The Haunted Inn (The Hauntings Of Kingston Book 2)

Kindle Edition
25 Jun

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"A haunted B&B? We'll make a fortune!"
The two scammers are about to find out that ghosts are real.

Tim and Brad, two frustrated drones in a corporate treadmill, come up with a sure-fire plan to get-rich-super-quick!

People are fascinated by ghosts and anything paranormal, aren’t they? Those folks will pay lots of money for the chance to stay overnight in a haunted hotel. Since ghosts aren’t real (everyone knows that, right?) they’ll create the illusion. It’ll be a cinch.

They find the perfect old place right next to a lake. And, it fits their limited budget! Bonus!

Right from the start, things go wrong in an eerie kind of way. Tools they're using, end up in strange places. Lights go on and off by themselves. Something tries to drown Brad’s girlfriend--her legs tangled in a communion dress, floating up from the bottom of the lake?

The house has a dark, horrific history. Too late, they discover their naive mistake. A mistake, that could cost them their lives.

Special Bonus included- Legacy: The Mystical Veil

Reviews (62)

Good premise but that's about all.

I found the writing to be more like the work of n adolescent. So many things that perturbed me such as the idea that two recent graduates in mundane jobs and eighteen thousand dollars between them could nearly immediately secure a three hundred thousand dollar bank commitment to purchase a vacant house for a bed and breakfast. Totally naive. It doesn't work that way. I liked the story line but the writing is nearly juvenile. "Brad's skin felt like a million ants were 'scraping' across his skin" What?

There are two stories in here.

Tim and Brad buy a house and make into a haunted inn. Sophie, Brad's girlfriend, warns them it is an evil house. As they prepare the house, Tim and Brad start experiencing strange and frightening events. The evil slowly grows and becomes more dangerous. I like the first story very much. The second one, I couldn't even finish.I disliked Keira a lot. She was a spoiled and whiney brat.

The book will keep you wanting to turn the page to see what is going to happen.

I love reading this type of book and the fact that it was a haunted inn was even better. Well written, didn't want to put it down.

Good vs evil. Great story

Wow. I really enjoyed this story. Spooky. The best part is the confrontation with evil and good. Use of Christian prayer. Faith. Just like the old Dracula movies. Don't mess with God you evil entities. You can not win. The crucifix, bible, prayer and first nation sweet grass. An invincible combination. Good ghost tale.


write a spooky ghost story. Would make a really scary movie. With all the special effects movies have now, it would make a really hair raising scare.Wooooo!

Great storyteller

Michelle Dorey has a way of telling stories that draw you in, empathizing with her characters until they become old friends. I have yet to read anything she’s done that did not keep me fully entertained!

Very good

When buying a haunted property, always take the time to learn who, or what, is haunting it. Otherwise, you could find yourself more invested than you want to be.

Good book!

This book had a lot of scary moments. Great for Halloween or a dark stormy night. The only thing that I understood, but was not too crazy about, was that it got religious connotations close to the end. But still a very good book and read it all in one night!

Great story, again

I chose the rating of four because of the language of this book, too much of the f.... word. The story line was great you are the best.

A Few Errors

In general, a good ghost story but there were a few annoying errors. A worthwhile read it if you like haunted house stories.

Good premise but that's about all.

I found the writing to be more like the work of n adolescent. So many things that perturbed me such as the idea that two recent graduates in mundane jobs and eighteen thousand dollars between them could nearly immediately secure a three hundred thousand dollar bank commitment to purchase a vacant house for a bed and breakfast. Totally naive. It doesn't work that way. I liked the story line but the writing is nearly juvenile. "Brad's skin felt like a million ants were 'scraping' across his skin" What?

There are two stories in here.

Tim and Brad buy a house and make into a haunted inn. Sophie, Brad's girlfriend, warns them it is an evil house. As they prepare the house, Tim and Brad start experiencing strange and frightening events. The evil slowly grows and becomes more dangerous. I like the first story very much. The second one, I couldn't even finish.I disliked Keira a lot. She was a spoiled and whiney brat.

The book will keep you wanting to turn the page to see what is going to happen.

I love reading this type of book and the fact that it was a haunted inn was even better. Well written, didn't want to put it down.

Good vs evil. Great story

Wow. I really enjoyed this story. Spooky. The best part is the confrontation with evil and good. Use of Christian prayer. Faith. Just like the old Dracula movies. Don't mess with God you evil entities. You can not win. The crucifix, bible, prayer and first nation sweet grass. An invincible combination. Good ghost tale.


write a spooky ghost story. Would make a really scary movie. With all the special effects movies have now, it would make a really hair raising scare.Wooooo!

Great storyteller

Michelle Dorey has a way of telling stories that draw you in, empathizing with her characters until they become old friends. I have yet to read anything she’s done that did not keep me fully entertained!

Very good

When buying a haunted property, always take the time to learn who, or what, is haunting it. Otherwise, you could find yourself more invested than you want to be.

Good book!

This book had a lot of scary moments. Great for Halloween or a dark stormy night. The only thing that I understood, but was not too crazy about, was that it got religious connotations close to the end. But still a very good book and read it all in one night!

Great story, again

I chose the rating of four because of the language of this book, too much of the f.... word. The story line was great you are the best.

A Few Errors

In general, a good ghost story but there were a few annoying errors. A worthwhile read it if you like haunted house stories.

Fantastic Book and very real.

I love a good story and yours was good. I think it gave just enough scare. I will find your other books!!

Haunted inn

I truly loved this book. It is a book that w a s hard to put down. I wanted to find out what the ghost Baxter was going to do next. There was not one thing to dislike. I would recommend this book to anyone.

Pretty Good

Not as good as the first one but still decent - I thought it was too short

Potential of Great Plot-Line Is Missed and Further Scarred By Multitudinous Errors

The basic plot-line is interesting and rich with potential. Sadly, the author fails to much progress in using that potential and scars her work with a very large number of writing errors. Even setting aside completely all the British versus American English spellings and phrases, still leaves dozens of very obvious errors. Sentences with subject-verb errors (both number and tense) abound. There is a continuing issue with confusion between possessive and regular forms (not only 'its' for 'it's' but also involving proper nouns). Dialog quotations often confuse close (end) quotation marks (convex toward upper right) with open (begin) quotation marks (convex to the upper left) as well as comma placement. And I will not even get into the mis-usage of commas other than to say that, on the whole, there is about the right number but they are sprinkled on indiscriminately like pepper. In the author's defense (she would probably say 'defence'), these are really editing errors; however, it was the author who seemingly decided against having a capable editor or at the very least a skillful proofreader look over her manuscript before selling it. And, in that, she is by no means alone as Kindle's most serious shortcoming is the lack of professional skill shown in so many easily correctable ways by nice people with good ideas who fail to understand that it is their reputation that trashed by their own work product. Technicalities aside, the work felt rushed. Things happen in rapid fire sequence without any real development of character or plot notwithstanding a plot line with great potential. The heavy Christian symbolism and religious references in the final couple of chapters seem very weak, transparent, and unfulfilling. (Spoiler alert: One character's decision to torch the house, which burns to the ground, is explained as having no consequence for the characters because her obvious arson will just be paid off by their insurance company. Leaving aside the moral issue of condoning arson, it is unrealistic in that it ignores the very real probability of criminal charges and the unlikelihood that any insurer would pay under such circumstances.

Attention grabbing

I really liked this book. It stole my attention for the entire afternoon and evening. It was worth it. Thanks.

Very enjoyable ghost storu

If you enjoy a ghost story this is a good one. Spooky not gory. Wish it was longer. Look forward to reading more by this author.


It was okay

Good haunted house story

Darn good haunted house story.

Avid ghost readee

This was an awesome ghost story. Have read several of her books. They all have you on their edge of your chair without all these different twists and turns. Will definitely follow this author on any new novels.

Great Book

I liked that it kept my interest all through the book. I will buy more books from this author.



Great book

Best book I have read on a long time , this is about love and helping others , if you liked Harry potter. You might enjoy this

Good book

Dorey is a good writer. It kept my interest from beginning to end. I think it will appeal to a wide audience.

Good book to read

I liked the settings of the stories. I could identify with the characters. It was a well written mild horror book.

Nice scary story.

I thought at first I was going to be sorry I bought this story, but it got better and better the further it went

Scary Stuff

This is a good horror story, and it has a blockbuster ending that packs a lot of energy and surprises.


Great and very spooky, loved it !!

Not really scary

Not a bad read. Kept me entertained for an afternoon.

Atmospheric haunted house story

You can always could on good characterization from Michelle Dorey, and this book is no exception. The two main characters,Brad and Tim, are young guys looking for a way to get out of their boring jobs and make some money. While in line at a movie theater, they see how many people are going to a movie about the paranormal and get a brilliant idea: why not start a haunted bed and breakfast? It seems perfect, so they start their search for an appropriate house. Unfortunately, what they find is a real haunted house. And although the guys are initially skeptics, they gradually come to realize they have a problem--a big problem. Repairs don't go as expected, and in fact, nothing goes as expected. There are a lot of very eerie, scary moments and the tension builds as Tim and Brad try to figure out what is going on and what they should do about it. For fans of haunted house stories, this is a great read that thankfully avoids the gore and excels in creating atmosphere and tension.

the story is original, even though its a ghost story.

the story kept building slowly, making the book impossible to put down. the characters were fresh. two guys who were skeptics even when the supernatural hit them in the face, the girl with talent without the tackiness of being a witch, fortune teller, or an angel in disguise. the only problem i had with the book was the typos. it made those particular sentences a little difficult to read. the writer needs someone else to proof read for spelling errors and missed punctuation.

Haunted inn spades!

Swift and sure. You want to yell "don't do it' over and over, but what good would it do? Muscles tense as you, the reader, are drawn in, experiencing the build up of pure evil. Will charms and the Bible prevail? I won't spoil it, you have got to read this one for yourself! For me it is finally over and I feel like I just worked out for an hour in the gym! Highly recommend it for daylight hours only.


EXCELLENT and captivating series. Plus wonderful extra books. Who could ask for more. I literally could not stop reading till I finished. If you like ghosts and adventure take a journey with these characters.

Dig out your nightlight....because this is a FREAKY one!

This book was very scary, kept me turning pages and sleeping with the light on! The suspense and creepiness just kept building right to the very end. You just knew things were going to get bad for those smart alec guys. Loved the ending which was a bit of a surprise. All in all, I would recommend this book to everyone, small children, adolescents and the elderly. It rocked my socks off!!

Great writing, good story!

Scary happenings, strong characters and a well written plot are everything needed to make this a must read for haunted house fans. Another great series from Michelle Dorey!

Awesome read

Really great read. I've read this one before and it was still spellbinding to read it a second time around.

Great story

There are a lot of twists and turns. This book sucked me right in. I enjoyed the characters and the suspense!!!

I really liked this one!

Other than some corny stuff said by the characters from time to time, this was a really good read about two friends who decide to open a haunted inn. They just didn't expect it to be truly haunted. Do they run for it, or will they keep it?

Read her other books too, great author

This book is about two friends who decide to open a haunted inn. They just didn't expect it to be truly haunted. I have read about 4 of her books this week. Could not put them down.

A different kind of ghost story.

In most ghost stories, the main characters did not purposely go looking for a haunted house to buy but that is what happens in this story. Unfortunately, the ghost in the house they buy turns out to dangerously evil...

A Right, Good Ghost Story!

This nicely done story serves up just enough of good scares to balance the characters and plotline. The ending could have been extended out a bit more, but it sufficed. Looking forward to future adventures with this foursome!


I really enjoyed the second story and look forward to reading the rest of the series. I enjoyed the first story also but not as much as the second.

It was great until the end

This book had a lot of promise,it wasn't scary but had it's moments, I thought it could've been much better with a different ending... the ending got out of control and way too unrealistic to be believed.

Great spooky read

I loved this book. I can’t believe that I stayed up late reading. I was scared to death! Looking forward to the next book!

Loved it!

I was looking for a good summer read and got more than I hooked on author and now looking for her books all over internet and library's. Highly recommend.

Good read. This is one of those stories that ...

Good read. This is one of those stories that one thinks about after putting it down. The ending certainly sets up for the next in a series about the evil returning to this property. I liked it enough to look up the author and download another Michelle Dorey novel.

Good read

It was a smooth easy interesting story and kept my attention. I would definitely recommend it to anyone.e who enjoys a ghost story.


It was a page turner! I lived in a house that had strange noises, doors that shut but not really. People talking but nobody there..

This book kept my interest and could not wait to finish it. The plot was believable and the characters

Interesting plot and the characters were believable. Could not wait to finish it. Will purchase more books by this author.

Thrils and Scares

Loved this book!

Great read

What a great novel and comfortable to read. Has great character development and has created a great set of classic ghost novels. Fills a void in this type of ghost story.

Excellent Story

I read in one sitting. Great story. I enjoy all Michelle Dorey books, they always have a touch of a true haunting.


Kind od a bland story with bland writing. Characters not well developed at all. I didn't care what happened to any of them. Bleh

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