Born in Death: In Death, Book 23

Kindle Edition
06 Nov
J. D. Robb
Lieutenant Eve Dallas struggles with the end—and the beginning—of life in this thriller in the #1 New York Times bestselling In Death series. Just as Eve Dallas begins to investigate the grisly double homicide of two young lovers—both employees of the same prestigious accounting firm—her friend Mavis need a favor. One of the moms-to-be in Mavis’s birthing class has gone missing. Normally, such a case would be turned over to Missing Persons. But Mavis wants no one else on the job—and Eve can’t say no. Now Eve’s trying to track down the missing woman, while simultaneously unearthing the deals and double-crosses hidden in the files of some of the city’s richest and most secretive citizens, in a race against this particularly vicious killer. Luckily, her multimillionaire husband Roarke’s expertise comes in handy with the number crunching. But as he mines the crucial data that will break the case wide open, Eve faces an all too real danger in the world of flesh and blood.

Reviews (204)

Pregnancy Phobia, Laughter and Death

I read this first as a borrowed library book. It's So well written and funny that I decided rather than checking it out again I would buy it.I really like the "In Death" series. They tend to fall into two distinct patterns books that feature the " all cop" side of Lt. Eve Dallas or the ones that while are still a detective store feature more of the " Eve and Roarke" side but either way after a while the " In Death" books seem to all be variations of previous books. Not this one! I love this book. So much of Eve's dismay about pregnancy , childbearing, birth ,and child rearing are all things we can relate too. Many of us have felt or have had friends that felt the same way as Eve and Roarke. I laughed out load so much through this book. I highly recommend this one.

First Rate IN DEATH Mystery, Hilarious Pregnancy Comedy

::4-3/4 stars:: When an engaged couple of accountants are brutally murdered, NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas leaps into action - mostly to keep her mind off of what's REALLY terrifying her, her pregnant best friend Mavis's impending delivery! Quickly ascertaining that the homicides are likely the result of something both uncovered at work, Eve gets (with difficulty) warrants for both their confidential accounting work, intending to call on her multibillionaire Numbers Whiz husband Roarke to help her make sense of it - only to be slapped in the face with the threat of legal action should it be suspected Roarke used that information for his own profit! It's never a happy day when somebody comes between Eve and Roarke, let alone insults her and her spouse's integrity - especially not for a firm of bean-counters who spent an entire day blocking her search warrants when there's a killer to bring to justice.... How Roarke chooses to get around this insult to himself and Eve, and the number of seemingly-unrelated tangents that ultimately coalesce into an incredible, but completely believable conspiracy, put this near the top of the mystery pile for the long-running IN DEATH series. But what really puts it over the top isn't the case, but what's going on besides that - like Mavis's Baby Shower, which Eve not only has to plan but personally run; Childbirth Coaching Classes, which both Eve and Roarke find hilariously traumatizing (anyone who's found Roarke to be Too Perfect and Unflappable in a Crisis will get a laugh out of how he becomes completely unglued when faced with the prospect, or reality, of childbirth!); and Eve's partner Det. Delia :) Peabody's gleeful throwing herself into Baby Shower Planning and Helping Out with the Deliveries. (Read the book, and you'll understand what I mean by that.) After this? I completely believe Eve won't be getting pregnant for a LONG time....

What a fantastic book!!!

Not one but two babies on the same night. Mavis and Tandy! Eve starts with two murders but then a new friend goes missing and she due to give birth in less than a week. Mavis begs Dallas to find her. Could these things be connected? Will any one else die? Will they find Tandy in time to save her and the baby? Who is the father of Tandy's baby? Will Eve and Roarke make it through Mavis giving birth with them as part of her labor team? Find the answers to all these questions in this excellent book. Highly recommended.

An absolute blast!

This has got to be one of my favorites in the series. Eve & Roark take on 2 different cases at the same time, spreading their resources thin. An accountant and her fiance, both brutally murdered, and simultaneously, at the request of Mavis, Eve takes on the case of a pregnant woman, a friend of Mavis', who's gone missing. There's a tight timeline that brings out the drama, and with the added backdrop of Mavis' baby shower and the impending birth of her baby, the action is nonstop. You'll be sitting on the edge of your seat the whole time (or if you're like me, reading late at night until you fall asleep and your phone falls from your fingers and bonks you on the head, lol).

Mavis and Leonardo bring their love child Bella Eve into the world

J.D.Robb, such an insightful author has not one but 3 murder investigations going at the same time,when her best friend Mavis contacts her scared to near hysterics because her new also very pregnant friend is missing. Already chasing down a killer Eve takes on the added task of figuring out what happened to Tandy. As the two seemingly different cases emerge. Both Mavis and Tandy go into labor. Tandy has a bouncy baby boy and Mavis delivers her Belle. Great writing and suspense as always.

Another great read

I love these books. Eve & Roarke are hysterical when dealing with the birthing class for Mavis and Mavis’s baby shower. I get such a kick out of the two of them freaking out over these things.

Solid story

Eve manages to get wrap ped into two cases when Mavis's new friend has a problem. The whole crew is involved to solve them quickly.

Great read!

Loved the plot line. Kept my interest right to the end. A great ending and beginning. Emotional, realistic, intriguing and nail biting.

fabulous series.. best characters

The story and it’s visually written with clarity, excitement and reality.. Hard to put it down. It’s done before I want to “let it be finished”!

Mavis has her baby. . . and Eve survives!!! LOL!

So, it's a given that this series is total brain candy. And like candy, I limit myself on how many I read in a row. But this one is probably the best of the series so far. Mavis, Eve's best friend, is pregnant. She and her Honey Bear, Leonardo the fashion designer, have bribed, begged and guilted Eve and Roarke into being birthing coaches. This requires them to attend a birthing class. "Eve let the images blur. She’d rather study a crime scene recording—mass murder, mutilation, severed limbs—than look up some laboring woman’s crotch and watch a head pop out. Roarke had horror vids in his collection that were less gruesome." With the horror of the birthing class behind her, Eve thinks she can take a deep breath. Then Peabody informs Eve, who is hosting the baby shower, that she can't just call a caterer and forget it - she has to decorate and set a theme and shop for baby presents!!! "Eve imagined the process of shopping in a baby boutique, and had to fight off a shudder. “I’ll give you a hundred dollars to go on your own.” "That’s hitting below the belt,” Peabody replied. “But I’m too strong to be bribed. You have to do the thing, Dallas. It’s Mavis.” “Coaching classes, baby showers, now shopping. Is there no end to the price of friendship?” All this, while investigating a double murder. Eve definitely prefers murder. And the murder/mystery is actually a good one, involving a baby-selling ring, money laundering and more murders. Back to the baby - Roarke is every bit as squeamish as Eve, maybe even more. Eve engages in some pillow-talk: "Bought the baby shower present thing today.” Good.” She had a little smirk of her own in the dark. “If Mavis goes into labor during the deal here, you have to drive her to the birth center.” There was utter silence for a solid ten seconds. “You’re trying to give me nightmares. Very small of you.” Roarke absolutely refuses to attend the baby shower and in fact, he, Leonardo and McNabb have other plans, which Eve thinks is unfair: "But it stinks, if you ask me, really stinks, that you get to go out somewhere drinking beer while I’m stuck at Baby Central. Just because you have a penis.” "We’ll think fondly of you over beer, me and my penis.” And yet, Eve has come so far in being able to express her feelings. "She came around the desk, and they held onto each other. She could stand on her own—God knows she’d proven it. But it was an amazing gift to have a man you could lean on without either of you thinking you were weak." By the time we get to the end, we have not one, but two very pregnant ladies. Tandy, who had become friendly with Mavis, had been abducted by the baby-selling ring and Eve and her team rescued her. Everyone is at Eve and Roarke's house when both ladies go into labor. During the last two chapters, which continues through the birth of both babies, AND a wedding between Mavis and Leonardo in the birthing room, I laughed out loud for PAGES. Then, I cried. And finally, I was laughing and crying at the same time. It was pure awesomeness, or as Mavis would say, it was totally mag, absolutely the ult, squared.

Pregnancy Phobia, Laughter and Death

I read this first as a borrowed library book. It's So well written and funny that I decided rather than checking it out again I would buy it.I really like the "In Death" series. They tend to fall into two distinct patterns books that feature the " all cop" side of Lt. Eve Dallas or the ones that while are still a detective store feature more of the " Eve and Roarke" side but either way after a while the " In Death" books seem to all be variations of previous books. Not this one! I love this book. So much of Eve's dismay about pregnancy , childbearing, birth ,and child rearing are all things we can relate too. Many of us have felt or have had friends that felt the same way as Eve and Roarke. I laughed out load so much through this book. I highly recommend this one.

First Rate IN DEATH Mystery, Hilarious Pregnancy Comedy

::4-3/4 stars:: When an engaged couple of accountants are brutally murdered, NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas leaps into action - mostly to keep her mind off of what's REALLY terrifying her, her pregnant best friend Mavis's impending delivery! Quickly ascertaining that the homicides are likely the result of something both uncovered at work, Eve gets (with difficulty) warrants for both their confidential accounting work, intending to call on her multibillionaire Numbers Whiz husband Roarke to help her make sense of it - only to be slapped in the face with the threat of legal action should it be suspected Roarke used that information for his own profit! It's never a happy day when somebody comes between Eve and Roarke, let alone insults her and her spouse's integrity - especially not for a firm of bean-counters who spent an entire day blocking her search warrants when there's a killer to bring to justice.... How Roarke chooses to get around this insult to himself and Eve, and the number of seemingly-unrelated tangents that ultimately coalesce into an incredible, but completely believable conspiracy, put this near the top of the mystery pile for the long-running IN DEATH series. But what really puts it over the top isn't the case, but what's going on besides that - like Mavis's Baby Shower, which Eve not only has to plan but personally run; Childbirth Coaching Classes, which both Eve and Roarke find hilariously traumatizing (anyone who's found Roarke to be Too Perfect and Unflappable in a Crisis will get a laugh out of how he becomes completely unglued when faced with the prospect, or reality, of childbirth!); and Eve's partner Det. Delia :) Peabody's gleeful throwing herself into Baby Shower Planning and Helping Out with the Deliveries. (Read the book, and you'll understand what I mean by that.) After this? I completely believe Eve won't be getting pregnant for a LONG time....

What a fantastic book!!!

Not one but two babies on the same night. Mavis and Tandy! Eve starts with two murders but then a new friend goes missing and she due to give birth in less than a week. Mavis begs Dallas to find her. Could these things be connected? Will any one else die? Will they find Tandy in time to save her and the baby? Who is the father of Tandy's baby? Will Eve and Roarke make it through Mavis giving birth with them as part of her labor team? Find the answers to all these questions in this excellent book. Highly recommended.

An absolute blast!

This has got to be one of my favorites in the series. Eve & Roark take on 2 different cases at the same time, spreading their resources thin. An accountant and her fiance, both brutally murdered, and simultaneously, at the request of Mavis, Eve takes on the case of a pregnant woman, a friend of Mavis', who's gone missing. There's a tight timeline that brings out the drama, and with the added backdrop of Mavis' baby shower and the impending birth of her baby, the action is nonstop. You'll be sitting on the edge of your seat the whole time (or if you're like me, reading late at night until you fall asleep and your phone falls from your fingers and bonks you on the head, lol).

Mavis and Leonardo bring their love child Bella Eve into the world

J.D.Robb, such an insightful author has not one but 3 murder investigations going at the same time,when her best friend Mavis contacts her scared to near hysterics because her new also very pregnant friend is missing. Already chasing down a killer Eve takes on the added task of figuring out what happened to Tandy. As the two seemingly different cases emerge. Both Mavis and Tandy go into labor. Tandy has a bouncy baby boy and Mavis delivers her Belle. Great writing and suspense as always.

Another great read

I love these books. Eve & Roarke are hysterical when dealing with the birthing class for Mavis and Mavis’s baby shower. I get such a kick out of the two of them freaking out over these things.

Solid story

Eve manages to get wrap ped into two cases when Mavis's new friend has a problem. The whole crew is involved to solve them quickly.

Great read!

Loved the plot line. Kept my interest right to the end. A great ending and beginning. Emotional, realistic, intriguing and nail biting.

fabulous series.. best characters

The story and it’s visually written with clarity, excitement and reality.. Hard to put it down. It’s done before I want to “let it be finished”!

Mavis has her baby. . . and Eve survives!!! LOL!

So, it's a given that this series is total brain candy. And like candy, I limit myself on how many I read in a row. But this one is probably the best of the series so far. Mavis, Eve's best friend, is pregnant. She and her Honey Bear, Leonardo the fashion designer, have bribed, begged and guilted Eve and Roarke into being birthing coaches. This requires them to attend a birthing class. "Eve let the images blur. She’d rather study a crime scene recording—mass murder, mutilation, severed limbs—than look up some laboring woman’s crotch and watch a head pop out. Roarke had horror vids in his collection that were less gruesome." With the horror of the birthing class behind her, Eve thinks she can take a deep breath. Then Peabody informs Eve, who is hosting the baby shower, that she can't just call a caterer and forget it - she has to decorate and set a theme and shop for baby presents!!! "Eve imagined the process of shopping in a baby boutique, and had to fight off a shudder. “I’ll give you a hundred dollars to go on your own.” "That’s hitting below the belt,” Peabody replied. “But I’m too strong to be bribed. You have to do the thing, Dallas. It’s Mavis.” “Coaching classes, baby showers, now shopping. Is there no end to the price of friendship?” All this, while investigating a double murder. Eve definitely prefers murder. And the murder/mystery is actually a good one, involving a baby-selling ring, money laundering and more murders. Back to the baby - Roarke is every bit as squeamish as Eve, maybe even more. Eve engages in some pillow-talk: "Bought the baby shower present thing today.” Good.” She had a little smirk of her own in the dark. “If Mavis goes into labor during the deal here, you have to drive her to the birth center.” There was utter silence for a solid ten seconds. “You’re trying to give me nightmares. Very small of you.” Roarke absolutely refuses to attend the baby shower and in fact, he, Leonardo and McNabb have other plans, which Eve thinks is unfair: "But it stinks, if you ask me, really stinks, that you get to go out somewhere drinking beer while I’m stuck at Baby Central. Just because you have a penis.” "We’ll think fondly of you over beer, me and my penis.” And yet, Eve has come so far in being able to express her feelings. "She came around the desk, and they held onto each other. She could stand on her own—God knows she’d proven it. But it was an amazing gift to have a man you could lean on without either of you thinking you were weak." By the time we get to the end, we have not one, but two very pregnant ladies. Tandy, who had become friendly with Mavis, had been abducted by the baby-selling ring and Eve and her team rescued her. Everyone is at Eve and Roarke's house when both ladies go into labor. During the last two chapters, which continues through the birth of both babies, AND a wedding between Mavis and Leonardo in the birthing room, I laughed out loud for PAGES. Then, I cried. And finally, I was laughing and crying at the same time. It was pure awesomeness, or as Mavis would say, it was totally mag, absolutely the ult, squared.

One of My Favorites!

This is actually a re-read. I had borrowed it from a friend quite a while ago and just got it for my Kindle. It's one of my favorites. I don't want to include any spoilers for those of you who haven't read it yet. My advice though is, READ THIS BOOK. It's one of the best in the series with a lot of mystery for you to sink your teeth into. Great byplay between Eve and Mavis, Roarke and Eve, Peabody and Eve, Roarke and Mavis, Mavis and Leonardo... Just a great read!


One of her best. A great tribute to Dallas from the 2 moms. Hope Dallas decides to have a baby in one of the books. Î

Everything baby!

We have reached the moment that Mavis's due date is here, and it brings forth the funniest moments with Dallas and Roarke having to go to birthing classes. Then I am not even addressing the birth chapter!! Very funny reading. OF course lets not forget the murder mystery that has to be solved, which involves a young, engaged couple that works at an accounting firm. And the very pregnant friend of Mavis that goes missing. Loved it, and am off to download the next one!

A fun read.

Had not read a Nora Roberts book in quite awhile. It was much better than I expected. So many prolific authors after so many books have said anything interesting they have to say early on. I was very surprised and pleased to find a very interesting book that wasn't a carbon copy of her others. Good story with lots of interesting characters. Well written and nicely finished

Love IS Robb books

They are always good and always have a new and different story line. Like the futuristic time frame, believable. Dallas and Roake, their interaction with each other and those around them is always great and don't let's forget Somerset. The story would not be complete with out him. Highly recommend all her books!

Another great mystery with Eve and Roarke

Spellbinding to the last page as several mysteries and plots combine. J.D. Robb does it again. Her characters are alive!

Always great

Love J.D. Robb's 'In Death' series. Eve is so cool and I love the strange things that pop into her mind. Hubby is just perfect for her. Like the fact the story is a few decades ahead of us and have some really cool things in the time. These books just keep you moving from beginning to end and you always want the next book.

A Winner

This one is complicated and exciting. I have read it a few times now and it is still great. I am grateful that Nora Roberts/J D Robb writes lots of books and they are all good.

In Death Series

The In Death Series is my favorite. I just read one right after another. I just downloaded book 22 & 23 today. Can't wait to start them. I love the entire ensemble of charachters and how they mess together. I love cop dramas but since I've started reading this series I have a hard time finding any series I like as well and these are the only books I have been buying. I would recommend this series to everyone.

Another good read

I’m never disappointed when I read a JD Robb book. Eve and Roarke’s love story continues which makes very happy.

Life Continues

From the beginning of this series, I have read and enjoyed each and every one. Dallas and Roarke, a perfect team from Book 1 on, work in tandem to solve any and all mysteries. This tale brings many of the team together to work on two seemingly different crimes and brings about a happy resolution to both.

Satisfyingly wonderful

Great continuation of Eve Dallas’ and Roarke’s story. With dramatic and happy events to satisfy fans. Dallas and Roarke deserve their vacation.

J D Robb has done it again

I can’t get enough of this series. I have been rereading the In Death series and it is just as good the second time. The progression of the lives of Eve, Roarke, Mavis, Peabody, and the rest of the gang is like a soap opera you can’t stop watching. It’s great!

There was only one of the books in this series I did not enjoy. The crimes committed were very graphic

All her In Death books are well worth the price. There was only one of the books in this series I did not enjoy. The crimes committed were very graphic. There are over 45 books in this series, and I have read all of them. She also writes under the name Nora Roberts.

Welcome, Bella Eve!

I've loved all the In Death books, but this one ranks number 2, second only to Naked in Death. Thank you, J. D. Robb, for introducing us to this new character and for expanding Eve's world to include beautiful Bella.💖


This one had me on the edge of my seat to the very end. I highly recommend this book to fan of Fun, Scary and Romance books.

Another great In Death Book

JD Robb is just an amazing author. It doesn't matter how long it's been since I've read one of the In Death series books , no matter what I love them! She can put a picture in my head as clear as going to the movie theater if any of these books became a movie

Something TOTALLY different - a book series that is STILL entertaining and surprising us!

How does J D Robb do it? Here is #23 in the series and the characters, the plot and building subplots are all as fresh and interesting as they were in #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc etc. I have read some of these books 3-4 times. I am building my Kindle library now so that as I am traveling I can take Eve and Roark along with me!

Great read

I love everything about this book. There is so much going on and the flow is easy to follow. I love all of the team players . I have read every one of the books and she never disappointed me yet. Keep these books coming. I love them.


Nora Roberts as J D Robb wrting the In Death series is so intriguing, one simply must read the entire series from beginning to...........I hope it never ends!

Good one

I normally dislike when circumstances in books, movies, or tv shows perfectly intersect, but this was an exception to that rule. Without spoiling the plot, I'll just say that the intersection was masterfully carried out and the plotline didn't suffer in the slightest. Overall, it was an excellent read and I would highly recommend it to any fan of the series or to anyone considering the series for the first time.

Another good In Death series book with Dallas and Rourke! Hurray!

I have rearmost of the In Death series. Unlike most series which get predictable or you get sick of the characters, that never happens in this series. I will continue to read them as long as J. K. Robb writes them.

It's a two_fer

With Mac is on the verge of delivering her bab, Eve and Roarke are on call as birthing coaches, which terrifies the stalwart Homicide detective. Then murders of two accountants occurs on Eve's watch, and she's pulled into solving it. Don't miss it!

Good one

I'm a fan of the In Death series. Some are better than others. This one is a good one as all of the major characters are well represented and the storyline is interesting. Mavis is featured which brings out other parts of Dallas' personality. Good read.

Another winner from Robb

Very realistic story from Robb. Again. Even though it's supposed to be the future it cones across as our time with the exception of the amenities available that we don't have just yet.

I have read them all.

I have read every Eve and Roarke book. Some twice. J. D. Robb brings you into the story. It is difficult to stop reading. I have recommended these books and will continue to do so.

Great read

Love this series

A great read

Baring the trauma Tandy had to go through, I found this story Hysterically funny!! Love the Mavis/Eve friendship as well as the family (even though not blood related) dynamics.

Great book.

Born in Death is one of the best of J.D. Robb series. This newest book is one of J.. robb's best books. I have read most of her books but was tired of them. This one got me hooked again.

Great suspense!

The author did a really good job keeping you guessing. All the characters were very likeable or someone you 'll love to hate. I couldn't put my Kindle down.

You will lobe it

Great book!And Mavis has her baby!!! Not giving any more away!!! More dragging on a case that is not that thrilling, but that finally has it's twists that you get into!?!

Done for Good

Another great tale with Eve and Roarke and the rest of the good guys solving a heinous crime. Even Summerset gets to smile this time and he earns a "well done"" from Eve!

Any one of them are a great read, but the whole series adds so much ...

Read the series, in order. It makes for a deeper understanding of the characters. Any one of them are a great read, but the whole series adds so much more entertainment. Plots are excellent!

Good Books are sometimes hard to find

I have read all the books in this series up to this one (many to go), but I just love all of them. The only reason I have not started on the next one is that Christmas activities have altered my reading time.

Easy to recommend

Nora Roberts (or J. D. Robb) hasn't lost her touch. Haven't read one of this long series for some time but this one is still great. Easy to recommend, and I do!

Worth the price

I love all of JD Robb’s books - some more than others - I love following Eve as she struggles with marriage and all of her new friends; the relationships that develop around her

Great story

It was hard to stop reading. A good story. The plot kept me interested. I’ll read more of this series

10 stars.

This is another one of my favorites and one of the funniest ones. I was LOL in SO many parts of the book. Again, thank you for giving your readers an AWESOME adventure.

Good stories!!

Love Nora Roberts (J. D. Robb). Rereading all her books. Read them years just like new!!!

Born in Death by J.D.Robb

Always a treat to read JD Robb. Good storyline, fun characters and funny! Eve Dallas is an awesome futuristic cop and an inspirational character.

Great read as usual!!!!

Enjoyed this! A lot of LOL moments. murder babies marriage not in that order! Job well done I will probably read this again and again

A page turner...

From start to finish! I really hated that I had to stop reading to go to work! Every one of the "In Death" series keeps me glued and in a hurry to get to the next page. Thanks for being such a great author!

She even writes good as J

Can't go wrong with Nora Roberts, She even writes good as J. J> Robb. And take a breath because she gets the guy and keeps him.

Intense with surprising twists and turns.

Vintage J. D. Robb! Three stories in one book, all skillfully written and intertwined. The excitement builds to the very last page!

Really liked this one.

Another good read. I can’t believe all of these have been good so far..... now on to book 24. Great books.

Softer Dallas

Fast paced, many twists and turns and a more human Dallas. Another good quick read. Always makes me look forward to the next book.

Five Stars

Love this series, so I am reading it again. Bought them a while ago in paper back.

Six stars!

I am re-reading this series. All of the books are superb but this one is the best yet. Two great plots, intertwined.

Devious cunning thriller

Author always keeps me guessing, with so many hits of giggles at the speak between characters. This was one I did not want to put down. Enjoyed that Roarke was included at Cop Central interacting with all.

Great read

Wonderful written. This series is wonderful.

Girls are never sissies

Once again strong women rule. Strong, sexy, and sassy. The men in their lives either step up or need to step out.

Excellent like the rest!

Eve Dallas is a great character and her friends and colleagues are interesting and fun. Every book is a treat.

must read

One of my favorite books so far. I won't divulge too much since you (the one reading this) probably hasn't read the book yet and I hate spoilers!

Another great 'in Death' book!

JD Robb is the best. I've loved each of these books and look forward to the next one. Recommend highly!

Eve Dallas!

What can I say???? This is the fifth time I've read this book and I still laugh and cry! Quentin and Belle need to have their own love story in the future!

When I rate any novel, I rate within the genre, how it stands up to others therein. For me all of the J. D. Robb novels are exactly what they are intended to be, quick lively mysteries that can keep one awake trying to figure the "who done it.

It" of the plot. J.D. Robb, i.e. Nora Roberts, is the absolute mistress of the formula mysteries. Thanks so much for a great read.

Wonderful Author

Great book. I have almost all of J D Robb's books. The characters are so real and the storyline is always different.

Love this series

Jr Robb never disapoints! Love this vacation from reality. I keep them on my Kindle and in my purse for a quick break during lunch...waiting rooms...pedicres.

Five Stars

Another great Eve Dallas adventure. Nora Roberts (as J. D. Robb here) never fails to entertain .


In perfect JD Robb style! Exciting, fast paced with a lot of humor thrown in. It does not get any better than this!

Mavis delivers her baby with Eve's help

Eve and Roarke are involved with coaching Mavis through birthing exercises. Neither are mentality comfortable with this, but determined to stand up for their friend. They get sidetracked when Mavis's pregnant friend disappears.

great books

I love all the eve dallas books! keep writing, I will keep reading.

4.5-stars: 'Born in Death' by J.D. Robb

Born in Death is the twenty-third book in J.D. Robb’s In Death series. The In Death series is one of my favorites to read when I’m in the mood for a Romantic Suspense. I’m so glad I’m still reading this series for the #InDeathReadALong challenge. Storyline/My Thoughts: This book put me through so many emotions; if it wasn’t the case that Eve and her team were investigating, it was how pregnant Mavis scared Eve and Roarke. Yes, Eve and Roarke were petrified of Mavis and her emotions and also her going into labor. It didn’t help either when Mavis needed Eve’s help finding her pregnant friend. Mavis needed Eve to find her friend and keep her in the loop. At first, Eve and her team are investI enjoyed the storyline of this book because it left me guessing who was behind the murders of the couple and who was behind Mavis’s pregnant friend going missing. I had a hard time figuring out who was behind it all this time around, so I was shocked at the ending once Eve and her team figured it out. J.D. Robb did a fantastic job with this book when it came to the suspense of the storyline. It did have a weird villain(s), though, in it, and I won’t spoil it for anyone.igating two homicides of a couple who worked at the same company. Eve has a funny feeling that the couple who were killed were onto something at their company. It’s up to Eve and her team to find out the truth. Overall, this book gets 4.5 stars from me, and I look forward to diving into the next book in the series. I’ll never forget the moments between Roarke, Eve, and Mavis in this book. I don’t think Eve and Roarke are ready to have children yet. Standalone or Part of Series: It’s part of the In Death series, and I would recommend reading in order. Would I recommend this book? Yes. I recommend this book and the rest of the series books. I can’t wait until I finally catch up on this series. I feel like the characters are family now, and I want to know what happens next in their lives.

Excellent author and book.

Always a great author. I have all of her books and now one on my kindle.

One of my favorite

This is one of my favorite. I am still waiting for their family to start. I can see all of this happening for a long time.

great book!

I cried and laughed and cheered my way thru this book. She got me on this one! Faked me out til the end! Definitely a Must Read!

Eve and Roarke helpless

Eve and Roarke's helplessness and puzzlement over coaching a birthing is one of the most hilarious and touching scenes I've ever read.

Super as usual

How she can write soo seriously one sentence and so funny the next is just riveting. Her take on her friends pregna was just hysterical.

Great read.

You should try this series - the books are hard to put down. I really enjoy reading her works and have a number of them.

Great book!

This is one of her best! The way the story developed was awesome! I love JD Robb. I can't wait for the next one!


My favorite of all the In Death series (now 40+ books). Great (happy) ending, including a temporary truce between Eve and Summerset. All the usual characters are in the book, and they work well as a team.

Just as wonderful as the other in death books - just love ...

Just as wonderful as the other in death books - just love these characters there is intrigue as well as humor!!

Love the In Death Series by J.D. Robb

I love the futuristic cop Eve Dallas and all the characters that make up her family. Not a book yet that I haven't liked.


Nora Roberts is a great story teller. The In Death Series is my favorite, and I anxiously await every new chapter in the lives of Eve and the NYPSD Team! From Naked In Death to today, you will not be disappointed!


Nora Roberts has done "it" again - every one of her In Death stories is a great read. You will not want to put the book down.

born in death I'd Robb

Love this book make me laugh all the time when I read the book I cannot put the book down.

Five Stars

Amazing story line. Could not stop reading till the end

Five Stars

always a pleasure to read J.D. Robb/Nora Roberts

Five Stars

My favorite series.

Another new for Eve

Loved it from the beginning to the end . We got to see a new side of Eve and Roarke.

Five Stars

I love her work I have all of her books.

Five Stars

Love each and every one of these, #23 and not a bad one on the bunch!

Five Stars

Great book.

Five Stars

I love J.D. Robb's books and read and collected all this series.

One of the best of the series so far

Born in death was truly fantastic. Roberts knocked this one out of the park. I'm a huge fan and have tea all TH books so far. This one was AMAZING.

Five Stars

Love her books.


Have read them all, just love them.

Great series!!!!

Every book is as good if not better than the last I have read the entire series twice and would do it again!!

Five Stars

Love the death series!


As you can tell, I have become addicted to the "In Death" series. Really enjoy them all!! Just keep buying them!!

Five Stars



Trigger warnings for pregnant women Excellent. Fast paced stand-alone that is easy to follow and difficult to put down. Some violence, no drag-you-down drama. Interesting storyline with realistic procedures, actions and reactions. Believable characters with distinct personalities. Entertaining and snarky dialogue. I will re-read this story and always look forward to works by this author.

Five Stars

I love this entire series. I laugh, I cry....I wish they were all my friends.

Good stuff. Waiting for the newest

Good stuff. Waiting for the newest book

Five Stars

I love the whole series

Five Stars

Good one

Is it a Boy or a Girl

Great read. It had me laughing and tearful.

Five Stars


Five Stars

Love the Nora Roberts "In Death" series!

Five Stars

Great read as usual.

Five Stars

Was a quick read. Riveting.

Five Stars

She is a great author. Very good book .

The best series

I just love Nora Roberts’ romance novels and now these. They are mag. I’ve been reading her books since the 1980s.

Five Stars

Another great read in a great series!

Five Stars

Great series!!

Outstanding Series

Nora Robets, writing as JD Robb, has somehow produced this miracle of storytelling through her innate talent as a best-selling writer. I'm in awe of her imagination in coming up with such complex murder mysteries. The main characters, especially Homicide Lieutenant Eve and her billionaire husband, are so well developed and vivid, you feel like they are real people you know deeply and hope to meet. They have faults, integrity, fight, love deeply, and hurt just like the rest of us mere mortals. You root for them and feel strongly about their adventures and relationships, quests, and paths towards justice and finding love. The investment in owning the entire series was worth every single penny because Roberts stories are just that amazing, and always a cut above the rest!!! A must-have series for anyone recognising quality.

I really like this series

I really like this series. I like that each book can be enjoyed even if you have not read another in the series. However, if you read the whole series, you are in for a treat...there is a wonderful dynamic between the main and supporting characters while they work to solve murder cases. Nora Robers aka J D Robb never disappoints .

Just gets better and better

Once again JD ROBB has out done the last work. Just gets better and better. Love your work each page keeps you wanting more.

Love these books

Hooked on death series.

Eve and Roark, the Dynamic Duo

The In Death series is my absolute favorite. Any new Robb book has a grip on me before it's even read. Cover to cover in one sitting is the norm for me.

Good series

Nora Roberts has an excellent set of characters. As J D Robb her books are futuristic and you can't help but like the relationships between the main characters in this series. I always look forward to the next one out.

Five Stars

Loved it


As always,Eve Dallas never fails to deliver. I've been a fan for years. Nora Roberts rocks. Keep them coming, I'll keep reading them.

Five Stars


Five Stars


I love love love J

I love love love J.D. Robb's books. Born In Death didn't disappoint me either. Eve Dallas rocks, love her character and how she thinks and works. I only wish I hadn't read all the books. They're SO good, I'm going to have to re-read them just because I love the writing.

The diffuse thought processes of Dallas are simply amazing. I love her & Roarke, McNab &Peabody as Family

I have listened to myself laugh out loud at their childbirth antics &loved them even more. Thanks Nora Roberts for Dallas &Roarke💚💙💜

Five Stars

great read

A good funny read with murder added to the mix.

I have read this one several times. Have enjoyed it every time. This is one of her better ones. She almost always delivers a good book every time.

Born in death review

Great read as are all her Ltd. Ltd Dallas books....looking forward to the next book. This is a really great series.

I love all J

I love all J.D. Robb books and Nora Robert books. She knows how to write. She can make me laugh out loud and cry in each book that's why I read them.

Best one yet!

Emotional roller coaster from the first chapter to the last. Great character development and payoff, but only if you've started at the beginning of the series. BRAVO!

Five Stars

Love all her books

Great as always

I'm always a fan of JD Robb and Lt Dallas and this book doesn't disappoint. Lots of twist and turns.

Love this series

Always keeps me on the edge of my seat until the end. Love this series!

Five Stars

Just wonderful

Five Stars

I love these continuation of the main character

Five Stars

Love all the J. D. Robb books and this one didn't disappoint!!

Addicted to "In Death" series

I have read 32 books from this series and love them all. Great dialog and characters. The stories are well crafted and very entertaining


Great read

Another great book by J.D. Robb

Have to say this was one of the better books in the series. I would recommend it to any J.D Robb fan.

Love it

Love the series. Best to date that I have read. Love the end. Two babies to carry on Eve's name.

The Best Yet

I have read nearly all of the In Death series and Born in Death has everything one could ask for wrapped up in one awesome story.

Five Stars

Excellent story didn't want it to end but never do with JD Robb. A must read series.

I love the In Death series

The characters keep evolving and the books keep getting better and better! I love how Eve and Roarke's relationship keeps growing and the characters keep coming!

Five Stars

great read

Born In Death

It was the usual Nora Roberts novel of excitement and mystery, one that you are not able to put down.Yu feel like you are one on the case and want to solve it rapidly......

Born in Death

This was probably the very best in the Death In series. It was scary to know that this kind of thing could actually happen someday. And for a change, Eve dealt with life.

Five Stars

Always good.

Five Stars

Like all of books.

One of my favorite "In Death" Books!!

I really loved this book, and I think Nora Roberts did an excellent job of writing an interesting story for those of us who were waiting for the birth of Mavis' baby. She has woven two stories and cases in great detail, and has them come together as one in the end. And as Mavis is such an interesting and flamboyant individual, she could not just have had her baby without a little drama and some great fun, too. Both Mavis and Eve are polar opposites, and are such good friends, that it is truly wonderful watching them interact with each other, with love and friendship as the foundation of their relationship. If you are a JD Robb fan, I think you will truly love this book as much as I did.


Awesome book!

It wasn't bad

I have to say that this wasn't one of my favorites, but I think it was me, and not what Nora wrote. I just couldn't get into the plot until about halfway through. I tried. I read the first few chapters and put it down for MONTHS. I thought maybe I was distracted, but when I started it over a few days ago, I just realized that the subject matter was dry to me. Hard to get started. I loved the personal dramas, as I always do, and the scenes in the delivery room were great, as were the tense scenes between Eve/Roarke/Whitney. She handled that really well. I had this one figured out early on, but I do with some of them. This just wasn't my favorite, but it was still good.

Five Stars


Busy, busy, busy

Things never stay quiet long, Mavis is due a baby shower, it's Eve's job. But murder never sleeps, so Eve is up to her eyes in it as usual, not one, but two murders, money's always a factor, another body, a missing friend with a baby due, life is never dull for our intrepid couple.

Born in Death

I am a big fan of J.D. Robb and this book did not fail me. Enjoyed it from start to finish. Read it two days.

Into The Breech...Murders And Mysteries

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver-haired Mavis Freestone and the other is gold-Mavis' new friend and expectant mother-to-be. Eve and Roarke are drafted to attend Child Birthing classes as Mavis' birthing coaches. The horror of this knowledge nearly reduces the Lieutenant and Roarke to incoherency! (Shoot me! Just shoot me now!) But, the friend rule has Eve hosting a baby shower, searching for Mavis' missing expectant friend, along with her "day job" solving the murder of two engaged employees of a major law firm, killed only hours apart. Eve's tenacity and unshakable belief in her best friend solves the puzzles, closes the cases, and experiences the mystery of child birth. My eyes! My eyes!

Different, but interesting

This was a little different from Nora Roberts. First of her books I have read with her writing as J.D. Robb. Was set in the future. Once I got into it, was good. Held my attention and hard to figure out who was responsible for the murders. Little hard to keep track of all the characters. Can honestly say I enjoyed the book and would consider reading more in this format.

One of the Shorter Installments

Lots of padding and filler in this novella. A lot of which was entertaining. This is a quick read. Very quick. People who are put off by this fantasy series are probably looking for a logical, rational and reasoned storyline. Won't find that here. Main character would never be hired by any big city law enforcement agency. Way to many trigger points. Also the reader is expected to swallow that the main character when a starving eight year old; incapacitated a full grown man who had her pinned down with a small paring knife she located in the dark with her eyes shut. So if the reader examines the story it is laughable but remember these are really short books and the sex padding has been used over and over so the reader can easily scan those redundant and repetitious pages. Eve arched her back again. Just an fyi. Short fun beach read. No thought required. In fact, thinking about the plot takes all the fun out of reading the book.

Love this series.

Always love the intrigue in this series. I can't put the book down waiting to find out what happens next.

good book

J;D.Robb writes great and interesting books ,so far I have not read one that I did not care for.Thank you.

Eve and Roarke in rare form

Murder and mayhem abound in this 'In Death' book. A double murder has Eve working diligently when a pregnant friend of Mavis's disappears. Pulled into the search for Mavis's friend has Eve working triple duty. Fans of this series will appreciate the humor of this story with Eve and Roarke caught up in their duty of having agreed to be Mavis's birthing coaches. It appears even in the futuristic world of J.D. Robb, women will still give birth traditionally.

Envelope was sealed and empty

I sent this book to my brother in Kentucky as a gift, The envelope was delivered today sealed and empty!!


Loved it!


Born in Death #23 * This book Starts out with Eve and Roarke are at Mavis's Birthing classes where their watching a film on delivery a baby being born, Eve and Roarke both were Squeamish, lol and a little freaked out with what saw, LMAO......Not Mavis though she was loving it she couldn't take her eyes off Eve & Roarke Couldn't wait to get out of there to get some fresh air...(I was Cracking up laughing) Leonardo is a nervous wreck about the baby coming. But Not Mavis she just can't wait for the blessed Event. * Eve gets a tag from Dispatch, the next morning a woman found in her apartment strangled with the belt from her robe, senior account exec. (Natalie Copperfield) Peabody & Eve are working the case Checking out the Crime scene right pinky and ring finger broken ....hands and feet bound with duct tape and burns, broken nose, she had a fiance (bic bison)both of them employed at a highly prestigious accounting firm. which was also murdered the same night... they were going to be married in may. *I was Re-reading a book by Nora Roberts "High Noon" while I was waiting for Born ID to come in the mail today the main character is "Lt. Pheobe MacNamara" she's the chief hostage negotiator for (Savannah-Chatham Police Department) she reminds me of Eve I see hints of Eve in Pheobe here and there when she's on the job.....she doesn't take any "Guff" from anyone just the way she does her job and handles herself. *Peabody is asking all kinds of questions about Mavis's baby shower that Eve's throwing for her if there's a cake? what kind of food ? what the theme is? what she's getting for mavis's baby what's the gift is? Eve is freaking out. lol So Peabody offers to take over the baby shower for Eve. Thank God! Cuz Eve has No idea what to do....Peabody takes Eve to the White Stork baby store to buy a baby gift .......Eve Gets a totally MAG Gift for the baby! Peabody & Tandy Both Approve and it's Something Mavis Really wants!! * MAVIS HAD HER BABY!!! "TTF" "TO TOTALLY FROSTY"!!!! IT'S A ......??

Born in Death

Eve and Rorke have a new mystery to solve. Two murders and no apparent reason. The twists and turns of this case are many but the amazing end is very strong. Life and death, beginning and the end is the theme in this book. A great storyline and plot. Looking forward to the next story.

A cast of characters to create murders

I get caught up in the 'In Death' books within minutes of starting one. Eve and Roark make up the perfect couple, love, joint interests, mutual support, and a love of solving intricate murders. This story begins with a young couple who hold different positions in the same company. The woman is killed, at her apartment, first, but her fiancé is murdered in his home. It is obvious that their deaths are tied together, but they weren't working for the same clients, nor did they report to the same people and no one seemed to have any knowledge of what was troubling the young woman. Once again the teamwork of the New York police department and Roarke's skill as 'Expert Consultant' work together to untangle the threads and solve the murders. Along the way, they also work to find a missing friend of Mavis before either she or Mavis have their children.

Boredom, thy name is "Born"

This is absolutely the worst I've read from Nora Roberts. It's actually kind of funny. She's so good that this is the worst I've read of her works. It's not too bad, just not very good. Eve's bored, Roarke's bored, I was sure bored. Eve's sounding pretty whiney also--not very appealing for this tough as nails Lieutenant moving towards Captain. We know Eve's an effective manager--of time and people. She tends to be no less in this latest installment. But let's be real, nothing seems much of a challenge for her anymore and this book certainly reflects that. There is no real suspense and I'm kind of sick of how her relationship with Mavis has degenerated as it has. I would hope by now that either Eve is better able to redirect Mavis's constant (sorry, but that's how they appear to me) demands or Mavis has become sensitive enough to her friend's need to not have so much unwelcome pressure in her life. Mavis has a man, make that big cry-baby put up with her hormones. Eve is Roarke's husband...heh, heh. Also, why is everyone constantly around Eve and Roarke? Yes, I know he's rich but aside from Peabody and beau, all their other friends have their own comfy places and their own nice stuff. Why aren't Roarke and Dallas over visiting them more? Well let's all be one big happy, confining, too-comfortable family, shall we? Put Eve at the police station more so that we can encounter people who remind us that murder is serious business and isn't so comfortable, eh? The one saving grace of this book is knowing that Nora Roberts will come back strong despite my poor reception to this, her latest offering.

Robb 1

Old stories written by dead authors, new stories written by authors still alive, can be just as good to read today as they were when written. Reading about Regency England is my favorite time period to enjoy. I picked this story because the author's style of storytelling matches my reading interest level. A complicated plot and storyline to challenge me as I read.

Keep 'em coming!

Although this was not my favorite of the "IN DEATH" series I still enjoyed it. I think JD Robb strung it along too much before what I and many others were waiting for...that being the birth of Mavis' baby and Eve and Roarke's reactions/feelings about it all.I read this book really fast just to get to the end which was the best part. Nevertheless I did enjoy it and eagerly await the next in the series due out in a few weeks!

We finally see Mavis have her baby

The best part of this book is the very end, where Mavis has her baby. You knew she would by the title of the book, and we've waited a long time for this event. The mystery isn't up to the usual J.D. Robb standards, but since we're more focused on the arrival of little Apricot or Radish (yes, Mavis is still trying out improbable names right to the very end), you can forgive the transparency of the mystery. I was somewhat disappointed that all the usual characters make an appearance - Mira, Feeney, Trina, etc.- but you get to spend very little time with them. The scenes of Roarke and Eve attending childbirth classes and then the real deal are what you are paying for here, and I was pretty satisfied. I won't spoil it and tell you if the baby is a boy or a girl, but I will say that Mavis and Leonardo don't name the baby Apricot, thankfully. And Sommerset's actions in the delivery room will make you sniffle, but I won't spoil that, either:) In my opinion, though, the best scene(s) in terms of furthering the relationship of Eve & Roarke and the subject of her work deal with Eve's investigation into the death's of Nat & Bick, two employees of a high profile accounting firm. Because of the type of investment information that will be included in the investigation, Whitney gives Eve an official warning about inside information learned during the investigation being used by the competition (i.e. Roarke). Whew, does it hit the fan! Both between Eve & Whitney, Eve & Roarke, and then Roarke & Whitney. I think that will have some interesting repercussions later on down the line...

Best in the series

I’ve read almost every one in the series and some twice, and in my opinion this one is the best in the series. I’ll probably read it again.

Great in parts, but weak overall...

I loved the beginning and end of this one, but had major problems with the middle. I'll try not to give too much away, but Eve and Roarke's reaction to childbirth classes was absolutely priceless and set a great tone to follow. Then something happened... it wasn't Eve or Roarke anymore, but characters who resembled them a little. The dialogue was off (Roarke and Eve said things that just weren't believable), the pacing was off, and nothing really flowed well. The two "mysteries" ended up being related, but it was so contrived we could see it coming for miles. It seems that Robb/Roberts didn't write the bulk of this book. If she did, she was way off her game - and it showed. I think she came back for the end where Mavis gave birth and Eve came through for her in spite of her squeamishness. It was touching and memorable. That made up for some of the book's weakness, but not enough for more than 3 stars. I really missed Feeney, Mira, and some of the other secondary characters this time around, but I know they'll be back. I'm glad I read this one for Mavis' sake, but I hope Robb/Roberts comes back to us. I would rather read one "In Death" book a year than have a ghost writer create characters who are mere shadows of themselves.

Great, as always

This is #27 (counting the occasional novella) in Robb's In Death series. Dallas and Peabody investigate the torture and murder of a couple of engaged accountants. Robb (aka Nora Roberts) does the usual fabulous job of making you care for the victims and portraying the shock and grief of those left behind. There are a large pool of suspects to wade through and an hidden motive to find, and all the while Dallas is dealing with the burden of best friend Mavis' baby shower. Those familiar with the series can guess how well she is handling that. Half way through the book, Eve also gets involved in trying to locate a missing pregnant friend of Mavis'. As she tells Roarke, Homicide is easier than Missing Persons, because you already KNOW the victim is dead. The book has the usual cast of characters that we love, the sharp one liners, good action, etc. There is a scene regarding Roarke's perceived financial dealings that in the real world would have come up before. And Mavis has her baby - and does NOT name Baby something outrageous. Ignoring the huge coincidence at the end is easy enough; suspending disbelief is painless when the journey is this entertaining.

Yet another great one

Robb keep making them great!!! And I keep reading them and buying. It does not make a difference what order you read them.

Great series.....

I have read all of the "In Death" books by J.D. Robb, aka Nora Roberts. The relationship between Eve and Roarke is unbeatable. I love the way Ms Robb inserts humor into the drama, especially in the relationship between Eve and "Shebody." But, all of her characters are enjoyable, and I'm always looking forward to the next book in the series.

Being surprised

It was a suspense filled book. Well written. Really enjoyed it.

We have enjoyed this series very much

Just finishing this one up. #23 in the series. We have enjoyed this series very much. The performer makes you see the story and is excellent in creating each character with just her voice. I recommend this series highly. But, be sure and start at the'll miss out on so much if you don't

Another Happening for Lt. Eve Dallas

Nora Roberts continues the life of Lt. Eve Dallas with her usual seductive action. This includes bringing the reader into the whole engrossing cast of characters that surround and enhance Lt. Eve Dallas. Anyone who enjoys mysteries and police work will like this book.

Great series!

Love the book. Have already read it several times. Have had severe technical glitches with the kindle app and the audible recording...


i was really looking forward to this one because of mavis having her baby. Nora Roberts aka J.d. Robb didn't disappoint. Roake and Dallas both acted exactly as expected, with horror at the idea of being a part of the birth. Dallas and Roake both can wade through blood and guts but heaven forbid they deal with a baby being born. It was funny and on the mark. I enjoy Nora Roberts books and always look forward to the next one.



Five Stars

I love this series. They are the best. Easy reads. Very entertaining. Book in perfect condition.

Completing collection

One of my favorite authors

Born is Best

I am devoted JD Robb/Nora fan. Conspiracy-Survivior-Born are my favorite Robbs. Born has such a complex feel to it. Naturally the Mavis baby bits are wonderful. The sense of frustration and anxiety felt by both Roarke and Eve contribute to the enjoyment of the book. Surv. is also great because of the child issues that both Roarke and Eve have. Born in Death also addresses those concerns that they share. Read and Love Eve. HM


I could not wait for this book to hit the shelves. I have read every book in this series, and this rates in the top 6. The first chapter was so funny and absolutely in character for Eve and Roarke. A few of the middle chapters were a little Ho Hum but on the whole a great read. I know very few authors who stay as true to their characters as J.D. Robb[a.k.a. Nora Roberts] does and yet they are never stale. That is what will keep me looking forward to the next "..In Death" book.

Another FANTASTIC Story

Continue to LOVE this series. My absolute favourite characters ever. Love how their relationship develops with each book.As always, great story lines.

I liked it.

As always, Eve Dallas is an interesting person. I love her relationships with Peabody and Rourke. Sometimes the narration of Eve's deducting processes get a bit slow but still worth it.

J.B. Robb series by Nora Roberts is best of the best

J.B Robb aka Nora Roberts is the best series written. You will love Eve and Roarke and will be pre ordering the next in series waiting for her to write another.

Five Stars

I laughed and cried and totally enjoyed this book, again. J.D. Robb is alway a great read.

She's written better

First off, I LOVE this series. However, the plot in this one isn't very good. One of the things I love about this series is watching the characters grow. They definitely grow in this one, and I was thrilled that Mavis finally had her baby. If you want character development, this book is well worth it. But the plot was a let down. Additionally, I also LOVE Susan Erickson's narration. I started listening to this series on the way to work, and I don't think I could go back to the written page, she is so good.

A Series Review! {NO Spoilers}

4.5 stars! After basically years of seeing this series around and reading about this mystical Roarke, I gave in and decided to read the In Death Books. It was quite an undertaking, since when I started there were 33 books already released in the series, not counting short stories and novellas. Besides that, deciding to read this series was a big commitment in two fronts. One, I simply had to by 33 books and secondly, I would not be reading anything else until I was done. That's how psychotic I can be when it comes to book series. December 2011 was when my journey began and by February 2012 I was done and now there is NO turning back. I am IN LOVE with this series! I not only obviously love Roarke, but I love Eve and all the secondary characters that make up this great story as well. Yes, I have become irritated with Eve at times, but I adored being able to see her grow throughout the series. It has been quite a ride, but one I will never regret hopping aboard. This series is a great mix of mystery, police drama and romance. I love every aspect of it, from the near futuristic setting, to the way J.D. Robb writes her prose. If there is one thing that bothers me, is that considering the series has 35 books published, the span of time that has passed is very short and I wish the lapse between books was a bit longer. But if you read the books throughout a longer period of time, it won't really matter, but reading them so close together made me wish for that longer lapse. Eve is such a complex character. All that she has been through has made who she is, but her story is not less heartbreaking because of it. For that matter, so is Roarke's and the fact that these two found each other is nothing less than serendipity. They need each other and I am sure they would never have grown to be who they are in the series by book 35, if not for each other's presence in their lives. Not to mention the "family" they have built with their dear friends. One of the biggest issues brought up in this series by J.D. Robb, is the Nature Vs. Nurture debate. I love it! It always makes me think and it is very satisfying to see these people that could have become something very wrong, rise above nature and blood, to become amazing people. On the crime fighting aspect of the series, I find that Robb uses two types of narrative. Sometimes she carries more of a "Monk" style, where the perpetrator is clear if not early on, but soon. The other one is where we get a punch in the face when we finally find out out who it is. I really enjoy that she doesn't have only one style, since that always keeps me guessing =D I LOVE this series and if you have yet to check it out, please do so! The first few books might not compel you completely, but keep reading! You won't regret it!

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