Brie's Submission (4-6) (The Brie Collection Book 2)

Kindle Edition
15 Feb
The Award-Winning Brie Series by USA Today Bestselling Author Red Phoenix

Sexy. Passionate. Mysterious.

Brie Bennett’s life becomes an exotic adventure as a newly collared submissive.

Heated Russian encounters, seductive nights bound in rope, kinky birthday fun…

Brie is living out her favorite fantasies in the loving arms of her new Master—but darkness lurks in the shadows.
Love and loyalty is about to be tested.

Can Brie survive the demons from her Master’s past?

*This boxed set includes Try Me, Protect Me and Hold Me from the Brie’s Submission series.

Reviews (431)

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Brie's Submission and growth in her relationship with Sir continues to intrigue me.

I love the way Red Phoenix brings out the growth of Brie in her submission to Sir. She makes the BDSM lifestyle alluring but, at the same time, shows where submissive may have a hard time on their path to grow. Being shown how you should always be honest and open with your Master is always important for both the submissive and the Dominant in order to grow in the relationship so they can maintain safety at all times. This series is one of the most open and honest submissive series I have ever read.

Fascinating (no spoilers)

For someone who knew only preconceived notions this series is fascinating and enlightening. It tells tails of the BDSM community that put it in a much better, truer light. This particular set of books is artfully written and captures your attention from the beginning. The characters are complex and you feel as though you’re with them. I laughed. I cried. And let’s not forget, this book is HOT.

Sexy, Steamy, with some angst

I love the continuation of Brie's journey. So much emotion I laughed, cried and even got mad. Just like real life you love some people, you like some people, you despise some people. This series has it all with all of the supporting characters, love some, like some and despise some.

Probably not going to finish reading these. Series got monotonous

Okay, so the first 2 or 3 books were good, but I have to admit, it got a bit monotonous reading about the same person in every book. I saw an excellent recommendation for this author so I went and bought the entire set, but I’m pretty sure I’m never going to read the rest of the books. Sorry I can’t leave a better review.

Good continuation of series

You must read books 1-3 before this book. This book would not be easily read without it. Brie and Thane(Sir) are now in their committed relationship. They are learning much about each other and Brie is continuing to learn both her role and her limits. There are many tough turns in this book with Thanes mom, Mr Wallace and and even Ren. But each issues just strengthens the bond between them. Very excited to go on to next 3 books to see what’s in store for them.


These books are so well written (and hot) that I just flew through most of the series! If you get book 1 for free (Amazon Prime subscribers!) and enjoy it, just do yourself a favor and buy all the rest of them; better to have instant access to the next books than to waste precious seconds ordering ;)

These books sucked me in from book 1

These books sucked me in from book 1. I read the whole series in 3 days. I don't know if it's because the author has experience with it, but I didn't find it to be ridiculous like a lot of other submission books I have read.

Love love love this series

If you thought the the first set in this series was hot then you'll love the this second set, Brie's character is growing in her submission along with her love.for her Master and he is overcoming his past to truly give her the love and dominance she needs. Loving how the characters are growing and coming into their own.

I am hooked. Moving to book 7 on day 4. Best series I've read in a very long time. I will be sad when it ends. I purchased all of them because the first set was so good.

I am hooked. Moving to book 7 on day 4. Best series I've read in a very long time. I will be sad when it ends. I purchased all of them because the first set was so good. Grateful to have found Red Phoenix


Each book gets better and better. Each book tells you more about each characters story, a little bit more every time. The steamy scenes draws you in and can bring a little blush to your cheeks and keeps you coming back for more.

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Cannot put these books down

The first 3 books in this series were free in a box set. Best free books ever in my opinion. Lead me to to buying this box set and best money spent. The journey Bri and Sir are on is one in a lifetime and something I cannot put down.

Life after the Center

Brie is further put thru the pages as she is pulled in all directions. Can she keep the emotional connection with Sir in one of his lost trying times? Will she survive Sirs long absence? Learning to be a friend to someone she has a strong connection with will prove trying. So much going on in the second phase of Brie's training. Life just gets more interesting!


I loved these set of books once the first page has been turned it is so hard to put it down it is filled with love,lust,pain,sacrifice,lessons,hate,comitment. I love all the characters and how they all have grown thoughout the books and I so looking forward to see what Brie and Sir(Thane) get into next

Yeah, I'm hooked!

I got books 1-3 free or for 99 cents. I can usually settle with that but Red P. Is such a gifted writer/story teller, I'll gladly pay for the rest of the series. I'm definitely "vanilla" but find the life interesting. I find some things degrading, but love and caring is very much stressed. To each their own.

Loved it

I couldn't put it down and I don't care that I lost sleep. The two main characters have so many ups and downs but they struggle just like anyone else in a relationship. I would recommend reading the first three books and not waiting to read the next three. I waited and there were characters that I couldn't remember. So happy reading ;-)

Cliff hanger

Don't even start these books unless you plans to read the. LONG series they all contain cliff hangers and even though some of the characters are interesting they get lost in all the repeated sex

Buy them all!!!

I've flown through the first boxed set (after purchasing all 4 sets 3 chapters into book 1. Yes. Red is that good. I was hooked from the very beginning. You will love it all, including the ever growing cast of characters. You will get to know and love them as much as Brie. To watch her come into her own is inspiring and heartwarming. We should all have her courage and heart. You may not know it, but you'll regret it if you let these books slip by.

Twist and Turns

As we get more of the Sir and Brie,we also learn more about the other Doms. An her fellow subs. I have fallen intrigued with the series!! Easy to follow and great storyline. Its a must read.

Loved it

I loved the other box set and in this one Brie and Sir continue to grow. I love how the characters get stronger and more relatable through every novel. The sexy bits help too. Very intrigued in this world. It opens your eyes to new possibilities.

Just wow!!

Best books I’ve read in a long time. Has me looking at men and sizing up their dominant traits. Lol. Can’t wait to start books 7-9. It’s hard to find books you can’t wait to read but this is one. Nothing like a good love story and this is definitely one of the best I’ve read.

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Definitely more tears here

I really enjoyed this volume related more challenges for Brie and those around her. Many more tissues used in this volume. Highly recommended. I look forward to the next volume.

Another awesome chapter in Sir and Brie's world

More hot and sexy sessions. As Brie and Sir's world and lives change. We learn more about Sirs past . You also learn more about the others Doms. Plus you learn what makes them tick. On to the next Chas . I can't wait

Brie’s submission

I loved everything about the series!! The characters with richly rounded, the debt of each character was amazing. The back stories were intense. I believe Brie’s submission to be the sexiest and erotic collections have found on Amazon!!! Amazing job Red Phenix !!! Bravo, I look forward to reading more of your material!!! Hands down the best read out there!!!

Utterly enthralled....

This series is so addictive, I find myself thinking about these characters even when I’m not reading! Tono’s story broke my heart, I’m desperate for him to have a happy ending! I’m engrossed in Sir and Tea and cannot wait to see where their journey goes next! So very hot and sexy, makes me want to kneel myself!


As we travel deeper into Brie's journey we find ourselves faced with a montage of emotional moments and meet some beloved people. I love coming back to visit.

Must Read Series!!

This series continues to just get better and better as you read each book! I am completely in love with these characters!! Red Phoenix does not let you down! I highly recommend this series!

Wow one hot alpha

Brie and Thane have a lot going on in there lives . Thane past comes to haunt him. There journey becomes more difficult, and brie learns some choices have consequences . I love the dynamics between thane and brie. the trust and love you can see shining through. A great series to read . I cant wait to continue their adventure.

Beautifully and passionately written!

Beautifully written with class and sexy tact! Love the journey of each character in the series. Red Phoenix is my new addiction, Sincerely, Phoenix Rising!

Explosion of Sexiness

Just like box set one, Red Phoenix has outdone herself. When Sir and Brie are together, there’s no stopping them. Their love, domination, obedience (sometimes), and growth flourish in these three books. Sir not only pushes Brie’s limits but also his own. Off to read 7-9!


Well, I don't think I am a dom type but these books make me wish I was. I would love to have a sub to pleasure the way Brie gets in her life. Love this series.

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Love it

I absolutely love this book love the series can I get enough eating enough spending all the time reading it this is like consumed me cannot get enough this is like a one who book learning so much teaching me so much in of course living the life style of it can't wait for more


Amazing box set this was. Ready to read the next set. Hubby and I are reading separately but together. So I now must wait for him before continuum.

Briefly continues

Good read with more to come. Sorts out changes to life for many members of the academy. Brie has special connection with all

5 stars!

The character developments in this series are amazing. It's wonderful to be able to follow a character in see their level of growth from book to book. One thing that's constant, is the love. You can feel it come through on all the pages. This was wonderfully done.

Absolutely riveting

What a pleasure to read. The journey of Brie and her Sir is not all sunshine and roses. It is hard and it takes work. I loved the growth and progression of the storyline. My heart broke for Tono and my heart soared for Mary & Lea. I am eager to read more and see how the story unfolds.


This is the steamiest yet. I love the way the author dives in deep to the past of certain characters in the books. Now on to the 3rd box set.

Love this series! <3💖

Brie's incredible journey continues ... I can't wait, Never want these to end . 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I've never been more jealous of a character before. Drool worthy!!!


I'm so in love with Brie's and Sir's story....a love that has its challenges and weakness,but always come up....u love their connection, so deep,thoughtful.strong and warm...I want something like that....outstanding job.

Loved them

As usual you are drawn in to Bries life. We watch as she concures new challenges and helps her friends along the way.


I definitely recommend this series. The characters are very interesting and leaves you wanting more.

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.


I learned a lot through this book.I think that it is important to put yourself in different situations and explore New experiences.

Brie and Thane's adventures continue.

Will Sir's tragic past tear apart their relationship? This story has so much passion, lots of surprises and challenges. The characters really come alive! A very enjoyable series that should be read in chronological order.


The next trilogy to Brie’s story. Must keep reading to see what’s going on. Like the first set, I couldn’t put it down. Very well written. Her adventure keeps going.... let’s see what happens next!


I have loved reading about Brie & Sir. Ready to start the last set of books. Than I will move on to Captain & his sub. I would love to read about all the characters in their own books.

I can't put them down

I loved the first three books and nothing has changed with these three. Other than a few spots felt rushed and others drug out. These books are great and I can't wait for the next group.

The continuing story

This is such an intense series. You can't help but feel what the characters are feeling and the range of emotions can be draining. I take a break between each box set.

Interesting/unbelievable subject

I don't know much about but I'm learning/enjoying it. I really like reading about Brie's new experiences. At times she seems stronger than most of the dons. I can't wait to read the next book.

Worth reading

Good books. Easy easy and not super long and definitely keeps your interests. Good story line and love how the characters all go together.

Just don’t...

Don’t buy it. Just don’t. Terrible writing. No education on safe sex. I feel like Brie is a 15 yr old child being exploited by dirty old men. Humiliating scenes. Cmon people, we all like a little D/s but this just isn’t it. This could’ve been a good book series if the writer had thought things out a little better and researched better too


There is no end to these have to keep purchasing them.

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Must read!!

Probably one of my favorite series! The story line and characters will have you hooked! Must read if you havent already!


I can't put these books down! I love the story line and the interesting characters. They are complex but you can sympathize with them & what they are going thru. Can't wait to see what happens with Brie next.


What I've of a!I kind will do to you. Love to a friend and friend to love. Being bound by a collar.

Great Series!!!

I love this series. I've fallen in love with the characters and their stories. Can't wait to start box set 3. Highly recommend this series!

Another great reading choice

Red has a way with words! Her characters feel real and you are engulphed from the first word


You must absolutely read these books! Their story alone is amazing but then add in the steamy scenes and it is FIRE! If you like sexy hot guys who know exactly how to please a woman in all aspects of her life these books are bbn perfect!


Omg I love this series. So engaging, fun, exciting and can sexy. I am going to be broke cause I have to read them all great read

Wanting more can’t wait

I loved this set of books as well it still made me giggle made me sad taught me some more and also left me wanting more well I am off to get the next set

... books certainly are NOT tame but they are pure joy to read

These books certainly are NOT tame but they are pure joy to read. To witness Brie continue to fall in love with sir and vice versa and how they live in a vanilla world while keeping their D/s lifestyle still front and center is captivating! Read this entire series..i promise you promise you it will change your life!

Loving it!!!

Totally obsessed! With this series!!!! Brilliant! Going to get #7!!! You will not be disappointed! This is a great series...loving it!!!

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.


This box set wow. The 1st boxed set (1-3) I could not have gotten more into it if I tried. The 2nd - this one (4-6) = GULP . So good. Could not put it down !!!!

Getting tired

Come on same thing same thing...........bla bla bla same thing. Not buying last set of books. Using money at Starbucks. I'll get better satisfaction.

Must read

Can't put it down.

Fantastic 2nd Boxed Set

So glad I countined reading this series! Love all the characters Red Phoenix has created.

Can't get ENOUGH!

Can't get enough of these characters! I love the storyline for each of them and all the adventures each share. I hope these never end!!!

Can't get enough of Brie and the BDSM group. ...

Can't get enough of Brie and the BDSM group. The books are sexy and enchanting! Am on book 9 can't put the series down!


I cannot stop reading these books. I went through all 15 in a week. I love these stories!

Great read

Loved it

The best book series i have ever read

I love this series. I tell my book friends about these books. I would definitely recommend these books. I love the storyline and the chaaracters we read about. Feels like you are right with them when reading.

Great continuation

Great second collection to the series focusing on Brie and Thane. Great character development. Continuous flow with the same characters throughout allows the reader to truly get lost in the books

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Just too much...

I love hot erotic novels, but it was just too much. Not much of a story line in between the sex. Sex is good yes, but a great storyline makes it hotter and better!!!

Great book, very interesting and sexy

Great book, very interesting and sexy. I love that I was hooked on this series just paragraphs in on the first book.


Life as a sub? Who would know the feeling of love, sadness and joy one would feel. More please. Unlimited


I have now read Books 1-6 of this series. Once you start reading, you do not want to stop! Love Brie and Sir. But Tono is my favorite character.


So beautiful love the continued story. There were tears and laughs and blushed cheeks through this whole series must read

Your books

I truly love this set of books. Can't wait for the next seat. Wish I could just get them all at once. For the First time someone truly gets what it's like as a sub. To live this lifestyle, and all it Intel's. Thanks for that.

Awesome collection!!! Great writer!!!

Awesome collection!!! Great writer!!!

So many emotional moments

I just finished this box set of three with books 4,5&6. These three were amazing so many emotional moments. Some uplifting some show how hard moment's in life can be, but with the right people and trust you can move forward.

I submit

I cannot get enough of Brie and Sir! I love it all! The good, the bad, the pretty and the ugly! But most of all how they all reach and protect one another in their little community!


I love all the surprises and trials presented in these 3 books. So much joy and pain revealed. I never get enough!

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Addictive Series!

This book series is AMAZING! I found out about in on TikTok and I can't put them down! I feel like with Brie throughout her experience and it has opened my mind on so many levels.

Loving the series!

Love everything abiut Brie's story! Her relationship with Sir is wonderful! All around beautiful and addicting story line. Keep reading!

SO good!!

Omg!! I can't get enough of Sir and Brie!! I'm so ready to read what comes next! I love how they live each other!


The characters are so incredibly loveable. Great story development. Heart breaking and fun and sexy and funny all describe this series.

Great author

Love her books. Brie and Sir are intriguing couple. Red Phoenix is a captivating author. Time for the next set.

The adventure continues

I love following these characters. This is an incredible story and journey of self discovery and exploration. Love it! I truly cannot get enough.

This series messed with my mind for weeks. While ...

This series messed with my mind for weeks. While the story itself may bother some people, the psychological aspect of it was fascinating.

Wonderfully complex characters and an informative expose of the BDSM ...

Wonderfully complex characters and an informative expose of the BDSM way of life. But don't read it if you can't handle anything sexier than a spanking scene - cos it's all here.Well written.

Sexy story

Great book set

I loved these books so much

I loved these books so much, I lended them to my friend so she could see how awesome they are!

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

I love it! Such a great series

I love it! Such a great series!!

Finally a real journey into the BDSM community

Red Phoenix is an amazing writer. I cant put the Brie series down. The characters are so loveable and hateable.

Good read

Good read

Best submissive series I have ever read

Best submissive series I have ever read. I was drawn into their world and loved the tenderness the characters shared. Did not expect that.

Again soo great

I love this series...just keeps getting better. I am a definite fan from this point forward. There is just something that draws you in..

My guilty pleasure

What can I say I was hooked from the very beginning with this series. Brie and sir are so perfect for each other. Their love story is both romantic and steamy hot and what more could a girl ask for.

Good read



I am a Submissive wife and feel blessed that there are books opening the world to the lifestyle I do enjoy


A must read!

Love love love!

I absolutely love this series!!

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Five Stars


Great read! Couldn't stop reading!!

Loved everything about these books! Looking forward to reading the remaining sets of books. I would recommend this collection to everyone!

Five Stars

Absolutely Loved this series!!!

Awesome story

Awesome book! I enjoyed the constant sexuality of it. There was always a storyline but it didn’t overpower the sexy scenes.

Unbelievably enticing

Exceptional balance of love and pain. Tono Nosaka’s heartbreaking story entwined with new adventures for Brei and Sir was breathtaking.

Great read.

Choose this rating for the simple fact that this author was amazing from the start of the series! Can't wait to read more of her writing!

Brie's submission series is an excellent read. Opens the eyes into the BDSM lifestyle

Brie's submission series is an excellent read. Opens the eyes into the BDSM lifestyle. Can't with for the new book in November.

Five Stars

Red is a goddess at writing!!

Binge worthy series!

I could NOT stop reading this series, the author definitely had me in submission.

Amazing It's a must have

Everything about sir and Rytsar and Anderson love how they worked together and got his mom put in jail I'll read these all again

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

I love it

Great, the story just keeps on giving. The character development is decent enough to keep one completely intrigued by the story

Three Stars

Too many books and it keeps going and going

Great steamy read!

Big fan of this series. Every book gets better and better. Love the continuing story and learning more about each character.

Five Stars

this was an amazing book series


Great read

I am in love with them

I don't know how to begin a review on these books. I am in love with them. They are not low-level BDSM if that is what you are looking for. These books are the escargot of BDSM novels. The characters are real and well-formed. The situations are true-to-life, heartbreaking, and beautiful. The BDSM element is elegant and formal. You will become friends with everyone in this book intimately. I feel as if I know all of them as family. The situations keep your heart racing, but not enough for you to despair. The happiness is palpable. Sure, the intimacy is exciting. But this is about so much more than that. This series is about loving people, building your own family out of people who love and honor you, trusting others, and a group of amazing folks who create a beautiful group.


Just love these books!! Even though this isn’t my lifestyle these books are just so well written I can’t put them down!

Five Stars

I greatly enjoyed the entire series! The series is hot and sexy!

Fantastic series

Absolutely love the series. Own it on my nook and bought the series again for the Kindle fire. The last few in series I couldn't find for my nook which is why I eventually bought the Kindle.

Wonderful series!!

Absolutely the best books I have read in a long time. It keeps you intrigued with every page you turn! Can't wait to see what happens next!!

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

BDSM that isn't about abuse! YAY!

Red Phoenix does a great job bringing the BDSM lifestyle to light. The author does a great job developing characters who are fun to read about while still having flaws. Several times during reading I found myself smiling at the re-introduction of a character or gasping at a plot twist. Definitely well written. I absolutely loved the first three books in the series which focus on Brie's experiences at the Submissive Training Center. I found that later books in the series are driven by Brie's interactions with other characters rather than introducing the reader (by way of Brie) to new kinks. The stories are still steamy and exciting, but I enjoyed the dynamic of the Training Center focused stories more. Red Phoenix is a master at developing and writing characters that grab your attention. The story is narrated by Brie who is an endearing character. The author ensures that you see her flaws as well as her strengths so that the narrator is both trust worthy and relatable. Red Phoenix's writing style ensures that you'll be glued to the page until the very end...then you'll buy the next book in the series just to keep going!

Five Stars

Yeah could not put them down

Five Stars

Absolutely loved this!!!! So addicted. Just finished book 12 and cannot wait for more!!!

Great read

Great read

Love it

Never want her stories t0 end... wish it was a movie id love to see it.. theres not too many good bdsm movies out that would compare to these stories

Great storyline

Awesome storyline

Love it!

Amazing work...I couldn't stop reading. I wish the series would never end so I could follow Brie and Sir forever!

One of the best series ive read in awhile

This series has kept me laughing and wondering what would come next. I cant wait to read what comes next.

Great series, a must read.

Great read, a great series. Loved these characters and the whole shebang.


I'm enjoying the journey of Brie. I just finished book 6.

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Amazing books!

Great story! You always want to know more of each character, love the detail and description of places, emotions and settings.

Five Stars

I loved this book lots of sex and also a lot of relationships romance and love

This one of the best book series I have ever read

This one of the best book series I have ever read.... I give it a 5 star, most definitely...its the first thing I reach for and the last thing...

Five Stars

Loved it!


Loved these books!!

Five Stars

Outstanding read

Five Stars

Luv this series

Amazing book

Amazing book another one I couldn't put down... Amazing story line that has you on the edge of thank your seat

I must say there was really nothing I didn't like! I loved the books can't wait for the ...

Well, I must say there was really nothing I didn't like! I loved the books can't wait for the next's ones to come out. LOVE THEM!!!!

Five Stars

Loved it, Red is an amazing writer! Totally recommend

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Five Stars

Fanning myself with each page i turn!!!!

Love it

Anyone curious about bdsm will live this series, as those who live the lifestyle will enjoy it as well. 😊

Awesome book

Loved the whole thing start to finish


I admit I wanted to have as much fun as the first three books of the series. It couldn't be the same and have the characters continue their journey of growth and self discovery. I liked the continued development of Brie through her relationship with Sir and the challenges she faced. The shared stage with the other characters gave me s deeper read and appreciation. There are other characters in the series I want more from. I hope it continues and satisfies. I like stinky cheese and her cast of cohearts.

Five Stars

I love this books red Phoenix is the best can’t stop reading


Love the books they are very addicting. Have to read them all. I don't want the story to end. Thanks

love this series

Love this series of books!

Five Stars

Awesome series!!

Good reading

A great read.


Great books

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Kinky dreamy romantic

I just cant stop. I am so obsessed!! Love this seris. Thank you Red Pheonix!

Loved it wanted more

I was on the edge of my seat !!!! Love it

Five Stars

Totally loved this series!! Amazing! Wow!


Loved it gets better with every book! Can't wait to see what happens when I read the next book. Erotic

Can't put it down

Easy to get lost in

Five Stars

Love these books.

Amazing series!

Try Me Try Me is book 4 in the Brie’s Submission series by Red Phoenix and I seriously can not get enough of Brie!!! I love that they traveled to Russia to visit Rytsar!!! I hope that she reveals more of his past since it is so mysterious!!! While Brie learns more about herself in this book you are also able to see how her and Sir’s relationship continues to strengthen. I love how you can you practically feel every emotion that Brie is going through and it truly shows how talented Red Phoenix’s writing is! I am becoming absolutely obsessed with this series!!! Protect Me Red Phoenix’s Brie’s submission series continues with Protect Me (book 5) The angst and steamy scenes continues!!! With every book in this series gets hotter!!! You learn more about Brie’s upbringing as well as part of Thane’s mysterious past. Not only do they continue to learn about each other but they are also introduced to hardships that they not only have to overcome themselves but as a couple as well. Definite page turner and must read! Hold Me Hold Me picks up right where Protect Me left us hanging, I honestly can’t put this series down!! Brie’s journey continues with a mixture of angst thrown in. Brie and Sir have a major trials throughout this one. Her documentary has been released and now she has to face the reactions both good and bad from the public. This one will continue to pull you into their story!!!!


A vanilla friend read the first 3 books and i'm so disappointed that this is being considered a representation of the Lifestyle. Yes there are training events and tools to learn more about the D/s dynamic in safe educational arenas. But under NO circumstances would unprotected sex be allowed. In fact at most events you would be removed/banned for not following safe sex practices. And NO the sub does not present her collar to a Dom. The Dom offers the collar to the sub and they can choose to accept or deny. And really you're going to say you "love" someone who you barely know their real name? I get love fantasy and all but wow so disappointed and hope if anyone is looking for more on the Lifestyle they do better research than this book. I gave it two stars only because a variety of scenes were discussed and toys.

Brie's Submission (4-6) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set)

It has been great to go back and re-read Brie’s story! I originally read these books at a time that I didn’t leave reviews so now is the time for me to correct that. I love Sir, Rystar Durov and Tono and many more of the characters written about. But, these 3 are probably my favorites. I love that Red Phoenix has combined these 3 books. If you have not read any of her books make sure you read these in order. Book 1: Teach Me Book 2: Love Me Book 3: Catch Me Books 1-3 are now in a set and now books 4-6 as well. Book 4: Try Me Book 5: Protect Me Book 6: Hold Me I love reading these books and Brie’s story. If you haven’t discovered Brie Bennett and you love BDSM stories check these books out! I love Brie & Sir’s story. I give Brie’s Submission: Book 4-6. 5+ STARS.

This is a fantastic series!

I’m not 100% sure how this lines up with the original Brie series since I didn’t finish all of them yet. I started reading Brie in 2015 and it is one book that stands out in my mind as one of my favorites. This is the story of one Brianna Bennett, who is working in a tobacco shop. But then one day a man comes in and pretty much turns her whole world upside down when he mentions the Submissive Training Center. Now, I don’t know about you, but I think Ms. Phoenix would be flooded with applications if she opened one of these up. This box continues the story after she chooses her master. I am a huge fan of box sets.

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.


Wow the Author has done a great job with the books so far I love them I want more I'm sad that the next set of books will be the last for this couple even though I would enjoy more, more, more of there books please. I would also love to read about Lea. Along with Mary and Falian I would love to see them have there own series also along with some of the trainers also would be great keep it going I wouldn't complain for sure. The only thing I would have liked to see was Sir side in the books not just brie's but it's been great. Great love stories would recommend to anyone.

Truly Amazing!!!

The second box set in this amazing series, I truly loved every moment of reading these books, if you are looking for an exciting read with a taste of bdsm and a beautiful romance entwined then you have come to the right place. Join Brie as she continues her lessons as Sir Thane Davis collared submissive, and discover just how much she has still to learn. Brie's journey is exciting and sometimes even harrowing but I can assure you it is never boring. Red Phoenix has written a beautiful bdsm love story and also still managed to keep it very informative. It will keep you coming back for more.

An Audible review

Learning to live as a collared submissive Overall 4 out of 5 stars Performance 4 out of 5 stars Story 4 out of 5 stars Reviewed: 12-18-19 This book continues with Brie’s submissive journey as Sir’s collared sub. Characters from the previous book reappear.

It just keeps getting better!

One might think that after all the adventures and experiences Brie had in the first boxed set, Brie had done it all. That's what I thot. But no! Brie's new life with Sir is just beginning, and it is amazing to watch them grow together. Both as a couple, and in the BDSM lifestyle. These characters are so well developed that they feel real to me. I loved more time Rytsar, too. That is one sexy sadist! Wow! The plot twist of Sir's past left me both cheering and crying. What can I say? Brie books are my addiction! I challenge you to learn if they are your addiction as well. Thank you Red Phoenix!

One of the best series ever

This is one of the best series ever. So often you read a book and you want more, sometimes the author will give it to you and it's a let down. That is not the case here! You will love to see all of these characters continue on. I think that's the key, while there is a main couple, you are still completely invested in the multiple secondary characters. Honestly, I think I love some of them just as much! If you are considering this series, you need to start with book 1, but you'll be hooked after that and not want it to end.

We want more, more, more.

I could tell you whats happening in this box set but Im sure you will read that in several reviews. I would rather tell you about amazing this box set is. When you want a book that will grab you and keep you enthralled, you can never go wrong with one of Red Phoenix's books. Box set two of the Submission series is just as attention grabbing as the first box set. When you follow Brie's adventures you are left wanting more. You want the next book asap. Thats how amazing they are. I will add a very personal note. For me its esp amazing when it has my fav Dom in it.. Rytsar. Love that Sadist.


The best thing about Brie story is Tono Nosaka! I just love him and really wish she chose him even though i do like Sir but hey it is what it is. I really want to read a POV with him and I think there is a story in the last box set so I can't wait to read it!

*5 Sparkling Stars for the 2nd set of Brie's books*

I purchased this series of books individually back in 2012-2014 as they were being released and have loved them all! I love seeing Brie's journey with her different Dom's. Especially Master. It was fun going back and reading this again as a set and reliving her journey at the Center and her journey to become the submissive she's always been meant to be. I love Red's writing and it's always fun, sexy and full of surprises.

A must read!!! Can't get enough <3 <3 <3

Absolutely adore Brie! I love that Red now has the option to get the first 3 books in one set! SO much Brie and the yummy doms in one place <3 <3 Red weaves a beautiful tale about this exceptional young woman that is educational for newcomers and kinky fun for all ;) Read it (one-handed if you have to). I guarantee that you will not be disappointed!

Great series

Easy read and the saga continues. I’ve liked the development of the characters! And of coarse the entertainment is vivid

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Continued excellence throughout the series!

All were great!

One Star

accidently ordered this book please credit back

Only one word...

EXCELLENT!!!! I've been enjoying this series thoroughly. It speaks many volumes and more so for those who are actually interested in this lifestyle.

Five Stars

Love love love the series, can't get enough!

Brie's world

In Brie's world everything is golden, every Dom likes her and her friends are awesome. Brie loves her Sir her new Master. Now she faces new challenges, the guilt of leaving other Dom's in the past and now a stalker. Brie has to navigate her new relationship with Sir and try and hold old ones at bay. Brie love Sir but is being tested of her loyalty. This series keeps you mesmerized with each word, Brie's innocences, kindness and drive draws people to her. I'm sure she was every Dom's great student because of her dedication to do her best.

Delightful reading, it will hook you!

Had a friend at my book club recommend Red Phoenix as a saucy author as we share a delight in fantasy smut for pleasure reading - and boy did Red Phoenix deliver with this "stinky cheese" series with Brie as our protagonist submissive. I'm now devouring this series (currently on book 7) and no small part of me is very curious about the D/s lifestyle. Well played, Ms. Phoenix!


Girlfriend is addicted to this

Great Book

Another great read in this series and didn’t realise how quick I have read this done it in 1 day. I am enjoying the journey between Sir (Thane) & Brie but I love Lea’s character also she is so funny. It’s also nice to see the other characters growing. I’m about to start 7-9 now so hope this is as good as the others.

A Must Read

If you enjoy the erotic along with romance then this is definitely a box set I would highly recommend!! Really well written, such as you feel you become a part of the story. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking 😉😉😉

Red Does it Again!

With the second box set containing 4-6 the story continues after Brie’s graduation. With twists and turns, good plots and storylines, sadness and tears and laughter and joy, and the hot steamy sex all combine to make a fabulous read. Well done Red Phoenix..... keep the story coming.

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.


What an emotional book throughout. Giggles too. Very well written and I love Brie. Such a strong character and love watching her grow


Fab set of books, couldn't put them down, read them in 2 days, can not wait to start on the next set

Exciting and worthy

Well written erotica that has you dripping from the first page to the last. Exciting til the last page I can't wait to see what happens next!

Great books

Enjoyed the books kept me turning pages

Great Buy

I loved all the books great read.

Brilliant series, just finished reading book 16 can't wait ...

Brilliant series, just finished reading book 16 can't wait for March 18 for the next instalment. Storyline and Characters are amazing. Treat yourself you'll be addicted


Giving you more chance to fall in love with the characters and have your heart break for them lots of changes good and bad

Don't you just love a good love story

Don't you just love a good love story? Well, This is one you should read, all the slow burning love as described in books 1-3 is finally getting a chance. Loved it.

Have read all of her books, you should too.

I like the way the author details all.

The story continues

Fantastic sequel, just as gripping. Couldn't put it down. Great character development and a fantastic escape from reality. Already bought next set :)

I do not want the journey to end!

If you were like me, I got the first box set of this series FREE on Amazon. It is the beginning of an extraordinary journey I do not want to end. Brie is a regular young college graduate like any other normal person. She has unique aspects to her yet to be discovered though. At first glance, she glows with her good nature, innocence, and delightful personality. What may not be readily apparent is that she is searching for more in her life and is just not sure of what she needs and just how to get it. A chance encounter, an invitation to join a training class on how to be a submissive, and the fantasy to meet that handsome stranger once again sets her off on this path. This is her journey. There are several box sets to this series. Take your time and read them all. I am working on the last 4 books in this series and have not regretted getting hooked. I have loved Brie's journey. This is written in such a down to earth, sensual style, you will enjoy experiencing all the emotions that come with the lifestyle.

It just keeps getting better and better!

This series is easily one of the best discoveries I have ever made. Of course my curious nature for BDSM was the initial reason for deciding to read this story but now that I have just finished book number six, I am proud to Saturday I am officially emotionally invested in Brie' s story. Now that she is no longer a student training to be a submissive, Brie is getting a serious dose of what it's like. Overall, I think she's handling the curves thrown at her with flexibility and dignity. The scenes are absolutely delicious and I am loving every second of them. I am hoping she only continues to climb the heights of possibilities because I would love to see Brie conquer them all.

Unfortunately Underwhelmed

I was really looking forward to this next set of books in The Brie Collection, but it was very underwhelming. First of all the characters, especially Brie and Sir, were rather flat and didn't seem to have chemistry much past the physical. I'm usually okay with 'quick to fall in love' plot lines, but the lack of chemistry makes me question their whole dynamic. I also felt the whole plot line was rushed and trying to fit way too many ideas into only a few books. I do appreciate how BDSM is portrayed in this series - the dynamics are a lot more balanced and the submissive characters don't seem to be taken advantage of - it paints a much healthier illustration of consenting adults enjoying themselves verses many other books out there. While I am curious about how some of the characters develop, I do not see myself continuing this series.

Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional

Title: Brie's Submission (4-6) Author: Red Phoenix 5 amazing stars Emotional. Where the first three novels of this series concentrated on Brie's journey through the many classes at the Submissive's Training Centre and her growth as a sub, the second box set concentrates on her's and Sir's relationship and the hurdles they must face. With her trip in Russia with Dimitry cut short because of a new opportunity to direct her movie, Brie must face the criticism and praise when it comes out in theatres, putting her life choices in the limelight. Her relationship is tested when Sir's mother comes back in the picture with specific demands and Tono Nosaka goes through family issues and needs their support more than ever. Although dedicated to each other, Brie and Sir will have to rely on their connection more than ever to surpass the hurdles in front of them. 4.5 sexy dreams I laughed and I cried as I read these novels and fully immersed myself in their world. I cheered them on, hoping that they could face everything that was coming at them, unwilling to see other players come in between them. I can't wait to read the next installment in the series to see just what is in store for this couple since no matter what, they truly are condors. *ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books

Brie’s Submission books 4-6

Can NOT get enough of this series!! Just finished this part of the series and there were oh so many feels in this part! Thane and Brie are simply magical together! And Brie?, well she’s just the best character I know! It’s hard not to love her. The “family” of friends they have really has a special bond and when one of them is hurting it effects Brie deeply. It’s interesting and gripping to see how she navigates her life as a submissive. I’m 6 books in and so far love everything about this series, especially how the author is developing the secondary characters in this series! Of course there are plenty of sexy times throughout these books, but ultimately it’s the developing relationship between Brie & Sir that makes this series so amazing! I really loved it, now onto books 7-9! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Brie's Submission (4-6)

Try Me, Protect Me, and Hold Me, in this boxed set,Brie will continue to develop as a submissive. In the first book, she will learn her boundaries as Thane's submissive. In the second book, she will grow as a film producer and need Thane to protect her from others, including her parents. And in the last book, will learn to give of herself to help others in emotional pain. The author continues to bring the reader through the emotions that submission creates. This is the best series I've ever read on submission./domination.

What A Rollercoaster

How do you find the emotions ... another great read, I cried, laugh and felt confused when Brie was struggling...To feel the connection Brie and Tono have even when they aren't together, and to have that connection as friends is wonderful. She truly has a natural submission to her and her willingness to make her Master happy, she (like many) thrives on the praise of her Master and when she feels she has let him or any Master down it eats at her - boy do I understand those feelings. Thanks Red Phoenix, can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Brie's Serving Tantalizes

While keeping true to her form the author alludes you deeper into the community of bdsm providing insight to some of Brie's comrades. It was a delight to read this box set, and fully recommend everyone buy the entire series. From the success of Brie achieving a career goal dream, it leads to more encapturing moments as life-changing events unfold between her, Sir, and more. I am already on the next set, wondering what will present itself next! While there is lots of roles she plays taking ones breath away I couldn't wait to read the next page. It covers a range of emotions, and is truly a masterpiece!

Brie's Submission (4-6) ( The Brie Collection book 2)

This series have read to date is just wonderful, sexy, sensual and educating. I was not aware all that involved with the D/s life style. If I were younger and was educated like these students it would certainly have caught my attention completely. I don't know though, I might have been too resistant from being strong to survive my abusive childhood. I sure do enjoy it reading about these experiences you are living yourself happily I would think. Good for you for sharing with the rest of us who before these books knew the wonder of it all, especially with the teachings or training of proper behavior and great sex.

Hot steamy perfection

I'm getting to repeat myself here, so I'll only say, read my other reviews of the rest of the books in this series. The lifestyle is portrayed accurately, Brie and Sir are hot and sexy and so are the other Doms in the book. Red Phoenix can write, that's for sure. The plot moves, the steam rises, and frankly, this is one of the best series I've ever read in this genre. It has kept me reading where other's have bored me silly after Book 4 or 5. Here I am reading her last book (number 15 I think) and panting for more. Kudos Red. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Couldnt put them down

Good series of books to read each book is getting better by the minute of reading keep up the good work

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