Fowl Language: Welcome to Parenting (Volume 1)

Paperback – Illustrated, March 22, 2016
21 Mar
“This Guy’s Comics Hilariously Sum Up the Truth About Being a Parent.”—Buzzfeed

Parenting can be a magical journey full of bliss and wonder . . . if you're on the right meds. For the rest of us, it's another thing altogether. Fowl Language Comics takes an unvarnished look at the tedium and aggravation of parenting, while never forgetting that the reason we put up with those little jerks is that we love them so damn much. By poking fun at the daily struggles parents face, these cartoons help all of us feel less alone in our continual struggle to stay sane.

Brian Gordon, creator of Fowl Language Comics, has two small children of his own and knows well the trials and tribulations that go along with raising them. With more than eighteen years of experience in humorous illustration, writing, and cartooning, Brian's visual point of view is memorable, authentic, and instantly recognizable. From Brian: "They say 'write what you know.' Well, I don’t know much, but I do know what it’s like to be the father of two brilliant, beautiful, bat-shit-crazy kids."

Reviews (471)

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Welcome to parenting.....the most heavenly nightmare

If this doesn't sum up parenting and "adulting" I don't know what does. This has to be the funniest take on parenting and that dreaded journey into adulthood I've ever read. Honestly I must look like a lunatic most of the time because I've re-read this more times than I can count and sometimes while in public settings (like waiting in your pediatricians office while your child is taking a nap on you), I have just started laughing hysterically at this stuff! If you are a parent, know a parent, or EVER want to be a parent you HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE to get this book.

Tea out my nose ... but worth it!

The only thing wrong with this book is that it isn't longer. I busted tea out through my nose laughing so hard when I was reading it through the first time on my Kindle (pro tip - don't be nursing when you do that). It was a bit painful, but truthfully, as a tired mommy, I'd really needed the laugh. Many more followed, and I'm happily following Brian on Facebook and also supporting his ongoing web work now, too. TL;DR ... give this to your friends with kids, but only after reading it yourself.

Love the book

We love his comics (have the app on my phone!) so we're thrilled he finally made a book! Got our copy today and are so happy with it. We're going to make sure all our parent friends get a copy. It's nice when you're going through a rough time to know that you're not alone, others have gone though the same and survived to write about it. It's also fun to be able to be reminded of past experiences once it's far enough in the past you can laugh about it

Hilarious and fun for all

This is such a GREAT read! Being someone without children, I too found this book hilarious and adorable. A great picker-upper when you're bored too. I gave this to my sister since she has two kids of her own, ages 3 and 1 and she can definitely relate to a lot of the comics in this book!! I love that the author depicted his family as ducks and ducklings too. It just gives it that whimsical cartoon feel that it needs! I would definitely purchase more of these if Brian Gordon decided to publish a 2nd or 3rd!

Five Stars

Love it!!


Brian Gordon has connected with parenthood the same way Scott Adams connected with office dynamics in the workplace. The love, the fears, the flaws, the contradictions, the doubts, the aggravations, and the love involved in raising children are all demonstrated on each and every page of Brian's new book (yes, I wrote love twice, and you know why). If you are currently a parent with little ones, you will start to wonder where Brian put the camera in your house because you will see yourself in these pages. This book itself is also beautiful. Each and every page is in wonderful color. One "heads up" for the prospective buyer, please notice the name of the comic, "Fowl Language." This book is intended for adults, not all pages can be shared with your kids. There is a little salty or "fowl" language to be found here (just like in real life). If you are interested in the book, go to [...]to see what this comic is all about. I will be purchasing more copies as gifts for friends and family members who decide "parenting" will be their new hobby.

Great comic book

Update: Recently purchased for brand new parents! Still just as funny. Great comic book! My husband and I regularly read Fowl Language on different media platforms, and there were quite a few comics in this book that I haven't read yet. I bought this for my husband for Father's Day, and it was a perfect gift. He loved it, I loved it, and so did his co-workers.

Is this guy spying on our family?

Frequently I look at these cartoons and think, "Is this guy spying on our family?" The author takes situations that might seem like "I bet nobody else's kids are like this" and adds humor while showing that no, you're really not alone.

Beyond Funny!!

Just so, so funny! I friended him on Facebook just so I could see more of his comics. I loved it so much, I had to get one for my brother with small kids. :-D

Great to know how we all seem to go through ...

This guy and his comics are so hilarious. My husband and I wonder if he is spying on our family they are so on point. Great to know how we all seem to go through basically the same thing during parenthood. This would be a great gift for any parent from expecting well into toddlerhood. I look forward to his semi-daily comics on FB and instagram and love having his book on my coffee table.

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

I always think the sign of great humor is when you laugh after seeing the cartoon ...

I have given this book as a gift to no less than 5 people, as well as jealously guarding my own copy. I always think the sign of great humor is when you laugh after seeing the cartoon again.....or for the 5th time. These events are true as most parents know (but may not care to admit). Get this for a shower or baby gift. You WILL BE thanked !

This is a fantastic book for parents

This is a fantastic book for parents! There is some "fowl" language, so beware if you are easily offended. Great purchase!

Five Stars

Hilarious and true.

So funny!!

I first discovered Gordon on FB, and definitely related to these, as a first time parent of a toddler. Now I get to see the joys that are still to come, but can laugh at them along the way! Great book, highly recommend this buy!!

Awesomely funny!

I recently discovered this comic on Facebook and when I saw the author had a book, I had to come and get it and support a fellow parent warrior. I breezed through this in one sitting and at several points had tears of laughter in my eyes. Well worth the entertainment, and the artwork is wonderful. Thank you, Brian!

Very Funny!

This book was amazing. I bought it for my husband for Father's Day and he couldn't put it down. The comics are so easy to relate to, we found ourselves saying "omg thats our son" or "haha that sounds like our daughter" on almost every page. Such a great buy and I would highly recommend this to any parent. Looking forward to future work from Brian Gordon.

Gad-zooks! it's the parenting truth!!

after seeing a smattering of these comics throughout social media, i couldn't help it anymore. i jumped in i'm glad i did! great read when i can get away from the little rug-rats..."no i'm not reading in here, I'm just using the i don't know where my phone is so you can play games. i'll be out in a minute!!" yeah, this is perfect!!!


A great modern take on real-life parenting. While lots (if not all) of these are posted online, I like to support artists so please buy the book!

Parenting 101

In my opinion, No matter how many websites, newsletters, or books you read - nothing can truly prepare you for parenthood. Once you think you have it figured out - reality smacks you in the face. Every experience is different. What worked for one child - sometimes won't work for the other. Fowl Language is a successful web comic - turned book/comic. This book that will have you laughing all the way through because you can relate to everything in the book. Yes, I did laugh out loud while reading this book. It will also have you breathing a sigh of relief while thinking: "I'm not alone." "Someone gets it." "Wow, I thought I was the only one that felt that way." Author Brian Gordon puts a humorous spin on the emotional rollercoaster of being a parent. At the end of the day, we are all improvising as we go. I do have to mention that the illustrations in the book add to the humor of the book. You can guess by the title of the book the stars of the book are fowl - hence the playful spin on the title of the book. This book is a great gift for parents, especially first-time parents. The only thing you can do as a parent is give love and pray the rest fall into place. I love it so much that I purchased a copy for a friend. Highly Recommended!!

Quacked me up.

This book performed well. The front and back cover, covered the book when not in use, and the spine kept all the pages together to give it that classic book look. Each page had a good ratio of words to pictures, and the information inside was found to be humorous.

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

too funny!

this book is so funny! my ten year old read it witjout me knowing and all I heard was my daughter laugjing so I went over to see ehat was so funny...... she finished reading the book and now wants me to buy "more of these books" I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!

I'm gonna buy these for every new parent I know!

Brilliant, hilarious, and spot-on. If you're a parent, you will see a lot of your own struggle in this book. You've gotta have a sense of humor when you're raising crazy, ornery, hilarious kids, and this book helps you do just that. And I think the thing I like most about it—besides Brian Gordon's insane drawing skills and his comedic abilities—is that it lets you know that you're not alone. We're all messing up at this parenting thing. Why not laugh our way through it? Thanks, Mr. Gordon, for a book that I will treasure for years to come!

Great gift for new parents

I have no kids of my own (yet) but I bought this book for my older sister who had her first baby. Not only is it entertaining, but incredibly relatable and has provided her some humor as she tackles the first challenging months as a mother. Great read!

Honest and hilarious!

Parenting is really hard, as any parent can attest to. A dose of laughter is sometimes crucial, and that's what Fowl Language brings. I enjoy reading Brian's comics a lot, there are a lot of laugh out loud moments, a lot of "that's so true" moments. Plus his art is adorable. A must have for any parent who needs a little laughter in their lives (and don't take themselves too seriously).


I gave this book to my husband for Father's Day. He's usually a hard guy to buy for, but he LOVED this book! He actually sat down and read the whole thing after the kids went to bed that day. It was a quick read (good for a guy like my husband) and he thought it was funny. So glad I ordered it!

Fantastically Funny and Relevant!

My friends and I love this book--it is like Brian Gordon has hidden cameras in our homes! I've enjoyed the comics so much that I had to buy it as a gift for my friends who are expecting their first child. They don't get most of the humor now, but they will... oh, they will....

Five Stars

Love it

Extremely Funny

Parenting from a Dad's perspective. Absolutely hilarious. My kids and I all laughed our way through it. This book is appropriate as a gift for a new father. If you like this book, there is a sequel. Also try Lunarbaboon.

It’s like he sees into the parents’ soul...

Ever since seeing these online (Facebook and the artist’s website) I knew we needed the collection. And it did not disappoint. The artist really understands the parent condition. Would buy again!

So funny. So real.

Good heavens, but this is all very spot on. Yeah, I recognize all the situations. And now I can laugh about it. Gonna buy a copy for a friend who just inherited two small children.

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Yep, this nails parenting!

Lighthearted, fun way of capturing the messy, frustrating, ridiculous awesomeness that is parenting. And as the parent of a young child, it gives me a hilarious preview of the toddler years. Loved it.

Hilarious comic that commiserates with parents!

As a new parent to twins, so much of this rings true in our house. I bought this for my husband as a gift and he loves it. Great for any parent you know!

I love this ducking family

The whole family works perfectly. I'm giving this to new parents from now on. Suck on that! This is the REAL Family Circus.

Parenting with a sense of humor

These comics are a wonderful nod to the difficulties of parenting. Thank you sir for the laugh at the end of a very messy, tantrum filled day. I will be including a copy of this with all of future my mom to be gifting for sure.

Best book ever

Best book ever! When our kids get older we plan to give it to them with a nice little message.

You will laugh your funny bone off!

Great book. Really true to life. I laughed throughout the book. Clearly this author has been through the "Parent Olympics". Provides parents with a little comic relief from the challenges of child rearing. Great gift for new and repeat parents alike.


A mother’s day gift and she thought it was hilarious, the only reason I gave it four stars is my brother and I definitely found it more hilarious than she did

Do as I say, not as I… oh, you'll just have to read it

Some artists draw their comics at a level of simplicity that people feel compelled to say, "my three-year-old can do that." Readers who don't know comics might be tempted to say that about Gordon's characters. His simple lines, and bold colors, duck characters who largely look the same may seem easy to duplicate. Almost every boss I worked for would review our work and say, "my sixth grader could do that with his Macintosh," or "my four-year-old can write better than you." I kept my job because I never replied, "But can you do it?" Brian Gordon knows full well what three-year-olds can and cannot do because he devotes a twice weekly cartoon to documenting them (and their siblings). For the sake of luddites who still don't read comics on the web, he's bundled his best into Fowl Language: Welcome to Parenting. Gordon combines classic comic lines with loving, but sometimes desperate humor that comes from parenting multiple children. Readers who don't have kids may laugh at the jokes, but they'll never appreciate the the depths of dark comedy that Gordon reaches as a parent, and still understand that he plucks those gems from love. Welcome to Parenting breaks traditional comic formatting in that you never know where he'll take the story line. He may present the gag in a single panel or stretch it to four. If you follow his web site, or his Twitter feed as I do, he often throws you a bonus panel (which, alas, isn't included in an extras section of the book). His refusal to follow the format allows him to nail the joke with the precise timing he needs. No wasted panels for setup if the joke can be told with a single sight gag and punch line. Nor does Gordon tone it down for kids. His house is the house I raised my son in, or rather one of the two houses my son was raised in. We never had to worry about protecting our son from profanity, he heard plenty from his father and mother. And so, Gordon's hapless parent learns, his oldest child picks up on everything. ("It's okay, dad," my three-year-old Bryan once told me when it was my week with him. "Mom says those are car words. As long as we're in the car you can say them as often as you need.") In one cartoon father duck is about to cut loose when he sees his son standing there. So changes his vindictive to "stupid." He then makes his son promise not to use the word "stupid." His son promises to never say that s__t. Gordon doesn't cover the teen years, but his comics cover just about everything else—diapers, school, nap time, sibling fighting, Halloween costumes, Halloween candy, and the many places you can find underpants during toilet training. (Or was that my son?) Best of all, Gordon also released Welcome to Parenting as an eBook, which means I can enjoy it even with my son well into his thirties. You see, Carol and I rescue cats, and they love to use colorful cartoon books as scratching posts. Any book really, but they shred the cartoon books first. Phillip T. Stephens is the author of "Cigerets, Guns & Beer," "Raising Hell" and the new release "Seeing Jesus."

Painfully hilarious

Absolutely hilarious. Brian Gordon expertly captures the joys and trials of parenthood in simple frames and had me laughing on every page.

Funny and Relatable

One of the best books for new parents! Funny, relatable and the comics inspire you to take life a little less seriously because they are kids after all! 😀

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Very funny - makes great gift.

LOVE this comic! So funny and clever! Funny gift to give a parent of young kids. Brian Gordon is great.

Hilarious because it's all true!!!

This is my favorite book!! I showed my girlfriend some of the pages and she rushed to order it also! And I ordered and extra for my friend who's having a baby next month (heh heh heh). Looking forward to more!

Love it, so funny.

This man is HILLARIOUS! All very witty...and true!

Hilarious and all too true!

Bought my first copy at the bookstore, and have purchased several others for baby shower gifts. Just ordered 2 more from here on Amazon which is definitely a better price. Hilarious for all "veteran" parents, and has been really well received as a shower gift as well for our "new" parent friends. LOVE Mr. Gordon's work--It definitely calls out a lot of things parents and kids think and do with a humorous twist. Thanks for the laughs!

Five Stars

Hilarious and relatable. Can't wait for the next one!

Hilarious, just not for kids

Hilarious book. Perfect for someone who understands child/parent behavior.. who's a parent, or aunt/uncle.. there is swear words in there.. so it's NOT FOR CHILDREN. Key word in the title "fowl language"

Funny & Real

So true.

Awesome gift for parent-to-be!

Very cute book! I purchase one of these for every parent-to-be that we know. So cute, and as a parent myself, I can attest that all the cartoons are spot on.

hilarious and so true

Thanks Brian, now I don't feel alone!

Funny stuff

So funny and so relatable! I left a copy in my office at work and it has been enjoyed by parents and non parents alike.

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

There's nobody who describes parenting better than Brian Gordon

There's nobody who describes parenting better than Brian Gordon. Buy this book for yourself and everyone else who has kids. It's the best 10 bucks you'll spend today. You won't regret it.

I probably will give this book to every parent I know

I would have read this book straight through in one sitting, but for the fact that I started laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. These cartoons are spot on and absolutely hilarious! I follow Brian Gordon on Facebook and have seen a few of these already and I still recommend buying the actual book. I anticipate reading it over and over again (on the more challenging parenting days...).

Great collection of comics

A great collection of the Fowl Language comics. I have been reading through the Kindle edition and laughing at all the recognisable situations. Great gift for parents or parents to be.

A ducks quack doesn't echo

I got this for my wife for Mother's Day and I enjoyed it a bunch. I thought these were memes at first because I spend so much time on 9gag. Then I found out the dude puts together these comics as books. Needless to say I enjoyed this book on mothers day.

What a gem..

I couldn't stop laughing.. Everything from the facial expressions to the tiny feet and diapers.. Shared with friends and family who are either buying or reserving at the library.. Sheer genius.. Thank you a million times over for this gem..

Very good.

Very good.

Five Stars

Hilarious and so true

Laugh out loud funny! It also brought back memories of when my ...

Laugh out loud funny! It also brought back memories of when my kids were little. Can't wait until he's a grandpa, because I'm sure he'll have some really funny comics then, too!

The story of my life.. here for all of you to read! :P

This author is hilarious. Funny, witty and sees the light side of the truthful and sometimes trying moments of being a parent... I love his facebook page and now his book. Now if he'd show up to my part of the world to sign my copy, I'd be even more thrilled. :D

Just buy it, it's a must!

Brilliant! I rarely laugh out loud when I read by myself, but on this one i do! Frequently have get up and show selected strips to my husband; Read this! Read this too! The strips are eerily familiar to situations happening in our household and to what's going on inside my own head. And the humor is SPOT ON for me. Love it. Bought it as a gift for others on several occasions.

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Very welcome to parenting

I am a fan of the site, even if I am just a uncle and not a parent, I can find both myself as a toddler and my nephews perfectly represented in Gordon's drawings. So what best present to my friends as they embark in the adventure of parenting? :D

Must have for every parent

No funnier comic.

Very funny and only for real parents.

Although you can finish it in 1 hour, but for the price its unbeatable. Amazing comics.


Hilarious! A must for all new parents. I find myself laughing out load.

Very Funny

I laughed so much. Anyone who has spent any time around kids will be nodding, yes, often. I got tears in my eyes.

My life in comic form

My family loves this book so much. It is as if he observed our lives and wrote a comic about it.


Few good laughs

Halariously True

Funny stuff. Saw his comic panels on FB and decided to get the book for my brother.

Must-have for parents

Can’t stop laughing— this one s a must have for every parent. Non-parents should also be able to appreciate...

Love this book!

For everyone who has experienced the the joy and trials of parenting or if you just need a good laugh! I've followed Fowl Language on Facebook for some time and was so excited when I heard about this book. It did not disappoint. This is collection of some of the favorite Fowl Language comics. My only question is when is the next book being released?

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Very cute!

Very cute!

Love it!

My husband loves this book! This is his favorite comic and he swears the writers have a camera in our living room because this is plucked out of our lives. Lots of foul language but ya know, read the book title. Not for kids! But its not raunchy or gross humor.

Just for entertainment

I was looking for books to help educate me being a parent. This is not that type of book. This is a comic book for entertainment value.

Utterly Brilliant

Let me start by saying that I agree with previous reviews in that I wish that this published book would have contained the bonus panels, and that it would have had content that wasn't accessible on the internet for free. That being said, I can't give this anything less than five stars for many reasons. Brian Gordon is so talented in so many ways. His work captures the experience of parenting, and it does so in a very honest way. I have seen criticisms that these comics include a lot of foul language. I guess some people missed the title: "Fowl Language." But the language is part of what connects this work to many loving, but human, parents. This book brings out so many aspects of the parenting experience: the exasperation, the humor, the deep emotional impact of these crazy but lovable little people, and how deeply rewarding all these experiences are. I laughed. I cried. I felt like I was invited into a community of warm fuzzies and good laughs. I know that a lot of these comics are available on the internet to view for free. But it is so nice to have a book. It's easy reading. It's a book you can touch. And importantly, it supports this artist and author and his wonderful family. Our society often gets stuck on wanting everything for free, and getting angry when we have to pay actual money for something. The fact is, nothing is truly free. People have to work to create these creative masterpieces that we enjoy. And they have to eat and pay bills and provide for their families while they do it. If you enjoy Brian Gordon's work, please buy his book. He deserves compensation for all that he has done for those of us that treasure his work. I gave this book to my husband for Father's Day. He loves it. Every time he opens the pages, I get to witness so many laughs and smiles. I will buy every Fowl Language Comics that will ever be published. It is very worth it!

He's not a "reader" but loved the comics in this book

Got this for my husband for father's day. He's not a "reader" but loved the comics in this book.

This book is terrific. It's very funny and accurate for parenting

This book is terrific. It's very funny and accurate for parenting.

too funny

it was a gift for a young father, but we all laughed our heads off reading through it. He loves it. Some of these cartoons are just too perfect.

Very funny if you're a new parent.

Funny as F.

Five Stars

Love the book! As a teacher it brightens my day and makes me laugh

Excellent book. I've been following his work for a ...

Excellent book. I've been following his work for a while and I have moments of clear connection like I use to with Bill Watterson. I was concerned there would be no new material after having followed him for a while but there is plenty I had not seen. Absolutly worth picking it up.

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Hysterically fun

If you have kids you will love this book

Very funny book. Lots of head nodding and laugh out ...

Very funny book. Lots of head nodding and laugh out loud moments.


I’m not a parent, but I love comics like these. The book is so great! A lot of these things are so relatable (I’m a teacher), and my friends who are parents wholeheartedly agree!

Every parent needs a copy!

I've been a follower of Brian Gordon's Fowl Language comic since I stumbled upon it somewhere, maybe on Facebook. If you plan to have kids, already have kids, or used to have young kids (who made it alive to be grown-ups,) you need this book. Brian has an irreverent edge that makes his work laugh-out-loud funny. I read it cover to cover when I got it. Thank you to Brian's real kids for the inspiration!

Pretty sure my husband ghost wrote this...

My husband and I are convinced that Brian Gordon has actually bugged our house. This is so accurate and so hilarious and just so awesome. A perfect book for parents of small children to know that it isn't just them -- parenting is awesome and exhausting and ridiculous all at once. As a bonus, my (pre-reader) kids think it's hilarious. They have no idea that it is essentially about them. I have to skip a few words here and there when I read it to them (at their insistence -- "where's the funny duck book?!"), but, hey, how else am I going to find time to read for myself?!

Five Stars

I suspect the author is hiding in my house somewhere. His humor is too real.

Father's day gift


Five Stars

Hilariously awesome! Worth every penny. Must share with friends.

So funny!

I literally laughed out loud! Fowl Language is the perfect book for a parent who needs a humorous reminder that we're not alone in this.

So funny!

As a first time parent this was hilarious and SO relatable!! Love all his comics !! Follow his Instagram!

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Five Stars

It's like Brian came and hung out with my family for a weekend. Hilarious and sweet.

Funny and true

Reco for new parents and seasoned ones alike!!! This stuff is so real and so hilarious. Every parent can relate to the comics.

I love this cartoon!

Cute gift for new parents

Five Stars

Hits home - very funny

A smile for tired parents

As a new parent that helps :)


I loved this book! I even ordered one for my mom. I just wish he had included his bonus panels. Next book please do so Mr. Gordon!


Funny and brings points home that remind me that parenting can be humorous and that we need to look at the brighter side of life!

New Parent? Must Buy. Been a Parent? Buy Still, worth the laughs.

This is the parent pacifier I needed as a first time father. I bought this for my wife but the fact that someone is laughing off my moments of absolute defeat means there is hope.

Five Stars

Hilarious and definitely a need-to-read for parents in want of a laugh.

Five Stars

Best comic strip out there right now

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .


Seriously hilarious and accurate. I have followed Brian Gordon on instagram and love his comics so I bought this for my husband for Father's Day. We have laughed so hard and so glad we have his first book!

Five Stars

I love this book! I bought it for my pregant daughter to enjoy!

Honest parenting

This is the most honest parenting book, for this generation. Buy it for yourself, someone you know who had a baby, or small children, and read it often. You will happy cry.


Brian never ceases to crack me up with brutally honest depictions of life with children. I feel less alone and I thank you.

Four Stars

Hilariously drawn true life situations.


Best cartoon of parenting of ever seen. Made me laugh out loud. I could relate to everything. Definitely recommend to everyone.

If these were pasted on my walls I would be a happy mom

Sometimes I think my husband secretly writes these :) Love them! Got the Kindle and print edition for my birthday.

Five Stars

so funny!

Every parent should get one of these.

Our whole family loves these comics! They really hit a home run for parents and kids alike. I might give this book to every new parent for their shower.

Five Stars

great book

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Five Stars

A wonderful take on parenting...the good, the bad and the down right hilarious...


These comics are so true! He really captures parenting honestly and with great humor.

I laughed out loud. Legitimately.

These cartoons! They are so funny, so spot-on... I laughed out loud (legitimately out loud) through the whole thing, and I kept thinking, "Oh my gosh, this is so good." If you're a parent, enjoy laughing, and don't mind some cursing, I think you'll love this book. It would make a great gift too.

Five Stars

This is my new go-to gift for new parents. Hilarious, raw, and dead on accurate.

Five Stars

Super funny!

2nd GOAT parenting book!

The 2nd GREATEST of ALL Time! Parenting book. Get IT!

Great book!

Accurately pictures parenthood with it's great and also maddening moments. I recommend it to any parents who want to survive the 100th diaper change or vomit soaked clothes at 3 o'clock at night by remembering this book and lough depite of everything.

Our life

Or life; and we have one and she is not yet 3!!!! Enough said.

Absolutely hilarious

Such a fun book for all ages. Even our 3 year old granddaughter kept asking for her aunt to read it to her.


These comics are Hilarious, cute, and accurate. I'm not a parent yet, but I remember putting my parents through this. Makes it that more funny!

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

The best!!

Every time I feel like it was the worst parenting day ever I read these and realize I'm not alone!!! Best of all; it's not just me!!! These are great!!!

One of my favorite gifts!

Bought this so many times now, one of my favorite gifts for expecting parents, especially those expecting their second child. This book manages that wonderful walk between sentimental and down right "fowl."

beautiful, funny (really

Well printed, beautiful, funny (really, FUNNY!!!), totally worth of its price!


A typically hilarious look at the highs and lows of parenting by Brian Gordon. The perfect gift for parents new and old, or singles that want the cautionary tales to warn you off.

Five Stars

Bought 2 already.

My life as ducks!

Love these comics. Was so happy when I saw the full book was available


Need a laugh? This book well give you several chuckles.

Five Stars

i love the book

Five Stars

Funny and true.


Must have for any parent. You will laugh your pants off!

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

I bought 2!

Thank you Brian Gorgon for saying what all of us parents are thinking! I bought 1 for me and my wife and 1 for the next frustrated parent I see. Although these comics are on Facebook, I don't have Facebook. Luckily my wife is and shares these comics with me while I'm at work, it lightens the day. But I'm much happier with a book in my hand. It's awesome, a must read for parents. Oh unless you're one of those parents you have convinced yourselves that your children are perfect.

Five Stars

Hilarious and accurate!

Eerily accurate

I was wiping my tears, I laughed so hard, all the time hoping that the book would never end. At the same time I was looking around for a hidden camera that must have told Brian Gordon how it looks like in your household.


Very funny book. Just loved it. A lot of the situations pitured in the book will sound very familiar to most parents ;-)

Five Stars

Laughed until I cried because these comics are my life.

Kids or not it's funny

This was funny and relatable even if you don't have kids. Wee ask know someone who has kids so it's funny to put their nightmare in to comics!

Five Stars

Incredibly funny and observant of family life. A scattering of 4-letter words. Perfect fathers day present.

Good grown up fun

Hilarious! Grown up parent truths and fun! It's like someone was watching my family interactions and but it in a book.

Great book

I loved the humor and how it resonates with anyone who not only is a parent, but has come in contact with small children at any point. I throughly enjoyed this book!

Great Book

Great collection of cartoons. Cute drawings. Even non parents will enjoy this book.

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Five Stars

I'm addicted!

Five Stars

Just awesome

Hysterical! Worth buying!!!

Nearly every comic strip made me laugh. I wanted to share so many of them with my husband and with friends

A good way to end your long day of parenting

I would recommend this book to parents with a sense of humor. Love the drawings and the way he depicts all the good and sometimes difficult things about parenting in a humorous way.

Five Stars

Husband loved this Father's day gift. Love these comics.

Wife loves it!

My wife loves these comics. She laughs at every one of them. Now she has a low tech way of reading them, thanks Brian!

Five Stars

Great book for all parents.

Five Stars

I love love love this book!!!

Insight to the human condition!

Truer words were never put on paper =)

Five Stars

Excellent and truthful look at parenting

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

If you have children (or if you don't), Buy this book!

The Author captures the very essence of parenting small children, a very funny book.

Five Stars

Very funny and well done. Love it !


A majority of these comics were so spot on! It's nice knowing it's all kids that are crazy and not just mine!

haha! So true!!

haha ! So true !!

Honestly funny

As a parent of young kids I love the honesty without cynicism about the daily realities of parenting. I keep coming back to remember its not just me dealing with it!


It was a good collection of comics, the only bad thing I felt was that it was a little bit too short

Five Stars

Great read! Love it!

Five Stars

Cute for first time parents.


I've been following this comic on Facebook. I love this collection. Hilarious! Buy it for an new parent you know

Wonderfully honest

Excellent job taking some of the most frustrating, difficult, funny, and wonderful parenting moments and bringing them to life. I think any parent will truly enjoy this.

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

fun comic to read wish the language weren't quite so ...

fun comic to read wish the language weren't quite so foul/fowl...could get same smiles without the language...

Seriously honest and funny

Hilarious comics that I can relate to.

Five Stars

Love it to bits. I even recognise my husband :-)


I absolutely love this book, I took it to work to show the Mothers and everyone can relate and really got a good laugh from it.

Five Stars

Wife loves these puns inside.

Four Stars

Very accurate description of the many frustrations of parenthood.

Five Stars

Must have for all parents!


These comics are hilarious!

Five Stars

So funny and true!

Made a great gift for first time parents

Made a great gift for first time parents! will get more next time I get invited to a baby shower!

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Brian keep up the awesome comics!

I ordered two... One for my wife and I and one for a friend who is pregnant with her first child. Brian keep up the awesome comics!!!

... is a hilarious look at parenting that I cannot recommend highly enough

This is a hilarious look at parenting that I cannot recommend highly enough!

Five Stars

A humorous view of the ups and downs of parenting.

Five Stars

I got this book for Father's Day and my husband loves it :)

Entertaining, and so true!

Severally enjoyed these. It really is nice to see that other people are going through the same thing we are.

Great for a baby shower gift

Hilarious book! Great for a baby shower gift!

Five Stars

Soooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!

Five Stars

Fantastic, so many laughs about the realities of parenting. Brian hits the nail on the head so many times!

Laughed until my stomach hurt!!

A witty book about the truths of parenting. All of our true feelings about parenting all wrapped up in a darling little comic. :)

Five Stars

Excellent book I would recommend to all new parents!

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Relatable and hilarious

Funny and sooo true

Five Stars

Great book.

Four Stars

kinda crazy!

great read for parents!

Love this book!

Five Stars

Better than I expected! Hilarity on every page.

Five Stars

Super true ! Super fun !

Five Stars

Awesome book!

Five Stars

Just great

Five Stars

AWESOME! Love Foul Language, so glad it is in book form now!


Fantastic, a must have for any parent or parent-to-be!!!

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

Four Stars

A great gift to other parents

Four Stars


Hilarious and relatable collection of parenthood-related comics

I've seen the "Fowl Language" comics floating around on social media, and always found them to be a refreshingly honest and funny look at family and parenthood. So I figure a print collection would be a lot of fun to read. And while it gets a bit repetitive and can come across as a bit mean-spirited at times, it's still quite funny and will be relatable for a LOT of parents. Brian Gordon gives us a charming duck family... one that expresses a lot of the pitfalls of parenthood, and shows that even the best of parents can lose their patience with their kids, or just lose their minds over yet another playthrough of "Frozen." He shows that most parents are in the boat of "I have no idea what I'm doing," and that a lot of parenthood is just doing the best with what you've got and trying to roll with the punches. And there are some miscellaneous comics that don't focus solely on parenthood either, such as musings on Christmas or the Star Wars films. Sometimes the comics can feel a bit repetitive, and some people may take issue with some of the more mean-spirited strips (such as the dad flipping his kids off behind their backs in frustration). And the artwork is fairly simplistic, though still adorable and fitting for this type of comic. If you're a parent, you'll most likely relate to these comics. Because no parent is perfect, and sometimes the best way to deal with your frustrations is to laugh at them and know that you're not the only one who has to put up with your kid not wanting a drink of water until a half-hour after bedtime...

A laugh out loud look at the struggles of parenting small children

'Fowl Language: Welcome to Parenting' by Brian Gordon is by a cartoonist in the trenches of raising little kids. While the cartoons look kid-friendly, the occasional bad words make it something for the grown-ups. Besides, the kids wouldn't get most of the humor anyway. The book starts with a hilarious introduction by the author that should let most parents breathe a sigh of relief. We meet parents who seem to have their act together but we all know, like Brian Gordon, that they are "big fat liars" and we are all just making it up as we go along. The cartoons that follow show how kids can make us crazy, and how they can make us love them like crazy. The unending questions, the questionable wardrobe choices of a toddler, and how they never need a glass of water or a bathroom until it's extremely inconvenient are just a few of the topics. I laughed out loud many times while reading this book. This is a book about the funny moments of parenting from a guy who gets it. I received a review copy of this ebook from Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

Laughed till I cried

While I have over my lifetime known many little humans, some related to me that grew up to then have little humans of their very own, and I even once (although hard for some to imagine) was a little human myself, I am not a parent. And while reading through this book I found so much truth and humor I laughed out loud with tears streaming down my face. So imagine how much more new parents, parents, old and experienced parents, grandparents will enjoy this book. I'm making a note to myself to give this book at any future baby shower to which I'm invited. And I can think of several people I may gift this one to. I received an expiring copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for consideration of an honest review.

Funny and easy to relate to

I have seen these comics floating around the internet and have enjoyed them. When I saw that there was a whole book of this comic, I knew that I had to take a look. A lot of the comics featured in this book were the same ones that I had seen online but I thought that this was such a fun little book of comics. The thing that I love about this comic is that not only are they funny, they are easy to relate to. I have kids and I could see myself on just about every single page in this book. My youngest is in high school so I am at the point in my life where I am not dealing with some of these issues anymore but I will never forget what it was like when they were younger. Don't get me wrong - My children are still frustrating but in different ways now that they are older. I highly recommend this book to all parents or really anyone who has spent a lot of time with young kids. I think that this book would be a wonderful gift for parents of toddlers who probably need a good laugh. I will definitely be on the look out for future installments of this comic strip. I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Andrews McMeel Publishing via NetGalley.

Your parenting pain in comics

Being a parent is difficult. Fortunately, there are millions of people out there who know your pain. Be it the epic saga of trying to get a toddler to eat or the nights and days of sleeplessness and diaper blow-outs, you are far from alone. Even better, all of your struggles can be pretty funny when you think about it. It's been a while since I picked up a humor book that gave me genuine chuckles from cover to cover. Fowl Language comics have crossed my social media feeds plenty of times but this collected tome has some of my favorites and reminded me that we're all just trying to keep our spawn alive and thriving. Sometimes even asking for the latter is a stretch. But a good dose of humor about it can make it the one job you'll look back on fondly... in another 18 years anyway. If you're a parent or know a parent-to-be I recommend you pick this one up and share the laughs. Makes a great baby shower gift! Loved it! Note: I got an ARC of this through NetGalley for review.

Fun fun fun

Fun fun fun. I don't even have kids, yet these hilarious comics are all too familiar when playing auntie with my niece and nephew. I've seen a few of these before, it is the web after all, but to have a whole book filled with them is comedy hour! (image 1) Pro of being an aunt, I can tell them a whole lot more of silly stuff than their parents can. (image 2) Also, I have given them (cheap) instruments as gifts, lots!, so they can mesmerize their parents with their talent. I know, I'm such a thoughtful person. (image 3) Brian Gordon nails being a parent (or aunt) with his deadpan humor. A book to have around the house when you are in need of a little pick-me-up after the kids have exhausted you. Review copy supplied by publisher through NetGalley in exchange for a rating and/or review.

I never give five-stare reviews

I read it like it was a large slice of boysenberry pie. It felt good in my mouth and in my head and in my stomach. Brian Gordon is what my grandma used to call "a real piece of sunshine." This book is sharp, funny and nicely put together (like my non-blood cousin Rita). I hope I get to meet Mr. Gordon Brian and we can see a film or maybe some live music as long as it wasn't none of that hippie carp.

Lavatorially Versatile

I love Brian's Facebook page and was so happy when he finally came out with a book. It's a lot easier to read a book on the toilet than it is to scroll through everything on a computer. Have you ever put a laptop on your lap when your pants are down? Well that thing gets really warm and it's not in any way a delight. This book, however, is the perfect temperature. Not to mention a lot lighter in weight. Really, it's the perfect bathroom companion because the comics are short enough to read one or two while you pee and more like ten to twenty (depending on how much fiber you have in your diet) when you're going number two. It's very versatile. And funny. And true. You should totally get it.

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

On the Mark Parenting Humor

This is a wonderful collection that captures the (ahem) joys of parenting. The comics are right on the mark; pretty much each comic had me laughing and everyone had me nodding. My wife described it as like "Pajama Diaries for people with younger kids." Though even if your kids are older now, the comics will resonate.If you are a parent, you'll enjoy this book. If you are not, and have friends who are, it might give you some insights into why they are acting how they are.

And just as when wewatch the ABC program

If you are a parent, or about to become a parent, or want to know what may be going through your own parents' heads, this is the book for you! It was a hoot sitting on the deck with my husband who picked up the book first. He laughed out loud several times! And just as when we watch the ABC program, The Middle, he exclaimed several times, "This is too true!" Fowl Language is so easy to relate to! Neither of us was familiar with the online cartoon world of Fowl Language, but I can assure you, the situations are real, as are the reactions! If you want a quick, fun read about the trials and tribulations--and the humorous parts too!--of parenting, you must read this book! My thanks to the publisher from whom I received a free copy of the book in exchange for this honest review!

Loved it!!!!!

This is fantastic! Brian Gordon nails it! I bet he is a hoot for a Dad! I laughed throughout the book often because I can relate. There isn't a parent out there that wouldn't' find this book funny. I highly recommend for anyone, rather you have kids or not. If you are around any kids for any length of time, you will know exactly what he is talking about. I will enjoy giving this out to any of my expecting friends and family.


Get the giggles by opening this exciting book!Do yourself a favor and brighten up your normal day with this book!Book is a LAUGH,LAUGH,LAUGH!


Funny. Real. Perfect! A must for all parents. Even shared a few pictures with my kids so they know I'm not alone.

Awesome book, so glad i got it

This book is great. It's not a book you just read straight through. With books like this, you read one or two at a time and save it for those times where you need a smile. Or your kids are driving you insane. This book stays in my work bag and I pull it out at random times. Many of these are like my life. I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old. This is my life but way funnier.

And I don't even own the book!

Alright, I don't even own this book and can, without any hesitation, give this 5 stars. Even if he sent you some loose sketches on old ratty newsprint, it's well worth the cost. Been reading and enjoying Brian's comics for some time now and this is pure comedy gold. Don't hesitate. Buy now!!!

all parents who have any shred of a sense of ...

all parents who have any shred of a sense of humor left after going through the baby years should IMMEDIATELY BUY THIS BOOK. seriously. at times i thought Gordon was perhaps peeping through my living room window to get content ideas for the book! maybe he was, maybe he wasn't, that remains to be seen. what i do know is i was unable to put the book down until i read every single word on every single page. and then was crushed to learn there wasn't a second volume.


Bought this for my husband for Father's Day and it was perfect! So many of the cartoons are exactly how we feel as parents. This would make a perfect gift for Father's Day, Mother's Day and for any one about to become a parent.


Oh my goodness. This book is SPOT ON! These hilarious comics are such a great representation of the foibles of parenthood. The illustrator does an amazing job and, most importantly, it's FUNNY!!! This would be such a great gift for parents in the midst of the young-kid years (which I am in now)!

Why does this have to be so real?

Oh boy... where to start. No one really has an idea for what lies ahead when beginning our new lives as parents. We all think we know, but we don't. Everything we thought we knew gets flushed down the toilet, along with our belongings. This book brings all our experiences to life and just hits the nail on the head. We are expecting our second child (because our first foray into parenting wasn't damaging enough to our psyche) and I felt this was the perfect gift for my wife. She's already having a hard time not peeing at the same time while doing some menial task, why not throw in a book to make her laugh? Now that I think about it, that is sort of mean...sort of. If you are new to parenting and want a comical, yet frighteningly accurate representation of what to expect or already have several spawn terrorizing you and your spouse then please...sit down and read this.

I love this book!!! :D

I have been an avid follower of Fowl Language Comics long before I even became a parent. But, now I am living the life that the book depicts, though we still are in the infant stage. I agree that the comic strips are repetitive, but it is hilarious nonetheless. I can read the strip over and over again. I guess it makes sense for me to keep this book handy for the times when the internet is down and I need a laugh. This book is outright hilarious!! Brian, my man, you rock!! From one parent to another - Quack quack! May you draw more, may your kids inspire you more. Thank you for coming out with this book. Thank you Amazon for restocking and sending the book asap. You saved yourself some trouble because had you sent the book late, I would have sent you my baby. :P

I'm not a parent and I loved it. Sadly it's missing the Bonus panels from the online series

I've followed this web comic series for a while online and having a physical copy is really cool. The printing quality is awesome and it's a perfect gift for anybody parent or not parent (like me) I gave it to my mom and asked her to point out what stuff my brother and I did as children and it made her crack a couple of laughs. In comparison with the web comic, I would only buy this again if it was for a gift to someone who hasn't heard of the series. I wish Brian would've added his bonus panels onto this book or any other exclusive content that would justify a follower to buy it instead of sticking to the online series as it has bonus panels and help him on patreon.

Sad and yet funny realities of raising little fowl children

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than ...

The realities of parenting are so much more glamorous than my original expectations. An entirely too accurate snapshot of those precious moments deciphered into quintessential life mottos. "Poop poop, poopity poop!"

a little fun book to read

a little fun book to read. we're thinking about getting kids and this comic book really help us visualize how life is gonna be like after having kids and problems most parents would face. I guess this book help us get mentally prepared for all the sh*t that might happen after having kids. I recommend people who are thinking about having kids should get it too.

Longtime fan

I love this book, and I'm not even a parent. Friends of mine with two small boys were laughingly describing one of Brian's comics to me one day and that was enough to make me curious. I follow Brian on social media, and am really pleased to have the opportunity of supporting his work on Patron. I purchased this book and gave it to my friends who introduced me to Brian's work as a thank you, and they were tickled pink. Well done, Brian - hope it goes well!

Hilarious Parenting & Family Situations That We Have All Been Through

I love Fowl Language Comics. He has the awesome ability of making everyday parenting/family situations, that we all have gone through, come to life in very entertaining ways. WARNING: there is definitely "foul language" so if that isn't what you're looking for, skip this one altogether. But if you don't mind it, get ready for lots of laughs.

Fun, fast read

I recently read this book - took me about 40 minutes from cover to cover. I read it while getting a pedicure and found myself giggling to myself regularly! I have 3 kids between ages 13 and 5. This brought me back to some of the situations we dealt with years ago as well as some that still plague us, i.e., not getting to use the bathroom in peace! It was fun to bring humor to those sometimes frustrating situations for a few minutes!

this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised ...

As a stay at home dad and growing up with 3 kids , this is the perfect book for anyone who is raising or has raised kids. it brings back forgotten moments and ads multiple laughs to very stressful parenting issues when you feel " how can i get through this " Very on point book when it comes to the joy of parenting .

I so so so wanted to like this, I really did

My first review... I so so so wanted to like this, I really did. I thought I would get a laugh...and I did. Three times in 100+ pages. And I swear to you I have a great sense of humor...but maybe I just didn't get all the Grand Theft Auto and video games toddler does eat rocks though.

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