The Coaching Mindset: 8 Ways to Think Like a Coach

Kindle Edition
17 Aug
Having trained thousands of people to coach and to use coaching skills, Chad Hall has seen the same set of obstacles prevent new coaches from becoming great coaches. The barrier is not about what they DO, but how they THINK.
In this short e-book, Chad outlines 8 specific ways coaches need to think. When you think like a coach, the techniques for coaching well just come naturally and produce great results for those you work with.
If you know what coaching is and you're ready to take your coaching several steps closer to mastery, this is the book for you.

Reviews (213)

Growing in my thinking as a coach

Thanks for writing this . Very helpful in bite size learning and thinking as I grow in my understanding of coaching. Loved the different articles that were referred to. All was Short and to the point. Would love to see how you get from empathy to objective and still know you have the heart of the client. I understand it's need but since this is my weakness would like to see more illustrations there. Plus the balcony one too. How do you do both without sounding preachy? I have been known for not feeling enough with people before moving on ir at least voicing it. But I figured I practiced the other concepts and change my thinking and focus on the person and not trying to fix it I think the others will follow. :). This paper gave me much to think on and try on as I became more aware of my thinking and changing it. I encourage others to read it as they grow to be a better coach or even thinking of becoming a coach. Thank you.

A Good Resource for Coaches

To assume that an Ebook of this small size couldn't possibly expand your coaching knowledge or enhance your coaching practice would be to miss a good read and a great learning opportunity. "The Coaching Mindset: 8 Ways To Think Like A Coach" is filled with solid content written in an engaging style that is guaranteed to make you think. New coaches wading through vast amounts of content from their coach training program will discover principles that are most helpful and needful to focus on and master first. Seasoned coaches will be challenged to reflect on how effectively they are utilizing some foundational coaching principles and gain new insight about how they could be put into practice in an even more effective way.

Get it and read it - you will not regret!

At the risk of repeating what others reviewers have written - quite incredible what this small volume is able to accomplish in such a modest and parsimonious publication. A lot of bang for very little buck. I found the insights both inspiring and implementable. Especially well suited for those not reading or thinking about coaching for the first time ever. Many books on the topic begin with ABC and it takes a lot of sifting to get to intermediate and advance gems such as those this 1hr read is packed full of. Wholeheartedly recommended!

2 big insights.

One of the big insights I got from this book is a great coach creates a safe space for the client to express his agenda, and I think that's crucial and that's what many specialists in help relationships (therapists, coaches,...) fail to provide. Without this vital element, the help relationship goes in every possible direction but not to the heart of the issue. To make others feel safe with you requires a difficult condition: to feel first safe with yourself! Another great insight is to trust your client has the necessary resources to resolve his issues; and again, this requires from you first to trust yourself to do it!

Half Way There To Thinking Like A True Coach

I purchased The Coaching Mindset:8 ways to think like a coach, earlier today. I am a very new entrepreneur and I am finding it a little difficult for me to assert myself, especially when I am asked by my peers for help. This short book was such a great read and the amount of information it contained was explained in a straight forward, direct manner. I am the type of person that needs to learn in a direct approach without all the extra details that I never end of up remembering anyways. I am very pleased that I purchased this today and I will be implementing his 8 steps along my journey to becoming a better person, co-worker and hopefully mentor. Sooner than later.

It’s okay

I’m a school administrator trying to become better at coaching my staff. I’m also trying to develop some professional development strategies to help my staff coach their students. This ebook is very basic and not exactly a fit for my needs. Still, there are a few things I learned and can use. I really appreciate the brevity and directness.

Good for the beginner or novice

This is a quick read. It is a good overview of ideas a well established coach utilizes. Each of the ideas could be elaborated upon. The distinction of primitive questions needs further elaboration before a coach could use this strategy.

Moving away from the role of being helpful

I would recommend this book to new coaches. It's a challenge to change roles from being the helpful one to being the one who highlights the clients genus. I taught coaching in a local church and this was the greatest challenge. The small group was kind hearted and eager to help. A coaching mindset that focuses on the client being resource and creative was difficult for them. I wish I h as this book back then. It describes simply the coaching mind set that goes beyond helping to empowering. My only complaint of the book is that it ended too quickly.

The author packed in a lot of value...

There were so many details in a small space. I am happy to read a short book with this much really helpful content. Very well written.

Great, short, powerful. A must for coaches.

Short and easy read, and as other book of Chad Hall it is an enlightening one. It shows you what makes a good coach good and what can ruin someone who just starts coaching. I enjoyed the book and will apply it in my practice with clients.

Growing in my thinking as a coach

Thanks for writing this . Very helpful in bite size learning and thinking as I grow in my understanding of coaching. Loved the different articles that were referred to. All was Short and to the point. Would love to see how you get from empathy to objective and still know you have the heart of the client. I understand it's need but since this is my weakness would like to see more illustrations there. Plus the balcony one too. How do you do both without sounding preachy? I have been known for not feeling enough with people before moving on ir at least voicing it. But I figured I practiced the other concepts and change my thinking and focus on the person and not trying to fix it I think the others will follow. :). This paper gave me much to think on and try on as I became more aware of my thinking and changing it. I encourage others to read it as they grow to be a better coach or even thinking of becoming a coach. Thank you.

A Good Resource for Coaches

To assume that an Ebook of this small size couldn't possibly expand your coaching knowledge or enhance your coaching practice would be to miss a good read and a great learning opportunity. "The Coaching Mindset: 8 Ways To Think Like A Coach" is filled with solid content written in an engaging style that is guaranteed to make you think. New coaches wading through vast amounts of content from their coach training program will discover principles that are most helpful and needful to focus on and master first. Seasoned coaches will be challenged to reflect on how effectively they are utilizing some foundational coaching principles and gain new insight about how they could be put into practice in an even more effective way.

Get it and read it - you will not regret!

At the risk of repeating what others reviewers have written - quite incredible what this small volume is able to accomplish in such a modest and parsimonious publication. A lot of bang for very little buck. I found the insights both inspiring and implementable. Especially well suited for those not reading or thinking about coaching for the first time ever. Many books on the topic begin with ABC and it takes a lot of sifting to get to intermediate and advance gems such as those this 1hr read is packed full of. Wholeheartedly recommended!

2 big insights.

One of the big insights I got from this book is a great coach creates a safe space for the client to express his agenda, and I think that's crucial and that's what many specialists in help relationships (therapists, coaches,...) fail to provide. Without this vital element, the help relationship goes in every possible direction but not to the heart of the issue. To make others feel safe with you requires a difficult condition: to feel first safe with yourself! Another great insight is to trust your client has the necessary resources to resolve his issues; and again, this requires from you first to trust yourself to do it!

Half Way There To Thinking Like A True Coach

I purchased The Coaching Mindset:8 ways to think like a coach, earlier today. I am a very new entrepreneur and I am finding it a little difficult for me to assert myself, especially when I am asked by my peers for help. This short book was such a great read and the amount of information it contained was explained in a straight forward, direct manner. I am the type of person that needs to learn in a direct approach without all the extra details that I never end of up remembering anyways. I am very pleased that I purchased this today and I will be implementing his 8 steps along my journey to becoming a better person, co-worker and hopefully mentor. Sooner than later.

It’s okay

I’m a school administrator trying to become better at coaching my staff. I’m also trying to develop some professional development strategies to help my staff coach their students. This ebook is very basic and not exactly a fit for my needs. Still, there are a few things I learned and can use. I really appreciate the brevity and directness.

Good for the beginner or novice

This is a quick read. It is a good overview of ideas a well established coach utilizes. Each of the ideas could be elaborated upon. The distinction of primitive questions needs further elaboration before a coach could use this strategy.

Moving away from the role of being helpful

I would recommend this book to new coaches. It's a challenge to change roles from being the helpful one to being the one who highlights the clients genus. I taught coaching in a local church and this was the greatest challenge. The small group was kind hearted and eager to help. A coaching mindset that focuses on the client being resource and creative was difficult for them. I wish I h as this book back then. It describes simply the coaching mind set that goes beyond helping to empowering. My only complaint of the book is that it ended too quickly.

The author packed in a lot of value...

There were so many details in a small space. I am happy to read a short book with this much really helpful content. Very well written.

Great, short, powerful. A must for coaches.

Short and easy read, and as other book of Chad Hall it is an enlightening one. It shows you what makes a good coach good and what can ruin someone who just starts coaching. I enjoyed the book and will apply it in my practice with clients.


great book with great insight into being a coach. I will take the 8 steps into thought and action and prepare for my first client.

Great Content-Outstanding Value!

Chad Hall does a great job of calling out the key components found in a successful coaching relationship and provides solid examples of how effective coaches apply their awareness of these key coaching qualities to serve their clients at the highest level. From the beginner looking for a great perspective on what it means to be an effective coach to the more experienced coach committed to helping their clients experience lasting and meaningful transformation, this brief yet informative book is a great resource. Thank you Chad for taking the time to share valuable perspectives from your considerable experience in coaching and training coaches.


Good introduction on the coach role to the client. Good resource to add to your personal library whether personal or professional

A great little ebook. Worth every penny!!

I am fairly new to coaching but have read my share of books. This is a great little book that is not only a good review of the basics, but suggested some new ways for me to think about coaching. It's short enough that I read it while working at my day job, but deep enough to really stretch my thinking. I plan to put what I learned in my coaching session tomorrow! Glad I bought it!

Encouraging and straightforward.

As someone working toward receiving a coaching credential and having taken classes with Chad Hall, I found his book to be very useful and helpful. It is not overwhelming with lists of hundreds of questions one might ask in a coaching scenario, but rather inspires a way of thinking for the coach. The book provides a coach to be (and coaches who already are) with a sense of freedom and a breath of fresh air in how to think like a coach. The book has wonderful reminders how coaches can provide the best opportunities for their clients to really grow and move forward in the areas in which the clients want to focus. A quick, entertaining, and substantial read!

Simple. Easy. Useful

What I liked most about this book was it was not giving me a list of questions. It gave me a way of thinking and with that in place I am left to my own devices to come up with my own questions and my own ways of getting the client to think . Easy read. Simply put and explained very well with examples. A page turner, it's going go be my go-to book when I am looming for answers.A must read for anyone who "likes to figure it out for themselves "

Motivational Interviewing in Simple Terms

This book puts motivational interviewing in an easy to understand language. Although it doesn’t mention motivational interviewing at all, it makes a wonderful supplement to understand the philosophy of a client-centered approach.

Wow what a great easy read

This book was assigned as reading material for my Master’s in Leadership program. The eight easy steps that Chad reviewed helped me to feel more comfortable and confident in this process of learning how to coach people. Thanks!

Good short description

Very helpful

Would be a good book if you are just thinking of getting into ...

Really basic info. Would be a good book if you are just thinking of getting into coaching, or wanting to expand into some rudimentary coach like skills. However, being a coach already... not what I was looking for or needed.

Provides a good orientation of how to approach coaching

Provides a good orientation of how to approach coaching. Does not seem to include too much research, but is relatively in line with concepts that are well accepted.

Mostly aimed a personal coaches

I’m trying to enhance and change thinking in a corporate contex. I’m probably not in target audience, as this seems very focused on a kind a personal life coach or something. I’m not saying that there aren’t a few good best-practices, but in general this was a little basic.

A priceless perspective

As a student coach I found this insight into a professional coach's mindset simply priceless and makes absolute sense. It answered many questions that I had like how to get unstuck, and how not to overthink. Many simple yet powerful tips. Brilliant work Chad!

Great tips on how to better your coaching!

This is a great short read for coaches to better your strategic efforts in coaching clients. Chad Hall is someone to learn from.

Mindset is everything

Such a great intro to how to think like a coach. I think this is the best place to start is you're curious about what coaching is, as getting the mindset right is probably more important than actually learning the tools of the trade!

Read and read again

This is a great little book for coaches, especially newer coaches. Chad Hall writes succinctly and touches upon the "basics" for the coach-client relationship. Because the book is short, for me it will serve as a quick reference guide as well as a frequent re-read. I was very happy with its content.

Short but effective

Great overview of the coaching mindset. Contains practical but often overlooked advice for all coaches, regardless of experience. Quick and easy read.

Good Reminders

i like the ebook. Good quick read with lots of simple great help.

Info to fill in the mindmap

When you have been coaching you often find different hurdles. These thinking tips help you overcome these hurdles in a practical way. This is confirmation again that it is not about you as coach at all. It is about the person you are developing a relationship with." You can achieve anything in life as long as you do not mind who gets the credit" Johan Viljoen

Short Succinct and to the point

Great information packed into a short read. The author gets his point across without excessive filler. Will continue to refer back to.


I appreciated the approach and emphasis upon the mindset of the coach. Coaching is not just stringing together the right techniques. Technique is the way or practice of coaching, this helped me remember the heart and why of coaching

Excellent, Practical, Insightful, Short, and To the Point!

I'm in my 60's and desire to be more of "coach" than "mentor" in fulfilling Christ's mandate to make disciples. Thanks Chad for helping me in that direction.

Concise and to the point. Valuable ideas

I really enjoyed the concise nature of the book and the concepts are the same as those my own coach and mentor has passed on to me. Great book for anyone wanting to add coaching to their toolkit.

Things to emphasize

Some new thoughts that were helpful.

Dumb pill as the first essential remedy for coaches

Taking the dumb pill is something I found very crucial but mostly ignored as we humans tend to project ourselves into the other person with our own experience, emotions and intellect. If you can take the pill, the other skills will flow naturally. This book got me thinking a lot. Thanks for a simple, short and sharp read!

Excellent Resource

A little short but great out of the box ideas. Worth the money. I wish it was more examples however.

Love it

Simple but very good ideas!, Easy to read. Good example to apply. Make you feel comfortable with the ideas and ready to change your coaching style.

Simple and Practical

Some simple and practical coaching tips. Nothing too groundbreaking but just enough to start deeply thinking more on the coaching process itself. Read like reminders for me as I coach my team mates.

Intro to coaching

Amazing light read thank you. It was very easy to follow and very informative indeed. Great to get some useful tools for any coaching roles.

Short, clear, useful.

Short and concise. By reading it you get some simple guidelines and perspective that can help you, if not being a good coach, avoiding being a bad one, which is a step in the right direction.

Nice and succinct

Quick read that moved fast with insights on each page. Well worth a spin for those interested in coaching. Really!

Quick Read. Packed with Tons of Information.

The small ebook is loaded with more information and helpful ideas then most of the full size books I read. If you're looking to be a coach at any level,this book will help you find the answers.

A Book Worth Reading for any Leader

It is clear this author knows what he is talking about. I highly recommend this book for anyone wanting to understand the coaching mind-set and how to think about the coach approach.

Hooks to Hang Ideas On

I read this book over several nights as I've put the kids to bed. It's very readable and a great primer on coaching. I love the simple ideas that open up different aspects of what a creative and successful coaching relationship can look like. Will be worth your time.

The Coaching Mindset is more important than the Skill Set

Chad Hall is one of the foremost thinkers about coaching today. He has years of experience coaching and training and building coaching culture. This is such an important book because most people are focused on the skill set. But if one or the other is more important, it is the mindset. Chad has written a concise but thorough guide to the coaching mindset and is worth a read to everyone who wants to change lives in a powerful and effective way.

Highly recommend


Good insights to coaching!!!!

I would recommend the book to someone who is trying to improve their coaching abilities, this book will definitely help

Quick read. Good insights

I enjoyed the quick read and the examples. I would have liked more questions, though I understand Chad's reason behind not giving too many.

and building a life you love!

I return to this book over and over. Solid methodologies for self improvement, and building a life you love!

The author does an excellent at fleshing out just what that mindset change is ...

Coaching isn't just a new set of skills, it's a paradigm shift in mindset. The author does an excellent at fleshing out just what that mindset change is all about. Very practical, easy to read. Anyone just learning how to coach would benefit from this book.

Not a book

The info is not bad, but it is so short it can't be calles a book in any way. Maybe a good article. What a scam selling that as a book.

Really good and really worth it

Rather than a comprehensive laundry list of tools and techniques, guaranteed to stifle your access to your own coaching wisdom, this is a short book that opens the doors of your mind and your heart.

Best quick read of the year for the serious coach!

“I’ve been coaching for over a decade and I still learned several important principles from this book; principles that I can put into practice with my coaching clients today. I highly recommend this book for both new coaches and seasoned ones.” Dr. Jerry Essary, PCC, CCLC

It is a must to all people with serious intention ...

It is a must to all people with serious intention to enhance leadership skills in & out of the corporate world.

Coaching Mindset

We’ve talked a lot about mindset during my Coach training, but we never talked about our own mindset as a Coach. Really worth the time and money!

A quick read to get unstuck

Quick and inspirational. I found the book helpful in breaking through a stuck place. I anticipate referring back to it from time to time to get unstuck.


Very insightful. I will attempt to coach differently based on these ways to think with more resourcefulness and draw out other's thoughts.

Lots to unpack here.

Breezy little book chockful of compelling content. I will review these eight concepts often. Recommended for the beginning coach or for a quick pick-me-up for the more experienced.

coaching as a way of being

What kind of book are you looking for? This one is a deceptively light read. Each of the short chapters (26 pages altogether) left me with something tangible and doable to work on. I've been consulting for 20 years, so it was also humbling.

Great intro

I haven’t coached professionally, but in my relationships with clients this is going to shape and inform conversations from here on out.

Nice fundamentals

Very short as expected (and advertised) but brought concise points and guidelines for wannabe coaches. Its a bit predictable with the outline but has some nice ideas in between.

Great insight - for all coaches

Eye opener about importance of our attitudes and inner works on top of technique. Great examples, easy to read and apply.

Nutrient Rich

Awesome book. Short, sweet, and to the point. So many golf nuggets, I nearly highlighted the whole thing.

Simple, effective

Excellent coaching for coaching. I read a chapter before I go into a coaching season and found that our centers me well.

Short. Concise. To the point. Loved it.

The author helps establish the framework of your mindset as coach. With the proper mindset you can learn the needed skills to be a coach. But you need the proper mindset to apply the skills. Very good read highly recommend.

Insight from an experienced coach

Definitely insight from an experienced coach . Gave me lots to think about. Will certainly move forward taking these things into consideration as I develop as a coach. I am itching to start the next book written by Chad Hall.

Beyond Cookie Cutter Coaching

Chad Hall calls coaches out of a comfortable choose from the question list coaching into honoring the creativity and resourcefulness of our clients. 'Taking a dumb pill' is his first recommendation. Don't do any thinking ahead that a client could do for themselves. Each of the 8 recommendations are like that and stimulated and challenged my current coach approach.

Simple and easy to follow

Simple and easy to follow. A great way to renew your mind in 8 simple steps. Turn the 8 ways into affirmations and you are well on your way to getting the right mindset to becoming a coach. "Change without, starts within." Amanda J Butler

Relevant and helpful tips, helped me think about the ...

Relevant and helpful tips, helped me think about the importance of your mindset and your approach in a coaching role. Just 4 stars because it was a bit shorter than I was expecting.

Coaching for all - I Liked it!

Good advices, no so much deeper, but nice for amateurs. Anyway I liked his practical point of view because anyway, for coaching processes what the author mentions is completely true.

Must read!

This book does an excellent job of clearly describing the role of a coach, be it in the private or public sector. The author uses many examples to explain the ways coaches should think. It is a must read book for anyone involved in coaching individuals towards identified goals.


Great advice at a great price

Quick, Easy and Effective

This is extremely helpful in putting your mindset as a coach back in place as the curious mind not the clients hero.


I am considering a career change to coaching and this book has inspired me to begin the journey of training to become one . Thanks for the insight!

This book was very helpful in making the distinction between ...

This book was very helpful in making the distinction between coaching someone and being the person that has all the answers.

Great book

Wonderful resource that focuses on partnering with the client for responsible transformation of the client. A must read for coaches

The client is most important

The coaching mindset gives coaches a head start on how to approach a coaching session. We as coaches must enter the session with only the client best interest at heart.

Great short book for coaches

Great short book for coaches. Asking clients better questions that allow them to take ownership of the process of moving forward.

Simple and Impactful

I liked the simplicity of the approach used in the book to share the coaching mindset. In particular I really liked the 8th rule... so true and imagining how effective it would be in getting the client's creative juices flowing. I thoroughly enjoy reading the ebook. Thanks !

Being a real coach in a nutshell

Another great example of simplification of important concepts. This book is a must have to self-check and revisit basics time after time. Among the sea of coaches around the world, the ones who can "be" a coach rather than doing coaching will save the day.

The coaching miniset 8 Washington to Think like a coach

It's a very clear And usfuel book a few words And great concepts To appley in your sesions as a coach

Surprisingly helpful

I assumed everyone else had gotten this for free in exchange for a review. But I took a chance and read it anyway. It was actually super helpful. Basic, but practical.

Five Stars

Great service

Great outline for anyone interested in coaching

Recommended by my cousin when I told her that I was being coached and wanted to give back in the same way. So glad that I read it.

Get Your Head In This!!

Excellent overview of needed coaching mindset!

Good tips

Good tips with good reminders. It really helped to confirm my natural talent as a coach while also helping me see areas where I can improve

Quick reminder to best coaching practices

I like that this book hits main points of great coaching and that I can read it in a few minutes to refresh my brain with how to coach a client well.

Great Resource

I really enjoyed reading this book. It gave me great insight into using out of the box coaching techniques with my clients.

A useful reminder

A useful reminder and with great tips on how to remain in coach position. A quick read and I recommend reading for anyone who is in training to become a professional coach (and also for all those who do not pursue formal training - but pursue coaching nevertheless).

Okay, but hoping for more

It was an okay read. I was hoping for more information on coaching employees, but the ideas put forth can help me in day to day interactions.

Worth a read

Clear, to the point and on target. Fast, short read that's worth the time to read more than once. Great thoughts that will help you be a better friend even if coaching is not your thing.

Great read!!!

This is an awesome book to help you understand how to really coach and not just ask questions!! Thank you for writting!!

Helps coaches engage in self coaching

I liked it. It was a short quick read that gets to the point: to be effective, coaches need to mind their own mindsets. Nice.

Nothin like brilliants and brevity

Great beginners or for a solid, quick review.

Great book! Short and easy to read

Great book! Short and easy to read. Every coach can identify with the author's perspective. It was simply written with great examples. If a coach could master "The Coaching Mindset" she would be off to a great start.

One Star

I completely enjoyed reading and referencing from this book as a business coach and business coach trainer.

Simple but helpful, .

easy to read and caught my attention, I even took some note to put the rules into practice on every day situations

Good Advice

This short book delivers what its title states - eight suggestions that can help a coach perform their job more effectively.

An ok intro to coaching

An ok introduction to some basic fundamentals of coaching. If you are interested in getting an overview, with the read!

How to think like a coach

Good, concise book that outlines how coaching differs from consulting or directing. Hall articulates clearly the core components of good coaching

Great new perspective on coaching

Interesting that great coaches are curious, and creative in getting their clients to come up with their own solutions. It's fascinating and a revelation.

Five Stars

Very good read.

Nice reading and concrete tips

Great book with clear direction and congruent style aligned to good coaching practices! Worth the reading, very practical for coaches

Good value for anyone new to the coaching profession

Lots of wisdom in this short, digestible, and helpful book.

great tips to

short and to the point, great tips to remember

Love it!

Great read and useful information!

A great one about coaching's principle

Very good for any starter or any coach who is currently get stuck on his journey😊 A must-read for any leaders


Short sweet and to the point. Just a great reminder of not what to do as a coach. It's about the client. I find tapping into my spirit during coaching has been where I get my greatest guidance in the space of coaching.

Quick and easy read!

Loved the format and its simplicity. Took a topic of interest and had fun with it without over complicating it.

The Secrets To Effective Coaching

"The right technique in the wrong hands will produce the wrong results," Chad Hall says in the introduction. I couldn't agree more. After training thousands of people to coach, I find equipping people in the skills of coaching to be relatively straight forward. The challenging task is helping people to think like a coach. Chad Hall's book, The Coaching Mindset: 8 Ways to Think Like A Coach, is a welcome addition in this regard. The coaching mindset is counter-intuitive for most people. We want to be the smart one, solve the problem, have the right answer, and make the breakthrough. As Hall says, we want to be the star of the movie. But it's our clients who are the stars of their own action films - their lives. We're supporting, watching, and cheering them on. Here's the list of 8 ways to think like a coach: 1. Take a dumb pill. 2. Go to the movies. 3. Embrace the primitive. 4. Follow the first rule of Improv. 5. Get curious. 6. Ask for directions. 7. Avoid the dark side of empathy. 8. Think like a kid with a crayon. Doesn't this list look intriguing? If you've been through any coaching training you should have some idea what these are about. I think the author did a fantastic job of explaining the obvious, the nuanced, and the you-think-you're-doing-it-but-you're-not. I plan to use this book with our coaching training participants - after they've done a bit of training and had some practice. That's the point when these mindset distinctions will have the most impact, I believe. The author models a difficult coaching skill: be concise. This ebook will take you 20 minutes to read! Well worth your time.

is a good introduction that make clear important bullets about this work

This little book give very interesting insights about the art of coaching, is a good introduction that make clear important bullets about this work.

Five Stars

Excellent book. Escepially great deals for coaching questions mindsets!

Great book that focuses on the coach mindset. Valuable tool for those interested in giving their best to their clients.

Great book that focuses on the coach mindset. Valuable tool for those interested in giving their best to their clients.

A nice summary

A nice summary to glimpse the coaching mindset - straight to the point and easy to understand - it also makes me want to study this topic more from other resources

Good quick read

Makes great points that are short and direct. Helpful insights for both the novice coach and the seasoned one. Recommended reading for all coaches.

Focuses on the important

Loved the straightforward and simple guide. Many coaching resources get far too involved in complications, this one gets you back to the very basics and reminds us of the frequently forgotten foundation skills of being a good and effective coach.

Awesome Insight

I am interested in coaching people in terms of their career and this has been a true eye opener for me. Really appreciate his perspective on the subject of coaching.

Four Stars

A good aproach for people who want to know about couching. Very good eight tips.

Great insights that will leaving you thinking

Great thought provoking from one of the best. Chad is an extremely effective trainer of coaches. His brief insights leave you thinking deeply and emerging as a better coach.

The "More" of Coaching

Chad moves coaches from mechanics to mindset in clear, interesting fashion.

Leave your ego behind and think like a coach

Helpful quick insights for both new and seasoned coached

Great book

I liked that the examples were Real life examples that were thought provoking and peaked interest and curiosity that coils be applied in my new position

Four Stars

Simple and easy read but insightful.

Five Stars

Great quick read for anyone serious about coaching!

Great way to start stimulating thinking like a coach purses ...

Great way to start stimulating thinking like a coach purses any techniques as a coach.

Precise and great read

Good book. It’s a good starter for any one interested in coaching. I like the part of seeing the client as a hero

Four Stars

Very easy to read! Great suggestions for questions.

Excellent Book

Great read. Very informative. Straight to the point. Great for the beginner coaches looking for tips or seasoned coaches looking for a refresher

Simple... Too simple

The book tries to provide deeper understanding of the mindset and behaviour a coach should master, while trying hard to avoid being a list for standard coaching questions to ask. Unfortunately, it succeeds in avoiding standard questions but the explanation of the 8 described behaviours is platonic and ends up being another standard list one should avoid as a coach.

I loved it.

A quick to read summary of the important coaching skills. I loved it.

Five Stars

Excellent information!

Awesome read

I see how this content can help with many areas of business. This was truly a pleasant read with allot of useful information.


I believe the mindset you have determined success and the author clearly explained that. I learned so much I can implement into my business.

Just What I Needed!

Very precisely written with good, direct info.

Great quick read

Good tips that can be applied by anyone who is a parent, boss, consultant, coach, etc. quick read with great points to directly put into practice.


Tell where your mind need to in to be in coach ing .have

smart, brief and refreshing

Clear, smart, brief and refreshing. Thank you, Chad.


It goes directly to the point with simple, but effective mindsets. I really liked it. It gave me rich insights. Recommended!

Simple and smart

Simple reminder of the basics. Great and quick read!

Good starter read on how to be effective in coaching

I appreciated the perspective taken in this book. Often times people think coaching is one set formula for every client. The author did a good job at expresses this to not be the case. The only think I would like to have seen was more biblical premise behind the work.

Good read

Great read to just bring you back inline with the basics of coaching.... Would have preferred a longer read around the topics covered in more detail but nevertheless not a bad read at all especially since it is an ebook.

One Star

Never received!!!!!

How to facilitate others

The coaches job is not to solve problems it is facilitate other people to solve problem. This is is exactly what a good people manager does in a corporate environment, and this is what I was interested in learning from this book. It always struck me that a technical group should work just like a sports team. I want to bring the same techniques that make a good team a team (supporting each other, selflessness, people knowing their roles, overall team concept) and was looking for a book to help me. This book is very brief but direct and clear, it does not have any filler material. A good coach helps people to do the right thing themselves, rather them tell them exactly what to do. In fact it says to never solve the problem for your clients, it will be a disservice. The book helps by helping to know the right questions to ask, the best way to interrupt, when not to interfere, and how to help people who are stuck. Then I suddenly came to the end of the book and wished there was more to read, more secrets revealed... but there it was, the first lesson of coaching - the book told me how to do it, now I am on my own. Ali Julia review

Opinion rather than fact

There are some nuggets of good thoughts in here, but I was expecting something with more substance and factual backing. This is like an advice column I'd read online or something similar. There are a couple references to great authors who do have some great things to say about leadership, but they're not incorporated well into this book. There are also almost no examples from actual coaching situations. It's just the (sometimes contradictory) "tips" with unfounded reasons as to why they are useful. Example: the first tip is to not think through situations but to go more with gut reaction and instinct, which is more of an emotional response. Later, the author says to not be empathetic, at least not too much, and try to think through things objectively. So don't think but also don't be too emotional. Those seem like contradictory positions, and there's no discussion about how they differ. Ultimately this is one author's opinion about what makes a good coach with no examples and no factual basis for the tips. Skip this book.

Quick read for coaches to shift into the right mindset

Just before getting on the Tokyo to LA flights home, I looked up best coaching books on Kindle Unlimited and "The Coaching Mindset" popped up. It is a super short read, I finished it before we took off. Probably takes you 30 minutes to go through it, and I'd give it a solid 4 stars. As a coach in my 4th year of coaching, I've finally now built a 6-figure coaching practice and one of the main factors has been getting my own coach. I was happy to see that this book follows the same turnaround advice that my coach has been teaching me and that is, in a nut shell, we as coaches are not here to dispense our brilliant advice and make ourselves look great, so much as we are here to listen and to make the client shine by helping them see and think differently. This last part is the focus of this short book - how we stop our own automated patterns of jumping into solving mode and telling mode, and how to do stay in a constant state of curiosity. What I didn't like was the lack of great questions. I love the concept - yes we need to ask the questions that makes the client truly think, and tell us more, and think differently but the quality of the sample questions - and there were very few - was not the best. I found most of the questions confusing. Asking the right questions IS key, I agree with the author, I wish that he had shared more of this with the reader. Also, the 8 mindset shifts are great, but short. If you are looking for depth and substance to truly transform your coaching, this is just the tip of the ice berg. I have to say, the author is good at implementing the element of curiosity and making you hungry for more. This is a great quick read for all coaches aspiring to change their clients' lives through confidence-building and empowerment.

A Do and Don’t approach to Coaching in Faith-Based Ministry

The book is very simplistic and uses examples and analogies which are not necessarily corporate in nature. It also does not get into sufficient detail about the complexity of coaching relationships and other key elements of the coaching mindset. It is an easy read with a few takeaways e.g. creativity in solutions, understanding the role of the Coach etc. I would recommend for novices particularly in NGOs and faith based organizations.

Awesome for us new coaches

I am a new coach for our church’s small group leaders. I have been an Air Force commander and I used coaching at times. But being a full time coach is different. This helped me understand my role and potential pitfalls that a coach can get into. The journey is just beginning, but this has already helped me.

Overall I Enjoyed This

Overall I enjoyed the book. This is definitely for someone just starting out. I didn’t like the authors use of pronouns in the beginning assuming it’d be a male coach and female client really liked the transition to not using that toward the end. The beginning transitions to the next steps were a little choppy but overall it was a great book.

Not Just For Coaches

I am not a coach. I found useful information to work on overcoming obstacles and creating solutions. If you are a coach, this book seems helpful to improve your abilities.

Quick read

This was a quick read with some good pointers and perspectives. I would love to read some more from this author that maybe five a little deeper.

Quick read and stays on point

Reality hits home for a “red” I really would recommend this to anyone who coach’s or has direct reports give it a read soon

Another useful book by Chad

As with Chad' s other ebooks, this one is short. Also like his other books, it's very helpful. It explains the mindset of the life coach, and sets imaginary lines that they should not cross. A short but very useful read.


Again I say... "Seriously?!" What this is seems not so much a book. I mean NOT a Complete BOOK. We're it in hard copy print form, it would barely rate as a BOOKlet.

Great brief summary of coaching

This is a quick read aimed at sparking a change (or refreshing) of mindset for coaches—or anyone, really. Coaches need to keep a curious, open, encouraging mindset. It’s so important to avoid falling into the know-it-all, advice-giving approach most people use to deal with someone’s problems.

Quick read yet insightful

As a new coach who has been through a few courses I've been a little overwhelmed trying to put everything I know into practice. I feel like this book simplified some concepts for me.

Good principles, application is still a bit fuzzy

I never thought I'd say this about a piece of nonfiction but I wish there were more specific examples. The few that were included were really helpful in explaining the depth to which we should stretch our creativity, but the examples used seemed a little abstract, or personal. How could I apply this advice to situational examples, or coaching a presenter on creating an engaging/informative presentation? That's a little fuzzy but still a solid foundation for getting started.

Great and to the point!

Loved the section on coaching and creativity. Art and science both play a part in great coaching. You will gain insights that are very practical!

Well done!

The only thing to dislike is that the book is to brief. I guess the flip side of that is one of the things I most liked! It is brief, to the point. No fluff.

Concise and informative.

Very helpful with some easily applied takeaways. Not the full story, but I don't believe the author is trying to tell the full story. Gives enough to cause reflection and improve.

Short, targeted advice

Very short booklet but lots of sound advice and suggestions for coaching in any situation not just high level athletes or kids. Good useable suggestions

Very informative book

I admired the fact that the book was short but very informative. Unlike other books that are lengthy, wordy and drawn out ,it enabled me to learn key points in an adequate amount of time.


I was hoping this was going to relate to my line of coaching , corporate/ executive coaching. It was more for life coaching, but there are some transferable theories or practices. Short easy read.

Great book

Really good, quick, practical book on coaching. Good heuristics to use and easy advice to employ.

good insight

a new look into coaching and finding out why people don't do what they are coached to do. it helps people develop their innate skills.

the reason I like this book is that it does give some new ...

Well, the reason I like this book is that it does give some new spins and point of view about coaching clients. I especially liked the focus on the client and less on telling the client or showing how much you know. The balcony metaphor is one I really liked.


To the point and very insightful and easy to integrate the concepts. This is a short book, but full of just doable actions. Thank you!

Simple, yet spot on

Quick read and simple. Very practical refresher for seasoned coaches and a great foundation for the newbies. I'll return periodically for the re fresher.

Quick read that gives good reminders.

Short book, I thought it was a good little read about coaching. if you love coaching this one is a good little resource.


This is an easy read with specific examples of how to be a better coach. The 8 ways make it easy to refresh one's memory periodically until the skills come naturally.

Muy buen Mindset.

Me agradó que es un acercamiento al pensamiento del coach y de la Gestalt. Hace falta leer más de el autor

Great quick read that challenges and encourages excellence

Brief dive into key principles that, when applied, will truly help you become a better coach. Insights could easily be applied to any relationship in which you wanted to build trust and become a better friend or listener.

Book meant for coaching consultant, not corporate manager coaching.

High level content, not much in the way of transformational leadership and coaching. I thought this was more written in the view of managing and coaching employees - that is not the orientation of this book. This is more of a consultant coaching, perhaps a life/career coach perspective.

Great ideas

This book has some great ideas for both new and experienced coaches. A quick easy read. Will definitely keep this one as a reference.

A Good Read

You can never go wrong with an Amazon Kindle book.

Creative and Powerful Guide

This is a shorty punchy guide will introduce you to important concepts to a great coaching mindset. If you have 30 minutes this will be worth your time to prepare for your coaching career or reevaluate your existing coaching mindset.

Its short and okay

The book is helpful some and the author does state its short but it's very short. The information is too awful and it'll get you thinking at least

Great introduction!

One of the points the author makes many times is a coaches mindset must be selfless. These concepts should be taught in management classes as a requirement. I recommend this primer for someone considering this path.

Quick read

I found the information helpful and straightforward but I was left wanting more. I think the author could have expanded on each point.

Great Little Book

Straight and to the point, the goods are delivered without being wordy. Read this book. You’ll be glad you did.

Great Introduction to basic coaching skills

Thoughtfully presented explanations about how we're trained to think in most relationships, and how as a coach, one's thought-patterns need to change. Simply explained, powerful concepts-- A wealth of great experience, in a nutshell.

Great coaching primer

To read this short coaching book was a great joy. No it will not make you a coach in 8 simple steps. It will however remind you in 8 ways why coaching is such a simple joy. Thanks Chad for the reminder to keep it simple.

Great Tips

Really appreciated the clear and concise content of 8 Ways to Think Like a Coach. Helped me identify my true style of coaching. Felt like I had been in a coaching session myself

It touches the foundation of coaching

I like the simplicity and thought provoking insights I would highly recommend this book for all the coaches I'm just starting into this career it is very helpful

Practical and easy to apply.

I especially like how it speaks of times of not always knowing what to do, because there are those times.

Helpful book for this coach in training!

Nice and concise, and good reminders on how to empower a client. I’m in training to be an ICF coach, and found this quick book helpful to put my empathy in check, and realizing that is more of a help to my clients than joining their perspective.

Easy read and to the point

I like reading books that are to the point and straightforward while still being informative and this is a good example of that.

Quick and insightful

Does not waste time with words: hits useful concepts, provides examples, and relates everything back to the client as it should be.

Quick read, good content

This is a very quick read, has practical points, and the eight ways to think like a coach are helpful.

Right to the point

Clear and most basic - A+

Great summation !

Chad deftly summarizes the basic mindset a successful coach must employ. I was a bit skeptical at the brevity of the book but it is very comprehensive.

Great basic overview of coaching vs mentoring

No helpful list of questions to assist with coaching for beginners, but this book does provide basic mindsets toward being a great coach and understanding the role’s purpose.

Quick, solid read

I chose it because it was free on Prime, but I was pleasant surprised I read it. It was simple and intuitive, and it got me thinking about my own coaching.

Great Read

As someone who is entering the coaching world, this book has pointed something out to me that’s very useful. Always be on the outside looking in and just be curious.

Great book to reinforce coaching fundamentals

The author explains nuanced differences,between effective,& optimal practices. The book is a great way to refresh a coaches mind,who may not be getting the results they once got from their clients.

Simple, Easy To Remember Concept

Solid concepts that are easy to remember and use in your day to day work. It’s worth the 25 mins

Great read

Great tips put in simple terms. I loved it. It’s a great start to help me achieve my coaching business.

Helpful Tidbits

This is pretty brief, but the advice has some interesting things to chew on. I wish it were longer though.

Not exactly what I was looking for

It's more of a resource for life coaches. Some of it will be useful, but if you're looking for a resource for coaching or leading a team, this book is not that resource.

Great quick read

Really helped me in a hands on way look at my Coaching habits and gave me actionable tools to limit my own desire to lecture and make my team members the stars of their own journey! Highly recommend!

Good Ideas

I liked the simplicity of this book. I’m just starting out so right now I’m trying to soak everything up.

I liked the brevity

Coaching can be tricky. I liked the brevity, using the 8 steps as a quick hits, and the way it was introduced in a common sense manner.

Simple and Impactful

Such an easy read, but I can see how it's going to come in handy in all my conversations. Wow, do I need to take a dumb pill?!

Simple Insights & guideposts

Quick, fun and creative insight needed to become the best Coach you dream to be! Knowledge required under an hour-impactful for years.

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