Securing Piper (SEAL of Protection: Legacy Book 3)

Kindle Edition
19 Aug
What started as an adventure, soon became hell. Piper Johnson’s thrilled to spend time in Timor-Leste with her best friend, a Peace Corps volunteer…until civil unrest erupts throughout the countryside, including an attack at the orphanage the women were visiting. With the aid of a SEAL team sent to extract the government employee, Piper flees with the only other known survivors—three young orphan girls. Piper wasn’t able to save her friend, but she’ll be damned if she leaves the girls to the mercy of child traffickers in the country’s impoverished capital. However, taking them with her to the States requires something drastic, something crazy…something she can’t do alone.

What started as a mission, soon becomes fate. Since nearly dying on a previous op, Beckett “Ace” Morgan has no time for regrets. Life is far too short. So when he learns the brave, beautiful, selfless woman he’s rescued has a better chance of getting three orphans out of the country if she’s married, he doesn’t hesitate. Ace marries her then and there, instantly gaining the family he’s always wanted. With time, he knows his respect for Piper can grow into love, and meanwhile, he’s saved both her and their new daughters from a fast-spreading rebel incursion.

Protecting his girls on foreign soil turns out to be the easy part of the team’s mission. Protecting them from a threat waiting at home may be the biggest fight of Ace’s life.

** Securing Piper is the 3rd book in the SEAL of Protection: Legacy Series. Each book is a stand-alone, with no cliffhanger endings.

Reviews (201)

Looking for the 10 star rating button

WOW!!! Welcome to one of the best reads/listens I have had in quite a while!! This is book number 3 in Susan Stokers Seals of Protection:Legacy series (unless you count the novella Securing Brenae), then this is number 4 in the series. This story is about Beckett Morgan(Ace-wait until you hear the story for that name) and Piper Johnson. This is a true Susan Stoker full sized novel. It has everything in it (woman, man, mans teammates, kids, jungle rescue, rebels hell Bent on killing everyone, best friends, weddings, creepy crawlers, orphanages, grief, joy, bar scat crazy dads, forgiveness, and miracles). There really is no way to say much without giving anything away. She is visiting her bestie, rebels show up and poop hits the fan. The guys show up to save the day. Piper was hiding out with 3 orphans. She decides to adopt them. But she’s a single woman. Her bestie was killed by the rebels and the besties dad is completely distraught. The story goes on from there, and is sooooooooooo good (claps hands wildly wanting to tell you EVERYTHING!!!) Will Piper get to adopt “her girls”? Does Ace save them from the rebels? Is the besties dad ok? Can Piper and Ace save their family, now that they have what they fought so hard for? OMG!!! People!!! The ending... just... ugh!!! What can I say to get you to go 1 click this story and be amazed at the sheer brilliance of this author with this story?!? This story, while being a Susan Stoker story is NOT PREDICTABLE!!!! I made some great, on point calls...then the author zigged when I totally saw a zag coming a mile away!!! Go!! Go one click right now!! I’ll wait here😉

From the jungle to the city, love conquers all!

Susan Stoker’s ‘Securing Piper’ had my heart in my throat from the very first chapter, and that feeling never went away! The tension was palpable, the emotion tangible, and it was worth every shocked gasp, heartfelt sigh, and edge-of-your-seat moment as each detail of the story fell into place, the puzzle unraveling, the plot thickening, the story captivating me as the reader. Ace and Piper meet under unusual circumstances, yet still, can immediately feel that there is a connection, even if it isn’t necessarily the time or the place. The situation is dangerous, there are a lot of unknowns, and then there are the three beautiful young girls that Piper has formed an unbreakable bond with as they’ve survived the experiences they’ve had. And, as the story unfolds, that bond gets tested, even as Ace gets thrown into the mix, and the lengths that Ace and Piper are willing to go to for happiness, for their instant family, was beautiful to read. A marriage helps speed along the adoption process, and never has Ace blink an eye. Piper wants what is best for everyone, especially the kids, and Ace wants them all. But things at home aren’t as safe as they seem, and everyone deals with loss and grief in a different way. Piper can’t help the introverted person that she is, but tries her best, and Ace is there every step of the way, when he can be. I adored this story. I swear I say it about every single Susan Stoker novel, and I’ve been there since the beginning, and each story has a whole new relationship for me to fall in love with, and the case was certainly no different with Ace and Piper! I loved their devotion, their gut-feelings and how they acted on them, their communication. I loved seeing how their story fit into the rest of the world as it is established, and hinted at what’s coming next! (September 2020, I see you!) Thank you, Susan, for another emotional rollercoaster of a journey that I already cannot wait to ride again! Everyone, you need to read this book! From the jungle to the city, love conquers all!


**NO SPOILERS** Securing Piper was an adventure and then some. You will love Piper and you will love Ace! You will love so many things but if I can just give you one piece of advice do not read any spoilers before going in if you can help it. It will truly take away from this experience. If you are a Susan Stoker fan then you know she gives you a book that has hot alphas, strong, beautiful and brave heroines and a story you will thoroughly enjoy. For those who may be new to her see above, but also know she describes her stories in ways that make you feel like you are experiencing it right along with the characters. This is another series by Susan that I have fallen in love with and has become another all time favorite series. I know I have been extremely vague in this review, but this reading adventure needs to be enjoyed as you read it from beginning to end.

Worth every one of its 5 stars!

Wow! Piper and Ace's story is so full of everything - action, suspense, drama, love, sacrifice, even a touch of horror. It was hard to put this book down to sleep or work, but I had to because sleep means I can work and work means I get money and money means I can buy more books (nasty vicious circle). In Securing Caite we found out what 3 members of this SEAL team regretted most. Rocco - missing his date with Caite, Gumby - not getting a dog (Securing Sydney), and Ace - not having kids. This story shows (beautifully) that kids don't have to be your blood to be loved by you and how quickly a family can be formed. Seeing the bond between these characters grow with every page turn made for an awesome read. Some twists and a couple of small speed bumps (or as they are called in Washington state - traffic calming devices) lead to one major road block which makes Ace realize that his team is not infallible. I love this author but she is pure EVIL! Y'all know that she teases the next book in the series at the end of the current release, well this time she goes above and beyond - she teases a book that is not even on her schedule - no release date - and I have to have it NOW!!!!

It's A Jungle Rescue That I LOVED!

Piper & Ace's story is quite INTENSE & contains a lot of emotion. It grabbed me from the first chapter & I didn't want to put it down!! I'm not a huge fan of "tromping through the jungle" stories, but so far I've enjoyed the ones by this author. I love the openness of the characters - there's no hiding feelings or prevaricating about the relationship. They're in a pressurized situation & need to make fast decisions, and they do. I love this team, the comradery & brotherhood they have, and how the women in their lives fit into that. We get to see a lot of their support & friendship as well as teamwork! Everything about this story gets a thumbs up, 10+++ stars for me! The kids, the relationships, the dialogue, the story... parts of it broke my heart & made me tear up, but there were also some LOL moments & some "awwww!!!" woven in. Bottom line - LOVED IT & looking forward to the rest of the team getting their HEAs. : )

Edge of Seat

What did Susan do????? Oh! My !! God!!!! This is one book that I just couldn't out down..for long. Even though we had Ace and Piper, glimpses of what is to come in future books in the next year??? In this book, Piper goes to another country on vacation to stay with her best friend, Kalee. Who is a Peace Corps volunteer teaching the native English when whole there rebels attach the village and Piper and three orphans are hid under a foolproof the kitchen. After several days, Seals come in to rescue Kalee and Piper but find a destroyed village and orphanage. There are many obstacles that the Seals, Piper and the orphans go through to get safely back to the states and Susan has really had you glued at what the characters are revealing in Ace and Poker's story. Knowing there are possibly two more books being traded with us... Seeing the love between Piper and Ace growing so fast and that Ace is taking his time , the love they have for Rani, Sent a and Kamala and making sure they're always knowing their loved as fed and loved for themselves. Susan has really written a most wonderful book , I think that so far out of all her books this one is my absolutely favorite one. With glimpses of Tex, and others she has given me as I read each book, that these characters are alive, their feelings, their strengths and their beliefs are so realistic. If anything her books could be read by themselves, but I would suggest to read them in order. Susan Stokes Deal's and their ladies are the best. Now, I have to wait patiently as I can for Rocco's story which is next, but it's gonna be a year before we find out that Phantom will get to go find Kalee... Thank you Susan for the most wonderful book of all...

Emotionally charged and action packed

Wow, this story had everything that Ms. Stoker is know for in it. It is Ace and Piper's story and it starts off with action and ends with a wanting for more stories. Ace always wanted a family and Piper needs to get married in order to adopt three beautiful young girls that she protected during an incursion. Instant family, but it works. Ace and Piper found "the one" in each other and the rest just follows. Ace is incredible and totally alpha male. Piper is amazing, everything a SEAL hero needs and deserves in a woman and quite possibly more. This story brought tears to my eyes at times and made me chuckle at other times. This is a moving story about loss and grief and mental illness. It brings to light a topic that isn't talked about much but it is coming to light, mental health is no joke. Ms. Stoker brings out the emotion in this story and I felt for the characters and what they were going trough. This is an amazing story of survival, the power of love and forgiveness. I enjoyed seeing Tex again in this book and the three girls in this story were precious. We were left with some tidbits for her final book in this series but the hardest part is waiting to find out what happened. I don't what to give anything way so I will stop there. In my opinion a great story makes you feel things like the characters in the stories do and this one did just that. The characters stay with you and linger long after the book has been read.

Pretty good, but has egregious oversights re guns and mental illness

*Minor spoilers* I liked that this heroine had her own life prior to meeting her mate, including a profession and her own home. I liked this book overall--has a fairy tale feel to it. Ace took to being a husband and father almost absurdly fast. I like that Piper wasn't a wimp, that she and the girls were smart and courageous. Not sure how any modern, sexually active woman would have never been on top before, but I was able to overlook that. I love it when a couple gets together and they have the best sex they've ever had-- that doesn't mean they can't have had great sex before. I didn't care for Piper thinking she'd failed Ace, but I'll blame it on the head injury. Unconscionable that an elite Navy SEAL would not have his weapons secured at home, especially now that there are children in the household. This bothered me so much that I almost couldn't get past it. I am not saying this to start a rabid gun debate. Ms. Stoker addressed this easily in Defending Everly, where she mentions the heroine locking up her police-issue weapon. I'm a social worker and things like this resonate. Regarding mental health: let me preface this by saying that I work in a tangential field and am very sensitive to how it is portayed in media. I dislike that schizophrenia was characterized as it was in this book. People suffering from schizophrenia are much more likely to be harmed by violence than to commit it. The sterotype of the violent schizophenic is one of the reasons people don't seek help. Also, I'd like to think that someone in Ace's life would have made the suggestion that Piper and the girls should have been seeing counselors immediately. They went through a serious ordeal and should have been getting help to cope with it right away. It feels like Ms. Stoker was almost irresponsible in leaving that out. Look, I'm not necessarily looking for gritty realism in my escapist romance readings, just suggesting that Ms. Stoker chat with a mental health professional for future reference.

4 Crying Pillow Winner

I have read most of Susan Stoker's books and I am never disappointed in her portrayals of heroes and heroine. We discovered what Ace wanted most in Securing Caite...and he gets his desire in Securing Piper. This book is emotion-PACKED. The empathy that Piper has for those less fortunate is endearing and you immediately want her to succeed in what she wants to do and the fact that Ace steps right up is a great beginning to the story. There were so many heartwarming tears evoking scenes in the book I literally had to put the book down. There's just so much and the epilogue not only left us hankering for the next book but for the final book in series. I am sure we are going to get snippets of that final story (which I can foresee is going to be a HUGE TEARJERKER) between now and the next 3 books. Susan always does a fantastic job of intertwining her series and mentioning characters we have already come to know and love. I enjoy series immensely and finishing them is feel like you're leaving friends you've come to know and love. And this series is no exception. I really like this bearded bunch and I did love when Piper said they were all like models from a sexy bearded man calendar. I like she has included they all have beards and why they have beards as part of their missions. Ace and Piper are truly a favorite. You can read this one alone, however, I would say read Securing Caite at least first...


This was an okay read. I give this book: 3 and a 1/2 stars. I’ve read many of Mrs. Stoker’s books and this was not one of my favorites. There were too many areas in the book that dragged and the sex scene was too long. Piper went to visit her friend Kalee in a foreign country. While visiting some rebels took over the village and basically committed a massacre. Kalee was able to secure Piper and three children underneath a floor board, for safety. While Kalee went out to try and conduct a rescue mission of the village children and people. Piper and the three girls were underneath their hiding place for days, before Ace and his team of SEAL’s came across them and were able to rescue them. Ace and Piper made more than a few quick decisions that would make a big impact on their lives and the children that they had become attached to, while in the jungle. Kalee’s father missed her a lot and took his anger out on Piper. The only thing that he wanted was for his daughter to be alive and come home. She was the only family that he had. CONS: The three children: Kemala, Sinta and Rani were cute and smart. The entire SEAL team and their significant others were a family. I liked Phantom the most and plan on reading his story.

Looking for the 10 star rating button

WOW!!! Welcome to one of the best reads/listens I have had in quite a while!! This is book number 3 in Susan Stokers Seals of Protection:Legacy series (unless you count the novella Securing Brenae), then this is number 4 in the series. This story is about Beckett Morgan(Ace-wait until you hear the story for that name) and Piper Johnson. This is a true Susan Stoker full sized novel. It has everything in it (woman, man, mans teammates, kids, jungle rescue, rebels hell Bent on killing everyone, best friends, weddings, creepy crawlers, orphanages, grief, joy, bar scat crazy dads, forgiveness, and miracles). There really is no way to say much without giving anything away. She is visiting her bestie, rebels show up and poop hits the fan. The guys show up to save the day. Piper was hiding out with 3 orphans. She decides to adopt them. But she’s a single woman. Her bestie was killed by the rebels and the besties dad is completely distraught. The story goes on from there, and is sooooooooooo good (claps hands wildly wanting to tell you EVERYTHING!!!) Will Piper get to adopt “her girls”? Does Ace save them from the rebels? Is the besties dad ok? Can Piper and Ace save their family, now that they have what they fought so hard for? OMG!!! People!!! The ending... just... ugh!!! What can I say to get you to go 1 click this story and be amazed at the sheer brilliance of this author with this story?!? This story, while being a Susan Stoker story is NOT PREDICTABLE!!!! I made some great, on point calls...then the author zigged when I totally saw a zag coming a mile away!!! Go!! Go one click right now!! I’ll wait here😉

From the jungle to the city, love conquers all!

Susan Stoker’s ‘Securing Piper’ had my heart in my throat from the very first chapter, and that feeling never went away! The tension was palpable, the emotion tangible, and it was worth every shocked gasp, heartfelt sigh, and edge-of-your-seat moment as each detail of the story fell into place, the puzzle unraveling, the plot thickening, the story captivating me as the reader. Ace and Piper meet under unusual circumstances, yet still, can immediately feel that there is a connection, even if it isn’t necessarily the time or the place. The situation is dangerous, there are a lot of unknowns, and then there are the three beautiful young girls that Piper has formed an unbreakable bond with as they’ve survived the experiences they’ve had. And, as the story unfolds, that bond gets tested, even as Ace gets thrown into the mix, and the lengths that Ace and Piper are willing to go to for happiness, for their instant family, was beautiful to read. A marriage helps speed along the adoption process, and never has Ace blink an eye. Piper wants what is best for everyone, especially the kids, and Ace wants them all. But things at home aren’t as safe as they seem, and everyone deals with loss and grief in a different way. Piper can’t help the introverted person that she is, but tries her best, and Ace is there every step of the way, when he can be. I adored this story. I swear I say it about every single Susan Stoker novel, and I’ve been there since the beginning, and each story has a whole new relationship for me to fall in love with, and the case was certainly no different with Ace and Piper! I loved their devotion, their gut-feelings and how they acted on them, their communication. I loved seeing how their story fit into the rest of the world as it is established, and hinted at what’s coming next! (September 2020, I see you!) Thank you, Susan, for another emotional rollercoaster of a journey that I already cannot wait to ride again! Everyone, you need to read this book! From the jungle to the city, love conquers all!


**NO SPOILERS** Securing Piper was an adventure and then some. You will love Piper and you will love Ace! You will love so many things but if I can just give you one piece of advice do not read any spoilers before going in if you can help it. It will truly take away from this experience. If you are a Susan Stoker fan then you know she gives you a book that has hot alphas, strong, beautiful and brave heroines and a story you will thoroughly enjoy. For those who may be new to her see above, but also know she describes her stories in ways that make you feel like you are experiencing it right along with the characters. This is another series by Susan that I have fallen in love with and has become another all time favorite series. I know I have been extremely vague in this review, but this reading adventure needs to be enjoyed as you read it from beginning to end.

Worth every one of its 5 stars!

Wow! Piper and Ace's story is so full of everything - action, suspense, drama, love, sacrifice, even a touch of horror. It was hard to put this book down to sleep or work, but I had to because sleep means I can work and work means I get money and money means I can buy more books (nasty vicious circle). In Securing Caite we found out what 3 members of this SEAL team regretted most. Rocco - missing his date with Caite, Gumby - not getting a dog (Securing Sydney), and Ace - not having kids. This story shows (beautifully) that kids don't have to be your blood to be loved by you and how quickly a family can be formed. Seeing the bond between these characters grow with every page turn made for an awesome read. Some twists and a couple of small speed bumps (or as they are called in Washington state - traffic calming devices) lead to one major road block which makes Ace realize that his team is not infallible. I love this author but she is pure EVIL! Y'all know that she teases the next book in the series at the end of the current release, well this time she goes above and beyond - she teases a book that is not even on her schedule - no release date - and I have to have it NOW!!!!

It's A Jungle Rescue That I LOVED!

Piper & Ace's story is quite INTENSE & contains a lot of emotion. It grabbed me from the first chapter & I didn't want to put it down!! I'm not a huge fan of "tromping through the jungle" stories, but so far I've enjoyed the ones by this author. I love the openness of the characters - there's no hiding feelings or prevaricating about the relationship. They're in a pressurized situation & need to make fast decisions, and they do. I love this team, the comradery & brotherhood they have, and how the women in their lives fit into that. We get to see a lot of their support & friendship as well as teamwork! Everything about this story gets a thumbs up, 10+++ stars for me! The kids, the relationships, the dialogue, the story... parts of it broke my heart & made me tear up, but there were also some LOL moments & some "awwww!!!" woven in. Bottom line - LOVED IT & looking forward to the rest of the team getting their HEAs. : )

Edge of Seat

What did Susan do????? Oh! My !! God!!!! This is one book that I just couldn't out down..for long. Even though we had Ace and Piper, glimpses of what is to come in future books in the next year??? In this book, Piper goes to another country on vacation to stay with her best friend, Kalee. Who is a Peace Corps volunteer teaching the native English when whole there rebels attach the village and Piper and three orphans are hid under a foolproof the kitchen. After several days, Seals come in to rescue Kalee and Piper but find a destroyed village and orphanage. There are many obstacles that the Seals, Piper and the orphans go through to get safely back to the states and Susan has really had you glued at what the characters are revealing in Ace and Poker's story. Knowing there are possibly two more books being traded with us... Seeing the love between Piper and Ace growing so fast and that Ace is taking his time , the love they have for Rani, Sent a and Kamala and making sure they're always knowing their loved as fed and loved for themselves. Susan has really written a most wonderful book , I think that so far out of all her books this one is my absolutely favorite one. With glimpses of Tex, and others she has given me as I read each book, that these characters are alive, their feelings, their strengths and their beliefs are so realistic. If anything her books could be read by themselves, but I would suggest to read them in order. Susan Stokes Deal's and their ladies are the best. Now, I have to wait patiently as I can for Rocco's story which is next, but it's gonna be a year before we find out that Phantom will get to go find Kalee... Thank you Susan for the most wonderful book of all...

Emotionally charged and action packed

Wow, this story had everything that Ms. Stoker is know for in it. It is Ace and Piper's story and it starts off with action and ends with a wanting for more stories. Ace always wanted a family and Piper needs to get married in order to adopt three beautiful young girls that she protected during an incursion. Instant family, but it works. Ace and Piper found "the one" in each other and the rest just follows. Ace is incredible and totally alpha male. Piper is amazing, everything a SEAL hero needs and deserves in a woman and quite possibly more. This story brought tears to my eyes at times and made me chuckle at other times. This is a moving story about loss and grief and mental illness. It brings to light a topic that isn't talked about much but it is coming to light, mental health is no joke. Ms. Stoker brings out the emotion in this story and I felt for the characters and what they were going trough. This is an amazing story of survival, the power of love and forgiveness. I enjoyed seeing Tex again in this book and the three girls in this story were precious. We were left with some tidbits for her final book in this series but the hardest part is waiting to find out what happened. I don't what to give anything way so I will stop there. In my opinion a great story makes you feel things like the characters in the stories do and this one did just that. The characters stay with you and linger long after the book has been read.

Pretty good, but has egregious oversights re guns and mental illness

*Minor spoilers* I liked that this heroine had her own life prior to meeting her mate, including a profession and her own home. I liked this book overall--has a fairy tale feel to it. Ace took to being a husband and father almost absurdly fast. I like that Piper wasn't a wimp, that she and the girls were smart and courageous. Not sure how any modern, sexually active woman would have never been on top before, but I was able to overlook that. I love it when a couple gets together and they have the best sex they've ever had-- that doesn't mean they can't have had great sex before. I didn't care for Piper thinking she'd failed Ace, but I'll blame it on the head injury. Unconscionable that an elite Navy SEAL would not have his weapons secured at home, especially now that there are children in the household. This bothered me so much that I almost couldn't get past it. I am not saying this to start a rabid gun debate. Ms. Stoker addressed this easily in Defending Everly, where she mentions the heroine locking up her police-issue weapon. I'm a social worker and things like this resonate. Regarding mental health: let me preface this by saying that I work in a tangential field and am very sensitive to how it is portayed in media. I dislike that schizophrenia was characterized as it was in this book. People suffering from schizophrenia are much more likely to be harmed by violence than to commit it. The sterotype of the violent schizophenic is one of the reasons people don't seek help. Also, I'd like to think that someone in Ace's life would have made the suggestion that Piper and the girls should have been seeing counselors immediately. They went through a serious ordeal and should have been getting help to cope with it right away. It feels like Ms. Stoker was almost irresponsible in leaving that out. Look, I'm not necessarily looking for gritty realism in my escapist romance readings, just suggesting that Ms. Stoker chat with a mental health professional for future reference.

4 Crying Pillow Winner

I have read most of Susan Stoker's books and I am never disappointed in her portrayals of heroes and heroine. We discovered what Ace wanted most in Securing Caite...and he gets his desire in Securing Piper. This book is emotion-PACKED. The empathy that Piper has for those less fortunate is endearing and you immediately want her to succeed in what she wants to do and the fact that Ace steps right up is a great beginning to the story. There were so many heartwarming tears evoking scenes in the book I literally had to put the book down. There's just so much and the epilogue not only left us hankering for the next book but for the final book in series. I am sure we are going to get snippets of that final story (which I can foresee is going to be a HUGE TEARJERKER) between now and the next 3 books. Susan always does a fantastic job of intertwining her series and mentioning characters we have already come to know and love. I enjoy series immensely and finishing them is feel like you're leaving friends you've come to know and love. And this series is no exception. I really like this bearded bunch and I did love when Piper said they were all like models from a sexy bearded man calendar. I like she has included they all have beards and why they have beards as part of their missions. Ace and Piper are truly a favorite. You can read this one alone, however, I would say read Securing Caite at least first...


This was an okay read. I give this book: 3 and a 1/2 stars. I’ve read many of Mrs. Stoker’s books and this was not one of my favorites. There were too many areas in the book that dragged and the sex scene was too long. Piper went to visit her friend Kalee in a foreign country. While visiting some rebels took over the village and basically committed a massacre. Kalee was able to secure Piper and three children underneath a floor board, for safety. While Kalee went out to try and conduct a rescue mission of the village children and people. Piper and the three girls were underneath their hiding place for days, before Ace and his team of SEAL’s came across them and were able to rescue them. Ace and Piper made more than a few quick decisions that would make a big impact on their lives and the children that they had become attached to, while in the jungle. Kalee’s father missed her a lot and took his anger out on Piper. The only thing that he wanted was for his daughter to be alive and come home. She was the only family that he had. CONS: The three children: Kemala, Sinta and Rani were cute and smart. The entire SEAL team and their significant others were a family. I liked Phantom the most and plan on reading his story.


Piper Johnson went to spend time with her best friend who is a Peace Corps volunteer in Timor-Leste when civil unrest erupts throughout the countryside. The orphanage they were visiting came under attack. Piper and three young orphans girls are hiding in a crawl space to keep from getting attacked. Piper has no idea how she will be able to save the girls and herself when a SEAL team shows up and rescues them. Even though she could not save her friend Piper has no intention of leaving those young girls behind. She plans to do whatever she has to do to take those girls back to the US with her. Beckett "Ace" Morgan and his team were on a mission when fate stepped in. Ace is well aware how life can change in an instant. So meeting Piper and the three young orphan girls gives him the opportunity to fulfill a desire that he has had for some time. When he learns that Piper wants to adopt the three girls but would have a greater chance of it happening if she was married, he doesn't hesitate to offer marriage. And to guarantee a successful adoption he calls on Tex to make it happen. Ace finally has the family he always wanted and will do everything in his power to keep them safe. Threats once they return to the US prove to be their biggest threat.

Rebel strike, hunger, nearby death and finally rescue….

Amazing story! I’ve read several of this author’s books as well as other of her friend’s stories - all have been enjoyable and a bit different. The way Ms. Stoker writes and tells the adventure makes you part of the intrigue and mystery. Visiting a friend in the Peace Corps in a country called Timor-Leste, Piper has fallen in love with the children in the orphanage. She has been a good friend of Kalee for most of her life and being in this remote mountain area has been a huge experience. She had heard about the rebels but to experience their terror had never been in her mind. Hiding with three children, under the floor in a crawl space, while terror tore through the area, killing, stealing and raping, they lay stricken with fear. This book will hold your interest from start to finish. The sensual scenes are well written and not over-the-top as can often be the case. I loved every moment spent reading this book. I look forward to more and wish this series was on KU so I’d start reading tomorrow morning.

Securing Piper ~ SEAL of Protection: Legacy ~ Book 3

In 'Securing Piper', Becket 'Ace' Morgan, a Navy SEAL on a mission to rescue a volunteer government worker in a island nation that has a rebel uprising. Piper Johnson is visiting her lifelong friend, Kaylee and finds herself under the kitchen floor of the orphanage they were visiting when it was attacked. The SEAL team finds Piper and the three little girls she is protecting and as they escape finds her courageous, brave, honest and very attractive. The only way to get the girls to the US is if Piper is married and Ace marries her immediately. The romance was fast in an dangerous situation, but the attraction is strong and the love for the three little girls is strong and both figure it is a good base for a good marriage as they work at it and giving it time to develop. Danger isn't over when they get to the US, so the danger is different but not gone. I loved the three little girls and how they were all so different but devoted to each other too.

A good read

"What started as an adventure, soon became hell". "What started as a mission, soon becomes fate". This story has some crazy scenes, lots of heat, and explosive chemistry between the characters. I was captivated from beginning to end. Ace has always wanted a family. But with his job, he assumed it would never happen. Piper was raised by her grandparents. She has always wanted a big family. She never dreamed it would happen overnight. Piper's friend, Kalee, is a Peace Corps volunteer in Timor-Leste. Piper went to visit her. When rebels storm the orphanage, Kalee puts Piper and three girls in a crawlspace in the kitchen, telling them she'll be back. Ace's team has been deployed to bring Kalee home, after rebels have taken over Timor-Leste. When they arrive, there is no sign of Kalee or her friend. They start to leave the orphanage but stop when a door in the floor begins to open. With weapons drawn, they wait to see who emerged.

Another awesome book by Susan Stoker

Piper is hiding under the floor with three girls at an orphanage and at been there for three days. Ace and the SEAL team are sent in to rescue Piper and Kalee before the rebels get them. Piper brings the girl out and the find Kalee outside in a bit hole read with a bunch of the other girls from the orphanage. Because the rebels are so close, they can't take a dead Kalee with them but vow to eventually being her home. After spending days getting down the mountain and Ace taking care of her and the girls, something is happening between her and Ace. Now she wants to adopt all three girls but is told at embassy that she needs to be married. Ace doesn't miss a beat when he says they will just get married now and he knows someone to fast track adoption papers. Can they make a real go of this marriage and instant family? What happens when on of the girls is kidnapped? Why is Phantom so upset about leaving Kalee?

Ace and Piper

Oh Ms Stoker! You continually amaze me. You’d think after reading all of your books I’d get bored or tired with a repetitive storyline. Nothing could be further de the truth! Ace’s SEAL team heads out on a mission to rescue a prominent business mans daughter, Kalee. They end up recusing her best friend Piper and three orphans that Kalee kid before rebels attacked. To save the orphans from human trafficking, Piper and Ace get married and bring the children to the US. Kalee’s father has a psychotic break from being off his meds after his daughter’s death and takes it out on Piper and her new family. This book was different from the other but I didn’t love it any less. Also, TEX CAMEO!!! And I’m super excited for Bubba book as well as a lose end regarding their last mission.

Haunting, Emotional, Action-packed, Romantic, with some Tears and some Heat

From the very first page this book had me on the edge of my seat. Piper's friend Kaylee is serving with the Peace Corp in Timor-Leste, a small island country near Australia. Needing to do something out of the ordinary for her, Piper agrees to visit. With the threat of rebellion, Piper is nervous but Kaylee eases her fears and they are at an orphanage a few miles from Kaylee's home when the rebels decide the time is right to strike. Hidden in a crawl space with three of the orphans, Piper is scared yet determined to keep the girls safe. Filled with uncertainty she's trying to formulate a plan to get away from the orphanage when American voices signal the answer to her prayers. For Ace and his team the discovery of Piper with the three orphan girls definitely throws a wrench into the plans. Expecting to only rescue Piper and Kaylee now they have the children as well, but no Kaylee. Phantom finds Kaylee, but it's to late for her and they are forced by the approach of the rebels to leave without her body. Not a usual extraction as they have to traverse the mountain and get to the capital on foot. There are several trials and tribulations as they make their way to the capital. Once there, so many issues come up and the solutions will surprise and delight you. More than one interesting turn of events and the lead in to the next books will have you begging for more!

Can Ace save Piper, Kemala, Rani and Sinta from the rebels?

First off what an amazing book! Definitely worth more than 5 stars and you'll need a few tissues but totally worth reading. When Piper goes to Timor-Leste to visit her best friend little does she know that she'll be witness to a rebellion. Kaylee hides her and 3 of the girls from the orphanage under the floorboards while trying to rescue more girls. When she doesn't come back Piper knows that she'll take care of the girls giving her life no matter what. Ace and his team of Navy SEALs are sent to rescue Kaylee (who'd dad is a political powerhouse) and Piper but finds no one alive except for Piper and the 3 girls. It will be a race against time when the rebels try to kill any survivors but Ace and his team finally make it to Dili where both Piper and Ace decide that leaving the girls to their fate isn't an option. So they marry and will Tex's help adopt the girls. Kaylee's father gets angry when he finds out that Piper survived not his daughter which opens the door to the climatic ending. The girls Rani, Sinta and Kemala will learn to adapt to the US with some misgivings but its Ace and Piper who give them the home and love of a family that they've always missed. Leaving Kaylee doesn't sit well with Phantom as no one gets left behind but he vows to go back and find her body to bring her home. There are hints of this book at the end but also 2 others I'm sure we'll all wait anxiously for their release.

Securing Piper

This is an amazing addition to the SEAL of Protection series with Ace and the rest of his SEAL unit sent to rescue Kalee Solberg from Timor-Leste when an uprising of rebels overran the orphanage that she was visiting with the Peace Corp. As it turns out Piper her friend had come to visit her and Kalee made her hide under the floor boards with three little orphans. where as all the killing and shooting had begun. When Ace and his unit came to the house as they were looking for Kalee, Piper popped out of the floor hearing the men speaking English after hiding there for days. This was the beginning of their quest to freedom from the evil rebels with Ace and Piper and her three little orphans with his unit ever step of the way. They saw Kalee laying face down in a ditch with all the bodies of the girls from the orphanage laying dead but could not retrieve her body which crushed Phantom, one of the SEALs. As they worked their way to the embassy to get Piper's passport they found out that the only way they could take the girls to the United States was of Ace and Piper married so that the adoption would go through. With the help of Rex, he fast tracked the adoption papers to make everything possible. This was an a fantastic love story as these two got their happily ever after with their girls but not until they overcame some terrifying occurrences. There is also a twist at the end that I did not expect and cannot wait to read more about in future releases.

Could have been a five star.

Susan Stoker is a highly talented writer. Securing Piper had me on page one and kept me wired to the last. What's my problem? I firmly believe, and other excellent writers have proven, that avoiding crude language in general and the "F" word in particular can be done without detracting anything from the story. At first, it appeared that it would be minimal, but that changed toward the end. It makes me sad because I want to read her, but this is a major turnoff.

What a pulse pounding book. You won't want to put it down.

I really like Piper in this book. I felt like she was written in a way that was very relatable. She was a woman like any of us that is put in a scary situation. She doesn't have any training for any of this but yet she knows she "has" to. She doesn't complain, she protects those little girls like they are her own and she follows the men's directions without complaint. I love reading about her will. Her will to survive and the will to protect. She isn't a soldier like the men but she has the instincts to protect just as much as them. Ace is an exceptional man. He is a Navy Seal who one regret is that he hasn't had a family yet. Little did he know that this mission would forever change his life. Ace was amazing with the girls. I loved reading about him when he would pick the girls up and carry them and comfort them. The other part of this book that I really liked was the action didn't stop once they got stateside, it just changed. Watching them grow as a family and teaching the girls new things was amazing but also knowing that danger was lurking, kept me on the edge of my seat.

Best one so far

Piper, a cartoon artist and introvert, goes to visit her best friend in Timor-Leste. Her best friend teaches English in the Peace Corp. They go to visit an orphanage when the rebels storm the little mountain town. Piper’s friend makes her and three little girls hide in a crawl space in the kitchen. They hide for three days before she hears men talking in English. Ace is a Navy SEAL and after almost dying on an op, he regretted not starting a family. They were sent to get Kalee, Piper’s best friend out, but end up with a woman and three girls. When they finally get down to the city, Piper wants to take the girls she bonded with back home with her. When they go to the Embassy, she’s told that she needs to be married. Ace and Piper gets married and take the girls back with them. As they are settling into their new life, someone has been watching them and when the unexpected happens, Piper and Ace will do anything to protect their girls. Action, surprises, and romance. I adored this couple and can’t wait to read the rest of the members stories. Ms. Stoker writes books that you can get lost in for hours. Be prepared for an edge of your seat story.

What's not to love?

Ace 's story! Remembering back to Securing Caite. When Ace was stuck in the cellar with Rocco and Gumby, his one regret was not having a family. The team goes on a rescue mission to save the daughter of a powerful businessman and ends up finding Piper and three orphans instead. The trek to civilization was an edge of your seat ride. If course that wasn't all for Susan Stoker's heroine, oh no. Once back home Ace,Piper and the girls have another threat to over come. Along the way we are Tex, attend a wedding, shed a few tears, and fall in love. The epilogue sets up not only the next story but a future book that I now understand why readers are chomping at the bit for her next release!!! I really enjoyed this story, couldn't put it down, and then was sad when it was over. Highly recommend Securing Piper!

Wonderful book

Securing Piper is by Susan Stoker. This is a great adventure and love story with US SEALs. Piper Johnson spent her time in her apartment devoting herself to drawing her cartoons. She preferred staying home to going out. She was definitely not the adventurous nor athletic type. However, her best friend, Kalee invited her to Timor-Leste to visit her there at the Pease Corps town. She told her that it would be safe and that they would visit the orphanages she was so proud of. Kalee was always doing something adventurous and Piper just followed her. This time, however, things did not work out as the orphanage was overrun by civil unrest and the women and children at the orphanage were killed. Kalee had placed Piper in a hole beneath the kitchen along with three young girls. She had headed out to find others to bring to safety. She didn’t return. Ace Morgan and his team were sent in by the government at the insistence of Kalee’s wealthy father, to extract her and Piper from the orphanage. Unfortunately, they got there too late for Kalee; but were able to rescue Piper and the three young girls. Could they get them to safety? Could they return to get Kalee’s body to be taken home? What would happen to the three young girls?

Another fabulous story

I love all of Susan's books in all of her different series. Piper & Ace was just another fantastic story. The bond and love she has with her BFF Kalee , then with those precious girls from the orphanage is truly inspiring, and then she finds love with her rescuer Ace. Getting out of the jungle and away from those crazy rebels with Piper and the three girls was amazing and how these tough guys treat these little girls is heartwarming. Adopting these girls is amazing and for them to get to experience lots of adventures in the US is priceless. Just another beautifully written story that you can't put down, but duty calls and then you get to enter back into Susan's words and read some more.

Unforeseen romance

Wow! This is another awesome story from Susan Stoker! She is such an amazing author! She can weave the most interesting and compelling stories. This one made me laugh, cry, curse, and fall in love! Neither had planned on becoming an instant family, but as fate would have it Ace and Piper find themselves in the position to help 3 innocent children out of having to live a life of servitude or as sex slaves. To do this they need to get married even though they’ve only known each other a few days. Being the selfless people they are they do whatever it takes to save the girls. But getting to the US is only the beginning of their troubles instead of the end them.

Adventure, romance and fun

I loved this book. Piper is your average girl who dug down and found strength to save three kids and find an husband in one trip. The story takes you to a place where women and children are killed for sport. Piper is just there to visit her friend. It is scary except that a SEAL team has just shown up to save them. The team is surprised to find Piper (not the person they were sent to rescue) and three children hiding in the floorboards. There is a lot of sweet and heart touching as they go back down the mountain with the team to safety(?) To bring the kids home Piper marries one of the Seals on the spot. you will sigh. It is awesome. Lots of adventure getting home. This is my fav in this series.

Ace and Piper were so good together!

This book was filled with action and adventure. When Ace and his team go to rescue Kaylee and her friend, Piper, they find out that Kaylee is gone and Piper is hiding with three orphan girls. Piper refuses to leave the three girls and they rescue them. They can't find Kaylee and hear gun shots close by so they have to leave. Leaving doesn't sit well with Phantom, but they have to leave. Piper and Ace grow close on the trek to town. Ace and Piper realize that they can't leave the three girls and will do whatever it takes to bring them to the US. Ace and his team are very close and accept Piper and the three girls. This book was really good and I'm enjoying this series!

A unique start to marriage

Piper and Ace do not have the typical ...well anything. Their first meeting, date, marriage, or family. But what they do have is awesome and works for them. This story has international conflict, family dynamics, rebels, war, romance, kidnapping and more. The writing is fast paced and I enjoyed all the different characters and their emotions. Piper is a fun character whose background is very different from the other girlfriends. I have been rooting for Ace since the first hook and his story was fantastic. The ending has me very excited for the next few books and I can’t wait to see what really happens to a certain female character!

Ace and Piper

This one is an emotional read. Piper went to visit her BFF , Kalee, in Timor-Leste where she worked for the Peace Corp. Rebels attack and Piper ends up in a crawl space at the orphanage Kaylee likes to visit with three little girls aged 4, 7 and 13. They are rescued days later by Ace and the rest of the Seal Team. They find Kalee and the rest of the orphans in a pit. The group spends the next few days hiking down a mountain eluding rebels to get to the capital of Timor-Leste. There is danger for everyone in the city and even when they return to the states. This book is action packed and full of love.

In The Blink Of An Eye

Piper has gone to visit her best friend, who is in the Peace Corps. When the orphanage she is visiting gets attacked, Piper hides with three girls. Her friend has gone to find other children and has been gone too long to still be alive. Ace and his Seal brothers have been sent to rescue both women. Unfortunately, they are only able to rescue Piper and the girls. Upon returning to the U.S., Ace and Piper's youngest daughter is kidnapped. Time is running out as nothing can be found to trace the kidnapper. Will they lose their daughter, or will they get a miracle? ~

First book I’ve read by this author

I’ve always preferred historical fiction/romance, but step out to read new authors and contemporary pieces occasionally. A lot of contemporary authors take up space with constant blasphemy and annoying “f” words in place of compelling dialogue/action, which gets REALLY old, but this one did not, until closer to the end for the most part. The premise was good and the writing kept my attention, but I abhor the current style of beards on men so that little image was a turn off, despite knowing they are actually worn by many operatives to blend in.

Securing Piper touched my heart

I love Susan Stoker s writing and this is among my favorites. I'm not sure why this story touches my heart so much but it does. Piper is visiting her best friend when all hell breaks loose. Rescued from the jungle along with three young orphans, Piper realizes that she has to find away to keep these three little girls. Ace is one of the Seals who helped rescue them from the jungle. He also wants to keep the girls as well as Piper. Follow along as this group discovers their way to becoming a family unaware that there is still a threat to their happy ending.

I really liked this one

I liked that there relationship grew naturally. I liked the suspense. That was the biggest angst in the story. I loved how Ace loved all the girls. The only thing I hated was how quickly Piper forgave the villain. It was a understanding that the man had mental health issues, but the forgiveness was a little unsettling. Plus it was great that he didn't come off as a player and she wasn't a virgin.


I love Beckett “Ace”. He is the best book boyfriend. Just as protective and deadly as the others but has such a soft side when it comes to Piper and the girls. They met in the worst of conditions. But formed and instant bond and family. I really like the story. You got to see the horrors that other countries go through and everything they had to go through to get to safety only to face more danger at home. Can’t wait to read kaylees and phantoms book and i was so glad when I read that epilogue excerpt.

Piper and Ace - what a family

Loved Piper and Ace but such a sad beginning and yes I can’t wait for Kaylee’s story. This story had adventure but for the most part it truly was what a family is made up of. What a heartwarming story of strength and survival that these poor young girls had and what a happy ending for them. Really enjoyed seeing all the gang to get her and a wedding.... This is a must read as it really brings everyone together and you get to learn some history of what children and young girls go through in other countries.

Worth so much more than ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Securing Piper is indescribably phenomenal....but I’ll do my best to bring it justice. Piper and Ace are my new favorite couple in this series, quite possibly my favorite out of all of Susan Stokers books. The love that they find within each other and the love they have for the girls....simply amazing. With everything that Piper has been through, most would be curled up in the fetal position for the rest of their lives. Not this strong heroine! She not only perseveres...she thrives! And Ace....good lord🔥🔥🔥. Once again, Susan Stoker, you have outdone yourself. I cannot wait to sink my teeth into the next one. Please don’t make us wait too long for Phantom’s story!!

Prepare to be wowed!!!

I started Securing Piper this morning and I couldn't put it down until I finished. This story grabbed me at the very beginning with drama and suspense and wouldn't let go even through meals and laundry. My ovaries just about exploded with how lovingly Ace and his teammates handled the young girls. I melted as Piper and Ace explored their new relationship. I sat on the edge of my seat and the very end blew me away. Another one in the 5 star column for Susan Stoker.

A little silly

I like the concept of this book and the SEAL series but it isn’t written all that well. The style is overly simple and a bit trite. The main male character is awfully good at expressing his feelings and does so st every turn which I find hard to believe. Men don’t talk the way he does, and actually no one does. The story is a quick and easy read but don’t look for anything too complex or mature.

Great Story!!!

I enjoyed reading this story and felt in love with Piper and the girls. It was horrific what happened to everyone, but I'm glad for the happy ending. I had a mixed feeling in the story. I felt sad, angry, scared and love with the characters. Definitely, I felt in love with Ace. He went above and beyond with Piper and the girls. Overall, it was well written and definitely I can't wait to read about Phantom. I'm very curious about this character.


Piper finds herself in the middle of a deadly rebel attack while visiting her friend. After hiding with three young girls for days, the seals show up to rescue her. Ace is drawn to her when he sees her strength and loving spirit. A harrowing rescue draws them closer and he helps her get the three girls to the US. This is a standalone HEA but you should read the other books in the series first to get to know the seals.

Good story

I loved the story of 2 selfless people changing their lives to help save 3 young girls. Piper and Ace escape with his team and the 3 girls and basically create a family to protect the girls from being sold. They become a family of 5 and grow their love for each other and it’s beautiful to experience. Of course, not everyone is happy but it’s a great ending with forgiveness and hope for the future.


It's terrible what grief can do to someone and how much it varies from person to person. Piper has such a huge heart to go through what she went through and still adore Rani, Sinta and Kamala. And Ace is so special to jump in with both feet and help Piper accomplish what she wants to do. It's not all roses and chocolates, but once they get through the "theft" they have truly found "family". A very powerful story.

Hard Subject but worth the read

While knowing countries suffer Civil Wars, reading about even make believe ones and the horrors faced by locals is difficult. But the story of Piper and the girls and their rescue by Ace and the Seals was worth reading. Love how protective Piper is of the girls. While facing difficulties and danger while trying to get out of the country, the danger faced at home keeps you on the edge though you know eventually there will be a HEA.

Ace and his girls

Ace and the team are sent on a rescue mission. When the team gets there Pipper and 3 girls were hiding from insurgents who have killed and burn down the village. Ace and Pipper click right away. As the team and Pipper and the girls run thru the jungle to get to safety Ace starts to think these are is girls and woman. Ace knows he will do anything to keep his girls safe. Love Ace and so far he is my favorite

edge of my seat reading

OMG! The adventure, the scary excitement, the fear! I know the blurb shared about an orphanage, so all of this and children involved also. I read until I felt like my eyes were going to bleed. But I can't stop now, when there are two more stories to read, that will answer my questions. This book can be read as a stand alone, only if you don't have a heart for others involved!

3 for3

Susan Stoker is a perfect 3 for 3 in this series. Ace and Piper’s story is quite different from the first two books. One of unique parts I enjoyed was following along with the SEAL team on one of their missions. Piper is one of their targets to extract. Ace is hot, protective and has a HUGE capacity to love and for love. Piper is a superhero who captures Ace’s heart from the moment he saw her. Read the book. You’ll love it.


I LOVE Stoker's books. They're not complicated but yet thoroughly enticing and entertaining. I will spend the entire night awake until I've read the whole novel in one sitting. The plot is always strong as are the characters. They are not especially esoterical just a good mystery with even better romance! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to review this book.☺

Abe and Piper

This is one of the books I missed in this series. I knew about her and Kaylee in Kaylee's book and what happened to them. There's plenty of action, 3 cute and smart little girls who Abe vows to protect. Get ready to join their adventure fleeing trouble and heading to the states. But Piper can't forget about Kaylee. Heartbreaker book. HEA.

Another great SEAL story

I am thoroughly enjoying this series. Piper and Ace's story has a lot of action along with heartfelt emotions between the two of them and the 3 orphan girls that escape a massacre with Piper. It's instant attraction that grows into something real and lasting. I appreciated the involvement of the rest of the team and their women and the unwavering support among the group. We got a tantalizing look at a future story at the end that makes me crazy but excited.


I enjoyed this story very much. I liked how they were able to get closer to each other slowly and have things work out for them. To the point of them for sure being together in to the future. They were already starting a little family other than having the three other girls. So they were starting off slowly becoming bigger.

Fantastic Sunday adventure, couldn't put it down!

GOOdness, this book is spellbinding, dangerous and breathtaking, Amazing and romantic and terrifying and chuckle-worthy, all wrapped up in a rebellion uprising and days walking in the jungle. I just can't say enough about it without giving it all away,!! JUST READ IT! I'm off to taking care of Zoey....

Ace and Piper

This is a standalone novel in The SEAL of Protection Series but characters from the previous books 📚veo make an appearance. This novel has action, excitement, adventure, and romance. Ace has finally found the one for him along with three little orphan girls. Ace gets a ready made family and he couldn't be happier. Piper is all that he has dreamed about as a wife and he is more than eager to become a dad. There is danger and Ace will do all to keep his family safe. A great addition to the series!

Excellent book!

This book was interesting from the very beginning! Piper had a very traumatic experience happen with rebels, and the SEALS rescued her. There was suspense as well as romance. I was always wondering what would happen next. The ending was a cliffhanger, so the reader is left wondering about one if the characters.


I love this series, it seems so long between books though. The storylines are well drawn out and the author's characters are well developed. This story is about a rescue of a Peace Corp volunteer. But when the rescue team gets there, they find their target has supposedly been killed but find a soul survivor with three children. The story takes them through the jungle and back to the states. Great.

Good read

Liked this story and plot with interesting and likable characters. Both hero and heroine are strong as they try to escape from the rebels and save 3 orphan girls. Back in the US, they are now married and have adopted the girls. But now they have to deal with another evil person. Good romantic episodes.

Heart Wrenching!!!!

What an emotional story, I cried as I read the words of what Piper was was going through. And the trauma the little girls were experiencing was heart wrenching. No parent should out live their child. Couldn't put my tablet down, just finished this book at 4:20 a.m. Can't wait to read Bubba's story.

Simply amazing

Have you ever read a book description and thought "I don't know if I will like this story or not" This was one of those times, and I am happy to admit I was wrong. Give Piper and Ace a chance. It deals with so many issues that need addressing and in a beautiful way. Thank you Susan Stoker for proving me wrong.

The story line logistics must be mind breaking :-)

What can I say.... out of 13 pre-orders, 9 are for Susans books.... Even though all the books read perfectly as stand alones, the more you read, the more you realize how intricately the series are intertwined. The stories are believable but not as dark as they could be, which makes them a good read. Just enough details and realism to make you sit up and take notice but nothing that will leave you with nightmares end the romance is part of the story in a perfect blend of things. I find myself wanting to learn more about the procedures and things mentioned in the books, and that puts the books on a whole different level of fun :-)

Securing Piper

Ace is Sent on a mission of rescue that becomes way more than expected. His team is too late for recovery of their intended rescue however Piper and 3 little girls are found hiding in a hole in the floor. Yes comes through again to help them out of the country. There is a great deal of action and love following the rescue that keeps the pages turning. There is a REAL shocker in the end!

Nothing Better Than a Jungle Rescue

I loved Ace and Piper's story. I loved those girls! Susan, as always created an amazing, emotional, exciting story of love, friendship, brotherhood, heroic man fantasy come true. I love these guys! They are all so swoon worthy with the best of women to be their match! Great continuation of an another amazing story by Stoker!

Fast paced, action

Susan Stoker has another great adventure to take us on. Peace Corps worker Kaylee has invited her lifelong friend to visit her in Southeast Asia and meet some of the girls in the orphanage where she teaches them English. Rebel terrorists, Navy SEALS, and more guarantee you'll enjoy this book.

Scars on my heart

Such a heart wrenching book. Thank goodness there are still people who truly care about others and things other than money and power. I no longer ask about the humanity of we humans. When you take a good and honest look at we humans and how we treat everything around us, how can we say humanity means anything good?

Another amazing adventure

These books are as much suspense as they are romance books. Most of her books spend over 2/3 of the time developing both the characters and the environment. By the time the danger occurs the reader really knows who the people involved are and why they do what they do. I am already looking forward for the next book! 😀

Securing Piper Awesome book it Rocks

OMG I loved this story line between Piper and Ace and how they got together him a Navy Seal and he rescued her a three kids from a orphanage and they got married to get the kids into the US and she thought she lost her best friend but Kalyee is still a live thanks for an amazing book and Susan is an amazing author

Awesome Series

this is book 3 of the Seal of Protection series. This story is about Ace and Piper. Susan story pulls you into the action and keeps you there throughout the story. Very enjoyable read. Each book in the series is a stand alone but it is really neat to see previous characters from early books show up.

Oh Wow!

I just love this author, she keeps on the edge of my seat, and awake late at night to finish her books! Piper is visiting a friend! Who is another story, I can’t wait for! The orphanage she is visiting is attacked. In comes Ace and his Seal team to attempt extraction! And that’s all I am saying!

Loved this book.

I’ve loved each book in this series so far. Loved how Piper and Ace fell for the three little girls. Had some tears when they adopted them and loved how they fell fir each other too. It’s a very heartwarming story. Loved the surprise ending too. I highly recommend this book.

Wow, I loved it

Yet another great by by Susan Stoker. The heroine survives a great disaster with three girls from an orphanage. They are rescued by a team of Seals. Among these men is the hero she felt a strong connection to. They all manage to get out of country and back to the US. To be able to do that they had to get married to be able to adopt the children so they could have passports. Just read it , you won’t regret it.

Beautiful Romance

Piper Johnson was visiting a friend, a Peace Corps volunteer, in Timor -Leste, when a rebel uprising came to the village she was in and had to hide for her life. Ace Morgan was one of the Navy SEALS who came to rescue her. That first meeting Sealed their fate! Love in its many forms were to come! Don’t miss this book. It’s one of the longer reads in this series, yay!

Did Bubba see Kalee?

Did Piper's best friend sacrifice her own life for Kamela, Sinta, and Rani's lives to be happy and loved by her best friend? Will Piper and Ace make a way to get the three girls home to the U.S.? Must read!!! Thank you again Susan Stoked!

Different than I thought but Great

Susan Stoker is awesome and so are her books. I loved the story and the characters. Ace is just one of those guys you love. Piper is perfect for him, soft where he's hard. How could you not love the little girls. The good guys win again. Thanks for the great read.

Amazing book!!

Exciting and intense and so very real life like it's amazing! This is a book that you will not be able to put down once you start reading!! It is full of beautiful emotions between the characters and I will say it again... it's amazing!

Well Done

I have never read a bad Susan Stoker book. Ever. Somehow she manages to find a fresh plot line around which to create her characters and series. Always entertaining and definitely worth the money and she ALWAYS writes well about our troops! Bravo.


Great book! I loved reading it from beginning to end. It's a captivating, sexy, funny, & emotional romance. Ace ❤ Piper, are perfect together. Another fabulous book in the series! I adored everything about this Must Read Story!!

Awesome read!!!

As always, Susan Stoker nailed it. You can't wait to get to the end to see the drama unfold but never wan t the story to end. You feel like you know the characters and can't wait to read all of their stories and see how they get their happily ever after.

Securing Piper

This was the first book I have read by this author. Was looking for a "light" read. The book was better than I thought. The story was busy enough to hold my attention . I liked all the characters. Well developed. Upon finishing, I ordered the next two books in the series.


This book had me sitting on the edge of my seat, laughing and crying all at the same time. It is typical of all books by Susan Stoker - Outstanding! I recommend highly you read this book or better yet the whole darn series. Happy reading!

Ace & Piper

Susan Stoker slays me! Securing Piper is yet another of her books that I couldn’t stop turning the pages, took me through the whole emotion spectrum and made my eyes leak! Such an amazing book, but I don’t want to give anything away because if I start I will say too much and give out spoilers! This is a run to my eReader, buy me NOW, read me, then re-read me!!

We need more stars.

Stoker outdoes herself on this one. The story is just too good. Two people desperate for a family of their own and a situation that affords the opportunity to have that. This is one of those stories that is just sweet and heartwarming. Great things come out of tragedy. After you read Piper's story, the preview to come is going to grab you. Never a dull moment in Stoker's World.

OMG action from beginning to the end

This book sizzles. This book was wonderful. I had a hard time putting it down. Piper and Ace were great together. And I loved the girls. I can't believe Kalee's story. OMG. And her father just couldn't handle it. Bubba should have kept his mouth shut but his brothers will have his back. Dang now I have to wait until 2020 to find out what's going on.


She has lost and gained. She lost her parents. And gained a wonderful and very protective guy. And a whole family through him. His team. They bring back a gift when they I.e back from the jungle. great book. And great ending.

Good story

This book kept me on edge the whole way through. Navy seals are a different breed. They do extraordinary jobs that no one else could pull off. I loved their grit and compassion in this story. It was a really good read.

Good read!

Such a good read! I love that they came together to make sure the girls had a home, and made a point to choose the oldest. The epilogue however, just goes to show how evil Susan Stoker is and how much she enjoys teasing her fan base!

A heart wrenching novel

I totally love Susan Stoker novels. Thus one wrenched at me because I work with orphans in various countries. This story of saving 3 orphans totally got to me...and I love Piper and her heart and her SEAL. I recommend this novel and all of the stories on this series. Don’t miss a great read that will keep you up reading!

Wow! Such an amazing story.

The characters are real and believable. You must have done a great deal of research to make this story so realistic! I love every word on every page. Really looking forward to Kalee’s story! Great work!

Another awesome book in the Securing Series

I love Susan's books! I get lost in her stories and am sad when the book ends too quickly. Can't wait to read the book in the series <3 A little romance, a little mystery and a whole lot of steam but always a happily ever after


Awesome reading. The main characters Piper & Ace are good, very well balanced. The girls characters specially Kamara is a dream of "teenager" with all her insecurities. The Seal Team as are "human nature" invincibility is not anymore. The story is complex, fast, slow and deep. This is the best book of the new series

Up All Night

As usual Stoker took me into places and situations I never considered going myself. I felt like I was there, like I could really feel the fear, relief, and of course love and protection of this family of warriors as it grows.

Five Stars

How Susan can write so many books that pull you in so much that you don't want the stories to end. I feel like these are friends and family. From your SEAL series,Deltas,Mountain Mercenarys all your other books. Thank you so very much for your talent and your stories. I've led ordered all your books. Can't wait for the next one.


Oh my goodness, edge of your seat good. Loved the story and the characters, people I would like to know. Can’t wait to read the next in the series. Highly recommend to anyone who loves a good read

A very gripping story of tragedy and loss.

I had to read this book completely without putting it down. Tragedy, horrific events, personal struggles along with deep caring for 3 orphans and the hero men who recused them. Excellent book.

The best one yet!

Yet again Susan Stoker has kept me on the edge of my seat. Not even half way through the book and I already had ideas of a further book but second guessed myself until the very end. This book makes you fall in love, cry, want to murder, and cheer. Be prepared to read it all at once while holding on toward your seat.

Just Wow

Another winner! Love how everything fell in place. How they fell in love as family first and then together as a couple. We knew something was going to happen,but wow,Susan Stoker, great job! Expected,but not expected. And the surprise at the end.OMG,how do you do it? Just don't stop. Preordering next story! Thank you


Love the characters in the story, alpha seal team on assignment in a strange country rescuing a well off businessman’s daughter there for the Peace Corp. Said daughter has her best friend with 3 local girls hide to keep them safe from the rebels. Neither of them knew if they would survive the attack or who would survive. Loving, exciting, thrilling romance.


It is not often that a book surprises me, but this book had a couple of scenes that completely shocked me! This book is everything you expect from a Susan Stoker novel, which means it is a MUST READ!

So good

They met under less than perfect circumstances. Piper was such a positive personality and Ace was in awe of her strength. I loved these characters once again, and was happy to read Ace’s story.

Piper's Great Adventure

When her friend convinced Piper to visit with her to the orphanage in the mountains,she never dreamed what was about to happen. Her quiet little life would be changed forever.

A MUST read!

Piper and Ace make a connection .. they have 3 orphans and they decide to adopt and marry to keep them. This is another amazing story that once you start you just can't put down!

Amazing read

This whole series is full of amazing people and situations that make your heart pound. Suspense, love, rebels, hostels…the things this woman can put into one novel.

Stoker does it again

In all the books I've read... In 6 different series... There's never been a book that didn't keep me turning pages to find out what's next. Then waiting impatiently for the next book. I pre-order without caring what the book is. It doesn't matter what the book is, I know it will be amazing!

Securing Piper ( SEAL of Protection: Legacy Book 3)

Another wonderful book. Seeing the picture of Piper, Ace just knew she was special. Reading what she went through and reading what they went through was special.


As always, love Susan's work! Mental Illness is real! Traumatic events make it more real! Thanks for shining light! Now I really can't wait for Securing Kalee!!

Good story

I gave this five stars because it wasn't your usual romance. Lots of action and not too much sexual matter, but enough to make it spicy! I really enjoyed it.


I loved this book and all of the characters. I can’t wait for the next several books in this series. I would recommend this book and all of Susan Stoker’s books.

I want my own Seal

I am Never disappointed with a Susan Stoker story. Heartwarming with twists and turns it made me not able to put it down. With great drool worthy characters it is another winner.


This story is sooo intense. I think more so than her other books. There’s a lot that happens in the book and it is very heavy. It’s a great story about love and family.

The story is good. The sex scene is ruined with technical terms. I read for fantasy. Not reality. I don't need body parts spelled out anatomically or used in gross slang.

The story is a bit long and there is not enough action. There is enough story that I would read one more book to decide on the author.

Great adventure and suspense

This book is so entertaining! It has lots of great characters with adventure and a love story with a new family being built. Very enjoyable!!!

Sweet and Sincere

I enjoyed that the crazy adventure didn't mark the end of the story, but continued in a new fashion. I liked the pace of the fast romance .

So much love for this!

This is my favorite Story by Susan stoker. Ace has a special place in my heart. A strong, sensitive, compassionate Navy SEAL and Piper is the perfect woman for him. This is a must-read. I won't share anything else because I don't want to spoil the story, but you will not be disappointed


Each book is better than the last!!!! Stayed up all night reading this one. Can’t wait to finish the series and move on to the next one.


So much sadness and heartbreak. But Piper is strong, and so are the kids. And Ace is so supportive and throws himself 100% into it all,

Securing Piper

Susan Stoked has written another outstanding story of love and intrigue. This book was so good I could not stop reading. I would recommend it to anyone.

Loved the story

Loved the story and have to say one of the coming books is predictable. I knew Kalee wasn't dead and of course she will end up with Phantom. No shocker there.


Securing Piper is an incredibly heartwarming journey of love and trust. Ace, Piper, and the girls Kemala, Sonya, and Rani will capture your heart. I could not stop reading once I started. This is one of Susan Stoker’s best stories. Definitely a must read.


You will be on the edge of your seat the whole time you’re reading this. Every character in the story is great. Don’t miss this one.

Securing Piper

Oh my goodness,this was so good. Tears were pouring down my face, such an emotional story,I loved it. Why can't Kaylees story be next,not fair.

Securing Piper( Seal of Protection: Legacy Book 3)

You get action, suspense, and worry. The Seal's rescue her and the girls from the Rebels. She wants to adopt them. Her best friend is missing. Her friends dad has a break down. The seals will have to protect her and the girls, but they fall in love.

Good story

A very different Navy Seal story. Enjoyed the characters and story line especially the kids. A little long but totally enjoyable.

Another great book from Susan Stoker!

This is such a wonderful story for so many reasons! This one seemed to tug on the heartstrings a little more than usual. I think it was the sweet kids. The ending was lovely and very emotional. The worst thing was finding out how long it will be until we get Kalee's story!

Good Read

This book is full of excitement and drama. The characters are well developed and believable. I would recommend this book.

Fantastic Read

I loved piper and Ace amazing, wonderful and emotional story. I cant wait to read more about this spectacular group of men. Susan Stoker is a amazing writer who never fails to bring you stories that tears at your heart but yet fills it with so many feeling.....

Couldn't Put It Down

I never wanted this book to end. Susan Stoker knows how to weave a story with so many layers. This book leaves you both satisfied, but extremely hungry for more. Stoker can be such a tease. I can't wait for the next books in the series, especially one important story.

A better seal story

This was better than most other seal books that I have read. This one had a real story and included much more than sex.

Securing Piper (SEAL if Protection: Legacy Boo.....

Never a dull moment in this story! It makes you appreciate the sacrifices this unit makes. There was a wonderful ending!

Piper and Ace

Fast paced story. It kept me reading I couldnt put it down! Family, friends romance and action, good read. Enjoyed


Really liked the book. Really like the kids and how brave Piper was. Have to skip to Kalee though to see her story.

Susan Stoker started these amazing characters

I have read almost all of her books and other authors that took over from her stories. You will not be disappointed

Just WOW

What a absolutely amazing read . Full of twists and turns and leaves you on the edge of your seat . Can’t wait for the next installment

Very good.

Never read this author and enjoyed the book. Wasn’t sure I would, but she writes an great story. Will recommend.

Seal of protection & love!

From horror to hit love, and lots between. Throw in children and oh boy what a mix. Could not put this down!

Great read

I am loving this series and characters. Ace is a great character that had already warmed my heart from book one.

Securing Piper

Ms Stoker has done it again! This one kept me on the edge. My only complaint: Have to wait to get rest of the story. If you have not read any of Susan Stoker's books give it a try. You will not be disappointed. Thank you Susan Stoker!.


Loved Piper and Ace. This was another great story with this team of SEALS. Lots of action and an overall good characters. Loved it!


I don't normally review books. I love all of Susan Stokers books, but this one just grabbed my heart. The way that the characters connected while on the run was amazing. All of the Seals caring for the children was just so special. I can't wait til the next book.

Love it!!

It amazes me, how your books are so fresh and new with each new couple and as a whole. I love that so many lives were changed forever and that good wins!!

Just can’t say enough!!!!

I just can’t say enough about all of Susan’s books. I haven’t read one that wasn’t as well written as the one before!

Great story

Love all of Susan Stoker's books. This was another great one. But I have to say this is the first book that I hated the chapter to the next book. Kind of makes me want to wait until all this series is out before reading anymore.


Wow. This story rocks. I don’t like summarizing the book. So I am Not. I can’t seem to put this series down. Great job Susan.

Securing more than just Piper

Ace and Piper have a rough first meeting because Ace and his SEAL team are there to rescue her and her friend Kalee from a Peace Corps mission that went terrible when fighting broke out.

I hate waiting!!!

I can not even begin to say how much I loved Ace and Piper. Them and their girls are amazing. It drives me crazy that I have to wait months for the next book. But I know it will definitely be worth it. As always....Enjoy!!!!


I liked the hero as an active seal team member and enjoy the team dynamics. Good book in the series

A true story of love and forgiveness.

I am a huge fan of Susan Stoker, but she is at her best with this story. A horrible situation turned into a ready made family for Ace and Piper. Have the hankies ready, because you will need them.

Great Series - Can't wait for the new one coming out!

A quick read and just love these books! I got hooked and now have to wait for the next book to come out in January 2020. I'll wait - worth it!

Loved it

I swear if Susan Stoker wrote a book a day I would read a book of hers every day. I have read them all and have never been disappointed. This book was a great read and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Great read!

I loved this story! It was fast-paced and the story well told. I really enjoy S. Stoker’s books. A good book to curl up with.

Good series...

I loved this "Securing" series (Seal of Protection) of six books. It has strong female characters matched up with strong Navy Seals. I plan to look at some of her other series as a result.

What a story!

This is another fabulous book by Susan Stoker. The story is amazing and you fall in love with the characters. It is a book that you will want to reread to see if you missed something the first time!!

I couldn't put it down!

This was another wonderful story by Ms Stoker! It has everything you could want in a book, fast paced, action packed, scary, emotional and a happy ending. Thank you Susan!

A Great Addition to a Wonderful Series

Susan knocks it out of the park again with the latest installment in her Seals of Legacy series. This is a wonderful story about a strong heroine, amazing hero and three precious children. The story is compelling, funny and at times tearful, but in the end, love conquers all! Anxiously awaiting the next book in this series.

Same as above was put off by some of her terms. Like her characters

Not fond of some of the terms she uses for body parts

Great premise for a story

Strong writing great characters and a premise that is surprising good. I wish the book had explored more of the children adjustment to lofe in the US

Loved this book!

Amazing! I got so emotional throughout this book, I actually cried during the first few chapters! Such great writing. I loved the story. It's almost Insta love. Definitely a must read!

Too much foul language.

Too much unnecessary foul language.

Securing piper

I enjoy all of Susan’s books. I especially enjoy her alpha males and her strong heroines. Her storyline is believable and there aren’t any cliffhangers but you always want to read the next book in the series to see what will be happening next to the team.

Excellent Author

Just finished now I want to read Securing Kalee and not wait a year for it to be released that like torture.. Great book love all of Susan’s books. I normal don’t purchase books because I have Kindle Unlimited but hers were too good to pass up... All series are worth reading can’t wait for new books to be released..

Love this book

From being rescue to marriage and parenthood all in the same week this book was fast pace and i love it

Nice little romance

Nice romance with a little action thrown in. Great for a little light reading. Plot is a little obvious and predictable, but still an very enjoyable read. Characters are likable and even had sympathy for the “bad guy “


Liked it but a little dark


What an intensely emotionally charged read. This author keeps you in her grip from start to finish. A really engrossing story.

Love this series

Susan Stoker novels are action packed with romance added. I have dozen of her books.

Just good read

I love this series

My review of Securing Piper

I have been a fan of Susan Stokes since I read Outback Hearts back in 2014 and I fall in love more and more with each book I read.


Great series

Awesome Book!!!

Loved the story line!!!! Loved that they adopted some girls that needed help. It is going to be a long wait for the next book.


Very good read . Fell in love with the characters. Ace is a true hero. I loved this book. Fantastic

Nice End to the series

Love every book she writes and when I read I feel like I know the characters.

Perfect Independence Day Read

An excellent read!! A book of intrigue, romance and humanity. This book gives you a glimpse into the lives of our brave soldiers who puts their lives on the line and on hold every day to protect us.

Great read.

I have enjoyed reading this book, its interesting and full of action . I have already pre-ordered the next in the series and look forward to it's arrival.

so good!!!!!

This book was so good. The intensity and action was great. It's been a long time since a book made me cry but this one was did. It did have a HEA was was great.

Help someone out.

This book was great. I loved Ace and Piper's book. I am glad they got to adopt the 3 girls. I am reading the book now.


Lots of the unexpected. Real and truthful about parental love. Can't wait to read the next in the series. Fun stuff

Hold on tight

Oh my what a story! From start to finish this book held on and didn't let go. Even the end keeps you wanting more

Great book

Greatest book

Had my attention from the beginning.

Great read! Had a hard time putting it down!

Securing Piper

Wow just wow I loved this book and will recommend it to anyone to read I really can't wait for the next one.

Another hit

I loved this book and can't wait for the next one. Susan Stoker is one of my favorite authors. Enjoy.

Great Book

Susan Stoker has done it again. Great book, couldn't put it down. Highly recommend it to anyone

Good book!

Good book and if I am not mistaken sets up at least 1 future book.

Susan Stoker books are great reads

Love Susan Stoker

Another great story!

Just finished reading Securing Piper. I found this book to be great just like all the rest of her books. This books had romance, excitement, it was just great. The epilogue was such a tease never expected that, love it! Can't wait for that story!

Great book.

You won't be disappointed with thccxis book. I love the characters in Susan's stories. They are real people with heart and flaws, not picture perfect one dimension beings. Treat yourself and get this book and all her other books.

Like it

Good story

Love this journey

I honestly believe this is Susan Stokers best work to date. Fast paced, entertaining.

Love the book

Loved the book

Her books are a must read!

All of her series are amazing! Strong women and caring ultra gorgeous alpha's, a romantic and exciting combination truly enjoyable!

Awesome book! Great read!

There really wasn't anything that I didn't like about the book!! This book is one of those that you just can't put down just like all of her other books!

Ulimate read for lazy night

Loved the story. Wish the others were out now.

Please use different narrator

I love this author but I can’t listen to a book read by this is so difficult for me with this narrator. The others (Stella Bloom and Erin Mallon) are wonderful. Just my opinion.

Couldn’t put it down!

Exciting. Loved the story of an instant family. Just couldn’t put it down until I finished it. Can’t wait to find out what happens to Kaylee.

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