Coach the Person Not the Problem: A Simple Guide to Coaching for Transformation

Kindle Edition
26 Sep
Chad Hall
What separates a beginner coach from a coach who invites client transformation? It's all about where the coach focuses: on the client's problem or on the client as a person. In this short eBook, master coach and trainer Chad Hall walks you through three levels of coaching: beginner, better and transformational. For each level, he provides a sense of where the coach focuses, the types of question the coach asks and what kind of results you can expect. He also offers guidance on two elements essential to coaching for transformation: how to add creativity to your coaching and what to do when the client expresses emotion.

Reviews (208)

Client focused coaching in a concise format.

The title is truly what is covered in this short, concise read packed with powerful insight and suggestions. A worthwhile read.

Good quick read

Very good advice and perspective. I tend to lean towards dealing with the problem instead of the person. I’ve been growing to understand that building a strong foundation as a person, is critical when trying to solve your problems. Build a strong dam instead of always trying to repair multiple cracks. Thank you for your time putting this book together.

Good read

Finally read this book and I think that good things come in small packages. It has one of the best explanations of how to think of and use emotions in the life coaching space.

Person-focused interactions

Susinct, helpful insights for improving your professional coaching. And employing the insights won't hurt at home. Who wouldn't want to receive this kind of personal coaching, let alone personal connection at home.

Excellent overview for experienced coaches and consultants

The book is straight to the point and gives excellent advice on some new angles and somangles one should be using if they're in the coaching and consulting business. Good practical and practical information you can put the work right away.

Práctico y táctico

Una introducción bastante estructurada al tema del coaching que en pocas páginas me invitó a reflexionar sobre mi estilo de coaching y cuál es el más frecuente o sobre el que soy más requerido

Good but short

Good material here but, as stated at the end, it was a text version based on a short talk. It could have (and should have) been expanded. There is a lot left to interpretation, and it could be interpreted poorly.

Short and Sweet

This book is NOT going to teach you how to become a coach if your brand new, and the author is up front about that. If your newer to coaching but have some training the book is great. Most the tips in here followed what my coaching school teaches, however some of these explanations gave me more depth of understanding or explained it is a way that related to me more. I was not a fan of how the author addresses a few things but I love that it was short, sweet, and straight to the point. I do with there was a bit more here and not spread over many books but I also understand that there is a marketing intent behind this meant to drive you to get the authors coaching.

Great Insight, Practical and Straightforward

I highly recommend this book for anyone who does coaching or even is considering coaching as it describes well what coaching is, and even more importantly, what transformational coaching looks like. I believe this will be useful as well in my industry where we walk people through recovery and rebuild of their lives after disaster. Helping them to develop a new "normal" stronger then before is important and coaching will help them move in that direction. I say that as I am also a trained coach with John Maxwell, so my comments take into consideration the combination of this book and my training and experience as a coach. If you are a beginner or just looking into coaching, this book will help you to see what the end should look like when you start your Journey.

This coach trainer recommends this very quick read

This book clearly distinguishes consulting (which is what most beginning coaches do), problem-based coaching (which improves the client’s thinking) and person-focused coaching (which can be transformational). I have taught coaches for ten years, and I believe this book will improve my coaching moving forward. I will recommend it to others. My thanks to the author.

Client focused coaching in a concise format.

The title is truly what is covered in this short, concise read packed with powerful insight and suggestions. A worthwhile read.

Good quick read

Very good advice and perspective. I tend to lean towards dealing with the problem instead of the person. I’ve been growing to understand that building a strong foundation as a person, is critical when trying to solve your problems. Build a strong dam instead of always trying to repair multiple cracks. Thank you for your time putting this book together.

Good read

Finally read this book and I think that good things come in small packages. It has one of the best explanations of how to think of and use emotions in the life coaching space.

Person-focused interactions

Susinct, helpful insights for improving your professional coaching. And employing the insights won't hurt at home. Who wouldn't want to receive this kind of personal coaching, let alone personal connection at home.

Excellent overview for experienced coaches and consultants

The book is straight to the point and gives excellent advice on some new angles and somangles one should be using if they're in the coaching and consulting business. Good practical and practical information you can put the work right away.

Práctico y táctico

Una introducción bastante estructurada al tema del coaching que en pocas páginas me invitó a reflexionar sobre mi estilo de coaching y cuál es el más frecuente o sobre el que soy más requerido

Good but short

Good material here but, as stated at the end, it was a text version based on a short talk. It could have (and should have) been expanded. There is a lot left to interpretation, and it could be interpreted poorly.

Short and Sweet

This book is NOT going to teach you how to become a coach if your brand new, and the author is up front about that. If your newer to coaching but have some training the book is great. Most the tips in here followed what my coaching school teaches, however some of these explanations gave me more depth of understanding or explained it is a way that related to me more. I was not a fan of how the author addresses a few things but I love that it was short, sweet, and straight to the point. I do with there was a bit more here and not spread over many books but I also understand that there is a marketing intent behind this meant to drive you to get the authors coaching.

Great Insight, Practical and Straightforward

I highly recommend this book for anyone who does coaching or even is considering coaching as it describes well what coaching is, and even more importantly, what transformational coaching looks like. I believe this will be useful as well in my industry where we walk people through recovery and rebuild of their lives after disaster. Helping them to develop a new "normal" stronger then before is important and coaching will help them move in that direction. I say that as I am also a trained coach with John Maxwell, so my comments take into consideration the combination of this book and my training and experience as a coach. If you are a beginner or just looking into coaching, this book will help you to see what the end should look like when you start your Journey.

This coach trainer recommends this very quick read

This book clearly distinguishes consulting (which is what most beginning coaches do), problem-based coaching (which improves the client’s thinking) and person-focused coaching (which can be transformational). I have taught coaches for ten years, and I believe this book will improve my coaching moving forward. I will recommend it to others. My thanks to the author.

Helpful hints

For coaches working on their strategy and looking for powerful ways to help the client move into deeper work and identify emotions without getting stuck.

Great short book on transformation coaching

Some key area of coaching Short and simple advice Great concepts for transformational coaching Good for people managers early in their career

Excellent guidebook on powerful coaching truths

I was looking for both a refresher on coaching strategies as well as a way to deepen my own practice and this book really hit the nail on the head! I have noticed myself “coaching the client problem” more often than I should and feeling the need to step back and coach from a different place - this book gives you clear guidance on how to do just that.

Emotions are data!

I really appreciated Chad's description of the different types of coaching and what often we end up doing as we try to help people. I wrote down the comment "emotions are data" because I am often tempted to focus too much on that in ministry rather then welcome emotions as telling some deeper stories in people. Smart coaching (and ministry!) is helping people unlock truths in both their emotions and their logic (or as Chad spoke of, the rider and the elephant!). I recommend this as a primer on coaching deeper for those who are often called to advise, coach and help others (which is most of us adults!). I rated this as I did because it was too short! I also wanted more examples (I know Chad has them!), but, I appreciate the brevity too...

Very short read and very insightful

I've been coaching for a few years and can still get into problem solving mode without realizing it. This short book shed light on a few things that have always been a bit fuzzy for me and gave me a bit of a mental model so I can be more aware of when I'm problem solving, coaching the client to solve their own problems, or coaching the client to use the problem as a mirror to make some sort of internal shift or learn something about themselves. I've learned how to coach from some pretty amazing teachers but it's definitely helpful to hear some different perspectives on things I've learned during my initial training. I'll look for other books by Chad Hall because I like how he simplifies and explains things in a very down to earth way. Some coaching literature can be painfully abstract. This book wasn't.

Quick Read with Great Tips

Lots of value packed into a small space. Great reminders for coaches about focusing on the client instead of the problem, and the transformations that can occur when we do so.

Good tool

Short and to the point. Good tool to improve your coaching and help others effectively to long term transformation. Time to get action

Seemingly simple yet powerful advise.

Fantastic book! I'm studying to be a coach and have read a variety of books and Chad offers things here that I haven't read or considered. I love how he says "where the coach focuses his or her attention determines the power of the coaching conversation." He also writes "emotions are data" which is a fantastic way to consider them. Instead of getting wrapped up in the emotions (which I can do), this encourages me to remember that emotions can reveal very important information and to pay close attention here as they are "needed for change." And, as he says "real and lasting change requires getting the client's emotions involved." Chad offers seemingly simple yet very powerful advise, if used. He has a way of writing which is interesting and engaging. I easily read the book in one sitting!

So obvious you just can't see it

I've not been trained to be a coach and I've not studied too much on being a coach, however these days leaders need to be coaches which is why I picked up this book whilst browsing on Amazon. Having read it I guess its pretty obvious, but being a consultant I also guess thats why I didn't see the obvious! I'm always trying to solve the problem, thats what consultant do. I guess its coaching I'm looking at the wrong problem, the problem or rather the challenge to overcome is the person, who in turn has the problem to solve. Anyway a great read and wants me want to learn even more about coaching.

A useful guide to creating transformational change

A super practical and useful approach to creating transformational change in people. Insightful, succinct, and a great tool for changing lives.

Simple, yet Effective

“Coach the Person Not the Problem” covers the basics. But more often than not, you need the basics to be explained by someone with an external perspective. That's what the coaching is all about, isn't it? Before reading "Coach the Person..." I didn't have this clear distinction between a few different approaches to coaching. I used and mingled them all, depending on the situation and on the client's initiative. Basic or not, I will now use Chad's teachings in my coaching practice. I'm all about empowering my clients and coaching the person, not a problem, is the fastest way to achieve this objective.

Chad provides a quick primer on coaching methods

Quickly addresses and reformats bunk coaching blunders most of us start off with. I was intrigued by new concepts and had notions confirmed that my intuition has served me correct and that I have also leaned on empathy too heavily.

It's short but full of good points

I like short book that hit the point without bushing around. This book is good for young coach that has some experience but needs to bring to the next level.

Excellent Resource

I have been coaching for 3 years now and felt my coaching was growing stale and not making an impact. This excellent short read as the break I needed to read this morning. My biggest aha (I have several) was "emotions are data." This was helpful.

Brief conversation

This ebook is more of a brief conversation than an in depth discussion. More examples highlighting success would be helpful.

A good concise ebook that provides much clarification on what it ...

A good concise ebook that provides much clarification on what it means to coach the person and not the problem. It is especially helpful if you are trying to help your clients move from simply solving problems to transforming their lives. As Chad Hall states: “When you coach at this level you are sensitive to the fact that sometimes the goal of coaching isn’t just to solve a problem but to help the client grow, develop, and even transform.” This idea of transformational coaching is especially relevant for those involved in faith coaching. In that regard I also recommend Chad’s book

Coach the Person Not the Problem is a great resource to help coaches maximize discovery for their clients

Coach the Person Not the Problem is a great resource to help coaches maximize discovery for their clients. Full of valuable insight and tools to put into practice immediately focusing on the client as the problem solver and not the coach. Throughout the book the coach is being equipped to leave the gathering information stage behind, engage creativity, and understand the "data role" of emotions in a client/coach relationship, coaching the person/client so they find the missing piece to their puzzle for their transformation. A go to resource for any coach looking to finesse their coaching skills taking them to a higher level of coaching for the ultimate end result of transformation for their client! Loved it!

Transformative thinking

This book was a quick read into transformative thinking as a coach. Often times you feel you have to solve the problem. This books provides insight into transformative coaching.

This is a must buy book for coaches at all levels.

Chad Hall is one of the foremost thinkers about Christian coaching in the world. For me, he is the "go to guy" when it comes to cutting edge thinking about coaching. In this short book, Chad unveils what will become the new mantra for coaching -- Coach the Person not the Problem. In this very readable book, he shows the problems associate with coaching the problem directly, then reframes the scenario as it should play out with the coach coaching the person, as the person solves the problem. He also tackles using creativity in coaching, and also coaching through emotions. This is a must buy book for coaches at all levels.

Great Quick Read

Very insightful yet simplistic! Author shows you how to move from one arena of coaching to the highest one; transformational coaching! It’s definitely something one would want to put into practice for the best benefit of the client!

Clear, well written book with important tips for advanced coaches

This is a clear, well written, very brief book with important tips for advanced coaches and advanced coaching. Coaches who are starting out, may feel a bit lost, as the author points out himself, since he assumes a certain level of skill and experience. Additional examples would be valuable especially on creativity and emotions (the last two points in the book). Compliments to the author for sharing his expertise in a concise and accessible manner.

Simple and concise

Like spring training for coaches, not exhaustive, and not meant to introduce coaching to those who are unfamiliar with it. But can give insight to what to expect from a coach.

Quick Read

First, I'm not a professional coach, however I have graduated from a life coaching school attended other coaching seminars. I'm a pastor and entrepreneur and use coaching techniques in both. I believe in this process of coaching people for transformation. I enjoy how he addresses the different levels and styles of coaching and how they relate to coaching the person and not the problem. This is a short read and a quick lesson and/or reminder of that process and it's fruition.

Great coaching advice

This little book was chock full of great advice and insight. I would have liked a little more development of the themes, but apart from that it was extremely helpful.

Five stars

Great read. I chose this rating because it taught me some things I didn't know as far as coaching the person and not the emotions. Emotions is a result of what lies deep within.Nothing I didn't like about the book. It was short and sweet. Hopefully other beginners would see that the goal is to transform the client. Knowing when a client need coaching vs being counseled was something I heard before but it was good to see it again.

Quick coaching insight

This ebook was a quick and to the point read, which I am a huge fan of. Example questions are given for the three different types of coach described. These example questions were helpful in distinguishing the different levels of coaching and how they progress. Four stars given.

Excellent read, excellent tools to keep your eyes on the prize of the person - not the problem

Chad's writing style is excellent and great for teachable folks who love feasting on the secret sauces of coaching. Great nuggets and very helpful read for folks, particular new coaches who sometimes still teeter-totter into slipping into the "problem" focus at times, getting eyes off person. This is a phenomenal resource and I appreciate it in my coaching journey! Thanks Chad, for this contribution to help su coaches to help others flourish to their max. ----Leslie P.

Such useful information to help coach focus on the client’s agenda.

Great read. Insightful and can be easily applied to the coaching practice right away. Useful material to use as reference, not just one time read.

Quick Read

This short book is fine and gives solid, quick advice. It’s not life changing, but a good review for coaches.

This little book is a gem!

We tend to be fixers, problem-solvers. But when coming alongside someone else taking that role can short-circuit the opportunity for change. In this concise e-book, Chad Hall masterfully parses this problem by walking the reader through good, better and best approaches to coaching. For aspiring coaches and those who just want to become better friends this little book is a gem. Kudos to Chad for clearly showing us how to more effectively help someone else.

Short and sweet book for coaches

If brevity is power then this book would be shortlisted. It is short but packed with important advice for coaches how instead of coaching the PROBLEM to coach the CLIENT through the problem. A very important distinction and the book excels at explaining those two levels in details.

Wonderful Coaching Resource

A great, short book dealing with a common issue in coaching. Too often coaches want to focus on the problem the client presents instead of the person the client is. This book will help instruct newer coaches and remind veteran coaches about coaching the person. The book includes specific examples of what it looks like to coach the problem vs. what it looks like to coach the person. This is a wonderful resource.

I highly recommend the book for all coaches

Chad Hall in this simple book gives you the balcony view of the higher purpose for coaching others. The title of the book now is part of my memory for each coaching session in listening carefully to what the person brings and then immediately jumping to consider what it would mean to coach the person, not the problem. I highly recommend the book for all coaches. Sherill Hostetter

A masterful insight

I think this approach to coaching really zeros in on how a coach can help a client experience lasting personal change by helping them examine their own perspectives in a given situation, rather than mechanically solving the problems. I think the author's ideas are on point and offer practical tips for real life coaching challenges for coaches.

Simple but useful

Interesting read and as I tend to put all in perspective to actually use, useful. Recommend reading. Good and entertaining.

Clear, Concise, from the heart of a Transformational Coach.

Chad Hall lives and breathes coaching. He is more than a technician and this book is full of information that comes from the daily privilege of coaching. This is a must-read for anyone who presents themselves as a coach. Keen insights, intuitive questions and an easy to understand, yet profound, look at coaching at its highest level. Buy multiple copies and spread this encouraging and transformational gift!

Great book!

Key points in a shorter version but clear to understand! I recommend this book beginner to intermediate coaches. Much needed!

While this book fully supports what I have been taught ...

While this book fully supports what I have been taught, it also helped to reinforce the notion that the person is who your coaching is directed to, not the problem. The author's explanation and examples helped to clarify what I've been taught even further, helping me to apply it more fully into my work with my clients.

Fast and good read

The book is very fast to read. Clear message and important information. The book is for coaches, The information is good for professional coaches but also for everyday people who use a coach approach with family and friends. I recommend it.


I found this book very helpful It made coaching feel real and not just asking a bunch of questions to the clients

Concise and Practical Book on Transformational Coaching

This was a concise and practical read about transformational coaching. I found it helpful when Chad Hall described the three levels of coaching and their benefits and downfalls. If you are new to coaching, like I am, this is a must read!

Good but not great

The book William teach basics, however misses The path from time yo time, it could have some others examples to ilustrate in a better way The how to...

Easy to read

A great simple book to help you determine what kind of coach you would like to be. I think it would be beneficial to have a follow-up book that goes into more detail with exercises on implementing transformational coaching.

Clear and concise

In a very short read, Chad is able to bring clarify around the subtle differences that can make significant changes in the way I come alongside (and empower) my clients .

Short but insightful

What kind of coach are you? Do you address the client's problem? Do you help the client address her problem? Or, do you help the client develop the skills to deal with the problem herself? Hall points out that the third approach is transformational and more enduring. This is a short book with great impact.


Just as described

The title says it all!

Simple and concise. The title says it all, which is the biggest takeaway... "coach the person not the problem". Good read for coaches.

Read it

Excellent book. I am a "newbie" coach, and Chad's book addresses one of my recurring issues: trying to fix a client's problem rather than helping the client become more self-aware and able to create their own change. If this weren't an ebook, I'm sure I would wear out the pages by the end of the year.

Coach the person, not the problem.

Simple to read, easy to understand and apply.

Great Book

Loved the book and would recommend to all coaches who truly want to see their clients grow and accomplish transformational change.

good for coach

good for coach , who have experience and need to develop for the way to help other success by themselves.

Great, quick read

Great, quick read. Good distinctions between the coach coaching the problem, coaching the problem through the person being coached, and coaching the person. Provides a good framework for coaches.

So short it's only a primer on the ideas

This is a short book which is some of it's merit. I agree with the premise, that as a coach you need to move past providing solutions. You also need to not always try to transform your clients. If you want to put this into practice though, you likely need more information than is provided in the book.


Chad's book nails the strong connection of coaching the person, not solving the problem. A clear must read and perfect reminder for coach's.

Simple and very helpful guides that can really make a big difference in the coaching outcome.

Straight to the point ideas that make a lot of sense. A great reminder of what good coaching should be.


Good book, but a bit short. But what I read, I enjoyed

straight to the point

small book packed with information and great tips for success. I recommend to anyone that would like an helpful overview of what coaching consists of.

Sharpening your skills

Whatever coaching level you are at, this book will move you to the next level. Chad's writing will not only benefit you but also your clients. Coaching the Person not the Problem is a book you will want to read more than once as you sharpen your coaching skills.

Very nice book! I’m glad I read it.

Helped me re-focus on proper coaching. It’s easy to loose focus and start coaching the problem! This book is definitely worth reading. Thank you Chad!

Truly Eye Opening

This turned my thoughts on coaching on it’s ear! I’m excited to take a different, more freeing approach to my practice and clients. It helped me to understand the difference between coaching and consulting.

Short and sweet

This book helped me identify where the Coach is at, where and how they can improve, and examples of what different types of questions can do. This is exactly what I was looking for. Easy to read and study. Thank you!

Four Stars

Good book as to what not to do. Need to read a book of more what to do.


This book help to remind me to stay on track, coach to the problem not the person. It was also a great reminder coaching vs counseling.

Back to basics... renewed respect for the true power of coaching.

Insightful read that brings you back to the basics of coaching. Would recommend regular reading to keep one grounded when coaching.

Simple and powerful

Very short and easy book to read, yet powerful. I recommend this to everyone who wants to be an excellent Coach!

Great Quick Read

This quick book hits at the heart and foundation of being a transformational coach. Not for those unfamiliar with the process of coaching. Excellent for those who need to add depth or a refresher.

A Must Read

What great value! One key point in it, that of coaching the person but Chad makes the point very well. Using his approach will raise intermediate coaches to a new level. Well worth it, a must read.

Good ideas

I read this book a long time ago but I’m stuck in this section and can’t advance without leaving a review!

Very good

Short but very well explained. Great and simple examples that help the readers to understand the concept and encourage us to learn more. Thank you.

Great short read

This is an excellent summary of appropriate and higher level coaching from a seasoned veteran. This is a great springboard into next level coaching!

Brilliantly quick read

Great short read with specific coaching tips. I truly appreciate an author that makes a point of getting their viewpoint across without a lot of fluff. Thank you!

separation between the person that you coached and the problem

simple to understand

Coaching for transformation

Chad keeps the coach focused on internal changes that the client needs to face for real transformation. Coaching the person, not the problem needs to be constantly before coaches mindset.

Straight to the heart of things

Chads thinking is principle based and I love it.

Easy yet inspirational read

A very simple-to-follow framework to transform how to elevate your coaching skills to a higher level, and help your clients to improve their life!

Once Chad Hall hits it out of the park!

I truly enjoyed this short read. It was informative and to the point. And yet it was presented in a conversational manner that made it easy to read. Thanks Chad for taking the time to write it.

Good introduction to coaching

Concise and easy to follow. Good read for beginner coaches Highlights the difference between good and great coaches. Highly recommended

Great Overview of What it Means to be a Transformational Coach

Short and sweet -- great overview on the difference between being a problem solver as a coach and truly helping clients to access deep transformational change. Easy read.

Great insight.

This book is simple yet helpful for coaches who do not know the difference between coaching and consulting. Furthermore, this book helps move coaches beyond the plain question/answer model by dealing with emotion.


This book was very helpful! A quick read and I am sure I will return to it again and again!

Great quick read

Straight to the point and practical. Situates you quickly on your level of coaching. Great evidence of experience and mastery of the subject. You easily remember key points in the book. Overall very enriching.

Good read

I really like the way Chad describe the three different levels of coaching. It was very helpful. It also had some really good suggestions. I would be interested in some more of his books.

Four Stars

The specific recommendations were very helpful!

Insightful, quick read

There's more to successful coaching than in this short read- and the author isn't attempting to fool you into believing otherwise. Really good overview on what coaching can look like.


Although short, this book is packed with practical insight and helpful examples for anyone wanting to make their leadership more coach-like.

Four Stars

as expected

Love it

I truly enjoyed it. Easy to read and very useful! Nice and well structured, straight to the point. I totally recommend this book.

Great quick read

Wonderful book on coaching. Am glad I found it, it has basic quick tips on transformation coaching. Great read for anyone interested in coaching

Excellent information to digest and apply.

It was what I needed at this time. Great for new and seasoned coaches. I would highly recommend it. Great job.

Great Read!

This e-book was a very informative and helpful short read for me! I would recommend this especially to beginner coaches!

There is a whole lot of coaching wisdom packed into ...

There is a whole lot of coaching wisdom packed into this small eBook. This will be a resource I'll go back to over and over again to keep my coaching on target.

Practical Advice

Brief but to the point

Clear & powerful

Great clarification about coaching styles. Pretty good book, direct to the point. I really recommend it to whom wants to clarify some concepts.

Nice and structured

The author has a great writing style. No excess words, gets to the point, interested in real and immediate value to the reader.

Great info

Really enjoyed this. Was a good compliment to other books I’ve read to solidify points in coaching from other sources

Four Stars

Nice reminder

Good quick read

This book gave very clear examples for coaching the person and not the problem. I would suggest this book for any new coach l.

Brief abd concise

Brief but contains gems of information about good coaching. Valuable insights about what's important in coaching. Really helpful. Thank you.

Punchy & Insightful

A great little ebook, that challenges me to have the right focus in coaching situations. Coach the person, not the problem!

Looooved it. Thank you! I will read more ...

Looooved it. Thank you! I will read more books from this author.

Simple and helpful

Liked coaching to emotions and transformation. Would like to hear some testimonies of the breakthroughs. The Whole Brain Child book is useful in coaching.

Four Stars

Good information

Great tool to add to bucket

This book provides quick educational information that if considered will enhance the coaches skills and benefit the receiving client. Enjoyed.


The elevator pitch of books. Fully loaded and packed with the right amount content to drive all coaches ahead. Well done

Good book

Can use this conceptual to adapt my coaching level concept.

Great points

I found the three levels of coaching very insightful. I really appreciated examples of questions to use. I recommend this book.


I am considering becoming a coach and this book had helped me gain perspective on how to begin the process. I thoroughly recommend it!

Don't forget the emotional side

Some good thought useful for beginning coaches who try to problem solve logically before thinking that true change has an emotional price too

Coach the person not the problem

Great short & straight to the point book!! I recommend it for beginners, intermediates ans advanced Coaches. Great little book

Three Stars

This was very simple and common sense information. Not worth a purchase.

Easy to read but some practical helpful steps to good ...

Very helpful to me as a coach. Easy to read but some practical helpful steps to good transformational coaching

A must read!

Simple and focused.

Five Stars

Great read! Short, sweet and very, very practical. Best deal on Amazon for a mere 99 cents!

Great Title, Average Short Book

This isn't rocket science. Readable enough, but no great insights for me.

Five Stars

A great quick read. Very practical tips with understandable theory given for these tips.

To see the person not the problem

It is coach made easy

Five Stars

So very good to help me in my coaching experiences.

Five Stars

Great book


Great, quick read! Straight to the point with practical applications. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm glad I got to read it now.

Five Stars

Excellent ebook!

Five Stars

good job

10 pages long

This 10 page long blog post (that is definitely not a book) offers no value for money. It’s fooling the potential readers.

Quick read, good insight

This little book packs a mighty punch. It validates coaching approaches discussed in other books while encouraging a coach to deal with the ‘whole’ person and not just the parts we feel comfortable with.




The title is all you'll learn from the book, stop reading there. Thanks for keeping the book a short read.

Very insightful resource for experienced coaches

Great concept and description of the three levels of coaching. New for me was that you could get into a transformational tailspin without translating the inner shifts into everyday life. Meaning too much transformational coaching without translation into tangible results can be counterproductive.

A generous and thoughtful - and quick! - download

I am not a coach, but in my capacity as a people manager I seek to incorporate elements of the art of effective coaching. This short and thoughtful read gave me a new way to approach certain tough situations in my work. I especially liked the model questions for each level of coaching. Much to try and learn in these few brief pages. Thank you!

Quick easy read

Super helpful and easy to read. To the point which is what I like. Short summary of 3 styles of coaching.

Great coaching nuggets

This is a quick read that's chock-full of coaching wisdom. It has good sample questions and will help you apply the appropriate tools to the the needs of your clients.

Insightful Read

Quick, easy, thoughtful read! Packed with useful strategic concepts! I enjoyed it and recommend it for any coach looking to affirm their knowledge and skills as a coach...

Quick, Helpful Read

This book has actionable tips and examples in each chapter for for everyday situations. A must read for every leader!


No pude resistirme a leerlo todo de una sola vez; muy ameno y muy lógico. Lo más interesante es que quedé con la motivación de volver a leerlo despacio para ESTUDIARLO. Es una excelente guía para quienes somos Coaches. Lo recomiendo!

I really liked the different take on personal coaching and techniques

Very interesting book (let) !! I really liked the different take on personal coaching and techniques. For a book this short, I did take a lot of notes and it certainly has changed the way I think about coaching, which, from the book, is actually the best coaching you can do. So, kudos to the author and well done.

Short and to the point

As someone who is just starting my journey as a life coach this short book give me a few tips to help me (hopefully) not make some of the beginner's mistakes that can lead to me solving the problem instead of the client solving it

A lot packed into a short read!

I was pleasantly surprised by how many really useful insights were included in such a short book. I would recommend to coaches or anyone who manages people.

practical and focused

quick overall of the typical coaches types or pseudo types that end up being counselors or mentors instead of. I just didn't get the elephant sample quite much, would have expected a bit more context.

Great read

I choose this rating, because it provided great coaching nuggets but left you wanting more, which is a good thing. I would definitely recommend this. Short read, great content and something I would reference when I'm coaching clients. Thank you!

Good read a d things to keep in mind when coaching.

The reminder to stay focused on the person and not the pro tem is helpful. Also helpful is to not focus on the why to remain non judgemental.

Lots of impact in a short read

I am often reluctant to read short books. Maybe because I do not believe that it then has substance. This book is different. Lots of impact. Down to the point. Practical. Useful. Helpful.

Short but powerful

You get a clear advice about how to coach for transformation. It's very short, easy to read and focused on making the point across.

Good Quick Read

Nice short read with some useful takeaways and insights. Will refer back to this as a refresher from time to time.


Very concise and helpful. Recommend to all coaches. Not for beginning coaches but for seasoned. Suggest that coaches teach this to their coached.

Quick and to the point

This ebook was full of useful information that is easily digested. Coaching the person is a great way to help with transformational change

Nice read

Great simple informative well put easy to understand quick read love love love short reads with power it i love

Informative With A New Approach

I have been using the self discovery Coaching for over 15 years, the transformation gave me a new tool thank you.

Great read for new health and life coaches

I choose to rate this book as a 5/5 because the information provided several tips on how to successfully coach others. This book can help a new health coach in the field, such as myself, and the experience health or life coach

Patience is key

Easy read with some good pointers .... Patience i believe is a necessity to apply what we've learned in this book. Our clients don't share the same thinking, therefore we become 2nd. Good and quick read

In a short time span... a better coach is emerging in me.

The ideas in this booklet are laid out so clearly that I walk away in a short period of time becoming a better coach. What a great teacher Chad Hall is. I look forward to learning more.

I strongly recommend this book https

I strongly recommend this book for all coaches-in-training/new coaches. It's such a smart, concise, easy -to-read outline of the framework that our work as coaches should be built on. It offers important nuances between 1) the coach taking responsibility for solving a problem, 2) helping the client solve the problem and, 3) even more importantly, helping the client grow and develop, not just solve problems. Chad's books have been instrumental in my decision to finally pursue a career as a coach and I'll forever be grateful for them. Make sure to check out The Coaching Mindset

Quick, clear, concise, informative

This book is an easy read and helpful for anyone pursuing transformational coaching. It could also be helpful for parents, guidance counselors, etc...

Great resource for Life Coaches!

Great, quick read/resource. I will be going back a number of times to familiarize myself on which coaching is needed for my clients!

To the point and succinct

To the point and succinct . The author gives good clarity to emotion and how to use it in the clients growth

A unique approach to coaching

I appreciate the idea of coaching the person not the problem. It goes deeper and provides lasting value. A quick and easy read that gets right to the point.

Good perspective on coaching the person

A concise, quick read that is packed with solid examples on how to improve coaching. Focus on the client, not the problem. Appreciate the additional resource links in this ebook.

A good summarized book on effective coaching

I was apprehensive when I started this book that had only 25 pages. But then I thought if somebody can explain a key concept in 25 pages then why not look at it. I am happy that I made this choice. This book in simple terms is about how to conduct transformational coaching that enables your client to think for themselves and sustain the transformed way of thinking. I would highly recommend this book

The real world of coaching

A very real description of the various levels of coaching. I especially like the chapter on coaching emotions, not always an easy thing for less experienced coaches, especially men.


This book has the potential to creat an amazing coach using the tools given. It gave some amazing tips on the different levels of coaching and how to work within those levels to get the most from your clients and from the coaching process.

Short and to the point

This is a very short book, very concise and very informative. Straight to the point ideas and strategies about life coaching. Worth a read.

Super quick read. Loved the simplicity and ease in reading it!

Easy to read, great reminders and concepts to consider! I loved how it was broken up too. Great to recommend to anyone who needs a refresher.

Short and practical

This clear and practical guide clearly comes from experience. Chris does a great job to explain different ways of coaching, when to use it and when to avoid it.

Excellent job with the definition of a coaches role.

I have found it very interesting that as a coach we needed to focus our attention on our clients. One would think it should be obvious but it's not especially since we don't plan ahead.

Short but highly informative!

This book is a must read for coaches looking to trade or analyze their coaching skills! It has straight to the point teaching topics that leave you feeling better equipped.

A great read!

I thoroughly enjoyed the breakdown of teaching the coach to coach the client and not the problem. I’ve found myself in this trap before. It doesn’t work!

Good quick read

It was something I just wanted to read because I didn’t know much about the subject but since I have been having issues with my teenage son and helping him cope with depression, ADHD and anxiety. I think I will be able to use the information to help him transition from all the madness he fights in his head.

Short but sweet

This simple little book got right to the point, made it clear and really hit it out of the park for my new coaching practice. Thank you!

Very informative

Very helpful perspective and great resources! I enjoyed this book immensely and look forward to integrating what I learned! Thanks

A clear, careful inside look at masterful coaching techniques.

A clear, careful inside look at masterful coaching techniques. A 15-minute overview that took me years to learn through experience. Good work, Chad. Format of the text maximizes readability and retention. An essential guide for coaches at all levels. I'm giving a copy to every coach I mentor and to family who have children.


Chad did a good job at getting his point across and I thought it was very insightful! Good, quick read

Very short

I expected a little more,it is very short and a basic outline. There is not a lot of detail here.

A Great Read

If you are looking for a concise read for Coaching then I suggest this books to consider as a refresher.

Short and good book for coaches. Useful and easy to understand. It reinforces the gold coaching rules. Recommended for night reading

Short and good book for coaches. Useful and easy to understand. It reinforces the gold coaching rules. Recommended for night reading

Lots of Value

Great suggestions. I learned so much in such little time; that's great coaching. I look forward to an enthusiastic coaching career and going back to the lessons learned here, again and again.

Great introduction to Coaching

This is a great book with guidance on coaching different situations. I enjoyed the short book and will apply this to my coaching and mentoring sessions.

Better than anything... good for most things ....that's Chad Hall's approach....Transformational Coaching

CLEAR AND CONCISE FOOD FOR THOUGHT presentation of the coach, client and problem relationship than can elevate the insightful to grow and indeed expand on so many levels

Great Insights!

The way Chad breaks down the different types of coaching really makes it easy to understand and put into practice... Great read for me!

Short and sweet.

Loved the quick read, but I would have appreciated more detail to get me exactly what I needed for coaching the person. Kind of vague.

Really enjoyed reading it and picked up a new lens though ...

Simple but clear. Really enjoyed reading it and picked up a new lens though which to see clients.

A book every coach should read

Highly recommended for all coaches. Brilliant perspective in such a small book. You can read it in 20 minutes, its that quick yet effective.


The book presents a good approach to coaching the client but doesn't provide much in depth analysis for the approach to coaching the client.

Coaching the problem through people

There are several great nuggets of wisdom. Probably more if I hadn’t read so many coaching books. I like the bullet format and breakdown of chapters. Straight to the point here.

Five Stars

Excellent book!

Not quite what I needed.

Although it was a good introduction into transformational coaching style, I fortunately do not need this level. Although I am glad I have it as a possible tool.

Not my kind of book

Perhaps I'm not the intended audience of the book, but I was expecting more than just a handful of chapters

This is not a book

Call it an article or a book proposal but please do not call this a book. It does present some interesting concepts that I would want to read about when the author gets around to actually writing the book.

A good book for coaches

Simple, practical, easy to read and apply ideas & strategies for coaching. It will help you take your coaching in right direction. Anyone who coaches should read this book. I recommend it.

Great tips

Great tips that can be applied in your next coaching session. Love how this book was short and to the point

Crisp !

Nice condensed !

Great book...short and to the point,very very helpful

Great book...short and to the point,very very helpful. Makes me rethink my whole way of coaching to take it to a new level and to flow with the client toward the best outcome at the time and with the overall journey in mind....that’s what awoke in me anyway.

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