The Complete Far Side

Paperback – November 25, 2014
24 Nov
The Far Side® is back in this much-anticipated three-volume slipcased paperback edition of The Complete Far Side! “Every one of these cartoons is just something that drifted into my head when I was alone with my thoughts. And, for better or worse, I ‘jotted’ them down. It was only later, when perhaps I received an angry letter from someone, that it struck me: Hey! Someone’s been reading my diary!” --Gary Larson, from the preface to

Reviews (198)

Sublimely Weird

Because Gary Larson's "The Far Side" cartoons didn't appear in my newspaper, I never saw them as they came out. Instead, I'd see them tacked to office cubicle walls, or on greeting cards, or desktop calendars, or coffee mugs -- in short, all over the place. It didn't take me long to become a big Larson fan. When I first came across "The Complete Far Side" a year ago, in a local book store, it was set up on the kind of display stand normally reserved for encyclopedias, major dictionaries, and other scholarly works of that sort. As I reverently turned the pages, laughing at just about everything I saw, my hands got really sweaty. ("Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease!") It was mighty pricey. It was HUGE. Where am I going to PUT this thing??? No, I really can't .... and I'd walk away, looking back longingly. So I thought about it for a full year, watching sales come and go, and the books disappear for a time, only to reappear, and finally I broke down and ordered them from Amazon. The shipment box comes with a prominent "warning, heavy contents" sticker. Larson calls it an "18-pound hernia giver". Page "xxi" in Volume One shows a full-page cartoon of the books being assembled with a crane. You get the idea. And I still had to figure out where to put them. They won't fit on any of my bookshelves. They're much too big for the coffee table. Under my bed? The monsters would eat them, and the crunching would keep me awake. Finally I hit upon the ideal solution: I slung them onto my dresser, between my "Compact Oxford Dictionary" and the filing cabinet. Interesting note: the two-volume microprint dictionary comes in its own display case, complete with magnifying glass, and turns out to be EXACTLY the same height and depth as "The Complete Far Side". So they look really nice together. The display case itself is very attractive, with a picture of cooks hunting flying cows on one side, and a "family portrait" of some of Larson's stock characters on the other side: the Neanderthal, the nerdy-looking boy, the mad scientist, the woman with horn-rimmed glasses, a snake, and a praying mantis, to name just a few. The cover of Volume One has a portrait looking like a parody of Queen Elizabeth I or a contemporary, in a stately dress; Volume Two has the same portrait, this time of a cow. Inside the covers of each book are sketches of "Cow Town", sort of what the seedy part of town might look like in a bovine-dominated civilization. And then there are the cartoons themselves. They're arranged roughly in chronological order. At the start of each year is an essay written by Larson, describing various fascinating aspects of his formative years along with how he came up with some of his ideas. Right before each essay is a two-page panoramic cartoon with the year emblazoned on it. For instance, 1981 has "When Cows Ruled the Earth", one of my favorites. Interspersed with the daily cartoons are various letters, ranging from the puzzled ("What does the Cow Tools cartoon mean???") to the admiring, to the utterly outraged ("Gary Larson is sick, sick, sick!!!") And then there was the infamous 1987 "Jane Goodall Tramp" cartoon, which, as it turns out, Dr. Goodall enjoyed a great deal. It can be a great honor to find oneself in a "Far Side" cartoon. True, Larson's cartoons aren't for everyone. Some of them are pretty outrageous, like the one of the alligator being shooed out of the nursery ("Heaven knows how he keeps getting in here, Betty, but you better count 'em"), or the one where the doctors are testing babies for static cling. Any number of animal and human characters throughout the years meet their untimely demise in various bizarre and creepy ways, be it the man-eating mailbox, the giant Venus flytrap disguised as a swing set, or the cows waiting not-so-patiently in line at Anderson's meat-packing plant. ("Hey! You! ... No cutting in!") As time permits, usually at bedtime, I've been leafing through the books page by page, with note paper handy, writing down the page number and date of any cartoon that strikes my fancy, from my favorite classics to ones I've seen for the very first time. A significant number of them are in color, including hundreds which Larson went back and redid, all the way back to 1980 -- the first year of publication. The color ones tend to be the best, as the details stand out better. As Larson gets more and more comfortable with drawing the cartoons, they tend to get funnier. As a result, I have three pages of notes for Volume One, and twice that many for Volume Two. There are only two things I wish the books had. The first is, admittedly, unrealistic: an index by cartoon caption and another by topic (cows, chickens, cave men, aliens, etc.) But, they'd probably have to be micro-printed to fit in a two-volume work, so never mind. My second wish is more doable, and in fact does come with the Oxford: pull tabs, for coaxing the volumes out of the box. As it is, the operation consists of sliding the case to the front of the dresser, tipping it forward ... ever ... so ... gingerly, and trying to catch the books before they fall onto my foot and break a toe or something. But these are minor quibbles. If you're at all a fan of "The Far Side", and have the money and the room, you'll want these books. They're great for endless hours of entertainment. My one warning: don't try to read these while you're recovering from abdominal surgery. It will hurt.

Great price to get these editions of Larson. He's very very very different !And Fuuuuuuunny!

Great price half off ! Used for entertainment !

Back when everything was funny

Great edition of a classic comic.

Great books

Great books but the cartoons are a little small. Easy fix with magnifier.

Great Collection

This book set is a great collection of the Far Side books. It's excellent quality!

One of the Best Cartoon Strips Ever Created

I have long been a fan of the Far Side, but I was always disappointed by the fact Gary Larson's humor was spread out across multiple volumes, and that even if you were willing to purchase all of those books, there was no guarantee you had every one of his cartoons. When the complete collection came out in hardback, I was sorely tempted to purchase it, but its high price and my college student-sized budget deterred me from placing an order. Now that I have graduated and it is available in paperback for half the price, I readily shelled out my money for a copy. To be clear, this is an edition well worth its cost. Even though in paperback, the binding is firm and the cartoons are printed on a high quality, glossy paper. It also comes with a nice slipcase to fit the volumes in. There are three volumes in total: the first volume covers the cartoon's first strips in 1980 through 1984, the second is from 1984 to 1988, and the final third covers 1988 to the series' conclusion in 1994. Each volume is approximately four hundred pages in length. Needless to say, the strips are printed in chronological order, typically three or four to a page. Each year is also divided by a little essay by Larson explaining the evolution of a particular drawing or telling a humorous story relating to his craft. Because I have seen only a few interviews by him, I felt this gave the book a personal sense of the author. Also, in the earliest strips Larson would frequently draw in black-and-white (with the occasional color Sunday strip), but as time went on the cartoons increasingly became color almost every day. As for the cartoons themselves, it is nice to finally have an official complete version. Often on the Internet there are cartoons that are visually similar to Larson and claim him as their progenitor, but if you do not see it in this book, then it is safe to assume it is a fake. The same goes for some of the cartoons that have altered coloring to try and escape copyright enforcement by Mr. Larson's attorneys. The humor of Mr. Larson is obviously somewhat "far out" and has probably warped my own worldview, but there were many occasions in these books when I found myself laughing out loud. Mr. Larson does not aim for the lowest common denominator, so while some cartoons' punchlines are immediately understandable, a few leave you saying, "What the...?" for a few moments before figuring it out. On one or two rare occasions, I simply had to admit defeat and move on to the next one. Fortunately, however, those occasions are rare and Mr. Larson actually includes little explanations (and sometimes hate mail) for some of his most challenging pieces. As a side note, while Mr. Larson's humor is bizarre, I think these are actually good books for children. Mr. Larson respects his audience and uses relatively advanced scientific and historical topics as the basis for jokes on some occasions, and he avoids any vulgarity (it is a newspaper comic, after all) that would worry parents of younger kids. Most of the cartoons match the size of the originals, but a few are very slightly smaller. As a final note, the forward mentions there are over four thousand strips in this book, and you would expect the editors to have missed a few. Apparently, however, they are all there except for a few small pieces from Larson's collection Wiener Dog Art. If you are looking to interest a young person in cartooning, or simply looking to find a nice gift for a close friend, this is an excellent collection to buy that will guarantee its reader hours of laughs.

love it

it feels like opening an ancient tome this book is hefty.

It's Gary Larson's "The Far Side"!! Enough said.

Every one of his individual comics featured in newspapers across America is in this 3-book collection. I am laughing out loud all over again! The few that I and my friends couldn't "get" back then now astonish me and I laugh anew. These volumes are for the cynical, the sarcastic, the silly, the apolitical and anyone who just wants a great laugh or ten. These comics have aged well; they could be introduced by Larson now instead of in the 1980's, and they would be just as relevant. This 3-volume set is the perfect gift for those with a good sense of humor who have everything, as well as for the nostalgic who longs for the Good Ol' Days. Highly recommended!

Family Bible

Every aspect of our existence has a Gary Larson cartoon to match. Bought this collection for the family bookshelf. It needs a sturdy shelf. Pay attention to the dimensions if you are buying. They are a heavy volume. Must be the printing ink. The one criticism is the size of the cartoons. They ARE small compared to the size of the pages. I would recommend, as others have, to add the paperback version for bedside reading.

Can't Go Wrong With The far Side

Gary Larson is a genius and to have all of his Far Sides in one collection, that is a lot of chuckles

Sublimely Weird

Because Gary Larson's "The Far Side" cartoons didn't appear in my newspaper, I never saw them as they came out. Instead, I'd see them tacked to office cubicle walls, or on greeting cards, or desktop calendars, or coffee mugs -- in short, all over the place. It didn't take me long to become a big Larson fan. When I first came across "The Complete Far Side" a year ago, in a local book store, it was set up on the kind of display stand normally reserved for encyclopedias, major dictionaries, and other scholarly works of that sort. As I reverently turned the pages, laughing at just about everything I saw, my hands got really sweaty. ("Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease!") It was mighty pricey. It was HUGE. Where am I going to PUT this thing??? No, I really can't .... and I'd walk away, looking back longingly. So I thought about it for a full year, watching sales come and go, and the books disappear for a time, only to reappear, and finally I broke down and ordered them from Amazon. The shipment box comes with a prominent "warning, heavy contents" sticker. Larson calls it an "18-pound hernia giver". Page "xxi" in Volume One shows a full-page cartoon of the books being assembled with a crane. You get the idea. And I still had to figure out where to put them. They won't fit on any of my bookshelves. They're much too big for the coffee table. Under my bed? The monsters would eat them, and the crunching would keep me awake. Finally I hit upon the ideal solution: I slung them onto my dresser, between my "Compact Oxford Dictionary" and the filing cabinet. Interesting note: the two-volume microprint dictionary comes in its own display case, complete with magnifying glass, and turns out to be EXACTLY the same height and depth as "The Complete Far Side". So they look really nice together. The display case itself is very attractive, with a picture of cooks hunting flying cows on one side, and a "family portrait" of some of Larson's stock characters on the other side: the Neanderthal, the nerdy-looking boy, the mad scientist, the woman with horn-rimmed glasses, a snake, and a praying mantis, to name just a few. The cover of Volume One has a portrait looking like a parody of Queen Elizabeth I or a contemporary, in a stately dress; Volume Two has the same portrait, this time of a cow. Inside the covers of each book are sketches of "Cow Town", sort of what the seedy part of town might look like in a bovine-dominated civilization. And then there are the cartoons themselves. They're arranged roughly in chronological order. At the start of each year is an essay written by Larson, describing various fascinating aspects of his formative years along with how he came up with some of his ideas. Right before each essay is a two-page panoramic cartoon with the year emblazoned on it. For instance, 1981 has "When Cows Ruled the Earth", one of my favorites. Interspersed with the daily cartoons are various letters, ranging from the puzzled ("What does the Cow Tools cartoon mean???") to the admiring, to the utterly outraged ("Gary Larson is sick, sick, sick!!!") And then there was the infamous 1987 "Jane Goodall Tramp" cartoon, which, as it turns out, Dr. Goodall enjoyed a great deal. It can be a great honor to find oneself in a "Far Side" cartoon. True, Larson's cartoons aren't for everyone. Some of them are pretty outrageous, like the one of the alligator being shooed out of the nursery ("Heaven knows how he keeps getting in here, Betty, but you better count 'em"), or the one where the doctors are testing babies for static cling. Any number of animal and human characters throughout the years meet their untimely demise in various bizarre and creepy ways, be it the man-eating mailbox, the giant Venus flytrap disguised as a swing set, or the cows waiting not-so-patiently in line at Anderson's meat-packing plant. ("Hey! You! ... No cutting in!") As time permits, usually at bedtime, I've been leafing through the books page by page, with note paper handy, writing down the page number and date of any cartoon that strikes my fancy, from my favorite classics to ones I've seen for the very first time. A significant number of them are in color, including hundreds which Larson went back and redid, all the way back to 1980 -- the first year of publication. The color ones tend to be the best, as the details stand out better. As Larson gets more and more comfortable with drawing the cartoons, they tend to get funnier. As a result, I have three pages of notes for Volume One, and twice that many for Volume Two. There are only two things I wish the books had. The first is, admittedly, unrealistic: an index by cartoon caption and another by topic (cows, chickens, cave men, aliens, etc.) But, they'd probably have to be micro-printed to fit in a two-volume work, so never mind. My second wish is more doable, and in fact does come with the Oxford: pull tabs, for coaxing the volumes out of the box. As it is, the operation consists of sliding the case to the front of the dresser, tipping it forward ... ever ... so ... gingerly, and trying to catch the books before they fall onto my foot and break a toe or something. But these are minor quibbles. If you're at all a fan of "The Far Side", and have the money and the room, you'll want these books. They're great for endless hours of entertainment. My one warning: don't try to read these while you're recovering from abdominal surgery. It will hurt.

Great price to get these editions of Larson. He's very very very different !And Fuuuuuuunny!

Great price half off ! Used for entertainment !

Back when everything was funny

Great edition of a classic comic.

Great books

Great books but the cartoons are a little small. Easy fix with magnifier.

Great Collection

This book set is a great collection of the Far Side books. It's excellent quality!

One of the Best Cartoon Strips Ever Created

I have long been a fan of the Far Side, but I was always disappointed by the fact Gary Larson's humor was spread out across multiple volumes, and that even if you were willing to purchase all of those books, there was no guarantee you had every one of his cartoons. When the complete collection came out in hardback, I was sorely tempted to purchase it, but its high price and my college student-sized budget deterred me from placing an order. Now that I have graduated and it is available in paperback for half the price, I readily shelled out my money for a copy. To be clear, this is an edition well worth its cost. Even though in paperback, the binding is firm and the cartoons are printed on a high quality, glossy paper. It also comes with a nice slipcase to fit the volumes in. There are three volumes in total: the first volume covers the cartoon's first strips in 1980 through 1984, the second is from 1984 to 1988, and the final third covers 1988 to the series' conclusion in 1994. Each volume is approximately four hundred pages in length. Needless to say, the strips are printed in chronological order, typically three or four to a page. Each year is also divided by a little essay by Larson explaining the evolution of a particular drawing or telling a humorous story relating to his craft. Because I have seen only a few interviews by him, I felt this gave the book a personal sense of the author. Also, in the earliest strips Larson would frequently draw in black-and-white (with the occasional color Sunday strip), but as time went on the cartoons increasingly became color almost every day. As for the cartoons themselves, it is nice to finally have an official complete version. Often on the Internet there are cartoons that are visually similar to Larson and claim him as their progenitor, but if you do not see it in this book, then it is safe to assume it is a fake. The same goes for some of the cartoons that have altered coloring to try and escape copyright enforcement by Mr. Larson's attorneys. The humor of Mr. Larson is obviously somewhat "far out" and has probably warped my own worldview, but there were many occasions in these books when I found myself laughing out loud. Mr. Larson does not aim for the lowest common denominator, so while some cartoons' punchlines are immediately understandable, a few leave you saying, "What the...?" for a few moments before figuring it out. On one or two rare occasions, I simply had to admit defeat and move on to the next one. Fortunately, however, those occasions are rare and Mr. Larson actually includes little explanations (and sometimes hate mail) for some of his most challenging pieces. As a side note, while Mr. Larson's humor is bizarre, I think these are actually good books for children. Mr. Larson respects his audience and uses relatively advanced scientific and historical topics as the basis for jokes on some occasions, and he avoids any vulgarity (it is a newspaper comic, after all) that would worry parents of younger kids. Most of the cartoons match the size of the originals, but a few are very slightly smaller. As a final note, the forward mentions there are over four thousand strips in this book, and you would expect the editors to have missed a few. Apparently, however, they are all there except for a few small pieces from Larson's collection Wiener Dog Art. If you are looking to interest a young person in cartooning, or simply looking to find a nice gift for a close friend, this is an excellent collection to buy that will guarantee its reader hours of laughs.

love it

it feels like opening an ancient tome this book is hefty.

It's Gary Larson's "The Far Side"!! Enough said.

Every one of his individual comics featured in newspapers across America is in this 3-book collection. I am laughing out loud all over again! The few that I and my friends couldn't "get" back then now astonish me and I laugh anew. These volumes are for the cynical, the sarcastic, the silly, the apolitical and anyone who just wants a great laugh or ten. These comics have aged well; they could be introduced by Larson now instead of in the 1980's, and they would be just as relevant. This 3-volume set is the perfect gift for those with a good sense of humor who have everything, as well as for the nostalgic who longs for the Good Ol' Days. Highly recommended!

Family Bible

Every aspect of our existence has a Gary Larson cartoon to match. Bought this collection for the family bookshelf. It needs a sturdy shelf. Pay attention to the dimensions if you are buying. They are a heavy volume. Must be the printing ink. The one criticism is the size of the cartoons. They ARE small compared to the size of the pages. I would recommend, as others have, to add the paperback version for bedside reading.

Can't Go Wrong With The far Side

Gary Larson is a genius and to have all of his Far Sides in one collection, that is a lot of chuckles

It Just Doesn't Get Better Than the Far Side

I just purchased this book for my twin brother for our birthday. It is a book that appeals to almost every member of our family, and will appeal to anyone possessing a slightly warped, if normal, sense of humor. How can you possibly do better than to buy every Far Side cartoon produced by the unique mind of Gary Larson? Even after 17 years of no new material, I still get a buzz out of looking over old Far Side cartoons. There just is nobody like Larson, even though other cartoonists seem to be trying to synthesize his form of humor. If you are contemplating buying this book, and are unsure that you want to commit to spending nearly a hundred dollars, just borrow someone's Far Side calendar, or one of the many Far Side books out there, and see for yourself what a gut buster you have the opportunity to buy. For those of us who were regular readers of Far Side, I don't need to say anything. We all know what a deal this is. Over the next year or two, I intend to buy at least 4 more copies of this book for myself and 3 more of my brothers. I know they will love the book, and I know I will also.***UPDATE: My twin beat me to the punch and sent me these books. God, I had no real appreciation of just how nice, and how incredibly heavy these books are! I love them, but am so glad my wife didn't try to haul them in from the outside. I'd worry that she might throw her back out picking them up off the ground. Seriously, they are heavy. I'm not complaining though as quality made books are seldom feather weight. The colored cartoons are so incredibly vivid, and as another reviewer said the size of the cartoons isn't at all compressed. They are roughly comparable to the size they originally were printed in newspapers. Final word: If you want to get a Larson fan a gift that will really wow them, the Complete Farside will do just that. Incredible book that is bound to become an heirloom!

The title says it all: The Complete Far Side!

My husband is a Far Side fan, so this seemed the perfect birthday gift. While these are paperbacks, they are not flimsy. They have excellent binding and a box to store them in. My husband was delighted. One thing to be aware of is they are large books and heavy. They are well worth the price.

The Far Side/ Bad packaging 📦

Love the product (5 stars) but at least make an attempt to package the product for mailing ( 0 stars). Loose inside a bigger box is only going to damage it and probably did. Complete lack of effort.




I remember the very first Larson cartoon I ever saw; it was "The Holsteins visit the Grand Canyon" and showed 4 Holsteins with their backs to the Grand Canyon, mother, father, sister and brother and the brother, who had his hoof behind his sister's head...pure joy! Larson's world is our own, we feel an immediate kinship with his magical POV on everyday things, and immerse ourselves in delight at his keen eye and ability to tell a story in a (deceptively!)simple line drawing. This humor is the pure, unadulterated joy you had as a child, and haven't quite forgotten yet. Bobbing for Poodles (changed from Bobbing for Babies!) and the alligators resting on the bank of the lake having just consumed an unwary swimmer...the dog hiding behind the washing machine and the wall, with his "CAT FUD" signs leading the family cat right into his trap...saying "Oh please, oh please..." The hunter with his enormous, oversized head walking right into a headhunters tribe in the remote jungle of Larson Land...the snake on the chair in his living room, a huge pig, half consumed, sticking out of his mouth, and the phone ringing...and the caption: "DANG"...etc., etc. No matter how many times you see the cartoons, you enjoy them just as much the subsequent times; they actually hold up over time/repeated viewings, they are that good. You marvel at the genius of someone who can take ordinary things and turn them into such hilarious, universal jokes. Everyone appreciates them; (everyone with any sense of humor, that is...)and somehow you could never get enough Larson...until now. I am luxuriating in the perusing of these weighty books, and I know, that when I finish them, I will start all over again at the beginning...and hope there will be enough material, someday, for a Larson 2, just as weighty. The quality is astonishing, and I am quite a bibliophile, fortunate enough to be blessed with a large number of books, but have never seen any quite like this, or of this quality. Extraordinary. The pages are beautiful, as is the binding, and the color and text are showcased as never before; this is the ultimate gift for any Larson fan. I have, so far, ordered two, and am about to order a third; the UPS driver has been glaring at me with undisguised hatred in his eyes, yet I must have extra copies for those friends and relatives who share my enthusiasm for this incredibly gifted artist and his quirky, marvelous vision of the world. With all due apologies to the UPS guy, Larson, you are the best!

Simply hilarious

Bought it for myself, but suddenly needed a present for someone’s birthday and I gave it away. Of course, it’s a unique gift. She loved receiving it. I’m back to buy the set for ME once again.

Great laughs again! Comprehensive. Poor shipping packaging.

Brings back great laughs and memories of reading these comics back in the day. Some frames are in color and there are copies of some letters to Gary that can be taken seriously or almost as funny as the comics with which they take issue. Reasons to dock a star include that the four frames per page could be larger (since it's getting harder for me to read such small print) and those funny covers for the indivual books could have been included (or maybe I just haven't come across them, yet). There was no cushion or bubble wrap on the box so the heavy book box set bumped around inside the shipping box and got dented in one corner and scratched in another. Though neither seemed to affect the books themselves, this does detract the from the collector value and I'd expect more care for as much as this costs. Books are also wavy even though they were in a shrink-wrapped cover, maybe from sitting in a hot warehouse?Nonetheless, I'm laughing so much flipping through these books and happy to have a mostly complete collection. Recommend the paperback versus hardcover for ease of holding and reading.

Wonderful and Very High Quality

This hardcover version is wonderfully entertaining even beyond my expectations!

I love Larson and owed it to him to buy this, but I suspect the paperback version will get my 5-stars.

This review is for the HARDCOVER version of The Complete Far Side. I am such a fan of Gary Larson. I can honestly say that The Far Side has made my life better, and I'm a firm believer that people should be paid for entertainment, and art... which is why I bought this, even though I've bought all the other books, in paperback... over the years. If you're reading this, I'm not telling you anything you don't know about the brilliance that is, The Far Side. Well... so why 4 stars? Why not 5? I'm going to offer some honest opinions that I think will help you decide between this version, The Complete Far Side IN HARDCOVER vs the very same, in paperback. No need to draw out this review, but depending on who you are buying this for... the WEIGHT is a factor. Wow... 20lbs! Each volume of course, is just under 10lbs. These are books that you set on a table to read... or leave open on a coffee table, or somewhere that a person can leaf through a couple pages briefly. I had no idea they would be so... big! Big is good, but inside, the individual comics have a lot of space around them. These books could have been 3" shorter while keeping the comics the same size... I'd have been thrilled (full 5-stars) if the comics were enlarged to fill more of each page. When I pick up the book I can't help wondering why I'm lifting 3-4lbs of blank paper. At the spine of the book, I can appreciate a good margin so the comics aren't draining in, but beyond that, I appreciate a bigger picture (or less book). My old paperbacks that I've bought through the years, as they were released, have sentimental value for me... as they made for a nice break in high-school, but they are starting to smell like old books... and hopefully some charity will appreciate them, so I guess I'll ALSO be buying the paperback "complete" version... just for a more user-friendly experience. (and "fresh" comics to re-read) I think The Complete Far Side might very well be the thing that would make me buy a Kindle or similar, if it were available in that format. I bought this from seeing TFS posted online... and realizing that, again, Gary should be paid for his work rather than have it "shared" for free... however, that's also why the publishers should make a paid version to enjoy TFS on a tablet.

does what it says on the tin

I have coveted this set since it came out in 2003, perused it in bookstores a few times, and finally decided to cough up the money for it upon becoming worried that it was out of print and going to be unavailable soon. It appears my fears were misplaced, as my copy is from an 11th (!) printing from July 2018. The physical presentation is acceptable. The binding of the large hardbacks is a little cheaply done; careful handling seems appropriate, although they aren't falling apart either. I feel like the quality of the volumes doesn't support the list price of almost $200 -- I would expect some archival-quality stuff at that premium -- but is acceptable at the price I paid. As others have pointed out, the layout compares a little unfavorably to the classic paperback Far Side collections; the cartoons are laid out in a weird staggered format with tons of whitespace, inconsistently sized, and the printed size on the page is almost always smaller than how these originally appeared in the print collections. However, the resolution of the printing is good enough to maintain the legibility of the cartoons. There is a lot of new foreword-type material in these volumes, but I would have liked to see more commentary and background information amidst the cartoons themselves a la

Great buy!

I am suitably impressed by the series. I love The Far Side and have been searching for the entire works for some time now, and at a decent price. I snagged this for my dad for his birthday, but borrowed it from him for my own reading pleasure. I love it and all the extra cartoons that were not published elsewhere. It is super heavy though when it comes in the mail! I was expecting some lightweight books, and then when it came, it took me by surprise how heavy they were. But awesome set. Can’t wait to finish laughing my way through them!


Paperback back version. Great quality. Some reviews complain cartoons are too small in size. These are high quality, and reasonable size. If it's far side art you want to frame and put on a wall, maybe look elsewhere. If it's a book with funny comics to read, this set will do.

Awesome transaction and awesome books!

I ordered this set for my husband for his birthday. Because of the price I was certain that it was going to be a used and trashed set, but I took a chance that it wasn't. It came and I was so excited! It was brand new still in the clear wrap and made my husband a very happy man. I will definitely check with this seller (Book_Storm) first when purchasing books. They are amazing! Thanks for the awesome book and even more awesome price!!!! (on a side note, these books are HUGE. I wasn't expecting them to be so big and heavy.)

It's the Far Side

My daughter loves my Calvin and Hobbes collection, and I told her this was the other I was a huge fan of as a kid / young adult. If you're a fan of the Far Side, this is perfect. Big set, and I went with the paperback - although I don't like paperbacks - after reading some of the comments about the heft and weight of the hardback version. These are good quality paperbacks, though. Did have to send back my original set - halfway through the second book I realized they had re-printed the same 10 pages twice, and it was missing 10 pages. Replacement came quickly, and so far I haven't spotted any issues.

Hours and hours of side-splitting laughter awaits you!

Can't go wrong with Far Side cartoons. My only wish is that the cartoons would have been bigger on the pages, as in when they published the single books. It is funny to read the letters that are inserted within the pages of each book, as Gary Larson or the papers that carried his cartoons received many letters. It really does make you realize that truth is stranger than fiction when you read these letters from very upset people who are either offended, don't get the joke he was trying to make, or in one case the writer of the letter wanted him to withdraw the cartoon because it undermined the evolutionist's theory of how life evolved! His mother got a phone call from a reporter over a cartoon that no one seemed to understand and so they thought if anyone knew what Gary was trying to say, mom would know. Sadly, mom didn't get the joke either so Gary had to give a big explanation as to what was going through his mind when he drew it. Can't make this stuff up! This is a great present (I got it for my birthday). I'm having to purposely only allow myself so many pages of amusement at a time as I could sit there for hours, having a good laugh.

Very thorough and precise, but with room for more personality

Much has been said about Gary Larson and his perspectives in humor. He has used his talents and insights to reach into our often mundane world and disturb the waters: to give us imagionation that we may have lost along the way or perhaps to spark new imagionations. This is a tribute book as well as an exhaustive collective work. On a physical note, the collection is very heavy and somewhat tall; please note the dimensions listed. The colors are rich, pages glossy and binding sturdy, and covers and box made to last. Proper care should ensure multiple readings with minimal detriment to the collection's longevity. Gary Larson provides introductory remarks to each year of comics, with several general "introductions" at the beginning of the collection by Gary Larson, his editor, and a celebrity. The collection includes every syndicated cartoon in the Far Side collection plus a FEW others. Great efforts have been made to do the following, and to do them well: color and phyical quality, precision/thoroughness, a sense of uniformity and structure. The only negative aspect of the book is the sparse comment on individual cartoons and the questions/reactions they may raised. The essays by Gary Larson at the beginning of the book and at the beginning of each cartoon year aid in the understanding of the author in a general, almost-autobiographical sense. However, the collection itself seems to lack the zest and personality that permeates Gary Larson's art and "Prehistory of the Far Side." In other words, I find that this collection has the feel of a precise reference book rather than a zesty final collective work that catches the tone of the author's work in it's own pages. That being said, this is a great collective work, and in my opinion becomes complete if placed side-by-side with the "Prehistory of the Far Side."


Just the kind of humor needed to help heal today's sad world-wide woes.

Possibly the funniest cartoonist ever.

Gary Larson is Possibly the funniest cartoonist ever, maybe with a nod to Bill Waterson (Calvin and Hobbes) also. I read everyone of these growing up and actually had subscriptions to newspapers just so I would see them when they came out. I’m happy to say that they are just as funny 40 years later. I have a full collection of both of these cartoonists. Even in my worst days, I can come home open up one of these and have my mood switch 180°. I hope this generation and generations that follow hear about both of these guys so that they can also feel the joy that I have over all of these years reading them.

What can I say other than I needed this?

Well, collective agreement is that 2020 has been the year from hell. So, really needing a good laugh, I pulled the string on this and purchased it from my wish list. In the 80's I followed TFS from the comics. I must admit on some of them the meaning (?concept) went right over my head. However, many of them got me straight in the gut. I would laugh and laugh, and snicker again when a certain one would come to mind. I also find that I'm understanding the ones my young self "couldn't get". Perhaps one of the positives with age comes wisdom. I wholeheartedly recommend this set for TFS aficionado.

no one's better

I love this with love and more love. As other reviewers have mentioned, the two volume w/ slip case weighs 78.34 metric tons. And... who cares? Srsly?

Check merchandise for damage even if delivery box looks fine.

I am updating this review from 3 stars to 5 stars. I reached out to Amazon regarding the damaged product and they provided great customer service. A new Far Side arrived at our house the very next day. Thank you Amazon. I purchased this as a bday present for my husband. The delivery box looked fine so I just wrapped it and waited for his bday. We opened it today and the box case is damaged on one end which caused one of the book covers to be slightly bent. It is all usable but not what I expected, especially for the price. You expect a new item to be free of these defects.

Great value for beautifully bound books.

Everything about these 2 volumes is exceptional. Large books have big and easy to read text. The paper is high quality. Any fan of Far Side will be thrilled with this set as a gift. Guaranteed to give us years of enjoyment.

It Looks Just Like The Product Photo

So I need not take a picture of an 18 pound, two volume tome of Gary Larson's 'The Complete Farside: 1980-1994', because it looks just like the product photo. But it is great to see every one of Larson's comedic imaginative comics come to life right before my eyes. Some I recall in calendars on my office desk - always fun to start the day. And now in retirement I can browse the history of his genius and see how from the early 80s the sketches improved each year with the humor always being unpredictably hilarious. This to me was an excellent investment in capturing a past that could easily be revived in his new quest to use electronic media to continue his humor and creativeness. Recommended. Lots of fun.

It’s a gift.

It’s a gift. I’ll ask my husband what he thinks of it and update my review.


I liked the comics. Classic. You go Gary Larson.

Same Surreal Goodness

First of all: These books are amazingly heavy. You will not be reading these in bed. These are coffee table books or you lay on your stomach and read them on the floor. Like you did when you were a kid, but this time you do it with your kid(s). I think getting all the smaller collections would have been more manageable but these are still fun. I recommend this book or any of the others. Just watch out for cows standing on two legs...



A Baby Boomer's Dream Collection of Good Humor

It is a terrific collection of the works of the iconic cartoon creator/artist, Gary Larson. The humor relates especially well to Baby Boomers and those interested in biology and oldtime songs and television shows. Some of the humor is definitely related to time and place. Some of my friends and relatives, who did not grow up in the US during the 50's and 60's do miss some of the sublties.

Real, Timeless Collection Makes Great Gift

Wow! This is an amazing collector's item. These weigh in at 30lbs. Great quality is on display. The binding is strong, which is necessary for such a collection. Got this as a birthday present for my mom. She is very happy. That makes me happy and for $100 that is entirely worth it.

Unbelievably funny!

Unbelievably funny, smart and far out! But be aware, if you buy the bound set of books, it is ridiculously big, posh and heavy! The kind of format you'd expext for some pompous project, commemorating an even more pompous event or historic personality, and I bet that's a joke in itself;) Forget reading it in bed or bringing it with you, unless in your cabin bag on wheels - you will need it on a table, like the biggest of coffee table books. It is by far the heaviest book in my bookshelf - and I have many books! But once in my collection, I love having it - stunning friends every time they get it in their hands!

Best price

Nice to have a complete set to enjoy.


I was very impressed by this book set. My father loved the far side and he had saved his favorite ones from the calendars over the years which he still has on his fridge to this day. When we gave it to him on Christmas he was so excited he immediately opened them and started going through them. He still will send me a picture of ones he finds funny or thinks I will enjoy. It was a great gift to give as well as a nice flashback to something he hadn't seen in a long time. One major thing though, these books are HEAVY. Great quality, just brace yourself when you go to pick up the box lol

A Must-Have For Larson Fans

If you're a Gary Larson fan, this is a must-have collection of all of his work. The hard cover edition is beautiful, but it weighs a ton. Definitely solely a coffee table item or for keeping as a collector's item. The paperback edition is no lightweight either, but it can be held and read without too much effort. Not as "glorious" as the hard cover, but it's beautiful in its own right and, most importantly, also contains all of Larson's work, many in color, most in b&w, as originally printed back in the day. If you love The Far Side, this is for you. Makes a great gift for Larson fans. Either edition is worth owning, they're both put together well and will provide years of enjoyment and laughter. I LOVE The Far Side and was so happy when I stumbled across this. I just HAD to have it. When the hard cover proved to be too much to read while relaxing in my favorite chair, I went ahead and bought the paperback, too. I can't think of any other work for which I'd spring for two editions. I like Gary Larson that much :)

A myy it at for all Far Side fans

Welcome back to everyone’s favorite cartoons.

A future museum piece

Gary Larson was of course a genius. I loved his Far Side cartoons in the 1980's, and even today miss that Far Side greeting cards appear to now be a thing of the past. His work in a single panel - just a handful of square inches - was always excellent. The joke might be obvious, or subtle (or both). Reality and absurdity juxtaposed together. I'd love to say that the Far Side was a thinking man's (or woman's) comic, but in fact it was everyman's comic. This is then the complete collection of the Far Side comics, in two hardbound volumes surrounded by a slipcase. There is an introduction by Larson, and then every Far Side comic he ever drew...well, had published, anyway. The only thing missing is the content of Prehistory of the Far Side - but how do you work that into a collection like this organically? Its expensive, but like the Complete Calvin, cheap at the price. Also like the Complete Calvin it is huge and unwieldly. Its not a book to take on the morning train ride, unless you have a private carriage. This is the definitive Far Side collection, and will last forever. Probably, millions of years from now, the last copy will be preserved in a museum, being read by intelligent giant cockroaches and presumed "to have been used...for ritual purposes". How right they will be.

It is every comic brought back to you.

With every comic from the master brought back to life the 4 stars reflect a commonly echoed statement that the comics are too small. The borders from the edge of the page to the centers allow for 1/4"+ for each comic on every side to increase yet they take this reduced presence, It detracts from the master artist. BUT, to have every major comic in chronological order is a gift that was not guaranteed a few decades prior. Glad to have it, will buy the "Large Print" version, (when available)

Gary Larsen is "da bomb"

For a long time I wanted to get all the Gary Larson's books and now I own them all! I can't think of one cartoon that I didn't like! I was sad when he retired...

Awesome Farside series in a well made binding.

So I feel if you came here to look at this product you already have the intention of buying it. This isn't something you just stumble upon imo. So if you already are considering purchasing this I would just go ahead and do it. You won't be disappointed. The books are in fantastic condition. I purchased the hard cover edition and I'm really glad I paid the extra to do so. They are extremely well made and come in a really nice carrying box with artwork on it. I own a lot of the misc books over the years (which I plan on selling now) and am glad I have this complete edition series now. I plan on keeping it out on display as it looks that nice. I was also surprised by how large the books are. These aren't small in any way, being quite unexpectedly large when they arrived. And they are seriously heavy too. Great purchase. I would not hesitate to buy these.

Great the first time, even better now that I have them all

Gary Larson's Far Side was great when I read it in the paper years ago, and I always wanted the full set of all of them. This is worth hours of hilarity. I just wish I had a way to forward relevant ones to friends when they fit the situation.

Timeless Humor

Gary Larsen endures with his timeless satire. This is a great collection of his complete works. The books are large, so it's easy to read the comics and text. Many of the cartoons are in color, which is really nice. Great cover to keep all three books together. If you are a Larsen fan and don't want to pull together a collection of all his books, this is for you.

Excellent anthology of Gary Larson's legendary Far Side comics

Love this set. I've always loved the Far Side, so I was very happy to find this for a reasonable price and purchase it. It was still very pricey, but I decided it was worth it ultimately (especially since I didn't actually own any of the individual syndicated books except the Prehistory book, which happens to be the one book you might still want to buy in addition to this set) worth the expense to have the complete tome of Far Side comics. Regarding the quality of the books, they are well made, and very heavy. This is both a good and bad thing; it isn't exactly something you can easily read in your lap while reclining on a sofa. The box the books come in is well made, though unfortunately mine had a bit of minor damage on one edge; I decided to keep it rather than bothering with a return/exchange over something relatively minor as that. Regarding the packaging, the manufacturer also placed glossy sheets of paper between the books to protect the printing on their surfaces during storage and shipping, which was a nice additional touch.


Ok, I didn't expect them to be so full-size after all the reviews of the comics being small. They are fine and I have thick glasses for near-sighted and reading. This is a fine set for any fan. Gave a set to my son-in-law.

As expected, hilarious and very well received as a gift.

This arrived very promptly and was a gift to my husband who has been a fan of The Far Side his whole life. I wanted a kindle version but what was available at the time was book version. So I bought it and was thrilled with everything about it. It is heavy and sturdy- even though the volumes are paperback; and all 3 are housed in a well-made, decorative, open-ended storage box so that they look nice on the bookshelf. And it is of very high quality. Not at all cheap. Very suitable for gifting in my opinion. The icing on the cake was that he just would not put it down and would fall into gales of hysterical laughter with every page turned. I expect this gift will keep on giving forever. A real treasure and a great buy.

It's Farside

How can Farside get anything other than a r star rating. Great binding and great paper quality.


I am utterly amazed! This is by far the most beautiful set of Far Side that I have ever seen. The case on its own is incredible. Both sides of the case are beautifully illustrated in full color with full size drawings. The 2 books are TRULY keepsakes. The paper is thick and glossy. There are many full page color drawings along with multiple smaller colored ones. The books are large and heavy and wonderfully made. You will be very pleased with this purchase as you can tell that I am!

Gary had no idea he'd drawn so many cartoons, until one day they were published...and couldn't fit into a single volume!

If you're like me, when you REALLY like an author, composer or, um cartoonist, you want to get their COMPLETE works...or at least know you CAN get them! (I still haven't got ALL of Mozart's, but getting there). Anyway, I got tired of all the compilations of Larson's greatest, I wanted to see it all! The good funny, the bad funny and the ugly funny. This book lives up to the hype, and the heft! Each book weighs like 20 lbs. There are intro essays, attempts at a humorous forward by Steve Martin that I could do without, but after all, who cares? The music of the humor is hilarious. As another reviewer rightly pointed out, only two things are missing, seen in other published books, and only one of those I think are important enough to get: the 10th Anniversary Pre-History of the Far Side, which is quite a treat. Why they didn't add this material to this collection, even as an addendum, I'm not sure. But the insights gleaned from this paperback are so wonderful - frankly, it's just so nice to finally hear the author's actual voice, telling us HIS opinions on good efforts that misfired or were misunderstood, as well as his Graham Wilson-influenced roots - it should be in the Complete Far Side too. Since it isn't, get it, and THEN you WILL be really complete. Thanks Mr. Larson!

A laugh in every cartoon.

It doesn't get any better than this. All the great ones from the top cartoonist of our times.

Hours of laughs

This brought me back and will be a treasured collection on my book case.

Rectangular boxes are funny, man.

For years, Gary Larson really knew how to formulate a joke and punchline in the same rectangular box. While the odd comedy of The Far Side since it's absence has been oft imitated never duplicated, the ability to see every single one of his comics back to back really emphasizes his ability to create fresh jokes over a some pretty consistent themes: farm animals, insect living issues, stranded island folk, and many Plain Jane's/Johns with blank stares. This compendium of Far Side insanity is of great quality and care, regardless of the lack of hard covers, the pages are glossed and lovingly colored. As someone who grew up with the old Far Side gallery books, this collection exceeded my expectations and allows me to have all of these in a reasonably priced alternative. Each one of these comics is a little artistic and comedic treasure and is represented well.

Very funny

This made a great gift for a Far Side lover.

Sidesplitting Observations!

Nothing funnier than The Far Side. Best book I've read since the D.A Borges novels "Isabella Ascending" and "Orphans of the Cauldron" I also bought on Amazon.

Larsen rules


When they say large and heavy they really mean it.

This would have been more enjoyable if they had published it in 3 or 4 hard back volumes rather than 2 absolutely giant volumes. It is so heavy that it's difficult to even read from it. It's so large that you can't even take it with you to the bathroom or a doctor's office, or anywhere for that matter. Even just putting the book back in the box, and trying to get the box onto the floor after reading before bed, is like dropping 2 cinder blocks gently off the bed. As you read it on your lap, your legs start to hurt from the weight. The funniest comics are colored. All of the paper is very high quality and the hardcover binding seems extremely strong. (Also, don't forget how dark the Far Side can be. We will have to cover over a lot of these, having forgotten that some are just plain macabre.) Over all, it's still a great and impressive gift for a Far Side fan and we enjoyed many laughs. But you just need to know what you are buying.

These books are H E A V Y ...

I love Far Side, so I’m in heaven that I have the complete collection. The only drawback is that these books are so freaking big and heavy that it’s a bit uncomfortable to read them unless you’re sitting at a table. They are at least 20 lbs!

Excited for the books, a little unhappy with damages

I loved these comments as a kid so finally getting this collection was exciting. The books are in good condition, I was a little upset with the case the books come in because it’s damaged and makes it difficult to remove Volume 2 if both books are in.

Nothing like Gary Larson

What a buy...3 volumes all of his art over the years...with notes for each year, that give us an insight into the creativity of Larson..lot's of notes and letters ref certain cartoons...quality paper, lots of color cartoons....what a treasure...finishing volume 1..what a journey of our lives...thanks Mr Larson

In His image He made them and His sense of humor in the bargain

I have a wicked sense of humor, bordering on dark or gallows humor. I thoroughly enjoyed the numerous vehicles used to convey the comedy; animals, aliens, monsters, etc. IMHO, sanity and balance rely on humor, recognizing life's irreconcilable incongruities, and belief in God.

Great collectors item.

I bought this set for my son for Christmas and he loved it. He read as many far side cartoons as he could when he was younger. It was great to find this boxed set to give him as a collectors item. He read them all over again. Fast shipping. Great item for any Pharcyde or quirky cartoon fan.

Great compilation

This set is a wonderful compilation of Far Side strips. The strips are printed in a reasonably large size so the artwork is not compressed. They are printed in color where appropriate. The strips are grouped by year, and each year contains a couple pages of some backstory about Larson or the Far Side. Included amongst the strips is the occasional letter written by a reader to a newspaper editor (or Larson himself) regarding a strip they found offensive -- sometimes the letter is just as funny as the comic. One drawback to this compilation is that the books are larger, height and width-wise, than they need to be. There is a lot of dead space around the comics on each page. The wide margins were probably done for artistic reasons, but they add unnecessary size to the books. The books are just plain large and heavy, you definitely want to lay them down in order to read them for any length of time. The humor, well... it's Far Side humor, you either love it or hate it. If you like it, you'll love this compilation.

A little small

It's great having the whole library and the history. I was a bit disappointed that the cartoons were small and the words made me feel like I need glasses. I don't.

The book is great

I've been a big fan of Far Side comics since my youth. It's been a cultural icon for several generations of kids and adults alike. If you walk into any office building in America, you're bound to see at least one Far Side desktop calendar in someone's cubicle or office. This is why I was so excited when I heard that there was a "complete" anthology of Far Side comics. The comments written about some of the comics included in this collection is just icing on the cake. The entire collection is presented in two very pleasant (and heavy) books. You can see the high quality of the materials and print the moment you touch and open one of the books. Even the housing that holds these two books together seems to be very sturdy and well-made. Anyone who's chuckled at one of Gary Larson's twisted Far Side comics will love this "herniastic" collection. Personally, I have it crowning the top of my coffee table as it gives guests and myself something to read when you've only got 5 seconds to spare. I would definitely recommend getting this collection if you're a Far Side fan.

Great collection.

The actual content of the collection is fantastic. It's a shame the box and one of the books didn't arrive in a good condition.

Poorly formatted

The formatting of these books is very poorly done. There is a ton of wasted blank space on every page. The actual comics are very small, many of them are so small they're hard to read. It really takes away from the enjoyment of looking through these Far Sides. Again, these books are VERY poorly formatted. The books are also extremely heavy for being paperbacks - pages are very thick - with a lot of blank space on them. I was very disappointed.

Sometimes you just need to laugh! Thank you Gary Larsen

The Far Side comics launched in 1979 and were an immediate hit. Gary Larsen is a prolific cartoonist, philosopher, wise-guy and I have enjoyed every single cartoon he has given us. My favorite, you ask . . . the one with the bears overlooking campers in their sleeping bags saying - "yum, sandwiches".


great to have it on my coffee table in our living room. makes me watch the cartoons instead of mindlessly watching TV.

Well worth the cost!

Gary Larson is a cartoon genius. He has a brilliant mind. Having his entire collection together is well worth the price.

Cartoons are too small

I love the Far Side, the cartoons are great, some of the best literary work of the last 50 years. However, this collection makes me furious because somebody decided to be cute with the formatting and leave mostly blank pages. When I first got it my thought was, "Are you kidding me?" Because every cartoon can be about 25% larger. I'm 43 now and thanks to this collection I'm starting to realize I need glasses. Any cartoon that has hand scrawled print in the frame is nearly impossible to read. But lo and behold, there's plenty of blank white space surrounding each cartoon! What the heck man! Slap the designer upside the head, I didn't pay for a book of empty blank space. Come out with a new collection please!

This collection is as wonderful as you could hope it would be

First, it is nearly impossible not to enjoy Gary Larson's unique view of the universe and everything in it, however, the yin to that yang is that you feel compelled to try to show someone else the panels that either make you laugh out loud or are pure genius in describing something complex so briefly. Larson's chapter summaries help put his insights into perspective and the more notable letters of outrage from readers that accompany the occasional panel often make you incredulous that someone would be that offended about a particular subject. As the panels are in rough chronological order, it is interesting to see how his work evolves, but maintains its appeal and a certain consistency of perspective.

Not the classiest editors, for sure...Skip the letters, and stick to the Far Side. :)

I like most all the cartoons; and wish they'd have just stuck to them; or been classier in their approach...But, the editors didn't really do a great service to readers or past editors by showing their words (gossip) about readers' letters and thoughts. A lot of disrespect towards the readers who wrote in; I'm quite certain the editors did not agree with those people and certainly didn't admire some of their world views. However, it was disgraceful to include that in here. It was a bit like listening to the Gold medalist talk trash about all those he beat in the race. Even if the 'losers' were jerks; it's not classy to berate or patronize them. Simple solution for those who think the same and don't want to read that sort of 'talk?' Just cross out all the 'letters' and 'essays' included in the book and stick to the actual Far Side cartoons.

The Far Side

Always have loved Gary Larson. These books are done well.

Need a new volume 2 (nothing wrong with original shipment)

Bought this as a christmas gift for my dad and he loved it. However recently there was a flood in their house and volume 2 was sitting on his desk at the time and got completely wrecked from the flood water. If anyone can contact me willing to sell me just volume 2, i will buy it. I don't want to repurchase the whole thing but I want to buy a volume 2 if anyone is willing to sell one. Again nothing wrong with the original recieved shipment hence the 5 stars, but i would like to buy a new volume 2.

Missing classic inserts, but still indispensible collection

I recently bought this for my fiance for Valentine's Day, and we continue to get infinate amusement from it. It's complete with all the cartoons that appeared in newspapers, the "Beyond the Far Side" bits that were published after Larson's retirement, and many amusing letters he has recieved throughout his career. It misses, however, the classic inserts featuring "Weiner Dog Art" and "Cows of our Planet" that graced the centers of their respective Far Side Books. Nevertheless, the comics are wonderfully printed in color and thankfully ordered chonologically, and the books are marvelously bound--a wonderful tribute to a genius and his classic works. The set was well worth the money, and I expect that my soon-to-be husband and I will enjoy relaxing with the beloved comic of our youth for years to come. My reccomendation--This book alone is perfect for the true Larson connosieur. For the full Larson experience, make sure you add "There's a Hair in my Dirt: A Worm's Story" (a lovely storybook by Larson) as well as "Cows of our Planet" and "Weiner Dog Art" (if you are set on getting the center gallaries from those) to your arsenal.

As advertised

Came well packaged and in new condition.

If you love Gary Larson, this is a must!

Three volumes includes everything he has ever done and many I haven't seen before.

Wonderful comprehensive collection

Sent to a friend from childhood, now 78 years old as birthday present. Met exoectations in every way!

Forget the other collections, get this one

For true fans of The Far Side, don't even think of buying any of the other collections. This is the definitive collection. High quality. The comics are almost chronological (not sure why they don't run true to publication dates, but there must be some logic. Maybe that is the fun part, figure it out yourself.) The comics are printed in what I would call "true scale" as published in the newspapers of the day, maybe a bit larger. Do not expect any explanations of the strips, so if you don't get it, too bad. But then, if you don't get it, maybe this is not the comic for you anyways. The only other "anthology" collection recommended would be the PreHistory of the Far Side, which includes additional comment by Larson not found in this tome. Forget other collections unless you want to help Larson's retirement fund. This is the magnum opus of the Far Side. Enjoy!

Good Medicine!

Been a long time since I had a laughing fit. This time it was triggered by the one that has the farmer walking from the chicken coop to the house with a basket of eggs, passing a hen going the other way, carrying the farmer's baby. It all makes sense somehow... The photo seems to indicate the books are small like normal paperback books, but the volumes are BIG (about 8" x 12" x 1" thick) and heavy. Printing is beautiful on thick-stock quality coated paper. Some comics are just a tad small compared to original, so a little extra light may be required for older readers. If you're a Far Side fan, and you've given or lent your individual books, this complete set is awesome to get and awesome to give as a gift.

Missing stuff

Missing his work from this era

Excellent Quality

While the completeness of the collection is certainly the biggest reason I bought this boxed set, I was also impressed upon its arrival by the quality of the set. The box and two volumes are very nicely produced, with fabric around several faces of the box and the book bindings. The pages are high quality, the layout is good, and the front matter is very interesting (from comedian Steve Martin; Gary Larson's longtime editor, Jake Morrissey; Larson himself; and the collection's designer). Additionally, each year of cartoons is introduced separately by Larson.

Big beautiful and heavy.

If you loved Gary Larson's mind as I do, you will love this hardcover edition. I loved it so much I got it years ago for my sister and then just this year for Christmas, I bought it for myself and am very glad for it. Please be aware that this edition is MASSIVE and very heavy, but that the Larson humor is evident from just inside the front cover (the paste-down end papers), even before the cartoon panels start; a wonderful Larson puntastical take on a seedy cowtown. These two large volumes will entertain me for many, many, hours and should also improve my muscle tone while I'm just holding the books.

Great illustration, just what I wanted


Fell in love with Gary Larson throughout my 20s. His comedy shaped my sense of humor and that of my friends. (This is a good thing) When I saw that these were available I got my wife to buy them for my birthday. My 11 and 15-year-old daughters think it’s hilarious, and we can spend hours together looking through them. What a great set.

Great set, magins are fine!

Loving this set!! No damage and despite some of the other reviews complaining about the margins they are pretty typical for such printed material and doesn't impact the readability. If you like the Far Side this is a MUST have.

Love, Love, Love this...

My wife purchased this as a gift for me and am super thrilled. I was a huge Gary Larson fan and found this by accident, but put in my save for later - she found it!!! Yes, this is expensive AND BIG, but I am thrilled to have his entire collection in one place. Pages are well laid out and just really, really something that I will go to when I need a pick-me-up. Yes, as mentioned, this set is BIG. Please pay attention to the size!!!

Highly recommend this seller

The books are in great condition, shipping was fast, and seller's communication was excellent.

Can make a cow laugh.

Coffee table book? This pair could be a coffee table. But you’ll need a table since you’ll be poring over every cartoon and laughing for hours. If you’re a fan, you’ll be delighted to revisit old friends and recall truths—how dinosaurs died and what cows really say to each other. If this is new to you, buy this book now!

Outstanding Quality - Hardcover Version

The quality of this hardcover set is amazing! I read the reviews of how heavy this is, but you don't realize just how heavy until you try to hold it on your lap. You need a pillow or lap desk to hold it's weight. This set is for people who truly appreciate quality, and the quality of this far exceeds the cost. Of course The Far Side itself needs no explanation; it's brilliant.


This is the first review I've written for any product. Therefore, The Complete Far Side impressed me immensely. There are over 4,300 comics to enjoy in this collection! While I may not get every single panel, the fact that there is one punchline per panel and there are 3 or 4 panels per page ensures much mirth. I've laughed myself to tears with some. And unlike some other cartoonists which just aren't funny to me, when I don't laugh at a particular Far Side panel, I feel as if I've missed out on some joke, rather than just grunting and thinking the strip is not funny. After reading some of the letters published in the books, if you get offended easily, then maybe these books aren't for you. But if you have a healthy comedic appetite, you'll be granted many HOURS of laughter from these two wonderfully bound books spanning nearly a decade and a half of comic genius. Off the wall humor with talking animals and dumb people just tickles my funny bone.

Once again enjoying the bizarre humor of Gary Larson...

Awesome! This captures the spirit of the 1980s with the bizarre humor of cows drinking coffee. My sons are now teenagers and enjoy the strange humor of Gary Larson (at least I raised them right)! Much like the Calvin & Hobbes paperback set, this one is flimsy but far cheaper than a hardback version. It's a good value for the laugh.

Father's Day gift

Daddy did not wait. Opened immediately. He loved it.

If you’re a Far Side fan...

These volumes are AWESOME! Everything I ever wanted & more(letters to editors & distributors etc!)& each & every Far Side comic cell Larson ever made!

every single cartoon!

Every single comic ever published by Larson. 3 big books which covers 15 years of work. There are 3-4 comics on every page. It would of been an EASY 5 Star review IF they would of enlarged the comics to cover more of the empty page...Still an outstanding product tho.

I'd rate it higher if I could.

With much fanfare, Gary Larson stopped publishing The Far Side in 1994, ending an institution that began fourteen years earlier. It is a real testament to Larson's genius that his wit and insights never weakened during that time, and this collection--a sumptuous box set that has it all--puts in amazing display perhaps the best cartoonist in recorded history. The only thing that rivals this book was the Smithsonian's display of Larson's comics at the Museum of Natural History more than a decade ago--when many of his wonderful comics were placed throughout the museum to commemorate his wonderful sense of humor and view of the natural world. That was the last time I saw so many of Larson's comics in one place, and the effect was astonishing. I'll give Gary the benefit of the doubt that he knew when to quit. But, it's easy to see that he wasn't slipping at the end, and perhaps he simply wanted a rest. He deserved it. Now Gary: Get back to work!!!

The world isn't terribly funny these days. But this collection is.

You kidding me? The guy is a genius. To have it all together in one collection is perfect. I wish the images were a tad bigger with less white space but so be it. Fortunately, reading glasses are cheap. I bought the softcover because I read reports that the two volume hardcover is obscenely heavy. The softcover doesn't suffer this problem. Break free of the world's problems for a few minutes at a time with this wonderful collection. It will make you laugh every bit as much as it ever dead. All hail the cow. All hail Larson.

Makes a fantastic gift!

Gave the (very heavy) hardcover version to my SO for Christmas. I probably should have given it him later in the day because he is so into it that he probably won't want to be disturbed for dinner! It is a really nice quality set and will provide giggles for a long time!

If you love the Far Side, this set is a must!

100% comprehensive! Fabulous!

Farside Fan Favorite

Great collection….. incredible quality

Great Collection

No one is funnier. I used to enjoy reading these comics in the daily newspaper. Great collection.

Must have for Far Side fans

I got this for my grandson as a High School Graduation gift. He has been a fan of Far Side for many years and I know this collection will bring him hours of laughs in the years ahead. This collection comes in two volumes inside a sturdy box. Very good quality. I'm glad I got the hardbound copy; it is really nice.


There are lots of FAR SIDE books out there, but this two-volume set is all you need. PROS: --Both are hardcovers. --Comes with an extra-thick "case" to store them in. --The pages are thick and glossy. --Over 4,000 cartoons!!! --Some are in color and enlarged. --No matter what page you turn to, the margins do NOT get in the way of the cartoons, allowing you to enjoy each and every one of them in all their cow and duck glory. --Excellent binding along the spine of the books. --Hours of side-splitting laughs. --Extra commentary from Gary Larson himself. CONS: [NONE] NITPICKINGS: --These are very large books. --These are very heavy books--might want to wear steel-toed shoes when handling these. For me, THE FAR SIDE not only captured some of the funniest moments in the human experience, but also some of the funniest moments in natural experience--all with a square box, a caption and a few pen-strokes.

Everything Gary Larson ever published, in chronological order....

These 2 volumes weigh a ton, but after all they contain every comic Larson ever published......

Crazy humor!

I meant to buy a set by Gary Trudeau, but these are great. My husband loves them.

Best gift ever!

This was supposed to be a Christmas gift for my husband. When it arrived, we had a soaking rain, and it was on the front porch. The Amazon box was soaked, but the books were tightly wrapped in plastic, so they were dry! It was so heavy that I had him bring it in, and just could not wait for Christmas to give it to him. The books were beautiful, and he was so happy and stunned, that I am glad I didn't wait. They are expensive, but worth every penny. So well done, such a collector's item, I am sure that he will keep them forever, and our kids will have to draw lots to see who inherits them. The genius that is the Far Side never gets old, and no one who loved them should hesitate to buy these. As an aside, Teacher Ted is my husband, and I am the purchaser.

Perfect for Far Side fans

My husband and I grew up with The Far Side and still miss it when we read the daily paper. Gary Larson's snark and offbeat sense of humor makes this collection of his work a joy to have. We love having our favorite panels all together now, and frequently pull these volumes from the bookshelf to flip through and enjoy a few good giggles.

Great collection

Great complete collection! I bought a set for myself and another as a gift. Love these.

A whole lotta Larson

This is the best thing I've bought myself in years. I've always loved Gary Larson's humor and was sorry when he retired. But to have all this at once is wonderful. Nice boxed set. Be warned that when it arrives, it's very heavy. It is fortunate it is in three volumes or it would be unmanageable. I'm taking it slow because I don't want to skim over several gems I don't remember. It is certainly worth the money and I wish I had gotten this sooner.

Many, many hours of smiles, guffaws, and belly laughs!

This set is impressive. Highly recommend, especially in these times. Larson never fails to make me smile.

For the collector of the Far Side

What a great find love the far side. Now sit back and do some heavy reading the book have some weight. Nice quality definitely a collector book.

Close the generation gap.

A gift for my 13 year old Grandson. I could hear him giggling as he read the cartoons in the other room. He told me "those are the funniest cartoons ever, let me read you this one." A little piece of Heaven for a Grandma to be read Far Side cartoons by her Grandson.

Beautiful books

I am a Far Side fan so I had to have these books. They are great but boy are they heavy. Not for light reading! May be instead of two books - make four or even more to avoid the weight issue per book?

One of the best buys ever

It's the whole set in chronological order!! A great mood changer and a reason to laugh at your finger tips!

Just fun

I'm so glad I purchased. Humor always helps. I still have to really think about them, but so many make me laugh out loud. A true classic.

Great buy

The books are really nice, good quality.

well worth the price

For less than $100- to have the entire Far Side series is quite a deal. The paper and bounding is top notch. Like other reviewers, the books are large and heavy. You get what you pay for- and you will be getting two books that were priced several times higher years ago. I'm glad I waited. Less than $100 was my price break- and it was a decision not regretted.

Loved and missed my daily Far Side dose

Now I can show my grandkids where I get my off beat sense of humor.

Nobody like him!

I miss The Far Side. Looking through these is like visiting an old, odd, slightly warped friend that you loved.

Very Complete

1. It has almost all of Larson's cartoons in the three volumes. 2. It also has many asides by Larson telling about his cartooning career, the reception of certain of his cartoons, and his reaction to that. All in all, it's a treasure for Larson aficionados.

Gary Larson is the best. Kozmo18

Almost complete works of Gary Larson. Only missing the unpublished Far Side cartoons. Kozmo18

Please please please Mr. Larson throws us bone?

This is the most important beautiful collection of Art. Mic drop...




What can I say - this is The Far Side. If you connect with it - it's great. I love it. Sometimes I scratch my head, sometimes I smile, but, a few times I really laugh, and that makes it totally worth it!!!

all the Larson comics I always loved for years now together in one box set

While each book is physically high, wide and heavy, it is excused that multiple decades are in them. Nice to have all of them together.

Great Material, Poor Presentation

This item was a HUGE disappointment! I've been a Far Side fan ever since I can remember, collecting any cartoons any way I could get my hands on them. When I saw this collection, even though it was quite pricey, I thought "At last, all Gary Larson's work in one place ... big, bold and side splitting!" The books are beautifully bound and weigh enough to raise a guy's voice a few octaves, but as I anxiously parted the covers my enthusiasm drained. Except for chapter beginnings, all the cartoons are tiny! There is nothing larger than the ones published on the countless desk calendars I have collected through the years ... I have larger reprints on my wall! I'll probably keep the books, because they do 'collate' everything into one place and present my favorite Far Sides in chronological order but it's a high price to pay merely for organization. Everything is carefully planned and executed, except for Larson's creations themselves ... some of the funniest stuff from one of the most creative cartoonists ever to view the world through a crooked keyhole!

The gift that keeps on giving.

My friend that I bought this birthday gift for, and many other friends have gotten many, many laughs from the cartoons in these volumes. A great gift for anyone.

Very Funny


best christmas gift for my husband

Order and ye shall receive. My husband loves it.

Excellent gift

The smile on my son's face for this gift was priceless.

Humor That Holds The Test of Time. Excellent Gift For the Far Side Lover.

Loved these growing up. It's three books very nicely put together, heavy, and hilarious even to this day. I sure hope Mr. Larsen is enjoying his retirement and in good health. O, and Gary (if you read these reviews), if you ever put any new material out in the future, I'll be the first in line to purchase it. Thanks for the collection and this makes a wonderful gift. Puts a smile on the face every time it's opened.

It is of the highest quality reproduction yet, for that same reason, the excessive weight is a problem.

It was a surprised (even though I was forewarned) by the weight this collection masses highly, I recommend that you read it lying it flat on a table. The books weigh so much that they can cut off the circulation in your legs if you hold it in your lap ! So, treat it like you would one of those super-sized, super-thick unabridged dictionaries.

A must for Larson lovers everywhere

I am so glad I decided to buy this collection. It brought back many fond memories as I paged through it. I like most of the Far Side cartoons but I was a little surprised at how late in Larson's career my all-time favorite appeared. It's the one of God in His kitchen creating the Earth. The Earth is sitting in a bowl on the counter in front of Him and He's sprinkling the contents of a shaker over the planet — the container is labeled "Jerks!" 😄 I think He may have overdone it.

Excellent! But be aware- the price has been adjusted...

Beautiful! Great quality. If buying for Christmas, look around a bit. Looks like the seller jacked up the price for the holidays. I bought a week before Thanksgiving and paid $66 for the paperback. Still put, even the paperback is exceptional.

Quality merchandise

This product was a perfect Birthday gift for a dear friend.......

Best Comic Collection Available

Absolutely perfect collection. The look is great too. Well worth the money

Far Side plus!

Awesome book.

Fantastic set of Larson's drawings!

I received this from my Wife & Daughter for Christmas, fantastic gift and greatly appreciated! I've always been a fan of Larson's work, just too funny! This is a heavy set of books but it is the complete works so go figure. Once I make my way through the whole collection I will repeat the process, probably many times! I've already seen quite a number of his drawings that I never saw before, great stuff.

Excellent set for the Far Side fan!!!

Other reviews said this set was heavy and it is! It is an excellent two volume set with each volume covering a period of the Far Side cartoons. I'm guessing each volume weighs maybe seven to ten pounds but I could not be happier with this purchase! Great quality!

Welcome to Hell. Here's your accordion.

Don't ask questions. Click on BUY NOW. Your life will be instantly better.

Buy it

Great book buy iy

Sexy AF hardcover

Best looking books I've ever seen. Really heavy but so pleasing I can't wait to buy the softcover. I never could afford the FS books growing up but now it was finally worth waiting for this beautiful collection. got SC as well great books though the case is poorly made and even more so packed big dent ...

Absolutely perfect set as a gift

Absolutely perfect set as a gift! Gave it to my brother for Christmas and was worried it might not make a nice impression. Boy, was I wrong! Set is in shrink wrap and comes in a heavy duty box where three books can easily be stored. Paperback on books are of heavyweight stock and paper in books is of a nicer heavyweight stock, too. Good mix of colored and black and white comics, some larger than others, in chronological order. It was a big hit with him, he's 40, as well as others who well remember the great Gary Larsen!

Very good

I'm a great fan. Glad to have the complete collection.

A must have for Larsen fans.

Very comprehensive, good quality publication. Pricey, but worth it.

The far side complete

I asked my nephew what he wanted for Christmas and he said this. So I got it for him and he loves it. Let’s face it. The far side is one of the funniest things ever for a lot of people and this has all of them. That’s all you need to say, right?

The Far Side is so funny

So happy to have this collection. Worth the cost.

My dad and I have always been big fans of ...

My dad and I have always been big fans of the Far Side comics. I used to get him the Far Side calendar every Christmas and he always looked forward to looking at it first thing in the morning. Now he will be getting this as his birthday/Father's day present this year. I can't wait to see his reaction.

You need thiis

This is a great value for the 3 gorgeous books of hilarious stuff. Nicely packaged it is awesome!


Lots of cartoons drawing galore. I should be laughing for decades.

Loved it

Perfect gift for a Gary Larson fan

so funny

I love the Far Side. I was sad when it went away. This is great to be able to see them all in one place.

An heirloom waiting to happen

Much much more than a book. This is an heirloom waiting to happen. The books are well bound and the slipcase is thick enough to withstand years of use. Some have argued that the books are impractically big. "Big" they certainly are, but the books are essentially archival and not really intended for reading in bed. If you think The Far Side is funny and you like reading it everyday, everywhere you go, you might just want to buy the paperbacks as moving the set from one room to another is a task in itself (it's heavy....very heavy). If you get a kick out of (near) completness and enjoy Larson's artistic style as well as his wit then this is for you. Clear a large space on your kitchen table and try and pick a favorite.

Good condition, just what the doctor ordered

I need some Far Side before the morning newspaper. Some days instead of the news. Good stuff. Great price.


Love the books. Brings back memories.

this is a great collection. I would have liked to get the ...

If you are a Far Side fan, this is a great collection. I would have liked to get the hard cover version, but didn't want to spend the money for it at this time. Maybe in the future. :) This edition includes great commentary by Steve Martin, Gary Larson, and the Far Side editor (forgot his name).

very nice set

Beautiful collection set. Would recomend

Smartest, Wittiest Comic Strip Of All Time

Four comic strips make up the Mount Rushmore of newspaper comics - Calvin And Hobbes, The Far Side, Bloom County, and Dilbert. Of those four The Far Side was by far the smartest and wittiest - where much of the humor wasn't thrown in your face but rather based in some obscure (usually science or nature related) reference that made you think, where once you "got it" you truly understood and admired the wit and genius of Gary Larson. This is a must-own for anyone who grew up with The Far Side, or for anyone who is just looking for a comic that requires a little bit of thought.

The only thing I would recommend is to just spend the money and buy the ...

So this is the complete life's work of a modern day genius. Seriously, is there anyone funnier than Gary Larson? The only thing I would recommend is to just spend the money and buy the hardcover because this set of books is so awesome, you will probably look through it enough that the soft covers will get pretty beat up. I speak from personal experience.


My eight year old son loved it as much as I hoped he would.

Great product

Great product, quick shipping

Well worth the price - The Complete Far Side!

Attention all Far Side fans! It may have been nearly nine years since Gary Larson hung up his famous pen and eraser, however you can continue to get your "fix" of the Far Side for a very long time to come with this outstanding collection. I was impressed that the publisher of this volume has taken the time to put together a nearly comprehensive collection of every Far Side cartoon ever published (well over 4,000 in total). The cartoons are printed on very finely milled paper, the books are beautifully bound, and they are even placed inside a very nicely done slipcase. Not only will you enjoy reading these classic cartoons, they will look terrific on your bookshelf! Just be warned, they are very heavy - each volume has to weigh 20 pounds a piece. You cannot afford to pass this collection up - do not let the price scare you away - you will not be disappointed! Happy reading!

Fantastic Collection from a Genius

The entire Gary Larson collection! This was a great gift for myself. I say this collection is ALMOST perfect. The books are softcover. Wish they were hardcover but I'm willing to let that slide. The one thing that did bother me was that for each page, they showed four pieces of art (with the occasional full page colored piece) that were kinda small on the page. There was a lot of white space around it. Solution: enlarge EACH picture and try to fill it up as much as possible.

laugh after laugh.

some I had to read again and again but truly the absolute funniest. Read all three volumes @ least three times. Im buying for friends now.

Perfect gift

Excellent quality.

I wasn't sure they made books like this anymore

But it was exactly what I wanted. My son is crazy for The Far Side and I wanted him to have a complete set of them that would also serve as memorabilia of this time of life. In this age of electronic or semi-disposable reading material, I was relieved to find there are still books available of a quality that you can imagine someone wanting to keep for decades. The only downside is you may need a weightlifter's belt to lift the package.

Not reader friendly

If you love the Far Side, please read this for your consideration. It is inexplicable how the publishers designed and laid out this book. About 50% of the page is white space, with only four smaller-than-how-it-originally appeared in newsprint comics per page. Also, they used heavy paper and really packed these books in. You can't read it in any other setting other than at a table. You cant hold it in bed and read it, or even read it sitting on a couch or sofa. It's too heavy, and with the small print and drawings, you are forced to let gravity do it's thing on the table and read that way. They could have easily put six comics per page and made the book lighter, or made this into 6 or 8 booklets rather than the 8. It's really if a relative or friend who needed work was given the task of publishing this. Of course the comics are hilarious, but I am returning this because it isn't fun to read when you get carpel tunnel reading for leisure. I like to read in a chair or in bed, and you cannot do this with these books. A bummer! Now for the real enthusiast, they won't care. They just want to have every Far Side ever, and have it out on a coffee table to peruse. That's what this is - a coffee table book.

What a shame for such a talented, brilliant cartoonist to have an overweighted book

I love, love, love Gary Larson and thought this would be a great collection, but like the other reviewers said, it is unreasonably heavy and impractical as reading material. I didn't even unwrap it from the cellophane, but it sure felt like hardbound because of the weight, and knew I would return books so unwieldly I couldn't throw them in my car to read while waiting for whatever or in bed. Truly, they are coffee table books, which is not what I wanted. I gave 2 stars because I love Gary Larson so much, but the books themselves are ridiculous and should be 1 star.

What can I say? It's terrific

The Far Side comics are some of the best ever. I have been wanting this collection for a long time and now I have it. I think this is a good addition to every home library.

Awesome. I have the two volume hardcover set that ...

Awesome. I have the two volume hardcover set that came out years ago. I bought it when the Borders bookstore was closing, so that tells you how old it is. This is much better. Pages are thicker, and each volume is a good size - not too big or small. Only negative is that my kids just read the Far Side as their nightly reading.

Gary Larson - Pure Genius!

There's not much to say for Far Side fans... Gary Larson is the best author to grace planet earth. I grew up in the 80's reading the Far Side and what I now know after reading this is that I have the same immature sense of humor nearing middle age that I had when I was younger :)

It's all the Far Side comics in 3 big books ...

It's all the Far Side comics in 3 big books, don't know if anyone reading the reviews on this one should really be swayed. Either you want them or you don't. Can be a little hard to get them out of the box at first, but not really an issue. Books themselves are of high quality.

Great comics but too much blank space

Excellent content but terrible layout

Eat your Wheaties before trying to lift this out of the package

OMG You almost need to have extra muscle strength to move this. I was shocked at how heavy the two books were. These are definitely substantial. I cannot wait for my recipient to get these. I think they are excellent. I am so glad that I purchased this.

Good value

Have enjoyed ....even the sometime humorous letters from readers. Even found a few new ones to share a giggle with friends.

Nothing's perfect yet if it was possible, 4.9 stars

Just a beautiful set of books. My only criticism if it really needs to be said is that they are totally not mobile, OMG they are heavy. So if you are thinking of toting one of these behemoths to the coffee shop just forget it. Unless you want the workout. In that case begin walking to the coffee shop holding a book in one hand and swing it perpendicular to your chest catching half crossed with the other hand and repeat, 10 reps in both directions. Then holding it with both hands, because your arms will be tired, do some curls resting after 10 reps for a 5 step count and repeat. For more insane workout routines don't ask me!

Gotta Love This Stuff

Seriously, you've got to love this kind of humor, to invest in this complete compendium of compulsory confusion. Gary Larson has a unique mind, very creative, very witty, often irreverent, occasionally surreal, sometimes utterly (or udderly) incomprehensible to those not exposed to particular humors, but always a different viewpoint than most people encounter in the real world. This collection reveals the development, from start to finish, of the daily breath of fresh, albeit insane, air which shocked and overturned the world of daily published comics. Highly recommended to anyone who can, with very large grains of salt, follow the daily meanderings of a seriously disturbed individual. Extremely Entertaining!

Great set for a Far Side fan

I love this set. Liked it so much I got another set for my mom who is also a fan.

Expensive but gorgeous

Yes, this is expensive, but the printing is gorgeous, and it's great to have the complete selection. It will be a pleasure browsing through these. I purchased these for my husband's birthday so I was willing to splurge (and I also get to read them!).

The perfect gift for a true fan

Boyfriend loves it! It weighs over 50lbs but it was well worth the look on his face when he unwrapped it! And he just found out more are coming! Excellent gift for a true fan!

Humor is medicine for the soul

For me,it is worth the expense of these two volumes of the collection of Gary Larson's cartoons if only to smile, knowing after I'm gone, someone will read them, laugh and say to themselves, "man, Uncle ***** had a strange sense of humor!". When the dark beast of depression grabs hold of me, I read Gary's cartoons and laugh.

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