Blood Truth (Black Dagger Legacy Book 4)

Kindle Edition
12 Aug
J.R. Ward
The #1 New York Times bestselling author of the “utterly absorbing” (Angela Knight, New York Times bestselling author) Black Dagger Brotherhood series and The Savior brings you the next sizzling and passionate paranormal romance in the Black Dagger Legacy series.

As a trainee in the Black Dagger Brotherhood’s program, Boone has triumphed as a soldier and now fights side by side with the Brothers. Following his sire’s unexpected death, he is taken off rotation against his protests—and finds himself working with a former homicide cop to catch a serial killer: Someone is targeting females of the species at a live action role play club. When the Brotherhood is called in to help, Boone insists on being part of the effort—and the last thing he expects to meet is an enticing, mysterious female...who changes his life forever.

Ever since her sister was murdered at the club, Helaine has been committed to finding her killer, no matter the danger she faces. When she crosses paths with Boone, she doesn’t know whether to trust him—and then she has no choice. As she herself becomes a target, and someone close to the Brotherhood is identified as the prime suspect, the two must work together to solve the mystery...before it’s too late. Will a madman come between the lovers, or will true love and goodness triumph over a very mortal evil?

Reviews (472)

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

V always gets the best lines

Another wonderful installment on the series. Such a great story as always cant wait for the christmas story in November. And of course as usual V gets all the best lines LOL, love that man.

Awesome story! I love this world, the suspense, and the heat.

Blood Truth was an excellent addition to the Black Dagger Legacy series. I love this world, the suspense, and the heat. Boone and Helania were awesome! I loved the instant attraction that Boone and Helania had in the midst of the situation they were in. They both were dealing with a lot and I felt for them. Boone had such a struggle within himself and his upbringing and I liked how he dealt with it. I felt so much for Helania as she dealt with her sister's death. She was so shy but trying to put herself out there. I loved watching her growth and healing over the course of the story. She had a great inner strength that really shined by the end. I loved them together. I thought there was great character development and I enjoyed learning their histories. I loved the build to them coming together, the hotness between them and getting to their HEA. I really liked the overall storyline happening and the suspense element in play with the murders. I had so many questions and I loved the build to getting the answers. It was exciting to read. I liked the different POVs happening as well. I was thrilled to really meet Syn, he was intense and mysterious with some serious darkness in him, I'm totally intrigued and can't wait for his story. I loved getting more of Butch and seeing him in cop mode and enjoyed the bit of healing he found. I always enjoy the Brothers, the bonding, and the entertainment value they bring to the table. I really liked a new character that was introduced thanks to Boone and Helania as well as her story and how everything came full circle. I loved the depth and building layers, and how everything came together. I’m a huge fan of this series and the Black Dagger Brotherhood, I'm always excited while reading, I hate to put my books down, and feel completely immersed in the world. This was another winner!

Boone is absolutely one of the most remarkable, perfectly flawed, heroes ever.

As for Helania -- she turned out to be heaven- (Fade-?!) sent at a time Boone most needed her, and the way their chemistry exploded, and how, in vampire biology, males bonded quickly with whom they were meant to be with? Boone falls. Hard. She holds him at arms' length. They are bound together by the grisly murders of three female victims (I could not, for the life of me, figure out why the first human female was killed -- maybe as practice? It never was revealed), and the last two later were discovered to be more significantly related to both Boone and Helania than anyone could have predicted. I loved this story. It had a completely different tone and atmospheric vibe from any of the other Black Dagger stories, including both the trainees and the Brothers, and therefore, despite the mystery and intrigue of the who, what, and the why regarding the killings, had a more relaxed, almost normal flow that was enhanced by Boone's being forced to stay off the streets to hunt lessers. This was all about Boone and Helania meeting, connecting, and falling for each other, transcending and escaping the ancient, outdated restrictions between their classes that the glymera clung desperately to. Lovely, unexpected, inspiring, Boone is a beautiful male: spectacularly muscled, larger-than-life, Helania's dream come true. I think Blood Truth deserves double the five star maximum award, despite the handful of minor typos I caught.

Fantastic Series

Boone is a trainee in the Black Dagger Brotherhood and has done an excellent job as a soldier as he fights with the Brothers. Unexpectedly, Boone’s sire dies and against his wishes, he is taken off of rotation, but he’s allowed to work with Butch, a former homicide cop to catch a serial killer. The killer is targeting females at a live-action role-playing club and one of the biggest surprises for Boone is meeting a mysterious female that he is extremely drawn to. Helaine has been trying to find her sister’s killer, no matter the danger that it puts her in and when she meets Boone she is unsure whether she can trust him or not. As the search for the serial killer progresses, someone close to the Brotherhood is a prime suspect and Helaine hopes for closure in her sister’s death. Often the Legacy books focus more on the trainee’s than the Brotherhood and I liked how this book really brought the world’s together. Getting to know more about Boone, opened some doors to future storylines that could have different implications for the Brothers and the trainees. Ward’s writing is phenomenal and riveting making her books a personal favorite.

Bye bye to the Legacy

This is the last book in the Legacy series. We get a look at Boone and Helania's love story. It's basically a murder mystery and family drama as only Ward can write. To be honest, I really didn't care for the main plot. I want more with the brothers and the b.o.b. Syn is something else. No, really he might actually be "something" else. I can not wait for April 2020 to get to know him better.

Absolutely & unequivocally wonderful!!

Absolutely & Unequivocally Amazing!! The instant attraction between Helania & Boone is strong even though they are both going through their own private hells!! I cannot get enough of this entire series - JR does an astounding job at insuring each character is unique- the interaction between characters always keeps me glued to the books! The dialogue is riveting- the references made by the brotherhood- crack me up!!!

The Brothers always deliver!

I rank Brothers as one of my top favorite reads and they always deliver. In this Legacy book, Boone one of the trainees, is the son of an elite family but, he doesn't feel that way. He doesn't get along with his father and the butler is a snot. But Boone feels that the brothers and his allegiance to the King are what he really wants to do. Although he knows he's expected to marry a girl chosen by his family, his heart is not in it and when he meets someone else while investigating a murder. He finds it hard to let go of his expectations. But there are a lot of surprises and Boone, along with the brothers have to watch men like his father who want to get rid of King, even though it's against their honor. When Boon meets Helaine at a club where he's looking into a murder, he's immediately attracted to her although she is not a member of the glymmera. This story had a lot of twists and turns, some former charters pop up and the brothers have their own problems. This was a really great read!

Always a good book from this author!

I’ve been a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood since I bought my first J. R. Ward books, a combined hardcover of Dark Lover and Lover Eternal from the Doubleday Book Club in either 2006 or 2007. Needless to say, while I’m no longer in the book club, I haven’t missed a release in this series yet. I had just finished The Savior when Blood Truth arrived in my PO Box, so the timing couldn’t have been better. The Legacy series reads more like a New Adult genre, but I enjoy them every bit as much as I do the original BDB books, especially when the latest book picked up right where The Savior left off. This is Boone’s story, one of the young trainees working with and learning the ways of the BDB soldiers. It was every bit as exciting, captivating, and beautifully written as all of Ward’s books are. I do have to cop to one totally unexpected giggle on page 392 when the family is seated and passing around “silver trays and porcelain BOWELS” of’s referred to as “an eclectic meal,” but that really did feel over the top! Loved the book, the ending was perfect, and typos happen. I highly recommend this one!

Good read.

Another good read for the series. The books in this series don’t seem as dark as the “Black Dagger Brotherhood” series though, and I have to admit that darkness is the extra for me. But, this series brings the smart a.s and snarky comments that is so great in the Brotherhood characters. I really liked seeing Butch a bit more and was hoping in some way to see his old partner, Jose de la Cruz. He needs a book! What was missing was a more in depth look at Syn. I’m sure I’ll get that in a future BDB book. Also although I really liked this book, it didn’t move the series along.

Blood Truth

Blood Truth is a good murder mystery and a good addition to the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Boone and Helania are good strong characters. We also see into two of the other fighters and Syn's foibles. I look forward to finding out more about him. We also see a new role for Butch in the Brotherhood. I must also say that I love Wrath, V, and Rhage. All of them make this world of J. R. Ward's a wonderful place. Things pick where the last book left off with Boone facing an arranged mating. From there, things happen fast, then slow down as the search for the killer ensues. Helania is traumatized by her own loss. She and Boone are drawn together like a magnet to metal and the fire of their attraction burns hot. I can't wait for the next book. J. R. Ward does not disappoint.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Blood Truth Absolutely loved.

Excellent addition to this series and it is definitely one that will keep you guessing until the very end. This one is a rollercoaster ride emotionally. It is so full of exciting twists that I didn't put it down until I was done. Book Hangover here I come. But it is well worth it. I do recommend that you get the audio book because WOW it will make you feel like you are right there with them. Jim is definitely Awesome and the Warden does a little interview with Him at the end. It was Great

Things aren't always what they seem to be

What can I say about Blood Truth, I love this world of the BDB! J.R Ward is an amazing story teller and this book is no exception. One thing about this book that is totally different from others is the suspense or "who done it" aspect of this story and I loved it! Boone and Helenia met under unfortunate circumstances, he was assisting Butch in the investigation of three dead females at a fetish club. Helenia was looking for her sisters killer. There are many twists and turns to get to the truth but they do it together.

So average I can’t even think of a headline...

I’m no doubt going to piss off the Whardens when I say this, but it has to be said...this particular offshoot of the BDB is really just filler for the main books. Unfortunately they are priced the same as the main series. I could forgive the filler series. Lots of authors do it. Some turn out better than the series they started with. Not the case here, which is why it’s so insulting to this reader and their pocketbook that I’m asked to shell out big bucks for something so uninspired. Let’s start with the cast of characters. These books compared to the originals just seem like I’ve suddenly switched to reading a teen series. Theirs such a lack of maturity and “seasoning” with these guys that I just can’t get into them. Plus let’s face it, they’re boring. Boone puts me to sleep. I can’t even tell you the heroines name! I barely made it through this book. I’d read a few paragraphs and find myself putting it down so I could go clean dishes or do laundry or some other inane doggen type chore. The chemistry between the leads was lacking. I mean the words were there on the page telling me their was chemistry but nothing was showing me the chemistry. Moving on to the next point...ahh screw it! I just can’t even finish. JR Ward, you’re better than this. Granted for any other author, this would have been a feather in their cap but you’ve proven yourself to be a master craftsmen of the written word and character building. Therefore I can’t accept this as a 5 or even 4 star read. I’m moving on to Where Winter Finds You and praying for better results and the redemption we all deserve after reading the previous shadow book. Now that I think of it...that too was another 3 star read for me. Y’all know why.

Too Good To Be True

How it possible that an author gets better as the years, and novels progress rather than repetitive? J.R. Ward is that novelist, and Blood Truth is her latest installment in the Black Dagger Legacy books featuring the trainees going through the program to to become Black Dagger Warriors. This is Boone's story, and while it focuses on some of the issues he has relating to training, the real concentration of the story is on Boone's developing relationship with Helania. Helania, who lost her sister, might have witnessed a murder and who is becoming too important to Boone.

Liked it!

I love vampire romances! I’ve read all of the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and liked most of them, even loved some. This book was no exception. It had an intriguing premise - a young civilian vampire searching for her sister’s killer collaborates with a Brother in training. The heroine, Helania, was compelling - pretty, smart, and courageous, if a little meek for me. The hero, Boone, was also compelling - handsome, strong, and loyal. They had ok chemistry but not much sizzle. The storyline was my favorite thing about the book. I also like mysteries and detective novels so I really enjoyed the incorporation of murder mystery elements. I also really liked the Butch & Marissa book, so I appreciated the stronger role Butch played in this book. Overall, I liked it, and I look forward to the next BDB book!

Delectable as always

J.R. Ward's characters are always strong, interesting, and give us the sense we would really like them in our daily lives. She has created a world we love to visit. I cannot imagine how Ms. Ward comes up with the plots and plot twists that keep her readers begging for more. This book had two surprising continuity errors that I found distracting. Both involved Butch, and we're so blatent that I spent the remainder of the book wondering how it could possibly have happened. The book is fantastic and I highly recommend it.

BDB Legacy BK 4/Read after BDB Book 17

As someone who knows a lot of people with anxiety issues, I really enjoyed reading about a feeling character who was not fearless all the time. She felt different and more relatable to me. Also learning the Boone does have some issues of his own was interesting. However, I do not feel that his ‘dark’ side was dealt with. Also, his other issue, well let's just say spoken like someone who has never had to go without. We also get an inside like into the Band of Basterds. Butch gets to show off his Detective skills and it adds to the world and shows they have a lot to learn in this new reality. It was nice to Phury again and would love to hear more about the Chosen and see Cormia again. Overall it’s a well-written book, with a few holes, leaving waiting impatiently for the next book.

Murder Mystery

Dealing with his own demons Boone falls into an investigation that will also bring in the investigative skills once honed by the Brother Butch O'Neal. Women are being found murdered in a live-action role play club that features vampires. But there's another investigator moving in the shadows of this club, a female who draws Boone's attention, Helania. She has her own reasons for investigating what is going on in the club, Pyre's Revyval, and she isn't sure how much she will share with the Brotherhood. As the investigation moves forward Boone's family dynamics, his father's political allignments, family secrets that have been kept secret become entangled in his desire to know more about the lovely Helania. There is another member of the King's fighters who is moving within the shadowed games being played at Pyre and he has his own demons, his own nightmares, that haunt him. Blood and pain haunt this hardened male to the point he doesn't know nightmares form reality. Stories unfold as the investigation continues and nightmares must be faced.


Just what we have come to expect from JR Ward and the Black Dagger Brotherhood and Legacy Series!! The stories are wonderfully intertwined creating a whole world that continues to grow with the next generation. Boone and Helania are different ends of the same cloth and share much more than they realize while being brought together through loss and grief. Butch finds some peace as well in dealing with his sister's murder and as always it is a treat to have all the Brothers part of this story and the Legacy Series! Family is not only created through blood but by the heart as well and that's the truth! 😉 Can't wait for what happens next in Caldwell!!!

Too high a cost for a mediocre book...i expect more from Ward

Was very diappointed with this book. I really like the black dagger series, but this book did nothing for me. Im usually hooked the first chapter and done within a day or two. I am on week 2 and still not complete...not worth the money i paid.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Good but not great

I’ve read all the BDB books and all the Legacy books. There was something missing in this one but I cannot put my finger on it. The characters were not developed which made the sex scenes sort of borning. But the relationship was also rushed....I didn’t get “the feels” for these two. I LOVED seeing the Brothers though!!!!! I’m disappointed that not much more was said about Syn. I’m totally frustrated about Boone’s paternity and how his Mom passed....those two should have been resolved in this book. It’s like there was a bunch of fluff and then BAM! all the exciting things happened there at the end at once. This could have been a much better books. But I will always read ANY BDB books that she writes.

Ms. Ward never disappoints

First let say that I loved Boone and Helania. Second, as I’m reading I’m reminded why I love reading anything written by Ms. Ward. The words just flow into your brain without much effort because they are so perfectly written with perfect descriptions of people places and things. You are emerged in the story and characters. Lastly, I’m in love with the BDB Ms. Ward writes these characters in a way that they come to life.

Another good installment in the Black Dagger world

I really love the Black Dagger world. The characters all have flaws and quirks, they aren't those too-perfect-to-be-real characters, so you really get to know them at a depth that you can't with those. These Legacy books are really good but, I have to say, they're not quite as up there as the Brotherhood, although I'm really looking forward to the B.O.B. books. These two characters seemed well matched, in that they were both very sweet and nice although they both had hidden depths. Looking forward to Syns book! 1 star - Awful! Want my money back! 2 stars - Bad but not horrendous. 3 stars - Decent/Good 4 stars - Really good! 5 stars - Excellent! Definitely recommend!

Um... wow just wow

Ward does it again! Another fabulous book in a fantastic series. This time we follow Boone with Butch, as he gets too discover who is killing females. This book is a wonderful ride of an intense murder investigation, falling in love, and facing your own sorrow and guilt. I don't know how Ward does it but she just has a way of pulling you in a story and keeping you there until the end and I for one hate leaving! Keep them coming!

Love from loss

It all starts with a broken arrangement. Rochelle breaks the arrangement she has with Boone. Boone tries to stop his father from going to a gathering, but he won’t listen. Boone goes out into the field without all his gear. He gets hurt and taken off rotation. He ends up helping Butch with an investigation into a murder of a female. He ends up meeting Helania and falling for her. They find out that there and murders related. Can the find the killer before he strikes again? Can Boone and Helania find a happy ever after? Come see if you can solve the case, or will you get lost in all the twists?

Boone & Helenia

JR Ward never fails when it comes to her imagination and writing skills. BDB is by far my favorite paranormal book series. The next generation of characters is as refreshing as the first... As one story ends, a new one begins. Times have changed as well as the stories. But she keeps us going. As the new cast of characters are showing face, so are they're intriguing stories. Although tragedy brings Boone and Helenia together, it's only the beginning of many more obstacles they face in a short amount of time. The mystery and drama will only keep you wanting more. I couldn't put my Kindle down.


The latest in JR Wards Legacy series which is set in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series - this story is about Boone who is a trainee in the BDB training program. I can't say I didn't enjoy the book because I pretty much read it in about two days, but it's probably been my least favorite Legacy book (hence the 3 stars). There were things that I thought weren't answered or if they were - it wasn't answered well. Apparently one of the characters is getting a story or more of one in the next book(s), but I didn't know that and so that was one of my unanswered questions when I was reading. The story between Boone and his mate was pretty sweet. I'm curious of the future of all the trainees. Hopefully it's not the last time we see them.

Things aren’t always as they seem

Once again J.R. Ward has put together another deeper look at the life of the Black Dagger Brotherhood and Caldwell’s vampire community that leaves you thinking that you know Wrath, V, Butch and the rest of the Brothers and their Shellan personally. This suspenseful story is hard to put down. You meet family and friends outside of the Kings compound that color the lives of these characters with thoughts and events we can all relate to in our own lives. Wards genius lies in her ability to bring the Brotherhoods world to life rivals The likes of Diana Gabaldon and Robert Jordan in the fantasy genre.

I need clarification please

First, let me just say how much I love the BDB series!! Every single book, I absolutely love. The camaraderie of the brothers, especially V, Butch, and Rhage. Not to mention Lassiter! We don't hear from him enough. Hint, hint. However, (spoiler alert), I'm confused at Butch dematerializing in this book. When did he become capable of that as a half breed? But then, as some of the brothers ghost through a hole in a window, V has to open the doors to let Butch in???? You've always been on point with all of your Chad through every book, so I'm curious what I missed. But other than that, 💘 this story about Boone!

Sign of a good book

Literally left me wanting more. It was great to see BDB in this story. But this was all about Boone and Helania. There are things going on with Boone that was not cleared up. Helania is a stand up female. Will I re-read? Honestly no. Not because I did not enjoy but because I know that things were left unresolved. Not a fan of that. Do I recommend? Yes. It is a part of the series so you get to see more characters and some insight into them.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Great read

Good story,great writing fell in love with the characters the BDB is the best series of books out there,anyone who likes paranormal books needs to read this series

Once again the Warden has reeled me in!

You will love it. Getting to know the Legacy group is so great. They have such great hearts. And anyway, at this point I am such a fan I would read her grocery list. Just love her books and now I have a long wait until The Sinner. She gives such depth to the characters, you feel like somewhere they are really out there somewhere.

Another book for collection

I will continue to read this author and The Black Dagger Brotherhood until one of us dies. Love the stories and worth every penny I paid. Thank you for another one !!!!!

LOVED IT as usual! 2nd gen with all the original characters!

So happy for Boone and Helania after all they have gone thru together. Great to see all the familiar faces ... Doc Jane Butch V Z Tohr Wrath and the rest of the BDB. Fritz is still the wonderful doggen and all of those in the Boone household round out the cast. Marquist what a disgusting worm! Rochelle is so sweet and so unlike the vicious glymera. Hard not to love. I really wonder what will become of Syn and I hope that he finds a happier path in his life. Always an addicted fan!

Another great story for the BDB/BDL collection.

While I thought that Boone and Helenia were a little "too nice" for the BDB/BDL books, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I identified with Boone's and Helenia's thoughts and actions and enjoyed seeing myself in them. This book has many of the regular BDB characters in it and as always, J.R. Ward writes in her unique, one of a kind style and language. I laughed and cried throughout reading this. I will be coming back for more! Don't stop J.R.! BDB/BDL is always on my pre-order list!

SOOO good!

I don't know how she does it, but JR Ward always continues to surprise me with things in these books. Its hard to imagine, this many books into a series and still they surprise me and keep me wanting more. I love these books and hope she continues to write these for years to come. If you're on the fence about adding the BDB Legacy books in with your Black dagger brotherhood.. READ THEM! Read them ALL! This book was very good and the ending was very unexpected! So well written!

Family. Heart break. Love.

It was bitter sweet, and I loved every min of every chapter. It reminded me of the writing style of the original BDB series. All the brothers were there, the ass kicking, the jokes, the love and the heart ache. Instant classic. Now I much go read it again, slower this time.

Boone is amazing!!

Love this author and this book really pulled on my heartstrings... I can’t wait to read what’s next! A really great ending to the legacy books!

Best of the Series

Blood Truth is book 4 of J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Legacy series. I love all the characters in the BDB worlds. I'm so glad to have this series about the young society. Having the original BDB characters to mentor the new ones is perfect. I must say that having read all the books in this series Boone and Helania's book is the best of all. The storyline will keep you guessing and on edge. Can't wait for another book to release.

Honor before treason.

Boone has to make a choice between honor and treason. He chooses the hard option and saves his honor. In Blood Truth, J. R. Ward leads Boone on the hunt with Butch for a serial killer. J. R. Ward has created a unique family with the Brotherhood series. I enjoy seeing just where she will take us. Although just a soldier, Boone has all the characteristics of the Brotherhood: strength, honor, respect, courage.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

On my😍

J.R your Black Dagger books never fail in the storylines or the best cast of characters ever created. I can't get enough. Love each and everyone. Your books cover all the action I love, humanity on a scale, laughs, and the love that comes through in the end. Waiting with bated breath on the next Black Dagger book. Love your work.

What the duck!

Another simply riveting story by a great authoress!!!! Love how things ended for Boone and Helania worked out in the end. I can't believe that J.R made it thru the whole book without an actual swear word, trust's not the same without an f-bomb o r two. :)

full of drama

The trainees in the Black Dagger Brotherhood have been full of drama. Boone has had a privileged life in many ways yet, money hasn’t made up for the lack of affection and love a child deserves. Amazingly, he has grown up to be hardworking and kind. He meets Helaine when they both are searching for a killer. Both are plagued by pain and anguish but drawn together. I loved this story and the ending was perfect!

Another Amazing Book by JR Ward

I really like how everything developed and fell into place in this book. As I ready it, I started to think hey, this is a possibility, but when it came to fruition, it was exactly what I thought I love that about her books. If you love JR Ward and the BDB or if you haven't read her stuff yet - this book is a definite must, but make sure you start at the beginning if you are a newbie! Thanks again JR - you nailed it again!

Love! Love! Love!

What a great way to end the Black Dagger Legacy series!! Even though we didn't get to know Boone very well in the first three BDL books, I was looking forward to reading his book. As usual, JRW did not disappoint!! Boone and Helania's story was amazing.

J.R. Ward did it again!

I loved Blood Truth! I loved how both the Black Dagger Brotherhood and the Trainees were in this book and worked together. I really like how Butch was able to use his detective skills. To me , Blood Truth had a who done it theme. I found myself guessing who was the serial killer as I read. I liked how Blood Truth is the perfect segue to the next book in the BDB series by introducing us to Syn. If you are fans of the BDB or not you will Not be disappointed.

A Crying Good Time

Excellent addition to the series. Boone & Helania are great together. Two excellent characters along with the rest of the brotherhood. I hope all the trainees become brothers and Paradise the first female inducted into the brotherhood. Butcher was an excellent support for both Boone & Helania as they were for him. Wrath, V, and all the rest love em. Can't wait for the next book.

Another Great BDB Story!!

This book blew my mind!! I was in constant suspense throughout the entire book. Reading Boone's story made my heart ache for him yet understood his point of view with all of the background on his character. The more I read of the story the more I thought I knew how it was going to end but I was SHOCKED to see it revealed, and all the pieces of the puzzle were revealed.

Another Hit In the Series

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Every one just keeps getting better. The Brothers are hot, gorgeous vampires who fight dirty, love unconditionally and are easy on the eyes! The series is a must read....over and over again!

Another excellent addition to the series

I love JRW’s writing style. I don’t think any other author could pull off what she does, and does well. Each book has a main storyline, but the books read like a saga where you get to follow the characters through book after book. Honestly, I can’t think of many other book characters that I’d like to invest so much time in, but hers have me hooked. I love all the side plots.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

So worth the money & time to read this one!

I loved this book. I think I enjoyed it more than any of the other Black Dagger Legacy series although they were all good. It keeps you going back for more & disappointed when it ended because it was over too soon. I liked the fact that it was different in that they were dealing with a serial killer and not so much Leaders or shadows. Get it, read it and see.

Anxiously awaiting the next book!

I love this author and have read all her books she writes something for every one to enjoy. My only problem I gobble them up as soon as they are released and then I'm anxiously anticipating the next book release. 💕Melissa

J.R. Ward NEVER disappoints

Another exciting world of Vampire warriors. The new teaming up with the older more experienced. New characters, pleanty of action, and always the kind of love story you hope will find you in your world. Thank you for also promising the date of your new book, and always delivering. It means the world to us who wait on baited breath for your books.

Just go ahead and cancel all plans til you are finished reading.

The portrayal of all that is so broken in our world, among people and society, was really painful, yet spot on. Thank you for reminding us that sometimes you hold onto your faith and hope does indeed rise from the ashes.

I loved Boone

Once again a story within a story...Boone, a trainee in the Black Dagger Brotherhood, fighting against the life to which he was born, to have the life that he chooses.. Meanwhile, the Brotherhood trying to solve not one, but two mysteries, while still trying protect their kind from the lessers. Another intriguing book by The Warden.

Outstanding series!!

Best vampire series EVER!! Even after ALL these BDB stories...Ward keeps it fresh, original and entertaining!! Love how she keeps it all tied together and everybody still part of the story!!

Could not put this one down.

I truly enjoyed this book and could not put it down. To me Blood Truth is her best work in awhile and I am looking forward for her to continue with this series. Hot, exciting, some violence and believe me, before its all over you'll need some tissues. Just a darn great read. Really loved it. Sigh, now whatever am I going to do.

Great read

Love this author, she is a tremendous writer. This book made me laugh, and cry! Once I started it I could not put it down, til I finished reading it. Love all the BDB books, have read them all at least three times. I can't wait for the next one . If your looking for a great series to read this is one of the best.


Another fantastic book by JR Ward!! I loved seeing Butch and Boone working together to catch a serial killer and the twist on that plot, OH. MAN!!!! If you haven't read this series yet I highly recommend it, but start from the beginning because this is a continuous story arc.


I am always surprised when I love a book as much as I do and that always seems to happen with this series. I really wanted the book to continue but I am glad I will get to read more about Syn in the next book. I was rooting for him :) Thanks again for another great book. This one was really suspenseful too.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.


This book was amazing! I love BDB! Boone and Helena meet under horrible circumstances. He was sweet and romantic, but also super smart. Butch had more in this story too. I was glad to see him have more to him other than the warrior. He was more investigator in this story. Oh, and Syn!!! I can’t wait for more of that vampire!

She does it again....once you start reading you can't stop

She did it soon as you start reading you are hooked and lost in the story....feeling surrounded by the Brothers ....and as soon as you finish it you will want to read the next and know more.....always more.... The Brotherhood are addictive, passionate, exciting, thrilling, mesmerizing...and finishing always want MORE....sooner rather then later

Great continuation...

Love this book, love this these characters...V’s line at the end is my favorite...totally get his sense of spoilers! Can’t wait for the next story!

Back in Black with the Brotherhood!!

As always I tore through the book wanting more but knowing it will come in the next book. Always does! JR Ward never disappoints and always delivers The Brotherhood served on silver platters which is always what they deserve to be. Why noone has ventured into making the best Vampire Men & Women ever into a movie series is beyond my comprehension!!

Best of the Legacy Stories

Another win for JR Ward, and this is the best of the four Black Dagger Legacy books. I love Boone and Helania's relationship and how it develops. The story lines -- there are a few -- are all well written and captivating. There are a few surprises. And now, I can't wait to read Syn's story!


For some unknown reason this particular book was difficult for me to get in to. Maybe it was the cross over stories of Boone and Syn. I can't place my finger on it. However on another note I sure hope Syn has his own book coming out. He is a deep complex character that I would love to see more of.

Never writes a bad book!

Never writes a bad book! I really liked Boone & Helania. They were a good match. Loved reading about most of the brothers, but missed the resident 👼 and most of the shellans. I think someone from the Band of Bastards needs a few timeouts with Mary. Always looking forward to the next one.

I love reading anything from J R Ward!

This story took me on a journey through discovery and riveting twists and turns in a life that turns out be able to face everything with an open mind and heart! What a great storyline and series!

Exceptional Read

I have enjoyed reading this book. It is one of the best stories in the Black Brotherhood Series. I love the storyline and the characters. This one really kept you in the dark, a real mystery. liked bringing Butch back to his old character along with “V”. Keep them coming, J R Ward!

Love BDB and J.R.Ward

Reading the BDB series takes me away from my reality and places me in Caldwell NY for a blessed story/stories. You never get bored. You feel, smell and can touch what each character does. J.R. Ward writes in a way that makes you wish the book would never end. Thank you J.R. Ward for another excellent book. ❤❤❤

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Read in a day lol

I love reading Ward’s books. I enjoyed a Boone’s story. This was not as in-depth as some of the previous books. This book lacked some additional details and information on the side stories link into main plot. That being said the Warden did great another great relationship and intimacy.


If you have not read the Black Dagger Brotherhood series yet- get on it! These books in the trainee series are a wonderful glimpse at how the brothers and their families are doing, and add in the stories of the trainees. It is a whole world... thank you Warden for letting us in!

Very good legacy story

I greatly enjoyed Boone and Helania, but I loved that we saw so much of Butch in this story. Butch was awesome in the way he handled the dead girl's mother when she came to identify the body. I loved watching him trying to solve the murders. Then, of course, my main man Wrath was also marvelous, though we never see as much of him as I might like.

Bloodlines run through us

Loved it! J.R. Ward always delivers a great book. Boone is a trainee with the Brotherhood whose father is a member of the Glymera, upper society, but Boone doesn't feel a part of it. When he is tasked to assist the Brotherhood with a serial killer. When he meets Helaine she is also by hunting for the killer because he killed her sister. They are drawn to each other but death could be stalking them.

The Best Of Legacy

This has to be the best of the legacy books to date. Refreshing revisit to romance genre roots. I absolutely fell in love with Boone and Helania. And it was a thrill to visit with Burch again. The introduction to Syn leaves me anxious for his story.

Loved it

Couldnt put it down. A must read it you love the black dagger brotherhood. You did it again JR. Thank you again and again

Good classic whodunnit

Love the characters, the overall arc and the ending. Cannot wait to see what unfolds in the next book, while this was wrapped up neatly, there are always more questions to be answered. Hope to see more of the plethora of characters in the next BDB installment, some we haven’t heard from in quite a while and I miss them!

Soooo awesome.

Love this author! The story was well written with really great character development and dialogue. There were enough steamy scenes, funny situations and great reintroduction with the rest of the characters. I can’t wait to read more of this series.


I like Boone and Helenia but I really hate the rush to sex and true love forevermore in a couple of days. The murder mystery could have been great but the facts don’t fit the solution and the twist of whodunnit scene just feels like a quick wrap it up. I love the Butch/V interaction and the subtle humor of the brothers. A lot of unanswered information in the story.

Love from Tragedy

I loved it how Boone and Helenia found their HEA, tragedy found them they found each other and made a new family for them and for others. This book had many twists and turns but come together so beautifully. The HEA spectacular.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Finding love in a tragedy

Boone is a trainee of the BDB and wasn't looking for love. Boone had to go to the King about something he was very concerned about. Helania had just lost her sister and was looking for her killer. When her and Boone's paths cross. There is tragedy, mystery and more. You've got to read and see how it turns out. So worth it.

Boone Wins

This is a BDB Legacy book, and it is very good. Rexboone fights his father and the snobbishness of the glymera while proving his loyalty to Wrath, his king. Boone is one of the most promising trainees, and he finds his true love, Helania. Good book.

Absolutely fantastic!

Just couldn't put this one down! Had me in its grip right from the first sentence. It was a real page turner. I loved the characters as always. This is my favorite vampire series and has been since the first book.

She did it again!!

WOW. Boone and Helania are now one of my favorite couples in the BDB. Overcoming mental struggles to become strong individuals.

Another excellent book

Love the humor and get caught up in the stories of the characters lives. One of my favorite book series and cannot wait for the next one


I love the black dagger brotherhood! Hands down my favorite series ever. My only wish would be that the Warden released more BDB per year... I might be satisfied with 6, lol.... Warden you amaze me, my bucket list is meeting you


As always a great read! I love reading J.R. Ward and I love the BDB world. Her characters become friends and always with a great love story. A good twist at the end is always a winner too. Can't wait to get the next one!!

Another quality read by Ward

Love the Blood series as such as the BDB. This is no exception. Nice easy read. Always wish the f-bombs were reduced by a thousand though. Ward has a very easy way of writing and they lend nothing to the story. Instantly loved Helenia and Boone. Put the pieces together a bit early in the book but enjoyed it nonetheless.

Continued growth in the trainees

The trainees of the BDB continue to show growth within this sneak peaks into their lives. The author knows what we need to keep us continuing to love her Alpha Vampires and their stories. It took a minute for Boone to get everything he needed to become the warrior he is to become, but there is no stopping now.

Another great story from JR Ward!!

The characters aka family that JR Ward has created in the Black Dagger Brotherhood just keeps getting better with every book! Boone and Helenia fit right in and the plot line will keep you intrigued until the very end. #BDBRules

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Loved It

I really enjoyed Boone and Helania's heartfelt and romantic story. Their complicated journey which began with murder and loss truly ended happily (you never know with JR Ward). And poor Syn ... can't wait to read his story.

Stellar book

J.R. Ward is absolutely a great author. I can’t get enough of the Black Dagger Series. The characters are so in depth and their stories are never the same. You can’t go wrong with reading about the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

Complimentary to Black Dagger Brotherhood.

Great followup of the series. Characters are so intertwining & each character ties in so nicely with the others & the storylines. This series such a terrific addition to the Black Dagger Brotherhood! Something you read many times over. Just that good.

Simply amazing

What can I say like every book in this series it was amazing how everything turned out for Boone I remember when he was first introduced in the series I love him then and now we’ll I am in love with Boone!!!!

Great story

I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and their development. These Legacy books have done a really good job making the characters very personal. This last one totally took me by surprise at the end- nice job!

Not surprisingly great!!!

I love the Warden and her books are auto buy for me. This book did not disappoint in the least. There were some twists I saw coming and some I didn't!! Can't wait for more of the brotherhood!!

Romance and Suspense

J.R. Ward is one of the few paranormal romance authors that still has a series that draws me in. She continues to tell fresh suspense filled romance stories involving old & new characters. Thank you J.R Ward

One of my favorite series to read.

I truly enjoyed this book. The Black Dagger series is one of my favorite storylines that I have been reading. Each time I follow their stories I have been captivated by the characters and every situation they are in.


Love it when the good guys win. The culture is changing for the better. Looking forward to finding out Syn’s deal.

Who Dun It?!

I love it when you get a great story and throw in a murder mystery. This continuation hits all the marks for me. I love JR Ward and the BDB series. I don't get too nit picky about character developments and all that; I tend to just enjoy the ride. If you are a fan of JR Ward already, you will not be disappointed.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Good book.

We have the whole series. This one was much tamer than all the previous. My partner loved it. I felt it was somewhat boring at times. Especially the end. Still a good book.

Keep Them Coming

Every time I read one of JR Wards books , I want more of these stories of the BDB talk about intriguing , and Vishous ‘s levity omg cannot wait for the next one , and what happened with Syn?

Another fantastic read from J. R. Ward!

Loved the hero and the heroine in this one. Now I can't wait for Syn's book. She's left it wide open for a bunch of drama to ensue in the following books.

Great! They're back...

So good to be among the Brotherhood again! I always feel spoiled rotten when J.R. Ward has a new release, and this was no exception. Lots of moving parts and all the pieces coming together perfectly at the end. Thank you for another great Black Dagger adventure!

Never disappoints

JR Ward has hit it out of the park yet again. Love to read this series and get glimpses of the BDB world as well as the younger group of fighters/trainees. Never ever gets old.

Outstanding addition to favorite series of mine ❤

Boone and Helania's story held me captive from page one! Another outstanding addition to one of my all time favorite series! Always fun to meet new characters but love catching up with the Brotherhood....especially Z and Butch!

Excellent Read

Loved this book so much! F?well in love with Boone and Melanie from first sight. This world is wicked good and I can't wait for the next book to come out!!! Warden, you did good with this one!


Loved this book! Definitely well worth the wait to read! J.R. Ward is amazing and I definitely suggest starting at the beginning of this series!


I love this series and can't wait for The next one. The charters have become family and I can't wait to read more about them.

My Favorite Series

How can anyone not love the Black Dagger Brotherhood? It has everything - terrific visuals, lots of action, great story line. I always feel like I know these vampires personally. Excellent read.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Have missed this series and glad to have a new one to add.

Boone was a minor character in the book about Thorne's demise. Now he gets his OWN story. AND, had to laugh when Vishous got the best line for the book. 'OMG, the _ _ _ _ _ _ did it!'


I think this series has had its day. The Blood Truth storyline had promise it didn’t live up to and both protagonists were irritatingly boring. I kept hoping a Shadow would send them into Fade.

BRB a must have

J R Ward is a wonderful author. She brings the story slice like a movie in your head. The story goes into other books, just a little so you get a catch up on the others in the world. Nice story, and I hope we get to follow up soon with this family!


Good story line. Great main characters. Loved the evil butler line. Would recommend this book to read. Thank you again

Another Good One

I love getting to know new people in the Brotherhood family. Even when bad things happen to good people, in the end good triumphs over evil.


Ward never fails in her writing. I love all her new characters. Brings the feel of real life people and real life problems. Always...waiting on the next one.

Loved it!!!!

I absolutely Love J.R. Ward's books. Never a dull moment and you feel as if you are part of the story while reading. You get attached to the characters and feel for them. Always an emotional rollercoaster lol. Thank You so much Ms. Ward for ALL your novels!!!!❤📖

Another stellar BDB read

I love a visit with my fave vamps and this was another stellar addition to the BDB series. Nonstop action and a murder mystery really kicked it up a notch. Well done!, Ms. Ward!

We need the story of Fritz!

I actually enjoyed this book a lot. Not too much of the typical BDB lingo or sex. But very enjoyable! Can you please tell the story of Fritz?! He is my absolute favourite character in the entire series! He brings a smile to my face at every mention of him!

Got swept away

I love this series. I get so invested in every story and character. Cant get enough. I really loved this story line. Loved Boone and Helania. I really enjoy seeing the younger group coming up.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.


JR Ward did it again. I love, love, love this series. It's a winner with the drama, mystery, romance and yes, comic relief. Can't wait to see what happens to Syn. Hmmm.....

Favorite Legacy So Far.

Huge fan of the BDB, loving the legacy books as well. This one, with the murder mystery storyline, really hooked me, and the characters were excellent and fully formed. Plus, I love the little glimpse we get of Syn, who is the next main BDB book protagonist.

Great read

I like this series overall - this was a fun addition. Good mix of new characters along with visits to ones we know well. Definitely recommend.

Can Now Enjoy the story.

Just got this in hardcover Now I can Enjoy the story with out having to plug my Kindle in at least twice to me this is the best of the Black Dagger Legacy Books well done

Great read

I really enjoyed this book. I have read every book in the series and can’t wait for the next one. This one had a good murder mystery. It was so funny that the butler did it.

I Loved This Story!!

Everytime I read a new story in this series it feels like I've come home! I Love All of these wonderful characters!! Boone and Helenia are a great addition to this amazing family!! I laughed..I cried! I Loved It!! I hope this series never ends! Thank you J. R. for this incredible journey!! Write on and I will read on!!

The black dagger brotherhood comes through again with another excellent book

Another wonderful book in the series the Black dagger brotherhood, very interesting read. Where will she go from here she’s running out of characters

Always a five star read

Another winner from my favorite writer of vampire romance novels. The characters are always so well developed and it’s hard to put down one you start. Loved it

Just okay

Why are all the brothers turning into saps? Yes i will keep purchasing and reading the books as the come but its like one disappoitment after another. The story was just okay.

Loved it! Loved it!

Another wonderful addition to BDB Legacy series. Ms Ward writing was her usual witty ways, I love how she drops in everyday references into her stories. Thank you Ms. Ward. I did not think I would be interested in Boone's story, as we know so little about him. But as usual you quickly got us caught up in Boone's world, and them took us on a very wonderful journey with you. Thank again Ms. Ward.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Excellent read!

This was an excellent read! From beginning to end this was a classic “who done it?” that left me shocked. The mixing of the romance with the solving of the murders also made this book a page turner!

I enjoyed it

I've been a fan of the black dagger brotherhood since dark lover and I can honestly say the Legacy books have really impressed me. This one was exceptionally moving and I really enjoyed it. Boone is a stand up male and you really can't help but like him. As always JR Ward gives great characters, a captivating story, lots of action, and a steamy romance. I can't wait to see Boone and Helania again in future books.

Loved it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Another great addition to the BDB family! This one had more that a few sad moments but lots of love to help heal the pain.

Heart with a twist

It fell right along with the what you expect but it has a nice heartfelt ending. A quick and unexpected twist that could have been built up but I liked it, nonetheless.


I absolutely loved this book. As usual J.R. Ward has come through with a heartwarming story with a fabulous ending

Blood truth

Blood truth oh my what can I say another wonderful read by j.r.ward I have read this series from book one love it


Another great book by JR Ward. The stories are fun, interesting and intriguing. Glad she is writing in some of the other characters into the story.

A this world

Always a pleasure to visit the world of the brotherhood and catch up. Fast moving story with great suspense as to who the culprit was.

Always great

This was one of my all time favorite BDB books. Recommend all the books in the series. Can't put them down.

Always love the adventure in this series!

Heart wrenching while up lifting. Love of family and friends conquering hatred. Can't wait for the next adventure in the series!

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

BDB the Best

Love all BDB books and can’t wait fir the next one to come out. Have reread some of them too while waiting.


OMG this was the best of the stories about the trainees!!! You MUST read this entire series from the beginning!


Another wonderful book just wish they could write quicker. I want to know more about the other characters.

Mystery and a love story

Left some loose ends but overall an excellent story of the trainee Boone finding his love and many people coping with grief and loss


The book was fantastic as all J R Ward books are. The problem I have is that the book was bent, twisted and a section of about 15 pages were falling out. That was straight out of the delivery bag.

Loved it!

I always love a BDB book and this one didn't disappoint. I feel we were left with the possibility of more blood-truths coming out. A+

Another Winner

I love how this circle of life theme played out ..loving the new trainees.. you need the young to balance the old seasoned fighters. Another winner

Black Dagger

Another awsome read for J.R.Ward. This series is my favorite. Full of action, romance, and humor.


Another great read. This series continues to excite me with each book. This one left me breathless. Poor Boone? NOT. Lots of twist and turns. LOVE

Great story!

Had a lot of emotion and twists and turns! Great read! Also if you get the narration, he voices Butch perfectly LOL

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Another great read

Another great read by a fabulous author!!! I’m already feenin’ for the next book I this or the original BDB series!!

Love conquers all.

In brother hood fashion. Love finds a way. Just a few obstacles to clear. Good book , enjoyed it cover to cover. Have read all of them. Both series. Enjoy each and every one.

Loved it!

I do love that this legacy book included the brothers too. I miss those guys. Loved that Boone found the life he longed for. Awesome read!

This book has it all

I so loved the "cloak" and dagger storyline, the plot twist and the joyous ending. All in true BDB fashion.

Remarkably addicting

How can I describe such a Remarkably addicting book??? OMG!!! I love--LOVE--LOVE this one!!! Romantic, funny with a twist---this one you don't want to pass up!!

Great read, as always!

J.R . Ward never fails me, I love her books. Blood truth was excellent. Great characters, kept your interest, couldn't wait to see what happens. Lot's of twists and turns. Black Dagger novels never disappoint!

Loving the Legacy!

Fantastic as always. These books get devoured by me. And now, a wait for more, as usual....Thank you Brotherhood for another adventure in Caldwell.

Loved It

Love Reading Books By This Author Great Story Can't Wait To Read More About All The Brothers

Great Series

as always a great book, since the main series stops at 18 and 22 is next, which ones are 19-21?

Once Again

Again, J.R. Ward shares another amazing story of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Again and again I travel into your world wishing and hoping for more. I will forever be your faithful reader.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Great book!

J R Ward never disappoints. Always keeps you guessing til the end. An excellent read!

Always Supreme story and waiting for next book.

Another great book. As always you can’t wait to find another character you’ll love.

Well done!

It wasn't the emotional rollercoaster that the brothers books usually are, but this one was a page turner for sure. I really enjoyed this one!

Blood Truth

Wow I’m never disappointed in any of JR Wards books. This was a great book in the extended family of the Black Dagger brothers.

Black Dagger Brotherhood is my favorite series

This series just gets better with every new book. J. R. WARD pulls you into her books so you feel like your one of the characters. There are times when I've read them straight through in one night. Must read series

Blood truth

As always The Warden does not disappoint! Love the book. Can’t wait for the next book. J R Ward is Awesome. You rock!!


Another great novel. Read it in 2 days . Couldn't put it down. Hope many more to come. Please don't ever let them make a movie of it. They couldn't do them justice

Just wow

It's always bittersweet...I want them to go on forever but can't wait to get to the end. Now we wait for more.


As always another amazing installment. I truly enjoyed this adventure and I am glad to here that I am not the only one who puts cream cheese in the mashed potatoes!

Another great read from J.R. Ward

Love the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. J.R. Ward does not disappoint.

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.


l know how to get the next book. These books are wonderful.LOVE How each has it's own unique style. WOW!!!

Good continuation of the BDB series

Good story, all our favorite BDB characters and some new ones! Easy read, flows well. Has closure. Overall good book

Great book

This was a great read & i would recommend it to all my friends. It had some definite twists & turns...kept me on the edge if my seat!!

One of her best.

Another of the great stories of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Will wait patiently until the next one. I know it will be great.

Another unforgettable story from Caldwell

JR Ward continues her unbelievable world of the Brotherhood!!! Well told and I love the way she incorporates info from previous books that may have been forgotten. Her flow and character revelation/remembrance is spectacular. As long as they keep coming.... we WILL read!!! Totally addicted since the beginning!!!!!


As always this BDB book was thrilling, I hooked as I turned every page! I am so excited for more young in the series! Can't wait to read the next book, hopefully we get more on Syn! Who, or what is he?

Another Awesome addition.

Great characters, great story. I love flashes into the original BDB family and think the new recruits and their stories are great ways to gain new people to love while keeping in touch with our favorite Brothers and their lives. I cant wait to hear Syn's story I hope it's next!

another great read

I love reading jer work. each book is amazing and and has new adventures all the time.

The young guns

Love the BRB then this will not disappoint. There are o!d friends and new ones. This book had a mystery that I realized too!!!

Love JR Ward Books

Just got the book but have yet to read it.. Love JR Ward books

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Another fantastic Black Dagger story! I love this series.

Another fantastic Black Dagger story. I love the characters and their stories. Keep them coming! Each character has a life of their own and they are amazing!!

Loved this story !

As always, Ward is amazing at story telling! Boone and Helania were sweet and an emotional journey so worth following. And I loved the mystery they solved with Butch!!

Great Story

Great read in the Brotherhood saga. Hope it continues. It feels like we're all a part of the family' I enjoyed it very much.

Get on board BDB

Happy to be on board this series!! BDB forever!!!

Great book

Great book. Sad I have to wait again for another to print. What shall I do until then?

Excellent read

Black dagger legacy books are always an excellent read! Very well written!

It's worth reading!

This book is well written. It will grab your attention and not let go until you finished it! I recommend this book. 😃

The WARDen does it again

All books in the BDB/Legacy series are amazing. Talented and creative writing in a captivating world.

Thank you Warden

I love this book, this series, these characters and I LOVE YOU! Thank you for creating this for us and Bless You Always

I love J. R. Ward!!

I loved this latest installment of the BDB Legacy!! Can't wait for the next one!!!

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

JR Ward delivers again!

As an avid BDB fan this book absolutely did not disappoint. Nothing better than a time out from hectic life to drop back into this world when a new book comes out whether in the original series or Legacy books!

JR Ward has continues to write amazing characters!

I absolutely love the world she has created! I could not put the book down! I can not wait for the next book in this series.

Love JR Ward

What can I say the best author hands down! Highly addictive her books

enjoyed very much

thanks as always for an entertaining and good read.....

Great read

Never disappoints

Loved it

As usual, Ward does not disappoint.

LOVED this book!!!!!!!!!!!

I love all the BDB books but this might by favorite of the Legacy books!! The ending had me crying happy tears!!!!

Another hit!

I'm really not very good at writing reviews but I did love this story snuff hope to hear more about Boone & Helania

Love her books

Love J R Ward

Love love ve love

I’m really enjoying the new BDBL books! The twist is a fantastic addition to the storyline. Can’t wait for the next one!!!!

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

Absolutely love J. R. Ward

This book is amazing right along side every single other Black Dagger book written. I am always reading them until I can't hold my eyes open any longer.

love it

love it

Amazing, Boone and Helania's story continuation of the Brotherhood

Romantic and suspenseful. I love that thru Boone we see the next generation of brothers. I love his more modern take on life. Can't wait for Syn's story

Jr ward

Good series

Loved it

Love this series. Awesome read I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good paranormal read.

So good


Always a fantastic series and this book did not disappoint!

This is one of my favorites so far. Keeps your interest through the whole thing. Love this series and hope it continues.

More excellent story telling!

Love love love the black dagger brotherhood series. JR Ward never lets me down!

Another great book!

Another great BDB book by JR Ward! Boone's journey was amazing and I hope he eventually becomes an offical brother. It's hard not to fall inlove with all of the characters in these books.

Another winner ...!!!!

Have every book and will continue to be an avid fan and promoter..!!!

3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages

Blood Truth 418 pgs *** Boone & Helaine 3 stars for me because there were as many filler/fluff pages as there were story pages. The actual story was awesome, loved the character building, all the characters and especially having all the Brothers there. I skimmed so many pages that were filled with what characters were thinking, I was irritated most of the time while reading. I was disappointed in the book, only because I felt like there should have been way more story than filler pages. I was also disappointed in the fact that DNA wasn’t tested for Altamere and his son. Sex scenes were romantic but there were a lot of “filler” within the actual sex scenes as well which drug those scenes out for pages and pages so I kind of lost the romance of the moment. This won’t stop me from reading every book that Ms. Ward puts out though, within the Brotherhood books, because they are some of my all time favorite books

Schizophrenic Hero & Continuity Error!

I don’t understand how J.R.Ward’s books aren’t proofread for errors. Gallery/Simon & Schuster is really letting this author down. In Chapter 10 Helenia mentions her parents died in the fifties. But in Chapter 13 they pop up alive and well after her transition in the sixties! WTH !!! I am TIRED of paying for books by big names authors that have these errors. This is sloppy business on the publishers end. Maybe their employees don’t really care about the product. The last several Black Dagger Brotherhood books, since Simon & Schuster merged with Penguin, have ALL had errors in them. Even the authors acknowledgements as her Team Ward SPELLED WRONG. I refuse to rate a book, no matter how much I enjoyed the story, more than two stars if it has such a large continuity error in it. In the beginning Boone has a bum ankle, which he then doesn’t get until later on in the book. I guess Gallery knows Ward’s books will sell no matter if they are proofed or not. The story is good especially for those of who love police procedurals. I love that the race is being held accountable. Boone’s bloodlust, which was never resolved, gave me pause in jumping wholly on board as a hero! Ward never wrapped that up either. The torture killing of the rapist, seemed out of character for the Boone in other chapters of the book. It was as if Ward was writing two different characters. The loving male, who was funny and a monster who played with and tortured his prey. It was never explained what drove him for the thrill kill, as the rapist wasn’t the only representative of his passion for toying with his prey. Helenia was a really good character, and the Boone in the scenes with her don’t ring true with the torturer. Hmmm.... confusing. I personally think Boone thrill killing was to set up the character Syn’s book which is due next year. Kind of felt like character manipulation by Ward. I truly wish Ward would have stuck to the Boone she created instead of inserting those off the rail torture killing scenes. How can a guy who is pretty much a torture killer be investigating a murder, was it because the victims were a Lesser and a human, playing with the kill was just freaking wrong. I know all of Ward’s rabid fans are going to rate this book FIVE STARS, but most defend the author no matter how off the rails her publisher gets with her books. I’ve been reading Ward since her first BDB book. I judge Ward against her own work, and this book with it’s errors and schizophrenic Boone doesn’t deserve five stars.

Cliche aside, this BDBLegacy book is a great read

I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood books and I always like a second bite at the apple when I read the Legacy books. The third book was a cool way to wind up the Beast storyline with Rhage, Mary and Bitty and get Ruhn and Saxton introduced. This book was a great intro for the Band of Bastards. Tho the story is about Boone and Helania, I liked the way Syn's story was teased and I hope we hear more about him. Like the brothers, this troubled male had what sounds like a harrowing life and I hope we learn more about him and the other Bastards. But this story was about Boone. Can I just say how much I hate the Glymera? They just never learn. And the social structure of the doggen is worth paying attention to. There were a lot of clues that pointed to the guilty party but like some of the folks in the stories, we don't pay enough attention to the doggen servant class to realise they know who doesn't belong. The killer is a little cliche but that's alright, it gives V a chance to crack wise. Boone is a solid dude who tries to be thoughtful and do what is right, but there is some darkness in him that reminds me a little bit of Phury when he was going ginsu on the Lessers. I have some problems with the girl in the story, she doesn't seem quite as carefully thought out and I felt a little dubious of her. The star though was Butch. After being in the world of the Brotherhood for four years or so, Butch got to put his trench coat and hat on and go Columbo on everyone. He was even nostalgic about his old partner Jose, who I suspect we may see again. Despite the fact this story is a little messy, I liked it, and it was a satisfying read. If you are a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood you will enjoy it.

Not that good

I love the BDB world. I do not love this book. Boone's character fell flat and his lady love was weak. The most interesting parts were the glimses of the brothers. Butch brings his police training into this book investigating a series of murders. It was awkward and not what I was expecting. I do not enjoy procedurals. Butch's investigation how-to's detracted from the main story of Boone with his female. Honestly, I say that, but I am not sure what could have been added in its place because Boone is just not that interesting. Re-write this book from Syn's perspective, now we talkin'.

Need a new proofreader

I'm a big, big fan of the BDB. Have read all the books, most several times so I'm pretty up on sequences and characters. The first Legacy stories were more meat and less fluff as this one was. I was glad to see Boone get his own story but it seemed to be written more as an afterthought than as a good, fulfilling story. Lot of cliffhangers. Don't know if that was an oversight or just a tease for future stories. Still, too many unanswered questions. The earlier BDB books, up to the story of Blay and Quinn were the really entertaining ones. Different publisher? Different proofreader or a not very good one? In any case, this one does not compare very favorably with the other Legacy stories and certainly not with the Brotherhood ones.

Series needs to end.

Nope, nope, nope. This series has run its course. No good storylines anymore. Same stuff, different characters. No grit and blah sex scenes. It makes me very sad. I used to LIVE for this book series. It’s nice seeing Butch and V, but seriously, Syn seems like a “wanna be Rhage “. No one is unique anymore. Where the hell are The lessers? This was a murder mystery book, and sorry, but that’s not her forte. It was a lot of fluff, some plot and horrible sex scenes (compared to the early books) So, I wanted to finish the Legacy books, because I did enjoy the previous ones. So, now, I am done with this series for good. No more collecting hardcovers like I have with the entire series. Makes me sad, because this series was a HUGE part of my life and reading for a long time.

Rinse lather repeat....REPEAT... REPEAT...REPEAT....

Warning there's enough filler in this book to do every set of cheekbones in Hollywood. If you don't figure this out in the first 200 pages in, you're not even trying. There's still some fun moments with the brotherhood you get a few jokes and you get a few tears but repeats so badly that you seldom get anything else. .. her last book the Savior fabulous. BIG YES. THIS CRAP HUGE NO.

Great with a flaw

This book is a thriller. The plot was exciting, mysterious and I felt like I was reading a wonderful detective story. Add to that a sweet romance between 2 adorable, though a little boring, characters and I was completely enthralled. I loved that when I thought that I had everything figured it out - which was before I reached half of the book - there was a plot twist that I absolutely couldn't have predicted. So it looks like this book had it all, right? So why I'm not giving it 5 stars? Well, as I keep stating in my reviews, I hate when a book ends leaving questions unanswered. And that's exactly what the fore mentioned plot twist did. It was supposed to present the solution to all the mystery, which it did, but it also raised a whole lot of other questions that were not addressed at all. For instance, [ even though Marquist presented his reasons to kill the 2 females, I honestly felt that said reasons were ridiculously feeble, specially considering the brutality of the killings. And that is also something that wasn't addressed at all. Even if he had reasons (very weak, but still reasons) to kill the females, why not just slice their throats? Why the necrophilia? Why hook and hang them? If indeed he killed Boone's mahmem - as I suspect he did but that is also something that was not confirmed (nor denied) - we can assume that he didn't use that kind of violence. What changed him? And what about the human killed? Was it related to the females? How? No one knows. I really wished we had more information about his background and his relationship with Altamere but as it is all we have are speculations. (hide spoiler)] And because of that, what could have been a great, surprising and unexpected solution to the drama, felt forced and artificial due to the lack of explanation. Which is a pity because I really loved the story. But I can't give it more than 4 stars when the ending was so disappointing.

Lots of twists and turns

Any time I get to spend in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood is pure gold and "Blood Truth" is a worthy addition to the canon. We get to know Boone, one of the trainees, and his instant attraction and fast growing love for Helainia who is searching for her sister's murderer. I don't usually care for police procedurals but when the Brother Butch is conducting the investigation with Boone as his assistant, I'm there. Syn, one of Xcor's Band of Bastards, has a part in the book and is a fascinating character about whom I'm sure we'll hear more. Most of the other Brothers pop in and out but Vishous gets more page time. He does have the best line in the book, as Ms. Ward has said, and it is a laugh-out-loud one. Love that male! There are lots of twists and turns as the murder mystery is unraveled, and quite a few surprises. This is a very enjoyable read that has plenty of ideas to engage the imagination, such as the nature of love and survivor's guilt. Just one question: since when is Butch able to de-materialize?

Great addition to the Dagger books.

I have read all the Black Dagger books, and enjoyed every one. Although I like the earlier ones the best, I look forward to each addition to the series. I also have read all the Legacy books. I have not liked them quite so much, but I like them enough to keep going with these “spin offs”. However, I loved this latest book. It hooked me from the beginning, and I was reading every chance I could get until I finished it. It was a great read for me, like all the earlier books in the series. I highly recommend this book, and if you are like me, and have not loved the Legacy books, be sure to read this one. I know you will love it. And of course, it looks like we have another book coming that will be based on a really interesting character that had a somewhat prominent place in this book.

JR Ward has done it again!!

Never can go wrong with her books❤️

Great author

Love this series

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