Preppy: The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater PART ONE (KING Book 5)

Kindle Edition
24 Oct

Samuel Clearwater, A.K.A Preppy, likes bowties, pancakes, suspenders, good friends, good times, good drugs, and a good f*ck.

He’s worked his way out from beneath a hellish childhood and is living the life he’s always imagined for himself. When he meets a girl, a junkie on the verge of ending it all, he’s torn between his feelings for her and the crippling fear that she could be the one to end the life he loves.

Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet is strung out and tired.

Tired of living for her next fix. Tired of doing things that make her stomach turn. Tired of looking in the mirror at the reflection of the person she’s become. Just when she decides to end it all, she meets a man who will change the course of both their lives forever.

And their deaths.

For most people, death is the end of their story.
For Preppy and Dre, death was only the beginning.

This is the fifth book in the King Series and it's meant to be read after Soulless.

Reviews (400)

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

"the in-between"

T. M. Frazier is the definitive creator of art of the Dark Romance and her King series is a wickedly sinful Star. "Preppy" features the ultimate Tragic Hero a knight in tarnished armor rescuing a Damaged Heroine, a troubled princess, who is literally falling off of her tower. Preppy is a well dressed demon with a heart of gold or a cold black heart if you cross him. This angelic looking rogue can easily, and quickly, go from a curse word spewing artisan to a cookie loving charmer of old ladies. (Who knew he was such a swoony letter writer???) He is a chameleon. He's a Savior and Evil Incarnate. Dre is tired and as much as she wants her next hit of heroin she doesn't want it more. She's been traveling with two "friends" one of which feels as though she deserves whatever bad things befall her. He and his friend are two bad things - they emotionally abuse her, keep her addicted, and constantly rape and beat her. Despite this she helps them in their illegal endeavors including robbing her own grandmother. Little do they realize that they are stealing product that belongs to a very dangerous man and now he's out for blood. Andrea, Dre/Doc, meets Preppy when she and the guys were robbing her senile grandmother but she is actually a caring and devoted granddaughter to the elderly woman in a very bad situation. Dre/Doc, surprises and fascinates Preppy at every turn so he is very much drawn to her. He saves her life and still allows her two favors. Again the favors are not what he expects. The first is to use his phone to call home saying that she's coming back, the second request is asking Preppy to spare the life of one of the guys who has been, essentially torturing her. The most dangerous and cruelest of the two men - a promise Preppy has no intention of keeping. For some reason Dre/Doc curbs Preppy's more dangerous sexual tastes. He still likes his sex dark, dangerous, and rough but he attempts to hold himself back from Doc for as long as he can. But he has an extremely difficult time not pouncing on her and taking her every chance he gets until their attraction to each other finally snaps. The longer Preppy and Dre/Doc spend time together the closer they become. The timeline mainly takes place before all of the previously published books in the King series. The timeframe occurs mainly during the time King is in prison. Bear is a prominent character in "Preppy". This book provides answers to questions you didn't know you had and then blindsides you with gut wrenching revelations about Preppy. Reading "Preppy" is like a gripping addiction. The action is thrilling, some of the revelations will make you gasp on a smile, and of course Preppy's own brand of irreverent, profane conversation enhancers which often riddle his cheeky running commentary. But then T. M. Frazier turns on a dime and takes out her rusty jagged little melon baller and guts you with a poignant scene that will having you shedding tears and haunt you long after you read it. As with all of the King series books heroes and heroines, Preppy and Dre take part in a seemingly ruthless yet romantic pas de deux. They waltz through a minefield of what they want - the easy and happiness filled route and the what they should do - the painful and callous path they end up having to travel. The scenes that take place in the present day are brutal and yet Preppy is at his audacious best. Although all of the books in the King series are fantastic - I never thought I'd like romances this dark - "Preppy" is, at least to me, the most meaty, weighty, and substantial book since it pulls so many puzzle piece together that you didn't realize were scattered. The breadth of emotion: fear, vulnerability, confidence, lust, love, and heartbreak, that is covered in "Preppy" along with the brutality of the action juxtaposed with the romance and passion, and finally T. M. Frazier lets loose a destruction of long held assumptions which makes this book incredible and an absolute necessity to be read for a more vivid and complete picture of the "King" world. To read the entire review please visit: This novel was provided in exchange for an unbiased review

Dre & Preppy

MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - Dark book, knew it was going to be, but actually really disturbing at times. Andrea, Dre for short, is the granddaughter of Mirna, one of the old ladies who has the pot setup in her house for Samuel Clearwater, AKA Preppy. Dre shows up with sperm in her hair, blood caked on her, bruises between her legs - clearly a heroin addict who has been beaten & raped by Conner & Eric, two boys trying to steal from Preppy's stash. "I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." She's skinny, a junkie, broken & vulnerable - and yet he uses her body for pleasure while she's completely out of it. :( So see, very dark & disturbed. Preppy of course is funny, and when Dre is battling her addiction she is very sweet. "Seriously, THAT'S what you've been hiding under your Leave It to Beaver clothes?" When Dre's grandma takes a bad turn she goes on the run, harming herself, dying to get her hands on some heroin. And when Preppy's mother comes around claiming she didn't know about the abuse he suffered at the hands of his stepfather, Preppy goes off the deep end. These two are really very much alike. It was heartbreaking really to hear Preppy have a breakdown. "I was a good boy! Bad boys have wrinkled pants." And then Bear comes around, assuming Dre is going to be his new addition at the MC, and tries to start a threesome. This is a threesome that literally made me cry, not going to lie, shocking! Preppy & Dre both play a game of chicken to see if one of them will stop it & it broke my heart, because we know this is the breaking point for them. "Preppy had told me time and time again that he couldn't keep me. He never said anything about throwing me away." Not enough of the fun light-hearted Preppy. Lots of pain, heartbreak & drama. Surprise cliffhanger ending so I can't wait to read more!


One sitting, mere hours of reading and I was lost to a devil with tattoos and a bowtie. I have never been in love so much with a fictional character but T.m. Frazier knocked it out of the park with Preppy and Dre. There was nothing about this book I would change. Preppy with his humor and devious mind was captivating.His story heartbreaking but what made him who he was. Dre was beautifully broken, she thinks she is at the end of her rope and the second she thinks she can't take it anymore the devil himself saves her. These two were like a force of nature pulling you in to their world, willing you to stay a while. I would stay for eternity basking in the beauty that are in the flaws of these characters. There weren't to many secondary characters yet some how this book was full to the brim with life and death. But death couldn't stop the love these two had for each other. And it couldn't stop the love I have for this book and this author. I can not wait tell the second book, I'll be on the edge of my seat tell the second I have it in my hand. RECOMMEND TO EVERY ONE!

He sticks with you, even if book one is just the tip!

I screamed like a little girl when I received the email for the sign up for this. I waited on baited breath as I signed up, and was super mega pleased to be able to get my reviewer an ARC copy. A shout out to her, she works way harder than I do by a long shot and I made her read these books. So to say she deserved a copy was is the least I could do. When I got the ping in my inbox saying the ARC had been delivered, I was so excited because I had it marked on every calendar. So then I screamed fan girl/someone was dying... it was so exciting. This series is why I started blogging. Preppy is my all time book boyfriend, I dream of his tattoos and dirty talk. I almost want to give this book 1 star. It left me so hurt, not full of angst. It left me broken, screaming into my pillow and torn. It left me with more questions than before, it left me confused and oh so hurt. I love Preppy, and I became enamored with Doc (Andrea) as we follow them through a time while King is in prison and flashes into the future that takes place presumably during the books Lawless/Soulless. BUT that being said, it is a three part book. It a NSFW and one you have to sneak read in front of friends and family if they aren't familiar with the series, however, there was so many loose ends for me. I would never give T.M's books 1 star because this is only book one. That in it's self means a lot, we are laying the background for the story of Preppy and Doc. There is 3 years where King is in jail, and they are apart for several years, we had an epic death scene in KING and still no explanation for it, I know that by the end of book 2 I will be just as hurt that all of my questions's aren't answered. However, that is what book 3 is for, that is how we grow as readers. Patience isn't my biggest virtue, but I think Preppy is going to be worth the wait, he is my all time favorite characters of any book so far. He sticks with you, even if book one is just the tip!

Mixed stars **Light Spolier**

Preppy has been by far my favorite character from this author and maybe on of my favorites ever. Having read the other books and not been a huge fan aside from Preppy, I didn't feel like his story was true to the previous books in which he was in. None the less, he is true to Preppy and I adore him. I wasn't a fan of Kings books so I didn't go back and read them but I don't remember this Preppy. I am very much on the fence. I give 4.5 stars for Preppy being Preppy. ***Spoiler*** 2.5 stars for this disturbingly gross scene Rape is not a hard limit for me to read about. However, knowing this girl was abused by men, he washes them off her while she is passed out of H and then goes down on her and she is no clue nor can she give consent. I found this disgusting in more ways than one. She had been abused by two men, you clean her and then violate her too? This was the point where I had to force myself to go on. 2.5 Stars for the cover. I think Preppy sounds hot and the book model is not, nor does he even resemble the description of Preppy aside from the bow tie.

You won't find rainbows and unicorns on these pages!!!!

Bowtie 'till I die. Samuel "Preppy" Clearwater was determined from a childhood of hell, to live his life HIS way, by his rules. Just like with every other TM Frazier book, this one will keep you turning and turning the pages, like an addict who just can't walk away. We've known Preppy since book 1 of the series (and if you have not started from book 1, King, please do so otherwise you are missing out!!), so getting to go back and spend time in his head is AHH-MAZING!! Just like the others, this book is dark and gritty, so those who are sensitive and looking for sunshine and rainbows need to keep looking. That isn't what you will find in these pages. What you will find is a continuation of a story that you will never get enough of. It is so well written, and probably some of the most well developed characters I have ever read. I had expectations of what I thought would be in the pages of this book based on what I knew of Preppy from the others, but I was way off. Don't get me wrong, the Preppy you've come to know and love is certainly present, but there is so much more to him than we've seen. 'Dre can't see anything beyond her next fix and thinks she finally has her eyes set on another prize. When Preppy meets 'Dre, suddenly the disturbing tendancies we've seen in him before take just a little turn. Their story definitely isn't sweet, but it will tug at a whole different set of feelings. I can't really say anything more without risking a spoiler, but this is a definite must read!!!

I have become obsessed with T.M. Frazier! Her writing, her characters! PERFECTION!

Can I just start off by saying that T.M. Frazier has become one of my favorite authors. I started reading her books when Dark Light Of Day had just been released and she put a spell on me. Every single book she has written has utterly blown. my. mind! That being said, Preppy was a highly anticipated book for me. We got to know and love Preppy when we read King, which is the first book in this series. He's tattooed, foul-mouthed, and loves his bow ties! Samuel, A.K.A. Preppy is in a category of his own, he says what he thinks and is completely unapologetic about it! I love the way he and Dre meet, it's very unconventional to say the least, the very opposite of a meet cute. The book spans over a period of time flashing back-and-forth between past and present. We learn a lot more of what happens even before King begins, and I for one am ecstatic about it! Preppy and Dre's relationship is so very unique. Neither one of them is what you would call "normal", they each have a whole closet full of skeletons, but somehow they learn how to understand each other. One of the things I love about Frazier's writing is that her stories are always the opposite of what I expect, so I've come to realize not to expect, just read. Frazier has a way of making cringe and laugh in the same sentence. I have become infatuated with her writing, her characters, her uniqueness! If you want a book that will make you swoon from all of the hearts and flowers being thrown around this isn't it. But I you're ready to delve into a darker, more raw, more taboo, and a little more corrupt part of yourself then READ THIS NOW! Now if I can just get my hands on the next book my life would be complete!

Frazier delivers a Preppy Special in the form of a clean creased Khakis, bowtie wearing, granny loving.....bad boy

First off, 5 stars doesn't measure the greatness of Preppy. Secondly, if you have not read the King series, go and one-click the series and get to bingeing! You MUST have read the King series to follow Preppy's story. Thirdly, have an extra pair of underwear ready because Preppy is going to take you there. The story of Samuel Clearwater was a highly anticipated story for me. My love for him grew in each of the King books and I couldn't get enough of him. I can probably say that every Frazier fan wanted more. We wanted Preppy so bad that our Evil Ginger delivered!!! She just didn't deliver, she wrapped it up in clean creases and put a bowtie on it and said; more to come, this is just the tip of it!!! Frazier takes us on a roller coaster ride with twist and turns of emotions. Preppy's story will take you to hell and back, take you to the brink and have you gasping for air, but also make you cry and laugh out loud all in one chapter. There is just so much to say about Preppy but not without revealing the incredible parts to his story. So enough words, one-click this for an amazing Preppy Special that will change the way you look at other book boyfriends. Sorry King I must trade in your wife beaters and black jeans for some clean khaki creases and a bow tie till I die!!! Why, you ask? Because Pancakes, that's why!

10 out of 5

This review is after my second read through. This book is a whole new Preppy. IMHO it gave a whole new light as to just who Preppy is. He's not as immoral as he tried to come off as in the beginning of this series. Sure we knew much of Preppy's background and the things that happened to him, but surprisingly he gets an extra surprise in the closure dept. I was all for that Preppy reaction. Now for Dre. What can I say about Dre, strung out junkie, but still has a heart and a will to live. While I wished for a tiny bit more of her background, my mind filled in the blanks when I needed it to. Wasn't hard with all the clues given. I loved her with her grandmother, when she sobered up, of course. Playing dress up with the 50s styles actually made me jealous. The most important thing for me about Dre, though, is the heartbreak behind WHY she became a junkie. It actually made me not hate her so much. Now for the two of them together. When they first meet, she's part of a trio who is robbing one of the GGs. But the best meeting is a few hours later, on the water tower. How perfectly fitting. Did Dre really compare Preppy to the pages of "The Notebook", as non threatening as an Easter bunny? And comparisons to Leave It To Beaver? I loved it. Sparing her life in exchange for the info on the 2 men who were with her, Preppy brings her to the bus station so she can go home to daddy. Only she doesn't get on the bus, and the one life she asks him to spare (out of guilt) ends, that one I say good riddance. Circumstance and selfishness, and a bit of home detox, keep her at her grandmother's house helping repair the GG room and fall for the man in a bow tie. I liked the flashes into Preppy's captivity, his attitude and even his heartbreak. Yeah I said it heartbreak, Preppy is heartbroken. I for one can't wait for part 2.

Preppy is a book you do not want to miss!

I don't even know where to begin with this book, it was so incredibly beautiful and dark with even more beautiful, dark and messed up characters. T.M. Frazier has done it again she sucks you in to her book world and makes you fall in love with these characters in a way that you never want to return from it. Preppy isn't your average character he is dark, haunted, and messed up but in the best possible way, and Dre is perfect for him in evwryway because she also is haunted, and messed up in her own way. They both are battling their own demons and are able to help each other in the process. This book is part of a series and not a standalone, you should defiantly read the rest of the King series first so you have an understanding of preppy. You will love him in all of the other books but somehow reading this book will make you fall even more in love with him. I recommend this book and the whole King series to absolutely everyone.

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!


I loved loved loved the King and Bear books! I was soooo excited about Preppy because he was just an awesome character. For some strange reason after I bought the series I kinda kept pushing them to the side, I just had a gut feeling, boy was I right. Noooooo, Preppy the best character ever and his book made me want to poke my eyes out it was so slow and boring. I’m crushed that I didn’t love this book. I will say that the king series has really been the only thing by this author that I’ve loved but Preppy really was a huge disappointment. I do not know how it was in the running of book of the year because it did not deserve it. I’m so sorry Preppy but you’ve been let down and your character will forever live in my heart as a could’ve been, should’ve been, but wasn’t.


TM Frazier is a frickin' genius! Now! If you would have asked me that question back when she killed the one and only, Samuel Clearwater AKA Preppy, off, I'd have had a whole other list of things that I thought she deserved; and not one of them were flattering! But the fact that she did NOT plot Preppy's true demise, but did one hell of a job making us think she did, well that just makes her brilliant instead of a b!tch! And then on top of it, she seriously, honest-to-God had me devastated and mourning him! She honestly made the one and only plot twist that kept me reading this series. ou just can't kill of the "three" in Three Muskateers! That's like making soup and leaving the onions out of the miropoix! As always, Ms. Fraizers writing is spot on! The story-line flows beautifully and never once feels forced nor does it ever stall out or lose steam. The addition of Dre to the story comes at a perfect time and Ms. Frazier does an amazing job bringing her into the story. We are able to form a connection with Dre just like we have with all the other characters in this series. I am so looking forward to see what Ms. Frazier has in store for Preppy and Dre. We know something big is coming! Once again, I'm thankful that I waited for books 7 and 8 to be released so I don't have to wait!!!

Preppy is Incredible!

Preppy by T. M. Frazier is unlike any book I have ever read. T. M. Frazier brought me into this incredibly developed world of two amazing characters and I did not want to leave. The characters were memorable and I couldn't help but fall in love with each of them as well as their flaws. I could not tear myself away as I burned through the pages to find out what would happen next Though it is a part of her King series, it can be read as a stand a lone, but it will definitely not be the last you read in the series, as it does end in a cliff hanger. The reason I say this is unlike any book I have ever read is that it is written from the perspectives of two eccentric characters who are experiencing life altering situations. Dre is a desperate junkie trying to find a way out or her next fix, whichever will numb her pain. In a dire circumstance, she ends up meeting Samuel Clearwater AKA, Preppy who ultimately saves her life. Though he is in no way a savior, he is facing his own demons which will inevitably be the end of both of them. Their combustible chemistry is off the charts, but sometimes that is not enough. Preppy himself is a unique character. He says things like he sees them. He is brash, cocky, confident and yet somewhat broken which made me love him even more. I never knew what he was going to do or what he was going to say. The twists and turns in the plot were magnificent and T. M. Frazier has an incredible ability to share how family will do the ultimate sacrifice for those they love. There is so much more to this book than the drugs, combustible chemistry as well as loyalty. I can't quite put a finger on it, but it definitely is worth the read. PS- The audio version of this book is fantastic. I have never listened to Lance Greenfield or Kristin Leigh before, but I am now a huge fan of both of theirs. Their narration only enhanced T. M. Frazier's work. I will certainly be looking for more books from these talented individuals to entertain me with in the future!


Holy frittatas!!!!!! Preppy... pancakes... bow ties.... love... lust... angst... I can't even form a coherent sentence! Preppy has always been my favourite song I first read King, I find him disturbingly hilarious and I've always wanted to see deeper inside of his head to see who he really is! To me, Preppy is like an onion, he has so many different layers and the majority of them will make you cry! I love him. I want him. I need him. Dre is perfect for preppy (I say that begrudgingly as I think I'm perfect for him... just saying!) she's a little lost, a lot broken, and a helluva spitfire. I literally read this book in 2 hours, I did not want to put it down.. so I didn't. I read this book in one go, and then again just to make sure I had real appreciation of it. The writing as always is flawless, the characters are just incredible and the storyline is phenomenal. I cannot even begin to describe how I'm feeling. *warning* it ends on a cliffhanger, it will leave you panting, wanting more, SCREAMING at your kindle so it doesn't end. Part 2 needs to be here like right now please!!! #2OCCAB


I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the King Series by T.M. Frazier. I purposely waited until Books 5, 6 & 7, Preppy Part 1, 2 and 3, were released before starting to read these last 3 books. This is a first for me. I normally just read when released and then suffer through until the next release. I didn't do that with this series, and I'm so glad I didn't. Having the ability to read one book after the other made this story ebb, flow and come alive in my mind. I binge read Books 1-4, and then patiently waited until Books 5-7 were released and I could fit them into my reading schedule. I've had to juggle a bit and put off reading a bit, but having finished Book 5 and being able to now move right on to Book 6, I know it has been worth the wait. I have been rewarded with one of the best, most overwhelming books in this series. In Preppy Book 1, T.M. Frazier has given us more of a look into the life of a completely endearing, enticing, flawed, charismatic character that you can't help but be drawn to. His story is not all hearts and flowers. It's tough, sad, gritty, and stomach-churning at times. Oh how I love you, Bow-Tie Man/Pancake Boy! I'm not sure I can ever get enough of your wit, wisdom, and whacked-out ways. This book just blew me away. I love, love, love it! On to Preppy, Book 2!

WOW! What a read!

I have been desperate for this book. Absolutely desperate! And T.M. Frazier absolutely delivered. This is an intriguing, exciting, funny, dark and dirty book that is full of surprises and a surprising amount of heart, and I could not put it down. Samuel Clearwater, aka ‘Preppy’ was introduced as a character in King and I, like a lot of other readers, have been obsessed with him from the very beginning. Preppy is one of those characters that just leaps off the page – a sarcastic, wise-cracking smartass, he is cocky, smart, and so funny, but also caring and incredibly loyal to his friends. Of course he’s also a murdering, drug dealing, mildly depraved pervert, and that dark side of him contrasts wonderfully with his not-so-serious side, and he’s a wonderfully complex character. This is book #5 in the King series, and I urge you to please read these books in order! If you have, then you’ll know what to expect from this book, and the timeline of this story crosses over events that have occurred earlier in the series, fitting in with both King and Bear’s stories. If you haven’t read the earlier books, then don’t go looking for information because you’ll ruin so much. In order to keep this review as spoiler free as I can, I’m not going to be saying much about the story. I absolutely loved the chance to finally get into Preppy’s head. He is such a unique character, and his irreverence and sarcasm had me laughing out loud more than once. And Preppy as a romantic leading man is unique – definitely - but absolutely sensational. Andrea (Dre) comes into his life as a junkie who has hit rock bottom. Though his motives are initially questionable, he helps her and he clearly comes to care for her, and I loved seeing him in the role of perverted protector. He is a highly sexual person, so there’s a lot of innuendo and perversion going on – some of it wildly inappropriate and downright wrong, but I couldn’t be mad at him for it. We get more of his backstory so we understand why he is the way he is, and Dre was right there with him with most of it, and the sexual tension builds fantastically until they can’t hold back any longer, and the sexy time is intense, hot and dirty. Dre is also a great character. Damaged and flawed, she shows a lot of strength in pulling herself together and starting to live again. Her attraction to Preppy is really well explored and I love that we get to see the fear and confusion that she experiences about what she is feeling, as well as her inevitable fall for the quirky deviant who barged into her life. Their relationship is slow developing and far from smooth and there is lots of drama and angst as both Preppy and Dre confront the demons of their past, figure out their feelings for each other and deal with the external influences that impact their lives. It’s dark, dirty and twisted, with some surprises along the way, but I felt every single moment and I especially loved the emotion that started to show through. I loved this book. Dramatic yet laugh-out-loud funny in places, dark, gritty and unapologetically depraved, Preppy’s story sucked me in from the very first page and I could not put it down. I was invested in him, in Dre, and in their story, and I couldn’t wait to see how it was all going to play out. As expected from T.M. Frazier, the story ends with a nasty cliffhanger, leaving me with my heart pounding and desperate for more. Oh my God, PLEASE tell me that the next part of the story isn’t too far away!!!

I love PREPPY!!!!!

PREPPY!!!!!! The book I've been waiting for since it feels like forever. I knew it wasn't going to disappoint and let me tell you it didn't. I remember after reading King I sent T.M. Frazier a message because I was so upset over Preppy. He is my favorite character from this whole series and I just remember being in tears wondering how could she do this??? Luckily there was more to Preppy's story and boy is it a dozy. This book had me crying, laughing hysterically, and hot and bothered. The sex is hot!!! I love Preppy's dirty mouth. I'd let him do anything he wanted to me. Oh and ladies we get so hotness from Bear too. So let's talk about Dre loved her!! She is the smartass sassy woman that Preppy needs. She completely tore my heart out telling her story. They have this explosive chemistry that you can just feel as you're reading the book. This book gave me all the feels and I can't wait for part 2. T.M. Frazier has a way of writing her characters that are addictive and will leave a lasting impression on your heart. Her books just keep getting better and better. Amazing job once again!!!

Everything I hoped it would be!!

Hatred is easy. It’s love that’s hard... What a surprisingly emotional story Preppy turned out to be! I went through a plethora of emotions ranging from Hells Bells Hot to Heart Break... from intense anger to sappy smiles.... and so much more in between. Although I loved the first 4 books in this series, I must say that Preppy absolutely became front and center for me. This complex gritty and hilarious character with huge dose of darkness appeared in the previous books but was never front and center until now. And wow, what a center stage he took. I knew there was so much more to Preppy that the parts we saw earlier in the series but damn..... I wasn't prepared to fall so completely for him. He was deranged and chaotic, loyal and lawless, he was scary and sad.. he was so much. And when Dre fell into is life, she turned his world upside down. Dre broke my heart.... one moment in her life completely set her off course into life of darkness and addiction and her world became a downward spiral. Landing in Preppy's world was both a curse and a blessing; and watching their worlds collide was just fierce. My heart was in overdrive at times.... but I absolutely adored them together. As messed up as they both were, there was something in each of them that the other needed so strongly. I felt it...... I HIGHLY recommend this entire series and if you've read King and Bear's books, you must must must pick up Preppy immediately. This one does end in a cliffhanger; but I felt like it was a perfect place to stop. However...that last sentence did leave me wondering WHAT THE HELL? For now, I'll be patiently waiting for more Preppy and Dre......


I feel like I have been waiting a lifetime for Preppy’s story, and my God, has T.M. Frazier delivered with the first part of Preppy’s story. From the first time readers encounter Preppy in King, he is this character they shouldn’t love. He is amoral and dangerous, but T.M. Frazier shows them just the slightest amount of good, usually when interacting with the people he cares about, to make readers love him. Some people will find him depraved, will be turned off by his actions and comments, but I just didn’t. His past, as relayed in previous books, as well as in this book, makes his behavior understandable. His depravity is part of who he is, and the violence is part of what makes him Preppy. I also cannot get enough of his humor; his absurdity makes me laugh-out-loud. What really makes me love Preppy so much though is the many dimensions to his character: hurt boy, loyal friend, strong and lethal man. With this book though, T.M. Frazier gives us a new dimension to the Preppy readers have come to love, a romantic side. Now it isn’t the traditional swoony romance, it is Preppy after all, but there are moments where he expresses heartfelt emotions and real care for Dre, and there are moments when he will tear your heart open. He is truly a character that will go down as one of my favorites of all time, even if he is a hero I shouldn’t love. I mean, everyone needs a bad boy in the lives, and Preppy is a dangerous and bad as they come. There is one scene in particular that killed me, gutted me. I literally wanted to reach through the screen and grab him, shake him, yell at him, ask him “WHAT ARE YOU DOING???? STOP!!” And even though these emotions were running through my body, I understood why he was doing it, just like Andrea did. It just didn’t make the self-destruction any less difficult to watch. Dre is a tragic heroine, very much like Doe and T, but also like them there is a strength to her as the novel progresses, which to live in the world T.M. Frazier has created is needed. She ends up being strong enough to take on his demons and even challenges him in the end. And when self-preservation takes hold, she decides to what is best for her regardless of what he wants or has planned, and I loved her for it. Although she develops this strength, there is still a vulnerability to her. She still struggles with her loss and emotions and moving on with her life. But her scars and demons match up with Preppy’s, ultimately giving each other moments of peace. This plot sets up the whole story, most of it focusing on setting up the story – the characters, the relationships, the conflict. What surprised me the most was how far back in time T.M. Frazier took the reader, but it serves to set up the beginning of the story, how they fell together and then apart. The plot will contain everything readers have come to love from her books though, suspense, chemistry, violence, amoral acts by amoral characters, and readers will love every minute. Her ending of the book is also truly fabulous. She provides the reader with enough closure to not feel like she shoved you off a cliff, but readers will certainly be jonesing for more. I know I certainly am. T.M. Frazier is one of my go-to dark romance writers. Her words are like her men, I shouldn’t love them, I know I should be appalled by them, but I just can’t find it in me to care. I love everything about it, her words, her characters, her stories. This series has become my drug, and I just don’t want to quit. ---------------- ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

you know and probably love Preppy. You laughed at his antics

For those of you who are familiar with the King series by Tm Frazier, you know and probably love Preppy. You laughed at his antics, you found yourself admiring bow ties and craving pancakes, you started using his one liners in your own life and you cried when he died. But beyond all that, we all simultaneously gasped at the ending of Soulless when we discovered he wasn’t actually dead. Miss me motherf***ers? Those three words changed everything! And just like that, we all sat on pins and needles anxiously awaiting our lovable Preppy’s return. Well, he’s baaack!! And boy did we miss him! Preppy part 1: The life and death of Samuel Clearwater actually starts out before King does. Right after King is sent to prison is where the book begins. You learn a lot of back story about how Preppy started with the Growhouse Grannies, scheming to get Max back, and revealing a softer interior hidden under that harden shell he shows the world. Dre’ is a drug addict who finds herself rock bottom with no way out of this lifestyle. Preppy winds up nursing her back to life and she forms this unlikely bond with him as she sobers up and works to make her life better. But just like Doe in King, she finds herself drawn to his lifestyle and not wanting to leave. Like I said, the books shows a softer side of Preppy. It reveals his vulnerabilities and you really see what a tortured soul he really is. It’s painfully heartbreaking at times. But, there are some instances in the book that were really hard for me to read. It was too dark and I did not care for the happenings. It’s hard to mentally get past those scenes and because of that, my opinion of Preppy is tainted and wishy washy. I believe fans of the rest of Tm Frazier’s books will enjoy this. The ending was great and I’m really excited to see where the story goes. But just know there are some differences between King and Bear that you may not like in Preppy. It’s a different kind of dark compared to the others. And for that, I have to give it 4 stars.

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

For the love of BOWTIES & PANCAKES

There aren't enough words to describe this book! If you are familiar with TM Frazier and have read all books leading up to Preppy, then you know how anticipated this book was for her readers. You get a good glimpse of who Preppy is in the previous King books (a MUST READ for all), but this book you get 100% full attention on Samuel Clearwater aka Preppy. What I enjoyed the most about this book is that TM Frazier didn't hold back. She gave you a view of both main characters past and present. You even get a glimpse of previous characters (wink 😉). To some readers that may make you all confused because you really have to pay attention to the point of view and who's telling their part, but to me that gives me so much more insight and I'm not left wondering with so many what if's. We can't help the life or path that has been chosen for us from the day we were born, but you can choose what to do in the present and most definitely in your future, no matter how bad the cards were dealt for you. Sometimes we have to put up walls to protect what's inside (our heart and soul) and protect those we choose to be our family and love 'till death do you part. That's what TM Frazier does in this book. The book is filled with emotion, twist and turns, passion and sass all through the entire book until the very last words in the book! I will not provide any spoilers because you just have to dive in and give this book a chance and read. You won't be disappointed! The author clearly has a way with words and the fluidity in this book is flawless. She most certainly takes you in a Preppy journey that doesn't end with this book. Nope! TM Frazier leaves you with your jaw dropped at the end! She drops the mic and walks out like the bad ass author that she is. I can't even be mad at her for leaving me like that because the book was awesome and I know book 2 is going to be even better and close out with a BANG! Well done TM Frazier and thank you sharing your amazing talent with us avid/hungry readers😘


"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Preppy: The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One by T.M. Frazier is the 5th installment to the beloved King series and probably the most anticipated book of the year!! Now, let me tell you why. You're first introduced to Preppy in book one and you can't help but love this man and all that is him. From his colorful and unique bow ties to his love of pancakes, he's one of those characters that you'll never forget. Preppy needed his own book and what a book he got! That being said, what transpires throughout the books will leave you sad, angry, and asking 'WTF'! DO NOT try to read just Preppy!! I want to say more, but for the sake of spoilers I can not. So just read this entire series already of you haven't, it's one of the best! Just to set the record straight, this book ends in a cliffhanger, so if you hate them, don't read Preppy just yet. You can still one click though ;) Part two is to be released in January 2017 and we finally get the answers we've been wanting after that mothertrucking ending!!! Now, we know Preppy but we are introduced to Andrea for the first time. Drea's that broken heroine who you'll either love or hate. She struggles with addiction and it's her need for drugs that puts her in Preppy's path. He teaches her to love life and to fight her demons. As the story progresses they became each other's own form of addiction, yet she is his other half and everything he needs. A deadly, yet perfect combination. This book will have you crying, laughing, screaming, smiling, and as always questioning your sanity. T.M. once again blew me out of the water and my love for her writing just keeps growing. She truly is an evil being on a mission to destroy our souls through her books. "Bowtie... 'till I DIE."

This book is EVERYTHING!!

When I started the King series a few years ago I fell in love with the characters, but no one stole my heart like Preppy! So at the end of Soulless when we found out he was ALIVE 😱 I was thrilled, but was wondering when we were going to get his book. When TM let us know that she was writing not one, not even two, but THREE books for Preppy, words cannot describe what I was feeling! So many emotions where going through my head and heart while reading this and I have to say I LOVED IT!! Dre and Preppy are made for each other! They are both so beautifully broken and lost. When they are together they heal in a way that was never possible alone. And that ending.....OMG!!! Diving into the next book now! So go and enjoy the beautifully broken, sexy, hardcore, and subtly sweet Preppy!! I promise you won't be disappointed!

TM Frazier continues to blow our minds and break our hearts (in such a great way) with Samuel’s story

How does one person create such a world? TM Frazier continues to blow our minds and break our hearts (in such a great way) with Samuel’s story. I was a little messed up at first (ok, the whole thing is messed up, but you have to start somewhere) with the timeline of events. I kept trying to place Andrea from the earlier books, but couldn’t. NOW I get it. Anyone who has come this far down this path knows how dark and twisted this series is, and especially how effed up Samuel is. But seriously! TMF has risen (sunk?) to a new level with this installment and I couldn’t love it more. Well, I need Book 2 to get here so I CAN love it more! Preppy was always the wildcard in this series, and I honestly wasn’t sure if he would turn out to be the ‘good guy’ we wanted him to be. But that’s one of the great things about this. He tries so hard to be the worst kind of person, but he isn’t. He has a horrid past, yet he smiles through it, trying to be worse than his ghosts, but he can’t be. Dre shouldn’t even be alive, but she is, and who knew that love, understanding and even passion could grow out of the darkness these two have come from. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew these two must get their HEA, but honestly, TMF does an insanely great job at keeping you guessing regardless. Their relationship is torrid, dirty, disturbing and beautiful. Dre is absolutely bursting with emotion and most of it make angst feel like a happy place. I can’t bring myself to give examples because I can’t do it justice. These may be two characters who truly could never be with anyone else. I can’t place them anywhere but with each other. I don’t know how I’m going to survive the wait for book #2. Just know that this is an absolute must read series. I can’t recommend it highly enough!

4.5 Stars!

Some may call me skeptical but after the end of the fourth book in the King Series, to say I was gob smacked with the revelation was an understatement. It is with great trust in TM Frazier and my fondness for Preppy that I downloaded this book onto my Kindle as soon as I had the opportunity to read it. The beginning takes place in the familiar setting of the boys’ Granny Greenhouse (GG) program they have running. It is on one of Preppy’s business visits to Mirna’s home when he happens to run into her granddaughter Dre. He, of course, is in full swing, bestowing his charm and unfiltered wit on any woman in range. The story is told in past and present tense, returning to three years earlier when Preppy met Dre. She is not in a good state or situation when they become acquainted. Preppy being the kind of guy he is, reaches out to her. Their time together is tough and moving. In true Preppy fashion, it is his unpredictability that stands out. Preppy brings out the best in people. Freaking you out at the same time as making you want to hug the guy. The way his mind works is sick, twisted and incredibly caring. The interaction he has with Mirna, is moving. The grandmotherly touch the grannies provide to the boys provides a connection to the older generation the boys had missed out on in their youth. The wisdom they share is priceless. What does stand out in this book again is the solidarity Preppy, Bear and King have for each other. Humour intermingles with tragedy when he shares the horrific memories of his childhood. Told in a way that doesn’t downplay the life-long impact on the adult he is today. This in turn makes his actions and rationale behind them understandable. The King series is a twisted fractured tale that keeps impressing me even when I get it in parts. This book ends at a natural point in the story where I was happy to ponder on what may be. I will be looking out for Part 2 of The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater and be ready to 1-click it as soon as it is published!

Because Preppy and pancakes of course!

Reviewed For I'm A Sweet And Sassy Book Whore *ARC* *Note reviewed edited for amazon* Warning I will be cussing in this review, a lot. Then again with this series that is common so you have been warned. Preppy. Oh Preppy you crazy psychotic son of a @#$%^ I love you so much! If you have read the entire King series from the start, which you need to just so you know everything that has happened, then you know that Preppy is that one mother @#$%^& who is scarier than King or Bear but you can’t help but love his pancake loving @$$. Starting his book I was scared and anxious. Why you may ask? Well I have loved him since King, I threw my kindle more than once when something happened ( I won’t say in case for some reason you haven’t read the books yet), messaged T.M. Frazier calling her all sorts of names (out of love of course), I wanted this book to be worthy of Preppy and it @#$%^&* was. If you thought you knew the level of crazy that is Preppy you have no idea, but at the same time I know for me at least I wanted to cry for him for certain reasons. He is dark, he may be a funny mother @#$%^& but don’t get on his bad side because he will not hesitate to make you suffer before he kills you. At the same time if you are a part of his family he is loyal through and through. Dre is an addict, one who is teetering on that dangerous edge of life and death. When she and Preppy meet it isn’t under good circumstances. She fights him but at the same time is fighting for herself to be the Dre she should be. Their relationship isn’t typical, but with Preppy would you ever think it would be?) but these two are perfect for each other. I didn’t want to like Dre out of principle alone, because hello it’s Preppy and I want him for my own, but I couldn’t help but love her. There are plenty of moments in Preppy that will have you cussing Mrs. Frazier out; hell I will say it in this review. Tracey you are an evil @#$%^& ginger genius who I love and hate (more love obviously) and I can’t !@#$%^& believe you left a !@#$% (me) hanging like that! What the @#$% woman! I can’t wait to get my whorish hands on the next book because I HAVE to have more Preppy and I HAVE to know what will happen next. T.M. Frazier is an evil ginger but a genius who knows how to completely get her readers addicted to her books and this book whore is more than addicted, I need the next book more than I need my next breath and that right there should tell you how much I loved it!

A must read

I don't know were to begin this was Amazing Samuel Clearwater aka. Preppy is one twisted psycho he's wears his disguise well he's the devil himself dressed in button ups bow tied and suspenders.i honestly didn't know what to except but to this side of of preppy being tender and his friendship growing with Andrea Caplut aka Dre was one I never thought I would see. He recused the junkie from her own demise and wanted to die but the devil himself wanted to play I loved everything about this book I can say I devoured this whole series in a short time I don't know why it took me so long to read this I must be living under a rock lol because this is my type of book I read preppy slowly I didn't want to miss one thing about twisted couple they are the typical Bonnie and Clyde Preppy is so misunderstood in some ways he's broken damaged but we see a sweet side of him. Hearing the things he indured in his childhood breaks my heart he believes there's no love or redemption for what he's been through. Dre is a junkie damaged and broken by her own demise but she does show us the good in her. She's strong and resilient. Together I thought they were perfect the banter at times the fighting but also the tenderness they had for one another was so sweet I can't wait for Preppy Two omg if it's anything like the rest of the series I will be on edge the whole time Mrs.Fraizer knows how to write and have us falling head over heels for her characters

Don't miss the epic journey, first installment!

I have loveloveloved this series! TM Frazier was a new author to me, but I am so glad I took a chance on her. Ive been caught up in the series from book one, devouring each one, one after another. At no time has my interest waned...the world of King, Preppy and Bear, peopled by all the other significant others who are or become a part of their non-biological is fascinating. Bad, bad things happen there. No denying some are horrific or heartbreaking. But theres so much more packed into these stories. I was so eager to get into Preppy's story...a story that didnt seem possible. How COULD there even be a story. That story- coming up on three books long- answers that question...and so much more. Worth the wait. Some have said Preppys story could have ended here with book two...but you decide. There are still some unresolved coincidences...mysteries remain that I, for one, am looking forward to seeing answered. There are, as in the other books so far, some editing mistakes. They were somewhat obvious so surprised they werent caught, but, I have to say, they in no way detracted from my enjoyment. TM Frazier takes us on a journey thats hard to put down!

Smoking hot. PREPPY!!!

Preppy has been my favorite character in the King Series from book one. Though he was meant to be a secondary character, his banter and witty attitude sucks you right in. And the Pancakes!!! Gah, I'll never be able to make/eat them without him permanently etched into my mind. #BecausePancakes lol. When certain events take place in the first book, my heart was crushed. For the first time...a book made me cry. Legit, eyes red and puffy, ugly cry to the point that my husband was looking at me crazy lol. So when I heard Preppy was getting his own series of books, my heart soared!! I've never anticipated a book more and Mrs. FRAZIER doesn't disappoint. Bringing together two broken beings with all the whit you expect from Preppy, and of course PANCAKES!!! and you've got a full package. Can't wait to see how this story is going to end. *This is not a stand-alone, best enjoyed if you start with King and Tyrant

Devil in a Bowtie

If you have not read the other books in the King Series, please do so before reading this one. You will thank me later. Words cannot describe how much love I have for Preppy. I have read so many books, like a lot, and he is one of my all time favorite characters, and easily my favorite in this series. So it is safe to say, I had extremely high expectations for this book. Thankfully, it did not disappoint. Unbeknownst to Dre, who is a junkie that used heroin as an escape, that stealing from her grandmother and Preppy would change her life forever. She discovered a life worth living for that didn't include heroin. But, she became hooked on another drug, one that loved pancakes and rocked a bowtie, and Preppy was more than happy to oblige her. He had is own agenda for Dre, which meant he had to purposely omit some major truths from her so that he could keep her around, but he always knew that he couldn't keep her forever. Side note, I am so happy we got to learn more about Mirna. I love reading Preppy's interaction with the Grannies (and Grace) from the GG's. I really liked the time frame that this book was written. It was mainly years prior, then would alternate with present day. The events and stories from previous books played into this one and it was very well done. I didn't feel like I was re-reading the same thing over because they were from Preppy's point of view. This book does end on a cliffhanger, but from the sounds of it, we won't have to wait too long!

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!


Oh my Preppy. There aren't a lot of books that impress me the way T.M and Preppy have. You see, we get to know more about Samuel Freaking Clearwater, who we only got a glimpse of in the past 4 books and tore our hearts out at a few moments in the past books (I'm not going to tell you what happened, go read them! One of my favorite series!!!) This isn't your typical sexy read, hell to the f*** no. Preppy brought it to the table and I'll never be the same after this book, you see, we all know he's a strange character with peculiar tastes when it comes down to sexy time, but in this book, I got to find out that peculiar is an understatement. What I love about this story is that the characters are as trouble as any character can be, T.M is amazing and takes my breath away whenever she writes about broken souls and deep troubled people in her books. The girl is kinda twisted, yet I love it! Preppy will make you laugh, cry, he will frustrate you, you'll want to ring his neck several times yet you'll love him even more each time. I can't wait for part 2!

I'm in Tears ...

I didn't expect to get so emotional when reading this book , but Omg I'm rocked to my core by Preppy's story . When I preordered this bad boy a few months ago I knew it would be a great read . But it was out of this world , it was all those things and more. The interaction 's between Preppy , Dre, and all of the other folks (well besides Chop he's a douche ) . But you showed true vulnerability in the human form , and it was written just beautifully. This truly is one of the best novels I've ever read ! Preppy and Dre are pure magic on paper ! " No , you'll see. It's the stains that make us human . " Way beyond 5 stars !!

Blown away.

I knew Preppy would be good. I was wrong. Preppy was fantastic. From his hilarious thoughts-lifting the red velvet rope... to his devil may care attitude-Preppy is freaking fantastic. Who would have ever guessed the man inside the big bad mofo. Completely in love with Preppy. With his boundless personality We all know it would take one hell of a woman to capture Preppy's attention, T.M. Frazier created Preppy's perfect match with "Doc", Loved every word. So glad I didn't wait for the next part to read this book. Although Preppy's story is not finished THIS is how to write a cliffhanger! Going to read it again and again... I stand and applaud you, T.M. Frazier-Awesome!

Love him!

4 stars! “I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie.” PREPPY IS BACK, PEOPLE! Okay, so, I cried when he died (not a spoiler, it’s literally the title of the book, duh!) and I cried when I signed up for this, and I cried when I read it, because it’s Preppy! Preppy is unlike any other character, he’s like a big puppy that turns into a pit bull and he wears a bow tie. Like the rest of the books, Preppy’s wasn’t a happy one, or a light one at that. It’s dark and it goes to places very few books dare to go, some scenes are really difficult to read. And that, lovely people, is good writing! As always Frazier delivers an amazing book that is so hard to put down even for a second despite the hard to read scenes. I do have one small issue, unlike the other books, the romantic interest didn’t really convince me with Preppy. He has so much to say and such a rich background that if this book didn’t include any love story at all, I wouldn’t even notice it missing. Preppy’s quirkiness was more than enough to make me read this and sure Dre, the love interest is nice and she fits right into the story, I just didn’t connect with her as much as I would have liked. “Baby girl. If hurt is what you want, hurt is what I can do.” I’m legit terrified and excited and so happy to wait for the next part, I want all the Preppy I can get!

Worth the wait

I have been waiting forever for Preppy's story and T M Frazier didnot disappoint! Best book of the series, cannot wait for part two. T M Frazier has become one of my favorite writers. I have two or three others that are an automatic read for me, this author has become another. I do recommend you read the complete series to get the full depth and emotion of each character and full understanding of King and Preppy's stories. Even though I gave the story a five star because the story deserves it I have one complaint that i'm pretty sure is my problem only. I am disappointed in the model chosen for the cover. Thru out the stories Preppy as been described as having light features such as his hair and beard. This model does not fit the description at all for me. I have found this once in awhile in other books and it is just a quirk that bothers me.

I love that this book goes between the past & the ...

4 stars - 4 heat I don't even know where to start with this one. I started this series with the Jake & Abby's story in the prequel, Dark Light of Day and have been completely hooked and consumed by this author ever since. When this initially released, I made a rather difficult decision and resisted the urge to dive right in. I decided to hold off and wait for the upcoming release of the 3rd before starting this 3 part story because I wasn't sure I would be able to handle the angst between each book, but also because I knew I wouldn't be able to resist the need to binge all 3 books together. I love that this book goes between the past & the present, bringing you right back to the beginning, it gives you glimpses of what Preppy endured while held captive and also the present day after his 'return' This book is dark & twisty and yet at the same time it is surprisingly light, funny & romantic. And that ending?!?! I have so many wildly different theories......can't wait to read the next installment and see more of this story unfold!

Because Pancakes people

Ms. TM Frazier has done it again with this one. In the beginning I was a bit skeptical because of how it began (Pre-King) and I wanted to know Preppy as of the last time we saw him. Since I don't have enough patience to save my life I was not interested. But I tugged along and BOOM it was amazing. I should not have doubted the evil ginger and her ways. Preppy is a badass and there are no words for him. He just is Preppy. Dre is someone who has had a crappy past few years and just wants a chance at something good. This is not to be read as a standalone it is part of the King series so start with Book 1 and work your way. I was lucky I have read the books as they have come out so spoilers were easy to avoid. I am excited for January because I hope we get into more of Preppy and his crazy ways. Although I have a feeling this is going to be a wild ride.

My Ultimate!!!

So, I may have mentioned to a few people the deep, and Everlasting love that I have for Preppy. I've never ever loved a character as much as I love him. He's my absolute favorite character in the history if ever and I really really REALLY don't see that changing anytime soon. At the end of Soulless, I almost had an anxiety attack, then when I found out Preppy was getting his own book, I almost peed. Ive been in a deep and emotional loving relationship with Preppy since King. The playground in the beginning just completely....ugh, that's when he stole my heart. T.M. Frazier knows how to write the perfect mix of messed up and Perfect. I don't know how she does it but she never needs to stop. She needs to write ALL THE BOOKS like that. Truthfully, I had expressed my want of Preppy and Rage to be together but I think all of that would have been too much for poor T.M. and her brain would have exploded. Cause that would just be a while lotta complicated. But after reading this book, Dre (or Doc, as Preppy calls her) I knew she was perfect for him. She gave just the right amount of push against his pull. I'm so excited for the next two books!! I'm trying to figure out where she's going with them, but there's really no way of knowing when it comes to Tracey and these boys. Everything you think will happen, probably won't. Lol. Either way, Preppy makes EVERYTHING better and because this was HIS book, it was a 10/5 star book!!

Even better than I thought possible! 5 huge stars!

I'm over the moon for Preppy. Just like everyone else who has read about King's charming sidekick, I fell hard for Samuel Clearwater from the very minute I met him in King. But once his story played out I honestly thought we'd never hear from him again. Well thank goodness TM Frazier just couldn't stop hearing that sexy, suspender-wearing man in her head because this 'new' adventure is most definitely one that will capture your heart. From beginning to end I was completely captivated and even knowing there is a book 2, I just didn't want it to end. For those of you who know Preppy's story, I promise you, you really don't and you'll walk away more in lust for him than you did before. His relationship with Dre broke my heart over and over again. These two broken souls ripped off the scabs surrounding each other's hearts and even while bleeding from all the pain from their pasts, a love that surprised them both, managed somehow to survive. It's a story like no other. TM Frazier manages to once again find the tender within the toughness that her characters carry with them as shields against the need to feel. I honestly could not get enough. Fingers crossed the wait for book 2 isn't too long. Grab this one and be prepared to lose yourself in this raw, gritty and surprisingly touching tale. I loved it. 5 stars all the way!

Oh Preppy, I love you!

When I first heard Preppy was getting his own story, my first thought was "Who is the crazy girl who's gonna help our loveable psycho know love?" Now I realize that it takes someone as damaged as Preppy to handle him. Dre has her issues. She's a junkie who has had men use and abuse her. She has done things she's not proud of to people she loves. T.M. Frazier is never one to shy away from the darkness in her characters and boy, she goes for the down and dirty in this book! Preppy is his usual witty self and has the greatest personality when he's laying on the charm. I laughed out loud at some of the stuff that came out of his mouth! Even in the worst situations, he knows he is lucky to be alive. Like in Bear's story, the last 3 words of this book will make you want more Preppy now! I have so many questions now that I need answers to and I can't wait until January to get them!

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

Everything I hoped for and more!!

So...there once was a book called King from this author that I'd never heard of. By the time I'd heard about T.M. Frazier, Tyrant had already been released on audio. I decided to get both King and Tyrant on audio and ended up devouring them in a little over a day. From then on, I've been a HUGE fan of anything she writes. So of course I was eagerly awaiting Preppy's books and with the release of part 1, I was not disappointed. Samuel "Preppy" Clearwater and Andrea "Dre" Capulet's beginning is wild, crazy, dangerous, hot, and I could go on. Preppy manages to help Dre through some dark stuff and with his own way of looking at life (which means it was messed up sometimes) and Dre ended up being there for Preppy when he has a run in from his past. The way these two function with each other might seem totally messed up to most people, but they just work so well together. I honestly think of two puzzle pieces fitting together when I think of them. Of course it's dark and twisted at times but T.M. Frazier has managed to not only make these characters very loveable but also makes you root for them. I can honestly say that I was on the edge of my seat the whole time I was reading this. You just never know what's going to happen in one of these books. That is what is so fantastic! You get sucked into this dark and twisted world with these depraved and seriously screwed up people but the way they handle it and how they care for friends and those they consider family is powerful. They might go about it differently than most, but they love hard. This had that fantastically witty banter that I love, some seriously hot sex scenes, just enough drama, and that little twist that T.M. Frazier is so good at dishing out. Part 2 can't come soon enough! 5 out of 5 stars!!!

Preppy is one of a kind!

4.5 Stars. I have been chomping at the bit to read Preppy's story from the very beginning of meeting him in King. Back from the very beginning of this series I hoped he would get his own book so we could see and hear more of what Preppy was thinking and feeling everyday, and not just as a secondary character. So when his book was announced I'm pretty sure I ran around and did a crazy celebration dance of some sort that my made my husband think we won the lottery and I had to tell him that yes, in a way, I had won the lottery but not the one he was thinking of. He doesn't appreciate my book obsessions nearly as much as he should, but I digress....much like Preppy does! Since this is book 5 in the series and the previous four books need to be read before you get to Preppy's book, everyone already knows how Soulless ended and I'm pretty sure I was able to hear the screams across the country from people reading those last few lines of that book. The wait for Preppy's book was interminable, the questions piling up that I needed answers to. And then T.m. throws a new girl in the mix and even more questions arose. Preppy is unlike most any other character I've read about to date. His unapologetic brashness, quirkiness, underlying darkness all intrigued me to no end. His undying loyalty to King and Bear is admirable, his fashion sense something out of this world. His "Preppyisms" are unparalleled. We get some background on Preppy in this book leading up to that fateful event that devastated so many readers. The book alternates between past and present and I admit, I really wanted more of the present chapters to answer some of those questions that have been rumbling around in my head for so long, but this book deals more with the events from 3 years past when Preppy first meets Dre and how their relationship evolves. I need to try and remain patient (no chance of that) until we get the next book to see how many questions will be answered in it. Preppy, ah, Preppy!! He is one of a kind, that is a fact. And in typical T.m. fashion, once again she leaves us with one simple sentence that knocks us all on our ass! The wait for the next book is going to be torture!!

OMG I've always loved Preppy but now I'm in Love with him.

This book was nothing of what I was expecting. It was sooo much more. We get to see layers of Preppy we haven't seen in any of the other books and honestly they surprised me and made me love him even more. Dre was perfectly imperfect for Preppy She's had a rough few years and she was on a downward spiral when she collide with Preppy. If you have already read this series you already know that T.M. Frazier is the queen of cliffhangers and this one wasn't the exception although it's kind of a giving when the book title said part one. I kinda knew where this book was going to end I knew it wasn't going to be far off to where Soulless end. Can't freaking wait for part two!!!

A must for all King fans

Well. I've waited a long time for this, not willing to wait between each of the three books, I waited for all three to be published before I started, and I'm so glad I did. I love everything King, Bear and Preppy, so it's no shock that this book is a full five stars for me. I've always thought Preppy was a little psycho, and yes, after reading this book, I've discovered that to be true, the worrying thing though is............I fricking loved him! The book, written in dual POV follows Samuel 'Preppy' Clearwater, pre King book 1 and present day, and also 'Granny Mirna's' granddaughter Andrea 'Dre' Capulet, who Preppy meets during a robbery. We learn about both their pasts and why they are how they are. A sad, scary insight into both their lives, beautifully written with some scenes that may not sit well with some readers. Put it this way, if you were in any way uncomfortable with previous books in the series, this definitely is not the book for you. Me, I loved it and can't wait to start book 2.

Review: Preppy Part One

Preppy: The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part One by T.M. Frazier is the first in a three part series about our one and only Preppy. Once thought dead, with an actual funeral, grieving friends and all, he is now back with us. We get a preliminary look into his life during the timeframe when King was locked up and we meet the one woman that could take everything this one really messed up (but completely loved) guy had to offer. Dre was all over the place and it totally worked for her character. Once she finally succumbed to the drug that is Preppy her other addictions really took a back seat. I know there will be so much more she has to deal with but for the sake of spoilers and the fact that this book is only part one of three just know Preppy's story was emotional, emotive and just pure fantastic everything!


Just finished this book and I don't think my heart can wait til the second part of Preppys story comes out. This book had my emotions all over the place, I wanted to kill and kiss PREPPY at the same time. This poor guy finally feels the emotion of caring and loving someone when a demon from his past comes back to send all his progress spiraling out of control. Andrea, or Doc or Dre, which Preppy likes to call her was a junkie ready to jump off a water tower, til this gorgeous man grabbed her by the waist and brought her back from the edge. Preppy saved Dre in more ways for her to count, but he always told her he couldn't keep her. This author knows how to spin a story and keep a reader on the edge, this whole series was fantastic but for me Preppy, was my favorite. Hurry book two, I'm dying here.

:: 4.5 Pretty Little Stars ::

I have been anxiously awaiting Preppy’s book from the minute I “met” him in King. And to say I am disappointed would be a total LIE because this book was AMAZING!!!!!! Squee!!!! Preppy has become one of my most favorite male characters ever written. He is witty, clever, a little bit nerdy, and a huge psychopath. I know, I know, this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to people who have yet to read the series but I promise, if you read it you will totally understand what I mean!!! Overall, I friggin loved this book. It feels really good to be back with my main man after so long and I am not anxiously awaiting Preppy’s next book so we can see where he goes from there. If you haven’t read this series I highly recommend doing so. Even more, I would strongly recommend reading each book in order from beginning to end so that you can get an even better picture of the characters as a whole. What can you expect from this series? A whole lot of alpha male action (like, the best of the best), their leading ladies that change these strong and dark men from madmen to sweet men (I mean, they are still mad men but you know, they soften up when they meet their match), and some amazing action! I love this series and it lands pretty high up on my favorite books list. So read it!!!!

Wow - although dark a great start to the trilogy!

Preppy: The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater by TM Frazier was part one of a trilogy and book five in the King series. It is advisable to read the previous books in the King series to get the full affect. Wow, what an ending. This book was hard for me because it took us back to the beginning in order to get us where book four, Soulless, left off. And the beginning wasn’t pretty for either Preppy or Dre’ (Andrea Capulet). Abuse, addiction and violence are never easy and Frazier didn’t save us any details. It was an incredibly dark book. Book one set the stage perfectly by starting with the present but taking us back forth from past to present in order to explain the background, meeting and dynamics between Preppy and Dre’. I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.

Love is hard, but can Preppy and Dre make it work? Can't wait for more

I finally dove into Preppy's story and of course I wasn't disappointed. I fell in love with this quirky, crazy character in the King series and knew I had to have more of him. And if you're wonder, yes, you need to read the first 4 previous books first (King, Tyrant, Lawless, Soulless-in that order). It will ruin this story otherwise. Preppy's story is told in dual POV from his and Dre's voice and it mostly takes place before King's story. But we do get snippets of him more current, but it's his time with Dre that is very memorable. The dirty, crazy as all get out Preppy shows a side of himself I wasn't sure he had. He can get down and dirty, but he cares and is always looking out for those he loves. Maybe in a roundabout way and where it will benefit him, but he tends to put others first. "A bullet with side of bow tie." The story was well written and went together with the previous books seamlessly. The characters were flawed, but that's what made it perfect. Dre is more in love with Heroin than she is with life, but Preppy changes that and that is the journey I enjoyed getting to ride on. "You thinking about hooking up with your lover? I'll let you know that's probably not a good idea. That b**ch heroin gets around and in the end, the break up is brutal, but she'll never leave you, so you either dump her on the side of the road like a hitchhiking hooker, or you stay and she'll kill you." So, while even dealing with a twisted humor crazy as eff character like Preppy, we get a very real dealing with a drug that isn't so fun and isn't so pretty. But all this is done with a side of dark and a side of light. AND it wouldn't be Miss Frazier without ending book one with a cliffy. It is a comfortable cliffy, but it's one, nonetheless and I want more! 4.5 stars I'm not

There is only one Preppy!

So happy to have this beautiful, tell it like it is man back and to get a great insight on how Samuel Clearwater aka Preppy became the man we know and love. At a young age he learned exactly what disappointment, resentment, and how someone strong can take something from the weak. He also learned in King that sometimes you do get to choose your family and just how far family will go to give you peace of mind and protection. He met a woman who almost as broken as he was. His other half Dre, but because of his past he knew he couldn't keep her no matter how much he was beginning to fall for her. For awhile Dre fought him while dealing with her own issues but Preppy became the very thing she needed to heal her from her past of pain and self destruction. Preppy is fiercely loyal and protective to those he loves and calls family. Even in the face of imminent death he remain the strong, outspoken, sarcastic man we've come to love. Though it may seem that there is one person who can truly heal him or break him and her name is Dre. I'll be anxiously awaiting part two.

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

Another Ultimate Mind F$&!

This was a sexy yet disturbing book. Dark drama at its best where the end will have you cursing the day you read it before the series is complete! I cannot express how much I enjoy reading/listening to Frazier's books. She always develops a story so intricately that you get totally caught up, and sucker punched. The characters are crazy, but you can't help but love them and all their baggage. Our beloved, bow-tie wearing, pancake making, hype man is back to tell his story. I didn't expect any of it. As with most Frazier books I was left with the ultimate mind f... Preppy is here to tell his story as a friend who wants to help King get custody of his daughter Max. King is in jail, so Preppy is in full plan mode to help his brother. During this time he has an encounter that introduces him to Andrea. I loved the love interest of the book Drea. She like many of the other women in the series, was broken, had extensive, baggage, and untapped strength that could only be discovered by a man like Preppy. What I loved most about Preppy's story was I got to delve a little deeper into his mind. Got a glimpse of his childhood and what makes him tick. It was eye opening to hear the details.

Meh, but...that ending!

So after the ending in Soulless, I had to find out what happened to Preppy, but I was disappointed that this book backtracked. I get that the author had to do this to set up the next book and give the backstory on Dre but I just want her to get to the point as to how he’s still alive. Although I will give it to her that she knows how to leave you hanging at the ending so that you want to attempt the next book to find out what happens. So here I go to Preppy Part 2

I loved every single thing about this book

Wow this was an absolute amazingly humorous, heartbreaking and tear jerking read for sure. Preppy had made his way to my favs list in the other books in this series and In this book he kept my emotions going haywire. One minute I'm cracking up the next I'm crying the next I'm so mad at him - round and round it went. I loved every single thing about this book! Dre, although she doesn't think so, she truly is a strong person that comes through in so many ways. The scene toward the end.. you'll know what I'm talking about when you read it.. dang she showed so much dang strength trying to prove it. Loved that scene and hated it all the same but it so needed to be there for many reasons. TM Frazier has quickly become one of those authors I will drop everything for !!!!

Absolutely Fabulous - it's a must read!

I just really can't believe the direction that Preppy's story has taken and it's blowing me away. He definitely tops the chart as one of the most dynamic, intense, perverse, vulgar, dirty mouthed and emotionally twisted characters I have ever read and I'm so in love! I never would have thought that there could be someone out there (of the female variety) that could connect with Preppy on an emotional and romantic level but TM Frazier outdid herself when introducing Dre ("Doc") to us. Preppy and Dre's story is definitely not one of hearts and rainbows and the ending of this book broke my heart but there is still so much more to their story left untold and I know it's going to be one hell of a ride so I've put my big girl panties on, buckled up and I'm ready to take that ride!

Fell in love with Preppy all over again!!

Preppy is someone we fell in love with during the first 4 books of the King series, but we really never got to know him. We only saw pieces of his personality. And he was one funny character, It somehow seemed like he was just going to be the funny sidekick to King and Bear. But, WOW. And I'm surprised at how brilliant and thoughtful he really is. Yes, he is still a horny, preppy, bow tie wearing guy. But he has a depth to his personality that we really get to see in this book. At the beginning of the book we meet Dre, and it seems like she is going to hog up most of the story. But not true. She is the catalyst for us to get the "real" preppy. I can't even describe the trainwreck that is Dre, but underneath all trainwrecks is a person that needs someone to believe they are worth more. And Preppy does that for her and she does for him. I fell in love with Preppy all over again, and that last page! WOW! Frazier could not have hit me with a more "cliff hanger" statement. Cannot wait until Part 2!!!!

Preppy is AMAZING!!! I need Part Two ASAP!

"He'd said he couldn't keep me. That didn't mean I wouldn't always be his." My year was made when TM Frazier announced that Preppy would get his own books. Preppy is one of my all time favorite characters. He is one of the only characters that made me laugh out loud so many times, it was just impossible NOT to fall in love with him in the previous books. I had very high expectations for this book, and I am so glad I wasn't let down by the author. In this book we see different sides to Preppy, including the ones we already knew and seen in the previous books. I was glad he was still the Preppy we knew and love but seeing this other side to him made me fall in love with him a second time. He is very loyal and protective but hides a lot of his amazing qualities by being a jerk or funny. But he couldn't fool or Andrea! Some scenes were heartbreaking but also gave us a great idea of why he is the way he is. "He was an addiction. I craved him, and I wanted more." Before I started this book my main concern was that the lead female character (Andrea) wouldn't be a good match for Preppy. But I am so glad that that wasn't the case in this book. I loved Dre so much! She was in my opinion Preppy's perfect match. She kept up with him and didn't take shit from him. She saw right through Preppy, and didn't let him get away with things. I loved seeing their 'relationship' grow. The character development for them as a couple and as individuals was phenomenal. I love this book so much, and I adore Dre and Preppy. This book met all my expectations, and I couldn't ask for more. It was perfect and the author did an amazing job with this book. Also the ending was perfect and left me satisfied. I was surprised but it was the best ending I could've imagined. I can't wait for part two to release and see what else will happen.

This book is EVERYTHING!!

When I started the King series a few years ago I fell in love with the characters, but no one stole my heart like Preppy! So at the end of Soulless when we found out he was ALIVE 😱 I was thrilled, but was wondering when we were going to get his book. When TM let us know that she was writing not one, not even two, but THREE books for Preppy, words cannot describe what I was feeling! So many emotions where going through my head and heart while reading this and I have to say I LOVED IT!! Dre and Preppy are made for each other! They are both so beautifully broken and lost. When they are together they heal in a way that was never possible alone. And that ending.....OMG!!! Diving into the next book now! So go and enjoy the beautifully broken, sexy, hardcore, and subtly sweet Preppy!! I promise you won't be disappointed!

Dark and Lovely

I was a bit nervous about diving into this book. I am not a big dark romance fan but this book was different. It shows that in the darkest places one can still find the light. To say I loved this book is an understatement. What ever is greater than love is what I felt for this story. I've always been a Preppy fan. He might be a deviant but when it comes to taking care of those he cares about, nothing stands in his way. He will do anything to help them and make sure they are taken care of. It makes all those things forgivable. Like the good balances all the bad. It was great to finally get his story. I was wondering how TM would be able to make a man like Preppy a hero in a romance novel and who his perfect match would be. She did not disappoint. This book needed to be dark because that is what Preppy was. He was a dark character with deep rooted issues that hide it behind sarcasm and by performing selfless acts for those he cared about. I absolutely loved this story and can't wait for part two. The narrators of this story did an amazing job. It was easy to be taken away by this story first by the excellent writing and then by their performances. I would listen to this over and over again.

Love Preppy

* I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book* How do I talk about this amazing book without giving anything away? First and for most I love Preppy!! King was my favorite but right now Preppy took his place. Samuel Clearwater is a simple yet complicated man. It was hard to not love him. This book is about the beginning of the Samuel we got a glimpse of. His story. And what a heart breaking story it was. Then we meet Dre aka Doc. I couldn't help but to feel sorry for and root for her. Everyone's darkness is different and people dealt with it different. Preppy lived his life to the fullest and Doc hated herself and her life. This book is amazing!! No matter what I put in this review it will not do Preppy justice. I did not want it to end.. And OMG about the end.. T.M. Frazier had me jumping up and down screaming. I would not recommend others to read this book, I would DEMAND them to read it. This is a must read!


4.5 Bow Tie Stars!!! Oh how I love Preppy!! I was so elated when I heard he was getting his own book. He is one of my favorite book characters. His smart ass tell you like it is persona steals my heart every time and wish he was a real person. I have to admit I was a little impatient in the beginning. I did not want to know anything but answers on what the hell happened at the end of Soulless. By the 45% mark, I couldn't put it down. There are certain scenes that make me love Preppy even more. Dre was a character I grew to love and could feel the love grow between them. I really do love them together. We still do not have all the answers, but we know enough until book #2. It was one great Preppy ride <3

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!


Uh what a ride!!! This gets into more of who Samuel aka Preppy is. This story has you laughing crying and yelling while you read it. From the time Prep meets Dre until the end I still wasn't sure where they would end up. Funny hot and sexy. Book two can't come fast enough! Awesome read!

Bow Tie Til I Die!!

Ohhhh Preppy! I absolutely devoured this book. Preppy is in a league of his own and I love him so much after seeing this side of him. I love that TM writes these strong vulgar alpha males and equally as strong female characters. Sure they are typically at their lowest points when introduced but man they are strong women!!! I absolutely can not wait for more of Preppy and Dr Dre.

5 epic bowties with a side of pancakes!!!!

"A bullet with a side a bow tie." THIS BOOK WAS EVERYTHING I WANTED AND MORE. Oh how I have missed my Preppy. This book left me raw. I felt everything that Preppy and Dre were going through. I fell in love with Dre right along with him. Even if he doesn't think he can keep her. "I wanted to see her sad. Taste her tears. I wanted to know what she sounded like when she cried. In pain, in pleasure, in both." I'm starting to think that Preppy might just be my favorite character ever written. He hides his feeling so well but I loved the sneak peaks into their past, when we got to see him vulnerable as well as happy when he was with his Dr. Dre. When Dre see's him shirtless for the first time, I lost it! "Seriously, that's what you've been hiding under your Leave it to Beaver clothes!!" OMG. SO FUNNY. These two are a match made in heaven (or hell)! He is the devil in a bowtie. And he is mine. I cannot wait for part too. The whole book was epic. I need MORE!

I didn't want to put it down (just like the rest)

Preppy is one of the most intense characters I have ever read. He has been one of my favorites since the start of this series. During this Part 1 book, Preppy's story takes form and we learn more. Holy F***! Preppy has quite the life and being able to see (chapter to chapter) how he copes, fights, loves is enlightening and frightening at the same time. I have become so invested into this series written by T.M. Frazier that I am literally having mourning feelings for their losses and all in between. This was artfully written in a crafty way that brought so many mixed emotions to the surface of each page. I didn't want to put it down (just like the rest). I can't wait until I continue on with Part 2.... I highly recommend this KING series by this author as it is AMAZING!!!!

Needed backstory

So, Preppy was the original TM Frazier book I wanted to read, but started with Book 1 like, Frazier warned in the beginning. I'm glad I listened because I have been glued to this series. This book was at the cusp of heartbreakingly beautiful. Words really can't describe this book perfectly. I was surprised my the introduction of a new character, but loved who that character was and developed into. Preppy is one of my favorite characters from this story and I literally LOL during his conversations. This was a bit of backstory and it was perfect.

Preppy...because pancakes and bowties! Don't miss out!

5 “Bow-tie til I die” Stars *Sighs* Why is it the book that I love the most are the hardest to write reviews for? I’m seriously struggling here because my head is swimming with things I want to say, yet I’m not sure how to put them into words. I absolutely LOVED Preppy in King. So when I realized he was getting his own book, yeah I squeed and did a little dance. *shrugs* This book is the perfect mix of past and present. From page one, I was sucked in and fell in love with Preppy all over again. He’s scary crazy, ridiculously funny, and sexy AF. Dre is a little spitfire herself and stronger than she ever realized. Two beautifully broken souls calling to one another. I’m trying not to say too much because I don’t want to give anything away, but that ending…I sat there with my mouth open for a good five minutes wondering WTF I just read…but a good WTF ;) This is the fifth book in the King series and needs to be read in order. Angela – Alphas Do It Better Book Blog

Bowtie...Till I Die - 5 zillion star read

OMG....I am so in Just when I thought this series couldn't get any better T.M. Frazier brings us Preppy!!! I truly thought I loved Preppy before but now I am fully and beyond in love with him and his dark, funny, sweet self. I couldn't put the book down I read it in less than a day. I was so sad to read the words "The End" but I know another book is coming but still the wait will kill me. T.M Frazier, I am in awe. You have outdone yourself! I loved every single one of your previous books in this series but I think this is by far my favorite. One of my favorite quotes from the book is... "I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Bring on the next book of Preppy!!!! Review By Within The Pages Book Blog

A must read #BecausePancakes😉

Wow! When do we get the next book in Preppy's story!! T.M. Frazier did it again with the amazing Preppy! We get his hotness, his naughtiness and his pain all in the first book in his story. Fans will not be disappointed as we finally learn how Preppy became his awesome self and the pain that he carries with him. This book goes between the present and the past. Dual POV's. Preppy is still organizing his granny grow houses when King gets thrown in jail. He wants to find a way to help his friends and in return stumbles on a girl that might be his undoing in more ways than one. Dre is in trouble and going down a bad path when fate intervenes in the form of one sexy bow tie wearing, tattooed, pancake loving man named Preppy. I don't want to give to much away but I suggest you read the others in This series first to understand everything that's happening.

Great beginning

Ugh, how long are we gonna have to wait for the next book, because I just loved Preppy! And that picture on the cover is exactly what I envisioned of him!! Ok, I will admit that I felt the story was a little slow moving at times but I understood that it needed to be done to get the back story. I just hope the next book really gets into things more. My only issue was that I'm not sure Preppy was portrayed in this book the same as the other books. In the King series I saw him as a loveable, funny guy (albeit, still a BAD guy) and then in Bear's story we learn about how twisted and effed up he is, especially sexually. In this book I felt we got a little of his humor (which I was LoL'ing every once in awhile) but not too much of his twistedness. But maybe that was the point....he was effed up and did depraved things to other women but this one was different??? I don't know. Anyway, hope we don't have to wait too long for the next book!!!!

Preppy ,pancakes and Dre

Pancakes Have always been a huge part of my family.. ok Mikey mouse cakes ruled in my home. I will always smile when I think of the new twist I have on Pancakes. T.M does not disappoint Preppy was a difficult complex person/character to begin with. The author made his pain real... She was masterful as to how she put his story together. Now each of these men are equal, friends brothers. I recommend that the reader start at the beginning of this series but any one of this series can stand on its own. To write a series and to keep your characters individual and true is difficult at best but for each to have their own story is a real gift I'm so looking forward to the next one.

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!


I have loved all of the books involving King, Doe, Bear and Preppy right from the start. I was heart broken when I read of Preppy's death. You know, Because..... Pancakes. But to find out that he was still alive and he was getting his own story, I was ELATED. Preppy's book gave us a bit more of a glimpse into the complicated man that is Samuel Clearwater. Quirky doesn't even begin to describe Preppy. And to think that he has met his match in Dre! OMG I was laughing in a good portion of this book. Following Preppy's tangents is an art and Dre could follow along with no problem. "Dre as in Dr. Dre? Please tell me you have a sister named Snoop?" That was hilarious. However, all humor aside, my heart hurt for Preppy with the trip down memory lane about his abuse then having to see his mother. Those were some hard scenes to swallow. I loved this book and I cannot wait to get my hands on the second one. I mean, how do you leave us with an ending like that T.M.? YOU ARE AN EVIL WOMAN!

For some stupid reason, I waited to read Preppy until the ...

For some stupid reason, I waited to read Preppy until the whole series was released. And then I read some other books first, even after the series was complete. Okay that was a really bad decision because I loved this series, of course. I mean I knew I would so I don’t know why I was an idiot and waited. I won’t do that again with a TM Frazier book. I loved Preppy since I first read about him, but now after this series, he is up on a pedestal all by himself. Of course he’s hot, funny, etc., etc. but he’s so much more than that. He’s everything! I’m still swooning. You will swoon too.

Preppy 4 life

I love love love love Preppy! And I'm so happy that he has a book! This book was fantastic! In King's books, I just knew that there was no way that Preppy was (spoiler). I mean, she could not have (spoiler), he was too amazing. I just knew that TM Frazier wouldn't pull no JK Rowling crap on her readers. So of course I'm anxiously awaiting for him to (spoiler). I'm anxiously awaiting to find out what happened to his captor. Anxiously awaiting for the moment he finds out that Doe came to visit him. Basically, I was anxious during this whole entire book. I bought the second Preppy book before I even finished this one. And I'm so enjoying reading about this sexy as hell, foul mouthed preppy man.

5 Amazing, Beautiful, Dark stars

T.M. Frazier is the queeeeeeeeen of Cliffy's. And I love every min of it. Anyone who has read this series has a deep sense of brotherhood and love for Prep. Preppy is preppy. You can't help but fear him and love him. TM Frazier has built us an amazing world of characters here that we never know what is going to happen. A thrill ride if you will.... And how any just wanna get in the car and go to Florida and find them? Dre was unexpected. Although if any woman was going to catch Preppy, she'd have to be just as damaged as he was. I loved that TM took us a bit back in time to what Prep was up to while King was away. And that ending..... no words.


Wow this story has blown me away. I do not usually read this type of novel yet once I started the king series I couldn't put it down. When the pre order was available for Preppy I selected it. This book had my emotions all over the place. I laughed, I cried, I couldn't put it down. This is also my first read for this author. I will however be reading more from from her. This author is witty, clever, and brilliant. She is a writer that you think you can define. As you read throughout his novel you make judgemental conclusions based on the outcome of the story you can outline the story and the outcome but you can't.


I read this story a while back but did not leave a review. I have to say, I absolutely loved Preppy. He was intriguing in all the other books, saddened by what happened to him, but to get to know him a little bit more in this book was outstanding. He's not a typical man at all, he's not a typical anything... he is dark, gritty and crazy mixed with a wicked sense of humor and lets not forget his infamous bow ties. He's terrifying but sexy at the same time. T.M. Frazier is amazing at bringing to life the unexpected and making you adore these character when you would normally not care for or be scared of. King, Bear, and Preppy are the bad boys you want to dislike but grow to LOVE.

What can I say about Preppy?

Wow! I just can't even. Frazier has pulled me in once again. I have loved Preppy since thee beginning and I'm sure I was one of millions that wanted more. I was not disappointed at all. Funny, sexy, crazy, Preppy is all that and more, adding Dre just showed another side to our man. Frazier made me feel the pain that these two messed up individuals have to deal with and the release they get when they're together. Can't wait for more Preppy and Dre!!!

OMG! That Ending!

Words can not describe how I felt when we discovered Preppy wasn't dead and when he was rescued from that hell hole! To say I was happy is an understatement and now we have part 1 of his series and man is it a great start! Preppy is the most unique, funny, sexy, twisted, straight up character I've ever read, he truly is one in a million. I think we always knew who ever stole his heart would have to be amazing and look though all his crap to find the real him and Dre did just that. This book was great it takes you back to the beginning of their story and that last sentence was freaking epic and leaves you a bit speechless! I can not wait for part 2 in Jan 2017!!!

A Must Read!!!!

Another amazing book by T.M. Frazier! I absolutely fell in love with Preppy when I first met him in King and like all fans I was shocked with how things turned out (I'm trying not to give away any spoilers). After finishing Soulless (King #4) and learning the truth I couldn't wait to read a story from Preppy's POV and this one does not disappoint. Preppy never had a real family but he made one for himself with King, Bear and Grace. This is the story of his life and death and the one woman who could have changed everything. Be prepared because like the other books in this series there is a lot of swearing and sex but isn't that what the readers love about these guys and this incredible series;)

... are to die for and I have fallen in love with them all over and over again and this ...

So I'm not even sure if there is a point in my reviewing this one it's freaking Preppy we are talking about here if you don't know by now you have some splain to do but for real you definitely need to get on this train ride because all of the characters are to die for and I have fallen in love with them all over and over again and this book is no freaking different.. we get a better look at Preppy and my fing god I love this bad ass tattooed bow tie suspenders wearing man even more and what isn't to like.. So this book isn't all about Preppy we also meet Dre and talk about one hell of a back story this a definite must read that I couldn't put down

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

6 Epically Phenomenal Stars

6 stars OMG!!!!!! I am still reeling! I was so excited when this book showed up o my Kindle this morning! I have been waiting for what seems like forever to get my hands on Preppy's story! And Holy S*** Batman, what a story! I am a huge fan of this series, but I do believe that I have to label this book as my favorite so far. I am still in shock at some of the twists and turns this story took. The storyline was phenomenal. The "feels" in this book are off the charts. I ran through every possible emotion while reading this book. The detail is amazing. Preppy and Dre are incredible. They have left their permanent mark on my soul. I am not giving anything away, but I have to say that if you have read King and Bear's stories, YOU HAVE TO READ THIS BOOK!! Definitely a top read for the year!!!

PREPPY IS ALL THAT I EXPECTED AND MORE... can't wait for part 2

So the wait for PREPPY's story has come to an end. At least the first part of it, and TM Frazier has done it again. We all knew Preppy was a little eccentric to say the least, but my gosh, his eccentricities take bizarre, and outlandish to new dark, dark level. Some of the parts PREPPY really had me "clutching my pearls", gasping, and blushing something awful. But then there are moments that my heart when out to the man, the little boy, who suffered so pain and darkness to the point where it became him. I love the connection he has with Dre or Doc, even considering how they first met. There were times I wish I reach into the book and shake the both of them, especially Preppy. I hoping we get more of Dre's back story in part 2! PREPPY IS AMAZING!!!!! THIS BOOK WAS WELL WORTH THE WAIT. 5 STARS

As always TM doesnt disappoint. I read Preppy when it was first released ...

As always TM doesnt disappoint. I read Preppy when it was first released and I cannot wait for part 2. Absolutely loved it. The hype around Preppy was the reason that I read the King series. I know I know I must have been living under a rock, but in reality I had been told for months to read the King series. I just wasn't ready. Once I started to see the Preppy teaser I decided that it was time to find out who he was and why Pancakes. I dove into the series and finished just in time for Preppy.

Holy Wow!

Preppy's life was so messed up but this explained a lot of what made him who he was. Andria was his shining light, but had her fair share of issues. I was sceptical of the narrators because I had a vision of Preppy from the previous books and wasn't sure if Lance Greenfield could pull it off. But he brought out a side of the character which really made him human...or as human as Preppy could be. And the cliffhanger...I am so glad I waited until all books were out because there is no way I could handle NOT being able to dive right into the next one.

It was great. Really really great

Preppy T m Frazier Review on goodread amazons and the book addicts(fb) Holy mother !! What a freaking cliffhanger ! What the what! Ok whew... So... It was great. Really really great .. The only downfall is it ended is such a cliffhanger that holy crap it's gonna feel like forever till the next one comes out... If you haven't read the kind series where you first meet preppy you should. It a very could series. I would defiantly recommend reading it before you try to understand the weirdness that is preppy. Lol. He is such a wonderful type of weird. Can't wait till more.

My Book Husband!!!

Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater is the ultimate book boyfriend, well to me any ways. I have waited what seems like forever for this story, and now I am impatiently waiting for book two. I am so in awe of T.M Frazier and her ability to spin mere words into a story that will leave you breathless and wanting. Preppy and Dre will bring more questions to your already puzzled mind when it comes to this crazy man. Please Please Please read the first four books in this King series before you start Preppy. There is so much of the Journey you won’t want to miss and if you skip the first four you will most definitely miss an incredible story.


Oh this book! The wait was so worth it and so will the wait for the second one. Love preppy even more now! Didn't think that was possible. This book is full of all the feels and fabulously written. Preppy will make you laugh cry and fall in love with him all over again. Bow tie til I die❤️


Preppy is a book that you have to be mentally prepared for. You know he's been through some pretty hellish things and he's going to take you on his journey with him. Once you start you can't stop though. He's a character you can't help but love. He's damaged but still retains the core of who he is even if he doesn't believe it at times. Dre herself has her own set if issues but with Preppy they find a way to heal each other. It's an emotional story and like I said one you have to be mentally prepared for. It has dark elements in it so it's not for the faint of heart. You will not be disappointed though.

Preppy for President

Wow, have you ever met someone who right away you knew you liked and could tap to them for hours and hear them speak? This was exactly how Preppy was for me since the very beginning of the series. His positive attitude in the face of all things of adversity pulled me in. His personal style didn't hurt either! I love how vested I felt with him before reading this book. When I reached the end I was sad to have to wait to read more about Preppy. He is by far one of my absolute favorite book characters of all time. Give him a try and you will not be disappointed!

A stand alone but part of a series

90% of the review so far were 5 star. I can’t say I liked it that much, but it was ok. This is a stand alone, it one in a series about the same characters. Perhaps all the good reviews were those who have been “hooked” by all the interesting characters in this series. If you really want to enjoy this book perhaps reading the others in the series first would increase the enjoyment.

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!


Preppy is ALIVE! This is part 1 in Preppy's story. You finally get his perspective and find out the dark details of what he went through when he survived hell. Preppy is one of my favorite characters from the King Series. I love his personality and banter! This entire series and spin-offs are a must read!

I LOVED PREPPY before but I love him even more now

Holy f***! I LOVED PREPPY before but I love him even more now! Damn this book was hot as hell! Another AMAZING book by TM Frazier! "I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." what a perfect match for PREPPY. A more perfect character couldn't have been written. "It made sense that his body was built for sin, because the hold Samuel Clearwater had over me was something straight from the depths of hell." I can't freaking wait till January 24th for part two!!

Bow Tie til you Die!!!!!


Favorite Read

Preppy: The Life& Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part One by T.M. Frazier is book 5 in the The King series. Meet Samuel Clearwater, A.K.A Preppy and Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet. Both have issues and oh boy what issues. Preppy was nothing like expected and everything I could have asked for at the same time. This book ends with a cliffi !!! I love all books in this series but Preppy is one of my favorite read in 2016 and I can't wait till the next installment. 5 Hot and Steamy Stars and a Big Thank You T.M. Frazier !!! Please write fast.


I could not wait until this book came out. Now, I can't wait for the 2nd book to come out. I am so in love with Preppy. His character development was exactly how I thought he'd be but, it's not. He is so much more!!!!!! There are so many scenes in this book that I loved. I can't really say what my favorite one is at this time. I just literally finished it and had to let other readers know that if you're looking for a really good author to try, try TM Frazier. I have read all her books so far and I'm so in love with her characters and their stories.

Bowtie til I die!

This book ripped me apart and put me back together all at the same time. Since reading the first book in this series, I have been looking forward to Preppy's story. It did not disappoint! It was dark, yet at times humor showed through, just like I have come to expect him to be. And Dre... what a character. She's had it so rough that you just want to reach out and help her, but at the same time you want to shake her. The developing relationship between these two is one of the best I have read in a while! I absolutely cannot wait until the next installment!

I'm so Happy its Preppy!

OMG Preppy! The end of Soulless totally uplifted my little broken heart over Preppy! Preppy is one of those broken boys you can't help but just love. Loud and Obnoxious, straight forward and always spewing whatever he wants. I love that for him it started at the beginning and not where we left off in Soulless. Out of King, Preppy and Bear.....Preppy by far is my favorite, and only because he's well Preppy!

Oh my God!

I love Preppy. I've always loved Preppy. I have a tendency to always fall for the character who is the most messed up, dark and twisted, and broken of them all. Preppy is just that and I love him. I can't say much without spoiling the book, but I will say you HAVE to read this. If you haven't read King and Bear's stories yet, read those first, but READ THIS TOO! This book is everything I've been waiting for and more! I cannot wait to read the next one, because the ending? The ending will have me impatiently waiting for next one for however long it takes.


T.M. Frazier is goooood! Oh she's reaaaaallll good! You get to meet the hilarous, twisted Preppy in the first books in this series and you instantly love him. But the side of Preppy I met in this book is my favorite. As always Frazier gives you the sweet, the crazy, the funny and the wild, which made it hard for me to be an adult for a day or two. I loved being able to answer the question I've had I since meeting Preppy, " WTF IS HE THINKING" because his crazy always intrigued me. I loved Preppy's story and I look forward to reading more soon!


I thought I was ready for Preppy. If you’ve read the other books in this series you know his life was not easy at all. In this book you’ll learn in detail why and how he survived. There’s the other side of him that just melts your heart or your panties. I guarantee you whatever you were expecting; it’s going to be even better. I don’t want to give anything away because I don’t want the “Preppy Special” :-). Tracey is such an innovative writer, each book gets better and better. This entire series should be an HBO TV Series or Cinemax because yes I want to see his you know what, Don't judge you know you would totally DVR it.

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

My review could have just said ' I love Preppy' the end. . . .

My review could have just said ' I love Preppy' the end. Seriously what more is there to say. Preppy is one of those unique characters you can not describe, he's not like anyone you have probably ever read before. The first chapter is so full of preppyism, you almost forget how much you've missed this #motherfucker. His dry sense of humor, his wit and charm. If you have already invested in this series, no review I can write will do this book any justice. Simply put just Read it. This story is epic, I'm glad he's back and I can't wait to see to see what else is store for us. *ARC received in exchange for an honest review*


Loved this fact, I have loved this whole series! Preppy's story was enjoyable to read because he is such an interesting character. I was a bit surprised that his story wasn't darker because of some of the things we learned about him in Bear's story. This was a quick read for me because I just couldn't put it down until I was done. The ending was fantastic! Made me smile :) Can't wait for the next book!! Love T.M. Frazier! Her writing is smooth and she develops characters well, I always feel invested in the story & characters.


First this book cannot be read as a standalone. I was hooked from the beginning and could not put it down. Going to leave this review spoiler free. Just this series is a definite must read. Cannot wait to read the next one in this series.

I fell in love with King and then Bear stole my heart

I fell in love with King and then Bear stole my heart, but now Preppy has all of my heart. I absolutely loved this book. I loved Preppy more than anything, his sense of humor and just all out brutal honesty was refreshing. Dre was just as awesome, she was strong even though she didn't think she was. These two together was just explosive and I loved every minute of it. I can not wait for the next one, I have to know where they will go!!


WOW!! I loved the character preppy in the previous books! Now I love him even more! I m broken for what happens to him as a kid! I am put together by his tenacity and resolve to be the man he is meant to be! Preppy is ferocious, street smart, protective this family and will do what is necessary to provide and be there for his boys! Dream is in good hands with preppy and yet neither of them know it!! I am anxious to get into the second in the story of preppy and dre goes!! I will recommend this story to those who enjoy a book that tears you apart and slowly puts you back together this BOOK is for you!!!

Preppy Love!

First off, do not start the series with this book! Preppy 1 flows from Souless and answers a lot of questions that the readers were left with. Samuel Clearwater is finally given his moment to shine in this novel, and he does not disappoint. He's slightly deranged, occasionally loveable, and always hilarious. Personally I think he is the character that is the glue in TM Fraizer's entire series with his wit and charm. Once again we are left dangling from a cliff, but at least our wait isn't a long one!

O. M. G. Chock full of Goodness!

What did I just read? T. M. what have you done to me? The twists and turns have left me feeling like I need back on the rollercoaster, but going backwards, so I can unravel my mind! Preppy, oh Preppy, I loved him from the beginning. Not just this book, but the entire series. Such a devious mind, but so loyal. And Dre, bless her, she's had a rough go and no one to turn to. Jeez, not sure how I'm gonna make through the next book, but I can't wait to start it.

Preppy for life 🥞🥞🥞🎀🎀🎀

Of course I gave Preppy 5 STARS!!!! I have loved this crazy, sexy, hottie with a bow tie since King. Preppy is an incredible character and is hugely important to the whole series. I just about died when I thought we lost him. But thanks to our girl TM Frazier, she saved our pancake loving hearts. And Dre's story just about broke my big glittering heart. I prayed that those two could find happiness and heal their broken souls together. Well I am off to read Part 2. Preppy for Life

A Bullet with a Side of Bow Tie

I loved Preppy from the very beginning of the King series, the same way Ray/Doe loved him. I cried over his death and laughed over his reoccurring "voice". At the end of Soulless...I was so shocked and so happy. This is the beginning of his story and so far I am not disappointed. I waited to start his story till all 3 parts were released, so the cliffhanger doesn't affect me. I'm all ready to continue....


Where can I start.... This is the best book of all books ever!!!! I feel in love with Preppy back in Kings book but good Lord my heart was not ready for this book. I absolutely loved Dre she was amazing. I am so excited that read this book but I don't know if I can wait for the next one. This book has done me in.

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

Preppy ROCKS!

As with my other reviews on II and III--Preppy rocks! Make sure you start with King at the beginning of the series. And Preppy is probably the darkest character--so if you don't like what you read about him in King I don't recommend this book for you. I LOVE this book. He is twisted but oh so awesome!

Everyone needs a little Preppy in their lives

This might just be my favourite book in this series ... So far. Preppy is all sorts of screwed up but his heart is in the right place. His horrific past has made him into the man he is today. The whole prisoner thing threw me for a loop and I still have questions about that ... They buried the boy, There is no black and white with Preppy in comes in every colour of the rainbow. Super psyched to see what comes next. Preordered and counting down the days.


What an all telling, entry into a life of pleasure and pain TM Frazier treated me to with this book. I laughed as I remembered the Preppy from the previous books in the series. I cried from the pain she created with the back stories of two very broken members of society. I want to say so much more but I can't without spoiling the read for others. What I can say though is, if you haven't read the series, start at the beginning. Give yourself plenty of time to read them all. You'll be glad you did.

Omg! Did that just happen?

That was just a roller coaster of crazy and hot!! Loved Dre with her vulnerability at the beginning her sass by the end of the book. You get to see Preppy’s story and his crazy comes out! I love that Dre can take it and pull him back!! And that ending!!! No spoiler but dang!!!!

Preppy....that is all.

That man.... He is a sick sick freak and then he is a broken boy you just want to cuddle. I don't know how or why but you just fall for this seriously screwed up man. And the there is Dre just as broken and fragile. The two of them just steal your heart. I can't wait to start part two of Preppy's story, he is a drug and I am a willing addict needing more of his story in my life.

I finished part one at 3 a.m. in tears...

I anxiously waited to read Preppy's story because I knew I would go crazy waiting for part two to come out. I finished part one at 3 a.m. in tears and jumped right into part two! Preppy is intense, gritty, snarky, dark and sexy as hell. T.M. Frazier really out did herself with this story and the last sentence? WOW! I'm just blown away with Preppy and Dre, they're absolutely, imperfectly perfect for each other. I CANNOT WAIT to read part two! Definitely another T.M. Frazier book for my READ AGAIN e-shelf. This is a dark, sexy story told from dual POVs with a stunning CLIFFHANGER.

Preppy is my FAVE!!

Read 1/16/17-1/17/17 That last sentence...Yes, Yes, Yes!!! I'm so thankful I only have to wait one week for Preppy 2. I've been dying to read Preppy and although he's been my favorite throughout this entire series, he made all my dreams come true in this 1st book of his. I can't wait for the rest of his story! TM...aka mofo genius!

Heroines don't always have to be virgin cowards sometimes they are drug addicts

This is the only book I have ever heard core fangirled over. I'm talking about dropping $$$ on tshirts, mugs, of course a $20 IHOP pancake breakfast the morning of the release BECAUSE PANCAKES! TM Frazier creating this crazy world of three best friends King, Bear, and our beloved Preppy. They are flawed wreckless men and what I love best is the women they love are just as flawed. TM Frazier writes heroines that are equal badasses to the men that love them.


**I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.** Preppy is everything I needed him to be. I am so happy to finally get the story from Preppy's perspective. King as always been my favorite but I was so heartbroken for Preppy, but after his POV he's quickly becoming a favorite. The scene with Dre/Preppy/Bear was everything!! Without spoilers, that last page left me gasping. I can't wait for part 2!! *Wicked Reads Review Team*

Can't wait!

I love this series. I started King, the first book, and have barely set down my Kindle since! TM gives me everything I need with all the tattoos, bad attitudes, and big muscles. Swoon at basically all her characters! I was so surprised at the end of Soulless, definitely not expecting the twist it delivered. I'm so happy it did because this book needed to happen! So very good, and I love Preppy's character development! A slow build, just perfect!

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!


There were a lot of editing mistakes in this book👄 But please don't let that stop you from enjoying this wonderful tale. Preppy is a character that is so deep that you'll get lost in his charm, sexiness, and complexity. See is is unexpected love he never saw coming. I loved what this story represented.nOt was full of redemption and power of love 💘 Please read this! This review is by @bookluvr964 Follow me on Twitter


I rated the first 4 books of this series a well deserved 5 stars, this one was 3.5. Reason, one word, Dre. A drugged out addict that had a good childhood but because of an accident she choose to trash her life with drugs. I see that as the highest form of weakness. Preppy had enough crazy his entire life I felt he deserved so much better. The End of the book was good and the reason I rated 4 stars instead of 3. This book was more about Dre and I wanted to hear more from Preppy.


Fantastic!!! Just freaking fantastic. This wasn't what I expected. I thought we'd pick up from where we left off when they found Preppy alive. But this was a story about his past and when he met Dre. It was so great. I hate the book is over. I cannot wait for the next one. I love Preppy's sense of humor. He and Dre were perfect for each other. It killed me when Preppy broke. Ugh killed me. Then ending was fantastic even though it left us hanging. Such a good book.

Preppy, oh how I love him.

T.m. Frazier's work never fails to astound me and this book isn't an exception. I went back and forth on whether to read this book, or wait until the other two were released, because let's face it, the evil ginger's cliffhangers are of epic proportion! Delving deeper into Preppy's character and meeting Dre has left me in a book hangover state. I cannot wait for their next two books!

So Amazing! ABSOLUTELY a must read

I'm Samuel Clearwater but my Friends call me Preppy. That's all it takes and you're hooked. Page after page this mysterious ,sexy twisted character I fell hard for in King is showing us his secrets. It's quite a path we are on . We meet Andrea , Dre aka Doc and she's a feisty thing with a darkness she is fighting. "He was an addiction. I craved him, and I wanted more ." I laughed its Preppy of course you laugh, but it's so much more be prepared for a deeper look into his world his mind his past. I loved it I can't wait for more!


Seriously this series, this author,so freaking good!!!! Preppy is feeling hilarious, scary, and panty melting all rolled into one. Read it!!!


Preppy, by far, is my favorite💗 Not to cheat out on the Amazing King & Bear...But Preppy has my heart💕 He is raunchy, funny as H'"&% twisted, dark, broken, but he has a heart of gold and deserves Dre...They deserve each other🔥💖 Don't read if you don't like sick humor, dark sex, or basically anyone that looks at life in a way that is refreshing, although twisted🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏

"... The light amongst all my dark."

Preppy is perhaps the most beloved character since Gilbert Blythe or Mr. Darcy. Of course he's way more twisted and has a potty mouth and wears a bow tie, but I mtherf@#$!g digress... He has a way of speaking with cuss words that makes us mushy inside. This book shows us his tender side. We all know he has a tender heart, from the way we saw how he treated Doe. It's not what were used to so that threw me off. But TM never disappoints. This book was a perfect introduction to Samuel mtherf@#!n Clearwater...

4.5 Stars

Wow.. I put off reading this for a long while ...some of this is hard to read ... it's complicated...just like Preppy himself ... He and Dre don't get off to the greatest start ... but oh what a powerful...well written read. ..can't wait to sink into the next one ...highly recommended!!

5 PREPPY Stars

Oh Preppy..... this book had me hanging on every freaking word until the very end and then I couldn't one-click part two fast enough! I'm so ready for another wild ride where Preppy and Dre are concerned because the jaw-dropping moments have me needing more!!!

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

Best Pancakes ever!

TM and Preppy sure know how to tell a story. I have been waiting to read this book because I was not, and I am still not, ready for the end. The end wreaked me. This book was everything I need and more. Samuel reminds me of Deadpool. The antihero. He is Wade all crude and imperfect but exactly who you want on your team! He is surrounded by such a perfect group. I love all these characters. I am excited to see what direction TM will lead us on in her next book.

Preppy, only the beginning

Holy cow! I love this book! If you haven't read any of the first four books don't start this until you know the whole story and feel heart broken. I love King, I love Bear, but I absolutely love and adore Preppy! Dark, dirty, and sexy just like T.M.'s other books you will want to know more and then be left with a massive book hangover while you wait for Part Two. I highly recommend this baby! One of mystic reads of 2016!

Good God. If I didn't already love Preppy

Good God. If I didn't already love Preppy, this just sealed it. There are so many notable comments and sarcastic quotes that I will have to take out a loan for all the shirts I now want made! Great job and can't wait until January!

Can't wait for then next part

I was so excited to read Preppys story and it didn't disappoint. He is such a great character I loved all the stories in the series but he is so charismatic and screwed up you can't even help getting sucked into the story. Both Dre and Preppy are such broken characters that all you hope for is that maybe their pieces will fit together and make a whole. So excited for the next part I read them and then get all of them on audible so I can listen to them on my commute.

5 stars is not enough!!!!

OMG!!!! I tried so hard to wait for the 2nd book to come out, I lasted 2 weeks!!!! Damn you T. M. Frazier for writing an epic ending to the first book. WOW!!! Just blown away and Preppy is by far my favorite of the series. I cannot wait for the next book. You must read the other books in the series to truly understand how amazing Preppy really is. This book is funny, dark, hot and just a kick ass ride. Could not put it down.

Five Stars

Omg what??? I love Preppy. This book was every bit the five Stars I gave and more. I’m loving this series so much. I’m glad I waited for all the books to be out so I don’t have to wait for the next one.

On the fence...

I'm not so sure you'd have to read this as a stand-alone. We're taken so far back before King, that I don't think I'd make a huge difference. But if you've followed through and left off from that cliffhanger in book four, you're dying for this book. Only to be left hanging, AGAIN!! There may be trigger warnings of the forced sexual kind, along with heavy drug use. Also a MFM scene. So here's the short of it. I was dying for this book. I stopped everything, just to read it. Then--I'm left at pretty much the same ending. This book took us to the Preppy before King went to prison. To new characters. Well besides brief glimpses of Bear. There wasn't a whole lot of plot in this book. So I don't want to give away anymore. You can beat me up all you want, it won't make me feel worse than I do now. I never thought I'd do this low of a rating on a book for this author. But the character she had me so psyched up for, just wasn't there. Preppy was made to seem: over the top, psychotic, especially when it came to $ex and foreplay. But not here. Maybe it's a case of it's me and not you. As the book was almost grammatically flawless. The writing flowed. It just didn't have that over the top experience that she's know for giving her readers. Not every book will appeal to all readers. If you pick this up, I hope you enjoy it. Will I read the next book? I'm not sure, but not more past that for these characters. I love them, but three books for Preppy?

One of my favourite characters of all time

It took me forever to gather the courage to read Preppy, because, you know,,, he DIED! I was scared Frazier was going to leave me gutted and raw all over again, but, she made everything better, of course, and I wish I'd read this sooner. Preppy4eva


I waited for this book for what seemed like forever. I ended up reading it in less than a day. T.M has succeeded again in leaving us with a cliffhanger that will keep us up at night. As this series goes on, we learn more and more about these characters we've fallen so in love with. Preppy and Dre are another story that will definitely lead to addicted readers! Another cliffhanger=book hangover! "I can't keep you."


PREEEEEEPPPPYYYYYYY!!!! Words can't express how much I love Preppy! Through the previous books in the series, Preppy was always my favorite character. TM did such a great job explain Preppy's mindset and how he falls in love. Their love may not be conventional, and it may not be perfect, but it is something amazing.

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

Omg! Omg! Omg! No seriously, OMG!!

Preppy!! I love Preppy!! I had no doubt that Preppy's story was gonna be absolutely phenomenal, but I was still blown away!! I really think we should be able to add more stars, 5 is not nearly enough. It was so great getting to know Preppy and Dre. And though things weren't ideal there was no mistaking the love and passion that they shared. And that ending left me with my jaw on the floor and tears in my eyes.

I feel in love with Preppy way back in book one of the ...

The evil ginger has done it again. I'm still struggling to find the right words hours after finishing reading. I feel in love with Preppy way back in book one of the King series and couldn't wait for him to get his own book. I wasn't disappointed. And in true evil ginger style she left us yet again with a hell of a cliffhanger.

God, I Love This Series!!

How can you not love a damaged bad boy? You always want them to turn sweet and romantic but still have a touch of that bad boy persona. That is Preppy in a nutshell. I need book 2 ASAP! Samuel Clearwater has stolen my heart!


I've been a Preppy fan since I read the King series, so I was super excited about this book. Let me tell you, it did NOT disappoint. In all honesty, it might be my favorite of all of the TM Frazier books. It's dark, gritty, but man is Preppy fun. I imagine TM had a total blast writing Preppy, some of the lines are just epic. I knew it was part 1, so I was prepared for a cliffhanger. I was happy to learn there are going to be 3 total books! I can't wait until January!

T.M. Genius

Preppyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! I don't have go say anymore, Preppy is a guy you love without really understanding it. You think oh this isn't right he's a bad guy but there is OH so much MORE!!!!! This man, my God I love him!!!!! He is so tortured, and twisted but he has every reason to be. Couldn't put it down!!!! But I am glad I waited for the others to come out because I need the second one now!!!! Off to ignore my adult duties and read. Toodles ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Another great book. They keep getting better. Can not wait to see what happens in the next book. Enjoyed every minute of the book.


Oh god, I don't even know where to start! 1) Preppy is ever but as psychotic, twisted, sexy and perfect as I thought he would be. 2) I was skeptical of Dre at first (probably mostly to do with the fact that no one is good enough for Preppy) but I really actually love her and love her for him. 3) OHMYGOD WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE UNTIL THE NEXT BOOK????? I don't think I'll ever find another character that amounts to Preppy. Seriously. He's it for me.

Loved this!

I love that this book exists because I was so sad after King. Preppy wasn’t in the initial books for long enough but he made a huge impression.

A little sad

First I want to say I love this series. But as excited as I was to finally read preppy's story I have to say I'm a little disappointed with how this story played out. I'm not a fan of flash backs, I prefer stories to play out in order rather than going back and forth so much. But the end last me frustrated and not happy. I wish this story would have started at now instead of four years ago. Hopefully we won't have to wait very long for the second half of Dre and Preppy's story.


No, No, No, NO!!! How dare you do this to me Ms.Fraizer!! My love for your written words has just grown by leaps and bounds!! I don't know how your next book can even come close to this one but I sure it will ease the palpitations I have as I wait for the next book. Which I have of course 1-clicked that bitch!! Preppy has spoken and I cannot wait for book 2!!!! Read this now people!!!!

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

Need more Preppy now!!

I love that other fans of this series have read this book already and couldn't wait to talk about it. I lenjoyed all the main characters in the series for various reasons ,but Preppy had my heart from day one. He's perfectly, imperfect. I know some fans were hoping this book would tell all if not most of Preppy's story. For me, telling Preppy's story in one book would feel rushed and " too tidy". I'd like more time with Preppy.


Sooooo the #EvilGinger did it again! She knows how to keep you. The life of Samuel aka Preppy is a must read. The plot, the kinkyness, the story, the intensity of why he is the way he is just teach you how to love him more. I mean every part of the book is beyond amazing. Dre YOU are strong and I love you for that. The author keep me hooked from the beginning till the end. I cannot wait for more so BRING IT ON!!!!

Dreadful Death

I like the book,was guessing about the death for most of the book.The problem I have with this series though,is because all the stories pretty much cover the same time and events,is that story gets in the way of the new one,and there isn't enough of the new one to make a big impression for me.

This author has done it again

OMG. Preppy. My love for this man. He has been thru so much. A mother failed him. Step father violated him but he still is able to love in his own crazy way. To understand this series read king tyrant lawless soulless. It's not necessary but it will help with the characters. Love this writers mad writing skills and can't wait for Preppy part 2. Mature audience 18t

One of th best stories ever!

I've read Preppy & Dre's story twice now. I laughed & cried in equal measure as much the 2nd read as I did the 1st time I read it. Absolutely love their story.


This is one of the best series I have ever read if you haven't started reading it yet i recommend that you do you will not be disappointed I laughed I cried I got angry and I had happy tears I finished this book yesterday and I now need a break from all books while I recover lol and for some reason I have a hankering for PANCAKES !!! Hahhaa

Do not miss out on this!! Because pancakes!!!!

Oh my lord. First of all when you plan on reading this,make sure you can have uninterrupted time! You will not want to put this down! Secondly make sure you have read the king bundle . That's where I first met preppy and fell hook line and sinker.T.m Frazier out did herself again. Impatiently waiting for part 2. Also if you're like me make sure you're near something soft.

Preppy for the win!

Samuel Clearwater you are by far my most favorite of the King series! I waited until all 3 of your books came out to read all at once and I'm gl happy I did! Gah I just loved this part of Preppy and Dres story! I seriously cannot wait to read the next one! AMAZING job T.M! You are one fantastic woman! #bowyietillidie #becausepancackes


Wow! TM Frazier did it again absolutely amazing!! I loved preppy part one I love his story so far and I can't wait to read part two! If you haven't read any of this series I highly highly suggest you go one click all of the books so far in this series because you aren't going to want to put it down! You are going to take your kindle everywhere you go and not stop reading! I still have a book hangover from part one of preppy! TM Frazier you rock!!!

Simply Amazing !

I think we all have been anxiously awaiting Preppy's story and it certainly did not disappoint. It is wonderful how TM Frazier can make you laugh and cry though some really dark material. I absorbed every word and loved it. Dre and Preppy broke my heart and Im counting on TM to put it back together again somehow.... So excited to find out how she does it in the future !

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

🌟🌟 Preppy 🌟🌟🌟

What's Not To Love About This Book ??? It's Preppy's Book .. So Bloody Good Getting An Insight Into His Life .. I Loved Him & Dre. . Can't Wait For The Next Installment.. Dre's Husband Better Run .. Cause When The Prep Man Awakens... There Will Be Bell To Pay 👏👏

Because.... Preppy

Hands down the best book T.M had ever written. I have waited not so patiently for Preppys book and now that I am finished with Book 1 I am ...... beyond words. I love Preppy I love his whit, his charm, his quirks and his kink. And the scene with Bear so effing HOTT and will make you tingle allll over. I love Dre shes a spitfire and shes perfect for our boy. I for one cannot wait to see what is to come next after and ending that leaves you saying... huh?


Fantastic fantastic fantastic! This entire series blew me away and when it ended, my jaw hit the floor. NOW, with Preppy: The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, I am in freaking awe. I love Preppy. I love this book. Read the series! Thank you TM for writing this.


Raw emotion, real breakdowns and heartaches and undeniable tension all come together to give you a disturbingly awesome book. Preppy gave me a wild ride and I cannot give it high enough praise except that I wait impatiently for part 2. That's all because I will not ruin any part of this book. Read it.


I LOVE PREPPY. I was hooked from the start. I couldn't wait to read more about Preppy and his BOW TIE's and I wasn't disappointed. Dre and Preppy couldn't be more perfect for each other. Their story sucks you in and takes you on a crazy ride that I would t want to get off of. I'm so glad we got more of Preppy, he is the type of character that will always stick with you. I'm dying to know what happens next with how crazy it ended.


It took me a long time to read this one because I wasn't sure where It was taking me. I was bummed out that he was dead only to find out he s not. Which I'm glad he's not. I have read everyone of this series and just love it. I feel like they are family in a way I can relate. Great job.


This author has you going back and forth, good and bad. Crying and laughing. All I can tell you is, if the author 's T.M.FRAZIER, read it. You won't go wrong!

I am never disappointed with one of TM's books and how could you ...

I am never disappointed with one of TM's books and how could you go wrong with Preppy? the character everybody has loved from the first book. As always the read is edgy and the twists she throws in are perfect. Looking so forward to book two and cant wait to find how she twists me up in the next installment. Well Done TM!!!!!

King series continues.........yea!

Not exactly a cliffhanger, well, yes kind of. I will be anxiously waiting for the rest of Preppy and Dre's story. I must admit I was shocked when Preppy was still alive. Didn't see that one coming with his death and funeral and all but so happy as I liked Preppy.

Man I love Preppy!

I loved Preppy in the previous books and I was so so happy that he was getting his own!! He is my favorite man of all the books! I didn't know what to expect reading this but it was amazing and T.M. did not disappoint! I was also curious as to what type of woman could handle Preppy and Dre was definitely the woman! I cannot wait to read the next book!!

This is a book you don’t want to miss!

The Evil Ginger has done it again. Only this time, she’s not so evil. Well, as reformed as a twisted soul can be. In The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, she still gives us a wickedly dark story but she also gives us our beloved Preppy back and douses his story with deep emotion. This is a book you don’t want to miss. Preppy is the 5th book in a series and you must read the four books before it (King, Tyrant, Lawless, & Soulless). Each one of these books is EPIC. The journey is one you will never forget. T.M. Frazier will have your jaw dropping, tears leaking, and hormones raging. I wasn’t 100 percent sure what to expect going into Preppy. He’s a dark character with a wild sense of humor and T.M. Frazier likes to pull the rug from underneath us. All I knew was it was something I was salivating to get my hands on. So, I went in not expecting anything (Plot wise). I had no idea where the story would go. I couldn’t have predicted anything about how T.M. would tackle such a complicated character or where she would take us but it couldn’t have been more perfect. She switches up her style a bit with this book and shows us more of her range, playing more with the emotions of the story. And doing it so damn well. Preppy is obviously a character that has been through a lot. Not only do we start to see the chain of events from the last couple of books revealed from his perspective but we learn more about his past and how he became the man he is today. You will feel the darkness from his world like his burdens are your own. Andrea ‘Dre’ Capulet couldn’t be more perfect to round out this story. She’s fighting demons of her own. She’s feisty yet broken. Strong yet vulnerable. She’s Preppy’s perfect match. Dre may even give Ray a run for her money as my favorite of T.M.’s leading ladies. There is a twist in the timing of when these two met that I didn’t see coming and it adds more intrigue into the entire series. I love this story. I love these characters. T.M. Frazier transports us to a dark and gritty world. The whole crew of characters have bonds that are unshakable. We see more of Bear and Preppy interacting one on one in the story and I absolutely loved that part too. You won’t be disappointed in this latest edition to the series. It deserves every bit of praise and hype that I’m sure it will get. I can’t wait to see where the rest of Preppy’s story goes. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.

Oh Preppy im go happy your back!!

Samueal "Preppy" Clearwater is not you every day criminal. He is really not you every day man. There are a few things in this life that he likes. Bow ties, they are a must, Pancakes, they are the best, Suspenders, I mean come on they go with the bow tie. Add in his best friends and a little bit of drugs and you have a recipe for a good time. Dre is a broken junkie that really has nothing left. She has her ticket to go back to her dad and she is going to get her life back together. That is until she decided to steal from the wrong person who has the protection of the bow tie. I cant tell you how excited I was for this book. I waited ever so patiently for her to write this book. Preppy is fought over in frazierland and if you read her books you know why. This is book number 5 in the King series. Haven't started......go to search and get the first 4 books and start now!!! I love that this book not only it has Preppy and we really get into his mind but it starts when King first goes to Jail. King didn't even start there it started when he got out. I really wanted to know how a love interest was going to fit into his life. Well the best way is to find a girl that is strung out and trying to steal from one of his grannies. Did I just say grannies yes I did and oh and there is a pig as well. Preppy is trying to survive and get money while King is locked up and also try and get max out of foster care. Dre does more to him than he thought. Never has this happened. Dre is a interesting character. We have had doe that has lost her memory, Tia that has lost her parents and now Dre who is broken junkie that really is over it all. This is her chance and a better life and she is now going to take it serous this time. Blackmail and her grandmother are keeping her in Logan's Beach for now. This is not your typical beach love story. This books is going to make you swoon, it is going to make you anxious, this book is going to make you want to scream. (Mainly the ending) You will have a cliffhanger!!! That is one thing T.M. is really really and I mean really good at is cliffhangers. I think at the end of the book like all the others I wanted to scream. But its really in a good way. I cant wait for January and I thought there was only going to be 2 books and now 3 I'm pumped. Read this book if you like dark romance. Read this book is you like a tattooed man in a bowtie and suspenders. Read this book if you want to try something different than you have been reading. Just read this book!!


Title: Preppy The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater Part One Author: T.M. Frazier Rating: Every Possible Star!! Synopsis: He's back!! Samuel Clearwater, Preppy to his friends, is back from the dead and he is ready to give us part of his story we have never heard. To really tell it though we have to go back, about three years back, to a time when King was locked up, Bear was on a long run for the Beach Bastards and Preppy was just trying to hold his little makeshift family together all on his own. Enter Andrea Capulet, Dre to her friends, a strung out junkie ready to rob her own grandma for her next fix...literally. However what Dre didn’t know and what she was about to find out was that granny had herself a white knight in the form of pure evil a bow tie and he wasn't about to take that crap sitting might wrinkle his khakis. Imagine his surprise when he finds the object of his fury ready to fling herself off his favorite water tower. Preppy may have saved Dre from ending it all that night but she has no clue what kind of mess she's just landed herself in at the mercy of this man who is as handsome and hilarious as he is truly terrifying. Review: I knew this book would be good, I thought it was even probable that it would be great.... I never imagined it would be hands down my favorite read of the year thus far!! As a fan of the series I knew going in that Preppy was hilarious, sexy and intense and the first part of his story did not hold back on any of those aspects. From the very beginning I was hooked by his crazy inner monologue and I could not put this book down. Dre was a wonderful counterpart to Preppy's crazy hilarity. She was strong and vulnerable all at the same time, she was smart enough to keep up but naïve enough to buy in to what he was selling. Once again T.M proves that she can keep me on the edge of my seat with a plot while still making me fall more and more in love with her kooky cast of characters on every page. In some ways Preppy's story was the lightest and funniest of the King series and in some ways it was the most gritty and intense....kind of like Preppy himself actually. Sitting her now, I'm sure this book hangover will be one of the most intense of my life and I can’t even bring myself to be mad about it. I am so incredibly high from the emotional roller coaster of this book and I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on Part two.

“A bullet with a side of bow tie.”

To say this book is “dark” or has “dark elements” would be an understatement of epic proportions. This story is filled with the deepest levels of evil and carnal perversion. My heart completely broke for the tragic hell that both Preppy and Dre had to live through. I don’t blame them for turning to different vices just to survive the mental scarring and anguish. I am in awe of the way the mind works and how it compensates for the tragedies thrust upon it and the body and soul. Preppy is a sick SOB and a good man. I loved and revered his personality and desire to fight for a life worth living. His connection with Dre is beautiful and broken and perfect. I have loved Preppy from the very beginning and I will continue to love him in all his corruption. I don’t think I would ever recommend this book series because of the deep darkness it distinguishes, but I have felt honored to be brought into this world and the horrors of the world truly opened to my eyes.

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie."

"I never knew true fear until I met pure evil. He wore a smile and a bow tie." Samuel Clearwater (Preppy to his friends), wears an easy smile and provides comic relief in the most messed up of situations. He does what he has to do to protect his business and get the job done. Andrea (Dre) is a heroin junkie at the absolute lowest point in her life. Making bad decisions one after another, she is out of options. Until the least likely of saviors shows up... These two people, who have their own individual darkness swirling inside of them find an unlikely friendship. When coupled with an intense sexual relationship, will they open up and heal with each other, or will their past and the darkness win... This book was fantastic!! I loved Preppy. His one liners and quirky personality were a welcome lightness brought into some dark situations in the book. Preppy is almost always wearing a mask, which fools just about everybody... until he meets Dre. Dre is a junkie, who has done some horrible things while addicted to heroin. When Preppy 'saves' her she fears him more than anything she has faced before... until she starts seeing behind his façade. Featuring some hot and filthy sex, two highly damaged people and a story that is building up to be epic... part one may end on a cliffhanger, but it will not leave you wanting. This book is #5 in the King Series, but starts a new trilogy just about Preppy and Dre.

My boyfriends back!

Preppy....*sigh*.... Seriously it has taken me nearly a week to gather myself to write this review. preppy has been probably my all time favorite character throughout this entire series. I loved his humor and quick wit in King's books and I cried like a freaking baby and read with a gulp the size of Texas in my throat all thru Bear's books. Never had I grieved a character so much in all my reading as I did Preppy. Then...Preppy got his own books!! (Celebrate good times, come on!) Now, I'm not gonna rehash the whole blurb for you because I'm sure that's been done one thousand times, but let me tell you why I loved this book If you've read any of the other books in the series , we all know Preppy is hilariously funny and has the fashion sense of your most feminine boy best friend. But I don't think we really knew just how completely soft and kind hearted Preppy can be. We knew he was kind, when it worked for him and we knew he could be quite the ladies man. But in this installment of the series , we get a look at Preppy's heart like never before. His character becomes so much more polished off! And if I thought I loved him before, well know he's just totally cemented himself in my heart for one of my most favorite book characters ever! I love Preppy because even though he's fought from the flames of his childhood, he didn't come out with a speck left on him. If anything he's learned what NOT to do. I love Preppy because he's funny and he never fails to make me laugh but who knew he had the heart of a lion with so much ferocious compassion and loyalty! I love Preppy because he may be bad boy and might even appear somewhat dispicable to the wrong person, but this is all based on very good reasons he has behind those actions. His loyalty and integrity justify his actions. TM Frazier, I just don't think the woman can write a bad book! Sheesh! She always continues to amaze me and blow me away with every new book she releases. And I'm honest when I say, I'm usually left shaking my head at her tales. She has an eye for detail and does a phenomenal job of incorporating little things or tying her stories together in so many genius and clever ways. Frazier has an uncanny ability to take her readers deep into the trenches of her darkest thoughts but she does it so easily and fluidly that you don't even realize you've gotten lost until 3 hours have gone by! Someday, when I pass away, I hope TM Frazier writes my eulogy. I'm gonna pencil it into my last will and testament so my husband knows for sure who to contact

A fantastic story that will stick with you long after you finish and scrambling for the next one

Preppy - the comical guy that always has something to say and said it he did - no matter how much louder and cruder. When he ran across Dre, the broken girl strung out on heroine teetering on the edge of the water tower, he felt something for her he had never felt before. He rescued her, not realizing that she was rescuing him as well. She was running from the demons of her past, drowning them in heroine. Preppy was just living, but not truly living, dealing with memories of his horrible childhood until King rescued him. In this first book, you hop back and forth between the past (the beginning of him and Dre) and the present (being held prisoner by Chop) - this book caused all the feels. Yes it is dark, but you see two souls that are completely shattered start to heal. But when Preppy pushes Dre away, will he be able to survive the loss that she causes and will Dre be able to get over the man that broke her heart. Preppy is my favorite of the guys out of the King series and with this first book you get to meet all the sides of him. It's so complex, yet so simple and the story will draw you in and stay with you long after you finish. TM still amazes me with how she created a world such as this and I find myself returning to this series over and over never getting enough.

Perfectly Preppy

So, you know that when an author has left you speechless after you’re done with reading their book that means they have done an excellent job at telling a wonderful story. That’s exactly what TM Frazier did when she wrote “Preppy,” I couldn’t wait to read Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater’s story. Out of all three of them I knew his story had a hurt and damage that goes with it and I love me a good damage man story and TM knows how to write on hell of a story. We get a look into Preppy’s past, a past that I didn’t even realize exist with such extent. I was surprise to realize that it even involved a woman, one who we got know as Dre. They were both broken, Preppy more so than her, but what he didn’t realize was that they needed each other in order to make themselves whole. For some reason Preppy kind of remind me of the comic book character Dead Pool, both are sarcastic with this sick kind of humor. We need the humor in this and I knew TM would deliver because that’s how we know Preppy, even though he’s hurt and damaged you can count on him to make you smile. There was this one part in the book that made me cry, I don’t want to say what it is but all I have to say is that all you want to do is hug him and tell him everything will be ok. Thank heavens he had Dre, even though he thought that he could keep her as his boy was he wrong. They were meant to be together in more ways than one, and what about that ending, holy cannoli. TM Frazier knows how to keep her readers on the edge of our seats and keep us there. I cannot wait the read part two man, after that ending I am sure a lot of folks are sitting waiting.

LOVED!!!! The Evil Ginger strikes again!!! Amazing!!

I can't even right now...just WOW I have anxiously been waiting for Preppy's story since I found out he was alive! He was my favorite secondary character in a book ever and I mourned his death as if he were real! No lie!! TM Frazier does NOT disappoint with his resurrection and this may be my favorite book of hers yet! As in classic Preppy style we have a lot of laughs and OMG moments, but she also shows us a deeper side to Samuel Clearwater, and I loved that! He has a very dark and sad past that is revealed which helps you to understand the man he has become better. And Dre, she was just fierce and strong and a perfect match for Preppy. Their relationship is so dysfunctionally perfect, I can't get enough! We get all of the twisty goodness that is Preppy and his hilarious personality plus the dark moments that make TM's books so delicious! Oh and did I mention Preppy and Dre are HOT together, like off the charts sexy!! There is nothing I did not love about this book!! Oh and that ending...WTF!!! I should have expected the jaw dropping cliffhanger that is classic Evil Ginger! Brilliant!!! 5+++++ Stars!!! I wish I could give it 10 stars!! *Reviewed by Crystal for DD's Book Room

Preppy and T.M. Forever!

There is a lot of build up and expectation for Preppy. He is not a stand-alone and if you haven't read the other books in the King/Bear/Preppy Series, you might be lost. That said, Preppy is one of my top 4 most anticipated books of 2016. One of the others being Bear's 2nd book, Soulless from earlier this year! Preppy is a beloved character in this series and it's super hard for me to write a review because this series is so near and dear to my heart. I have books that I love from Jane Austen to Stephanie Meyer, and in the past 5 years I've fallen in love with many series from some amazing indie authors. It's in no way an exaggeration to say that with Preppy, T.M. Frazier has catapulted this series to be my favorite book series right next to the two authors I mentioned earlier. I loved King and Tyrant; Bear has always been my favorite though, so Lawless and Soulless were another world beyond my love of the first two. Because of my love for Bear, I never thought I would love Preppy's books as much. But yet again, the #EvilGinger has pulled some compassion for this tortured soul from my black heart, more than I though was possible! Preppy is such an original character, it's hard to describe him and put him in a box. He's funny, no hilarious; he's sweet, he's sarcastic and hot and has the quirkiest sense of style in a criminal that you will ever see. What you don't expect is for him to be so strong and make you feel so vulnerable and hurt for him one minute and be scared of him the next. Dre is equally as tormented as Preppy and truly is his equal in all ways. Getting the background story for Preppy and seeing the "Because Pancakes" beginnings makes my heart swoon!! The fact that his counterpart in book one is a Capulet (*sigh*) is not lost on me and makes even the name choice of T.M.'s characters just another reason to worship her writing! If you've read any of T.M. Frazier's books before, you know she loves a cliffie.....this book is no different. If you can't handle a stone cold, mouth on the floor cliffhanger; you're going to want to wait until Preppy Book 2 comes out next year! But for me, there was never a choice, my psyche craves this story and having another "chapter" of it to re-read endlessly until Book 2 comes out is just fine with me. side note: I was really really really scared to read this book. Like I literally was shaking when I opened the prologue. Many people had said, you'll be happy or they are good tears......well they were right. Nobody tears me apart and makes me smile about it like Mrs. Frazier and love her all the more for it!

Loved it!!

Preppy and Dre have a bit of a twisted relationship. This book will pull you in right from the start. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series! Definitely a 5 star read for me.


I can't even handle this ending right now!!! Sitting at work tears streaming down my face. I love Preppy and his sick twisted ways. What a messed up, loyal, strangely trustworthy man. Amazing story of Preppy and Dre. Can't wait for more!

I missed Preppy and his c@&%! Lol

I love the witty comebacks and I love how he doesn't sugar coat anything. You do need to read the first books to fully understand appreciate Preppy. After this book I have never looked at pancakes, bow ties, suspenders and water towers the same again. I hope there really was a Logans Beach and he was real because I would so totally party with him. That's what I love about this series these characters make you feel everything, I cried, I laughed (hard) and my heart also broke for them when they were hurt. Definitely worth *****


I was hooked. It's like real life for some that wander this world no one pays attention to. My emotions were so deep at the end. Awesome!


HOLY FREAKING AMAZEBALLS!!!!! Every freaking time. You just left me hanging!! I cant deal with this craziness!! I. NEED. MORE!!!! I seriously can't freaking wait for book two!!! If there is one person who can write a book and leave you speechless.... it's TM Frazier. Hands down. 5 BLODDY STARS!!!

the sexy times was DIRTY HOTTTTT, and Dre and Preppy are one of ...

I absolutely and positively FLOOVED this book!! The story was explosive, the sexy times was DIRTY HOTTTTT, and Dre and Preppy are one of the most fk'd up couples I have had the pleasure of reading and I loved every single word!!!!


Preppy cannot end this way. I am dying. I really hope the next book comes soon. I couldn't put this book down. I didn't get a dang thing done at work because I was hiding in the bathroom reading this all day. And then it has to end like THAT. Fantastic book. Read it, buy it, and demand the next book ASAP!!!


From the beginning of King he was that extra special sidekick. I knew his book would be THAT good. I knew he would be so special. I knew that this book would only make me love him more. And it did. T.M. Frazier you did it again. It is amazing. Thank you.

The man, the legend. Preppy

Preppy will make you laugh Preppy will make you scratch your head Preppy will make you cry Preppy will make any girl hot and bothered This book has it all, and then some


SO GOOD! Because pancakes!!! Preppy's back baby! Omg! Such a great story!! Samuel Clearwater is, ya..., and creepy, and hilarious, and dangerous, but bada$$! He's one of my favorite all time characters from a far! Can't wait to read the rest of this journey.

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