Cherry Popper

Kindle Edition
04 Feb
They call me the Cherry Popper.

Because there's only one kind of woman I like to screw.


I pay top dollar for the experience. And sometimes women don't want me to pay at all.

I get off to their tightness, their tears. I get off to the drops of blood on the sheets. All men have fantasies...I just happen to be rich enough to fund mine.

When Monroe comes into my life, she has a hefty student loan that she can never pay back. On top of that, she's responsible for paying for her mother's cancer treatment...even though she lost her anyway. Suffocating in debt, she doesn't have many options.

Except one.

To sell her virtue to the Cherry Popper.

Reviews (191)

1 star

When I started the book I was encouraged. I was ok with the agreement and understood the temptation and the decision to carry out the plan. Liked both characters up until the transaction was completed. After that the characters became too unreal for me. By the time I was on chapter 22 with two chapters to go I gave up. She was weak and annoying which I hate. His great looks and money could not make up for all his issues. Who could find either character desirable? This was a complete waste of time. The book should have been titled Dumb and Dumber.


WOW!!! Victoria Quinn always delivers and, in Cherry Popper, she does it again! This book has it all...steam, sexiness, hot characters, an amazing story. Ms. Quinn hit it out of the ballpark with this one and I cannot wait to read Cherry Lover. Trust me on this NEED this story in your life. If you’re looking for a book that’ll leave you with a book hangover, grab this one (if you can hold onto’s smokin’ from how hot it is). Monroe and Slate are quickly becoming two of my favorites. Monroe is strong yet sweet, sassy yet kind, and Slate is that tortured hero that is broken but fixable, and mean yet lovable. Together, these two are dynamite. She’s a strong woman and he’s a headstrong man and together, they’re powerfully perfect. The sex is off the charts hot, the banter is sexy, and the story is surprisingly deep. Just buy this one...if you want hot, hot, hot, you need this book. Trust no more reviews. This is an incredible book in a series that promises to be unforgettable. It’s a five star read!

Horrible Title, Good Storyline

Fact: I really didn’t want to read this book because the title totally turned me off, and the blurb made me feel like I was totally going to HATE both MCs; the H for being a jerk and the h for being a doormat. I finally read some other reviews and the sample, and decided to give it a try. (wish it didn’t cost $6.99 but oh well) Once I started the sample, I got sucked in. It felt a little predictable, but I can’t wait to see where this series will go. I was happily surprised that Monroe was not a pushover, but did wish she made Slate grovel a bit more. As for Slate, I’m not sure if he is #bookboyfriend material, or I’m simply intrigued by his seemingly rough exterior and soft interior. These MCs definitely have chemistry, but I’m kind of scared the intensity might fizzle because of their rocky start. Guess I’ll have to read Book #2... I do want to see what happens to our villain, Simone, and the drama that is sure to follow...

Big fan of Victoria Quinn

I have been a big fan of this author since her Obsidian series when I was in a deep hangover from FIFTY SHADES. I was so excited to see this new release, so I one clicked it and dove in. I didn’t put it down from start to finish. It was so so good. I fell in love with both Slate and Monroe and I couldn’t wait to see how Monroe would get through his tough, unbreakable exterior. At first it was just something she needed but it became something she wanted...can’t wait to read the next one. C’mon March 5th!!!

Cherry Popper what an arrogant a$$! I have to be honest it takes a heck of a lot to get me to spend this is money on a book. I read other reviews and had to read it. I am so glad now i did. Don't let the name chase you off like it did me. Great read so far. Slate is an a&& that is dead set to get his hands on Monroe all any cost. She is a 23 year old virgin who has morals, and values. Will this work out........will she let him take her cherished virtue?

Don't let the title discourage you

This book was well written, and not at all the fluff I was expecting. Yes, the male lead only wanted to bed virgins, but it was more to him than that. From the very first chapter, I was caught up in the story, and it flowed nicely. The female lead was intelligent, strong, and not annoying. She was independent, but not stubbornly so. I gave four stars because the last chapter was a bit slow, and ended abruptly, but there is a book two. I highly recommend this and look forward to the next book.

Cute title and secrets withheld

I had high hopes for this book to be my all time favorite due to the unique storyline. It's good and you don't want to miss reading it. I expected more 50 shades of familia love. Nope right away you learn the brother's secret. After five years, Slate can't tell his brother how he feels. Really, five years, no indictment(s)?

Slate and Monroe

Oh this book is so steamy!! This couple has unbelieveable chemistry. Monroe has a strong personality that is just right in dealing with this super alpha and hurt male. I am excited to see how the relationship between the two will develop further; somehow I feel Slate has met his match, even though he does not know it yet. He will need to look for a new alias.

Cherry popper

I liked Monroe. Smart,sweet,no push over. Slate was a little pervy in the beginning, but I see his logic for choosing only virgins to sleep with. Being hurt does that. It makes you hurt others,push them away as he always has. Now Monroe has worked her way in his heart, and all his discipline is out the window. He's breaking all his rules for her, but not quite yet.

Cherry Popper

This story was so intriguing cause there was a lot of truth in the emotional feelings being written about. The live and angst between these characters were truly felt.i didn't like the ending. I wanted the complete story but Cherry Popper was a great read but I wanted to read one whole story.

1 star

When I started the book I was encouraged. I was ok with the agreement and understood the temptation and the decision to carry out the plan. Liked both characters up until the transaction was completed. After that the characters became too unreal for me. By the time I was on chapter 22 with two chapters to go I gave up. She was weak and annoying which I hate. His great looks and money could not make up for all his issues. Who could find either character desirable? This was a complete waste of time. The book should have been titled Dumb and Dumber.


WOW!!! Victoria Quinn always delivers and, in Cherry Popper, she does it again! This book has it all...steam, sexiness, hot characters, an amazing story. Ms. Quinn hit it out of the ballpark with this one and I cannot wait to read Cherry Lover. Trust me on this NEED this story in your life. If you’re looking for a book that’ll leave you with a book hangover, grab this one (if you can hold onto’s smokin’ from how hot it is). Monroe and Slate are quickly becoming two of my favorites. Monroe is strong yet sweet, sassy yet kind, and Slate is that tortured hero that is broken but fixable, and mean yet lovable. Together, these two are dynamite. She’s a strong woman and he’s a headstrong man and together, they’re powerfully perfect. The sex is off the charts hot, the banter is sexy, and the story is surprisingly deep. Just buy this one...if you want hot, hot, hot, you need this book. Trust no more reviews. This is an incredible book in a series that promises to be unforgettable. It’s a five star read!

Horrible Title, Good Storyline

Fact: I really didn’t want to read this book because the title totally turned me off, and the blurb made me feel like I was totally going to HATE both MCs; the H for being a jerk and the h for being a doormat. I finally read some other reviews and the sample, and decided to give it a try. (wish it didn’t cost $6.99 but oh well) Once I started the sample, I got sucked in. It felt a little predictable, but I can’t wait to see where this series will go. I was happily surprised that Monroe was not a pushover, but did wish she made Slate grovel a bit more. As for Slate, I’m not sure if he is #bookboyfriend material, or I’m simply intrigued by his seemingly rough exterior and soft interior. These MCs definitely have chemistry, but I’m kind of scared the intensity might fizzle because of their rocky start. Guess I’ll have to read Book #2... I do want to see what happens to our villain, Simone, and the drama that is sure to follow...

Big fan of Victoria Quinn

I have been a big fan of this author since her Obsidian series when I was in a deep hangover from FIFTY SHADES. I was so excited to see this new release, so I one clicked it and dove in. I didn’t put it down from start to finish. It was so so good. I fell in love with both Slate and Monroe and I couldn’t wait to see how Monroe would get through his tough, unbreakable exterior. At first it was just something she needed but it became something she wanted...can’t wait to read the next one. C’mon March 5th!!!

Cherry Popper what an arrogant a$$! I have to be honest it takes a heck of a lot to get me to spend this is money on a book. I read other reviews and had to read it. I am so glad now i did. Don't let the name chase you off like it did me. Great read so far. Slate is an a&& that is dead set to get his hands on Monroe all any cost. She is a 23 year old virgin who has morals, and values. Will this work out........will she let him take her cherished virtue?

Don't let the title discourage you

This book was well written, and not at all the fluff I was expecting. Yes, the male lead only wanted to bed virgins, but it was more to him than that. From the very first chapter, I was caught up in the story, and it flowed nicely. The female lead was intelligent, strong, and not annoying. She was independent, but not stubbornly so. I gave four stars because the last chapter was a bit slow, and ended abruptly, but there is a book two. I highly recommend this and look forward to the next book.

Cute title and secrets withheld

I had high hopes for this book to be my all time favorite due to the unique storyline. It's good and you don't want to miss reading it. I expected more 50 shades of familia love. Nope right away you learn the brother's secret. After five years, Slate can't tell his brother how he feels. Really, five years, no indictment(s)?

Slate and Monroe

Oh this book is so steamy!! This couple has unbelieveable chemistry. Monroe has a strong personality that is just right in dealing with this super alpha and hurt male. I am excited to see how the relationship between the two will develop further; somehow I feel Slate has met his match, even though he does not know it yet. He will need to look for a new alias.

Cherry popper

I liked Monroe. Smart,sweet,no push over. Slate was a little pervy in the beginning, but I see his logic for choosing only virgins to sleep with. Being hurt does that. It makes you hurt others,push them away as he always has. Now Monroe has worked her way in his heart, and all his discipline is out the window. He's breaking all his rules for her, but not quite yet.

Cherry Popper

This story was so intriguing cause there was a lot of truth in the emotional feelings being written about. The live and angst between these characters were truly felt.i didn't like the ending. I wanted the complete story but Cherry Popper was a great read but I wanted to read one whole story.

Love this story

Victoria Quinn’s “Cherry Popper” is a great story!! I loved how it started out - the premise was pretty funny!! I really enjoyed reading it. It flowed well. I’m anxious to get to the second book.

Well, this was a different story line

I have to say this wasn't my favorite story by Victoria Quinn and I didn't read the second book in this series. The male character was so shallow and the female was too needy and the entire plot was far fetched. Sorry, I love her other books, just not this one.

Great Read

As usual Victoria Quinn has done it again. This book was well written, very interesting storyline, I love the way she draws her readers into the story. The characters are very relatable. I’m excited to see how the story unfolds... I wasn’t keen on the title but once I got past that, I couldn’t put the book down. Great job

Intensely good

What can I say about this book it's so good and sexy. Slate and Monroe chemistry was intense loved the bluntly chats between them and the sex was explosive couldn't get enough and didn't want it to end. Overall great book.

Fairytales do come true

This story had lots of unusual events that tied together to make it very interesting. Women should recognize that being yourselves and sticking to your principles will always win out and get you what you want.

I liked it!

This book was well written got so involved in it I didn’t shower I didn’t cook dinner- couldn’t put it down! Got up at 4 am and started on the second book!

Steamy romance with great chemistry

This is the first book in the duet, and I couldn't put it down. It is a hot romance and I thought Slate and Monroe had great chemistry. I enjoyed the book and recommend it if you want a light steamy read.

easy read

the story line was a little unusual so it was a break from the ho hum cookie cutter stuff that's out there the second book in the series was readily available which was also a plus I enjoyed both books


I absolutely loved this book! Can’t wait to read the next one. This is a story you want to keep on going forever. Love it! Love it!

Entertaining read

I wasn't sure I'd enjoy this story. The more I read the better it got. Was very entertaining and look forward to book two.

I had my doubts about the book.

Dont judge a book by it's cover. Victoria Quinn, did not disappoint, she writes great books, and this one is another. Love the whole storyline and all character. On to her next book..

excellent read

Read it in one day. Once you start you can't stop. I am upset that Book 2 is in Kindle only.....So i won't be able to read the series...

Sexy romance

Fun and interesting read. Premise was initially difficult to believe but author fully supported character development leading to a believable plot and a sexy romance.


This book had a pretty good story going on, solid characters but they could have had a tiny bit more depth. Some things mentioned in the book without resolution, I hope will be addressed in book two.

Great book

Loved it. Couldn’t put it down. Read to the wee hours of the morning. Great bickering and storyline between two people who want one another. On to book two!

Loved it!

I really enjoyed reading this book! It’s fast moving and the characters have such chemistry! Wow! I can’t wait to read the rest of this series. I highly recommend reading this book

Hot read

So good. After reading I had to get part 2 right away and then I read them again.

Love story on ten

I thought the the was hot and loving. The love Slate has for his brother as well as for Monroe is beautiful but he he refuse to see it and by refusing he denies his self of be happy and to be loved. V. Q. Did an amazing job. It is a page turning

Catches attention right from the beginning and doesn't stop.

The drama of love story keeps you wondering will they make it? The description of their sexual encounters is very graphic.

not your normal love story

at some point I wish hoping so hard that they will not sleep together so this story will not end. of course there is book 2

Fun Love

Good writing and a good story. I enjoyed reading about the sassy Monroe and the classy but cold billionaire. Fun read.

What a perfect title

Wow and wow this book was everything and more for me and I cant wait to see what happens next to these to

Interesting characters

Over all the book was pretty good, but some of the writing seemed like it was written by an immature 25 year old man/boy who is fixated on the size of his dick. Seriously, we are reminded time and time again how HUGE it is.

Awesome story!

Loved it from start to finish! It was hard to put down! This is one of her best for sure!

I love all of Victoria's books!

Love this series!

Pop my cherry

What a way to loose your virginity. I don't think Slate knew what he was getting into with Monroe. This is a good read, can't wait to read the next book.

Great series


Could not recommend

Didn't even finish it😡

Good book

Good book but I was very disappointed it leaves you hanging so you have to buy the 2nd book to get to the ending! I feel taken advantage of when authors do that. I did purchase the 2 book

Order second book Cherry Lover, along with Cherry Popper

Was A very good story my first time reading Victoria Quinn's books.I really wanted to find out how the ending would play out.Did not know there was another part to the story I did enjoy both.Just wanted one book .

Good read

I loved the characters. I wish they could have stretched it out to 3 books, more details about their life’s. Did Monroe have ANY friends or family? Things like that

Loved it

Totally rare plot, nonetheless awesome. At first I thought it’d be a weird guy with a weird fetish, but it wasn’t like that at all. Definitely gives you lots of steamy scenes ❤️I’ll definitely be reading Cherry Lover next.

You won’t put it down once you start this book

I just love your writing...


loved this character's honesty about what he wanted, and how slowly started to change him without trying

Couldn't put it down...

A great read! A HOT read! Couldn't put the book down. Can't wait to get book next Cherry Lover #2

Special readers with open minds.

Started as a adult book only a person with a open mind would read, but then it really started a good story. Will hold your interest and is a fast read. Ending I was surprised with. I would probably read this authors other books.

Family dram

The story kept me on edge. The Remington brothers are something else and family drama. Would trust issues keep one from finding true love.

Not great story line.

Disappointed in story line.

Definitely worth reading!

A good story. I did not particularly like the title, but loved the characters.

Ok. Not memorable

Not a must read

Hot Hot Hot

This book was so good.

Fantastic Read

This book was a fantastic read! I was on the edge of my seat always wanting more. I wish there was a third one!


Great writing and story.

Steamy with a great story

Loved the book. Great story.

Everything from VQ leaves me wanting more!

If I read it in 2 days I know its in my top favs dont like the name much though


Loved this book. On the edge of my seat the whole time

Great book

loved this book and author

Prepare to enjoy non stop reading

Love Victoria’s books but this book was by far her best yet once I started reading I couldn’t put it down

Love Love Loved!!!

Great book

Loved it! Can't wait for March 5th to read the next one

Loved the whole book


*ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for my unbiased review* **Victoria, gurl... you my boo!** Monroe is an executive at a fashion company. She's intelligent, beautiful, innocent, sassy, and buried under a mountain of debt. Bless her heart, this poor thing has been surviving on crackers and water for lunch because she literally cannot afford anything else. Between her massive student loans and the enormous private loan she took out for her mother's experimental cancer treatments... Monroe has almost nothing after making the minimum payments and forking out rent for her NYC apartment with paper-thin walls. While at lunch with a friend (where she splurged on water 😢) she hears about a girl who made bank for participating in a once-in-a-lifetime exchange of services. Literally, though, cause a girl can only provide this particular service once. That's right.. he pays for the fruit popping privilege. That douchebag. Monroe is tempted. She's got debt that her children would still be paying off after she dies of old age. Participating in this exchange of services would knock out a considerable chunk of her debt and change her life. If, that is, she can live with the regret and shame of prostituting herself for money. Using the time-tested researching tool --Google-- she discovers that Slate Remington is not a sweaty, fluffy old creeperton. He's actually, like, really hot. For a douchecanoe. So, with far more courage and wrecklessness than I was expecting, Monroe busts herself downtown and barges into this Adonis's office. And propositions him. To bang her for money. Slate Remington, a dark-eyed, muscle-bulging, fine-ass hotelier, is less than tickled with this mouthy stranger waltzing into his office asking to hop on his junk. He finds her stunning, however, and gives her the card for his... ahem... pimp, and dismisses her from his office as only an irritated alpha male can: with icy efficiency. Monroe calls the pimp aka Max as soon as she gets home, and follows Slate's protocol for applying for a date. To her surprise, Slate agrees to meet with her even after she sassed him. What follows is the most glorious game of cat and mouse I've ever seen. There is so much tension-building and nearly theres that I was ready to yell at them to finally put me out of my misery too. 🤣🤣🤣 I can't really add any more without spoiling. Victoria Quinn has the unique ability to make me laugh, cry, and want to throw my phone across the room. There are *NOT* many authors who can manage this, which is why she will nearly always get a 5/5 from me. ❤️ *Side note, if you have not read Boss Lady, go do that right now!*

Unconventional plot, but worth the read

I was intrigued by the unconventional plot. There are really only so many basic romance story tropes out there and I’ve read them all! This one was...different. I was curious to see how the author attempted to make a hero out of a guy with this particular fetish. So, initially, I really disliked Slate. He’s a jerk who’s clearly emotionally stunted. However, I didn’t hate him, despite his generally despicable behavior, because for all of his flaws, I couldn’t help but respect his honesty. He was totally up front about who he was and what he offered. There was no seduction or manipulation to his behavior. The terms of his offered arrangement were clearly stated up front. And most importantly, he respected consent boundaries. When “no” was uttered, even under some really difficult circumstances, he stopped. I can’t hate him, but he is a douche. However, as the book progresses, it becomes clear that he’s a douche because he’s damaged. He shows glimmer of potential as someone who can be redeemed—with some work. The heroine was actually more annoying to me in the beginning because she knows what she signed up for, yet acted like she was a victim. No lies or manipulation tricked her into it and yet she continued to waffle and send mixed signals. I felt like she needed to take more responsibility for her own choices and hold herself more accountable. I appreciated her concerns, her frustration with being in the situation, her disgust with the transaction. Nevertheless, he didn’t force her to accept his offer. In fact, she came busting into his life (literally) begging for the opportunity. TWICE!!! So I found it quite annoying that she couldn’t make up her mind and seemed angry with him for something that was her free choice. However, she got better as the book progressed. And one thing I really appreciated about her, that is lacking in far too many romance novel heroines, she had enough self-respect to move on quickly once he kicked her to the curb. She didn’t wallow in self-pity. She made her single pitch to with things out, and then went on with her life. Good for her. In short, this isn’t a traditional “hero.” He’s more akin to the “Beast” in the Disney tale—a damaged, flawed soul who can be transformed into prince with the right woman. However, this was a refreshingly unique read, and a nice change from the same old tired tropes I’ve read time and again. One note-The author should have chosen a smaller payment transaction amount to make it more believable. He mentions that he’s engaged in this transaction, 3 times a week for 5 years. At $100k a pop, that would mean he’s paid 78 million dollars to indulge this little kink. I know he’s super rich, but that seems to be quite a lot of money for cherry popping! I’m sure he’d have just as many takers at 1/4 or 1/2 the price. $25K-$50K for one night. Lots of women would probably still be interested. I’m just saying.

Sex certainly Sells

'99 readers , guess who's back! Victoria Quinn’s Cherry Popper epitomizes everything I love about a fantastic romance read. Monroe is drowning quite literally in debt. The creditors had no qualms about lending her the money she needed for her schooling and her mother’s experimental treatments, but now she had a fancy masters in marketing but little else to show for the massive debt she is barely making interest payments on. Don’t get her wrong she her job and doesn’t regret on penny she spent on her mom’s last hope, but that comes at a high price. When a friend in jest tells her she could sell her one last valuable commodity to give herself some breathing room, the possibility to live a little less burdened is mighty tempting. Sex is the oldest form of commerce after all. Slate has his kinks and he sees no wrong in satiating his hunger. He likes the blood, tears, and tightness that only a Virgin can provide. When Monroe blows into his world and blows it apart a little, it’s hard to explain why he just give her up and go back to his comfortable ways. She’s got this indescribable fire that lights him ablaze. But he can empirically see that she deserves better than he’s offering, but he’s offer nonetheless. I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book

Loved it!!

Another fabulous read by Victoria Quinn. Monroe is at the end of her rope, way to much debt and no way to pay it off. That is until she hears that there is a billionaire who will pay to pop her cherry. Enter Slate, the sexy, pompous, billionaire who admits he thrives on "one and done". Something is different this time and instead of a quick roll in the hay the two have a connection that makes Slate try to change. But can you teach an old dog new tricks? Or will Monroe be the one to make him change? With great characters and a storyline that had me locked in from the opening pages this was a great read. I cannot wait to read more!!

Intriguing, sexy, romance

Ooh! Slate and Monroe are perfect together. I could not put this book down. I love how strong Monroe is. I love reading romances that has the H falling to his knees when he realizes the h is special. Slate is a very unhappy, tense person because of a bad relationship from his past. So for five years, he’s been sleeping with only virgins, keeping his distance and never becoming attached. Enter Monroe. She is drowning in debt from student loans and medical bills from her mother. A coworker tells her about a girl who sold her virginity for a lot of money to a rich business owner. Monroe contemplates herself doing this and barges right into Slate’s office. She had no other way of contacting him, so she went for a surprise at his office. He was taken back by her confidence but also mad she would disturb him at his office about private matters. He gave her the card on how to set up the exchange. From there the story takes off. I don’t want to spoil how their relationship forms. But it’s cute, and sexy, intense. Victoria Quinn always writes stories that you can’t put down. They are that entertaining. I’m going to love this series just like all the rest of Ms. Quinn’s.

Can't wait to see what happens next

I thoroughly loved Victoria Quinn's Boss series (if you haven't read it - go get it NOW! it's awesome), and it looks like this series might be just as good. Slate is not as awesome as Diesel (Boss series) because he really has issues that cause him to be an a$$hat to Monroe. Monroe is an great character who struggles with both herself and her situation. There are some secondary characters with more than a mention but besides a vicious she-*itch (who only gets a scene or two and not much dialogue), the only one that seemed to get any fleshing out - was Slate's mother, who is a perfect example of an ideal parent. The story is attention grabbing. The author has woven an intriguing story and left us with a few dangling carrots that I cannot wait to see where they take us. Note: There is no big WTF cliffhanger to keep us on edge until Cherry Lover comes out - thank heavens!

Victoria Quinn has done it again!! a definite MUST read

I thought after Rome and Calloway I honestly wasn’t sure I could get excited about another series, but boy oh boy Victoria had me at Chapter one!! She has this incredible ability to create such development in the characters and the story you can’t help but get sucked into their story and the sex oh WoW! I loved Monroe attitude, outlook, and ability to see past people’s bull. Then we have Slate the dark, twisted “Cherry Popper” I remember thinking there is no way to make a story between these two characters, boy oh boy was I wrong. The cat and mouse game these 2 go thru now with their new arrangement I’m literally on the edge of my seat waiting for the next book. Will Slate overcome his past and finally let Monroe in? Will Monroe get her heartbroken after the 3 months? What is Wyatt’s involvement in the future? What is going to happen with Simone and Coen? Will Simone humiliate Coen like Slate says she will? Anxiously waiting for book 2!!!

Enjoyable and entertaining read and a great start for a new series

Ok I have very conflicting emotions about this book, I know for a fact that this book is not going to be everyone cup of tea. Still the same I found it to be a very enjoyable and entertaining read. Slate is your typical Alpha male with douche bag tendencies but he also unhappy and has trust issues. Monroe is the epitome of what a female heroine is suppose to be she sassy, fierce, and independent. Monroe got herself into a dilemma and giving in to Slate seem like the only solution. However she having some internal battles with herself about giving away her virtue to Slate. I really enjoyed the sexual tension between them but would've like there to be for chemistry. Overall a good read looking forward to seeing what else is in store for this series. I voluntarily read and review this ARC no monetary compensation was received the opinions I have expressed are my own.

Loved this book!😘

Wow.... this book! I have been looking for a good book that will keep me interested from beginning to end. And this one did that for me. The start of Monroe and Slate’s story has an interesting start. You have Monroe who is sweet, beautiful, funny, and strong-willed. She is in debt up to her ears and is trying to find a way to make it day to day. One of her friends tells her about the “Cherry Popper” who buys girls virginity for a night. This leads her to Slate, a head strong sexy billionaire with a edginess to him. He knows what he wants and it’s just one night, no strings. These two meet and the attraction is undeniable even though she thinks he’s an ass. The connection between them can’t be contained. This book is a must read. You will not be disappointed. I can’t wait to see what happens next! Excellent work Victoria Quinn!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Victoria has outdid herself in this show stopping book.

Victoria Quinn has always been one of my favorite authors. This book was no exception. I think this is by far the best series to come. The title was a little of a turn off, but after reading the book, I see now why it is called that. Monroe is a simple person, who held on to her “V” card into her early twenties. She then meets Slate who is a pig when it comes to that. Slate has issues and a past that he can’t escape from. Monroe on the other hand, is a more logical person and tries to put everything in perspective. They put their differences aside and hook up, on more than one occasion. It’s steamy, it’s Hot and it’s Amazing! Can Slate move into the future with Monroe and forget his past? Hopefully, book 2 will answer that for us.

Teaching a player how to love is not easy.

Slate is restrained and arrogant. Things have not gone well where love is concerned. Trust and happily ever afters are not part of his reality. Self-proclaimed the "Cherry Popper", his kink is sleeping with virgins only. One night, one encounter, and then he is done! This way he can claim each woman, give them pleasure to the extent they will never forget him, and never be entangled with all the problems of having a relationship. This is so until Monroe comes into his life. She is different from all the other women he has bedded. With all her physical attributes and her intelligence, Slate realizes Monroe is a unique woman. Perhaps it is the fact that he must work at seducing her that leaves a mark in his heart, but once he sleeps with her, he cannot forget her. An absolutely masterful tale of seduction and love. This love affair will leave you wondering what is next for Slate and Monroe. I cannot wait to read Cherry Lover! I am voluntarily reviewing this book. Thanks to the author for sharing a copy with me.

WOW Exciting

Sweet and sour as the fruit is Cherry Popper is the newest book Victoria Quinn has given us and I loved it. I couldn't put it down. Monroe and Slate are perfect characters giving us a peak at this new series. The two of them are made for each other. Like oil and water that separates but when you shake them together the taste will never be forgotten. It is the same with the characters. They are so different, separated by ideas and status yet when they are together it's like the perfect union leaving us wanting for more. Please read this book that Victoria has given us. You will be greatly rewarded. I am so looking forward to reading the other installment of the Cherry series. I am honored to be a part of the ARC team.

Kept me Reading

Great Story!! This was the first book I read without reading the synopsis and the cover just gave me a general idea of what it could be about. However I was shocked! So we have Slate the multibillionaire and Monroe the struggling Fashion Exec She got herself into a dilemma and giving into Slate was her only option However she had some internal battles about giving her virtue over to Slate on a silver platter. We learn why Slate has turned into the lifestyle that he’s been engaged with for over five years !! Can we say bitter much???? A friendship and feelings come along the way and someone is bound to lose. So with family drama and a new relationship neither saw coming we are left with so many questions but really good ones because this book didn’t disappoint! Between the witty comebacks and the steamy scenes , great job Victoria Quinn!! Looking forward to the next book. And Thanks for allowing me to read the ARC!!


I liked to read without assuming something or trying to judge the events going on. I would never try to figure out both characters’ unreasonable attitude in the beginning - I really liked a male character like this...acting too strictly...brooding...not thinking of changing his own rules: which is always my favorite type. I’m not sure about her easy way of implicitly admitting in her speech/thoughts to waiting more...with him... The author is always up to new versions of the same old-trues in her a different light I mean. I can’t believe I found myself equally interested in his brother story. Also, there were some good details that I wouldn’t mind to share here!

Not really an ending

This book is interesting and the sexual foreplay overdone. Other than that it was a different plot line for me. Unfortunately I am in my sixties and know of people like Slate, but not with as much money. The heroine was described as weak by some reviewers and strong by others. They are both correct. Even though the author does not detail it well enough, I imagine a young woman with as much stress as she had was probably in a constant fight or flight mode. After just lifting a little of the financial concern off her figurative shoulders she was able to have the strength she needed.

Oh how the mighty fall

Slate Remington has been burned and he'll never be allow anyone to betray him again. This gorgeous billionaire is an a-hole, to put it nicely. Underneath that though is a man who desperately needs love but his trust issues won't allow for that. Enter the beautiful and virginal Monroe. She's over her head in student loans and medical bills, but can she sell her virginity or will her sense of self worth be stronger? Monroe brings Slate to his knees and I can't wait to see hire this turns out.

Hot hot hot!!

Wow! I was not able to put the book down. Slate and Monroe have an unconentional start. Due to past betrayal, rich and powerful Slate only has sex 1 time w a virgin girl. Once he pops a girls cherry its over. He pays the girl an enormous amount of money but lets them know he is only in it til he pops her cherry. However, when he comes across Monroe he conceeds to her wishes and dates her until she is ready to loose her virginity. While she agrees to an enormous amount of money for her cherry she cant help but think Slate has feelings for her... I cant wait til book 2 to see what happens during the 3 month trial period where Slate tries to see if he can be in a relationship w Monroe or not. He cant stand seeing her with other men but he cant commit to either! I love the chemistry between these 2 characters!

Highly Recommended! Riveting! A Must Read!

Loved reading the thoroughly phenomenal, romance story. Because of Monroe's rising debt and living on crackers for sustenance, she decides to go to Slate to solve all of her problems. When it comes to Monroe doing the deed with Slate, she finds she can't go through with it until she gets to know Slate. Slate has not had a relationship in five years, but he really wants Monroe for one night. Read the highly recommended, engaging and riveting story line from the first page of the story until the last page, and leaving the reader with anticipation for the next book in the series.

She did it again!!!

At first I hated Slate...then I was team Slate...then haye Slate team slate again... love me some Monroe...not weak, strong and loving..has balls of steal and goes for what she wants...and doesn't put up with bullshit... I love the fact that Victoria main women characters are not a weak woman always waiting for a man to rescue them..but handle their matter what So far I love the serious it's a modern day beauty and the beast...cause God knows she tamed him.. Nd ladies what you you think he tricked his brother and that bitch simone in signing a prenup...hmmmm..interesting 🤔🤔

Better than expected

When I read the title I wasn’t sure what to expect but it was from an amazing author so I had to give it a shot, boy am I glad I did. The book was steamy and yet sweet despite what the title leads you to believe. I picked it up and couldn’t put it back down until I devoted the entire thing. What a great new series to start off 2019 with and I can’t wait for the next book. Victoria has such a way with words and can get you so caught up in the storyline that you just get lost in their world.

Denise RED HOT BRAVO to a new series

Victoria has done it again. She has brought a completely new and different story for us to indulge in. Slate has such more depth and character in him as you progress into the book. He is a truly wounded alpha. Monroe is a spectacular woman. I really enjoyed reading this book immensely. I enjoyed the ups and down of their relationship. And the other people in this book make it even more interesting. I am looking forward to the next book to see how things shape up. As usual, Victoria does not disappoint us!!!

Amazing read !!

I LOVE this series so far...I am so excited to see what happens in the next book....Slate has been burned in the past and isn't ready to open himself to the possibility that a woman can be good to him and for him...enter Monroe...she sees past his rough exterior and bull headedness and is willing to try 3 months in the Hope's he will fall in love, but at least she will be debt free....I cant wait to see what happens with Slate and his brother and with Slate and Monroe !!!!

The title says it all! 😉😍😍

If you haven’t read a Victoria Quinn series, you are miss out!! This author knows how to write a book, and keep you interested and on edge the whole time! Slate and Marone, are one hot pair together! Marone has so much self respect ,that she can’t just can’t let hot billionaire Slate ,degrade her for a little money, no matter how much she needs it. Can Marone turn cold-hearted Slate into a lover again?? What will the next three months hold for this couple??

Page Turner from page 1

This book had me on the edge of my seat since the 1st page. Victoria has a way of keeping your interest even when you feel like you already know what will happen and Cherry Popper was a perfect example. It was a little predictable but still can't put the book down. Monroe and Slate are two of the most honest, no nonsense, people ever introduced in a book. They are almost too honest to a fault. (Poor Wyatt 😔). We just don't know yet if all this honesty will be a good or bad thing for them. I'm holding judgement of Slate until Cherry Lover. I kinda like him right now. 😁 Otherwise, Amazing kickoff to 2019 from Victoria.

Excellent Read

*ARC from the author for an honest review When I received this book the title and the cover definitely caught my eye, I was so excited to get started. I was not a fan of Slate in the beginning because he was right down mean to everyone including Monroe. It was when we heard his back story and understood him better that he melted my heart. I love that Monroe was such a strong independent character. No whining from this girl she will tell you how it’s going to be! Because of that attitude she got under Slate’s skin and he wasn’t willing to let her go, just yet! I can’t wait to see what happens next! *Warning this book does leave you wanting more of Slate and Monroe so be prepared to buy the second book!

everything and more

Slate has never done well in the love department, he sleeps with virgin only, one night then he walks away. Until Monroe enters then he must work for it. Monroe is not only beautiful but she is smart, and doesn't make things easy for Slate. But when they finally come together Slate thinks he can just walk away but, but his heart and mind have other intentions. Can Monroe change slate for the better? Will they have their Happy ever after?


This is one HOT book! Monroe is in so much debt that she decides to sell her v-card to the one called Cherry Popper! Slate comes off as an A-hole and Monroe decides that she doesn't want to sell her V-card that way. But with so much debt does she make him treat her right and gets rid of her V-card? You will just have to read this book to find out! This is one HOT series! If you like Victoria Quinn's other books then you will LOVE this one!

Read it or regret it! Loved it!

Loved Monroe and Slate! I feel for Slate and what he had to endure from his past and still have to be dealing with it with his Brother Coen and his ex-girlfriend Simone. I can’t wait to see how it turns out for Slate and Monroe. Monroe has been through a rough patch with her mom and school loans and seeing Slate come to her rescue warms my heart. Slate and Monroe deserve a happily ever after. I’m truly enjoying this story! Highly recommend it!

Horrible. Horrible. Horrible.

Who the heck is leaving these positive reviews? This was junk. I'm fine with some stupid romance novels, but this was atrocious. Who would even want to end up with a guy who is called the "Cherry Popper" and legitimately only likes "tight virgins" ?!?

Hot, steamy, frustrating, but so statisfying! It is a must read.

Wow! I couldn’t put this book down. It started off with me hating slate. He was jerk and Monroe was drowning in debt. They are both very strong minded people and believe they won’t cave in their beliefs. But as the strong went on I began to root for these two. It was was hot, sexy, and frustrating all at the same time. I need to know what happens with these two going forward and Wyatt as well. Plus the drama of slates brother and wife. What will happen to the company? It ended with me wanting and needing more to this story. Please I need the next book!!! This is a must read and you won’t be disappointed! I have found another favorite author.

I love everything that Victoria writes!

This is probably going to be my new favorite series from Victoria, I can tell! I am obsessed with Slate and Monroe's story and I can't wait to see where their relationship goes. Cherry Popper is hot, but also has just the right amount of drama. You will love it, trust me!

Another Must Read from Victoria Quinn!!!!

Just when I thought it might not get better than The Black Obsidian series, I am overwhelmingly enamored with Slate and Monroe. I am hurt by his brother. I want more and need it now. Happy and sad this is only a two book series. It always has me thinking the digital copy is never enough. I need the paperback too. Love it!!!!

Cherry Popper is amazing!!!

While I was not a fan of the title and it's meaning, I decided to give it a read ... BOY AM I GLAD I DID!!! I have not rooted for a HEA as hard as I have for Monroe and Slate - she is perfect for Slate and can help heal emotional wounds he is unable or unwilling to resolve. I really hope the legal paperwork hint toward the end of the book comes into play and I cannot WAIT for the next book - job well done Victoria!!!


OK. I have to be honest, the title of the book was a little bit of a turn off. That is, until I read the book! Victoria does it again. The reader is drawn in not only because of the love, but because of family. It will be interesting to see where their relationship goes next . Monroe .and Slade will have to grow together to survive his brother and more, his wife!

This is a must read you won't be disappointed

Wow I was hooked from page one.I cant wait to see how Slate and Monroe's story unfolds. I absolutely love Monroe how strong and compassionate she is but also because she stands up for what she believes is best for her. I Hope Slate can pull it together because he was really growing on me there at the end LOL!!!! You most definitely won't be disappointed after reading this book!!! Victoria Quinn has a way of keeping you hooked with how well the story is written and she never disappoints.

It is a great book

I voluntarily reviewed an arc of this book. This is the first book that I've read by Victoria Quinn. I was not disappointed in this book. It is a great book. I was hooked from the beginning of the book. I was ended up reading this book in one sitting. I had to see how this book was goi g to go. I can't wait to read more books by Quinn. I will recommend this book.

Cherry Poppin Good

Victoria Quinn ever disappoints! Already love the story of Slate, rich, hurt by a past relationship and family and Monroe, drowning in student and medical loans. He only beds virgins and pays handsomely for it. She agrees to give him hers to get out of debt. Slowly their agreement becomes more. Can’t wait for the next book to see where their story takes us!

Don’t let the title discourage you

This book was very different from what I first thought after reading the title and blurb. I actually liked this story a lot. I liked the female and male main characters. You can feel the connection. I really can’t wait to see what happens. I need a bomb to drop somewhere lol. There are too many things that can go wrong and I can’t wait.

Great start to the series, a must read.

Great start to the series. The story is well written, you instantly fall in love and root for Monroe and Slate. I love that Monroe stood for what she believe in and was able to say no. I loved even more when it was the right time and she said yes. I can’t wait to see where this 3 months takes them. Can’t wait to read the next book in the series!

OMG...Read this book

HOLY Freaking Hotness!!! Victoria Quinn delivers yet again and this book Cherry Popper is a book you need to read. This book has it all and it’s an amazing story. There is some much sexyness and lust, I literally couldn’t stop reading this book. I cannot wait to read Cherry Lover. You need to read this story. There is a little cliffhanger, but you’ll want to read the next book!!!

Victoria Quinn delivers again!

I could not put this book down! A down on her luck and in debt girl offers up her virginity to the Cherry Popper, Slate Remington. Monroe needs some money and Slate is willing to pay- it’s whay he does- only has sex with virgins. But this particular virgin more than gives him her virginity, she gives him her heart and Slate doesn’t want to give it back! While there is not a cliffhanger at the end, it does leave you hanging, there is a book 2- thank goodness!!!

Definitely worth losing sleep

When I first saw the title of this book I was a little put off but because I enjoyed the author's previous works I thought I'll give it a shot. So glad I did! The characters were very interesting and the story kept me turning pages,not wanting to put it down. Definitely worth losing a little sleep over. Cannot wait for the next installment.

Lust conquers all

What a great story. I smiled from beginning to end. Our two characters are very strong minded. Slate is the ultimate alpha. Monroe is also in my mind one as well. She can push Slate's buttons without trying and he is obsessed. Our poor heroine has had Slate meet his match but what nefarious scheme does Victoria have for these 2. Only time will tell


This book is an absolute page turner! I loved every second of this book! Monroe is struggling through life with enormous debts. Slate owns his business and is stuck in a world where he trusts no one. This book ends with a cliffhanger but it’s so worth reading. I can’t wait for more! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK!

A great new series!

Victoria Quinn has delivered a great new series with Cherry Popper. We meet Slate and Monroe and their strong personalities that draw them to each other. This book is full of the sexiness and steam and a page turning story line that keeps you reading from start to finish. Now I can’t wait for the next book!

Another great one!

Another great one. I wasn’t for sure what to think of first since it’s so different than her other series but once I got started I loved reading there stories. Stick with it and you will be happy you did, has the passion that all her stories and I love how the characters develope within the story.

This book has you reading at red lights!

Cherry Popper is a great read! Loosing your virginity is such a taboo topic for people and anything but hot and tantalizing. Some how Victoria has managed to turn this topic into a hot steamy page turner! I hope Coen and Simone fall off a cliff too! I can’t wait to see what Cherry Lover is all about!

Cherry Hot! 🍒

New awesome series from Victoria Quinn! Victoria is a fantastic writer and I absolutely love her books! Monroe and Slate are hot together and she's trying to show Slate that he doesn't need to be they way he is and that he can have a loyal relationship. Can't wait to read the rest of the story!

So Good!

This book will have you hooked from the first page until the last. I read it in one night because I couldn't put it down. It all revolves around a scorned but sexy man that can't get over his past. The sex scenes are H-O-T. Well written and easy to follow the story. Can't wait until the next book.

Red hot Cherry

Really love this new book by Victoria Quinn. At first I got the feeling it would be the same old story (rich guy /virgin girl) but was very pleasantly surprised at how well written it was. You can feel the heat between Monroe and Slate. Can’t wait for book two.

Hail to the cherry popper! 🍒

The title says it all! What a swoon-worthy read! But I think Slate has a reason why he likes to pop those cherries. Because he was burned before and popping those cherries feels like a revenge to his crazy, gold-digging ex-girlfriend (who he lost his virginity to.) But he offers $$ in return so it’s a win-win for both. But alas, he didn’t realize he’s slowly falling for Monroe. He keeps pushing her then pulling her back! But how long can Monroe take it? I can’t for the next series! Welcome back Victoria Quinn! ❤️

Your next read!

I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel reading about a guy who only sleeps with virgins, but let me tell you after reading the reasons and emotions that stirred his decisions I was hooked. I fell in love with Monroe immediately. Quinn did an amazing job making her realistic. The plot works and you’ll find yourself rooting for Slate and Monroe and for loyalty to win over evil. Definitely a great read!!!!!

Can't wait

So excited for this next series this book had me hooked from page one I couldn't set it down and I tried many times just so I could stretch the story out knowing the cliffhanger would kill me Monroe and Slate have a sizzling connection you can feel winding up to an explosion worthy of hardhats


I have enjoyed every book by Victoria Quinn and Cherry Popper is no exception. I have to admit the title turned me off, but after getting into the story I quickly forgot about it. The chemistry between Slate & Monroe is off the charts. Can't wait to see what th the next book brings.

Loved it

What a great story . I loved everything about this book. I’m looking forward to reading the next one in this series. This is my first book by this and I will definitely be checking out her other books. The story was exciting and steamy everything you need in a good romance novel.

Page turner

Victoria Quinn has done it again. The book was captivating and an page turner. I love a book they can become very vested in the characters. Monroe and Slate make a great pairing. Her outlook could really help him in overcoming the betrayal of Simone and Coen. I can't wait to see where the story goes from here.

The mouse and the monster😉

Steamy and hot in more ways than one! I love Monroe's character... strong, smart, successful, dignified, yet sensible! She is just what the doctor ordered for Mr. Cherry Popper himself... Slate, sexy, driven, rich and arrogant as heck!! The chemistry, the sexual cat and mouse and oh my goodness, the monster when he let's it lose...😉😉 a must read!

Great book despite the title.

This book was better than I expected given the title. I love the characters and the story line was excellent. I cant wait to read book 2 and find out whether or not he keeps her after 3 months, which I suspect he will. Also I am extremely intrigued to find out what happens with Coen. I also think we haven't heard the last of Wyatt!

Loved this book!

Victoria did it again, with this book! It is a book that you can hardly put done as you wonder what’s gonna happen! The characters Slate and Monroe are a good mix of sweet and powerful! I love the way they interact with each other and I can’t wait for book 2 to see what actually happens between the two of them! If your looking for a good steamy book with a great plot, this is it!!!

Insanely HOT.

I love a good, dirty romance story and Victoria gives me just that! Monroe is a gorgeous girl with a ton of debt and sells her soul to the devil, aka Slate, to help get her out. You can see the chemistry in these two from the get go and you’ll feel it up until the very last page!


Victoria Quinn has done it again with Cherry Popper!! I love the chemistry that Monroe and Slate have together. This was a great start for the series and I can not wait for the next book!!! Victoria is a great Author and has quickly become one of my favorite. If you have not read one of her books you will not be disappointed with Cherry Popper.

What a Hot start Must Read ❤️💙❤️💙❤️❤️

This book was hot from the get go.. As well as a sweet and sexy cat and mouse game. I can’t wait to read the next book I know I am in for a treat with these two.. But I have a feeling that his brother other half is going to be a pain to Slate.. 😏😏😏

Loved it

This is a wonderful start to a series. The book has tons of drama and white hot passion with very interesting and complex characters. As always Ms. Quinn delivers a well written book that will keep you reading all night and counting the days until the next book.


LOVED IT!!! Omg.. Miss Quinn has delivered us another great book. From the very beginning to end it's full of chemistry for monroe and slate. I cant wait too see where they are at in their relationship in the next book. I received this book as a arc for a honest review

Must read!

Pure perfection as always! She is a fav author of mine. She always has me begging for more and knows how to keep you thinking about the characters for days! I can not wait till the next book! I fell in love with these characters and hope maybe we get some books from the brothers point of view....


Victoria!Victoria! What can I say? What an amazing start to what I predict is going to be an epic series. I can even imagine what that evil woman has planned but I have a feeling Slate already set a plan in motions. I cant wait!!!

Book #1 and love the series already!

Wow! This one was so good! I got hooked so quickly that I don’t think I saw it coming! I love the characters. Just the right amount of heat and passion. I couldn’t put it down and I am already sad that I have to wait for the next one. Victoria did a great job! Truly looking forward to this series!

Loved it!

I received an ARC for my honest review. The story drew me in and kept me coming back. Some parts seemed predictable but there is far more going on. I was reading when I should have been doing other things. Can't wait for more!

Must read

Wow! I could not put this book down. At first I wasn’t sure I would like this book with a title Cherry Popper but Victoria proved me wrong. I can’t wait to see what happens next and what exactly did Simone and Coen sign. Hmm can’t wait!

Great book!!

I almost read this book in one sitting! It was very good and I look forward to following the family through the series. Monroe is a very sweet girl in love with a billionaire with “ issues”. I can’t wait for the next book!

So hot!!!

Victoria Belle has hit it out of the park with this one. Slate Reimington is everything you could want. This book was angsty, and hot. I couldn't read it fast enough. I'm on pins and needles waiting for book 2

Wonderful storyline!

This was a great storyline, kept me wanting to stay up to finish it! Super steamy and left you wondering if Monroe could break through Slate’s walls he has built....can not wait for the next book in this series! This was my first Victoria Quinn book but will definitely check out other books written by her now.

Hot & Messy

I liked this story because it kept my interest, I like storyline. Also, I like the easy way the book is to read. Will she be able to lead him to a committed relationship? Can he commit to just one girl?

New hot couple in town!!!

Victoria Quinn's newest series is already off to a great start. Angst, steam, romance what could go wrong? Slate and Monroe are my new favorite couple. Do yourself a favor and read this book!!


I love Monroe and Slate! This book was well written and kept me so involved that sleeping was not as important as finishing this book! I am leaving voluntary and honest review for the advanced reader copy I received.


Slate Remington is the epitome of tortured alpha. Underneath all all that bravado seems to be a man with a kind heart who hates to show vulnerability because of past hurts. Enter Monroe. Sassy, but sweet, and drowning in debt, will she reign in the notorious Cherry Popper? This is so well written, can’t wiat for the next book from Victoria.

Hotness Overload

I inhaled this series. I was so hooked from beginning to end, until book 2 This book is intriguing and peaks your curiosity to the extreme. Overall, it’s super HOT and a must read! Another great one by one of my favorite top author. She never disappoints.


Once you start, you can't stop. Victoria out did herself once again. This book was amazing. I can't wait for the next book. It is a one day read, but was worth it. I have never been unhappy with her books. It's a must read!!!!

Great read!

I loved this book! The characters are sexy and the story line is interesting. Slate, the male lead, is intense and sensitive at the same time. His past makes him guarded but he is learning to love again. I can’t wait to read the next book!

Crushing HARD

If you are looking for a steamy and flirty quick read, this is definitely a story for you! Slate is so naughty and Monroe is just adorable. I thoroughly enjoyed their cheekiness and quick wit banter.

Get ready!!

Another great series from Victoria Quinn!! I loved Slate and Monroe. The way the characters are coming together is absolutely amazing! Great job with the storyline so far can’t wait until the next book!!


Victoria Quinn has done it again. I loved the steam and the chase. He doesnt want to commit but he don't want anyone else to have her. This book was so hard to put down. I loved it.

Holy Moly !!!

This book is Hot!!!! Tried putting it down, but just couldn't.. If you haven't read anything by Victoria Quinn Now is your chance... Great book, good story line and hot as hell... Don't miss out.


I absolutely loved the start of what can be only another great series from Ms. Quinn! With this first book you can pretty much tell it’s going to get explosive! I can’t wait for the next book!

Awesome read

I have to say Victoria has done it again. I love to read her books. I couldn’t put the book down and for me that’s hard to do with a toddler home. I can’t wait to see what more happens with Slate and Monroe.

Must read

Wow!! Victoria has done it again. I could not put the book done. Slade is closed off and only looks for one thing in women. Monroe is in debt and needs help. When they meet everything changes.

Loved It!!!

This book was phenomenal!! It keeps you hooked on every word and you are going on this journey with the characters as it is happening!! I love this authors way with words and every book that i have read of hers is amazing!! I can't wait to read more from her!!

Amazing read!!!

Omg I read this book in 1 day!!! So good!!! I love the connection between Monroe & Slate! Can't wait to read the next book!

Head over heels

What do you get when you mix an Alpha Male with an Alpha Female? You get a great book that keeps you turning pages. Rich guy buys her cherry and gets more then he bargains for!

Another great series.

What a great story! Victoria Quinn never disappoints you with her books. I can't wait to see if Monroe changes Slate after he gets his ultimate goal. He has definitely done more for her than any other woman he has been with. I can't wait for the next book!

Fantastic writing!

This book is great. I love the real emotion in it! I like how the story unfolded slowly instead of sleeping with the man on first night or him taking it like so many other books do.

Monroe and Slate

Great story. Started off with Monroe willing to sell her virginity to pay off her bills. They develop a relationship and then he ends things between them. He becomes jealous of her moving on and they try again. How are things going to end? Can’t wait for the next book.


Book one of a new series for Victoria Quinn and I am hooked. This series and these characters have so many possibilities. I cannot wait to see where it goes!

Strong independent woman

Hooked on this new series. The fact that Monroe is strong and stands up to Slate is a plus. Even though their story is predicatable, I couldn't put it down and can't wait for the next one.


I could not put this book down!! So good! I loved everything about it. Victoria Quinn did an amazing job at both characters - fun, exciting and sexy - respectable characters was so refreshing.

Easy & Steamy

Enjoyed this easy yet steamy read after my long days at work. Victoria Quinn does not disappoint with yet another page turner. Eagerly awaiting the next installment of this series!

Love, love, loved!

Amazing, amazing, amazing right from the get go like only the talented Victoria Quinn can do. I devoured this book in one sitting and boy was it yummy. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. I can't wait for the next book.

Rich Suit

Predictable in a way if you have read any of Quinn’s other books. But in a way still very surprising, relatable and hot. Can’t wait to see what’s next!


Wicked!!!!!!!!! This author knows how to make chew on your nails. I love the setting of the book the most. I need more. I need more cherry juices

Another great series.

Loved the characters in this book, can't wait to see what happens next. Victoria pulls you in to the book and wont let go. Don't miss this author.

Forever fan

I’m in love with this series. Slate and Monroe are my new favorite couple. I can’t wait for the next book to come out because I enjoy reading any and everything you’ve written.

Page Turner.....

This was a great book. It was interesting from beginning to end. It was predictable as I thought it would be which made me excited to see what happens in the next book. Watching how one of the characters do something without realizing it makes the book more interesting. I enjoyed the book and couldn’t put it down!!!


This book was amazing. The chemistry between Slate and Monroe is on fire! I can’t wait for the rest of the Cherry series!

Get ready

I freaking love this series already! The sexual tension in this book really sucks you in to see what happens next. I love the two main characters and I can't wait to see what's thrown at them next.

Excellent Book!

This ok was great! Can’t wait for book 2 to come out. Victoria Quinn , once again a excellent book! Your books r wonderful!

So so so good!!!

Such a good start of this series!!! I am loving this story line so much i can't wait to see where slate and Monroe and up! I will be sitting on the edge of my seat until the next book comes out!

I'm swooning!

I am in love with Slate and Monroe. This book like any of Victoria's books was amazing and had me hooked from the being. I can't wait to see where this story goes!

A must read!

A page turner from page 1 and couldn't put it down till the end. Victoria Quinn never disappoints!

Great Read!

Another great series from Victoria Quinn! Monroe and Slate are amazing characters set in a book with an interesting plot and engrossing story that I couldn't put down. I cannot wait for the next book!


I loved the storyline. GREAT !!!! Everything that Victoria Quinn writes is fabulous !!!! I’m grateful she sent me the ARC . Thank you thank you thank you !!!! She has the best books. Can’t wait to read the continuation...

Great Story!!!!!

WOW, Is all I can stay. Victoria has done it again. This story came all the way from left field. I was not expecting this story at all. OMG, I can't wait to see what happens next.


Wow, intense! Loved the characters. Can’t wait for the next. Thank you

Awesome!!! Must read

Wow this book was a page turner!!! Could not put the book down once I started. Can’t wait for book 2 to be released!


For some reason I didn't expect to like this book but I was wrong...I LOVED IT...I can't wait for the next book to come out to continue the adventure...

Awesome read

Beware the cliffhanger!!! This was a great story it kept me guessing and made me so what?!? A few times!!! I would definitely recommend it!!!!

Cherry Popper

Holy popper! Victoria Quinn delivers again! Monroe and Slate are an awesome and sexy couple and I cant wait to see how their story continues.


Great start to this series! Can’t wait for book 2! Monroe and Slate are amazing and can’t wait to see where their story ends!

You are going to be addicted.

I have to say that this author is hands down one of the best. Each book gets better and better. The storylines keep you wanting more.

A new steamy series!

A great start to a series! Can't wait to see what happens next! :)

Hot and Sexy

I was not expecting this sexy, fun and very hot story line. The title was a little over the top but it definitely was worth every page of this book. I can't wait to see what Victory Quinn comes out with next.

A nice change

This was a truly different approach with the female lead being so vulnerable but yet so determineshe didn't let her circumstances made her feel less than it's kind of inspiring

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