side of my brain. This book really helps in doing that. Cameron makes you understand how important creativity is to each and every one of us. It is part of all of us and can be developed or enhanced. I recommend this book for everyone.

thought provoking

The manner that it is written in makes you want to give this a shot. I am not blocked but want to enhance my creativity. I bought this as an ebook and I liked it so much that a purchased a hard copy. It is thought provoking and made me think about where I have been going with my art. It made me eager to want to delve into the ideas that she has presented.

This Book is a Must for All Creatives

This book will change your life, especially if you are a "recovering artist." It does take work and commitment so it isn't for the faint of creative hearts.

Three Stars

Little too flowery and wordy but the premise is great and encouraging!

highly recommend this

Read the book first and then do this workbook. It is excellent and really works.

Daughter Loved It

Bought this for my daughters birthday who is a selling artist. She loved it so I picked a good one!

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Many ways to see your life

Rainbow self help book and encouragement,easy to read

Good classic reference

I lost my copy or loaned it out to never be seen again, and so I am delighted to have it back in my library that is primarily digital. Everyone with any creative spark needs this lovely book to go to in times of flatness as well as times of pleasure. It is refreshing, encouraging and overall motivating.

Loved it and would buy again

I am loving this book. I read a lot of self-improvement books. I often fudge my way through exercises. If you do the exercises in this book they Will. Make. A. Difference. I would buy this as a gift for my other creative friends.

so Cameron has hit on a few topics many people love. I am feeling more creative

This book helps you think through the roadblocks that are keeping you from what you want to achieve. Using this as a book club option for college faculty this year. It is celebrating its 25th anniversary, so Cameron has hit on a few topics many people love. I am feeling more creative!

Excellent Author

Great help in freeing up your creativity and feeling more like your self.

Very Inspirational!

A genuinely motivating book! This is the gold standard "go-to manual" for anyone struggling from all forms of artist's block. The weekly lessons at the end of each chapter are very helpful as well.

Becoming Your Best

This book is fantastic and brought me to a higher place of creativity with my writing as well as contentment in my life. I advise anyone from a teacher, lawyer, cook, or counselor to work through this book. It is like having therapy and a life coach all in one.

Really do like this approach to a path of greater personal awareness

Really do like this approach to a path of greater personal awareness. I don't think that you need to be seeking greater artistic creativity to find this "Way" useful. I think that anyone trying to enrich her/his life, to sort out the ups and downs, to find peace, would find these simple ideas life changing (and I am not a self help person). I do think that the reader would actually need to do the suggestions as written; a half way approach would not be successful. And, yes, write in the morning...I did not want to do that, but there is a reason for morning writing. You only need to buy this book, however. There is no reason to buy the Morning Pages nor, especially, the Workbook (just a waste of money).

I absolutely love this book

I absolutely love this book. I think anyone will find this book useful. It helped me not only get in touch with my creativity but helped me get to know myself better. The homework she gives you is not only an eye opener but it is fun to do.

Changed my life

I always buy this book as a gift to dear friends. This book changed my life and I want people I love to benefit from it. The best.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Outstanding book. Not exactly what I expected. It's ...

Outstanding book. Not exactly what I expected. It's more about freeing your mind than about specifically being an artist.

I got this as a gift for my girlfriend,

She uses it daily and raves about it, it seems to have helped!

Changed my life

Amazing book! I can't begin to tell all the amazing things that happened in my life bc of this book. It suggests to keep a journal to do "morning pages" and that alone is revolutionary.

For ANY creative person (not necessarily working artists either). ...

For ANY creative person (not necessarily working artists either). Reading through gives you ideas, but WORKING through it (which can be difficult) might change your life for real. It's definitely one of those "you get out of it what you put into it" programs.

This is a classic; I have the workbook, ...

This is a classic; I have the workbook, and now I can use both together.

Great product

Great product

Must have for all artists

Totally recommended for anybody experiencing any kind of artistic block.


Great book

A thoughtful and inspiring Guide to Self Discovery and Self Expression

This is an excellent and time tested book which provides readers with a thoughtful framework; inspiring examples; and practical steps to building a high quality artist's life - reminding is that we all have a unique artist's soul capable of achieving greatness and serving others.

Liking it so far..

It was recommended. I’ve been doing some writing ever since.

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.

Life changing

This book has been life altering. I purchased one for a friend as well and she has literally done a 180 as far as being motivated to create and be productive. I recommend it to any and all artists.

Insightful, awesome book

A lot of “Ah-Ha” moments for me in this book. I believe it can apply to any aspect of life, not just “art” as it is traditionally thought of.

Encouraging your creative spirit!

Awesome resource to build creativity and reflective process! Using this with a small group of dear friends as we navigate life journeys together! ♥️🙏

Remove Creative Block

Great book to unblock creativity. Highly reccommended. Life changing even.

A must read for everyone

It would not be an understatement to say that this book changed my life. People should read it to become aware that they can be artists, or become more creative ones if they already are.

a good book, however a bit too hippie for me

A good book, a bit hippie. I loved the allowance to be a kid in my creativity!

Most helpful book I’ve ever read

THANK YOU, JULIA CAMERON. I find this book incredibly helpful and creatively liberating. If you’re a blocked creative and actually want to work through it, get her book.

Good purchase

I misplaced my originalcopy of artist way and the 25 yr anniversary edition did not disappoint. It reviewed the original concepts in even more detail.

Unblock creativity! Buy this book!

Great book for unblocking creativity! Journaling really helps tremendously!

It Continues to Be Magical Pixie Dust for Blocked Creativity!

This is the second time that I have bought this book and followed the process that Julia outlines. It once again is performing its magic!

Use religion to avoid taking personal responsibility for your own creativity! Utter garbage.

If you're looking to pawn responsibility for your creative endeavors (or lack thereof) off on a magical higher power, this book might be for you. The author spends most of the first section trying to claim that this book can work for anyone, whether they are religious or not. She LIED. The entire premise is based on repeating dogmatic nonsense about connecting to a mystical sky father to channel said mystical being's creativity through your own work. Instead of, I don't know, working on whatever is blocking you as an individual, taking responsibility for dealing with it, and creating your own stuff. I see why this used to be popular... surrendering responsibility for our own shortcomings is tempting, and apparently a lot of people bought into it. But how can you ever take credit for your own accomplishments if you pawned responsibility for your failures off on a delusion induced by magical thinking? The so-called practical lessons that you don't have to be religious to take advantage of? Journal for 3 pages every morning and get out of the house one a week. That's it. Everything else is channeling mystical creative forces and mentally infantilizing yourself as a coping mechanism.

A Great life-help book-reviewing your life and moving forward on a creative path (and I lost 25 pounds!)

I loved it! I decided to actually follow the guidelines for the book - one chapter a week, doing the written exercises, the morning pages, the artist day..and I stuck to it. That is not usual for me, but I decided to give it a try..and it worked! I still do not go to my studio as often as I should and I am still not as disciplined as I should be..but it doesn't bother me as much and I keep to the thought that this should be fun...and I have more fun! The side effect that I had completely not anticipated at all, was that I lost 25 pounds over the 16 weeks (16 chapters) and I wasn't even trying. Doing the written exercises, thinking through the material, remembering things, and writing morning pages, reduced anxiety and stress and I guess I just ate less. That made me feel good, and good feelings kept building, so, I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to try a 16week course to reexamine your life journey and pursue a more creative life ahead. I have now bought this book for so many friends..but it really doesn't do the magic unless you put the time into it. So, if you buy it, agree to all the exercises, or it is just another self-help book that will not sink in. Good luck!

My Other Bible

I was turned onto this book in 1995 and it changed not only my life in powerful, profound & exciting ways, but the lives of several of my family members & friends. It gave me a way in- into my own soul, my deeper voice, mind, purpose for living & capacity for enjoying life. I won’t lie, there are times it’s hard to show up to the simple practices in this book, because I’ve been through hard times & sometimes difficult emotions & memories arise from my unconscious, but it’s the only way to get my own creativity flowing that’s 100% certain. I’ve learned to write *through* the pain, to write the pain, to just keep writing- and then I’ve found myself through the worst of it, and now, sounding the depths of my wisdom years in ways that enrich my life & my community. In fact, I don’t think I could’ve survived without the lifeline of Morning Pages & Artist Dates through the toughest times in my adult life. I am so grateful for this book. I recommend it to EVERYONE, unconditionally. This is a book that lets you into you, that allows you to come to know yourself.

Actual book looks nice, but the content is horrible

Maybe I'm missing the entire point, since I realize this book is famous among writers and creators. However, I just can't stomach what the author is saying - it's just so ridiculous to me. The only useful part was the Morning Pages, but I had already been doing something along those lines. I really had to force myself to finish this book, and I'm very disappointed. I tried my best to keep as open of a mind as possible, like the author suggested at the beginning, but I couldn't get into it. So much rambling when really she should've just laid out the exercises instead of constantly talking about her successes and other people's successes.

Too limited, too much psycho-babble

Lots of talk about how getting sober changed her life, and I’m glad for her, but not everyone who wants to be more creative is an addict. Too limited, too much New Age psycho-babble.

Way Too Much GOD for My Tastes

This book has been exhaustively reviewed, so I'm just gonna add my two cents. I'm not really a fan of this book. It's got some good stuff, and is worth a look, but... maybe just borrow it from a library or a friend. Her author's voice is bossy/schoolmarm-ish, and she seems to quite like listening to herself speak--so to speak. The book could've been half its current length, and still gotten across her points adequately. Most of all, though, I just can't stand all the "God" references in the book. On the very first page of the introduction, Cameron warns that she uses the word "God" throughout the book, admits it may be "volatile" for some readers, but asks that we keep an open mind. She spends several paragraphs defending the term, and asking you to substitute whatever word works better for you, offering up the examples "good orderly direction, flow... Goddess, Mind, Universe, Source, and Higher Power." My problem is that I don't follow a Judeo-Christian path, and find "God" (capital "g") to be very off-putting for a great number of reasons that have no place in this review. She has a Catholic background herself. Groovy. You do you, Julia. But why use capitalized "God" and then say "But substitute whatever term you want!" How about YOU use a more neutral, less "volatile" word to begin with, so that it's easier for readers to mentally insert our best words? And there is a LOT of God and Creator stuff in the book despite her assertion that "no god concept is necessary," and that "You will still be able to experience an altered life working with [the book's] principles" even as an atheist or agnostic. In fact, her Rules of the Road (p. 55) is a list of 10 rules, 4 of which concern praying and/or the Great Creator. That list has the feel of "Let go and let God" about it. It just got harder and harder for me to ignore/substitute/read around these references. Further, while "flow" was one term she recommended as a substitute, that word makes no sense in those [frequent!] contexts when she actually means a higher power, NOT flow. I'm not sure where in the queue this review will end up, but I wish I'd read a review that warned me about this. I probably wouldn't have bought the book. =/

An amazing process

This is a fantastic book if you are looking for creative direction in your life. We have so many ways we sabotage our creative desires whether it's painting, singing, writing or building a boat, we end up never even considering them to be possible. "Doing" this book can change your life. I say doing because it's a 12 chapter/ 12 week learning process through writing in a daily journal and absorbing the weekly observations and lessons in each chapter. It can change your life, it did mine. Julia has a great saying, "jump and the net will be there." Give it a try, you don't have anything to loose.


I bought this as a gift and haven't heard how she liked it. I loved it, as did my niece when i gave it to her a few years ago. However, although I expected the anniversary edition to be especially nice it actually wasn't as nice as the original and I regretted choosing it.

Loved it. Great reading for anyone.

This book was recommended to me by a close friend and I read it one chapter a week for 12 weeks as intended. Loved it. I did read it on kindle and plan to buy a hard copy to reread, though - personally, I think this book might be one of those best read in book form. My favorite part is "morning pages", which I took to right away and just love it. Write three pages a day every day to start your morning. It's really helped me get in touch with myself, and writing without expectations, just letting the words flow. It's a great book. I plan on reading it through a 2nd time right away just as soon as my hard copy arrives :)

You'll roll your eyes. But it will work.

It's cheesy. It's hokey. And it's way too spiritual/religious (she says you can replace the word "God" with "the universe" or "creativity" or whatever, but it doesn't work. I've tried). But. I've had frustrating, debilitating, therapy-necessitating writer's block for ten years. Three months after finishing this book, doing all of the exercises, writing my morning pages, etc? I just finished the first draft of a novel. So, I recommend it. And I recommend taking only the parts from it that work for *you*. I don't care about the idea of being the conduit for some creative beam of light that shines through me onto the page. I don't care about prayers or pledges or collages. So I ignore those bits. What work for me were the parts about resetting how we approach creative work - not like adults afraid of criticism, but like children fascinated with their own imaginations. That's a game changer.


This book has been in my library for years. Saw it was available and put it on my kindle. Great reference book for artists and writers. It will introduce one to writing Morning Pages and also presents methods to unblock creative humans. I highly recommend it.

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