Any Witch Way You Can (Wicked Witches of the Midwest Book 1)

Kindle Edition
11 Dec
Bay Winchester is having a tough week. As the local editor of Hemlock Cove's only newspaper, she just happens to be present when a body is found in an area corn maze. To make matters worse, the police believe the murder may have something to do with the occult. This wouldn't be a problem for a normal reporter, but since Bay is descended from a well-known line of actual witches, the town is understandably on edge. Between the suspicious townspeople, the befuddled police presence and that random hot biker guy that may or may not have something to do with the murder -- Bay has her hands full. When you add the typical family problems, multiplying ghosts -- and one monster of a zit that she's sure came from her aunt's curse -- Bay is just struggling to make it through the week. Of course, when the killer sets his sights on Bay, things could get a whole lot worse. Note: These books are full of sarcasm and are a little bit snarky -- so read only if you like to laugh and you aren't easily offended. This is the first book in the Wicked Witches of the Midwest mystery series.

Reviews (205)

Surprisingly Fun

Amanda Lee is a new author for me. However, the clever title enticed me to get the book for my Kindle. The story is light hearted and cute. It doesn't take itself too seriously. The characters are quirky and likeable and the pace is good. There were many grammatical & punctuation errors that I noted.

Addictive and magical

Bay Winchester is one of the infamous Winchester witches of northern Michigan. She also isn't an ordinary witch - she can see and communicate with ghosts, which is, in many ways, both a blessing and a curse. She lives with her two cousins, Clove and Thistle, in a guest house on the grounds of the Overlook Inn. The inn is run by Bay's mother, Winnie, and her two aunts, Marnie and Twila (who are Clove and Thisle's mothers, respectively). Her great-aunt, Tillie, is the matriarch of the family, and is equally loved and feared. Age is just a number when it comes to shenanigans and attitude. The family resides in Hemlock Cove, which is a self-proclaimed "witch-town" that seems to be frozen in time. There are over thirty festivals per year, which is a big draw for tourists. It's quaint and charming. But sometimes, tourists can bring trouble with them. It's fall in Hemlock Cove, and there has been a murder. There is also a new rough-looking motorcycle gang that seems to radiate menace. One of the members, Landon, seems different than the others - almost intriguing. It also seems like he keeps conveniently turning up in the same places Bay is investigating. Bay will need to get help in unexpected places (and from unexpected sources) to help Chief Terry solve this case. There are also a few twists along the way. This is one of Amanda M. Lee's best series' - be sure to check out the others, too.

A witchy mystery about family

★★★★✰ (3.75 / 5 stars) Bay Winchester has recently moved back to Hemlock Cove to be with her family – her abrasive Great Aunt Tillie, her mother and aunts, and her annoying cousins Clove and Thistle. If that wasn’t bad enough, she comes from a long line of witches that grant her the ability to communicate with ghosts. When two ritualistic type of murders occur in town though, rocking the otherwise quiet atmosphere of Hemlock Cove, Bay and her family are put to the test. Can they figure out who is committing these crimes? Or will they be the next victims? I actually started reading Any Witch Way You Can a couple years back. At the time I wasn’t reading as much, and I put it down after 20%. Not for lack of interest – just lack of motivation to read. Recently I was going through my Kindle Library and saw I still had it checked out on Kindle Unlimited. Despite the long break, the beginning stuck with me, so I picked it up right where I left off. Overall, Any Witch Way You Can is a fun read that is more about family and snarky comebacks then about murder. The Winchester family will remind anyone of how they bicker with their siblings or parents or grandparents. It’s natural and amusing, and it really makes the characters pop. The murder mystery itself in this story is somewhat predictable. Less of the story was about solving the crime, and more about the “witchiness” – which is all fine, really. But, I did figure out who was responsible a few chapters before Bay, Clove, and Thistle did. I think ultimately, I wanted more of the witchcraft and more of the murder, and a bit less bickering. That is what would have made this story pop. Overall though, I’m glad I returned to this story. I might pick up one of Bay’s other adventures someday. So if you like cozy mysteries with a bit of witchcraft…it’s definitely worth the read!

Hilarious and quick witted. Couldn't put it down!

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves eccentric people with snarky humor. All around hilarious. The crazy aunt is the shining example of what we should all strive to be like when we age....such a good series!

Fun read

Loved the give and take among the characters. If you like mysteries with a touch of whimsy then you will like this book

Good read

This book has it all mystery, sarcasm and lots of laughs. If you want to relax with a really nice story read this book.

Fun and Suspenseful!

This book caught my attention and kept me reading on to find out how things turned out. The family banter was funny, one could almost hear the characters speaking. Looking forward to book 2 where I hope more fun and suspenseful adventures await these “wicked” witches.

2.5 stars...but I didn't abandon it and don't quite regret reading it, so I'll round up

In the author's note at the end of this book, Lee acknowledges that her book is not for everyone. Indeed. I won't say it was terrible, 'cause it wasn't. The author's ability to tell a story - in the choice-of-language sense - is not bad at all. The editing...well, it wasn't great by any means, but it wasn't *too* distracting. On paper, this sounds like it ought to be an enjoyable story. It's got its issues, though. 1. Oh sweet good god, the dialogue. Usually when I complain about a book's dialogue, it's because the author doesn't know how to write it. It comes out sounding stilted and unnatural. Not so in AWWYC; the author does that part just fine. No, here it's just obnoxious. The entire book is built on bickering. Bickering between the MC and her cousins. Bickering between the aunts. Bickering between the cousins and the ghosts. Bickering between the aunts and the cousins. Bickering between the MC and the love interest. Bickering between the old lady and everyone. Enough already! It's hard to like a story when you want to send every last character to their rooms without dinner. 2. The plot. Why the plot? Because there wasn't much of one. We have a murder mystery in a book about a reporter who does very little investigating. Isn't that kind of a requirement for murder mysteries? The whole book is about her killing time until the next bit of information is revealed. She talks a big game about figuring out who the killer is, but doesn't do much more than Google a few things and badger some ghosts. And when the ghosts can't tell her what she wants to know? "Try to remember. It's important. And while you're doing that, I'm just going to go over here and bicker." The main character could have been absent from the book altogether and the story would still have gone on pretty much unchanged. The plot itself seemed like background that just provides an excuse to perform yet more ridiculous verbal slapstick. 3. The unrealistic characters. Are we really supposed to believe that the police chief just invites a random civilian into a murder investigation? Are we supposed to believe that this family described as outcasts because they're actual witches isn't going to actually experience anything harsher than an uncomfortable look from all the assorted townspeople? Are we supposed to believe the town reporter - one of only two in the whole town - doesn't actually do much reporting or bother to look into a mystery and has the leisure to take great swaths of time off to hang out with the fam? And even if you could contort yourself into an explanation for these things - which we readers shouldn't have to do, BTW - we've got the fact that the characters all have such similar voices that they're virtually interchangeable. (I was particularly irritated by the frequent mentions of how awful and self-centered teenagers are by someone who acts - and thinks - exactly like the teenagers.) 4. The predictability. The ending was no surprise at all. By about chapter four, I had figured out not only who the murderer was, but also who the love interest was. 5. The lack of magic. Dude. This is a book about witches. It's billed as urban fantasy. I read this stuff because I think people with powers are cool. There's next to no magic in the story...and it doesn't even occur to the characters to use it to help solve their mystery! They're terrible at being witches. 6. The running internal monologue. For every line of dialogue, there's another line of unspoken snark. Snark is one of those things that's more potent when used sparingly. Here, it just makes the MC sound like an insincere jerk. So, you're no doubt thinking to yourselves (assuming you actually read all that, of course), how is it this book got 2.5 stars rounded UP? Two reasons. For one thing, I didn't actually notice a lot of the bad stuff until I was done and actually stopped to think about it all. The fact that I got caught up in a story where nothing seems to actually happen says...something. Not sure what, exactly, but something. Secondly, if you go into this book expecting mindless fluff, you might not think it's too bad. And mindless fluff has its place; sometimes I want to escape in a way that doesn't require any brainpower. So there you have it. This book really isn't very good, but it's a quick read and it serves a purpose. If your expectations are low, you'll probably get to the end feeling mildly entertained. But make no mistake - I may not think the book was a complete waste of time, but I have no intention of reading the rest of the series.

wow! A cover to cover read!

I started this book on a lark tonight and just finished it! I can’t wait for the next book to be on prime!

Perhaps not for everyone.......but I really have come to like this series :)

I was a bit dubious when I started reading this series, but underlying the "snark" the Winchester family are an entertaining, intelligent bunch, with great family loyalty........and snarkiness - which it turns out are not mutually exclusive. I have read all these books, and having just finished the last currently in the series am hoping there will be more. The charactors are well drawn, grow and change thruout the series, and face small town life with a mix of exasperation and humor - which I assure you is the only way to go if you grow up in a small down and are a bit - different? The series grows as the story progresses, and while some aspects are perhaps a bit offputting for some readers, the underlying story grows throughout the timeline and the charactors grow and mature in the same uneven and sometimes exasperating way as real life. I will admit I could have lived with less emphasis on heavy drinking in the early novels, and I have never felt others sex lives are very good breakfast conversation ( or mine , for that matter :) But the story line grows, the charactors grow, the relationships change and mature, and the addition of magic seems to fit in seamlessly. That the family are witches, living in a town that bills itself to tourists as a center of magical things and having frequent festivals and even conventions on a small scale gives lots of room for the author to advance the story....which she does wirh skill, humor and really good mysteries. Please note - this series does have its dark sides, and all is not sweetness and light - but the charactors grow and change, make mistakes and suffer the consequences, and become interesting people to spend your time with. Read with an open mind, get to know the Winchesters and their friends and family - you will be the richer for it.

Surprisingly Fun

Amanda Lee is a new author for me. However, the clever title enticed me to get the book for my Kindle. The story is light hearted and cute. It doesn't take itself too seriously. The characters are quirky and likeable and the pace is good. There were many grammatical & punctuation errors that I noted.

Addictive and magical

Bay Winchester is one of the infamous Winchester witches of northern Michigan. She also isn't an ordinary witch - she can see and communicate with ghosts, which is, in many ways, both a blessing and a curse. She lives with her two cousins, Clove and Thistle, in a guest house on the grounds of the Overlook Inn. The inn is run by Bay's mother, Winnie, and her two aunts, Marnie and Twila (who are Clove and Thisle's mothers, respectively). Her great-aunt, Tillie, is the matriarch of the family, and is equally loved and feared. Age is just a number when it comes to shenanigans and attitude. The family resides in Hemlock Cove, which is a self-proclaimed "witch-town" that seems to be frozen in time. There are over thirty festivals per year, which is a big draw for tourists. It's quaint and charming. But sometimes, tourists can bring trouble with them. It's fall in Hemlock Cove, and there has been a murder. There is also a new rough-looking motorcycle gang that seems to radiate menace. One of the members, Landon, seems different than the others - almost intriguing. It also seems like he keeps conveniently turning up in the same places Bay is investigating. Bay will need to get help in unexpected places (and from unexpected sources) to help Chief Terry solve this case. There are also a few twists along the way. This is one of Amanda M. Lee's best series' - be sure to check out the others, too.

A witchy mystery about family

★★★★✰ (3.75 / 5 stars) Bay Winchester has recently moved back to Hemlock Cove to be with her family – her abrasive Great Aunt Tillie, her mother and aunts, and her annoying cousins Clove and Thistle. If that wasn’t bad enough, she comes from a long line of witches that grant her the ability to communicate with ghosts. When two ritualistic type of murders occur in town though, rocking the otherwise quiet atmosphere of Hemlock Cove, Bay and her family are put to the test. Can they figure out who is committing these crimes? Or will they be the next victims? I actually started reading Any Witch Way You Can a couple years back. At the time I wasn’t reading as much, and I put it down after 20%. Not for lack of interest – just lack of motivation to read. Recently I was going through my Kindle Library and saw I still had it checked out on Kindle Unlimited. Despite the long break, the beginning stuck with me, so I picked it up right where I left off. Overall, Any Witch Way You Can is a fun read that is more about family and snarky comebacks then about murder. The Winchester family will remind anyone of how they bicker with their siblings or parents or grandparents. It’s natural and amusing, and it really makes the characters pop. The murder mystery itself in this story is somewhat predictable. Less of the story was about solving the crime, and more about the “witchiness” – which is all fine, really. But, I did figure out who was responsible a few chapters before Bay, Clove, and Thistle did. I think ultimately, I wanted more of the witchcraft and more of the murder, and a bit less bickering. That is what would have made this story pop. Overall though, I’m glad I returned to this story. I might pick up one of Bay’s other adventures someday. So if you like cozy mysteries with a bit of witchcraft…it’s definitely worth the read!

Hilarious and quick witted. Couldn't put it down!

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves eccentric people with snarky humor. All around hilarious. The crazy aunt is the shining example of what we should all strive to be like when we age....such a good series!

Fun read

Loved the give and take among the characters. If you like mysteries with a touch of whimsy then you will like this book

Good read

This book has it all mystery, sarcasm and lots of laughs. If you want to relax with a really nice story read this book.

Fun and Suspenseful!

This book caught my attention and kept me reading on to find out how things turned out. The family banter was funny, one could almost hear the characters speaking. Looking forward to book 2 where I hope more fun and suspenseful adventures await these “wicked” witches.

2.5 stars...but I didn't abandon it and don't quite regret reading it, so I'll round up

In the author's note at the end of this book, Lee acknowledges that her book is not for everyone. Indeed. I won't say it was terrible, 'cause it wasn't. The author's ability to tell a story - in the choice-of-language sense - is not bad at all. The editing...well, it wasn't great by any means, but it wasn't *too* distracting. On paper, this sounds like it ought to be an enjoyable story. It's got its issues, though. 1. Oh sweet good god, the dialogue. Usually when I complain about a book's dialogue, it's because the author doesn't know how to write it. It comes out sounding stilted and unnatural. Not so in AWWYC; the author does that part just fine. No, here it's just obnoxious. The entire book is built on bickering. Bickering between the MC and her cousins. Bickering between the aunts. Bickering between the cousins and the ghosts. Bickering between the aunts and the cousins. Bickering between the MC and the love interest. Bickering between the old lady and everyone. Enough already! It's hard to like a story when you want to send every last character to their rooms without dinner. 2. The plot. Why the plot? Because there wasn't much of one. We have a murder mystery in a book about a reporter who does very little investigating. Isn't that kind of a requirement for murder mysteries? The whole book is about her killing time until the next bit of information is revealed. She talks a big game about figuring out who the killer is, but doesn't do much more than Google a few things and badger some ghosts. And when the ghosts can't tell her what she wants to know? "Try to remember. It's important. And while you're doing that, I'm just going to go over here and bicker." The main character could have been absent from the book altogether and the story would still have gone on pretty much unchanged. The plot itself seemed like background that just provides an excuse to perform yet more ridiculous verbal slapstick. 3. The unrealistic characters. Are we really supposed to believe that the police chief just invites a random civilian into a murder investigation? Are we supposed to believe that this family described as outcasts because they're actual witches isn't going to actually experience anything harsher than an uncomfortable look from all the assorted townspeople? Are we supposed to believe the town reporter - one of only two in the whole town - doesn't actually do much reporting or bother to look into a mystery and has the leisure to take great swaths of time off to hang out with the fam? And even if you could contort yourself into an explanation for these things - which we readers shouldn't have to do, BTW - we've got the fact that the characters all have such similar voices that they're virtually interchangeable. (I was particularly irritated by the frequent mentions of how awful and self-centered teenagers are by someone who acts - and thinks - exactly like the teenagers.) 4. The predictability. The ending was no surprise at all. By about chapter four, I had figured out not only who the murderer was, but also who the love interest was. 5. The lack of magic. Dude. This is a book about witches. It's billed as urban fantasy. I read this stuff because I think people with powers are cool. There's next to no magic in the story...and it doesn't even occur to the characters to use it to help solve their mystery! They're terrible at being witches. 6. The running internal monologue. For every line of dialogue, there's another line of unspoken snark. Snark is one of those things that's more potent when used sparingly. Here, it just makes the MC sound like an insincere jerk. So, you're no doubt thinking to yourselves (assuming you actually read all that, of course), how is it this book got 2.5 stars rounded UP? Two reasons. For one thing, I didn't actually notice a lot of the bad stuff until I was done and actually stopped to think about it all. The fact that I got caught up in a story where nothing seems to actually happen says...something. Not sure what, exactly, but something. Secondly, if you go into this book expecting mindless fluff, you might not think it's too bad. And mindless fluff has its place; sometimes I want to escape in a way that doesn't require any brainpower. So there you have it. This book really isn't very good, but it's a quick read and it serves a purpose. If your expectations are low, you'll probably get to the end feeling mildly entertained. But make no mistake - I may not think the book was a complete waste of time, but I have no intention of reading the rest of the series.

wow! A cover to cover read!

I started this book on a lark tonight and just finished it! I can’t wait for the next book to be on prime!

Perhaps not for everyone.......but I really have come to like this series :)

I was a bit dubious when I started reading this series, but underlying the "snark" the Winchester family are an entertaining, intelligent bunch, with great family loyalty........and snarkiness - which it turns out are not mutually exclusive. I have read all these books, and having just finished the last currently in the series am hoping there will be more. The charactors are well drawn, grow and change thruout the series, and face small town life with a mix of exasperation and humor - which I assure you is the only way to go if you grow up in a small down and are a bit - different? The series grows as the story progresses, and while some aspects are perhaps a bit offputting for some readers, the underlying story grows throughout the timeline and the charactors grow and mature in the same uneven and sometimes exasperating way as real life. I will admit I could have lived with less emphasis on heavy drinking in the early novels, and I have never felt others sex lives are very good breakfast conversation ( or mine , for that matter :) But the story line grows, the charactors grow, the relationships change and mature, and the addition of magic seems to fit in seamlessly. That the family are witches, living in a town that bills itself to tourists as a center of magical things and having frequent festivals and even conventions on a small scale gives lots of room for the author to advance the story....which she does wirh skill, humor and really good mysteries. Please note - this series does have its dark sides, and all is not sweetness and light - but the charactors grow and change, make mistakes and suffer the consequences, and become interesting people to spend your time with. Read with an open mind, get to know the Winchesters and their friends and family - you will be the richer for it.

I loved this book!

I don't know why it took me so long to start reading this series! I love it so far, only finished book one. Mystery, comedy, snark, and a budding romance?? Magic.... I love it!

Nice book

Cute book. Funny characters. Mediocre plot. Mostly held your attention. Good start for a series. Worth the reading time. The requirement for the number of words is BS.

Fun family bickering with a side of gruesome murder and mystery.

Refreshing to find a cozy where the police chief is actually more competent at his job than the heroine! Bay Winchester is a witch who can see the dead but not make potions and a reporter who apparently can't be bothered with reporting! Aside from a bit of irritation over the complete lack of professionalism or ambition in our heroine, I enjoyed the bickering yet tight family dynamic. The town is colorful, the characters likable, not a bad read. Look forward to the characters developing some depth as the series moves forward!

Better than I expected

Loved the characters! Big plus for me. Plot was well done too. I really didn’t expect much from a supernatural cozy but now I want to read the entire series. Can’t wait to see what the cousins and aunts are up to!

A joy to read

Witches, murder and humor all rolled in to a fun filled adventure. Doesn't get any better than that. Really enjoyed the book.


I'm not usually big on cozy mysteries, and I'm not to crazy about most witch stories either, but I enjoyed this one and got the next one, too. Some don't like the friction between all the main characters but I found it funny. Hey, I grew up with three older brothers and I actually laughed when one would get mad and tell another, "You're dead to me." It happened A LOT, but I still thought it was funny, and I even began to anticipate the phrase the next time they began to argue. Not sure what that says about me, but I thought it was a fun read. The romance angle was fun, too, and not overly sappy. I even enjoyed reading about Aunt Tilly. I hope to be able to terrorize young family members just like that when I'm 90! Believe it or not, I even liked that the main characters were witches, though I'll admit to disappointment that they didn't use magic except for one single time throughout the entire book. What's up with that? If I could do magic I'd be using it a heck of a lot more that that! I was also disappointed that Bay wouldn't come clean to the chief. It was pretty obvious that he knew she could see ghosts, or at least could see 'something' that could help the investigation, yet she continued to pretend she couldn't help. I hope she opens up better in the next book.

Humorous Cozy Mystery

Read about the three generations of witches living in Hemlock Cove , MI when the town decided to rebrand itself as a supernatural vacation destination. To keep up with the times decided to change their old family Victorian into a bed and breakfast. They named it The Overlook the three sisters must have heard the name somewhere but don’t admit it. The three sister each had a daughter and the cousins are constantly interacting and the family is intense. This is book one and they immediately get involved with the town’s festival to celebrate the autumn season. They get caught up in a double murder. It is a funny page turner!

Time to start a new series?

Amanda Lee is witty And snarky. Her characters are a blast. Once you read one series you out her other series. Enjoy!

Great book, couldn't put down

Amazing read, that keeps you guessing from page 1 on. Colorful characters with quirky personalities that being the reader into their world. Looking forward to the next book!

So I really like this series and I decided to read it for ...

So I really like this series and I decided to read it for an actual review on the blog. As I said before, I really like Cozy Mysteries, I also really like paranormal cozy mysteries. So, Bay and her family are witches, they live in a town that knows they are witches and despite the town being re-branded as a "witch town" they are distrustful of Bay and her family. Then a murder happens which leaves a teenage boy with his heart cut out. Bay discovers the body and since Bay can see ghosts and discovers the ghost of the boy at the murder scene she is of course entangled in the web of the murder. I have a thing for ghost seers in books (not T.V shows though, weird). I really like the inclusion in it in this series, I feel like it really fits in with Bay's character and family. Also, is there this unspoken rule that witch families have to be like extremely close? Because Bay and her family are really close (and in a lot of cozy mysteries I read it's always like that) and while I don't mind it, the CONSTANT back and forth banter with her cousins (Thistle and Clove, why always weird names?) do, at times, get very annoying. It gets to the point that it distracts from the story and I just end up rolling my eyes and skipping ahead. That is really the only thing I don't like about the book. While the murderers are a bit obvious the story was fun and easy to read. The romance did not get in the way and while yes, there was an instant attraction, it didn't annoy me and take precedence over the story and character development. Lee did a great job at creating her characters and the town of Hemlock Cove, and I look forward to reading the next book for review!

Another fanfuckingtastic book

Yet another series I'm sure to love I read a book a day and she hasn't disappointed me yet! Amanda you could do be one of my bff s you make me laugh,smile my heart beat I'm so excited I may stay up and start book 2 !

'Any Witch Way You Can' is a delightful read

I admit that I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I bought Amanda M. Lee's 'Any Witch Way You Can.' I did because I was intrigued by the idea that a family of Michigan witches is involved in a murder mystery that comes complete with a motorcycle gang, ghosts and who knows what else. Given that description, I suppose I was thinking that this book might be a sort of poor man's version of Kim Harrison's novels about witches, vampires, werefoxes, warlocks and the other 'extra-natural' beings that inhabit Cincinnati. It isn't. It is, instead, a delightful novel about the Winchesters, a family of women who happen to be witches living in a small town. They bicker, they argue, and sometimes they get into slap fights with one another. Despite that, when push comes to shove they are devoted to each other; something that is made very clear when two horribly mutilated bodies are discovered on the outskirts of the town where they live and work. Unlike many fictional witches, the Winchester women have different talents. One, for example, can sometimes read minds; another can see and talk to ghosts while a third occasionally has visions of the future. They can't snap their fingers and turn people into toads nor do they fly around on broomsticks. They don't have familiars, they aren't constantly brewing potions and, to be honest, they're not all that powerful. I like that about them. I also like Lee's writing style. Her narrative flows along easily and there are parts that are laugh-out-loud funny. She doesn't dwell on the gruesomeness of the murders - there are no detailed descriptions of bloody crime scenes, for example - nor does she spend a lot of time focusing on the police investigation of the crimes. This is no witchy version of CSI, in other words. What it is, instead, is a well-written mystery populated with interesting characters who, although caught up in an extraordinary event, still must go to work every day and try to get along even though they sometimes drive each other crazy. What it is, in short, is a novel that I very much enjoyed and would highly recommend.

Everyone needs a laugh!

Bay, Thistle and Clove are three of the funniest characters in books today. Add in Aunt Tilley and you can't help but have fun reading about this group of characters. Where normal is just a setting on the dishwasher.

loved the humor

Really liked this book. Mystery and humor. It was a great combination for sure. Will def recommend to friends !

Any way you can is so funny

I liked this book alot I couldn't put it down, which I s nt good for my sleeping but did like the laughs I hope the rest is just as good and funny

Wicked Witches of the Midwest

love this family and all their friends and foes, great reads!! Would recommend this series to anyone!! Especially love Aunt Tellie

Irreverent Family Fun

An amusing adventure in family relationships, murder, and a handsome stranger added to make things fun. Aunt Tillie is my favorite kind of relative, she's the head of the family and don't you forget it!

Such a fantastic start

Really loved this new series, I can't express enough how exceptional Ms. Lee's talent is, another great beginning to a new series; excellent job.

Great read

The series is funny and mysterious, I think most people will enjoy the series once they start it. The end

A compelling series!

An unexpectedly compelling series ! I enjoy the supernatural/ paranormal . Particularly when it's funny more than grim. I was reading a review on a different author. One gentleman panned it but mentioned this author as an example of a good book. I'm actually now starting Book 7 . I came back though to encourage people to give this a try . It definitely helps to read them in order. The characters develop. They're funny and all have their own strengths and glitches. The relationships between the three cousins Bay, Thistle be Clove are interesting . The only drawback is that in the first book there is a lot of silly taunting between them. That may turn some people off as it started to me . But then it gets less and as the other characters of the three mothers, Chief Terry and - most notably - Aunt Tillie develop and are added in. Edith the ghost is pretty amusing too . The book sets the stage during a murder mystery of young teenagers in a corn maze. Rather macabre . And I was surprised by the ending. Bay's soon to be boyfriend is introduced and the background of the family is set up midst Bay and the Chief and FBI are trying to solve the case. They grow on you. Just enough my curiosity thought I would try the second and see if it did develop the characters which it did. And now it's hilarious and the characters continue to grow - well not Aunt Tillie , she is an adorable terror- so much you want to see what happens next. I also enjoy small town settings. So if you enjoy witches and ghosts and murder mysteries then do give it a try. I've just been going up through the series to see what happens next and I'm delighted to see that there are short stories with them I can move to next.

Gotta Love That Aunt Tillie!

Bay Winchester works at the town newspaper, cranking simple news from a quiet northern town. But she also comes from a family of witches. Her mother lives with two sisters as well as the great aunt, Tillie in a boarding housethat they operate and own. Aunt Tillie is a sassy witch with attitude who doesn't let anyone get in her way. There's nothing that you can do except to stay out of her way. Bay and her cousins have to deal with Great Aunt Tillie's pranks weekly, making their lives miserable with random pimples or pants that won't fit. Every witch has their own ability and for Bay, she can see ghosts. One day, a corn maze opens for Halloween in their town and Bay attends so she can write an article on it. Although, what she finds there is not as simple as a corn maze. A dead body is found strung up as a scarecrow and Bay was one of the first ones to stumble across it. Suddenly, the dead body's ghost finds her and begs her for help. Bay has no choice, but to unravel this mystery and help to find his murderer. But there's a few problems - She has to figure out if that good looking motorcycle dude is a friend or foe when he keeps ending up in places that he shouldn't be. Aunt Tillie is cryptic as always when you ask her for help. And most of all, the suspects are people she knows. This is a hilarious book! I loved the forever cranky Aunt Tillie and the way she aggravates the cousins. The chemistry between Bay and the motorcycle dude is great, even though you're always wondering if he's the actual bad guy. This is one of the greatest book series. If you love hilarious families and cranky old ladies plus witches and ghosts, yea this is it for you!


This book, oh, this book. It has a great premise. Its execution is not even that horrible. It has as good a plot as you are going to find in this type of book. It has almost likeable characters. There is plenty of sequel bait if one likes it to have the opportunity for many more. But the editing. Wait, there was no editing. If there was editing, the author needs a refund. Here are a few of the phrases that stood out (note: I was listening to the Audible version and only wrote down quotes/words when convenient): "I rose my eyebrows confrontationally." Okay. I guess her eyebrows were up in arms about something. Still don't know how one can do that confrontationally unless they were advancing on someone else. "Extended beer gut." I guess that would be as opposed to the flat beer guts. "She was understandably curious, which I understand." Hmmm. I don't understandably understand. "I mentally kicked myself." Glad for the clarification. "Nodded mutely." Nodded speakingly I guess would be the opposite. "Muttered blandly." Hmm. "Muttered spicily" would be if they were having Indian food, I guess. And I added my comments only because that is what I thought when I heard those clips. I was taken out of the story time and time again by comments like these. Every action had an adverb in front of it. They couldn't be slumbering, they had to be "happily slumbering." They "nodded mutely," when "nodded" would have been fine and dandy. She couldn't just be "curious," she had to be "understandably curious." That is the kind of stuff that a good editor will deal with for the author. That is the kind of stuff that will make people not remember your story but remember your -ly adjectives and adverbs being unrelenting. And then there was the dialogue. If I weren't so educated on YA books, I would dismissively say, (see, I can do it, too) "Oh, this dialogue belongs in a YA book." But I know that dialogue in YA books can be very quick and clever and not all snark, quirkiness, and attempts to be too cute for words. There were a number of good parts of the book. I liked the characters when they weren't so snarky or know it all. I liked some of the parent-child interactions. But much of the book was cute and quirky for cute and quirky's sake. Since I did listen to the Audible version, I will say a thing or two about the narrator. First, she read very, very swiftly. Second, she pronounced some words incorrectly. (See, that dang -ly popping up again.) "Vehemently" was pronounced "vee-HE-ment-lee." Strong emphasis on "he" when "he" is really not how it is pronounced. This word came up a number of times in various forms and all were mispronounced. Now, since I didn't follow along with the text, I don't know if the wrong word was written a few times or if the narrator just read the word wrong, but that happened. Again, totally takes you out of the narrative. She also seemed too arch. Again, that might have more to do with the written dialogue than the spoken, but it was an issue. Sometimes I felt it was totally the wrong tone to be taking. I so wanted to love this book. As it was, I just finished it because I didn't want to start another one.

Any Witch way you Can

A enjoyable book. Three cousins , along with their mothers and a vengeful aunt are the only witches in their town. Two young teenagers are found in two different corn mazes , dead with their hearts cut out.. They are sure its some type of ritual for black magic. With help from their family, they set out to find the killers.

I read this yeears ago.

Then I was reading another series by Amanda M. Lee, and I went back to refresh my memory. A pretty good story. Nice characters, good family.

Snarky, AHDD, infuriatingly reckless, the ladies of the Inn are trouble magnets.

I will let this review do for the series. First, Amanda Lee has assuredly read The Hollows series of books, considering that she has appropriated one of Kim Harrison's favorite epithets. That notwithstanding, I would laugh out loud about three times in an average chapter. Snarky, AHDD, infuriatingly reckless, the ladies of the Inn are trouble magnets. Each book is a new adventure, but you would be well advised to take them in order. They do build on each other. Seven women under one roof. All witches, all nuts in one way or another. Great Aunt Tillie would fit in well on Once Upon a Time as a villain with a good heart. Her nieces, the Moms, aren't as well rounded as their daughters, but then again, the books are pretty much about them. especially Bay, with her sister/cousins Thistle and Clove. Good thing they ran out of kids. The next one would have been Yeast of something. But I digress. Bay works at the weekly newspaper, has a friend there that is a ghost, and mostly gets into trouble. Her boyfriend is understandably a bit protective. Thistle will just beat the crap out of you, and Clove can't get laid. Doesn't sound like much fin, but actually I have enjoyed them so much that I am reading everything that Lee puts out now. For those of you who read my reviews you may notice that this ls longer than most, and this is my attempt to get you to read these tomes. They are not for everyone, you have to get Amanda's humor, but if you do, you will have a fun time with the ladies.

More grammatical errors than magic herein, but a nice escape from reality for an hour

Bay Winchester, editor of the newspaper in the small town of Hemlock Cove, finds herself involved in the news of the week: she stumbles on a body in the corn maze on its opening day. The little town of Hemlock Cove rebranded itself a few years back to attract more tourists after industry there left and took all the jobs with it. Hemlock Cove thinks of itself as a kind of northwest version of Salem, Ma, with a witchy theme and occult stores to attract the tourists. On that note,besides being the editor of the newspaper, Bay is also a are her cousins (Clove & Thistle, named after herbs), aunts, mother, etc... The whole family are witches, and the town knows it. The cousins get along in a cousin-y way, but the 3 of them bicker back and forth and mostly avoid their moms so they won't get into arguments there. Except for their weekly dinner at the bed and breakfast the women run. A small town police force, a bike gang that may be dealing drugs, and a second death similar to the first all add up for a busy week for Bay and her cousins. I found Lee's style fine for this genre. Her characters seem written to suit the story rather than the other way around, though...too convenient. The police chief who's friendly with the paper editor and her family so he lets her butt in on his investigation since he's a small town cop and doesn't have the experience or the resources to deal with it? How small-town is this?! The cousins need to grow up and act their ages. Great Aunt Tillie is pretty funny; she's probably the best-written one here, so hopefully the series relies heavily on her in subsequent books. Don't read this book if you're expecting magic galore. It's kind of magic-light, as not only do they try and hide their magic, but they're also not terribly good at it (probably from lack of practice). Read this book if you're looking for an quick, light read.

Could Not Put This Book Down!

Loved this book from start to finish there was never a dull moment. There was humor action, a bit of flirting, and a great mystery that you kinda get an inkling of who it is but thin new characters come in and throw you off. I love a good book that keeps you entertained to the very end and keeps you guessing and this book is one of them. I would definitely reread this book and others by this author again.

Fun stay-action read.

Fun characters. A bit far fetched plot twist and some predictable plot points. Easy read. Good writing style and vocabulary .

Love the snark

I started with Charlie. Moved to Scout and finally the Winchester family. These books work well together and they make me laugh from the gut. I love them all!

Really good story.

Love these witch books. It left you hanging till the end about the good looking guy. The newlyweds were a surprise.

Fun family and murder

Definitely a fun premise but the family bickering got annoying after awhile. Good murder mystery too. A quick light read.

Fun read

Entertaining and funny story. Few obvious plots but some real twists too. Throughly enjoyed it. Look forward to visiting this family again in the next edition.

Funny but why all the fighting

I don’t particularly like fights, it’s one of the reasons I don’t watch reality shows on tv. That being said, it sort of worked in this story. If you can get past the disfunctional family part it is a pretty good story. I enjoyed the mystery, though I had pegged Landon almost from the beginning. The actual bad guy was mostly a surprise though. Worth a read, and see if you mind the sniping and fighting. If you don’t mind it is probably a great book.

Wonderful reading

Thank you for this great book it uplifted me and made me laugh I loved aunt fully can't wait to read more !!!

Humorous mystery

If you don't like snark and sarcasm avoid this book. If, like me, you find it funny then this book will keep you laughing as you are trying to figure out the mystery. When a teenage boy and a teenage girl show up dead in corn mazes in Hemlock Grove, three generations of the Winchester family use their witchy powers to try to solve the crimes. The interactions between the generations is very funny and sounds realistic. (Okay, maybe it's just in my family.) Will they figure out the culprits or be part of the body count? Can Bay, Clove, and Thistle survive the killer? Can they survive great Aunt Tillie's curses when they get in her bad side? I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.

I don't know

how I missed book two. So, I went back and read it. I've been reading further ahead but I'm sorry to say, they aren't any better than the first two! When Amanda said her characters were snarky I figured they would have some spunk in them. Not squabble like seven year olds!! Constantly!! I want to send them to their rooms so I can have some peace. Pages of it. Not referring to the murder at all. Aren't they supposed to be witches? That do magic? Well, someone should tell them. And her BF? I was hoping that would turn into something, no, no. Throw him out with the dish water! I really love Amanda's Moonstone Bay series, try it and forget this one. I do appreciate her books being in kindle unlimited. Thank you Amanda.

Great book

I love this stories I would recommend this book for anyone over the age of 16 I can't wait to read another book by Amanda M. Lee

Fun read

I really enjoyed the snarkiness of the whole family...interesting take on mystery stories and witches and paranormal activities Big Fun

Fast Paced Fun

I seem to be in a minority, but I really enjoyed this. The cover stood out to me, and told me not to expect deep, poignant literature, but a fun read, and this delivered on the mark. I totally got the author's sense of humour, which transferred through the pages to me with ease. I loved the quirky characters and the plot line, which read quickly like a madcap, slapstick comedy. Yes, admittedly there were a few errors, but with the speed of the flow, my brain quickly corrected them and moved on. If the story had been slower, they might have been an issue but it moves so fast, it didn't affect the story so much. I liked the style of writing, although the characters do read a little young for their actual age, but nurtured in such a strong family group, it may be possible that they haven't really learned to stand on their own too feet, they only think they have. The ghosts are amusing and add even more humour to the character list, and it takes any sad edge off the actual murders, so the book retains it's light feel throughout. In a nutshell, this is great fun and I would certainly be looking out for more from this author.

Good clean read about witches

This is a good read for Halloween. This is about a family of witches. Bay Winchester who is editor of Hemlock Cove small weekly newspaper comes across a murder. She looks into it and finds it seems like another murder from 30 years earlier. Is it or could she be wrong. This is a good very quick read. Enjoyable

Post Pandemic Reading

Yes, it’s light. But the characters are fun. Not fully developed. More of a tween read but the setup is good. It’s not meant to be a deep dark tome. And there are so many books after this one. Take a break folks. Enjoy the light. Times are way too dark for anything heavy.

Any Witch Way You Can

I had never read this author before, but I am going to read more of this series. It was fun with just the right amount of danger.

Ok but not great

To be honest it was difficult to actually like the main character what with the constant family squabbling. I found it distracting and slightly annoying and there wasn't much mystery to solve. They went around trying to solve the mystery but it all sort of just falls in their laps. Iffy on continuing with the series.

Love this

I love this, its sarcastic and funny, like honestly laugh out loud funny. Not many books are, plus its a series so you don't have to be sad about finishing, just start reading the next book.

A Family of Witches

A comedy and mystery featuring a family of three generations of witches. Interplay between family members is realistic while the younger members make sharp remarks about their three mothers and great aunt. The mystery includes the murder of two teenagers and a mysterious "hot" unknown man. Some very funny comments from the characters about a garden planted by the mothers during their younger years. Easy reading and good conclusion make for a enjoyable read.

Characters and character dialogue become very annoying

This review is my impression about the first ten books in this series. I enjoyed the first book and for the most part have enjoyed the other books I have read in the series. However, as the series develops I find myself getting disgusted with the relationship of the primary characters (Bay and Landon). Although the characters are adults, their relationship degenerates into a middle school romance with jealousy, whining, begging for forgiveness, etc. You get the idea. There is a running “joke” about bacon that should have stopped at one reference but has gotten used more and more in each book. I am not a prude but way too much time is spent on their sex lives. I think that even if the target audience for these books is young adults, the relationship and communication between these two characters is really, really juvenile. I am on book 10 and will probably finish the series, but whenever I can I am going to skip conversations between these two. It is really kind of disgusting.

Witchy Shenanigans all over the place!

I found this book on the top 100 free book bestseller list. I've found some really awesome books on there, and this one is just that-really awesome. I got hooked on Aunt Tillie's outlandish and ever present personality. I loved this book so much, that when I found out that it was on kindle unlimited, I immediately went and looked. I got the 30 day trial so I could read all the books in the series. Totally worth it! I loved it so much, that I have started following the author so I can stay up to date with her other books. I don't follow many authors on social media, but she's now on it. Did I mention how much I love Aunt Tillie? She's by far my favorite character in the series. Her shenanigans and her "list" keep me laughing and trying to picture her in my mind in some of her more outlandish moments just makes it so much better. I love all the characters, and it's like I have known them forever. I always love it when the characters from a book series seem like someone you know irl. I've tried not to spoil anything from the books, but I have recommended this series to many friends. I love it.

Fantastic series from the very beginning.

This is a fantastic series. The characters are well written, well rounded and likable. It is so good that after I read the free, Kindle Unlimited version, I bought the ebook. And then I bought the paper version. Funny, sweet and engrossing.

great dynamic

This book was recommend by an author I adore, so I had to check it out and she was right. It is a wonderful book There is a lot going on in the world right. It is scary and this book took my mind off what happening and gave me a few hours of enjoyment with a a wacky witch's family with great characters and a lot of lovable fighting, an interesting town and a murder to solve. I am looking forward to reading more.

Discover a New Book: Any Witch Way You Can by Amanda M. Lee

I know exactly where I was when I purchased Any Which Way You Can. I was sitting in LaGuardia Airport in NYC after a harrowing experience on the NY freeway. The title of series, Wicked Witches of the Midwest, caught my eye having lived in the Midwest all my life. Then this book sat on my eBook shelf for close to a year and an half. Thanks to COYER Blackout, I finally tackled it. I’m a pretty tough sell when it comes to mystery novels. I want a tightly woven mystery with just enough clues (or breadcrumbs) to allow me to discover “who-dun-it” just before the sleuth in the story figures it out. Sadly, Any Witch Way You Can fails on this point. The mystery was sloppy and not very mysterious, in my opinion. However, Any Which Way You Can shines with a full cast of funny, sarcastic, friendly characters that you can relate to. These characters kept me reading until the end despite the lackluster mystery. Bay’s family, especially her cousins and grandmother, provided some of the funniest moments in the story. They reminded me of people in my own life that I hold dear for their honesty and lightheartedness. While I definitely didn’t finish Any Witch Way You Can because of the plot, I would recommend it if you are looking for a easy, quick read with some memorable characters that will make your smile and bring a bit of humor to your life.

It is a fun read.

I enjoyed this book. It was a good book. It was funny, and kept you guessing. I liked the characters. I recommend it.

Anyway you can

This book was interesting if it wasn’t for all the bickering backbiting side tracking of conversation The mystery probably could’ve been solved by the third chapter

A family of snarky witches

This is a fun series. It is a family of 3 generations of witches with varying special skills. They solve a murder; hijinks are extra. LOL funny.

Any Witch Way You Can

I liked the characters; a family of witches in a small town. As families do, they argue, are snippy with each other, but in the end they love each other, and they solve crimes together.


This is the 1st book in the Wicked Witches of the Midwest series. Though each pretty much stands on its own, I would recommend reading in the order of release. First I read it, and then I listened to it on Audible on my way to/from work. Both were enjoyable and filled me with giggles, though the audio version may have been better for me since the ebook was still full of grammar errors that could be distracting. (For example, to, too, and two all sound the same even if they aren’t spelled right on the page!) The characters are all engaging and the story is entertaining and well-written. I sincerely hope I am invited to read more from Ms. Lee. Her ability to write sarcasm that doesn’t come off as anything else is superb.

Great start to a series.

This is such fun read. Hemlock Cove is a place known for witchcraft, or at least that's what the tourist trade is built on. However, there's a family of witches that are real, and the town pretty much ignores them. The annual corn maze is built for everyone to enjoy. The problem is that someone put a body in there, and it has something special done to it. A witch trio if cousins investigate in what's going on, and they hit a bit too close to home, and a killer is waiting. A killer that will do anything not to be found. If the killer has to kill some witches, so be it. That's all I want to say about the plot, anything more would be spoilers. This has a lot going for it. This has great characters, humor, good writing and some plot twists. Let's put it this way, think of this book on the level of Stephanie Plum. That's all you need to know. I'm really looking forward to reading the other books in the series. Read it now, and thank me later.

BRAVA!!! (no...not bravO)

Brava!!!! I'm reviewing book 1 in this series after devouring all 6 books in the Wicked Witches of the Midwest, because I want people just stumbling onto these reads to know that they're a treasure trove. I've been reading fantasy, science fiction and paranormal for over 40 years...yes, I'm no spring chicken...but I do know what's entertaining, even at my age (I'm not really THAT old!). I never lost interest for one second while flipping Kindle pages and went straight through the series from 1 through 6 without a break. Trust me...that is NOT my usual MO. I get bored with poor writing, hideous editing, repetitive tension, overly-convoluted plotting and volumes of words that just turn out to be "exercises in reading." I also get bored with well written, highly acclaimed "classics." These books are just flat out entertaining. Amanda Lee is incredibly witty, inventive, well spoken and original. What more can you ask when you're looking for an enthralling and FUN read??!!! All I can say is...MORE MORE MORE!!! Keep these witches' brews coming, Amanda! I'm looking forward to gobbling up whatever you have to offer. Thank you.

Witches to the rescue!!

Hemlock Cove is a small town, and like a lot of towns, they have fallen on hard times. So they decide to become a Salem. Bay and her family for years have lived there. Their secret...they are witches. The town knows there is something different about them, most whisper the secret. Her mother and aunts run a bed and breakfast, her cousins, a small shop, but Bay works for the local paper. So with Halloween just around the corner, Bay has to put up what is going on, so she decides to check out one of the corn mazes. When she gets there, first she runs into a group of bikers, strange enough, but when she reaches the center of the maze she finds a dead body. A boy with his heart cut out. A few days later another body in a different maze, this time a girl missing her heart. Now with 2 ghosts and 6 other witches, Bay has to find the killer/s. That is, if her great aunt will stop putting curses on them.

I love this series!!

I'm on my second read through and I have to say that this is awesome!!! If you're interested in great reading you should definitely check this author out!! She is amazing!!

Well paced, well written, and fun to read

In a lot of fantasy books you come across people with magical powers. They aren't necessarily the most powerful or the physically strongest people, but they use what powers they have without thought. Almost reactionary. For Bay Winchester and her family it's very refreshing to see a coven of witches not use there powers on day to day stuff. My personal favorite parts were the banter and quipy dialogue, showing just how functional a dysfunctional family can be. If I can critique one thing it would be how slow some of the chapters felt. The over all pacing was good, but there were points the felt unneeded or maybe could have been dealt with at different times or in different ways that were more beneficial to the narrative. All in all, I loved this book and will recommend it to anyone looking for clever witty banter and characterful characters. I am definitely looking forward to book 2.

Gotta love the snarkiness!!!

If you are a smart ass with a warped sense of humor this is the book for you!!! I was rolling from the first line. As in "holy crap, it's 2am & I'm waking the kids up" kind of laughing. I had gotten so fed up with my last few books about 2/3 way through, realized I didn't care how they ended. Delete, that's how you end a book. I was so disgusted that I handed my 11 yr old the kindle & said "pick me out something...Yes, really!..." Like a good kid she judged a book by its cover & did a good job. Tho she & her sis were disappointed there were no cartoons inside. I loved the back & forth between the cousins and their relationship with their family, esp. Aunt Tillie I've had several in my life & want to be an A. Tillie in a few years. You got to love the old ladies that aren't afraid to say what they mean. Read this book. You will be glad you did. I'm ready to see what else this author has out there.

Really enjoyed it!

Love the family dynamic! Being from Michigan originally myself, I appreciated the setting and Midwest feel. Looking forward to reading more.

Great read

I finished this in 3 days on kindle very good book would recommend for everyone to get to know this family

Witches are people too!

--A line spoken by one of the characters in this book. This is my first time to read Amanda Lee-and each time I picked the book up over the several days I read it I laughed out loud. This is a book about a family of witches. The plot and chapters aren't filled with descriptions of spells and magical fight scenes, but the daily activities of the characters and how they interact as a hilarious, sarcastic, every-woman-for-herself, speak before you think family who are at each other's throats verbally each and every day but will defend each other until the death against anyone else. The verbal exchanges mixed with the inward thoughts of the main character are hysterical. The author's comments at the end of the book acknowledge that her characters are of a certain personality that she understands are not for all readers, but they are definitely for me. I have thoroughly enjoyed this book and I look forward to continuing to read Amanda Lee's works.

What I liked most about this book is it is a fun ...

What I liked most about this book is it is a fun and easy read. Maybe a little too fun and easy as I might just have to keep reading a few more of these books. What I liked least is the constant bickering between cousins, mothers and the older Aunt. It would be ok it there was more background story such as fleshing out these characters.....did the main character ever write the story at the newspaper did she meet her deadlines? She seemed to not have to work much. And I would have liked all the characters to have more mystical/magical abilities. That would be fun. Mainly I read this book because I was looking for a book similar to A Discovery of Witches.

Love the humor!!!

This book is refreshing, light and a perfect read during the pandemic of 20-21. It's fun and full of family sarcasm which is very much an East Coast thing- not just the mid west.

Wicked Witches of the Midwest

Be it known that I have a quirky sense of humor. I can empathize with the Winchester cousins, Bay, Thistle, and Clove. I can relate to family squabbles, being untruthful to your mothers, and the practice of deception and deflection to avoid scenes within the family. And then there's eighty-seven year old Aunt Tillie, town terror. I purchased "Any Witch Way You Can" on an Amazon promotional sale. After the first chapter, I went back to Amazon and bought the other four books in the series. I read all five books in two and a half days. I was spellbound. Or maybe I was cursed. With the Winchesters, it could go either way. I laughed a lot (OK, I cackled). I wanted to smack characters up side the head and shake them until their teeth rattled. And I want to stay on Aunt Tillie's good side. Seriously. This series is a delightful romp with a somewhat dysfunctional family with a secret everyone in town would rather pretend doesn't exist. It goes well with fires in fireplaces, popcorn, or a glass of wine.


Witches that can see ghosts and solve murders AND that have incredibly complicated family relationships - and can joke about all the above. The witches in this cosy are perfectly normal... except for the witch thing... and the seeing dead people thing.... who care deeply about each other (you can tell because of all the vicious repartee, but, hey, they haven't killed each other yet, and as witches, they could lay down some serious curses!) and about what happens in their slightly off beat town. In fact, this cozy is just your normal murder (Okay, so ripped out hearts are gruesome, but what murderer tries to sew the hole back up?) or two, the police chief is a good guy, and the witches' activity really only comes out as a last resort. The guilty party is not actually even a suspect! Until the end. At the very witchy thingee that was meant to unmask the killer. Full moons, stolen hearts (on a couple of levels), and really weird corpses will keep you entertained in this very "para - normal" tale. Enjoy!

These are a Hoot

I found this series after reading her Avery Shaw Mysteries. I enjoyed those quite a bit but I think this series is my favorite. I liked the three cousins and their interaction. Their mothers are also quite humorous. Their great aunt seemed like a familiar character until I realized that other than the witch part she was like my aunt. (Alright I am not really sure about the witch part when it came to my aunt as she could be a bit spooky). Book sets up the next two in the series very well and I suggest reading them in order. Having just finished the third in the series it looks like she has a few more of these up her sleeve as she set up for the fourth book at the end of the third. If you are looking for a fun read with some good laughs you should give this a try. If you are looking for great literature with lots of meaning this book is not for you. It is just meant to be fun.

Loved this book!

I LOVED this story! I was looking for something light and fun to read and was going through my Kindle library and came across this one. I started it right away and a few hours later I was starting the second book (I’m now on the third one). The characters were just what I needed! They are all crazy fun with the matriarch just plain crazy lol! All their interactions had me laughing out loud! Literally! This is not a deep, spell casting, witches flying on broomsticks or cooking up spells over a cauldron type story so if that’s what you are looking for…don’t bother with this one. BUT…if you are looking for a wonderful story to help you forget the day, entertain you, make you laugh and just enjoy…don’t hesitate to start this series!

Beware of Aunt Tillie!

This is the second book in the series, and thankfully, it really wasn't necessary for me to have read the first. I really enjoyed this paranormal/mystery romp. The characters were fun (though there were a lot of them) and I enjoyed the family drama, especially Aunt Tillie. I had fully planned to read more of the series until I saw that each book was $3.99 -- and this was a bit more than I was willing to pay for a book that would take me less than 2 days to pay. If the price does come down, I do plan to read more books in the series. If I had any complaints, Tiddles the cat didn't have enough to do. :-) A solid 4 stars out of 5.

There is the murder, then there is the game...and sometimes the game is your family

This is an edgier-than-normal, paranormal cozy mystery...a little light on the paranormal side, but it does have ghosts. Though I figured out the major reveals before the end, I had a grand time getting there. I really love how Amanda Lee portrays Bay's family. This is not the white picket fence type family with the occasional quirk. Bay's family is full out dysfunctional. There is game playing everywhere, from trying to escape the wrath of dangerous old (and sometimes nude) Aunt Tillie, to throwing the cousins in front of the bus to elude said Tillie. I have met my share of contentious families -- the ones that lie and manipulate openly and publicly -- and there is much truth to the portrayal in this book. I even loved Bay's unfiltered observations, such as when she describes a teen male ghost: " most teenage boys, he was a vulgar little sex monster." The thing is, I never once doubted that Bay and her extended family loved and respected each other. They just had very interesting and funny survival mechanisms in place.


This was an entertaining story full of chaos and confusion. I enjoyed the family of witches bantering and bickering among themselves. Was a lighthearted read.

Three generations of snarky witches

Three witch cousins, their moms and cranky 85 yr old Aunt Tilly. Don't call her old though or you'll end up with a monstrous zit. They run an inn in a town that rebranded itself as a spooky town for tourists. You'd think the town would love these witches but not so much. That's okay. They've got each other through thick and thin, like it or not. A body is found and a biker gang is hanging around. A few premonitions occur and ghosts get involved. Can the cousins sort things out and keep their family out of trouble? The family dynamics are great with all the goings on of a three ring circus. I loved them all and enjoyed the ride.

Wacky witches you want to hang out with.

The Winchester family is made up of witches, three generations, aunt Tillie, the three sisters running the inn and the three cousins, Thistle, Clove and Bay. There is the mystery of who murdered the teenage girl and boy and left there bodies in different corn mazes, but what really makes this story worth reading is the relationship between the family members, it had me laughing out loud. I will be reading more of these books.

Surprisingly fun!

I wasn’t sure at first about this book, but the characters are likable and the plot took off into a good murder mystery. An enjoyable read with wit and humor.


The heroine and her roommate cousins have the snarky sense of humor that reeled me in for more. Very good light reading.

Funny and interesting characters and storylines...

I really enjoy Amanda Lee's books. There is mystery and intrigue, but most of all they are funny! I love the sense of humor in her stories. And, I love Aunt Tillie's antics. If you want to spend your time reading and laughing try this series. If you enjoy this first book in the series, be sure to read the next one, Every Witch Way But Wicked, it is even funnier. And no, I don't know the author and I was not asked to write a review. I wrote the review, because I really enjoyed the characters the author makes come to life.

Read it because it was free. Guess you get what you pay for.

"Bay Winchester is having a tough week. As the local editor of Hemlock Cove's only newspaper, she just happens to be present when a body is found in an area corn maze. To make matters worse, the police believe the murder may have something to do with the occult. This wouldn't be a problem for a normal reporter, but since Bay is descended from a well-known line of actual witches, the town is understandably on edge. Between the suspicious townspeople, the befuddled police presence and that random hot biker guy that may or may not have something to do with the murder -- Bay has her hands full. When you add the typical family problems, multiplying ghosts -- and one monster of a zit that she's sure came from her aunt's curse -- Bay is just struggling to make it through the week. Of course, when the killer sets his sights on Bay, things could get a whole lot worse. " Lee is another one of those lazy authors who fails to do research. I consider this stealing from the public. An author must get historical facts correct. Especially when there is no excuse for the facts that Lee gets wrong. No so-called witch was ever burned at the stake in Salem, MA. When so-called witches were executed there were two methods: hanging and pressing. Pressing, in case you don't know, requires the victim to lie on the ground, a board placed on top, and on top of that rocks were placed, more and more of them until the poor soul was pressed to death. Makes hanging sound humane, doesn't it? Also, the Salem witch trials did not take place in present day Salem, MA despite the assertion of the author. The Salem witch trials took place in the pre-colonial Salem Village which is now Danversport, a city in Danvers, MA. None of the characters are developed, all are one-dimensional. Read it because it was free. Guess you get what you pay for.

Quirky, fun read

3.5 Stars. I wasn't sure when I started this whether I would enjoy it or not. Several reviews were not great. However, I found it thoroughly enjoyable and a fun read. Hemlock Cove, a town rebranding itself as a tourist destination, touting it's magical, haunting town. The family who owns and operates the B&B are indeed a family of witches. When two gruesome murders of teenagers happen, Bay and her cousins and their mothers set out to solve the murders so the two teens can find rest. Fun read!

Enjoy the laughs, ignore the mistakes!

This was quite an enjoyable read. Yes, there were factual and plot mistakes that other reviewers have mentioned. They annoyed me, as well. But the family relationships, full of snark and vinegar, more than made up for it. I loved how the cousins banded together for protection, yet threw each other to the wolves (their mothers) at the first chance they could get. Don't read this expecting a cerebral challenging plot-twisting mystery. The villain wasn't that hard to pick out. However, the plot wasn't old and boring. The characters were developed enough to care about and root for. So if you like paranormal, cozy mysteries, give this one a read! And watch out for Aunt Tillie or you may develop a huge wart!

A fun read

This is a really fun read. Lots of humor and a really good story. I really enjoyed it. I can’t wait to start book 2.

A juicy wiccan mystery!

Bay Winchester is a witch of Hemlock Cove. Not a wicked witch, but an Earth witch. Even though her town thrives on the supernatural for tourist attraction, the people are not too keen on real witches. That’s why Bay and her family keep their gifts a secret. Bay’s gift is that she can see ghosts. I wouldn’t fear ghosts either. After all, they’re like people—good and bad. All in all, the day started off fine with tourists everywhere…until Bay discovers a body hidden in a scarecrow. Now Bay must find the ghost of the murdered boy and put his soul to rest before the bad guys kill again. Witty and enjoyable! The family drama was hilarious. Loved the bickering between Bay and her cousins. A juicy wiccan mystery!

Book 1 of series

I liked the idea, sense of wit, and humor of this book. While I found the characters immature, repetitive, they were also funny and entertaining. I do find it hard to believe that town knows but does not know that the Winchester are witches and that they are the only witches in town. Even as small as the town is supposed to be, only one family in the whole town. The mystery is interesting but not thrilling. If you are looking for romance and steam you are not going to find a lot of romance and no steam. Overall, the book is a lighthearted and relaxing read.

A hilarious read!

I loved everything about the family relationships - especially the dialog - and the story was wonderfully entertaining. I liked it so much that I’ve just purchased the rest of the series, for hours and hours of laugh-out-loud reading entertainment. Thank you, Amanda M. Lee, for creating Bay and her snarky, sarcastic, and more than slightly dysfunctional family.

This was a funny and really good read

This was a funny and really good read. Although there were murders I don't believe the details were that gorry at all. Oh what life is like living in Hemlock Cove in a family of witches. . Don't dare be rude to your elders especially old Aunt Tillie as you might find a curse on yourself. I found it hard at first to get into this one as it seemed to drag on,I reread what others had reviewed and went back to it and so glad I did as the storyline got more upbeat with mayhem and murder after finding a corpse in the corn maze and then there were two! The author really had you thinking that one special guy was involved with the murders,he was but not the killer! She kept all the well described characters flowing along with the ever unpredictable story line. I look forward to reading more from Amanda Lee.

These People Will Become Your Friends.

I like the polished and professional writing style in these books. They're an easy read and move right along. The plot is good and has some twists and turns. But the best thing about these books, the whole series, is the people! The Winchester witches will become some of your best friends. The mysteries are good, but you'll come back for the next book in the series over and over again because you just want to go visit your friends again. The books are mostly about Bay, who narrates, and her cousins, Clove and Thistle, but they wouldn't be complete without the whole family, especially Aunt Tillie. And don't forget the ghosts in the town that Bay and Aunt Tillie can see and hear! I liked the first one, this one, but I like each new one a little more because I get to know my new friends better, and they're rapidly becoming old friends.

Wickedly Funny

Bay Winchester and her family are truly wicked, but in a good way. They seem to be like any other dysfunctional family, with some magic tossed in! The story starts with a town trying to rebrand themselves as a paranormal town, hoping the tourists will visit. Bay and her family are truly lovable characters, they had me laughing and snorting until the end. When 2 young teenagers are brutally killed, Bay connects with their ghosts to find out who killed them. In the middle of all this mess, Bay finds out there is a rogue gang of meth dealers in her quiet little town. She hopes that hotty Landon isn't part if the drug deals, but she doesn't really have time to worry because she has to find out who the killers are. Join Bay, her cousins Thistle and Clove, and of course, Aunt Tilly in this very enjoyable book!

Wicked Witches of the Midwest

I love these books and Aunt Tillie has me laughing all the way through! I have them all and am hoping for more!

Enjoyable Read

I did enjoy this book, I especially enjoyed Aunt Tillie. Amanda knows how to tell a story. Though there were no Victorian houses in the 1600's and I did notice some contractions. But these things didn't interfere with the story. The story held my interest all the way through the book. I knew right away there was something different about Landon. He didn't fit the biker image. I didn't guess who the murderer was. That did come as a surprise. I recommend this book. I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of this book. My opinion is 100% my own.

Any Witch Way You Can (Wicked Witches of the Midwest Book 1)

A darling story high lightening an area of Northern Michigan that many people would overlook as (it's not California or Texas so not worth it). But to people living in these rural areas, it is worth it. A family of females, who have a little something extra, find themselves drawn into a murder mystery. Two teenagers have been found killed with their hearts cut out, their bodies have been placed in farmers harvest corn mazes for someone to find. The 3 cousins and the deceased teenagers ghosts, work to discover who really killed them.

Sassy, Sarcastic Witches

I really enjoyed this book. The characters were hilarious and interesting. Bay's family is crazy, but the lovable kind of crazy. The dialogue is very well written and very sarcastic. The murders were dark, but they were handled in a way that prevented them from darkening the mood of the book. I look forward to reading the rest of the books in the series! Bay's family are all witches, and they each have unique "gifts." When a boy and girl are murdered in two different corn mazes in Bay's small town. She and her cousins use their gifts to solve the murders. (I don't want to say anymore about the gifts because they're essential to the story!)

Quirky and fun.

Quirky family. I love Aunt Tillie. I am going to check out the rest of the series. This a quick read.

Not what I much more!

I bought this over a tear ago and forgot to read it. When I finally came across it again, I took the! I'm addicted. I'm going through them in order on her website. I love all the characters but aunt Tillie is my favorite. I really wish I had an aunt like this...nothing would ever be boring.

Just not up my alley

Read four of the books in this series. I really tried to enjoy the series, but frankly, the characters are annoying. Bitchy, bratty, vapid, unintelligent. The same old same old with the character dynamics in every book. It is like Amanda Lee kept most of the lines the same for all of the characters from book to book and just inserted new story details in between the character lines. The stories are interesting, but the characters just detract from the stories. I have a wicked sense of humor, enjoy irony and LOVE sarcasm as long as it is packaged with wit. Think Kresley Cole and Sherrilyn Kenyon. These girls are sarcastic, but the wit and sharpness is missing. Amanda Lee ends her books "bragging" about her unique sense of humor. It really isn't unique. It reads like someone who is working really hard to come across as someone with a unique sense of humor.

Any Witch Way You Can (Wicked Witches of the Midwest Mysteries)

What a fun, fast and great visualization read. The characters are believable with all the bantering they do with each other. A small town in lower Michigan, named Hemlock Cove. The Winchester family ownes a Bed and Breakfast on land that has been in the family for generations. The Winchesters are witches and each female has a unique ability. Two teenagers (male and female) are murdered and their hearts are cut out of the bodies. Bay, Thistle and Clove are cousins who are shocked about the murders and start to ask questions. New people arrive in town along with the tourists and no clues can be found on the suspects. This is a fun page turner and the ending is awesome.

Charming, mysterious with just a touch of crazy.

Bay is just your typical girl, except that she's a Witch. Her family is a typical family, except that her mom and aunts like to get drunk and dance naked in the woods. Then there is her Great Aunt Tillie who only occasionally put a curse Bay and her cousins when they get on her nerves. The family lives in Hemlock Cove. A small and quite community where nothing ever happens and the paper only gets printed weekly. That is until a biker gang makes it way into town, and bodies start popping up. Great story that keeps you intrigued from beginning to end.

Any book in a series called "Wicked Witches of the ...

Any book in a series called "Wicked Witches of the Midwest" is going to be done for laughs. This one has plenty of laughs, but mostly of the ironic or snarky kind. Bay Winchester is the editor of Hemlock Cove's only newspaper. She's also a witch. In fact her whole family are witches. But of amore old-school variety. Herb knowledge, a gift at cooking, and oh yes - Bay can see ghosts. And for such a quiet town, Hemlock Cove seems to have more than it's share. In fact, there's a new freshly made one (and soon a second) for her to try and help find their way home.

Cute, Funny, Witchy Mystery.....

Although I'm not fond at all of the style this story is written in and it annoyed me several times but I got passed it because the story was quirky and cute and I really like a good paranormal mystery. I do think she could have ended the mystery itself with a little more in depth knowledge about how and why. It did end with a pretty good bang and then moved to a settled normal, for them anyway, kind of life. I'd read more but only if it isn't in this first person...come narrative style. The characters are well written and by the end you are pretty invested in all of them. Cute read.

A Good Light Story

Overall, it was an easy and interesting enough read. The story flows well and the magic and violence (what there is of it) are very light. The characters are okay, nothing to write home about. The plot is also okay. Like others have said, the three primary characters are basically junior witches that seem mostly to be able to do simple spells--when they do any witchy stuff at all. And two of them run a store. There were word usage issues here and there, but I could usually figure out what the author really meant. At least it had a proper conclusion and not a cliffhanger; thank you, Amanda.

A really and interesting book

This book was a surprise to me. I was really surprise at how much I like it. I could not wait to read the next one in the series. I laugh out loud while I was reading it I very seldom laugh out loud when I'm reading a book. I am now reading her Covent College series too.. I like it but the Wicked Witches of the Midwest books are more of what I like. I think the idea that it is a Mother daughter type of story keeps me interested. Some of the things that happen sounds so like what happened to me and my friends. I hope she keeps writing this series of books.

Loved this book!

I enjoy cozies...this 1 has a whimsical, witchy theme. 3 likeable cousins who live with their moms & elderly a town attracting tourists thru being a quaint town with a super-natural theme. There are 2 gruesome murders in the town at a fall celebration. Bay, Thistle & Clove work in town, their mom's & aunt own the Overlook Inn & are thought to be suspicious family....neighbors don't take short cuts thru their property so as not to run into their midnight, naked celebrations. The family of witches solve the case. And, Bay meets a very attractive undercover FBI agent, the local sheriff is quite taken by the family...loves to have dinner at the inn. There are witches, ghosts, local color & likeable characters that make an entertaining book. I look forward to reading more books by this author.

Not recommended for anyone over 25. YA fiction and a cozy combo.

I should have realized from the book cover this book is closer to YA fiction and a cozy than I'd enjoy. The three young cousins, all with their own careers are whiny, snotty, and rude to their mothers. They refuse to see knowledge from older women which would keep them out of problems. All are witches, but the three younger cousins don't practice with sincerity. The plot of ghost and black magic takes a long time to spin out. I knew who the first time I met them. Why was a little murkier. I stuck it out to see if it got deeper. It didn't. One of the young cousins, Bay, is a newspaper editor, or so the author would have us believe. I was a hometown newspaper editor and reporter. I know that industry and this woman would have been showed the door a long time ago. Really a poor journalist, doesn't even own a notebook. Her other cousins, Thistle and Clove own a nature shop and jokingly advertise curses. Cutesy doesn't do it for me. This is an OK book for its type. But it is vapid.

There is no such things as witches, or are there?

Bay Winchester is a witch and has returned to her home town from a job as a reporter at a Detroit newspaper. Now she's the local reporter and editor of her home town weekly newspaper. After the local tire factory closed down, the town has reinvented itself as a witch filled tourist attraction, Now she and her whole family of witches (plus some ghosts, but who believes in ghosts) get involved in a mysterious couple of murders in other towns but with the bodies moved to her town, plus a group suspicious bikers. They end up solving not only solve those two murders but also two from thirty years ago. Of course they can't tell the sheriff about those. This book was good enough to keep me up till 2:30 in the morning to finish it.

Light and fun read.

Light and fun read. A town that promotes itself as haunted, has a family of witches, three moms and three cousins, who are not even accepted by the townspeople. May that have something to do with the fact that the three middle-aged witch moms like to dance naked in the woods at the summer solstice? Ewww. The story is told by one of the young cousins, who runs the local bed and breakfast inn. Not a long book, not one to keep you awake at night, but an enjoyable novel. I only give books that keep me turning pages until the wee hours 5 stars, but this is definitely worth 4. Enjoy

Watch out - this is addictive

This was my gateway book to a whole 'nother world! Since I read the first one, I have been reading about this world non-stop - almost. Sometimes I have to wait for the next book to actually be written. I have found that I love this author's world's and writing style. Good family ties, fun, mystery and a little danger!

Fun Story!

This book was fun to read. The banter between the characters is funny. While there is a murder mystery going on throughout the story, I didn't find it was the main focus. It's about the relationship between three cousins, their moms, and their great-aunt Tillie who are all witches. This isn't meant to be a serious murder mystery, just a fun story. This book could be considered a stand alone because the mystery is solved, but I couldn't wait to read more about this family (and find out if Landon makes an appearance in book 2), so I downloaded the second book as soon as I finished this one.

It is an easy read, and it is quite nice not to ...

I have found this book thoroughly enjoyable. It is an easy read, and it is quite nice not to have to think when reading a book but enjoy the story. This is book where you can turn off the hectic and sorrows of your life , even or just a short time. The characters are funny and lovable. Some reviews mention the narration, but to me it feels like a bubbly friend telling me about her vacation. If you like murder, mystery, romance and urban fantasy, then this is a book to read. I find the author is a great story teller, and was painting such a great picture of the town and its inhabitants, that I would love to visit there.

What a Family

This book has a mysteriously murdered teenager's body hanging in a corn maze. The newspaper woman returns that night with her cousins and meets the ghost, but he can't see his killers clearly. There is a second murder and the they get a little more info, but until a vision from Thistle, they don't realize what is needed to solve the murder. The family drives each other crazy, but they care about each other. It is entertaining and hard to put down as they work through the clues. If you read paranormal books much, you catch on quick to the twist in the reason for the murders. The end is still going to keep you guessing on how they all end up at the finish.

Excellent read and worth every penny I spent...

One of the best books I have read lately...Characters are well developed and seem real. The interplay between the cousins is great as is their interaction with their mothers. Love Great Aunt Tillie and Edith (the ghost)....absolutely a pleasure as a paced; well written...conversation natural and none of the stilted writing I have been unfortunate enough to have gotten ahold of recently...I have already ordered Book 2 in this series as well as the first book in another series by this author...the cost is higher than with other books but well worth the expense...I'd rather pay a bit more for a book I enjoy (as these are) than the $7.99 that most books cost and find myself tossing the book away by chapter 2...very good read and a great start to a series...

Great characters!

This author develops very good characters. The relationship the three cousins have is very believable.The characters are quirky and interesting and their dialog is natural and sometimes laugh out loud funny. I share the author's odd sense of humor and love of sarcasm, so I found this book very entertaining. Word of caution: There are quite a few editorial 'issues' in this book - misused words, grammar problems, etc., which is why I gave it only 4 stars. If you insist on perfection, that will bother you. If, however, you're willing to overlook those, the book is very enjoyable. I've already begun book 2 and so far it's as good as the first.

Right up my alley

A little murder, a little paranormal, a little humor and one funny/crazy/eccentric family of witches...what's not to love? I always like a touch of paranormal in a mystery and this did not disappoint. Three cousins dealing with their mothers and the "matriarch witch" Great-Aunt Tillie live in a small Michigan town rebranded to attract tourists for the magic...a town that knows the women are all "different" but not really knowing there's real magic in Hemlock Cove. Bay Winchester works at the small-town weekly newspaper and is covering what she thinks is a fluff story about the local corn maze (not a lot of newsworthy going on, after all) when she finds a body. Soon the entire family of witches is drawn into the investigation as well as a group of bikers suspected of being involved in meth. Just get it, sit back, and enjoy the ride!

Very entertaining with lots of humor

Such an entertaining book! It consists of mystery, lots of humor, and slight romance. The Winchester women are real witches in Hemlock Cove, Michigan, but tourists think they are fake and just an additive to the town in boosting up its economy since the car manufacturing companies have closed down. Then, murders happen in the town. Since Bay Winchester can see and communicate with the ghosts, she and her two cousins (Thistle and Clove) have secretly conducted their own investigation to help the victims. Their mothers and their Aunt have joined their mission. Then of course, all hell breaks loose. If you are looking for a fast-paced read and want to laugh out loud, this book is suitable for you. Moving on to book two.

Enjoyable read about a witchy family in a Midwest town ...

Enjoyable read about a witchy family in a Midwest town that has, as so many have, lost its economic base. The town's solution was to turn to occult tourism, yet they are not fond of the actual witches. Those witches are the three female cousins, Bay, Clove, and Thistle, their mothers (sisters), and one grandmother/great aunt. They each have a special power, and Bay, the narrator, can see ghosts. So when bodies keep turning up, she has can see the ghosts - who don't know who killed them, though, as they don't remember the events right before their deaths. Readable, enjoyable, though not highly memorable.

Fun and whimisical read!

This book is about a story of a family of witches...funny, silly, loveable witches. Aunt Tilly is the matriarch and at age 85 she rules the roust! She loves cursing the girls (cousins), like putting zits on their faces when they tick her off. There are two strange murders in a corn haze and Bay tries to figure out who killed them. Bay can see and talk to ghosts. She has two cousins, who she lives with, Thistle and Clove. Their moms, Marnie, Winnie and Twila live with Aunt Tilly next door. They run an Inn and they all live in Hemlock Cove. The story centers around the murders and how they have to solve it before the full moon. A very cute and quick read.

Love Amanda M. Lee's writing....

I first came across this author when I read the Avery Shaw Mysteries, and loved each one of them. Never expected the writing would get even better. Finished this book in one sitting, and want to hurry with the review so I can begin the second book in the Wicked Witches series. This book was a great read.Bay, her cousins, Thistle and Cove are great on their own, including their Mom's and the Great Aunt and it just makes the story and incredibly fun time. The writing is excellent, and you feel you're transformed into the story as a fly on the wall. Not a normal genre for me, but with Amanda M. Lee as the story teller, I will be looking forward to reading each book in the series. Recommended for anyone that enjoys great storytelling and enjoys having fun.

Interesting family dynamics

This book was a light, easy read, though there really wasn't much "witchy" activity involved until the end. I enjoyed the humor and the interaction between the family members, though it did take me awhile to keep them all straight. I will probably read the next book to see if the characters are further developed. They stayed pretty one dimensional in this one. Overall, it was an enjoyable story for a free book, but it really could have been fleshed out more.

Witchingly Funny

This was an entertaining and interesting book. Getting to know the characters was the major part of the beginning. The talents of each of the witches would be interesting to know. The grandmother is a hoot. I knew who the killers were about halfway through, but wasn't sure of motive, which was very interesting. I would recommend this book because it is a great escape from the everyday, and it was just funny. Reminded me a bit of Janet Evanovich and her Diesel books. I am looking forward to reading book two and continuing through the entire series.

just something to read between between books while I was waiting for something better to come along

This was a cute surprise. I got the book as a filler, just something to read between between books while I was waiting for something better to come along. Well, this turned out to be something better. I'm not big on mystery books but the flow of the writing and the quirky humor and characters in this book has turned me into an Amanda Lee fan. My wife did keep giving me odd looks every time I started to laugh or giggle. Yes, even tough guys giggle once in a while. I plan on buying a few more of Amanda's books to read come October when I start getting in the mood for the holidays. I like a bit of quirk to get me started.

Cozy mystery

I read this book in a day! It seemed like a perfect read to start Autumn, and it was! The main characters in this book are so quirky and hilarious. They are so easy to love. Can't wait to read more from this series!

I really enjoyed it!

I enjoyed this book. I saw some reviewers complaining the dialog and/or characters were bickering, bratty, or vapid. I grew up with three older sisters, bickering, bratty and vapid is normal sisterly love from my perspective, and it made me chuckle quite a few times. I found it to be an entertaining read, and that is what I look for in urban fiction. There were a few minor grammatical errors, but it was trivial, unless you're incredibly anal about such things. Some people are. I'm not an English teacher, though, so I don't read books to grade the authors on, or count their mistakes, I read books to be entertained. I was entertained.

Laugh out loud fun

I loved this story. The premise of modern-day witches still steeped in the traditions of ancient witchcraft was presented very well. The family dynamics are hilarious, and the sarcasm, though rampant throughout the story, was never over-done or forced. All of the characters, from the three younger witch cousins, to their three witch aunts, and the matriarchal great-aunt, are fun, real, and laugh-out-loud funny. I loved the interactions with the ghosts, and found the story very believable, in this unbelievable genre. Edits must have been done along the way, as I didn't notice many errors, which have actually caused me to stop reading other stories from other non-edited writers. I have purchased the second and third books in this series, and can't wait to read them.

Love love this series

Oh you will so not be sorry this series is one of my favorites, and just get the hole series if you love houmor you won't be sorry the first in the series is OK. But the rest of the series and short stories are so funny I just can't get enough or say enough about Amanda M Lee absolutely love her books I read a lot and put a recommendation on all my reviews this is almost always the author I recommend . So try Gina La Manna ( Lacey LuzzI series) it's not a paranormal read but man is it funnny and Molly Harper ( Jane Jamerson series) it is a paranormal read.

Fun book to read

I was a little hesitant to read "this" type of book since it seemed to be for a younger reading crowd, but I was surprised at how much it kept my interest and even made me actually laugh out loud at parts . I would recommend this book to anyone for a quick and fun, mysterious read. I liked enough to finish the series. 😀 I gave it 4 stars as I noticed some grammar mistakes and thought it was a bit repetitive in areas.

Witching good fun!

Definitely enjoyed this book, the characters, the dialog (both internal and not) and the humor! The only down side? I read when I get home from work, about 3:30am and everyone else is asleep: and it's SO HARD to keep from laughing out loud sometimes while reading this story! Who wants too wake anyone up and have to explain what's so funny? Quick conversation, quips and comebacks. .. nice to see it must be a Midwesterner thing, cuz alot of Californians don't get or use it. Hold on to your hats and enjoy the nine core characters if Hemlock Cove ... if your humor is a little off center like mine you'll not be even a little disappointed!

Good for out-loud laughs.

I don't usually leave reviews, buy I think this book is worth it. Liked the story so much I've already bought books 2 and 3. Although somewhat predictable (I figured out some of the "twists" early on) I also found myself laughing out loud at some of the family exchanges. Bay's self-deprecating notes also amused. There were some editorial errors that had me re-reading a sentence or two to figure out what was meant. But all in all I'd give this story a solid 8+. Looking forward to the entire series....

Great Seried

This series is hilarious. I love everyone in the book. Their relationships are great. I don't know who I like best.

Mystery and Comedy

I love a good mystery and I also love good witches; you add in comedy and I am very happy! This book incorporates all three very nicely. I will read some more of Amanda Lee's books and I will recommend them to my friends.


What a fun, female, family of witches! The cousins are like any 3 cousins who grew up together and they relate to their mothers and aunts in a totally believable way. I had to chuckle at them many times in a totally relatable way. The addition of Aunt Tillie to the mix adds to the family, making it more like a real multi-generational family. Everyone argues, makes up, loves and supports each other in their own, sometimes surprising, way. Just when you think all may be lost, someone comes to the rescue. I can't wait to read more about the adventures of this family.

Twitchy Witches

This book is a delight to be savored. I read it over three days so I could have a few chuckles each day. You will enjoy a great little who-done-it with a tad bit of forbidden flirting tossed in. Oh, the possibilities.

Great and quick read

I really enjoyed this book. While the subject isn't all that new (witches living in a small town), the characters seemed pretty real. You have three young women who love their mothers even if they don't always see eye to eye. And you have the matriarch of the family, Aunt Tilly, who demands respect and will literally curse her nieces if they don't give it. The dialog is laugh-out-loud hilarious and doesn't feel fake, either. I'm guessing the book has been re-edited since it was first published, because I only found one grammar mistake in the whole book. I definitely recommend this book for people who enjoy a good read and a good laugh.

Loved it

I got this book for free, and I am so glad I did. I have already bought book two, and I will be searching out #3 soon. If you like quirky characters, and believable magic this is the book for you. Very well written, and the editing is better than the usual for eBooks. Do read them in order though. They are sequential. The author states at the end of the book that her writing is not for everyone, but I think she is not giving herself enough credit. In my opinion you would have to be very stuffy not to enjoy this funny, interesting book.

Any Witch Way You Can

Bay Winchester and all her family are witches. Bay sets out to find the murderers of two teenagers. A boy and a girl. Wonderful who done it with such awesome characters. Loved reading...


I really enjoyed the characters, the plot, and overall quirkiness of this story, it *almost* made up for the grammatical mistakes and typos. Usually, these are reasons I would just ditch a series and never continue past book 1 (if I even finish it), but I enjoyed this story so much that I went ahead and read the rest (helped that they were available via kindle unlimited). So, if you are a stickler for grammar, skip it, but if you can get over it, give this book a chance. It's really fun.

Truly Laugh Out Loud

Truly a laugh out loud book that you never want to end...and thankfully, as I just stumbled upon this series, I was able to finish one book and literally jump right into the next right away. (Yes, I ended up buying all the other books available in the series all in one shot ) Amanda M. Lee created genuinely hilarious characters. Each and every Winchester family member, along with all the other characters are so entertaining. (I definitely had a soft spot for Aunt Tillie's witt and snarkiness) Would I recommend this book, DEFINITELY!!!! Amanda M. Lee, just became one of my favorite authors and I sincerely hope that this series does not end anytime soon.

Overall a good, light read

Not the best book I have read. Am not super-invested in any of the charcters, but it was a good read and I bought the next book; willing enough to give it more time. Was distracted by a number of grammer issues (specifically "than" when should have been "then" and " 'Clove' and I" when it should have been " 'Clove' and me"...but overall...I liked it.

A Charming Read

I recently replaced my kindle and while I was downloading books Any Witch Way You Can was a book that popped up on my recommendations and something said give it a try. I found this book very charming. The main character was like every woman. She loved her job and wanted to be great at it. She loves her family even though they annoy her and curse her with giant zits and she just happens to see ghost. Great story!!!!

Magically Delicious!

Ms. Lee has a way of cooking up a literary delight! I lapped thus book up like kitten with warm milk! The characters are so well developed, I feel like I have actually met them. And they are my kind of people! The sarcasm, wit, and absolute snarkiness of the Winchester family is right up my alley! If you love a good mystery, a light hint of a future romance, and a whole lot of sarcastic humor, this book is for you! It's a recipe for success in my book!

I enjoyed this book but the 2nd book totally hooked me

If you are looking for something fast to read, snarky characters that grow on you and lots of dark humor, then this series is for you. I enjoyed this book but the 2nd book totally hooked me. The family characters fight among themselves but are intensely loyal to each other. The main character, Bay, has lots of insecurities that she counters with sarcasm making her realistic. In fact, the personalities of the family characters each develop so well that they started to remind me of people in my life. I just finished Book 8 and hoping there will be more!

Mayhem, murder and laughs.

A lighthearted romp through corn mazes, murder, ghosts and a family that does to each other what most of us wish we could. The actual murder plot kind of takes a back seat to establishing the characters of a delightfully quirky family of witches. It could also use some text editing. If you prefer mature leading characters and tightly twisted plots, don't bother. That said, I bought the Kindle editions of the next two books in the series, wanting to learn more about the characters (a little growing up wouldn't hurt) and enjoying humorous escapes - or should I say escapades.


I love this series of books. I really hope I remembered to review them. If not I didn't I will do it now.

Laugh out loud mystery

This book made me laugh out loud. Light-hearted mystery and delightful look at a unique family of witches.

I did enjoy it but it was also one that was easy ...

This book was okay. I did enjoy it but it was also one that was easy to put down. In the story the reader is told (multiple times) how the town's people don't like or trust the family but we are shown virtually nothing to back that up. In fact, there is a lot of telling the reader what is going on rather than immersing the reader. There also several inconsistencies, but those have already been covered in other reviews. The characters through me. It read like a YA book, the characters often behaving like they were in their late teens (maybe early 20's at most) but from the way it was told, these were supposed to be women in their late 20's early 30's. That said, I still enjoyed the book. I liked the snarkiness and the banter between characters.

A hilarious read

I loved 'Any Witch Way You Can'. The story was awesome. I loved the humor that never let up. I was pulled in from the first page. I literally did not put this book down. I had to see what was going to happen next. I loved the characters, even Aunt Tillie. She is as out spoken as the rest of her family and does not care about mincing words. The banter that went on throughout this book was great. The women were hilarious. I liked how the story played out. Well written. Amanda M. Lee is now an author whom I'll definitely follow. A great add to your tbr list. Recommended.

Funny Farm Family

This book was funny & fast moving. I enjoy books about witches & this one was a crackup with Aunt Tillie

Well worth the read...

Took a chance on reading this and I have to say it's well written. I enjoyed this. In spite of a few editorial mistakes in the e-book, this lady knows how to keep your attention and create characters you can care about. I was very glad I hadn't wasted my time reading this - it was well worth the time. In fact, I read it practically in one session. I am an author myself, so I appreciate a good storyteller. I recommend this book to older teens through seniors (like me).

A humorous tale of murder, mystery and witches.

A twist of humor as a family of talented witches try to solve a murder that has disrupted the serenity of their peaceful little town. Each witch seems to have a special talent. Bay is the editor of the town paper and her talent is she can see and talk to ghosts. The family runs the inn in town and are constantly at odds with each other. Their family bickering takes on a whole new concept as spells are cast and family secrets are outed. It a facetious kind of humor that makes you smile, not laugh out loud. It is too juvenile for my taste but I know a few young adults who would love it. The family dynamics can be a bit wearisome for the adult reader but a teen or young adult might find it amusing.

solid start to a new series

If possible, I'd have given this three and a half stars. Although the author says in her afterword that not everyone gets her humour, I did, after a few pages. The book is well written, the characters quirky and likeable and the mystery interesting if a tad predictable. I solved it pretty early on. It isn't great literature, but it's fun. It doesn't have the dark feel of some urban fantasy which bad things happen to good people. That said, two teens are murdered, but as we don't "see" the murders and they pop us as amusing ghosts, the sheer tragedy of their deaths is obscured. So far, it's not a must read, but a fun read. I enjoy that Lee didn't rush the romantic element, which leaves a lot to look forward to when Landon and Bay actually start a relationship.

Story good but terrible narrator

If you just want to read the book, I highly suggest it. However if you like audible or whispersync, then avoid at all costs! First the narrator, Aris, reads waaaaay to fast. Much faster than every other audiobook I ever listen to, which is hundreds. Second, she barely changes her voice for the different characters. It's like she isn't an actual actress, but rather some random sorority girl or someone from a mommy and me play group who told the author "oooh I'd love to read your book for you...that would be FUN!!!", as she sipped on a pumpkin spice latte. Very high and grating voice as well. I wanted to read this whole trilogy, but as I usually switch between the book and the audio, using whispersync, I might just give up.

Light and Refreshing

I have to admit, I bypassed this book several times because the cover made me believe it was more of a kids type of book, but then it was recommend, so I read the reviews and read about the story and decided to take a chance. I'm very happy to say I'm glad I did, I enjoyed this book it moved fast the story kept me interested, and I found myself smiling at the the antics of the characters in the story....actually it reminded me of my own family. Although the story was a murder mystery, Ms. Lee, kept it light with humor it was refreshing. I will read more of her work.

A fun start to the series!

A great start to the series! I fell in love with the characters right away! A family of witches with a great dynamic, and excellent support characters. I enjoyed their banter and was laughing through most of the book. The mystery was also very engaging. I would have liked a little more romance, but this definitely sets the stage for future books in the series! I can't wait to read book 2!

Quite a lot of fun

I really enjoyed reading about this family of witches and the mystery they were trying to solve. I'll be looking for the next in the series. The family dynamics were pretty funny and seemed to be what you might expect from such a close knit family. The murder mystery was pretty interesting and not too blatantly obvious that you know who it is after 30 pages. It's a really fast read and has some well-developed characters.

What I liked about this book is definitely the interaction the main characters and the rest of their family. I'm one of those pe

I'm one of those people who loves a story with a constantly snarky attitude,but there is still love underneath it all. We have a story that has it all; witches, an interfering family, a murder mystery, ghosts, and a possible love interest! What is not to love. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone interested in paranormal murder mysteries solved by a funny and always arguing family of witches.

Cute witch tale

Easy, breazy read. You don't have to think much, but just enjoy the tale. Of course, you will figure out who the bad guys are and who the good guys are. But very entertaining and fast read. I like her characters and the interaction with the women family members. You can appreciate the family ties with cousins and moms. I actually bought the next book in the series and the tale will go on.

I really enjoyed this story

I enjoyed Any Witch Way You Can. It is a nice easy read with enough suspense to keep things interesting. However, the author really needs to learn to use "than" properly. I caught it multiple times. There were a few other typing issues that need to be cleared up as well. Overall a decent story though.

Fun story

This was a fun read. It was just the right kind of read for my bus commute. Not too demanding with likable characters and a fast paced plot.

A book that had it all

How could you go has everything, mystery, witches and ghosts. Really Enjoyed this book. I liked the storyline and characters.. Fun read.

Just oj

Didn’t keep me interested

Best Series ever

I love it get a kick out of Aunt Tillie love the whole family wish i was apart of their family! Great book!

Breezy and lighthearted

This was a quick read and for the most part enjoyable. I feel as though the author was trying for something similar to Janet Evanovich's Lizzie and Diesel series (there is even a minor character named Diesel), but doesn't quite have the witty dialog down. As others have said, there are some grammar issues but I didn't find them particularly jarring; for the most part I just felt they were part of the character's manner of speech. Anyone looking for a real whodunit will be disappointed, I knew the ending about a quarter of the way in. But it was pleasant enough if you are looking for something you can read while waiting to see the dentist or if you take a commuter train to work. '

I LOVE Amanda's characters

I LOVE Amanda's characters. They are smart, snarky, sarcastic, funny, and all have a good heart. Their relationship with one another as friends and family is the type that I want to have. I can call you a brat and pull your hair, but nobody else can! Because you're MY sister/cousin! There's a hint of sex, lots of innuendo, but nothing too explicit, and I like that. Some books are just wham-bam-thank you ma'am types, and there's no real substance. I like a clever mix of humor, intrigue, comedy, and sex. This fits the bill. Can't wait for more!

Good witches triumph

Loved the story but felt it lagged in some parts. I wanted to learn about Edith and her murder but perhaps the statement from Shane that they could move on now that they knew who murdered them is the reason so I expect Edith will be in more books. The romantic twist was delightful and it will be interesting to see if the cousins get married to mere mortals in the future. Aunt Tillie is an inspiration to all older people.

the mystery was kind of predictable but I love the relationship between the cousins

It was a really cute story, the mystery was kind of predictable but I love the relationship between the cousins. It was so good to read, I felt like I was right there with them. Great narration and the portrayal of the matriarch, the terrible Aunt Tilli was fantastic. Im going to keep reading the other ones.

Delightful family quirkiness

I am slowly working my way thru this series; and enjoying every moment of it so far. This is not your usual family drama problems, created by an author. This is a living breathing family, that draws you in, and makes you one of them. The stories are fairly original, the characters well filled out and likeable, even crazy Aunt Tillie. The writing is a strong foundation, to continue throughout the series.

Great book

I love this book! It had humor and mystery. Aunt Tillie is hilarious, love the family dynamics. Laugh every time one them says you're dead to me. I'm now saying that to my local weatherman when he gets the forecast wrong.

Winchester Witches Are Winners

Having the Winchester witches out and about in today's society, even in a small town in Michigan, was an unusual enough scenario I couldn't help but enjoy. Their witty and snarky conversations in a varied female group of characters made me smile often as I remembered similar conversations between mothers, daughters, girlfriends. I also enjoyed the little twists of plot that allowed for the ghosts to come and go and interact with the witches, mostly in a good way. For me it was a nice break from the usual serious stuff on the topic of witches and its purpose seemed to entertain rather than scare or inform. A cute and quick read-I'd recommend it for the gifted YA readers especially.

Slow, but pretty good

I guess with the first book in a series it's expected to be a little slow at first. All the characters have to be introduced and such. But it picked up about halfway thru. There's was a little language that I wasn't thrilled about (F-bombs) but it was only a handful of times. For now, I'll continue with the series. The characters are great and fairly relatable.

Love the humor

I love the dark humor in this story. The constant sniping at each other is the sign of a close family. Can’t wait to read more.

Love it!

I love this series I started the series 2 days ago and I'm on book 3! What a hoot of a dysfunctional family! Yes they are constantly bickering and fighting one another but like the old sitcom The golden Girls there is a profound love for each other. This is a fast paced easy read that will provide more than a few chuckles. Was some of the stuff predictable yes but the constant banter between family members more than makes up for it. Then there is Aunt Tillie this is one munchkin octogenarian that takes no prisoners! If you are looking for a light fun read this is it!


This was a mildly entertaining book but not for adults altho I did read it to the end, thus 2 stars. Written either by an adolescent or for adolescents the theme of this book is very much like others I have read of this genre and this author seems to have read and copied from them only changing it enough (and not for the better) to avoid plagiarism. What should have been plot surprises to the reader were telegraphed way earlier than the final dénouement; for example it was obvious that the man who was thought to be a criminal and who piqued the main character's sexual interest turned out to be an FBI agent investigating a criminal operation in the area. The whole plot was trite and juvenile. As other reviewers have noted, the characters were flat and uninteresting. NOTE TO MS LEE: Please take a refresher course in grammar if you intend to further your writing career. Particularly, please learn the difference between the words 'then' and 'than' as well as subjective and objective case of the personal pronoun 'I'. You consistently used the word 'I' when it should have been the word 'me.'

Magically funny

I'm not big on reviews, but I was so surprised by this book I feel sharing may be worth something. I was looking for a new author and series when I pretty much choose this book out desperation. I love it. The abrasive humor, strong personalities of the characters is absolutely wonderful. The story moves fast enough that I was never bored and skipping pages. The plot was well done. Over all, excellent read. Well done, you have a new fan.

Witchy themed mystery.

This book has a whole cast of quirky characters. I liked mostly everything about this book: Characters, plot, location, and witchy themed. What I didn't like: There is a whole lot of bantering......arguing, that really takes over most of the book. It really is distracting from the story, and I found myself wanting to skip over those parts, but they were strewn in all throughout the story. I think if the constant nit picky, argumentative banter were to majorly decrease, I could appreciate the story more. It just took over the book, and was too much. If you can ignore the bickering, it really is a good witchy themed mystery.

Wonderful Series

I absolutely love this series! I am so glad she has more planned. I can't get enough of Bay, Landon and Aunt Tillie!

I loved it!

I found this book entertaining and poignant at the same time. The characters were funny, quirky and a bit 'out there'. It IS about witches after all. I loved the interaction of all the characters, including the ghosts. I did read some of the other more negative reviews, which I assume you will too before you read this story. Don't be put-off by those, editors can miss grammar or spelling mistakes too. Get over it. This is a fun read from start to finish and I am definitely getting the next book in this series.

Light and enjoyable

This was a fun and relaxing read. Enjoyed the whole book and look forward to reading the next book.


This is probably one of the funniest series I have ever read. Amanda M. Lee is absolutely masterful in all of her books

Hilarious and witty

I have read 5 books from this series. They are very well written, interesting, fun, witty and down right funny. The books are about three cousins who happen to be witches and their family. And what an interesting family it is. Good story lines - interesting with some mystery to solve. The characters are well defined and the aunt is just a hoot! The author has a wicked sense of humor which I love. I laughed through each book. You don't have to read them in order but I recommend that you do. I highly recommend these stories.

Are they witches?

These women are fun, quirky, and the family I wish I had. Cousins, sisters, and one crazy great-aunt that make you want to read to the end. When a body is found in a corn maze, who could have done it? Also with a bunch of bikers in the area who may or may not be involved with drugs, could they also be murders. What happens when one of those bikers is cute and has his eyes on a young lady that is a witch? Why they flirt and just maybe begin to realize that there is more than meets the eye.


I adore these characters. I have read every book by this author, and there are a lot, and loved them all.

Very good and different

I love the family dynamics, I was surprised, when authors write about witches there is usually a lot of magic involved at least a spell battle or something and that is usually what I am drawn to, this book was perfect as is. This book was a good feeling read and I have to admit the first thing that made me want to read was the design on the cover. I totally recommend this book. I have purchased book 2.

Good writing but Lacked ? (What) ?

This book is more suited to readers that are fine without the answer to loose ends. The writing is upbeat and sarcastic in a funny way. I, prefer that most comments are satisfied in the story and not left for me to wonder why it was mentioned at all.. Also, I felt some actions and dialogues between the family members were just the same with only the day different. But, if you just want a quick read and are ok with some things left vague then. It isn't bad. Good writing, but if MS Lee, had left some items about the cousins out or a longer book, then yay.

Couldn't put it down!

I couldn't stop reading this once I picked it up! Love the sense of humor and really got a feel for all the characters and the quirky relationships of the Winchester family. The town is one I would like to live in. A truly laugh out loud and feel good book. I finished it in a day and bought the next one in the series. Great style of writing and I hope more books are written in this series because I'm sure I'll go through all of the published ones soon.

Really enjoyed Bay and her family!

This book was really good. I enjoyed Bay, her cousins, mom, and aunts. Bay and her family are so funny and I really enjoyed getting to know them and it was interesting watching Bay talk to the ghosts. Aunt Tillie was a hoot. The mystery was really good and there were some surprises that I wasn't expecting.

A really fun family of witches

I thought this is going to be like most witches cozies... Sweet and bubbly. The 3 generation of witches are sarcastic, kinda vengeful, catty, mouthy, with love-hate relationship. Despite their never ending bad mouthing each other, they are loyal to family and get things done. They are funny and eccentric thus endearing.

A great read!

It's almost Halloween, so I told myself a little light witch mystery would put me in the mood. I was not disappointed. The interactions between this family of witches (the real kind) was funny, charming, and kept surprising me. The mystery had a few twists and turns...enough to keep me turning the pages and had an ending I didn't see coming. What could be better than that?

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