Something in the Way (Something in the Way Series) (Volume 1)

Paperback – March 11, 2017
10 Mar
It was a hot summer day when I met him on the construction site next to my parents’ house. Under the sweat and dirt, Manning Sutter was as handsome as the sun was bright. He was older, darker, experienced. I wore a smiley-face t-shirt and had never even been kissed. Yet we saw something in each other that would link us in ways that couldn’t be matter how hard we tried.I loved Manning before I knew the meaning of the word. I was too young, he said. I would wait. Through all the carefully-chosen words hiding what we knew to be true, through his struggle to keep me innocent, and through infinitely-starry nights—I would wait. But I’d learn that life isn’t always fair. That no matter how much you achieve, none of it matters if you suffer the heartbreak that comes with falling for someone you can never have. Because even though I saw Manning first, that didn’t matter. My older sister saw him next.Book one in a USA TODAY bestselling love saga.

Reviews (170)

A depressing CLIFFHANGER

A convoluted, depressing story that ends with . . . no ending! Buy the next one to read more of this saga of self-absorbed people and their nonsense? - not gonna happen.

Well written but misguided love triangle

The 90s setting, as well as some of the reviews, convinced me to give this book a try. I hadn't read this author before and the first thing I'll say is that I really like the way she writes. The way she describes her characters and their little world completely drew me in, at least initially. She's clearly a talented storyteller and I would love to read another book by her. However, I won't be continuing this particular story. For one thing, it's drawn out over 4 (!) books. Most often when authors do this it feels like they're just milking it for as much money as they can get, which is insulting to their readers. Some stories are so rich and intricate that they require multiple books, but those are rare and this is definitely not such a case. What you get instead is an incredibly slow-moving story with way too much mundane detail - for instance, half the book takes place during a week at camp where not much actually happens - and a lot of build up that doesn't culminate in anything satisfying. Almost nothing of interest happens between Lake and Manning in this book; instead, he spends most of it with her sister Tiffany. I don't know about anyone else, but a guy who has been with my sister is an instant turn off, so I didn't really get Lake continuing to pine for him. Manning, meanwhile, comes off as a very weak character, letting himself be dragged into a relationship with Tiffany just because she said so and because he couldn't have the underage Lake. His initial reasoning was that being with Tiffany would allow him to keep Lake in his life, which is not only dumb, it's incredibly cruel. It's also the same reason Humbert marries Delores' mother in Lolita, so I don't know if the author was trying to draw a parallel there, but it's possible given that Lake mentions reading Lolita at one point. In any case I'd rather the hero of a romance book not share the characteristics of a predator. He's old enough to know better and nothing about his connection with Lake convinced me that it was worth any of the trouble he went to, or any of the trouble he gets into. She comes across as a very young, naive girl with a crush, and he was always just letting things happen to him rather than being an adult and taking control of the situation. I felt like this book would have been better if it had focused on the budding relationship between Lake and Manning and developed their characters more, while keeping Tiffany separate from it. Or, better yet, if it had focused on the complicated relationship between the sisters and allowed them both to move on from Manning in the end. Because I honestly enjoyed the story more when it explored the sisters' relationship. I read some of the reviews for the later books in this series to see if there was any reason to continue, but it looks like it goes into even more disappointing territory from here so I'm just going to stop now. I'll try this author again, but this one is not for me.

I can’t not get this wasted time back!

I am so mad at the Amazon reviews. All of these good reviews and this book sucked! It was slower than molasses, and every single character got on my nerves. The storyline was completely unbelievable! A strange man who works on a construction site starts hanging around this family’s nineteen and sixteen year old daughters. Within a couple of weeks of knowing the man, he is invited to dinner. Less than two months he follows the girls to work at a week long camp where he is accused of robbing a house. The man is sentenced to prison with no evidence. Allegedly he couldn’t steal because the house owner, a woman fought him off with no weapons!’ Y’all come on! The entire time the male character alternates between wanting protect the younger sister like an adopted sister and actually liking her romantically. The plot had potential, but the story flushed it down the toilet. No, I will not be reading the next part. I will be spending my time trying to flush this from my memory.

All. The. Feels.

I rarely write reviews. I only write reviews when I feel strongly compelled to write one whether it's positive or negative. I hate to say it, but it's out of sheer laziness! Well, I'm giving this book 5 stars because I feel compelled to! I am 38 (39 in May) and this book was right out of my era. I was around the same age as Lake in 1993 and it just brought back all of the angst, excitement, disappointment, first love, anxiety, dreaminess, adrenaline, and melancholy that I suffered from as a teen. When Lake is in Manning's truck and Black by Pearl Jam comes on the radio, I actually cried! Only old people like me would really get the significance of this song and how nostalgic it is! The relationship between the two sisters also rang true to me as I grew up with one sibling (a sister) who is two years younger. Our relationship was never as contentious as Lake and Tiffany's but we had our moments! The connection between Manning and Lake. Ugh. Again, all. the. feels. I'm not going to give too much away, but the angsty goodness is so delicious. I listened to all my high school 90's music and basically just had myself a little angsty trip down memory lane while reading this book. It was great. Manning is so hot and so good and so honorable and he has so much integrity. He's just yum, yum, yum. He tries so hard to do the right thing. It's heartbreaking. If you are late 30's/early to mid 40's, you will love this book. I finished a couple days ago and I'm still thinking about it. I love when a book does that to me. May 22nd for the 2nd book in the trilogy CAN NOT come soon enough!

Full of emotions. Loved this book so much.

I picked up this book when it came up in my feed. I read the blurb and I was hooked. But, I never imagined how much I would love these characters. Lake and Manning touched my heart and stayed. The emotions I felt with this story are beyond any other. It's so hard to want someone when you can't. Lake is young, innocent and sheltered, but she is also an old soul. Manning has a hard edge, but deep down he is sweet and loving. Things that happened in his life make him see things differently than Lake; which lead him to making heart breaking decisions. A series to always remember.

No author can inspire the feelings in me like Jessica Hawkins

Jesus Christ! I feel......sooo much...and I think that says everything. When a book MAKES you feel, you know you're reading an AMAZING story. My head is even conflicted with how I think I should feel. I can related to all of the characters - Lake, Manning, Tiffany (yes, Tiffany) and even the others. I feel the connection and want things to just happen, but I know it isn't realistic and I guess that is what sucks you in. I feel it all - the yearning, hope, devastation, shame, fear and more. I feel like I have been put through the ringer, but I have to know what happens and hope everything works out. I haven't felt this much angst in....forever? The last series that made me feel similar was Jessica Hawkins' Cityscape Series, but I think this is even more gut-wrenching, head/heart-conflicting than even that. I didn't want to wait until the whole series was out to start, but I am glad I did. I could've never waited to read the next installment.

The beginning of the journey

Where do I start. This is the first book in Lake and Manning 's story. There are four books in the journey. I don't usually submit book reviews as I feel our choices in reading matter are very subjective. That being said, I would have given these books ten stars if I had the option. There are several things I look for when reading a book. They are story composition, characters and creatively. Jessica Hawkins checked all my boxes. This was my first experience with her writhing, it will not be my last. Be prepared to get deeply involved with Lake and Manning. I could not put the books down even at 2 am. I cried several times which is something I never do. I know why Jessica Hawkins is called the "Queen of Angst". I loved all four books and Lake and Manning as well.

Forbidden Love

Wow what a start to this series. "I met him first" Poor Lake so young and innocent, but what a so badly to be considered something other than a kid. When she meets Manning she love stuck. But Her older sister Tiffany is 19 & close to Manning's age, and she is experienced. Manning feels the need to protect both girls but especially Lake. Don't want to give too much away. This book makes me feel like I'm 16 again. Especially the time frame!! Great read! Couldn't out down!

I was in a love hate moment with the characters and the author

Jessica Hawkins had me with the first book I read from her A Slip of the Tongue and I could only imagine how emotional I would get with Something in the Way. I never expected to walk around in a funk of mixed emotions, I was in a love hate moment with the characters and the author. Not because it's a bad read, in fact it's perfectly written to the point that all the emotions in the story are felt. I found myself questioning everything throughout my read knowing that this forbidden romance... COULD NOT HAVE AN HEA!!! I WAS FREAKING DYING INSIDE!!! Lake is not your average 16 year old, her parents have set the spotlight on her and have high expectations for her education. Never wanting to disappoint anyone, she stays on track to fulfill her and her parents dreams. The only person that seems to test her mentally is her sister Tiffany, who is totally opposite of Lake and always goes after what she wants. At a young age, Lake realizes who she wants when she spots him across the street at a construction site. The only problem is her sister wants him too. How far is Lake willing to go to keep him in her life and will she be able to protect her heart? Manning never realized how far his life will change once he befriends two sisters. He can't seem to stop thinking about one of them, even though it is wrong. The other sister is the only one that can be a reason for him to stay in their lives. Manning is a great guy, his mistake is falling for someone he can never have, which is torturous to the reader and character. He is willing to do what ever it takes to keep his birdie on the right path...her future is so bright and he will not be a reason to complicate things. Except he never expected to also have feelings for her older sister, his protectiveness for both sisters may be to much for him to handle. Something In the Way, is a slow tease of a read. When I realized the reality of this storyline, it literally floored me. The want, desire and love in this story is heartbreaking and frustrating that I found myself wanting to scream...WHY??? Jessica Hawkins is a soul- sucker when it comes to her writing style, she leaves the reader broken and wanting more or questioning if they are strong enough to pick up the next book in the series... which I did. I DON'T QUIT!!! 5 Must Read Stars!!!

An angst filled 5 star

This is the first in a four book series and cannot be read as a standalone. I've read Jessica Hawkins before so I knew going in I was going to get a masterpiece, and she did not disappoint. This book will give you a rollercoaster of emotions. You will feel angry,frustrated, disappointed, you name it, and this book will probably make you feel it. Lake is 16 years old and a junior in high school. She doesn't really act 16 in a lot of ways though because she has had to grow up fast since her dad has her taking college courses, and everything else she can do to get into his college of choice USC. I loved Lake so much, she was naive, shy, followed all of her parents rules, the all around girl. Manning is a 23 year old construction worker who likes to keep to himself, and doesn't ever cause trouble or go looking for it. I loved everything about him. He was protective of Lake from their very first meeting. He was always willing to help someone, and always found the good in people (even Tiffany). Jessica makes us remember what it was like to be 16 and fall in love with the older guy. The angst, confusion, innocence, this book has it all. I recommend this book to anyone who wants a forbidden romance full of angst

A depressing CLIFFHANGER

A convoluted, depressing story that ends with . . . no ending! Buy the next one to read more of this saga of self-absorbed people and their nonsense? - not gonna happen.

Well written but misguided love triangle

The 90s setting, as well as some of the reviews, convinced me to give this book a try. I hadn't read this author before and the first thing I'll say is that I really like the way she writes. The way she describes her characters and their little world completely drew me in, at least initially. She's clearly a talented storyteller and I would love to read another book by her. However, I won't be continuing this particular story. For one thing, it's drawn out over 4 (!) books. Most often when authors do this it feels like they're just milking it for as much money as they can get, which is insulting to their readers. Some stories are so rich and intricate that they require multiple books, but those are rare and this is definitely not such a case. What you get instead is an incredibly slow-moving story with way too much mundane detail - for instance, half the book takes place during a week at camp where not much actually happens - and a lot of build up that doesn't culminate in anything satisfying. Almost nothing of interest happens between Lake and Manning in this book; instead, he spends most of it with her sister Tiffany. I don't know about anyone else, but a guy who has been with my sister is an instant turn off, so I didn't really get Lake continuing to pine for him. Manning, meanwhile, comes off as a very weak character, letting himself be dragged into a relationship with Tiffany just because she said so and because he couldn't have the underage Lake. His initial reasoning was that being with Tiffany would allow him to keep Lake in his life, which is not only dumb, it's incredibly cruel. It's also the same reason Humbert marries Delores' mother in Lolita, so I don't know if the author was trying to draw a parallel there, but it's possible given that Lake mentions reading Lolita at one point. In any case I'd rather the hero of a romance book not share the characteristics of a predator. He's old enough to know better and nothing about his connection with Lake convinced me that it was worth any of the trouble he went to, or any of the trouble he gets into. She comes across as a very young, naive girl with a crush, and he was always just letting things happen to him rather than being an adult and taking control of the situation. I felt like this book would have been better if it had focused on the budding relationship between Lake and Manning and developed their characters more, while keeping Tiffany separate from it. Or, better yet, if it had focused on the complicated relationship between the sisters and allowed them both to move on from Manning in the end. Because I honestly enjoyed the story more when it explored the sisters' relationship. I read some of the reviews for the later books in this series to see if there was any reason to continue, but it looks like it goes into even more disappointing territory from here so I'm just going to stop now. I'll try this author again, but this one is not for me.

I can’t not get this wasted time back!

I am so mad at the Amazon reviews. All of these good reviews and this book sucked! It was slower than molasses, and every single character got on my nerves. The storyline was completely unbelievable! A strange man who works on a construction site starts hanging around this family’s nineteen and sixteen year old daughters. Within a couple of weeks of knowing the man, he is invited to dinner. Less than two months he follows the girls to work at a week long camp where he is accused of robbing a house. The man is sentenced to prison with no evidence. Allegedly he couldn’t steal because the house owner, a woman fought him off with no weapons!’ Y’all come on! The entire time the male character alternates between wanting protect the younger sister like an adopted sister and actually liking her romantically. The plot had potential, but the story flushed it down the toilet. No, I will not be reading the next part. I will be spending my time trying to flush this from my memory.

All. The. Feels.

I rarely write reviews. I only write reviews when I feel strongly compelled to write one whether it's positive or negative. I hate to say it, but it's out of sheer laziness! Well, I'm giving this book 5 stars because I feel compelled to! I am 38 (39 in May) and this book was right out of my era. I was around the same age as Lake in 1993 and it just brought back all of the angst, excitement, disappointment, first love, anxiety, dreaminess, adrenaline, and melancholy that I suffered from as a teen. When Lake is in Manning's truck and Black by Pearl Jam comes on the radio, I actually cried! Only old people like me would really get the significance of this song and how nostalgic it is! The relationship between the two sisters also rang true to me as I grew up with one sibling (a sister) who is two years younger. Our relationship was never as contentious as Lake and Tiffany's but we had our moments! The connection between Manning and Lake. Ugh. Again, all. the. feels. I'm not going to give too much away, but the angsty goodness is so delicious. I listened to all my high school 90's music and basically just had myself a little angsty trip down memory lane while reading this book. It was great. Manning is so hot and so good and so honorable and he has so much integrity. He's just yum, yum, yum. He tries so hard to do the right thing. It's heartbreaking. If you are late 30's/early to mid 40's, you will love this book. I finished a couple days ago and I'm still thinking about it. I love when a book does that to me. May 22nd for the 2nd book in the trilogy CAN NOT come soon enough!

Full of emotions. Loved this book so much.

I picked up this book when it came up in my feed. I read the blurb and I was hooked. But, I never imagined how much I would love these characters. Lake and Manning touched my heart and stayed. The emotions I felt with this story are beyond any other. It's so hard to want someone when you can't. Lake is young, innocent and sheltered, but she is also an old soul. Manning has a hard edge, but deep down he is sweet and loving. Things that happened in his life make him see things differently than Lake; which lead him to making heart breaking decisions. A series to always remember.

No author can inspire the feelings in me like Jessica Hawkins

Jesus Christ! I feel......sooo much...and I think that says everything. When a book MAKES you feel, you know you're reading an AMAZING story. My head is even conflicted with how I think I should feel. I can related to all of the characters - Lake, Manning, Tiffany (yes, Tiffany) and even the others. I feel the connection and want things to just happen, but I know it isn't realistic and I guess that is what sucks you in. I feel it all - the yearning, hope, devastation, shame, fear and more. I feel like I have been put through the ringer, but I have to know what happens and hope everything works out. I haven't felt this much angst in....forever? The last series that made me feel similar was Jessica Hawkins' Cityscape Series, but I think this is even more gut-wrenching, head/heart-conflicting than even that. I didn't want to wait until the whole series was out to start, but I am glad I did. I could've never waited to read the next installment.

The beginning of the journey

Where do I start. This is the first book in Lake and Manning 's story. There are four books in the journey. I don't usually submit book reviews as I feel our choices in reading matter are very subjective. That being said, I would have given these books ten stars if I had the option. There are several things I look for when reading a book. They are story composition, characters and creatively. Jessica Hawkins checked all my boxes. This was my first experience with her writhing, it will not be my last. Be prepared to get deeply involved with Lake and Manning. I could not put the books down even at 2 am. I cried several times which is something I never do. I know why Jessica Hawkins is called the "Queen of Angst". I loved all four books and Lake and Manning as well.

Forbidden Love

Wow what a start to this series. "I met him first" Poor Lake so young and innocent, but what a so badly to be considered something other than a kid. When she meets Manning she love stuck. But Her older sister Tiffany is 19 & close to Manning's age, and she is experienced. Manning feels the need to protect both girls but especially Lake. Don't want to give too much away. This book makes me feel like I'm 16 again. Especially the time frame!! Great read! Couldn't out down!

I was in a love hate moment with the characters and the author

Jessica Hawkins had me with the first book I read from her A Slip of the Tongue and I could only imagine how emotional I would get with Something in the Way. I never expected to walk around in a funk of mixed emotions, I was in a love hate moment with the characters and the author. Not because it's a bad read, in fact it's perfectly written to the point that all the emotions in the story are felt. I found myself questioning everything throughout my read knowing that this forbidden romance... COULD NOT HAVE AN HEA!!! I WAS FREAKING DYING INSIDE!!! Lake is not your average 16 year old, her parents have set the spotlight on her and have high expectations for her education. Never wanting to disappoint anyone, she stays on track to fulfill her and her parents dreams. The only person that seems to test her mentally is her sister Tiffany, who is totally opposite of Lake and always goes after what she wants. At a young age, Lake realizes who she wants when she spots him across the street at a construction site. The only problem is her sister wants him too. How far is Lake willing to go to keep him in her life and will she be able to protect her heart? Manning never realized how far his life will change once he befriends two sisters. He can't seem to stop thinking about one of them, even though it is wrong. The other sister is the only one that can be a reason for him to stay in their lives. Manning is a great guy, his mistake is falling for someone he can never have, which is torturous to the reader and character. He is willing to do what ever it takes to keep his birdie on the right path...her future is so bright and he will not be a reason to complicate things. Except he never expected to also have feelings for her older sister, his protectiveness for both sisters may be to much for him to handle. Something In the Way, is a slow tease of a read. When I realized the reality of this storyline, it literally floored me. The want, desire and love in this story is heartbreaking and frustrating that I found myself wanting to scream...WHY??? Jessica Hawkins is a soul- sucker when it comes to her writing style, she leaves the reader broken and wanting more or questioning if they are strong enough to pick up the next book in the series... which I did. I DON'T QUIT!!! 5 Must Read Stars!!!

An angst filled 5 star

This is the first in a four book series and cannot be read as a standalone. I've read Jessica Hawkins before so I knew going in I was going to get a masterpiece, and she did not disappoint. This book will give you a rollercoaster of emotions. You will feel angry,frustrated, disappointed, you name it, and this book will probably make you feel it. Lake is 16 years old and a junior in high school. She doesn't really act 16 in a lot of ways though because she has had to grow up fast since her dad has her taking college courses, and everything else she can do to get into his college of choice USC. I loved Lake so much, she was naive, shy, followed all of her parents rules, the all around girl. Manning is a 23 year old construction worker who likes to keep to himself, and doesn't ever cause trouble or go looking for it. I loved everything about him. He was protective of Lake from their very first meeting. He was always willing to help someone, and always found the good in people (even Tiffany). Jessica makes us remember what it was like to be 16 and fall in love with the older guy. The angst, confusion, innocence, this book has it all. I recommend this book to anyone who wants a forbidden romance full of angst

Never again, Ms. Hawkins. (So much for a new favorite author.)

Never again, Ms Hawkins! I loved this book all the way through -- the story, characters, the writing -- until the last page. The engaged reader is left with no ending. The last few chapters were intense, and I was left hanging out there with no idea where this story might have gone. It went nowhere. Not a cliff-hanger, but an ending that would never be told. I thought I'd found a new favorite author, but I won't invest my time and risk another such discovery. What a shame!

4.5 STARS!!! OBSESSED with this series!!!!

"Was sixteen too young to fall in love? I might’ve thought so before Manning. Could he love me back, a man seven years older? I was sure if he did, he’d never admit it. But I would wait for him. Even I understood that for a while, our ages mattered." As a longtime fan of Jessica Hawkins, I just knew I would love this book. And from the very first page, I was totally hooked. What a delight! A slow-burn, forbidden romance. My favorite! This is the kind of book where the author takes her time describing a first meeting, a small moment, a conversation. Nothing is simply told, it is shown. I flew through this book, absolutely breathless with anticipation at what would happen next! Lake and Tiffany are two sisters who both meet Manning at the same time. There's just one problem: Lake is only 16 years old. And Manning is a handsome construction worker with a past. He half-smiled, one corner of his mouth lifting. That was the first I saw of his straight, white teeth. My heart skipped. Under the dirt, the sweat, the calluses, he was handsome. I’d known it already, peripherally, as I knew the direction of the beach or the artwork hanging in my dad’s office. But now it was right in front of me. I couldn’t miss it." Lake is a good girl: smart, studious and obedient. Tiffany is the wild child. But the interactions with their parents are nuanced and there is more to them than their labels. Although Tiffany seems flighty, she is much more appropriate for Manning than Lake. But who will get his heart? "Manning leaned his elbows onto his knees and watched her approach. My sister had that effect on men. They were always looking over or around me to see her. What’d he think when he looked at her? What’d he notice first?" I rarely have time to read a series back to back. But this book was so gripping and intense that I am immediately picking up the next book! I am obsessed with these characters and their story! "Some invisible tether existed between us. Nobody could see it, not even us, but I felt it. I was sure Manning did, too. As long as we both knew it, that was enough for me. For now, at least." Highly recommend this one. It has great pacing, a real setting and a gripping story. Don't miss it!! "It was a promise. No matter what, the story would only ever be about us."

Self-indulgent teens and some creepy elements

This promised an original plot but soon started to circle around, lost in endless and mind-bendingly boring detail. The protagonist, Lake, is dull and unlikeable. Her older sister, Tiffany, is her polar opposite but just as self-centred. It is telling that I felt sorry for each of them in turn due to what they do to each other. The pace is glacially slow with so much rehashing that it was difficult to keep reading. There were so many issues: Lake is incredibly immature for sixteen, especially juxtaposed to Tiffany, who is a very worldly nineteen-year-old. Since they still live at home and often confide in each other, I found the contrast too much to believe. The narration is flat with poorly executed alternating viewpoints. In books with this type of format, usually boy and girl have one chapter each. Here Lake hogs four or five consecutive chapters before Manning gets a shot, and when he does, it’s difficult to hear any difference in his voice, except for the gratuitous f-bombs and the excruciating repetitions. His backstory is melodrama on a stick and difficult to believe. The supposed romance is simply a cringe-worthy teen crush on her part, where every word or look or inflection of the adored object is described, dissected, and commented on. By contrast, Manning has confusing feelings for this near-child, which he rationalizes as wanting to protect her, so he ends up alternating between big-brother-like behaviour and suppressed creepy physical attraction. Very unconvincing, given that her lookalike older sister is more than mature enough for the sexual relationship she’s constantly trying to instigate. I found the triangle too weird for comfort and did not buy Manning’s view that he can help Tiffany while he waits for Lake to grow up enough to be “legal”. Manning was written as an unusually decent character until the camp trip, where it all comes apart. Up until then, Lake was endlessly described as amazingly intelligent, emotionally mature, and reliably sensible. However, to hype up the conflict, the author resorts to that sadly overused tool: terminal stupidity. Everyone starts to do the stupidest things. It was just too ridiculous. And, from my thirty-plus years of riding experience, two adults (one of whom is supposedly “enormous”) riding double is abusive to the horse and very unsafe for the riders, especially when both are beginners. If you’re too scared to ride, then stay on the ground. The ending was a depressing cliffhanger, which felt even more unrealistic than the rest of this overwrought mess. I see there are three more books, evidently stretching this awkward tale to unheard-of lengths.

Fantastic pace and makes taboo relatable

Review of "Something in the Way" Hot Toasty Rag, April 24, 2019 “No matter what you achieve in life, it means nothing if you suffer the heartbreak that comes with falling for someone you can never have. Because even though I saw Manning first, my older sister saw him next.” Something in the Way takes apart the issue of a statutory infatuation, and it does it with class and consideration. If you’ll be put off by a simmering romance between a sixteen-year-old and a twenty-three-year-old, don’t pick up this book. Also, if you’re expecting a steamy, naughty book because of the cover design, you won’t find what you’re looking for in this one. This is a thoughtful, extremely realistic, deeply romantic story about a man who feels drawn to a younger girl, but because he knows what’s at stake, feels he can only spend time with her if her older sister is around. Sound complicated and awkward? It is. I love this book. Jessica Hawkins is a fantastic and realistic writer, creating instant tension in the first chapter and maintaining it through the last page. There are several scenes so thick with anxiety and anticipation, I found I was actually holding my breath while reading them. Written in alternate perspectives, Hawkins takes both a feminine and masculine tone, explaining each character’s feelings and their intelligence. The story is painstakingly slow, but that’s the point: time passes too slowly for the characters, and the time they do get to share together doesn’t feel long enough. The pace is perfect, since this is mostly an internal book, one that manages to make a taboo subject relatable.

This series is going to ruin me...I just know it!

Manning - broody, dark and handsome with issues from the past still at the forefront. Lake - Innocent, nieve and young, she lives up to everyone's expectations but her own. Tiffany - Craving affection from her family she rebels at every turn. This is a coming of age, starcrossed romance. Would you settle for the one you don't want just because it means not saying goodbye to the one you actually want? What starts out as an innocent meeting quickly becomes more. When Manning met Lake he started to feel again. Only just existing since a tragedy 8 yrs prior, he welcomed the new feelings, something that he hadn't felt in a very long time. Yet he wanted to keep lake as the pure and innocent young girl she was. Lake needed someone to look out for her, guide her, make her see that she had the right to make her own choices in life... Pity one of those choices saw everything come doubling down around them! I love Jessica Hawkins. Her stories are edgy, real and emotion packed and this series is obviously going to be no exception. So far I haven't been able to put this book down, going straight into book 2 I can't wait to see what's in-store for Manning, Lake and Tiffany, it's certainly going to be filled with drama that's for sure!

Birdy & Big Bear

I was so terrified to read this series, because of all the emotions described by the reviewer's, plus it's not my kinda go to book. With that being said I'm so glad I did. I love this series and am impatiently waiting for the last installment. First book, I love Lake, Birdy. Love her innocence, her naivety, her big heart, it was the best I've read due to her age, it fit. I love how she loved, that she knew\felt Manning was the one, and how she didn't lose hope. Loved how she was willing to sacrifice him to be with Tiffany, even though it hurt her, shows selflessness. I felt sorry for Tiffany in this book. We got a different side of her. But there was just something icky about her. Something off, fake. Can't describe it. Maybe it was just she was the complete opposite of Lake. Charles, lake's dad is an a**, but at the same time as a parent, I somewhat understood him. But dude didn't know how to choose his words correctly, he was hurtful and judgemental. Manning, Big Bear I loved him in this story. The push and pull between him and Lake, trying so hard to move his feelings into another direction, even though he couldn't control where his heart beat. I felt sadden by his past, his lose, the way he belittles himself, but at the same time wants to do good for others. Like I said before not my go to, especially love triangles, forbidden saga between sisters. I'm so glad I put that aside and put on my big girlie panties on and jumped off the cliff. I felt everything, every emotion, every tear, every word, every pain, every smile, E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! This story was beautiful and raw. Ugh just picture your first crush, your first heartbreak. Total recommended and definitely worthy of rereading.


I'm having a hard time formulating my thoughts after reading this series. I'm writing this review after having read all 4 books. This first book, 'Something in the Way', has been sitting on my Kindle for months. Why? Because I've heard that it was very angsty.....I sometimes have trouble with that. I dove in this book 5 days ago.....and I read all four books. ITS THAT GOOD!!!!! This is my first read by this author. This book is told in 2 POV. Which I prefer. Lake and Manning. They meet when she is 16 and he is 23. If you've read any of the reviews, you know that phrase "I saw him first". Her sister actually gets him. Sort of. That's all I'll say because I don't want to give away any of the good stuff. This book does end on a cliffhanger. So be prepared to immediately buy the other books. Its so worth it. The second book ends on slightly less cliff hanger. But through books two and three you see how much Lake and Manning grow up. I love in this first book how young and innocent Lake is. She makes decisions based on her life experience. (or inexperience) Later, you see how she changes because of not only her choices, but those things that were out of her control. Manning too. A lot of this book and the three that follow are hard to read. Meaning there are many injustices. But hang in there. It wraps up so beautifully. I promise. This love...a string that connects them over 25 years is incredible. These four books are why I read. I'll add Jessica Hawking to my must read author list. Five Freakin Stars!!!!!

5 Stars

I lean towards dark reads, because of that I hunt for lighter reads that hopefully I'll enjoy to keep on my shelf so was the the dark stuff gets heavy I'll have a break. This was one of those books. I cane off reading two very dark so I hoped a light boom could keep my attention. Man this one reeled me in and had me buying book two before I even finished so I'd have no wait at all!!! Flawless writing, it flowed so seamlessly the pages just flew by. You were there in the book feeling the every emotion and event. Absolutely superb story and writing. On to book two!

Great coming of age love story.

Wow!! Is all I gotta say. This is definitely a forbidden story but it written amazingly well. I had this book on my kindle for sometime unsure of the book but I'm glad I read it. Lake and Manning what can I say about them. At 16, Lake was naive but it wasn't her fault, her father controlled everything she did to her schooling and making sure she got into his college of choice. Don't even get me started on her sister when I started reading the book Tiffany came across as a self-centered b*tch and that was all their parents doing. There were so many times I wanted to throttle her for how she treated Lake around Manning. And for Manning to put up with Tiffany was a complete turn off for me when he was with her at this point this is where Manning should've grown small balls and told Tiffany off but then he probably wouldn't see Lake again. When he and Lake were around each other I would fall in love with him. I hope Lake and Manning can over come their many obstacles.

Twisted love affair

Book 1 of a series! Lake - the 16 year old girl next door who is smart, beautiful, and too young to understand love. Tiffany - the 19 year old sister who is flighty, appears to be a slut, and attracts attention from most males, with the exception of her dad. Manning - the construction worker next door who is a bear of a man and handsome. Currently going through night school and working odd jobs until he can finish his degree. Love triangle...Tiffany has never been reliable and one day forgets to pick her sister up from summer school. Lake decides to walk home and stumbles upon Manning and decides to sit on the wall and talk. What does a 16 yo talk about? Books and college. Manning is drawn to Lake in a way that he has never known. Manning has not felt anything in so long that he can't understand the foreign nature of the feeling. Knowing that he should stay away from Lake he decides to befriend Tiffany in order to maintain his closeness to Lake. Lake makes Manning want to be a better man but there is a 7 year age difference and he knows the relationship is wrong. He cares for her like a sister, and a little more. Manning cannot stay away from Lake and after his construction job ends he decides to join Lake at a camp as a counselor. The best week of his life takes a sudden turn and a late night drive with the one person he knows he can't be with. In one night his future is changed forever and he will never be the man he thought he wanted to be! Best love triangle that I have read in a while.

Intense Slow Burn

I honestly am a little torn on why I gave this a 5 star, but yet I can't help myself from loving it so much. Such a slow burning story, such angst. Its funny how my book world mind is way more accepting than my real world mind. Real world mind wants to smack Lake and tell her go live your life and stop pining for a man 7 years older than you! Real world mind wants to smack Manning and say go away perv! But book world mind wants to smack Manning and say stop breaking her heart and leave her sister alone. Book world mind wants Manning and Lake. The only thing that book world and real world agree on is that Tiffany is a complete brat and needs to go away. I was not prepared for the twist at the end. This book definitely has the slow burn feel. There is no sex, and there doesnt need to be. I have had it on my list forever and I cannot believe I am just now reading.

I don’t like the taboo

As the beginning of this three, slow burn, book series can I just say “Wow!” “Eighteen was a life time away. That was two whole school years, another long summer. It was millions of breaths that would inevitably catch in my throat around him and thousands of pages read across so many books, and hundreds of long, sun-soaked California days. But the wait would be, without a doubt, worth it.” Typically, I don’t like the taboo, forbidden love stories. I stray away from “older man” and “underage,” because they feel grimy and wrong. But, I am so glad I was recommended this love affair from a friend. It was so worth the read! When you first meet Lake she’s sixteen and so full of life and joy and happiness. You feel her youth and innocence through her actions and how she expresses herself. She’s still in that stage of being molded by society, the good before life brings you crashing down to reality. Manning on the other hand has been handed a horrible life sentence. He struggles with his good and bad emotions and actions. He’s seen what life is like and is “just fine” living the same way he has been. Until Lake shows up on his job site, that is. Jessica makes you feel. From the thoughts of both Lake and Manning, you become these characters. You feel what they feel. You hurt when they hurt. And you love when they love. Set in the early 90’s it felt as though I was reliving my childhood through these characters. I wanted to rewind time and become Lake by rereading my college book list, spending summers out by the lake at summer camp, and fighting with my sibling who has always made me insecure. This book gets five stars from me!

Something in the Way

Wow! This book didn't have the typical dirty sex that many nowadays do, but it hooked me. Manning, Lake and Tiffany were all complex characters all with their own issues. Who would've thought one little innocent mistake would lead to something so major and life changing. I cannot wait for the next book!

Totally Awesome Start

I read this book in one sitting. I could not put it down. It was that Excellent. I even continued to read even though I had a horrible headache! Really, need I say more? I am tearing into book two right now. Headache and all! If you miss this read , it's a mistake! 💜💜💜

There is definitely something about this book!

I am so glad I picked up this book from Talkbooks 2018. I have been in a reading funk since before the Christmas. So much drama in ones life just makes it almost impossible to feel compassion for anyone else's...especially if ones drama is fictional lol. I would have probably thrown my kindle at the mentioning of how horrible a character thought their life was, but there was something about this one. The cover. The way the model is looking into the distance pulled me in and I am so glad it did. Although I'm almost 20yrs older than the main character, Lake, I felt we had something major in common. Almost everyone around us seemed to know more about us then ourselves. They knew where we were going with our life, how we were getting there, and assumed we would follow every step in perfect rhythm. Like we didn't know that there were options or that we actually had a choice. It was just easier to follow the path laid out for us, or is it? Sometimes it takes someone new, a fresh perspective, to awaken us. Manning is Lakes, and mine as well... Who knew a characters wisdom could cause so much contemplation with the reader. Not only did I feel as small as Lake, naive at times too, but it was like Manning was encouraging us both to take a break while being protective of who we really are. To not compromise our character and know that its okay to face ones fears, try new things, and that sometimes people show love in strange ways. I was so entangled in the push and pull of the characters, that I couldn't put the book down. Literally, I started it when I poured my first cup of coffee and didn't get up from the table till I finished and my coffee cold. It made me forget my coffee!!!! That should say something *wink* I can't wait to see where this is going in the next book! 5 *WINK* Read Book Flirts by Jessi

Love this!!!

Jessica Hawkins is a brilliant author! I read this in 24 hours with hardly any breaks! I didn't even want to sleep. Lol I am buying book 2 right now! This story is so so amazing!

Way too slow. Not worth it.

This book was so incredibly slow I almost stopped reading it at a few different times. Once something finally happened, I had to get the second book to figure out what was going to happen next. I started skimming pages because of how slow it was and it was that way through 3/4 of the book. The story itself is okay. The last 1/4 started to get good, but the beginning was so rough and not being able to find out what happens next unless I buy the next book is a huge let down. I wouldn't have started reading it if I would've known.

Something in the Way

Lake and Manning — oh where to start?? First, I’d like to say I’ve never read a book by this author before. This book was recommended, and so I thought I’d give it a try. This entire book I’m reading and turning page after page just waiting to find out what, if anything, happens between these two! Now there is an age gap and she’s only 16! So on one hand I’m thinking ‘don’t even think about Manning!’ And on the other hand , I’m like but they have such a connection, is he going to cross that line?! I could never have expected to experience such a storyline as this one! Young love is painful, but being in love with someone older is excruciatingly hard to read!! I was torn between thinking this man a predator or just a nice guy who had the bad luck of falling for the wrong person! I know it probably sounds like I think this book was awful, on the contrary, I couldn’t put it down! I’m telling you, you have to find out what’s going to happen next! And when the next thing happens, you’re thinking are you kidding me right now!! Well sadly, I have to say that I will be reading the next book to further torture myself! Jessica Hawkins , I’m screaming obscenities at you even as I type this!! LOL Torture!! Complete and utter torture!! I I loved every word of this book, because isn’t that what a book is supposed to do for you? Make you feel something!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


I get it, the appeal of being in love with someone who was born in the wrong decade, being young, being naïve. That’s the only part I really get. I guess I feel a certain pull towards protecting Lake because I am a single mother of a girl. I am also a woman therefore I can, in some ways, relate to everything happening in Lake’s mind. I got really uncomfortable reading Manning’s tortured thoughts. If he were really a “good guy” he would have left and not looked back. At 23 his pull to a 16 year old, especially a naïve 16 year old with no experience like Lake was just creepy. Becoming her sister’s boyfriend just to be close to her is also creepy. Had they made her 17 and him maybe 20, I guess that wouldn’t have been as creepy. Thank god the author threw in the whole “little sister dying” scenario because that and only that made it a tad bit ok to stomach, but still – eww creepy. I felt like begging Lake to give Corbin a chance, get some experience with dating, then and only then think about Manning, but I know things don’t work that way. I’m guessing the next book is going to open up 2 years later when Lake is 18. Only being from Southern California myself I know that the time you get sentenced to in court is not the time you actually serve. In the real So Cal world, he will be out in a year or maybe even less. I’m not sure if I will read the next book. Maybe I will see what the reviews say before purchasing it. So in a nutshell, I did like the writing, I like the descriptions of both Newport Beach and the USC campus, as I know both like the back of my hand. I loved the era and I got all nostalgic about the music. It really brought back good memories of my youth. I liked the way she described the hard crush Lake had on Manning. It was completely believable and I could relate. I just didn’t like a grown man exploring feelings for such a young girl. I’m sure it happens. I just wouldn’t exactly call him a good guy.


I have to be honest,no matter how much I love a depressing story this one just didn't do for me.Am not one of those a crazy feminist not able to read a book with an alpha male but I am still a feminist and a woman who respects her self and her gender.This books is a NO NO read for me.The heroe was so abusive (not physically) that I was surprised the poor Lake didn't jump off a cliff after everything he put her throught .I bought all the series just of curiosity and without spoiling I assure you he wont change a bit. He disrespects,misleads,lies,betrays and abuses Lake through and through all the series and she is so messed up to the point of not seeing reality anymore. I felt so bad for the girl because in reality women like the heroine exist and endure abuse the same way. It may not touch my dream love cloud but it did touch my tough reality cloud and made my feminist beliefs stronger,therefore the reason I gave 4 stars.*Even thought the author encourages abuse ,the big "love" she presents did't felt like love to me at all but pure obsession on the heroines part and on the heroes not even that. At the end after reading so many pages I left only with one phrase in my mind that I had through all this in mind "Shame for the poor girl".If you buy because you love the theme i described be ready to for a long depressing journey but if you going to buy it for its forbidden romance (which i did) dont ,it not what you're looking for. *My review is writen by my side of view,its your right to disagree with me and I totally respect every opinion.

But I like to wait till the whole series is out and ...

When I heard about this series months ago, I was definitely interested. But I like to wait till the whole series is out and then binge read. A with book 3 releasing last week. I went for it! Let me tell you it is been a while since I blew threw three books of this size this quick. The first book in this series "Something in the Way" was the foundation for series I could not put down. It was gripping, It was heartbreaking, it literally had my stomach in a free-fall the whole time. You meet Lake this young, beautiful, smart, mature girl. She has so much pressure on her shoulders. She meets Manny a man. Older, damaged.. I loved Manny from first time I meet him. Even though the age difference... they just fit no matter what was deemed acceptable or not acceptable. You as a reader will be hooked on their forbidden love. I spent most of the time wanting to through my book at most of the characters... But you know.. That is how drama goes!! This book was un-put-down-able!! I loved it. This is a #MustRead

I did not like Lake

I feel bad with these two stars because this was a well written story, but the h was a terrible teenager with a stupid sense of entitlement. She met a 23 year old before her sister.... so what? Is there a law that states that a man has to love the first woman he meets? For an academic overachiever I was disappointed that she did not possess any common sense. Her actions at the camp, getting into the car after lights out, whining about wanting him to drive her around, taking off her clothes and diving into a lake got that poor man in trouble. At what point was her hormonal actions supposed to show “love”? She did not love that man, she just did not want her sister to date him. As for Manning he was a good guy with really questionable judgement (and taste) but he had no reason to entertain a “friendship” with a 16 year old. His conversations with Tiffany and the way he helped her try to become more than her father saw her were more meaningful. Tiffany was a lost but strong young woman who needed support and I wanted to see her make something of herself, Lake and her whining self could have exited the book early on. She was a junior in high school, she was 16, most importantly she was jail bait in this particular scenario.

An amazing story!

Wow!!! All the feels right now!!! I am speechless. This was such a wonderful story. I love these characters. Lake and Manning. I feel so attached to them. This is a story that just touched my heart and soul. I finished it in one sitting and now I need more!! Highly recommend this book.

On my gosh!

I have read a lot of good romance novels, but this one was excellent. The chemistry between Manning and Lake is so sweet and sensual and hot. I just bought the rest of the series and I can't wait to start reading the 2nd book. I definitely recommend this book and series.

Very slow, overly descriptive read!

This story moves at a snail's pace with so much descriptive add-on's that it repeatedly pushes the reader out of the story. I can't count the number of eyerolls I had during this story, either at the excessive wording or the unbelievable storyline. Manning was drawn to Lake for supposedly protective reasons which occurred out of thin air. And Lake came across as a total child. Yes, she was 16 but with a sister like Tiffany, how could she have been as clueless as she was when it came to guys? There was one instance where she never thought about kissing a guy until Manning. What 16 year old girl NEVER thinks about kissing a guy? And there was so much build up in several scenes that led to absolutely nothing. As a reader, I want that build up to reveal SOMETHING. I want it to hit me like a slap across the face. This book never does that. Although overly wordy, it's well written but instances like I've outlined above is why I can only rate this a 3 star. This story is not one I would re-read or even remember. Hoping the remainder of the series is... just MORE!

🔼Triangle love affair

I like the story I for it for for free but I hate they come with more books after and you have to buy them and they don't even put them for free reading if you have prime. Anyways story is about a 23yr old guy Manning and 16yr old Lake and her older sister Tiffanny. Manning is a construction worker that working on a home next door to Lake and Tiffany home. This story becomes a triangle love affair. Manning likes Lake, but she is too young so he decides to date Tiffanny to be close to Lake. It gets complicated right away. Lake makes a huge mistake that lands Manning in prison for two years. Now we need to find out what happens. It was a good story, but it was kind of dragging for a bit need to keep up the pace faster, but overall is a tragic first time love affair.

I couldn't even read the first chapter. The main ...

I couldn't even read the first chapter. The main character was way too naive. I just could't believe that a 16 year old was that innocent especially compared to her sister.

First Love + Forbidden Feelings = Epic Romance

Lake and Manning's story begins and I am left enticed, stunned and craving more. Plan on having your emotions go on a crazy roller coaster ride as this poignant tale brings all the feels that you will be able to handle. This slow simmering romance burns hot and the emotions are deep. It is a story of desire, pain, attraction, angst, heartache, guilt, frustration, tenderness, soulmates, the cruelty of fate and love. These characters are layered and complex. Lake is sweet, smart, loyal and naïve, this means that she embraces her feelings and loves with her whole heart . Manning is a charmer and a genuine good guy that is struggling to do the right thing while a war rages between his heart and his head. A truly remarkable read! This is book one of four and yes, Lake and Manning's journey will pick up and continue in book two.

What happens to the sisters now, Tiffany is definite upset about Lake

Manning Sutter was a man in pain over the past and he was working next door on a construction site for Mr. Kaplan, who had 2 daughters Tiffany the oldest was being rebellious because her father paid more attention to his younger daughter Lake that was a straight A student, and he maid sure she did everything she could for her future. Lake was so unlike her sister but they were a lot alike. Lake and Tiffany have their own ideas about Manning. But Manning was only trying to help the sisters he thought. Unfortunate for Manning. Storyline was very interesting. The characters were well rounded. Suspense romance. Cliff hanger. Book one of the series. I purchased this book. I am providing an honest review.

Review of Something in the Way, 1

Something in the Way, 1 JESSICA HAWKINS Review by Roy Murry, Author If you are into Romance novels, this series you may want to start reading. I sometimes go to the genre for a look see. Okay, I admit it, I am a Romantic. I found this novel a little irritable because one of the characters is sixteen or her sister who is nineteen don't have their brains working correctly. The elder does what she wants but doesn't know what she wants. The younger falls in love with a twenty-three-year-old hunk and thinks she knows what she wants with her psychologically screwed up mind brought on by her father's control. She is thinking out of her box she was put in for the last sixteen years. This forbidden love gets her and all around her in trouble with an ending that reflects it. Child abuse is what comes to my mind by her father and a hunk that should have never entered their lives. Both he and her father should have known better, leaving the young lady alone. The novel devils into many emotions which keeps the reader on edge. Young love is complicated, and this beginning of a series does an excellent job in setting the pace by frustratingly playing with those emotions.

10+ AMAZING stars!!!

Where do I even start??? Jessica, Jessica!!! So, Lake is 16 years old when she meets Manning at the construction site next to her house. She feels attached to him but doesn’t really understand it too well. It’s the first time that she’s aware of a foreign feelings in her body, her heart is beating faster, the excitement, anxiety, confusion. All of it. But then her older sister Tiffany meets him as well and that’s where everything starts to fall apart. “I loved him before I knew the true meaning of the word.” "It wasn't fair. I'd seen him first. I'd had him first." Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany….I just can’t get past some of her actions but as much as she annoys me I can see why she behaves the way she does. And Manning, wow, wow, WOW!!! He feels the attraction to Lake but her age is a HUGE roadblock for him. So he befriends her and Tiffany because he realizes that to Tiffany is the venue by which he can be close to Lake. My heart broke a couple of times for Lake during this story but also for Manning and Lake because you could feel the attraction yet there was nothing, as much as they wanted it, that nothing was going to happen. “Someone else would be her first love. Some other man would be the first to cherish her. The first to ruin her. It couldn’t be me.”

I hate Lake!!

I hate Lake. Her character was confusing and irritating. the author tried to paint her sister and the selfish self absorbed one, and Lake, the innocent, good girl. It didn’t work for me. Tiffanni was being her self, and Lake was the manipulative, self centered one. I think I realize why I don’t read YA. The characters are never authentic to their age. I mean the little girl manipulate, do things which bad intentions and even masturbates to Manning. But someway somehow doesn’t get why she can’t hangout with him. At the end of the day she’s an entitled, rich whiter girl who’s gonna cause this man his freedom because she wanted to do whatever she wanted and wouldn’t listen.

5 out of 5

I don't usually read YA books, and this definitely falls in that category, but I've seen so much hype about book 4 coming out that I had to give in and book 1 was free, so what's to lose? It was a fantastic book. Hawkins can write some dialogue. And her inner thoughts, wow. Lake and Manning were just perfect. Completely perfectly, star crossed, angsty, giving, selfless people. And tiffany, you can try to make her as likable as you want, I still just hate her. Period. It ended with the H/h still not together and I don't think book 2 does either. Why does she have to be 16? 4 books? That's a lot to wade through to get to a hea. Shoot, any together.


Sensational! This book is absolutely sensational. Jessica Hawkins has created a story that is filled with so much emotion and angst. Just thinking about this book has my stomach in nots{In a good way}. This is by far one of the most angsty books I have ever read. Lake and Manning y'all I'm at a loss of words to describe how truly just incredible they are. You have got to experience this book for yourself. I loved it. The emotions this book brought out is wonderful. I am in awe of this book and of Jessica Hawkins! It is Absolutely incredible. The ending had me immediately picking up book two. Trust me when I say this is a series you need in your life. I will forever recommend this book and series.

Confusing subject matter, I was scared for Lake

Manning is a 23 year old construction working, doing his job in a very affluent neighborhood. Lake (16 yrs old) and her older sister Tiffany (19 yrs old) befriend Manning but for different reasons . Tiffany is a very privileged young woman who has no direction in her life outside of partying and random hookup. Lake is a highly intelligent overachiever who likes Manning then has a crush on him. Manning talks about his dead sister and his need to protect Lake. But his desires become more for this child, it's very disturbing she is 7 years younger then him. He says she reminds him of his sister, most brother don't think sexual thought about their sister. Not a fan of this being ok , between a man and innocent child.

... was the first book I can honestly say I loved! I randomly found this on facebook ad as ...

I have never read a book over again and this was the first book I can honestly say I loved! I randomly found this on facebook ad as a recommendation. I have told two other people to read it and they loved it too! Im rooting for Lake and Manning somehow!!!!!

I don't even know what to say...

So good yet so wrong but so right??? I cannot wait to see what time will bring to Mwake and Mannings relationship. It's kind of strange for me because I've been with my boyfriend for 8 years now and we have an 8 year age gap. We started dating when I was 25 so obviously not as taboo as Manning and Lake. But we frequently say how weird it is that I was say 14 when a significant event happened and he would have been 22. It is a bit creepy that he has such strong feelings for a young girl but I know with time a maturity on Lakes part that the age gap will not be so significant. I think that this book was done tastefully given the sensitive topics involved. I'm excited to read the next book!

Five Stars

Love this book! But definitely have the next book downloaded when you get close to finishing this one. Side note - I barely every write reviews but think this book deserves it 100%! After reading the whole series (in a week mind you) I am in LOVE with this series! Talk about keeping you on the edge of your seat. I could not have gotten through this whole series without having the next book ready and downloaded when I was close to finishing the one before. HIGHLY recommend.

Love Triangle Cliffhanger

After reading the White Monarch series it took a while to recover from that book hangover. I wanted to read more from Hawkins because she has a talent for bringing angsty stories to life. This book did not disappoint but was immensely frustrating. I GET WHY there is that hesitation. The games that are being played are going to devastate a relationship that is forming. I ALMOST feel bad for Tiffany. She is not as oblivious as everyone thinks. Someone is bound to get burned in the end. I think I know where this story is leading and it makes me not want to continue because it is so frustrating, but I also want to see how it all unfolds.


Lake, Manning, and Tiff have something strange. This was one heck of a love triangle. I felt for Lake but also was angry at Manning. HOWEVER, I did meet my husband when I was 16 and he was 24. So the age gap wasn't too hard to believe. It's just socially wrong and what not. I understand the struggle. Age is a number, it's the maturity at that age that is what you should look at.

Sad first love

This is a story of a young crush that just doesn't stop. Lake is 16 and very sheltered. Manning is 23 and has seen more in life than he has ever wanted. Tiffany is Lake's older sister, who is selfish and has always hid behind her beauty. Lake is under a lot of pressure from her father to always be the good one and Tiffany is the bad girl of the family - not intentionally, she just isn't what her father wants her to be. Lake has an incredible crush on Manning and he is trying hard not to return her feelings - he knows he is too old for her and his past makes him feel like will never be good for her. Tiffany is much closer to his age and is definitely interested in him, mainly to one-up Lake. Manning struggles with his feelings for Lake and Tiffany. The 3 spend the summer together and along the way Manning becomes attached to Tiffany too, but mostly because if he keeps her close it is the guise he needs to keep Lake close - it wouldn't be suspicious if he is close to his gf's little sister. This is a sad story and very very well written. Ends on a cliffhanger.


10 LOVE/HATE STARS!!! Oh do I start....this is one of the best, most complicated stories I have read in a long time. You will love it and hate it, there is so much emotions and taboo going on you can't put it down. I absolutely love Lake, the 16 year old sister, her young life is prepared for her already. Tiffany her sister is 19 years old, well let's just say spoiled and is completely opposite of Lake. Manning is so dreamy, protective, sexy, bad boy all the way, just perfect. Manning meets Lake and Tiffany and both girls like Manning. I know it is wrong, but I was pulling for Lake to win Manning. This book ends with a cliffhanger, so please bring on the next book.

Very Good!

Well written, attention grabbing, page turner, etc.! And I really don't like cliffhangers and "to be continued" books! But this is too exceptional to skip the next one. Thanks, Jessica Hawkins, hours well spent!

... book but most definitely not my last as this sweet story as sucked me completely in and I must ...

My first Jessica Hawkins book but most definitely not my last as this sweet story as sucked me completely in and I must finish the series :). Cliffhanger?-check (not a monster one but yes), Angst?-check, sexy in a very understated way?-Check. Manning sees something in Lake that just calls to him but he knows that he can't go near her. She is only 16 and he is 23. But sometimes, those sparks can't be contained despite knowing the right thing to do. Despite this, Manning keeps his distance physically but emotionally, he gets tied in knots. The sign of a good man is what lengths he will go through to protect those he cares about and Manning is good to the core! I look forward to reading the rest of their story!

What a story!

I absolutely loved this book! I wasn't exactly sure what to expect going in, but within a few pages I was totally absorbed. Lake is a great female lead. Though she is young, she's identifiable and easy to like. Manning is probably a top ten book boyfriend for me now. He's got a heart of gold even when it sometimes might not seem like it. I don't want to give anything away, so I'll just say the chemistry, the angst, the anticipation; it's all spectacular. I'm very much looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

Book Hangover Level Epic!!!

I was told I had to read this book by Kindle Cracked Books Review and she was right again! 5 huge stars that still has be trying to recover. Manning and Lake are probably the best written star crossed characters I have ever read. I was internally cringing at how much I wanted something to happen at the same time I knew in so many ways Manning was doing the right thing! Even though it killed me as much as reading how much it was killing Manning and even though I knew that his reasoning was based in such a place of pain...I still wanted it!! Then DISASTER happens and I was hiding in the back with Lake crying like it was happening to me!!!!And Tiffany!!!Manning is so good about seeing more toh her that I actually felt bad that I really hate her...and I have theories that she is much more devious than anyone gives her credit for, but I'm hope next book gives me some validation!


I am SO glad I waited until this whole series was out before I dove in. That being said, I probably wouldn't have pushed thru. This is VERY much a set up for epic. I can see that and know that but the beginning and middle, it was so so slow. It was almost boring, but not. I know that doesn't make sense ... It was probably slow bc Lake is young, and while 16 isn't that young ... she reads even younger. She is told what to do and how to live and what to study before she is even close to college age, she just is naive. The story of how Manning and Lake connect - it doesn't read wrong. It is very innocent. A friendship, his is protective, and hers is a crush - a hole for the love. The book ends with a huge cliffhanger.


I have heard alot about this book and thought I would give it a try. At first it was hard for me to get Into it because tiffany and lake seemed very immature and annoying. But I guess that's what 18 and 16 year olds act like. I had to change my mindset alittle because I was looking at them as 13 and 15 year olds. They would bicker like they wete babies.Manning seemed a little odd. At 23 he seemed very mature but then when it came to Lake, he seemed to change to a teenager. He dropped down to her level. I kept ready because the story interested me and I am glad I did. I feel like as I got further into the book I became hooked. I am not used to this "slow" love story. And it also brought me back to when stories used to be simple since it's taken place in the early 1990s. I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read the next one.


This is amazing story! It is first in series but i cannot stop until i know end. Tiffany is Lake's older sister who is the center of attention. Lake is in high school and one day she meets Manning who is doing construction next door. There are immediate attraction between Manning and Lake but Manning kept distance because of her age. Tiffany on other hand has no problem flirting with him. Lake tells Manning about a camp looking for counselors for Summer. Lake will be there so of course Tiffany has to go. One night Manning is leaving to go to store and Lake gets in truck. The next day the cops show up and take Manning in for questioning. Will he be able to prove innocence? What will happen with Tiffany and Manning? What about Lake?

Don't get it twisted, this is a slow burn with no sex- but extremely addictive nonetheless

The characters were relatable, interesting, and the setting made me yearn for the 90's in a way that nothing has in a very long time. Moral conflict and situational ethics abound in this story, so naturally I loved it and can't wait to read the next installment. I'm not going to rush out and buy the other two just yet (like with the possession series that lost so much steam by the 3rd book I wondered how I made it to the finish line). I'm just going to take it one at a time, and so should you. If a slower pace bothers you, keep walking. But if you're down for the long haul, if it's written well and compelling enough, than this is the book for you.

Forbidden Love - Part 1 Lake + Manning

I love a great romance with a touch of taboo, and forbidden romance definitely hits that mark. Age doesn’t make much difference after a certain point, but it does when she’s 16 and he’s 23! She has school girl fantasies and he won’t allow himself to ho down that path, but keeps her close, protected and as innocent as he can. His secret of having lost once, he won’t repeat. He’ll live in hell before sacrificing the virgin, so to speak. No matter their connection, timing matters, especially for Lake & Manning. Fabulous first book of a four book saga.

Don’t bother

Manning was a total disappointment. I can’t say this enough- skip these books. They are not worth the time. Manning is a waste of time. Skip it.

Lake and Manning For The Win

This story is beautiful. Jessica is a new to me author and I just fell in love with her writing style and characters so much. She gives the perfect amount of angst, emotions, and love between her characters you cant help but love them and want them to be real. Its beautiful and touching at the same time. I love Manning and Lake as characters.This story pulls at your heart and mind and you definitely want the next one handy so you can start it right away. The story is slow paced, but Jessica does it in such a way that you just want to keep reading as the characters grow not only as people but more in love as well. I cant wait to read more from this author and see what happens next in this series.

So Much In The Way, I Just Want To Cry!

This book is just amazing. I read Somebody Else's Sky in a little over 12 hours and now I'm left broken. I could cry. Yes, this book makes me want to cry. I just knew that things were not going to go well, and that's an understatement. You know you shouldn't look, but you just can't help yourself. The storyline is just like a train wreck in slow motion. There is just "Too Much In The Way" for all of the main characters. You want so much for things to work themselves out, but not yet, I guess. Lake saw Manning first and she deserves to have him. Hope is all I have left until Book 3 is available. Oh the wait is going to excruciating. I need Book 3 now! Thanks so much writing such a heart breaking, heart wrenching series, Ms Hawkkins. I love your work!


This is my first book by Jessica Hawkins and when I read the blurb and the reviews, I was utterly captivated. I was not misled. This angsty love triangle between Lake and Manning and Tiffany had me laughing, living it, and then crying and pulling my hair out. I felt everything Lake did, I had been Lake once. I had older sisters who were able to do more and take away from me. This book will gut you. And leave you with just enough hope that things will work out for the star crossed lovers. You have to wait for the next book to find out their fate. It is one of the best books I've read!

Teenage fantasy

I hated how the author jumped characters by narrarating the storyline. I found it to be poorly written about teenage drama. The ending was a huge disappointment and not realistic or believable. Written as teenage fantasy than realistic. I would not subject ,myself to any follow on series,

Enjoyed the story, did not like the age gap

This was a well written story that I enjoyed. However, I had a really hard time getting over the age gap between the 2 main characters. If manning continued to only have protective brotherly feelings for Lake in this first story, then I would have been fine with it. However, having a 23 year old man having sexual feelings for a 16 year old was disturbing and gross. It would have been better if the author had kept him a bit younger to keep things from seeming so pedophile-ish. Other than the age gap, I really did like manning. Lake got on my nerves a bit since she continued to go after manning despite the fact that she could get him thrown in jail and that he was kind of dating her sister


This book caught me, hook, line, and sinker. I was trapped from beginning to jaw dropping end. Fantastic read! I definitely recommend it!!

Don't miss this one !

I could "feel" the was instant..strong...insane... but it was so real....I love sexy romance stories. This is not a sexy romance book but it is a real romance none the less. I love this story...I cannot wait to start book 2 ! Jessica Hawkins knows how to write "romance" Bravo !!

he wasn't bad at all

I've had this book in my tbr for a while but, I never got a chance to read it. Until now. While I read this book in one sitting, I didn't really get all the hype. Lake was a very immature child playing at maturity. Tiffany was just plain irritating. And, Manning, well, he wasn't bad at all. I feel with these two walking disaster sisters he got dealt a very crappy hand. I did enjoy the author's writing and I am curious enough to read the rest in the series, if only to see if Lake and Manning get their HEA and Tiffany gets a real large dose if reality. So, overall a good read, 3.95 star rating.

The best book I've ever read!!

Wow. I am reeling! I wish I felt like this review would express my feelings adequately enough to share how much I LOVED IT, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt my words would fall short. Jessica Hawkins, you are a master story teller, and I don't know that I will ever recover from the feelings and emotions these books gave me. Something in the way, and it's sequel, have now become my new FAVORITE books! I am an avid reader with plenty to compare them to. I won't get into this painfully forbidden love story with any details, JUST DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND READ THESE BOOKS!!!


I loved this book! So full of angst and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Warning it does end in a cliffhanger! So if you’re not a fan of those maybe wait until the entire series is out. I loved Lake. She just seems like a sweet and innocent person who really cares about everyone. And I loved Manning because he’s sexy, tough and he protective of Lake. He even gets protective of Tiffany which I didn’t like as much but it shows the kind of guy he is. He finally feels like he has people has can be there for. Can’t wait for book two!

I read the whole saga twice in one week

I don’t normally review the books that I read, and I have read an awful lot of books. But this series has given me the urge to write. I am a sucker for a great love story, especially one that targets young adults. So this saga is nothing short of amazing. The love that the two caharacrers share is admirable. Jessica Hawkins not only wrote this love story with grace, but she makes you feel like you’re in it, along for the amazing ride that is Lake and Manning. After I read the saga, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was on my mind constantly, so I read it again. I read the whole saga twice over in just one week. So if you were having doubts, I hope this helps make up your mind. Prepare yourself for a love story that will follow you even after you read the last word of the last book. Prepare yourself for a sexy, toe curling romance that you won’t want to put down. And prepare yourself for this young adult masterpiece that Jessica Hawkins has produced. I just have one question: who is going to play Manning in the movie?

Bing worthy Book series

Congratulations to Jessica Hawkins, this is the first book in a long time that I missed sleep to read. I loved the anticipation and drama she created with the characters in this story. I found myself thinking about the characters long after I put the book down (and that was not often). I did not want to do anything else but read this book. There were a few times though I was a bit mad at the author for how the story unfolded, but I hung in there. Ms. Hawkins created characters that I grew to care about want could not wait to learn more about. I am so glad that there was more to the story in book 2.

Speechless. I am absolutely speechless. I've been CONSUMED ...

Speechless. I am absolutely speechless. I've been CONSUMED by this book the last few days and I'm still reeling from this epic story. I can't wait to see where Jessica Hawkins is taking this. I'm sure I'll have mini heart attacks along the way, but I'm so ready for it.

Life Goes On

Two sisters one man.Does he love them both or love one he can't have and staying close to the other sister because that's the only way to be close to the love he really wants.This book made me cry.I want true love to win but right now I don't no.I'm heading to book #2.Way to go Jessica Hawkins keep me on my toes be cause this was Dynamite.

Manning Sutter, stole my heart.

This book is such a delicious slow burn. The detail in the story and the characters had me completely consumed. I devoured every page of Something In The Way. Jessica Hawkins delivers a breathtaking story. It's a beautiful coming of age, first love, can't eat-can't sleep-reach for the stars-slow burn romance. Book 1 in this series is setting the tone for an unbelievable epic love story. At least, I hope and pray this is a love story...


That was...such a good story. It threw me back in time to being young and 16...all the raging hormones and what not. The raw, honest emotions reached in a squeezed my heart so many times in this book. The inner struggle Manning experienced was so intense, and heart wrenching. I cannot wait to see what has happened to Manning and Lake, especially now that she will be changed from everything that happened. CANNOT WAIT TO KEEP READING!!! P.S. he sound hot AF. My teenage self would have been a puddle too...just sayin


Yes, i love character development,but this was to the point of boring. Great story line, but I found myself skipping pages of boring descriptions of pointless information, just to get to some dialogue, or anything that would move the story foreward. I was very much interested in the ending, even though a lot of parts dragged on, so I just stuck with it.

⭐️ ⭐️

I got this book because everyone on FB said it was great and they couldn’t put it down. I put it down after every chapter because I was disappointed it didn’t get better. To me this book was really about nothing and could’ve been 3 chapters in a book. It dragged on way too long.

Page turner!!

Wow! Couldn’t put it down! Absolutely loved it! I’m not usually an angst fan, but this authors writing is brilliant. The story is prepping you, the reader, for something huge! I can’t wait!

Very Intrigued

Lake is the good girl. She does everything that is expected of her; good grades and basically everything her father expects of her. When she meets Manning a crush develops and it changes everything for her. Her world starts to open up and she starts taking the blinders off. I felt she became more aware of how her sister is treated. I believe she also starts to see that her father is controlling her. I like that the author took this down the slow burn route. Lake is young and fresh and I believe at this point she is in serious “LIKE” with Manning. Not to say that this won’t become more but the author didn’t rush it and make it skeevy. Tiffany is the sister that doesn’t have a clear path and her father has washed his hands of her. In my opinion the girl’s father is a pig. Instead of nurturing the uniqueness in each daughter he put one over the other. In some ways I feel that Tiffany should feel lucky. She is a free spirit and if she had shown any signs of academic perfection her father would have controlled her too. Now I know that most readers see Tiffany as bratty but I feel she is very lost and needs to know her worth. Meeting Manning is starting to open her eyes to the fact that she can have more and be more. I am hoping that the sisters come together and find their way. Manning has suffered through tragedy and at this point he is just getting by. He is working construction but his goal is to become a cop. Meeting the girls brings out the protective nature in him. He feels drawn to both girls for different reasons. I feel at this point in the story he is just trying to help them see their worth and protect them. Feelings are starting to develop but he works pretty d*** hard to fight that pull. I am excited to get my hands on book two. I am very curious as to where the author is going with that ending. Well done!

Beware Cliff Hanger!

I did really like the book, but I really don't like the cliff hangers. I understand this is a series, but so many books, and with the first one we are hardly into the story. I just feel the investment is too much. My opinion I know, but I can read so many more books for this price and not be left on the edge at the end of each book, so I have to buy the next, no thanks!

I love the way Ms

Get Hooked with “Something in the Way” I am already hooked, but I will have to wait to buy the next two books in Jessica Hawkins’ Something in the Way book series. I love the way Ms. Hawkins gives the relationships depth and realistic chaos. We all know that people are not consistent. The author captured the emotional fluctuations of choices. This coming of age store fallows; Lake, her older sister Tiffany and the man they both fall for. She is very successful at showing that age is not equal adulthood. It isn’t often that we see authors show this level of psychological knowledge of adolescence. The family dynamics and the resulting trauma feels so believable and right for the story. I found myself wanting to pull Lake and Tiffany’s parents out of the book and show them the trauma they were causing. Manning is the character I identified with the most. I have major childhood trauma and have found a way to use my survival skills to help others. I can’t wait to have the budget to get the next two books.

Something in the Way

The synopsis had me extremely intrigued, and made me wonder how the story was going to do. Lake and Manning had me binge reading. I read the book in just a few days. The characters meshed well together and especially Lake and Manning were ying and yang. With Manning 23 and Lake at 16 I gripped to every page to see how this relationship would turn out. The only reason I gave it 4 stars was because it was basically a cliffhanger.

I have the worst book hangover

My review won't even do this series justice. I have the worst book hangover, that I never saw coming. A must read emotionally riveting original romantic story. The romantic gestures, and the sexy dialogue had me breathless. The drop dead gorgeous characters made me swoon many times. The emotional journey these books took me on was so intense one minute laugh out loud the next, along with those times I could feel their pain. I highly recommend this series.

OMG! It hurts!

My first read with Jessica Hawkins, and she's killing me. 😭😭😭 This book left me with so many emotions. I don't know how I'm going to continue reading this series. The end left me bawling my eyes out. The age gap is not bad, but because she's a minor everything is so freaking hard. Can Manning and Lake just get their happy ending? 😭😭

Enjoyed It

I enjoyed this book. I will purchase the next in the series. Some parts are a bit "corny". The reasons that the main male character likes Lake (because he wants someone to protect and wants to feel like someone needs him) seems over the top and a bit childish and times.

Great read

Wow.... I don't even know where to begin. This book is absolutely amazing! These characters are what make Jessica Hawkins stand out from other authors. She delivers you a story that has so much emotion and angst behind it. I fell in love with Manning and Lake from the very begining. I wanted them to get everything, but could understand the complications. My heart was always one beat from jumping out of my chest. The chemistry between them is everything! "You can't move the stars. Manning and I were inevitable." And that ending, wow! Way to just leave our hearts bleeding. I need to get started on the next book. Great read!

A very taboo love triangle

Something In The Way isn't a story meant for everyone. The live triangle is wrong on many levels yet right at the same time. If as a reader you don't like taboo triangles such as two sisters going for same guy, then this book isn't for you. Despite the fact I liked seeing how the relationships differ, I know many will not like that one of the females is a minor. Look forward to seeing how this story unfolds. The cliffhanger definitely leaves unanswered questions.

Five Stars

Loved this series!

Slow book

This book was slow, I almost quit reading it. I only stuck with it because I paid for the series and it came highly praised. I hope the rest of the series is better than this book. I could care less about any of the characters, they had no depth, the storyline dragged.

5 Beautiful Stars!

Hands down, Jessica Hawkins writes the most beautiful stories. Thoughtful and intense...Something in the Way took me on an emotional rollercoaster. The writing is flawless, the characters are real, and the story grabbed me from the start and kept me reading long into the night. Manning and Lake were perfect. On the surface they're polar opposites, but their deep, forbidden connection was evident from the beginning. I felt their joy and their pain, and hated for the book to end! I need more, and can't wait for the next in the series!

I don't usually review, but.....

Anyone who as ever thought they were less than or had to live up to others expectations NEEDS to read this book. Beautifully written. Lake, Manning and Tiffany are probably three of the most relatable characters I've ever read.

Book Hangover

This series is truly a slow burn and you want want to put the book down read. Lake and Manning have an epic love story that is one of love at first sight with the love of your life. Jessica Hawkins has blended several obstacles into this forbidden love story of Lake and Manning. Don't miss this series!

Sometimes Innocence Is A Gift, Until It Isn't !!!

Experiences of life and love are their own teachers !! This is a poignant journey into the whats and the whys !!

Loved it !

This was a quick read with relatable characters. It had just the right amount of steam to keep me interested and absolutely in love with the protagonist!

So good! That's all I can say!

I loved this book so stinkin' much! This isn't even a genre I typically read (paranormal romance usually) but I super, duper loved it! I read them all in 3 days! They were gut-wrenching. Ripped my heart out, stomped on it, tore it in half, put it back together and reinserted it into my chest by the end. Ugh! So, so good!

Love the whole series!! Must read

This book series was something else. I mean I managed to read all the books in less then 72 hours because I couldn’t put it down. So emotional and well written. The story line might trip some people up but it’s a book and books can go places that aren’t acceptable in real life and this one treaded on that line but very well. So many twist and turns you never knew what to expect next!! Love love the whole series!

All the stars!!!!

Why did I wait so long to read this book?! Omg I could not put this down! Lake and Manning have this way about them. Both scared to show their true feelings, but neither are able to hide them. My heart has fell and soared so many times while reading! The beauty of Jessica's words and her flawless writing weave a wonderful tale of first love and heartbreak that will have any girl clutching her heart!

OMG! The best book I've read in a LONG time!

I fell in love with this story in chapter 1. I wanted to read faster to find out what happens next. I wanted to slow down and savor each detail. I didn't put the first book down. I couldn't wait to buy the 2nd in the series. Well developed characters you can't help but love. The story took twists I didn't see coming. The rollercoaster ride was thrilling! It's not your typical love story, and it's not just the retelling of the "same old- same old". I could see the characters. I could smell the sunshine. I could feel the heart break.... JUST WOW! 5 stars is not enough!! Once I finished book 1 I texted all my friends to tell them they had to read the book because I couldn't keep this to myself. It's been such a long time since I've fallen in love with characters like I did with this book.

Good Book

This is a good book with a huge cliffhanger. I completely did not see it coming. Can't wait for the next book.

Oh, young love!

I love love love this book!! I can’t even guess how this series is going to end but my heart is rooting for Lake and Manning! I devoured this book in on day and I can’t wait to read how things continued and where everyone ended up. My heart is racing and I can’t concentrate on anything else expect the next book, haha. So, so good! Definitely a must read!! I’m off to devour book two!


A really good book with a few complications the characters have to work through. I spent the entire book excited, clenching my teeth, and crying. Definitely worth the read. Excited to see where the story goes.


This was my first book by this author but it won't be my last. Can't wait to finish the series. Manning and Lake are drawn to each other. Manning is 23 and knows that Lake, 16 is off limits. He is able to keep his distance physically, but emotionally Lake is breaking him down. She is slowly bringing him back to life after a terrible tragedy. But there is nothing Manning wouldn't do to protect those he cares about.

Incredible and moving

Jessica Hawkins is quickly becoming one of my all time favorite authors. This book is moving and emotional, and I am totally hooked on this series now!

Five Stars

absolutely heartbreaking wonderful

I've been looking.

Books this good only come around once in awhile and after reading horribly written, corny "alpha male" romances this hits the spot like a breath of fresh air. I love it. Read it.

Devoured it

Hated their situation but loved reading it. Their story grabbed me and wouldn't let go. I felt bad for Tiffany but also didn't like her at the same time. I really want Manning to get his head on right so he'd just stop hurting all three of them. Tell Lake he'll wait for her. I love how much I hate this. Can't wait to read book 2!!!!


What an amazing book!! I was glad I waited for book three to start Lake and Manning's story because I wouldn't have wanted to wait for more. Great twist on a sweet love story!

Just what I needed.

Loved this book and the characters. It is refreshing and can’t wait to continue the series.

A Must Read

This is one of my favorite YA box sets. Jessica Hawkins outdid herself when she wrote Lake and Mannings story that spanned over 25 years from teen angst and heartbreak to an adult love like no other from the first time they laid eyes on each other.

I absolutely love Lake and Manning

I have over 1,200 books on my Kindle and a few stick with me and i can't get them out of my head. The book is definitely one of them. Jessica Hawkins has a way a building a story slowly but keeps you so engaged you can't put it down. I absolutely love Lake and Manning. Both are strong, Lake for not giving up on her feelings and knowing they have a special bond and Manning for being strong and doing the right thing. I will reading book 2 asap!!!

All the things you hope it would be? it's more!

This book is one you HAVE to read. I need a signed paperback!!!! It was so beautifully done, every little interaction thought our and perfect. I was falling in love all the way through. My heart broke at the end!! I can. Not. Wait. For book 2!!!!!

Important to know: That this is the 1st in a series and ends with a dismal cliff hanger

I would not have read this very well written book had I realized it would have such an abrupt ending. I like series , but those composed of stand alone books. These tend to make me angry rather than enticed to go to the next one. Curious though I am, I don't know that I will buy the others for that reason. Karla B.


What an amazing ride! I loved it! So many emotions all over the place. I couldn’t put it down. My stomach would hurt sometimes. To love someone so much and not be able to express it. I felt for Lake. I could totally relate to her feelings. A great read. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series. I can’t to see where Lake and Manning go.

Emotional overload here we go...

I hated this story so bad but I freaking loved it so hard. This book made me cry at a few places and made me mad, tempted to stop reading because I felt so helpless for Lake and Manning's situation. I wasn't 100% comfortable with the age difference but I did like the story. But that damn cliffhanger... grrrr... Now I need to read the second book stat!

Five Stars

LOVED IT, have read all 3 books, and waiting on the 4th one.

Cliffhanger Alert

I'm not a huge fan of hitting the pause button on a story once it has built so much momentum. I'm anxious to see what happens next but invested enough to wait until next month. Realllllly relieved they didn't cross the lines I thought they were going to, yet still built the necessary tension to propel the plot line. Come on, May 2017!

Manning and Lake

I liked these together, Manning and Lake that is. Her sister not so much. I knew there was going to be an issue with them being friends and that ending.

Too drawn out

This series was a love hate for me. I really liked the details and the storyline however, I thought it was way too drawn out. It should have only been one, MAYBE two books tops.

Great book!!

Can’t wait for the rest of this series!! Good storyline so far!! Would recommend to anyone that likes this type of book!!

A Must Read Series!

Obsession with Something in the Way... Lake and Manning doesn’t even come close to describing how in love I am with this series. I like to post my review on book 1 so everyone knows if they should read it! What I love most about this story is it’s realistic. Love, heartbreak, bad timing, overbearing parents... something is always in the way. Quit the book you’re reading... NOW... start this series. You won’t regret it.

Wow !!! This book utterly consumed me. A forbidden love that will leave you tortured in the best way possible.

I had no clue what this book was about but the title hinted at what I thought would be a good read but it was more than that. A forbidden love that would make most instantly cringe, scoff at, turn their noses and immediately condemn. But I fell I fell in love with it because it was just written so well you could feel the emotions even when they weren't said,weren't acted upon. But it was there impalpable. A "villain" yup that's what I'm calling her. I wanted to rip her to shreds. I can't even talk about it without wanting to throat punch someone. That selfish self absorbed little.... I could keep going here... But Manning and Lake oh these two I absolutely loved them. The innocence of Lake, the protectiveness of Manning. From the get go I felt them right down to my bones. I wanted it I begged for it while reading this book. But man oh man nothing worthwhile comes easily and you need patience. The slow buildup because it just had to be that way but you knew something was starting to burn. I knew it couldn't happen I knew it had to wait. It was that wait that Oh god oh god the fluttery feelings that something could be happening but it's too soon it's not time but you want it to happen even though you know it shouldn't not right now because the slow spark will end up becoming an inferno that could destroy so much. I know that's vague but when you read this you will understand it. And the ending oh gawd I'm dying I need more I'm talking like I need my next breath. I loved this book

My first...

This is the first book I've read by Jessica Hawkins, and I'm sold!! The characters are written beautifully flawed and you think you know what is coming around the next corner, surprise. I loved this book.

Disappointed with the ending

I enjoyed the bulk of this book. The characters were well developed and the plot was believable. My disappointment was in the ending which was more of a cliffhanger than a real story ending. I realize that is a great way to get people to buy the next book in the series but it doesn’t work for me. I will not be reading the next book.


Wow!!! This book went in a direction I wasn’t expecting and I absolutely loved it!!! A little taboo is good for the soul!! This is a must read!

Read this book!

Jessica Hawkins is an amazing author who has brought this story to life. I was filled with so much emotion that I know Something in the Way will stay with me for a long time. It has forbidden feelings, sweetness, pressure to be the best, envy, pain and tears and fate-don't forget fate it's a bitch!!

Love it

Love the characters and the story is very intriguing. Even though you get to know a lot more of each character, her sister was too much. I guess when you really want to punch a character in the face is because the book is too good. Waiting for the next one.

Excellent reading!

This book keeps you pulled in-I couldn’t put it down! I’m looking forward to book #2! A great author, and I love series!


Meh. Great writing. Wasn’t anything exciting at all in the story. With the review really expected more. I won’t be reading the other books

Like a time warp

It was amazing going back to 1993. Since the 90s were my childhood, I felt like I was there with Lake and Manning. The details in their story were so vivid. The story read a little slow for me but I think that's because I was trying to absorb so much of it. I just one clicked the series and I doubt I will be disappointed.

You got me

Dang it!! The book didn't mention that it was a trilogy or whatever at least I didn't see that anywhere. Its a good story that was slightly dragged out. I'm sure it could have all been one book. Not buying part 2

Good storyline and characters at the start but lost its punch with too many words and the plot became way too ridiculous.

Started strong but then the dialogue dragged on needlessly, the emotions were already there’s. Then the story line went off the rails and it took a lot of effort to finish the book.

100 stars if I could!

WOW! This book was so amazing! I love a good slow burn story and this was it! Manning is so everything!! Gah! What a fantastic read! It's one of those books you can't wait to read as fast as you can, but at the same time want to slow down to savor every bit of the emotions and feelings! AH! loved it!

I'm taking a risk by reading book two because I think this series has the potential to be great.

A burn that's as SLUGGISH as a snail. As a matter of fact, the spark fails to even catch fire before the end of book one. However, I'm taking a risk by reading book two because I think this series has the potential to be great.


Wow what a way to start a series! This story makes you think back to your teen years when you want to be a grown up and make grown up decisions but life has a way of telling you to slow your roll. Poor Manning, Lake and Tiffany. What a hot mess! I look forward to part 2.


It's not illegal to drive around a 16 year old. Depending on the state it may be illegal to have sex with one. Usually I don't think 16 year olds want to hang out with older men, but sometimes it does happen. Manning kept saying it was a bad idea for them to hang out but he went against his own feelings. He could have said straight out, I can't hang out with you because you are too young and it is not acceptable. He didn't. He plead guilty to a crime he didn't commit to not have to bring her into it. That is so stupid! Again, it is not illegal to drive around with a teen. I would forget him anyway because of his insistence on trying to date the sister, who he defended rather strongly to Lake. Lake was reading Lolita. I mean, come on! Cheese.

Strong 3.5

The beginning was a bit slow. However the story does pick up and it does leave you wanting to find out what happens to Manning. The author does a really good job describing how Manning feeling la come from since the topic initially walks a thin line seeing as Manning and Lake have a 7 year age difference. Worth a read, a good book to get read in between another.

Subtle spoilers in my review... I love the way this is written and I could not put it down.

I enjoyed this book. I understand a girl having a crush on an older man, but I was creeped out by knowing his thoughts. I am so glad he showed restraint. I like that the book shows how sometimes something innocent can be perceived wrong, and sometimes even when someone tries to do the right thing, they end up shafted.

Wonderful read!

I came across this book by accident and I'm so glad that I did. I wasn't familiar with Jessica Hawkins' other books but I jumped into the story headfirst and without a second thought. No spoilers - but the "gist" of the book is that the 16 year old main character, Lake, is smitten with 23 year old Manning, whom she meets by chance while he is working on the construction of a house next door to where she lives. Unfortunately, her 19 year old sister also sees him and thus begins an emotional triangle that had me laughing, crying and reading too late into the night so I could find out, ultimately, how this book ends. This is only book 1 of a 3 part series, of which I'm so grateful. I enjoy series and getting to know characters over the course of multiple books and I'm glad that there is more to come between Lake and Manning. PS: Manning is a perfect gentleman due to the age difference and I don't feel like anything inappropriate happened in this book. I would have stopped reading if there had been something that made me feel uncomfortable.

Love love ❤️ This book!!!!

Why why why do I have to wait so long for the second book??? I could not put this one down. All of Ms Hawkins books are good and well written but THIS ONE!!!! This is a must read!

Say what?

I kept waiting for something to develop. Manning was old enough and experienced enough to know better and ended up destroying his chance at law enforcement. For what? Lake was really too young to know what she wanted. And Tiffany was just plain mean and perhaps rightly so.

Brilliant!! Must read series

Brilliant series! Heart breaking in its rawness and honesty. A love you can never have..because your older sister wants him too. He seems more interested in her than you, but isn't prepared to let you out of his life either.

I loved it!

I am a junkie for stories of forbidden love. The characters were well formed and relatable. Left me yearning for book 2 to see what happens.

Be still my heart.

Oh wow, this book grabbed me by the heart. All my emotions were on high alert and I had to stop reading at times--because I was afraid to read what was next. It was not your typical older guy, younger girl romance. I am routing for them and I can't wait to read what comes next.

What fresh h is this?!!?!?

My heart is in my throat, and I honestly don't know how to even function. Immediately had to start book 2.


WOW, It could be for YA but it was so well done I loved it. When a book is well written anyone can enjoy it. A couple of sisters, liking the same “man” and the emotional decisions they each have to make. Well done. Emotionally gripping. Starting book two now.


I don't know how I missed this release! Stayed up all night reading and just in time for the release of book 2 in a couple of days! So enjoyed the taboo provocative nature of Something in the Way. What 16 yo has not been attracted to a guy just a little older and slightly out of their grasp.


Very disappointed in this book...too long, should have condensed all four books into 1

Buying the next book now

Lake, manning and Tiffany's triangle of different relationships and feelings is bound to end up with someone being hurt. Did not expect the ending but going on to book two. Must know. Great writer.

They are that good. I wanted to hug them both

These books absolutely slayed me. I bought them after reading the reviews and promised myself I would wait until October so I could read them all together. Well, that didn't happen!! I finished both in less than 2 days and between a party at my house. Once I started I couldn't stop. After the end of book 2 Lake and Manning wouldn't leave my mind. I just could not stop thinking about it and am sure during a nap dreamed about it. They are that good. I wanted to hug them both, slap Manning for not just running away with Lake, but then seeing his reasoning. My heart breaking with them. I cannot wait for the ending and hope that it's a happily ever after.

I can guarantee you'll love this book

Don't even think about it, just one click it. I can guarantee you'll love it. Jessica Hawkins is an amazing writer. She never let's you down.

Reserving judgement

Was good. Kept me up reading way past my bed time. Like the chemistry between leads but it is kind of icky that she is only 16. Maybe it is my age but that is why I am waiting to read other books before giving full marks

I wish I hadn't read it

Although the writing is good as is the plot, I wish that I hadn't read this book. It is too sad of a a story for me. No happy ending either. That turned out to be a false expectation on my part.

I need an eye roll emoji

Why do I keep reading KU suggestions from a Facebook group? This age gap was creepy-and to play the little sister card while ‘dating’ the mc’s sister is gross. This wasn’t hot and I’m not reading book two. Barf.

5 stars plus

This book deserves more than 5 stars because I couldn't put it down. I tried to sleep at night and all I could think about was Manning and Lake. What a page turner that makes you really think deeply. I haven't read anything like this in a long time

I hate this approach to selling books!

Cliff hanger ending which requires buying another book to find out how the story ends.


I had seen some recommendations for this and they said it was a "Slow Burn". That's a very good description for this book. It definitely kept my interest. With a huge cliffhanger for an ending you will want to make sure you have the next book.

Love it

Love this book. Can't wait to read the next one!! So worth the money and I have kindle unlimited AND still bought this book. Highly recommended

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