Finding Ivy: A Steamy Contemporary Romance

Kindle Edition
04 Jan
“He knew things about me that no one could. His explanation was impossible, but the alternatives were worse…” After putting everything on hold to care for her dying father, Ivy Nichols feels lonely and disconnected. She’s struggling to jump in and start again—especially when it comes to dating. The mysterious William Cole walks into her life, like a beacon of light in a fog. He’s sensual and captivating—awakening Ivy in ways she’s never experienced before. But he knows things about her—deeply personal things. His story is unbelievable, but the truth might be worse. Her friends insist he’s either a con artist, or he’s crazy. With her heart on the line, Ivy has to decide who—and what—she believes. The rational explanation from her trusted friends? Or the impossible story from the man without a past? The man who swears he will do anything to protect her. One thing she is sure of—William doesn’t just know facts about her life. He knows her, inside and out. He knows her as intimately as if he’s spent every moment of his life loving her. And according to him, he has.

Reviews (191)

I LOVED every word of this!!

I loved every word of this book!!! I loved both Ivy and William and how honest and pure he was. I loved how Ivy followed her instincts and trusted William. It was just such an incredible love story. The funny thing is I passed on this book a while ago because I don’t really care for single POV books, but there was a reason it was only Ivy’s POV and the mystery of William added so much more to the story. It was just so well done. Claire Kingsley is one of my favorite authors and I feel like an idiot for not reading this sooner. I was sucked in immediately and really couldn’t put it down until I finished. I can’t recommend it enough!!


I believe this book should be a movie. It’s turning points and characters are well thought out. The story is moving and just a great reminder of the great beyond is at our reach. Mystery and intrigue kept me swallowing the words whole, never wanting to put the book down. Amazing love story and a fantastic literary genius at the helms. Claire out did herself with this one. Thanks for the escape ❤️

Unique, Very Interesting

I'll admit it sounds other worldly, but it really isn't. You'll love the two main characters, their awesome. A man with no past and an odd mind that remembers things with no idea where they came from.

A sweet, intriguing and steamy romance

I read this at the suggestion of the author in her subscriber newsletter. Like Kingsley says in her Author's Note, it's definitely a departure for her. There is only Ivy's first-person POV (until the epilogue) and there is a hint of mystery or magic...or fate? I really enjoyed Ivy and her tendency to quote literature. Her friendship with Jessica was fun, and I waa touched by her relationship with her father. I was mostly raised by my dad and father-daughter depictions always have a special place in my heart. Speaking of hearts, it's time to talk about William. Is he too good to be true? Is he a bit too odd to describe? Does he have a hint of danger? Yes to all of the above. He's also sexy as all get out. I loved unraveling his mystery. Kingsley did a great job of showing how important consent and attraction are in a relationship. The first man, Blake, is a jerk in so many ways. Also, there is an adorable dog named Edgar (for Edgar Allen Poe). Add some steamy scenes, fun dialogue--what more do you need?

The Magic of True Love

I am accustomed to Claire Kingsley writing romance with a twist of comedy. Friends to lovers? Yup, she's a master at that. Enemies to lovers? She has that down pat. Second chance, return to a hometown and single dads? She does them perfectly. She even delved into more angst and the darker side of romance in her last book, and it was amazing. So it's fair to say I trust her and her writing choices pretty implicitly. Yet, I admit that I did start reading Remembering Ivy with expectations that it would fall into one of these tropes. And although there were hints of several, this book is something completely different. And I don't want to risk any spoilers at all. But I will say that this book had me questioning what I believed- about love, about coincidence and connections, and about the very universe. Have you ever felt that you just knew something, or someone, but you had no clue how, or why? Ever experienced deja vu, or recognized a place when you were certain you'd never been there before? Do you sometimes dream an event before it comes to pass? Or just have a deep gut feeling but no evidence, as of that moment, to back it up? And when these things occur, do you write them off? Do you chalk it all up to happenstance? Or do you wonder if there is something bigger at play? If there are unexplained phenomena within the universe, invisible and silky threads, that bind us to one another and we are only just aware at some basic subconscious level? Ivy Nichols lives a relatively simple life. And a pretty solitary one. She's a professor at a nearby college, and often speaks in Austen quotes and obscure literary references. And since the father she gave everything up to take care of passed away, she spends the majority of her time at home, with her dog Edgar, reading, or doing puzzles. And though she isn't necessarily upset with the state of her life, there is a very small piece of her that wonders if there is something more in store for her. And then one day, at coffee with her best, and possibly only, friend, Jessica, a handsome man walks into the shop, and her life. And he'll cause her to reevaluate all that she once knew about how things come to pass. William Cole is an enigma. Strikingly handsome, he is simultaneously innocent and yet constantly aware of everything happening around him. Every task he does is completed with purpose and focus. And for some reason, that even he is uncertain of, his purpose seems to be finding Ivy Nichols and once he does his focus is entirely consumed with saving her. And unintentionally, falling in love with her. To explain any more would give away some of the absolute magic of this story. For that's what it is. Magic. When two souls find each other, and are able to look past societal norms, and beyond reason, and recognize something in each other, it is magic of the purest kind. And although the story will take a twist that you definitely will not anticipate, trust that the magic is still there. It may have taken on a different form. But it is no less spectacular.

word puzzle becomes beautiful painting!

I had heard the name, Author Claire Kingsley, but I had not read any of her works. Sadly, on June 2, 2021, this author lost the love of her life. I couldn't send her flowers, so I perused her book titles and REMEMBERING IVY piqued my interest. Claire, I'm sorry for your loss. When I put a puzzle together, I find all the edge pieces and build the boarder. Then I complete the rest of the puzzle. REMEMBERING IVY felt like a puzzle coming together from the inside out. Pieces fit when things didn't make sense, couldn't be possible or real. BUT, the pieces fit and so, the realization of the puzzle slowly coming together. I too, was in question, the same as her friends, wondering if Ivy was trusting the wrong man. And there was the point where I started to agree with her friends. I felt like Ivy, like I had hurt William too, with my unbelief. Strange how an unwanted person in Ivy's life assisted in more pieces of the puzzle spanning. It was beautiful how this author shed a little more light, a little more truth and the puzzle was nearly complete. Except, for that one little corner. And then there was the bonus epilogue that completed the beautiful picture of Ivy and William! I loved the characters and Edger! The descriptive placement of people, places and things was fabulous. This author is an artist with her words! I'm sure to be reading more of her books!

Classic Claire masterpiece!!

I’ve loved every single book I’ve ever read of Claires’s this one is no exception!! William was classically good looking and charming!!! Loved him and Ivy together!!!


Interesting story and we different than other cookie cutter romances. Had some interesting twists and turns which I enjoyed. Truly a puzzle throughout the story. ;)


This was a great read! I wasn’t expecting some of the twists and when all was revealed…I smiled at the simplicity of the explanations and loved how things turned out for Ivy and William! Bonus epilogues are always fun too and Kingsley gave one that really wrapped things up.

A different concept but a wonderful one!!

I’m new-ish to Claire Kingsley. I read all the Bootleg books and they are totally awesome. I read Finding Ivy because Claire had on Facebook that it was on sale(thank you Claire) and that it was not a huge seller. She thought because of the original title, Remembering Ivy. I highly recommend it. It’s a different concept and a really good one. When you think about it, it’s actually a really cool concept. It keeps you guessing throughout most of the story. Is Will an angel? A con artist? For real? But I love how Ivy never gives up on him. Like I said, it’s different but a wonderful different. I love it and hope you will give it a chance and read it. You won’t be sorry.

I LOVED every word of this!!

I loved every word of this book!!! I loved both Ivy and William and how honest and pure he was. I loved how Ivy followed her instincts and trusted William. It was just such an incredible love story. The funny thing is I passed on this book a while ago because I don’t really care for single POV books, but there was a reason it was only Ivy’s POV and the mystery of William added so much more to the story. It was just so well done. Claire Kingsley is one of my favorite authors and I feel like an idiot for not reading this sooner. I was sucked in immediately and really couldn’t put it down until I finished. I can’t recommend it enough!!


I believe this book should be a movie. It’s turning points and characters are well thought out. The story is moving and just a great reminder of the great beyond is at our reach. Mystery and intrigue kept me swallowing the words whole, never wanting to put the book down. Amazing love story and a fantastic literary genius at the helms. Claire out did herself with this one. Thanks for the escape ❤️

Unique, Very Interesting

I'll admit it sounds other worldly, but it really isn't. You'll love the two main characters, their awesome. A man with no past and an odd mind that remembers things with no idea where they came from.

A sweet, intriguing and steamy romance

I read this at the suggestion of the author in her subscriber newsletter. Like Kingsley says in her Author's Note, it's definitely a departure for her. There is only Ivy's first-person POV (until the epilogue) and there is a hint of mystery or magic...or fate? I really enjoyed Ivy and her tendency to quote literature. Her friendship with Jessica was fun, and I waa touched by her relationship with her father. I was mostly raised by my dad and father-daughter depictions always have a special place in my heart. Speaking of hearts, it's time to talk about William. Is he too good to be true? Is he a bit too odd to describe? Does he have a hint of danger? Yes to all of the above. He's also sexy as all get out. I loved unraveling his mystery. Kingsley did a great job of showing how important consent and attraction are in a relationship. The first man, Blake, is a jerk in so many ways. Also, there is an adorable dog named Edgar (for Edgar Allen Poe). Add some steamy scenes, fun dialogue--what more do you need?

The Magic of True Love

I am accustomed to Claire Kingsley writing romance with a twist of comedy. Friends to lovers? Yup, she's a master at that. Enemies to lovers? She has that down pat. Second chance, return to a hometown and single dads? She does them perfectly. She even delved into more angst and the darker side of romance in her last book, and it was amazing. So it's fair to say I trust her and her writing choices pretty implicitly. Yet, I admit that I did start reading Remembering Ivy with expectations that it would fall into one of these tropes. And although there were hints of several, this book is something completely different. And I don't want to risk any spoilers at all. But I will say that this book had me questioning what I believed- about love, about coincidence and connections, and about the very universe. Have you ever felt that you just knew something, or someone, but you had no clue how, or why? Ever experienced deja vu, or recognized a place when you were certain you'd never been there before? Do you sometimes dream an event before it comes to pass? Or just have a deep gut feeling but no evidence, as of that moment, to back it up? And when these things occur, do you write them off? Do you chalk it all up to happenstance? Or do you wonder if there is something bigger at play? If there are unexplained phenomena within the universe, invisible and silky threads, that bind us to one another and we are only just aware at some basic subconscious level? Ivy Nichols lives a relatively simple life. And a pretty solitary one. She's a professor at a nearby college, and often speaks in Austen quotes and obscure literary references. And since the father she gave everything up to take care of passed away, she spends the majority of her time at home, with her dog Edgar, reading, or doing puzzles. And though she isn't necessarily upset with the state of her life, there is a very small piece of her that wonders if there is something more in store for her. And then one day, at coffee with her best, and possibly only, friend, Jessica, a handsome man walks into the shop, and her life. And he'll cause her to reevaluate all that she once knew about how things come to pass. William Cole is an enigma. Strikingly handsome, he is simultaneously innocent and yet constantly aware of everything happening around him. Every task he does is completed with purpose and focus. And for some reason, that even he is uncertain of, his purpose seems to be finding Ivy Nichols and once he does his focus is entirely consumed with saving her. And unintentionally, falling in love with her. To explain any more would give away some of the absolute magic of this story. For that's what it is. Magic. When two souls find each other, and are able to look past societal norms, and beyond reason, and recognize something in each other, it is magic of the purest kind. And although the story will take a twist that you definitely will not anticipate, trust that the magic is still there. It may have taken on a different form. But it is no less spectacular.

word puzzle becomes beautiful painting!

I had heard the name, Author Claire Kingsley, but I had not read any of her works. Sadly, on June 2, 2021, this author lost the love of her life. I couldn't send her flowers, so I perused her book titles and REMEMBERING IVY piqued my interest. Claire, I'm sorry for your loss. When I put a puzzle together, I find all the edge pieces and build the boarder. Then I complete the rest of the puzzle. REMEMBERING IVY felt like a puzzle coming together from the inside out. Pieces fit when things didn't make sense, couldn't be possible or real. BUT, the pieces fit and so, the realization of the puzzle slowly coming together. I too, was in question, the same as her friends, wondering if Ivy was trusting the wrong man. And there was the point where I started to agree with her friends. I felt like Ivy, like I had hurt William too, with my unbelief. Strange how an unwanted person in Ivy's life assisted in more pieces of the puzzle spanning. It was beautiful how this author shed a little more light, a little more truth and the puzzle was nearly complete. Except, for that one little corner. And then there was the bonus epilogue that completed the beautiful picture of Ivy and William! I loved the characters and Edger! The descriptive placement of people, places and things was fabulous. This author is an artist with her words! I'm sure to be reading more of her books!

Classic Claire masterpiece!!

I’ve loved every single book I’ve ever read of Claires’s this one is no exception!! William was classically good looking and charming!!! Loved him and Ivy together!!!


Interesting story and we different than other cookie cutter romances. Had some interesting twists and turns which I enjoyed. Truly a puzzle throughout the story. ;)


This was a great read! I wasn’t expecting some of the twists and when all was revealed…I smiled at the simplicity of the explanations and loved how things turned out for Ivy and William! Bonus epilogues are always fun too and Kingsley gave one that really wrapped things up.

A different concept but a wonderful one!!

I’m new-ish to Claire Kingsley. I read all the Bootleg books and they are totally awesome. I read Finding Ivy because Claire had on Facebook that it was on sale(thank you Claire) and that it was not a huge seller. She thought because of the original title, Remembering Ivy. I highly recommend it. It’s a different concept and a really good one. When you think about it, it’s actually a really cool concept. It keeps you guessing throughout most of the story. Is Will an angel? A con artist? For real? But I love how Ivy never gives up on him. Like I said, it’s different but a wonderful different. I love it and hope you will give it a chance and read it. You won’t be sorry.

Really different, I enjoyed it

I think at this point I have read all of her other books except for this one. I felt very different than the other ones and for more than half of the book I wasn’t sure how I felt about the hero honestly. The mystery was interesting and by the end I was sold.

One of her best!!!

I don’t know why it took me so long to read this book. I think I’ve read all of her books. This one didn’t disappoint. It was mysterious and really sweet!!!

Claire Kingsley does it again!

I loved the puzzle that was William and how Ivy instinctively trusted. I loved the many facets of who William was without truly knowing all the answers. I loved how Ivy "bloomed" by William being a part of her life. I loved the way Claire used wild flowers and their meanings to tell a part of the story. I loved that Claire showed how the subconscious mind can be the cause of much creativity. I just loved William and Ivy!

“Because … You’re Ivy.”

This book gripped me from the very beginning. I couldn’t put it down. I loved the story and how it kept you guessing and during that time made you fall in love with William and Ivy. Because … they’re William and Ivy. Highly recommend! If you’ve been waiting to read this book because you were afraid of all the feelings … DO NOT BE AFRAID. If you cry, it will be happy tears of joy! Incredible story- incredible lovable characters. Do not put it off like I did! READ READ READ!

Tears of Joy!

I loved this book Claire Kingsley is such a good writer, she blew me away with this book. It was mysterious and spell bounding, it gives you butterflies as you read and the puzzle pieces start to arrange themselves. You think you know what’s going on in the story, but you don’t there is something powerful at work everlasting love. This book is a must read the characters will blow you away their two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.

Sweet. & Inspiring

Finding Ivy was a beautiful story about Ivy and William. It is a perfect example of how sometimes details don’t add up and they seem suspicious but instinct guides a person’s decisions. Ivy trusted William even though there were red flags. Sometimes your heart guides you without logic. Please read and enjoy this heartwarming tale.

Beautiful romance

This book is so different from other books by Claire Kingsley. I couldn't imagine where she was taking the story line. But in true Kingsley fashion, she tied it together into one of the most beautiful stories I have read in a very long time. I highly recommend this book.


Friends, as a Kindle Unlimited member for the last 4 years i read 4 to 5 books week. Rest assured I have never read a better book. Finding Ivy has it all. Honestly, BEST BOOK EVER. My thanks to Claire Kingsley for giving me the best day of reading ever.

Simply Beautiful

I finished this last night but needed some time to collect my thoughts. This was such a powerful love story and hands down the most beautifully written one I’ve read in a very long time! I love CK and I whole heartedly feel this book propels her to a status very few writers reach. She can deliver so many emotions and keep you intrigued in every single page. William and Ivy have such an unusual story. They meet and William is certain he was put in Ivy’s life for a reason. There were so many missing puzzle pieces and I was gripped to every page as the pieces are put together. Ivy struggles between what makes logical sense and the simple love that is growing for this man. She had all these questions, “Where did he care me from? What was his life before now? How does he know the things he knows? Why do I feel so connected to a man I should feel more guarded around?” She finally has to put their “us” into perspective and has to realize her future with this man is far more important than any answers she may ever get about his past. “I’d spent too much time trying to follow my head, and that had gotten me into this mess. It was time I followed my heart.” This was full of beautiful true romantic moments, mystery, steamy sex, devotion, and blind faith in the person you’re meant to spend your life with. 2018 just started and I have no doubt this will be a top read of the year!!!

Love Ivy and William

Ivy was disconnected from life because for the last two years she was taking care of her father and he’s death just made her more disconnected. She met a man named William and he was beautiful but strange. He made her feel which she hadn’t done in along time. Great characters and storyline Highly recommended Amazing Book this book has suspense, mystery, and love.

Not Enough and Too Much

Just beautiful. I’m finding it hard to put into words how beautiful this story is! The ups and downs and true love that shines through it all. The hints that this was a fate meant to be is absolutely perfect! I’d certainly give it 10 stars if I could!

loved this !

Great story!! Completely drawn in and thinking the story would go one way but went another . Some things were predictable but the overall story and ending was not. Very well written and consumed in one setting. I had to figure this mystery out ! Loved it !!

Great story

Wow so many emotions while reading it, anxious, sad, mystery, and just love of two characters. So glad I decided to read it. It had a good reading speed and believable love story while still mysterious on where William came from and his protection of Ivy.


Emotion filled with the memories and wishes of two people seeking a partner yet afraid of being wrong. And the adventure of discovering that there were reasons why. Some easy to find and a few with no real reason but each other. Very well written.


Holy moly talk about wow. The mystery. The wow factor. This was another awesome read. I definitely highly recommend this book.


If you want to lose yourself in a gentle and moving mystery, Finding Ivy is for you. Beautifully and cleverly constructed, this sweet and unexpected love story will captivate you from beginning to end. Mysterious and lovely.


This was such a sweet and mysterious story. And most of the mystery is explained so it’s acceptable to normal humans, but there’s still magic. I definitely cried, especially when she talks to him after the confrontation. So many emotions.

Great story

I was intrigued with this story initially when I first saw it referenced in a newsletter I get from the author. She spoke about it being one of her books that wasn't read a lot and she thought it might be because of the original title, Remembering Ivy, so she changed it to Finding Ivy. I am so glad I saw that reference! This book was fabulous! And doubly so when I see she got the idea from her husband. Her afterword helped me with another aspect of the story - no chapters until the end from William's point of view. Great job, CK!

Finding Ivy

First off, I'm so glad that when I read a couple of reviews that the person didn't give the story away. This story had me turning the pages well throughout the night. I woke up thinking about Ivy & William and was wondering how the story would end. Claire did an amazing job writing Finding Ivy & I look forward to reading more of her books.

Knight and shining armor

It took me a couple chapters to get into but once I did I needed to read more. Oh William!!! A true knight and shining armor! I thought so many different thing. All of my predictions of where he came from didn't prepare me for where he actually came from. It was a lovely story and a great HEA.

So freaking good!!!

This was such a beautiful story. Only a bit of unbelievability with the detailed photos. But since it appears that he was a seer anyway, I can buy the details. This was truly a masterpiece.

The power of love

Whoa. I’m not sure what I expected from this book, but I feel like it was so much more. The story was full of love, it literally leapt off very page to cocoon the reader in it’s power. The story had a dash of suspense and a whole lot of mystery that made it a page turner. (My heart was in my throat for a few moments! Not in an angsty way, in a please let this all be okay because I need to know their love is forever kind of way.) The power of love made this book a 5star read!

Great Plot

Loved the characters, William with no memory, came across so genuinely. The unconditional love of William and Ivy rang so true. Thank you for another great read.

I'm in awe

I've loved Claire Kingsley's writing fro the first novel I read of hers. But I absolutely have to say she out did herself with this one. Ivy and William leap off the pages and into your heart. The story flowed so we'll and I devoured it in one sitting.

Beyond Amazing

This book has me feeling so much right now, I don't even know where to start! Wow! I believe that with every story she writes, Claire Kingsley just continues to outdo herself. I'm already fan-girl obsessed, so where would I go from here?! Well, let's see. I think I've probably just upgraded my fan status to "super-psycho" fan-girl obsessed? Is there even such a thing?! LOL! Seriously, William's love for Ivy transcends human imagination. He felt, without a shadow of a doubt, that even before physically meeting Ivy, she was his to protect--to love. Not once did he waver from his truth. It's a wonderful thing when I can become as invested in a couple as I was in William and Ivy. I believed in William and his amazing story, and I rooted for him wholeheartedly. Even with the elements of mystery concerning him, I read with hope, crossing my fingers that Ivy would just this once throw caution to the wind; giving William the chance to prove himself to be the man that he says he is. I can truly get behind a beautiful love story that leaves me feeling so much long after I've read every last word. Remembering Ivy is one of those stories. *Le Sigh*


Intriguing, unusual, compelling. That’s how I describe this stand alone book by Claire Kingsley. Not the same ol story, completely different.

Loved it!

Wow! I loved this book. Ivy and William’s story has many twists and turns but it was so captivating that I literally couldn't put it down! I definitely recommend this book.

fantastic story of mystery, romance and love

If you enjoy a mystery with some sort of spirituality paired with a sexy love story this book is for.


I was so enraptured that I couldn’t put it down! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!!! WOW!! I had no idea what was going to happen next!!! I NEVER would have guessed the ending and what a great ending!!!!

Memories are so important

I loved the story of Ivy and William, this was such an awesome and suspenseful story I hated to put it down. I have always felt like children and dogs can identify good people so I trust their instincts. So glad Edgar was so close to William and hated Blake who was a real danger to Ivy. Loved the book so definitely recommend it.

Great story with a twist

This story was very different and I was intrigued from the start. I loved the mystery of William and open he was with Ivy and she trusted him completely. There is a twist that you won’t see coming. The characters and story created are great and it was another five star read Claire.


This story is absolutely beautiful and kept me guessing how it would all come together. Fantastic as always Claire Kingsley!

Worth Reading Again

Mysterious, gallant, romantic, and slightly steamy. Where did William come from? How did he know Ivy’s life? Never have I been so drawn into a book, unable to even guess the plot. You’ll love Finding Ivy and close it feeling better than when you started it.

5 Stars

Very interesting and different type of romantic suspense. Ivy had blind faith in William and lucky for her was proved to be valid.

A very different story here.

I love this author's books. I had a difficult time getting into this one. I'm more of a straightforward person, so having to wait to figure out what was going on in the story made me hesitant. In all actuality, it is a brilliant book. You do have to suspend belief for parts of it, but it all came together in the end.

It’s just okay

I wanted to like this story more than I did. It was slow and a little boring to start. Neither character had any real energy to them. Then there was language used during sex scenes that seemed so incongruent to the characters and to the overall feel of the story. You have an English professor who is addicted to quoting classic prose using the f word and p word during sex. That wasn’t the only inconsistency in the story. It’s readable but definitely nothing to write home about.


I was hooked from the beginning and loved the puzzle of figuring it all out as they went. Love it!


This was so lovely & perfect! I’m more of a POV fan so I was worried about liking this one and I am soooooo glad I gave it a chance. It’s so beautiful. This needs to be made into a movie even a lifetime movie. It would be amazing on screen.

Finding His Soulmate

This is the most romantic story I've read lately. William's determination to find Ivy was endearing. The mystery about William's past kept the story interesting. William was swoon worthy and sweet. Ivy was smart, beautiful, and very lonely. Unraveling William's past life was great writing. I would recommend this book.

Worth the read

Description sounded interesting and after reading first few chapters it was odd...but kept my intrest. After things started coming together I was hooked, and like all of her books that I have read, I loved it. I finished it in one sitting, the characters were likeable and who doesnt like dogs? 5/5 will read again for sure in the future.

Amazing storyline!

I can't say enough about what an amazingly beautiful and emotional storyline Claire Kingsley has created for William and Ivy! Other than the epilogue, this story was written from Ivy's POV in order to maintain the mystery of William. And solving the mystery of William kept me up well past my bedtime on a work night, but I had to know the full story and I was not disappointed. My only critique was the way the sex scenes were written. Truly, I love a good steamy romance scene, but I almost felt like these were "too steamy", if that makes any sense. Specifically, I felt like the steamy tone of the sex scenes did not quite match the emotional and deeply moving tone of the rest of the story. So when reading them, it took me out of the flow of the story for a minute there. However, please do not let that deter you from reading this story for it's amazing plot. Can't wait to read more from this author!

Love, love, love this book

Just finished Finding Ivy. It has now become one of my all time favorites. This book is so unique it took my breath away. Read it all the way from start to finish, could not put it down. Love everything Claire writes but this is the icing on the cake!

Interesting story

This book captured my interest from the beginning, spinning and waving the story. A surprise ending, definitely a good read.

Best read in quite a while

This book was very well written and a pleasant change from the well-known romance formula. It was quite enjoyable to read some thing in this genre that actually made me think a little bit. The characters were well-rounded, the plot had some small twists, and it was the perfect length. Highly recommend to anyone who wants a break from the standard romcom plot.

Holy Flippin Hell!!

I Loved this book so darn much!! Such an emotional story with a touch of a mystical element. It's All in what you believe! I thoroughly recommend this story to any and all. Thank you Claire Kingsley for giving me a happy heart this early morning..


My heart is full from the book. I wasn’t sure at first if I would read the whole thing. It didn’t make any sense in the beginning. But everyone told me to keep reading so I did. What an amazing story of love and faith. This may be my new favorite stand alone. 10 stars!!

Intriguing Love Story

I wasn't too sure about this book. I thought I had read all of Claire Kingsley's books until I seen this one. At 1st I felt it was kinda far fetched but the writing as always was excellent. In true Claire fashion she weaved a tale you don't want to put down. In the end all is revealed.

Blown Away

I could NOT put this book down! Wow! I loved this story and it took me along with every written word. It did leave me guessing until a few pieces of the puzzle started to fall in place. Great writing and a beautiful story!

Something different this way comes...

This is, perhaps, my favorite Claire Kingsley book of them all. Such true and blinding heart you will never see.

So good!

I had this book in my reading queue for quite a while & kept reading the description but not reading the book. I finally decided to because I really love Claire Kingsley's writing. I'm kicking myself for not reading it earlier! Fabulous story that I highly recommend.

Mystery with a sweet story

This was such a cute story of awkward Ivy and amnesiac William. A chance encounter brought them together but their love was foretold in the stars. What a great story and intriguing read. The mystery of William 's past kept me reading longer than I probably should have but that's all Claire's books for me.

Different and Delightful

Claire is an amazing author. William and Ivy had an emotional story with deep-rooted love. The secondary characters were very caring and supportive of William and Ivy. So happy they found the answers they needed and got their happily ever after.


This book leaves you in AWE at the sight in the pages. Trying to put everything together in your minds eye is what will keep you up through the night :)


What an amazing book! I loved Ivy and William and the story was so unique and captivating. Claire creates such lovable characters who are funny and charismatic not to mention swoon worthy lol! Highly recommend this book and all of her writings!!

Intelligent Romance

A romance with a puzzle to solve. He's a different kind of hero with an unshakable faith in his mysterious purpose. She's a professor of literature who is smart enough to listen to her dog about a person's character.


An absolutely beautiful story of true love. This was such a good book. I loved William and Ivy. There chemistry .there trust and love.

Loved it

Very well written characters and an interesting plot that's a little bit suspenseful and unusual. Couldn't put it down and it was nice to get out of the typical storyline where you know everything that's going to happen.

So good and so unexpected!

The story unfolding kept me in suspense for a long time-happily. The plot twist, the love, fear, and beauty were everything! You must pick this up, you will not regret it!

Another EXCELLENT book by Claire Kingsley!!!!

I really enjoyed and loved this book "Remembering Ivy"!!! It was wonderful!! Loved meeting William and Ivy and having the touch of suspense also. So happy that they figured out William's past!! I tried to download the Final episode but was unable.😢 Keep writing Claire and I will DEFINITELY keep on reading!!💕💕

One Persons Dreams Becoming Another Persons Reality ** A MUST READ **

Come on! I just read a heartfelt, suspenseful, mind twister of a lovefest story that was not only absolutely beautiful but a captivating, goosebump-inducing, unputdownable festival of feels! Claire Kingsley continues to floor me with her creative stylings! I love a story that has me feeling so many emotions, wondering what will happen next, and who is really who and so on... I could not read nor swipe the pages fast enough to get my answers! How could I not? Between my need to find out what would happen between William and Ivy, the mystery that surrounds them, this free-flowing, well-written goodness with its strong characters and twisty oh so very tantalizing turns... This sexy, sweet heat heart mending turn the world upside down read is one I highly suggest you check out! I wish I could give this more than 5 stars!!

Need more of William and Ivy

I Thoroughly enjoyed this book. So many twists and turns. I will definitely be following this author for more books.


I had no idea what was going on with this story. It was amazing and do hard to put down. So I didnt!

Oh William!!

I loved this story so much! Ivy is a college professor who is trying to put her life back together after losing her father and only family one year ago. She meets the handsome but mysterious William at a coffee shop and immediately feels a connection. William is quite a puzzle. He knows things about Ivy that no one should know and has no way to explain it. Regardless, Ivy is drawn to him and his promise to keep her safe. This story is amazing! Ivy is just a regular girl, trying to figure out life. William is everything. I was a little unsure about him at first. But that quickly changed! He was amazing. Just read this book (and no skipping to the end! Just read it!) I was actually sad it was over...I wanted more Ivy and William!!


Freaking amazing it has love and mystery ivy and William are perfect for one another the love they share is amazing


It took a bit but it was worth it in the end I loved it. I recommend it to anyone .

Loved Ivy!

I loved this book so much. It was everything I have come to expect from Claire, and a little bit more. Highly recommend this one!

One of the best books I read in 2021

It was such an interesting premise. When you were starting to believe the impossible was indeed impossible it became real. BRAVO to the author. Will be reading more from here definitely.


I absolutely adored this book! My 2nd read through and I loved it just as much as first time. Forever favorite.

Such a twist

This story was so un ordinary and just wonderful. Loved this HEA. Wiiliam and Ivy❤ And i never knew the language of flowers. Thank You CK

Love the new title

Love how they fill the empty spaces in each other's hearts. Enjoyed the view from Ivy's perspective. Great job as always Claire.

good if you like a supernatural vibe

I don’t like supernatural stories so this was pretty tough to get through. Luckily I read a spoiler review. SPOILER ALERT: it’s not supernatural but it reads like it’s trying to be. Very far fetched book that is not for me. I prefer female meads to be a little more empowered

Gah! I love William

I'm so glad I read this book! It was so sweet and heartwarming everyone needs a William. Another great read ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Absolutely magical

This story is everything! I loved William and Ivy's story so much, I was intrigued, worried, swooning, and everything in between while reading. This is a book I will read again and again. So good!

Great read!

Love love love Ivy & William. Great story. Loved how William painted his memories or actually Ivy’s memories. Don’t forget the villain.

Omg ❤️

You definitely need to read this book. This story was really good. Can't wait to read more from Claire.

Absolute best love story

William and Ivy... So captivating. I had to keep turning the pages so find what was happening. A forever love. Thank you

I absolutely positively loved this book

SERIOUSLY CLAIRE! I absolutely positively loved this book! The intrigue, the passion, and the suspense.....YOU NAILED IT! There isn't one of her books that I haven't fallen in love with! William Cole...mysterious, sexy, and talented painter. He doesn't remember anything from his past. He only knows he's suppose to protect Ivy. When he leaves the hospital he hunts her down, follows her for a while, then introduces himself. Dr. Ivy Nichols works at the University and teaches Literature. She's beautiful, smart, and loves her dog, Edgar. That's all I'm saying about the book. I will say YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK! I guarantee you will fall in love with it!

A very good read!

This book is a page turner! The plot, the characters, and the ending were wonderful! A very good read. I love this story. Very heart warming and a bit of hero worshiping.

Beautiful and gripping story of love.

Claire Kingsley, has done it again! This was such an intriguing story. I loved how in the end, things were explained. This is one story, where you don't see that end until it is explained. I loved, how for William, he was just there to protect Ivy. I loved, how for Ivy, William was just William. They competed each other. It gave him a purpose and it gave her a feeling of safety. They saved each other. It's hard to write this review without giving away the spoilers. All I can say, is that you will absolutely love this story.

Remembering Ivy

William was sweet and good-hearted, yet his lack of memory was a bit creepy at times. Ivy was alone in the world, and her willingness to trust William seemed very naive. The love between these characters needs to be experienced-a must read!

A sweet sexy and mysterious read.

Oh my Gosh. Claire did it again. This time there were no tissues but the story was amazing. I could not wait to finish to know what happened to William but I didn't want it to end because it was so good. I love so many qoutes in this book. I laughed out loud so many times, then I was scared, next frustrated wanting to know more about William's past. This epilogue was cake and the bonus epilogue was getting to eat the cake. Be patient to find the conclusion you will love the path getting very intriguing.


The characters were so boring and flat. I actually ended up skipping through a bunch of pages. No chemistry or in-depth characters.

... any idea how to properly express how much I loved this book

I don't truly have any idea how to properly express how much I loved this book. From the start you have no clue where Claire Kingsley is going to take you on this journey. Seriously, I fell in love with the characters super quick but the entire time you're like "Ok, but really, what's the real story behind William?" This book kept me guessing the entire time I was reading. A book with a great love story mixed with a little intrigue. To me it was just perfect.

This was totally different than anything Claire has written before ...

This was totally different than anything Claire has written before. I *loved* it! Who IS William? Trying to figure that out right along with Ivy was thrilling. Something about him was and remains otherworldly and I just lapped up every second. One thing that stayed consistent to her usual work was the romance. No matter what direction the plot takes in every one of Claire’s books you can count on swooning. This book was no exception.


What an interesting story. I liked the uniqueness of the storyline. It had me guessing and guessing - but nope, I didn’t get it right. It was sweet. I wouldn’t read it again, but it was worth the read.

The unknown...

Some things are best not knowing...but that was never going to be the case for puzzle solver Ivy! There were a lot of twist and turns in this book that I did not except! But this was a totally worth the while read. I'm hooked.... Bring on the next Kingsley book please.😊 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Perfect in Every Way.

Claire, you kill me over and over. This book left me with a serious book hangover. So sweet, so wonderful. William and Ivy are brilliant together - such depth, beautifully written. It's Claire Kingsley. You know it's going to be a great book.


This is a true love story. My heart will always be with Ivy and William. I am so glad I bought this book because I will have it forever. Remembering Ivy will become one of the greatest classics. Thank you Claire!

Great read!

Make sure you have time to read this book because once you start, you won't want to stop until the end! What an unexpected plot but it was awesome! Love everything this author writes!

Thank you

I was very skeptical in the beginning of the story and almost have up but so glad I didn't. Will and Ivy held me captured and brought tears to my eyes and love to my heart.

Amazing Love Story

This is the first book I have read by this author and I am hooked! This was an amazing book that I just couldn’t put down. Definitely worth reading.

Claire does it again!

This book was sweet and interesting. I loved trying to figure out the pieces of the puzzle. It was another amazing read from Claire Kingsley that I just couldn’t put down.

Great story!

Loved this book. The plot was interesting and kept you guessing. Who is Will? Only the best book boyfriend ever! Definitely recommend this book.

Love, love, loved it!

I love this writer. She is so talented, the mystery, suspense and hope keeps you wanting more. Quickly Becoming my favorite writer .

Loved It!!!

Once again I fell in love with each character in this book. Beautifully written. Such a good book.

Five Stars

Really enjoyed this book full of surprises but loved the hea

Five Stars

Intriguing and entertaining. Well written. Unexpected. HEA


This was such a unique story that was told so perfectly. Ivy keeps seeing William in different places and doesn’t understand why. Her and her friend refer to him as a stalker. When Ivy gets a chance to talk with William he admits to following her but says that he is there to protect her. It is a very mysterious romance that plays out very well. I love the chemistry and the bond that William and Ivy have.


Pretty sure I'm now in love with William

Loved it

This has been on my TBR list for a long time. Kept thinking it would just be a predictable sappy love story. I was very mistaken. This was such a GREAT story! Read this one ASAP! ❤️

This story is definitely a “Forget me Not.”

Finding Ivy kept me hooked from the very first page. It was packed full of emotions, humor, and even a touch of mystery. William was so intriguing, and the unraveling of his story had me on the edge of my seat. I’ve had this book in my library for so long, and I’m so mad I waited forever to read it! Truly a wonderful and unique story!

What an amazing book. This is a must read that you won't soon forget!

“When I’d forgotten everything else, I remembered her, I remembered Ivy.” Rembering Ivy is a brand new book by Claire Kingsley. I’ve read several of Claire’s books now but when I read the synopsis of this one, I was completely shocked. I’ve never read anything like this before! Dr. Ivy Nichols is a literature professor at Woodward College. Ivy loves teaching but after caring for and then losing her father, she has felt like she lost a part of herself. She doesn’t feel connected like she used to. She has her best friend and her best friend’s husband to hang out with but most often prefers to be at home with her white german shepherd, Edgar. Ivy doesn’t date. She thought she had found her forever man once but he didn’t hang around when things got rough when she was caring for her father. A man from the office building of her financial advisor has been making efforts at talking to her but she wasn’t sending out any signals of being interested. But when urged by her friend to get back into the dating pool, she tries. Except she still doesn’t feel anything. Until she laid eyes on someone new. Someone whose eyes held her captive. A man named William Cole. “He drew me in, as if something in him beckoned to something deep inside me. I’d never experienced this feeling before, and I wasn’t sure what it meant.” William doesn’t have a past. He can’t remember anything from beyond about a year ago, except that he heard Ivy’s beautiful voice in his head. He knew he had to find her, and that he needed to protect her. From what, he had no idea, only that his purpose was to be her protector. He knows things about her life, personal things that he could have no way of knowing. William is completely honest with Ivy about what he feels he has to do. It should have scared Ivy away. You see things like this on the news that never turn out well. But when she looked at William, when he touched her, she felt everything she had been missing. She felt flutters, she felt alive, he felt like home. “How could he be the source of so much confusion, and yet feel so good?” “Regardless of everything that had happened, this was where I wanted to be. With William.” As William and Ivy embark on their journey together, their bond strengthens. Deep down, Ivy does want to know where William came from, to make sure he doesn’t have a wife and children somewhere that he doesn’t remember. But even if they never find out who he is, she knows that her place is meant to be with him. “He would forever be my protector, and I would forever be his love.” This book! I am getting butterflies just writing this review. William had such absolute faith in what he felt, that his only purpose was Ivy. He didn’t need to know why. All that mattered was Ivy. I had so many quotes highlighted that I am having the hardest time deciding which ones to include in this review. The author kept me invested through every page. Never once did I lose interest. I was trying to put myself in this author’s place writing this book! It must have been so scary, writing something so different from anything she has put out before. Or, maybe like William, she just knew that this was a story that she needed to write. I’m so glad I had the chance to read it. I hope you will too. “You were always meant to be mine.” “I was absolutely certain heaven existed. And I’d found it here, with Ivy.”

Heart warming

Truly a heartwarming book. William suddenly shows up in Ivy's life, knowing everything about her. The author did an amazing job of unraveling the mystery of William to a very satisfying conclusion. Definitely a 'feel good' book. Very little angst, right amount of steamy sex, and a lot of heart warming moments.

Different and good!

This was a reread for me because I couldn't remember reading it before. It was different, in a way, then Claire's books now but I still enjoyed it.


If you are spiritual and have faith, this is the book. I understand the power of faith and that is what I saw William had. Some call it intuition, but it is faith that makes you believe in something you cannot see, feel, or know. I knew there had to be a memory lost; even so, the visions were no surprise because i could feel the belief just from reading it. Another good one for this author. I read the Miles journey before this book and enjoyed them all. P.S. Only one thing; I wish authors would get more creative instead of having everyone blond hair and blue eyes. It becomes too redundant.

Enjoyable Read

I am reviewing this book not my husband. Very enjoyable story line. Both main characters were likable. And the book was intriguing. I wasn’t sure if the mystery surrounding their love journey was of the super natural genre or not. Won’t spoil the ending. My only criticism is the over use of the words “had” and “some”. So unnecessary for sentence structure and diminished the grammar.

Good read.

I have read a lot of books by Claire Kingsley so I thought I knew what to expect from this one. I was a little bit right and a little bit wrong. This was an unusual love story. I found myself liking William from the beginning but wondering about his mental health and if he was too good to be true. I was happy with the ending even though there were still some mysteries left unsolved.

Absolutely Loved This...

Claire Kingsley is a genius at crafting stories that enthrall and this one is no exception. Ivy and William’s tale is uniquely different and positively wonderful. These two are people you cheer for, celebrating successes and groaning over setbacks. You definitely need to read this heartwarming story, and I mean definitely! Thank you Claire for another wonderful read that made me lose sleep so I could finish it and then write this... now I'll go read the bonus epilogue you offered and I grabbed!

Sweet Magic, Swoon Worthy!

Magic is when logic and evidence is overcome by belief. This lovely, lovely book is the epitome of belief and love overcoming logic and apparent evidence. I LOVED this book, so unique, so touching, worthy of many smiles and a few tears spilled. “Meant to be” is so well portrayed here with characters that were masterfully created and developed. And it was unique to read a romance told in one view until the very end. I won’t spoil anything here by explaining why, but it will be very obvious to all readers why Ivy’s voice tells the story until the end, where William’s voice can clearly be heard. I’m sure this might have been challenging for Ms. Kingsley, but she surpassed them all. This is such a unique story where the characters and the readers are left wondering if William’s “truth” can possibly be right, or could he be a conman, or even mentally ill. The readers will not be disappointed in any way, shape or form! This is a lovely story to be remembered for a long, long time, and probably re-read again and again. It will be as fresh many years in the future as it was when written. Read! You won’t be disappointed! Now, on to the next Kingsley novel!

Every flower had a meaning; it was a puzzle..

This is a fascinating story-line! There’s mystery; deceit; a stalker; and, near and dear friends. I was totally involved in the man with no distant memories and where he had come from. Ivy loved puzzles and the man she kept seeing everywhere she went, was certainly somewhat of a stalker. There are several moving parts in this book and I enjoyed every moment right up to The End.

A delightful read....5 Stars!

This is an amazing story of a mysterious man, William Cole who appears in a college professor’s life out of nowhere. He doesn’t remember about his past, only that he’s been looking for Ivy (Dr Ivy Nichols) ever since he can remember. She’s attracted to this handsome man and was intrigued. Her life was bland since her father died and her ex boyfriend left for a job opportunity across the country so meeting William is a Godsend. But his mystery is a big puzzle to solve so she was determined to find out. Beautiful, sweet and thrilling. I loved it. Thank you Claire. You always know how to lure readers into your web! 😊


CK is a damn good writer. I didn’t expect to like this book since I normally read a different genre of books, but I must confess I love her Miles and Bailey novels. I found myself connecting with Ivy and her love of words and ability to trust her heart although she stood alone. Will too was awesome, and his unwavering determination for being in Ivy’s life, with his own naysayers. I thought the book would unfold in different ways but CK writing was superb with her ability of storytelling that I shouldn’t have been surprised that I actually loved this book. I would love a novella on them in the future. Good job and good book! 🥰

Best Book EVER

Wow Wow Wow what a great emotional and heartfelt story. I absolutely love William. His love for Ivy is beyond words. This is a story about finding your soul mate and trusting your heart. I highly recommend reading this story. It's a story that will stay with you.

Do you believe in fate?

What a beautiful love story. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I picked this book up but I’m so happy with the way it turned out. I love a good instant love story when done right and this one hit the spot just right! I absolutely loved William and his steady presence in Ivy’s life, despite everyone’s doubts about him. I love a strong protector and that’s exactly what he was to Ivy even though she didn’t understand why she found him so comforting. Very powerful and moving love story that will having you believing in fate.


so entertaining . couldnt put it down. this book has enough mystery for an extra layer to the romance it provides.

Beautiful and unique - 4.5 stars

I wasn't quite sure about this book at first. It took me a while to get into it and I almost DNF, but I'm glad I did. I wasn't so sure about William. Fierce protector or creepy stalker? I did like the mystery of William when I did finally get into the book and how connected he was to Ivy. This book had some suspense and I just wanted to figure it out and when the connection was revealed I was totally surprised, but in a good way. I enjoyed it very much, it just took me a while. Great love story.

Divine Intervention

“Faith is believing when common sense tells you not to.” That is a line spoken in a classic Christmas movie, “Miracle on 34th St”. The mom is telling her daughter she believes Kris Kringle’s story, that scares her, yet fills her with hope. Ivy meets Mr. Amazing in a coffee shop. And then she starts to see him everywhere. After losing her dad, she has withdrawn and lived a very quiet life. She agrees to date a man she met through an acquaintance and feels nothing. Yet this stranger sets her heart racing and toes curling. She learns his name is William and they become friends. William says he is there for a purpose, to save her. His story is incredible and out of this world crazy, yet she believes him. Their journey to discover the details and uncover the truth will test you. Be prepared to question things and see new light where there once was darkness. In order to receive, you must be open to the possibility. Our loved ones send us messages all the time, just listen.

Great read!

One of the best, most intriguing books that I've read.

What an amazing story

This story just blew me away. The unfolding mystery of William Cole was sheer genius. I loved everything about this story. Bravo Claire Kingsley.

Remembering Ivy is such a cool story!!

Remembering Ivy is a great read. I love troupes in Romance Novels, but this book is so unique and doesn’t fall under a typical troupe. This book is so cool. I know that adjective doesn’t seem like enough, but I’m saying it with some serious reverence and awe. What a cool story! It is really different, but also so very Claire Kingsley in all of the ways. The way Claire brings a book together and wraps up your questions is so fantastic. In this story, she helped you both be grounded in a little reality while leaving room for something else, higher power, connection of destiny, gut instinct, bigger force of love... I’m not sure what, but it was something extra. Something beautiful. If you haven’t read it yet, please do! I LOVED this novel!

Gorgeous, amazing read!!

Gorgeous, amazing read!! "He had a look of a man who hid nothing - who wore his soul on the outside, rather than tucked away in some deep, dark place that required a lot of digging to find." Ivy Nichols is trying to get back into dating, after a difficult personal time. There's a perfect candidate for the roll of boyfriend, but she can't help being fascinated by her mysterious stalker. "There isn't much that I'm sure of in this world, but I'm sure of this. You are why I'm here." William Cole is an enigma. He's everywhere she turns, but he's always short on answers to Ivy's questions. However, there's something about him that Ivy trusts. She feels inexplicably safe with him. The mutual attraction between them is hard to ignore, too. "You see me. You see every part of me, right down to the core of who I am." This was such a fabulous book! I've got to say that I pretty much guessed the connection between Ivy and William quite early on but that's because, like Ivy, I love puzzles and mysteries. I was nearly railroaded from my conviction a couple of times because the author takes you on a journey that's full of mystery and mystique. The things, some deeply intimate, that William knows about Ivy are baffling, to say the least. William comes across as odd but there's an innocence and soulful beauty about him. He has such a good heart and is totally focused on Ivy's well-being. Yes, he's definitely stalkerish but he's also incredibly hard to resist! There's a simple goodness to his nature that really charms not just the fictional characters, but also the reader. Ivy is sweet and extremely likeable. I loved how much faith she had in William, even though so many things about him didn't make sense. There's a beautiful, passionate connection, and an instinctive trust between them that made my heart feel full. This author just gets better and better, and this book will stay with me for a long while.


This may be the most romantic book I’ve ever read. I should wait to write this because I literally finished seconds ago and my emotions are all over the place. I have a literature degree and have read the classics but this book is the epitome of forever, endless love. William can’t remember a beginning but he never questions the ending. He was made for her. Ivy can’t fit her mind around their reality but she knows his heart is true and trusts his vision. Their story will stay with you long after you finish reading it but just in case my memory fades, I’m buying it for my forever. Thank you, Claire Kingsley, for this beautiful work of art.

William, an enigmatic soul

“Have you been following me?” she asks - “Yes I have” he says with a half smile - “why?” she asks – “because you’re Ivy” he answers seriously. These are the few words that set off the little spark that will turn into a fire between Ivy and William. Ivy has been trying to start living again after losing her father from a horrible disease. She is confident that she will find the right guy but she is not quite ready for it to happen. William comes into Ivy’s life unannounced, he just happens to be there every time she ends up in a place, so she is quite perplexed and asks herself if he’s a stalker. But how can a gorgeous and sweet guy be a stalker, she thinks. At the end it will turn out that William will be her forever after and who cares if he hasn’t a past he can’t remember because William is her soul mate and nothing will come between them. I admit, I really had difficulties writing a review. I would have liked to write more and more but I wouldn’t forgive myself if I gave away so many spoiler alerts to the story. I’m convinced that each and every reader must solely appreciate a good book without any influence by the outside world, it should be a moment of reverence towards a story that needs to be treated with utter respect. So Claire has written another story that has left me speechless. How she does it, is a complete mystery to me. What I’m certain about is that every book she writes always contains a topic so dear to us women. All her characters are real and the story flows pleasantly letting the time pass without realizing it. What would I really give to have another William like Ivy has in my life, a man from another time, someone who is always there and who will protect you against the evil. This is by no doubt one of those books that need to be grabbed and read without hesitation. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of the book.

Just as good the third time.

I love this book . Just can read it over and enjoy it again. Love the new cover too. The story is so bizarre.

Sweet William! What a hero.

It takes quite a bit for me to go full 5. The story really has to make me happy or touch my heart. This one did both. And, bonus, it was well edited! Ivy is going about her life, seeing her friends, going to work, and walking her dog. Nothing really amazing. Just life. Until, Mr. Amazing walks into a coffee shop. For some reason, she keeps seeing him every where she goes. Eventually, she confronts him and asks if he is stalking her. When he responds 'Yes", she is beyond conflicted. Why is he following her? What does he want? Who is he? Is he good? Is he bad? After the initial meeting - where we learn his name is William - Ivy begins a tentative friendship. As time passes, she slowly learns about the mystery that is William. He is such a wonderful soul. Honest, patient, caring, thoughtful, and very protective. William tells Ivy he found her to protect her - from what he has no idea. Will he succeed? What is the threat? And while we are on questions, just who is William? William speaks to Ivy on such a profound level. She doesn't know why she trusts him, she just feels deeply that she should. Even when her friends and others tell her not to trust, she does. Even when she doubts, she still feels she should trust, and sets out to prove it to herself. This was more of a linear progression for the romantic relationship. Sure, William really loves Ivy from the beginning, but he gives her time to catch up. Eventually, we understand why he loved her before he found her. There is a villain, but his motives are related to something outside of William and Ivy's relationship. The relationship just begins and grows. Occasionally, I wanted to tell her friend Jess to just keep her mouth shut. Especially when she was championing the wrong guy and causing doubt about the right guy. All in all, this was a wonderful love story. Enjoy!

Who is he??

Loved this book! William was such a mystery. I wasn't sure which way Ms Kingsley was going to take this but it ended beautifully. If you love a little mystery read this one.


Claire,You put Shakespeare to shame.He had no idea about romance.Your story Disney should be telling.Best story I have ever read.Maybe except His heart?

I never saw this book hangover coming......

I read the snippets of sneak peaks on social media. I read the blurb. I understood the story line. But none of that could have prepared me for the AMAZING-NESS that is this book!!! I was seriously engrossed from the very beginning. The way the author writes the story just pulls you right in and keeps you hovering on the brink of having all the answers while teasing you throughout the story making it impossible to stop. Like, for real, impossible. Once I started LIFE ceased around me because I could not stop reading. It's a perfect blend of romance, mystery, drama, angst, and included a to die for HEA. Literally. This one is very different from any other books by this author and I am so excited that they went out of the norm for themselves to deliver this to us readers. The whole time I was reading this I kept trying to jump to my own conclusions about the mystery behind William. And I'm not ashamed to admit that I was no where near accurate with any of my assumptions. That is always my favorite thing about a novel with a bit of mystery....thinking I'm smart enough to determine what the outcome will be. But again, I was proven I am definitely not smart enough. Because the journey this book takes you on is like no other love story out there. The way it weaves together to and fro...again....just teasing you with what may or may not be happening is enough to make you crazy with desire to finish it ASAP. And then you will be sad just like me reach the end and you won't want it to be over! If you are looking for a totally different story line in the big wide world of contemporary romance novels, look no further. Because this author delivers you a story that you won't soon forget. Kel Kel and Mel Tell Book Blog

4.4 stars

This book was not at all what I expected but it still worked. I haven't read a story like this before and I appreciated that. Each time I thought I had figured out the connection the author would change things up. It felt like a puzzle. I enjoyed the symbolic meaning between things. One of my favorite things when I was getting my Literature degree was to find the symbolism and in turn deconstruct the passage. This author did a great job of piquing my interest. The bonus of quotes from various works of literature was even better since literature owns my heart. My only complaint with this book was the conclusion. I wanted more to come from who William was. Still, all in all a great book. One of my favorites from this author


I loved this book!! The mystery and suspense was great. It kept me on my toes and thinking about what's going to happen. William was definitely a different guy and he was hard to figure out. But Edgar Ivy's dog knew he was ones of the good buys he liked him right from the start. William and Ivy were made for each other. Claire did it again with another great read!!

So good, so sweet, so interesting!

This book is hard to describe without giving anything away, so I’m keeping the review short. This story was done in a very interesting manner, with very likable characters & a sweet but hot romance. Good mystery & a distasteful bad character. I have read many of this author’s stories. This one will rank right up there with the best ones!!

Romantic Suspense with all the Feels

I had Remembering Ivy on my TBR list for over a year as Claire Kingsley is one of my favorite authors. I am so glad I finally read it as it was a unique and amazing story that had you guessing the entire time. I believe in destiny and soul mates and that is exactly the way this story played out. Even though William Cole was mysterious, Ivy immediately trusted him and felt safe. Even though he had no reasonable explanation, William knew Ivy was meant to be his. This book was suspenseful and had me keep turning the pages until I finished the entire book in one sitting. I thought it was very clever and I especially liked the ending when everything came together and was understood. Excellent writing as always with all the feels.


Such a great read. I am just floored with the storyline. I loved it.Loved William and Ivys story. They were so adorable and hot together.

Could Not Put This Book Down

Claire Kingsley is my favorite author. Remembering Ivy, and all her novels, are so well written. I love how she references characters from her other books. Feels like running into a friend you haven't seen in a while. Be sure to read the bonus epilogue!


This was my last Claire book to read and it didn't disappoint. I love the mystery. The full circle of love and the little references from her other characters. If you have the opportunity, read all her books. She's amazing!

4 stars

I was really surprised on how much I enjoyed William and Ivy’s story. This was my first book by this author but I really loved the style. The suspense mixed in with an intriguing plot, add in a cute romance and great dialogue I was able to really enjoy the story. It was kinda low angst but at the same time the what is happening question stayed in my head. I wish the bad guy aspect had been embellished a little bit more then it was. At times it felt like it was an after through when it came to adding another aspect to the story. Even with that I really did like the story. 4 stars #2OCCJD

What a beautiful story

I love all of Ms Kingsleys books. But This one is different that her other books. Although I hate picking favorites, I have to say that if I were to do that, this book would be it. The story was beautifully told.


I loved this book, it was beautifully written, complex and compelling, I didn't know what to expect of William but the way Claire wrote his story was amazing, part magic, part religious, part medical mystery. You didn't know what was happening until the end and I loved that. Icy was a beautiful character and I appreciated the Dark Academia feel of this book.

Another Amazing Story from Claire Kingsley

To be up front, I am a huge fan of Claire Kingsley. I have read and loved everything she has written to date. Each time I finish a book I wonder how she is going to top herself and then she does. Remembering Ivy was a fantastic book and a terrific read. What I love about Claire is that has a wonderful ability of creating characters that feel real. Her characters are so genuine that they feel like they could be your friends, family or neighbors. As a reader, I love character driven stories, no matter what genre, because it allows me to connect and that is why I pick up a book to read in the first place. William and Ivy are no different. Ivy is struggling a year after her father has died, trying to find her place now that she has no living family. On top of that, she inherited wealth when her father died that came as a complete surprise to her. William is mysterious, caring, and really sweet (even if he comes across a bit stalkerish in the beginning). Their story takes the reader on a great journey of discovery, both of self and actual. Fans will love this story and if you haven't pre-ordered I recommend that you do. Make sure you have time to read when you start because you are not going to want to put this one down until you finish William and Ivy's story. I am always so excited to see what Claire Kingsley brings us next, and after this story I am sure it will be amazing. I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy of this book provided to me by the author.

4.5 Stars

Totally out of normal cookie-cutter romance book, the story of Ivy and William really pulls at your heart and makes you question everything! The author did a fantastic job of developing these characters and wrapping everything up neatly with a pretty bow. Loved this and was a breath of fresh air!

Fun mystery, sexy hero, sweet heroine! And a little Supernatural to boot! Oh and a really cool dog!!!

I love how Claire writes about the human condition. Life has sadness, failed romances, and we may well have to traverse the loss of a beloved parent! We also have had a romance that failed, and a guy who makes us wonder “what the hell I thinking?!?!” Fortunately she also writes a hero that makes us a bit melting hearted, and ...ummm...melting panties. Our girl meets a nice man who knows way too much about her. Not the kind of stuff that Facebook posts can reveal, but about childhood swings, and Dad’s office, and how the guy she has gone out a few times with, just is not quite right. So how does he know? Well reading this book to find out was just plain fun. Enjoy the ride, and occasional spine chills. Claire writes another super fun story, with a couple of chills, and some nice sex too. Enjoy! ....oh, and I love the Dog...always trust your dog.

Brilliant Story

Simply loved this story. Such an interesting twist. Highly recommend.

Every time I read Claire Kingsley I fall in love. With her writing

Every time I read Claire Kingsley I fall in love. With her writing, story, and her characters. Remembering Ivy wasn't anything I've read before. I was pretty much on the edge of my seat the whole time wanting answers. Some might classify what happened in this book as fate, paranormal, or a huge coincidence. Despite how interestingly weird William was I had a good feeling about him. I got the tingles whenever William said "Because you're Ivy". The good kind. ;) I'm looking forward to reading Claire's next book and falling in love again.

Good story

This is another really good book from this author. This story is really different from most every other book out there in the best way possible. Its a very different premise: Have you ever known you needed to know someone but not why? Have you ever just known something but you have no idea how? Those are a lot of the questions posed in this book. I received an Advance Reader Copy and am voluntarily leaving a review.


Just read this one! You will not regret it. The story has just everything... mystery, drama and an HEA that makes you smile with a tear in your eye.

Remembering Ivy

This is the most beautiful, inspiring love story ever written. Believe me! I've lost count of how many love stories I've read in my over 66 years of my reading addiction. This author, Claire Kingsley, knows her romance and love. I've read all her books and am waiting for her next one. Do not miss any of her books.


To be honest with you, I didn’t think Claire could top His Heart. Ever. But she most definitely proved me wrong with Remembering Ivy. Ivy is a young woman who has no family left and keeps to herself. A college professor, she prefers to spend her time at home instead of going out and trying to date. Ivy feels that she is just not up to par in the dating game. William is a mysterious man who has no memory other then the fact he needs to keep Ivy safe. He begins to follow Ivy and when she confronts him, his story is crazy. However, something inside of Ivy tells her he is the real deal. When William and Ivy’s relationship turns into something so much more, someone steps in to try and ruin everything. Will Ivy be able to continue to believe in William or is everything about to change? Who is William and why is he supposed to save Ivy? I loved William and Ivy. They were both so unique and different and I adored the banter between the two of them. The storyline kept me wondering throughout as to what was going to happen...and I NEVER expected what did happen. I loved the everything about this book, especially watching the relationship between William and Ivy grow. I think everything came together absolutely perfect in the end. Another brilliant book by Claire Kingsley!!

LOVED LOVED at his book!

I read a lot of books, and most of them all blend together. This book was amazing and wonderful and will stay with me for a long time. I like to believe that there are things that happen in this world, that cannot be explained. This book showed that to be true, it was magical and beautifully written.

Remembering Ivy

This was a difficult review to write as there are ‘stalker’ parts that hit too close to my personal triggers, which is why I gave it 4 stars rather than 5. This writer writes so well I tried to get past my angst and enjoy the love story. If you believe in kindred souls that transcend time and place, an ultimate protector, in love eternal, this is your book. Claire Kingsley never lets you down.

Utterly unique

I’ve never read anything remotely like this. I loved the sense of mystery and intrigue mixed with hope and belief. It was definitely an interesting combination and was nothing like I expected in the beginning. Although this story was utterly unique, it contained all the best staples of a Claire Kingsley book; well developed characters, extremely sexy scenes and an interesting plot. It kept me interested from the very first chapter.

So good

This is the best book I have read in awhile. Such a unique story line with amazing characters. I loved it.

Great read

Wasn't sure what to expect. The premise was very secretive but suspenseful, and I wasn't sure if that truly alluded to anything meaningful... But it does, and it's awesome. Ivy and William have a reason to be together, and it's a beautiful story. You every feel that two people are supposed to be together?? If not then this book will blow you away. Great read!!!

Sweet William.....

Ivy Nichols is a college professor and after spending the last year or so caring for her dying father, is very alone. Besides her white German Shepard, Edgar, and Jessica, a friend at work, Ivy keeps to herself and leads a very boring life. Enter William Cole, the mysterious stranger who starts following Ivy without a real explanation. He is such a contradiction from his chivalrous, innocent behavior to the possessive and protective way he is with Ivy. “Because you’re my Ivy” is the solitary reason behind his stalkerish ways. Ivy seems to just take it in stride and seems almost too trusting at times with William. These two are inexplicably drawn to each other and the ensuing chemistry is off the charts. The story unfolds at a steady pace and other events occur that make you question Ivy’s trust and William’s intentions. Claire Kingsley is quickly becoming a one-click author for me. From the humorous Book Boyfriend series to the heart wrenching His Heart, her writing just amazes me. Remembering Ivy is an original, mysterious, and daring romance. It seized my attention from the beginning with so many layers and hints with regard to the enigmatic William Cole. I can’t reveal any more details without spoiling the outcome, just read it. No seriously, Read It!! Another remarkable book by Claire Kingsley!

A beautiful love story with a mysterious twist

Thank goodness for Christmas break, because I pretty much left my kids to their own devices (ie, new toys) so I could read Remembering Ivy. I could not put it down. Granted, I say that every time Claire Kingsley releases a new book. But it's true. She has a way with words, whether it's a romcom like her Book Boyfriends series or something a touch heavier like His Heart, and now, Remembering Ivy. I had no clue where this story was going to go, but I fell in love with William from the start. The way he was stalking Ivy could have been creepy, but CK made it swoon-worthy. Romantic. I was so tempted to flip ahead and figure out what William's deal was. How did he know so much about Ivy? What was behind his visions? I am so so glad that I let this story just unfold, because Claire pieced together what seemed like a pretty unbelievable declaration by this guy and made it into something so pure, so sweet, so soul-searing. If there were ever two characters who were soulmates, it is Ivy and William. Just when I think Claire can't out-do herself, she surprises me yet again. I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review.

An Original Sweet Mystery

A new, original, sweet, mystery read. This story was such a surprise and a wonderful one at that. It starts with a mystery and makes the reader guess right until the end. There were a lot of sweet moments, fun dialogue, interesting characters and a fun plot. I guessed and guessed many times trying to figure out the ending. I never did get it, but my guesses were part of the fun, and man did they get wild and out there. It took everything in my power to skip to the end to find out! This was a sweeter story, no crying this time! I enjoyed reading it and loved the characters. Claire did an amazing job of keeping William interesting and mysterious without being creepy and alarming. Ivy was a fun, sweet woman; who, I must admit, I questioned her sanity for a few chapters at the beginning; but that was only until I got to know William better. This was such a unique and original story that I was engrossed and holding my breath. I needed to read it all at once so that I could figure out the mystery. It is worth the read. I received and ARC and am leaving an honest review.

4.5 stars

Remembering Ivy is such a beautiful and emotional love story, unlike any other that I have read before. Plenty of romance and swoony moments, yet it had some big twists that I didn't expect. William and Ivy's story is definitely one that I would highly recommend to others!

Far fetched

I found the premise of this book to be a little weird. It's as though the book couldn't decide what it wanted to be when it grew up. Are the things that happen paranormal or is there a logical, if far fetched, explanation for them? How did he get the supposedly spectacular body he had in that amount of time after what had happened to him? Getting discovered on a park bench, being there days later, the way he functioned in the world with no memory, no id, etc, none of which stands up to the logical explanation test. So let's throw in just a little paranormal, and another stalker, this time an evil stalker. Nope. Pick one genre or theme per book, this one is too hodge podge.

listen to the voices

Remembering Ivy is a sweet novel and a departure from Claire's other stories. Will is Ivy's guardian angel. Ivy is lost and desperate to have someone take care of her. I liked this novel and the resolution of Will is very interesting.

A different kind of story

I really enjoyed this book and was kept guessing till almost the end (& I love a good mystery). The only negative I have was the love scenes were too graphic for the tone of the book., but luckily there weren't too many of those.

Another amazing one from Claire! (spoiler free)

Fair warning, I'm a big fan of Claire Kingsley's. This book is no exception. However, this book is different than anything she's written before, and it was amazing! As usual with Claire's writing she nails the chemistry and heat (there is plenty of that in this book! It's glorious). But the mystery and questions in this book are unlike any thing I've read from her before. This story is full of mystery and some serious chemistry with a really sweet love story all rolled into one. It's beautifully written and (if you're like me) you won't be able to put it down. If you have read Claire's books before you'll probably wonder where the heck this book is coming from, and she'll make you question everything... While reading it I repeatedly asked myself "is this a paranormal romance?" "can I figure out where she's going with this?" (because I always try to put mysteries together myself) both of which only fueled me to read faster to find it all out. 😂 But it all makes sense in the end (in a way you I never saw coming!!) and you are left with a beautiful love story and a happy heart. Go ahead and one click this one. You can thank me later. 😉

Such a powerful love story!!

This book was truly captivating. It had me hooked from beginning to end and kept me guessing the entire time I was reading. The love that William had for Ivy was so powerful. Throughout the book your wondering what is the real story behind William? Why is he stalking Ivy? Where did he come from? Why is he drawn to her? How does he know things about her that no one knows? Why does he feel the need to protect her? Written in Ivy’s POV to keep the mystery going. But.. you can enjoy the epilogue which is written in Williams’s POV. Claire Kingsley did an amazing job with this book, most beautifully written. Intriguing and entertaining. I can’t say enough about this book. It is now one of my favorites. I highly recommend reading this extremely powerful love story . You won’t regret it.

Beautiful love story

Claire Kingsley has become a one click author for me. I’ve read several of her rom-coms and loved them so it wasn’t hard to pick up Remembering Ivy. I loved the romance of this story. William and Ivy are such great characters. William is convinced he was sent to save Ivy and what starts as Ivy thinking he is a stalker turns into a really great love story. I love that these characters are grown up and act like it. When one of them has a question, it’s asked and answered. There aren’t any games, just the mystery of William. I loved this book. I wish I could read it again for the first time. Read in KU

Love CK books!

Wow! I’ve read practically all of Claire’s books now and Finding Ivy was like icing on the cake. What a sweet, mysterious story.

Wow!! Beautiful story of love, hope, and maybe a little magic

I was enthralled with this book. it was interesting, unique, romantic, suspenseful and beautifully written. I always love Claire's storytelling but this felt like "more" to me. It was so vivid and real. I felt like I was right there watching It all unfold. It would make an incredible movie too. Just saying!! I really love the hero and the heroine more than I've loved other characters I've recently read. Very interesting characters with depth. I was emotionally invested in their story and struggles. The epilogue and bonus epilogue were amazing too!! I wasn't ready to say goodbye so I liked the extra peak at the end. :)

Read this book!

Wow! I did not see that coming! I won't say anything more other than read this book. It's an easy read and has such a great plot twist you won't see coming. Enjoy!

Absolutely love this book!

This is my first book from this author and I loved it the story was so well told. I was hooked from the very beginning and stayed up still 3 in the morning to finish. Excited to read more


Wow what a unique read. There was so much love, mystery, friendship, and suspense you never knew what would happen next.

William & Ivy🥰

I absolutely recommend this book. Intriguing, slightly suspenseful, a protective dog, and a mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I didn’t think I could love Claire more after reading the first 2 Bailey brothers, and the Cooper Miles books- but I do. The sneak peak of seeing some of the Miles family in the extended epilogue made me feel like I had found one of those gems that I always read fans talking about- especially since I’d already read into the “future” of them 😉 If you’re not already a Claire Kingsley book reader- do yourself a favor and start now!

Intriguing read!

Such a good book. I truly enjoyed the mystery surrounding this book. The storyline was unique & the characters were true to life.

A must read!

I have come to the realization that we never know what we are going to get with Claire Kingsley. This book was phenomenal! I loved every bit of it. Ivy had uprooted her life to take care of her father. She left everything behind, and soon after her move her boyfriend left her. Struggling to find her self again, she has a hard time dating. The men she dates just don't cut it, that is until she meets William. There is an immense amount of spark, they are definitely attracted to each other. William is mysterious and has an interesting way of viewing life and what Ivy might mean to him. Even after being warned to stay away from William, Ivy can't help but feel a pull towards him. Not only is she physically attracted to him but she has never felt more safe then when she's with him. As their relationship develops and unfolds we get surprise after surprise. I had a million scenarios running through my mind and I did not see the ending coming. You will be at the edge of your seat! A must read! Be prepared to fall in love and believe in the unbelievable.

Mesmerizing...astounding...romantic...unforgettable love

Claire Kingsley surprised us with her last novel "His Heart", which was her best to date in this reader's mind. She has succeeded again but only better. Ms. Kingsley exhibits incredible storytelling skills with wonderful character development. The story starts with Ivy, beautiful and vulnerable, having taken care of her father until his death and she seems to have trouble moving forward. When the gorgeous, strong and tender William emerges, I thought is this a paranormal romance? The story builds with mystery and suspense...who is William Cole? It is interspersed with the growing love developing between William and Ivy. There are surprising twists and by the time you hit the 50% mark, you are having the heebie jeebies trying to figure out what is happening, what will happen, what's the will this end? It's now a page turner and I can't put it down. I enjoyed it tremendously. It surprised me. It has everything I could hope for in a well written romance. No matter how much it kills you, don't jump to the end, it will be so worth it. I received an advance copy of this book and I am voluntarily writing this review.

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