Shelter for Quinn (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Book 13)

Kindle Edition
11 Feb
Freak. Witch. Ugly. Abomination.

Having grown up with a port-wine birthmark on her face and neck, Quinn Dixon’s heard them all. Her own mother couldn’t bear to touch her, let alone strangers. Years of stares and insults from everyone from classmates to foster families have made her understandably reluctant to trust. So when John comes along, of course he couldn’t be interested in more than a brief affair. He’ll get sick of all the gawking and whispers soon enough and leave her…just like everyone else.

John “Driftwood” Trettle was captivated by Quinn the moment they met. After months of skirting around their attraction, one pivotal evening finds John seizing the reins and refusing to be denied a chance to prove he’s worthy of Quinn’s time, her trust, and her love. To show her he’ll have her back, always, and defend her against anyone cruel or stupid enough to hurt his woman.

But he can’t protect against an unknown threat. Even if it wears a familiar face…

** Shelter for Quinn is the 13th book in the Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Series. Each book is a stand-alone, with no cliffhanger endings.

Reviews (196)

A wonderful story about love and self acceptance

Quinn Dixon is an amazing woman who few people ever really see. All they see is the port wine birthmark on her check and neck. They never take time to see the real person. Oh sure they call her names like witch and freak or they steer clear of her saying she has the "mark of the devil". Her life hasn't been easy but she has learned to ignore most of the taunts and ignorant people who she comes in contact with. Driftwood as he is know to he fellow firefighters, his real name is John Trettle met Quinn through Chief a fellow firefighter. From the first meeting he as only seen the real beauty in Quinn. He stands up for her when he hears others put her down. He is kind, caring, compassionate, and protective. Everything a woman could want but Quinn has been avoiding him. He has to work hard to let her know that she can trust him, that he sees her for who she is. This is a great addition to a series of alpha males and woman with flaws. In Quinn's case her birthmark has been the bane of her existence and she hides from the world preferring to be by herself. She faces ridicule on a daily basis but lately is gotten worse. There is an unknown enemy that is a threat to her and Driftwood will do everything he can to keep her safe with the help of his law enforcement friends. There are some twists and turns in here and some misconceptions about a certain character who is not what he appears. Quinn is strong and brave just like the women who have come before her in this series. She finds her own strength and finally see herself the way Driftwood does. Ms. Stroker writes these stories in such a way that the reader is drawn in and I find myself caring about these characters as if they are real people. She sheds light on port wine birthmarks in this story and I admire that she draws attention to the fact that society places a huge emphasis on what it thinks a beautiful woman should look like. A woman is more that her flaws, they just makes these characters stronger. Driftwood isn't perfect either but they are perfect for each other in so many ways. This is a sweet story of loving someone and learning to love yourself, port wine birthmark and all. I absolutely loved it and had to finish it all in one day.

This series just keeps getting better and better!

This book is about Quinn Dixon and John “Driftwood” Trettle. Quinn is such an amazing person, however due to her port wine birthmark, people don’t get to know the real her, they just stare and make rude comments about her. To say that her life has been hard growing up is an understatement. Then there is John. He has been attracted to Quinn since they first met, but of course Quinn can’t believe that someone like him would want to be with someone like her, but John sets out to prove her wrong. John is always quick to defend her when others make fun of her and he is such a caring and compassionate person. He lets Quinn know right away that she can always be herself with him and that she can always trust him. To watch these two grow in their relationship was heartwarming. This books has everything you could want, love friendship, humor, romance and of course an unknown threat to them. This book made me laugh at times and cry at others. The story is very well written and you won’t be able to put it down. Another great book in this series.

Amazing story

Susan did it again and again writing her amazing love stories. Quinn is and has always been self-conscious about her port wine birthmark along her face and neck, but it still didn't take away from her beauty on the inside and out, and John Driftwood Tettle was intrigued by her from the beginning and wanted to get to know her so much better, so he didn't give up on his pursuits. It's mind boggling to know that our crazy world has really horrible so-called humans that live among us and think they know what God has in store for someone's future, not too mention their crazy misconceptions of their religious or cult beliefs. Susan wrote another fantastic story as usual.

Meh . . .

Was way too much repetition, cliche'd characters, and forced plotline. The heroine was incredibly naive or just plain stupid - so annoying! And I love a swoon-worthy hero just as much as the next gal, but John/Driftwood was too good to be believed. And the evil whack-job villain Jen was a cartoon. How did so many people not see that she was clearly off the rails and call her out on her sh*t? Story had a great premise but was poorly executed. Sorry . . .

A Winner!!!

Driftwood and Quinn's story was really good. The plot was very intense. I felt I was at the edge of my seat. Driftwood had been attracted to Quinn for a very long time and one night at their local hangout, he decides it's time for Quinn to be his girlfriend. Quinn has always been self-conscious about her port wine birthmark. She deals with states and ride comments almost every single day. It takes its toll on her. She is attracted to the gorgeous firefighter, but he would never want anything to do with her. He could have any woman. There is intrigue, romance and humor in this story that will keep you entertained. I love the fact that the other characters from this author's series are always present. It helps keep all of her heroes and heroines present so that we can witness what is going on in their lives as well as the new hero and heroine. I can't wait for Taco's story and for Penelope and Moose to final have their own happily ever after.

Another great love story

Once more the Author left me speechless, the story hit home, not because I have a birthmark but because I know I would do the same, I would stare, not because I really want to, but because it is something that to me would be a normal reaction, be it both mark or a blemish, be it a cut or even the loss of a limb, and I know have done, and even that is not right, but I have never degraded or bullied someone with any affliction. Susan describes what Quinn has gone through as a child and as an adult, made my heart ache for all she has gone through. Driftwood(John) meets her and is instantly attracted to her. And like every couple they have their ups and downs, and several curves thrown in the story, I wish I could say more but I have no wish to ruin the plot to those who have not read it yet. But if you like Susan Stoker rest assured you will love John and Quinn....

Wow. Just wow.

Absolute craziness. The sad part about this is that there are really religious zealots out their that think this is the right way to preach. Targeting individuals who have disfigurements etc. this story seems farfetched but it not obscenely so. Driftwood/John and Quinn’s relationship has been a long time coming. A lifetime of insecurities and horrible people have made Quinn feel less than everyone else and undeserving of John. When all he wanted was to love her. Their relationship goes through ups and downs. There are some twists and turns. I had inklings and suspicions about some characters and wound up being right. Just had that bad vibe. I love how the guys in these stories fight for the love of their life. And how their women all rally around one another. The guys from law enforcement and fire/rescue all rally behind each other and all the women as well and it just is so cool to see such loyal and protectiveness. Among a group of friend who are lore like family. Can’t wait for Penelope’s story.

Twists, Turns, Emotional and Loving

Once again Susan Stoker takes on a topic that some may find difficult. This book is about lifelong bullying, how it has affected Quinn, and also about the people that perpetrate this sort of thing. I've loved Quinn since we met her in Sophie's book, the fact that she hides her port wine birthmark has tugged at my heartstrings from that moment. John aka Driftwood has been trying to get Quinn to go out with him since he first met her. He sees her for who she is, a beautiful person inside and out. Her green eyes remind him of emeralds so he calls her Emmy. As this book opens, John has declared them dating and has taken Quinn to his place to recuperate from the girl's night out. While Quinn has agreed to this, she is surprised to find herself in John's home in bed alone with him on the floor next to the bed. I love John. From a creepy neighbor to adjusting to a man who defends her at every turn is quite a challenge for Quinn. All the women are so very happy for the two of them, even as they aren't as sure about Taco's new girlfriend. I wanted to smack her more than once. There are a lot of twists and turns in this story and I was sniffling more than once. This is a page turning read you won't want to miss.

Imperfections are badges of honor

Quinn had a port-wine stain birthmark, and she suffered for it. My weight has been an issue for so long, and even when I do my best to stay healthy, I still feel self-conscious. Quinn had to live through people’s ignorance when they talk about her birthmark within her hearing. I heard the same. I also remember when, even when I was active with a mountaineering group. Some of my colleagues talked about someone with the same name as mine, and when someone asked who that person was talking about, he said “the pretty one, not the fat one.” I was within hearing distance. It hurt. It hurt that even when I was killing myself going through the rigorous training we had, just so I keep myself fit enough to climb, I still heard grown men and women talk that way. It hurt, knowing that even as these people talked about me in a negative way, they enjoyed the food I prepared. I was the camp cook at that time, and I made sure that the climb team had the best food to sustain them during our trek. “While it is often said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this is not the whole story -- it partly depends on what was recently seen.” –David Alais, Professor of Psychology from the University of Sydney Like Quinn, I learned to ignore those who sought to pull me down. It is my body, after all. As long as I kept myself as healthy as I can, I have long accepted the fact that my weight will forever stay with me. I learned to make good food choices, I learned to set aside a “me time” to keep in shape. I learned to not let people like Jen, Taco's ex, get to me. With Shelter for Quinn, Susan Stoker reminds us to not let our imperfections be the source for people to let us down. Imperfections—birthmarks, physical and mental disabilities, all of them should be celebrated, for each of these make us unique individuals. With or without a support system, these imperfections are tools we can use to become a force of good to our families, our friends, to society. Me, for example—despite the fact that people made fun of my weight when I used to climb mountains, people saw that I could out-climb them that I could lead a climb team. I could also, even when all my bones were aching after a hard trek, ensure that my teammates were well fed, comfortable, and warm. That experience—being alluded to as the “ugly one” and getting hurt by it then—does not define me today. In fact, it has made me who I am today, more confident, more decisive. I am more understanding of people and their need to lift themselves up to the detriment of others. The experience has also strengthened me as I go about my work in politics, and in the field of public relations. Yes, beauty, I believe, is in the eye of the beholder, but are we to consider only beauty that is skin deep, or the beauty within our hearts? In this day and age the choice should be obvious.

So good

Quinn has been laughed at and called names all her life because of the port wine birthmark on her face and neck. She likes to stay home and be by herself but then she meets John. John is a firefighter and asks Quinn out. She turns him down cause she thinks he just feels sorry for her. After months of rejections, John comes to her rescue one night and tells her she’s his girlfriend. He knows she wants him as much as he wants her but she’s been her and let down too many times to step out of her comfort zone. He promises to keep her safe and always protect her until a threat comes out of nowhere. Quinn gets kidnapped and John will use anything and everyone to get her back. A woman who has never been loved and a guy who loves every inch of her. Suspense and some sexy scenes. I love Ms. Stoker’s books and I would recommend them to anyone who wants a great way to escape for awhile.

A wonderful story about love and self acceptance

Quinn Dixon is an amazing woman who few people ever really see. All they see is the port wine birthmark on her check and neck. They never take time to see the real person. Oh sure they call her names like witch and freak or they steer clear of her saying she has the "mark of the devil". Her life hasn't been easy but she has learned to ignore most of the taunts and ignorant people who she comes in contact with. Driftwood as he is know to he fellow firefighters, his real name is John Trettle met Quinn through Chief a fellow firefighter. From the first meeting he as only seen the real beauty in Quinn. He stands up for her when he hears others put her down. He is kind, caring, compassionate, and protective. Everything a woman could want but Quinn has been avoiding him. He has to work hard to let her know that she can trust him, that he sees her for who she is. This is a great addition to a series of alpha males and woman with flaws. In Quinn's case her birthmark has been the bane of her existence and she hides from the world preferring to be by herself. She faces ridicule on a daily basis but lately is gotten worse. There is an unknown enemy that is a threat to her and Driftwood will do everything he can to keep her safe with the help of his law enforcement friends. There are some twists and turns in here and some misconceptions about a certain character who is not what he appears. Quinn is strong and brave just like the women who have come before her in this series. She finds her own strength and finally see herself the way Driftwood does. Ms. Stroker writes these stories in such a way that the reader is drawn in and I find myself caring about these characters as if they are real people. She sheds light on port wine birthmarks in this story and I admire that she draws attention to the fact that society places a huge emphasis on what it thinks a beautiful woman should look like. A woman is more that her flaws, they just makes these characters stronger. Driftwood isn't perfect either but they are perfect for each other in so many ways. This is a sweet story of loving someone and learning to love yourself, port wine birthmark and all. I absolutely loved it and had to finish it all in one day.

This series just keeps getting better and better!

This book is about Quinn Dixon and John “Driftwood” Trettle. Quinn is such an amazing person, however due to her port wine birthmark, people don’t get to know the real her, they just stare and make rude comments about her. To say that her life has been hard growing up is an understatement. Then there is John. He has been attracted to Quinn since they first met, but of course Quinn can’t believe that someone like him would want to be with someone like her, but John sets out to prove her wrong. John is always quick to defend her when others make fun of her and he is such a caring and compassionate person. He lets Quinn know right away that she can always be herself with him and that she can always trust him. To watch these two grow in their relationship was heartwarming. This books has everything you could want, love friendship, humor, romance and of course an unknown threat to them. This book made me laugh at times and cry at others. The story is very well written and you won’t be able to put it down. Another great book in this series.

Amazing story

Susan did it again and again writing her amazing love stories. Quinn is and has always been self-conscious about her port wine birthmark along her face and neck, but it still didn't take away from her beauty on the inside and out, and John Driftwood Tettle was intrigued by her from the beginning and wanted to get to know her so much better, so he didn't give up on his pursuits. It's mind boggling to know that our crazy world has really horrible so-called humans that live among us and think they know what God has in store for someone's future, not too mention their crazy misconceptions of their religious or cult beliefs. Susan wrote another fantastic story as usual.

Meh . . .

Was way too much repetition, cliche'd characters, and forced plotline. The heroine was incredibly naive or just plain stupid - so annoying! And I love a swoon-worthy hero just as much as the next gal, but John/Driftwood was too good to be believed. And the evil whack-job villain Jen was a cartoon. How did so many people not see that she was clearly off the rails and call her out on her sh*t? Story had a great premise but was poorly executed. Sorry . . .

A Winner!!!

Driftwood and Quinn's story was really good. The plot was very intense. I felt I was at the edge of my seat. Driftwood had been attracted to Quinn for a very long time and one night at their local hangout, he decides it's time for Quinn to be his girlfriend. Quinn has always been self-conscious about her port wine birthmark. She deals with states and ride comments almost every single day. It takes its toll on her. She is attracted to the gorgeous firefighter, but he would never want anything to do with her. He could have any woman. There is intrigue, romance and humor in this story that will keep you entertained. I love the fact that the other characters from this author's series are always present. It helps keep all of her heroes and heroines present so that we can witness what is going on in their lives as well as the new hero and heroine. I can't wait for Taco's story and for Penelope and Moose to final have their own happily ever after.

Another great love story

Once more the Author left me speechless, the story hit home, not because I have a birthmark but because I know I would do the same, I would stare, not because I really want to, but because it is something that to me would be a normal reaction, be it both mark or a blemish, be it a cut or even the loss of a limb, and I know have done, and even that is not right, but I have never degraded or bullied someone with any affliction. Susan describes what Quinn has gone through as a child and as an adult, made my heart ache for all she has gone through. Driftwood(John) meets her and is instantly attracted to her. And like every couple they have their ups and downs, and several curves thrown in the story, I wish I could say more but I have no wish to ruin the plot to those who have not read it yet. But if you like Susan Stoker rest assured you will love John and Quinn....

Wow. Just wow.

Absolute craziness. The sad part about this is that there are really religious zealots out their that think this is the right way to preach. Targeting individuals who have disfigurements etc. this story seems farfetched but it not obscenely so. Driftwood/John and Quinn’s relationship has been a long time coming. A lifetime of insecurities and horrible people have made Quinn feel less than everyone else and undeserving of John. When all he wanted was to love her. Their relationship goes through ups and downs. There are some twists and turns. I had inklings and suspicions about some characters and wound up being right. Just had that bad vibe. I love how the guys in these stories fight for the love of their life. And how their women all rally around one another. The guys from law enforcement and fire/rescue all rally behind each other and all the women as well and it just is so cool to see such loyal and protectiveness. Among a group of friend who are lore like family. Can’t wait for Penelope’s story.

Twists, Turns, Emotional and Loving

Once again Susan Stoker takes on a topic that some may find difficult. This book is about lifelong bullying, how it has affected Quinn, and also about the people that perpetrate this sort of thing. I've loved Quinn since we met her in Sophie's book, the fact that she hides her port wine birthmark has tugged at my heartstrings from that moment. John aka Driftwood has been trying to get Quinn to go out with him since he first met her. He sees her for who she is, a beautiful person inside and out. Her green eyes remind him of emeralds so he calls her Emmy. As this book opens, John has declared them dating and has taken Quinn to his place to recuperate from the girl's night out. While Quinn has agreed to this, she is surprised to find herself in John's home in bed alone with him on the floor next to the bed. I love John. From a creepy neighbor to adjusting to a man who defends her at every turn is quite a challenge for Quinn. All the women are so very happy for the two of them, even as they aren't as sure about Taco's new girlfriend. I wanted to smack her more than once. There are a lot of twists and turns in this story and I was sniffling more than once. This is a page turning read you won't want to miss.

Imperfections are badges of honor

Quinn had a port-wine stain birthmark, and she suffered for it. My weight has been an issue for so long, and even when I do my best to stay healthy, I still feel self-conscious. Quinn had to live through people’s ignorance when they talk about her birthmark within her hearing. I heard the same. I also remember when, even when I was active with a mountaineering group. Some of my colleagues talked about someone with the same name as mine, and when someone asked who that person was talking about, he said “the pretty one, not the fat one.” I was within hearing distance. It hurt. It hurt that even when I was killing myself going through the rigorous training we had, just so I keep myself fit enough to climb, I still heard grown men and women talk that way. It hurt, knowing that even as these people talked about me in a negative way, they enjoyed the food I prepared. I was the camp cook at that time, and I made sure that the climb team had the best food to sustain them during our trek. “While it is often said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this is not the whole story -- it partly depends on what was recently seen.” –David Alais, Professor of Psychology from the University of Sydney Like Quinn, I learned to ignore those who sought to pull me down. It is my body, after all. As long as I kept myself as healthy as I can, I have long accepted the fact that my weight will forever stay with me. I learned to make good food choices, I learned to set aside a “me time” to keep in shape. I learned to not let people like Jen, Taco's ex, get to me. With Shelter for Quinn, Susan Stoker reminds us to not let our imperfections be the source for people to let us down. Imperfections—birthmarks, physical and mental disabilities, all of them should be celebrated, for each of these make us unique individuals. With or without a support system, these imperfections are tools we can use to become a force of good to our families, our friends, to society. Me, for example—despite the fact that people made fun of my weight when I used to climb mountains, people saw that I could out-climb them that I could lead a climb team. I could also, even when all my bones were aching after a hard trek, ensure that my teammates were well fed, comfortable, and warm. That experience—being alluded to as the “ugly one” and getting hurt by it then—does not define me today. In fact, it has made me who I am today, more confident, more decisive. I am more understanding of people and their need to lift themselves up to the detriment of others. The experience has also strengthened me as I go about my work in politics, and in the field of public relations. Yes, beauty, I believe, is in the eye of the beholder, but are we to consider only beauty that is skin deep, or the beauty within our hearts? In this day and age the choice should be obvious.

So good

Quinn has been laughed at and called names all her life because of the port wine birthmark on her face and neck. She likes to stay home and be by herself but then she meets John. John is a firefighter and asks Quinn out. She turns him down cause she thinks he just feels sorry for her. After months of rejections, John comes to her rescue one night and tells her she’s his girlfriend. He knows she wants him as much as he wants her but she’s been her and let down too many times to step out of her comfort zone. He promises to keep her safe and always protect her until a threat comes out of nowhere. Quinn gets kidnapped and John will use anything and everyone to get her back. A woman who has never been loved and a guy who loves every inch of her. Suspense and some sexy scenes. I love Ms. Stoker’s books and I would recommend them to anyone who wants a great way to escape for awhile.

Shelter for Quinn

This is another amazing addition to the Badge of Honor series with John a firefighter trying to get Quinn to go out with him. She had a huge birthmark that covered her cheek and neck and made her life a constant problem as people were always staring at her or making rude remarks about it to her. John was different and he thought she was beautiful. He was determined to get her to go out with him and he finally convinced her was was sincere and really wanted to start a relationship with her. He defended her against a man that was bullying her. He got her to meet her friends and tried to like Taco's new friend, Jen but something was not quite right with her. She kept trying to get her to drink some awful tasting water which later made her sick which turned out to be holy water. As John and Quinn's relationship deepened she was kidnapped in her apartment by Jen and her crazy friends. It was exciting as the police, firefighters and their friends tried to find her. Beth deicfered a message with a lot of other computer nerds that these religious zealots were holding a meeting to do something with Quinn that they felt was working with the devil. It seems they were going to burn her to death but the police and SWAT located their meeting as John rushed in and saved Quinn's life and they had to put the flames on his fire clothes out. It was so suspenseful as they took this religious cult under arrest. Quinn realized that people that made remarks was their problem and there was nothing wrong with her birthmarks. She did get laser surgery before her birthmarks grew dangerous. John and Quinn's love story was so romantic as they got their happily ever after. I cannot wait to read Taco' s story next.

Whatever is on your face cannot hide a big heart or a smart brain, not a birth mark not a size 22

I love Susan Stoker since the first line of the Seal of Protection Series, after so many books I read she can still surprise me and make me crying, for the emotional riots she can create through the stories of these amazing characters she gives life. Quinn problem is a complex one not simply bullism or simply a handicap, it’s a mood, an imprinting this society gives to the young generations and had given to the ones before. Fashion and Television have instilled in people and kids the knowledge that perfection is the only characteristic important. My young sister is an amazing kid but the mentality and bigotry of the place she lives in, have transformed a smart brain and not size zero in a plague that had made her thinking she wasn’t worth to be loved. U can’t have a brain big enough and a heart big enough if u wear a size zero. This should be the real message, starving for beauty or suffering for having a brain shouldn’t be the message. Shelter for Quinn sends this message whatever is on ur face in not on ur heart and brain, if u are smart and kind nothing can hide that, not a different size or a birth mark....

Another heartbreaker!!

Driftwood has had feelings for Quinn for a while. But she won't give him a chance. She finds it hard to believe that someone with his looks would ever be interested in her with a facial birthmark people are constantly staring at and making rude remarks. Driftwood has finally had enough of hearing these rude remarks. He steps up and makes his move and declaring that he and Quinn are dating and that he will not tolerate the rude remarks and stares. It will take a lot of trust for Quinn to believe that Driftwood is truly interested in her. This relationship will encounter constant challenges that will ultimately include a threat to Quinn's life from a surprising, unexpected source. Once again Susan Stoker does a wonderful job in providing her readers with a lesson in what respect, compassion and consideration of others looks like.

A Heartwarming Story of Love

Shelter for Quinn is the great, talented Susan Stoker’s newest release in her wildly popular Texas Heroes.series. We’ve gotten to know the hot and handsome firefighters at Station 17, along with the police force. This time we concentrate on a firefighter named Driftwood and his woman, Quinn. Quinn has spent her life hiding her face from others. She has a port wine stain birthmark and has dealt with a lot of people making comments and staring, but Driftwood sees her for the person she is inside, and does his best to shield her from those who would make fun of her. But a religious cult seems to think her mark means she’s been touched by the devil, so they harass her day and night, leading up to where they become dangerous . Can Driftwood and friends save the day? You’ll want to find out! This one is a real page turner!

Shelter for Quinn was absolutely a pleasure to read

Take one firefighter John "Driftwood" Trettle who has for the the previous two books has been in love with Quinn Dixon, a lab tech who works with Sophie at the hospital. They finally get their own Badge of Honor book and it doesn't disappoint. Quinn was given up for adoption as a baby because of her port wine birthmark on her face and has always let the teasing and comments ignored so with Driftwood sticks up for her at the local bar she is surprised. But there is a group who is determined to remove the devil's mark off her or or kill her. Was it Quinn's silent neighbor who will kidnap her or will it be someone they all know? Can John and his friends save her in time when she is kidnapped? John doesn't care that Quinn has a birthmark all he wants to prove to her he'll always stand up to all the bullies and their hateful words. But it will take everyone from the Texas Rangers, San Antonio police, Tex and Beth and Station 7 firefighters to rescue Quinn in time before the cult leader kills her. I can't wait for Koren and Taco's book in June 2019.

Quinn and Driftwood finally get their story

This is Quinn’s and Driftwood’s story. They have been dancing around each other for several books and at the end of “Justice for Hope,” Driftwood decided it was time to move forward in a relationship or move on. Quinn’s an introvert – her birthmark and people’s reaction to it have convinced her that it’s safer to fade into the background than risk getting hurt, again. Driftwood slowly pulls her out of her shell, making her realize that people like her for who she is not how she looks. There’s drama, of course, and the villain surprised me. Another good addition to the series.

Driftwood and Quinn

This is an emotional and suspenseful read. John “Driftwood” Trettle is a firefighter and has been crushing on Quinn Dixon since he met her. She is friends with a fellow firefighter’s woman and he has watched over her from afar. Quinn has a port-wine birthmark on her face and neck and has been the subject of stares and insults all her life. Driftwood has finally had enough of being rejected by Quinn and informs her they are now dating. He gradually draws her out of her shell but now she is being stalked by someone. This book had me reading through the night to finish.

A sweet and spicy firefighter romance.

John aka Driftwood is a guy anyone would love to have as their book boyfriend. He’s a firefighter who has fallen for Quinn. Quinn has a birthmark on her face which brings about stares and rude comments from strangers. Quinn has had a rough childhood being a foster child who grew up not feeling wanted especially with her birthmark. It was sweet watching this relationship unfold. John is incredibly patient with getting Quinn out of her shell. He understands her and does what he can to make her comfortable while wooing her. There is an element of suspense with a stalker who messes with Quinn. This was an entertaining read.

4 stars

"Shelter for Quinn" by Susan Stoke r is the 13th book in her Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes series. This is John/Driftwood and Quinn's story. After dancing around their mutual attraction for months, John decides he's not going to let Quinn ignore it anymore. Quinn was born with a port wine birthmark on her face and neck and has been abandoned and verbally abused by almost everyone in her life. John's love for her is very sweet. When Quinn is abducted by a crazy cult that think she's marked by Satan, Driftwood and his friends stop at nothing to get her back. Very disappointed that I have to wait until July for Taco's book.

Driftwood finally gets the girl, but not without a lot of troubles

Not one of my favorites in the series, but it has an important core message. There was a great deal of unnecessary repetition in this one. Readers get the point, but it seems to have been driven home many too many times. Ms. Stoker is an excellent author with essential messages, but she needs a proofreader and editor. There are lots of incorrect and misspelled words in this one that detract from the storytelling. I have not noticed such a proliferation of errors in the previous books.

Driftwood and Quinn

Holy Wow!!! Definitely amazing. Quinn was born with a port wine birthmark on her cheek down her neck. She has been called names and ostracized since the day she was born. Even her mom didn't want her John "Driftwood " has wanted Quinn since the first time he saw her. Now to just prove it to her. He will take all the time it takes to convince her. Religious flyers keep showing up. Protesters are at the hospital. Even John's truck gets vandalized. Taco's girlfriend wants her to use makeup and keeps trying to get her to cover it up. Now Quinn is missing. With the help of Beth and Tex, hopefully they can break the codes.

All together

The clues were there but the story had to bring it all together to share one twisty tale. I loved Quinn and Driftwood. Hearing how they got their nicknames is so fun. The religious angle and attention to another disability was intriguing. The staring and the heartfelt emotions and reactions grabbed my attention. The chemistry was there and the time with the whole gang was fantastic. This is a great series and I love how the group is growing but everyone remains true to self and full of kindness and sass.

Different and excellent

Three things: handicaps and physical issues, real or perceived; people who believe they’re entitled to judge others, from their own imperfect, nasty little souls; and religious nutcases. These are things (well judging is unfortunately more prevalent) that aren’t as developed or included in other stories. This is my first book of Susan’s, and while it’s not kinky (my favs), I loved it. And hated reading a bit of it. It was well developed in character (liked Willard’s) and engaged me to the end. I realized this was #13 in the series after I was into it. Hoping the others are as good. Great job, S.S.!


Holy WOW! This story is amazing!! Quinn & Driftwood (John) have been dancing around each other through the series, and at the end of the previous story, John finally had enough of the avoidance & declared his intentions. Quinn was A-OK with that, but just because they're now TOGETHER doesn't mean all her insecurities just vanished. I love how this is written, how Quinn's so confident in some areas and needs John's encouragement in others. I love the friendships that have been developing between Quinn & the other ladies & their men. I also ABSOLUTELY was on the edge of my seat for the suspense portion of the story. So well done! There are some really great twists-within-a-twist and some sweet surprises. AND! Love our glimpse of Taco & his future HEA at the end. : )

13th book in Series

I love so many of this writers books...But I would have to say this was a small amount of disappointment to me. She has been very redundant in this book. I loved this character in the other books I have read, but as I got to this couple she focused to much on the birthmark that was on this girls face over and over in this book, seemed like it was to just fill space. So I was not to happy, but because I read all 13 books I was expecting something much better. I realize that it was part of the story, my opinion is it was just talked about much to much.

Repetitive, easy to see coming plot

I’ve read most of the books in this series. I feel like they have become repetitive and very easy to figure out the plot line early in the book. All the male characters are the same, all the female characters are the same, and the plots are the same - they meet, they dance around eachother, the man falls in love instantly while the woman is afraid, the guy makes one small mistake and gets called out on it, apologizes and is forgiven, and an easy to see coming climax happens and is over (and usually happens in the last chapter or 2) SPOILER! This plot was easy to see coming a mile away with Quinn’s neighbor, Taco’s girlfriend, spiking the water, etc. I also felt that John and Quinn were very flat, one dimensional characters that were basically repeats of all the other characters in this series. After yet another let down, I downloaded some of the samples for the following books and felt the same and the reviews agreed with me so I stopped purchasing them. If they were only $.99 I’d probably get them just for something to read for an hour or two but $5 is way too much for not a lot of substance.

Amazing book! Susan Stoker does it again!!

I've loved all of Susan Stoker's books, and this was no exception. She has a way of writing about people who have issues, whether they are physical or emotional 'handicaps', that does not portray them as victims, but as strong men and women who are strong enough to overcome them. Quinn was born with a large birthmark on her face, and has learned that most people don't really see HER, they see her birthmark. She has grown used to the stares and rude comments, but when she meets John “Driftwood” Trettle, he sees beyond the birthmark to the woman within, and sees the beautiful person within. It takes time for him to win her trust, and convince her that he truly loves her, and when a crazy cult kidnaps her, he and his friends race the clock to track them down and rescue her. Highly recommend this book!!!!

Love watching Quinn come out of her shell

Being bullied because of a birthmark is crazy but I know it happens. But to be targeted by people who think they are doing God's work by trying to get you to repent and reject the devil because of the birthmark is even crazier. I love how Driftwood always tried to tell her how beautiful she was and meant it until she actually believed him. But in the end will that love be enough for her to fight for after she is kidnapped or will she just give up?

Quinn and John

Wow what can I say I love that Susan writes stories about real life issues. The way she weaves the good and bad about humans really makes these stories believable and fun. Loved that Quinn finally had a happy place; what a sad situation about how cruel people are when other are different. John was also great even with his screw ups he found his way and Quinn was there with him. Can’t wait for Taco to get his HEA after the hell he had in this book.


Enjoyed this book. It showed growth in both the characters. It really highlights how even little comments, that you might not even think about, can be judgmental and hurtful. Of course almost everyone is, but those who say them out loud because they don’t care about hurting feelings were raised poorly; the age old “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” comes to mind.

LOVE Driftwood!

This is Quinn and Driftwood's book. Driftwood takes matter in hos own hands he is done waiting for Quinn to go out to him. He lays down the law and tells her we are dating and he does all he can do to make sure she know she is a beautiful woman and he birth mark on her face is not what he see. The two start to date and Driftwood is there for her in all times. But a dark force is around and thinks that Quinn is a evil person. Him and his friends race to save her.

Teaching life

I love how the books of this series focuses on a different disability or disfigurement and teaches about that item. But also shows how everyone is beautiful and able to handle life’s issues. Quinn teaches about how people with port wine stains has to live daily with people who doesn’t understand the medical condition. And Driftwood shows how beauty is skin deep.

Shelter for Quinn

Susan Stoker has outdone herself on this book. And that is saying something as all her books are great. This book keeps one on “the edge of their seat”. I could not put it down. I do not tell what the book is about in my reviews as I feel it spoils the book for those who have not read it yet. Her books bring characters from other books and I like that. This book will not disappoint! And it is wonderful to see people accepted as they are. Can’t wait for the next book! .

Growing in love

The complexity of early childhood trauma and how it affects a person into adulthood is evident in Quinn's story. Her birthmark caused insensitive adults to continue to rip her to shreds emotionally. Then, Driftwood sees passed her outward appearance and sees her. He sees her beauty inside and out. I loved the complexity of this story. It reinforced the need to be careful when looking at blemishes, disabilities, etc. and people by those things alone. Driftwood and Quinn found love just in time to grow in love.

Wow, What a book

I loved reading this one, like all the other books in this series it genuine. The characters are normal people with “flaws “. The woman born with a birthmark and been avoiding meeting people because of their staring. This hero sees her soul not her face and slowly falls in love with her. There’s a lot of things happening in between meeting each other to the end of this book. It’s worth reading.

Another winner!

Susan Stokes is one of my one-click authors because EVERY story is a treasure. This one is no exception. The way she writes her heroine, Quinn, is the way mothers should advise their daughters to be- strong willed, compassionate and loving. Her heroes- in this case, John/Driftwood- are loving, protective and loyal, as ALL men should be with the women in their lives. Brava! Kudos!

Another Hit!

I don't know how she does it but each book is outstanding! Quinn and John met when "the gang" hung out at their favorite watering place. John aka Driftwood, was really into Quinn and she liked him, but doesn't believe him when he tells her she is beautiful. After dancing around each other for awhile John takes the initiative and says they're dating. As they move forward a few strange things happen are are called off with Quinn's kidnapping. Will John be able to find and rescue Quinn in time????

Just lovely

Such a lovely store dealing with a very delicate and uncomfortable issue. John was not only patient but persistent and never gave up to the point Quinn finally had to give in. The horrible things that happened to Quinn were horrendous but thankfully she had the support of a very loving man and an entire crew of amazing friends to surround her.

Quinn and John

A woman with a large birthmark is constantly ostracized. A man who is able to see the inner beauty. They come together and find an enduring love. Susan has once again brought a strong woman and protective man together. They find the person that completes them but are able to function as individuals as well. Love this series of alpha men finding strong women.

Susan does it again !!!

I honestly haven't read a book of Susan Stoker's that I haven't just loved ... nothing better than an alpha male that falls for a kick ass woman ... This one is awesome because Quinn really needs to learn to love and accept herself just as she is -- not how others may see her ... I love that Driftwood helps to bring her out of her shell Great read !!!


I have been waiting for this story for a while. Ever since their first meeting. It did not disappoint!!! I finished it in one day. I tried to leave it and make the story last, but I couldn't. Kept me hooked from the first sentence to the last word. How Driftwood got his name. . . HILARIOUS! Thank you again for another amazing addition to your series.


Susan Stoker's latest Badge of Honor story is an up-close look at how our society has lost its hold on decency. I cannot even imagine the pain suffered by those who are "different". My mama raised me to ALWAYS respect others...NO EXCEPTIONS! Observing Quinn's growth through the story and John's unconditional love and support shows what's always possible when we love and respect others no matter their looks, economic status, or any other "measurement" society uses today. Keep it up, Susan. Another winner in the Stoker library!


I loved this book. John and Quinn had both liked each other from a distance. Quinn had a big birthmark on the side of her face she was very self conscious about it. They finally got together but there were really mean people out there. There were a few that claimed cause of her Northampton she was the devil. Highly recommend.

Quinn is unbreakable!

Ms. Stoker has written another non-stop thrilling romance that keeps you wondering to the very end. Fantastic characters, storyline, and an underlying message that cannot be missed - be kind and leave your judgment at the door. John Driftwood is the perfect foil and hero to Quinn's fears and personal bad-assery! Loved the chemistry between these great characters!

Love these stories

As I was trying to decide what to say about this book I realized that a real attraction is that each story is about real people. The people in every book could be your neighbor or your colleague. They have normal lives and you care about every one. The fact that after a few books you also know all of the friends. Keep writing and I'll keep reading. 😁

Classic Susan Stoker

This was a classic Susan story. It was a difficult read with a lot of heavy stuff. This was hard to read as there was little joy. I love Susan’s books and she always has a great message and this is no different.

Shelter for Quinn

Loved John and Quinn was such a touching love story and I really felt their friendship and love grow in the story. I cried when John messed up and made Quinn run from him I am glad things worked out for them and I was glad that her neighbor turn out to be a good person well done Susan I really liked Quinn and John I cannot wait until Taco and Koran comes out

Couldn't put it down

I never want to put Stoker's books down and this one is no exception. I have been waiting for this book for a while and was not disappointed. Stoker is so good a weaving a characters story over time through others characters books, which leave you to anticipation and craving for when those said characters finally get their own stories. She handles the topics of acceptance, tolerance and the darkness that can be found in the world with such grace and empathy. I didn't want the story to end.

Heartfelt connection at its best

Shelter for Quinn is just the latest in a string of awesome books by Susan Stoker. It is a heartwarming, emotional ride through the relationship of Station 7s Driftwood & Quinn. I cried, laughed, oohed & ah’ed. The greatest thing about this story is that it reminds us all to simply be KIND, who says romance novels are useless? I feel as if these are real people & each book is my chance to catchup with old friends! Ms. Stoker - write quicker please!

great book

Susan has given us another awesome book! I was so glad Driftwood got his HEA. Driftwood treated Quinn so wonderful and we learned about accepting people no matter what, which is something that needs to happen more these days. Susan's books always has a life lesson which is great. Also she always has some great action towards the end.

Another fantastic book!

Being a Susan Stoker fan I have very high expectations for every book she releases. This one ticks off all the boxes. There’s love, acceptance, drama, hot sex, an alpha hero and a heroine figuring how to come into her own. It’s a tough road for Quinn to become comfortable in her own skin and it takes some major drama but in the end it she gets her HEA. I can’t wait for the next one in the series!

Another great read from Susan Stoker

Susan Stoker never fails to deliver a great storyline!! Love that she also writes about people that have different abilities (rather than disabilities) that over come great odds with the love and support of the men they are with. I always dread the end of the story because then I have to wait for the next one!!


Another winner! The author has a way of creating characters that feel real and that have challenges complicating their lives. I found myself captured by this story and so totally engrossed that I read this in one sitting. This is a must read for fans of the genre. The author is on my must read authors' list.


As usual Susan Stoker has written a story that’s all to real and tugs at your heartstrings. You feel Quinn’s pain and Driftwood’s frustration as you read their story and watch as Quinn opens her heart. Good flow, wonderful characters, a few twists and a supporting cast we all love.

Loved it

Every story she writes has just the right mix of action, romance, and story lines that you just can't help wanting to keep going back for more. This one has such a great moral to learn by and most of the others do to, but loving at people for who they are not what they look like is o e of the best.

Great addition to the series

I just loved Driftwood for Quinn-it was a perfect match. I admired the way the author handled Quinn's birth mark. I thought it was very well done and I loved Driftwood's handling of the situations that they encountered as a couple. Definitely a great read and I highly recommend this latest addition to the Texas Heros

Another terrific addition to the series

Each book is standalone but overall Susan Stoker has created a rich, complete world. And she has addressed a number of issues that everyday people face and how to deal with them. How to stand up for someone. How to be a friend to someone facing challenges. Just a fantastic series overall. Quinn learning to let John, to trust him. It really is a very well crafted story.

A Wonderful read

Driftwood and Quinn will truly capture your heart and what she endures will melt your heart. Susan stoker writing is simplt amazing. The stories that poor on to the pages give indepth issues that is faced everyday by people. The amount of pain is real that people carry and Susan expresses this in her books so that as a reader you feel each emotion so deeply and the book is so heartfelt .

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Born with a port wine stain on the left side of her face and neck, Quinn has faced rejection by her own mother at birth and constant stares and rude comments from total strangers. John aka Driftwood,breaks past Quinn's emotional barriers and shows her that he finds her beautiful and that she can trust him with her heart. I loved this book so much! I'm also looking forward to Tacos story.😍

The birthmark

This book was a quick read. It had all the stuff you want in a great book. It had strong characters and a relatable storyline. It had romance and a touch of suspense.. The perfect book ! Highly recommended

Seeing the Most Important Part of a Person

I held off reading this book for a few weeks. Stoker writes characters that jump off the page and seem like a friend. Quinn has enormous strength and endurance whenever she is in the public eye. People usually see the birthmark on her skin and not her generous character. Driftwood's been waiting to grow their friendship into something more. This is the story of their journey. He sees her heart.

Great treatment of sensitive subjects

I loved Quinn and John's story. The way John didn't see Quinn's birthmark and loved her for who she is was wonderful. It makes you think about your own reaction to those we see as different. John and Quinn both had things to learn as they got to know each other and they have a happy future together.


This is about Quinn, who has a port wine birthmark on her face and neck. She is very shy because of it but is friends with Sophie and others who are either co-workers or firefighters who date them. Her life takes a turn when she is targeted by a group of zealots who feel she carries the mark of Satan.

Great Read

I enjoyed reading Shelter for Quinn. Even though Quinn had a horrible past, she found out that everyone is capable of find love with the right person. Driftwood saw Quinn as a beautiful woman inside and outside. I definitely recommend this book.

Loved it!!

Shelter for Quinn is another great book by Susan Stoker. Quinn has a port-wine birthmark on her face and neck and has been tormented her whole life because of it. John sees past her birthmark to the person she is. Ms Stoker's heroes and heroines may not perfect but they are perfect for each other. Now I can't wait for the next book in the series.

Great Series!

As usual, Susan has drawn me in, book after book. The characters in the various series she has written are so lovable and Real that you find you just can’t stop reading!,


Holy Wow!! Susan knows just where to put the killer where you don't suspect them! Then once you figure it out its too late! Great Book!! Its not all love & sex!!

Perfect as Always

I have been waiting for Quinn's story for a long time. Ever sense Driftwood spotted her and fell for her. He was the perfect sweet but Alpha hero. Stokers books never ever disappoint! I will never get enough of Susan's sexy hero's!

An interesting story

This storyboard some complex characters who have to come to trust one another . The reality of living with a visible disability is portrayed with sensitivity but realistically. Great story with a very exciting twist towards the end.

Better and Better

This series. Ms Stoker you have done it again. Your ability to portray strong but vulnerable characters and address important social interactions that make us think as well as be entertained is truly a gift. It will be sad to have this series end but I am glad I found them and can keep coming back into this magical world you create.

Yes to Shelter For Quinn

Absolutely loved this story...Susan Stoker always delivers stories that will give you all the feels. Driftwood is a great character, Quinn is an amazing Character I loved how the author slowly started to heal this characters pain. Overall 4.5 Stars Happy Reading!!

Amazing story

I was so happy to finally have Quinn and Driftwood's story. I knew they were perfect for each other. Susan Stoner always has a balance between the journey and the romance for a couple. I can't wait to see who is next!

Old friends

It is so much fun to catch up with old friends who are like family. I wait impatiently for the next book in a Susan Stoker series. She has definitely written several of my book boyfriends. Who doesn't love strong, sexy, loyal protectors? Can't wait for next story.

Love the series!!!!!!!

I love that the men are strong enough to show that have emotions. The are the type of guy I would love to find in real life. They support their women and keep them safe. They are like what men used to be. I can't wait for the next book in the series to come out. Susan is one of my all time favorite authors.

John (Driftwood) & Quinn

As always, Susan Stoker delivered . Quinn's birthmark resulted in years of bullying, stares, & teasing. But Driftwood sees past the birthmark. He sees her beauty - inside & out. An awesome read ! Loved it!!


I have been waiting for this story forever and it was worth the wait. I love John and Quinn together. It’s hard to believe how strong she turns out to be in the face of such evil. John is perfect for Quinn and to see them together at ease was awesome. Excited for the next book as always. Thanks Susan.


Thank you for sharing these wonderful romance novel series books. Please keep writing more of these wonderful books. Thank you

Strong woman equally strong men

I love reading about these strong women over coming so many things with the love of a strong man. Quinn and John over come so huge things and love sees them through. They have a great base of friends that help.

Shelter for Quinn

A tell of love that see’s deeper then skin, but Quinn is scared because her life has showed her that people can’t see passed the birth mark on her face. Till John shows her different.People try to tear them apart and kill her because she’s different can John save her? A must read to find out!

Shelter for Quinn

Susan Stoked has written another great story as usual. The book was so intriguing that I had a hard time stopping to even take a short break. I would recommend this book to anyone.

This was an excellent story.

This series keeps getting better and better. The characters are well developed and the action is also well written. I can't wait until the next book in the series is released. I got to catch up with previous couples and the bond between all of them. This is one of my must read authors.


Another wonderful read....Quinn and Driftwood are perfect. I don't know how Susan does it but this is another amazing heartwarming read. Once you start it you can't put it down!

Love this!

Once again a delicate subject is handled with delicacy and tact. Children these days, and adults, are not taught manners and courtesy. I'm 73 and if someone gets rude...I remark on it. Love this series as I lived in Texas for YEARS. Once again, I couldn't put down the book!


I had been waiting for Quinn’s book because I fell in love with her character and her struggles from the beginning of this series. I loved her book so much!!


Wow you've done it again. Such a wonderful story and unfortunately there are people out there who are exactly like Jen but am so glad Quinn finally got her hea

Shelter for Quinn is refreshing

Shelter for Quinn was a refreshing book that took you into the life of someone who has a birthmark and her love story with John. It is an amazing and uplifting story.

Shelter for Quinn (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes)

Great story, it keeps you interested in it until the end. It has suspense and romance with lots of action. I loved the characters.

Wow! Fabulous Book!

What a Wonderful Book!! I am a huge fan of Susan Stoker’s books. This book, about Quinn, was truly touching. Looking forward to the next book to be released.

A little slow moving

I love reading Susan Stokers books. Her characters are interesting and deep. And I usually find her stories keep me in the edge of my seat. This book, however, dragged out a little longer than I would have liked and the sorry fizzled at times. It did have some great tear jearker moments and I did finish the book.


What a wonderful edge of your seat, can't wait to see what happens, read! I am a huge fan of Susan Stokers books. Quinn is one feisty heroine and John (Driftwood) is the perfect guy for her. Loved every minute of this book!!


I think these books get better and better. Each one in the series deals with an issue that can make life very hard. I love how Susan Stoker works the problem and keeps things real. The heroes are caring men the women are strong and love and kindness always win!

Driftwood and Quinn's story

This was an awesome book. You will going on an emotional journey with Quinn and Driftwood as they find their way to their HEA. Their commitment is tested when Driftwood lets Quinn down...however unintentionally. Sorry, no spoilers. You want to get this book without delay. You won't be sorry

Signature Stoker

Always imperfectly perfect. Stoker keeps building a family to be envied. And for the most part she uses correct grammar so that her meaning is clear.


Love the dedication and love John had for Quinn. The story show cases how people treat others with disfigurements. Excellent story. 5 star with a lot of heart.


Whether it's about SEALs (team 1 or 2), Badge of Honor, Deltas, Ace Security, or Mountain Mercenaries, Susan Stoker always gives you a good read. While it's romance, and steamy, there are current issues that are addressed with care and concern.

A Must Read!!

Love how it was written. Susan Stoker did it again with story. People now days do stare at things they think is different or wrong.

Makes me wish everyone lived by the Golden Rule

I liked Quinn and Driftwood 's story. Being a Christ follower it was hard to see how the "religious" people treat others who aren't like them. It is so true in real life. I absolutely LOVE that this author isn't afraid to tackle real life issues. As always.....Enjoy!!!

Love 💘

This series is amazing. Beautifully written and full of awesome things that are very important like love and action. So amazing and lovely this series is a never put down until you finish book. Buy them now read them now! Awesome!!!👍😁👍😁👍😁👍😁👍😁😋😋😋😋😋😋


This story was completely entertaining. No slow spots, kept me engaged and interested. I was left feeling happy and ready for the next one. I am a huge Susan Stoker fan and this helped affirm my seat in her cub. Wow great story.

Loved Quinn!

Quinn and Driftwood finally. Susan you did it again. I absolutely loved Quinn's story. There are people in the world that are very cruel to the people aren't pretty and have perfect figure. Quinn is an inspiration. Can't wait for your next release. Thank you!!


I liked the hero as a firefighter and the heroine with a facial birthmark. Good characters with the firemen team and their wives

Ever disappointed

I am never disappointed when I read this authors books! They are always always a “I can’t put it down till I see what happens next read”

Susan Stoker is a great author. I love all her series.

I loved this book. This author makes me laugh,cry,and can’t put down till I have read the book. I would recommend this book highly.

I one-clicked book 14!

Driftwood and Quinn delivered yet another fantastic, Badge of Honor story! I one-clicked book 14. Doesn't that says it all?

What is inside a person and how that person treats others is what is important

I love this whole series and never want it to end and I was ecstatic that Driftwood helped Quinn realize her birthmark was beautiful and didn’t define the person she was. I loved how bulling and just being mean and how others handled the ignorance of others can be cruel and hurtful.

Great read!!!

WOW!!! Another great book!!! A real page turner that you can’t put down!! Next please...😄!

Who needs sleep anyway? Worth the read!

I was so happy to read Quinn’s story. Susan Stoker weaves wonderful stories of adventure and love, even when the charecters are not perfect. Loved it!

Shelter for Quinn

Once again Susan Stoker has delivered; a fun read with just enough romance and sexy times to keep it spicy! John and Quinn both have baggage, just like the rest if us! A surprise villain, can John save Quinn?

Loved this book!

Another great book in this series. Loved Quinn, John and all the characters, love, suspense and how John and his friends all saved Quinn in the end.


John and Quinn are awesome. They balance the other perfectly. Quinn is strong and knows how to look the other when people are morons. John just goes head strong towards people to point their errors

Review for Quinn

This was an excellent book and I will recommend it to anyone who loves a great suspense novel by Susan Stoker!

Never disappointed

Susan Stoker is one of my favorite authors. Her books are always interesting, fast paced and suspenseful.


Not one of my favorites, although I loved the concept. Still a good read and I absolutely love the author.

Really Wonderful

Loved every minute of this book. You know people need to think before they open their doors. This was a good book and a page turner.

Another winner from Susan Stoker!

Glad the wait is finally over! Love all of Susans' books. She draws you in right from the first page & keeps you hooked until the very end. If you haven't read any of her books, you are missing out. Start with her Seals of Protection series and you'll be hooked!

Highly recommend this story and this series

Excellent story with a strong heroine who is easy to relate to for people in similar situations. Always love Susan's strong loveable heros. Highly recommend not onl this book but all in this series.

Great book

I have read the entire series and like every one of the books.

Quick read and great story!!

Love all Susan's books. Seems like as soon as you start the boom is over.

susan stoker never disappoints

susan stoker never disappoints-love her series of books -cannot put them down once I start one of her books

Another great book in the series

Another great book in the series. Alpha hero, herione that is stronger than she gives herself credit for!Hot steamy scenes! Yes! I am looking forward to the next books in the series.

Great Book on Touchy Subjects

Susan Stoker somehow always knows how to tackle subjects that address those "elephants in the room". She does it with class and thought. Love how she does that around a great one story.

The men and women in her books. I feel like I'm looking at them,when I

I love this author. I've read everything she has wrote. She is a wonderful, wonderful author.

Loved it

Loved this book. Love the chemistry between John and Quinn. Throw in a crazy cult and things get crazy. Each book in this series gets better and better. Can't wait for the next book.

Happy ending

Liked characters

Keeps you on the edge of your seT

I live this story and Susan Stoker is one of my favorite writers


It was a very good book. Love story and an educational

Another winner from Susan Stoker!

I really enjoyed the characters and his strong personality. Difficult issue handled with wonderful insight.

Quinn and Driftwood

Great story as always. Love Susan's books and how strong the characters are along with all the characters weaved into the story. I just feel like I'm right there with everyone.


The books just keep getting better and better! This book also not only touches on birthmarks but many other disabilities, and how people judges them. Awesome!


One of my favorites from Susan Stoker! She always writes a great story and I was anticipating this one for a while and was not disappointed!!

Stoker never fails

Susan Stoker has delivered another wonderful, exciting book!


The heroine in this story is very strong. She has captivated me from when we first met to getting her own love story.


Been waiting for this story forever, and was not disappointed!

I Loved It

What a great book. It really touched me. The action and pace kept me turning pages and ignoring my husband and household chores. Can not wait for next book. Great job Susan!!!!!🤗😘😆

Awesome women and the men that love and support them

Another amazing book by Susan Stoker. I’m so glad that Driftwood got his woman... been roaring for this book and so happy to see this happy ending!!!


As always Susan Stoker delivers a great story. Quinn and Driftwood might be my 2nd favorite story. Can't wait for Taco!

Very entertaining

Another fantastic book by Susan Stoker! Great storyline and fantastic characters.

Loved it

This is the story I have been waiting for,and it did not disappoint. I loved it I was so happy that Quinn finally got her happily ever after.

Loved this story!

Author does it again, hot alpha males, great storyline, surprises around the corners, strong women with real world issues, and romance that gives the reader warm feelings.


Loved the characters and action.

Loved it

Another hit for Susan Stoker! I loved it.

Always a great read

I always enjoy reading a Susan Stoker book. Looking forward to the next book and the next. If you haven't read one you need too.

Love this series!

Another great book!

Very good

Always love her books


It was good.

Great book

Great book

Great Read

Can Driftwood really convince Quinn that she's beautiful and when he does it'll be magical. I can't believe how cruel people are.

Great read

Always fun to visit Station 7 and all the friends and family . Wonderful story . Well done Susan Stoker !

Now that's a strong woman

Just like all the rest of this author's books I loved it. An awesome read I found hard to put down.



Excellent Book!!

Shelter for Quinn was just what I was hoping it would be! After reading all of the other books in this series, I was happy to see that it was Quinn's turn. It was eagerly anticipated and did not disappoint!

Great story with a lot of interesting detail

Great story line

Loved it!!!


Another Great Story

Susan Stokers books are always great. I have most of her books.

Great series

Love this series of books. The characters are great and I can't wait to read them all.

Quinn and John

I loved Quinn and John's story. Just the right amount of romance and suspense to really make there story a great read!

Love Susan

I have totally enjoyed everyone of Susan's books. I'm glad there are more to come. Go girl you're the best

Recommended for you!

Good solid Susan Stoker story! This story was a little slow, not a lot of action but plenty of heart.

Love the book

Great book, couldn't put it down like All of Susan other books. Great job again, can't wait for the next one.


This is a great addition to the series. John and Quinn are so sweet together! Loved it!

Loved it

Another amazing story from Susan Stoker. A great addition to the series. I cannot wait for the next book in the series.

Love Susan Stoker

Susan Stocker never disappoints. Very good story line

Awesome story

Once again Susan Stoker made me cry and that's a good thing! Quinn's story is very emotional and Susan is able to make it real not corny or cheesy. Worth the wait, just as all of Susan's books are.

Another great read!

As always, another great read by Susan Stoker. She just brings the characters to life and makes the everyday people with real issues and concerns.

Fast becoming my favorite series

You can tell the depth of the friendships. Love to read these books. Can’t wait to see where the next book leads!

Quinn got her happy ever after

Loved it!!

Are More Books Coming

It was a great book need more like it.

Loved it!

Another great addition to a great series!

Absolutely wonderful

Wow, absolutely loved this book. What a beautiful storyline. Reading this I can believe that true love exists.

Loved it! Another great book in a great series.

Great, great series of books. This was one of the best.

I always enjoy reading your books

This book gets you to know them all individuall. I have enjoyed all these books and getting to know each character.

Unconditional love!!

Quinn and John’

makes you feel like your part of there families

one of the best authors I've read. Always enjoyable with great characters.

Not to be missed

Shelter for Quinn is the thirteenth story in Stoker's Badge of Honor series and as usual, it was fantastic. Stoker has a way of writing characters that are so unique but also feels like you're already friends with them. John "Driftwood" Trettle and Quinn Dixon are familiar to anyone reading the series so I was more than ready for the friendship to actually become a relationship. He's been enamoured with the captivating lab tech for awhile but after a lifetime of discrimination over her port-wine birthmark, she's not ready to believe in him just yet. In the last book, John finally gets tried of waiting and declares his intentions toward Quinn. Their friends to lovers story settles over you like a warm blanket. It's comforting and cozy and beautiful (and awfully darn sexy ;)) Readers will fall in love with them together and ache for the pain they go through in reaching their happily ever after... But as usual with a Stoker novel, it'll be worth all the effort! Susan Stoker has such a way with words. She delivers a message without appearing "preachy" which in this story is definitely saying something. In her books, Stoker goes out of her way to educate people, remind us we're all perfectly imperfect and so worthy of love. She does her part to make this world a better place, especially from today's "keyboard warriors", and those that love to bully others. Discrimination is always hard but in this book, it goes a step further and the antagonist uses religion as a weapon. As a Christian, I struggled with the twisting of the Bible for evil but Stoker set the record straight. Having read all her books, I was already a huge fan but my admiration ramped up even more for Susan Stoker. This book is not to be missed!

Another phenomenal read!!

Shelter for Quinn By Susan Stoker Being a romance reader, I’ve come to expect romance, great characters and a good story. Susan Stoker never disappoints on these points which is why she is one my one-click list of authors. But what I also get when reading one of Ms. Stokers books is knowledge. I know that may sound weird but I feel Ms. Stoker also tries to educate the reader on issues. Be it cancer, agoraphobia, seizures, Ms. Stoker makes the reader aware with her books about life situations that are very real. And for me, Shelter for Quinn was no different. Quinn has lived her whole life seeing people stare at her port-wine birthmark and make nasty comments. Watching her friends find love she boldly states if she ever finds a guy that will treat her how her friends’ partners treat them she will snatch him up. But after years and years of taunting Quinn has learned to build walls and trust is hard for her. So when John “Driftwood” Trettle expresses interest, Quinn is sure he will be just like all the other people in her life and not stick around. Driftwood has been intrigued by the beauty with the big green eyes for months. When he finally sees a chance to grab at a relationship with her he takes it. Obviously wary, Driftwood has his work cut out for him to show Quinn that he sees more than just the birthmark on her face and neck. That he sees the whole woman and he wants what he sees. Can he win her trust and love and show her that beauty is NOT just skin deep? Will Quinn be able to open her heart and trust that Driftwood wants to be with her? I loved getting to know Quinn and to see what she lives through with her birthmark. The relationship between Quinn and Driftwood is not without angst and seeing what they both go through to not only be together but to deal with how others see their relationship was refreshing. The inclusion of various other characters we have come to know and love from Ms. Stokers other books is just icing on the cake. You can never go wrong with a Susan Stoker read especially if you are wanting a good story and fantastic characters.

5 Beautiful, Love Filled Stars!!!

Quinn had spent all her life being rejected and insulted, Quinn was more than use to it; she longed to be loved; however, understandably she struggled to trust. John ‘Driftwood’ will stop at nothing to gain her trust and protect her at all costs; only neither of them could be prepared for the danger that lurked ahead. I always enjoy a romance story, I especially love a Susan Stoker romance story. Susan never ceases to amaze me with her talent for bringing to life a beautiful story, full of love, heartache, suspense, and action. She has once again given me two characters I absolutely love. Each had moments where I wanted to bang their heads together, however, deep down I’m a sucker for a couple who are meant to be, and they undoubtable won me over, heart and soul. At first, I was unsure how the storyline was going to develop, Susan as always keeping the reader on their toes, however, for the first time I did manage to work out some of the plotline that lay ahead. With this said, I wasn’t fully prepared for everything that was revealed. Regardless of this, it did not, in anyway take away from the brilliance of this story, or my enjoyment. It’s another well developed, well written, mind opening, and thought provoking, romance. I love how Susan Stoker has a unique element to each of her stories. Romance, suspense, action, great storyline, Shelter for Quinn has it all. Although part of the Badge of Honour series, Shelter for Quinn, can be read as a standalone. Personally, to thoroughly enjoy this story, reading the series in order is recommended, and trust me, you will not be disappointed.

Quinn and John finally get their HEA

Shelter for Quinn is the latest installment of the Badge of Honors series and I enjoyed it very much! This is the story where we finally see the happily ever after for Quinn and John (Driftwood to everyone else). These two have been dancing around each other for awhile so to finally see them together is something I’ve been waiting for. Right from the first chapter we see how protective and awesome John is towards Quinn. Because of Quinn’s port-wine birthmark on her face and neck, she had been subjected to years of insults and hateful words and actions, even from her own mother. For her to cope, she hides and built this wall around herself and trusting people is very difficult for her. John sees beyond the birthmark, he sees the amazing and beautiful woman she really is. I realized that I had not read Justice for Hope, the previous book, so was not quite sure how the beginning of this book came to be, but John got an in with Quinn so he took it and ran with it. Quinn was giving them a chance to finally be together. I am quite curious what had transpired between these two in that book, but this did not take away from their story. Unfortunately, even though Quinn is giving them a shot, it is not all smooth sailing. Quinn’s insecurities come into play but John is so patient with her and the level of care he showers her with was so sweet. He will also not let her be insulted either, protective John is a very sexy John. I had an inkling of what danger Quinn was going to be placed in, but when all was revealed, the level of danger was pretty surprising. I was on pins and needles waiting for John to save the day and he came in with a force! Another well written story, filled with emotions, suspense, laughs and of course with so much love.

Stoker delivers romance with a evil twist

This is the 13th book in the Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes Series. I love Susan Stoker's writing and no matter what series I read of hers I love the action, romance, and worlds she creates. However, I did not connect with Quinn and Driftwood right away. I tried to move past the feeling like I need to have read the book just prior to this one, which unfortunately I did not. I missed Hope's book, but I've read other Stoker books and have been able to jump right in, but unfortunately this was not one of them. Right from the beginning Quinn wakes up in John's bed having already agreed to be his girlfriend. I felt like I missed steps 1-5 on how they arrived at this point. I kept waiting for a flashback or reminiscing that would have given me an insight on how they got there, but I'm sad to say it never happened. So as I finally let that nagging feeling go and finally told myself, "ok, they are here, let's move on." The chemistry was still extremely slow. I love a slow moving book with mounting chemistry, but I suppose since I'd already told myself to hush where their relationship was concerned it wasn't happy about the chemistry. All in all, their relationship just didn't add up in my brain. BUT that is just my opinion. Eventually, everything fell into place and my romance brain was happy, but it took awhile for it to finally settle down. As for the actual suspense of the story, this was like nothing I've read from Stoker before. The creepy vibe was all there and she always delivers when it comes to the creepy, evil characters. I don't know what she eats for breakfast, or maybe it's dinner and she dreams up these wicked people, but whatever it is, the formula she has, it works. I also continue to applaud the strength of the women characters she creates. Perfection doesn't exist and I love that hers are flawed. She writes about strong women who have this inner beauty and strong men who appreciate and love that. I will continue to read Susan Stoker even if this particular book didn't hit a homerun for me. Like I said initially I love her writing and she more times than not writes amazing stories.

Recommend for anyone who's a fan of lighter romantic suspense!

SHELTER FOR QUINN is book 13 in the Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes series. It can be read as a standalone but I think for more of a complete backstory of all the characters, it's better to have read the previous book as well. Quinn "Emmy" Dixon has lived with the burden of being "different" her entire life. She was born with a port-wine stain on her face and neck and so was unfairly targeted and labeled as a freak, sometimes worse. But she's finally found a group of friends who accept her as she is which includes the hot firefighter, John "Driftwood" Trettle. John's been waiting for a chance with the beautiful Quinn and he'll do whatever it takes to protect her from the dangerous forces that are messing with her. I was so excited to pick up this book because: 1. The story takes place in my hometown 2. I knew a girl with a port-wine stain when I was in high school 3. Well, it's a book by Susan Stoker! But it did take me awhile to warm up to Quinn and John. I felt like the first half of the book dragged, maybe because their relationship started off with a bang on page one. For me, part of the allure of romance is the buildup of the main characters coming together, the intimate dance with new partners, the excitement of peeling back all the layers. However, it seems I may have missed some of that, maybe from the previous books which unfortunately, I haven't read yet (que sad eyes). Having said that, the story picked up around the halfway mark so I'm super glad I stuck with it! The suspense and mystery began to unfold and suddenly, I was flying through the pages. Quinn really had to endure so much ridicule, it was horrifying that in this day and age, people could be so d@mn ignorant. It shows her strength of character that she was able to function in any kind of social setting. And John, well, he was just a big ole teddy bear, a sweetie with a huge heart! I also want to mention the plethora of side characters because they were fabulous and helped to flesh out the storyline. Overall, I'm rating this one 3.5 stars but rounding up for the points I mentioned above. I'd definitely recommend this one for anyone who's a fan of lighter romantic suspense and I'll absolutely read more from Ms Stoker, it just wasn't my favorite from her. Told from dual POVs with a hint of the next book in the epilogue and a sweet ending for John and Quinn. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book.

emotional and sensitive

SHELTER FOR QUINN is the thirteenth instalment in Susan Stoker’s contemporary, adult BADGE OF HONOR: TEXAS HEROES romantic suspense series focusing on a group of first responders and law enforcement heroes, and the women they love. This is thirty-one year old, fire fighter John ‘Driftwood’ Trettle, and twenty-eight year old lab technician Quinn ‘Emmy’ Dixon’s story line. SHELTER FOR QUINN can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Told from dual third person perspectives (Quinn and John) SHELTER FOR QUINN follows the friends to lovers relationship between thirty-one year old, fire fighter John ‘Driftwood’ Trettle, and twenty-eight year old lab technician Quinn Dixon. Quinn Dixon knows discrimination and bullying first hand. Born with a port-wine birthmark on her face and neck, our heroine bares the brunt of rejection and nasty comments every day of her life. Meeting fire fighter John Trettle gives our heroine the hope for a future but a future that is threatened by hatred and betrayal. What ensues is the slow building romance between John and Quinn, and the potential fall-out as Quinn is targeted by a psychotic mind. John and Quinn met through mutual acquaintances and friends, friends who support our heroine regardless of her handicaps or looks. Quinn struggles with the public bigotry and hatred she must endure; John battles to protect the woman with whom he is falling in love. The relationship between John and Quinn is one of mutual attraction; a friends to lovers romance that pulls John into Quinn’s world of intolerance inflicted by those who refuse to accept or acknowledge the physical differences between one another. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text. There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and familiar secondary and supporting characters including a several previous story line couples and characters. We are introduced to Hudson’s (aka Taco) new girlfriend Jennifer, as well as travel agent Koren Garner. Koren and Taco’s story line is next in Shelter for Koren. The world building focuses on discrimination, intolerance, hatred and bigotry. Most of Susan’s heroines struggle with some sort of physical, emotional or traumatic issues that affect their every day existence; her hero’s continue to be impossibly perfect and the epitome of fearless, accepting and bold. SHELTER FOR QUINN is an emotional and sensitive story line. The premise is intriguing; the romance is seductive; the characters are colorful, strong and energetic…..but I did struggle with (or question) the inordinate amount of discrimination and bigotry directed at our story line heroine: is the intolerance a reality for people afflicted with port-wine birthmarks, or exaggerated for the fictional bias. Other than the immediate group of friends, virtually every one she met or those with whom she came in contact with were narrow-minded and intolerant of her birthmark, to the point of distraction, hatred, bullying and life threatening- a real or abstract reflection of the world in which we live?

Worth the Wait!

Quinn is a heroine that you can relate to. She had a rough childhood that made her insecure and slow to trust but she has an inner strength you want to see her use. John "Driftwood" Trettle has such a big heart and is so protective that you fall in love with him. Driftwood met Quinn through Sophie and Cheif and we've seen through past books that he's been trying to get her to see him for a while. At the end of JFH, we see Driftwood get fed up and declare they're dating lol. While Quinn seems to be okay with that, it doesn't mean she doesn't need Driftwood to continually help her overcome a lifetime of insecurities because of her port wine stain. This novel has humor, heartbreak, suspense, happiness, basically everything you could want while reading. The characters in this series are hilarious and it's always amazing having them come together and bring something special to the books. Especially watching how friendships grow and change. I never saw the suspense filled twist coming! It puts you on the edge of you seat and you can't read fast enough to find out what happens. Love how Susan Stoker always gives us a glimpse of the next book in the series and this one is about Taco. I'll be counting down the days till the next one. I received an ARC copy of this fantastic book.

Quinn is special

Quinn Dixon is an introvert who prefers sitting at home reading or just being by herself. She has had a crush on John Driftwood Trettle. Driftwood has had his eye on Quinn for a long time but was taking it slow understanding that she wouldn't respond to him coming on strong. The birthmark on her face causes her heartache her whole life, everyone she knew abandoned her at one time or another, but she also comes to learn that the birthmark isn't her problem. When people make remarks and recoil from her it is there problem. It only took being kidnapped by a crazy woman to help her understand that. John won't let anyone hurt her, but he can't stop one crazy woman from taking her and hiding her. It take the help of all of his friends to find Quinn and bring her back home again. Another great story by Susan Stoker. You can't get enough of her guys and gals.

Enjoyed Quinn's book so much!

Shelter For Quinn felt like a warm blanket on a winter's day...warm, comforting and completely welcome! This newest Badge Of Honor story is a bit different than previous books. More timid, like a contemporary. Except for the end and then BANG we get a heck of adrenaline pumping situation that had me wowed! Susan Stoker gets me with her words, characters and plots every time. I thoroughly enjoyed Shelter For Quinn just a smidgen more though. The story made me melt and made me warm and happy. I LOOOOOOVED the way John "Driftwood" treated Quinn. He is sincerely dreamy and sweet and protective. And Quinn she is beautiful and smart and kind and I loved how she was with her friends and John. This is a sensational story and one that will win hearts all over! Shelter For Quinn gets a COMFORTING FIVE SWEET STAR

Hot new read alert!

What a heart melting story! I love John and how he will do anything to show Quinn that she is it for him. Quinn has had a very hard life and is not understanding John's feelings. Now just because I said it will be all heart, there is some very steamy moments that may melt your kindles down. I could truly feel each emotion when the characters would roll with the punches. I could not stop reading this book and was sad when the ending came much too quickly for me. A great story that will capture your heart, mind, and soul!

A great book!

This is the story of Quinn and Driftwood. Quinn has a port-wine birth mark on her face and it has made life hard. Her mother couldn’t touch her because of it and strangers are always stairing or saying rude things. So it is hard for Quinn to accept that John wants to date her. This book was amazing. It shows a real woman who has to struggle through life to meet a real man who will treat her right. It shows the struggles she faces everyday. John needs to show Quinn his feelings are real and she can trust, love and count on him to have her back. Of course they aren’t a perfect couple and have struggles. You can feel the chemistry between them and to me they feel like real people. I would and do recommend you check out it this book and series. I started reading it and couldn’t it it down I had to read until I finished it. I can’t wait for the next one I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Another Grand Slam for Susan Stoker

This story was yet another must read for me. I couldn't wait to get my hands on it and was NOT disappointed one bit. Susan Stoker not only wrote an interesting story (like usual), but this story was also informative. I learned some information about port-wine birthmarks that I didn't know before. This story kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire story! I couldn't put it down. I also listened to it on audio, and Stella Bloom did an awesome job narrating this story. The drama in the book surprised me. I did NOT see this coming at all. Definitely a must read book!! Great job on this story!! Can't wait for the next in this series!

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