The Haunting Of Larkspur Farm (The Hauntings Of Kingston Book 4)

Kindle Edition
27 Nov
From Michelle Dorey, best selling author

Special Promotion! Only .99 from Jan 31 to Feb 5th for each episode of The Hauntings Of Kingston. Get your copy now!

A quaint hobby farm? Or is it a gateway to hell?

Paige and her family sunk everything they had to move out from the crime infested city to this place in the country. Sure the house is old, but it’s right by the water, and has large outbuildings. They were barely able to afford this rural retreat, but it’s a perfect place for the children.

The occasional thud and creaking floors at night are natural, and of course to be expected in a century home.

But then…things start getting odd…The family photo they hung in the living room as soon as they moved in won’t stay straight on the wall. Odd…

Then become weird… When little Avril squeals with delight, playing peek-a-boo with an imaginary friend they begin to wonder. She’s never done that before? Even Barney, their lumbering, gentle dog senses that something’s wrong. Time and again, he stares snarling, at an empty closet.

Things become ominous when Paige and her sister learn this farm’s horrific past. Other families tried to establish a home at Larkspur. Some fled with only the clothes on their backs. Others died. Horribly.

It all comes to a head on a dark night of terror.

Caution—read this with the lights on. All of them.

(Each tale of The Hauntings of Kingston are stand alone novels that take place in the enigmatic city of Kingston)

SPECIAL BONUS INCLUDED! Legacy, a full length novel is included free as a special bonus for my readers!

Reviews (39)

Disappointed. . . 3 star value

Purchasing the 5 books pack, led me to believe I was buying 5 'whole' stories, not 40 percent of a book and a continued sale pitch for a book that has been out for a long time. I had, in the past, purchased bookss from this author and again, same sales pitch for new book. I would have given 4 or 5 stars if the deception had not been there. Otherwise, storyline and characters are constant and intriguing to the point of not wanting to put down for long. There are slightly irritating word usage in all books, such as: niggling, dust motes, newel post, etc.; that this author uses to stand by the same script and description over and over again. All in all, good plots and characters!


I chose five stars because it was one of the most exciting, haunting books I've read in a while. Talk about heart pounding and wondering what was coming next, you did a great job of intrigue, keeping me on the edge of my chair. Thank you for a great story and hoping your next one will be as thrilling. Thanks for not using fowl language to describe things.

Entertaining Ghost Story

Good ghost story. Interesting enough that I read it in one day. Written well enough but seemed to be a production issue with the printing of chapter 12 as a part of it was repeated several times. Later in the book the word "thee" was written as "the.'

What fun! I haven't read a good ghost story in ...

What fun! I haven't read a good ghost story in much too long... Everything is Zombies and Vampires, yadda, yadda, yadda or biological contamination ... and here I stumbled across a very modernized spooky story with all the elements that authors have used to scare the bejezus out of readers for centuries. Theres nobody ripping out entrails, just good old fashioned good against evil. Without pages and pages of sanctimonious, religious claptrap to bore us to tears. Who hasn't wondered recently what the hell Is going on with the world? Here's as good an explanation as any. Especially those of us here in the US... why do things seem so evil right now? Will good come back? Can we impeach the evil out of here? How the hell did it win in the 1st place? Did it sneak in thru the barn!? And she leaves just enough explanation OUT of Julien's actions, and out of what's in the scrapbook to make you wonder? Will the lake be enough protection? Predictable? Maybe in a couple spots... But who cares when the author updated an old fashioned ghost story by allowing the heros to find all the old fashioned tools they need to fight against evil right there on the internet? And if you want a bit of gore, ya have some of that thrown in for good measure! The author also writes well, she knows her Grammer and punctuation, thank you, and the editing is almost perfect Delicious read, devowered it...

Great ghost story

I enjoyed this book a lot. Michelle Dorey writes great books that give you a good scare, but also has a lot of very realistic human interactions. It did seem to end a bit sudden, but I am sure that there will be more books concerning the haunted farmhouse! Can't wait to read them!

Very creepy

The book is well written and well plotted, with well developed characters. It also builds on a mystical theme, including some Irish lore.

Good read

Good story. Well written. Enjoyed this author's books. Would recommend.

Scared me

I love all of Michelle's book.. this one was no exception, it creeps up on you an can scare you to death. I'll read anything she writes, just awesome, 5 stars for sure.


Just finished this book, fourth in the series. As good as the first three and can't wait to start the fifth one, The Ghosts Of Hanson house!!!!! Love Michelle Dor💕

Great Read

I couldn't put this book down. It kept me on the edge of my seat. Michelle Dorey fantastic book. I loved it😀

Disappointed. . . 3 star value

Purchasing the 5 books pack, led me to believe I was buying 5 'whole' stories, not 40 percent of a book and a continued sale pitch for a book that has been out for a long time. I had, in the past, purchased bookss from this author and again, same sales pitch for new book. I would have given 4 or 5 stars if the deception had not been there. Otherwise, storyline and characters are constant and intriguing to the point of not wanting to put down for long. There are slightly irritating word usage in all books, such as: niggling, dust motes, newel post, etc.; that this author uses to stand by the same script and description over and over again. All in all, good plots and characters!


I chose five stars because it was one of the most exciting, haunting books I've read in a while. Talk about heart pounding and wondering what was coming next, you did a great job of intrigue, keeping me on the edge of my chair. Thank you for a great story and hoping your next one will be as thrilling. Thanks for not using fowl language to describe things.

Entertaining Ghost Story

Good ghost story. Interesting enough that I read it in one day. Written well enough but seemed to be a production issue with the printing of chapter 12 as a part of it was repeated several times. Later in the book the word "thee" was written as "the.'

What fun! I haven't read a good ghost story in ...

What fun! I haven't read a good ghost story in much too long... Everything is Zombies and Vampires, yadda, yadda, yadda or biological contamination ... and here I stumbled across a very modernized spooky story with all the elements that authors have used to scare the bejezus out of readers for centuries. Theres nobody ripping out entrails, just good old fashioned good against evil. Without pages and pages of sanctimonious, religious claptrap to bore us to tears. Who hasn't wondered recently what the hell Is going on with the world? Here's as good an explanation as any. Especially those of us here in the US... why do things seem so evil right now? Will good come back? Can we impeach the evil out of here? How the hell did it win in the 1st place? Did it sneak in thru the barn!? And she leaves just enough explanation OUT of Julien's actions, and out of what's in the scrapbook to make you wonder? Will the lake be enough protection? Predictable? Maybe in a couple spots... But who cares when the author updated an old fashioned ghost story by allowing the heros to find all the old fashioned tools they need to fight against evil right there on the internet? And if you want a bit of gore, ya have some of that thrown in for good measure! The author also writes well, she knows her Grammer and punctuation, thank you, and the editing is almost perfect Delicious read, devowered it...

Great ghost story

I enjoyed this book a lot. Michelle Dorey writes great books that give you a good scare, but also has a lot of very realistic human interactions. It did seem to end a bit sudden, but I am sure that there will be more books concerning the haunted farmhouse! Can't wait to read them!

Very creepy

The book is well written and well plotted, with well developed characters. It also builds on a mystical theme, including some Irish lore.

Good read

Good story. Well written. Enjoyed this author's books. Would recommend.

Scared me

I love all of Michelle's book.. this one was no exception, it creeps up on you an can scare you to death. I'll read anything she writes, just awesome, 5 stars for sure.


Just finished this book, fourth in the series. As good as the first three and can't wait to start the fifth one, The Ghosts Of Hanson house!!!!! Love Michelle Dor💕

Great Read

I couldn't put this book down. It kept me on the edge of my seat. Michelle Dorey fantastic book. I loved it😀

pretty good

I wish it was a little bit more spooky and scary


Excellent regally spooky story.. Terrific series, you can't just read one.


Very good with great story line and secrets. Liked when she was dealing with the ghost early in book. Would have liked to been more.

Entertaining but predictable

Lots of typos. Is this a young adult book? It should be. It was well-written but so simple and predictable, I could follow the story and NCIS on TV at the same time.

Another Fantastic Ghost Story

I cant get enough of Michelle Dorey's books! And one of the things I like most is that she gets all her scares in without profanity, explicit sex, or any kind of nonsense. I would happily allow my tween nueces and nephews read any of her books that I have read. I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to delve into a great haunting story without vile, x-rated b.s. in it. Dorey has a way with character developement that really gets the reader caring about them. Its been a long time since I didnt have to skim through a bunch of porn to get to the actual story. I'm not a prude, there's a time and place for that stuff, I just dont like it shoved in my face when I am enjoying a tale of the supernatural. And I like that the terror is just as real without the graphic violence. I read Edward Lee, and it doesnt get more vile and disgusting than his work, but I know to expect that from him. Its nice to read a fantastic, chilling story of the supernatural without the shock value graphics once in awhile. I have young family members who adore horror, but most books I read I just cant share with them. Michelke Dorey's work is scary enough for true horror fans, and her stories are fun to share with my non-adult family members. I am so glad I found her! If you are a parent, please believe me when I say her books are just fine for 12 and up. If you are an adult horror fan, you wont be disappointed! You'll never miss whats missing, give her books a try!

Good read, but unnecessary foul language.

I’ve just finished reading The Haunting of Larkspur Farm by Michelle Dorey and have enjoyed a very well written and somewhat suspenseful good read. I’ve just started the Legacy – the Mystical Veil and it is even better. Along with reading many other genres of books, ghost stories are an entertaining diversion, especially since it is recognized widely that they aren’t all a figment of the imagination. Scary, but possible. My only complaint that applies to both books is the frequent and casual use of vulgarity and profanity (using the Lord’s name indiscriminately). As a Christian, I find such language off-putting. The Third Commandment states: “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” Isn’t referring to God’s name in any way that does not show deep respect and honor, taking His name in vain? However, she does recognize the necessity for forceful Christian intervention in dealing with satanic and evil possession. Michelle Dorey writes a very entertaining story, and I will look for her books again. I give her a 4+ star.

Gripping and Exciting, but Short

Such a good story. Gripping and exciting. Needs a little editing. I’d also like to see it marked as a novella. This isn’t the first time I’ve felt a little cheated by this author because instead of a full book, there is a “bonus” book at the end, so only half of this book is the story represented here. Still, this author always has a good and gripping story. Just wish they were longer!

She always has happy endings

I really like these books first because the author is not afraid to use the name of Jesus to get rid of the ghosts and demons, it's the only way to really get rid of them, everything has to bow its knee to His name and a lot of people are afraid to use His name in books and movies for fear of what people will think. I also like her characters. I just really enjoy reading them.

On the edge of your seat, heart pounding, can't put the book down but still scared...Best story I've read in a while!!

I have to say this book really fit the bill! I was on the edge of my seat, heart pounding, jumping at little sounds around me...that told me that this story was written so well that I was completely in its grip. I couldn't put it down, I had to turn the page and find out what was going to happen next. It was a believable story, family and small children involved, the supernatural, the right recipe for a relatively short story. 5 stars and going to read more by Michelle Dorey for sure!!

Awesome read

Again, I had already read this once. Had decided to reread this series. Michelle Dorey is a fun author to read, she sure can write a good ghost story

Great read

Love this author and her books! Highly recommend. Good ghost story! Great characters and I can’t wAit to read more.

Another great story.

I love Michelle Dorey's books. I just can't put them down. I really enjoyed the spookiness of this book. If you're looking for a good scary story, this book is for you.

It was good but short!

I didn't know this was more a novella with the Legacy book attached. The story was good, but very short and could've been a novel instead of a short story.


Very good book. Really enjoyed the read. I was able to see the house, the barn, and in the corner of the closet, in my mind. Kept my interest. Looking forward to reading more of her books!

A good quick read

A good ghost story, well written and edited. I give it only three stars because of predictability. It is still a fun read and recommended for anyone who loves a nice scare.

Loved This Book

This book really held my interest. It moved along very well and you didn't get bored. Just when I would think we were nearing the conclusion she would throw a new twist in. Looking forward to more books.

nice clean book. I enjoyed it very much,

just a real good book. I read it at one setting. And will read more from this arthur, yes,well. Done.

this was a fun read

I love this author even though this book was a little predictable I still found myself reading into the night and even got a little creeped out every time I heard a creak or noise in my house, lol. I found myself sad when it came to the end of the book I wanted to keep reading,so please can you make your books a little longer? Anyway I enjoyed it very much and cant wait to read your other books.

Haunting of larkspur fsrm

Read this and as usual with a good book felt myself heavily invested in the plot. I tried to get ahead of myself to no avail.. Read all and enjoyed myself so thank you

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