Get Smart!: How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field

Kindle Edition
14 Mar
Discover the secrets for how to think and act like the most successful people in the world and reap the rewards!

In today’s constantly changing world, you have to be smart to get ahead. But the average person uses only about two percent of their mental ability. How can we learn to unleash our brain’s full potential to maximize our opportunities, like the most successful people do?

In Get Smart!, acclaimed success expert and bestselling author Brian Tracy reveals simple, proven ways to tap into our natural thinking talents and abilities and make quantum leaps toward achieving our dreams. In this indispensable guide, you’ll learn to:
· Train your brain to think in ways that create successful results
· Recognize and exploit growth opportunities in any situation
· Identify and eliminate negative patterns holding you back
· Plan, act, and achieve goals with greater precision and speed
Whether you want to increase sales, bolster creativity, or better navigate life’s unexpected changes, Get Smart! will help you tap into your powerful mental resources to obtain the results you want and reap the rewards successful people enjoy.

Reviews (81)

Stemming From

I admit that one of the reasons why this kindlebook of Get Smart!: How To Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest Paid People in Every Field Caught my Attention because of my intent to become both wiser and braver. There have been multiple opportunities for me to grow my courage/bravery muscles in all areas of my life and I have intuitively and logically noticed that some of the people who have shown courage andor bravery successfully have also expressed the bravery/courage in wise ways (whether intentionally or unintentionally). Some of the details included in the Get Smart kindlebook by Brian Tracy; thinking long-term by projecting at least 3 to 5 years and making a firm decision on which steps to take to go towards that reality/realities,writing down the details, gathering information, and more.

Great review

Great review of all that Brian has already stated over and over again in his amazing books. It's a good start for anyone embarking on the journey of success, who is just getting to know Brian Tracy. Precise and to the point.

Good points, too much emphasis on getting rich

Confirmed things I read before. Felt like a sales pitch for his 7 step method for getting rich. He writes about having to work long hours and sacrifice many things people are now valuing just to make money and buy an expensive car. There's more to life than working too much for money and status. They are other bills that have the same techniques without philosophy of getting rich and achieving status at the cost he writes about.

Empowering Book

This is a good book, a good refresher on setting goals, visualizing your future, and different steps you can take in your thinking to get to that future you envision. Empowering. I watched Brian Tracy on YouTube in the past and he has a wealth of information and an impressive resume.

Straight to the point ~ clarifies how to think and act smart!

Excellent content. Brian Tracy gets to the point and clearly explains how to think, act and behave like a millionaire. As work your way through the book you'll find immediate application to your life. One feature of the book that I love is that at the end of each chapter you get action items. Highly recommended! Not too long (I finished it in about a week.)

Great book!

You can change! That is the message contained in this book. And, that change is determined by what you think, how you act and react and the decisions you make. We can all learn to make better choices. This book is a great tool to help you do just that.

Very helpful across verticals both personal and professional.

Very helpful. Sets the context for excellence in life and work. Needs a PDF so you can listen and take notes. I annotated myself but aid rather have the precisely articulated document.

Brian Tracy as usual. The best.

Brian Tracy as usual. Things about success which we think that already know but he suprise us with another points of view, different from all the other authors, but easy explained and easy to understand for readers.

Brian's work is easy to comprehend and apply

Our mind is a powerful barometer of our mood, what we say and how we act. This book is another one of those helpful guides to building our thought processes by practicing key disciplines. Brian's work is easy to comprehend and apply.

Long term thinking is the key

I have listened to Brian's YouTube videos as well. He has always focused on reinforcing long term thinking and patience. Emphasizes on your mind and thoughts being the strongest tools for success. It is very invigorating to read this book.

Stemming From

I admit that one of the reasons why this kindlebook of Get Smart!: How To Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest Paid People in Every Field Caught my Attention because of my intent to become both wiser and braver. There have been multiple opportunities for me to grow my courage/bravery muscles in all areas of my life and I have intuitively and logically noticed that some of the people who have shown courage andor bravery successfully have also expressed the bravery/courage in wise ways (whether intentionally or unintentionally). Some of the details included in the Get Smart kindlebook by Brian Tracy; thinking long-term by projecting at least 3 to 5 years and making a firm decision on which steps to take to go towards that reality/realities,writing down the details, gathering information, and more.

Great review

Great review of all that Brian has already stated over and over again in his amazing books. It's a good start for anyone embarking on the journey of success, who is just getting to know Brian Tracy. Precise and to the point.

Good points, too much emphasis on getting rich

Confirmed things I read before. Felt like a sales pitch for his 7 step method for getting rich. He writes about having to work long hours and sacrifice many things people are now valuing just to make money and buy an expensive car. There's more to life than working too much for money and status. They are other bills that have the same techniques without philosophy of getting rich and achieving status at the cost he writes about.

Empowering Book

This is a good book, a good refresher on setting goals, visualizing your future, and different steps you can take in your thinking to get to that future you envision. Empowering. I watched Brian Tracy on YouTube in the past and he has a wealth of information and an impressive resume.

Straight to the point ~ clarifies how to think and act smart!

Excellent content. Brian Tracy gets to the point and clearly explains how to think, act and behave like a millionaire. As work your way through the book you'll find immediate application to your life. One feature of the book that I love is that at the end of each chapter you get action items. Highly recommended! Not too long (I finished it in about a week.)

Great book!

You can change! That is the message contained in this book. And, that change is determined by what you think, how you act and react and the decisions you make. We can all learn to make better choices. This book is a great tool to help you do just that.

Very helpful across verticals both personal and professional.

Very helpful. Sets the context for excellence in life and work. Needs a PDF so you can listen and take notes. I annotated myself but aid rather have the precisely articulated document.

Brian Tracy as usual. The best.

Brian Tracy as usual. Things about success which we think that already know but he suprise us with another points of view, different from all the other authors, but easy explained and easy to understand for readers.

Brian's work is easy to comprehend and apply

Our mind is a powerful barometer of our mood, what we say and how we act. This book is another one of those helpful guides to building our thought processes by practicing key disciplines. Brian's work is easy to comprehend and apply.

Long term thinking is the key

I have listened to Brian's YouTube videos as well. He has always focused on reinforcing long term thinking and patience. Emphasizes on your mind and thoughts being the strongest tools for success. It is very invigorating to read this book.

Nothing that hasn't already been covered

No new ground here. Just things that if you have done any reading in this space are reiterated. Not necessarily a bad thing unless you're expecting something new.

This audio book is in Russian

I guess it's a good book but I don't know because it's in Russian with no choice for other languages. I did not notice this until it was delivered to my audible account (my fault for not paying closer attention) My questions are, Why is it only in Russian for audible? and Why is there no option for return?

Great read

This book is great information and guide for anyone wanting to advance their life, profession, career, health, wealth and more.

So rich in content

Ideas, examples, exercises, and instruction that could change your life. A playbook on rewriting our own internal playbook. Be, do, then have something new!

Good Read

Another great, motivating read from Brian Tracy. Nothing earth shattering, but I'm sure some people will need to hear it for the first time.

Good book with lots of little tips and tricks

Good book with lots of little tips and tricks. If you're a frequent consumer of business related titles then you're going to see some repeated information, but overall a nice read and a quick audiobook.


Very good read, i would recommend it to all, it will open your eyes on things you already know but it will make you conscious of it, and i think that makes a big difference on your journey to success.

Five Stars

Great book, as are all of Brians publications !

Read more get smarter

It ok book nothing new

Great book

The book is practical advice to get me on my way in a direction that will help accomplish my goals.

easy and accurate

Quick, easy and accurate!

Typical Tracy - Excellent

For experienced Tracy fans not too much new but a great repackaging. A great introduction to those who are new to Tracy. Highly recommended.

This is a good reading!

This book does not contain anything new but it does have a different perspective. It does provide with practical ideas one can implement. I recommend it as additional reading.

Love it

One stop source for everything success. I love this book!

Very inspirational

Loved this book. Very inspiring and engaging. I learned a lot of good tips that I can apply in real life and work. Can’t wait to start the exercises.

Great book

Informative and straight to the point. Though a little suspicious about his life examples as I think he wrote some examples must to prove it.

Five Stars

Excellent product and and service

Valuable Advice

The book was a good read with great advice on developing the right habits to obtain wealth.

Five Stars

great book


GREAT BOOK! A excellent and inspiring read! High recommended.

Positive & Productive!

Perfect audiobook to listen to while driving to work to get prepared for the day or week. I recommend this book!!!

Five Stars

I love this book! I am buying copies for my kids, their spouses, and some close friends!

Brian Tracy is "Great Smart"

I love all the Brian Tracy books, it is a clear direction and easy to implement

Do or die

This book has important advices for that people who want to learn how improve his lives. You have to read it.

Five Stars

Good book. Key is to remember ideas and use.

So nice, I bought it twice! haha

This book is awesome, and it's actually my 2nd copy as I lost the first one I had. Excellent to keep using for reference. Helps you put things in perspective and really strategize and compartmentalize different aspects in one's life. Great read, quick, makes sense, and very inexpensive. Author really ties it all together.

I absolutely loved his past works

I've read a lot of Tracy and this one just didn't do it for me. I absolutely loved his past works, but that X factor is missing from this book. I usually eat his stuff us, but this one just felt like a repetition of his past works, but without the X factor. I hope he comes back with his best work yet. Unfortunately, this wasn't it.

America's best motivational. speaker writes another winning book

Brian Tracy writes another winner. He talks about developing good habits and following through with it. Successful people have good habits, whereas unsuccessful people have bad or no habits at all. I have read many of his books and love his work.

This is everything you've ever heard Brian Tracy ever say ...

This is everything you've ever heard Brian Tracy ever say before assembled into one book. I won't say I lost interest, but I will say I heard everything he wrote about in this book at least 10 times in my life from the man himself. This book is key if you are a young person starting out in life. If you've never heard of Brian Tracy before, then this is the book to pick up and get some starter knowledge. There are other books, courses, and material you can explore afterward if anything resonated with you. If you are an old hat to Brian Tracy or the Self-Improvement biz, then you are doing this to honor Brian and his efforts more than learning anything new.

Five Stars

Tracy rocks

he explains it like if I was a 5 year old

Typical Brian Tracy, he explains it like if I was a 5 year old.

Five Stars

It is very inseparational and smart book. I read it by one breath)))

This book is not short on tips and suggestions about ...

This book is not short on tips and suggestions about how we could improve ourselves. A key conclusion is that most of the factors that can lead to success are things that are within our control.

Five Stars


Rehash of other books :(

Unfortunately it is a rehash of Brian Tracy's other books. Very little new information here. I suppose it is easy to write a book if you just rearrange the text from previous ones.

Awesome book. Very insightful and can be applied to ...

Awesome book. Very insightful and can be applied to any part of your life. Don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting to read this book a second time!

Five Stars

Love it because reading the book makes you smarter than you were before you read it.

Four Stars

Very good condition thanks

You won’t necessarily get smart, but you will definitely become smarter after reading it

My review title says it all. This is one of the better books of the author (I had read 10+ of his) who had given you his very best in it. In short, recommended! p.s. Below please find some favorite passages of mine fyr. What do you think most of the time? And how do you think about it? Pgxiii The primary job of the leader is to think about the future. – Peter Drucker pg8 Because “you become what you think about,” the very act of long term thinking changes the way you think and act in the present, thereby increasing the likelihood of greater success in the future. Pg9 The critical word in long term perspective is “sacrifice”. Successful people are willing to sacrifice, to delay immediate gratification in the present, in the short term, to enjoy greater rewards in the future – in the long term. Without the willpower and discipline to engage in “short-term pain for long term gains,” little success is possible. Pg10 Practice the 70% Rule. If anyone else can do this 70% as well as you, delegate and pass off this task to that person. Because of the comfort zone, we become accustomed to doing things of no or low value that we once did in the past but that are no longer important to the results we are expected to achieve. Pg81 The Law of Three: there are only three tasks that you do that account for 90% of the value of your contribution to your company and to yourself. Pg81 Make the main thing the main thing. Pg82 Task completion releases endorphins, nature’s “happy drug”. They enhance your creativity, improve your personality, motivate you, and give you energy. Pg87 Keep asking, “What results are expected of me?” pg87 In 2007, when Apple released the iPhone, the senior executives at BlackBerry dismissed it as a toy and assumed that it would only appeal to young people who wanted to communicate with their friends. Within 5 years, its market share among business owners of cell phones dropped from 49% to 0.4%. pg115 Geniuses carefully consider every aspect of a problem, refusing to jump to conclusions, gathering more and more data instead. They test and validate their tentative conclusions at each stage. They avoid a rush to judgment. They are always open to the possibility that they could be wrong, or that their idea is no good. Pg139 Visualize yourself as you would be practicing this new habit. Remember, “The person you see is the person you will be.”pg188

Not much substance

There are not many (maybe not any) original ideas in this book. I've read several books on productivity and effectiveness and this ranks among the least valuable. Perhaps if someone is very early in their career and doesn't have a great guide for thinking about how to be successful, this could be a good start. My biggest complaint about the book is that the author makes numerous statements about practices and principles that lead to success and instead of substantiating them with data or at least anecdotes he proves their "truth" using statements of famous people, frequently motivational speakers. You can save yourself the time of reading this book by doing the following: 1) set goals, 2) make sure they are consistent with your values, 3) follow through, and 4) start saving for retirement early.

Recommended for people from any walk of life

Everyone wants to act and think like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett. This book shows how anyone can move in that direction. What do you really, really want to accomplish, either personally or professionally? Writing that Ultimate Goal on paper, and posting it somewhere prominent, is more meaningful than simply keeping it in the back of your mind. Be sure to break that Ultimate Goal into smaller, more manageable pieces. Resolve to do at least one goal-oriented thing every day. Corporate thinkers are concerned with pleasing their bosses, following the rules and doing the absolute minimum necessary to keep from getting laid off. Customers are nothing but whiny irritants. Entrepreneurial thinkers obsess about customers all the time, they continually upgrade their skills and look for ways to become more valuable to their company. Which one are you? Is it worth it to be in motion all day, looking like a video tape stuck on fast forward, and ultimately not getting much done? On the other hand, maybe you should prioritize your tasks, doing the important ones first, and resolve to actually work while you are at work. Leave the socializing for lunch time. Also, you should resolve to check your email only at specific times during the day. Stay away from it for the rest of the day. Every policy and procedure in your company should be periodically re-evaluated, for possible changing or removing.The reason that most people stay poor is because of ingrained bad habits, like procrastination, fear of failure and lack of persistence. This book tells how to change those habits. Start with "excellent" and go from there; that is how good this book is. It is highly recommended for people from any walk of life, young or old, blue- or white-collar.

Get Smart - Really !

"Get Smart !" by Brian Tracy is an important book on the dynamics of adjusting to continuous change. Tracy articulates the 7 rs of superior thinking which includes rethinking, re-engineering, re-evaluating, reorganizing, restructuring, reinventing and regaining control. The author documents the genius attitude or approach. This process includes systematic problem solving, solution focused thinking and centralized brain power. A related concept is entrepreneurial thinking which has the customer at the center. The idea of this book is to never stop learning and to deal with skill obsolescence forthrightly. This idea has economic consequences too. The bottom 80% rarely read books or take a course to update their skills. And so, the average income of the bottom 80% grows at 3% a year in comparison to the top 20% whose income grows 11% a year or more. Overall, "Get Smart!" by Brian Tracy overcomes comfort zones, fear of the future and the inability to accept change. The discussions in this book have important implications for advancing in this society.

Need to cut bait in your life? Read this book.

Very good book. This book will get you in the right “frame of mind” to be successful and surround yourself with other successful people. Like the old phrase “ chance favors the prepared mind”, this book focuses on positioning yourself to have favorable opportunities come your way. Recommend to anyone that is willing to make some changes for the better. However, there is a warning. You will start to analyze your friends and family’s habits, and you will find out that you will have to cut them off or limit your association after reading this book. Be prepared for negativity, but remember that “Eagles soar alone”

10 Easy-to-Read Thinking Styles of Successful Happy People

As a professional meeting facilitator, I am always fascinated to learn how people think and make decisions. So I was delighted to read Brian Tracy’s latest book, Get Smart! How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in Every Field. This book is a quick compendium of ten different thinking styles of successful people – and what we can do to make better decisions. I would have thought this would be a “preachy” type of book exhorting us to “do this and not that” or a dull read quoting lots of academic studies. Au contraire. It’s filled with short aspirational stories and anecdotes that inspire us to think things through, make better decisions, and achieve extraordinary results. And I’m all about that!

"We shall not cease from exploration...."

And here's the complete observation by T.S. Eliot: "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." In the Introduction, Brian Tracy points out that – on average – people use only 2% of their mental ability. I am among those who question that estimate as being too low but, whatever the percentage is, human mental ability tends to be underdeveloped and thus underutilized. “The natural tendency for most people is to slip into a comfort zone of easy thinking and decision-making based on old, false or incomplete thinking. Many people use far less of their mental potential because they become lazy in their thinking, jump to simple conclusions, assume causation when two events occur close together, and do what they’ve always done rather than to challenge the ideas [especially assumptions] or consider entirely different approaches. Years of television watching, failure to read, learn, and grow, non-stop electronic interruptions (email, social media, messaging and phone calls) make a person incapable of functioning fast and efficiently.” Tracy then adds, “Your mind is like a muscle. To develop it so that it functions at a higher level, you must place demands on it, the same as lifting weights for muscle building. Get Smart shows the reader a series of simple, practical, powerful ways of questioning and examining a situation to assure the best choices and decisions. By challenging the reader to think with greater clarity, the reader challenges his/her mind and makes it stronger and more resilient — like a muscle subject to vigorous physical exercise.” These are among the several dozen passages of greatest interest and value to me, also listed to suggest the scope of Tracy’s coverage in Chapters 1-4 of the ten: o 10 Percent of Potential (Pages xiii and xiv) o Action is Everything (3) o The Common Denominator (7-8) o Back from the Future (12-17) o Slow Thinking, and, Two Thinking Styles (23-24) o Practice Solitude (29) o Use the GOSPA Thinking Model (32-33) o Use the Scientific Method (39-40) o Be Willing to Fail (40-41) o Become a Master of the Game (43-45) o The Strategy of the Rich (45-46) o Earn and Acquire Ten Times as Much (51-52) o The Impact of Change: Information Explosion, The Expansion of Technology, and Aggressive Competition (54-56) o Goal Setting Brings Out the Best (57-62) o Goal-Setting Process (62-65) o Goal-Setting Exercise (66-68) It is noteworthy that each of the ten chapters’ titles focuses on a juxtaposition of two mindsets that, at first glance, seem to be mutually exclusive. For example, there are three: 2. “Slow Thinking Versus Fast Thinking” 6. “Positive Thinking Versus Negative Thinking” 9. “Entrepreneurial Thinking Versus Corporate Thinking” In fact, one of Tracy’s key points seems to me to be, as I now perhaps channel The Gambler, that smart thinkers “Got to know when to hold 'em Know when to fold 'em Know when to walk away And know when to run.” Moreover, I selected the quotation from Eliot’s Little Gidding V in his poem, “Four Quartets,” because it correctly stresses the importance of allowing extensive and intensive personal experience to enable us to see where we began our journey of discovery in entirely new ways, recognizing meaning and significance to an extent that could not have been possible then. As Tracy explains in Chapter 2, he favors the GOSPA Thinking Model, one that enables people to slow down and think with great precision. The acronym refers to Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Priorities, and Actions. He explains each component, suggesting that this method of thinking, “and carefully considering each action you must take, dramatically improves your decision-making abilities. It forces you to use both long-term thinking and slow thinking together.” I presume to add this simple but often under appreciated reality: More often than not, people struggle to obtain the right answers to what prove to be the wrong rather than the right questions; they also struggle to determine the right solutions to what prove to be the wrong rather than the right problems. This is what Peter Drucker had in mind (in 1963) when observing, "There is surely nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency what should not be done at all." With all due respect to the importance of becoming rich to so many people, the value of this book to me is to be found in the mental fitness program Tracy recommends. The brain is indeed a muscle that really can be strengthened substantially over time, especially when that process is in combination with sufficient rest (at least eight of the 24 hours each day), rigorous physical exercise, and proper nutrition. We also know that most human limits are self-imposed and many people are hostage to what James O’Toole so aptly characterizes as “the ideology of comfort and the tyranny of custom.” I commend Brian Tracy on this latest contribution to our understanding of how to accelerate personal growth and professional development. He has explained what’s involved. It remains for those who embark on that perilous but promising journey to stay the course. To them I offer a heartfelt “Bon voyage!”

I like this book

I joined Goodreads to become acquainted with some new authors, I was lucky enough to win this book. I like this book, I like Mr. Tracy's style of writing. If you want to read a book on how to be successful, this would be a good one with which to start. My favorite attribute of this book; it is concise. The author gets to the point. You want to be successful? Here is what you need to do. He lays it right out. He doesn't throw in a lot of fillers just to fill pages. For the audience that it is intended, it is perfect. You don't have to have a high IQ to understand it. Good job, Mr. Tracy!


This is actually a great book with lots of good ideas. sadly, I have to agree with others that this books is largely a rehash of old ideas recycled from his earlier books. There's not much new to offer in this book. Even the examples and quotes in this book are the same as older ones. If don't already own any of his previous books, then get this.

Excellent Resource for Wealthy Change

This book hits the ground running with practical and positive tips of improving our mindset, gaining better personal and professional habits every day and increasing our finances. I will review my notes often to recharge.

Brian Tracy is exceptional at understanding the most critical, ...

Brian Tracy is exceptional at understanding the most critical, universal strategies for success, and then he makes them relevant and applicable for anyone. I've read several of his books and recognized many of those concepts here. True to form, this latest work is an even more compact and inspiring summary about the practices that can make anyone exponentially more successful. You won't be able to read and not come away with some inspired next step for yourself.

Mr. Tracy is the best in his field.

We do not need a new ideas to apply these principles found in this book. We need just follow it and do it. Another great information for us to stop excuses and put in action. It's rehash or no, it doesn't matter. We just need to apply in our lives not talking and talking and do nothing. I recommend it to people that really want to change their lives.

Top Notch

Another great book by Brian Tracy. I had a hard time putting it down, finishing in less than 48 hours. There is a lot of great advice on how to develop wealthier habits.

Direct & easy to digest

Useful, direct information that is easy to understand and incorporate into daily operations.

Brian Tracy's audio bood is excellent

Excellent audio book. Learn and reminders on many subjects.

Excellent Book On Successful Living

I love Brian Tracy. This is an up to date book on the best ideas Brian has researched on success. I enjoyed listening to the book and found it very interesting and informative on successful living. I recommend this book without qualifications. Eldon Edwards

Concise and inspiring

It is concise compelling very well structured it triggers real revolutionary change in your life If you have to read only one book about self transformation this is the one

Most read for budding professionals!

Loved this audio book so much I signed up for his blog. Highly recommend!

Four Stars

Another great book added to my library of brian tracy products.

It's Time To Get Smart, Why Not?

This book I will be re-reading multiple times.

Utter ridiculousness

The dude actually believes in we use only 10% of our brains. You are in 2017, you have no luxury to spread that kind of nonsense. You are responsible to do research and write your book accordingly. He also believes in law of attraction and the whole book is pretty much geared towards that. It is full of that kind of nonsense.

A book!

Wife purchased this for work.

Five Stars

I'm happy with my purchase. I highly recommend.

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