Bark of Night (An Andy Carpenter Novel Book 19)

Kindle Edition
15 Jul

Bark of Night is a treat, especially for those who love thrillers and dogs.” — Associated Press

The next novel in David Rosenfelt’s witty, heartfelt mystery series featuring lawyer Andy Carpenter and his faithful golden retriever, Tara.

When defense lawyer Andy Carpenter’s veterinarian asks to speak to him privately at the checkup of his golden retriever, Tara, the last thing Andy expects is Truman. Tiny, healthy, French bulldog Truman was dropped off days ago with instructions to be euthanized by a man everyone thought was his owner. But now the owner is nowhere to be found.

Andy is furious. Who would want to euthanize a perfectly healthy dog with no explanation? He is willing to whisk Truman away to the Tara Foundation, the dog-rescue organization which is Andy’s true passion. They will find a home for Truman. But that’s not all the vet tells Andy. Thanks to Truman’s chip, it’s discovered that the man wasn’t Truman’s owner at all . . . Truman's real owner has been murdered.

It’s now up to Andy – with help from his loyal sidekick Tara, Truman and the rest of the gang – to solve this case. In the latest in the popular Andy Carpenter mystery series, David Rosenfelt’s charmingly clever wit and love of dogs are back and better than ever.

Reviews (166)

Another great one!

If you're a fan of Rosenfelt and/or Andy Carpenter, you'll love this book. If you haven't read any other of the Andy Carpenter books, you can still read and enjoy this book. As is typical in a Rosenfelt book, it keeps your interest from the beginning. The action keeps moving along. No slow or boring parts here. The bits of humor are here as usual. I like how Rosenfelt uses names of people and dogs in his life in his books. Dr. Dowling and Murphy the mastiff make appearances here. You don't have to be a dog person to like these books. If you are a dog person, you need to read all the Andy books, and most emphatically, you need to read "Dog Tripping" and "Lessons From Tara". You'll see the similarities between Rosenfelt and Andy. By the way, no dogs are ever harmed within the pages of a David Rosenfelt book.

How does he do this book after book?

The Andy Carpenter series is a series that is still going strong after 19 books. These books always have a great story, the great characters we have to come to love, and so much humor. I giggle and smile my way through all the books. This particular story was so twisted and.....convoluted I guess? I had no idea where everything was going and I had no idea how Andy was going to pull this one together. I started the book this morning and read all day until I could finish. I always put down what I am reading when a new David Rosenfelt book comes out, I never want to wait to start the new book. This could probably be read as a stand alone if you have never read any of this series, Mr. Rosenfelt is really good at explaining the characters and the connections in each book without too much repetition. I highly recommend this series and this book if you like mysteries and humor. Also if you like dogs, there are always dogs.

Best in Show!

I have read every Andy Carpenter novel and I truly believe this is the best one yet. It is different in that the usual characters as Vince Sanders and Pete Stanton are mentioned minimally and even Joe Gamble, the young man that Carpenter is defending in a murder case, is not front and center as his clients were previously. Because...there is more to this than meets the eye. It is not just a case of Gamble killing a man in a robbery situation. This case reaches far beyond Paterson, NJ. Their son, Ricky, is away act summer camp, so this allows Andy and Laurie the latitude to work together more on this case, than in other books. Even Marcus takes on a more substantial role here. (And as he would say, "Yunh.") This book is hard to put down from Chapter One....on. Enjoy.

Absolutely Wonderful!

I’ve been a fan of the Andy Carpenter series for several years now. I always enjoy his adventures although would typically be classified as “light reads”. Yet this installment reinforces the balance of elements David Rosenfelt incorporates into this series in a very poignant manner. There’s mystery, action, humor and great character development. As the series continues, one really cares about the characters and is touched by the relationships they have with one another as well as those they assist. It’s a great book and part of a wonderful series I recommend to anyone.

Legal Mystery With Humor and Dogs!

This is #19 of the Andy Carpenter series and they never disappoint. They are told in first person by Andy himself, a wise cracking, sarcastic, and brilliant trial attorney. They always have two of my favorite things - dogs and court room scenes. This one is a good mystery and very entertaining - as are they all. It's fun to follow Andy and his investigators (which include Laurie, his clever wife and mother of their adopted son, Ricky) as money is no object when trying to clear the newest client from a murder charge. Money is no object because, ever since Andy inherited a pile of cash and started a dog rescue called the Tara Foundation, he spends whatever is needed to keep his innocent clients from conviction. He'd rather not practice law at all (and, in fact, tries to stop and retire at least once during every novel) but clients keep turning up and he's been winning at trial for 19 books in this series. The books are funny and smart and touching, and I'm ready for the next one already. Thanks Mr. Rosenfelt! Please keep them coming!

If you love dogs, complex criminal defense procedurals, great characters and hilarious writing...

Yes, I am a fan. It is possible I am an addict of David Rosenfelt's writing, but he and his wife run their own senior dog rescue, so it's all money well spent. In my view, it is well worth reading the entire Andy Carpenter series and this latest is one of the best. The characters and Andy's commentary are worth the read, but the detailed look at how criminal defense is investigated and handled in court is, to me, fascinating. Maybe not enough dog stuff here, but I'll pre-order the next one as soon as possible with fingers crossed.. Write faster, David!

Great suspense novel

While I'm not Andy Carpenter's biggest fan, David Rosenfelt is too wonderful a writer to ignore. He's created a snarky sometimes-lawyer/dog advocate, who while not charming, charms his way through some of the most well-crafted mysteries available. Bark At Night grabs your interest from the opening paragraph, and doesn't let up until the last. While the novel contains a lot of violence, it's NECESSARY for the story, and not thrown in for the heck of it. All the complications of the mystery, and the various characters are wonderfully drawn. I even liked grumpy, weak-kneed Andy more than usual. Laurie was fantastic (as usual). This is one of Mr. Rosenfelt's best books. Highly recommended.

Andy Carpenter novels are the absolute best

I love these novels about the lawyer Andy Carpenter, his wife and team of investigative personnel. Andy Carpenter is funny, smart (and smart aleck). I really enjoy reading how his character has grown over the years - from marrying Laurie to adopting their son. And of course Marcus, Sam his accountant and the police detective Stanton, along with his friend and partner in the Tara rescue dog foundation, round out a stellar cast of characters. All of Rosenfelt's novels on Andy Carpenter are written from the viewpoint of Andy in the first person, which makes them that more enjoyable to read. I've never been disappointed in any of the Andy Carpenter novels.

Hard to take

I read this series because there’s no gruesome killings, etc. and the story lines are usually pretty good. But this author’s attempts at humor are almost unbearable to get through. It’s like a 8 yr old. I wish he would just play it straight and drop 90% of his attempts at being funny or amusing, he’s neither. Also, he makes Andy’s cop friend Pete a cartoon character with no brain. He needs to fix that. But in the end I will continue to read since he tells really good stories. And his court scenes are good as well.

An Uplifting Feel Good Read

I buy the Andy Carpenter series for my animal-loving husband who is a push over for just about any story with a dog in it ( or cat for that matter. Or horse. Or wounded pigeons or whatever). He enjoys Rosenfelt’s self deprecating humor and of course the ever present dog-related issue integrally woven into each story. Add the Tara Foundation and there is a guarantee that I will hear chuckles and see a smile whenever I glance at the chair where he sits to read.

Another great one!

If you're a fan of Rosenfelt and/or Andy Carpenter, you'll love this book. If you haven't read any other of the Andy Carpenter books, you can still read and enjoy this book. As is typical in a Rosenfelt book, it keeps your interest from the beginning. The action keeps moving along. No slow or boring parts here. The bits of humor are here as usual. I like how Rosenfelt uses names of people and dogs in his life in his books. Dr. Dowling and Murphy the mastiff make appearances here. You don't have to be a dog person to like these books. If you are a dog person, you need to read all the Andy books, and most emphatically, you need to read "Dog Tripping" and "Lessons From Tara". You'll see the similarities between Rosenfelt and Andy. By the way, no dogs are ever harmed within the pages of a David Rosenfelt book.

How does he do this book after book?

The Andy Carpenter series is a series that is still going strong after 19 books. These books always have a great story, the great characters we have to come to love, and so much humor. I giggle and smile my way through all the books. This particular story was so twisted and.....convoluted I guess? I had no idea where everything was going and I had no idea how Andy was going to pull this one together. I started the book this morning and read all day until I could finish. I always put down what I am reading when a new David Rosenfelt book comes out, I never want to wait to start the new book. This could probably be read as a stand alone if you have never read any of this series, Mr. Rosenfelt is really good at explaining the characters and the connections in each book without too much repetition. I highly recommend this series and this book if you like mysteries and humor. Also if you like dogs, there are always dogs.

Best in Show!

I have read every Andy Carpenter novel and I truly believe this is the best one yet. It is different in that the usual characters as Vince Sanders and Pete Stanton are mentioned minimally and even Joe Gamble, the young man that Carpenter is defending in a murder case, is not front and center as his clients were previously. Because...there is more to this than meets the eye. It is not just a case of Gamble killing a man in a robbery situation. This case reaches far beyond Paterson, NJ. Their son, Ricky, is away act summer camp, so this allows Andy and Laurie the latitude to work together more on this case, than in other books. Even Marcus takes on a more substantial role here. (And as he would say, "Yunh.") This book is hard to put down from Chapter One....on. Enjoy.

Absolutely Wonderful!

I’ve been a fan of the Andy Carpenter series for several years now. I always enjoy his adventures although would typically be classified as “light reads”. Yet this installment reinforces the balance of elements David Rosenfelt incorporates into this series in a very poignant manner. There’s mystery, action, humor and great character development. As the series continues, one really cares about the characters and is touched by the relationships they have with one another as well as those they assist. It’s a great book and part of a wonderful series I recommend to anyone.

Legal Mystery With Humor and Dogs!

This is #19 of the Andy Carpenter series and they never disappoint. They are told in first person by Andy himself, a wise cracking, sarcastic, and brilliant trial attorney. They always have two of my favorite things - dogs and court room scenes. This one is a good mystery and very entertaining - as are they all. It's fun to follow Andy and his investigators (which include Laurie, his clever wife and mother of their adopted son, Ricky) as money is no object when trying to clear the newest client from a murder charge. Money is no object because, ever since Andy inherited a pile of cash and started a dog rescue called the Tara Foundation, he spends whatever is needed to keep his innocent clients from conviction. He'd rather not practice law at all (and, in fact, tries to stop and retire at least once during every novel) but clients keep turning up and he's been winning at trial for 19 books in this series. The books are funny and smart and touching, and I'm ready for the next one already. Thanks Mr. Rosenfelt! Please keep them coming!

If you love dogs, complex criminal defense procedurals, great characters and hilarious writing...

Yes, I am a fan. It is possible I am an addict of David Rosenfelt's writing, but he and his wife run their own senior dog rescue, so it's all money well spent. In my view, it is well worth reading the entire Andy Carpenter series and this latest is one of the best. The characters and Andy's commentary are worth the read, but the detailed look at how criminal defense is investigated and handled in court is, to me, fascinating. Maybe not enough dog stuff here, but I'll pre-order the next one as soon as possible with fingers crossed.. Write faster, David!

Great suspense novel

While I'm not Andy Carpenter's biggest fan, David Rosenfelt is too wonderful a writer to ignore. He's created a snarky sometimes-lawyer/dog advocate, who while not charming, charms his way through some of the most well-crafted mysteries available. Bark At Night grabs your interest from the opening paragraph, and doesn't let up until the last. While the novel contains a lot of violence, it's NECESSARY for the story, and not thrown in for the heck of it. All the complications of the mystery, and the various characters are wonderfully drawn. I even liked grumpy, weak-kneed Andy more than usual. Laurie was fantastic (as usual). This is one of Mr. Rosenfelt's best books. Highly recommended.

Andy Carpenter novels are the absolute best

I love these novels about the lawyer Andy Carpenter, his wife and team of investigative personnel. Andy Carpenter is funny, smart (and smart aleck). I really enjoy reading how his character has grown over the years - from marrying Laurie to adopting their son. And of course Marcus, Sam his accountant and the police detective Stanton, along with his friend and partner in the Tara rescue dog foundation, round out a stellar cast of characters. All of Rosenfelt's novels on Andy Carpenter are written from the viewpoint of Andy in the first person, which makes them that more enjoyable to read. I've never been disappointed in any of the Andy Carpenter novels.

Hard to take

I read this series because there’s no gruesome killings, etc. and the story lines are usually pretty good. But this author’s attempts at humor are almost unbearable to get through. It’s like a 8 yr old. I wish he would just play it straight and drop 90% of his attempts at being funny or amusing, he’s neither. Also, he makes Andy’s cop friend Pete a cartoon character with no brain. He needs to fix that. But in the end I will continue to read since he tells really good stories. And his court scenes are good as well.

An Uplifting Feel Good Read

I buy the Andy Carpenter series for my animal-loving husband who is a push over for just about any story with a dog in it ( or cat for that matter. Or horse. Or wounded pigeons or whatever). He enjoys Rosenfelt’s self deprecating humor and of course the ever present dog-related issue integrally woven into each story. Add the Tara Foundation and there is a guarantee that I will hear chuckles and see a smile whenever I glance at the chair where he sits to read.

Add me to the David Rosenfelt "hooked" fan list!

After reading all of Harlan Coben's books, I've been searching for any other author who has the ability to bring his main characters to life, tell a good story, and also make me LAUGH OUT LOUD and I am happy to say I have found one such author in David Rosenfelt. Maybe it's because I am from N.J. and attended college at Paterson State that this setting hits so close to home. Plus, I am a dog lover at heart and Andy Carpenter is too. I am now going out to print a list of all of David's books and add them to my reading list!

Love this series

As I stated in my previous reviews, I thoroughly enjoy(ed) this series about Andy Carpenter, lawyer and his BFF 'Tara' his beautiful golden retriever. The law cases are interesting and Andy Carpenter is a hoot. I'm almost finished with the series and am sad. Hope David Rosenfeld writes more books with Andy Carpenter in them. Also enjoyed the Reader: Grover Gardiner.

Great book

After I started reading the book I realized I had read another from this series. Nice to catch up with old friends. I like that the main character always ends up helping others almost against his will. His group of associates always get the job done in their own fashion. The dogs in this series seem to find a great home by the end of the story which is the best part of it all.


I enjoy all of Rosenfelt's books but Andy Carpenter novels are by far my favorite! I love Andy's sense of humor, the dogs that are incorporated into the story, and if course Marcus! I also like how when they go to trial it's a concise description. He doesn't bog you down with pages of legalese. I hope he continues Andy's series as I know he's starting a new series with Laurie.

Great Book

David Rosenfelt never lets me down. Love his books, and really like the Andy Carpenter series. Andy is a reluctant defense lawyer who always goes into a court case still needing what he needs to help his client. Like the author, Andy loves dogs and rescuing them. Can't help but love him. And I like that there's humor even when it gets really serious.

A fun read

I really like these books. Great characters, good humor, decent story line. It is not too dark and heavy, just a nice read. I think the publisher must have asked the author to write longer books because some of the detail and story line is obviously stretched to get more pages but that is fine, it is still a fun read.

Sit! Read!

David Rosenfelt is one of my favorite authors and I love his Andy Carpenter series. I only wish he would write faster so I could read more of Andy's adventures. I am a fan of mysteries and I particularly enjoy those that have wit woven into a great the Spenser series and the Chet and Bernie series. Great reads one and all!

Never Lose

If your dog sleeps with you, if you worry when there listlessness, if you feel certain they need another walk...welcome to the club ! The members of the Andy Carpenter Club choose David Rosenfelt as their special author ! True Dog Mom's & Dad's love David's crazy stories !!! "5 Star all the way"

Great Job!

David does such a great job with Andy Carpenter and the other characters in his Carpenter series books, and this is another gem. The seriousness of the legal issues that inevitably lead to complex, life-threatening issues is offset with some great wit and humor...again! I recommend Bark of Knight as well as the entire series.

Superb! David Rosenfelt at his best!

It has long been known that Mr. Roosevelt's genius comes from his close association with golden retrievers. Dogs make everyone smarter. Living in close proximity to in excess of nine large canines has elevated Mr. Rosenfelt's intelligence to the genius level many times over. I loved this book! All of his characters are vibrantly alive. His much loved snark is written in every line. Great plot! GREAT plot! Well done!

Another Great Andy Carpenter Adventure

Bark of Night is interesting, engrossing and just as much fun to read as all the other Andy Carpenter novels have been..If you love dogs and are interested in the work of a dog-loving, slightly unorthodox defense attorney as he uncovers a dangerous new drug distribution ring and defends a man caught up in its crosshairs, then this is the book for you! Long live Tara and Sebastian! (and their humans...)

Another Great Read

The only bad thing about David’s books are that I read them so fast and then have to wait forever it seems like for the next one to be released. He is my favorite author and Andy Carpenter is my favorite series. If you haven’t read any of David’s books, you are certainly missing out.

Best of the series

I have read all of David Rosenfelt’s Andy Carpenter series up to this point. I thoroughly enjoyed them all but I think this one was the best. As always the humor is well done and the plots are creative. Very enjoyable read!


I so look foward to every new Andy Carpenter adventure. This one doesn't disappoint.


Wow, what an ending! I had no idea how things were going to tire together, but near the end things started to come together into what turns out to be a great ending! Rose felt penned yet another Andy Carpenter gem!

Bark of Night

I love David Rosenfelt's books, they are good!! This one is awesome, it has mystery, it has great people and wonderful dogs !! I love Andy Carpenter, he's funny and serious !! I can't wait for the next book !k

As wonderful as always

Even though it's the 19th book in this terrific series, Mr. Roosevelt continues to bring the readers an intriguing story with suspense and humor and doesn't neglect his great characters. I just love this book.

Love this series of books

Great reads all! Mysteries, legal thrillers, self-deprecating humor from the protagonist and his good reads. While there are similarities between his story paths they each stand on their own.

How much fun can a mystery be?

This was my first encounter with Andy Carpenter, his dogs, family, and Dr. Dowling....... what a delightful summer read! The twists and turns kept the interest level high. The addition of practical events of everyday life cut through the reality of the mysterious happenings. Will now go back to read some more books and anxiously await the new offering.

Luv a cozy mystery with a comical self deprecating hero and a love interest including a lovely lady and a loving dog.

Love the Wise guy character of Andy carpenter and his gang of do Gooders. The story line is intriguing and there is always a happy ending. Very pleasant read that I couldn’t put down.

My favorite Author

I love this series. It has,humor,mystery,excitement,and a group of people I wish were my friends. I guess in a way they are. I've been reading about them for years. Don't stop writing now! Let's keep going

Another great Andy Carpenter mystery!

I just love Andy Carpenter and his sarcastic wit. Each character in this series has become someone I can't wait to read more about as the stories unfold.

Couldn't put it down

This was one of the best Andy Carpenter books. The mystery had me guessing till the end. Andy's self efficing humor was so much fun. The book before this one was too complicated and not as good as the others. But this one is a winner. Rosenfelt is one of the very best writers today.

Good Reads.

All of Rosenfelt's Andy Carpenter/Tara series are so good. Andy has a great sense of humor. I never can put them down until I finish.

Loved it!

All the usual and loved characters! Great story complete with dogs, mobsters, and Marcus. He’s the only character I’ll mention as I don’t want to leave anyone out. My only complaint is that it was too short!

Good Book

This is the first book I've read written by this author. With the dog title, I wasn't sure if it would be a 'fluff' read. It was very good. It was an interesting murder story and the main character has a great sense of humor. I really enjoyed this story.

Great dog conversationalist

Just love "Andy Carpenter". Witty and always a quick read. He loves his dogs and the conversations are entertaining.

Makes You Laugh Out Loud!

If you are a fan of the Andy Carpenter series, you will remain one after reading "Bark of Night" ! Filled with humor and twists and will enjoy every page. I look forward to every new book in the series.

Another fun read wth David Rosenfelt!

The characters stay true to who they are as another innocent person is vindicated. I do appreciate the wit and humor of this author.

Enjoyable Read

Although alive David Rosenfelt's Andy Carpenter books the plot seems to be the same. Maybe that is part of the charm to see how in the world be is going to pull everything together. Love all his characters. Marcus as a new daddy was a clever twist. Have already reserved the next book.

I really liked this on.

Love the way he personally builds his characters, good ones and bad ones. The mystery is always good. Looking forward to next book.


Another great and enjoyable book starring Andy Carpenter, Laurie, Ricky and Tara. Always a good and humorous read. Keep ‘me coming.

David Rosenfelt is the greatest author.

Love all his books, he has a tongue in cheek way of writing his mysteries. Just kick back and enjoy!

Great series

Have read the whole series. Always excellent involved plots mixed with some humor. Look forward to next book,

Great read !

Andy Carpenter once again at his best! His team pitches in as always and Marcus saves the day. There were some twists that surprised me and kept it interesting. I would have liked more of the dogs participation..maybe in the new “K9” series coming soon.

The Best One Yet

Another great Andy Carpenter book combining mystery with a sense of humor. Plus it has a most satisfying conclusion. Unlike many successful authors, Rosenfelt only gets better!

Fun mystery series

I like the Andy Carpenter mysteries since they are also full of sharp, witty dialogues.

Fun read

We love it. If your a dog and mystery fan you will give it 5 stars.

Every time! I fall head over heals into the story

And in spite of interruptions diversions and responsibilities popping me out, I slip right back into the story smoothly, and energetically re-involved. David Rosenfelt is a master.


A great read with clever lines, interesting characters, and a fun story!

Glad to see another Andy Carpenter book!!!

David Rosenfelt's latest book, BARK OF NIGHT, is a big improvement over the one before it. Looks like his move east has been good for his writing!

A great addition to the series

A great story in keeping with the rest of the Andy Carpenter novels.

a great story.

A bit hard to follow. Many characters in it and got kinds confused as to who was who. I like his tales, but this one was a tad hard to follow.


David Rosenfelt does not disappoint and this book was no exception. From beginning to end I was hooked and couldn't put it down. Read this one, you won't be disappointed either.

Good read

Love all of David's s Andy Carpenter books...they take me away from reality and help me relax and enjoy a good read.

Love Bark Of Night

Loved every part of this book. The drama suspense and humor. I won't give away the end but I had a year or two. Thank you MR Rosenfelt. I love all your books. I never can guess the end and that makes them so much more fun to read

Another breed heard from...

Another thoroughly enjoyable addition to the Andy Carpenter series! I can always count on plenty of laugh out loud moments and delightful dog lore to move the mystery along.

Another good read

A lot of fun read when you want to just kick back and relax from other pressures.

Loved it

I love this series and this one was a lot like the others. So if you like Andy and the gang, you'll like this one.

Typical Andy Carpenter humor

A really good read!

What a plot! It’s not just about a dog.

Andy Carpenter is great as always.

Arrived Fast and in good condition

Delighted it came so quickly and in even better shape than I expected. Haven't read much yet, but fully expect it will great reading by the fire.

Another Great Andy Carpenter Book

I loved this book, just as I love all the Andy Carpenter books. Highly recommend.

Great read

As always humorous. I love these books!!!

Quick read

I like David Rosenfelt and have purchased all of his books, including the Andy Carpenter series. Unfortunately, the Andy novels are getting to be all too similar. I'd be happy with a break from Andy and more stand alone writings.

A great book for light reading where the dog is an important part of the plot! Fun reading!

Liked Truman the victim's dog, and Andy Carpenter and his family, along with all his business partners! Drugs, mystery and intrigue, w!with courtroom antics!

Beware the twists 😍

I love the author’s sarcasm!


Interestingly plotted and smooth read. The expertise of the characters and plot development are great. This is an entertaining book that values the reader’s intelligence, while being canine oriented fun.


Writing seems to be at a middle school level

Another winner!

Every Andy Carpenter book is a delight. Funny, entertaining. I feel like I know these characters so well!

Typical Rosenfelt

Bark of Night was another good read by Rosenfelt. His plots are always complex, yet totally understandable in the end.

Love his wrtiting syle and the plot twists on this one.

Being a dog lover, I love the Andy Carpenter series. Love his self depricating style and all the plot twists.

You will not want to put the book down.

I enjoy anything written by David Rosenfelt, and when about Andy Carpenter I enjoy it even more. This was a well written book that was both funny at times but also very suspenseful. Loved it from start to finish.

Great book!

Excellent read! Love how rescued dogs are part of the story. Easy read and the characters are not always as they seem. Read all his books in order, great series.



I ordered the book on line & it came to my house on time.

This is a good book & an easy read.

Andy Carpenter never fails to entertain me. He keeps me reading!

What's there to say besides David R is a supremely talented, articulate writer. Keep writing please!

Another excellent Book by David Rosenfeldt

Enjoyed this book and could not stop reading. New dog in this book Truman who evades euthanasia. Of course Tara is featured as well.

Great. Just like all books in this series

Love this author

Another great Andy carpenter story

I always read david dissenters books and this one has great humor and lots of intrigue. I loved it. Yes!

Fun read, very entertaining!

Well written and the character, Andy, is very entertaining. Plus, I love a good mystery that includes animals, especially dogs!

Slow read

Didn't old my interest.


Love all the characters! Love the familiarity of the characters in each book. I miss them between books!

Page turner

Enjoyable read

It's Andy Carpenter!

All of the Andy Carpenter series are exceptional. Very funny. Listen to them all.

Another great book in this series

Awesome book in an awesome series. Love Andy Carpenter!

Great series

Love all the Andy Carpenter books


Excellent addition to series.

Not as much about dogs as you might think

It was a good story

Goid book as always!

Love all his books, especially the ones with the dogs!!!


Good overall read

Must read

Always perfect

David Rosenfelt never misses!

I'm never disappointed with an Andy Carpenter book. Always fun to read.

The Woof Woof Trial

Mr Rosenfelt's 16th novel featuring Andy Carpenter and his more than slightly askew team of helpers. Andy, as most of his fans know is a defense lawyer who has inherited money and consequently would rather not work at his profession. In spite of his predilection each novel features him picking up the defense of a person charged with murder. He is helped in building up the defense of his client by his wife Laurie who was previously a law enforcement officer and now acts as his investigator. In addition there is Marcus, silent but a deadly weapon who defends him, an office manager who would rather be retired and normally is found resting and several other individuals including an assistant manager of an FBI office, a police chief and an assistant lawyer. Most important are his two dogs who do nothing but get walked while Andy thinks things through. The author's unabashed love of dogs especially Golden Retrievers is showcased in his novels. Andy and his partner Willy own and operate a center for the saving and placement of stray dogs. In Bark of Night the action is begun when Andy is called by his veterinarian to check out a dog that has been given up with an order to destroy it. Andy takes the dog and places it in the Center and asks his partner to look after the animal, don't destroy it and await developments. Sure enough beginning at this point Andy is dragged into a situation where he must defend a young man accused of murder. Mr Rosenfelt takes this novel up several notches which makes a good read into a better one. The plot brings a national criminal activity to the attention of the FBI, Homeland Security and the police forces of many jurisdictions around the United States. The author does an excellent job of bringing all the threads in the book to a very clever conclusion while allowing his readers their normal satisfaction with the novel. The writing style, as always is clever tongue in cheek, and does influence the reader to finish the book in one sitting. It is a given that there will be future novels featuring Andy and his helpers, the defense of someone on trial, a dog or dogs and a good time had by all.

Andy Carpenter goes to the dogs - again - and it's another great read!

When David Rosenfelt writes another Andy Carpenter mystery I run to order my copy. i don't need to know anything about the plot,- if it's Andy, Laurie, the team and dogs, there isn't anything else I need to know. On top of that, it is one of the few series I have re-read. To say it's a 'must have 'hardly covers it. Andy is in great form again. Doing his level best to not practice trial law, something that makes Edna very happy - she loves her crossword puzzles and working on a case with the team cuts into her pleasure. Now she's warning Andy that she may want to retire. Not a chance, Edna. The rest of the legal team is always up for the challenge and not matter what Andy says or does to avoid the courtroom, a case always finds him. Cue the dogs. This doggie is a French Bulldog named Truman and he is the draw for Andy. A dog in need of help just has to get onto Andy's radar and Andy can't say no. Too bad this sweet little pup brings along a huge, twisted set of homicides for Andy to untangle. He has three of them right out of the gate and in two states, no less. It isn't long before all three homicides are connected and that connects to Andy's human client even though he was in jail already for some of the killing. From Paterson, NJ to suburban Philadelphia in scope and involving both local police departments, the FBI and other federal agencies, Andy has his hands full. From what started out as a simple rescue call from his vet about a relinquished dog about to be put down (not on Andy's or the vet's watch) the case morphs into a case of national security. It's a good thing that Andy continues to have connections to all of the major law enforcement agencies and that, sometimes reluctantly, they still agree to take his phone calls. Andy is very good at practicing law - even though he longs to be permanently retired - but, for many, he can be a real pain in their collective butts. Bottom line, if you like legal mysteries, dogs, humor - lots of good humor - strong relationships, twisted, multi-layered puzzles - then put down whatever you are reading now and make haste to your nearest purveyor of books and get a copy of Bark of Night. Set aside a block of time to become lost in a five stars mystery. You won't regret it.


When lawyer and dog lover Andy Carpenter takes his beloved golden retriever Tara to the vet for a check up, he gets more than he bargained for. The vet tells Andy that Tara is the picture of health however he also has a perfectly healthy French Bulldog that has been left by the owner to be euthanized. Problem is that the dog has an implanted chip indicating that the dog’s name is Truman and that he really belongs to a recently murdered documentary film maker. The cops have already decided that a young man named Joey Gamble is good for the murder since he was supposedly the last person to see the victim alive. The only problem is that the man who ordered Truman to be euthanized is now a murder victim too….as is his wife. Of course, Andy and his crew decide to save Truman and represent the accused young man and in the process uncover a plethora of similar murders covering several states that all seem to be tied to one person. For readers seeking a “dog acting like a human story” this is not one of those. In this case, the dog acts only as the catalyst in involving Andy and his team, as well as the Feds in what is a healthy helping of thriller/murder mystery with a side order of witty one-liners .

Don’t mess with a dog if Andy Carpenter is around!

When New Jersey attorney Andy Carpenter takes his dog Tara to the vet, Dr. Dowling asks for his advice. A man has dropped off a perfectly healthy dog and paid for him to be euthanized. As a caring veterinarian, Dr. Dowling can’t bring himself to kill the dog, but when he tries to contact him he discovers that the man has given him a false name. Dowling learns the real owner’s identity through a micro chip, only to find out that the man has just been murdered. The police soon arrest someone, but Andy thinks the accused did not commit the crime. Andy is a very reluctant lawyer, but he takes this case to free an innocent man and to find out who really did commit the murder… and try to kill a healthy dog. Unlike many current-day protagonists in the mystery genre, Andy has a happy family, consisting of his wife Laurie, their adopted son Ricky, and Tara, his beloved golden retriever. Laurie is a retired police detective who is part of Andy’s legal team, which includes Marcus Clark, a private investigator and “the single scariest and toughest person on the planet, which is why I have structured it so that he reports to Laurie and not to me”, and Willie Miller. Willie has a black belt in karate, but “Marcus makes him look like a delicate flower”. Other members are Sam, his “cyber-investigative unit”, whose work Andy has found “to be both illegal and very helpful, not necessarily in that order, ” attorney Hike Lynch, and his secretary Edna, who is even more reluctant to work on cases, or anything else, than Andy is. Andy remarks that “Edna hasn’t done any actual work in years, unless one considers cashing checks to be work.” Quirky they may be, but Rosenfelt’s characters come across as human. I was touched when Andy mentions the client’s grandmother to his clients, and the client responds, “Do you think it’s possible she believes I did this?....I don’t think I could live with that.” Narrator Andy’s descriptions of his team give you a sense of Andy’s personality and the tone of the book. This personality is in full display in the courtroom scenes, to the delight of the readers but not of the judges Andy appears before. The bad guys are pretty nasty, and this might be the nastiest case Andy has undertaken, but the overall tone keeps the book and the series well out of the noir genre. What can I say about the nineteenth book in a series, besides the fact that I have read and thoroughly enjoyed them all? If you are new to the series, you can enjoy this book without reading any of the others, but I would suggest you read the first book, Open and Shut, to get the background for Andy’s team and their circumstances, after which you can enjoy them in any order. Let me assure the series’ many fans that Rosenfelt has not run out of interesting dog-related cases for Andy to solve and narrator Andy will doubtless never run out of his wry comments or courtroom antics. As a matter of fact, I see that the next Andy Carpenter, Dachshund Through the Snow, is scheduled to be published this fall. I, for one, will be dachshund off to read it! My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance review copy of this book.

I greatly enjoyed this fun mystery with Andy Carpenter and the team.

Andy Carpenter is a wealthy criminal lawyer who would rather enjoy time with his golden retriever, Tara, than working on a case. Especially, he doesn’t like getting dragged into a murder case where his skills stand between the accused and jail. On the other hand, he isn’t one to stand by and let an innocent young man be framed for murder. Andy learns about the murder and the accused young man when his vet calls him in to introduce him to Truman, a tiny, French Bulldog. Truman was brought in by a man who paid to have him euthanized. However, the vet says Truman is perfectly healthy and they have learned the dog belonged to a recent murder victim, not the man who brought the dog in. Andy, with the encouragement and support of his wife, Laurie, a former police cop and investigator, agrees to take on the defense of the accused young man. Andy’s team steps up to help, including Sam, the whiz accountant and computer hacker, and Marcus, the (mostly) silent, intimidating bodyguard. Even former client Willie, who now helps run Andy’s Tara Foundation, a dog rescue organization, joins Marcus on the streets for stakeouts. The investigation is layered and twisting, starting with Truman and his murdered human, and moving to a dead mobster hitman and his wife. Somehow a local gang leader and a murdered homeless man are involved too. Andy and his crew have to race against the trial clock to connect all of the dots. I loved the twisty mystery plot and the wry, self-deprecating humor. The author, David Rosenfelt, puts in enough detail to introduce each regular character without bogging down the story. This allows the story to be read as a stand-alone although I do recommend enjoying the series from the beginning! I have enjoyed reading or listening through Book 10. This book 19 revealed that I have missed events in between, including the adoption of a son, Ricky. I also enjoyed the fact that, having listened to many of the books narrated by Glover Gardner, I could hear the characters in my head as I read. It makes me want to get the next book on audio. You don’t have to be a fan of dogs to enjoy this series, but it adds to the enjoyment. I recommend this to fans of cozy mysteries and detective mysteries. Source: 2019 NetGalley. My rating 4.5 of 5.0.

Has more bodies than some small towns, but Andy's fans will enjoy it.

First Sentence: Frank Salvio checked into the hotel under an assumed name, using fake identification. Truman, a healthy French bulldog, was left to be euthanized at the veterinary office where attorney and rescuer Andy Carpenter takes his dog. Truman is chipped, but the man who dropped him off is not his apparent owner. When Andy finds the owner has been murdered, it sets him off on an interstate investigation involving far more than one bulldog. The first thing to know is that, in spite of the cute dog on the cover, this is no cozy. Dead bodies abound. The other thing to know is that, in spite of their number, the murders aren't described in gruesome detail. From the very beginning, the case is delightfully twisty, almost a bit too much so. Rosenfelt engages the reader and ensures one wants to know what happened as much as do the characters, and there are a lot of characters. This is one time when a cast of characters might have been helpful. It is those on Andy's team, of which there is a good, succinct introduction. who are quirky and enjoyable. Everyone should have a Marcus in their life—or maybe not. Most of all, there's Andy. There's something rather delightful about having a protagonist who is a picky eater, not a crack shot, or a boxing/martial arts expert but is, in fact, a bit inept, and admits it. Even when he tries to lose at a game, he accidentally wins. Andy's, and Rosenfelt's, expertise is the law. It is interesting learning how an investigation team goes through a location of interest and it is those details which provide veracity to the plot. A well-written courtroom scene can provide tension. What is nice is that he explains the process and legalities along the way and that he writes very good dialogue—"Am I doing down for this?" he asks, the fear evident in his voice. "You're sitting here in handcuffs, Joey. You're already down. We're about to start digging you out." The explanation of what is behind all the deaths is a terrifying one, all the more because of its believability. The escalation of the plot's timetable makes things exciting and tense. The only slight complaint might be that after everything which has occurred, the ending seemed too quick and the subsequent actions of the person behind it all seemed unlikely. "Bark of the Night" has more bodies than some small towns, yet very little actual violence. No, it's not the best of the series, but Andy Carpenter fans will still find it an enjoyable read as much because the proceeds help support the Tara Foundation. BARK OF NIGHT (LegalMys-Andy Carpenter-New Jersey-Contemp) – Good Rosenfelt, David – 19th in series Minotaur Books – July 2019

Entertaining mystery

In this 19th book in the 'Andy Carpenter' series, the defense attorney's client is accused of killing a documentary filmmaker. The book can be read as a standalone. ***** Ever since he inherited a large fortune, New Jersey defense lawyer Andy Carpenter takes very few cases. Instead, Andy devotes his time to hanging out with his wife, son, and dogs; watching baseball; schmoozing with his friends; helping run a canine rescue operation called 'The Tara Foundation'; and so on. When Andy's veterinarian Dr. Dowling asks to speak to him, the lawyer is frightened for his golden retriever Tara, who's at the clinic getting a lump assessed. Luckily Tara is just fine, but the vet is concerned about a French bulldog named Truman - who was brought in to be euthanized. The receptionist reports that the man who brought Truman in was a big intimidating guy in his mid-forties. The vet examines Truman and finds him perfectly healthy. Moreover, a scan of Truman's chip reveals that the man who brought him in is not the owner. Andy is outraged by all this and takes custody of Truman, who stays at the Tara Foundation while Andy makes inquiries. It turns out that Truman's owner is a documentary filmmaker named James Haley, who's been staying in Paterson, New Jersey to make a movie about urban blight. Moreover, Haley was murdered a couple of days ago, and a 20-year-old minor criminal named Joey Gamble was arrested for the crime. Andy is certain the menacing man who tried to put Truman down is the real killer, and he takes Joey's case. Andy assembles his team, which includes his private investigator (and wife) Laurie - a tough ex-cop with connections in law enforcement; his law partner Hike - the most depressing man on Earth; his accountant Sam - a terrific computer hacker/data miner; his muscle Marcus - who could take out a battalion by himself; his friend (and co-owner of the Tara Foundation) Willie - a dog lover with a black belt in martial arts; and his secretary Edna - who threatens to retire if she has to do any work. (I always get a kick out of Edna). Andy also regularly meets his friends, newspaper editor Vince Sanders and Homicide Captain Pete Stanton, at Charlie's Sports Bar. Since Andy is a millionaire, he always pays the bill - and sometimes gets useful information in return. When Pete is shockingly absent one day, Andy remarks: "I always pick up the tab for dinner and beer, and Pete would never miss a free meal, no matter what. If I had to guess, he probably doesn't even have a refrigerator or stove in his house." As Andy prepares to defend his client he discovers that the victim, James Haley, previously made a movie about sponge-diving in Florida. Andy also discovers that other murders are connected to the Haley case. This necessitates Andy, Marcus, and Willie going to Florida, and also leads to Andy consulting with FBI and DEA agents. In Andy's personal life, his ten-year-old son Ricky is away at summer camp and Andy's daily letters go something like: 'How's camp?' 'You playing sports?' 'You enjoying yourself?' 'How's the food.?' Ricky's answers are even briefer: 'Good.' 'Yes.' 'Yes' 'Okay.' 😎 By the end of the trial Andy is ready to reveal the truth about Haley's murder, and he even has a few kind words for the prosecutor, Dylan Campbell.....which is a first! Rosenfelt's Andy Carpenter mysteries are always fun, and I'd recommend the book to fans of light suspense. Thanks to Netgalley, the author (David Rosenfelt), and the publisher (Minotaur Books) for a copy of the book.

Another great Andy Carpenter story!

Bark of Night is the 19th Andy Carpenter Mystery by David Rosenfelt. Bark starts with Andy’s golden retriever Tara on a routine visit to the vet when Andy’s vet calls him into the back room. Fearing the worst, Andy discovers that the problem is not with Tara but the veterinarian has another problem he wants his help with. It seems a man brought in a healthy french bulldog named Truman and asked to have him euthanized. The vet took the dog but objected to euthanizing a perfectly healthy dog. Doing some checking, he found out that the man was not Truman's owner. This infuriates both Andy and the vet but the issue is further complicated because Truman's real owner has been murdered. Andy of course agrees to help the dog find a new home and try to find out what happened to the owner. Inevitably the police arrest someone whom Andy suspects is innocent and Andy reluctantly takes on another case. So much for being retired. Digging into the case Andy finds a lot of odd bits of information that doesn’t quite add up. It involves mob enforcers, a Florida connection and sponge diving. Andy and the gang, including his wife and her former partner Marcus, continue digging into the complicated plot and it isn't long before more bodies turn up. The plot never actually gets too heavy and Rosenfelt keeps dropping in one-liners that are funnier than they should be. Lines like the description of the mob boss Fat Tony, who is called that because he is fat, and his name is Tony. Andy’s case of course winds up in front of a judge where Andy has to do his typical courtroom antics in order to make sure that an innocent boy does not wind up behind bars and the true culprits are brought to justice. Bark of Night is another great entry in the Andy Carpenter series that is it is both entertaining and fun. The events move along at a steady clip with lots of excitement along the way and plenty of sly humor. Andy and his crew are a lot of fun to spend time with which is a large part of this series enduring success. Grover Gardner does another amazing job with the narration. His tone perfectly captures Andy’s dry wit and keeps the story humming along and keeps you chuckling along with it. Andy Carpenter stories are a lot of fun and this one is no different. This is sure to please longtime fans of the series and anyone new to the series should have no trouble jumping right in. I was provided a copy of this audiobook by the publisher.

Great addition to a wonderful series

Bark of Night is the 19th(!!) book in the cozy mystery series featuring lawyer Andy Carpenter and canine crew. Released 16th July by Macmillan on their Minotaur imprint, it's 304 pages and available in hardcover, audio, and ebook formats. This series has been consistently good from the beginning and this one lives up to the rest in quality of writing and readability. Despite being the 19th book, it's cleanly plotted and straightforward and new readers will have no trouble following the story or keeping the characters sorted out. The narrative is dialogue driven and the author is expert with witty repartee and banter. MC Andy is a smart mouthed criminal defense lawyer with a strong sense of justice which he's trying to convince everyone doesn't exist. (He's not fooling anyone). He's a beer drinking, back talking, everyman who gets involved when his dog's vet asks his advice about a dog which has been surrendered to the practice for euthenasia. The "owner's" story doesn't match up, and the dog, a French bulldog named Truman, comes under Andy's protection while the murders keep piling up. This would make a super book selection for a book club read or just a fun solo read. I heartily recommend the series and this one in particular as a quick introduction to the series. I love binge reading these and went back and revisited earlier episodes after finishing this one. The editing and formatting as always are top notch. The language is PG, a few damns and the like, no on-page graphic violence, apart from the opening prologue. The MC is happily married, with a kid and wife (who is an amazing character) and loves animals. Five stars, I love this series and this book is a good addition. Looking forward to many more. Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

Good Summer Read

Andy Carpenter takes his beloved Tara into the Vet for a routine check-up and ends up with a new client, Truman. Truman has been left at the vet to be put down by a mysterious man. Truman is a young healthy dog, so Andy is understandably angry and set out to find out what is happening. It turns out that Truman’s owner is actually a documentary filmmaker who has been murdered. Andy ends up defending the young man who has been framed for the murder. Figuring out what exactly happened and who was responsible takes many twists and turns, as Andy and his crew work to figure out what happened and who is responsible. This is a nice cozy read for the summer. Though there was some involvement on the part of the dogs, there was not as much as there has been in other books in the series, and I missed it. This was basically an adult person mystery, with adults involved in every twist and turn and event. Nevertheless, the story line was a good one. The many characters were well done, especially Andy Carpenter and his wife and the ever-loyal Marcus. This is never going to be my favorite book in the series (I prefer more involvement by the canines), but it is still a great mystery. If you enjoyed the other books in the series, you will enjoy this one. If you have never read any of the books in the series, this might be a good time to begin and a good book to read. The author definitely can write a good mystery and provides the reader with great characters and plot, both of which are always well developed. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.

Multiple Murders, Possible Police Corruption

Bark of Night is the 19th book in David Rosenfelt’s Andy Carpenter mystery series. Sufficient background information is provided to allow this great book to be read as a standalone. This is a cozy mystery, with a humorous protagonist, who has a happy home life with his human and canine family. There is adult language in this book, but no graphic violence or adult situations. I enjoy this author’s writing style and witty dialog. Mr. Rosenfelt has written a fast-paced book with a complex mystery, a good storyline, excellent character development, and twists and turns to keep readers engaged. Andy Carpenter is a reluctant and independently wealthy defense attorney who runs the Tara Foundation, an animal rescue organization, with his friends, Willie and Sondra Miller. Andy lives in Paterson, New Jersey with his wife, Laurie, their adopted son, Ricky, and two dogs, Tara and Sebastian. Andy’s veterinarian, Dr. Dan Dowling, approaches him seeks his professional help when a man drops off a French bulldog, signs the required form, and pays to have him euthanized. Upon examination, Dr. Dowling discovers the dog is perfectly healthy, his chip indicates his name is Truman, not Buster, as the man claimed, the man isn’t even his registered owner, and that James Haley, Truman’s owner, has been murdered. Andy ends up representing the young man, Joey Gamble, who is accused of murdering James Haley, and his investigation leads him and his team to the discovery of police corruption, drugs, and multiple murders which may, or may not, be related to his client’s case. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

Had me laughing out loud!

4.5 stars. So first off, this book had me laughing out loud, which is unusual, but especially so for a murder mystery. It is not a cozy mystery, although there are dogs involved, but the main character is a lawyer with a love for dogs and a working family that he calls upon to help him solve cases when he gets involved with clients. I had not read any of this author's books previously, and when I found out this was book number 19 I was surprised. It's good though because in no way did I feel like I was missing out on anything. The character development even for a newbie to the series like me was there, and the narrator did a phenomenal job. My only critique of the writing is that the phrase "He/she nodded" is used an awful lot, which was probably more noticeable due to the fact that I was listening to it and not reading it. The timing of the ending was convenient, but it did not take away from my enjoyment of the story. I think I will go back to the beginning of the series, to see how Andy and his wife come to be the owners of their golden retriever Tara and other dog Sebastian, and to enjoy more laugh-out-loud moments.

Glad I had the chance to jump into this series!!

3.5* This is a series that I have been wanting to read for a very long time. I’ve read some of David Rosenfelt’s stand-alone books and always enjoyed them. Here was my chance to finally try Mr Rosenfelt’s well-known Andy Carpenter series. Andy Carpenter was a successful fun yet very sarcastic defense attorney attempting to walk away from his career. At least he is trying to... Well...things don’t always work out as planned. Andy agrees to help represent Joey Gamble accused of murdering James Haley who was filming him for a documentary. Joey was in the wrong place at the wrong time! What starts out as a simple murder case takes Andy in many directions he never saw coming! Silly me thought that Andy’s dogs would play a larger role in the book?? (Can you tell I’m a dog lover)?! Maybe in the previous books they do? I really liked Andy’s snarky personality but I really felt I missed so much of the character development. Maybe I need to start right from the beginning with book one Open and Shut. I feel a binge read coming on in my near future!! A buddy read with Susanne! Thank you to Allison Ziegler at Minotaur Books for an ARC to read and review.

Bark of Night by David Rosenfelt. 5 stars

Bark of a Night is the newest Andy Carpenter book for 2019. Tara would definitely give this 5 barks. David Rosenfelt has been able to sustain the level of humor and mystery in every Andy Carpenter book and this one is no exception. Andy takes Tara to visit the vet for a small problem; a request for a discussion has Andy imagining dire circumstances. The vet got a request to euthanize a healthy dog and he needs Andy's advice. Truman, a French bulldog was owned by a recent murder victim and there is a mystery surrounding his appearance at the clinic. So, Andy Carpenter, reluctant defense attorney is now on the case.. This series is great because of Andy Carpenter's dialogue and the other characters that inhabit his world. There is a part early in the book that states diving for sponges in the ocean feels like a suffocating and nightmarish experience. Andy compared it to visiting IKEA with Laurie. That part had me laughing on the bus and there were other moments that I had to stifle my laughter. Andy and his team solve the mystery and there is a happy ending. I can't wait the hear the audiobook narrated by Grover Gardner. I look forward to Dachshund in the Snow the Andy Carpenter mystery for the holidays. Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press (Minotaur Books) for this ARC

Great series!!

For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of reading Mr Rosenfelt’s Andy Carpenter series, you are in for a real treat. Andy is a defense attorney who has inherited money and, instead of practicing law, would prefer to spend time at an animal center he and a former client founded. In the latest installment in this series, Andy becomes involved in yet another murder, after his dog’s veterinarian alerts him to a French Bulldog that was brought to the office for euthanasia (don't worry, the pup is ok). Before long, it is discovered that the true owner of the dog has been murdered and a young man is in custody. There is little doubt that this author uses a basic formula for this series. And, I have no problem with that whatsoever. The variety of characters are entertaining and well-drawn, the writing is crisp, the trade-mark humor is witty, and the story is always fresh and well-paced. Even the book covers are something to look forward to. I am a longtime fan of Mr Rosenfelt’s and I was hooked when I read his first book. This is book #19 and I hope that there are many more to come. Thank you, Mr Rosenfelt, for giving both my husband and me many hours of reading pleasure. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a copy of this book for review.

A fun new mystery.

3.5 stars This is the 19th book in the Andy Carpenter series, but the first book that I've read in the series. There is enough background in the book so that I didn't feel lost reading it, and the main story itself is a stand-alone mystery. I got this book in exchange for a review. I enjoyed the book, and while I probably won't go back and read the first 18 books in the series, I will read the next book that is released. Andy Carpenter is a lawyer that claims he doesn't want to be a lawyer. Independently wealthy, he doesn't need to work but seems to stumble onto cases and winds up taking them on pro bono. When Andy's vet asks to speak to him in his office, he worries that something is wrong with his beloved dog Tara. The vet explains that a man surrendered a healthy french bulldog to be euthanized that he claimed was his dog, but it turns out the man didn't own the dog and the true owner has been murdered. Andy and his team get involved to solve the mystery. This was a quick, light read. The first-person narration, as well as the "dad jokes" get a bit old after a while, but overall the book is a fun read. The mystery was interesting and there were a few twists and turns to keep the reader guessing. This isn't a hard-hitting mystery or crime novel, but it's a good read.

Another Fabulous Andy Carpenter Novel! Must Read Series!

From the engaging title to the end of the book, this is pure magic! I have been a long-standing fan of Mr. Rosenfelt’s writing and if you have not read the “Andy Carpenter” series (and other books by this author) then it is your loss. Andy inherited a large sum of money and is a lawyer who really doesn’t want to take cases. He wants to spend time with his wife Laurie (a former cop), their young son Ricky and his golden retriever Tara, but crime always seems to get in the way. This non-case starts with a dog named Truman who has been turned in to Andy’s veterinarian to be euthanized although there is nothing wrong with the dog. To Andy, who is a complete dog lover, this is an outrage and he is now on the case. It turns out that it was not the owner who brought the dog to the vet as the owner had been murdered. The case widens from that point and the reader is taken along for the ride as Andy, with his extraordinary wit and brilliance (and protection by Marcus), proceeds to find clue after clue that ends in an amazingly complicated and thrilling ending. I always start a book by this author at the beginning of the day as I know I will have finish it before bedtime! I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (by paytonpuppy)

Andy at his best

Bark Of Night Humor is vital when dealing with life at times and sarcasm can bring a new perspective to how people view you. Who would dare to bring a precious animal to a vet that is perfectly healthy and pay to have him put down? Two people are murdered actually three since the police gave not found the third and one of these victims brought the dog to Dr.Dowling and paid his receptionist to have Truman put down. Things get out of control when Laurie weighs in and Andy gets drawn into the investigation against his better judgment and because his wife sort of runs the show. Joey Gamble is the suspect in question but is he guilty? There is much more if we start at the beginning with the first murder and follow with the murder of a homeless man and James Haley a filmmaker added in Truman was his dog so why did George Adams bring him to the vet and when would they learn he was dead and so was his wife? Meeting Gamble and assembling his team we meet Sam who can hack into anything unseen, Marcus who will frighten you just from his description of his skills, Willie Miller almost as dangerous and of course Edna who will retire only if she has to do work. Why does he keep her? Let’s not forget Hike the second lawyer with the firm as the team has to discuss their strategy and Andy gets a plea for help from Joey’s grandmother. Things get difficult when he learns who the prosecutor is and their initial meeting is filled with sarcasm and humor. Offers are made but Gamble just might have been framed for Haley’s murder so how did sone stolen items wind up behind his garage. How will they proceed to prove his innocence? Frank De SILVIO is a hired killer but killing George Adams and his wife brought the wrath of Fat Tony who thinks he’s in charge and the scene is priceless and the outcome well experience it yourself. Things get more complicated when the team assembles and Sam locates where Adams was staying and the forensic detective and the private investigator along with Laurie and Andy collect evidence dealing with his murder. But, the author allows us to know that something sinister is hiding in plain sight with strange shipments coming in to the Bahamas and Nassau under the pretense on a ship under the Chechen flag but that was a ruse. Things take on a more organized tone when the team acquired prints, Adams’s apartment is now rented by Andy and someone close to James Haley comes forward and the author helps us by elaborating on how digital films are created and how the entire process works from start to finish. Links to other murders around the country of homeless people takes Andy to different places to learn more about James Haley and the film he was creating including why Chico Simmons wanted him out of the picture. Things get more dangerous when Laurie insists that Andy hoes to Florida yo get info from some of her old police contacts hoping they can connect the murders if Haley, Tolbert the homeless man, the other homeless murders and any connection to the murders of George and Denise Adams and what happened to Silvio. With Marcus protecting him and chancing answering questions of people in bars someone comes forward and things get more dangerous. Author David Rosenfelt weaves multiple plots and storylines keeping the threads apart until he sews them together bringing the truth to light and hopefully freeing Joey Gamble but will he? What was Haley doing in Florida that got him killed? What about the film on urban plight and why did he think he was going to get rich? Enter FBI agent Cindy who assists Andy in finding the link to more then 26 murders and what about Zip who fingered Chico for the murder plus his connection to trying to intimidate Andy but thank God for Marcus. Interjecting his brand of sarcasm and humor Andy tries to shake off his fears. Hope with his family he now unravels what he learns with Laurie as the trial begins. Both sides present open arguments and each questions the officers and medical people involved and Andy feels he might have solved the case but someone takes out two major players and the realization that a drug was used on each of the homeless victims and hoping to tie theses cases with the murder of Hey, just what did he learn or see in Florida? Things begin to come together as Andy enlists the help of the ME and the DEA and with his skill they learn about a conspiracy that leads to why the homeless men were killed. Someone created a drug that would bring in profits and used these men for their trials not caring about the end result and Haley was killed because he found out what they were doing. The courtroom scenes are filled with tension and the final outcome cannot be revealed as this case has yet to come to a close and Andy still had work to do before revealing the mastermind and letting you know the final verdict. What will be decided and what about Truman? Author David Rosenfelt keeps readers in suspense until the very last page.

Fun Storyline, Good Mystery, Writing Style, and Perfect Narrator

As the nineteenth of this series, I've gotta ask myself, "why haven't I seen this series before?" Still, it works very well as a standalone. Definitely a different take on a legal narrative, not a thriller, not a cozy, just a brilliantly choreographed light mystery novel with a defense attorney that forthrightly suggests he'd rather not do legal work anymore. And really, he wouldn't have to. He was left with a considerable inheritance, but work continues to find him. New Jersey lawyer Andy Carpenter is married to former policewoman Laura and maintains a small office with an office manager, and an eclectic group in his legal circle that includes Marcus, who definitely sounds like Lurch from the old Addams Family TV series. He and Laura have adopted a son which fits in well with his canine rescue foundation that includes a LOT of dogs. It was Tara, his beautiful golden retriever, that led him to the vet where he discovers the vet has a quandary--a bulldog named Truman brought in for euthanasia. He doesn't want to...uh...execute the order on a perfectly healthy dog. Carpenter is outraged and takes the dog to the Tara Rescue Foundation. Turns out, the chip identifies the dog's owner as one who was murdered shortly before he was brought to the vet. Carpenter, of course, will end up defending 20-year-old Joey Gamble brought in for the murder of the dog owner, a documentary filmmaker. He knows his client doesn't match the vet's description. The fast-paced narrative weaves from one twist and clue to another with first-person Carpenter wise-cracking and snarking his way through the investigation. It isn't long before the whole case gets deeper and deeper--specifically off the Florida coast, and the FBI gets involved. This went way beyond the murder of the filmmaker and actually has quite the ingenious well-plotted storyline. This is an absolutely delightful romp full of humor, light-hearted suspense, and an engaging group of characters. I love the self-deprecating Andy Carpenter who often relies on his ex-cop wife for help. I received this audiobook from my local library (thank you!)-and was thoroughly invested and entertained. Totally recommended for anyone looking for an unpredictable but amusing hoot.

Another Wonderful Lawyer Story

Well, David Rosenfelt has done it again. This is a masterful, fun book with no slow spots or weird stuff. The stories are compelling and keep the reader turning the pages. All the usual suspects are in attendance: Marcus, Sam the Accountant, and Truman, the dog. Below, I've listed books 12 through 20 (although there are currently 22 novels in this series). It is not necessary to read the books on order, although they do have a continuing story about the main characters. Humor is the watchword in this series; Andy Carpenter's self-deprecating humor is wonderful. In case you are wondering, Rosenfelt has a new series (K-Team) that is also great. It emphasizes the gumshoe aspect of crime with Laurie and Marcus in the starring roles. AndyCarpenter Series -- Skipped Several Books -- 12. Hounded (2014) Shamus Awards Best HardcoverNovel winner (2015): Hounded 13. Who Let the Dog Out? (2015) 14. Outfoxed (2016) 15. The Twelve Dogs of Christmas (2016) 16. Collared (2017) 17. Rescued (2018) 18. Deck the Hounds (2018) ** 19. Bark of Night (2019) 20. Dachshund Though the Snow (2019)

No glaring errors in this one!

Let me say this. I admire David Rosenfelt immensely for his care of dogs. However, I don't have a high tolerance for sameness. Not that I don't like his books, but with the repetition, I'm never going to be able to give his books a high grade. That happened when I was first introduced to the series. Now, they are my comfort read, and Mr. Rosenfelt delivers. I know in each book there will be a dog and a mystery. Andy will talk about how great Tara is, about the foundation, about how scary Marcus is, etc. Some books I like more than others, mainly because of the plots. Some are just easier to suspend belief and as far as this plot went, I found it easy to believe that it could happen. And I do like how Rosenfelt plots Andy's lightbulb moment. I rarely make the jump to his conclusion but I do have an appreciation for the way he links it together after it is explained. What I did find lacking are the details, or the fleshing out of the characters. In previous books, I felt like I got to know the accused (Andy's client). Now it seems like the crime happens, someone is arrested, Andy meets them in jail and that is the extent of his interaction with him. I miss the secondary characters like the sister who demonstrated the Pizza Dog trick. She added an emotional connection to her brother. In this story, we have the client's grandmother. But she is on stage maybe a total of two pages. With many books, I find that I want more. Marcus had a baby. There is a lot that could have been shown here. Rosenfelt did a wonderful job on Hike. I just wish he would do the same to the other recurring characters. So the stories and this one seem more abbreviated. Less humor. Still, we do read the books because of Andy's love of dogs, and that is definitely in the picture. The opening chapter, where Andy is at the vet's office and is worried about Tara's health is one that all dog lovers can identify with. If you like dogs and you like mystery books then you are going to be entertained, but I can't really say that there are any new surprises but on the positive side, no one came back from the dead either. If you love his books then you will enjoy this. If you are expecting something new, then you will be disappointed. I'm looking forward to his new K-9 series featuring Andy's wife, Lori.

Andy Carpenter keeps getting better...

Wow. Sometimes there simply are no words to adequately describe how enjoyable a book (or series) is for a reader. I continuously marvel at the 'Andy Carpenter' series by David Rosenfelt. He has become a rather prolific writer and the series just keeps getting better for it. BARK OF NIGHT is my favorite installment in this winning series. It's the type of great mystery we've come to expect but on a larger scale. The trademark whimsy is prominently featured and the great supporting cast of characters are all present. It's a win-win for the reader. The book is a delight. An all-star treasure from a creative mind. No other mystery in 2019 should be required reading in history classes across the land. The young scholars can learn about urban blight thanks to the mind of David Rosenfelt. And, once they stop laughing, they can discover the other marvelous books in the series. They'll be happy they did.

Love this whole series!

[I received an electronic review copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.] Another great legal adventure starring Andy Carpenter! This fits the pattern from a lot of the other books in the series - Andy gets pulled into a case he isn't sure he wants, his team works the investigation, there's a tie to organized crime or some criminal organization, and there's a dog involved. The inciting incident in this one was fresh and original. And as always, I loved Andy's sarcastic outlook on everything. If you haven't tried this series before, I recommend starting with the first few so you understand the characters. From there, I think the books can be read in any order. This is a must read series for me - and this year there are two new books as there's a Christmas book out this fall. (Language)

Fast-paced action, unique narrative structure, and a challenging mystery—plus dogs

Bark of Night had me with the cute French Bulldog on the cover. But I stayed for the hatred of veggies and pronounced love of dogs evident in this conflicted defense lawyer protagonist’s cozy mystery. Truman, a healthy French Bulldog, is brought into a vet clinic to be euthanized. The vet asks one his patient’s fur daddy, defense attorney Andy, if he is legally obligated to kill Truman after the dog’s chip reveals that the man who dropped him off is not his owner. In fact, the owner is recently murdered. Andy says no and takes Truman in to his rescue association to be placed in a forever home. Laurie, Andy’s wife, encourages semi-retired Andy to look into the death of Truman’s owner, James Haley, including defending the possibly innocent boy in jail for the crime. Andy finds layer upon layer of murder. Bark of Night is the fastest paced cozy mystery I’ve ever read—and I’ve read a lot of them. There are four murders and one attempted dog “murder” before the 25% mark. The perspective is unique too. We hear first person from Andy about what he is discovering. However, we also get an omniscient third person narrative about the murders. Despite that viewpoint, there aren’t any explicit or graphic scenes of violence within the book. I enjoyed the unusual narrative structure. It’s rare in cozies to know more than the main character does. I also liked the easy wordplay and dynamics between Andy and Laurie. Andy’s snarky asides about his hatred of vegetables and karaoke add some needed humor into the plot. The mystery is complicated and a challenge to solve. I would have appreciated more involvement by Andy’s two dogs and Truman in the book. Overall, Bark of Night is an excellent cozy mystery choice. 4.5 stars rounded up to 5 stars! Thanks to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

Another Race For Andy to Connect the Dots in Time

Andy Carpenter is one of my favorite characters and any one of his tales would be a great stand-alone. This is due to his wit, impossible situation, and great supporting characters. All his tales are paced the same and there is usually some big conspiracy behind the scenes that Andy needs to unravel. This book fits that pattern exactly. A filmmaker is murdered and his dog is brought by a suspicious man to a vet for euthanasia. The vet contacts Andy, who realizes that the man who brought in the dog may have murdered the filmmaker. A young man sits in prison awaiting trial for the murder, with huge evidence against him. Of course Andy takes the young man's case and is in a race to unravel the conspiracy behind the scenes before his client gets convicted of the murder. He needs to connect the dots between organized crime, gang members, mysterious murders of homeless people and pearl diving. This book is an enjoyable quick read but having read all his prior books, I knew the rhythm of the plot and when each turn would happen. If you haven't read one of his tales before you will absolutely love this book. I give it 4 stars.

kept me guessing!

Have there really been 18 books in this series before this one? Wow. Don't worry if you haven't read any of them- Rosenfelt will catch you up on the cool cast of characters. If you have- this is as fresh as the first one! Andy gets a call when a French bull dog is brought into his vet to be euthanized. The vet doesn't want to do it and he wants advice from Andy, an attorney who hates practicing law but can't help himself from defending the weak and Investigating crime. This small thing leads him to a big (big) conspiracy involving murder and lots of bad guys. These books never get gory, are often funny, have twisty mysteries, and most of all have a big heart. This is no exception. The client he's supposed to represent - Joey- didn't kill Haley, the documentary film maker that Andy knows for sure. How it connects to a murder of a homeless man, a murder in Florida, and so on..well, no spoilers. Andy, his wife Laurie, and Marcus are the nucleus of the crew this time out and it's great spending time with them. Thanks to Edelweiss for the ARC. A fun read that kept me guessing.

Write, David, Write Like The Wind!

Why oh why don’t I take more time savoring these books!? As is my custom, I pre ordered the audiobook and set an alert for the minute it was available. I was not disappointed. Although the motive was fairly easy to figure out ( I think John Grisham had a similar theme in one of his novels) it didn’t matter. It is Rosenfelt’s writing, his sarcastic wit, his ability to love his characters that continue to make each novel a treat. You don’t have to be a dog lover to appreciate his humanization of the canine friends but his obvious dedication to dog rescuing is heart warming. I eagerly wait for the next installment and hope David is pounding the keys at this very moment. Of course I will now read the hard copy and add it to my Andy Carpenter designate book shelves. My Tara live on through his writing forever!

Murder and humor, with dogs

The lastest installment of the Andy Carpenter series does not disappont. It has multiple murders, courtroom drama (and humor), and as usual dogs play a central role in the book. This time it is a French Bulldog whose owner has been murdered and a young boy has been accused of the crime. Andy doesn't really want to take the case but between the dog and the boy's grandmother(who scares Andy a little) he can't say no. The book is filled with Andy's sarcastic quips and Rosenfelt's quiet humor which often left me chuckling out loud. The mystery was involved and interesting. I especially love Mr Rosenfelt's books because he is, like Andy in his books, a dog rescuer. I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book earlyand review it. I would have read it anyway since I love David Rosenfelt and Andy Carpenter. I highly recommend this one.

Very good writing!

I keep reading the Andy Carpenter series because Rosenfelt just keeps them entertaining, I like the humor he inserts about the characters and it amazes me the insight he puts into a story, from the beginning you know he'll get the client off but it's the mystery of 'how' and what the true story is going to be, in this case it was very well thought out with a conclusion you don't see at the beginning, these are the kind of books I love to read! To the person that gave one of the 3* reviews--you told the whole story so now no one needs to read the book, why would you do that?

Another great read

I liked this book a lot. I sometimes grow weary of Andy's (almost) constant quips and smart retorts but it didn't seem so bad this time. Keeping the characters straight was hard to do at first, until I really got into the story. But it was so interesting and well plotted that I could hardly put it down. I saw he has another Andy Carpenter book coming out in October, which is great news. I just hope he doesn't neglect the Doug Brock series; I like that series a lot (maybe even more than this one).

Great Mystery

David Rosenfelt continues to deliver interesting mysteries with Andy Carpenter. I like Andy's self-deprecating and sardonic humor. Andy would be lost without his wife Laurie. She was a respected police officer and has contacts with most of the agencies that will eventually help Andy to free his innocent client from jail. The characters are skillfully crafted and believable. I appreciate the author's commitment to dog rescue as well as his writing skills. I received an Advanced Reader's Copy from St Martin's Press. The opinions expressed are completely my own. #BarkofNight #NetGalley


I don't usually read mysteries with a smile on my face - - until I read this book. I was smiling, chuckling, and outright laughing out loud at the witty writing of David Rosenfelt. I haven't read previous books in this series so I didn't know what I was missing! Great characters, an interesting mystery, writing that's hilarious without being silly, and a perfect resolution to the mystery. What more could one want! Loved this book!!

Worthy Addition to the Andy Carpenter Series

If you like dogs, interesting characters, mysteries and court room maneuvers, this series will not disappoint. I have read the entire series and am always ready for a new novel to be added. Bark of Night was a fun read.. You don’t have to read the series from the beginning, but the characters and their relationships evolve over time, so if you read and like this book, you may want to make your next read an earlier novel. Either way, enjoy a delightful series!

Perfect Comfort Read

Listening to a David Rosenfelt's Andy Carpenter book while walking my dog is my idea of heaven. The plots are complex enough that I can't predict the ending and the characters are all interesting. With each new book I can't wait to spend more time with them. I love Andy's self deprecating humor and imperfections. Of course the dog themes hit my sweet spot. Just realized I need to add "Looking for Andy Carpenter" to my eHarmony profile.


I had not read any of David Rosenfelt books before this. Thank you Netgalley for gifting me this book to read. I found the lead character Andy Carpenter a interesting and humorous character. I love the way a dog plays such a big part in the mystery too. I will be looking at more in this series.

Fast Paced, Action Packed and ❤️ Warming

Andy Carpenter is such a great character. Be prepared to laugh at his wisecracking ways and to feel all the feels by the end of this book. Filled with court room drama and an action packed criminal investigation, this book was fast paced, heart warming and one you won’t want to miss! ❤️ Thank you to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Andy Carpenter does it again

Andy Carpenter has done it again. Every book Andy sets pen to is a masterful combination of the overall story and the prose brought to his books. Tara's Foundation is a charity all animal lovers want to see taking care of their pets. Congratulations Andy another story making your audience aware of what can be the nemesis in our pet's lives


Andy's story is getting a little tired. This book lacks the excitement, suspense, and fun of the early books. The client is hardly in the story at all, and some of the other characters barely show up. I'll keep reading, if there are more books in the series, but Rosenfelt needs to figure out a way to add some spice and freshen things up.

David Rosenfelt's Andy Carpenter series is a delight to read, every time.

David Rosenfelt's Andy Carpenter series is a delight to read, every time. Bark of Night is a fast-paced, quick read that is smart, witty, and heart-warming and leaves the reader feeling satisfied. The characters are like returning friends that I can't wait to hear from again, and the ending is absolutely perfect. While the books in this series can be read as stand-alones, I love the series so much, I hope you will read them all. Thank you to NetGalley, David Rosenfelt, and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

could not put it down

I have read many of David Rosenfelt books and this one was so good I could not put it down he writes from the very day the crime of the mystery to the very trial end and I wish I could go his end of trial party they sound fun I now have read over 20 of his books and enjoy every one

Love Andy Carpenter!

All of the Andy Carpenter books are great! The author provides a good mystery with a little humor and a twist at the end, and there is always a dog angle somewhere in the the mix. I’ve read them all, and they never disappoint. On to the next one!

Great author, true lover of dogs. Outstanding human being.

David Rosenfelt’s book are well written and entertaining. I have read all of his collection and have passed his books onto friends. Since I too am a lover of goldens I appreciate the fact that the proceeds go to support the Tara Foundation. I recommend you read all his books.

Another Great read by Rosenfelt

David Rosenfelt's books based on Andy Carpenter use the same format. It involves a dog, a murder, investigation and a court hearing. Always of interest and you know that the dogs are going to be safe. The endings are great and leave you looking forward to the next book. His other books are also fantastic.

Always enjoy this series

After I started reading it I realized I had read it months ago. The titles don't make the books memorable. Andy is a lawyer with good skills and lots of money so he doesn't need to work. But it does it anyway!

Another Page Turner

Always enjoy Andy Carpenter's wit and courtroom antics. This book did not leave me wanting. Edge of the seat action in this input down able book! Thoroughly enjoyed it

Another great Andy Carpenter Mystery by David Rosenfelt!

Dog rescue and love of dogs at its best! 'Andy Carpenter, attorney, is definitely dogs' best friend. If you love dogs, this book is another champion for the under-dog.

Love David's Books

I have read all of his books and this is one of his best. I know he is a dog lover like so many of us and his books are full of mystery, laughter and very interesting characters.

Another great book by David Rosenfelt

I am a huge fan of this author. His Andy Carpenter books are amongst the best I have ever read. They always throw you for a loop and are wise and funny.


Have read all of the Carpenter novels, now waiting for the next . Have also read many of the stand alone books . Roosevelt is just fine.

Great read!

Always love the dogs and humor when reading Andy's stories. These stories are good, clean and readable by a wide age range.


This book will have you laughing like crazy abd you won’t want to put it down.

Short and sweet

Another convoluted conspiracy to uncover so that an innocent man can go free. And also as usual, it all started with a dog.

Great author. Tell a good story.

Love ALL the Andy Carpenter books! He is humorous and loves dogs. What could be better then that?

easy reading

his usual good read

What a great book, love it

Another great one in the series, great plot, great humour, and of course, all the great characters that we already love. Highly recommend it, if yo are not familiar with David Rosenfelt yet, start reading his books

Always love Andy Carpenter

Great book! Wonderful series!

Bark of Night

Average dialogue. Slow moving plot. I liked the character Andy Carpenter. Not much of a fan of the legal part.


A fun read. Well thought out plot with enjoyable characters

Another great Rosenfelt adventure!!!

Andy Carpenter stories never disappoint. Always fun and exciting.

Love the twists and turns

Great story Great author. Kept me glued to the book I have read all his books. Loved the good Dog Tripping

Never Disappointed!

Never disappointed in the Andy Carpenter series by David Rosenfelt! Grover Gardner is a wonderful narrator.

Fun Mystery

A quick read, somewhat light hearted and enjoyable.

Urban Blight

The accused sure looks guilty; multimillionaire defense attorney Andy Carpenter doesn’t want or need another case; bodies soon are dropping left and right; the wife and kid are perfect; Marcus Clark will save the day; there's a dog. Sure, David Rosenfelt’s legal thrillers can be formulaic, but they’re irresistible too and “Bark of Night” is no exception. A man brings a healthy French bulldog to a vet and pays to have it put down. Andy suspects a young man accused of murdering a filmmaker might have been framed. Connected? Maybe. And we’re off. Good read, beginning to end. (Wish the e-book versions of these mysteries had numbered chapters.)

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