Brian's First Day of Submissive Training (Brie's Submission)

Kindle Edition
30 Mar
A fun little treat adapted from my first novelette
Brie’s First Day of Submissive Training

When I wrote this, I thought, “What would have happened if Brie had been born a man instead of a woman, and she/he met Sir at the tobacco shop?”
This is what resulted.

Two men who are normally attracted to females find themselves curiously drawn to each other…
Enjoy an alternate universe where Brian and Sir explore their hidden desires.

I found it to be a surprisingly sexy read as I penned it,
I hope you will too. ~Red

Brian’s First Day of Submissive Training:
Everything changes the day Sir comes in to Brian’s tiny tobacco shop. This steamy novelette follows a young man as he is introduced to the erotic world of submission and his own true desires.

Brian Bennington studied to be a serious filmmaker, but finds himself working retail just to make ends meet. In walks Sir, a charismatic individual who leaves a business card. Brian becomes curious about The Submissive Training Center, but fights the urge to join. Irresistibly drawn to the mysterious world and to Sir, he enrolls in the six-week course. One thing is certain, Brian is about to learn more about himself in one day than the previous twenty-two years...

Adult Material (18+) Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content including M/M.

Reviews (62)

Phew what a sensual journey

I normally don't read MM books, but I enjoy Red Phoenix other books. I have read Bree and Sir story and enjoyed them immensely. I started reading her book before I join Goodreads or Amazon. The complexity and development invested in her characters are amazing. They truly come to life. In her short story of Brian, Red Phoenix once again takes you on a sensual journey through Brian. Male or female you feel his apprehension and then his decision to let go. It leaves you wondering and wanting more.


I was expecting a different story. It was just changed a bit for a man but was pretty much the same. Then some of it wasnt changed enough so it didnt match up and was confusing. Though I would love to go thru the book in the eyes of a man or even the dom training


An interesting take on the introduction of a submissive training good to see what the other side of the coin would look like oh no pretty interesting novella


It was the same as the first Brie book except that it was written for a man. From the entry video to the name's of the Doms at the Center, the only difference is that the Submissive is Brian not Brie. Cute but I wouldn't read the entire Series that way.

Good but lacking

It was not the same it should of covered the 6 weeks. It would of been much better. Glad he is finding himself.

I like it

I like the book

Fun and funny!

I have read bries submission, and I loved reading this from a man's point of view! It was a fun little tease of what it could have been if brie was a man. I love the way the author can write such scenes from every point of view!

Brian’s first day

I didn’t care for Sir and a male submissive

Brian's First Day of Submissive Training

I loved this short read (novella) It was basically the same book as Brie's First Day of Submissive Training but, instead of it being a woman in training it was a man's (Brian's) First Day. This has M/M sex & BDSM in it so if you don't like it this is not the book for you.

A good twist to Brie"s Submission

It was fun and just as exciting to read from a male submissive perspective. Would like to read more .

Phew what a sensual journey

I normally don't read MM books, but I enjoy Red Phoenix other books. I have read Bree and Sir story and enjoyed them immensely. I started reading her book before I join Goodreads or Amazon. The complexity and development invested in her characters are amazing. They truly come to life. In her short story of Brian, Red Phoenix once again takes you on a sensual journey through Brian. Male or female you feel his apprehension and then his decision to let go. It leaves you wondering and wanting more.


I was expecting a different story. It was just changed a bit for a man but was pretty much the same. Then some of it wasnt changed enough so it didnt match up and was confusing. Though I would love to go thru the book in the eyes of a man or even the dom training


An interesting take on the introduction of a submissive training good to see what the other side of the coin would look like oh no pretty interesting novella


It was the same as the first Brie book except that it was written for a man. From the entry video to the name's of the Doms at the Center, the only difference is that the Submissive is Brian not Brie. Cute but I wouldn't read the entire Series that way.

Good but lacking

It was not the same it should of covered the 6 weeks. It would of been much better. Glad he is finding himself.

I like it

I like the book

Fun and funny!

I have read bries submission, and I loved reading this from a man's point of view! It was a fun little tease of what it could have been if brie was a man. I love the way the author can write such scenes from every point of view!

Brian’s first day

I didn’t care for Sir and a male submissive

Brian's First Day of Submissive Training

I loved this short read (novella) It was basically the same book as Brie's First Day of Submissive Training but, instead of it being a woman in training it was a man's (Brian's) First Day. This has M/M sex & BDSM in it so if you don't like it this is not the book for you.

A good twist to Brie"s Submission

It was fun and just as exciting to read from a male submissive perspective. Would like to read more .

Great twist on Red Phoenix's Submissive Training center story

Another home run by Red Phoenix ... a great twist on her amazing Submissive Training center story ... what if Brie was a boy, aka Brian. I wasn't sure if I would like this spin but it worked, it really worked and brought me right back into the training center world.

Curiously Delicious

Brian... Brian... Brian... want can I say about sweet Brian... Let me say Red Phoenix has done it yet again... she has taken a topic or subject that I wasn't particularly fond of and made it actually enjoyable. This sweet twist on the ever popular Brie Learns The Art of Submission, the first segment, Brie's First day of Submissive Training, except in the alternate universe with Brian ... Those that love M/M will love Brian and want more of this adventure... those not sure will likely find enjoyment in a comedic form...This is a great adaptation kept classy and even sweet... This story from a male point of view is quite curiously delicious, dare I even say HOT!


Read the original with Brie. Only problem is the 1st scene at the school winds up contradicting the rest of the story about Brian not having anal sex until later. When the author rewrote the scene she didn't take the time to rewrite it properly to take that in to account.

Brian's First Day of Submissive Training

I want to read the rest of the story. I loved the story coming from a different perspective. I read the female sub Brie books. Brian is fascinating in another way. SHANE

Great book

Great book. Would love to read more about brain in the school and what happens. Love the books you write

Loved it

This was the first book I've read by this author. It was very erotic and I enjoyed reading it very much. The ONLY problem... when the heck will the second book be out?????


Well, this was a hot one! Apparently a 're-write' of a story with m/f leads, this is m/m that is super steamy.

Hot, sexy, seductive, and a wonderful short story

OH, Red you did it again. I read the description of this book, knew that it would be the male version of Brie, to refer to it simply and decided that, despite the fact that M/M play is not usually a turn on for me, I'd read it anyway. I'm so very glad I decided that I needed to see what this novella was about. It is a short read, and very very hot and steamy. If you've read the first Brie book, this is basically the same thing, but with Brian in place of Brie. I would imagine that some people rated it low on their reviews because they just can't see Sir being attracted to a man, but in my experience, you don't ever truly know yourself and your wants until you've faced them. I truly did love this and was wishing it were longer and covered more than the first night of the Submission Training School. Kudos to Red Phoenix for once again writing a book that is at the same time seductive and limit-pushing.

loved it!

This book rocked my world. Silly, I know, but I absolutely loved reading *Brie* as *Brian*. But now I want book 2! You hooked me, Red Phoenix, and now I need more :)


I love that no matter what story Red Phoenix is telling she continues to take her readers on a wild ride! This was a fun April 1 joke and I enjoyed its playful manner!

Love this parody

Love Red's parody on the original... would love it better if it included the second day as well..

Kinda disappointing

I expected Brian to have his own story. Not just change Brie's name and pronouns.

I enjoyed this

I found this version of the story much more exciting. Much more refreshing that with Bri. You always hear about Doms and there female subs but not alot about Domme's and Male subs or Doms and their Male subs.

Too short

I have read all of the Bree books,this one just sealed too short. It also was the same story with only a few changes from female to male. While I enjoy the story, I though it could be expanded on.


At first I was not sure how I felt about this book. I mean come on this is Brie's story. But now I know that I want more. This book is Hot. Please keep it coming.

Surprisingly Hot

Did not think I would like M/M but it was kind of hot! I loved that Brian was open to trying something new and really wanted more of the story by the time it ended! Way to go Red!

Interesting Twist!

Imagine my surprise when Red posted on Facebook on April Fools Day no less, that readers of her Brie series would be in for a treat! The Art of Submission told from the POV of a male submissive. Love, love, loveeeee! Red, I can only hope that you continue with the tale because I am honestly DYING to see how Brian and Sir's relationship progresses. I absolutely love reading M/M stories and this one has me on the edge of my seat. Great storytelling as usual. Wishing, hoping, and praying that you don't leave us hanging! Well done.

Wanted to like it,.. but no

Seemed to be just a reiteration of the Brie series with the name changed. Had potential, but fell flat.

2.5 stars

More like 2.5 stars. I love Red Phoenix and her books, but this was the exact same story as Brie's First Day of Submissive Training. She changed Brie to Brian, her to him, and she to he. Otherwise it was the exact same thing word for word. Parts of the story line contradicted other parts because they weren't changed. It was also a semi-boring read because I had just read Brie a couple of weeks ago, and it was the same thing. That being said, I still love Red Phoenix's writing, and will continue to read her books.

Man can be subs too

I laughed reading this one, it was fun also. There are submissive man out there and most are not even gay.

Three Stars

Enjoy everything Red Phoenix writes. Wish this story was longer.


WOW is all I can say. Red has out done herself. This is by far the best male as s submissive in training ever. I feel as if I am in the class room right next to sub.

sexy and hot!

It was one of the best re-written Brie as Brian story's yet I really hope that Lady Red makes more similar I can't wait or the next book!!!! I love how m/m it was

Fun read!

If Brie were Brian was such a neat idea! I loved it. Brian learned so much just in the first day alone! It goes to show you that our preconceived notions can really stunt our personal growth. Red showed us that it really is about the connection not the gender of the partner. This is a great start! I think Red should explore a m/m novel with the new training center!


Best April Fools ever!! Thank you Red Phoenix for this great April fools day novella. I am a huge huge fan of Brie and a fan of mm so this novella is like the greatest surprise of the year! Only thing wrong is now I want more! What I wouldn't give for more of Brian and Sir. I want the whole story now, lol. Again thank you Red this novella was the best. So HOT!

Superb Twist

I loved the twist have Brian instead of Brie very intriguing to see where it would take the journey of Sir and Brian

The man that is still a man

You may go your hole life and not notice the way you are until you run into the right person that can show you what life and love is about. The way your body will prevail the true you with the right person and the way to be loved Great book if you haven read it try it. And if you are a man this might be the right book for you if you are into this kind of read.

Love me some Brian!

This is the first time I have ever read about submission from a man's Pov. It was incredibly hot!! I would love to read the rest of Brian's training and what he thinks and how he feels in all areas of being a submissive. Rock On.....

Makes sense

It's what brie would do if she was a man. I can't wait for the second book in the series

Character Twist

I fell in love with the original and am intrigued with this twist. Enjoyed this version as well, hoping that Mistress Red will bestow upon us the rest of the story with the character twist. Great Read!!!

Ummmm Yes Please!

I loved Brie, but OMG BRIAN!!!! IF Red EVER elaborated on this story I think I'd just about DIE... I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this story! I just wished it was longer!!!

Hot story...

A very sexy, hot story. Different as it was a male but interesting. I can't ever seen myself let someone take control over me, but I do understand what can do to those who like it, as my husband like to be more submissive. Hot...Love it!


Not bad. I think all the characters should have gone through a change. All male characters should be female and vice versa. I think that would have made it more interesting.


I've read all the Brie books. This was good from a male subs point of view but why did you stop there!!!! ???? I wanted more lol. Thanks Red for such great books.

Brian's first Day

Didn't care for it as much as I loved it with Bree. Don't get me wrong I have read books with same sex partners. I and I enjoyed them. But after reading it with Bree in it because I read the hole series so it didn't do anything for me. Sorry!!

Does the gender switch work ??

Yes it does ! I enjoyed the first version of this tale when it was Brie beginning her journey to discover if she was a submissive. Changing the sex of the student did not diminish the story. Good writing and true insight into human nature wins out. Brava Red Phoenix.


Brian finding his true self as he goes through the Submission program is inspiring to those that aren't aware of their true selves. Those that have read the Brie series will not undoubtedly be disappointed.

Not the kind of Red Phoenix I am used to! Too bad.

UGH! - I own every one of your books and this one is by far the worst in the bundle. sorry - very disappointed, but should have seen the exact similarities coming from the same pic of Sir on the cover. bummer

I want more!

Oh man this was a fun read! I have read all of the Brie series and loved them. This book was just great. I would love to read a series full of Brian with Sir. You are an amazing writer!

Wish She had a whole series with Brian

I love the Brie books! I was tickled to find this little nugget and enjoyed it more than I thought even though it is kind of the same story. I hope Red decides to write more MM in the future. I would love to see a MM D/s book series from her. I think she would do it justice. Fun read!


After reAding in a m/f perspective first it was refreshing to read in a m/m perspective a different feeling all together.

loved it

I loved it, it was well adapted from the original. When is the next one coming out? I can't wait !!!

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