King (The King Series Book 1)

Kindle Edition
14 Jun
The USA Today bestselling KING SERIES starts here.

Homeless. Hungry. Desperate.

Doe has no memories of who she is or where she comes from.

A notorious career criminal just released from prison, King is someone you don’t want to cross unless you’re prepared to pay him back in blood, sweat, sex or a combination of all three.

King’s future hangs in the balance. Doe’s is written in her past. When they come crashing together, they will have to learn that in order to hold on, sometimes you have to first let go.

Reviews (187)

Sensitive parts badly written...

*Spoilers* The main part of the story wasn't badly written but I have an issue with the fact that a young girl was beaten, stabbed, and then raped and it was basically dismissed afterward. Her wounds, neither mental or physical were addressed. The meat was supposedly pulled from her legs as she was stabbed with a serrated knife and she was roughly penetrated. Blood and brains were then blasted over her nakedness, but none of that caused her much trauma? Really? And then Doe let King roughly take her? Right. That's realistic. After we find out another primary in the story was brutally raped and the author handles it by having them say they'll be okay. In what universe is this author living that she believes that to be true? Neither a man or woman is going to just GET OVER IT. If an author can't give such a sensitive subject the respect it demands, at least give it meaning at some point or Do Not Go There. What a mess! Forget the rest of the story! The characters I like are dead or dying anyway.

L at Do You Dog-ear?

DNF after the prologue and first chapter. *possible spoilers This DNF is mostly my fault. I didn't read the synopsis or the warning at the end until after I had started the book. I saw all the raving reviews, and a few of my friends suggested it to me, so I just started reading it without giving it a second thought. I am disgusted with this book. Rape is not a topic I want to causally read about. It's not okay. Yes, it is rape (she's drunk/drugged and he thinks her (a no-no word)* is payment for a tattoo he did), because he didn't ask her if she wanted to have sex. He flips her over and does what he wants when she clearly cannot coherently say anything. Then he almost kills her! He gets so caught up in his own orgasm, he nearly chokes her to death. He actually has to check to make sure she's still breathing. It gets worse. He then calls his friend into the room and tells him to "take care of it." After a brief conversation, the friend asks if he's "done with it," referring to the still unconscious girl, and leaves with her slung over his shoulder. The (a no-no word)* implies that his friend doesn't mind his "seconds," so she's likely going to be raped again. I could not continue to read this book. The language was overdone in the beginning, and I can't keep reading something that casually throws rape into the story like it's not a big deal. Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? on February 2, 2018. *A "no-no word" is my personal substitution for words and phrases that Amazon finds offensive.

1 star

I have read this book a few times times, most recently because I just saw that more books were written in this series. It had been awhile, and I had forgotten things, so I'm re-reading the ones I've already read before those that I haven't. Overall, this is a good series. This first installment in the series has good aspects and bad. The reason I've given this book a 1 star rating is because King has sex with someone else in the book. Not only does it occur in the book's timeframe and is "shown" in the book, but it is a graphic sex scene, and to make it even worse, the h witnesses it. I don't agree with romance books having main characters sleeping with other people during the book's timeframe, having flashback sex scene or details, lusting after or flirting with other people, or having actual sex scenes in present time. It's worse when the acts are too intimate for casual encounters (oral, anal, kink) or if the other main character witnesses it. If you can handle this stuff, I recommend this book/series. But, I am providing a warning that there is outside the relationship sex and a lot of violence, though I have not encountered cheating in the series yet, so at least there's that.

Poorly done characterizations

This was my first taste of this author, and will be my last. I got nearly 50% through this story. I found it unimaginative and almost cartoonish in the way the characters “behave.” For instance, a line or two of dialogue in most works of fiction are frequently paired with discriptions of body movements so the reader has more to visualize the individuality of each character. These characters were written to behave as if from a children’s book. An example was when Doe and King are eating a picnic lunch on the dock at the far end of the property and they hear an explosion in the garage. After being hidden for a while King and Bear (another example of unimaginative story telling there. I mean Bear? Come on Bear to describe a big biker? How original?) find Doe and then proceed to have a conversation in her presence. Doe wants to know what’s going on “ ‘King, who the f*** is Isaac? Who the f*** is Grace?’ I shouted jumping up and down to make my presence known.” Other example would be describing character in laughing hysterically when the situation would barely warrant a smirk. To sum up, it’s like this book was written by someone who knows the technique of writing fiction, but has no connection to what they’re writing, no real story to tell, no grasp of their characters. They know they have to differentiate each character and so they, lacking imagination, invent silly things that fit better in children’s fiction. One guy wears a bow tie and when excited about an upcoming date he claps his hands and announces he is going to go iron his best bow tie...and this guy is a coke tooting, pot growing, sexual diviant, who also has a heart of gold because he is King’s bestie and side kick. I know there are publishers who pay people for a story supplying genre and sub genre, and then they publish and market the story under a single author name, paying several different people to supply a story which is then published under one author name and identity. I know a guy who does this. Makes between $500-700 per story. He bangs them out without any thought into the actual story, because the guy has all the rules of technical fiction down pat. He readily admits his stories are trash. I know he didn’t write this one...but maybe he picked up a new author.

I have read this book so many times and it is still a favorite

4.5 Stars I had forgotten how T.M. Frazier can write something that is painful and yet at the same time it makes you fall in love with the bad guy, or in this case the King. I am going to straight up tell you that this book is not a happy go lucky oh lookie unicorns and rainbows type of happily ever after, it is so far from that it’s not even funny. It has drug use, sex, abuse, lies, violence and death, so if you don’t like or can’t handle those things in your books then I suggest you skip King. However, if you are like me who loves a book with a darkness to it and has no issues about those things then I don’t think you will like it, I think you will love it. King is an @$$%^&*, a bad boy, #@!! he could be the poster child for being the epitome of an @$$%^&*. Look up the definition of @$$%^&* and his picture should be right there with it. But, he is so much more, and when we can chip away at the walls surrounding King, you see that he is so much more than what people see. He has a reason for being how he is, and he isn’t going to apologize for that and he shouldn’t. Doe has no memory of who she is, she’s homeless and is barely surviving. She ends up at King’s coming home party with the hope of finding a bed and food and at this point she really doesn’t care what she has to do to achieve that. When something happens and King collects her as payment she doesn’t know to be scared, pissed, or relieved. She has a mouth on her that can get her in trouble in a heartbeat, and she has no problems telling King what she thinks. Slowly a relationship between them form and can see how these two have broken down their walls, that is until something happens that made me scream all sorts of profanities for a good five minutes straight. I’m not saying one instance or a couple made that happen, this is something you will have to find out on your own. And that ending, I need to get Tyrant right this second just so I can see what happens next, because yes there is a cliffhanger but luckily we don’t have long to wait for the rest of King and Doe’s story. If you are a fan of T.M. Frazier’s previous books, I know I am, then you will want to read King right away because it will keep you on the edge of your seat wanting more.

I dunno...

***Upon further reflection, I am rating this book 1.5 stars. It has too many 5 stars for being so poorly constructed. There are no real consequences for anything that happens in this book and the editing errors are annoying. *** Ugh, I didn't realize there was a second book I have to read. I was already a little bored by it. Not sure if I care enough to read the next one. This book went from page turner, to flat line bore, to dark, to ugh blah. This isn't the usual type of book I read. So, either it's full of cliche's or it's a totally new spin. I have no clue. I liked it to an extent. The characters were interesting. A girl without a memory is an interesting plot. I really wanted to like Preppy, but he was described as basically being a rapist. He liked them when they were "passed out or screaming". That's an ick factor I don't want to touch on. King was kind of a walking contradiction. He was all tough, but really he ended up being a little sappy. I don't know how I feel about Doe. She was okay I guess. Kinda funny how she never shut her mouth, but other than that, she was pretty bland. King and Doe together? Meh...I could really care less. If you like dark MC romance novels then maybe this is right up your ally. If not, then probably just skip this one. *******TRIGGER WARNING********* *****SPOILER. TRIGGER******There is a rape scene that is pretty graphic *******SPOILER. TRIGGER***********

Why am I just now reading this series?

OH. MY. LANTA. How am I just now reading this book, this series, this author?! HOLY! So, I kept seeing the book Preppy by T.M. Frazier everywhere and I think, it was free recently maybe. Anyways, people were raving and saying it was an all time favorite. I haven't read a book that consumed me in quite awhile. I've read some 5 stars, but none of those books that have me screaming at my phone and NEEDING to know what happens next, so I thought I'd give Preppy a shot. First page and the author warns you to start with King. Just so happens, I had King on my kindle, so I started it. This book is more than I can put into words right now. I literally just finished and ran to type a quick review while book two loads. This books consumed me for days and I just can't get over it. And the last 30% or so took over my mind! My husband told me I needed help because of my freakout. I can't wait to see what happens in this series because I'm on edge right now!

Property of King

King: King Series book 1 by T M Frazier King is mysterious, dark and complex. He has forged a brotherhood with his two best friends Preppy and Bear. They have always been there for one another due to their childhood circumstances. They live on the wrong side of the law. King has just been released from prison and his brothers have thrown a welcome home party for him. King feels like his life is about to change and one look into Doe’s eyes confirms this. Doe has no memory of who she is. She has made friends with a hooker/druggie by the name of Nikki. Nikki drags her to a party where she tells her to find a man that will protect her and keep her. What Doe finds is King. A misunderstanding happens and Doe is left to pay the price. She becomes King’s property. King is unsure of the feelings he has for Doe, but he knows he cannot let her go. When the enemy comes for King, can he protect Doe or will she get caught up in all of his mess? This book has so much angst and plot twists. The chemistry and banter between King and doe is electric. Preppy will melt you heart and you know that there is more to Bear than we have read so far. King is hot and cold, but when he starts to open up you will melt. Ms Frazier’s penmanship shreds your heart to pieces and leaves you hanging for more. It ends on a cliff-hanger and lucky for me the next book “Tyrant” is already out – yes I am about to one click. Hot Books & Sassy Girls Blog

I am in two minds as I want to read the next book. . Argh - So confusing, what to do ???

I didn't know what to expect with this book going into it, as all I knew was two of the characters names King and his best friend Preppy. Upon first starting the book we have what seems like your usual party/ MC novel but once we get along with the story you start to read the development of the characters, and if you are anything like me, you will start to fall in love with them all - quirks and all. At the beginning of the book, we meet King who has just been released from prison, and his crew is hosting him a welcome home party. They give him Doe as a present. She is there with her new friend Nikki, hoping just for tonight to have somewhere warm to sleep and food in her tummy. Doe has amnesia after she woke up after being left for dead, with no ID and no-one to claim her she has no idea who she is hence the new identity - Doe after Jane Doe. When Nikki tries to steal from King, it backfires, and Doe is left as King's prisoner. Over the next course of the novel, we learn about King and how he and Preppy became friends and then OMG that twist halfway through the book that had almost tears rolling down my eyes. Then that ending, I did not see it coming - it made me go argh, and now I am in two minds as I want to read the next book, but now that I know that one of the main characters won't be in the book I don't know if I want to read it. Argh - So confusing, what to do ???

but I do know that I finished this book while on an airplane traveling to Vegas to meet the amazing TM Frazier

Can someone tell me why I waited so long to read this book? Anyone? No. Okay, well, I'm not sure either, but I do know that I've been kicking myself since finishing this and now I have to fit in the rest of the series. And I have to do it before Preppy releases. I don't have any fancy quotes or lines from this book because I listened to it and I don't realize the line is gold until it's over. So, there is no highlighting here, but I do know that I finished this book while on an airplane traveling to Vegas to meet the amazing TM Frazier. It was all I could do to not sob. I cried, yes, I cried, but not sobbing took some effort. I won't tell you why or how or what happened to land me in that public-crying place, but I will say Frazier made the ride completely worth it. This book follows King and Doe. We meet Bear and Preppy in this book and for anyone following the indie romance community, you already know these characters have their own books, so it's awesome that we meet them in book one. Doe is on the run. King has just been released from prison. Yep, King is one of those bad guys. Doe finds herself at his house looking to hookup with a biker. Her friend--I don't even remember her name--dragged her to this party and told her that her ticket to a warm bed and a roof over her head was to hook up with a biker. Doe doesn't hook up with a biker. Instead she finds King. From there the book is perfect. They push and pull, they take and give, they love and they lose. Oh boy, do they lose. And that loss is heartbreaking. I'm moving on to book 2 because I have to see what happens after that freaking ending! Seriously, who ends a book like that?! Thanks TM Frazier, for creating characters that make me feel.

Sensitive parts badly written...

*Spoilers* The main part of the story wasn't badly written but I have an issue with the fact that a young girl was beaten, stabbed, and then raped and it was basically dismissed afterward. Her wounds, neither mental or physical were addressed. The meat was supposedly pulled from her legs as she was stabbed with a serrated knife and she was roughly penetrated. Blood and brains were then blasted over her nakedness, but none of that caused her much trauma? Really? And then Doe let King roughly take her? Right. That's realistic. After we find out another primary in the story was brutally raped and the author handles it by having them say they'll be okay. In what universe is this author living that she believes that to be true? Neither a man or woman is going to just GET OVER IT. If an author can't give such a sensitive subject the respect it demands, at least give it meaning at some point or Do Not Go There. What a mess! Forget the rest of the story! The characters I like are dead or dying anyway.

L at Do You Dog-ear?

DNF after the prologue and first chapter. *possible spoilers This DNF is mostly my fault. I didn't read the synopsis or the warning at the end until after I had started the book. I saw all the raving reviews, and a few of my friends suggested it to me, so I just started reading it without giving it a second thought. I am disgusted with this book. Rape is not a topic I want to causally read about. It's not okay. Yes, it is rape (she's drunk/drugged and he thinks her (a no-no word)* is payment for a tattoo he did), because he didn't ask her if she wanted to have sex. He flips her over and does what he wants when she clearly cannot coherently say anything. Then he almost kills her! He gets so caught up in his own orgasm, he nearly chokes her to death. He actually has to check to make sure she's still breathing. It gets worse. He then calls his friend into the room and tells him to "take care of it." After a brief conversation, the friend asks if he's "done with it," referring to the still unconscious girl, and leaves with her slung over his shoulder. The (a no-no word)* implies that his friend doesn't mind his "seconds," so she's likely going to be raped again. I could not continue to read this book. The language was overdone in the beginning, and I can't keep reading something that casually throws rape into the story like it's not a big deal. Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? on February 2, 2018. *A "no-no word" is my personal substitution for words and phrases that Amazon finds offensive.

1 star

I have read this book a few times times, most recently because I just saw that more books were written in this series. It had been awhile, and I had forgotten things, so I'm re-reading the ones I've already read before those that I haven't. Overall, this is a good series. This first installment in the series has good aspects and bad. The reason I've given this book a 1 star rating is because King has sex with someone else in the book. Not only does it occur in the book's timeframe and is "shown" in the book, but it is a graphic sex scene, and to make it even worse, the h witnesses it. I don't agree with romance books having main characters sleeping with other people during the book's timeframe, having flashback sex scene or details, lusting after or flirting with other people, or having actual sex scenes in present time. It's worse when the acts are too intimate for casual encounters (oral, anal, kink) or if the other main character witnesses it. If you can handle this stuff, I recommend this book/series. But, I am providing a warning that there is outside the relationship sex and a lot of violence, though I have not encountered cheating in the series yet, so at least there's that.

Poorly done characterizations

This was my first taste of this author, and will be my last. I got nearly 50% through this story. I found it unimaginative and almost cartoonish in the way the characters “behave.” For instance, a line or two of dialogue in most works of fiction are frequently paired with discriptions of body movements so the reader has more to visualize the individuality of each character. These characters were written to behave as if from a children’s book. An example was when Doe and King are eating a picnic lunch on the dock at the far end of the property and they hear an explosion in the garage. After being hidden for a while King and Bear (another example of unimaginative story telling there. I mean Bear? Come on Bear to describe a big biker? How original?) find Doe and then proceed to have a conversation in her presence. Doe wants to know what’s going on “ ‘King, who the f*** is Isaac? Who the f*** is Grace?’ I shouted jumping up and down to make my presence known.” Other example would be describing character in laughing hysterically when the situation would barely warrant a smirk. To sum up, it’s like this book was written by someone who knows the technique of writing fiction, but has no connection to what they’re writing, no real story to tell, no grasp of their characters. They know they have to differentiate each character and so they, lacking imagination, invent silly things that fit better in children’s fiction. One guy wears a bow tie and when excited about an upcoming date he claps his hands and announces he is going to go iron his best bow tie...and this guy is a coke tooting, pot growing, sexual diviant, who also has a heart of gold because he is King’s bestie and side kick. I know there are publishers who pay people for a story supplying genre and sub genre, and then they publish and market the story under a single author name, paying several different people to supply a story which is then published under one author name and identity. I know a guy who does this. Makes between $500-700 per story. He bangs them out without any thought into the actual story, because the guy has all the rules of technical fiction down pat. He readily admits his stories are trash. I know he didn’t write this one...but maybe he picked up a new author.

I have read this book so many times and it is still a favorite

4.5 Stars I had forgotten how T.M. Frazier can write something that is painful and yet at the same time it makes you fall in love with the bad guy, or in this case the King. I am going to straight up tell you that this book is not a happy go lucky oh lookie unicorns and rainbows type of happily ever after, it is so far from that it’s not even funny. It has drug use, sex, abuse, lies, violence and death, so if you don’t like or can’t handle those things in your books then I suggest you skip King. However, if you are like me who loves a book with a darkness to it and has no issues about those things then I don’t think you will like it, I think you will love it. King is an @$$%^&*, a bad boy, #@!! he could be the poster child for being the epitome of an @$$%^&*. Look up the definition of @$$%^&* and his picture should be right there with it. But, he is so much more, and when we can chip away at the walls surrounding King, you see that he is so much more than what people see. He has a reason for being how he is, and he isn’t going to apologize for that and he shouldn’t. Doe has no memory of who she is, she’s homeless and is barely surviving. She ends up at King’s coming home party with the hope of finding a bed and food and at this point she really doesn’t care what she has to do to achieve that. When something happens and King collects her as payment she doesn’t know to be scared, pissed, or relieved. She has a mouth on her that can get her in trouble in a heartbeat, and she has no problems telling King what she thinks. Slowly a relationship between them form and can see how these two have broken down their walls, that is until something happens that made me scream all sorts of profanities for a good five minutes straight. I’m not saying one instance or a couple made that happen, this is something you will have to find out on your own. And that ending, I need to get Tyrant right this second just so I can see what happens next, because yes there is a cliffhanger but luckily we don’t have long to wait for the rest of King and Doe’s story. If you are a fan of T.M. Frazier’s previous books, I know I am, then you will want to read King right away because it will keep you on the edge of your seat wanting more.

I dunno...

***Upon further reflection, I am rating this book 1.5 stars. It has too many 5 stars for being so poorly constructed. There are no real consequences for anything that happens in this book and the editing errors are annoying. *** Ugh, I didn't realize there was a second book I have to read. I was already a little bored by it. Not sure if I care enough to read the next one. This book went from page turner, to flat line bore, to dark, to ugh blah. This isn't the usual type of book I read. So, either it's full of cliche's or it's a totally new spin. I have no clue. I liked it to an extent. The characters were interesting. A girl without a memory is an interesting plot. I really wanted to like Preppy, but he was described as basically being a rapist. He liked them when they were "passed out or screaming". That's an ick factor I don't want to touch on. King was kind of a walking contradiction. He was all tough, but really he ended up being a little sappy. I don't know how I feel about Doe. She was okay I guess. Kinda funny how she never shut her mouth, but other than that, she was pretty bland. King and Doe together? Meh...I could really care less. If you like dark MC romance novels then maybe this is right up your ally. If not, then probably just skip this one. *******TRIGGER WARNING********* *****SPOILER. TRIGGER******There is a rape scene that is pretty graphic *******SPOILER. TRIGGER***********

Why am I just now reading this series?

OH. MY. LANTA. How am I just now reading this book, this series, this author?! HOLY! So, I kept seeing the book Preppy by T.M. Frazier everywhere and I think, it was free recently maybe. Anyways, people were raving and saying it was an all time favorite. I haven't read a book that consumed me in quite awhile. I've read some 5 stars, but none of those books that have me screaming at my phone and NEEDING to know what happens next, so I thought I'd give Preppy a shot. First page and the author warns you to start with King. Just so happens, I had King on my kindle, so I started it. This book is more than I can put into words right now. I literally just finished and ran to type a quick review while book two loads. This books consumed me for days and I just can't get over it. And the last 30% or so took over my mind! My husband told me I needed help because of my freakout. I can't wait to see what happens in this series because I'm on edge right now!

Property of King

King: King Series book 1 by T M Frazier King is mysterious, dark and complex. He has forged a brotherhood with his two best friends Preppy and Bear. They have always been there for one another due to their childhood circumstances. They live on the wrong side of the law. King has just been released from prison and his brothers have thrown a welcome home party for him. King feels like his life is about to change and one look into Doe’s eyes confirms this. Doe has no memory of who she is. She has made friends with a hooker/druggie by the name of Nikki. Nikki drags her to a party where she tells her to find a man that will protect her and keep her. What Doe finds is King. A misunderstanding happens and Doe is left to pay the price. She becomes King’s property. King is unsure of the feelings he has for Doe, but he knows he cannot let her go. When the enemy comes for King, can he protect Doe or will she get caught up in all of his mess? This book has so much angst and plot twists. The chemistry and banter between King and doe is electric. Preppy will melt you heart and you know that there is more to Bear than we have read so far. King is hot and cold, but when he starts to open up you will melt. Ms Frazier’s penmanship shreds your heart to pieces and leaves you hanging for more. It ends on a cliff-hanger and lucky for me the next book “Tyrant” is already out – yes I am about to one click. Hot Books & Sassy Girls Blog

I am in two minds as I want to read the next book. . Argh - So confusing, what to do ???

I didn't know what to expect with this book going into it, as all I knew was two of the characters names King and his best friend Preppy. Upon first starting the book we have what seems like your usual party/ MC novel but once we get along with the story you start to read the development of the characters, and if you are anything like me, you will start to fall in love with them all - quirks and all. At the beginning of the book, we meet King who has just been released from prison, and his crew is hosting him a welcome home party. They give him Doe as a present. She is there with her new friend Nikki, hoping just for tonight to have somewhere warm to sleep and food in her tummy. Doe has amnesia after she woke up after being left for dead, with no ID and no-one to claim her she has no idea who she is hence the new identity - Doe after Jane Doe. When Nikki tries to steal from King, it backfires, and Doe is left as King's prisoner. Over the next course of the novel, we learn about King and how he and Preppy became friends and then OMG that twist halfway through the book that had almost tears rolling down my eyes. Then that ending, I did not see it coming - it made me go argh, and now I am in two minds as I want to read the next book, but now that I know that one of the main characters won't be in the book I don't know if I want to read it. Argh - So confusing, what to do ???

but I do know that I finished this book while on an airplane traveling to Vegas to meet the amazing TM Frazier

Can someone tell me why I waited so long to read this book? Anyone? No. Okay, well, I'm not sure either, but I do know that I've been kicking myself since finishing this and now I have to fit in the rest of the series. And I have to do it before Preppy releases. I don't have any fancy quotes or lines from this book because I listened to it and I don't realize the line is gold until it's over. So, there is no highlighting here, but I do know that I finished this book while on an airplane traveling to Vegas to meet the amazing TM Frazier. It was all I could do to not sob. I cried, yes, I cried, but not sobbing took some effort. I won't tell you why or how or what happened to land me in that public-crying place, but I will say Frazier made the ride completely worth it. This book follows King and Doe. We meet Bear and Preppy in this book and for anyone following the indie romance community, you already know these characters have their own books, so it's awesome that we meet them in book one. Doe is on the run. King has just been released from prison. Yep, King is one of those bad guys. Doe finds herself at his house looking to hookup with a biker. Her friend--I don't even remember her name--dragged her to this party and told her that her ticket to a warm bed and a roof over her head was to hook up with a biker. Doe doesn't hook up with a biker. Instead she finds King. From there the book is perfect. They push and pull, they take and give, they love and they lose. Oh boy, do they lose. And that loss is heartbreaking. I'm moving on to book 2 because I have to see what happens after that freaking ending! Seriously, who ends a book like that?! Thanks TM Frazier, for creating characters that make me feel.

♥️🌼🔥Give Me King...Please🔥🌼♥️

Wow!!! T. M. Frazier’s KING is not just a fantastic’s book one in one of my new favorite series’...This author has written one of the best dirty talking, all alpha, as-hole characters I’ve read....and, you know, we all love those guys....King is hot and violent and not just rough around the edges...he’s rough...and so hot...and when he falls in love, he’s protective and territorial and...It’s just really good...♥️🌼🔥 Brantley King has had a hard life...and he’s made some hard decisions....Now, he’s just been released from prison, and he’s trying to find where he fits....King is an as-hole and has led a pretty lawless life...During his welcome-home-from-prison party, he’s “collecting payment” from a woman for a tattoo he just did, when a small, shy, waif-like girl walks in...and she watches....King is interested and feels drawn to her.....King knows she is too nice....too innocent for him and his life....But, that doesn’t mean he can let her go....♥️🌼🔥 Doe (as in Jane Doe) has no clue who she is...or where she’s from...or anything she’s done since she woke up in a hospital after being found in an alley...Doe is living on the dangerous streets, and is in need of protection...When her friend, NIkki, takes Doe to a party to find her a biker for protection...when she’s hiding from an overly aggressive biker, she sees King...and there’s a connection.... There are twists and turns you won’t see coming...and they’re all good...even when they’re bad....♥️🌼🔥

It always kept me on the edge of my seat and my jaw on the floor

How do I even go about writing a review for this book? First off, I will say that this is out of my comfort zone. It’s dark and gritty which is far from the type of books I usually go for. BUT this story really latched on to me. I fell in love with the characters and the notion that not everything is as it seems. Not everything is black and white, there are gray areas. As I mentioned before, this is a darker read…with that being said I also want to put a trigger warning for rape content in this story. Just a heads up. There are also violence and a lot of f words throughout the story. So if that isn’t your cup of tea, here’s your warning. Brantley King and his friend Samuel Clearwater aka Preppy run their town. Everyone fears them but they also have a lot of respect from other groups. King and Preppy had very difficult childhoods and upbringings. I really felt for them while reading this story. What really touched my heart was that yes, they did bad things but honestly….they were good people. I feel like they had to do bad things to survive but it wasn’t a path they normally would’ve chosen if they had a different upbringing. One night Doe and her friend Nikki show up to King and Preppy’s house for a party. That’s where our story begins. Doe has lost her memory and doesn’t even know her real name. She chose Doe, as in Jane Doe, to go by. My heart also went out to this girl. Not knowing who she is, where she came from, where her next meal will come, etc. She really had it rough. I definitely do not want to spoil any parts of this story for you all. It’s such a great story and one that made me cry more than once. Also, King is a possessive male so if that isn’t your thing….don’t even pick this up lol. Overall, I cannot wait to continue on with this series. It always kept me on the edge of my seat and my jaw on the floor. This first book ended on a cliffhanger and my body NEEDS the rest of the story asap. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did.

Holy S***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are not supposed to like the bad guys or worse, actually fall in love with them. But with King, Bear, and Preppy, you won’t have a choice. We first meet King at the end of Dark Needs but nothing can prepare you for his story. King is a bad guy and doesn’t try to pretend to be someone he is not. King just got released from jail after 3 years. His welcome home party turns into a night that he did not expect. He meets a girl named Doe and all hell breaks loose. Doe is a young girl who has no idea who she is. After a misunderstanding, King decides that Doe is now his property until he figures out the truth and gets back what was taken from him. Over time, things change and they become more. She also becomes friends with King's best friend, Preppy. The thing about being bad guys is that you have to deal other bad guys. When someone comes looking for King and Preppy to seek revenge, no one is safe. What happens next will make you want to hurt people and break your heart. This book ends on a cliffhanger that will leave you speechless and dying to get your hands on the next book in the series.

This love story takes so many twists and turns as King ...

If you ask somebody what comes to mind when you say "Romance novel", they will probably think of a Harlequin bodice-ripper. In the 1970's, that may have been the automatic response. The future of the romance genre is now here, and the incredible author @t.m.frazier is leading the charge. . King is a hard-hitting, profanity-laced, violent, sexy, raw and powerful story of Doe, a young woman who has amnesia who falls into the clutches of King, a drug dealer, ex-con and killer who claims her as his property. This love story takes so many twists and turns as King tries to maintain his IDGAF attitude in the face of his growing desire for Doe. As the reader progresses page by page, we aren't sure if we want Doe to fall for King, or just stab a kitchen knife into him. Frazier has created such complex characters, with the full span of conflicts and emotions as any of us. This tale will leave you shouting for joy, screaming at the book, and all of the feels you can imagine. . . This is only the first book in the King series, and Frazier has created a world I cannot wait to jump back into right away. .

3 stars

I read some of the reviews when I first started this book and I was expecting a very dark story... Some very bad case of Stockholm syndrome perhaps. Yes, the story was violent, disturbing at times, and crude but not on the dark side I was expecting. Bikers, tattoos, sex, drugs, lots of violence. However, while Frazier tried her best to develop the characters of King and Preppy, very little was developed on Doe, then Doe and King's relationship. I could not capture the essence of their "romance", what really drew him to her (her scared blue eyes?!... her innocent expression?! that is not development). I was not expecting that for Preppy though, but I get it that the bikers world is merciless. The end hooked me to the second book, so yes.. I gotta know how this all will play out.

Quite a ride but definitely dark...

There are a lot of plot elements that are dark and violent in this story. Lots of triggers! However, if you know this going in and are prepared, then you’ll find the story is interesting and compelling. The H is a pig in general for the first 20% and sporadically thereafter, but he gets better and there is real emotional connection and displays of intimacy and caring for the heroine through the rest of the book. He didn’t ever have sex with the h without consent. Some of the betrayals of the H are hard to swallow, some might say unforgivable, but they are all handled in authentic ways so that the reader can empathize with his dilemma in most of the situations and understand what motivates the betrayals. It’s a good read, a dark but compelling romance. I’d recommend it if the reader can accept the dark elements. The really dark plot elements are not so much in the way the H treats the h—More in the things that happen to the various characters in the story. If you can’t handle dark, traumatic events happening, this is not the book for you. I don’t usually enjoy dark romance, but I did enjoy this book.

4 King of the Causeway Stars

I won't write a longwinded review for a book that has been out for so long. It's rating and the amount of reviews speaks for itself. If you haven't read King yet, you may like it if you're a fan of: -Protective, moody alphas -Badass bikers -Darker romance with a side of mystery -Cliffhangers (don't worry, Tyrant has been out for years and can be read immediately 😉) King could be a bit of a caveman/control freak, and Doe was quick to get over/brush off some things I wouldn't be able to. Also...insta-love. 🥴 There are some triggering scenes in King as well, so be sure to read with caution.

Big fail in plot at 60% in. DNF

II was really enjoying this story until about 60% in when the H did something unforgivable and the h was mad for literally 10 minutes then was like oh well but he's just so hot and had sex with him. I closed it up right there. I hate when an author makes you want to see two people together then hands you a pile of reasons to not GAF anymore. Wasted money.

Addicted to King!

Holy hotness!! Mere words can't express how much I loved King! Dark, gritty, shocking yet sweet and sexy this book will have you hooked from the very beginning. Once I started I refused to put my Kindle down until I was done. King is the perfect alpha you love to hate. You can't help but fall for him no matter how much you fight it. There were definitely moments I would have loved to have been King's property! He's dark, brooding, and someone you don't want to cross unless you're prepared to pay the price. Doe wakes up and has no memory of who she is or where she comes from. Desperate times call for desperate measures and Doe decides to go to a party with her friend in the hopes of finding a "protector" of sorts and a bit of comfort. When her path crosses with King there's no denying the chemistry between them. I loved that even though Doe's memory is gone she still doesn't back down to King but instead goes toe-to-toe with him. Their story takes some twists and turns I didn't see coming and my emotions were all over the place. I laughed, cried, hoped, got angry, and was left with my mouth hanging open at one point. King is a dark and gritty romance that will captivate you and leave you eagerly ready to dive into this utterly addictive series.

Good, but could have been better

3.5 Stars I liked a lot of it but I definitely had problems with a lot of it too. Interesting characters and story line. I liked Doe, King, Preppy and Bear. The intimate scenes are steamy. Most are well written. There are scenes that are jumpy. One that really bothered me was the Very Important scene that involved Doe in danger and what happened to Preppy. That should have been a lot more detailed. Some flow problems. Some editing errors. I definitely have problems with the ending. Not that it is a cliffhanger. I was prepared for that. Nope, it was the unbelievability of what we are left to believe about Doe. Nowhere near as good as I thought it would be. bookshelves: adult, contemporary, romance, suspense, 11 notes & 11 highlights (All visible)

This book was amazing! I finished it in record time

Wow! This book was amazing! I finished it in record time! I couldn't put it down! Doe lost her memories, and she was on the street. She was desperate. She went to King's homecoming party to hook up with a biker, who could protect her for a while. She met King and became his. King was in prison for 3 years. At his homecoming party he met a young, slim, sad girl. She became his captive. They had chemistry, they wanted each other. King was frightening, he was strong, powerful, he was a bad guy. Doe didn't want to do anything which would affect her life, her past, but she couldn't resist King. He was hot, talented tattooist, and he could protect her. King couldn't resist Doe either. Slowly they started to know each other better, and they started to feel more then attraction, they started to care about each other. Despite the fact that King was a criminal, I totally fell for him. He wasn't just a bad guy, he did everyhing for those who he loved. And he saved Doe not just once... I totally understood Doe why she couldn't stay away from him. I loved that it was written in alternate POVs. And this ending... I have to start the next book.... right now! I want to know, what will happen with Doe and King.


I liked it. I like MC romances and this one didn't disappoint. I like the action, mystery, the twist and turn of secrets and of course I like suffering men and the heat between the two main characters. Is the story of three boys King, Preppy and Bear they met in middle school when Preppy was getting beat up by a bully and King defended him. From there on they made a pact to be friends, to protect each other specially from their families they both had horrible parents. They grew up making a living of selling drugs and tattooing and other criminal acts. Doe, wakes up one day in the streets, no memory, homeless and hungry. She meets King one day at a party and from their on their crazy story begins. Can't wait to read the continuation of the story.😎

“He was the most terrifyingly beautiful thing I’d ever laid eyes on.”

What a beguiling way to end a drought!!! I was completely delighted to once again lose myself in a well written romance novel that took me to the gulf coast of Florida. T. M. Frazier is a new author to me and it is one of life’s great pleasures to find a romance author that checks all the boxes and writes so well. I have had to eschew reading and reviewing the entire month of October 2018…certainly not willingly. King is a magnetic, brooding, bad boy hero with all the enticing desirable and even not so desirable Alpha traits that make a girl go Mmm…a great hero with which to break my fast. The story itself begins with King having just been released from prison trying to adjust to his freedom and his new reality. We also meet our heroine, Doe, as she is a homeless waif living on the street who has lost all memory of who she is and where she belongs. The two collide at the rough and tumble, anything goes party for King’s return to freedom with a local MC club in attendance. Doe and her companion, Nicki, a street hooker and drug addict who has taken Doe under her protection, which is really not much protection, having decided to crash the party. Driven by the need for food and shelter, Doe is desperate enough to offer her body to any one of the male attendees of this party. As she wanders through the party house, she encounters King in a liaison that is best left behind a closed door. King is entranced straight off with Doe’s eyes and finds his satisfaction only because of looking in them. As the story progresses Brantley King has a love/hate feeling toward Doe. He pulls her close and pushes her away. He needs her near him and yet he will not touch her. He is deeply troubled man with a tragic past and a desire for a different life away from the criminality which consumes his present circumstances. The reader struggles along with Doe. As indiscernible as King is to the reader, Doe is an easy character to with whom to relate. We understand her, her confusion and the decisions she makes. Her pain becomes our pain and her joys become our joys. There is a pressure cooker level of sexual tension which builds from the beginning of the read. It is crazy AF hot!!! Oh, and just before the lid blows off, the author adds a little kicker that drives the reader crazy…it just adds a little extra “pow” to the eventuality. When you read it, you’ll know exactly what I mean. As the story moves forward, King as a character begins to take on new dimensions. His inner world opens up to us more and more. His decisions are surprising in the face of his burgeoning feelings. Of course, this only serves to add more sexiness to the already swoon worthy picture of the man. The supporting characters add depth and color to the entire presentation as well. I did notice that while at times the read is violent and gritty befitting the murky world of drug dealers, it is juxtaposed against some quirky, sweet and sentimental writing. That illegal marijuana is employed for a loved one’s end stage cancer pain or the idea of “granny growers” seems almost an indictment against keeping marijuana illegal? Just my observation. I’m certain you can tell by my review that it is thumbs up all the way from me for King Your heart will flutter. You may swoon. Hopefully, you will find the story as compelling and irresistible as I did and read on to the next book, Tyrant. Quotes: “Her taste, her tongue, the pull I’d felt toward her when she was first in my bed had exploded into something I couldn’t reign in. I lost myself in her for a good minute before I came to my senses. Stopping was the hardest thing I’d ever done even though the idea of taking my revenge out on her body made every part of me turn rock hard.” - King “I [loved] her until we were one person, and in a way we were, because I’d lost myself along the way, and I found myself again in the most unlikely place. I’d found myself again in the haunted eyes of a girl who was just as lost as I was. Or maybe, we didn’t find each other at all. Maybe, we just decided to be lost together.” - King “I gently scooped her up in my arms, and she weighed practically nothing. Even though she was visibly hurting and I was hurting for her, I remember that first feeling of holding her. Before she was even born, she became the most important thing in the world to me, but holding her sealed the deal. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for her. Nothing. I would hurt anyone and everyone who ever made my baby cry like that again. I would burn down cities for her. I fell to the ground with my back against the wall and rocked her until she calmed. I told her about all the things I was going to buy for her. I told her that daddy was here, that she was safe.” – King

Read this a second time and loved it more than I remembered

After reading the first 4 books in this series about a year ago, I had always planned on reading the “Preppy” books, because I liked his character so much, but I never got around to it until now. I was going to start on them today when I noticed that I never reviewed any of the first 4 books. So I figured I would re-read these and I am so glad I did. Preppy was not just a. Minor character in this book, he played a big part. He was completely hilarious and was the best friend of King since the age of 11. Doe shows up at a party given for King after he is released from prison and she has amnesia and has been starving and living on the streets. She is looking for someone to protect her, but after her friend steals from King, he says she owes him and he keeps her. Of course things get messy when feelings start to get involved, because King knows who she really is and plans on using that for his own benefit. Doe becomes good friends with Preppy and also with Bear who has been a friend to King and Preppy since they were young. He has been in his Dad’s outlaw MC since high school, but often stays in Kings garage apartment. Everything comes to a very emotional climax in the last 10% or so of the book. It really makes me wonder about the Preppy books. Though I think I will re-read the other 3 first.


King by T. M. Frazier I found myself utterly entertained, and mesmerized by King and Doe. Their relationship was an intense ride. Along with the friendships she finds in the people in King's life. There was some hard, tense situations that king had to face, along with Doe having to accept about King. He isn't your average knight in shining armor. He is the dark knight with dents and scratches etch on him. His life was anything from sweet and nice. He fought for everything he has. Even if it's nothing. And for once in his life, he found something unexpected in Doe. Something he isn't about to let go. And for Doe, finding King wasn't what she had planned. Even if she didn't know her name. But a strange thing for her, even though her life was upside down, one thing she knew more than anything. Was King was someone she wouldn't be able to forget. Can two people, who should never have met stand the test of harsh lessons in life, find their way back together? You will not be disappointed. Check out King. It's a thrilling ride, one you will not want to get off of.

Unexpectedly great read...

While the story follows a well known formula, bad boy meets good girl who makes him want to be more, the emotion in the words made this a better read than I'd hoped. In a way, it reminds me of the book "Raw", if you've read it then you'll definitely like this book. King and his best friend Preppy climbed their way out of their horrific childhoods and forged their own paths the best way they knew how. They had each other and their friend Bear as family, and they made it work. Doe falls into the middle of their lives, not knowing who she is or where they came from. At first, King claims her as his own until a debt is paid, but eventually their tumultuous lives bring them together for real. Their love is strong, volatile, and at times heartbreaking, but still they are drawn to each other. As with many love stories, things go horribly wrong and King is forced to make a deal with the devil which he knows will rip Doe from his life forever. The story is raw, emotional, disturbing, heartbreaking....I could go on forever. The best thing I can say is that I'm dying to read the next book. This is not a stand alone book, the story is far from over on the last page, it's definitely a cliffhanger ending, there is no happily ever after here. If you're looking for a sweet bad boy romance, you should probably move on, but if you're into a gritty story of the struggles that those on the fringe of society'll probably enjoy this immensely. One other thing, the only thing that really bugged me in the whole thing, it bugs me every time I come across it in these books. It's a tattoo machine, not a gun. Please do some research if you're going to use stuff like this in your books.


Mediocre writing. Way too much foul language that distracts from story line. Unrealistic descriptions of women who were victims of violence . The hero was supposed to be Alpha male the reality he was nasty egocentric bully. Worse part This was NOT a stand alone complete story. Author wants you to purchase book two for next part of the story. Suggest you not waste your time or money .

Do you remember?

I loved it. I couldn't put it down. It was dark, twisted, and gritty like sand... it was awesome, real, painful, made me laugh, cry, and hoot for the hero. Story is about a trio of friends and how against all odds they dug theirselves out of an array of abusive parents and a under privileged life. The book starts out with a missing girl waking up with no memory but it soon turns into hearing about the life of the trio and how they played the system for the life they wanted. You could really feel the horror, sadness, and pain in these peoples lives and I loved seeing that instead of joining society and playing by the rules, to get a better life, one they said they would have when they were 10, they made there own rules and played by an honor system/code. Doe falls into the story and becomes one of the group that none of them can bare to lose at the end. Total twist in the end when Doe finds her memories. Didn't see it coming. Only Tanner's storyline was a bit of a stretch and the 180 change in personality was a bit unbelievable at times. Still loved the books 1 and 2. Buy them both, read them...Its awesome. Sometimes life isn't rainbows and unicorns...sometimes it dark and F'ed up. This is a story about overcoming those odds and taking care of business.


I found out about King, by T.M. Frazier, through Instagram. This social media platform is a bottomless pit of book recommendations and this book shows up on my feed every time I check it. As soon as I had the chance, I uploaded it to my Kindle and curled up for a read. I admit, the chemistry between the two leads, King and Doe, is as good as I've heard. King is tall, muscular, tattooed, and a bad boy. Doe, on the other hand, starts the book looking like a crack addict, but quickly morphs into a (pun intended) doe-eyed, blond-haired beauty. They meet when the amnesiac Doe walks in on King in a compromising position and it's love at first sight. As crazy as that sounds, these sort of meet-cutes are all the rage. After all, we need know how bad the bad boy is. Their chemistry is palpable and the romance is a slow boil. (I know, I said it was love at first sight, it takes a while for them to figure that out of course) I definitely enjoy watching how far a big guy falls when he meets "the one". Unfortunately, everything else that happens is just a tad too cliche. The plot is riddled with a little bit of everything that's popular right now: selling drugs, motorcycle clubs, a history for the characters that includes abuse at the hands of a parent. Just when I got interested in one of these plot points, the book jumped to something else. On top of that, the editing was mediocre at best. I've heard complaints about reviewers that bring this up, but, sorry. When I have to stop, even for a second, to try and figure out the right word or why a sentence seems off a bit, it's distracting. It interrupts the pacing. Frazier is a decent author, especially in regards to character formation, and her work should reflect that. I did enjoy reading this book. Frazier has a great knack for characterization and I found I really liked King and Doe. Despite her petite build, Doe is feisty and mouthy. I caught myself laughing out loud on more than one occasion as she ripped into King. King is fresh out of prison, reconsidering the path his life is on, and desperate to make his family whole again. His struggle is evident, especially as circumstances get in his way. King's best friend, Preppy, is a delightful secondary character who steals the scene every time he jumps in. He's a dichotomy, scary as hell one moment, funny and sweet the next. King ends on a cliffhanger and a surprising revelation I never saw coming. That was enough to tip the scales in my decision as to whether or not I should read Tyrant. I'm buying it as soon as I hit submit. As far as recommendations go, give King, and T.M. Frazier a chance. Heat Level: 3.5


I had heard rave things about this author and series in the blogging community and could not wait to read it for myself. Well, this book blew me away!!! King and Doe are now one of my all time favourite book couples. Raised in different circumstances yet both have been through hell. However, with hope and love, it proves that people can rise above their circumstances. And Preppy is one of my favourite characters EVER. I asked myself as I was can a book filled with filthy language and heartbreaking scenes that will leave you with tears running down your face, be one of the most beautiful stories I have ever read? This is because T.M. Frazier has written a book that is real and gritty but filled with hope and redemption. This book and series is not one to be missed and definitely a new favourite of mine. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. FIVE FANTASTIC STARS.

good story

Almost a five star read. Except I hate serial novels. Cliffhangers are annoying. I like a book to be a complete story. If it isn't a complete story, I need to know before going in. To get to the end of a book and have it stop, exactly where you need it to keep going... grrr. I was entranced by this book. King starting out in life as a little thug, wanting to start a drug empire just to have enough money to buy a house and live on his own, with his best friend Preppy. King has a mind that is able to set a goal and stick to it with single minded dedication. Once he discovers Doe, this ability focuses on her. Watching this big, scary guy fall for a sweet little innocent like Doe was nice. Smile on your face nice. He goes on a date for the first time in his entire life, just for her. So sweet. Expect violence, non consensual sex, more violence, cussing almost every time someone speaks... This is the story of a life time career criminal. His life is not pretty. It is violence, alcohol, cheap women, drugs, motorcycles. Also, expect a cliff hanger. The sex is hot, though. ;)

love this book

We meet Doe as she’s attempting to get the protection of a biker because she’s homeless, starving, and doesn’t have a clue who she is. That’s how she meets King. King just got out of prison and he’s not really interested in protecting the little Doe, but he couldn’t get her off his mind, so he brought her into his home…until he couldn’t keep her anymore. These two are explosive. The romance that they share isn’t sweet or typical. This isn’t a place where endearments or gentle touches belong. But that’s ok with Doe. She likes this love with King. I’m not really sure what all to say because there are some twists and turns that will leave you staggering; reeling from the “what the f….” feelings. Side characters are amazing. I fell in love with the foul-mouthed, bow-tie-wearing Prep. Bear seems like a gentle bear of a man. Ms. Frazier writes a sordid story. There is some seriously bad stuff that happens in this book. How the characters don’t break is beyond me. But hey, it’s fiction. Rob Shapiro and Molly Glenmore do an amazing job at bringing King and Doe to life, and they emotion that they bring to the words is really amazing. It’s like the bring the book to life. So would I recommend this book/audiobook? I would. If you like it dark and gritty, you’ll love this book.

Not what I was expecting

3.5 stars. Man, I had heard so so many good things about this book from everyone! And I think I let the hype get into my head. I really got into the story towards the end feeling a little confused and unfocused until then. I was expecting this mega explosive story, and well, I only caught glimpses of it. I can definitely see why her characters were so well liked. I definitely enjoyed Preppy, and I am for sure going to read the rest of the series!

I was expecting more based on reviews...hmmm

A bit choppy and rushed. But from the reviews and even the blurb I was expecting a major player in the criminal world but his just small town😢 I prefer my hero's to be the alpha and omega☺. This guy was ok and had his moments but I've read better in Jordan Silver, Lynda Chance, Shayla Black, JD Nixon, to name a few. The heroine? If she's going to come from a preppy background why give her a mouth like a sailor? And was the rape scene necessary? If you're not going to expand on it and give it the attention that type of situation requires (aftermath), why put it in. Could've just made it a near thing. Neither hero or heroine would make my all time favorite list. These were small time criminals to me. SPOILER ALERT The plot was good but had so much more potential. And the ending? Seriously? The heroine can remember Chesnut eyes or whatever but can't remember her son?

Entertaining yet Dark....

King was the first book in the King series by TM Frazier. Although it’s a series of several books, the first two are dedicated to King and this one ended in a cliff hanger. It was my first book by Frazier. King was big, brooding and mean. I loved his soft side, when we were gifted with it, but he had one big nasty side as a contrast. Doe was a homeless person with no memory. She stumbled upon King and they had a tumultuous relationship. The book focused around King getting us up to speed on his past and present while intermingling Doe’s present. It was an interesting, yet disturbing, perspective. It was dark and fast paced. Although it was well written, I struggled with aspects of the storyline. I can’t elaborate on which parts or I would be providing spoilers. So, I’ll refrain from specifics, but needless to say, I really wanted a different direction on a couple key points. Also, I despise cliff hangers, but at least the next book is available so I can see where it leads next. All in all, it was entertaining. For those who love dark, unexpected twists and don’t mind cliff hangers, then this book is for you.

King Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I loved King!! Well, not at first, "A notorious career criminal just released from prison, King is someone you don’t want to cross unless you’re prepared to pay him back in blood, sweat, sex or a combination of all three". But he grew on me (oh how I wish)lol ! King never had it easy, but he lived his life on his terms and never let anyone stand in his way. He took what he wanted, Doe included with no apologies and no regrets, except one! and that one regret set his & Doe's fate in stone. I liked Doe from the very beginning. Doe had no memories of who she was or where she came from. Homeless. Hungry. Desperate. She was a survivor & was ready to do anything to make sure she did survive. I loved that she stood up to King, even though she was afraid of him (with good reason) and I loved the fact she brought out the "good" in him. I was happy that they loved each other. Than there was Preppy!! OMG! Preppy!!! I friggin LOVED that Bow Tie lovin, foul mouthed, suspender wearing, crazy, "funny" guy!!!! What Preppy & King had was true friendship, a brotherly bond. He knew before King & Doe did, that they were meant to be together. But seriously, that s*** with Preppy BROKE MY HEART!!!!!!!! WHY? WHY Preppy?!? I liked Bear too! Well the little bit we know of him. I hope he has more space in Tyrant!!!! because lets face it, who doesn't like a hot as hell biker!!!!!!!!!!!! He can Bear hug me anytime!!! Awesome job T.M. Frazier !!!! BRING ON TYRANT!!

When You Think You Know What Will Happen...

Doe doesn't know who she is. She lost all her memories and finds herself with the wrong people. Until King saves her...sort of. King is feared by the community and when he sets his eyes on Doe, there is no going back. But do they even want to? There are so many twists and turns to this story. When you think things are good, you get a twist that breaks your heart. When something bad happens, something even worse follows close behind. I loved Doe and King's romance. He never forced her and even if he is rough, he is different with Doe. It makes the ending so much worse.


There are just too many more questions than answers! I love the story of these 2 but I don't feel like going down Another rabbit hole!!! Why did king love Doe, he never could fully convince me why. Why whenever Preppy died that it was just glossed over! I mean hello, what did he die from and how did they kill all of those guards in the room and why wasn't it talked about that Isaac stabbed Doe twice in the leg and raped her!!! Every American knows that politicians are dirty and crooked, so tell me why King would trust Doe father?! And there was no one to have Kings back w Preppy dead!!!! I mean, King just leaves him high and dry!!!! The ending is what infuriated me the most!!!!! The novella ends at 87%! It's not a whole story so yes it's a novella. I really do want to see how king and doe get together and him get Max back but I'm not going down a rabbit hole w less money in my pocket..

Why I just read this?! Wow!!! This book! My goodness!

That just didn’t happen, tell me that that just didn’t happen! I’m crying so hard, sobbing, screaming and laughing, just like that I’m having a thousand of emotions. This author is not only amazing! She’s out of this universe and in another level. She’s not the typical storyteller, she’ll give you the book and you’ll say “I know what will happen next” cocky much huh? Well T.M knows about twisting things and worlds. King is not the typical bad boy, not the typical anti hero, he is his own man, he’s own type of character. I love how the chemistry between them what’s epic. Doe was my kind of woman! Saying what she was thinking, no filter and lovely and oh my so strong! Omg!!!!! Preppy!!!! Why?! This guy just got me in every single way! If King was amazing?! Preppy was incredible and i never read a character like Preppy! God! I need more!

Gripped me from the first page

I am a little late jumping on the King bandwagon but I absolutely loved the story, it was hard to put down. King is an alpha hot bad boy that is both easy to love and hate. He is recently released from prison and his perception on life has changed, he can't find joy where he normally would and he is just going through the motions. Doe has no clue who she is or where she is from. She finds herself homeless, hungry and at the mercy of an addict prostitute. They have plans to breeze into this party with hopes of finding a male companion to take them in. King and Doe meet at this party and things progress from there with the two of them in a very unorthodox kind of way. It certainly isn't a romantic love story but it is their story and it is raw, beautiful, ugly and unpredictable. I loved the subsidiary characters in this story. I loved Preppy, strange as the kid may be. And Bear...I just found myself wanting to know his story, needing to know more about him. I thought the names really fit their characters. This book won't be for everyone,..especially if you are looking for sweet and romantic, this won't be the book for you. But if you love the darker side of love, that isn't always story book perfect but takes you through every emotion you have until you are exhausted and ready to throw your ereaders...then this is your book. Relentlessbookchic approved & Recommended.


WOW. What can I say about this book that has not been said already. I may have spent half my Saturday in bed reading this one. From the very first page it pulled me in and I could not put it down until I reached the last page. For awhile I kept seeing this book pop up on my social media feeds and then I saw book 2 pop up and finally I splurged and purchased King. And I was not disappointed. The book is told in two POV's-Doe and Kings. Doe finds herself in an alley with no memory (hence the name Doe). She befriends a junkie/hooker and comes across a house party where she gets introduced to King. King has just gotten out of prison and is having a welcome home party thrown by the local MC/his BFF Preppy. So its not your cake/soda type of party. King and Doe develop a push/pull relationship that eventually changes them. SO many things go down in this book that my heart was full of all sorts of emotions. One thing I am glad is that Book 2 Tyrant is already out because that ending was mind blowing...... King had the perfect amount of badassery (is that a word? it is now) a character could have. His story broke my heart and I wanted it all to be right in his world. To get what he really deserved. Doe was the perfect character against King. She was feisty and was not afraid to voice it. Then there was Samuel aka Preppy. He was amazing. From the prologue to the last few chapters made the book more light-hearted in the world of darkness that consumed King/Doe. Everything about this book was well done. From the characters to the story-line. It made me smile,laugh and cry. Everything a book should do..

Her King.

I am at a loss. I don't even know why I waited to read this. Seriously! The first chapter, heck I was a few sentences in and rolling with laughter it was hilarious and just wonderful. Not in a light and witty fun way, in this gritty way though that totally flowed well. I totally loved that it started with these two punk kids, and the way they talked omg. I was DEAD on the ground tears rolling down my face laughing hysterically. The story as a whole was gritty, had a dark side to it in ways but not a total DARKNESS to it. I liked the tone over all. These were broken and flawed characters and they pretty much stayed that way. And when the bits and pieces they learned along the way was like natural progression of building of a relationship of any kind I loved it all. And Max omg I was not expecting anything from that of where it went in any way. But kudos on that! I definitely need more of these characters, I need to know where this is going....

Intense, violent and gut wrenching. And yet, irresistible.

I wish I knew why I'm drawn to books so intense, violent and gut wrenching. Perhaps it's the beauty under the ugliness, perhaps it's the hope for a better future... not sure. All I know is I started reading King, and had only 1 option. Continue reading. The book: • Contemporary • Cliff-Hanger • In A Series • First-Person Narrative • Her POV • His POV The romantic theme: • Enemies To Lovers • Outlaw Romance The read: • Intense Read • Page Turner • Touching • Sad & Heartbreaking • Twists & Turns • Sexy Heat level: • 3 / 5 (Includes hot and explicit sex scenes) • MF • Vanilla Story ingredients: • Instant Clash • Opposites Attract • Unforgettable First Meeting • Heroic Rescue • Amnesia • Big Secret • Mystery & Suspense • Violence • Brutality • Sexual Abuse • Profanities He is... • Alpha Male • Bossy • Possessive • Emotionally Unavailable • Hot • Beautiful • Fit • Biker • Bad Boy • Outlaw • Troubled Past • Tattoo Artist She is... • Stunning • Sassy • Model Figure • Money Problems • Troubled Past

So worth the wait!!!! A MUST READ!

I was waiting to read these books until they were all released because I don't do well waiting for additional books in a series to release. Well they I heard that they were coming out with a box set so I decided to wait for that. Once the box set came out, I got swamped doing ARC's and have just now gotten around to starting the boxed set. OMG! I expected this book to be good because everyone I talked to were like, OMG, you have to read this series, but I honestly have to say that it has exceeded my expectations and then some! Not only does this have a killer story-line but it is unbelievably well-written! It flows beautifully and I was 100% invested from page one all the way through until the authors acknowledgements! Every thing about this story screams best-seller! The characters are also impeccably well developed. I was able to connect with not only the main characters but with the secondary characters as well. At times, this story had me laughing one minute and crying the next, only to be screaming mad the next minute! This story-line grabbed pretty much every emotion I have a tore it from me while I was reading it! But it still left me wanting more. It left me racing to start the next book in the series. So if book 2 is half as good as book 1, I will definitely dive head long into the next one! I almost want to slow things down because I have a feeling I am going to be very sad when I finish this series and I will be left with a huge book hangover. But for now, I have another book to read!

Excellent Writing

I rarely give a book 5 stars and it's only if it's a book that I want to keep on my tablet with the thought of reading it again. I will not be reading King or Tyrant again but they still deserve 5 stars for many reasons. First off, if I were rating them on story line, likable characters, Doris Day ending, they might get 2 stars, possibly 1. The stories is dark, sad, gritty, brutal beyond anything I have ever read before and make you uncomfortable. This is no happy story. It will make you sad and you will cringe at things that happen in the story. The characters are multi-dimensional, dark, ugly and angry. There is little if any happiness in their lives, past or present, and they don't see much of a future. In my opinion, King and Tyrant deserve 5 stars for those reasons and many others. There were parts of King that I had a hard time getting through but I simply couldn't stop reading. That is how good the writing is. Bravo to the author! Tyrant was possibly better than King because there are so many twists and surprises - shocks really. I didn't see things coming and that's what makes these stories so good. Characters who seem wholesome turn out to be horrible. I won't be reading them again because they made me uncomfortable but that's what I liked about them. They pulled me out of my comfort zone, made me see another side of life and made me feel for what was going to happen to King and Doe. Really worth the read and a very quick read because you will not be able to stop reading. King would tell you to not think and just buy them. Enough said.

What an ending!!?

It would be nice if I didn't read until dawn especially if I read a story like this one and ends with a cliffhanger like this book, because I will reach for the second part... I was good half way the book, but if the end King still didn't know his feelings for Doe I wouldn't bother reading the next if Doe still get back her memories. The whole story maintained my interest, because I was curious about the characters and finally in the last chapters and especially at the end was motion, jaw dropping secret. I really really liked Preppy with his bowties and with his dirty ditry mouth :))) Finally, of course I didn't take my advice :D I started to devour the second book with a little stomach cramps what will happens next...

A dark and twisted read that will wreck your heart in the best way

Intense. Gripping. Raw. Unexpected. Emotional. Dark. Beautiful. All of these words describe this book and more! This was a book that hooks you from the get go. It makes your heart race and your pulse pound. It shocks you, scares you, and impresses you. This book was absolutely thrilling, hard to read at times, yet stunningly perfect. Doe was amazing. Even though she had no memory of who she was, pieces of herself still managed to seep through. She was bold, strong, vulnerable, smart, loyal, and persevering. I instantly connected with her character. With her thoughts, memories, and voice. She is the epitome of what you would want in a heroine. King was rough, crass, cruel, intimidating, and flawed. He was possessive, unnerving and completely captivated with Doe. He is not your typical hero, but he is one you will fall head over heels for. I loved following his journey. Watching as he progressed from a careless, hate-filled man to a confused, regretful and determined man. His life changed after Doe entered his world. She brought the light into his dark existence. Their journey to love was filled with misunderstandings, overwhelming odds and pasts that come back to haunt them. Preppy and Bear were an amazing addition to the start of this series. Bear was lovable and misguided, but a loyal friend. Preppy was dark and filled with a lot of weird impulses, but he was the best type of friend a person could ask for. He was funny, odd and extremely loyal. He was honorable in his own way, and added some levity to a twisted love story. This book will rip your heart out, make you cry, and yearn for a happy ending for Doe and King. You should not miss out on this phenomenal book!!! I was blown away!

Very Dark yet almost compelling

I'm not sure if my title for this fits.... this is not my usual type of book at all it's very dark it has parts that were uncomfortable to read but yet I couldn't put it down. It takes a little while to understand what makes King the way he is and you see the person underneath. You get to where you really like King, and you find yourself starting to pull for him and Doe to make it. This book isn't for the faint of heart it's about a dark violent reality and a way of life that a lot of us have no idea even exist. All of that being said I like the book I probably would have given it 5 stars had it not been for the very beginning. When I first started the book I put it down because I did not like the first of it but I couldn't let it go and I picked it up again and I read it and once I got through that and you start getting into the story then you're hooked. One piece of advice have book 2 ready when you finish book one you'll want to start it right away


W.O.W. This book is absolutely amazing. I actually came across book 3 in the series (expected publication December 2015), and was basically then bombarded with people who told me that I MUST READ King and Tyrant, not only for the full history, but also because they are incredible reads. They weren’t lying. King is a life-long bad boy, who enjoys long walks on the wrong side of the law. Fresh from a three year stint, he meets “Doe” at a gathering. “Doe” can’t remember anything from before the day she woke up on a park bench, and has zero filter on what comes out of her mouth. Even without a memory, she quickly realizes that she made a mistake coming to the party in search of food and shelter, when there is a misunderstanding, and she ends up handcuffed to a very angry King’s bed. Too bad there is no turning back now. It’s too late for her. You don’t cross King. If you do, you go down. Plain and simple. If you are looking for hearts and flowers, keep going, you won’t find it here. This book is dark, it’s sinful, it’s graphic, it’s taboo, and it’s absolutely positively deserving of more than the 5 stars I’m able to rate it. The characters are so well developed, the writing flawless, the storyline intriguing and gripping. While generally a slow reader (a week, sometimes two per book), I was done with this in ONE DAY. I couldn’t put it down; I had to keep going even when my eyes were threatening to close late into the night. There was NOTHING about this book that I didn’t love. Luckily, book 2 was already available, so I jumped right into Tyrant when I was finished, because I simply couldn’t wait to find out what was happening next. Get this. Now. Buy it. Put it on your TBR if you have to, but don’t leave it there. Definitely one of my favorite books of 2015!

Deliciously Good!

Dottie (Reviewer here) recently read and reviewed King here at the blog. While I was editing her review I was intrigued and I knew it was a book I would need to put on my TBR list. The second I finished editing her review and making the post I pulled out my kindle and bought King. I dove in the minute I finished the book I was currently reading. Through going to book events this year and talking to other book readers I have felt that a lot of what I read is in the same box. So lately I have been making a conscious effort to step outside that box and let me tell you I’ve been loving it. King is a ‘life-of-crime’ suspenseful romance novel. It is the type of dark (if you will) romance I have been looking for. Often times when I get book recommendations for dark romances they are just not for me. They usually end up being a DNF for me or after reading I just feel spent from the depths of the darkness. I believe King can be considered dark romance but it’s done in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling like you just got hit by a bus afterwards. T.M. Frazier mixes in light when appropriate and doesn’t take the dark to an uncomfortable level. King lives a life surrounded by members of an MC even though he is not a member himself. The women that surround them aren’t your ‘girls next store’ types. King and his best friend Preppy don’t follow standard rules of society and have made sure they would make a name for themselves in their Florida community. King does what he pleases and doesn’t let anyone mess with him or Preppy. Doe doesn’t know whom she is, where she came from, or anything about her past. She’s looking for a way to survive that will work for who she has to be right now and not betray who she once may have been. When Doe meets King she fears him except her body betrays those feelings with a wild attraction. There is no wooing or courting from the proclaimed King of the Causeway. Yet despite their non-traditional and frankly not even positive meeting you can feel the chemistry between these two while reading. “I think you are the most stubborn, overbearing, anger inducing, obnoxious, complicated, and beautiful man that has ever lived.” I think the above quote sums up King and the way Doe feels toward him pretty well. I enjoyed seeing the evolution of a dark man realizing this girl is different for him. He makes mistakes and fumbles with his feelings. Sometimes he has an odd way of demonstrating he cares but it was entertaining to read the confusion from Doe’s POV and endearing to read the intentions from King’s POV. Preppy helps King along the way in giving him a hard shove in Doe’s direction. He’s been King’s best friend since they were children and he knows a heart to heart about this sort of thing won’t work with King’s stubbornness and Preppy has to get things done by poking the bear (no pun intended here, not the actual character Bear from this story lol). So we the readers get to enjoy the ribbing as entertainment on the journey. But there are secrets… yes BIG secrets and it seems King may hold many of the answers. Also a dangerous life of crime brings it’s own threats to the couple and the story. Life in this story land is not rainbows and butterflies but drugs and guns…whores and parties…MC’s and rivals… and that’s just from King’s side. We have no idea what awaits us if and when we hear from Doe’s side. King is labeled as a mystery/suspense and while reading I was thinking ‘well this isn’t too mysterious…there’s not that much hidden away except for Doe’s identity’. Then it’s like a bomb drops and man were my thoughts WRONG. T.M. Frazier got me good! I didn’t see any of it coming. I was up on the lookout towers painting my nails or staring into the sun or something because I didn’t see it coming until it was over. After I finished I immediately went to my kindle book store to see how long I was going to have to wait for Tyrant (Book 2) and luckily it’s not too long of a wait. Still though… I’m waiting on pins and needles here! King was a great venture out of my reading comfort zone. It mixed in everything I could ask for in a book from this genre. Doe is waiting to see if King is a bad boy but a good man and I am doing the same patiently (yah, sure…we’ll go with patiently) waiting for Tyrant. But let’s face it he’ll always have that bad boy edge and I’m perfectly okay with that, great actually. I can’t wait to find out what’s next, figure out what the hell is going on with Doe, and find out if these two get a HEA (fingers crossed)! If dark isn’t something you have ventured into in the romance world I believe King is a great book to get your toes wet with. It helped me consider trying it more often. Besides the dark element though there is so much more to this story, it’s beautifully written, the characters are original and lovable, and I’m telling you the secrets are jaw droppingly juicy.

Great Start!! love KING!!

What and epic story.. This is the beginning of King and Doe.. King it's a criminal man whom everybody fear.. he just got back in town after being in jail for a while and he is ready to get back everything that belonged to him.. including his daughter ... but he didn't expect things to change so drastically. she was a game changer, she is everything he ever wanted, hiding under sad eyes, his whole life is about to change, his priorities, everything is charging so fast.. its a matter of time that he finally will realize his feelings and needs for her.. Doe is lost, not only she doesnt remember anything form her life and past.. but she has been lost for a while trying to survive.. without any food or shelter she is seeking the protection of any men.. but life has something else prepare for Doe.. people will betray her and leave her to the bad guys.. she will have to fight for her life to survive but this time the fight will be for her heart.. Doe is an amazing heroine, we get to see in this first book the transition of a scare girl into a strong bold women... who didn't take anything form anybody.. Love how King starts so strong, bad and even mean but Doe comes to his life to change him forever or better say to show all the love he has been keeping and hiding for such a long time.. King is also and amazing character as he is strong, a dirty talker and is a very ruthless bold hero but at the same time when it comes to Doe and the people he loves, he has a kind heart.. we also get to meet so many great important characters like Preppy and Bear. both characters are very important in the story.. real close friends of King and also Doe.. Preppy became also very important for Doe's life.. they become so close and inseparable.. also at the end we get to feel more of Bear.. his loyalty, his friendship with King.. great beginning of the story, so many twist and turns, love the angst before the crucial moments.. so ready continue the story of Doe and King...

HOLY MOLY this one is going down in the Top 10 books of 2015 for sure!!!

HOLY MOLY this one is going down in the Top 10 books for sure!!! Before starting King, we had been saying where is that book that will just blow us away? That book that will make us want to ignore everything around us and just READ? Well we are beyond happy to say that King was that book for the both of us! It had everything that you are looking for in a great read… it’s dark and mysterious, it’s sexy and has characters that you can’t help but fall in love with, it’s funny (which surprised the heck out of us), and it has enough angst to it that you will not want to put it down. The prologue made us both feel for this little boy, Brantley King, who is tough on the outside, but clearly broken on the inside. He has had to become this man that others fear in order to look out for himself and his best friend Samuel “Preppy” Clearwater. Of course with the horrific things that King is capable of we should have hated him, but there is this soft side to him that made us both fall in love. “This guy didn’t look like he hung out with the wrong crowd. This guy was the wrong crowd” Don’t even get us started on Preppy or Bear– Preppy has become, by far, one of our favorite secondary characters in a book! He made us laugh so many times we lost count, and he is also such a great and loyal friend to those he has “adopted” as his family. Bear grows up in an MC that his father is the president of (so insert HOT badass MC guy with a hidden huge heart) and he rounds out this trio of hotness. Then there is Doe; a frightened young lady that wakes with no memory of her past. She is homeless and doing everything she can to stay alive. When she meets King she hopes to have found a protector, but doesn’t realize how scary he can really be. What we loved about Doe was that no mater how bad things got for her, she was so strong. Plus she brought out this side to King that was unexpected. “Love is what you would do for the other person, not what you do in general.” There are so many things that happen in this book that surprised us, so many more things that we want to say……. But, we want you to be able to go into it blind like we did, so PLEASE avoid any spoilers. Warning– there is a cliffhanger at the end; in fact it is the type of cliffhanger that left us both dying for the conclusion to this story. However, it was rounded out really well by the author and closed any huge questions the readers may have had. Thankfully Tyrant (book #2) will be out in a few short weeks. We really can not recommend this book enough- in fact it definitely made both of our top 10 reads of the year so far!

The best book I've read in a while!

King by T.M. Frazier is the first book in the two part series. The book starts of with a hunger and homeless girl with no memory of who she is or where she belongs in the world. Doe and her only "friend" go to a party looking for a biker to hook up with. While Doe doesn't really want to, her only other choice is going hungry on the street, and possibly having to sell her body. This seems like the lesser of the two evils. While at this party Doe walks into a room and comes face to face with a man. This man is King, a name that everyone know, King just out of prison is hard, and working on a plan to get what he wants at any cost. Doe becomes part of his plan, but will this hardcore man that never lets anyone get to him or one over on him, be able to use her without her getting under his skin? The first thing that I need to say about this book is that I was able to read it in less than a day. Within just pages of starting to read I knew I was hooked. I wasn't going to be able to put it down so regardless of the lack of sleep I finished it the same day I started it. The plot of the book was so good, I truly had no idea what was going to happen, but while it kept me guessing it was easy to follow at the same time. There wasn't a character in the book that you don't fall in love with, and King for all the messed up stuff he does, is so hot and one of those characters that is just better off bad. Yes, King is tough and a career criminal there is something about him that I just had to love. There wasn't a part of this book I didn't love. I can not wait for the next part to come out. I had never read anything by Frazier before, but she is so talented she has truly become one of my favorite authors. I would highly recommend this book to anyone. If you CAN read than you should read this! I have no idea how Frazier came up with the plot for this book, and maybe I don't want to know, all I do know is I hope she keeps it up. While this was the first book that I read by Frazier I can assure you it won't be the last!

A story full of twist and turns that will stick with you

I have read this series numerous times and I feel horrible for it taking so long for me to write reviews for all of TM's books - so what better way than to go thru, read them again and finally get those reviews done. TM has this unbelievable talent to create a dark and delicious world full of characters that you will grow to love and want to protect with every ounce of your being. The stories will stick with you, the characters will haunt you (in a good way), and make you want to go back to relive them repeatedly. This book is proof of all of that.

Hot, Sexy King!

Oh boy...King ended in heartbreaking cliffhanger!!! This is not your typical Romance/MC-story. The story is so unexpected and surprisingly... addictive! I couldn't put down this book and I was all over the place after reading it. I laughed, got angry and cried reading KING and I couldn't get enough of it! My heart was broken for what life King, Doe & Preppy had. The friendship and brotherhood between King and Preppy is over the top. I love the characters of King and Doe. Their attraction is off the charts. King is one badass, hot, bad boy on the outside, but a soft, sweet, cuddly teddy bear on the inside! Swoon! This is my first T.M. Frazier book and I must admit, I'm an instant fan. Love her writting style and I couldn't wait to read Tyrant. (Just because I want to continue to read and find out what will happen to King, Doe/Ray, duh...) I'm giving KING 5 hot stars! Well done!

King and Pup are so tragically beautiful together. Their story is involved and detailed and ...

“Stop being alive and start living”. Fan-effing-tastic! Again with heartbreaking heroines and heart stopping heroes! I waited far too long to read TM Frazier’s work and now I don’t want it to end. King and Pup are so tragically beautiful together. Their story is involved and detailed and needs time. King is dark and dangerous, but also intelligent and devastatingly compelling. The kind of guy you know you should run from but can’t. His passion is destructive but pure and that purity gives it purpose. A horrid childhood leads to focused decisions about how to lead a life that is amoral at its corps. The bad crowd other run with, he dares to tease and taunt. His one lifelong friend Preppy is disturbed and deranged, but still manages to be the source of levity in Kings world. Until Pup. She may not remember who she is (for now), but the insta-connecction with King is all she needs to become grounded. TMF has written a heroine that defies her own brutal situation and decides to own her life. I loved reading other reviews about how people just didn’t know how to put into words what they felt about this story; only that they loved it. My heart ached, my eyes watered, my teeth clenched, and my heart broke and soared and broke and soared….I’m ½ way through Tyrant and had to get this out before finishing and needing to write another review! This book isn’t for everyone. It’s dark and nasty and a bit deranged. There are psychological triggers and mental images that will not go away. But, Pup and King don’t give up, and the reader shouldn’t either. Her memory loss, his violent nature, her love and his determination make this a read that I couldn’t put down. He risks everything for her, and his family, and she gives him every reason to be glad he did, and still gives him more. Hardcore Alpha bad-boy dirty talking criminal and a lost and damaged heroine that learns wealth doesn’t mean money. I love these two. And Preppy, and Bear….I’m not sure the review even makes sense. But I loved this book. I highly recommend this book.

Dark, Twisted, and Beautifully Tragic

A good blogger friend of mine from Rebels & Readers told me about this book and I just laughed and said okay I will add it to my already mile long TBR list but really didn’t think I would get to it for a very long time. So I had just finished up reading a book and decided I would go ahead and move it up and see what all the hype was about. 2 words = MIND BLOWN. As I was reading King I kept thinking, where the hell had I been? Why didn’t I hear about this one much sooner? And why in the hell didn’t I start it the very same day Amy told me about this? Oh yes that’s right, because I suck but I will never not take her suggestions again because this was a work of brilliance. I ate it up like it was a piece warm piece of ooey gooey chocolate cake. I literally couldn’t find it in me to put it down. I found myself spending a few extra 10 minutes in the bathroom just so I could get a few more pages in before I had to get back to reality we call life. T.M. Frazier created a masterful story that kept me intrigued and yearning for the conclusion of this twisted and beautifully tragic love story. I found that her storyline to be very unique and thought out and her approach on telling us the story of Doe and Brantley King was done flawlessly. There was so much darkness and twisted scenes that at times I found myself cringing. If you enjoy a great mind blowing, sick and twisted, can’t get enough of darkness than you will thoroughly enjoy King. Aside from the dark points of this story it had incredible steam as well. Brantley King maybe a dark and dangerous badass who can handcuff me to anything, anytime, anywhere but he also is extremely protective to those that he cares about. He puts those who are close to him above himself and will go to the edge of the earth and back to make sure they are safe and taken care of. He will not only ignite a burning rage inside you but also spark a desire deep down south that will leave you aching for him to extinguish that fire with his big and powerful hose. I became extremely attached to Preppy, who is King’s best friend and partner in crime. He brought me laughter and tears and stole my heart. When it came to Preppy aka Samuel, you never knew what was going to come from his mouth but you knew that whatever he was going to say he would make sure you were listening. He is quirky, funny, and downright lovable. There were times that I wanted to cuss and strangle T.M. Frazier but I tried to calm down and told myself she couldn’t help how the characters spoke or didn’t speak to her. She will shock you, make you love her, hate her and lust for her. Brantley King and Doe will reside in a part of my heart with their powerful and moving story that T.M. Frazier’s mind created and did it beautifully. One click this baby today and take a walk on the dark and twisted side and fall in love with King.

King is irresistibly good!

I'd never read or heard of Author T.M. Frazier until a few weeks ago when I came across that awesome teaser pic scene from Tyrant (King #2). I immediately pre-ordered Tyrant, and naturally, I had to read the first book. I started King on a Saturday. Unfortunately, being the snail paced reader that I am I didn't finish it before I had to spend the bulk of that Sunday with a buddy who was in town visiting. I hadn't seen this friend in 2 years. But it was hard not to feel a tiny bit of regret in the delay her visit created in my efforts to finish this novel before my work week began on Monday, and thereby delaying my read of Tyrant, lol! Minor spoilers alert!!! Things I really liked: 1. The Cover - it's strong, bold, magnetic and irresistible just like King. 2. The transition from the prologue to Ch. 1 – it was one of the best ones I’ve ever read. 3. The amnesia plotline - I'm a sucker for this plot element perhaps because the brain and how memory functions seems so complicated to me. 4. Preppy and Bear - as supporting characters, they really added to the story in a significant manner. I loved Preppy's nerdy look which contrasted with his truly bad boy behavior. His adolescent "GOAL" plan changed the course of his life and King's life as well. Bear seemed just like his name implied only with more than a dash of MC (motorcycle club) character traits thrown in. At one point, I was so mad at King that I would have been more than content to see Bear's offer change the direction of Doe's life. But most of all, I loved that Preppy and Bear were just stand-up buddies to King. And I liked how they easily extended a similar type of friendship to Doe. 5. Grace - she was another wonderful supporting character. I loved her relationship and importance in King's life. And that conversation she had with Doe was boss! 6. The sexual tension between King and Doe began with an unusual moment and snowballed from there. I was surprised by how their push and pull played out, and being surprised but liking it is always a good thing. 7. Doe - she was feisty, brave and warm. She didn't lie down and roll over at any moment even when stuff got real crazy. Things that I didn't like so much: 1. King's relapse. He's alpha, no doubt about it. Honestly, I had no complaints about that. But when he pulled one stunt, I felt done with him. It seemed like odd timing and would have made more sense to me if it had occurred as part his consistent behavior early on. When his relapse happened, I was seriously over him. Fortunately, like Doe, I didn't stay pissed at him for too long. But my reaction was the first of its kind - something I am not used to experiencing at all. 2. The excessive amount of typos - it was jarring. And at one point, a repeated typo annoyed me so much that it took me out of a rather steamy scene. That said, I still really enjoyed this story and would hope that eventually Author T.M. Frazier will upload an updated version sooner than later. I can't include any of my favorite quotes here because apparently they are too explicit, lol! I'm definitely looking forward to discovering how King gets his revenge and how Doe adjusts to her new reality.

I'm really not sure what I think about this book.

I pretty much loved Doe. She's a fighter. She says what's on her mind. She's truthful, and she's trying to make decisions that will protect the woman she no longer knows herself to be. I do question her reaction to King. I find it hard to believe she would get turned on in the circumstances she was in. I did not like King, for the most part. He was a dick for most of the book, with occasional bursts of sweetness that almost seemed to come out of the blue. It almost works with him falling in love with Doe and feeling the need for change after coming out of prison, but I don't think we spent enough time in his head to really know why he changes back and forth like he does. It's kind of like he's two characters--one when we are in his head, and a different one, the dick, when we are in Doe's head. I do get it that some people put on a good front, but I don't know, something was just off for me, a little undeveloped, maybe? Regardless, he was a complex guy, but I just didn't like him. Doesn't mean I didn't like the story. Preppy was loveable in the way a twelve year old hyperactive boy is adorable, but he also kinda creeped me out, at least in the beginning. I was a little shocked by the arc of his storyline. Again, no spoilers, but after all the fuss in Frazierland about him, I was very surprised. I did like Bear. He was sweet, loyal, and sexy-cool. I'm interested in reading his story. I know I am pissed that I didn't realize this was a two part story. It's my own fault for not reading the full blurb. I was invited to Frazierland by a friend and was impressed by the Fandom and bought the book based on the buzz. But there is a helluva cliffhanger and what it is, I didn't buy. It was out if the blue and seemed contrived to me, it didn't add up. I don't like to give spoilers so I won't say what I didn't buy. Maybe it will be all right in the sequel, but as of the ending here, I can only shake my head. I give this a solid 4 Amazon stars. I liked it, it drew me in, but I didn't quite love it. I will probably read Tyrant, to find out what the full story is with Doe, and see if King can redeem himself. I will likely read Lawless to get Bear's story.

I read this book in 3 hours and couldn't put it down!

What an intense thriller, I read this book in 3 hours and couldn't put it down! King is the story of dark, troubled King and Doe – the girl who can’t remember her past or even her own name. Their sexual chemistry is as fierce as King’s temper. Will Doe ever get her memory back and remember who she is, or will King overpower her and make her his? King is a fierce love story, certain situations within this book may be a trigger. I personally loved every aspect of this book. The storyline was gripping and had me absolutely hooked from the first word. The characters are extremely believable and even though some parts were harder to read than others I feel it made the story more believable and more real. I applaud T M Frazier for writing such a phenomenal story. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into Tyrant (KING #2). ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Dee from Kinky Kittens Book Blog.

Dark, gritty, sexy and full of twists

4.5 Stars King is the long waited second novel from T.M. Frazier. I fell with her writing when I first read The Dark Light Of Day last year and I was anxious for her new release. After I finished King, I experienced so many varying emotions; shock, anger, sadness, and most of all OMG WTF, THAT CLIFFHANGER!!!!! T.m Frazier truly crafted a great story that was both dark, gritty and downright sexy. The story starts off with Doe. Doe has no memory of who she is or where she’s from. She doesn’t know how she ended up in the hospital or if anyone is even looking for her. She’s been living on the streets for the last few months and she’s become desperate for shelter and protection. She meets King under unusual circumstances. They start out as strangers, then as hostage and kidnapper, and in the end they become so much more. “He was the most terrifyingly beautiful thing I’d ever laid my eyes on.” Brantley King is a complex character. He’s spent the last three years in prison but he’s finally out and back home. He is a tattoo artist and him and his best friend Preppy (I love this guy!), also run a successful drug business. Since he’s left prison King hasn’t been the same as he was before. He’s feels restless and agitated. The things that used to make him happy don’t seem to work anymore. When he initially meets Doe, there is something about her that seems to affect him. Something about her that breaks through the haze he has been in. Doe is struggling with her new identity. Even though she doesn’t remember who she is, she still wants to protect the girl she thinks she was once was, so she tries to keep herself for falling for King. There is something about him that both scares her and turns her on. Doe is quirky, she doesn’t back down from him, she questions him, confronts him, and even though she tries to resist him, she is drawn to King. There is a back and forth, push and pull between the characters. The connection is fast and powerful but it somehow felt right. King feels Doe deserves someone better than him. There are secrets that he is keeping from her. Yet, no matter how much he wants to deny it, or tries to push her away, he is still drawn to her. The sexual tension and chemistry could be felt between the two. Yes, there connection was intense and crazy but I still wanted them together. “Why did you come back for me?” “Because you’re mine.” I didn’t just fall for King and Doe but I absolutely loved the other characters such as Preppy, Bear, and Grace. These characters added to the story and they had great importance in King’s life. To me this was much more than the typical “innocent girl and the bad boy” type story. These were two people that were also struggling with who they were and finding comfort in one another. The last 20% of this book had me completely on edge and invested in this story. I was bawling, angry, and I now have so many questions. I am ANXIOUSLY awaiting Tyrant.

King & Doe

This is a story about a man who has raised himself on the streets since he was young and having just recently been released from prison, meets a homeless girl looking for a meal and protection. Reluctantly Brantley King finds that he can't resist "Doe" (as in Jane Doe). Doe has amnesia and has no clue why or what happened to her that caused her to loose her memory. She has no idea the danger she's really in. I loved this story. I could not put it down. It has action, mayhem, gunfights, death and the unfortunate: a cliff-hanger. I am really kicking myself for letting this series sit on my Kindle bookshelf for so long.

Great book!

Reviewed by King is fresh out of prison and enjoying his welcome home party. His BFF Preppy has been running his criminal empire while he was in prison. Doe wakes up in the hospital beaten and bruised. She has no memory of who she is and no one knows her or is looking for her. She is struggling to stay alive and stubbles upon the party thrown in Kings honor. She makes the mistake of looking for food and shelter in the wrong place and becomes the property of King. She wants to escape but needs the safety and protection that King provides. Feelings develop that neither of them are prepared for. The first book ends with the startling discovery of her identity and what their future relationship may hold if there still is one. I really enjoyed this book. Be prepared to read book two.

A great read

Alright where to start with King. Phew. Man that ending. I....I need to get this out so I can move on to the next book and see what happens. It is quite the cliffhanger here so you might want to have it ready if you start reading this book. Doe is homelss, hungry, desperate for some sense of security. She was in an accident of some sort and doesn't remember who she is or where she came from. She has been trying to survive on the streets, but it is hard. She is starving, she is always trying to stay away from the bad people on the streets, she is lost. Her druggie friend talks her into going to a party to try and hook up with a biker. To try and be a bikers old lady so they will protect her and take care of her. At least then she will have a roof over her head and food to eat. Only she is not really able to do that. She is disgusted with herself for even trying, but when she runs into King accidentally things change. King just got out of jail and is not his old self anymore. He used to party it up all the time, sleeping with women, doing drugs, doing whatever he wanted. But it just doesn't have any appeal to him now. Until he sees Doe. When she offers herself to him when Bear sends her up to him King can't use her like he wants. There is just something about her. Then when her friend tries to steal his money things go from bad to worse. She is locked up, she is sure King is going to kill her. This book was intense. It was right on the line of enjoyable and too far. Like if King would have gone just slightly farther, been just slightly worse, I wouldn't have enjoyed it. It straddled that line and stayed on the enjoyable side for me. Of course Doe is drawn to King and his jerk attitude and his scary presence. Of course she is. You just have to go with that. Then things start to get good. Watching both of them struggle with their attraction with the other was a lot of fun. I will say I really got annoyed with Doe and her don't do anything because the person I used to be might not like it thing. You can't just not live because some day your memory might come back. That is a pointless, lame life. You only get one go of this so why not live while you can? You want something, you like something, so why not do it? What if you never remember? You will just be happy to waste away doing nothing? She was annoying at times. The real star of the book for me though was Preppy. Man I loved him. That prologue when Kind was 12 and first meets him...hilarious! Gosh he was awesome. I wish we could have had more time with him as he was just so much fun. Neither King nor Preppy had a good childhood, but when they became friends they decided they would make their lives better and that is what they did. They created something so they could live and do whatever they wanted. Oh it was great. It took me a little bit to get into the story, but once I did I was all in. The end...gah! I need to see what happens!! I read the synopsis for Tyrant and man....I am sure it is going to be an edge of my seat intense read cause I don't know how these two are going to figure everything out. I cannot wait to get started. This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland


I can't believe it took me so long to read this book. If it weren't for a few of my friends telling me how great this book was I don't know how long would have went by before reading it. I have read some pretty amazing books and love darker reads. This isn't you typical girl meets boy and they fall in love and live happily ever after. You find yourself so involved with all these other characters in the story. After loosing one of the main characters it gutted me!! Sorry I know spoiler alert, BUT I won't give you any names.... Mua ha ha ha I have never ugly cried, laughed my butt off, then want to kick some on in the throat all in a matter of a chapter. Note to authors and the author of this book! When you plan on writing something that elicits your inner bipolar disorder, WRITE A WARNING ON THE BOOK... WARNING: This book will gut you and cause horrible heartache oh oh and also cause you to become bipolar! I swear I had to talk myself down from throwing this IPAD at the wall so many times. Doe the female protagonist has no idea who she is and has lost her memory completely. Thinking that throwing out what morals she has and whoring herself out will be good enough, to temporarily put a roof over her and out food in her stomach. Then comes King the lead male protagonist. HUGE dick! But spoiler alert you end up falling for him lol. He is a lost and troubled young man doing the only thing he thinks he can to survive. Although there are some senses in here that may offend people. If you are easily offend and can't stomach death or intense sexual situations maybe you should stick to Disney or Noah Sparks books. Please don't get me wrong I love both, but I prefer darker reads. So for the things I didn't sit right with me. I felt as if there should have been a bit more description certain situations. But that is only my opinion! Example when Doe and Preppy are about to go out on a date and King pulls up on his bike. Maybe it could have said more about the sounds of the bike and or hear the loud sounds of the pipes, or the type of bike he was driving up the driveway on. I would have liked a little more details about the MC malay/ massacre and how one of my favorite characters suddenly died and gutted me causing me to lose my Sh*^. Over all this was a wonderful story and I can't wait to start Tyrant right after I'm finished writing this! I love that I don't have to wait till book 2 to comes out. T.M. Frazier is a evil Genius💜 I just got wind that Bears story is coming out next WHHHAAT I AM STOKED!!!! Keep your eye out for Lawless as well. Thank you to my friends who gave me crap for not having read this yet lol I will forever and always be Kings Pup❤️❤️❤️ Crystal Alexander

I love this book

I love this book!! I think I may totally be in love with King as well! He is absolute ALPHA tattooed hotness. I was sucked in while reading the first few pages of the first chapter. The world and characters created by the author kept me captivated. I love Doe's character as well. She can't remember who she is or where she came from. When she meets King she is starving and living on the streets. She is amazingly strong, quick witted, and pretty funny. She also gets into more dangerous situations than pretty much any female character I have ever read. King is take charge, take what he wants and no apologies. I absolutely love it! I read this book in a little over a day (had to sleep a couple hours). I couldn't get enough. The world created became alive while I was reading. I could picture everything and everyone in my mind. Gah.... Such a fantastic book!!!!! Just keep in mind it is a bit of a dark read. Some situations could be triggers for some people. It is definitely an 18+ read. If you don't mind a dark read and a yummy alpha tattooed god then I definitely suggest you read this book!!!!

the story was just as great as the cover

5 stars for King by T.M. Frazier!! I have to admit that I did something that I swore I would never do- I judged a book by it's cover! :) Holy Hell, just look at it, and I am sure you will agree to it's level of hotness! Lucky for me, the story was just as great as the cover! Brantley King has not had an easy life. He has just been released from a three year stent in prison, and he is feeling all out of sorts. His friends throw him a welcome home party, and this is where he first meets Doe. Ever since she woke up in a hospital with amnesia, Doe has been living on the streets. When she reaches her lowest point, she lets her friend talk her into attending a party that a bunch of bikers are throwing. The goal is to find a biker who will claim her and take care of her. Doe really doesn't want to do this, but desperate times call for desperate measures. While at this party, she meets King who is equally scary as he is handsome. When events transpire that are out of Doe's control, King decides that he is keeping her. Man oh man, this story contained a bit of everything including death, danger, suspense, and romance (even if it was dirty romance :) ). If you haven't read this book, you need to asap! The follow up to this book, Tyrant, is set to be published in August. Congrats to T.M. Frazier for hitting a home run with this one!!

King Me!!

So I stumbled on this series by accident. I posted an excerpt for book 4 (Soulless) in this series because of the blurb. Now mind you I am famous for reading series out of order, however; I only when they related to different characters or it says it can be read as a standalone...but I digress. I saw this was part of a series and decided to see if book 1 sounded good and the blurb was DELICIOUS so I One-Clicked (it's still the devil) and I was eyeballs deep in KING. This book grabs you by the collar and doesn't let go the entire time. I laughed, gasped, teared up a bit, laughed some more (love you Prep)and then almost shat my pants! King is deliciously bad. Hot, hard and tatted he definitely fit the bill of Alpha bad boy. His passion and dedication to his friends is amazing...I can't really say how much I felt about the love/hate relationship he has with Doe at first but by the end I was on Team Dong..wait Team Koe..wait no that's even worse(how do you even do that darn name combo thing?). Whatever...I was loving them I should say. Doe was great! She was fiesty and fearless. After losing her memory and living on the streets she was desperate and needed help. She stumbles on King and how she finds him bit distracting. She works hard to try and gain her memories back all while falling in love with the man she shouldn't. Let me tell you this book is freaking AMAZING and that ending!! Cliffhanger yes but boy it was great in fact I succumbed to the One-Click demon and went straight into Tyrant...


First off, can we talk about that cover. Holy Crap! If that alone doesn't just make you one click........ King.... I love him! I don't know why it took me so long to jump on the wagon and read this series. After I read this... I desperately needed to talk to someone who had read it and none of my friends were available. So, I sat there looking around the room silently saying "WTH"...... and then jumped into book two! No matter what I try to say about this book.... It will not do it any justice! Trust me when I say this is a MUST READ! We meet Brantley King - sexy, bad ass, alpha male. He hurts a lot of people. When a chain of events leads Doe into his life.... what started out as one thing - ends up being another. Will you hate him when you find out some things? Maybe.... but after everything he does - I love him! =) We meet Doe - as in Jane Doe - my heart still breaks for her when I think about where she was when we are introduced to her. Innocent and no idea who she is or where she comes from. Walking into a Lion's den when she meets King. Preppy - what can I say about him. Everyone wants a best friend like Preppy. So totally quirky and yet so loyal to King. This book is PACKED FULL of OMG and WTF moments and it had everything I LOVE in a book! Its dark, gritty, dirty, twisted and had me crying, smiling and not wanting it to end. I love King! I want him. Do a solid and one click this one now! You won't regret it!

Loved it! Need some more King!

I HATE cliffhangers and have actually stopped reading them until the series is complete and I can read the entire story without forgetting parts and having to wait. That's right ... I'm one of those annoying inpatient readers. If you're like me, it's safe to get started on this great story because the sequel Tyrant is out so there's no waiting for the ending. King just finished three years in prison and is not the same man he was when he went in. He has one thought and that's to get Max no matter what he has to do or who he has to hurt. Doe has no idea who she is and remembers nothing about her life when she wakes up badly beaten in a hospital. When the police are unable to figure out who she is, she ends up living in a foster home but leaves for the streets instead. Doe meets King at a welcome home party his best friend Preppy has thrown to celebrate his release from prison. It's not a happy meeting and after what happens, Doe ends up in King's possession where for the most part she's offered food, shelter and safety. King is confused about the way he feels about Doe. He's never done the girlfriend thing or had a relationship. However he finds himself wanting to be near her as much as possible and spend time with her. Doe knows she should be frightened of King or probably hate him, yet she's drawn to him and the way he makes her feel. Unfortunately, there are secrets about both the past and the future that threaten what could be between King and Doe. Doe is a sweet character and I hurt for what she was going through. I can't imagine waking up not knowing anything about who I am or where I belong. Doe had to have been terrified living on the streets with no money and no memory. King is definitely one of those bad boy alpha characters we love we hate. He could make me mad one minute and then swoon the next. I was right there with Doe going crazy with King's back and forth when it came to his Pup. Preppy, King's best friend, was a hilarious secondary character who added so much to the story. He was able to lighten any situation and make everyone smile. I like Bear's characters as well and am looking forward to seeing what happens next. Yes, there is one heck of a stressful cliffhanger - but as I mentioned above, Tyrant has been released so there is no reason not to start this great book and enjoy. By the way, it was told from both King's and Doe's POV.

I really enjoyed reading this book

I really enjoyed reading this book, as its like no other book Ive ever read before. The authors writing style is very good, and the way she writes about her characters makes you love them so much even though they are out to be bad guys. The violence in the book was something I was afraid at first I wouldnt enjoy, and MC is something I normally dont read, but T.M Frazier is able to use it in such away as to not take away from the vulnerability of the characters. This book just kept wanting more, and I couldnt put it down, especially after the ending of King I know I need more. Preppy and Doe are my favorite characters and Im looking forward to reading more about them/learning more about their story as the series continues. Im definitely looking forward to reading more from this author in the future and I truly love her style of writing. I only wish I started her books sooner.

This is a great, well written story of 2 soulmates and I’m diving right into the next book because I just need their HEA!

I have too many unread books on my kindle and I can’t help myself buying new ones. I recently saw the cover of the third book ‘Lawless’ in this series and knew I needed it! Yeah I know it’s the story that counts but have you seen the cover? After reading ‘King’ I’m positive it’s going to be great and I really look forward to Bear’s story!! I don’t really know where to start the story since I always try to keep it short and don’t give away too much but there is so much happening in this book and there are so many interesting characters. King once saved Preppy while he was being bullied at school. Since then they had a strong bond and started making plans for their future. Not always the legal way but they managed to build up a good life until King was sent to prison. On his ‘welcome home’ party he’s immediately attracted to Doe. Doe has lost her memory and has been living on the streets since. King doesn’t want to, but he’s immediately attracted to her and tries to push her away a few times but he can’t. But what will happen if Doe finds her memory again? Will she? Do they have a future? This is where I’ll stop retelling the story. There is so much happening in this book and it’s all worth reading including hilarious scenes with funny, light but crude Preppy. I really loved him! I didn’t always like cocky, possessive, grumpy, stubborn, complicated King but you just know that deep down this troubled man is worth it! Then there is Doe. I immediately liked her and really loved how she just spoke before thinking!! I also liked how feisty and brave she was. This is a great, well written story of 2 soulmates and I’m diving right into the next book because I just need their HEA! I'm giving this one 4.5 stars “King filled me so completely. Not just my body. My heart. My soul. My life. I didn’t give a s*** if I ever got my memory back. Because with King, I knew exactly who I was. I was his.”

Already ordered book two.

Seriously I have been on a roll recently in finding some kick a** books! WOW. This blew me away! Okay when I started reading this I thought the prologue was absolutely wayyyy too unbelievable and I continued reading the first couple of chapters thinking "ugh- {insert character name} did what?" but as I continued I became hooked! I fell in love with the story and the characters and when I read the last page my heart was beating out of control. Serious case of the feels. We begin with King coming home after jail, somewhat changed, and he locks eyes with a mysterious beautiful ice-blonde girl at his coming home party... He learns she is called "Doe" as in Jane Doe because she doesn't know who she is or where she's from. King has a plan- a vendetta- and decides that Doe is "his" and takes her as his- she agrees because all she wants is a roof over her head and some food in her stomach to take her to plan B of living off the streets. First, she needs protection. As the story continues, Doe begins to grow more and more on King and he is faced with some serious decisions- does love conquer all? This book really picked up about 40% in and doesn't slow down AT ALL. While reading I wished we were given more clues about Doe's past but when I read the end I was glad the story didn't reveal much- I have already ordered book two- I HAVE to know what happens next! This was my first read by the author and I will be recommending this book like crazy. Heartbreak. Passion. Drama. Violence. Sacrifice. King has it all- read at your own risk! You won't see me complaining about a cliffhanger because the ending was awesome- my jaw was on the floor. Again- WOW. 5 stars xx

An amazing universe

No matter how many times I read this book. It only gets better and better for every time. Its like fine wine. King. My dream man. He is the kind of man your parents always told you to stay away from. He is a criminal. He kills do drugs sells drugs. He is violent he is mean. But damn he is hot, sexy, dark, in controle of everything. He is THE KING. But the way he falls in love with Doe... sigh. It is not a pretty love with candyfloss and rainbows. It is just as dark and gritty as King him self. Frazier have made the most amazing universe in this series. One that draws you in from the first paige. Even if I have read this book severel times. I am not done with it. And will read it just as many times still.

King is a man you don't want to mess with

So this book I started back in July when I actually had a free minute to pick up a book of my choosing. With book blogging, I'm unusually picking up the next ARC that is due to be released in order to review it. But I had some time and started King. This is my first T.M. Frazier novel and I had heard nothing but amazing things about the book and author so thought what the hell! First it was very difficult for me to get into this book, because of the ideas that are presented. The idea of a young girl 17-18 yrs old without any idea who she is, with no one looking for her, and her only friend being a drug addicted junkie waiting for her next fix. The book has many dark situations along with drugs, guns, and violence. I had to put the book down and walk away from it due to other commitments, but I can honestly say that at that point in the story, I was grabbed anyway. I had another break in my schedule and wanted to give it a change, so went back to King. And I am so glad I did! This book took a turn that I'm not sure I was expecting! I ended up falling in love with King and wishing him and Doe could find some sort of HEA. I immediately grabbed the next book in the series, and can't wait or another break in my busy schedule so I can devour it! Give King a chance you won't be sorry. 4 1/2 Stars

Exceptional read!

Amazing, awesome, riveting, stunning, emotional. These are just a few of the adjectives I have for books one and two of the King series. I can't separate my reviews of King and Tyrant because these two books comprise Doe and King's story and you simply cannot read one without the other. The writing is incredible. I never knew what was coming next in this gut-wrenching, heart pounding, beautiful love story. I read these two books in less than twenty-four hours because I was obsessed with finding out how the story ended. T.M. Frazier is an incredible storyteller and I am about to throw myself into Bear's story now which I am sure will be just as amazing as King's. This series is a must read.

“Desperate people do desperate things.”

What a ride! This is a steamy, dark romance filled with intrigue and twists that come out of nowhere! I really enjoyed King and Doe’s story. It was dark and twisted but pure and real. Preppy is the bomb! I love him so much it hurts. I cannot stress enough that this is not a lighthearted story! There are dark elements and themes not fit for the faint hearted. The humanistic elements are what make this book great. It’s dirty and real and a great read.

NOT for the faint of heart

Police reports are filed and and sometimes candlelight vigils are held in hopes the missing would soon return home. What they don’t ever show you is what happens when no one looks. When the loved ones either don’t know, don’t exist… or just don’t care. The police searched the missing persons reports throughout the state and then the country with no luck. My fingerprints didn’t match any on record, and neither did my picture. I learned then that being labeled a missing person didn’t necessarily mean I was missed. King was born on the wrong side of the tracks but he's accepted that he will never be the good guy. Doe doesn't remember anything about, well anything... She woke up in a hospital with amnesia and no one is looking for her. Even when he was only a shadow I knew he was big, but in all reality I’d had no concept of the wall of man who stood before me. This guy didn’t look like he hung with the wrong crowd. This guy was the wrong crowd. “You?” he asked. His nostrils flaring as he glared down at me. I don’t know what I did to make him so angry, but getting a look at him in the light made me more fearful than I ever was of him in the dark, and I wished I’d just listened to my instincts earlier and ran when I had the chance. When a starving Doe shows up to a party at King's house things go from bad to worse. What started as a venture to find a biker to protect her ends with Doe getting shot at and handcuffed to a bed. What happens when Prince Charming doesn't show up and you're left in the Devil's clutches? I gave this book a 4.5 out of 5 stars. I should probably start by saying that this book is NOT for the faint of heart. I didn't think it was too bad but then again I love crime shows and what not (point being... lots of gore). Anyway... I have to say that my favorite character was Doe. She was literally at the darkest time in her life and she didn't lose herself. She was strong and always inquisitive (though her mouth and questions did get her in trouble occasionally). One thing that I didn't like was that she tended to live her life so that it wouldn't adversely affect 'her' (that's how she referred to herself pre-amnesia). Luckily both she and King did a lot of growing in this book, in between all the crazy stuff that went down. My second favorite character would have to be Preppy, he's King's best friend and the BEST guy EVER! I mean he wasn't perfect and he went though a lot of stuff but he was always there to make a joke in a very serious situation and just make you laugh. In my opinion King was the most complicated character for me. He was the most complicated because he would go from scary to gentle to fierce in a matter of pages. He was also a bit stupid when it came to his own feelings and he would often do things that made me want to punch him (even if he is huge and could probably squish me easily...). This book is NOT a standalone and if you read it will also need the next book in the series TYRANT because... CLIFFHANGER!!!! (lucky for us book 3 will be about a different character so TYRANT will be somewhat conclusive).

Doe fell into King's trap...

Holy shamoly!!! I feel like my eyes are popping out of my head. What an explosion of feelings. I'm angry, but sad and totally determined to see everything put back to rights. King was a brilliant story with characters that at times you loved and times you hated. The one character who stayed true to herself from the very beginning was Doe. Considering what this character faced, she was strong. A homeless and starving woman with no memory is forced to make a choice that could on one hand protect her, the other hand, ruin her for the rest of her life. Thing seem to go from bad to worse when her life is put in danger when she catches the eye of King. Brentley King has had a hard life. He's done some time and committed crimes that would turn your stomach. His lifelong friends, Preppy and Bear, are his partners in crime...and partying. King has just served three years in jail. On his release, Preppy and Bear organise a party for him where he meets Doe. King and Doe don't start off well. This story shows the journey and battles they face to find a place in each other's lives. King makes some knuckle headed decisions that made me cranky. There was one particular bit that had me squinting and reading with one eye open because he really, really shouldn't have gone there. Luckily I got over it, moved on and forgave him...for a little while. Then.... King...WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING???? That ending.... Luckily, I didn't start this without having Tyrant ready to go. It was like I planned it all along. Quiet from the peanut gallery. I can hear you all calling me a liar, liar, scaredy cat. I tell you it was planned...

Love This Book!

Why didn't anyone tell me to read this book sooner?! If you're on the fence about picking up this book, do yourself a favor and read it! I absolutely fell in love with Doe and struggled along with her through the beginning of this book. There's so much she doesn't know and it's heartbreaking to watch her try to be the women she thinks she should be. King is a force to be reckoned with, he knows what he wants and he takes it. But who would have ever thought that he'd decide he wanted Doe. There is a lot of violence and disturbing imagery in this book, but it fits with the story and isn't done in a gratuitous way. While there are parts that are very hard to read, it is necessary to make the book what it is.

Couldn't get enough!

I’ve heard nothing but good things about this book even prior to its release so of course I had to get my greedy hands on it immediately. And after finishing this book off this afternoon… I have to say that “Tyrant” is has just been added to the top of my TBR list. Be forewarned however because this story isn’t for everyone. Besides the fact that it does contain a cliffhanger it also compromises of some very graphic scenes that will make the faint hearted cringe. What I thought was most amazing about it was the tortured hero, Brantley King. He isn’t your typical scary, dangerous alpha male. From the very beginning you knew he was something special. He had a heart. I mean come on… he was just twelve years old and became someones protector. So of course it wasn’t surprising that he would take in Jane Doe. From the moment Jane Doe lands in King’s tattoo parlor I became instantly hooked. You just knew that she didn’t belong in their world and I not only needed to know how she became apart of it but also if she was planning to stay in it. With how King was acting I couldn’t blame if she left because he was a total A to her. You couldn’t tell if he was coming or going. There were definitely periods where I had these love/hate feelings for the man just like Doe did. When he got his sh together and committed though… my gosh! He was magnificent. I totally understood how a woman like Doe could fall so hard and so fast for this guy. These two as a couple was fantastic and as much as I wanted Doe to find her old self in the beginning I found myself wishing for the opposite. She belonged to him as he belonged to her. This is why I felt this turmoil with how it ended. I thought the entire concept of the story was terrific. The flow was great – there was not a single boring moment. The romance could have been a little more details but meh it was good enough considering the overall story. If you don’t mind stories ending with one epic cliffhanger and are looking for an intense, dark and gritty romance than this one is certainly a great choice for you.

what a fantastic read! I was honestly starting to get in ...

King by T.M. Frazier - 5 STARS Wow, what a fantastic read! I was honestly starting to get in a reading funk and then I found King by T.M. Frazier. King is a two book series and I usually wait until all books are out before I will start a series. However, I read the summary and I was hooked. Homeless. Hungry. Desperate. Doe has no memories of who she is or where she comes from. King...a notorious career criminal has just been released from prison. His futures hangs in the balance and Doe's is written in her past. When they come crashing together, they will have to learn that sometimes in order to hold on you have to first let go. I just had to read this book to find out what this was all about. I loved the way T. M. Frazier writes. Her story just speaks to you making it such an easy read. She depicts the hard life of abuse, poverty, and criminality. It's a world I don't understand and usually reluctant to read about. The novel is dark, but it shines light on life, survival, and love. "This is just about Preppy and King crawling out of this s*** instead of rotting in it" "King was a bad guy but he was my bad guy. He was more than that. He was my world, My heart." I loved King despite the evil things he does. In fact, I didn't even see him as a bad guy. I just saw that he was dealt a s***ty life and he had to learn to survive. Although King did bad things, he really was good person with a heart full of love. I also felt the love between Doe and King blossomed slowly and beautifully. Preppy and Bear were great side characters. The last 25% of the book gets intense and some very disturbing things happen. There are some definite twists and a cliffhanger that has me anxiously waiting the next book. "I think a part of me loved Doe from the first moment my eyes landed on hers. Haunted beautiful, scared. I wanted her, body and soul."

's first novel The Dark Light of Day I didn't know what I was getting myself into and I loved Abby and Jake and wanted more of t

When I read T.M.'s first novel The Dark Light of Day I didn't know what I was getting myself into and I loved Abby and Jake and wanted more of them. Now I have been waiting for King since it was announced right after TDLOD came out and that was a long time. So, I was pumped to finally read this and find out who King is. King is the story of a man of the name Brantly King who has a horrible mother who doesn't care about him, does drugs and brings men home. When he is 12 years old he meets Samuel who King calls Preppy. I loved Preppy, he is my homie. Preppy also had a terrible childhood as well and both young boys decided to live together and follow their own rules. Then when King comes home from prison, Doe and her "friend" Nikki come to his homecoming party to find a place to stay and food. See, the thing is Doe isn't a hooker, druggie. She has lost her memory. She doesn't remember anything from her life and is on the streets. I really connected well with Doe and I absolutely love her, and she is put in some pretty terrible situations. I also adored Preppy and Bear. Bear is in an MC and friends with King and Preppy. I liked King but he wasn't that great. He didn't ruin the story at all for me. He was just... This was a pretty dark book, a little gritty and I loved that about this book. That has become my favorite genre these past 3 years. When I found out who Doe was I was really surprised but then a little confused at why couldn't Doe have tried harder to find out who she is or something. Besides all of that, I did enjoy it and that ending was like I want to know how Doe is going to acclimate to what has happened at the end and the bomb that has dropped on her lap. I need August now!

Like a thunderbolt

Waking up with no memories of who you are must be not only disconcerting but paralyzing. This is how our Jane Doe starts to live her new life. Beaten, pummeled within an inch of her life, and left in a dumpster to meet her maker, she is brought back to life. The police cannot find any reports of missing persons in the entire State of Florida. Her fingerprints are not in file. No one can tell if she is a minor ... what is her age? Homeless, hungry and at death's door, Jane Doe meets Brantley King on the day of his release from jail. While friends are partying around them, Doe is looking for food peace and quiet when they meet. Like a thunderbolt, King realizes she is different and is the one for him. Their courtship is shocking and unconventional to say the least. Their connection is unavoidable, and once King allows Doe to see behind his facade, the two of them cannot deny what is happening between them. This is the gripping story of two lost souls who in a very unconventional way , reach out to each other and bond. Reading this book made me think about the bonds we make as human beings. We are born into a family we did not choose to begin with. As our lives unfold, we get the chance to bring into our "family" people we grow to love, respect and admire. This "family" we choose for ourselves is the most powerful support system we can possibly have in life. More than blood connection, this is the family we created with our life experiences. Their members are the ones who will stand fast by our sides in times of trouble and in times of joy. Be aware our characters are part of an underworld of drugs, murderers, and lawless characters. They are a law within themselves. Their world is one of kill or be killed, yet they are human beings too, with all the dreams they dare to hope for. I read this at one sitting because I was unable to put this book down. It is gut-wrenching. If you enjoy plotlines with an edge, this book is for you.

A Dark Romance That Will Shock You With It's Twist And Turns!

A dark and gritty romance that will shock you with it's twist and turns from beginning to end! I had been waiting for a while to read a dark romance novel that would live up to that it promised and kept me inquisitive to go on from the start to the end. King was my answer and I am so glad I read this one. It was a brilliantly dark and gritty novel that pushed boundaries. I love the whole dangerous aura that surrounded the characters from the start to the crazy effin ending! My favorite part of the book - aside from the cliffhanger - is that King was not some love sick puppy immediately. I loved that he was so dark and so dangerous all the time. Great work by T.M and I'll be sure of read Tyrant and even Bear's story! P.S I don't forgive T.M because of what she did to my favorite character. You can only guess who that is. #TeamPreppyForever

She is his...he is matter what

I have really liked this author ever since I read her Dark Light of Day...but now, her switch over to bikers and a memory loss victim was a whole new direction and it was pretty awesome. A violent, painful and emotional (cliffhanger!!) story of two people and their respective best friends who have all been through some kind of traumatic life altering events that have shaped them into the people they are today...and how they handle themselves when confronted with emotions that are not comfortable for them. I hated King as much as I loved him and his bossy self...Doe was a confusing girl at times but not without reason and Preppy and Bear...well I just fell for both of them (faults and all). I was thrown off by the sad events near the end of the book and the final cliffhanger ending...did NOT see that one coming. Now I'm going to need to read Tyrant and Bear's book next! ***** 4.5 ***** "she is his, he is hers always no matter what" stars

Wow, unbelievably great!!

This absolutely captivated me from start to finish. What an awesome, amazing book that had me on the edge of my seat throughout. The characters were great, relatable, strong and true to what you’d think they’d be in real life. Truly amazing story line. Definitely not for readers under 18 due to violence, sexual situations, language and drug/alcohol use. This book ends on a cliff hanger, but it just makes me want to get to the next book faster, I was going to read this series anyways, but now that I know how good it is, as long as nothing gets in my way, I’m going to be attached to this series. It’s very moving, makes you feel, it’s an on the edge of your seat read. You want to read it as fast as you can, find out what’s going to happen next. I found myself holding my breath at times. Truly a must read in my humble opinion.

King is the ultimate bad boy!

King is definitely a man that does so many things that you want to hate, but end up falling head over heels for him instead! Doe is very intriguing. She's lost her memory somehow, and is trying to do whatever it takes to survive on the streets. She had enough common sense to go to the police for help, but finds out no one is looking for her? Hmmmm why is no one searching? King lives a life that is so far outside of the law. In a desperate move, Doe goes to a party at his house with the only person she knows at this point, Nikki, a strung out prostitute. Doe and King's first interaction, well first several interactions actually, do not go well at all. King claims Doe as his, his property, to settle a debt caused by Nikki. This all happens right off the bat in the story so I admit I was thinking: "What? His property? What direction is this book going to take?" It is a dark book, but not in the way I was initially thinking it was going to be. It is gritty and brutal in parts, but the interactions between Doe and King brought lightness to the dark. And Preppy....I love Preppy!! He brought a huge dose of funny into the mix. The story built at a great pace, not rushed or too slow. I was desperate to find out who Doe was, what happened to her, how did she lose her memory? Well, we don't get the answers in this book, but T.M. sure sets up book 2, Tyrant, beautifully! And the cliffhanger ending? Holy freaking cow!! I can't wait to start reading Tyrant to find out!

King, you had me at Hello!

I absolutely loved this book. It had a Nine Minutes vibe to it so I think people that enjoyed that will love this one too. This was a little dark, explosive, sexy and just all around great story. King, Prep and Bear have been friends since they were 12. They have found themselves on the other side of the law more often than not. They are criminals. But we all know even criminals have a good side unless they are crossed or someone messes with their girl. lol. In walks Doe, a stray, who has no memory and no clue who she is and will do just about anything to get some food and a roof over her head and some protection. King and Doe were explosive together. They were matched well and she held her own. He was so conflicted by his feelings for her. I loved Preppie. He was the sunshine in this book for me. Everything that came out of his mouth made me smile. But if you messed with him or his "family", he'd slit your throat. I couldn't wait to find out the little details of everything unfolding in the story. I couldn't put it down. I loved every minute. I CANNOT wait for a Tyrant. The Crap is going to hit the fan and I have a feeling it's not going to be pretty, but it will be oh so good!!! I love me some revenge with a side of redemption. Go get em. Okay I need to go find a picture of a hot guy with lots of tats and a Bow tie and suspenders to make me feel better :). August can't come soon enough.

Deserves way more then 5 stars!

King (King #1) T.M Fraizer Deserves way more then 5 stars! I thought book hangovers were a myth. I’m an avid reader and had never read a book that messed with me to a point where I couldn’t move on to the next book rather quickly…that is until I read King. King drew out every emotion it could and kept my mind swirling. One chapter I loved this book, the next chapter I wanted to smash my kindle into a wall; but through it all I was captivated. You never knew what to expect from one page to the next. Just when you think you know what’s about to happen—boom—there’s a twist and you’re left wondering to yourself, ‘what the bleep just happened?’ King is a one of a kind hero. He’s dark, demanding and kind of twisted, but I loved him and I hate myself for it. Doe is one of the strongest heroines I’ve ever read. I had no mixed feelings about her. I related to her and loved her instantly. The supporting characters were equally as amazing. I have to keep this review short because I could seriously go on and on; probably giving most of the amazingness away. READ THIS BOOK. T.M Fraizer has an amazing talent. This story will always stick with me. I swear you wont be disappointed! Charmed Owl Book Reviews

16 I'll never be the good guy in the story

King... Read 9.25.16 to 9.26.16 I'll never be the good guy in the story. Omg!! I can not believe I have waited this long to read this book. For one thing, I have had this book on my TBR foreverrr, which is stupid!!! lol I had no idea it was a MC series. I don't know what I thought this book was about, but I had no idea it was MC. And MC's are like one of my very favorite reads!! Anywayss I am sooo glad that I finally started it and I can hardly put this book down. I know I read book one in less then 24 hours and if I didn't have to work, I would have laid in bed all day and read probably the whole stinken I freaking love how Alpha Male King is!! He has my heart right I just love... L O V E him... I have laughed, cried and held my breath while reading this book. There are sooo many feels you will go through and I love every bit of it. I gave this book 5 Stars!!!!

Wow. Just wow.

King was SO worth the wait! I'm having trouble trying to find the right words to express how amazing this story is. One thing about T.M. Frazier's books that I love is that I know I'm getting an original story. I never read one of her books and think it reminds me of another book I've read. King and Doe were fantastic characters. All throughout the story who Doe is and where she comes from was at the back of my mind and for me it added a great element of suspense. King was not what I expected. He's hard and bold but the side he lets Doe see is anything but. I won't spoil the story but I will say you're a fool if you pass up the chance to read this book!

3.5 stars! I hesitated but glad I read this!

I've just finished both KING and TYRANT (book 2) and devoured the first and then kept reading the second without stopping to write a review. Firstly my rating is a solid 3.5 stars overall for both books. By the end of book 1 I loved King and even Preppy but at first it was hard to find any redeeming qualities in King, Preppy and Bear who seemed like an A-hole too and through the beginning chapters were astounded at all the high 4 and 5 stars reviews, I even had a hard time connecting to Doe thinking 'how am I going to get through this book and not like the main characters?' but as I continued to read, the foundation of KING in which T.M. Frazier has laid before us becomes more enlightening, so much so that it has me cheering for King and Doe. The second book TYRANT, was a overall good but for me not as good as the first. TYRANT dwells into the past a LOT, a bit too much for me and then there's the plausibility of Tanner and his story. Tanner's life and his events other than the Leukemia just didn't ring true to me, the hidden character was too false but as I've stated overall I really enjoyed these books and look forward to reading about Bear's story.

Holy hell I freaking loved this book

SPEECHLESS... I think I've been living under a rock since it's taken me this LONG to read King! Holy hell I freaking loved this book. Once I got into the groove of the story I couldn't stop, I had to force myself to sleep. Crap I can't even write a proper review for it. If you haven't read King yet your seriously missing out, trust me I would know. That freaking ending was crazy, I'm glad I had the second right away! So make sure you have Tyrant ready ASAP after you read King! Hopefully I'll have a a better review for Tyrant lol.

Hoping it gets better

I'm not sure what to think about this story. The author has so much potential with the descriptive way she writes, but there were so many spelling errors and grammatical errors that took me out of the story. A good editor, not a cheap editor, could have helped. The male characters were unredeemable. All of them. Preppy was a rapist, but no one seemed to care, even King wanted him around his daughter. Yikes. Doe is naive, but she's young, so I could see her decisions being real. The rape is entirely unbelievable and no one seemed to care about that either. In fact, it's almost as if that and her injuries never happened and were unimportant. Still, I enjoyed the descriptive writing and the story when I looked past those issues, and I hope her later books get better.

Throwing my kindle, wow.

This book isn't a stand-alone. It does end on a huge cliffhanger. The next book Tyrant is out at the time of this review. There are some dark themes in this book, reader beware. We have King, he's the bad boy, that trouble follows. I loved how the author didn't go on and on telling the reader how bad he is, but showed us. Then we have Doe, she's lost her memory and is at the lowest point of her life. These two are explosive together. We also have a side cast of characters that really have a life of their own to spin in with this book. There was quite a few editing errors that made me stop and ReRead. But the plot, characters, and just the whole book together didn't cause me to change my rating. This is my first time reading this author, and can't wait for more. On to book two Tyrant.

Still mind blown with my mouth hanging open!

This was my first book by T.M. and I literally read it in one setting and could not put it down. This isn’t your typical hearts and flowers kind of book. It’s raw, gritty, dirty and dark all rolled into one. Doe doesn’t remember who she is or where she came from. All she remembers is what’s now in the present and the things she has to do in order to survive. Deciding to make a plan to change her life and to survive, Doe runs face to face with King and her life quickly takes a turn in a different direction. King is a total hot head, live in the moment, complete harda** and alpha kind of guy. I had such a love hate relationship with King. King is not a one-woman type of guy or at least he wasn’t until he met PUP aka Doe. There were times I could see his sweet side and other times I was thinking KING what are you doing?!!!?? There is so many times throughout this book that made my mouth hang open. I was also in complete shock a few times too. And please be prepared because that ending will definitely leave you wanting more. I can’t wait to get all the answers in book 2 so I will sit patiently and wait on book 2… Ok not really my head will be spinning until I get book 2. Don’t miss out this book is amazing!!

This King is definitely no Prince

My usual, more thorough review was rejected by Amazon, though I didn't use any language in it, but oh well. This one will be short -- if you want to get the details, feel free to check out my review under the same name in GR. Overall, very dark, hard to like the H, not as much steamy parts as inferred by the erotica label (it's a slow burn for sure), numerous triggers, and a partridge in a pear tree.

Suspense at it's finest!

King by T.M. Frazier is a wildly suspenseful read. A riveting storyline with an array of complicated fully developed characters immerses the reader in the mystery of Doe, an amnesiac, in over her head and falling into the clutches of King; a criminal, outlaw, ex-con and all around badass. Their love story is unconventional, harsh, hot, possessive, violent and full of sizzling sex. T.M. Frazier's imagination soars with action-packed emotional scenes, witty dialog that had me laughing out loud at some places and crying at others. Preppy and Bear are wonderful supporting characters and I hope to learn more about them in future books. The downside to King is it's a cliffhanger! I was frustrated and furious and am waiting with baited breath for Tyrant. This was an outstanding book.

HOLY HOTTNESS! Brantley King is my NEW Book BF –*5 irresistible Stars*-

I have seen a LOT of good reviews from fans of this book which is what originally made me pre-order this book and read it. With that being said I am SO glad that I noticed these reviews and read it. Brantley King is officially my new book boyfriend (next to Christian Grey and Gideon Cross, of course). I loved this book so much that I actually just went ahead and pre-ordered the next book Tyrant. Hurry up August, I really NEED to see what is going to happen. This is really a great book. You get a bad boy criminal with a dark past mixed with a girl who knows nothing about her past- she is a living, breathing, Jane Doe. For me, I felt that this book was refreshing against the other XXX adult, contemporary romance novels. It is unique in its plot (see above), the characters are complex (I loved Preppy), and the novel shows that there is a story behind every individual. Past mistakes don’t make or break you. While I wish the second book was out NOW- there is a dreaded cliffhanger- I can’t wait till it finally gets here. I have a strong need to see what happens with King and Doe. Awesome, awesome book. Overall Rating: 5 Stars – I am hungry for more KING & DOE! XXX Factor: Spicy, Hot, and Sizzling Would I recommend: YES. YES. YES. Would I read again: Yes AND I will be picking up the other novel by T.M Frazier Find me on Goodreads for more reviews & recommendations! –Elle Gatto--

Buy this book!

HOLY MOLYl!! This book was a nail biting, heart pounding, hot as heck read! If you momentarily even thought about purchasing this book BUY IT RIGHT NOW! There is nothing about this book that was disappoint you! Even now a day later my heart starts racing just thinking about it. The ending totally left me gasping for air and texting my blog partner’s obscene words. Brantley King is as alpha male as a man can be. From the very beginning you know that he is not a man to be messed with or taken lightly. He is rough and raw and afraid of absolutely no one, no one that is until Doe enters his life. However you will also be drawn to him in a way that will be unexplainable. I loved him from the get go. “Because when it comes to me and mine, I am the judge. I am the jury. And if need be, I am the mother-effing executioner." All I can say is King definitely lived up to all those statements and much, much more. Doe is nice girl who has been thrown into a situation where she must do whatever it takes to survive due to an injury she sustained that has caused her to lose her memory. She has no recollection of her previous life. This makes her vulnerable but she doesn’t let it make her a victim. I loved that she was a strong character who would speak her mind and even though she was afraid of King she would still stand up to him at times. She was a fighter and I was pulling for her throughout the whole book. "King wasn’t the rescuing type, I reminded myself. He was the killing type." I was hesitant to read this book and honestly I am not sure why, maybe because I felt like it was going to be a dark read. It wasn’t as dark as I had made it out to be in my mind but it did take me out of my safe little comfort zone at times but not enough to sway me from turning that next flipping page. I was literally on the edge of my seat for most of this book, I couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next to these characters and I loved almost every character in the book with the exception of some. This was a fantastic book!! It had everything in it. I can’t wait until August 17th so that I can get my hands on book two, Tyrant. I NEED IT NOW! I finish this review with this statement: “Cause baby, if it were me you were dreaming about, you’d been screaming a eff of a lot louder than that, King growled" Now go buy this book!

I’m so glad I did

I wasn’t sure what to expect with this book. After reading the synopsis, I knew I had to read it though. I’m so glad I did, it was freaking great! Doe, Jane Doe, has no clue who she is, or was. She was left for dead and woke in a hospital with no memories of who she is. There were no police reports for missing person either. She ends up on the street and befriends a prostitute. She’s starving and has nowhere to stay, or go, and no money. That’s why she made the decision she did… King has been in prison for three years. He’s out now. Things are different for him though. As soon as he sees Doe, he wants her. He does change a lot in this book. I love King, Doe, and Preppy. I may have teared up a little because of Preppy. The Granny’s are awesome, and a really good idea too! With King, Doe can be a means to an end. But can he live with that? But if you mess with him, you better watch out. “…if you f*** with me and what’s mine then yes, I am the judge. I am the jury. And sometimes, when the situation calls for it, I am the mother******* executioner.”

Blown Away

Wow what a ride!!!!! This story grabs you for the very first words and carries you all the way through the last page! Every emotion that could possibly be felt by reader I experienced... I just finished the last page moments before writing this review and I am in complete shock by how it ends! I've already purchased the second book and can't wait to start it … But I have to say if you have not read this book then it is a book that you must read! This is a rough book to read because it's a lifestyle that I'm not used to … Heck I don't even watch movies like this!! But I absolutely cannot wait to start the second book. Hidden amongst all of the roughness is a beautiful love story … The hero that loves so deeply that he is willing to lay his life down for the woman that h err loves... And the heroine who doesn't know who she is at first but finds a new person that she likes within herself and realizes that she loves just as passionately and deeply!!! Wow what a r re a read!! This book lives up to the hype that I have been seeing about it on all the social media sites, but then far surpasses it all!!!!

Hail the King

OMG...this book, this book, this Book! I'm lost for words right now as I want to scream, shout and throw my Kindle with NO.....No it can't be. I've had this book in my queue for quit some time and it was in the back, so I almost forgot. Kicking myself badly now. My thoughts are jumbled, I'm a mess and King, holy carp, King, what have you done. The storyline was written so very well and the secondary characters...Preppy.....Doe, sweet Doe. No, not even thinking about it. WTH just happened? I've had books that have stayed with me, read the ones that made me laugh, cry a bit of joy and even sadness, all the feels, angst, suspense, heartache and the romance and love, but I haven't read a book that totally gutted me....until now. Pulling up Tyrant to read as I HAVE to know WHY and what happens. GRAB THIS BOOK LIKE NOW.

That is how you end a book!

This book hit all the marks for me: Sexy, suspenseful, dark, gritty, funny, sweet. Apparently it is possible to have of those rolled into one good book! And by funny I mean laugh out loud! I was reading between classes and got some weird looks. I was just like "Sorry, but Preppy really gets to me!" Speaking of my Preppy... I have a thing for books with male characters that aren't a love interest. Kind of like Kenji in Shatter Me, Roar in Under the Never Sky, or Aedion in Queen of Shadows to make a few. Sorry thats my YA plug for today... But seriously I love that in a book and it is just hard to find in these types or "more adult" books. Also, what kind of people don't look for a loved one when they go missing? That's just messed up. Book two should be interesting, especially with the damn cliffy. I mean, WTF?!?! Not sure how I feel about that....

King is HOT!

I'm pretty sure everything T.M. Frazier writes is pure freaking gold because everything I've read from her so far is PHENOMENAL. Just spectacular, and King is certainly no different. It gripped me right from the beginning and drop-kicked me into oblivion by the time I reached the end. I didn't want to leave let alone get up but book 2 was coming and I was more than ready for it! King is awesomely dark, gritty and oh-so-sexy. He doesn't flirt along the lines of right or wrong - he does whatever the EFF he wants, right or wrong be damned, and it's HOT. Doe is a wonderful little mystery. She has no memory or knowledge of her previous life and the author does a great job stringing us along, letting us snag up bits and pieces of information as we try to place her. Add in the 'could she be barely legal' status and you've got a book that will surely make you sizzle and salivate in all the right places.

Nicely done.

Published in June and still ranking in the 200' go girl! I absolutely can see why this book is so popular with readers. It is a delectable read and I really enjoyed it. Then why a four not five star read for me? A couple of reasons ( no spoilers so read on!) *****The pace became a little slow for me at times. About a quarter of the way through the book I found myself putting it down repeatedly. But I picked it up again and each time I did I enjoyed it. So the fact that it was not a- could not put it down- kind of read for me explains the four stars ***** A small thing but Doe ( genius name by the way.) did a lot of yelling...I hope the author reads this and does a global search for the word yell or yelled and thinks about replacing it with another verb. All that yelling just made Doe seem a little immature and dramatic to me..she had been through so much...would have been more effective and chilling I think if another word was used. ***** Although it was exciting I felt that the author threw everything in here but the kitchen sink. That seems to be the trend these days, there is a fine line between excitement and a huge cluster f**k and thankfully Frazier landed on the side of excitement but sometimes came a little too close to the margin for me. But having said those things....loved the word usage, loved for the most part the dialogue, loved the sub characters and the action. Well done...great beach or vacation read.


First off I am so HAPPY that I already have Tyrant on my Kindle! Huge Cliffhanger Alert. I LOVED “King”. I had a hard time putting it down to go to work. But, alas the job does come first after all how would I buy my books if I didn’t have one. Anyway I digress. As per usual with my reviews I feel you can read the Synopsis. What I loved was the emotion that was brought out and I had one of those “Oh no you didn’t” moments. And, of course it left me crying and that was the point I had to put my book down so I could go to work. T. M. Frazier why, why did you have to do what you did? And, of course I can’t say a thing because that would cause a spoiler and I try my best not to spoil anyone’s story! I loved this book and story! I will be starting Tyrant immediately after I post my review. This book was not an ARC it was recommended by one of my bloggers and I am so happy that she did and that I followed her advice! Also, this was an audiobook which I loved. I feel that the Narrator and make or break a book and fortunately for me I loved the audiobook as well. The female voice was Molly Glenmore and for the Male Voice it was Rob Shapiro. I give King 5.0 Stars and I would give more if I could!

This book is gritty, it's sexy, it's tormented!

I stayed up until 2am this morning reading King. I could not put it down! King is a criminal who's had a hard life, and been in and out of prison. Doe woke up without memories, a family, or a home. Now she has to do anything to survive on the streets. A homecoming party, mixed with bad decisions and a no good friend, leaves Doe on King's bad side. She owes him, and now he owns Doe, until the table begins to flip. There's hate, angst, lust, there's all out agony. Just when I thought things would work out for the better it all came to a screeching halt with a major plot twist that left me aching for more. Luckily I won't have to wait to read the rest of their story because Tyrant has already been released. This book is gritty, it's sexy, it's tormented, and definitely not for the feeble mind. If you can handle a wickedly dark read then this is one you should read.

Don't read if you hate cliffhangers

I don't generally leave reviews, but this book left we with a lot of mixed feelings. There are a lot of dark subjects in this book...drug use, rape, violence, but that is disclosed in the description of the book. I thought generally it was well written. The author handled the subjects fairly well. The reason I gave it 1 star is for the cliff hanger at the end of the book. This is the second book I have read by this author (no cliffhanger). I enjoyed the other book so I didn't hesitate to buy this one. I wish I hadn't. I really felt the characters and was invested in their story. To come to the last page and see I had to buy another book to finish there story was frustrating to say the least. I am actually angry and will not read this author again.

A book that if you are not already sitting down will knock you on your backside.

I have never been so shocked at the ending of a story. This is a story about Jane Doe, King, Preppy, Bear and a whole host of other people (in the background). What happens when this young lady, Doe, is in an accident and doesn't remember a thing of who she is or where she is from or anything about her life? She gets hooked up with the wrong person, Nikki who takes her to a biker's party to celebrate the return of a friend, King. Woah, what happens next is just unreal, if I had not read it for myself, I wouldn't believe it and I'm not sure I do yet. This book ended up with the biggest cliffhanger I have ever read, I mean EVER read. I thought I had seen some cliffhangers with other books. I am going to have to read Tyrant tonight before I can go to sleep, because of where King leaves off. With all the heartache that Doe has gone through, and King has gone through. The double crossing and death of friends and enemies, really causes you to want to say, "HOLY SH**!!" Woah, that sums it up. Woah! RECEIVED THIS BOOK AS A GIFT FOR A FAIR/HONEST REVIEW and REVIEWER FOR Bloggin' With M.Brennan.

I love TM Frazier's books!!

Normally I avoid reading books with cliffhangers and wait till all the books are released before diving in. BUT read King anyways because of Tyrant being released soon. This is my second book I read by T.M. Frazier, I loved her first book The Dark Light of Day. So King was an automatic one-click for me. The synopsis/blurb really grabbed my attention, so I was excited to start this book. From the beginning till the end this book had my attention, there was no dull moment. Noth characters have their issues, both are tortured souls. Doe doesnt know who she is and where she's from. King is a criminal, and does whatever he wants. I really loved this couple. Doe wasn't some woman with no backbone, she had fire. King showed emotions when he was with Doe. Together they were healing eachother. The side characters were also awesome. Preppy is King's childhood friend with whom he been through a lot. They had eachothers backs. Bear was also a very close friend, member of a MC, he was really hot. (he will get his own book/story called Lawless - I am super excited to read that book!!). Jake and Abby made a small appearance too in this back, it was great seeing them again. I really hope they will be back in Tyrant. There was a huge twist at the end, I was surpised and didn't see it coming. I love it when authors can surprise you and have you wanting more. The cliffhanger isn't too bad (at least I thought it wasn't), but still I am happy we don't have to wait long for Tyrant! Can't wait for T.M. Frazier to release more books, I love her writing style! READ THIS BOOK PEOPLE!!!!

I didn't think I was going to really get into this book and like it, but I wound up loving it

So not what I was expecting. Based on other reviews, I picked this up. And I admit, I was a bit confused at first. Not really sure what exactly was going on and who anyone was. But that turned out to be part of the mystery. The mystery of Doe, who had no memory of who she is. The synopsis doesn't really tell the story of Doe and King. It is dark, full of violence, and not for the vanilla reader at all. But if you are able to see past the things they all do to survive the world they were born into, then you will see that what you consider a family isn't always the one you were born into. It's almost always the one you build with the people you surround yourself with. And that is the weakness of King, the people he loves and needs to protect. Even Doe. Even from himself. I didn't think I was going to really get into this book and like it, but I wound up loving it. Can't wait to see how this all plays out in the next book.


A few years ago, I read 50 Shades and got hooked on reading for the first time as an adult. I liked it, but didn’t fall in LOVE with reading and book boyfriends until I read this series. So in my mind, this series (along with Dark Light of Day books) got it all started for me. I’ve read these a couple times and it only gets better and better. King and Doe and their crazy cast of family will always be fresh in my mind like I read it yesterday. I have recommended this series over and over to anyone who will listen. TM Frazier should be required reading for anyone who enjoys romance, especially dark romance.

King and Doe! Can it wait to find out more!

King and Doe. Wow, what a ride and its not over yet. Crazy circumstances bring these 2 together. King knows exactly who he is, and Doe literally doesnt remember herself at all. Yet there connection is instant and intense. Even when they both fight it. I was hooked to this crazy story and love every character. Preppy and Bear too. Cant wait to learn more about them. This is a must read!

King is a moody, broody Alpha with a chip on his shoulder

King was definitely one of those books that you think you've got the characters pegged, but you really don't. Each of these characters has issues, but somehow they make up a fiercely loyal, and albeit, an incredibly dysfunctional family that you can't help but love. There are times King and Preppy do things that seriously makes your skin crawl, but in the end, you can't help but love them for the men they are. It's gritty. It's painful. It's heartbreaking. And it's going to leave you wanting so much more that only Tyrant can give you. The only reason why I'm giving this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because the editing was just not the greatest. Definitely needed another revision before publishing. But don't let that be the reason that keeps you from reading this book. It was fantastic. And you will need to have some tissues with you.

Raw & Gritty page turner!

Holy rollercoaster ride! This book hits you so hard with the feels. The emotions that Frazier evoked absolutely slayed me. I felt this book was jam packed with a lot going on but for me that is the kind of book that I need to keep me interested and on my toes. Doe has her spunk yet she is missing some of her spark as she is trying to figure who she is and why she has no memories. King, even for being an ass, has his moments where they are beyond endearing and makes you want to fall for him. The biggest thing is this book is fiction.. however... what do we know of people growing up in this situations. I think Frazier wrote it brilliantly and even though it was fast paced, it felt real to me. It was raw, gritty and passionate. There were moments where I wanted to yell and scream, moments I was bawling and moments of what the hell just happened. This book is not for everyone and I get that. For me this is right up my alley. Frazier brought out so many thoughts and emotions for me that I devoured it quickly. I felt the story flowed amazingly and left me gripping my ereader tight! Bring on Tyrant!

Head spinning

Utterly confused is what I am right now. I liked this story quite a bit until the last chapter or so. Now I am just thoroughly confused. Things are as clear as mud. The characters are a love-hate kind of deal. Seriously, I love Doe. King, not so much. He is arrogant and as much as they says he is smart- he is not. Now, Preppy- I loved that psychopath.


5 Stars!!!! King is dark, intriguing, mysterious and such an alpha male. Doe is the very opposite of King, she is trying to just survive and figure out what is happening to her. From the moment they meet there is a connection, they are unable to fight their chemistry. This book had me hooked from chapter 1 and read it in one sitting. Love the way the author writes her story as well as her characters. On the plus side, we are introduced to a very interesting person, Preppy. I hope there is more from him in the future. Highly recommend this book.

Extremely Dark Romance

It is important to know this is an extremely dark romance and some very bad things happen on the page. I would go ahead and say all the trigger warnings for this book. This book is very well written and the story develops smoothly. I found both King and Doe to be thoroughly engaging. The characters were well developed and the conflict truly engaging. I recommend this for anyone interested in dark romance.

Dark and intense read!!

This is a dark and intense read that blew me away and left me wanting more! This story is not for the faint of heart and this is one of those books that grabs a hold of you and stays with you long after you've finished reading it. Doe has absolutely no memory of who she is and King is dangerous and someone you don't mess with and these two couldn't be more different from each other, but they complete each other in an unexplainable way that just works for them. There are twists and turns throughout this story that left me reeling long after I was done reading this. I will warn that this ends on a huge cliffhanger and I thankfully had the second book in this series and jumped right into it. I think it would've driven me crazy to have to wait to find out what happened next! I highly recommend this book to anyone and I definitely have a new favorite author!

Loved this book it's a must read!!!

Where to start at first you don't know if you want to hate King or have pity for him. I knew as I kept reading this book I could not put it down , I just knew Doe was a strong person she had to be all the dynamics in this book just really made a great read love to preppy he was the perfect sidekick for King and then you throw in the love story well almost love story it made for a great awesome read. I'm not a big fan of cliffhangers and going in I knew this book had a cliffhanger but after reading all the reviews from everybody I just had to read it, now it's going to be a miserable few months waiting for the next book to come out. This was my first read from this author and I can truly say I'm now a fan. It was gritty but sexy rough but sweet graphic at times but it was well worth all of that. I highly recommend this book to everyone.

5 Amazing King Stars!

Wow! Just wow! Must read. The very beginning was a smidge slow but then it kicked off! There are times when you will be like “WTF”! I know I did! I didn’t want tot give anything away! Just read it! There is some rough moments that could definitely be a trigger to some so if your a touchy reader, keep moving this is NoT the book for you! Read on KU.

FIVE well deserved stars!!!!

This is the first time I have read this author. I was blown away! This is a story of friendship, love and not so happily ever afters .... with a cliff hanger!! Is it worth it? A resounding yes. This story has it all .... drama, danger, gritty sex scenes (beware there is also a rape scene) and loss of one's you love. I bought the audible for a reduced price because I first purchased to read on Amazon. That being said I would have parted with a credit for this book! I cannot wait to read/listen to the second installment. I usually do not do series that cannot stand alone, but I am making an exception for this story. Doe and King's story evolves around sub-characters that are charming, likable (none-the-less deadly) people. I could not put this book down! There are twists that you definitely do not see coming. This book is raw, gritty and has very difficult themes including very graphic violence and sex. The author manages to entertain despite the dark themes. The characters are likable despite their very huge flaws. Each has been damaged to different degrees and each has dealt with abuse in some way; mental, physical and sexual. Five stars is not enough for the writing power and the punch the book delivers.

King: A Bad Boy, but a Good Man

This was my first T.M. Frazier book and it will certainly not be my last. I am already mad at myself for not allotting enough time in my schedule to cram the second book in. The more I have thought about this book, the more I decided that my favorite thing about it was how attached to the characters I became, especially to Preppy and Grace. The author painted such clear pictures of all of them physically and their personalities in my mind, that it really made the story come to life. This book made me laugh, it made me mad, it made me cry. Basically, it gave me all the feels. I cannot wait to read the second book in this series and more from the author!

Loved it!!!!

Holy hot damn!!!! Wow wow wow, now this book will keep you on your toes, keep you guessing, make you fall in love with these characters & it will certainly turn you on as well to read these hot & sexy scenes that unfold. I have now read her whole series of these & damn this is my favorite. I have loved all of her characters & she writes so well, sucks you into her books. Wishing the characters in these were real, lol. So if you love action, naughty, foul mouth hot alpha men then this will deliver & then some. You will not be disappointed & you'll go on to read the rest of her series!!!! She is a very talented writter & love all her books I've read so far. Looking fwd to future books by her for sure!!

This King

Ooooh, this book!! It was recommended to me by a couple of lovely ladies and now I know why. I love love love this book! Most importantly, King, Doe, Bear and Preppy! From the very first chapter it grabbed my emotions and took me for a ride while all I could do is hold on tight! I was laughing, angry, crying, ugly crying, shocked (like, jaw dropping shocked) and anxious for the next book. I can't wait to continue this second book and the entire series all together! Currently I am book hungover, haha. It's 1:30am and I want to start book two, I'm so in love. I love me some King, for sure!! You won't be disappointed! Get this book, prepare yourself for the wild ride it's about to take you on and make sure you get book two! You won't regret it!!!

I just found my next favorite author!!

I went into this book with no idea what to expect. I read the reviews. Too violent, yada, yada. Let me just say, I am SO HAPPY I didn't listen to the naysayers!! What a fantastic read!! This was one of the best reads of 2015 and will forever be a favorite!! I love King and Pup's story. Did I mention the best supporting character ever?!! PREPPY!!! If you don't read this book you have no idea what your missing. Really. I feel sorry for you, actually. You'll miss out on one of the best stories EVER. I'll warn you, though, it's not for the faint of heart. There might be some triggers for you. If you have a problem with profanity, violence, borderline MC story lines, then well...we can't be friends. But if YOU DARE read it, You'll love it!!!

Cliffhanger alert!!

Silly me, I thought Tyrant was Preppy's story but it's a continuation of King and Doe, so you will want to have it ready and waiting. First, what I absolutely loved...Bear!!!! I don't think I'm the only one either. Talk about a compelling supporting character, loved him and can't wait for his book. Also, the last 30% of the book was when it got incredibly good. Up until then, it was a slow sizzling build, I thought there would be a lot more intimacy than there was but there was good chemistry. But for the majority of the book the leads went back and forth, arguing, and making up and they weren't even together yet! It was definitely dark with a near-rape, the pure hell Doe had to go through and then all of the events at the end of the book which I'm not going to spoil. If you are squeamish about dark elements, this is not the book for you.

An MC of three...

This is a great story about a small group of kids with a VERY difficult childhood. They bonded young and hang together as adults. With no good example, how do rough, tough adults become good people? How? They run into the people they need, make decisions they must. I recommend this first in a series. The follow-up books are out. The story was hard going at first but hang in, once it gets running, it’s on fire! On to the next!

Loved it!

I just finished King and holy crap what an awesome read. I had some good expectations going into this and it honestly surpassed them 100 percent. It's one of those stories that you think you know what is going to happen and then you are at the edge of your seat begging for it to end so you know for sure what is happening and then you think that you can't have possibly read what you did. Yeah that kinda story. It had a lot is depth that had me guessing. King, Doe, Preppy Bear, just some good well rounded characters that showed vulnerability that made the all more real to me. Questions were answered in this one now it's time face those answered questions. One thing for sure is that I wish i had picked this up earlier to read but I'm glad at a point I didn't because it does end in a cliffy. Just trust me you will be entertained just as I was. Story 5 Sex 4 Overall 5

Love me some King!

I bought this book with never having heard of the author. I just loved the cover. Well, let me tell you... I freaking loved not only this book but the entire series! King, is my new book boyfriend. And Preppy.. don't get me started on him... bow tie till I die! And Bear... swoon. I blew through the series in four days. Buy this, read it, you won't regret it! T.M Frazier, knows how to write the heck out of a book! She's now one of my favorite authors!

Book boyfriend for life

Absolutely amazing! My first book by T.M. Frazier and I will forever be a fan! I literally could not put King down. This dark, sexy, alpa male had me wanting more of him. King and Doe's story is nothing like I was expecting. Doe has no idea who she is, she can't remember. While King knows exactly who he is and what goals are. Not only are King and Doe amazingly well developed characters, you can't forget about Preppy and Bear. The twists and turns in the book literally had my stomach in knots and on the verge of throwing my kindle. I will forever recommend King to anyone looking for a great read. I literally hate cliffhangers however since Tyrant was released I dove in and was able to not have a long hangover. Make sure you have Tyrant on standby because the ending. ... ugh.... *because pancakes *


OMG OMG OMG, I floved this book!!! I know it is not for everyone as it is a really raw book and certain aspects are dark but it is written well. Let's face it, in literary world things that would be wrong in real life are easier to read. A while that may be wrong is some it is part of the escape of getting lost in another life. KING and Doe are not the once upon a time couple and HEA is questionable but you feel their story. I could really dive deep into this review but because I don't want to give you any spoilers I shall refrain BECAUSE I made the mistake of reading a review for this book prior to reading and a HUGE part was given away and took that away from me. Go on, one click and open minded and allow yourself to be taken away because that is the best part.

Crazy doesn't touch the surface!

HOLY SMOKES..... this is the first book from Mrs. Frazier I've read and needless to say I'll be binge reading more in this series! This book had me on the verge of crazy the entire time because I didn't know whether to scream, laugh or throw my tablet. King had me debating if I should hate him or love him the entire read but that ending, that ending did me in and I couldn't start Tyrant fast enough!

Mind Blown!

This book lived up to the hype and more! This was a book with a true alpha male character. I LOVED King....cannot say enough good things about that man! Doe is exactly what her name says she is, a Jane Doe after an accident left her with no memory of who she is or was. These two met at a biker club party that is a welcome home party for Brantley King after he has served 3 years in prison. Doe attends the party with her junkie "friend" who does something that shocks Doe and enrages King, setting their whole story in motion. I highly suggest that you only read this book if you enjoy men who are alpha anti-heroes, dark (and I mean Dark) storylines, and lots of twists and turns. This book had me almost throwing my Kindle across the room at times and my stomach dropping. Oh, and just one more thing....I 💜 Preppy so much I can barely handle it!!!

Preppy Love Forever!

Oh my..... First let me start by saying that if I was a person that based the books I read on cover alone, I probably never would have read this book. I understand it now but still.... King is not your typical bad boy. He's a bit beyond bad. Doe is just that....innocent. She has no idea who she is and remembers nothing about her life. When they cross paths it is nothing short of a firework display. I loved Preppy....loved, loved, loved him. He was the best part of the book for me. I just love a quirky, nerdy guy with a devastating past. There was only on reason this book garnered 4 stars instead of 5 from me and it has to do with Preppy. If you have read King, you know what it is. 4 Stars

In The Beginning

I did like the book and have bought a few of the others in the series just to easy my curiosity as to the what happens to the main characters .I did originally think this was an MC story as it talked about BB MC ,but it really isn't primarily focused on that much(and sort of bummed me).Though I did like the book ,I felt it became a issue for when King ,who was in the _business_ and was such a badass kept making rookie error in judgement.I couldn't believe him and his brothers could be so stupid and still be in the business and still live.

I am so glad I did

This is the first book I read from this author. I first heard about her from another author, I am so glad I did. Once I started reading, there was no putting it down. King, fresh out of jail, his boys throw him a welcome home party. This is where he lays eyes on Doe. From the beginning you just know they are going to end up together, but as they say, the journey is the best part. They push each others buttons like nobody else can, Doe gets under his skin and he's fiercely protective in a caveman/kinda overbearing way. This is dark, angsty, twisted and gritty. I'm just glad most of the series is out so I don't have to wait to binge read the rest.

Couldn't finish

This book was lacking something between the characters. In a matter of hours or days, King is obsessed with Doe and she with him- when did this happen? Because every interaction between the two of them consists of both characters acting rude to each other. Doe's character alone is annoying. I got to about 60% and couldn't finish.

Book boyfriend

King!! WOW! I have had this book for a while. Now I am kicking myself for not reading it! WTH was I thinking?! Why did I wait?! King was amazing! I now have my new book boyfriend. It is definitely one of my favorites! I love this bad boy perona. I love King and Doe together, that chemistry is just there 100%. These characters and story is flawless. I wish I could tell more, but I do not want to give anything away. This is my first read by T.M. Frazier and I cannot wait for more of her work! I am ready for more of King and Doe in Tyrant!

Really Good

This book is really well written, and the characters are fabulous. This book has a lot of dark moments and could be the wrong read for some people. With that said, it is so well written that I didn't ever have a heavy feeling while reading it. This book was very hard for me to put down and I can't wait to start book 2.

Great story!!!

This book contains very strong language!!! I will admit when it first got started I almost put it down. Not for the language but the story itself. But as I kept reading I got more and more intrigued. You really feel sorry for Doe. King is the epitome of an as whole (as he states many times in this book). But the thing is she was his as whole. I can't wait to read the second part of this book. T.M Frazier has definitely earned a new fan. I won't put any spoilers in my review (and trust me it is super hard not to). But this book is great. If you are reading this review GET THIS BOOK!!! You won't be disappointed.

Holy Amazing book batman!!!

Oh.My.Goodness. Ok, I don't know how this book slipped by me for so long. Seriously, why is this book not blowing up my newsfeed?!?! Here's why I love it: 1. King is bad; he isn't trying to redeem himself either. There is something about that that I find cool. None of this "I'm turning my life around" crap. He is a bad dude who plans to continue to be a bad dude!" 2. Preppy is both funny and scary. The fact that the author pulls that off and makes him such a lovable character is pretty damn amazing. 3. Doe is seriously well written. She is broken yet not. She is strong yet weak. She is just this amazing dichotomy of characteristics. I seriously love everything about her. Be forewarned: MAJOR CLIFFHANGER. I mean, like the mother of all cliffhangers that will make you want to scream at TM Frazier online.


Well, damn!!!! How am I supposed to write a review is beyond me!!! Don't know what to do with myself!!!! King is just out of jail, home sweet home, house full of people, Bear and Preppy, his friends are welcoming home in good style..but all he wants to do is to be left alone! Doe has no memory, no place to live, no money .so she figures it's a good idea to find a biker to protect her!!! Doe and King meet and it's lust at first sight.. noT hard to pant after that man lol..Anyway. . Here is where the story starts.. and I can't freaking believe the ride I'very been on.. jaw dropping, scary and crazy and jeez so hot!!! That ending tho.. kill me now.. why???? Lol Oh wait... I love I totally need a book about him.. it would be crazy insane!!!

Loved it!

I loved this book! What took me so long to read this??!?!?!!! I swear I always talk myself out of reading "dark" books but it wasn't even that bad! I loved King so much. And Doe actually fit with him. She had a real backbone that I loved. I also loved all the side characters. Bear is always and I can't wait for his books. and Preppy is my favorite!! My heart really hurts for him. I'm guessing his story isn't over since he has books later in the series. I can't wait!! The ending was crazy. Can't wait to see what happens with King and Doe. The senator messed with the wrong man!

What an ending!!

Never have I read a book this quickly. I was so engrossed that I finished this the same day that I began it. What a read, but definitely not for the light-hearted. Frazier wove a tale that made these despicable humans endearing and I found myself wanting them to win. I actually cried at one point. And I think there are no words for the ending! I am floored and want more now! Great writing, great story telling, believable and most of all, addicting. BTW, I am one who also gets distracted my mistakes and bad grammar. But in this entire book, there was only one mistake that I noticed. It was in Preppy's letter and the word 'so' should have been 'to' in case you were wondering.

Absolutely incredible!

I'm totally blown away by this book. From the first to the last page I was enthralled in this incredible story and could not put the book down. This is the first book of T.M. Frazier I ever read and it won't be the last. The storyline is so gripping and well written. King is so damaged on the inside and finally finds happiness with Doe, just to loose her in the end . My heart broke for him. This book has it all...suspense, crime and love. If you're not acquainted with this author read this book. You will not be disappointed. It does end in a cliffhanger and would will want to dive right into "Tyrant", book 2 in this series.

Not What I Expected

I have to say right off the bat that I didn't expect to like this book. I wanted to read Lawless, but it says in the beginning to read this and Tyrant first so I bought this. I did not like the beginning of the book. Now that I know the characters of Preppy and King I can see why the was important but I would have inserted it somewhere else. It was very dark. Which was why I thought I wouldn't like it. I thought it was going to cross the relationship line from acceptable to abuse. But amazingly, the author navigated those waters beautifully and I feel perfectly comfortable with how thing turned out in that respect. I cannot wait to read the next one. There were a few typos that were distracting and a little too numerous but I was able to finish the book.

Wow wow wow

This book gutted me and left me with my eye bulging out my skull and my hand over my mouth. I did NOT see the twists coming! Yes, it is a cliffhanger. Yes, you will want to read the next book IMMEDIATELY. And that is exactly what I plan to do. I bounced back and forth between the book and the audio, and let me say this. Rob Shapiro was amazing. I've listened to him in another audio and thought he might not have quite fit THAT one, but he was PERFECT for this. I don't recall hearing anything from Molly Glenmore before but her raspiness was exactly what was needed for Doe.

5 brilliant stars! - would have given it a much

OMFG!! 5 brilliant stars!- would have given it a much, much more if I could. To say I read this book would be an understatement of the century. I inhaled it! Began it today-finished it today! I love everything in this book, the writing, the plot, Bear, Preppy but most of all King and Doe. No! Wait there's ONE thing that makes me hate this book - it f&$%ing ended! We meet Doe when everything is a blur for her - she doesn't know who she is, where's she from not even a name. She's homeless and hungry so she decides to do one thing she thinks will save her- she comes with a friend to a very special party. There she meets King. Two exact opposites collide and the fireworks are blinding. Enough said. Brilliant just brilliant...

Cliffy ending

I've had this on my kindle and TBR for a while now and decided to dive in since this author will be at an upcoming signing in my area. I liked the writing style and felt like I was in the story watching these characters come to life. King and Doe's evolving relationship was tough to watch sometimes, each doing things that made me wanna smack them. I liked Preppy's ability to break the serious moments up and move the story along. Some events were a little hard for me to believe if I thought too far into it, but it didnt take away from my interest in the story. Cliffy ending but I already have the box set downloaded and ready to go.

King rules my world. T.M. Frazier, too!

King! Not sure why it's taken me so long to write this review?! I read King shortly after it's release! This book is in my top three for 2015! King, Doe, Preppy, and Bear are my favorite characters in any series that I have read, period. TM Frazier's descriptions of these characters made them so vivid in my mind , it's like a movie playing in my head when I read these books. The story is fast paced, rough, dirty, funny, and pretty much anything else you could ask for! I want to be a badass and live in this world with them! There just is no other option. I had not read any of the TM's other work prior to King. Though they are on my to be read list, and waiting on my kindle. But King and Tyrant have just proved to be hard to top for me. The only thing I think that's going to top it? Lawless, which is Bear's story. To be released 12/2015! I am forever and ever a T.M. Frazier fan!

Even better the second time around

A re read via audio,even more compelling than I recall and reminder why this series is an absolute necessity. King ,Doe and Preppy are characters than remain with one for the long haul but its fabulous to get reacquainted via the Audible version that is currently available now on SCRIBD. Onward to Tyrant!


I must say this book definitely shocked me. I really did not like King at first but he slowly made me like him more when I saw his soft side. Especially when he just wanted to be there with her when she drew. The only thing I wished was explained at little bit more was he was all for her and then he went with a club who're...did he get scared? Did he freak out over his feelings. It was never really addressed by him as much as I wanted but still enjoyed the book. My heart hurt when he had to give back Doe bc I understood why his daughter was so special to him and children should come first. I am excited to read more of this series! I deff. Will recommend this book just knnow that this is dark and there is a lot of crude language that may bother some ppl..but not me:)

The First of an Amazing Series!

K, heads up, I don't have time to write reviews for all 7 books in this series but each one just gets better until I wished there was a higher rating than 5 stars by the last one. It's not all about MCs and violence. It's about loyalty, love, forgiveness (or not), loss, pain, re-birth, lots of sex in just about every way you can imagine; friendships you'll envy or hopefully try to emulate and relationships, that while not traditional by most people's standards, work for the individuals who are in them. Get ready for a wild and fabulous ride that won't let you off until the last word of the last book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

This one will make you swoon, think, hate, love and grip the counters

I feel like this book was one of the first books that ever affected me so much. It was....intense. And I find myself thinking about it often, almost as if it was real life and really happened. I seriously fell in love with this book because it was believable. This isn't some billionaire, goody tooshoes book, the romance of it was raw and unfiltered and I just fell in love with King. He's not perfect, never claimed to be, he's dangerous and thrilling! I loved it!

WOW! It sucked me right in!!!

O.M.G. From page freaking one I was drawn into this story....Brantley damn, a little boy with a messed up childhood growing up to a man with even bigger problems. And Doe, sweet little starving lonely lost soul... "I'll try harder. I promise. I can survive...for you." "He may have been the devil, but his body was sculpted like a god." "Things don't always start out the way we want them to. It's how they end that's important." S***...I can't even put into words how much I loved this story....beautiful writing, great character development & storyline. I can't freaking wait until book two comes out in August! I need more King & Doe!

King is so dark and sexy its not even funny. I was unsure about this book when i ...

T.M. Frazier on man girl!!! King is so dark and sexy its not even funny. I was unsure about this book when i was first deciding to buy it. I read some of the reviews and from what i could read it was dry, sexy, drama, tattooed hunk. When i say Dirty sexy i mean dirty sexy. It does have very dark parts in the book that make you say Oh My Stars is this really happening. But really if your shocked this day in age from a little crazy whores, drugs, blood and tattoos than i don't think that you should read this book or watch any movie. I loved the books and have went on to the others and fell in love with the crazy sexiness that is King and Doe love story. Yes he is mean, hard and does not care that the hell you say and she is scared and does not remember a thing, there is a side that makes you think oh gosh thats epic love story right there.

King and Doe. All the feels

HOT. That is the only way to describe King. He gets all the points for being the hottest man alive. He is most certainly not someone you want to end up on his bad side! He is ruthless. He is an amazing artist with a twisted black heart that only has room for Doe. She gets under his skin from the minute he lays eyes on her. He certainly is no white knight but he's Doe's savior and he loves her fiercely. Once i started this series, i was chomping at the bits to finish it. TM Frazier is the best dark and twisted author on the planet.

Engaging Characters and Story

King and Doe SIZZLE and the action is a constantly winding ride in this story. I love the characters and the plot but the cliffhanger killed me. King is definitely a dark read with some hard topics. If drugs, sex, rape and questionable consent are triggers for you, skip it. Otherwise, it’s a wild and engaging page turner.

Blow your mind Awesome!

One of the best mother effing books I have read in a long time! It was everything thing I wanted in a book; a great couple, an awesome best friend, a great plot, wonderful execution, a 'thank God she's not annoying who actually listens' heroine and amazing swoon worthy hero. Perfection! I laughed. I cried. I wanted to jump in the book and knock some sense into them. I wanted to cuddle Preppy. I just wanted more of everything and that's what a book should give you! I don't think I could make it till August 15th... that seems like a life time from now!

ohhhh KING!

I normally don't write reviews about books sometimes I just know what to say and most of the time its usually the same as every other book review I have read... until Brantley King. wow. this book was hard to hear just cause of all the hard core stuff that happened in it. like the drugs and bikers and such. until you understand King and understand his world you might not what all that is. until Doe comes into his world.. His best friend since grade school Samuel "Preppy" Clearwater is best friend I would want! I cried to much in this book some of those tears where coming out so fast I couldn't even see the pages in front of me!! lol..... this book touched my soul and I haven't had that happen in long time! I have read many books in my life and this book top 5 no doubt in my mind. one of my favorites... P.s. the Cover of the book isn't bad to look at too!! I judge a lot of books by there covers.. so when they have hot guy on it you know im going to be reading it! lol :)

Heartfelt Writing

Wow, I could feel the words written. Heartfelt, raw writing throughout had my emotions going through a rollercoaster! The heat wasn't over the top, just the right amount of eroticism to blend into their storyline. I realized at 90% there was no way this was ending, so had to be a cliffhanger. Worth it!

sooooooooooooo good

Jesus that was a good book. And I don't mean it was good, it was phenomenal. The drama. Jesus my heart broke. I almost cried. Almost freaking cried at the end! For King. For preppy. For doe. Bear. Jesus. Drama! I want to be ticked at king. I do. I wanted to hate him. He was such an a-hole. But TM has taken this man that you despise, and shown you this other side to him and she makes you LOVE him. It takes a truly quality writer to do that. To be able to take someone you think is such an a-hole and closed off, and make you truly love them. Make you support them. Want them. I can't wait to see where all these twists and turns and ups and downs take us. This was a 4.5 star read for me


KING, this book. I've had this book sitting on my kindle since it came out and just last night decided to give it ago. Boy was I cursing myself for waiting so long. This book had me fighting mad. It had me in tears. It had me laughing so hard my insides hurt. The love and heartbreak that is shown in this story is so real, so raw. The pain, the friendship, the loyalty. I have all these thoughts jumbled in my head. but all of them are good. Prep. King. Doe. Bear. I love how honest and real these characters are. I love how even in their darkness T.M. made them such beautiful, lovable, characters. you couldn't picture Prep and not want him to joke with you, play with you.. come bouncing on your bed. King, he was dark and intense and so so Beautiful. Doe, gods i just wanted to hold her. this book was well worth the read and I cannot wait to read Tyrant!

WOW, just WOW!!!

What did I just read?! Absolutely fantastic, gripping, heartwarming, heartbreaking, sexy, romantic, and angst filled drama! King and Doe! What an explosive combination. I loved that Doe gave as good as she got. Her memory loss hasn't affected her feistiness, and she drove King crazy!! I hate cliffys, this this one was a huge monster. But I have to give this a 5 star. It deserves no less! Kudos to the author for telling a great story. Very sad it's a series and not complete!

A Very Dark Read. But one that you will love.

This book is dark. It's definitely about the rough side of life. Criminals. Bad people. Killers. Drug dealers. But the emotions and feelings that this book envokes is amazing. King will have your panties wet in many scenes, make you want love him so bad but then want to punch him in the face. Doe's story just gutts you. You have not choice but to really feel for this messed up lost young girl. The book constantly has you wondering where it is going. When you think you know BAM, the story changes routes. The book ending has me craving more but also so very stunned. I couldn't stop thinking about the story for hours and hours afterwards.

Doe is exactly that - she is lost but beautifully resilient. The two of them are intriguing and ...

WOW! What a ride. King is over the top in his brutality and intensity. Doe is exactly that - she is lost but beautifully resilient. The two of them are intriguing and complex. As their stories unfold, you understand why the characters are the way they are. The author weaves a great story that has no slow parts. This book is not for the faint of heart. It is brutal. The secondary characters are as interesting as the primary. Preppy and Bear are loyal, funny, and crazy. I would highly recommend this for those who like a raw hard love with strong H and h. This ends on a cliffhanger and picks up where it left off in Tyrant (another great read!).

EXCELLENT OMG, this book

5 Out of this world Stars......EXCELLENT OMG, this book, yea this book, this story, these characters are just F'In WOWZA!!!!! I read this on a 5 hour plane ride last night and let me tell you, I couldn't stop!!!! I finished this morning and my heart was pounding out of my chest. This author does a fantastic job at gripping the reader from the very first word and keeping your attention until the very last word has been read!!!!!! I cannot wait to dive straight into Tyrant, I need to know what the hell is going to happen! Congrats T.M. Frazier...another Grand Slam book:)

A MUST read

I really don't have words for how freaking awesome this book is. Its my firs T.M Frazier read and i devoured it. When I first started the book I couldn't decide if I loved King or wanted to throat punch him. I quickly made up my mind and fell in love. I bought Tyrant before I even finished king because I knew I would want to read it and boy was I right. There is a crazy cliff hanger that makes me super glad I didn't have to wait for Tyrant to be released. Make sure you have time to jump right into Tyrant or you will go insane waiting to read it! King and Pup are one of my favorite book couples :) oh and I met T.M and she is super awesome which makes me like her books even more!

Welcome to Logan's Beach

I devoured this story! King is a totally fresh dark romance with all the grit you expect in an MC mixed with the reality of everyday life. Not everyone has a normal life so they create their own kind of normal. This story made me want that "effed" up kind of normal these characters possess. From King to Doe to Bear to THE Preppy! I feel like I can't do this story justice with anything more than saying it's totally worth your time to enter Logan's Beach for King and stay for the lives of all the characters!

Absolutely Loved it!

Wow Wow Wow! I've had this book on my Kindle forever and finally got around to reading it and it blew my mind - it was crazy good! I am for sure a King Fangirl, oh my lordy he is hot hot hot! This could definitely be considered a dark read as it touches on drug abuse, selling your body, being held against your will, rape and murder but I will say that though these topics are disturbing, this story was written in such a way that it wasn't "heavy" if that makes sense. And Preppy, what can I say about Preppy (let's out a big sigh...), I loved everything about this character and every profanity that came out of his suspender and bow tie wearing lips. Definitely would recommend this book!

I'm so glad I did

People have been telling me I have to read this and it has been sitting on my Kindle so I decided to finally listen to them. I'm so glad I did. It wasn't what I expected, it was even better. I loved King and Preppy's relationship and how they took care of each other from a very young age. Then, when Doe appeared, Preppy included her into their little "family" like she always belonged. Doe was kind of tricky to figure out but I did like her. There are some surprises towards the end and possibly some tears. Great read. I'm diving into the next book as soon as I finish this review.

Oh, my KING

I don't know where to start! This was my first read from this author, a friend had recommended it to me and I loved every freaking word! I'm hooked! And my emotions are a mess! T.M. Frazier words are gripping, they took hold of me and did not let go from beginning to end. A top read for 2019 from me.

King is sinful!!!

Kicking myself that it took me so long to get to this series, and when I had a break, I dove in like a starving lunatic because I snagged the boxset awhile ago. Stuck to the pages like crazy glue, I was hooked!! My favorite kind of couple is the epic bad boy like King....*SUPER SWOON* Not only did I fall head over heels with his hotness....I also got to meet one of the most hysterical supporting characters that had me one-clicking his series, Samuel Clearwater aka Preppy. I laughed, I cried, I melted, I swooned, and had to keep picking my jaw up off the floor!! One word: EPIC ~~~Erika, Book Haven Book Blog

WHOA . . . .shut up!!

I SERIOUSLY DID NOT think I would like this book as much as I did. Once I started reading it, I was so drawn in, it was difficult to STOP reading! King is a tough biker along with his wild and CRAZY side kick, PREPPY! Poor DOE (Jane) doesn't remember who she is or where she is and the poor thing gets caught up in this BIKER/TATOO world of HELL ON WHEELS . .. .. The language is REALLY rough, but I have a built in brain filter when the story is REALLY GOOD that kicks in autopilot. This story is SO GOOD. Each book gets BETTER & BETTER until WOW . . you won't BELEIVE THE TWISTS . . . . .WHOA!!

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