Lake + Manning (Something in the Way) (Volume 4)

Paperback – February 13, 2018
12 Feb
Manning and I have what happily-ever-after is made of . . .
A home he built us on the unshakeable foundation we fought for.
A life of laughter carved out of heartache and betrayal.
A love story to stand the test of time.

But between a trust that can’t be broken, joy that can’t be bridled, and passion that would scorch the sun, the empty spaces are becoming more and more difficult to ignore . . .
Fears that keep Manning up at night as he slips from our bed.
Our complicated relationship with a man he respects and one I don't know how to forgive.
And a sprawling, beautiful home with one small room I'm afraid I'll never be able to fill.
Manning and I have what happily-ever-after is made of . . . 
But I'll beg the heavens for just one thing more.

Reviews (434)

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

Author Tried Too Hard To Create More And More Angst. Tanked Bulk of Story Lines.

Some of the story is engaging and believable. That said, Spoiler Alerts below. The author just tried way to hard to create angst. She became heavy handed, and it showed. Ms. Hawkins also altered Lark and Manning's character developments to the point of ludicrous, repetitious drivel. Everyone needed therapy. Everyone. Manning Marries Lark's Sister (Lark is bridesmaid.). No one is going to marry the person who put them in prison. And that is exactly what happened. And Lark's father sanctions the union. Of course he did. Wouldn't any father want his daughter to marry a convict? Not drinking the Kool-Aid. Lark's character. The author wrote Lark as doormat, strong, doormat, strong repetitively. It became to annoying to invest money and time in their story. Again, therapy. Lark forgiving her sister. Just no. 100% unbelievable. One of the doormat phases. Lark lied to Manning, the love of her life, for 75% of this book. Lark has a medical condition that makes conceiving a challenge. So Lark lets Manning believe he is the problem the bulk of the book. Translation - Lark is a doormat, narcissistic and a liar. Lark became a shrew. Delightful. By this time, I was hoping Manning would divorce Lark and marry someone who deserved him. I will not purchase another book by this author.

Which make me extremely happy. "You know I'll always move the stars for ...

Finally! This was the story I've been waiting for. Lake + Mannings real beginning. Finally we get to see something just for them. This story is definitely a roller coaster of emotions without a lot of the angst from previous books. Which make me extremely happy. "You know I'll always move the stars for you if need be. whatever it takes." The past is in the past. Now we get to see the challenges Lake and Manning endure as their life together begins. My heart was with them this entire book and I just kept hoping that they would finally get all their stars aligned. They faced a lot of emotional challenges as a couple. The thing that makes this story different than the others is that they finally get to face these challenges together. I loved seeing how they worked together and grew together. "We were two stars forever locked in a triangle that only seemed to hurt us. But at least we had each other. " I was surprised there wasn't more angst.There were times I was like oh man things are going to get intense and angsty. Then nothing really happened so that threw me but I was happy with how things worked out. It was refreshing. Definitely loved that little added love connection. I wouldn't mind seeing more of these secondary characters. I think this was a great conclusion to Lake and Manning. I will miss them terribly but I'm so happy for them!! *I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

The Perfect Conclusion

I didn't realize how much I wanted this story until Jessica Hawkins announced that Lake and Manning's angst-filled romance wouldn't end with Move the Stars. I didn't realize how much I needed this story until I actually read it. Lake + Manning is the definitive end to this series and provides readers with exactly what they want - more of the Great Bear and his Birdy. Jessica Hawkins has said that she wasn't ready to quite let go and truthfully, I don't think Lake and Manning were either. They took readers on a true roller coaster of emotions and this felt like their gift to us for enduring sometimes an emotionally gut-wrenching ride. Lake + Manning is the story of their lives after they finally succeed in overcoming every obstacle in their way. There are a few more hurdles for them to jump through and their lives aren't perfect but it doesn't matter because they have the most beautifully imperfect relationship ever. If you've read the previous books, then you need to read this last book and sigh all of the happy sighs as Jessica Hawkins delivers a gorgeous ending to this amazing romantic saga.

The consummate conclusion that is truly written in the stars.

After finishing Lake + Manning, I can most definitely say that the phrase "love conquers all" was never more true. What Lake and Manning have gone through, it truly is the power of their love that continues to guide them just as much as the stars above. Their journey, now through 4 books was most definitely one of the most heart-wrenching sagas I've ever had to privilege of experiencing. And there I was, perfectly content with the way the Jessica Hawkins left us and them at the end of Move the Stars. I figured perhaps we'd get a novella at some point in the future giving us just a bit more of their story. But with this latest and last book in this series, I am more than thrilled that the author needed to give us all just a bit more of Lake and Manning. I was a fool to think 3 books was enough because Lake + Manning couldn't have been a more perfect send-off for this beloved couple. Picking up where we left off in MTS, we get everything we had hoped for when these two fell for each other but couldn't have. And perhaps what we all needed right along with Lake and Manning was a bit of closure when it came to Tiffany and Lake's Mom and especially her Dad. These difficult scenes for Lake were written beautifully and with her Great Bear by her side, I would even venture to say she has become a bit invincible. And when the ultimate test is put upon Lake and Manning, we are shown once again that no matter what is thrown in their path, they will get through it together. I loved that we did indeed get glimpses of the important people in Lake and Manning's lives and how everything came full circle for all of them. Val, Corbin, Gary, Henry, even a sweet dog named Blue stay a huge part of their lives but it's the private moments, the ones when it's just Birdy and her Bear when the emotion is at its richest. Jessica Hawkins gave us all a love story that wasn't perfect. It wasn't easy and sometimes felt like it wasn't meant to be. But it always felt true and right even when it felt a bit wrong. I adored every moment of this series and it's with a heavy heart that I too say goodbye to this unconventional and yet wildly wonderful couple.I will miss them. It is truly my pleasure to give Lake + Manning 5 huge stars!

Great conclusion to an excellent series

If you have read the first three books in the Something in the Way series than this the conclusion to those books. I’m glad Jessica Hawkins decided to give Manning and Lake a fourth book. After the third book I felt like I still had questions about things. About her family and about how Tiffany would take Manning and Lake being together. And we get those answers in this book! Even in this book I still couldn’t stand Tiffany. She seems better don’t get me wrong but she’s just not my type of girl haha But it was nice to see Manning finally put Lake first in public like she deserves. This book was really everything I wanted it to be. We finally get to see Manning and Lake together and it’s not all full of forbidden angst. For the first three books I felt like I had rocks in my stomach the whole time I was reading. So it was nice to see these characters finally get some happiness together. There are obstacles to overcome but if one thing remains true it’s how much they love each other and how dedicated they are. I will say I think this was my least favorite book for Lake’s character. Once you read it though I think you’ll understand what I mean. I also think the book’s length was perfect. Not too long and not too short. Just enough to give us a good solid conclusion.

Everything and more

Whatever I had hoped or expected from this book and these characters, it was all given plus more. While I was content with where Move the Stars ended, there were still some lingering loose ends beyond Manning's journey in relation to Lake that I had questions about and wanted to know what happened next. While they had their bubble of happiness, what about outside of it? After getting this far into their relationship, it was time to face the past, including other people, and feel free to live out the rest of their lives without judgment or hiding. The anticipation really built with that aspect and it's clear where everyone stands and how time has also softened some of the sharp corners. I loved seeing Lake and Manning together and watching Manning be everything for Lake. There's lots of feels in this one that range everywhere. And while I certainly swooned and felt my heart melt several times, towards the end is where I got a bit more emotionally choked up. I think the best way to describe this finale is that it came full circle and the characters all wound up right where they are supposed to be.

This series wasn't as good as reviews I read

I liked this book best of all because it was no longer playing childish games. The times in between their getting together was torment. Lake's love for Manning and his constant hurting her , got old real fast. Now they are back together trying for a baby and planning a wedding. Manning talks her into trying to mend fences with her family. It's not easy and it's been a decade. Now she is having trouble getting pregnant, in some ways she is still a young girl. She is afraid if she can't give Manning a biological child he won't want her. They get married she has children and they have their HEA. . Not a epic love story.

Birdy and her Great Bear stand the test of time

When I read the first three books in this series, I read them with my heart in my throat and my stomach hurting the entire time. These two people went through hell before they finally found their way back to each other. And when they finally did, I was so elated!! But I have to be honest, I felt a little ripped off that we didn't really get to spend any time with them once they reached the end of the long road they traveled to get to there. I was like, "yay! they're finally together!" but I was also like, "that's it? what's next for them?" So when Jessica announced she was going to give us more of Lake and Manning's story, I was over the moon! Get it, over the moon? Okay, bad joke, but seriously, after suffering through SO many things over the years, I desperately needed these two to find their happily ever after. Without anyone conspiring to keep them apart, without anyone judging them for being in love, without that weird awkwardness of Lake being in love with her sister's ex-husband. Because come on, we all know she loved him first and they should have been together from the get go! I should have realized that Jessica wouldn't just give these two a smooth ride down their road of happily ever after. But the best things in life are the things you work the hardest for. And Lake and Manning both know that fate is fickle and it has a tendency to put the worst of challenges in your path and then sits back to watch how you handle them. These two have already been through so much, I wasn't sure there was anything else that could block their path to happiness. But alas, another huge obstacle threatened to put a dark cloud over them. I started this book not very happy with Manning. I hadn't really forgiven him for all of the decisions he made over the course of this series. Decisions that, with all of his good intentions, ended up hurting Lake way more than I think he ever realized they would. And he was making another one that I was sure was just going to be another thing that would hurt Lake. But it didn't turn out that way, and as the story progressed, Manning showed that he really did have nothing but the best intentions when it came to Lake and how he felt about her. Time and time again, he was such a source of strength for Lake, supporting her and holding her up when she was at her weakest, lowest points. I think I liked Manning way more in this book than Lake, so kudos to Jessica for changing this overly stubborn reader's mind about him!! This was a very emotional read. By the time we reach the end of this book, and now the series, 25 years have passed. Lake and Manning persevered over all the years, and move heaven and earth, the moon and the stars to get their happily ever after. I finished this story with sappy tears in my eyes, and a heart full of love and happiness. Thank you, Jessica, for giving us such a beautiful ending to Birdy and her Great Bear!

A perfect ending to a perfect series.

Rainy weekend what to do? Read all 4 books in this incredible series. I have not read any of this authors’ books until today. I didn’t start out wanting to read all 4 in one weekend, but there was no way I was going to not finish this heart wrenching, incredible love story. Manning and Lake’s story is one for the ages! A bit dramatic, but so true. From the first meeting these two were destined to be together. The road to get there had me laughing and crying and every emotion in between. I loved how this author had all the characters in all the books evolve but still keep a bit of their personalities we first see. Ex. Dad and Tiffany! All I can say is I am so glad I was able to binge read all 4 books and not have to wait until they came out. My heart is a little sad because I want more of Manning, Lake Corbin Val and the rest of the gang. Maybe Mateo has a story to be written and we can meet up with everyone? Hint hint. Lol. Just loved this series. A new fan

What a ride! Such a beautiful love story.

I finished this series, and I don't think I'll ever recover from this. Jessica blew me away. All the obstacles, hardships, and heartbreaks that Manning and Lake went through wrapped up so beautifully. It really hurts, but at the end of the tunnel, there's a light! It's really hard to explain their love story. You'll have to read it to understand it. I'm glad there's book 4 because I want more of them even after book 3. Don't think that book 4 is full of unicorns, rainbows, and happily ever after. You'll still need tissues! Lol I see the growth of Lake and Manning here in this book. We get to see the journey in their marriage. It's just phenomenal. The way how they love each other is out of this world. Manning have become one of my top book boyfriend! I love all the characters, and yes, including her sister. Although I really wished she would have apologize to the Lake. She made lake went through all those heartache and did not even apologize. 😩 Besides this, everything is perfect!! Hats off to Jessica. This will forever be one of my favorite series!

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

Epic Saga!!!

This was one of the best series I've ever read. At times my stomach ached. Sometimes my heart ached. But this book totally bring the whole thing together. The only complaint I have about this book is that it is only told from Lake's point of view. I don't want to give anything away, but, just like the other 3 this one is hard to read too. Lake and Manning are good, solid. But life has a few more curve balls to throw them. I love how starting with the first book we see Lake and Manning as young kids. And through this series, we see them change and grow. Not easy at times. But still in this book, we see them grow together. Its beautiful. Really beautiful. Their love lasts and grows. I'll say this series ends well with a beautiful epilogue. Everything comes together! Loved it.

Amazing end to a fantastic series.

The Stars were aligning throughout the whole series, and what a series. I have loved watching Lake and Manning navigate their way through their journey, They had a helluva lot of ups and downs, dealt with people who wanted different things for them. Family are taken for granted and its tough when family don't see eye to eye, it can take years to work its way to the surface. I'm really glad that lake and Manning found each other, I loved how they both grew throughout the series. They were working their way towards their happily ever after ending, and not without their fair share of heartache. They had an amazing relationship and an amazing group of friends who were with them all the way. It was frustrating a wee bit when they both kept things from each other, even if they through it was in best interests. Happy as punch that Lakes family were able to work out their knots, and onto smoother steady footings. The stars fell exactly where they were supposed to! I was happy to be able to follow them on their journey. An Amazing page turner, full of love, surprises, fun and frolics. The epilogue was really lovely. Can totally see this as a block buster.

Perfect ending to one of the best series I have read!

This book was EVERYTHING!!! I thought the series had ended perfect after the third book, but this one completed me in a way I didn’t even realize I needed! While reading I ran the full gamut of emotions. I smiled, I laughed, I cried, I hurt. These characters have embedded themselves in my heart and soul like very few other book characters have been able to do. I couldn’t put this book down. I felt like everything about it was perfect, and I loved every minute. I fell in love with these characters all over again. I hurt when they hurt, I cried when they cried, I felt loved for them and by them! This author has a way of pulling you so deeply into her writing that you never want to leave!

:: 4 Pretty Little Stars ::

I am so glad that Jessica Hawkins decided to write this book as it truly wraps up everything in the Lake and Manning saga! This is the PERFECT series for those who love forbidden romances (especially if you don't mind a BIG love triangle and a ton of angst). I very much recommend it to everyone who read the previous books in the series. This one is going to put a smile on your face! Lake + Manning is the 4th book in the Something in the Way series. For those who are not familiar with the series please note that you MUST read each book in order of publication. The entire series follows Lake, Manning, and a cast of some very unforgettable characters. It's a tale of forbidden love (age gap + love triangle) that tears at the emotions and wreaks havoc on readers hearts. It's one of those unforgettable series that you won't be able to stop thinking about long after you have read it. I read the first book on a whim and immediately picked up the other ones because I was so invested in these stories- YOU WILL BE TOO!! I won't go into any further details about this book or the others in the series because it would spoil it for those who haven't read it but let me tell you, this particular book that I am reviewing does an amazing job at bringing everything together and tying everything together in a beautifully epic bow! So make sure to grab a copy if you have read the other books in the series. It is very much worth it. This book would be PERFECT for you if: ➜ If you have read the previous 3 books published (this is NOT a standalone) ➜ You enjoy new adult, forbidden romances with twists and turns ➜ You like stories that are FINALLY tied up in nice little bows

The Perfect Ending

I’ve been in love with Lake and Manning’s story since the very first book, and this one added an whole new dimension to their love story. I loved how the story evolved. How Lake and Manning grew as a couple and on their own. The sub-characters were fantastic, and I loved seeing what happened in their lives. This book had me in tears so many times. There were so many real feelings, so many things that hit me right in the heart, pulling me in and making me fall deeper in love with the way things played out. The end of this story couldn’t be more perfect. It was more than I could have ever hoped for, and all that it should have been.

Lake+ Manning Something in the Way Book 4 Awsome book it Rocks

OMG thanks for an amazing book and awesome ending for this story between Lake and Manning and giving them three kids Henry Mateo and Madison totally cool and too bad Lake had to go threw a lot to get pregnant that was nice to see that her crazy older sister Tiffany and Val got pregnant and it too her a long while and also thank you for giving them a boy like Mateo for Manning to raise along with Lake totally amazing that they got a guy in the same simulates and Manning and they couldn't not give him a home when his relatives wouldn't take him in so that he wouldn't wind up in a group home thanks for an amazing book and series. Jessica is an amazing author

Absolutely loved it!!

I'm so happy that Lake and Manning got their HEA. It wasn't a perfect road by any means, in fact it was downright bumpy with some huge potholes that caused major detours... they got there though and they got stronger and stronger as a couple. I loooved this broke my heart and slowly put it together again. It kept me up reading straight through the night with a major book hangover, but, it was so worth it. Everything came together nicely in this book. All the loose ends were ties up for the supporting characters as well...and Manning is my new book boyfriend..he is an incredible man! Lake is the strongest woman I know..she fought for her man..walked away when it was the only thing to do and made a life for herself...she never stopped loving Manning, but, she did what was right for her. Their fate was in the stars and led them back to each other and that was all that mattered really.

The Something in the Way series was my first by Jessica, but definitely will not be my last!

Something in the Way was the first of Jessica's book I've read, and I hopelessly fell for Manning & Lake. Their long, sometimes tragic story, made it all the sweeter to see them finally come together in the end. Their forbidden love, the age difference, made for a love story you were routing for from the very beginning. I can't imagine being Lake and having to sit by and watch as your sister marries the man you've been in love with for several years. The heartbreak Lake experienced... you could feel like. I experienced it right there along with her.

It was all in the stars!

I absolutely love this series💞 Have you ever got so wrapped up in a series that you felt as if you were a part of it? That's how I felt through this series. Like they were my family & that one as living this story right along with them. This series is a must read!!! Lake &Manning story is so beautiful. They had to endure so much to be together. I'm not going to spoil the series by telling all the detail because their story is definitely with your time to sit and read each and every book! I enter through a world of emotions while reading their love story. I laughed, I cried I got so mad at times I wanted to throw my kindle at the wall. And when in thought that their story was over after Move the Stars I was like no I need more of Lake & Manning!!! And thank you Jessica you didn't disappoint! My heart was full with the final book Lake +Manning. The epilogue was awesome. I just hate to say good bye to such a touching love story.😢💕🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Jessica you're an amazing author!!!! I have read all your book/series except for the Cityscape series, well guess what is next for me to read☺. I can't wait to see what you will releasing next, I am sure it will be awesome.

Cheesy with history lessons

Took me a week to finish, but I finally did. The lines are so cheesy I could not give this a good rating. I had to finish the story just to know. I won't spoil it... But for every line of discussion is a reflection. It moves incredibly slow where it doesn't need to and just as fast past years and years of good material. Maybe the first book was the best bc it was new to me material but I feel like it got cheesier and cheesier with each book. Good enough to keep me wanting to finish the series I guess.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.


I miss them soo much already. I finished this 2 days ago. I was in awe and I swooned like crazy. The love between these 2 is bigger than them. Bigger than anything. I'm soo soo happy with their HEA because it was their happy. This last installment of the Something in the Way series was PERFECTION (maybe not perfect for me cause there's 1 issue I have to get past) BUT it was perfect for Lake & Manning and this is THEIR story not mine. No words will do this justice. I loved this book and I LOVED the entire series. It will be unforgetable!!! This author has made a huge fan out of me. I've loved everything she's written. She has a special way of telling stories. She makes me feel EVERYTHING! This story made me VERY emotional (every emotion was had)

What an AMAZING 4th book

What an AMAZING 4th book! When book 3 ended. I don't think I was the only one messaging the Author for more... More Lake and Manning.. I was not ready to let them good. This book is EVERYTHING!!! It is exactly what I look for in a book that is the MORE! Jessica Hawkins Killed it on this one. It was the perfect amount of closer, heartbreak, love, and healing. It was near perfect ending for a fictional couple who stole my hearts from the very first book in this series! This book left me so satisfied and a huge smile on my face. Well DONE! That is how you end a series! I don't think I meet fictional characters I have so much invested in emotionally. The way the author created these characters and gave the life is amazing. Such a great book. I loved it from beginning to end! This book is a #MustRead.. What am I talking about the series is a MUST READ!

I can understand the appeal of this series for others, but not my cup of tea

I did like certain aspects of this series, like that you experience different periods of time with the characters. But it was not a world I enjoyed living in, or would want to reread again. So while this series was creative in concept, it just didn't really give me good feels while reading it. Unfortunately, I had high hopes for this series.


Honestly, it has been a few years since a couple made me feel this much. I am a sucker for a good romance, and after everything Lake and Manning went through to be together, I fell in love! I just LOVE how it started from the very beginning! Even though it has been 3 days for me, I feel like I have grown with them through the 25 years that passed. I especially love that it started in 1993. I began reading the first book knowing nothing about it. This was such a welcome surprised and even though I got angry so many times, and sad so many times, it just made the ending feel ten times better because of those struggles. It began on a hot summer afternoon in 1993 and it ended in a hot summer afternoon in 2018. The fact that I read this during the Summer of 2018 made me cry. Just the fact that the story caught up to our time! That alone made me emotional after everything. I can honestly keep going on and on about these books, but I'll spare you my essay. With how much I love those two, let me just say that I am definitely the third star on the Summer Triangle! 😂🔺️


I loved everything about this book. It satisfied me in every way the concluding book to my favorite series could. Jessica's writing pulled at my heart strings and I was shedding tears a mere few chapters in. I loved all the things happening to the sub-characters as well. The feelings and questioning of whether love was truly enough, and self-doubt of whether or not one can provide our loved ones with what they want and need (or the bigger question of what happens if we can't accomplish thoses goals and dreams) are all valid questions and points. I devoured this in one sitting even though I swore I wouldn't before I started it. This was perfect in every sense of the word. I wish I could give this book not only 5 stars but all the stars in the sky.

It was realistic and amazing. If you have not yet read this series ...

I am going to be the first to admit, when the last book ended, I was confused and angry and it didn't feel complete. I wanted more and prayed that somehow another book could be written. I was thrilled when Jessica Hawkins announced this book and immediately placed it on pre-order. I read this in one day and could not put it down. Not only were all loose ends tied up, it completely didn't feel rushed or contrived. It was realistic and amazing. If you have not yet read this series - order all four and dive right in. It is so well written and consistent and completely enveloping that you will not want to live in any other world but theirs. :-)

Beautiful Ending! Thanks JH

I read the entire series and this was a perfect ending. I really loved how this couple came full circle. Once this couple was finally living their life together they faced normal problems that couples will face. I loved reading that, although times were hard at times, they got thru it together. Lake is a great heroine for today's young women. She is strong and intelligent, while being sweet, thoughtful, forgiving and supportive. Manning finally becomes the man we want for her. The other books in the series were, at times, painful to read. I hung in there because I love the way Jessica Hawkins writes. This book was a sweet gift to her loyal fans and I for one, appreciate it!! What a great Valetine's Day read. Although this book made me feel complete for them and this series, I would have loved some POV from Manning. All other books were written with dueling chapters of Lake & Manning's POV. I loved the story so it didn't bother me too much but that is the ONLY thing I would change. Thank you Jessica Hawkins for this sweet and beautiful story!!


I have been anxiously awaiting the release of this final book in the Something in the Way series and Jessica did not dissapoint! All the loose ends from Move the Stars were tied up and so much more was answered to that we didn't even think if! This is my favorite series, I cried and yelled and wanted to throw my kindle across the room at times, and it is bittersweet now that it is all over . But we got our HEA, although I do wish Tiffany didn't get hers, she didn't deserve it. She still had snarky comments which missed me off and didn't redeem herself to me. Thank you Jessica for this wonderful ending, and I would recommend the SITW series to anyone who loves a great BOOK!

Loved it!

I absolutely loved this series and hated to see the end. It's written where you can feel the emotions of the characters and they feel real. You are pulling for Manning and Lake to be together. The way the characters talked was real true to life. They made you yearn for that kind of love. I have read thousands of books and these were at the very top of the list for those that I loved. Highly recommend.

Perfect ending for my Bear & Birdy ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

I sit here trying to write my review feeling both happy and sad. Happy we got this unexpected fourth book from Lake & Manning and sad that their story is truly over. I adore these two characters so much. Their love. Their fight for happiness. I even adore their heartbreaks. They made me swoon, cry and rage like no other couple. I have lost count of the number of messages and conversations I have had about this series. Theirs is truly the love of a lifetime. This book ended things perfectly for me. I got the final chapter I needed for my Bear & his Birdy. I am content.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

Omg this book is phenomenal!!!

Finally reading the conclusion of Manning and Lake story just made me so happy 😀!! How they finally got their life together after so many bad outcomes in life. I seriously loved everything about this book, in how it began and how it ended. It just made so much sense to finish this emotional journey in this special way. I’m sad to see this series end but maybe one day we can get a book on the side characters like Lake’s best friends, those two have a special place in my heart ♥️!! So if you haven’t read this series be prepared to yell, cry, and laugh!! You will fall in love and have your heart broken 💔, but once you get to the ending of this series you will finally get all the pieces of your broken heart back together!! Xoxo 😘 M & L Forever!!!


Lake + Manning is the stunning conclusion in the Something in the Way series. It has all the words, all the scenes, and all the moments we’ve been waiting for. This series has revealed one of the most beautiful, tender, and moving love stories I have ever read. Jessica Hawkins has poured her heart and soul into this series. As a reader, I love to see the growth and progression of an author's work. This is what I most appreciate about Jessica's writing. She continues to reach new heights as she reaches for the next rung on the ladder. All of this is done while connecting with her audience. You hang onto every word as you find yourself relating to these characters. This series has carved a place in my heart forever!

Lake and Manning- you will be missed

Jessica Hawkins concluded this series with more beautiful words and gripping emotion. First, this is not a stand-alone. You NEED to read all of the books in this series. Not for Jessica - for you. Your heart will never be the same. This series concludes a love story that has lasted decades and is just beginning in so many ways. For all of you existing fans all I will say is this - you will get all your answers and your emotions are brought on a true Jessica Hawkins journey. I give this five stars but absolutely theee of them are part of the Summer Triangle.

Lake + Manning forever!!!

My heart is so full right now. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins for giving us this magnificent love story. I wanted to read it very slow because I didn't want this story to end but I just couldn't help myself. Lake + Manning will forever be one of my favorite couples. I love their love, their strength, their passion. It was beyond anything i could have imagined. All the stars in the universe!!!

Loved loved loved this is a must read

I have never felt the need to write a review before on any of the books I've ever read and I have read more books than most but with the something in the way series I feel like it is my duty to give this series the greatest of praises I was so invested in these characters and the way the author could convey the characters and make it seem like I was living it is unbelievable I read the whole series in Breakneck speed and it is by far the best series I've ever read I wish there was more but just like all good things they come to an end Lake and Manning is a tale of love that spans Generations that moves mountains that touches your soul and leaves a mark the way the author can make you feel part of the book is amazing if I could give this review 10 Stars a hundred Stars I would great job...


5 PHENOMENAL STARS!! Lake and Manning's journey through this series, has been tough and beautiful with all the feels and believe me you feel every emotion. This book was the icing on the cake to their epic love story. Jessica Hawkins has put heart into these wonderful characters and we as readers will remember them for the rest of our lives. This is the series of a lifetime, so do yourself a favor and read it. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy.

Moved my heart.....

I am so sad to see this series end. It has been a huge part of my reading this past year. We have watched these characters grow, and change. Thank you Jessica for giving Manning + Lake to us! I couldn't be more happy with this book, you brought the emotion every chapter. I cried because it was ending, I cried for them, for what they went through and for my heart. They will never leave me. I will revisit them often and will smile. Thank you! I loved it so much!

Lake + Manning Forever

Very great ending to the series. Lake and Manning finally get their happy ending or do they? They have to overcome a few obstacles first. I feel like Manning finally redeemed himself in this book. It took me a while to forgive him for everything but it happened. I loved that the side characters also got a happy ending. Especially Corbin. I don't know why but I needed him find someone. I'm will miss these characters. Great series. Read it.


WHY IS THIS THE LAST OF LAKE AND MANNING?! I absolutely REFUSE to believe this is the last we’ve seen of this couple! I can’t! I loved it so much and naturally, since IT WAS a Jessica Hawkins novel and all, it was complete PERFECTION! The passion, the lust, the love, the struggle, and THE FEELS! This couple has seen the worst and the best and everything in between! I’m so happy to see them get their happily even after! Just, thank you Jessica for writing their story. They’ll 100% love in my heart forever.

Life in Color

As I was reading this book I thought of this line- "they came, they saw, they conquered" because in this book I dreamed, I cried and I laughed. The life and love of Manning and Lake was a life lived in color. It was just so BIG. I loved every moment of this series and would highly recommend it.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

The perfect goodbye to my favorite book characters!

This book is just perfect! I knew Jessica would bring me to my knees ones again and she did not disappoint. It has all the right emotions - it will make you cry, it will make you laugh, it will.make you angry and frustrated. I loved every word of Lake and Manning who became my favorite book characters over the months. My favorite thing about the book was the time lapse, how we got to see their relationship develop and at the same time stay the same over the years. Definitely a 5 star reading!

Yes! Yes! YES!

Ok, did I love this book? YES! Lake and Manning became so real. I've loved every book in this series, and I can't recommend them enough! I do have to say, I fully believe this author (Jessica Hawkins,) has a sadistic streak a mile wide! This series has ripped my heart out, stomped on it, smashed it into little pieces, and mailed it to Arizona in the summer heat...and, I loved every word. I loved every minute spent reading them. This one, the last in the series, put my heart back together again, and made me believe in, forever, soul mates, and love! Read and enjoy! (Buy stock in Kleenex before you do!)

The stars finally align

Manny and Lake have loved each other with a love so strong that it weathered so much over the years. Loss, betrayals, hurt, pain their mountains were high and their valleys were gut wrenching lows but FINALLY their stars aligned and they received the family and lives they struggled so hard for. What an amazingly emotional series you have to read!


This book was definitely needed. After book 3, it did not feel finished. I felt like the ending of book 3 was not be real ending. Book 4 solidified it for me and I believe other readers will agree. I was able to read this book in a few days. Faster if I didn’t have to work so much! I love the way Jessica writes. She gets right to the point but always makes sure to include the important parts but does not drag anything out. I highly recommend the whole series! Take a weekend a enjoy reading them.

Perfect perfect perfect

I don't think this series could have ended any better. I absolutely loved this entire series! Lake + Manning was the perfect conclusion to their love story. Jessica captured the emotions and thoughts of Lake and Manning. I didn't want it to end! This is going to be a book hangover for a long long time. The only thing I am not happy with is that the series has ended. Go read this now.... Go!!!!


I have never read a series as marvelous as this one. You fall in love with the characters from the start, and fall out of love too. Lake and Manning have such a great love story. I didn't want to read the last page of the book because it ended their story. If I could give it 100 stars I would, I highly recommend this series. You won't be disappointed.

Their love was written in the stars.. 5 stars

This book was amazing! Jessica wrote something so close to my heart. The conclusion of Lake and Manning mirrors real life, like these people are my friends. They face challenges that many people know nothing about, and this of us who do are more than thankful that someone had the insight to portray it so beautifully. Thank you Jessica. This was the most perfect ending..

Simply The Best !!!

Truly one of the best series ever !! Jessica Hawkins, you are number one !! I have experienced every emotion while reading every word, and I have tried to prolong the amazing, awesome ending !! This is a definite journey that must be enjoyed, for real !!!

Lake and Manning always and forever!

This is one series everyone needs to read! I was happy with how the 3rd book ended. Though, deep down I wanted more. Luckily the author announced the 4th book! Lake + Manning always and forever. This book was needed not jst to follow up with Tiffany and her journey, but to see how everyone is. This book was just as exciting as waking up on christmas morning as a child. Thank you Jessica for bringing us Lake and Manning.

Epic love story

This series is truly a slow burn and you want want to put the book down read. Lake and Manning have an epic love story that is one of love at first sight with the love of your life. Jessica Hawkins has blended several obstacles into this forbidden love story of Lake and Manning. Don't miss this series!

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

Perfect Ending

OMG this was the best ending I could've asked for. My heart was filled with such happiness for Lake and Manning. It had all the emotions in this book. There some surprises along the way. I don't want to give to much away. Did Lake and Manning get everything they wanted? A family? Peace between Lake and Tiffany and their dad? Well, if you want to know then you have to read it for yourself to find out.

It's officially over! (In tears as I say this)

This book gave me closure on Lake's and Manning's life. I'm so sad to finally say goodbye. I really loved how different obstacles were thrown at them and how they overcame it. Tiffany was still Tiffany sometimes I felt like slapping her. I'm so happy she was able to work things out with her family. The wedding was everything I hoped for and the proposal had me in tears. Well done Jessica! I definitely recommend this series to everyone.


Never read a series like this one. The first book sucked me in and I read the others straight through...during the first book, I loved Lake and Manning. I’m not usually one for a lot of angst, but this was the sweetest torture. Then I began to hate Manning in book 2. I almost didn’t get to book 3...but then I feel in love again. Book 4 was really just an epilogue, but I enjoyed it anyway. Great series!!!

Emotional roller coaster

The final book in this series doesn't disappoint. Even though Lake and Manning seem to have finally gotten past the past, have they? Manning wants Lake to forgive her family. Can she do that? Does she even want to? I still think she shouldn't. Can Lake give Manning the family he has always wanted and what if she can't. Will love be enough? Manning had always believed it couldn't be, now Lake is having doubts.

Lake + Manning

One of the best books that I've read so far this year. Love Lake and Manning. This book shows you the after of the happily ever after. Along with it you see Lake struggling with her desire to be a mom and that internal voice of hers is just spot on with how someone feels when things are not going according to plan. Manning is one of the best male characters that you really, really love. Just a beautiful end to this series!

A love story that defies all odds

This was a pure gift from Jessica to all her readers who followed the journey from the beginning! A love story that defies all odds!! Blueberry pie, a love that could fly ... God these 2!!! I am in awe of Jessica’s writing and this story. It was a perfect perfect ending to their journey. I laughed. I cried. My heart is bursting with love. I honestly want to say so much but don’t want to spoil it for anyone else. I can’t wait for the world to read Lake + Manning! Thank you Jessica for allowing us to take this journey!!

A Must Read!!!

This series is by far the best I have ever read. I was captivated and kept on the edge of my seat from the very beginning! I read all 4 books and I was left wishing and hoping for a 5th book! I will definitely be looking to read more of your books. Thank you for giving me such wonderful reading pleasure with this series. I can’t wait to read more of your books!

Sweet and heartwarming finale’ to an amazing series

Lake + Manning by Jessica Hawkins ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I absolutely loved The Something In the Way series. Note: they must be read in order. If you haven’t read any yet, what are you waiting for. Lake + Manning is the last book in an epic love story. Sweet and heartwarming!! I’m so glad that things worked out the way they did. You’ll see what I mean when you read it. Highly recommend 💗

A Perfect Ending For the Perfect Couple!

This is the best series I have read in a long time and I'd have to say my all time favorite series! I was not able to put this book down and will probably reread it again even though I have read this series 3 times already. This is a must read book / series. Jessica thank you for giving us Lake & Manning!

I loved every page

Wow. Jessica Hawkins delivered such a beautiful ending to such a beautiful series. This book, was perfect. It was an extended epilogue in my opinion. It made me laugh, and made me cry. Jessica has a way with words and dialogue that just impress me so much, I sit there and read what she wrote with my mouth open in awe. This series will be reread again and again by me. Do yourself a favor and start at the beginning and enjoy.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.


The perfect conclusion to an amazing love story. Jessica Hawkins knows how to pull everything together and keep your attention until the very end. After book 3 (thinking that was the end at the time), I still felt a void and had so many questions. I was so sad that it was over. Knowing this book would be the end, I was hesitant to start reading but once I did, as always with this author, I couldn't put it down! I feel so at peace and content with L+M and the way things end up. If you haven't taken the time to get to know the epic love story that is Lake Kaplan and Manning Sutter, you're gonna wanna get on that!

This felt like a true goodbye to two characters I've loved dearly

This felt like a true goodbye to two characters I've loved dearly. Lake and Manning fought so hard for their HEA and they finally got it. If you're a fan of this series then this is a must read. I can't thank Jessica enough for deciding to give them another book. Jessica Hawkins breathes life into words. She can write like no one else and I can't wait to see what tales she gives us next.


She saved the best for last in my opinion. I can’t even begin to express what this entire series has put me through. The ups the downs. The tearing apart of my heart. The tears and anger. She hit them all. This is a series that CAN NOT just be read. It must be EXPERIENCED!!!

Gorgeously Written Finale

A gorgeously written finale to this achingly beautiful love story. Hawkins wraps this series in a way that is not only written in her signature style but in such an original and realistic way. I will miss these characters so much. I loved every word and cannot recommend this entire series enough. Top series of 2017 and Lake + Manning tops 2018 already.

Love Conquers

I can’t say enough about this series ! From beginning to end it kept me enticed. Lake and Manning’s love story had me feeling so many emotions. But at the end I can say I felt adoration, such a good story told by Jessica. Wish there could be more... ❤️

Five AMAZING stars

This series was one I wasnt Sure I’d like when I was halfway through book one but I couldnt stop. By the end of book two I was chewing my nails. Book three captivated me and book four was the extra ribbon around a a Christmas present, the cherry on top. I cant love this enough. I didnt want Lake and Manning’s story to end, but if they had to end then this was the perfect way to do it.

grab some tissues

There were a few times during this series that I was very angry with the author. How did she possibly come up with all of the torture these characters were put through before getting their hea? She made the characters so real to me that I loved them and suffered through their heartbreak and cried along with their joy!

Looooooove. Please read!!

So good :,) I feel like I grew up with them. Literally read all four books in like 2 weeks. It's so tender and one of those books that make you roll your eyes at your actual boyfriend because he could never. I love them and I feel like I know them! The author is that fluently expressive. I'm going to check out her other series and hope that they're this good!!


ANOTHER GREAT BOOK by JESSICA HAWKINS!! I stayed awake all night long to read the entire book. I couldn't put it down. You know you have a great book when you experience so many emotions throughout the story. Sad to see the series end, I loved it. It makes me feel like the characters are real living, loving people.

A perfect ending

3.5 stars I did like the story but it was a little slow all the way through. Nothing much happened and Lake annoyed me through 3/4's of the book. One thing I can say is I absolutely loved Manning. He's one of those characters you wish for in real life. It was a good story with the perfect ending but it just wasn't for me.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

Speechless/ 5 Star Read

This conclusion to Lake and Manning's story was absolutely perfect! Jessica Hawkins story telling is so beautiful and descriptive, you can literally feel all the emotions by her words alone! It was great to find out what happened to L+ M 's family and friends that we met along this awesome series! I already miss Lake and Manning!

Beyond Perfect!

FIVE STARS 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Lake + Manning is the 4th and final book in the Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins, and it was... It was beyond perfect! I love everything written by Jessica Hawkins but the Something in the Way series is by far my favorite. The character's were almost lifelike - there triumphs, failures and every small life choice in between was written to perfection.

Love these 2 together!!

First let me say, I've never reviewed a book before. I feel bereft that it ended! Please consider checking in with them every couple of years just to let us peak into their lives. I'm so happy you wrote a fourth book! This book was truly heart warming. This is the book that made me fall in love with both characters. Manning is such a solid, understanding, loving guy. Lake is strong, and loving, and I just love their commitment to each other, and how reasonable they are about life's challenges. Im so sad it's over 😢

I'm sad it's over!

This was an incredible love story.I laughed and cried for Lake and Manning. I read all 4 books in 5 days. It was so perfect, how love wins in the end. Their family...oh I wish the story went on forever.


I LOVED the series, this book not so much. The previous book in the series ended really well and this one created conflict and drama where there really wasn't any. Should've stayed a trilogy.

So good just 1 click it

Lake + Manning was a wonderful conclusion to an epic story that took place over several decades. These characters will always be my favorites. Their love story is one that I will share with other book nerds in the future. It was a story that I did not want to end. Thank you Jessica Hawkins for this amazing story

Bear + Birdie = EVERTHING

All I can say is WOW! Words can not express how much I enjoyed this series. This series is beautifully written and covers the full gamut of emotions. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins for taking us on this wonderful, bittersweet journey. I will never look at the stars the same way again.


Wonderful!!! It is everything!!! It made me laugh, cry (a lot), and swoon! Manning has finally won me over. This is what I needed to absolutely complete this series. The writing is genius. I haven’t read anything like this...EVER! Lake and Manning’s story is definitely unique and they’ll forever be in my heart!

It was perfect to read on Valentine's - such a sweet conclusion ...

You mustn't skip one sentence of this four book series. This was much more than an HEA on the heels of "the beginning'. I was absolutely touched by some very real issues this couple worked through, and my biggest laughs were from Val and Tiff!! It was perfect to read on Valentine's - such a sweet conclusion <3

Awesome book

I hope there will be more about this series. Love to hear about as the children get older. You will absolutely fall in love with each characters. For some reason it won't let me give it stars rating. But I will give it a 10 star if there were a button for that. Read this series you will fall in love with it.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

Like book one, this was dragged out and i found myself losing interest or skipping ahead about 60% through. Why did the author have to spend so much time on Corbin and Val's hooking up?

A complicated but true love story

I just finished the fourth and final book in this series. It is an absolutely wonderful but very complicated lover story that spans over 25 years. You can’t help but fall in love with Manning and how he tries so hard to do what is right for everyone. I’m looking forward to my next read by Jessica Hawkins.

My heart is soaring

What a beautiful ending on Lake and Manning 's story! This series will stay in my heart forever! I was almost afraid to read it! Because of all the struggles they had been through in the former books, I was afraid my heart couldn't take it, but this is bliss... Pure bliss...

Well deserved ending to my favorite couple!

Lake and Manning had been on one long and highly emotional roller coaster for most of their early relationship (books 1-3)! I really needed them to have their happy ending and they finally got it! Such a fantastic series, congrats to the amazing Jessica Hawkins and thank you for book 4; I really needed the final piece of the story and I couldn’t be happier! ❤️

5 stars don't even begin

Five. Stars do not even begin to cover this book!!! I've laughed, I've cried, I've fanned myself, and I've cried some more.....but THIS book is my very favorite read so far, in 2018! Great storytelling and such a beautiful heartfelt love story & conclusion. She knocked it out of the park!!!!!!

What a wonderful ending to a great series!

I was hooked from start to finish. Manning & Lake's story is filled with so much longing, heartbreak, betrayal & so much love & forgiveness. Just when you think 'finally, they'll be together ' .BAM! Something or better yet, someone, throws a wrench into their lives. But in the end, love triumphs.

... entire series may be one of my all time favorite! I read this book in one sitting staying ...

This entire series may be one of my all time favorite! I read this book in one sitting staying up super late just because I could not put it down! I feel in love with these characters and they will always have a place in my heart! you need to read this entire series- it is breathtaking!

My heart is breaking for this to end

I am so happy yet so sad. I am so attached to these characters, I'm not ready to say goodbye. Beautiful, sexy, heartbreaking, and heartwarming at the same time. Lake and Manning have been through so much, they moved their stars, I couldn't be happier with the conclusion of this series.

Perfect end to their story

Loved this ending to their story. I thought it was lighter on the angst than the earlier three books — which isn’t to say there is none. You really get time with Lake and Manning as a couple, which I missed at the end of the third book.

Is it really over? 😭

Such a beautiful story that will have you feel so much joy on how much love they have for each other. They’re are soul mates that nothing and no one can break them. I wish it wasn’t the end of lake and manning. Such a great book actually i should say such a great series that will male you cry,angry, and so much happines. Jessica Hawkins you did an amazing job with the series. She is such a talented author.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

This is all the conclusion you will need!

The conclusion of this story was everything I needed. Lake + Manning took me on another ride full of highs, lows, and growth. Thank you Jessica for this story and being willing to tell it after you said you were done with book 3. I am wholly satisfied with how the story ends!

Great book

This series may have started slow for me, but the last two books were amazing! I loved seeing them come full circle and the epilogue was wonderful!

Love this !

Freaking Finally! Now that is the ending we all needed. Lake and Manning this is home run! I love all of Jessica's books but this series killed me, then built me back up. I know I will keep reading this series over and over.

Bear & Birdy

Now THIS was the ending I was waiting for. Beautiful, heartwarming and just felt so right. I’ve never loved Manning more and found myself entangled in Lakes emotions and struggles. Just...SO GOOD!!!

In love with a bear and his birdy

I couldn't have asked for a better ending to a beautiful story. I absolutely loved it. It was perfect. I was hooked from the first page. I'm just not ready to say goodbye.

Hate to see the series end..but what an ENDING!!!!

Perfect ending to a really great series! Lake + Manning will always be one of my favorite book couple. If you haven't read their story, DO IT! you will not be disappointed. This one will be read many times over! Would have like a couple of chapters from Manning's POV but just cause I didn't get them doesn't make this book any less great.

One of my most anticipated book realeases

Where do I begin? This entire series has captivated me from the get go, it’s such a torturous slow burn but I couldn’t and wouldn’t put it down. I couldn’t have ask for a better ending for all of these characters I have grown to love in this series. It was beautifully written and as sad as I am to see the “end” I loved every singe second and I wouldn’t change a thing!

Couldn't stop

I read this entire series in a few days. It was so addicting I lost sleep. It's a story you think of even when not reading. Like a great movie you can't stop wat ching

Five glorious stars!

Five glorious stars! I adored this entire series, and Lake + Manning didn't disappoint. I'm totally satisfied that this story ended the way it did, and I'm grateful to have one more chance to visit with two of my favorite characters. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins.

Five Perfect Stars!!!

Lake + Manning was the perfect ending to one of my favorite stories. This series was full of angst, longing, friendships and love. I feel that their journey is finally complete. The author wrote such an amazing story that will stay with me always. Five stars!!!

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

It's just not that great

Very disappointed with this series. The story drags on and on... It's definitely not as good as the reviews! I don't recommend it.

Great ending

Just didn't want this installment to the stories to end. I got frustrated with big parts of the others but just loved the more mature manning and lake.💜

My hate of Tiffany finally went away

Finally the conclusion of Lake and Manning's story. My hate of Tiffany finally went away, she was able to be redeemed (mostly). It was so wonderful to finally see Lake and Manning's deep love bring them together for good! Adding their family to it was just the perfect ending. Admittedly though, I was sad to see it end. Excellent series!


What an awesome series. So emotional. The entire series spans 25 years of true love. Love that survived many obstacles, pain, heartache and loss. But they persisted and survived to have a beautiful life together. Very well done, I think I’ve found a new favorite author.

Hands Down- Favorite Love Story Ever!

Do yourself a favor and READ THIS SERIES right now! Lake and Manning are my favorite characters from any romance novel I have ever read- and I have read LOTS of them. They are so genuine and relatable.. and this series is So, So, So good. They really need to make this into a movie! :-)

Incredible Series

I really loved their story. I lived that you finished their story and didn't just cut it off like so many writers do. You had so many wonderful well developed characters


This series is a must read. This series is a beautifully written love story that captures your attention from the very beginning.

Enjoyed this series

I really enjoyed this series. It took us through decades of their lives, together and apart. I am glad they got their HEA, but it felt rushed. There were moments that I would have loved to experience with them and it was skipped over to several years later.

Hate that it ended

I hate that this book ended but what an ending. I love the way it ended they went through so much. It was a nice happily ever after

5 perfectly aligned stars

Lake & Manning was everything I wanted and needed after finishing Move the Stars. Epic is the only way to describe this series. Start now— you won’t be disappointed!

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.


There are literally no words to describe this book other than it is so beautifully written! It’s an amazing ending to such an amazing couple that have had just as many downs as ups. This book will have you going through every emotion possible!

The stars align

Love the conclusion of this heartbreaking, gut wrenching beautiful series. This series was full of twists and turn and kept me wanting more! Love Lake and Manning and their awesome, crazy family and friends.

Oh my stars!!!! ✨

I’m so sad to that this series is complete! However, it was absolutely perfect!!! I can’t even describe just how amazing Manning and Lake are together. Their relationship spans across years with many obstacles in the way. It may not be perfect, but it’s magical! I’m so happy with the ending! I highly recommend the series!

Great Series!!

This book had me from the start. What a roller coaster ride of emotions. I loved every minute in their world!

Fantastic conclusion

Jesscia, you have done it again...thank you so much for listening to your fans and your heart, that this story wasn't over with book 3. You did all of the characters justice and I just love how you wrapped it up. You are amazing!


Such perfection. This was the book that I wanted, no, needed. Such a perfect ending to the love story I've grown to love and cherish. I'm sure I was like most other people, wishing that we had gotten more out of the Lake and Mannings story. So perfect so perfect so perfect. Thank you Jessica for writing this.

Sad to see this amazing series end

A well written book to complete this amazing series! It was a bitter sweet moment for me to finish it! I am so glad I did! This book was well written and I can't wait to read it again! Jessica has done it yet again with this book! I feel like Lake and Manning will Always hold a special place in my heart!

Five Stars

Amazing ending to a fabulous series. I was hoping the author gave us a little something more after the last book. This was what I was looking for. A little more drama with a fantastic ending to the series. I absolutely loved these books. They are the ones I can read again and again.

Love, Angst, Heartwarming & Hot!

What a wonderful ending to a fantastic series! Lake + Manning...words escape me. I thought I was going to write a long review on this book and entire series but it's just too much! I just felt so much through it all! Just do yourself a favor and read the series! The audio is pretty great too!

Absolutely perfect!!!

I don't think I'll ever not want a new Lake and Manning story. But I'm glad they were finally able to move their stars. Such a beautiful thing. And just perfect!!!!

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.


Lake & Manning get their happily ever after? You need to read the last book to find out what happens next, if they find the right time to be together. Thank you Jessica Hawkins for your words and finishing this story. AJM

Bear & Birdy for life! 🐻🐦💞

Lake + Manning the epic conclusion! Brought many tears to my eyes, I'm so sad their story is over. Just when you think Jessica couldn't make you feel all the feels enough, she does so in the most beautiful way. This story is absolutely beautiful and the perfect way to end it. It had everything I could have hoped for. Read this amazing love story that is Lake+Manning.

Love love love

Finally Lake and Manning have their happily ever after. I Loved it. A great end to a great series. By far one of the best series I’ve ever read. Jessica Hawkins is a genius. I totally recommend this whole series.


Amazing conclusion to this love story. Everything I needed to read and MORE! If you haven’t read this series you’re seriously missing out. It’s over and I feel this amazing sense of closure and happiness 💕

Awww so happy with this finale

I truly enjoyed reading about Lake and Manning. After Book 2 I was a little frustrated at the fact that Lake was after him but now I'm really glad things worked out for them

Yesssss, I LOVED IT!

Alle-freaking-lujah! FINALLY! Lane & Manning’s beautiful story has come to a close. So many obstacles had to be overcome to get to this emotional conclusion. But it has filled me with so many feels <3

Pretty Good

I was happy to see that Lake and Manning were FINALLY able to be together. However, I felt like the story was a little rushed in dome places. But if you have read the other books you most definitely want to read this one.


Absolutely perfect ending to an amazing series! I didn't ever want it to end! My heart is fuller after finishing it! From first book to last, this series has rocked my world! I definitely recommend it!!

AMAZING! !!!!!

I don't even know where to start with this series... It had me in all kinds of roller coaster emotions. .. It's definitely one of my top series I'll read over and over... recommended for everyone lol... love Lake and Manning story..

Epic ending for Lake + Manning's story!

Jessica Hawkins deliver the most and best epic story for the conclusion of Lake + Manning's story. I am a little sad to see their story come to an end but oh so very happy with their story. This definitely a one-click.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

So sad it's over😥

So sad but happy too. Loved every one of this series. I could keep reading more. Happy that they are happy. Wish there was some Manning point of view. Jessica is such an awesome writer can't wait for her next project.

And they lived happily ever after...

Such an amazing ending to one of my favorite series. I cried and laughed but most of all loved every minute of Lake and Manning. My heart breaks that it's the end but I'm happy it ended like this. Thank you Jessica for giving us these two❤

Must read series loved every second

Wow love this series. Great story and writing. This book made me cry and I didn't want to stop reading it. Love lake and Manning. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

Birdy and Bear no better love story!

Loved it! What a ride this series has taken me on! I have hit every emotion 10 times over! Love getting to see the stars line up for this couple finally! So worth it!!! Swooning for a Bear of my own!!

Perfect ending..

This book was the perfect ending to the series. Lake and Manning deserved all the happiness Jessica wrote for them! I experienced every emotion there is while reading the series. Just wonderful Jessica Hawkins is an amazing storyteller.

Lake + Manning

What a wonderful conclusion to an amazing love story!! Everyone deserves a happily ever after and its always wonderful to see a couple youve grown to love so much finally get theirs!!

Perfect! Loved this!

What an emotional ride this was! Through the ups & downs, wrongs & rights, heartaches & happy times, Lake and Manning’s love prevailed! Such a perfect ending to this beautiful and powerful love story.


This book was the perfect ending to one of my favorite book couples. I don't know that I would change a single thing... But now what? I feel like some close friends moved away...

Love this book!!!

The best book yet!!!! I Literally got this book today and couldn’t put it down...Hope the author either makes a continuation of this series or makes a spinoff book...great characters, struggle, and show of how love conquers all!!! the characters def. moved the stars....😊 Jessica

amazing read

I feel in love with Lake and manning from the first book. To know they finally after all this time got there happy ending is worth the long wait of the books. Jessica it was there are not enough words to say how amazing this book was.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

Moved the stars

I'm not gonna lie when I thought this series was over I was so bummed especially cuz I didn't feel Lake and Manning got the ending they deserved but now I feel they have! I've loved their story so much they really deserved the happiest ever after two people could get. Jessica has done these characters a world of justice. Can't wait to reread lol

Heart touching

Such an amazing thing to finally finish Lake and Mannings story. It was powerful to see how they have come after all these years. So touching and such a great read. Highly recommend!!!

What an AMAZING story!!!

This was just the perfect ending to an amazing story!!! It’s another one of those series that I will never get enough of the main characters. I felt that we had come full circle when we walked in Lake and Manning’s shoes through all of the pain, heartache, forgiveness and, of course, their intense love in the first 3 books of the Something in the Way series. I could have considered the series complete after the last book but I am so glad that Jessica didn’t see it that way and gave us Lake + Manning. Lake and Manning are in a different place now and have built a solid relationship like no other. But they are faced with new challenges that they must confront. It’s during these challenges that we see the true depth of the love that they have for each other. It warmed my heart to see that they had such an intense and intimate connection that was built because of their past. To know all of the pain and suffering they both went through not being with each other, that once they were together, they were never letting go. I loved how Jessica incorporated Corbin, Val, Lake’s Mom and Dad and even Tiffany in this book. I was happy to see what direction those relationships went. And for me, I felt the time span helped me see the growth of all the characters. I found that this series, at times, was not easiest to read but that’s what made it so real to life. For me, it’s these types of books that I fall in love with and become my favorites. This series is definitely on that short list of favorites. This is a 5 star book for me and I consider the entire series “Off the Charts” and a must read!!! **Lake + Manning is book 4 of a series and MUST be read in order**

The greatest love story ever

I read the whole series one of the best love stories ever. I recommend you read the series of lake and manning. Jessica Hawkins has become one of my favorite writers

Love Does Conquer All

I have to say this is probably one of the best series that I’ve read. I’m thrilled that it worked out for them, they got what they asked for & Manning did move the stars for Lake. I look forward to the next series by Jessica.

Stressful series!

OMG! I have never been so emotionally wrapped up in books! Stomach upset, anger, frustration, laughter all of my emotions came out in these books. I highly recommend them!!!!

Would read again and again

Made me laugh, And made me cry my heart out.. Smile, feel the joy and the heartful of sadness . But could not put it down. Will read again the whole series of books.

So happy

I’m so happy Lake + Manning got their HEA and everything they wanted. It took time and it was painful to witness but they deserve every happiness. I can only hope for more from the Sutter family.


I do read a lot and this is one series I could not put down. Be sure though to read the previous Three it brings everything together,

5+STARS!!!!! This epic conclusion to Lake and Manning's story was perfect.

I fell in love with Lake and Manning from day one. Their story is filled with lots if ups and downs, so many emotions that will make you cry, laugh, scream, swoon. This was the best conclusion to end their beautiful love story.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.


Best series by Jessica Hawkins to date! I couldn't put the books down! #MustRead if you haven't read the series yet, do it trust me you'll thank me after!!

OMG I cant!!

The perfect ending for the perfect series! I thought I was going to scream mid way but at the end it all came full circle! I wish we could have more lake and manning, maybe a follow up with the kids?

Worst series

Bought the entire series. Only read the first three. This guy was such an ass it should be titled 'men to stay away from'. Garbage. Didn't deserve her.

4th was the charm

Thank you for giving me closure with a perfect ending! There were parts that I felt were not complete but overall it was a good book

Seriously?!? I loved them all, but this is my favorite!!!

I have always loved the dynamic between Manning and Lake, but this whole happily ever after stuff had me feeling all the feels!! Loved it!!


I couldn't put the book down! Thank you for Lake & Manning, Jessica! I loved the ending you gave us!

Oh my God!!!!

This was the perfect ending for not only Lake and Manning but for EVERYONE!!! I loved how everything and everyone came together. Thank you Jessica Hawkins for this wonderful ending to one of my FAVORITE series.. ❤

After all the angst and drama in the first 3 books, felt a bit short-changed withe the final chapters

I would have appreciated more a few chapters covering the birth of Henry, the family's celebration of this event, and the second pregnancy with Maddie. After the drama and emotional struggle to get pregnant i felt one chapter narrating on hindsight about the births and adoption was too short cut.

Loved it!

Perfect ending to this series! Loved every book!


I lovedManning, he’s a unicorn every girl wants. I liked lakes progression from naive to knowing who she is. They make the best couple.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

An amazing love story!!!!

OMG, I loved, loved, loved this series. It made me laugh and cry. I was rooting for Lake and Manning throughout the series. A must read!!!!


AMAZING. BEYOND my expectations. More than I could have ever expected and the BEST conclusion to any story I gave ever read. Full review to come...

Best surprise 4th book

Oh. Em. Gee. Queen up in here!!! This is was so much more than I was hoping for. Best surprise 4th book. Ever!!! Bravo Jessica!!!

Loved It!!

I couldn't put it down , what a great ending to Lake and Manning ' s love story. You will love this book but like me you'll miss them too.

Perfect Ending

What a perfect ending to a perfect story. Your still going to need a Kleenex box. All answers to the questions will be answered.


I loved the this book, a perfect ending to a wonderful Series! Thanks to Jessica for writing it for us!

My happy heart!

I just need more of Birdy and Great Bear <3 Manning and Lake are by far my favorite couple. All the things they went through to get where they deserved. This book covered all of that!

A perfect ending

What a beautiful ending to a rollercoaster series! Lake and Manning will always hold a special spot in my heart.

Fantastic conclusion!

I loved Lake and Manning’s conclusion!! I couldn’t put it down!! I’m sad that it’s over but the story suited them!

Best book in a while!!

I’ve read the entire series twice in a week. Their story drives me crazy... this series is full of teasers, twists, and unfair fate that keeps these two apart. So when they finally get together you know there’s going to be fireworks!

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

The End

Not as good as Book one or two but does tie up everything

Awesome read

Loved every moment in this series.

An incredible series

An incredible, angst filled series. Lake and Manning finally get their HEA. This story captivated me from the very beginning.

3.5 out of 5

Good for an epilogue, but not sure it really needed to be made into its own entire novel. The most interesting part was Lake reconciling with her family and the rest was their quest to start a family.

More than 5 stars

A perfect ending to lake and manning. I love how they got their happily ever after. I hope there be books about the kids


Cute quick read!


The conclusion to lake & Manning love story I was in awe! Do these two finally walk down the Aisle together and does lake get the family she wants? Loved it.

Great ending to an epic love story!

I have loved this whole series of books. They're all so hard to put down. This one made me even tear up at times it was so emotional. I love this couple so much!

Perfect ending

This last book was bitter sweet. I enjoyed every minute of it. I am sad to see it end but I loved the series.

One Star

This series just wasn't for me. It was on the verge of inappropriate and wrong.

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

This book was absolutely the most amazing ending to this series

This book was absolutely the most amazing ending to this series. I loved the whole series so much that I think I'm going to re-read them all. Jessica Hawkins has a way with words that really tugs at your heart strings.

Amazing, heartbreaking, and incredible

I absolutely devoured these books. Within 3 days I read all three. Ive laughed. Ive cried. And ive felt like i know the characters. I am so sad theyre over

Amazing turns and teists

Great series.

Great read

This was a great ending to a wonderful series. I read it in two days and couldn't put it down

Good way to finish!

fanstastic series! Good way to finish!

Good reading

I really enjoyed this series,I had a hard time putting book down to do my daily housework.So true to life

5 *****

That was the perfect conclusion to Lake and Manning's story. I'm going to miss those two like crazy. Bravo Jessica


this was the perfect conclusion to this epic love story. It took awhile to get there, but the wait was worth it.

Great romance to fall in love with!

Jessica Hawkins has done an amazing job with this series! Hate that this is the end of it, but it will stay at the top of my list of books to read. Beautiful job done!

I have read them all 😊

I rarely bury a whole series...because I usually lose interest....but I absolutely love this series.....I followed lake and manning threw all of life joys and pitfalls...and loved every minute of it

Perfect Ending to an Epic Love ❤️

Five Summer Triangle Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟! If I could give this book all the stars in the universe I would! I really don't know where to begin with my review. I was one reader who was satisfied with the ending of Move the Stars, but also sad that there were going to be no more words to read about Lake and Manning. When it was announced that there would be a fourth book I was over the moon happy. And I started to develop expectations. Expectations of Manning, of Lake, and of their life together. I was not disappointed. All of my expectations were met, and then some. This book had everything. I laughed, I cried both happy and sad tears, and I was heartbroken at times. Nothing less than what I expect from Jessica Hawkins. And I also had the opportunity to get reacquainted with the Manning I fell in love with in Something in the Way. Manning made me fall in love all over again in this book. I didn't realize how much I missed him and needed this version of Manning until I had him again. Fans of this series will absolutely love Lake + Manning. Once again Jessica has poured her heart and soul into this couple and we as readers are rewarded for it.

They 'll confront the stars this time...together. <3

The conclusion of Bear and his Birdy…is both heart-warming and gut-wrenching. Honestly, it’s indescribable the big and epic grandness to the entirety of the series, and culminates in the final installment of a truly magnificent, raw, powerful, evocative, moving, and incredibly haunting Quartet. In Book 1, it's not just the beginning, but a beginning of an end because once Lake and Manning met, that was it. Something in the Way was about the intangible and fragile perceptions of what we think we know and how it wars with what we want, however indecipherable but instinctual. And richly multi-layered in the complex emotions for both characters. For Lake, at 16, it was love. A kind of love that came from somewhere so deep inside her, it gave her goosebumps from the inside out. For Manning, at 23, it was nostalgia. A brief sweetness in a dark abyss of his childhood that he lost, can’t shake, and somehow thinks he can regain in Lake. It is that remembrance of an innocence he hadn't touched or seen in an age that draws him to her. In him, he awoke, finally became alive, the second he saw her... In Manning, Lake's innocence was everything he needed, and everything she wanted to give. Only to him. In the next book, Somebody Else's Sky, everything is changed. And not. Not when it comes to the essentials of Lake's love for Manning but also her trust and belief in him as a good man. For Manning, the demons that haunt him continue to steer him on a path away from what he knows is wrong but also completely right. He lives on a different edge of darkness, and it lives within him. But it is a madness he's accepted and it can't be undone. He’s not going to hide that he lives in the real and in real he must in order to live his empty life. He already knows he doesn't get to have what others have, only what the fates will bestow upon him. He’s still trying to do the right thing, save Lake from himself. However, out of everything he tries so hard to control, he can't control his own path, his deep and growing feelings, towards Lake. Or the emotions that tear him apart and consume him. No, he can't save himself, but he'll give her everything he can--as long as it's not with him. Sometimes heaven is out of reach, and so the stars are close enough. In Move the Stars, time has passed. It's fast-forward and we're given a Lake a little older, somewhat wiser, and without her hero… A hero who has given up on his own dreams so that she can thrive. It's all a grand design--of Manning's making--his choices, his decision, his final verdict. But Lake isn't a girl anymore. And she's angry. She's hurt. Lost. Adrift. When Manning comes careening back in her life, the pull that's always been there, hasn't changed. In fact, it's become explosive. Finally, Manning lets himself believe, want, and have everything he's wanted, dreamed and wished for...but reality upends them both and this's Lake that makes her choice. And walks away. Book 3 was supposed to be the end...but I *felt* it wasn't. That there were still layers to be unraveled. This time, it's Lake's story. Manning's, too. More importantly, it's their story. This time, Lake has the control but not the strength--not on her own. In this taut finale, it's about how much they need each other, and yes, deserve each other but how, in each other, they can truly overcome any obstacles and face all their fears—and they do—on their own terms. In this final installment, Lake + Manning, it's finally about them. Their journey, together. Their pain, struggles, joy, bliss--as a couple, a family, a team. No more distractions, no more outsiders pushing and pulling at them--they both will confront the stars and overcome, together. It's just them, on they own, good or bad, up or down, they either rise, or they fall--but together. This is a story as only they could wish it, and dared; to dream for more and to finally get everything they could hope for. However people felt about each book (ranted, raved, despised, loved, cried, hated—and every other emotion felt), Jessica Hawkins has delivered one of the most thought-provoking and intense emotional roller-coaster of a series. I sometimes didn’t like where she took us but I respected and admired her risks and writing a realistic and real story for the characters, and not trying to appease readers, and considering we’re a fickle bunch, it impresses me more she went with her gut and took those chances. In a genre filled with generic and formulaic romances, this Quartet goes beyond just a simple romance and digs so deep into the psyche and soul of two characters that they not only embed under your skin, but some piece them actually stays there. You cannot deny that Ms. Hawkins has a stunning and beautifully fucked-up view of romance and her characters but that’s what makes this series and her point of view so fascinating and hard to ignore. She's a master at character development. A storyteller who knows how to tell a story. She's an artist in the way she uses words to paint every aspect of this book for the reader's mind. Her words force you to feel--sometimes sad, happy, ugly, angry, bitter, heartbroken--emotions. Few books make your gut clench, your breath hitch, you brain hum with anticipation at what unexpected curveball she'll throw out you. Nothing is without intention, purpose, and focus. She's not about the fluff, and everything about the heart…about telling the story as it should be not told and not trying to write something that readers want or demand. She writes a story about two people with all the trimmings, including the triumphs and struggles that I think are quite relatable, eloquent, devastating but oh-so deliciously wonderful to read. If you don't read this final of a magnificent series, an extended HEA epilogue (60k words!), you are missing out in a big way. It has everything you want, wanted, and so much more. She continues to surprise me and I loved everything about it. But if you choose not to…well, maybe that’s for the best because Ms. Hawkins is still going to going to get a reaction out of you—and I’ll bet it’ll be an unexpected one at that. Not since CJ Roberts' The Dark Duet Series, have I been so pulled and strung out in the best possible way (x4! I guess I like to be emotionally destroyed). These characters aren't like any you've read. They feel like real people and we're taken along with them on their journey. They bleed, they hurt, and they love, and they can still laugh after all the hell that's reigned down on them. Sigh…I'm gonna miss Lake and Manning. I'm even going to miss Tiffany and their parents and all the secondary characters that also had an impact and also beautifully written to enhance the plot and challenge/support our MCs. I'm glad to have been part of their journey, their strife and especially their victories. And I think this last book truly completes the series in a way that won't leave you for quite a while but will think back with a deep, satisfied sigh, and with great fondness.


If I could pick ONE series for you guys to read, it would be The Something in the Way Series by Jessica Hawkins. I can't tell you what an epic journey she has taken me and MANY, MANY readers and friends on. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. EVER. Oh yeah, and the emotions this author put her readers through with this series is like... 😍😑🙄😯😥😒😖😱🤢😭😡💔❤️🔥😊😂😁😭🤤 I can't tell you how amazing this story was. I pulled an all nighter reading it, I couldn't stop, and I never ever want to say good bye to these characters. Lake + Manning is one of the most beautiful, emotional, and sexiest endings to a series I have ever read. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this gift she's given us. I've been invested in their lives, it's like they are a part of my family, a part of my heart ❤️ I'm so sad it's over, I really don't know what to do with myself now. I'll miss them so much, I know they'll not only live on in my heart forever, but in the hearts of many, many readers all across the world. Thank you so much Jessica for giving us such a beautiful, epic, and UNFORGETTABLE love story.

Lake + Manning are EVERYTHING!!!

I need a moment of silence to mourn the loss of these characters. They've been in my life for almost a year now and I don't know how to let them go. I have been on this journey with Lake, Manning and company since the very beginning. The author warned us that it would be a difficult road to travel, but she also said to trust her.... and thank goodness I did because the end result is more than worth it. I'm not going to go into details about Lake + Manning, just know you should experience it for yourself. I think it should be obvious, but please make sure to read Something in the Way, Somebody Else's Sky and Move the Stars before reading the final conclusion of Lake + Manning! I have never been more invested in a book series the way I have been with this one. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I don't think about the characters. They are a part of my soul and I don't think they'll ever leave... and I don't want them to. I'm not ready to say goodbye. If you have any lingering questions about the series, they are all wrapped up in L+M. I do not have a single complaint- this whole novel was perfection from start to finish. Manning is *EVERYTHING* I have ever wanted, hoped for and dreamed about. This series will bring out every emotion. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, I got angry... and repeat. Jessica Hawkins is one of the most talented authors I have ever had the pleasure of reading. She is simply one of the best! I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next!!!

Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning’s relationship has never been easy. If you’re reading the fourth installment of Something in the Way, you already know that Lake and Manning’s relationship has always been complicated. Well, the complexities didn’t end with Move the Stars. Lake and Manning are now pursuing their dreams together. Just like in any relationship, life isn’t always simple. Lake and Manning have similar goals, but are they out of reach? Is having it all in their stars? There is no doubt in my mind that you are going to read this book if you have read the other books in this series. Lake + Manning is phenomenal! This book is not to be missed. If you thought you loved Lake + Manning before, wait until you read this book. I can’t believe their story is over. I feel like I just closed a chapter on old friends. I’m happy the way it all ended. Jessica Hawkins moved the stars for her fans with her unputdownable conclusion to this series.

Lake + Manning = The Perfect Conclusion

If you have followed the saga of Lake and Manning since Something in the Way (and if you have not, I urge you to STOP READING THIS REVIEW right now - RIGHT NOW - because it will contain spoilers for the three books), then you know that our favorite why-aren't-they-together couple fought several seemingly insuperable obstacles before they were, finally, united. When I finished Move the Stars, I thought, "Okay. Thank you, Jessica Hawkins, for how you brought these two together." I didn't think I needed a fourth book. I didn't think I needed to read about more conflict between Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins, though, had other ideas. She knew her story was not finished. She knew that there were a few more things that Lake and Manning had to battle before they could truly find their happily-ever-after. And so now we get to spend more time with them, and what makes this book so fantastic is that we get to spend time with Lake and Manning together. Whereas they fought to be a couple - or fought against it, as the case may be - for three books, here they fight as one. The conflicts that Hawkins throws at them are organic and feel authentic. They do not feel forced or histrionic. When Lake says, "We had ways of molding the universe to meet our demands," you know that the emphasis here is on the word "we." If you learned anything about Lake and Manning over the course of the first three books, it is that they fight for what they want and what they need. They fight for what they deserve. Jessica Hawkins keeps them true to this ethos, never manipulating them into behaving in ways that feel inauthentic. Lake + Manning, it turns out, equals the perfect ending to a favorite couple's love story.

5 Summer Triangle Stars!

My thoughts are all over the place where Lake + Manning are concerned. How do you even begin to convey what reading their love story means, what feelings it evoked and how you’ll manage the ups and downs. This is not just a story full of angst, hope, frustration, love, anger, hatred, etc., etc. This is a journey. Jessica takes you on a journey that will captivate your heart and soul in a way you never thought possible. Nothing about Lake + Manning or their relationship has been an easy road to follow. Their love is all consuming, but sometimes fate likes to step in and test you again and again. Even so, Manning is strong and will do everything in his power to make sure his Birdy is safe, well taken care of and happy. To see Manning in is element, acting all alpha, “great bear” with his girl is soooooooooooooo sexy! Oh em gee this man, this is the Manning I absolutely love and adore. Lake is Lake, I’ve admired her from the start and that feeling has only intensified while following her through this bumpy life. When she loves, she loves with every fiber of her being. She’s honest, she’s real and I can honestly say I’m one of her biggest fans. I loved this story and the entire series. The characters have captured my heart, it will never be the same. Yes, I’m pretty sure there were multiple times my heart broke in two and I thought I might not survive. But with the love and support of my book girls, I made it through and I feel like I have a new family. Lake + Manning’s love story is a journey worth taking and one you won’t forget. The conclusion of Lake + Manning’s story is nothing short of perfection. Their love story is beautiful, painful, raw and emotional. Jessica’s writing is once again flawless as she guides us through the ever-changing obstacles they continue to face. Every word pulls you deeper and deeper into their lives. They’ve become family, not just characters in a love story. It won’t be easy to let go, I can’t believe their story has come to an end. I know without a doubt their story and my journey with them will always hold a special place in my heart ❤❤❤ #TeamLanning #BearandBirdy #Foreverinmyheart #Blueberrypie

5 hard earned emotional star! Everything I could’ve asked for and didn’ know I needed!

Have you ever read a book about characters that you're so invested in, that they become like your friends and family? You feel like you know them, but you lost touch with them and you don't know what has been going on with them lately? Lake + I’m Manning is that relationship for me. Jessica giving us this 4th and final book in the Something in the Way series is a gift I will never take for granted. You must have read the first 3 books in this series to read this one, and if you've made it through the other three. Congratulations! You ran the emotional marathon with the rest of us and we're here to see what becomes of Lake and Manning after their tumultuous ride to a happy ever after. This book ties up many, if not all the questions you have from the previous books. And in true Jessica Hawkins fashion, she takes you on a emotional tour of ups and downs for many characters. Not just the beloved title characters. There will be moments you will laugh, cry, swear, and moments when you need to take a breath and look back on the road that not only Lake and Manning have traveled; but you the reader as well. The expert way in which Jessica weaves beloved and treasured elements from the complete series in to the final book is nothing short of amazing. And something I didn't know I needed. But feel so complete and resplendent having been giving them by the masterful Ms. Hawkins! I can't explain the emotions of reading Lake + Manning, I feel like I finally was able to finally breathe and allow myself to accept all the bumps and bruises we the readers might've taken with these books. There was a certain moment towards the end, where I literally felt my wall crumble and experienced a rush of emotions. I can honestly say no other series or writer has given me a moment like this. Lake + Manning is everything I could've wanted and so much more. I will never forget the ride or the conductor (Ms. Jessica Hawkins). Nor will I forget the connections I've made through this series.

What a ride

Poor Lake is all I can say. Wow. I’m glad things worked out for her but she suffered ten times more than he did in my opinion. And she had to live through that “good” marriage (I’m trying not to give too much away), but really WHAT was he thinking?!?! All I could think was he got both sisters, and then stole her family, too. And then he wanted her to reconcile and grovel to her family after they conspired to keep them apart. I’m angry at Manning even though the story ended happily. He got way more than he deserved and Lake imo made all the sacrifices. Four years of marriage before he checked on her. Holidays with her family while she struggled. Surprise gifts and cars for her sister, while she got over heartbreak. What a jerk. Still the story moved me, but only for Lake’s agony of watching him stupidly screw and marry her sister. My emotions were only for her.

Lake and Manning, and their sky full of stars!

I don't think there ever was a series that I'd read in which every book deserved a 6-star rating. Except this one. And the weird thing is, every book was better than the last one, and... finally, we were given the most beautiful ending to the love story of Lake and Manning. Jessica Hawkins moved my standards and expectations so much higher, and I'm positive that this series will be the one to stay in my mind (and my heart; read: favorite) for a long, long time. Talk about a book hangover! I must say I was so excited when I heard there would be the fourth book in the series. Even though Lake and Manning ended up together at the end of Move the Stars, I felt there was so much more to their happily-ever-after. And the author gave us so much more in this book. I've read it in one breath. It was romantic... it was touching... it was sexy... it was heartbreaking... it was raw... it was beautiful, and scorching and amazing and hope-lifting and... I think this is the moment where words fail me: because there is not such an amazing word - that I know of - that can describe the experience of reading this book, laughing and crying with these characters, feeling for them; the closest I can come to describing it is with breathtaking! I don't want to divulge too much into the story, but let me say: all the loose ends are finally tied up, and happily-ever-after was never truer to everything it represents. If you loved the series this far, you have to read this book. It's a must-read conclusion to one EPIC love story, that will stay with you for as long as your memory serves you. I know for sure because it feels so hard for me to let go of this story, of these characters, and I'm sure it's evident considering this review has come to be from pure emotions: I didn't really think it through, I just wrote. Because I loved this book. Because it was beautiful. Because the Bear and the Birdy finally found their sky full of stars.

Epic ending!

The perfect ending, this book was my favorite. Sad knowing that this story has ended. I recommend these books 100%


Perfect ending to Lake and Manning’s story!!

Great read.

Wife liked it.

Good ending to a great series.

Loved reading about Manning and Lake through the years of their relationship. Challenging sure, but true love prevailed. Steamy and a captivating story. Great book.

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