Fowl Language: The Struggle Is Real (Volume 2)

Paperback – October 10, 2017
09 Oct
The Internet sensation, Fowl Language Comics, is back with its second book, Fowl Language: The Struggle Is Real, the perfect parenting humor book for anyone who liked Toddlers Are A**holes!

“This Guy’s Comics Hilariously Sum Up the Truth About Being a Parent.”—Buzzfeed
He's back, and he's totally got parenting figured out this time. KIDDING. It's another collection of Fowl Language comics, ripped from the headlines of this author's actual friggin' life. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll swear. It's almost exactly like a day of parenting, except without the annoying little people.

Reviews (105)

Brilliant and True

This second book of Fowl Language is even better than the first. It should be required reading for all parents and patents to be. It describes in true yet hilarious ways the struggles and joys of parenthood. And besides the humor, you sense throughout that Brian Gordon loves children and the whole crazyness of parents trying to influence them into becoming well adjusted, sensible and smart adults. He pokes right through that and describes it as it is: As a new parent you strap yourself in tight, and brace for an 18 year rollercoaster ride with all the ups and downs and topsy turviness you can stomach (and often more). Eh yes, there will be occasional puking , even those less pleasant aspects are not omitted in these cartoons. In closing, really great and fun read. Give this to all expecting parents. It will give them a fun dose of "what really to expect " beforehand— and much needed comic relief once the little ones are there. I love being a father, and Fowl Language makes me appreciate all of it, even (or especially) when things are crazy and you feel like the lunatics (a.k.a. your children) are running the asylum (formerly known as your home). Ten Stars, and please write more!!!

Must have for quirky parents with equally quirky kids

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The bird is the word!

There are ups, and there are downs, to parenting. Brian Gordon continues to celebrate both in this laugh out loud followup (or would that be, fowlowup?) To his 2016 book Fowl Language: Welcome to Parenting. Following the style of his online comic, Mr. Gordon has his main comic accompanied by a bonus panel. You may find yourself chuckling along, then checking your house for hidden cameras as some of the comics seem to illustrate outrageous situations that you would have sworn only happened to you. But, gentle reader, take comfort that we all have experienced this. Welcome to the flock, now jump in the pond along with us other fowl language parents!

A journey deep into the life of a parent

I laughed, I cried, and then I went to sleep happy! Mostly because the tale of parenting told through comics is a little too on-the-nose! I laughed throughout the book, I cried when reading and being interrupted by my own kids, and I went to sleep happy knowing I was not the only parent to suffer! I loved the first book, and this one is just as funnier. My only problem is that it is too short, I just wanted to read more and more! Thanks to the author for making me feel a part of this super secret parent club, where I know I'm not the only one to cuss, get frustrated, laugh, and love my life as a parent. Keep up the good work!


This book and this artist is FANTASTIC! I follow him on instagram, and his work is just so relatable to anyone who has kids. He has a blended family in real life, and the ducks in his comic portray himself as the dad and of course his adventures with his family. Very cute, funny, and touching. My teen boys have also read this book and they appreciate the humor also.

... I come to my kids' room to say them good night, my daughter asks me if the re ...

Every night I come to my kids' room to say them good night, my daughter asks me if there are a new comic from Fowl Language on Facebook or Instagram. She is 8, but finds it very funny when recognizes herself and older brother in those two ducklings. I like that many of the things that happen to the papa duck have happened to me, and the author found the way to make us laugh so hard))

THE BEST strip about parenting young children since Calvin & Hobbes

Fowl Language is THE BEST strip about parenting young children since Calvin & Hobbes, and it does a lot of things even better than that strip because its focus is on the parents' perspective. The book is a quick read, but it's definitely something you'll flip through again and again. I had already purchased the e-book version for my Kindle, but I bought a paper copy of it as well, just to support Mr. Gordon.

Short but sooo sweet...

Another fun take on modern parenting. Yes, you can see many of these panels online but don’t forget, the man has to buy some Mac and Cheese so the kids have something to eat - help a guy out and buy the book.

Perfect for grown kids or parents.

I hope you all support this artist. His work is hilarious and relatable. I bought his first book for my mother as a Mother's Day gift and she LOVED it and laughed for hours. This is the perfect book to share with siblings as you all age and bring up memories of "back in the day." If you need a good laugh I highly recommend picking up this book and enjoying the cute ducks while cracking up.

You'll want to share it with everyone!

I loved this book. Every page had such relatable content that I wanted to share each one with my friend. Eventually I decided to let her borrow and she loved it just as much.

Brilliant and True

This second book of Fowl Language is even better than the first. It should be required reading for all parents and patents to be. It describes in true yet hilarious ways the struggles and joys of parenthood. And besides the humor, you sense throughout that Brian Gordon loves children and the whole crazyness of parents trying to influence them into becoming well adjusted, sensible and smart adults. He pokes right through that and describes it as it is: As a new parent you strap yourself in tight, and brace for an 18 year rollercoaster ride with all the ups and downs and topsy turviness you can stomach (and often more). Eh yes, there will be occasional puking , even those less pleasant aspects are not omitted in these cartoons. In closing, really great and fun read. Give this to all expecting parents. It will give them a fun dose of "what really to expect " beforehand— and much needed comic relief once the little ones are there. I love being a father, and Fowl Language makes me appreciate all of it, even (or especially) when things are crazy and you feel like the lunatics (a.k.a. your children) are running the asylum (formerly known as your home). Ten Stars, and please write more!!!

Must have for quirky parents with equally quirky kids

Stumbled across this author and I’m glad I did. I originally purchased one of his Fowl Language books as a goof for my wife, and we both had a good chuckle on hoe relatable the jokes were to our own situation. I like the books so much, that I purchased a set of them for a co-worker’s baby shower. He and wife loved the book, and also found it quite relatable to their situation. I will definitely be keeping Brian Gordon’s books on the short list as add-on items to baby shower gifts I might give out in the future.

The bird is the word!

There are ups, and there are downs, to parenting. Brian Gordon continues to celebrate both in this laugh out loud followup (or would that be, fowlowup?) To his 2016 book Fowl Language: Welcome to Parenting. Following the style of his online comic, Mr. Gordon has his main comic accompanied by a bonus panel. You may find yourself chuckling along, then checking your house for hidden cameras as some of the comics seem to illustrate outrageous situations that you would have sworn only happened to you. But, gentle reader, take comfort that we all have experienced this. Welcome to the flock, now jump in the pond along with us other fowl language parents!

A journey deep into the life of a parent

I laughed, I cried, and then I went to sleep happy! Mostly because the tale of parenting told through comics is a little too on-the-nose! I laughed throughout the book, I cried when reading and being interrupted by my own kids, and I went to sleep happy knowing I was not the only parent to suffer! I loved the first book, and this one is just as funnier. My only problem is that it is too short, I just wanted to read more and more! Thanks to the author for making me feel a part of this super secret parent club, where I know I'm not the only one to cuss, get frustrated, laugh, and love my life as a parent. Keep up the good work!


This book and this artist is FANTASTIC! I follow him on instagram, and his work is just so relatable to anyone who has kids. He has a blended family in real life, and the ducks in his comic portray himself as the dad and of course his adventures with his family. Very cute, funny, and touching. My teen boys have also read this book and they appreciate the humor also.

... I come to my kids' room to say them good night, my daughter asks me if the re ...

Every night I come to my kids' room to say them good night, my daughter asks me if there are a new comic from Fowl Language on Facebook or Instagram. She is 8, but finds it very funny when recognizes herself and older brother in those two ducklings. I like that many of the things that happen to the papa duck have happened to me, and the author found the way to make us laugh so hard))

THE BEST strip about parenting young children since Calvin & Hobbes

Fowl Language is THE BEST strip about parenting young children since Calvin & Hobbes, and it does a lot of things even better than that strip because its focus is on the parents' perspective. The book is a quick read, but it's definitely something you'll flip through again and again. I had already purchased the e-book version for my Kindle, but I bought a paper copy of it as well, just to support Mr. Gordon.

Short but sooo sweet...

Another fun take on modern parenting. Yes, you can see many of these panels online but don’t forget, the man has to buy some Mac and Cheese so the kids have something to eat - help a guy out and buy the book.

Perfect for grown kids or parents.

I hope you all support this artist. His work is hilarious and relatable. I bought his first book for my mother as a Mother's Day gift and she LOVED it and laughed for hours. This is the perfect book to share with siblings as you all age and bring up memories of "back in the day." If you need a good laugh I highly recommend picking up this book and enjoying the cute ducks while cracking up.

You'll want to share it with everyone!

I loved this book. Every page had such relatable content that I wanted to share each one with my friend. Eventually I decided to let her borrow and she loved it just as much.

Hits parenting right on the head.

Both of these collections of Fowl Language cartoons hit parenting on the head. These are great gifts for soon-to-be parents. There occasionally is some language some might find offensive so know your audience.

Extremely Funny

Parenting from a Dad's perspective. Absolutely hilarious. My kids and I all laughed our way through it. This book is appropriate as a gift for a new father. If you like this book, there is a prequel. Also try Lunarbaboon.

This book was hilarious! As a parent to a ...

This book was hilarious! As a parent to a three and a half year old, I related to everything in this book! It was short, but well worth having just for the laughs it gave and the timelessness of the parent and child relationship!

So realistic and fun!

If you’re a parent of small kid(s) it makes you feel better about your life even if doesn’t really help you. Knowing others suck in parenting is reassuring! Lol! The drawings are very vibrant and the book’s quality is excellent. I pre-ordered it and got it 2 days after releasing.

Love It!

All of my family loved the book. I follow the comic strip on-line and it's awesome.


The art is good, but the humor is top-notch.

The struggle is real...

One of the best and funniest parent cartoonists. It is great to have this collection of his work all together to laugh with anytime I need a pick-me-up.

Love this book

I follow Brian Gordon on Instagram and had to buy his book when it came out. Any parent can relate to the drawings. Definitely buy for yourself and any mommy/daddy friends that could use a laugh.

Absolutely LOVE this comic

Absolutely LOVE this comic. Could do without the F word every once in a while, but they are "fowl" language comics... Every one of these nails what parenting is really like.

The Struggle is Real

I've been a long time fan of Brian's comics, so I had high hopes for this book. It was exactly what I expected (hilarious, and so-true-it's-painful). My one and only complaint would be that it wasn't longer. But then, I'll take quality over quantity any day.


I honestly think that everything in this book is true. I can not believe how relatable this is. Also its just flat out funny. I recommend it. (although there are some swears. Wait until your kids are old enough to know swears are bad.) Otherwise its great!

Great humor from Fowl Language Comics

Happy to support the writer of the Fowl Language Comics. The only caveat I have, is a 7 year old grandson, who is definitely into poop jokes, saw the cover and read the book. Really not for him. (sigh)

She has 3 boys and absolutely loved this. It made her laugh and she related ...

These are HILARIOUS! Bought this for my sister in laws birthday. She has 3 boys and absolutely loved this. It made her laugh and she related to almost all of the things in it!

So true,

Everything about Fowl Language is hilarious! Brian has life with kids exactly as it is. My favorite comic. Highly recommended (especially if you have kids. Tony Weaver Author of The Book of The Way series.

Even my 4 year old daughter likes the book!

I love his comics online and laugh. Now I can sit down with my daughter and laugh together at the cartoons in the book.

Eh. It’s okay.

The original was much better. I was disappointed. I think I chuckled once.

Parenting must have

Love this book and all his comics. Let's you know you're not the only one thinking these things!

LOL funny!

Funny comic book, especially if you have kids. I Brian Gordons Fowl Language comics. I bought one for all of my family members.

... a parent I would be surprised if you didn't like this book

If you are a parent I would be surprised if you didn't like this book. Whenever I am frustrated with my kids I look at this comic and remind myself that I'm not alone. This book makes me laugh so hard, he knows how to capture a parent's love and frustration for their children in a funny way.

So funny

So funny, worth every penny

So great for parents

Can't stop laughing. I relate to almost all of the comics and look forward to more. I am now a true fan

Very funny. This guy "gets" the struggles of parenthood

Very funny. This guy "gets" the struggles of parenthood. This is a gift for a friend.

Hilarious, sincere, smart and wonderfully drawn

I forgot I had preordered this book and I was so happy when I saw it on my Kindle today. It felt like Christmas. I love Brian Gordon's new book as much as I loved the previous one: hilarious, sincere, smart and wonderfully drawn.

Too funny

Ahhh so many relatable parent moments lol really funny to read.

Five Stars

Great book


One of the GREATEST Parenting books of ALL TIME!

Five Stars

Super funny gift. Gave this to my husband as a present. He LOVED IT!

Must have for any parent

LOVE LOVE LOVE A must have book for any parent. Could not stop laughing!


I preordered the book and it made my day when it arrived. Just as great as the last one. He perfectly captures the fun and insanity of parenting.

Smart and witty

Smart and Witty

Five Stars

Fantastic. Phenominal read. Even if it ends up being a book for... When you're pooping. Lol!

My teenage sons loved book as much as I did

Entertaining! I have this downloaded on my kindle and read through it from time to time... My teenage sons loved book as much as I did. .


This is real life with kids. :)

Five Stars


but at least the duckling likes looking at the funny drawings.

Read the whole thing while the duckling was napping and had to contain the laughter to keep from waking the duckling up; failed miserably, but at least the duckling likes looking at the funny drawings.

Five Stars

So very true! Life as ducks. :)

Great gift for anyone!

Humorous book parenting. Not just for parents!

Funny & Realistic

Very funny and very realistic about the challenges of parenting.


An okay read

Comedy Gold!

Brilliantly funny book

Be prepared to laugh — a lot!

Loved every second of this. Beyond hilarious!

Five Stars

Another great book!

Three Stars

The comics in this book are awesome. Too bad the book came damaged.

Funny parenting comics, with a few changes from the first collection

I'm not a parent, but I can appreciate the humor behind Brian Gordon's "Fowl Language" comics. Let's face it, parenting is not an easy job, and as much as parents love their children they can be a huge handful, and every parent is going to struggle and wonder if they're even cut out for the job. "The Struggle Is Real," the second collection of "Fowl Language" comics, is still funny, though not quite as good as the first collection. The art style of these comics is simple yet fun, with the erstwhile parents and their children depicted by adorable cartoon ducks. Backgrounds are either very simple or nonexistent, but given that this is a gag-a-day comic the art style works and lets the humor be the main focus. And the jokes are ones that any parent will probably find themselves smiling and nodding over. The jokes do get a little repetitive if you read them all in one sitting. And this collection, unlike the last one, adds a "stinger" panel to every comic. Sometimes these "stingers" are nice compliments to the main comic or even funnier than said main comic (the cover illustration comes from one of these stingers), but other times they feel unnecessary and even spoil the joke by hammering it in too hard or over-explaining it. If you're a parent or know someone who's a parent, give this comic collection a read. It's funny, all too true at times, and a nice bit of catharsis.

Funny and Relatable

While I'm not a parent I still really enjoyed this book. The comics were funny and entirely relatable. Plus, the drawings are of ducks. What's not to love about ducks?! I've observed so many of these moments with friends' kids, along with the sticky kids who always end up next to you in the checkout line and the ones playing the games with annoying music at the highest possible volume on their parent's phone at the doctor's surgery. Whenever I come across a Fowl Language moment I have such admiration for the way parents manage the seemingly impossible and usually think, 'You poor things' and feel myself wanting to give the frazzled parents a hug. Yet at the same time I'm probably also thinking, 'This is reason number 638 why I don't have kids'. There's always something cathartic about finding a "Me, too!" moment when you feel like you're the only one going through something and parents are definitely going to find plenty of those in this book. This is a book that can used to reminisce - "Look what we survived!", to encourage - "I think I can, I think I can" or possibly even as an effective form of birth control. Thank you so much to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for the opportunity to read this book.

Funny and Relatable

While I'm not a parent I still really enjoyed this book. The comics were funny and entirely relatable. Plus, the drawings are of ducks. What's not to love about ducks?! I've observed so many of these moments with friends' kids, along with the sticky kids who always end up next to you in the checkout line and the ones playing the games with annoying music at the highest possible volume on their parent's phone at the doctor's surgery. Whenever I come across a Fowl Language moment I have such admiration for the way parents manage the seemingly impossible and usually think, 'You poor things' and feel myself wanting to give the frazzled parents a hug. Yet at the same time I'm probably also thinking, 'This is reason number 638 why I don't have kids'. There's always something cathartic about finding a "Me, too!" moment when you feel like you're the only one going through something and parents are definitely going to find plenty of those in this book. This is a book that can used to reminisce - "Look what we survived!", to encourage - "I think I can, I think I can" or possibly even as an effective form of birth control. Thank you so much to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for the opportunity to read this book.

So real, it's funny

'Fowl Language: The Struggle is Real' by Brian Gordon is the second collection of comics from this hilarious series. Parenting is hard. Kids do and say ludicrous things. These are illustrated here, but as ducks, which makes it funnier and even stranger. Siblings bothering parents, siblings bothering each other, and parents trying to get a moments peace to get chores done (or sleep, or a bathroom break) make up a lot of these comics. I've been a fan of this comic for a while. The humor works so well because it feels so real. The ducks just make the conversations feel ludicrous. I laughed quite a bit, but this is probably not a collection for younger readers as it does contain some profanity. I received a review copy of this ebook from Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

Funny and cute comics about family life

I’ve always been a huge fan of Brian Gordon and his sense of humor, so it came as no surprise to me that I enjoyed Fowl Language: the Struggle is Real. It’s a quick and fun read, and for those of you that haven’t been following him before now, I highly suggest you look up his webcomic (which is where the comics in the novel pull from). Gordon has a knack for making his comics endearing and relatable – even to people who have not been in the circumstances he’s talking about. For example, I’m not a parent but I greatly enjoy his parent series, as it’s hard to miss the human elements he uses to tie everything together. I’m sure parents also find his work hilarious, likely shouting “me too!” or “been there!” at particularly whimsical moments.

Laughing & Loving the Raw Truth

I received a copy through the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This is hilarity in written form. Why are kids the way they are? No idea. But this is a real-life look into parenthood and the struggles that mothers and fathers face at the hands of their children. If you want to laugh so hard you pee yourself with your now-weak bladder, mom, this is for you. The truthful, raw way this is presented with the matching comic illustrations does nothing to hinder the obvious joy and love for children the author (and the reading parent) have for their children; rather, it highlights the need for a comic break from the stress of trying to perfectly raise your wonderful little teacup humans and all the escapades that come with parenthood. Any parent is sure to love this!

You Can't Even Poop in Private

FOWL LANGUAGE: THE STRUGGLE IS REAL is the second book collection of the comic strip "Fowl Language." The strip examines the life of being a parent of two precocious children. However, the author does so by re-imagining his family as a family of ducks. The book begins with an introduction by the author. The inside back cover of the book features a short biography of the author. In between, are 120 pages (there's 126 total pages in the book, but the intro stuff is 6 pages long) of pure parental hilarity. This comic and the book are not intended for children as there are several foul words used throughout. I enjoyed reading FOWL LANGUAGE: THE STRUGGLE IS REAL and look forward to other "Fowl Language" books.

Even if you've never been a parent, after all, you tortured your parents, so...

Brian Gordon hits the mark with Fowl Language: The Struggle Is Real. This collection of comics takes as its subject parenting, namely the situations that can make parents crazy. The humor is both laugh out loud good and also spot on in portraying many of the situations. Who knew ducks experienced the same parenting obstacles that humans do? Amazing! Highly recommended for anyone but especially parents and, in my case, grandparents. Seems the longer time since parenting young children makes the humor so much less painful. Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley.

there was another panel that wasn't as funny, so I enjoyed the other one much better

This is the second Fowl Language book I have read and I still laughed at many of the jokes because I could identify with them. This book was a little different as after the joke, there was another panel that wasn't as funny, so I enjoyed the other one much better. I did see myself and my children on many of these pages and love that my son is going through this now with his own children. The fact that the characters are ducks makes it just a little cuter. I think the funniest pages for me were the meal one and the healthy snack one. I could hear those words coming out of my mouth. There is also mention of social media which is so prevalent in our society. A cute book for soon to be parents or for those fearing empty nest syndrome.


This book works like a comic strip and it geared toward more mature readers, although I am sure some younger readers would see humor in it. The authors use the medium of a comic strip and animal characters to make satirical comments about life. Recommended for anyone looking for a light bit of easy-reading fun. Also recommended for those who can appreciate humor and the comic book/comic strip medium.


This is truly a funny adult comic, what with all the fowl language and all, I get what the author is saying and I have to agree with them it’s a novel way to look at the things we have said and done at one time or another. I would love to say the fowl language could have been omitted but I don’t want to be a hypocrite here, let's be reasonable we have all at one time used such language in the same situations or like before we came to our senses. So folks let's have a laugh about our past antics if you dare to brave the fowl language, it’s truly a funny comic book, so read without remorse it's just pure fun with a sharp learning curve that opens our eyes to the facts.

So often feels like this was written for us!

I absolutely adore this comic collection! Mr. Gordon really captures the spirit and (unintended) hilarity that is parenting. I can't recommend his work enough to people, though parents may get the greatest joy from being able to relate to the specific instances, anyone can appreciate the brilliance.


So stinking cute! I absolutely loved it. These cartoons are awesome. Definitely fowl language lol but super funny as well.

You don't have to be a parent to enjoy

You don't have to be a parent to enjoy and crack up at the hilarious comics in these collections. In fact, if you're childless, you enjoy them even more. You get to cackle in a mighty evil way.

Five Stars


Hilarious - and extremely accurate...

Well as pretty much everyone else says - if you're a parent you'll recognise pretty much all of these. Interesting that kids no matter where they live are very much alike :-D If you're not a parent, there's still a debate ongoing whether reading this book (and the first one) is a good idea or not :-)

this one just keeps the fun going! I hope to see many more

Got his first book, this one just keeps the fun going! I hope to see many more! great gifts even if you don't have kids!


Absolutely love this!

they loved it!

Bought as a gift, they loved it!

Perfect !

Funny comic good book quality

Five Stars

Sadly funny or funnily sad ... ;)

Brilliant book

Spot on parenting experience, extremely fun :)


Wer selbst Kinder hat, findet sich in Brian Gordons Comics sofort wieder. Ich habe beim Lesen oft geschmunzelt und bei einigen Panels wie der "21 Minute Challenge" oder "T.G.I.M" (findet man beide über den "Blick in's Buch") herzlich gelacht. Und trotz all den Strapazen kommt auch die Liebe zu unseren Kindern im Buch nicht zu kurz, wirklich sehr empfehlenswert.

Leider schlechter als Teil 1

Welcome to parenting war großatig und erfrischend anders. Daher war ich vom zweiten Teil enttäuscht. Nett, ganz lustig, vielleicht noch ein zweites Mal durchblättern das wars. Da der Abstand zu Teil 1 zu groß ist kann ich nur 3 sterne geben

Pflichtlektüre für Eltern

Wenn ihr euch fragt, wie es ist, Kinder zu haben. Alles, was in diesen Comics beschrieben wird, ist wahr. Ersetzt durchaus einen Besuch beim Therapeuten also definitiv zu empfehlen.

Fowl language is for me!

If you are a fan of the cartoon you will love this book! It is all the funny posts from his website all combined in one amazingly funny read!

Noch ein Volltreffer

Auch das zweite Buch ist soooooo lustig, mein Mann und ich haben wieder Tränen gelacht. Trifft das Leben mit Kindern auf den Kopf! Super zum Verschenken an andere „Betroffene“ :)

Loved it

I got it for my mum for Christmas, and she loves it. Truly a great book. It does have some swearing, but I don't mind. Also check out this dudes other book, welcome to parenthood.

Muy divertido y recomendable

Muy muy divertidos me ha gustado mucho sin embargo me gustó más fíjate el anterior.

Wickedly Funny

Sehr lustige und nette Comics. Das perfekte Geschenk für Eltern mit jungen Kindern. Habe, weil sie so gut angekommen sind, bereits 2x Nachschub bestellt.


I pick it up when I want a good chuckle. The material is totally relevant.

Every parent needs some Fowl Language

Another Fantastic collection! Nobody handles the truth about being a parent better! I'm saner for having this book in my life :)


Really Funny! Love it. Delivery was fast.

Five Stars

Funny book! Went over well at the baby shower

Great comic!

Great comic! Bought this for a friend, for christmas. Absolutely loved it - shared it with his other Dad friends. Very relateable!

Good hunor

A must read for all parents of small offspring

Una gran y divertida interpretación de la paternidad!!!!

Excelente sátira demasiado real sobre ser padre. Y todo con patitos. Podría retar a cualquier padre a no verse reflejado y sin duda, ganaría yo. De lectura obligada para padres (y madres) de niños pequeños.

Conforme à l'attendu, mais pas assez positif à mon goût

produit conforme à la description, mais dans le même genre je préfère Lunarbaboon, qui a un style plus positif : les interactions avec ses enfants sont l'occasion de redécouvrir le monde sous un angle meilleur. Dans fowl language, on est plus dans la critique consensuelle du "ils m'empêchent de dormir, de vivre, ce sont des terreurs". Oui ça fonctionne, mais cela me plaît moins.

Five Stars

its funny n apt :)

Tres drôle

BD très drôle sur les joies de la parentalité. En anglais.

This cartoonist hits the nail on the head when it ...

This cartoonist hits the nail on the head when it comes to the joy/pain of parenthood. It is uncanny really.

Five Stars

I love this book as much as its predecessor. The humour is awesome, the quality is great.

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