Brick's Fight (Infernal Sons MC Book 5)

Kindle Edition
30 Nov
Carol Dawn
I've been kidnapped. I don't know how long I have been held here, but I do know that it's a very long time.
I dream about being rescued by the large man I saw working at my father's gym, but he doesn't even know I exist. So, I scream, and I wait, and I scream, and I wait.
Time goes on, My voice vanishes, the darkness gets deeper, my hope dies, and I sleep.

I've only ever seen her in pictures. But I've known since first glance that she was mine. However, she's missing. I've searched for her for months. Every corner I turn only leads me to more questions.
But I won't give up. No matter how long it takes, she will be found. And, I'll make her captors pay.

***There is a sexual assault scene in this book. If that is something that might trigger you, please skip this one.***

Intended for readers 18 and older. This book is highly radioactive due to the amount of “F-Bombs” these guys drop. Inside you will find violence, abuse, and an adult situation or two. So, slip on that hazmat suit and proceed with caution.
This book is packed full of alpha male deliciousness, insta-something and enough over-sweetened romance that cavities are a real possibility. Keep your dentist on speed dial.

Reviews (149)

An Emotional, Heart Tugging, Suspense Filled Improvement...

“Brick’s Fight” by Carol Dawn is the fifth installment in her Infernal Sons MC series. It is the story of Jessa and Brick, Jessa being the daughter of a fight club gym owner, a business she also does the books for. Her beloved father is also a coach and mentor to Brick, the giant biker she secretly longs for and sneaks peaks at during his cage matches at their gym. A man she is hoping to get to know better, that is until she is drugged and stolen from her bed in the middle of the night. And of course the biker himself, Brick, the enormous mountain of a man shrouded somewhat in mystery as all throughout Trigger’s story (book four of the series), he was involved in activities he was keeping secret from his MC brothers. Events that he gets thrust into when “Coach” comes to him desperate for help after Jessa vanishes without a trace, an event so shrouded in mystery he feels he has no choice but to keep his brothers in the dark in order to keep them safe. A decision that results in him being in a near constant quiet and foul mood, a temperament that further flames the already deep suspicion held by his brothers within the Infernal Sons, resulting in an explosive dynamic when the truth is finally divulged. A truth that once revealed leaves the club facing another life altering predicament in order to help Brick find Jessa. What follows is a fast-paced story of kidnapping, murder, survival, and a plot twist so intriguing you will do a double-take when you finally get to it. And I have to say, after the disappointment I felt when reading books three and four of this series, I was greatly relieved and thrilled to see the huge improvement in quality and plot! Here we finally have a return by Dawn to the more grounded and heartfelt writing that appeared in her first two books. We are rewarded with a renewed focus on a more realistic, emotionally intelligent tale of inner strength, unwavering perseverance, and keeping the family you choose safe no matter the cost, and away from the tacky trite plot traps and overused “Daddy” stories. Is it anywhere near the caliber of Bear and Rose’s tale in book one or Bella and Chain’s in book two? No, sadly it is not. A fact that frustrates me greatly as a reader because Brick and Jessa’s love story could have easily been epic with just a tiny bit more detail placed in between the delicious suspense. However, the actual romantic coming together of Brick and Jessa is cut short, and Dawn’s writing overall remains somewhat stunted in places, with scenes and circumstances that still tend to shift without a clear sense of why. This choppiness again leads to some aspects of Brick and Jessa’s story remaining murky, with some events and decisions happening seemingly out of nowhere, while other plot points are left without full resolutions, especially where Jessa’s overall strength of character is concerned! However despite the continued choppy nature of it all, this one was far more genuine and emotionally cohesive; an immense improvement over the two books before it. This story gets you far more invested in the characters, bringing back the alpha rich “aww” factor that has been missing for a few beats. It is also thankfully, not filled with as many under researched and cheesy stereotypes as Hawk’s and Trigger’s books were (something that almost put me off this series entirely). And, overall, is a vast improvement technically, with the writing within far neater and cleaner, containing less typos and word omission errors. Here’s hoping Dawn continues this progress upswing in Ink’s story and brings things back full circle to all the reasons I fell in love with this series in the first place!

Brick and Jessa!

The Infernal Sons MC is one of the sweetest MC series around. The guys are all super protective, like alpha wolves are like in nature; protective and all about family. They aren't afraid to show emotion, to show love and affection to their women and to each other. Brick is one of my favorites, I just love a big guy especially when they fall for a petite woman. He is just a big sweetie and his woman, Jessa is just as sweet. Stolen from her home, her father, Brick's fighting coach asks him to help find her. Even though they aren't together when she vanishes, he is relentless in his search for her. Six months go by and Jessa is finally found. But she has been through a lot. Determined to find out who did this and why becomes the main focus of the entire club while Brick helps Jessa recover. It becomes very clear that whoever took her doesn't want to be found. Jessa's journey back to herself isn't easy but Brick is there for her. Even though this is very a very insta-love story, they still get to know each other, a detail that I love. I couldn't put it down, not till the very end and now I can't wait for the next book. I hope we get a book about Wolf, he is too wonderful to not get his own happy ending! 5 stars for Brick and Jessa!

Brick’s forever

Loved this book. I started ready at 2am and I just finished. At 342am. I could not put it down. Everyone had been worried about Brick because he hadn’t been around the club much or his family. But when he needed that they were going there. He was in love with Jessa’s picture when his coach asked for his help. Once they found Jessa he knows she was it for him. Jessa had a crush on Brick when she had seen him at her dads gym. Jessa had a lot to recovery from. Brick was always there by her side. There are twists and turns. I loved getting to catch up with the brothers. I highly recommend this book.

The Perfect Addition to the Infernal Sons Series

This is the fifth book in the Infernal Sons MC Series. This was Brick and Jessa's story. Jessa's dad owns a gym and runs cage fighting events and that is how Brick catches Jessa's eye. Brick is then asked to help locate Jessa after she is kidnapped. This story is fast moving and has just the right amount of mystery, action, suspense and romance. It was a very enjoyable read and I hope this series never ends.

Brick's Fight

Another Amazing book in this series, Brick found his forever. Jessa noticed Brick by chance but she was gone over him fast, things happens where she had to get rescued but she hold on to the thought of Brick coming to her rescue. Their story is sad, but happy at the same time, love a happy ending story.


Another winner in this series of books. Great characters along with a good plot. Lots of twists and turns plus action and emotional ups and downs. Love the series and I am looking forward to the next book about Ink. Also hoping that there will be a book on Wolf too. Keep them coming!


Carl's Infernal Sons series is amazing. Brick was a perfect balance between rough and gentle. Jessa was such a strong woman. Brick was so gentle yet so fierce. Their love was none deep. Carol knocked this out of the ball park.

Once Again Carol Nailed It

This was a wonderful story Carol you did it again and I loved every second of it. If you like MC books this is a great series to go with. I will say if you have triggers on some situations then this might not be a book for you however it is done in a way that even if you do have triggers I do not feel that they would trigger you. Once again great read thank you for the stories Carol.

Loved it!!

I seriously loved this story. Many laughs, many, MANY cries. Brick is amazing. And Jessa, just wow. She is so strong. I absolutely adored her. I cant wait for the next book!!

Get the tissues

I loved this booked..the emotional pain Jesus went through. I smiled, laughed and cried. I have both my parents still but I could still fill the pain of her losing her dad. Can't wait for the next book!

An Emotional, Heart Tugging, Suspense Filled Improvement...

“Brick’s Fight” by Carol Dawn is the fifth installment in her Infernal Sons MC series. It is the story of Jessa and Brick, Jessa being the daughter of a fight club gym owner, a business she also does the books for. Her beloved father is also a coach and mentor to Brick, the giant biker she secretly longs for and sneaks peaks at during his cage matches at their gym. A man she is hoping to get to know better, that is until she is drugged and stolen from her bed in the middle of the night. And of course the biker himself, Brick, the enormous mountain of a man shrouded somewhat in mystery as all throughout Trigger’s story (book four of the series), he was involved in activities he was keeping secret from his MC brothers. Events that he gets thrust into when “Coach” comes to him desperate for help after Jessa vanishes without a trace, an event so shrouded in mystery he feels he has no choice but to keep his brothers in the dark in order to keep them safe. A decision that results in him being in a near constant quiet and foul mood, a temperament that further flames the already deep suspicion held by his brothers within the Infernal Sons, resulting in an explosive dynamic when the truth is finally divulged. A truth that once revealed leaves the club facing another life altering predicament in order to help Brick find Jessa. What follows is a fast-paced story of kidnapping, murder, survival, and a plot twist so intriguing you will do a double-take when you finally get to it. And I have to say, after the disappointment I felt when reading books three and four of this series, I was greatly relieved and thrilled to see the huge improvement in quality and plot! Here we finally have a return by Dawn to the more grounded and heartfelt writing that appeared in her first two books. We are rewarded with a renewed focus on a more realistic, emotionally intelligent tale of inner strength, unwavering perseverance, and keeping the family you choose safe no matter the cost, and away from the tacky trite plot traps and overused “Daddy” stories. Is it anywhere near the caliber of Bear and Rose’s tale in book one or Bella and Chain’s in book two? No, sadly it is not. A fact that frustrates me greatly as a reader because Brick and Jessa’s love story could have easily been epic with just a tiny bit more detail placed in between the delicious suspense. However, the actual romantic coming together of Brick and Jessa is cut short, and Dawn’s writing overall remains somewhat stunted in places, with scenes and circumstances that still tend to shift without a clear sense of why. This choppiness again leads to some aspects of Brick and Jessa’s story remaining murky, with some events and decisions happening seemingly out of nowhere, while other plot points are left without full resolutions, especially where Jessa’s overall strength of character is concerned! However despite the continued choppy nature of it all, this one was far more genuine and emotionally cohesive; an immense improvement over the two books before it. This story gets you far more invested in the characters, bringing back the alpha rich “aww” factor that has been missing for a few beats. It is also thankfully, not filled with as many under researched and cheesy stereotypes as Hawk’s and Trigger’s books were (something that almost put me off this series entirely). And, overall, is a vast improvement technically, with the writing within far neater and cleaner, containing less typos and word omission errors. Here’s hoping Dawn continues this progress upswing in Ink’s story and brings things back full circle to all the reasons I fell in love with this series in the first place!

Brick and Jessa!

The Infernal Sons MC is one of the sweetest MC series around. The guys are all super protective, like alpha wolves are like in nature; protective and all about family. They aren't afraid to show emotion, to show love and affection to their women and to each other. Brick is one of my favorites, I just love a big guy especially when they fall for a petite woman. He is just a big sweetie and his woman, Jessa is just as sweet. Stolen from her home, her father, Brick's fighting coach asks him to help find her. Even though they aren't together when she vanishes, he is relentless in his search for her. Six months go by and Jessa is finally found. But she has been through a lot. Determined to find out who did this and why becomes the main focus of the entire club while Brick helps Jessa recover. It becomes very clear that whoever took her doesn't want to be found. Jessa's journey back to herself isn't easy but Brick is there for her. Even though this is very a very insta-love story, they still get to know each other, a detail that I love. I couldn't put it down, not till the very end and now I can't wait for the next book. I hope we get a book about Wolf, he is too wonderful to not get his own happy ending! 5 stars for Brick and Jessa!

Brick’s forever

Loved this book. I started ready at 2am and I just finished. At 342am. I could not put it down. Everyone had been worried about Brick because he hadn’t been around the club much or his family. But when he needed that they were going there. He was in love with Jessa’s picture when his coach asked for his help. Once they found Jessa he knows she was it for him. Jessa had a crush on Brick when she had seen him at her dads gym. Jessa had a lot to recovery from. Brick was always there by her side. There are twists and turns. I loved getting to catch up with the brothers. I highly recommend this book.

The Perfect Addition to the Infernal Sons Series

This is the fifth book in the Infernal Sons MC Series. This was Brick and Jessa's story. Jessa's dad owns a gym and runs cage fighting events and that is how Brick catches Jessa's eye. Brick is then asked to help locate Jessa after she is kidnapped. This story is fast moving and has just the right amount of mystery, action, suspense and romance. It was a very enjoyable read and I hope this series never ends.

Brick's Fight

Another Amazing book in this series, Brick found his forever. Jessa noticed Brick by chance but she was gone over him fast, things happens where she had to get rescued but she hold on to the thought of Brick coming to her rescue. Their story is sad, but happy at the same time, love a happy ending story.


Another winner in this series of books. Great characters along with a good plot. Lots of twists and turns plus action and emotional ups and downs. Love the series and I am looking forward to the next book about Ink. Also hoping that there will be a book on Wolf too. Keep them coming!


Carl's Infernal Sons series is amazing. Brick was a perfect balance between rough and gentle. Jessa was such a strong woman. Brick was so gentle yet so fierce. Their love was none deep. Carol knocked this out of the ball park.

Once Again Carol Nailed It

This was a wonderful story Carol you did it again and I loved every second of it. If you like MC books this is a great series to go with. I will say if you have triggers on some situations then this might not be a book for you however it is done in a way that even if you do have triggers I do not feel that they would trigger you. Once again great read thank you for the stories Carol.

Loved it!!

I seriously loved this story. Many laughs, many, MANY cries. Brick is amazing. And Jessa, just wow. She is so strong. I absolutely adored her. I cant wait for the next book!!

Get the tissues

I loved this booked..the emotional pain Jesus went through. I smiled, laughed and cried. I have both my parents still but I could still fill the pain of her losing her dad. Can't wait for the next book!

An Emotional, Heart Tugging, Suspense Filled Improvement...

“Brick’s Fight” by Carol Dawn is the fifth installment in her Infernal Sons MC series. It is the story of Jessa and Brick, Jessa being the daughter of a fight club gym owner, a business she also does the books for. Her beloved father is also a coach and mentor to Brick, the giant biker she secretly longs for and sneaks peaks at during his cage matches at their gym. A man she is hoping to get to know better, that is until she is drugged and stolen from her bed in the middle of the night. And of course the biker himself, Brick, the enormous mountain of a man shrouded somewhat in mystery as all throughout Trigger’s story (book four of the series), he was involved in activities he was keeping secret from his MC brothers. Events that he gets thrust into when “Coach” comes to him desperate for help after Jessa vanishes without a trace, an event so shrouded in mystery he feels he has no choice but to keep his brothers in the dark in order to keep them safe. A decision that results in him being in a near constant quiet and foul mood, a temperament that further flames the already deep suspicion held by his brothers within the Infernal Sons, resulting in an explosive dynamic when the truth is finally divulged. A truth that once revealed leaves the club facing another life altering predicament in order to help Brick find Jessa. What follows is a fast-paced story of kidnapping, murder, survival, and a plot twist so intriguing you will do a double-take when you finally get to it. And I have to say, after the disappointment I felt when reading books three and four of this series, I was greatly relieved and thrilled to see the huge improvement in quality and plot! Here we finally have a return by Dawn to the more grounded and heartfelt writing that appeared in her first two books. We are rewarded with a renewed focus on a more realistic, emotionally intelligent tale of inner strength, unwavering perseverance, and keeping the family you choose safe no matter the cost, and away from the tacky trite plot traps and overused “Daddy” stories. Is it anywhere near the caliber of Bear and Rose’s tale in book one or Bella and Chain’s in book two? No, sadly it is not. A fact that frustrates me greatly as a reader because Brick and Jessa’s love story could have easily been epic with just a tiny bit more detail placed in between the delicious suspense. However, the actual romantic coming together of Brick and Jessa is cut short, and Dawn’s writing overall remains somewhat stunted in places, with scenes and circumstances that still tend to shift without a clear sense of why. This choppiness again leads to some aspects of Brick and Jessa’s story remaining murky, with some events and decisions happening seemingly out of nowhere, while other plot points are left without full resolutions, especially where Jessa’s overall strength of character is concerned! However despite the continued choppy nature of it all, this one was far more genuine and emotionally cohesive; an immense improvement over the two books before it. This story gets you far more invested in the characters, bringing back the alpha rich “aww” factor that has been missing for a few beats. It is also thankfully, not filled with as many under researched and cheesy stereotypes as Hawk’s and Trigger’s books were (something that almost put me off this series entirely). And, overall, is a vast improvement technically, with the writing within far neater and cleaner, containing less typos and word omission errors. Here’s hoping Dawn continues this progress upswing in Ink’s story and brings things back full circle to all the reasons I fell in love with this series in the first place!

Brick and Jessa!

The Infernal Sons MC is one of the sweetest MC series around. The guys are all super protective, like alpha wolves are like in nature; protective and all about family. They aren't afraid to show emotion, to show love and affection to their women and to each other. Brick is one of my favorites, I just love a big guy especially when they fall for a petite woman. He is just a big sweetie and his woman, Jessa is just as sweet. Stolen from her home, her father, Brick's fighting coach asks him to help find her. Even though they aren't together when she vanishes, he is relentless in his search for her. Six months go by and Jessa is finally found. But she has been through a lot. Determined to find out who did this and why becomes the main focus of the entire club while Brick helps Jessa recover. It becomes very clear that whoever took her doesn't want to be found. Jessa's journey back to herself isn't easy but Brick is there for her. Even though this is very a very insta-love story, they still get to know each other, a detail that I love. I couldn't put it down, not till the very end and now I can't wait for the next book. I hope we get a book about Wolf, he is too wonderful to not get his own happy ending! 5 stars for Brick and Jessa!

Brick’s forever

Loved this book. I started ready at 2am and I just finished. At 342am. I could not put it down. Everyone had been worried about Brick because he hadn’t been around the club much or his family. But when he needed that they were going there. He was in love with Jessa’s picture when his coach asked for his help. Once they found Jessa he knows she was it for him. Jessa had a crush on Brick when she had seen him at her dads gym. Jessa had a lot to recovery from. Brick was always there by her side. There are twists and turns. I loved getting to catch up with the brothers. I highly recommend this book.

The Perfect Addition to the Infernal Sons Series

This is the fifth book in the Infernal Sons MC Series. This was Brick and Jessa's story. Jessa's dad owns a gym and runs cage fighting events and that is how Brick catches Jessa's eye. Brick is then asked to help locate Jessa after she is kidnapped. This story is fast moving and has just the right amount of mystery, action, suspense and romance. It was a very enjoyable read and I hope this series never ends.

Brick's Fight

Another Amazing book in this series, Brick found his forever. Jessa noticed Brick by chance but she was gone over him fast, things happens where she had to get rescued but she hold on to the thought of Brick coming to her rescue. Their story is sad, but happy at the same time, love a happy ending story.


Another winner in this series of books. Great characters along with a good plot. Lots of twists and turns plus action and emotional ups and downs. Love the series and I am looking forward to the next book about Ink. Also hoping that there will be a book on Wolf too. Keep them coming!


Carl's Infernal Sons series is amazing. Brick was a perfect balance between rough and gentle. Jessa was such a strong woman. Brick was so gentle yet so fierce. Their love was none deep. Carol knocked this out of the ball park.

Once Again Carol Nailed It

This was a wonderful story Carol you did it again and I loved every second of it. If you like MC books this is a great series to go with. I will say if you have triggers on some situations then this might not be a book for you however it is done in a way that even if you do have triggers I do not feel that they would trigger you. Once again great read thank you for the stories Carol.

Loved it!!

I seriously loved this story. Many laughs, many, MANY cries. Brick is amazing. And Jessa, just wow. She is so strong. I absolutely adored her. I cant wait for the next book!!

Get the tissues

I loved this booked..the emotional pain Jesus went through. I smiled, laughed and cried. I have both my parents still but I could still fill the pain of her losing her dad. Can't wait for the next book!

An Emotional, Heart Tugging, Suspense Filled Improvement...

“Brick’s Fight” by Carol Dawn is the fifth installment in her Infernal Sons MC series. It is the story of Jessa and Brick, Jessa being the daughter of a fight club gym owner, a business she also does the books for. Her beloved father is also a coach and mentor to Brick, the giant biker she secretly longs for and sneaks peaks at during his cage matches at their gym. A man she is hoping to get to know better, that is until she is drugged and stolen from her bed in the middle of the night. And of course the biker himself, Brick, the enormous mountain of a man shrouded somewhat in mystery as all throughout Trigger’s story (book four of the series), he was involved in activities he was keeping secret from his MC brothers. Events that he gets thrust into when “Coach” comes to him desperate for help after Jessa vanishes without a trace, an event so shrouded in mystery he feels he has no choice but to keep his brothers in the dark in order to keep them safe. A decision that results in him being in a near constant quiet and foul mood, a temperament that further flames the already deep suspicion held by his brothers within the Infernal Sons, resulting in an explosive dynamic when the truth is finally divulged. A truth that once revealed leaves the club facing another life altering predicament in order to help Brick find Jessa. What follows is a fast-paced story of kidnapping, murder, survival, and a plot twist so intriguing you will do a double-take when you finally get to it. And I have to say, after the disappointment I felt when reading books three and four of this series, I was greatly relieved and thrilled to see the huge improvement in quality and plot! Here we finally have a return by Dawn to the more grounded and heartfelt writing that appeared in her first two books. We are rewarded with a renewed focus on a more realistic, emotionally intelligent tale of inner strength, unwavering perseverance, and keeping the family you choose safe no matter the cost, and away from the tacky trite plot traps and overused “Daddy” stories. Is it anywhere near the caliber of Bear and Rose’s tale in book one or Bella and Chain’s in book two? No, sadly it is not. A fact that frustrates me greatly as a reader because Brick and Jessa’s love story could have easily been epic with just a tiny bit more detail placed in between the delicious suspense. However, the actual romantic coming together of Brick and Jessa is cut short, and Dawn’s writing overall remains somewhat stunted in places, with scenes and circumstances that still tend to shift without a clear sense of why. This choppiness again leads to some aspects of Brick and Jessa’s story remaining murky, with some events and decisions happening seemingly out of nowhere, while other plot points are left without full resolutions, especially where Jessa’s overall strength of character is concerned! However despite the continued choppy nature of it all, this one was far more genuine and emotionally cohesive; an immense improvement over the two books before it. This story gets you far more invested in the characters, bringing back the alpha rich “aww” factor that has been missing for a few beats. It is also thankfully, not filled with as many under researched and cheesy stereotypes as Hawk’s and Trigger’s books were (something that almost put me off this series entirely). And, overall, is a vast improvement technically, with the writing within far neater and cleaner, containing less typos and word omission errors. Here’s hoping Dawn continues this progress upswing in Ink’s story and brings things back full circle to all the reasons I fell in love with this series in the first place!

Brick and Jessa!

The Infernal Sons MC is one of the sweetest MC series around. The guys are all super protective, like alpha wolves are like in nature; protective and all about family. They aren't afraid to show emotion, to show love and affection to their women and to each other. Brick is one of my favorites, I just love a big guy especially when they fall for a petite woman. He is just a big sweetie and his woman, Jessa is just as sweet. Stolen from her home, her father, Brick's fighting coach asks him to help find her. Even though they aren't together when she vanishes, he is relentless in his search for her. Six months go by and Jessa is finally found. But she has been through a lot. Determined to find out who did this and why becomes the main focus of the entire club while Brick helps Jessa recover. It becomes very clear that whoever took her doesn't want to be found. Jessa's journey back to herself isn't easy but Brick is there for her. Even though this is very a very insta-love story, they still get to know each other, a detail that I love. I couldn't put it down, not till the very end and now I can't wait for the next book. I hope we get a book about Wolf, he is too wonderful to not get his own happy ending! 5 stars for Brick and Jessa!

Brick’s forever

Loved this book. I started ready at 2am and I just finished. At 342am. I could not put it down. Everyone had been worried about Brick because he hadn’t been around the club much or his family. But when he needed that they were going there. He was in love with Jessa’s picture when his coach asked for his help. Once they found Jessa he knows she was it for him. Jessa had a crush on Brick when she had seen him at her dads gym. Jessa had a lot to recovery from. Brick was always there by her side. There are twists and turns. I loved getting to catch up with the brothers. I highly recommend this book.

The Perfect Addition to the Infernal Sons Series

This is the fifth book in the Infernal Sons MC Series. This was Brick and Jessa's story. Jessa's dad owns a gym and runs cage fighting events and that is how Brick catches Jessa's eye. Brick is then asked to help locate Jessa after she is kidnapped. This story is fast moving and has just the right amount of mystery, action, suspense and romance. It was a very enjoyable read and I hope this series never ends.

Brick's Fight

Another Amazing book in this series, Brick found his forever. Jessa noticed Brick by chance but she was gone over him fast, things happens where she had to get rescued but she hold on to the thought of Brick coming to her rescue. Their story is sad, but happy at the same time, love a happy ending story.


Another winner in this series of books. Great characters along with a good plot. Lots of twists and turns plus action and emotional ups and downs. Love the series and I am looking forward to the next book about Ink. Also hoping that there will be a book on Wolf too. Keep them coming!


Carl's Infernal Sons series is amazing. Brick was a perfect balance between rough and gentle. Jessa was such a strong woman. Brick was so gentle yet so fierce. Their love was none deep. Carol knocked this out of the ball park.

Once Again Carol Nailed It

This was a wonderful story Carol you did it again and I loved every second of it. If you like MC books this is a great series to go with. I will say if you have triggers on some situations then this might not be a book for you however it is done in a way that even if you do have triggers I do not feel that they would trigger you. Once again great read thank you for the stories Carol.

Loved it!!

I seriously loved this story. Many laughs, many, MANY cries. Brick is amazing. And Jessa, just wow. She is so strong. I absolutely adored her. I cant wait for the next book!!

Get the tissues

I loved this booked..the emotional pain Jesus went through. I smiled, laughed and cried. I have both my parents still but I could still fill the pain of her losing her dad. Can't wait for the next book!

An Emotional, Heart Tugging, Suspense Filled Improvement...

“Brick’s Fight” by Carol Dawn is the fifth installment in her Infernal Sons MC series. It is the story of Jessa and Brick, Jessa being the daughter of a fight club gym owner, a business she also does the books for. Her beloved father is also a coach and mentor to Brick, the giant biker she secretly longs for and sneaks peaks at during his cage matches at their gym. A man she is hoping to get to know better, that is until she is drugged and stolen from her bed in the middle of the night. And of course the biker himself, Brick, the enormous mountain of a man shrouded somewhat in mystery as all throughout Trigger’s story (book four of the series), he was involved in activities he was keeping secret from his MC brothers. Events that he gets thrust into when “Coach” comes to him desperate for help after Jessa vanishes without a trace, an event so shrouded in mystery he feels he has no choice but to keep his brothers in the dark in order to keep them safe. A decision that results in him being in a near constant quiet and foul mood, a temperament that further flames the already deep suspicion held by his brothers within the Infernal Sons, resulting in an explosive dynamic when the truth is finally divulged. A truth that once revealed leaves the club facing another life altering predicament in order to help Brick find Jessa. What follows is a fast-paced story of kidnapping, murder, survival, and a plot twist so intriguing you will do a double-take when you finally get to it. And I have to say, after the disappointment I felt when reading books three and four of this series, I was greatly relieved and thrilled to see the huge improvement in quality and plot! Here we finally have a return by Dawn to the more grounded and heartfelt writing that appeared in her first two books. We are rewarded with a renewed focus on a more realistic, emotionally intelligent tale of inner strength, unwavering perseverance, and keeping the family you choose safe no matter the cost, and away from the tacky trite plot traps and overused “Daddy” stories. Is it anywhere near the caliber of Bear and Rose’s tale in book one or Bella and Chain’s in book two? No, sadly it is not. A fact that frustrates me greatly as a reader because Brick and Jessa’s love story could have easily been epic with just a tiny bit more detail placed in between the delicious suspense. However, the actual romantic coming together of Brick and Jessa is cut short, and Dawn’s writing overall remains somewhat stunted in places, with scenes and circumstances that still tend to shift without a clear sense of why. This choppiness again leads to some aspects of Brick and Jessa’s story remaining murky, with some events and decisions happening seemingly out of nowhere, while other plot points are left without full resolutions, especially where Jessa’s overall strength of character is concerned! However despite the continued choppy nature of it all, this one was far more genuine and emotionally cohesive; an immense improvement over the two books before it. This story gets you far more invested in the characters, bringing back the alpha rich “aww” factor that has been missing for a few beats. It is also thankfully, not filled with as many under researched and cheesy stereotypes as Hawk’s and Trigger’s books were (something that almost put me off this series entirely). And, overall, is a vast improvement technically, with the writing within far neater and cleaner, containing less typos and word omission errors. Here’s hoping Dawn continues this progress upswing in Ink’s story and brings things back full circle to all the reasons I fell in love with this series in the first place!

Brick and Jessa!

The Infernal Sons MC is one of the sweetest MC series around. The guys are all super protective, like alpha wolves are like in nature; protective and all about family. They aren't afraid to show emotion, to show love and affection to their women and to each other. Brick is one of my favorites, I just love a big guy especially when they fall for a petite woman. He is just a big sweetie and his woman, Jessa is just as sweet. Stolen from her home, her father, Brick's fighting coach asks him to help find her. Even though they aren't together when she vanishes, he is relentless in his search for her. Six months go by and Jessa is finally found. But she has been through a lot. Determined to find out who did this and why becomes the main focus of the entire club while Brick helps Jessa recover. It becomes very clear that whoever took her doesn't want to be found. Jessa's journey back to herself isn't easy but Brick is there for her. Even though this is very a very insta-love story, they still get to know each other, a detail that I love. I couldn't put it down, not till the very end and now I can't wait for the next book. I hope we get a book about Wolf, he is too wonderful to not get his own happy ending! 5 stars for Brick and Jessa!

Brick’s forever

Loved this book. I started ready at 2am and I just finished. At 342am. I could not put it down. Everyone had been worried about Brick because he hadn’t been around the club much or his family. But when he needed that they were going there. He was in love with Jessa’s picture when his coach asked for his help. Once they found Jessa he knows she was it for him. Jessa had a crush on Brick when she had seen him at her dads gym. Jessa had a lot to recovery from. Brick was always there by her side. There are twists and turns. I loved getting to catch up with the brothers. I highly recommend this book.

The Perfect Addition to the Infernal Sons Series

This is the fifth book in the Infernal Sons MC Series. This was Brick and Jessa's story. Jessa's dad owns a gym and runs cage fighting events and that is how Brick catches Jessa's eye. Brick is then asked to help locate Jessa after she is kidnapped. This story is fast moving and has just the right amount of mystery, action, suspense and romance. It was a very enjoyable read and I hope this series never ends.

Brick's Fight

Another Amazing book in this series, Brick found his forever. Jessa noticed Brick by chance but she was gone over him fast, things happens where she had to get rescued but she hold on to the thought of Brick coming to her rescue. Their story is sad, but happy at the same time, love a happy ending story.


Another winner in this series of books. Great characters along with a good plot. Lots of twists and turns plus action and emotional ups and downs. Love the series and I am looking forward to the next book about Ink. Also hoping that there will be a book on Wolf too. Keep them coming!


Carl's Infernal Sons series is amazing. Brick was a perfect balance between rough and gentle. Jessa was such a strong woman. Brick was so gentle yet so fierce. Their love was none deep. Carol knocked this out of the ball park.

Once Again Carol Nailed It

This was a wonderful story Carol you did it again and I loved every second of it. If you like MC books this is a great series to go with. I will say if you have triggers on some situations then this might not be a book for you however it is done in a way that even if you do have triggers I do not feel that they would trigger you. Once again great read thank you for the stories Carol.

Loved it!!

I seriously loved this story. Many laughs, many, MANY cries. Brick is amazing. And Jessa, just wow. She is so strong. I absolutely adored her. I cant wait for the next book!!

Get the tissues

I loved this booked..the emotional pain Jesus went through. I smiled, laughed and cried. I have both my parents still but I could still fill the pain of her losing her dad. Can't wait for the next book!

Loved it!

Loved the book😍 Can’t wait to read more from this Author. I’ve loved all the books from her so far!

Great read

Excellent book, one of my most favorite series.

Love love love

I am I. Love with this series. I keep rereading the while series. Triggers light was my favorite until this book came out. I can't wait for the next book. But please p!ease please give Wolf a story of his own.

Brick & Jessa's Journey ~ Dark, Intense & Wonderfully Loving

Ms. Dawn's writing just continues to be better & better with each book she pens. This one especially is very well written with a plot that immediately hooks & keeps the reader enthralled, intriguing characters the reader CARES about & writing that is increasingly smooth & engrossing in each subsequent book. The only one small quibble I had was the heroine's (Jessa) decision in the book that was incredibly lacking in any logical judgement & precipitated the big climatic finale. BUT, that one quibble aside, Brick's bone deep love & adoration of his Jessa just MELTED me. And Ms. Dawn does so well with making her big scary & tough biker Alphas some of the most loving & protective Hero characters I've read. When Jessa is kidnapped from out of her bed in her father's home late one night, Brick joins in the search for the shy, quiet woman that he realizes is HIS. And when she's found after months of being imprisoned in a pitch black room, she's malnourished, unable to use her voice & cannot tolerate light. But Brick, huge, intense & loyal, stays by her bedside until the hospital releases her into his care. Brick whisks her away to a safe location where he is again glued to the beautiful woman he loves, craves & will protect with his life. Jessa is intensely in love with the huge biker who in no way frightens her but she is focused on how damaged & broken she percieves herself. This one is a beautiful journey of the power of love, loyalty, bravery; of how love is able to support & heal; the power of family & true friends who are family. The wonder of loving family members as well as trusted club brothers rising up to protect those they love & for whom they care. This one deeply warmed my heart & left me with a smile. Sweet, romantic, loving; made intense with just the right amount of a dark underthread to keep readers on delicious tenterhooks. I VERY much enjoyed this one & I think most readers will too.

Brick & Jessa’s Story

I’ve read every book in the Infernal Son’s MC series. Each book, starting from “Bear’s Forever,” has heart touching moments, but Brick and Jessa’s story will have you ugly crying. Jessa is kidnapped twice by the same sick and twisted person. Her abductor tries to break her mind but fails. After her first rescue, she fells in love with Brick, one of her father’s fighters. When Jessa is taken a second time, Brick and the rest of the Infernal Sons doesn’t stop until Jessa is home safe where she belongs. This story will tug at your heart strings. The love Brick has for Jessa is very strong. It’s going to be sad to see the end of this series, but we still have Ink’s story. We can only hope since Carol Dawn introduced Wolf, a new addition to the Infernal Son’s MC, she’ll give us his story too. If not, we can only hope Wolf will be the beginning oh a whole new series of bikers with a extraordinary abilities 😉

And another one!

And another one! Carol Dawn had done it again. I’m in love with all the Infernal Sons, and while Trigger will always have my heart, Brick is threatening his position. Brick is bigger than life, his personality jumps off the page. And I instantly fell in love with him. It’s hard not too. He’s rough and hard, but to see him with the women in his life and the club, on top of his woman, Jessa, it’s impossible not to love him. Jessa, Jessa, Jessa. She’s perfect for Brick. She pulls out all of his protectiveness, but refuses to rely on him for it. She’s strong, so much stronger than I think anyone realizes. I love her tenacity, the way she doesn’t hold back, and her growth throughout this story. From shy and uncertain to confident and just down right strong. She goes through so much, not just from her kidnapping, but other curve balls life throws at her. I laughed and cried, and screamed and stared at this book in shock at sometimes. Hands down the absolute best book Carol has written to date. Now to patiently wait for Ink or Wolfe. Patiently. (hurry up Carol)

Brick's Fight: Brick and Jessa

OMG I freaking loved this latest book in the Infernal Sons MC series!!!! Jessa is kidnapped from her home in the middle of the night. Brick is tasked by his coach, Jessa's father to help find her. When Brick lays eyes on her....he knows without a shadow of a doubt that she is meant for him. When they find her months later, Jessa is underweight, doesn't have much of a voice due to all of the yelling she did, and has sensitivity to light due to being in the dark a lot. Brick stays by her side, always the protector. Brick takes her to his family's farm (btw I am in love with Brick's mom and dad lol) to keep her safe from the threat that is still out there and to allow her time to heal. Jessa is enamored by the strong, caring biker and starts to fall in love with Brick. Brick is already there with Jessa but wants to makes sure that she is in a good place before anything else. This book is absolutely amazing....loved every minute of it. I laughed, cried, and swooned during the hot steamy times. I enjoyed it immensely and I highly recommend to all. Well done!!!


I must say Ms. Dawn knows how to captivate an audience. This story of Brick and Jessa draws you into their world and you want to go live there. The characters and storyline are so developed. Brick is an underground fighter. Jessa is the coach's daughter. She disappears and Brick tries to help Coach find her. When she turns up she is in bad shape. This begins her journey to recovery and find herself while Brick and the Sons try to find who did this. But I must say I never expected who it was. Follow Brick and Jessa on their journey through tears, humor, and romantic moments to their HEA.

Brick and Jessa

Brick has been one of my favorite men in the previous books of this series and I have been counting down to this one. It didn't disappoint. Jessa gets taken one night when she's home alone and after a month of looking for her her father reaches out to Brick to help in tracking her down. The personal growth within Jessa to regain who she was before was beautiful to witness and I'm truly not sure there was a better man for the job than Brick to help build her back up and give her that confidence in herself. The subject matter is a little grittier than the other books (not dark so if you're a dark romance lover don't go in to it expecting that) have been but it was handled well and nothing too crazy for those that aren't in to that sort of thing. The ending-- definitely didn't see that little (or big) twist! You'll know when you read it. But that was amazing and jaw dropping when things start to align!

An epic tale

Where to begin with Brick and Jessa’s story. He is a big teddy bear and she is his broken angel. Watching them fight her demons and trying to come out the other side is an epic tale. I absolutely fell in love with this couple. Each time you read a book in this story you think oh this is my favorite couple and then you find a new one. This is an emotional hard read but it is so worth it. This author never fails me. Tremendous

An Emotional, Heart Tugging, Suspense Filled Improvement...

“Brick’s Fight” by Carol Dawn is the fifth installment in her Infernal Sons MC series. It is the story of Jessa and Brick, Jessa being the daughter of a fight club gym owner, a business she also does the books for. Her beloved father is also a coach and mentor to Brick, the giant biker she secretly longs for and sneaks peaks at during his cage matches at their gym. A man she is hoping to get to know better, that is until she is drugged and stolen from her bed in the middle of the night. And of course the biker himself, Brick, the enormous mountain of a man shrouded somewhat in mystery as all throughout Trigger’s story (book four of the series), he was involved in activities he was keeping secret from his MC brothers. Events that he gets thrust into when “Coach” comes to him desperate for help after Jessa vanishes without a trace, an event so shrouded in mystery he feels he has no choice but to keep his brothers in the dark in order to keep them safe. A decision that results in him being in a near constant quiet and foul mood, a temperament that further flames the already deep suspicion held by his brothers within the Infernal Sons, resulting in an explosive dynamic when the truth is finally divulged. A truth that once revealed leaves the club facing another life altering predicament in order to help Brick find Jessa. What follows is a fast-paced story of kidnapping, murder, survival, and a plot twist so intriguing you will do a double-take when you finally get to it. And I have to say, after the disappointment I felt when reading books three and four of this series, I was greatly relieved and thrilled to see the huge improvement in quality and plot! Here we finally have a return by Dawn to the more grounded and heartfelt writing that appeared in her first two books. We are rewarded with a renewed focus on a more realistic, emotionally intelligent tale of inner strength, unwavering perseverance, and keeping the family you choose safe no matter the cost, and away from the tacky trite plot traps and overused “Daddy” stories. Is it anywhere near the caliber of Bear and Rose’s tale in book one or Bella and Chain’s in book two? No, sadly it is not. A fact that frustrates me greatly as a reader because Brick and Jessa’s love story could have easily been epic with just a tiny bit more detail placed in between the delicious suspense. However, the actual romantic coming together of Brick and Jessa is cut short, and Dawn’s writing overall remains somewhat stunted in places, with scenes and circumstances that still tend to shift without a clear sense of why. This choppiness again leads to some aspects of Brick and Jessa’s story remaining murky, with some events and decisions happening seemingly out of nowhere, while other plot points are left without full resolutions, especially where Jessa’s overall strength of character is concerned! However despite the continued choppy nature of it all, this one was far more genuine and emotionally cohesive; an immense improvement over the two books before it. This story gets you far more invested in the characters, bringing back the alpha rich “aww” factor that has been missing for a few beats. It is also thankfully, not filled with as many under researched and cheesy stereotypes as Hawk’s and Trigger’s books were (something that almost put me off this series entirely). And, overall, is a vast improvement technically, with the writing within far neater and cleaner, containing less typos and word omission errors. Here’s hoping Dawn continues this progress upswing in Ink’s story and brings things back full circle to all the reasons I fell in love with this series in the first place!

Brick and Jessa!

The Infernal Sons MC is one of the sweetest MC series around. The guys are all super protective, like alpha wolves are like in nature; protective and all about family. They aren't afraid to show emotion, to show love and affection to their women and to each other. Brick is one of my favorites, I just love a big guy especially when they fall for a petite woman. He is just a big sweetie and his woman, Jessa is just as sweet. Stolen from her home, her father, Brick's fighting coach asks him to help find her. Even though they aren't together when she vanishes, he is relentless in his search for her. Six months go by and Jessa is finally found. But she has been through a lot. Determined to find out who did this and why becomes the main focus of the entire club while Brick helps Jessa recover. It becomes very clear that whoever took her doesn't want to be found. Jessa's journey back to herself isn't easy but Brick is there for her. Even though this is very a very insta-love story, they still get to know each other, a detail that I love. I couldn't put it down, not till the very end and now I can't wait for the next book. I hope we get a book about Wolf, he is too wonderful to not get his own happy ending! 5 stars for Brick and Jessa!

Brick’s forever

Loved this book. I started ready at 2am and I just finished. At 342am. I could not put it down. Everyone had been worried about Brick because he hadn’t been around the club much or his family. But when he needed that they were going there. He was in love with Jessa’s picture when his coach asked for his help. Once they found Jessa he knows she was it for him. Jessa had a crush on Brick when she had seen him at her dads gym. Jessa had a lot to recovery from. Brick was always there by her side. There are twists and turns. I loved getting to catch up with the brothers. I highly recommend this book.

The Perfect Addition to the Infernal Sons Series

This is the fifth book in the Infernal Sons MC Series. This was Brick and Jessa's story. Jessa's dad owns a gym and runs cage fighting events and that is how Brick catches Jessa's eye. Brick is then asked to help locate Jessa after she is kidnapped. This story is fast moving and has just the right amount of mystery, action, suspense and romance. It was a very enjoyable read and I hope this series never ends.

Brick's Fight

Another Amazing book in this series, Brick found his forever. Jessa noticed Brick by chance but she was gone over him fast, things happens where she had to get rescued but she hold on to the thought of Brick coming to her rescue. Their story is sad, but happy at the same time, love a happy ending story.


Another winner in this series of books. Great characters along with a good plot. Lots of twists and turns plus action and emotional ups and downs. Love the series and I am looking forward to the next book about Ink. Also hoping that there will be a book on Wolf too. Keep them coming!


Carl's Infernal Sons series is amazing. Brick was a perfect balance between rough and gentle. Jessa was such a strong woman. Brick was so gentle yet so fierce. Their love was none deep. Carol knocked this out of the ball park.

Once Again Carol Nailed It

This was a wonderful story Carol you did it again and I loved every second of it. If you like MC books this is a great series to go with. I will say if you have triggers on some situations then this might not be a book for you however it is done in a way that even if you do have triggers I do not feel that they would trigger you. Once again great read thank you for the stories Carol.

Loved it!!

I seriously loved this story. Many laughs, many, MANY cries. Brick is amazing. And Jessa, just wow. She is so strong. I absolutely adored her. I cant wait for the next book!!

Get the tissues

I loved this booked..the emotional pain Jesus went through. I smiled, laughed and cried. I have both my parents still but I could still fill the pain of her losing her dad. Can't wait for the next book!

A definite must read

I have loved this series since the first book, and this story was no exception. It has been an awesome series, and I'm just not ready for it to be over. :( I really hope that Wolf gets his story, because he seems like such an interesting character. I'm really looking forward to Ink's story next! I'm sure that there will be many laughs, as well as teasing, in this one. I'm happy that Brick and Jessa got their HEA, especially after the tragedies that they've suffered. It was certainly a story that you won't want to miss! I would definitely recommend this book, series, and exceptional author.

Brick and Jessa

Stolen from her home, her father, Brick's fighting coach asks him to help find her. Even though they aren't together when she vanishes, he is relentless in his search for her. Six months go by and Jessa is finally found. But she has been through a lot. Determined to find out who did this and why becomes the main focus of the entire club while Brick helps Jessa recover. Jessa's journey back to herself isn't easy but Brick is there for her they still get to know each other and fall in love. Another 5 star read

Jessa and Bricks story is so emotional!!

This story keeps you on the edge of your chair. Jessa and Bricks story starts with Jessa being kidnapped. Brick and her father try hard to find her. She was given drugs and kept in the dark for 6 months. Finally being rescued and gone thru withdrawal and almost starved. Bricks and Jessa relationship begins. Then she's taken again!!! This story ends happy but I was on the edge of my seat all through it. Carol writes her books that way. I have all the Infernal Sons books and looking forward to more.


I think Brick and Jessa's book is my favorite of all the books. What a plot. This family of bikers is just growing every day and its so much fun to read and catch up with all of them. Jessa sure does go through a lot before she even gets to know Brick. Then just as she is starting to blossom and open up, boom she is taken again. This book proves just how much a person can go through and come out the other end that much stronger.

Great read!

Brick’s Fight is book 5 in Carol Dawn's Internal Sons MC series. I've been waiting patiently for Brick's book and it was well worth the wait. She delivered a really good story. Brick and Jessa were perfect for each other. I loved the dynamics between the "brothers". You get action, no cheating and a very HEA. Carol Dawn knows how to pull you in with her story telling. Each book is better than the last! Kudos!


A story full of fight. Fight for life, fight for safety, fight for love. Brick has so much to give and he gives it all willingly. Jessa has lost a lot but she's will to give and receive for love of the right man. Absolutely love Carol Dawn and he Infernal Sons. Read one and you cant stop. And reread worthy!!!!

Another awesome story!

I have loved this series and Brick is no exception. Another alpha male fighting for his woman...totally swoon worthy! Yes, there is violence and f-bombs but hell, this is an MC series with some hot blooded men! I can't wait for Ink's story and to meet the woman that can take the crazy man. I really hope Wolf will get a book as well!

Loved every moment

I have loved each book in the Infernal Sons series and this book is no different. Each book is separate yet interconnected. This is Brick and Jessa’s story. So many laughs and so many tears. Brick falls fast as they all did. Jesse was so strong and it showed in the end. Book had me captivated beginning till end.

Go ahead and pretend you are Jessa because Brick is going to renew and refresh your faith in men!

Another greatest hit by Carol Dawn. This Author delivers everytime, Everytime! If the song Stand by Me had a back story this book is it. Way better than the movie Stand by Me. Brick is full of those qualities every woman wants. He is built the a brick wall with layers of muscles(pun intended), totally hot, fun, loving, patient, and dangerously protective. He gives everything he has for those he loves. Jesse goes through a lot and Brick is exactly who she needs to stand by her side.


A bizarre kidnapping occurs and Brick's is helping to locate her. But unfortunately it takes months before she is found. While in hospital this man and woman realize their strong attraction. During her tough and painful recovery period danger still lingers.

An Emotional, Heart Tugging, Suspense Filled Improvement...

“Brick’s Fight” by Carol Dawn is the fifth installment in her Infernal Sons MC series. It is the story of Jessa and Brick, Jessa being the daughter of a fight club gym owner, a business she also does the books for. Her beloved father is also a coach and mentor to Brick, the giant biker she secretly longs for and sneaks peaks at during his cage matches at their gym. A man she is hoping to get to know better, that is until she is drugged and stolen from her bed in the middle of the night. And of course the biker himself, Brick, the enormous mountain of a man shrouded somewhat in mystery as all throughout Trigger’s story (book four of the series), he was involved in activities he was keeping secret from his MC brothers. Events that he gets thrust into when “Coach” comes to him desperate for help after Jessa vanishes without a trace, an event so shrouded in mystery he feels he has no choice but to keep his brothers in the dark in order to keep them safe. A decision that results in him being in a near constant quiet and foul mood, a temperament that further flames the already deep suspicion held by his brothers within the Infernal Sons, resulting in an explosive dynamic when the truth is finally divulged. A truth that once revealed leaves the club facing another life altering predicament in order to help Brick find Jessa. What follows is a fast-paced story of kidnapping, murder, survival, and a plot twist so intriguing you will do a double-take when you finally get to it. And I have to say, after the disappointment I felt when reading books three and four of this series, I was greatly relieved and thrilled to see the huge improvement in quality and plot! Here we finally have a return by Dawn to the more grounded and heartfelt writing that appeared in her first two books. We are rewarded with a renewed focus on a more realistic, emotionally intelligent tale of inner strength, unwavering perseverance, and keeping the family you choose safe no matter the cost, and away from the tacky trite plot traps and overused “Daddy” stories. Is it anywhere near the caliber of Bear and Rose’s tale in book one or Bella and Chain’s in book two? No, sadly it is not. A fact that frustrates me greatly as a reader because Brick and Jessa’s love story could have easily been epic with just a tiny bit more detail placed in between the delicious suspense. However, the actual romantic coming together of Brick and Jessa is cut short, and Dawn’s writing overall remains somewhat stunted in places, with scenes and circumstances that still tend to shift without a clear sense of why. This choppiness again leads to some aspects of Brick and Jessa’s story remaining murky, with some events and decisions happening seemingly out of nowhere, while other plot points are left without full resolutions, especially where Jessa’s overall strength of character is concerned! However despite the continued choppy nature of it all, this one was far more genuine and emotionally cohesive; an immense improvement over the two books before it. This story gets you far more invested in the characters, bringing back the alpha rich “aww” factor that has been missing for a few beats. It is also thankfully, not filled with as many under researched and cheesy stereotypes as Hawk’s and Trigger’s books were (something that almost put me off this series entirely). And, overall, is a vast improvement technically, with the writing within far neater and cleaner, containing less typos and word omission errors. Here’s hoping Dawn continues this progress upswing in Ink’s story and brings things back full circle to all the reasons I fell in love with this series in the first place!

Brick and Jessa!

The Infernal Sons MC is one of the sweetest MC series around. The guys are all super protective, like alpha wolves are like in nature; protective and all about family. They aren't afraid to show emotion, to show love and affection to their women and to each other. Brick is one of my favorites, I just love a big guy especially when they fall for a petite woman. He is just a big sweetie and his woman, Jessa is just as sweet. Stolen from her home, her father, Brick's fighting coach asks him to help find her. Even though they aren't together when she vanishes, he is relentless in his search for her. Six months go by and Jessa is finally found. But she has been through a lot. Determined to find out who did this and why becomes the main focus of the entire club while Brick helps Jessa recover. It becomes very clear that whoever took her doesn't want to be found. Jessa's journey back to herself isn't easy but Brick is there for her. Even though this is very a very insta-love story, they still get to know each other, a detail that I love. I couldn't put it down, not till the very end and now I can't wait for the next book. I hope we get a book about Wolf, he is too wonderful to not get his own happy ending! 5 stars for Brick and Jessa!

Brick’s forever

Loved this book. I started ready at 2am and I just finished. At 342am. I could not put it down. Everyone had been worried about Brick because he hadn’t been around the club much or his family. But when he needed that they were going there. He was in love with Jessa’s picture when his coach asked for his help. Once they found Jessa he knows she was it for him. Jessa had a crush on Brick when she had seen him at her dads gym. Jessa had a lot to recovery from. Brick was always there by her side. There are twists and turns. I loved getting to catch up with the brothers. I highly recommend this book.

The Perfect Addition to the Infernal Sons Series

This is the fifth book in the Infernal Sons MC Series. This was Brick and Jessa's story. Jessa's dad owns a gym and runs cage fighting events and that is how Brick catches Jessa's eye. Brick is then asked to help locate Jessa after she is kidnapped. This story is fast moving and has just the right amount of mystery, action, suspense and romance. It was a very enjoyable read and I hope this series never ends.

Brick's Fight

Another Amazing book in this series, Brick found his forever. Jessa noticed Brick by chance but she was gone over him fast, things happens where she had to get rescued but she hold on to the thought of Brick coming to her rescue. Their story is sad, but happy at the same time, love a happy ending story.


Another winner in this series of books. Great characters along with a good plot. Lots of twists and turns plus action and emotional ups and downs. Love the series and I am looking forward to the next book about Ink. Also hoping that there will be a book on Wolf too. Keep them coming!


Carl's Infernal Sons series is amazing. Brick was a perfect balance between rough and gentle. Jessa was such a strong woman. Brick was so gentle yet so fierce. Their love was none deep. Carol knocked this out of the ball park.

Once Again Carol Nailed It

This was a wonderful story Carol you did it again and I loved every second of it. If you like MC books this is a great series to go with. I will say if you have triggers on some situations then this might not be a book for you however it is done in a way that even if you do have triggers I do not feel that they would trigger you. Once again great read thank you for the stories Carol.

Loved it!!

I seriously loved this story. Many laughs, many, MANY cries. Brick is amazing. And Jessa, just wow. She is so strong. I absolutely adored her. I cant wait for the next book!!

Get the tissues

I loved this booked..the emotional pain Jesus went through. I smiled, laughed and cried. I have both my parents still but I could still fill the pain of her losing her dad. Can't wait for the next book!

Amazing 5 star read!!

Brock and Jetta were perfection!!! This was another amazing book within the Infernal Sons world. You cannot go wrong with this author and her books. She writes amazing alpha males who loves their women above all else! This is a 5 star read!!!

Infernal Son's MC is still hot!!

i loved reading about Brick and Jessa. Showing that both families come together to fight for each other, and protect each other. watching Jessa bloom and Brick being the strong pillar she needs. i loved the book i can't wait for more!

Mixed feelings.

The story was goodish. Not the best from this author. I don't think this will be a re read. My main issue is I hate when the h does something dumb and you know she's getting captured. To me it's lazy. This author is better than that.


I was totally pulled in from beginning to end. A beautiful story and a must read.

Another great read

Another great addition to the series I was pulled right in and just did not want to put it down if you have read and enjoyed the previous books in the series then you will just love Brick and Jessa's story.


I waited so long for his book. Brick is so sweet❤. Love him and Beast, I need him in my life. Jessa is perfect for him and she is so strong and thats what he needs. I love their club and all the couples.

Awesome Read!

I always enjoy reading your books! I'm hopeful you continue the story Ann's include Wolf! Yes this year has been pretty rough but with authors like you it has kept me looking forward to ther next book! Really great book!

I love this series!!!

I absolutely love Brick and Jessa. This story gets you right from the beginning. I have read all the books in this series and can not wait for the next one. I hope the new guy gets his own book. He sounds awesome!!


Falls for Coach missing daughter by looking at a picture. But after meeting her life becomes even more crazy when problems return from the past. Looking forward to Ink book.

Have tissues ready

What a ride and make sure to have a tissue ready. Brick and Jessa are such a great addition to the Infernal Sons and as usual, cannot wait to see who takes down the next.

An Emotional, Heart Tugging, Suspense Filled Improvement...

“Brick’s Fight” by Carol Dawn is the fifth installment in her Infernal Sons MC series. It is the story of Jessa and Brick, Jessa being the daughter of a fight club gym owner, a business she also does the books for. Her beloved father is also a coach and mentor to Brick, the giant biker she secretly longs for and sneaks peaks at during his cage matches at their gym. A man she is hoping to get to know better, that is until she is drugged and stolen from her bed in the middle of the night. And of course the biker himself, Brick, the enormous mountain of a man shrouded somewhat in mystery as all throughout Trigger’s story (book four of the series), he was involved in activities he was keeping secret from his MC brothers. Events that he gets thrust into when “Coach” comes to him desperate for help after Jessa vanishes without a trace, an event so shrouded in mystery he feels he has no choice but to keep his brothers in the dark in order to keep them safe. A decision that results in him being in a near constant quiet and foul mood, a temperament that further flames the already deep suspicion held by his brothers within the Infernal Sons, resulting in an explosive dynamic when the truth is finally divulged. A truth that once revealed leaves the club facing another life altering predicament in order to help Brick find Jessa. What follows is a fast-paced story of kidnapping, murder, survival, and a plot twist so intriguing you will do a double-take when you finally get to it. And I have to say, after the disappointment I felt when reading books three and four of this series, I was greatly relieved and thrilled to see the huge improvement in quality and plot! Here we finally have a return by Dawn to the more grounded and heartfelt writing that appeared in her first two books. We are rewarded with a renewed focus on a more realistic, emotionally intelligent tale of inner strength, unwavering perseverance, and keeping the family you choose safe no matter the cost, and away from the tacky trite plot traps and overused “Daddy” stories. Is it anywhere near the caliber of Bear and Rose’s tale in book one or Bella and Chain’s in book two? No, sadly it is not. A fact that frustrates me greatly as a reader because Brick and Jessa’s love story could have easily been epic with just a tiny bit more detail placed in between the delicious suspense. However, the actual romantic coming together of Brick and Jessa is cut short, and Dawn’s writing overall remains somewhat stunted in places, with scenes and circumstances that still tend to shift without a clear sense of why. This choppiness again leads to some aspects of Brick and Jessa’s story remaining murky, with some events and decisions happening seemingly out of nowhere, while other plot points are left without full resolutions, especially where Jessa’s overall strength of character is concerned! However despite the continued choppy nature of it all, this one was far more genuine and emotionally cohesive; an immense improvement over the two books before it. This story gets you far more invested in the characters, bringing back the alpha rich “aww” factor that has been missing for a few beats. It is also thankfully, not filled with as many under researched and cheesy stereotypes as Hawk’s and Trigger’s books were (something that almost put me off this series entirely). And, overall, is a vast improvement technically, with the writing within far neater and cleaner, containing less typos and word omission errors. Here’s hoping Dawn continues this progress upswing in Ink’s story and brings things back full circle to all the reasons I fell in love with this series in the first place!

Brick and Jessa!

The Infernal Sons MC is one of the sweetest MC series around. The guys are all super protective, like alpha wolves are like in nature; protective and all about family. They aren't afraid to show emotion, to show love and affection to their women and to each other. Brick is one of my favorites, I just love a big guy especially when they fall for a petite woman. He is just a big sweetie and his woman, Jessa is just as sweet. Stolen from her home, her father, Brick's fighting coach asks him to help find her. Even though they aren't together when she vanishes, he is relentless in his search for her. Six months go by and Jessa is finally found. But she has been through a lot. Determined to find out who did this and why becomes the main focus of the entire club while Brick helps Jessa recover. It becomes very clear that whoever took her doesn't want to be found. Jessa's journey back to herself isn't easy but Brick is there for her. Even though this is very a very insta-love story, they still get to know each other, a detail that I love. I couldn't put it down, not till the very end and now I can't wait for the next book. I hope we get a book about Wolf, he is too wonderful to not get his own happy ending! 5 stars for Brick and Jessa!

Brick’s forever

Loved this book. I started ready at 2am and I just finished. At 342am. I could not put it down. Everyone had been worried about Brick because he hadn’t been around the club much or his family. But when he needed that they were going there. He was in love with Jessa’s picture when his coach asked for his help. Once they found Jessa he knows she was it for him. Jessa had a crush on Brick when she had seen him at her dads gym. Jessa had a lot to recovery from. Brick was always there by her side. There are twists and turns. I loved getting to catch up with the brothers. I highly recommend this book.

The Perfect Addition to the Infernal Sons Series

This is the fifth book in the Infernal Sons MC Series. This was Brick and Jessa's story. Jessa's dad owns a gym and runs cage fighting events and that is how Brick catches Jessa's eye. Brick is then asked to help locate Jessa after she is kidnapped. This story is fast moving and has just the right amount of mystery, action, suspense and romance. It was a very enjoyable read and I hope this series never ends.

Brick's Fight

Another Amazing book in this series, Brick found his forever. Jessa noticed Brick by chance but she was gone over him fast, things happens where she had to get rescued but she hold on to the thought of Brick coming to her rescue. Their story is sad, but happy at the same time, love a happy ending story.


Another winner in this series of books. Great characters along with a good plot. Lots of twists and turns plus action and emotional ups and downs. Love the series and I am looking forward to the next book about Ink. Also hoping that there will be a book on Wolf too. Keep them coming!


Carl's Infernal Sons series is amazing. Brick was a perfect balance between rough and gentle. Jessa was such a strong woman. Brick was so gentle yet so fierce. Their love was none deep. Carol knocked this out of the ball park.

Once Again Carol Nailed It

This was a wonderful story Carol you did it again and I loved every second of it. If you like MC books this is a great series to go with. I will say if you have triggers on some situations then this might not be a book for you however it is done in a way that even if you do have triggers I do not feel that they would trigger you. Once again great read thank you for the stories Carol.

Loved it!!

I seriously loved this story. Many laughs, many, MANY cries. Brick is amazing. And Jessa, just wow. She is so strong. I absolutely adored her. I cant wait for the next book!!

Get the tissues

I loved this booked..the emotional pain Jesus went through. I smiled, laughed and cried. I have both my parents still but I could still fill the pain of her losing her dad. Can't wait for the next book!


Absolutely loved it!!! The book had me guessing throughout. Brick and Jessa are amazing together. It made me want to cry in parts and laugh in others!!! Another awesome book!!!

Another Great Book

The Infernal Sons MC books by Carol Dawn never disappoint, they keep you engage from begging until the end. I can't wait for Ink's story, and I hope we get Wolf's story too.

Great read great series

I've read this series when it first came out and Im absolutely loving it . I can't put them down. So there for I loose sleep.but its books worth sleep deprivation


Books was awesome!! I laughed cried and nothing I love better than some badass women and men! True love is my thing I can't wait for Ink book and hopefully Wolfs


I absolutely love this series. It sucked me in with Book one and I have not been disappointed. Great job!!!!

Above and beyond

Thank you Carol Dawn,this is a spectacular addition to this series! Read this series and you will be a fan!


I am in love with all the Son’s. Brick and Jedda are just so amazing together! Beautifully written!!! I can’t wait to find out who finally locks down Ink!!! And how much of a fight he’ll put up if any!


Carol Dawn doesn’t let you down. I love this book and can’t wait for the next. I could put it down

Great series.

By far, my favorite book out of the series. Loved that the story took a little longer to develop and issues they had to deal with. Ready for Ink’s story.


Read the book straight thru, this is another hit for the sons. Not a single book disappoints in her series, and I loved bricks story.

An Emotional, Heart Tugging, Suspense Filled Improvement...

“Brick’s Fight” by Carol Dawn is the fifth installment in her Infernal Sons MC series. It is the story of Jessa and Brick, Jessa being the daughter of a fight club gym owner, a business she also does the books for. Her beloved father is also a coach and mentor to Brick, the giant biker she secretly longs for and sneaks peaks at during his cage matches at their gym. A man she is hoping to get to know better, that is until she is drugged and stolen from her bed in the middle of the night. And of course the biker himself, Brick, the enormous mountain of a man shrouded somewhat in mystery as all throughout Trigger’s story (book four of the series), he was involved in activities he was keeping secret from his MC brothers. Events that he gets thrust into when “Coach” comes to him desperate for help after Jessa vanishes without a trace, an event so shrouded in mystery he feels he has no choice but to keep his brothers in the dark in order to keep them safe. A decision that results in him being in a near constant quiet and foul mood, a temperament that further flames the already deep suspicion held by his brothers within the Infernal Sons, resulting in an explosive dynamic when the truth is finally divulged. A truth that once revealed leaves the club facing another life altering predicament in order to help Brick find Jessa. What follows is a fast-paced story of kidnapping, murder, survival, and a plot twist so intriguing you will do a double-take when you finally get to it. And I have to say, after the disappointment I felt when reading books three and four of this series, I was greatly relieved and thrilled to see the huge improvement in quality and plot! Here we finally have a return by Dawn to the more grounded and heartfelt writing that appeared in her first two books. We are rewarded with a renewed focus on a more realistic, emotionally intelligent tale of inner strength, unwavering perseverance, and keeping the family you choose safe no matter the cost, and away from the tacky trite plot traps and overused “Daddy” stories. Is it anywhere near the caliber of Bear and Rose’s tale in book one or Bella and Chain’s in book two? No, sadly it is not. A fact that frustrates me greatly as a reader because Brick and Jessa’s love story could have easily been epic with just a tiny bit more detail placed in between the delicious suspense. However, the actual romantic coming together of Brick and Jessa is cut short, and Dawn’s writing overall remains somewhat stunted in places, with scenes and circumstances that still tend to shift without a clear sense of why. This choppiness again leads to some aspects of Brick and Jessa’s story remaining murky, with some events and decisions happening seemingly out of nowhere, while other plot points are left without full resolutions, especially where Jessa’s overall strength of character is concerned! However despite the continued choppy nature of it all, this one was far more genuine and emotionally cohesive; an immense improvement over the two books before it. This story gets you far more invested in the characters, bringing back the alpha rich “aww” factor that has been missing for a few beats. It is also thankfully, not filled with as many under researched and cheesy stereotypes as Hawk’s and Trigger’s books were (something that almost put me off this series entirely). And, overall, is a vast improvement technically, with the writing within far neater and cleaner, containing less typos and word omission errors. Here’s hoping Dawn continues this progress upswing in Ink’s story and brings things back full circle to all the reasons I fell in love with this series in the first place!

Brick and Jessa!

The Infernal Sons MC is one of the sweetest MC series around. The guys are all super protective, like alpha wolves are like in nature; protective and all about family. They aren't afraid to show emotion, to show love and affection to their women and to each other. Brick is one of my favorites, I just love a big guy especially when they fall for a petite woman. He is just a big sweetie and his woman, Jessa is just as sweet. Stolen from her home, her father, Brick's fighting coach asks him to help find her. Even though they aren't together when she vanishes, he is relentless in his search for her. Six months go by and Jessa is finally found. But she has been through a lot. Determined to find out who did this and why becomes the main focus of the entire club while Brick helps Jessa recover. It becomes very clear that whoever took her doesn't want to be found. Jessa's journey back to herself isn't easy but Brick is there for her. Even though this is very a very insta-love story, they still get to know each other, a detail that I love. I couldn't put it down, not till the very end and now I can't wait for the next book. I hope we get a book about Wolf, he is too wonderful to not get his own happy ending! 5 stars for Brick and Jessa!

Brick’s forever

Loved this book. I started ready at 2am and I just finished. At 342am. I could not put it down. Everyone had been worried about Brick because he hadn’t been around the club much or his family. But when he needed that they were going there. He was in love with Jessa’s picture when his coach asked for his help. Once they found Jessa he knows she was it for him. Jessa had a crush on Brick when she had seen him at her dads gym. Jessa had a lot to recovery from. Brick was always there by her side. There are twists and turns. I loved getting to catch up with the brothers. I highly recommend this book.

The Perfect Addition to the Infernal Sons Series

This is the fifth book in the Infernal Sons MC Series. This was Brick and Jessa's story. Jessa's dad owns a gym and runs cage fighting events and that is how Brick catches Jessa's eye. Brick is then asked to help locate Jessa after she is kidnapped. This story is fast moving and has just the right amount of mystery, action, suspense and romance. It was a very enjoyable read and I hope this series never ends.

Brick's Fight

Another Amazing book in this series, Brick found his forever. Jessa noticed Brick by chance but she was gone over him fast, things happens where she had to get rescued but she hold on to the thought of Brick coming to her rescue. Their story is sad, but happy at the same time, love a happy ending story.


Another winner in this series of books. Great characters along with a good plot. Lots of twists and turns plus action and emotional ups and downs. Love the series and I am looking forward to the next book about Ink. Also hoping that there will be a book on Wolf too. Keep them coming!


Carl's Infernal Sons series is amazing. Brick was a perfect balance between rough and gentle. Jessa was such a strong woman. Brick was so gentle yet so fierce. Their love was none deep. Carol knocked this out of the ball park.

Once Again Carol Nailed It

This was a wonderful story Carol you did it again and I loved every second of it. If you like MC books this is a great series to go with. I will say if you have triggers on some situations then this might not be a book for you however it is done in a way that even if you do have triggers I do not feel that they would trigger you. Once again great read thank you for the stories Carol.

Loved it!!

I seriously loved this story. Many laughs, many, MANY cries. Brick is amazing. And Jessa, just wow. She is so strong. I absolutely adored her. I cant wait for the next book!!

Get the tissues

I loved this booked..the emotional pain Jesus went through. I smiled, laughed and cried. I have both my parents still but I could still fill the pain of her losing her dad. Can't wait for the next book!

Love this series!

Another well done read from Carol Dawn. Brick and Jessa's story was beautiful, pulled at your heart strings and was just overall fantastic!

Loved It

It was fast paced love Brick and Jessa and how we always get to read about the other characters we have grown to love. Cant wait for Ink and Wolf


I have read all the books in the series and they are all wonderful. This one was extra special and I cant wait to read the next book


Absolutely loved every single book,can not wait until Link's story is told.I fell in love with all of the men of this series. I really hope you do a story on Wolf he has me very curious about his story


I couldn’t put it down, I read it in less then a day. Amazing story full of love. I can’t wait to read the next book.


I really like how the story just kind of sucks you in

Another amazing book

Another amazing book in this series. I loved this book you will laugh and cry and laugh again,. As always Carol Dawn has an amazing series.

Must read

Absolutely love this series infernal son mc i would highly recommend reading it . I haven't enjoyed reading mc book of late because I felt i was reading the same books over and over different names different authors . So I have no doubt you will enjoy getting to know bear , chains, hawk, trigger and brick Happy reading 📚 oh and can't wait for inks book and yes now wolf piqued my interest his too 😊

Great series.

I remember coming across this series while looking on Amazon for my next MC read and it was the cover of Bears book that just jumped out at me and I read the blurb and thought, " yep I'm going to one click you . I devoured that book and went right out and one clicked the next book in the series. Infernal Sons MC series has quickly become one of my favourite series to read in the MC genre there hasn't been a book so far that I haven't liked. And Brick and Jessa's book is no exception . I love insta love romance books and the Alpha men who protect their women fiercely . I love the loyalty of the brotherhood and how Carol Dawn can bring a story together and use some of her own experiences to reflect upon her story telling. Bricks book was one filled with pain and heartache but true love and sheer determination brought Jessa and Brick together and through their trials they found that light at the end of their tunnel. I look forward to reading the next book and I hope it's Inks book next. I look forward to seeing him week at the knees for a love he claims he doesn't want .

An Emotional, Heart Tugging, Suspense Filled Improvement...

“Brick’s Fight” by Carol Dawn is the fifth installment in her Infernal Sons MC series. It is the story of Jessa and Brick, Jessa being the daughter of a fight club gym owner, a business she also does the books for. Her beloved father is also a coach and mentor to Brick, the giant biker she secretly longs for and sneaks peaks at during his cage matches at their gym. A man she is hoping to get to know better, that is until she is drugged and stolen from her bed in the middle of the night. And of course the biker himself, Brick, the enormous mountain of a man shrouded somewhat in mystery as all throughout Trigger’s story (book four of the series), he was involved in activities he was keeping secret from his MC brothers. Events that he gets thrust into when “Coach” comes to him desperate for help after Jessa vanishes without a trace, an event so shrouded in mystery he feels he has no choice but to keep his brothers in the dark in order to keep them safe. A decision that results in him being in a near constant quiet and foul mood, a temperament that further flames the already deep suspicion held by his brothers within the Infernal Sons, resulting in an explosive dynamic when the truth is finally divulged. A truth that once revealed leaves the club facing another life altering predicament in order to help Brick find Jessa. What follows is a fast-paced story of kidnapping, murder, survival, and a plot twist so intriguing you will do a double-take when you finally get to it. And I have to say, after the disappointment I felt when reading books three and four of this series, I was greatly relieved and thrilled to see the huge improvement in quality and plot! Here we finally have a return by Dawn to the more grounded and heartfelt writing that appeared in her first two books. We are rewarded with a renewed focus on a more realistic, emotionally intelligent tale of inner strength, unwavering perseverance, and keeping the family you choose safe no matter the cost, and away from the tacky trite plot traps and overused “Daddy” stories. Is it anywhere near the caliber of Bear and Rose’s tale in book one or Bella and Chain’s in book two? No, sadly it is not. A fact that frustrates me greatly as a reader because Brick and Jessa’s love story could have easily been epic with just a tiny bit more detail placed in between the delicious suspense. However, the actual romantic coming together of Brick and Jessa is cut short, and Dawn’s writing overall remains somewhat stunted in places, with scenes and circumstances that still tend to shift without a clear sense of why. This choppiness again leads to some aspects of Brick and Jessa’s story remaining murky, with some events and decisions happening seemingly out of nowhere, while other plot points are left without full resolutions, especially where Jessa’s overall strength of character is concerned! However despite the continued choppy nature of it all, this one was far more genuine and emotionally cohesive; an immense improvement over the two books before it. This story gets you far more invested in the characters, bringing back the alpha rich “aww” factor that has been missing for a few beats. It is also thankfully, not filled with as many under researched and cheesy stereotypes as Hawk’s and Trigger’s books were (something that almost put me off this series entirely). And, overall, is a vast improvement technically, with the writing within far neater and cleaner, containing less typos and word omission errors. Here’s hoping Dawn continues this progress upswing in Ink’s story and brings things back full circle to all the reasons I fell in love with this series in the first place!

Brick and Jessa!

The Infernal Sons MC is one of the sweetest MC series around. The guys are all super protective, like alpha wolves are like in nature; protective and all about family. They aren't afraid to show emotion, to show love and affection to their women and to each other. Brick is one of my favorites, I just love a big guy especially when they fall for a petite woman. He is just a big sweetie and his woman, Jessa is just as sweet. Stolen from her home, her father, Brick's fighting coach asks him to help find her. Even though they aren't together when she vanishes, he is relentless in his search for her. Six months go by and Jessa is finally found. But she has been through a lot. Determined to find out who did this and why becomes the main focus of the entire club while Brick helps Jessa recover. It becomes very clear that whoever took her doesn't want to be found. Jessa's journey back to herself isn't easy but Brick is there for her. Even though this is very a very insta-love story, they still get to know each other, a detail that I love. I couldn't put it down, not till the very end and now I can't wait for the next book. I hope we get a book about Wolf, he is too wonderful to not get his own happy ending! 5 stars for Brick and Jessa!

Brick’s forever

Loved this book. I started ready at 2am and I just finished. At 342am. I could not put it down. Everyone had been worried about Brick because he hadn’t been around the club much or his family. But when he needed that they were going there. He was in love with Jessa’s picture when his coach asked for his help. Once they found Jessa he knows she was it for him. Jessa had a crush on Brick when she had seen him at her dads gym. Jessa had a lot to recovery from. Brick was always there by her side. There are twists and turns. I loved getting to catch up with the brothers. I highly recommend this book.

The Perfect Addition to the Infernal Sons Series

This is the fifth book in the Infernal Sons MC Series. This was Brick and Jessa's story. Jessa's dad owns a gym and runs cage fighting events and that is how Brick catches Jessa's eye. Brick is then asked to help locate Jessa after she is kidnapped. This story is fast moving and has just the right amount of mystery, action, suspense and romance. It was a very enjoyable read and I hope this series never ends.

Brick's Fight

Another Amazing book in this series, Brick found his forever. Jessa noticed Brick by chance but she was gone over him fast, things happens where she had to get rescued but she hold on to the thought of Brick coming to her rescue. Their story is sad, but happy at the same time, love a happy ending story.


Another winner in this series of books. Great characters along with a good plot. Lots of twists and turns plus action and emotional ups and downs. Love the series and I am looking forward to the next book about Ink. Also hoping that there will be a book on Wolf too. Keep them coming!


Carl's Infernal Sons series is amazing. Brick was a perfect balance between rough and gentle. Jessa was such a strong woman. Brick was so gentle yet so fierce. Their love was none deep. Carol knocked this out of the ball park.

Once Again Carol Nailed It

This was a wonderful story Carol you did it again and I loved every second of it. If you like MC books this is a great series to go with. I will say if you have triggers on some situations then this might not be a book for you however it is done in a way that even if you do have triggers I do not feel that they would trigger you. Once again great read thank you for the stories Carol.

Loved it!!

I seriously loved this story. Many laughs, many, MANY cries. Brick is amazing. And Jessa, just wow. She is so strong. I absolutely adored her. I cant wait for the next book!!

Get the tissues

I loved this booked..the emotional pain Jesus went through. I smiled, laughed and cried. I have both my parents still but I could still fill the pain of her losing her dad. Can't wait for the next book!

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